Video Marketing Hack Editing Ok Download
Video Marketing Hack Editing Ok Download
Video Marketing Hack Editing Ok Download
Chapter 1:
Introduction To Video Marketing
Chapter 2:
Enter YouTube
Chapter 3:
Basics Of Video Marketing
Chapter 4:
Simple Tools For Creating Videos
Chapter 5:
4 Ways To Use Videos In Your Online
Chapter 6:
How To Boost Profits Using Videos
Chapter 7:
Video Marketing Ninja Tactics
Chapter 8:
Video Marketing Mistakes To Avoid
Wrapping Up
This e-book aims to uncover the strategies you can tap into to start
making money through videos immediately.
Let’s begin!
Video Marketing Hack
How To Maximize One Of The Most Effective Tools On The Internet
Chapter 1:
Introduction To Video Marketing
One of the most useful sites out there is YouTube – The world’s
largest video sharing site. We shall look into the power of YouTube in
the next section.
Chapter 2:
Enter YouTube
YouTube allows you to upload videos for free, and if your videos meet
their standards they will offer you a director’s status, where you can
post up videos longer than 10 minutes.
One good thing about YouTube, is that you can post descriptions
down at the bottom box of your videos. This allows you to draw traffic
to your website and write descriptions about your videos.
YouTube also has that added benefit of being owned by Google, the
largest search engine in the world. Because of that, YouTubes videos
rank highly on Google, and you can draw tons of traffic by targeting
keywords with high search volume and are related to your niche.
Chapter 3:
Basics Of Video Marketing
This chapter is about the basics of video marketing. For the purposes
of this chapter, we will be focusing on using YouTube as the mainstay
for marketing your business using videos.
Let’s look into some simple tools for creating videos for marketing
purposes. One of my favorite combinations is Microsoft Powerpoint +
Combo-ed with some cool music, you can make powerful informative
videos which your customer base will like.
Camstasia also allows you to edit your videos with basic features such
as audio editing, slide transitions etc. Post video production is
followed by uploading to YouTube, all can be done instantly via
Last but not least, you will need to sign up for a YouTube account
before you can start uploading videos.
In short, these tools will help you create simple yet powerful videos
for getting traffic and customers, as long as you have good content
that your target market would enjoy.
Save Your Spot Now
Chapter 5:
4 Ways To Use Videos In Your Online Business
Okay, we’ve talked about YouTube and how you can market your
business online using it. Let’s look at some 5 other strategies for using
videos to market your business.
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Chapter 6:
How To Boost Profits Using Videos
Did you know that videos have the ability to double, even triple your
usual profits when used correctly? Yep you heard me right.
A video is the perfect product for an upsell, meaning that since you
already sold them something, the video can be something related to
your e-book but priced even higher but give double the value!
Or, you could also sell your video as a one time offer (OTO) and tell
the customer that they will never have the chance to get this special
offer again after they leave the site.
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Chapter 7:
Video Marketing Ninja Techniques
Here’s a cool ninja-trick to get your video SEO-ed and more easily
found on the search engines.
Next, in your video description, the first line should be the direct link
to your website. This is so people are more likely to see your link
when watching the video and this boosts clickthrough rates.
After a link, add a brief description in a paragraph form, with the first
line of the paragraph containing your target keywords and perhaps
sprinkle a few more throughout the body description.
End the description with a call to action and your link to your website
once again.
This tested and proven technique has helped many marketers gets
their videos to the top searches and the first page of Google so don’t
hesitate in using it now!
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Chapter 8:
Video Marketing Mistakes To Avoid
Videos can be a great way to grow your business fast, when used
correctly. But if you commit these common video pitfalls, your
business stands more to lose than to gain so becareful. Check out
these common mistakes now:
Not making your videos viral. Viral videos are quirky, interesting
videos which make people want to share it with their friends because
of it’s funny value.
Caring too much about views. Too often, businesses produce videos
and hope to get 1 million views. On today’s social web, success isn’t
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always counted with stats or measured in view counts. What’s
important is meaningful engagements instead.
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Wrapping Up
In summary, videos are a great powerful tool for helping you grow
your online business in many aspects.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, the same way traffic doesn’t happen in an
instant. However, if you diligently practice these video marketing
methods, your business will surely have a lot to gain.
The best way to build a budding business online is to leverage not just
on videos, but on as many marketing methods as well such as article
marketing, SEO and paid advertising.
Once you have found what works best for your business, replicate and
multiply your efforts and in no time you’ve built yourself a solid
business empire streaming with thousands of followers.
Warm Regards
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