Yttrium Y 90 Ibritumomab Tiuxetan Injection
Yttrium Y 90 Ibritumomab Tiuxetan Injection
Yttrium Y 90 Ibritumomab Tiuxetan Injection
Printed by: Le Tran Official Date: Official as of 01-May-2018 Document Type: USP @2021 USPC
produced in Chinese hamster ovary cells and is Procedure—Proceed as directed for Thin-Layer
Chromatography under Chromatography á621ñ by ascending
composed of two murine gamma 1 heavy chains chromatography. Determine the distribution of radioactivity
of 445 amino acids each and two kappa light on the chromatogram by scanning with a suitable collimated
chains of 213 amino acids each. ci radiochromatogram strip scanner, and determine the
Yttrium Y 90 Ibritumomab Tiuxetan Injection is a percentage of radiochemical purity of the test specimen. Not
less than 95% of the 90Y activity is present as a band between
sterile, nonpyrogenic preparation of the the R F values of 0.0 and 0.1.
immunoconjugate of ibritumomab and tiuxetan Radionuclidic purity (Content of 90Sr in an yttrium Y
that is labeled with 90Y and is suitable for 90 chloride solution) (see Radioactivity á821ñ)—Prepare a
intravenous administration. It contains not less strontium/yttrium carrier solution containing 0.34 mg of
than 90.0 percent and not more than 110.0 yttrium chloride (YCl3 · 6H2O) and 0.30 mg of strontium
percent of the labeled amount of 90Y as the chloride (SrCl2 · 6H2O) per mL of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid.
Apply about 50 µL of this solution at the origin of a 2- × 19-cm
ibritumomab complex, expressed in cellulose phosphate chromatographic strip (see
megabecquerels (or millicuries) per mL at the time Chromatography á621ñ), and allow to dry. Apply about 5 µL of
indicated in the labeling. It may contain buffers and the yttrium Y 90 chloride radiolabeling solution at the origin,
stabilizers. It contains no antimicrobial agents. and develop the chromatogram by ascending
Other chemical forms of radioactivity do not chromatography over a period of about 1.25 hours, using 3 N
hydrochloric acid as the developing solvent, until the solvent
exceed 5 percent of the total radioactivity. The front migrates to the 15-cm mark. Allow to dry. Cut the strip
immunoreactive fraction, as determined by a at the 8-cm mark, and place the upper section (solvent front)
validated method, is not less than 90 percent. in a suitable liquid scintillation solvent. Using a suitable
counting assembly, determine the radioactivity, in KBq (or
Packaging and storage—Preserve in single-dose µCi) per mL of yttrium Y 90 chloride solution. The total
containers, and store in a refrigerator for not more than 8 radioactivity of 90Sr is not greater than 740 KBq per 37 GBq
hours. [NOTE—Translucent protein particles may develop, (or 20 µCi per Ci) of 90Y at the expiration date as stated on the
which are removed by filtration prior to administration using a labeling.
0.22-µm low-protein-binding filter.] Other requirements—It meets the requirements under
Labeling—Label it to include the following in addition to the Injections and Implanted Drug Products á1ñ, except that the
information specified for Labeling á7ñ, Labels and Labeling for radioactive component may be distributed or dispensed prior
Injectable Products: the time and date of calibration; the to completion of the test for Sterility, the latter test being
amount of Yttrium Y 90 ibritumomab tiuxetan as total MBq started on the date of manufacture.
(or mCi) and concentration of yttrium 90Y ibritumomab Assay for radioactivity (see Radioactivity á821ñ)—Using a
tiuxetan, in MBq (or mCi) per mL, at the time of calibration; suitable counting assembly, determine the total radioactivity,
the expiration date and time; the storage temperature; and in MBq (or µCi), of the unshielded Injection, using a calibrated
the statement, “Caution—Radioactive Material.” The labeling system.
indicates that, in making dosage calculations, correction is to
be made for radioactive decay, and also indicates that the
radioactive half-life of 90Y is 64.1 hours. 1/1