Super Affiliate You

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Super Affiliate YOU!

97+ Super Affiliate Tips, Strategies, Ideas,

Templates, Tools, Shortcuts, Secrets and Lists!
Copyright ©
This is a private Manual for customers & subscribers of Ben Fletcher.
Reproduction / Redistribution Prohibited.

Copyright © Benjamin Fletcher. Reproduction and/or Redistribution

You’re about to discover 97+ tips, tricks, strategies, secrets,
templates and lists that you can use to get your affiliate business up,
running and profitable.

Hi, my name's Ben Fletcher, I’ve been a full time Affiliate marketer since
2012 and thanks for purchasing this Manual!

In 2012 I set 2 goals:

Quit my job.
Earning $2,000 a month within 6 month’s.
I achieved the first goal and missed the 2nd by about $250 bucks.

6 months after that, I had replaced my income to almost double what I

was earning as a car mechanic.

I’m also almost completely deaf and I wear 2 hearing aids, so once I quit
my job, my back was against the wall because I was severely limited by
job options if my venture into Affiliate Marketing failed.

I wouldn’t be able to do anything phone orientated, this rules out most

office jobs, most sales jobs and virtually all customer centric job roles.

Being a deaf guy, I wouldn’t have got past the intitial interview stage.

So affiliate marketing literally came to my rescue.

I assume that you’re here because you also want to venture into affiliate
marketing or blogging.

My start in affiliate marketing came when I began promoting a

bodybuilding product on Clickbank.

Copyright © Benjamin Fletcher. Reproduction and/or Redistribution

This was a product that:

- Wasn’t mine
- I didn’t create it
- I’d never met the product creator
- I didn’t have to deal with customers at all

Affiliate marketing was a glove fit for me, because I could do it from
home with no face to face customer contact and almost no overhead

This was my first ever sale:

It was for $56.78.

In the next 6 months, I went on to earn another $36,000 in affiliate


Copyright © Benjamin Fletcher. Reproduction and/or Redistribution

Copyright © Benjamin Fletcher. Reproduction and/or Redistribution
This is what my Affiliate Business looks like:

Copyright © Benjamin Fletcher. Reproduction and/or Redistribution

At its core it's a very simple business.

And it works.

However, there are nuances and things I do that produce often

exceptional results and that's what this manual is all about.

Copyright © Benjamin Fletcher. Reproduction and/or Redistribution

You’re about to discover 97+ tips, tricks, strategies, secrets,
templates and lists that you can use to get your affiliate business up,
running and profitable.

I use nearly all of these or some variation of these in my own business.

Advice before you jump in..

Don’t try and implement all of them all at once!

Choose a handful of them and then gradually introduce others into

your business.

Otherwise you’ll be overwhelmed.

You’ll find some work better than others, but in this manual there’s
something for everyone.

Here are the main ‘pillars’ we’ll be covering:

● Pick a Niche
● Select a Product
● Add Value
● Set Up Your Affiliate Site
● Drive Traffic
● Establish Expertise

Let’s get to it…

Copyright © Benjamin Fletcher. Reproduction and/or Redistribution

Pillar One: Pick A High
Profit Niche!
This should be obvious, but successful affiliate marketing starts with you
picking a profitable niche.

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1. What to Look for in a Market

As you start researching markets, you’re looking for:

● A market that’s actively spending money on products and

services and are looking to solve some kind of problem.

● A market that’s big enough to be profitable.

● A market that’s accessible via advertising whether that’s free or


Eg: The Gambling & Adult Sex Niches are almost impossible to get PPC
traffic for, because it’s so heavily red-taped.


2. 6 Ways to Do Market Research

Is the market you’re considering profitable and worth pursuing?

You can find out by:

● Running a search for the keywords in Google to see if there are

a lot of sites actively selling products and services. Are they
running Ads?

● Browsing platforms like, and to see if there are a lot of products selling well in
the market.

● Checking Google sponsored ads and sites in the market to see

if marketers are actively investing in ad campaigns.

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● Searching for your audience (e.g., “dog owner demographics”)
to see if other people have researched the market and provided
data about how much they spend.

● Using a keyword tool to see if there are a lot of searches for

products and information in the niche. Ubersuggest is perfect
for this and it’s free.


Niche: How To Stop Snoring.

Copyright © Benjamin Fletcher. Reproduction and/or Redistribution

Here’s an affiliate product you could promote:

● Running Surveys to audiences about what they’re interested in,

in the niche, pain points, problems, desires.

3. 35 Evergreen Niche Markets

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● Gardening (organic gardening, vegetable gardening).
● Weight loss. (I’m in this Niche)
● Training for a marathon.
● Golfing.
● Car restoration.
● Collecting antiques.
● Home security.
● Travel.
● Fitness. (I’m in this one too)
● Health issues (back pain, migraines, arthritis, etc.)
● Computer security.
● Couponing.
● Adoption.
● Buying/selling a home.
● Stress management.
● Pets (dog training).
● Online marketing.Careers/jobs.
● Investing.
● Cooking/baking.
● Wedding planning.
● Raising kids/Behaviour.
● Marriage.
● Dating. (and this one!)
● Divorce.
● Playing guitar.

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● Scuba diving.
● Learning a foreign language.
● Productivity.
● Motivation.
● Improving confidence.
● Becoming a better public speaker.
● Becoming a better manager.
● Self-defense.
● Prepper/survivalist/Green Energy

4. Examples of Carving Out a Niche

You need to really carve out a niche. You’ll need to do your research to
be sure your niche is big enough to be profitable.

For example, gardening is too big of a niche for you to compete in


So, you focus on a smaller niche such as ⇒ Aquaponic gardening.

There’s affiliate products for this too:

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Look at the monthly search volume for a few keywords in this niche:

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Another example: weight loss is a big market.
⇒ Weight loss for busy moms is a more targeted niche.

One more: dog training is a big market.

⇒Training golden retrievers is a smaller niche.

5. Is the Niche Big Enough?

The big question: Is your niche big enough to be profitable? Take a look
around and see if there is demand.

Here’s how to do that…

● Are there a lot of websites, books, videos, social media pages,

groups and forums in this niche?

● Are there a lot of products and services aimed at this niche,

including both online and offline? One of my favorite methods
for niche research is looking at what magazine topics are in

The key here is that if you see a lot of competitors, that’s a good thing –
it tells you the market is big enough and profitable enough to pursue.

Too little competition = Not much profit.

6. Two Questions to Ask Before Picking a Niche

As you complete your market research, you’ll find multiple niche markets
that look profitable at first glance.

Narrow down your list by asking yourself these questions:

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● Do you know something about this niche?
● Are you interested in this niche?

You’re going to be working in this niche for the foreseeable future, so it’s
a good thing if you already know something about it and are at least
interested in it.

If you’re absolutely passionate about it, that’s ideal.

But passion doesn’t always mean profit!

7. A Nifty FREE Tool for Doing Market Research

You want to make sure that any niche you pick is evergreen. That means
it’s popular now, and it will be popular a year from now, two years, five
years and more.

How do you find out if the market has that kind interest?

I use Google Trends:

Take a look at this:

Solar Energy/Power

In the coming months and years more and more people are going to be
switching to solar energy to avoid global energy cost rises.

My prediction is, it’s going to gather pace.

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Check this out in Google Trends: (FIVE year chart):

On this 5 year chart, we can see some action going from about Feb

We can see in Feb 2020 it peaked above the previous high, and another
spike in August 2021 but other than that, there isn’t much to go on here.

Let’s look a bit closer ( 12 month chart):

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At first glance, when we look closer at a 12 month chart, it looks even

It’s in a general DOWNWARD trend.

It’s at this point when most (clueless) affiliates would write this off as a
bad niche.

But it’s the GREEN box area that I’m interested in.

This is where I win and other affiliates lose.

Let’s look EVEN closer (90 Day chart):

You can see the downward trend has turned into a sharp upward trend!

Now let's look at the last 10 years:

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As you can see it’s currently breaking out!
This is an example of a HOT Niche.

You can even find affiliate products for this niche on clickbank:

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Pillar Two:
Select A Profitable

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Once you’ve selected a niche, then you need to pick out a product to

Here’s how…

8. What to Promote: Physical vs. Digital vs. Services?

Physical products tend to be popular, but not great for affiliates due to
low commissions. Depending on the product, you may get as little as a
1% to 2% commission.

Services are the same in that commissions can be very low. The
exception is if you’re selling a SaaS (software as a service) offer.

Digital products such as infoproducts and software tend to have much

higher commissions rates – usually starting at 40% and sometimes even

Infoproducts/Digital products is going to be where most of your profit is

primarily but include physical products and services in the mix to test

9. What to Do When You Know What to Promote

If you did your market research correctly in the steps I outlined above,
then you should have an idea of what sort of product you want to
You can use Google to uncover Affiliate opportunities by searching for
the type of product alongside words such as:

● Affiliate.
● Affiliate program.
● Commission.

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● Associate.
● Partners.

E.G., “hydroponic guide affiliate” (without the quotes).

Doing it this way will get you opportunities that a lot of other affiliates
have missed.

Because most affiliates won’t do that, they’ll just go to platforms and

search for affiliate products already listed.

Which brings me to….

10. 7 Places to Find Products to Promote

For IM Niche I use these Networks mainly:

● WarriorPlus

For non-IM Niche:

● (Bodybuilding/Fitness)

Another good place I use a lot is Offervault:

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They have a TON of Networks to choose from.

Just click the “networks tab:

Copyright © Benjamin Fletcher. Reproduction and/or Redistribution

CPA (Cost Per Action) Offers
If you’ve been around affiliate marketing for any length of time, chances
are you’ve heard of CPA Marketing.

If you haven’t heard of it, well, you have now.

So what is it?

CPA stands for Cost Per Action marketing.

You might be wondering if it’s the same as affiliate marketing…

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Well, it is… sort of.

It’s similar but there are few key differences.

With Affiliate Marketing you get paid on the SALE of a product.

For example, if someone clicks one of your affiliate links and actually
BUYS the product, you get paid.

With CPA Marketing you get paid when somebody performs an action.

A CPA ‘offer’ is the product being advertised to end users.

That ‘action’ doesn’t necessarily mean money is being spent though.

Here are some examples of CPA (Cost per action) actions:

- Somebody submits their email address on a form

- Somebody makes a phone call enquiry
- Somebody returns a physical form
- Somebody submits a survey
- Somebody orders a sample or a trial of a product with their
credit card

Each of the above things are examples of CPA ‘actions’ somebody might
take which results in you getting paid.

There are more examples, but those are the most common ones.

What Are The Highest Paying Types of CPA Offers?

I’ll put them in order of, generally speaking, the highest paying actions:

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As a rule of thumb, the more information asked for, the higher the CPA

So here’s #1.

Anything that involves somebody ordering a trial or a sample of a

product with their credit card, will usually be the highest CPA offer

These will usually be forms like this:

The payout for these types of offers is usually about $35 dollars,
irrespective of the amount the customer actually spends.

This is another difference between CPA Marketing and regular affiliate


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With regular affiliate marketing, the amount you get paid is entirely
dependent on how much the customer actually spends.

With CPA Marketing if the customer spends $1 on a trial of a product,

you will still be paid $35 dollars for it.

How can this be? You ask…

CPA companies know their numbers very well, in fact, they know their
numbers insanely well.

So, if somebody orders a $1 trial, they know on average a certain

number will become regular customers.

If the trial is $1 and the product costs $150 dollars, then this would
mean the vendor (product owner) makes $115 – AFTER the $35 they
pay you for sending them the customer in the first place.

And also, most CPA offers are recurring subscriptions, however, you
only get paid the initial $35 dollars for the customer taking the trial.

Which is another key difference between CPA Marketing and regular

affiliate marketing.

With regular affiliate marketing with any good Affiliate Marketing network
you’ll continue to be paid for the duration of life of the customer, usually
until they cancel.

CPA is usually a one-off payment.

The trade off between regular affiliate marketing and CPA Marketing is
that $1 trials are an easy sell, that’s why so many CPA affiliates love
promoting these CPA offers.

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#2 survey submission

Surveys are another popular and relatively high paying CPA offer.

Surveys are extremely valuable to large brands because they are usually
centered around consumer research.

Consumer research is gold dust for large companies, because it allows

them to keep ahead of the curve and give them an ‘edge’ on their

You’ll get paid everytime someone completes a survey.

Here’s an example:

Most surveys are highly incentivized to the person taking the survey.

So what that means is, people are usually offered some kind of reward
for taking it such as:

- Free tickets to an event

- Money off vouchers

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- Entry into a high ticket prize draw

This is good for CPA marketers as it makes it an easy thing to push.

However, most surveys are multi-step, meaning there might be several

pages of survey to complete.

This brings me to my next point…

Generally speaking, the more ‘in depth’ the survey is, the higher the

The flip side to that is, the more questions there are, the more people will
bail out before completing it.

Unless the incentive to complete it is worth the time it will take the
person to complete the survey.

So make sure that if you’re going to run survey offers, you’re very clear
about what they get for their time.

Most good Survey CPA offer landing pages make this very clear.

Remember, CPA stands for Cost Per Action.

You only get paid on a completed action.

In this case, that ‘action’ is a completed survey.

So, if the person doesn’t complete the survey and bails, you don’t get

So you need to strike a balance between a good payout and the amount
of information asked.

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You need to be careful, a lot of surveys are outright scams and should
be avoided.

Later, I’ll show you were you can find legitimate CPA offers to promote.

So how much do Survey type CPA offers pay?

As I already mentioned, the more ‘in depth” the survey is and the more
questions there are, the higher the payout.

But generally speaking, Survey offers will pay between $10 -$25 per
completed survey.

So not too bad.

#3 Physical Response Offers

The next one, is really two.

- Phone call enquiries

- Physical form returns

I’m going to put them both together for 2 reasons, they’re the hardest to
make money from and they’re also near impossible to track.

Phone call enquiries and physical form returns are the hardest CPA
offers to make work and I don’t recommend them.

In fact, I would say stay away from Phone Call Enquiry offers altogether,
unless you trust the company with your life to pay you.

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These types of offers pay around $10 - $500 per form return or phone
call enquiry, but as you’ll soon read below, it’s not worth the aggravation,
in my opinion.

Note: Phone call enquiry payments vary and are usually dependent on
the quality (likelihood of it leading to a sale) and they are usually very
high pressure.

People are lazy, so anything that requires any physical activity (yes,
picking up the phone is a physical activity) is very difficult to motivate
people to act on, unless the incentive to do it, is a ‘no-brainer’.

By ‘no brainer’ I mean something that’s worth about 10x the time it would
take them to do it.

Even then, it’s still difficult to get people to physically do anything.

Returning a physical form in the post is even harder, I’d go as far as to

say damn near impossible.

Think about it, someone has to 1) sit there, 2) complete the form, 3) buy
a stamp and THEN go and 4) post it.

In principle, it’s relatively simple.

But in the CPA Marketing world, that’s near impossible.

However not impossible, but it’s a really BIG ask.

On top of this, it’s nearly impossible to track your efforts.

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And in my experience, I wouldn’t trust the CPA network running the offer
to be completely straight with you about how many phone calls were
made or how many forms were returned successfully.

Be Careful Of ‘Commission
Here’s a bit of ‘insider knowledge’ for you…

There’s a term among CPA affiliates in the industry that’s called

“commission scrubbing“.

You probably won’t have heard about this unless it’s actually happened
to you.

It’s where you effectively get short changed and paid out less than
you’ve earned.

I’ve had this happen to me before.

Without getting into specific details, I’ll give you a very basic example of
what might happen when you get “Commission Scrubbed”.

Say for example you send 100 qualified leads to a CPA company, they
might only pay you for half of them and hope you don’t notice.

And most novice CPA affiliates never do notice, because they’re not
properly tracking their efforts.

I, however, WAS tracking my efforts so I knew I was being ripped off.

It happens a lot.

Copyright © Benjamin Fletcher. Reproduction and/or Redistribution

I’m not going to get into explicitly naming the company involved but just
be aware, there are a lot of shady companies out there, especially in the
CPA marketing world, so be careful.

They owed me several thousand dollars and I never got it.

So anything like phone calls or physical mail, it’s nearly impossible to

track on your side.

If you DO want to promote those kinds of offers, you better be prepared

to be scrubbed, because I can almost guarantee you it will happen. :/

#4 Email Submit CPA Offers

These are the lowest paying type of offer you can run.

They only typically payout between $0.90c to $1.50 per action, in this
case an email address.

But listen, these are actually the HOLY GRAIL of CPA offers bar none.

Here’s an example of one these types of offers:

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In the past I’ve absolutely CRUSHED IT with email submit offers and if
you can make them work, they can be a very good income stream.

The reason these offers work so well is because:

- The person only needs to submit their email address

- They are usually very enticing
- It takes almost no commitment at all

These are the EASIEST offers to promote.

Whilst this might seem ideal, the internet has changed since I was
running these offers in my own campaigns and it’s changed a LOT.

Back in 2013, I made a TON of money promoting email submit offers in

the Gaming Niche.

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PRO TIP: Gaming CPA offers work like gang-busters.

The reason Gaming CPA offers (especially Online Role Playing Games)
worked so well for me, was back in the day, you could run these
campaigns on Facebook all day long.

Meaning, I was buying very cheap Facebook PPC ads and running Ads
to these email submit pages.

And because it was the Gaming Niche, people would share my ads with
their friends and they’d go viral.

Typically, a new game would be released and in exchange for an email

address they’d get access to a free trial of the game, which they would
then naturally share with their friends on facebook.

At it’s height back in the day, I was probably making around $800
bucks per day doing this.

They just flat out worked and they worked like crazy.

The problem is, Email Submit CPA landing pages break almost every
compliance rule in the book these days and facebook pretty much
stopped people buying Ads for them.’s the thing..

There are a lot of PPC networks beside Facebook and Google Ads, that
you might be able to run these types of offers on.

If you can find a PPC network to run these types of ads on, then Email
Submit CPA offers are a great revenue stream, you could potentially do
nothing else but this.

Copyright © Benjamin Fletcher. Reproduction and/or Redistribution

Especially in the Gaming Niche.

Good CPA Companies

A lot has changed on the internet since 2013 when I was heavily
involved in CPA marketing.

A lot of the companies I was using back then, either no longer exist at all
or have been acquired by other companies, opening up new and better
opportunities for you.

Which happens a lot in the CPA world.

It’s a highly aggressive and volatile environment and it’s 90% of the
reason I stepped out of CPA Marketing several years ago.

What you’ll find is, out of every 5 offers you promote, 3 will be hardly
worth your time, 1 will be “ok” and 1 will knock the other 4 out of the park
and will produce the bulk of your income.

Then all of a sudden the network will reach quota.

What this means is, when a vendor brings a new offer to a CPA network,
it usually has either:

- A set Budget
- A Certain target

When either of those 2 are met (or a combination of both) the offer is
typically “paused” or “Capped“.

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And in my experience “paused” usually means never to be seen again
and “capped” usually means it MIGHT be seen again.

Which happens a lot with high performing offers, because everyone is

promoting it, so they reach “cap” really fast.

And when the offer gets moved out of the network, bang goes your
income and you have to find another offer to replace it with.

It’s never ending.

It’s fine if you don’t mind fleeting about, but these days I prefer clickbank,
it’s much more stable and offers stay around for as long as you keep
sending traffic to it.

Another downside to promoting CPA offers, is that they only generally

work with paid traffic.

You can’t promote CPA offers with search engine or organic traffic
because it’s too slow, for all the reasons we just spoke about in that the
world of Cost per action marketing is a constantly changing environment.

If you go the free traffic route, by the time you’ve got any meaningful
traffic, the offer would already be dead.

By the time you start seeing any traffic from the Search engines,
the offer has been and gone and you’ve missed it.

Also paid traffic requires liquid cash investment and you’ll only see a
return on that investment once you’ve found a strong offer that works.

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All else aside, Cost per Action marketing isn’t particularly newbie
friendly, you’re going to be going directly up against some big players in
the Affiliate Marketing space.

And it’s fairly brutal.

That’s just the cold hard truth of the matter.

If you get something good going, your campaigns are going to get
knocked off pretty fast, which is going to happen anyway.

It’s just ‘part and parcel’ of being an affiliate marketer, it’s just in the CPA
industry it’s going to happen a helluva lot more frequently.

CPA Networks I’ve used and



MaxBounty (newbie friendly tons of verticals)

Health & Fitness

Copyright © Benjamin Fletcher. Reproduction and/or Redistribution

Moonrover (700+ CPA Brands For

Applying To CPA Networks.

When you apply to any CPA network, getting accepted can be tough.

Because they usually only want affiliates with power.

In the early days, I had no power.

But I still got accepted because I chose my words carefully when


During every application process, you’ll likely be contacted on the phone

and they’ll ask you questions.

And in my experience, throughout every CPA network, the questions are

almost always the same.

Here’s the questions and my advice for

how to answer them:

Case in point…

I’m not saying tell big massive lies here.

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But listen, CPA can be hard to get into but the payouts make it worth the

In my book, the odd ‘white lie’ to give yourself half a chance is ok.

Here’s THREE questions you’ll almost definitely be asked and how I

suggest you answer them…

How much experience do you have?

Don’t exaggerate too much here.

If you do, they will be able to tell.

You don’t want to sound like a newbie either.

If they think you’re a newbie, you’ll probably get rejected.

3 years experience seems to be the sweet spot answer to give.

How will you be driving traffic?

Do NOT say email here.

That’s an excuse to reject you and they probably will if you say that.

The fact is, a lot of affiliates are spammers and the FTC comes down on
these networks HARD, even shut them down altogether if an offer is
spammed too much.

Say you’ll be driving traffic using PPC ads on Tier 1 & 2 networks.

If you use the lingo, you’re halfway there.

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What verticals are you interested in?

When they say "verticals" they really mean Topics.

Always do your homework here!

Research the brands and offers that they have listed and name them.

Don’t just say “health” or “weight loss” or “Gaming”.

Be specific.

Name a few of the brands they have.

You’ll have an advantage because most affiliates won’t bother to put in

the leg work and they’ll be impressed and think you must be serious.

Side note: Finding Physical Products

I don’t promote Physical products much because the commissions
usually aren’t very good.

With Digital products, 50% - 75% is normal.

With Physical products, you’ll be lucky to get 10%.

But if you want to promote physical products, then check directly with
stores who carry your niche products to see if they have an affiliate

Most people just automatically go with Amazon, but their commissions

rates suck.

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You’ll probably get better rates directly with independent stores.

For example, if you’re selling home improvement supplies, you might go

to websites such as,, and
similar to see if they have affiliate programs. (Note: Many big
corporations partner with sites such as

11. The #1 Thing to Do When Picking a Product

Don’t even think about promoting a product until you review it and use it
for yourself.

Your reputation is one of your most valuable assets, but you can
destroy it almost instantly by recommending subpar products.

The exception? If you’re selling something that’s known to be good

quality, such as a Whirlpool Dishwasher, you don’t need to buy it and
use it yourself.

This advice primarily applies to infoproducts, software, and products of

all kinds from relatively unknown people/brands/companies.

The GRANNY Test!

This has NEVER failed me when picking products to promote

It’s easy…

Just ask yourself one question:

Would you be comfortable with your grandmother or someone close to

you buying this product?

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Go with your true gut feeling and you won’t go wrong.

12. What to Look for in a Vendor

In order to give your customers a great experience, you need to be sure

the vendor is going to deliver the goods.

That’s why you need to research the vendor before you promote an

Search Google for the vendor’s name, their business name and their
product names.

Then look for any red flags, such as a distinct pattern of consumer or
affiliate complaints. (Every business has complaints -- you’re looking for
a pattern or an unusually large number, or a vendor who doesn’t resolve

Here's what you’re looking for: a vendor who’s been in business for at
least a year (longer is better), who has a solid reputation.

Here’s what to look for if you’re using WarriorPlus:

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As you can see, this vendor is a TOP 10% vendor.

But badges only tell a small part of the story.

What we’re really interested in here is the reviews.

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As you can see, he’s made over 36,000 sales and has created 36
products with an average 4* star rating.

You’re pretty safe promoting vendors like this, but still check the
products out and make sure they are a good fit for your list/traffic.

13. What to Look for on the Sales Page

You want to make sure the sales page is going to convert well and not
siphon off sales to another offer.

Do the following:

● Check what the conversion rate is on the offer platform

● Make sure the sales page is attractive, professional and
compelling with clear calls to actions and buy buttons.
● Check that there aren’t any unnecessary links on the page
especially Youtube videos, these are known as leaks.
● Ensure there aren’t any “commission hijacks” during the
ordering process, such as a payment option that doesn’t credit
the affiliate, or a pop-up window that overrides your affiliate
tracking link/cookie.

14. What to Look for in the Affiliate Agreement

Read the affiliate agreement carefully and answer these questions:

● What is the commission rate? - Look for at least 50%.

● If this is a subscription, membership or other recurring offer, do
you get recurring commissions and how often?
● Do you get commissions on upsells/cross-sells offered during
the ordering process

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● How will you be paid?
● How often will you be paid?
● Is there a minimum commission amount you need to reach
before you’re paid?
● Is there anything in the affiliate agreement that prohibits an ad
method that you want to use. Eg: some programs will disalllow
PPV (Pay Per View) traffic and will kick you out of their program
if they catch you.

15. How to Tell if a Product Will Sell Well

Answer these questions:

● If you got the product from ClickBank, does it have a decent

gravity score? A decent Gravity score is anything above 20 but
below 100. Anything over 100 will be too competitive.

How To find Gravity Score:

Go to

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And search for a product, within the product listing will be
Gravity Score..

Here’s an example:

Number 1 is Gravity score and we can see it’s 33.

This product pays about $39 per sale.

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It has a gravity score of 33. (Stay between 20 - 65)*

20 means it is selling.
65 Means there is not too much competition.

Anything over a 65 gravity score will be too competitive.

It has upsells & recurring billing.

There is market demand!

● Are there other similar products being sold?

● Can you find evidence that this product (and/or products like it)
are bestsellers?

You can also run a quick ad campaign to check how well the product

If your quick test demonstrates strong interest, then you can invest time
and/or money in creating a bonus for this product to further boost your
conversions. (More on this later.)

Front-End and Back-End

Of course you know that front-end products can be free to low-cost
products, services or trial offers.

They’re like bait intended to start prospects in a funnel.

Everyone says “the REAL money is in the back-end” (and they also say
“the money is in the list” – get the correlation?)

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The reason so many affiliates struggle is that they focus on front-end

Which means they don’t focus on list building or selling back-ends.

I did this for years.

They don’t realize that a front-end product is a traffic generation


Those affiliates are doing a lot of work, assuming a lot of risk, while
cutting themselves out of the richest part of the deal.

Front End Affiliate Products @$10 - $50

Backend Affiliate Products @$297 - $2,000+

16. The Affiliate Offer Mini Checklist

You’re pretty sure you have a product that’s going to sell well.

Now use this mini checklist to finalize your decision:

● Will you get a good commission for each sale? (Look at the
commission rate and the price to determine the commission per
sale.) Aim for 50% commissions and at least $20 per sale.
● Does the sales letter and graphics make a good impression of
the product?
● Is there a way to contact the vendor?
● Is the sales page mobile-friendly/responsive?
● Is the ordering process easy and user-friendly?
● Will the customer be slammed with a flood of
upsells/cross-sells? (One or two upsells are acceptable and

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even recommended, especially if you get a commission for

Some products have 8 or 9 upsells and downsells, that is too much if

you ask me.

Sure they make more money, but you end up with hacked off customers
who become hesitant to buy from you next time.

Here’s something else…

17. A Simple One-Minute Task

Email the vendor using the customer-service contact information

provided on the sales page.

If it’s possible that the vendor would recognize your name, then use a
different name and an email address that doesn’t identify you.

Your goal here is to ask a normal pre-sale question, something you

can’t find on the sales page.

You then want to check if you get a prompt, friendly response.

This will give you insight into what sort of experience your customers will
get if you send them to this vendor. If the customer service stinks, then
don’t promote the product.

I would generally expect a response within 48hrs (2 working days) …3

days TOPS. If they’re not responding within 3 days…move on.

18. Brand Name vs. Unknown?

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When you’re looking for a product to promote, you’re going to see
straight choices between promoting a brand name and promoting
something that’s fairly unknown.

The advantage of promoting a brand name is that you’ll enjoy higher

conversions because people already trust the brand.

The advantage of promoting a little-known product is that there is less

saturation in the market, so you may have a potentially bigger pool of
customers buying it.

Which to promote?

Promote them both and see which one delivers better results for you.

There’s no straight forward answer, it’s a trade off.

19. The Cookie Monster

Before you promote a product, you need to understand how cookies (the
tracking mechanism) works for a particular offer.


● Who gets credit – first cookie or last cookie? You generally want
to promote products with a “last cookie” policy, as it is your
presell content and bonus that are persuading people to buy.

● How long is the prospect “cookied”? Some affiliate programs,

like Amazon’s, only cookie prospects for 24 hours (which is very
short). Others may give credit for weeks or months.

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(It’s best to find programs where the cookie lasts for life, as not
everyone buys an offer the same day they see it, in fact most

Now the next topic…

Pillar Three:
Add MORE Value!
You can boost your affiliate commissions by adding value to any product
you promote.

Here’s how to do it…


Adding value means that you offer some sort of bonus to anyone who
purchases a product or service through your affiliate link.

This boosts sales and sets you apart from competing affiliates.

If you consistently offer high-quality bonuses, people in your niche will

start coming to you FIRST to see what you have to offer, especially
when a new product is released in the niche.

Most affiliate networks will let you upload your bonus directly to the
affiliate offer.

So when someone purchases a product through your link it automatically

gets delivered to them.

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21. Physical vs. Digital vs. Service

What sort of bonus can you offer? Three options:

● Digital bonus, such as ebooks, videos, apps and similar.

● Service bonus, which includes coaching/consulting in this case.

● Physical bonus, such as a hard copy book.

In most cases, you’ll want to offer a digital bonus because it’s easy for
you to deliver. If you’re selling an offer with a big commission rate (such
as if you get $500), you may consider offering service bonuses or
physical bonuses. Point being, only offer these items if it’s worthwhile to
do so, financially speaking.

22. How Much Should a Bonus be Worth?

If your bonus is worth too little, then it’s not going to help boost
conversions. If your bonus is worth too much (or if you add a pile of
bonuses to an offer), it cheapens the offer, and then people don’t buy it.

Where’s the sweet spot? Offer a bonus that’s somewhere in the

neighborhood of 30% to 100% of the value of the main product.

For example, if the main product is $100, then you can offer a bonus
that’s around $20 to $50.

This is a fairly flexible guideline. The point is you shouldn’t offer $1000
worth of bonuses to go with a $100 product.

People won’t believe it and won’t buy.

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23. 12 Types of Popular Digital Bonuses

A digital bonus may come in many forms, including:

(I’ve added an * to the best ones)

Ebooks/reports.* Checklists.* Resource lists.

Videos. Templates.* Cheat sheets.*
Audios. Swipes.* Webinars.
Apps/software. Planners. Memberships.


24. 5 Types of Physical Bonuses

Thinking about offering a physical bonus?

Check out these ideas:

● Books.
● Pre-loaded Flash drives. (believe it or not, these are still
attractive bonuses!)
● Other physical products (e.g., a tub of whey protein for people
who buy bodybuilding equipment).

Note: if you go this route, then use print-on-demand companies to

deliver infoproducts and use drop-shippers to deliver physical products.

25. 4 Types of Service-Related Bonuses

Service-related bonuses include:

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● A done-for-you service, such as creating a sales letter for a
● Coaching or consulting, such as coaching people on how to
pick a niche.
● Doing a critique or giving them feedback on their email copy or
landing pages.

Here’s some bonus examples in different Niches:

26. 5 Examples of Gardening Bonuses

Let’s suppose you’re selling an organic gardening guide.

Here are five examples of bonuses you might offer:

● A pest identification video.

● An app that helps people track what to plant, when to plant,
when to weed, what sort of pests they’re seeing and similar.
● A bottle of organic spray that’s designed to kill common pests
(like aphids).
● A consultation to help people plan their gardens.
● Access to a private group where members can share tips and

Now let’s do the same thing in another market…

27. 5 Examples of Online Marketing Bonuses

Let’s suppose you’re selling a traffic-generation guide.

You might offer bonuses such as:

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● Access to a membership site that provides case studies and
fresh tips on a variety of web traffic topics.
● A personal consultation to help people create a traffic strategy.
● A done-for-you service, where you create a set of ads for the
customer to use on Facebook, or pay per click platforms and
● A set of advertising templates and swipes.
● A report that covers an aspect of web traffic not covered in the

Now let’s take a look at examples from one more market…

28. 5 Examples of Weight Loss Bonuses

Let’s suppose you’re promoting a meal-planning product like this one on

clickbank right now:

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You can offer bonuses such as:

● A low-calorie cookbook.
● A report detailing the good, bad and ugly of popular weight-loss
● Access to a support forum where people can post their progress
and ask questions.
● An exercise video.
● Exercise equipment, such as a free rebounder (trampoline).

How do you know if you’re offering a good bonus?

29. 5 Characteristics of a Good Bonus

Any bonus you create should have the following characteristics:

● It’s highly desirable. Make sure you’re offering an in-demand

bonus that people want.
● It’s highly related to the main product (ideally it should work
alongside the main product to make achieving a goal faster,
easier, better).
● It’s valuable. (See Tip #22 for more information.)
● It’s unique. While people can and do use resell rights content as
bonuses, ideally you should create something unique.
● It’s easy for you to deliver. Ideally, stick with digital bonuses that
you can deliver automatically.

Here’s how to deliver a bonus automatically with WarriorPlus:

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For my bonus URL, I just link to a google Doc that thanks them for
buying and gives them access like this:

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30. The Effective Bonus Checklist

Invest time into creating a good bonus, as it will be well worth the
investment in terms of more sales.

Use this mini checklist to guide you:

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● Does the bonus have a compelling title/name?
● Does the bonus solve a problem?
● Does the bonus make it faster/easier/better to achieve a goal or
complete a task?
● Does your bonus include a professional, attractive cover
● Could you sell this bonus as a standalone offer?

Now check out these templates…

31. 10 Titling Templates for Infoproducts

People often create their impression of your bonus based on its title,
which is why you want to brainstorm attention-getting titles.

Use these templates to get you started:

● How to [Get a Benefit] In Just [Short Amount of Time]

● The #1 Way to [Get a Benefit]
● [Number] Surefire Ways to [Get a Benefit]
● The Secrets of [Getting a Benefit]
● What [Insiders/People] Don’t Want You to Know About [Topic]
● How to [Achieve a Goal] Even If [You Don’t Know Something,
Have Something, etc.]
● [Achieve a Goal] in Just Five Minutes a Day
● The Beginner’s Guide to [Completing a Task/Achieving a Goal]
● The Quick and Easy Way to [Achieve a Goal/Get a Benefit]
● What [Experts] Do When They Want to [Achieve a Goal/Get a

For example:

● The #1 Way to Get Rid of Bad Breath

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● What Doctors Do When They Want to Get Rid of Back Pain
● 3 Easy Ways to Get 500 Targeted Subscribers Per Day On Your

32. How to Boost a Bonus’ Perceived Value

A good bonus raises the value of an offer.

Here are three ways to do it:

● Share advanced information which has a higher perceived

value than beginner-level information.

● Offer the bonus in a higher-value format such as a video.

● Provide tools to make it easier to take action such as a

Pillar Four:
Set Up Your Affiliate Site
Once you’ve selected the offer you’re going to promote and created a
bonus, then it’s time to set up your site and start creating content for it.

33. Decide on an Affiliate Model

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Before you start setting up and promoting, you need to understand the
main promotional models:

● One-step model. This is where you send traffic directly to the

vendor’s sales page.

● Two-step model. This is where you send traffic to YOUR site,

preferably to a lead page (or to some other page with preselling

Your best bet is to use a two-step model, otherwise you’ll waste the vast
majority of traffic you generate and most Tier 1 Ad Networks like Google
hate the One-step model. I’ve seen accounts get permanently
banned for it.

For example, if you’re promoting something with a conversion rate of

3%, that means that 97 out of every 100 people will NOT buy the product
(at least not on that visit).

That’s why you want to get people on your mailing list, so that you can
follow up with them, build a good relationship, and close the sale.

34. Get Your Site Set Up

Here’s a mini checklist of what you need to do to set up your affiliate site:

● Choose a brandable, memorable domain name that reflects

what you’re offering. You can purchase a domain name for less
than $10 bucks from Namecheap.

● Get yourself some decent web hosting from a reputable

company. (Stay away from $20 Lifetime hosting or $1/month
hosting type deals. They’re overloaded which means your sites

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will suffer and spammers use these types of hosts which will
hurt your business.)

● Log into your domain dashboard and change your domain

nameserver (DNS) to the information provided by your webhost.
When you sign up to a web host, they’ll give you this
information inside the “welcome email”

● Choose a reliable autoresponder (e.g., Aweber, GetResponse

and similar - I personally use Aweber because they have good
deliverability and they are affiliate friendly).

● Set up your site. I use Wordpress mostly. You can use their
default themes or a page builder.

● Create your necessary pages, such as your About page,

Contact page, Privacy Policy page and similar.

● Insert necessary disclaimers (e.g., disclaimer regarding how

you get a commission if someone buys something from your

● Check that all links, forms and pages work and display properly.

In addition to content pages on your site you need to have the following,
all accessible from every page on your site (I place these in the footer

Legal pages – you can find packages of pre-done

documents under $30- Just do a google search.

Make sure you have as many of these pages as possible on your site.

I’ve marked the most important ones with an * and bold.

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- Terms of Use
- Privacy Policy*
- Special policy page if using retargeting
- Affiliate Disclosure*
- Copyright Notice
- Social Media Disclosure (if connected in any way to
social media, including share buttons)
- FTC Compliance*
- DMCA (if posting other’s content)
- Earnings Disclaimer* (if making claims)
- Support* (you can link to the merchant’s – I do)
- Contact and/or Telephone (Gmail and Google Voice, a
physical address highly recommended)
- About* (Mr. Anonymous is Mr. Untrustworthy)


35. The Easy Way to Set Up a Site

The easiest way to set up a website fast is to use a content management

system – namely, WordPress (WP) isn’t just for blogs,
as you can create your entire site around this platform.

Wordpress is free, and it includes detailed instructions for installing the

platform on your site.

I use WP 1 click install (comes with most Web hosts built in).

You can have Wordpress fully installed in 3 clicks.

WP also has a lot of themes (designs) for you to choose from, and
virtually all of them are customizable.

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Plus the platform also has thousands of plugins available to improve the
function of your site.

Instead of needing to code anything, you can just activate a plugin.

Here’s an example of one of my Affiliate sites in the Bodybuilding niche

(This site generated over $13,000 in commissions):

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That site cost me less than $100 bucks to set up and brought in over
$13K in commissions.

36. What to Do If You Get Stuck

If you’re not technically inclined, then even a relatively user-friendly
platform like WordPress may give you trouble.

It happens to the best of us.

Outsource it if you’re struggling.

How to outsource?

Post a project on a freelancing site such as,, or

Just be sure to thoroughly research any potential freelancer to be sure

you’re hiring someone reputable who’ll provide quality work on time for

37. Do You Need a Lead Magnet?

In a word, yes.

In order to do two-step promotions effectively, you need to get people on

your email list.

And to get people on your email list, you need to offer them an enticing
free product (AKA lead magnet) in exchange for their email address.

This lead magnet could be a report, video, app, membership, course,

checklist or anything else that your audience wants.

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38. Four Ways to Create a Lead Magnet

1. Check if the vendor is offering any suitable content. For

example, many vendors offer something like a rebrandable report
or a webinar replay which you can offer as a lead magnet.

This is the least desirable option because lots of other affiliates will
have access to these and you’re not offering something unique to
your audience.

2. Create the lead magnet yourself. If you have the time, skills and
inclination, you can create a high-quality lead magnet yourself.

A 7 page ‘punchy’ ebook focusing on 1 thing would work well.

Just don’t call it an ebook. Call it a ‘Cheat Sheet’ ‘White Paper’

‘Crib Sheet’ ‘quick reference guide’ etc…

3. Outsource it. As always, do your due diligence before you hire a

freelancer or you can use Ai + ChatGPT.

4. Private label rights (PLR) content. This is licensed content

where you get the rights to modify the content as you please. This
makes it faster and easier for you to create something unique. But
it has to be GOOD and it cannot be crap.

===> Here’s a great resource for PLR content that you can use.

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They have a huge range of PLR content that you can use for
LeadMagnets and bonuses.

It’s the only one I use.


39. 7 Characteristics of a Good Lead Magnet

The characteristics of a good lead magnet are the same as other

products in that it should be:

● Desirable/in-demand.
● Valuable.
● High-quality.
● Look professional
● Be highly related to the paid offer.
● Include a strong call to action for a paid offer.
● Be incomplete, in that it doesn’t solve the prospect’s whole
problem (so they need to purchase the offer).

40. How to Create a Call to Action

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As an affiliate, you’re going to be creating multiple CTAs (calls to action),
which is where you tell your readers exactly what you want them to do.

These CTAs will appear in your lead magnet, in emails you send, on
your landing pages & Blog articles, and in other content.

A good CTA does two things:

1. Tells people what to do.

2. Gives them a reason to do it.

Ideally, a CTA will also give people a reason to take action NOW (rather
than putting it off).

E.G., “Click here to grab your copy of this eye-opening fat-loss video –
and do it now before the price jumps!”

(See #52 below for a set of call to action templates.)

41. The Lead Page Checklist

Once your lead magnet is ready to go, then you need to create a mini
sales page (AKA lead page) to persuade people to exchange their email
address for your free product.

The BEST lead magnets are ‘quick-win’.

They solve an immediate problem someone has or they at least partially

solve that problem…quickly.

With your affiliate offer being the “ultimate solution”.

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Here’s a quick checklist:

● Create a professional design for the page.

● Craft a compelling, benefit-driven headline.

● List the biggest benefits in a bulleted list (optional).

● Insert a professional ecover graphic to reflect your lead magnet

(not required..sometimes I do this, sometimes I don’t).

● Offer a strong call to action that encourages people to join your

list now.

● Copy and paste in your email service provider’s code where you
want the opt-in form to appear. (Most page builders offer a
direct integration so this isn’t required)

If you get stuck, just remember you can outsource this task.

42. The Lead Page Headline Templates

Use this set of headlines to help you create a compelling headline for
your lead page:

● Now You Too Can Discover the Secrets of [Getting a Benefit] –

for FREE!
● Free [Type of Product] Shows You a Clever, EASY Way to [Get a
● Thousands Will [Start Something]—Most Will Fail. Those Who
Succeed Do One Thing Differently. And Now You Can Discover
Their Secret for Free…

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● Don’t Even Think of [Starting Some Task] Until You [Read/Watch]
This FREE [Type of Product]…
● At Last, There’s a Quick and Easy Way to [Get Some Benefit] –
and You Can Learn All About it for FREE!

Example: Now You Too Can Discover the Secrets of Safe, Fast and
Effective Weight Loss – for FREE!

Here’s an example of a high converting optin page:

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As you can see it’s very compelling to anyone interested in Bodybuilding
and Nutrition.

Who wouldn’t want a FREE bodybuilding diet plan?

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What To Do After Somebody ‘Opts-in’
to Your List:
A common mistake is BLOWING the immediate opportunity after
someone opts-in to escalate the relationship.

Escalating the relationship can mean many things – from delivering the
value you promised in your opt-in, to making a special offer.

I like to make a special offer.

Whatever you do, DO NOT waste the opportunity with the standard:

“Thank you for subscribing – please white list

my email address (who does that?!) and check your inbox”

. . . because we’re done here and by the time you do

get around to checking your email you’ll have no clue who I am or why
you cared.

FACT: The interest level for what you have to offer will NEVER be
higher than it is RIGHT NOW.

They may not be ready to act right now but if you miss this critical
moment then the odds of further escalation take a mega-hit.

Do not wait for something to happen –


DO IT: Define a custom “Thank You” page – never use the standard one
provided by your email service provider.

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Take a look at this Thank You Page that is shown immediately after they
optin for the Bodybuilding Diet Plan:

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As you can see, thank them for joining my list but ALSO make them an

This is an affiliate offer.

It’s a collection of insider bodybuilding tips and tricks they can use to get
in shape.

If someone is interested in Bodybuilding and nutrition, this is a very

compelling offer to make.

This could be your own offer or an affiliate offer.

The Add to cart button can do one of TWO things here:

- Send them directly to the affiliate offer page

- Link directly to the affiliate offer order form.

I use BOTH.

But the second method is very powerful.

Here’s how to link to ANY Clickbank order form:

1. Find a product: Browse through the ClickBank marketplace to find a

product you want to promote. You can search by category, popularity,
commission rate, etc. Once you find a suitable product, click on the
"Promote" button.

2. Generate your affiliate link: After clicking the "Promote" button, you'll
be redirected to a page where you can generate your unique affiliate
link. This link will track your sales and commissions. ClickBank will
provide you with a specific format for the affiliate link.

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3. Get the order form link: Once you have your affiliate link, you need
to extract the order form link from it.
To do this, simply copy your affiliate link and paste it into a text editor or
word processor.

4. Modify the affiliate link: In the affiliate link, look for the parameter
"tid=" followed by a string of numbers or letters. Replace this string with
the word "order form". Make sure you don't change any other part of the

5. Test your link: Open a new web browser tab or window and paste
your modified affiliate link. It should redirect you to the ClickBank order
form for the product you're promoting. Test the order form to ensure it
works correctly.

After they click the button for more information, I simply send them to the
affiliate offer via my affiliate link to either the offer page or the order form
as outlined above.

And if they buy, it’s tracked to me and I make a commission!

Do not waste this opportunity because if you do it right, with the right
offer, 3 in 10 people will buy (according to my own campaigns right
across the board).

43. Pick an Autoresponder

In order to make this whole system work, you need to be using a reliable
email service provider (ESP) through a reputable company.

Look for a service that offers:

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● Opt-in form templates.
● Email templates
● Good customer service.
● Focus on deliverability.
● Good uptime record.
● Built-in tracking tools.
● Built-in automation tools.

For example, companies like and, and

similar well-known platforms check off the above boxes.

I personally use Aweber to run the email marketing side of my affiliate



44. Create an Initial Series

Once people join your list, they should start receiving an initial
autoresponder series that does the following:

● Welcomes them to your list and assures them they made a

great decision.
● Reminds them of the benefits of joining your list.
● Sets expectations about your list (the type of content they’ll
receive, how often they’ll receive it, etc.).
● Starts building a good relationship by sending useful content
that’s related to the paid offer.
● Promotes the paid affiliate offer at the end of each email.

Which brings us to the next point…

45. Examples of Effective Autoresponder Series

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Your initial series should provide tips, steps, ideas, ways, tools or other
useful information that naturally lead to the paid offer you’re promoting.

So, each email will provide one step, tip, tool or idea, and then
promote the offer at the end.

For example:

● Five Driving Secrets Every Golfer Ought to Know (link to a

golfing affiliate offer at the end of each one)
● Seven Delicious Healthy Recipes You and Your Family Will
Love (Link to a cooking/Food affiliate offer at the end of each
● Six Side Hustles to Get More Money (Link to a Make Money
Online Affiliate Offer at the end of each one)

Which brings us to the next point…

46. The Autoresponder Email Mini Checklist

As you’re creating your initial series, use this checklist to be sure you’re
on track.

Does each email:

● Include a compelling subject line?

● Focus on one useful step, tip, idea, etc.?
● Provide good information to impress prospects and build good
relationships with them?
● Promote the paid offer at the end?
● Engage the reader?
Include a call to action?

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Promote Just One Affiliate Offer Per Email

If you promote multiple products in one email, it leads to confusion about

what you actually want them to buy.

And when people are confused, they don't buy.

Your conversion rates will tank.

Think about it…

When was the last time you purchased something you were confused

Probably never.

So stick to ONE affiliate offer per email.

You can have multiple calls to action to SAME offer, but it should only be
one offer on the table.

Follow this framework:

>> Tell them their problem

>> Make the problem hurt
>> Tell them there’s a solution
>> Show them the solution
>> Tell them what’s included
>> Ask them to buy (your affiliate link)

Start emails with attention grabbers.

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Phrases like:

>> “Imagine this…”

>> “Hear me out…”
>> “Now listen…”
>> “Here’s the thing…”
>> “Why? Because…”

This will pull them into the email.

Email Formulas:

The “PSST” formula.

1) Identify the (P)roblem the reader has

2) Offer a (S)olution to it (Your affiliate product)
3) Describe the necessary (S)teps to implement it
4) Explain the (T)ransformation the reader will experience

Here’s a list of power words you can use in your


Bargain Dollar Free

Before Exclusive Immediate
Big Time Extra Instant
Cash Fast Massive
Deadline First Profit
Savings Ultimate Value

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These days, most Email Service providers allow you to add a “preview”
text in the email.

This is what entices people to open your emails and it can crank up your
open rates quite a bit.

Here’s what the Preview text section in Aweber looks like:

Here’s the preview text from one of my emails:

Here are a few preview text ideas you can swipe:

- I promise it’s worth it…

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- Open to discover [x]
- Details inside…
- Want in?
- Just for you…

Here’s the kind of open and Click-thru rates I get from my own
email campaigns:

The 0% one, was because I had no links in that particular email.


47. 10 Ways to Promote Affiliate Offers on Your Site

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So far, we’ve mainly been talking about building your list and promoting
affiliate offers to this list. However, that’s just the tip of the promotion

Here are other ways to promote offers on your site:

● Create a Recommended Resources section on your site.

● Insert an ad in the blog side bar.
● Place ads between content.
● Use popup windows or lightboxes to promote an offer.
● Promote via an exit redirect.
● Put an offer on an “attention bar” (AKA notification bar).
(I use ConversionGorilla for this)
● Create pillar content for your blog that promotes your offer.
● Insert ads in the header.
● Place ads in the footer.
● Create a sticky blog post with a featured Affiliate offer.

48. 11 Types of Content To Promote Affiliate Offers

There are a variety of content formats you can use to presell your
affiliate offer.

These include:

● Direct-response articles (basically a mini sales letter).

● Product reviews.
Product comparisons.
● Case studies.
● Recommend resources/checklists.
● Tutorials.
● Tips articles.
● Tools (checklists, planners, cheat sheets, templates, swipes,

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● Infographics.
● Videos.
● Audios.

49. A Product Review Outline

Here’s a broad outline of what a product review would look like…

A. Introduce the product

-Who the product is for

-What the product does

B. The good points of the product/strengths

C. The bad points of the product/weaknesses (be completely honest
here as that will bolster your reputation and boost conversions)

-These weaknesses may become an objection. If possible, handle these

objections. For example, is there a way to get around a potential
downside? Is the downside not a dealbreaker?

D. The verdict: do you recommend the product or not?

-You may say, “this product is for people who want to ____, but it’s not
suitable for those who need ________.”

E. Conclusion: Summarize the best points, then include your affiliate

link and call to action.

50. A Direct-Response Ad Outline

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Make sure the headline you use is compelling.
A. Introduction: connect with people by empathizing with the pain of a
problem and/or telling a story.
B. Present the product as the solution to this problem (the thing that
will take away that pain).
C. Provide hope by outlining the main benefits of the product.
D. Explain why you, personally, like this product. (Do this so that the
article doesn’t just read like a generic ad.)
E. Recommend that the reader buy the offer. Present your bonus.
Offer a call to action and link.
F. Conclusion: End with recap of the main benefits of the offer and a
final call to action and link.

51. 5 Characteristics of a Compelling Title

Here are the characteristics of titles that get clicks:

● Showcases a benefit. E.G., “Here’s the Quick and Easy Way

to Burn Fat & Build Muscle (Even If You’ve Tried Everything).”
● Arouses curiosity. E.G., “Which of These 27 Fat-Loss Tricks
Are You Overlooking?”
● Gets the point across succinctly. This is particularly important
when creating an email subject line, as some email clients
truncate the subject to around 60 words. (Note: For reference,
the “curiosity” example above is 54 characters.)
● Uses attention-getting words. Some of these words include:
you, how to, amazing, discover, secrets, guarantee, free,
quick, fast, easy, simple, surprising, startling, reveal, new,
news, proven, scientific (and similar).
● Provides social proof. The idea is to let the reader know
others are doing something, and they should too. E.G., “Find
Out What Doctors Do When They Get A Migraine…”

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Obviously, you can’t factor in every single one of those characteristics
into every headline, but start with providing a benefit, and then see what
else you can add.

52. 3 Call to Action Templates

As an affiliate, you’re going to be creating plenty of calls to action. Here

are three templates you can use:

Template 1:

Start [getting a great outcome now] by clicking here to [take some

specific action] – and do it now, because [reason why].

Template 2:

If you’ve ever wanted to [get a benefit], then you need to [take some
specific action]. And hurry, because [reason why].

Template 3:

Your next step is easy: take out your credit card and click here to [get
started with highly desirable benefit] – and do it now, because you
deserve [highly desired outcome]!

For example: If you’ve ever wanted to get back into the clothes you
wore before your pregnancy, then you need to click here to download
this fat-loss secrets video now. And hurry, because the price jumps

53. What is Useful Yet Incomplete Content?

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Your educational presell content is going to be most effective if it’s useful
yet incomplete.

Here’s what that means:

● Useful content solves part of the prospect’s problem. For

example, you might share useful tips, an overview of a process,
or even in-depth instructions for one step of a process.

● Incomplete content means that the prospect needs

something else to solve their entire problem. That’s where
your Affiliate offer comes in.

For example, you share a set of headline templates. This is useful, but
incomplete – in order for the reader to make the most of it, they need to
purchase the copywriting course you’re promoting.

54. 5 Tips for Building Relationships With Prospects

People like to do business with those they know, like and trust which is
why you need to focus on building good relationships with your

● Communicate across platforms. This means posting content

on your blog, social media pages, to your newsletter, and
anywhere else you’ve built a platform. No matter where your
audience goes, you want them to get as much exposure to your
content as possible.

● Share your best information. Most affiliates are too scared to

share great stuff because they fear losing a sale.

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But you can’t build trust without proving to people you have the
goods first. Too many newbie affiliates try to go for the sale too fast.
Give away unique tips, case studies, examples, or even just a fresh take
on a news article in your niche.

● Quality over cash. Don’t promote something of poor quality

just because you stand to make a lot of money, as this will only
hurt your reputation and create nervous buyers. That leads to
high refunds.

● Interact with your audience. Reply to emails, and interact on

social media. I do this a lot.

● Email often. You can’t build a good relationship unless you’re

talking to your audience regularly, which means at least
3x/week. The more email you send, the more you make. I don’t
mean spam, provide value and send good offers.


55. How to Build Credibility With Your Audience

Your audience is wondering why they should listen to you. You need to
give them a reason too.

● Why you’re an authority

● Results you’ve got.
● Results you’ve got for others.
● Relevant experience.
Awards and accolades you’ve collected.
Endorsements from notable others.
● Testimonials from subscribers/followers/readers.

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For example, if you’re promoting a product about Aesthetic
Bodybuilding, then talk about your credentials…why people should
listen to your opinion and buy the product.

If you don’t have any credentials, borrow it from the vendor and
become a “reporter”.

56. Should You Use Cut and Paste Promos?

Most vendors provide materials for you to use to promote their products,
such as ads, articles, graphics and more.

Question is, should you use them?

Answer: Yes but tweak them. Make them more personal. Add in your
own insights about the affiliate product.

Swipes do save time since you don’t need to write from scratch, but by
making them unique, sets you apart from other affiliates.

Affiliates are lazy and a lot of them will be using the same swipes.

So stand out by modifying them to suit your voice or add things to

them…I would strongly advise using them as is.

The only time I use them ‘as is’ is when it’s a private promo and there
aren’t 100 other affiliates mailing the same offer at the same time.

57. How to Promote Products With a Resource Page

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One really good way to promote affiliate offers is with a “Recommended
Resource” Page. You can post this list on your blog, on social media, in
a newsletter, or even inside a lead magnet.

For example, you might create a “Recommended Resources” list

for stay at home parents which includes affiliate links to popular
side hustles.

58. How to Promote Products With Tutorials

Another way to promote affiliate products is with a tutorial. You can post
this on your blog, or you create a PDF. But keep it short and to the point.

It shouldn’t be 50 pages deep.

For example, you can create a tutorial that teaches people how to
set up a blog, post awesome content, and monetize the blog.

You can then sell the piece that’s missing: a comprehensive guide
to driving traffic for bloggers!

59. How to Promote Products With a Buyer’s Guide

A buyer’s guide walks your audience through the main features and
benefits of a particular type of product in your niche.

For example, if you’re selling content to amateur photographers, you

might create a buyer’s guide that tells prospects what to look for in a
camera, and then compare the features of three to five top cameras in
the niche.

In most cases, you’ll lead prospects to a particular option. However, you

can include your affiliate link for all the products in the guide.

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60. A Word About Affiliate Links

Don’t ever use your direct affiliate link. Instead, use a redirect link that
goes through your own domain (e.g.,

There are two reasons for this…

1. First, affiliate links are rarely pretty as they tend to be long and
have a jumble of numbers and/or letters. This can screw
conversions as people don’t want to click on something that looks
like spam.

2. Secondly, running it through your own site means you can change
the affiliate link at any time to any other offer.

So, for example, if a vendor closes down an affiliate product, you

won’t have a bunch of dead links floating around the internet
because you can quickly and easily redirect the link to a different

I use Clickmagick to do this.

You can also use a simple wordpress plugin like Pretty Links or Thirsty
Affiliates. (this was all I did for years before I started using clickmagick).

61. What is an Affiliate Bonus Page?

Just as the name suggests, this is a page that promotes an affiliate

product while showcasing your affiliate bonus at the SAME time.

In essence, it’s an effective presell tool that showcases the benefits of

the offer and the benefit of your bonus to boost conversions.

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Here’s one of mine for a recent promotion I did for Andrew Fox:

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How To Make Your Affiliate Bonus Pages Get More

1.Add a countdown timer for the last 24hrs

and explicitly mention the bonus will end:

2.Add A Video Review showing behind the

scenes of the main product:

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Note: If you are not comfortable doing video reviews, don’t do it.
A bad review will only hurt your sales. Instead, do a bullet pointed list of
the main features of the offer.

3.Be Clear About How To Claim The Bonus

and WHEN They Get It:

4.Use Multiple Call To Action Buttons.

5.Add An FAQ Section with a buy button

immediately below it:

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The FAQ section should always handle buying objections, eg: How the
product is delivered, Price and refund guarantee.

TIP: Here’s a nifty tool for quickly creating these pages with a
drag-n-drop page builder: You can also create
your own template pages to build these pages quickly and easily.

Now the next step…

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Pillar Five:
Traffic Grabbin’!
Once you get everything set up, then you need to start driving traffic to
your website and your offers.

Check out these ideas…

62. Where to Send Traffic

As mentioned earlier, in most cases, it’s a waste of time and money to

send traffic directly to the vendor’s sales page.

Here are better options:

● Send traffic to your lead page. This is the best option because
you’re building a list, and you can then promote a variety of
offers to that list whenever you want.

● Send traffic to your affiliate bonus page. This works best for
people who are interested in the particular product you’re
offering or existing subscribers.

● Send traffic to other pre-selling content. For example, you can

send traffic to a product review or free report.

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===> build your list ===> send your list
traffic to your affiliate bonus pages ===>
other preselling content.

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63. The #1 Key to a Successful Traffic Strategy

The key to affiliate success is TARGETED traffic.

For example, if you are placing a paid ad on a website,make sure that

website’s traffic is part of your niche.

Here’s what I mean… placing an ad on a gardening site is too broad if

you want to attract people interested in hydroponic gardening. Instead,
you’d seek out hydroponic gardening sites and place your ads there.

Simply put, the more targeted your ads and the audience who sees
them, the better your conversion rates will be.

64. Simplify Your Traffic Strategy

There’s lots of ways to drive traffic to your affiliate offers.

However, you don’t want to do them all at once, as you’ll get

overwhelmed and spread yourself too thin.

Instead, pick ONE traffic method, absorb everything you can about it,
implement it.

Once you’ve started getting good results with your first traffic method,
then you can add a second and a third etc….

65. 12 Ways to Drive Targeted Traffic

● Guest blogging (make sure they insert your affiliate links)

● Blogging.

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● Paid advertising. (Microsoft Ads, Google Ads, Facebook
Ads etc)
● Search engine optimization.
● Social media Facebook/Twitter/Reddit.
● Distributing press releases.
● Offering group coaching.
● Email list
● Solo Ads

68. 6 Places to Purchase Ads

● Google Ads:

● Facebook Ads:
● LinkedIn Ads (if you’re selling business/professional

● Microsoft/Bing ads:

● Reddit Ads:
● Native Ads:,,

Paid Ads is all about strategy.

Before you launch a campaign, have a crystal-clear plan:

- Your Goals
- Your Budget
- Ad Copy
- Your Timescale

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- Keywords
- Landing Pages
- Target Audience

Paid Ads Checklist:

- Choose 1 network. Master it. Before moving on to the next.
- Use 1 Affiliate offer to start with. As you get more experienced,
then start split testing different offers.
- Never split test more than 3 offers.
- Start off with Search text ads. These are the easiest to run and
because it’s search intent, your conversions will be higher.
- Ad Budget. Never bid more than you can afford to lose. If you can
afford to bid $0.50c bid $0.75c to start. You won’t pay your
maximum bid but it will get your ad running.
- Stay compliant because this will lower your bid. Especially Google
Ads. Quality score (QS) will determine how much you pay. You’ll
pay 50% - 100% more if you have a poor quality score I’ve found.
(Here’s everything you need to know about quality score)

69. Two Short Ad Templates for You to Use

Template 1:

Fast, Effective [Outcome]

Now you too can [get some benefit].
Start today!


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Fast, Effective Fat Loss
Drop a dress size before that special occasion
Start Today!

Note that this ad doesn’t have a strong call to action. You can’t instruct
people to do something on Google Ads. You can’t say “click here”.

Template 2:

[Getting a Benefit] Made Easy

It’s easy to [get some benefit] when you [know some secret].
Click here to discover [these secrets] for yourself!

If you're stuck with coming up with ad creative ideas, follow this:

1. Start with a hook

2. Introduce the problem
3. Present your solution
4. Show proof or results
5. Call-to-action

Simple, but it works.

Steal these Ad Headline Angles:

1. Fear: "Don't Miss Out On..."

2. Curiosity: "Discover the Secret of..."
3. Competitive: "Stay Ahead With..."
4. Time Saver: "Get Quick Results With..."
5. Positive: "Feel [Positive Emotion] With..."

Here’s some examples of good Search Ads I’ve found:

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70. 3 facets of Facebook Ad Campaigns

● Use attention-getting graphics. Graphics should be simple

with bold colors to draw eyeballs towards your ad. Facebook
ads are interruption marketing. People aren’t there to click on
your ads. They’re there to see what their family and friends are
up to. So you need to grab them by the eyeballs FAST.

● Focus on benefits. Why should they click? Answer that in

your ad by telling them the benefits. If possible, drive curiosity.
E.G., “The fitness training secret that built the Roman Army
revealed for the first time ever…”

● Pick a targeted audience. The more you can narrow down

your audience by their demographics and interests, the better
your conversion rate will be.

Here’s an example of a GOOD Facebook Ad:

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Here’s some more:

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Pros of Paid Advertising:

Increased Visibility: You can reach a larger audience and increase your
reach than almost any other method I’ve tried.

Also, by targeting specific demographics, interests, and geographic

locations, your ads are shown to the right people.

If you show your Ads to wrong people, you’ll just be flushing money
down the toilet.

Faster Results: Unlike organic or free methods, paid ads can generate
quick results.

Once your ads are live, you can start driving traffic and get affiliate sales
almost immediately, which is useful for time-sensitive promotions.

It’s also useful to get a very fast picture of what’s working and what isn’t!

Precise Targeting: Most platforms provide advanced targeting options

that allow you to narrow down your audience based on demographics,
interests, behaviors, and more.

This helps make sure your ads are seen by people who are more likely
to be interested in the affiliate offers you’re promoting and buy them.

Measurable Results: One of the most important things you can do

when running paid ads is measure EVERYTHING.

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This is why I like paid traffic so much, because you can measure
everything and there’s a certain level of predictability when running my
Affiliate campaigns.

You can track metrics like impressions, clicks, conversions, and return
on investment (ROI) to understand the performance of your ads and
make better decisions.

Scalability: Paid advertising offers scalability options, allowing you to

adjust your budget and ad spend based on your business goals and

You can increase or decrease your advertising investment as needed,

which gives you flexibility and control over your affiliate campaigns.

Cons of Paid Advertising:

Cost: Requires a financial investment. Depending on the platform and

competition, the cost-per-click or cost-per-impression can be high,
especially for popular keywords or target audiences.

Ad Blockers: The widespread use of ad blockers can limit the reach of

your paid ads.

Some people have ad-blocking software or browser extensions to avoid

seeing Ads altogether, which can reduce reach and exposure.

Ad Fatigue: Overexposure to ads can lead to ad fatigue among your

target audience.

If users see the same ads repeatedly, they may become less responsive.

Ad platforms penalize you for over-saturation too.

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Here's how I fix it:

- Test new angles

- Rotate visuals
- Monitor frequency metrics. (Frequency capping - how many times the
SAME person sees your ad..limit this to 3 MAX)

Doing this will keep things fresh and keep engagement high = less Ad

Bottom line, always test different variations of your Ads!

Learning Curve: Setting up and managing paid advertising campaigns

requires a certain level of management.

Every platform's interface is different.

Targeting options, bidding strategies, and optimization techniques vary

from platform to platform.

Eg: Facebooks Ad manager is completely different to Google’s.

Focus on ONE platform, before using others.

Otherwise you’ll just confuse yourself and give up.

When to kill an Ad:

If an ad isn't converting within 300-600 clicks or has an unreasonably

high cost per conversion, kill it.

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A high cost per conversion would be 1.5X your affiliate commission.

So for eg:

You promote an offer for $50 and your commission is $25 bucks.

If your cost per conversion is higher than $37.50 kill the ad.

If you haven't had a sale within 300 - 600 clicks. Kill it.

No point pouring money down a black hole.

Analyse, learn, and implement.

The faster you can test your ads, the faster you profit.

Seasonal Ads/ Market Trends

If you're running ads, don't forget season and market trends.

This is great if the affiliate offer you're promoting supports it.

Eg: Weight loss offers work best straight after Xmas.

Bodybuilding offers work best 6 - 8 weeks before summer.

Testing Ads...

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Start small.

Set a budget.

Test different creatives, headlines, and descriptions.

Monitor your Cost Per Click (CPC), Click Thru Rate (CTR), and
conversion rate closely (ConvR).

Once you find a winner, scale up slowly.

You don't need a huge budget to start.

Just need to be smart.

Search Ads Affiliate Tip:

Target "Buying Intent" Keywords:

Narrow your keyword selection to focus on terms that indicate strong

buying intent.

This ensures that your ads reach potential buyers, not casual browsers.

For example, if you’re promoting a woodworking plans affiliate product,

target these types of keywords:

“Buy Woodworking plans”

“Where to buy woodworking plans”

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Use Negative Keywords:

Exclude irrelevant searches.

For instance, if you sell "Pool Tables", eliminate clicks for queries around
"swimming pool."

You don't want to pay for traffic that isn't the search intent.

Buyer Psychology is key.

Ad platforms change fast.

But humans change slowly.

Get to know your prospects:

What do they want?

Why do they want it?
Is there an affiliate offer to help them?

This is another alternative traffic source but it’s often written as
something that “doesn’t work”.

Usually by people who have no idea how to use them!

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I use a site called Udimi a lot to find solo ads.

Udimi is a great big solo ad directory that affiliates can use to find Solo
Ad Vendors (sellers) to purchase Solo Ads from.

It’s a bit hit and miss but there are good sellers there, you’ve just got to
find them.

These vendors will mail their lists and send you a certain amount of
clicks to any page or offer you want for a cost.

I normally spend anywhere between $60 - $120 for 100 clicks.

The thing with Solo Ads is, some vendors are good, some are bad, some
are just flat out scammers.

But there’s a few things you can do to protect yourself as you’ll see in
just a moment.

This is Udimi:

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You can sign up here, once you do you’ll see this:

Click on “find sellers” tab.

Once you do that, you’ll see lot’s of sellers to buy solo ads from!

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TIP: At the top, you’ll see “promoted” sellers:

Those are vendors who are paying to be there.

My logic is this:

If they are paying to be there, then they’re making money.

And if they’re making enough money to pay to be at the top, then a lot of
people are buying their solo ads.

That’s indicative of a good seller straight away.

Underneath the promoted sellers are all the other vendors.

And Udimi has hundreds of them.

But don’t ignore these, because you can find gems!

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Udimi has a very useful filter tool.

I use this a lot to narrow down the sellers:

Here are the filters I suggest you use.

You can set any criteria you want here but this is what I suggest:

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For price (clicks) $0.75c (this is the MAX amount you’re willing to pay up
to on average for a click)

So for a 100 click Solo Ad will cost you = $75.

For Niche you can choose from:


Choose the one that fits your Niche the best.

Do NOT leave it at “all niches”.

Because a Solo Ad to the Health Niche is unlikely to work when you

want leads in the Internet Marketing Niche.

For Main Traffic Source countries stick to:

United States
United Kingdom

Unless you have a very specific reason to choose outside of these


For Start time, I like to select start within 3 days.

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Because otherwise your Solo Ad could run whenever the seller feels like

Remember, you are paying for a service.

For Verified..choose Verified sellers only.

That’s going to keep a good chunk of the scammers out of your way.

Repeat orders select 10%.

You could leave it at 0% if you really wanted to, because you might
stumble on a good seller that nobody else has discovered yet.

But that’s rare and if you’re just getting started with Solo Ads you want to
stick with those that have had repeat orders.

For ratings, I don’t bother with that.

Because that can be “gamed”.

Everything else as I’ve mentioned above should get you decent sellers
to choose from.

Once you’ve set your filters, you just need to:

1. Choose a vendor
2. Buy a Solo Ad

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Just Click “Buy Solo” and place your order.

The vendor will then start sending traffic to your affiliate links in the
specified time frame.

A lot of sellers on Udimi will allow you to write your own email for them to
send to their lists after you place your order.

I strongly recommend you write your own email.

Otherwise the vendor is just going to write a very generic one that is
going to send the most clicks and might not result in the best leads or

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90% of the time, I write my own.

A quick word about tracking.

Udimi, as of writing this, has their own built in tracking where you can
see how many clicks the seller has delivered.

Which is ok as a starting point.

But if you’re planning to use them more than once then you’ll need
something a bit more robust.

Like I say, Udmi’s tracking tool is ok.

It’s not great, very basic.

But it does the job.


I strongly recommend you use an independent tracking tool aswell.

That way you can be doubly certain about how many clicks have been
delivered and to where.

Because otherwise, you’re relying on Udimi’s own tracker for accuracy.

Something I’ve come to learn (the hard way) with affiliate

marketing, is never trust any one individual or platform 100%.

Make sure you know for yourself!

The tracking tool I use to track Solo Ads is Clickmagick:

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It’s very easy to use.

All you need to do is ad your tracking link, set up your conversion

tracking and then give that link to the Solo Ad Seller.

They will then use that link in the email they send to their list.

So when they start sending clicks, you’ll be able to see them in real time.

And you’ll also be able to track conversions, so that you know which
Solo Ad vendor delivers leads and which don’t.

That will save you a ton of cash!

Here’s how to set this up inside Clickmagick:

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Click “save” and that’s it! You’re ready to go!

71. SEO: The #1 Way to Create Content Google Loves

SEO = Search Engine Optimisation.

This is how you can get free traffic from google.

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And a LOT of it, if you do it right.

If you want love from Google, then be sure to create high-quality content.

In other words, write for human readers FIRST (and only optimize your
content for search engine bots if you can do so naturally).

72. How to Select Keywords

Whether you’re placing pay per click ads or you’re doing search engine
optimization on your blog, you need to select keywords (using a keyword
tool like Semrush or Ubersuggest).

Here’s the key: pick long tail keywords that tell you exactly what the
searcher wants.

For example, “dog training” is too broad, as you have no idea exactly
what the searcher wants.

Instead, choose a targeted longtail keyword such as “tips for agility dog
training.” (Optimize for that keyword and then offer a tips report on the
topic, and you’ll have a highly targeted audience seeing a highly targeted

73. Dos and Don’ts for Building Links

One of the keys to raising your Google visibility is to build links.

Follow these dos and don’ts:

● Do NOT buy links.

● Do NOT get links from low-quality sites.

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● Do NOT engage in link-swapping schemes.
● Do get them organically (naturally).

For example, create viral content that people will link back to. Develop
relationships with influencers in your niche with authority/high-quality
sites and send your best content to them.

74. 9 JVs That Will Really Drive Traffic

A joint venture is when you team up with other marketers in your niche to
engage in a mutually beneficial activity.

For example:

● Be a guest author on each other’s blogs.

● Swap newsletter content.
● Boost each other on social media (e.g., retweet each other’s
● Trade endorsements on your respective platforms.
● Create a lead magnet together.
● Co-write a blog post
● Do a webinar together.
● Promote each other on your sign up thank you page.
● Promote each other within your lead magnets.


75. Where to Find JV Partners

There are a variety of ways to find potential partners, including:

● Search Google for your niche keywords and make note of who
owns the top sites on the first two or three pages.

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● Look at who is placing paid ads on Google when you do the
above searching.
● See who’s placing ads on these niche sites.
● Check marketplaces like to see who has the top
selling products in your niche.
● Run a search to see who has the biggest blogs in your niche.
● Find out who has popular newsletters in your niche.

● Search YouTube for popular videos.

● Run a search on Facebook to see who has popular Pages and
● Check other social media to see who has popular accounts
(Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.).

Just do your due diligence so that you only work with reputable partners.

76. The #1 Key to Landing JV Partners

The best marketers in your niche get plenty of joint venture proposals in
any given week. If you want yours to stand out and get an enthusiastic
“yes,” then you need to develop a relationship with the person first.

And just be really good at what you do in your niche, because then
people will take notice and start approaching you.

77. 10 Popular Formats for Viral Content

Viral content is super powerful and it’s the holy grail of traffic.

But there are many forms, including:

● Infographics.

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● Videos.
● Quotes.
● Tips.
● Lists.
● Articles.
● Reports.
● Memes.
● Comics.
● Mind maps.

78. 6 Factors Every Piece of Viral Content Possesses

You can’t just toss a piece of content out there and expect it to catch fire.
If you want it to go viral, then check off as many of the following boxes
as possible:

● It’s something your audience really wants.

● It’s easy to view/read/consume (takes a few seconds to two or
three minutes).
● It’s easy to share with others (e.g., click a button on social
● There are no hoops between the viewer and the content (e.g.,
no opt-in form).
● It’s fresh (unique). For example, it could just be one
mind-blowing tip.
● It evokes some sort of emotion. Negative and positive.

79. The Viral Content Launch Checklist

You’ve got a piece of viral content ready to go. Use this mini checklist to
maximize your success:

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● Run the content by a few followers/subscribers first to see what
they think about it. Is it fresh? Would they share it?

● Make sure there’s a call to action that encourages people to

share it.
● Launch the content at a time and date when your users are
active online.
● Promote the content across all your social media pages.
● Advertise the content to your email list.
● Post it on your blog
● Ask JV partners to share the content.

81. How to Pick Which Social Media Platforms to Use

Answer these two questions:

1. Where do your audience hang out?

2. What type of content do you want to post?

For example, if you’re all about posting pics, then take a look at sites

● Instagram
● Pinterest.

If it’s video:

● Youtube
● TikTok
● Snapchat

If it’s text based:

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● Twitter
● Facebook
● LinkedIn

82. 6 Leverage points for Making the Most of Facebook

Here’s how to maximize Facebook:

● Start a Page and fill out the profile completely in a way that
reflects your brand or affiliate offer.
● Post a variety of content to see what your audience responds to
the best.
● Encourage followers to like, comment and share your content.
● Interact with followers by liking and commenting on their replies.
● Post regularly/consistently, daily if you can.


83. Should You Start a Facebook Group?

Yes and no, if you can start a group that’s different and better than the
other groups currently in your niche.

But it’s almost a full time job.

If you’re going to start a facebook, make it a paid one.

I know someone who charges $1,997 a year for a facebook group.

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Facebook Pages and Groups
First, have you noticed how many people will follow a group if you just
put a swear word in the name?

I F^cking Love Science!

Big following:

Who’s following it if it’s just “I Love Science” or “Science is Cool”.

I think it panders to a lower level of thinking, but those people have

money too!

The point is that you can niche something down with a word that makes
you stand out.

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There are lots of interests on Facebook and to me it’s all for the point of
building lists.

I’m not going to spend all day entertaining people on social media.

And you just can’t automate “social”.

But you can build lists and you can automate showing them ads!

I have a page based on a famous sports person and I just auto-post

quotes from that person.

I’ve built a nice list, organically, and I run ads to that highly targeted list
for related affiliate items!

84. 3 Dos and Don’ts for Using YouTube

If you create videos, post them on YouTube.

● Don’t use YouTube’s suggested thumbnail pic. If you create

a verified account, then you can upload an attention-getting
custom pic.

● Create an attention-getting title. Just look at viral sites like, or even view popular videos on YouTube to see
what sort of titles they’re using.

● Insert relevant keywords in your title and description. This

will help people find you when they search YouTube, as well as
when they search Google and other search engines.

Here’s a few examples to model all of these are affiliate accounts:

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85. How to Get Twitter Followers (The platform is now called

‘X’ but I’m just going to call it Twitter here so that you know
what I mean)

Here are three quick ways to get Twitter followers:

● Follow people in your niche. Twitter culture tends to be that if

someone follows you, you follow them back. If someone has
about the same number of followers as people they are
following, then it’s a good bet that person will follow you back.

● Put a Twitter badge on every page of your website. Then

include a call to action that encourages visitors to follow you on
Twitter. Make sure you include your affiliate link in your bio.


86. 3 Social Media Tools to Use

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Good social media tools make it easier to uncover trending topics,
schedule your content across multiple platforms, and track your results.

Here are three tools to help you accomplish these tasks:

● helps you uncover trending topics.

● is an all-in-one tool that’s useful for

scheduling content and tracking campaigns.

● helps you get more Twitter followers.


87. The Benefits of Commenting in Communities

Commenting in niche communities/forums can drive traffic back to your


But here’s another big reason to do it: being helpful is a good way to
establish yourself as an authority in your niche.

Don’t just post for the sake of posting…actually add value to the

88. 9 Types of Communities to Participate In

● Niche blogs.
● Niche forums.
● Facebook groups.
● Facebook Pages.
● Twitter discussions.

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● Subreddits ( groups).
● Slack Boards
● LinkedIn groups.

89. How to Create an Effective Signature CTA

Many communities (such as blogs and forums) let you insert a signature
CTA (call to action) at the end of your post or comment. The key to a
good one is to create it short and benefit-driven.

E.G., “Who else wants to start a six-figure Online business? Click here
to get the crib sheet…”

This could link to your lead page.

90. Press Releases

A press release is news, not a sales pitch.

So you need to make it newsworthy.

I use Webwire for press releases promoting affiliate offers.

Webwire is great because it’s one of the few that will allow affiliate links
and they can send decent traffic too.:

● New launches
● Tie the affiliate offer in with current news events
● Providing advice or opinion on current event/niche news.
● Announcing a new feature the affiliate offer has.
● Providing new information about the niche.

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91. A Press Release Outline

As mentioned, a press release is news, not promotional.

Here’s how I use them.

I try to find something news-worthy and tie that to an affiliate offer.

This works best for NEW product launches.

Use this outline to construct your next release:



Insert your contact information.

Newsworthy (absolutely non-promotional) headline.

Subheadline that expands on information from headline.

Location (e.g., LONDON, UK)

Opener: The who, what, where, when and why of your news story.

Body: Two or three paragraphs expanding on the details. Include a quote

from you or someone else relevant to the story.

Conclusion: Summarize the main point.

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Bottom of release: Provide a link to get more information but be sure it’s
not promotional. E.G., “For more information on [topic], go to [your
affiliate link].

Insert three pound signs (###) to show it’s the end of the release.


92. 2 Ways to Distribute Press Releases

Here are two good ways to get your press releases in the hands of

● Submit the release directly to the relevant editors. This works

particularly well when you want to reach your local media.
LinkedIn is great for this.

● Use a distribution service. For example, you can use Be sure to include relevant keywords and
categorize it correctly so it reaches the right audience.

I’ve had great results with in the past.

Here’s a few results I’ve had using Webwire:

On WebWire you can insert affiliate links right inside the press release!

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The example above is a clickbank affiliate offer which I sold hundreds of
units of.

That ONE press release generated 400 clicks!

93. Two Ways to Use Webinars to Drive Traffic & Affiliate


People value live events, which makes webinars something your

audience is sure to love.

Here are two webinar formats:

● Do an interview with the product vendor. Most of the time, the

vendor will even help you promote the webinar, so you’ll build a
bigger list and get more people on it. It’s in his interests to do
(I did this last year and made about $6K off one webinar from
a product that wasn’t even mine.)

● Give your own presentation. Offer instruction on an in-demand

topic to create a “useful yet incomplete” presentation. Make
sure you record it so you can email the replays to your email

94. How to Fill Seats at Your Webinar

Filling your webinar seats will help you create more sales, build good
relationships with your audience, and establish you as an expert.

Here’s how to do it:

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● Ask the vendor to help you promote it (this applies whether
you’re interviewing them or not).
● Announce the webinar on social media.
● Put it in a sticky post at the top of your blog.
● Send a series of emails to your list.
● Place a Facebook ad promoting the webinar. If you have an
email list, upload that list to Facebook Ad manager and create a
look-a-like audience off that list.


95. 3 Webinar Formats And When to Use Them

There are several ways you can do a webinar, including:

● Talking head, where you look at the camera and share the
content directly, which works best when you’re sharing tips or
other lighter content.

● A demo webinar, which is where you show how to complete a

task as you explain it. This works best when you’re teaching
more complex information that’s hard to explain.
● Slide share presentation, which works best when you’re sharing
content that benefits from reinforcing it by letting people read
the main points. For example, if you’re sharing in-depth
step-by-step information, the slides will help people better
understand the process.


96. What Webinar Platform Should You Use?

Choose a platform with a good reputation, such as or
something of similar quality.

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I've heard good things about Demio too.

You don’t want to go with an unproven platform that crashes during your
webinar and makes you look unprofessional.

Pillar Six:
Establishing Authority
People want to follow clear leaders and experts in the niche, which is
why your affiliate business will benefit if you work to establish your

Here’s how…

97. How to Establish Yourself as an Authority

If you just rolled into a niche and no one knows who the heck you are,
how do you establish yourself as an expert?

Here’s a few ideas to do it:

98. 9 Ways to Get Your Content EVERYWHERE!

The idea behind this strategy is for your prospects to see your name and
content in every corner of your niche.

Here’s how you do it:

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● Post frequently on your blog.
● Optimize your content for the search engines.
● Guest blogging.
● Guest content for other people’s newsletters or paid
sponsorship with your affiliate link.
● Distribute content on social media.
● Post videos to YouTube and TikTok.
● Webinars.
● Distribute lead magnets.
● Create viral content for social media.

99. How to Write Like an Authority

The best affiliates are authorities.

But here’s the thing, you’ll find it difficult to establish yourself as an

authority if your content doesn’t make you sound like it.

Do this:

● Write with confidence. Don’t use weak language like “maybe”

or “possibly.”

Instead, tell people what WILL work and what they should
do, not what “may” work and what they should possibly,
maybe, perhaps consider doing.

● Give people a reason.

When you’re sharing information, tell people why you’re
offering your specific recommendation.

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● Simplify processes. Einstein once said, “if you can’t explain
something simply, then you don’t understand it well enough”.

If you’re able to take a complex process and simplify it for

beginners in a way that’s easy to understand and easy to
implement, you’ll be viewed as an expert.

100. The Key to Becoming a “Go To” In Your Niche

You need to specialize in one topic.

You can even build your branding around this topic.

Then post on your blog, send content to your list, guest blog and post to
social media about this topic.

Whenever there is news in your niche on this topic, be the first to share
the news and tell people how it will impact them.

If you do this consistently, you’ll become the “go to” guy or gal in the
niche for that specific topic.

Here’s another way to establish yourself as an expert: offer free (or

paid) group coaching.

You can start a private Facebook group and offer it to anyone who joins
your list.

I see affiliates doing this for a certain landing page builder all the time.

You can then solicit questions throughout the week and answer the best
questions at the end of the week in a group coaching session.

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I know somebody who does this and he charges $1,997/year for access
to his group - AND people pay it, he has over 50 members!! That’s a six
figure business right there and promotes a high ticket affiliate offer to
them too!

The 1 Hit Email To Establish
(most aren’t sending and it never fails me in ANY
The 'one-hit' email is your opportunity to establish authority by giving
people useful, step-by-step information on how to do something.
To sell you need trust and the fastest way to gain trust is by establishing
yourself as an authority.
It's easy...
You provide a number of steps to accomplish a result, with the ultimate
idea being that you have a solution that will save time or show how to do
it even better.

For example, "How to Improve Your Conversion Rates in 3 Simple


Step One: Do this . . .

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Step Two: Do this, using this tool or that tool.
Step Three: Do this . . .

Here’s an example:
Here’s how to improve your opt-in conversion rates
in 3 simple steps..

Step One: Write a compelling headline that solves

the main problem the prospect has using this

How to [Get a Benefit] In Just [Short Amount of Time]

Step Two: Add 3 compelling bullet points and a

picture of the lead magnet, I use a tool called
Designerr to do this.

Step 3: Add a call to action pop up button with a 2

step optin form above the fold.

To make all this easier, I use a tool called

Optimizepress to build high converting landing

===> Link to Affiliate Product.

Hope you find this useful!

Copyright © Benjamin Fletcher. Reproduction and/or Redistribution

By giving people the information they need to do something, you
establish authority and a relationship without needing to resort to
hype....and even make a sale at the same time!

Don’t forget the PS!

A lot of people scan emails and the P.S is the most read part of it.
So use them!
Deploy any one of these in your email ‘P.S’ lines and watch your
commissions soar.

Whilst I encourage you to use these in your affiliate

emails, this is not a license to outright LIE.

Only use these if it’s naturally TRUE.

And another point: Don’t overuse them, or they’ll lose their effect.
Eg: if you use them in every P.S of every promotional email you send
out, people will become ‘immune’ to it and they’ll stop working, similar to
‘banner blindness’.

Use them sparingly and you’ll reap the rewards.

1. The "Regret It" Tactic

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Tell your list you regret not buying the product sooner. Your prospects
will try to avoid feeling regretful and purchase. They know how much
emotional pain can be caused by feeling any kind of regret.

2. The "Without A Doubt" Tactic

Tell your list that, without a doubt, it is the best product that you've
bought in the last year. They will trust you because you are sharing
specific information with them that looks and feels more credible.

3. The "I Didn't" Tactic

Tell your list that they can't lose by buying the Affiliate product because
you didn't.
Your prospects have likely felt like losers in the past buying products that
never delivered.
They will want to avoid losing, especially if you can back up your claims
with proof.

4. The "Only My Opinion" Tactic

Tell your list it's only your opinion but the Affiliate product is solid.
Your prospects will feel it's less of a sales pitch because you are telling
them it’s only your opinion.
People love to buy, they hate being sold!

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5. The "I'm Not Kidding" Tactic
Tell your list that you're not kidding when you say the product could
mean the difference between pleasure and pain.
They will actually see the difference between buying and not buying the
affiliate product.
People usually choose the most rewarding option.

6. The "Words Can't Describe"

Tell your list that words can't begin to describe what the Affiliate product
has done for you.
Your prospects have likely had that feeling when something felt so good
they couldn't describe it.
You will likely trigger that same feeling with your statement.

7. The "Stop Now" Tactic

Tell your list that you highly recommend them to stop what they are
doing and buy the product.
Your prospects will think, "This product has to be good."

8. The "Best So Far" Tactic

Tell your list that you have bought plenty of products in the past but this
is the best one so far.

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Your prospects will trust your judgment and at least take a look at the
affiliate product you are offering.

Tools I Use In My Affiliate

Aweber Email Marketing & Automation)
Clickmagick Affiliate Link Shortening & Solo Ad Tracking)
A2 Hosting Hosts most of my smaller websites)
Optimizepress Landing Page Builder + Affiliate Bonus
Timer Magic Countdown Timers)
Commission Gorilla Bonus Pages)
Semrush & UberSuggest Market & Keyword Research)
Google Trends Market Research)

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Next Step?
Get my flagship Google Ads Affiliate
Marketing Complete System:
How to make $50 - $100 Per Day With Google Ads & Affiliate

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Satisfaction Guaranteed!

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