The Value and Risk of Creating An Enterprise Architecture
The Value and Risk of Creating An Enterprise Architecture
The Value and Risk of Creating An Enterprise Architecture
There is both value and risk associated with the establishment of an EA program in an
enterprise. On the value side, EA has the unique capability to bring together views of strategy,
business, and technology that allow an enterprise to see itself in current and future operating
states. EA also supports the modeling of different future operating scenarios, which may help the
enterprise survive (or thrive) as it responds to changes in the internal and external operating
environment, some of which can be unexpected. Additionally, an EA program establishes an
integrated set of IT resource planning, decision-making, and implementation processes that can
better identify and resolve performance gaps across the enterprise.
Home Architecture Analogy: A set of comprehensive blueprints for building a home takes an
architect a fair amount of time and money to create. Without them though, any construction
that occurs is an uncoordinated activity, and the home that results may not function properly.
On the risk side, creating an EA for an entire enterprise can be time-consuming, costly,
and disruptive to business services. Also, developing detailed EA documentation that covers
strategy, business, and technology within each area of the enterprise can be time consuming and
costly. Hiring and/or training architects and supporting analysts is one element of the cost.
Another cost element is the time it takes line of business managers and support staff away from
their normal work. Finally, the cost of EA documentation tools and on-line repositories has to be
factored in as well. Further, there is the risk that the EA will not be used by stakeholders if they
do not buy to the concept of EA or its perceived value.
On the value side, EA is unique in its ability to promote enterprise-wide thinking about
resource utilization. EA replaces the systems-level approaches to IT resource development that
have characterized the last several decades, and has left many enterprises with stovepipe and/or
duplicative IT resources. EA promotes the development of more efficient enterprise-wide
common operating environments for business and technology, within which more capable and
flexible business services and systems can be hosted. This in turn makes an enterprise more agile
and able to respond to internal and external drivers of change, which promotes greater levels of
competitiveness in the marketplace.
The benefits should outweigh the costs of doing an EA, or the program should not be
established. In the Case Study example, if an EA program helps DMC’s executives find a combined
solution to two sets of business and technology requirements, then a significant amount of
money can be saved. Multiply this by several of these situations each year, and the EA program
may very well pay for itself. Further, EA helps to identify existing duplication in functional
capability, which can generate additional savings. Finally, EA documentation helps to identify
current and future performance gaps that may not be otherwise realized, which enables the
enterprise to be more proactive and cost-efficient in addressing solutions.
The Value of EA
The value of EA is that it enhances resource-planning capabilities and supports better
decision making. This is accomplished through communication improvements in respect to
current and future resources. Ideas are conveyed more rapidly while differences in
interpretations and misunderstandings are reduced.
The value of EA is that it enhances resource-planning capabilities and supports better
decision making. This is accomplished through communication improvements in respect to
current and future resources. Ideas are conveyed more rapidly while differences in
interpretations and misunderstandings are reduced.
Improved Planning
EA enhances both top-down and bottom-up approaches to planning. Top-down planning
begins with considerations for strategy and business, which are enhanced by the holistic
perspectives of the enterprise that EA provides. Bottom-up planning is also enhanced, as EA
coordinates what would otherwise be disparate and separate program-level planning activities.
EA also enhances strategic planning as it helps to bring together multiple perspectives of business
and technology at various levels of the enterprise. Finally, EA supports program and project
management by providing a baseline of reference documentation for business alignment,
standards, and configuration management.
EA improves decision-making by providing comprehensive views of current capabilities
and resources, as well as a set of plausible future operating scenarios that reveal needed changes
in processes and resources (see Chapter 8 for additional details on future scenarios). By having
an online EA repository of information that is updated at regular intervals, decision-makers have
real-time access to higher-quality information at various levels of detail. In that the EA program
links to other areas of resource governance (e.g., capital planning, project management, and
security), decision-makers can obtain coordinated information on operations, support, and
development activities. Chapters 10 and 11 provide additional details on the relationship
between EA, capital planning, project management, and security.
EA improves communication throughout the enterprise by providing a regularly updated
baseline of integrated information on strategy, business, and technology. Also, the EA program
and implementation methodology bring standardized approaches and terminologies for the
development and management of enterprise resources. This standard EA language and
methodology is especially helpful in large, complex enterprises that are geographically dispersed,
and which may have multiple social and work cultures that have promoted different ways of
doing things. EA should not stifle the creativity that cultural diversity can bring, but should
augment and enhance that creativity by improving the alignment of business and technology to
the strategic goals and initiatives of the enterprise. The old saying is that “a picture is worth a
thousand words.” Having an on-line repository of EA information is like having a 24x7 gallery of
electronic documents and drawings that can be useful in a variety of activities throughout the
enterprise. It is tremendously valuable if the members of an enterprise can electronically call-up
the same set of EA reference materials at financial planning meetings, research and development
seminars, sales and marketing reviews, and daily operations and support activities. With an
updated repository of EA materials available, meetings can convey greater amounts of
information in shorter periods of time, achieving higher levels of understanding based on a
common set of EA terms and information.
Managing Risk
Risk is related to uncertainty, and in applied form is the potential source(s) for the failure
or underperformance of a program or project. The management of risk involves lowering or
eliminating the uncertainty that desired outcomes will not be realized. There are several types of
risk that relate to the implementation and maintenance of an EA program, including:
Financial. Implementing an EA involves establishing current and future views of enterprise
resources, an EA Management Plan, and updates to this information at regular intervals. Like any
implementation project, establishing the initial set of EA information will require start-up funding
that is more than what will be required for the periodic updates. Even after the EA is established,
cuts in an EA maintenance budget can severely affect the program, to the point of making the EA
information eventually become of little or no use if it becomes too out of date.
Lack of Acceptance. EA represents a new way of looking at enterprise resources by
providing an integrated view of strategy, business, and technology that supports the
consolidation or reengineered of these resources to produce additional value. Former
approaches to program management that supported systems level planning will be replaced with
EA level planning that is promoted through the EA program. This will most likely create some
tensions between program level stakeholders, EA stakeholders, and other affected groups.
Loss of Key Personnel. EA is an emerging area of professional practice that requires
architects, analysts, developers, and programmers. Each of these skill sets is important to the
program and the loss of members of the EA team with those skills can create delays in program
implementation, as well as effect implementation costs.
Schedule Delays. As with all implementation projects, the documentation of current and
future EA views as well as the creation of the initial EA Management Plan is approached as a
project that has milestones and a specific schedule for completion. Delays to the schedule can
come from many sources and depending on the point at which a delay occurs during EA
implementation, and how long the delay is, the effect can go from being negligible to being
catastrophic for the EA program.
Documentation Tools. One of the greatest challenges for a Chief Architect is to develop
current and future views of the EA that are rich in detail, easy to access, and which can support
modeling and decision-making types of queries. The capabilities of EA tools and supporting
applications at present are such that intuitive and informative “management views” of EA
information are difficult to produce with these tools. Further, because more than one software
application is normally required in an EA program, tool integration is an issue that must be dealt
with. As new commercial tools are introduced a Chief Architect has to consider what the effect
will be on overall documentation if that product does not integrate with other tools.
Mitigating Risk. Risk mitigation plans and activities reduce the likelihood that sources of
risk will emerge and negatively impact a program such as EA. Actions that mitigate risk (lower
uncertainty) include strengthening executive support for the EA program, solidifying budgets, not
being the first adopter of EA tools and documentation techniques, ensuring there are trained
back-ups on the EA team, and using a detailed EA implementation methodology to guide the
overall program. Additionally, basic program management skills address potential problems of
key personnel turnover, cost and schedule overruns, performance issues, and stakeholder
acceptance. Overcoming issues related to technology compatibility among EA products is
achieved through the use of commercial tools that are based on open standards, and which are
mature and have significant market share. Risk identification and mitigation is not a one-time
activity, it is an ongoing management review item that will assist in making an EA program
The cost of establishing an initial version of the EA will be more than the cost of updating
and maintaining it, due to the direct and indirect costs associated with establishing new EA
processes and capabilities, and gaining stakeholder support. The full lifecycle cost of the EA
program should be established and presented to the EA program sponsor, so that there is a clear
understanding of the one-time costs for implementation of the EA and the ongoing costs for EA
maintenance and refreshment activities.
As with any program, this budget picture should be baselined relative to the EA program
activities that are approved by the sponsor, so that any approved changes to the scope of those
EA activities are accompanied by a change to the budget. If this is not done, the EA program may
evolve to a position of being responsible for too much relative to the resources it has available.
In that EA is an advanced analytic type of activity, most of the cost of developing and maintaining
EA documentation will be the cost of labor for trained architects. The second largest cost area
will be the supporting technology (hardware, software, web applications, databases, EA tools,
etc.). The other major cost area will be the facility costs for the EA team’s work area and meetings
with stakeholders. Those who do EA (in total or in part) for a living work under a variety of job
titles, including Chief Architect, Solution Architect, Systems Architect, Data Architect, Network
Architect, Security Architect, IT Consultant, Management Consultant, and a number of related
analyst titles. Furthermore, there tends to be a set of classifications for senior, mid-level, and
junior positions for many of these jobs. From an informal survey of EA salaries in 2012 conducted
by the author, a senior enterprise architect’s position can command over $100,000 per year.10
Midlevel positions (3-5 years of experience) can earn in the range of $60,000 to $80,000.00 per
year, and the junior positions for beginning architects can earn in the range of $40,000 to $50,000
per year.
As expensive as this seems, the cost to outsource these positions is even greater. The
industry average for one work year is about 2,060 hours (this is Monday-Friday 8-hour days and
accounts for time away for holidays and personal time off). Some federal government contract
labor rates for the outsourcing of a Chief Architect and/or Senior Consultant position are over
$200 per hour, which translates to over $412,000 per year. The rate for mid-level EA professionals
can range from $125 to $175 per hour, so at the upper end of this range the outsourcing of one
of these positions can cost over $360,050. The rate for junior EA professionals can range from
$55 to $85 per hour, and at the upper end of this range the cost of outsourcing can be over
This significant level of cost for EA labor has caused some enterprises to pause in
considering the implementation of an EA program. However, when the potential savings
generated by the EA program are factored in, there can be a very high return on investment,
especially in enterprises where EA can reduce duplicative capabilities and help identify common
solutions to otherwise separate requirements. With costs for information systems in the many
millions of dollars, the consolidation of even a few of those systems can make the EA program
more than pay for itself, as well as enable the enterprise to re-direct the funding from duplicative
resources to other business requirements.
Linking Strategy, Business, and Technology
For EA to support an enterprise holistically, it must link strategy, business and technology.
EA is most effective when it simultaneously supports top-down executive planning and decision-
making across the enterprise and bottom-up management planning and decision-making within
each LOB. In this way, EA helps to ensure that strategy drives business and technology planning.
From a business perspective EA provides the context and purpose of business activities by
ensuring technology is implemented only after business requirements are identified. From a
technology perspective, EA provides the strategy and business context for resource planning. This
can be critical when working with multiple organizations to create common resources (i.e., supply
chains) or in merging / acquiring organizations into one enterprise.
Summary of Concepts
This chapter provided a detailed discussion of the value and risk of establishing an EA
program. A clear articulation of the business case for EA is needed to obtain executive
sponsorship and resources for EA program implementation and maintenance. Quantifying the
areas of value that the EA program will contribute is important, and those include improved
communication, planning, and decision-making. A total lifecycle approach to estimating costs is
used to differentiate the one-time direct and indirect costs associated with program start-up and
initial EA documentation from the ongoing costs of EA program management and documentation
updates. Comparisons were made in the area of EA labor costs between in-house salaries and
the expense of paying for external EA consulting support. In concluding the discussion of EA
value, the linkage between EA, strategy, business, and technology was shown.