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The skilled use of acupuncture needles stimulates the flow of qi

and blood which helps to produce collagen. Collagen can
reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve
muscle tone, and tighten the skin, thus improving overall complexion
and elasticity of the skin. As a person ages, their body produces less collagen,
leading to dry skin and the formation of wrinkles.

Needle stimulation increases local circulation of blood to the

face, helping to moisturize the skin and produce a vibrant skin

Acupuncture can improve hormonal balance and digestion as

well as reduce stress so as to minimize skin problems such as
acne and rosacea for example.
Cosmetic or Facial Acupuncture?
Cosmetic Acupuncture is different than Facial Acupuncture. Facial Acupuncture
refers to needling the face as part of an overall treatment, such as in needling
points LI-20 and ST-3 for sinus issues or simply needling Yintang to calm the
Shen as part of an overall anxiety treatment. When it comes to Cosmetic
Acupuncture, there are certain needling techniques that are applied
specifically to the face, for the purpose of rejuvenating the skin, often using
over 50 needles and even 100 needles bilaterally.

“In a broad sense, rejuvenation refers to postponing the aging process of the
whole body, while in a narrow sense it means keeping the skin youthful,
especially on the face, reflecting a healthy and natural beauty.”
From the book: Cosmetology in Chinese Medicine,
by Feili Huang, Rebecca Parker, Hai Cui.
Treatment Objectives
There are two aspects to Cosmetic Acupuncture:

(1) Local treatment which directly addresses facial aging signs

and symptoms.

(2) Root treatment which treats the underlining cause of facial

issues. Root causes can be diet, hormones, and
even emotional stress for example.
Research Study
A 1996 report in the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture
reported that among 300 cases treated with Cosmetic Acupuncture,
90% had marked effects with one course of treatment. These effects
included: the skin becoming delicate and fair, improvement of the
elasticity of facial muscles and leveling of wrinkles, a ruddier
complexion, and overall rejuvenation not confined to the face.
Patient Benefits
Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture to the
patient can include the following:
• Minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
• Tightens pores
• Increases collagen production
• Improves muscle tone
• Relieves muscle tension in facial muscles
• Improves skin oxygenation and skin health
• Reduces hyperpigmentation
• Brightens the eyes
• Gives a radiant, youthful glow
• Reduces swelling under the eyes (recommend Jade Roller)
• Promotes lymphatic flow and detox (recommend Gua Sha/Cupping)
Advantages of Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture is non-toxic!
That means there are NO harmful chemicals
injected into the skin.

Also, there is NO:

• Anesthesia
• Going under a knife
• Downtime
Side Effects
• Minimal Bruising
• Bleeding because the needles create micro-trauma to the skin
Cautions & Contraindications
1. Hemophilia – patient bleeds and bruises easily

2. Medications – blood thinners such as Warfarin (Coumadin); Warfarin is an anticoagulant medication

meaning it helps prevent clots from forming in the blood as well it makes patients become more easily prone to

3. Cosmetic Surgery – wait at least six months for results to settle to avoid a possible liability issue

4. Botox – avoid if patient has had Botox as Botox numbs muscles while acupuncture stimulates the flow of qi
and blood which abates the effects of Botox

5. Laser and Chemical Abrasion – wait some time for the tissue to heal as laser can leave the skin red and prone
to infection while chemical abrasion uses harsh chemicals on the skin

6. Skin Irregularities – avoid ulcerated, irritated, irregular shaped and oddly pigmented skin conditions, possibly
refer out

7. Headache or High Blood Pressure – be cautious or postpone treatment in situations where the patient has a
lot of energy already circulating the head area as cosmetic acupuncture stimulates the upper part of the body

8. Pregnancy – using many needles could be too much stimulation

9. Fainting – pay attention to patients that are anxious about needles or haven’t eaten

*** Refer to your College’s safety handbook on general acupuncture cautions and contraindications,
such as for pregnancy for example ***

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