Report by Haresh Sharma

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• concat() It returns a new array object that

contains two or more merged arrays.

• copywithin() It copies the part of the given

array with its own elements and returns the
modified array.

• every()It determines whether all the

elements of an array are satisfying the
provided function conditions.

• flat() It creates a new array carrying sub-

array elements concatenated recursively till
the specified depth.

• flatMap() It maps all array elements via

mapping function, then flattens the result
into a new array.

• fill() It fills elements into an array with

static values.
• from() It creates a new array carrying the
exact copy of another array element.

• find() It returns the value of the first

element in the given array that satisfies the
specified condition.

• findIndex()It returns the index value of the

first element in the given array that satisfies
the specified condition.

• forEach() It invokes the provided function

once for each element of an array.

• includes() It checks whether the given array

contains the specified element.

• indexOf() It searches the specified element

in the given array and returns the index of
the first match.

• isArray() It tests if the passed value ia an


• join() It joins the elements of an array as a


• keys() It creates an iterator object that

contains only the keys of the array, then
loops through these keys.
• map() It calls the specified function for
every array element and returns the new

• of()It creates a new array from a variable

number of arguments, holding any type of

• pop() It removes and returns the last

element of an array.

• push() It adds one or more elements to the

end of an array.

• reverse() It reverses the elements of given


• some() It determines if any element of the

array passes the test of the implemented
• shift() It removes and returns the first
element of an array.

• slice() It returns a new array containing the

copy of the part of the given array.

• sort() It returns the element of the given

array in a sorted order.

• splice()It add/remove elements to/from the

given array.

• unshift() It adds one or more elements in

the beginning of the given array.

• values() It creates a new iterator object

carrying values for each index in the array.
• length() it determine the no of elements in

• Shift() Vs pop() Method in JavaScript

Shift() method removes the first element and whereas the pop() method
removes the last element from an array. Both methods will change the original

• charAt() It provides the char value present at

the specified index.

• concat() It provides a combination of two or

more strings.

• indexOf() It provides the position of a char

value present in the given string.

• lastIndexOf() It provides the position of a char

value present in the given string by searching a
character from the last position.

• slice() It is used to fetch the part of the given

string. It allows us to assign positive as well
negative index.

• toLowerCase() It converts the given string into

lowercase letter.

• toUpperCase() It converts the given string into

uppercase letter.
• valueOf() It provides the primitive value of
string object.

• split() It splits a string into substring array,

then returns that newly created array.

trim() It trims the white space from the left

and right side of the string.

Accessing Object Values:

Looping an Object:

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