BlockChain Major Project

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Synopsis on

“Blockchain Based Peer to peer ridesharing”

SESSION: 2022-2023 (Major project)

Delivered By: -
Lokesh Singh Rajwar – 1918439 – Sec-E
Ritu Saini – 1918617 – Sec-F
Varsha Saini – 1918796 – Sec-G
Prachi Singh – 1918540 – Sec-E

Respective Mentor: -

Delivered To: -
Mr. Amit Gupta

Ridesharing is a service that permits drivers to share trips with different riders, which
adds to the captivating advantages of shared travel expenses and traffic congestion.
Peer to Peer ridesharing technology conveys blockchain to manage the issues looked
by customary brought together ride-sharing applications. Blockchain is a sprouting
technology and decentralization of frameworks can be powered by it. Proposed ride
sharing framework will be conveyed on blockchain and will be decentralized from a
genuine perspective. This application permits drivers to give ride-sharing services
without depending on a third party. This project centers around developing a
distributed hassle-free, less error inclined ride-sharing application powered by
blockchain technology.
Vehicle sharing allows individuals to lease vehicles for a brief timeframe.
Normally, accessible vehicles are spread around a city in held parking spaces, making
it simple for clients to track down them and, surprisingly, stroll to them. The method
for opening a vehicle relies upon the vehicle sharing service. At times, a client is given
a key to a lock box that contains the vehicle key. Different organizations permit their
clients to open vehicles (and sometimes even start them) utilizing a versatile
application. Numerous vehicles sharing organizations value their services as a little
beginning charge in addition to an expense for the distance driven. Generally, the
base rental expense incorporates protection, gas, and vehicle support.
One of the greatest issues with vehicle sharing administrations is an absence of
trust. Since vehicle rentals occur with next to no up close and personal collaboration,
there's consistently a gamble of extortion. A client might find a way to not pay for the
rental or a vehicle proprietor might charge more than at first concurred. Blockchain
technology offers a quick and secure method for making a limiting monetary
understanding as a shrewd agreement. Like conventional agreements, shrewd
agreements indicate commitments of the two players, just dissimilar to customary
agreements, they automatically authorize them. When applied to vehicle sharing,
shrewd agreements can robotize exercises, for example, enlisting another rental and
computing installment in view of genuine use.
With a blockchain, it's likewise conceivable to execute an equilibrium locking
usefulness that works much the same way to a Mastercard approval hold utilized by
conventional vehicle rental administrations. This way, vehicle proprietors should rest
assured they will get extra installment on the off chance that a rental period is drawn
out, and clients should rest assured their cash will be opened assuming the vehicle is
returned on time. Furthermore, a blockchain guarantees that vehicle rental narratives
are immutable, so in the event of an occurrence, a vehicle sharing organization can
check who was driving the vehicle at that point. For the distributed vehicle sharing
model, brilliant agreements ensure vehicle proprietors that utilization of their vehicles
is straightforward, and that income is genuinely paid.

Ride-sharing administrations have acquired in prominence as a suitable method for

transportation lately. Administrations that empower shoppers to utilize their own
vehicles. A ride-sharing driver imparts his ride to different travelers. People can profit
from ride partaking in various ways as well as the local area in general, including
expanded inhabitance rates, parting trip costs, broadening social circles, and bringing
down both fuel use and contamination. Numerous organizations, like Flinc, UberPool,
Ola and others, give internet ridesharing administrations from one side of the planet
to the other.
Taxi administration aggregators complete their everyday exercises utilizing a
brought together technology. Furthermore, the installment process for taxi
appointments is taken care of by go between or outsider organizations. With additional
gatherings drew in, this becomes an issue since an absence of straightforwardness
A large portion of the current ride sharing applications like Uber, Ola
convey unified outsider-based frameworks to give ride sharing administrations to
clients. The issue with these customary ride sharing frameworks is the centralization
of information which could now and again prompt disappointment of the entire
framework if server disappointment is experienced. Also, concentrated frameworks
have a solitary mark of defilement, single place of disappointment and are delicate in
nature when compared with decentralized frameworks.

Features of a decentralized system

Above figure expounds the elements and qualities of a decentralized framework and
portrays its benefits over conventional unified frameworks.
In decentralized ridesharing applications, travelers can analyze how a ride-sharing
business functions due to blockchain's capacity to make responsibility. Brilliant
agreements enable partners to utilize blockchain-empowered shared leasing of cars
for two gatherings really involved in view of foreordained fundamental prerequisites.
As a result, it reliably supplies appropriate costs, and the framework creates certainty
and straightforwardness.

Peer to Peer technology is a decentralized stage wherein individual companions

can straightforwardly connect with one another without any outsider dealing with the
exchange information, this is a ton useful as far as security worries of the frameworks.
Since transactions happen Peer to Peer, they can't be controlled or controlled by
outsider clients or even the engineers that laid out the framework in any case.
Presently Blockchain comes into picture to assist with conveying Distributed
technology, making it decentralized, making it safer furthermore, more insusceptible
to digital assaults which are turning into a major worry to advanced innovations due
to the recurrence and effect of these sorts of assaults.

In the simplest terms, a distributed organization is an organization made at

whatever point at least two gadgets (generally a PC) are associated and share assets.
In any case, what makes the principal distinction here is that a distributed organization,
dissimilar to customary organization frameworks, shapes an environment where the
PCs are associated through a solitary server PC. It can likewise be viewed as an
organization where various PC frameworks are associated through a solitary server
that empowers the exchange of documents from one finish to the next. Besides, a
shared organization likewise serves the job of a super durable framework that can
associate more than twelve PCs in a little locale during the customary disconnected

• Advantages of Peer-to-Peer Networks: -

While these organizations have now turned into an exceptionally normal thing,
there are numerous different advantages to utilizing a shared organization that
gives it an edge over the others. The following are a couple of justifications for why
It is incredibly difficult to cut them down. Regardless of whether one of the
segments is going to close, different matches proceed to work and convey, which
guarantees that the organization doesn't quit working regardless of whether a
solitary unit can't carry out its roles.
These organizations are exceptionally versatile because adding new
companions is a very simple and fast cycle as you need to play out no focal
arrangement on the server. P2P networks are best with regards to record sharing.
Since it is so fast in its handling, it turns out to be very simple to have a similar
record put away on different companions. It guarantees that each time somebody
requirements to download a specific record, the downloading system from various
areas can happen all the while with next to no issue.
• Network Architecture of peer-to-peer: -
Peer-to-peer network design is a sort of organization where there is no
division of exercises among different segments. Each hub plays out similar
assignment and set of activities where every gadget fills the need of both the server
and the client. Reaction of organization design laid out over the PC organizing
environment under this model is with the end goal that every single workstation is
liable for equivalent assignments however less gadgets are associated with the
fundamental server. The peer-to-peer network design is generally reasonable for
neighborhoods and limited scope organizations in more modest areas. This is on
the grounds that in such organizations each gadget assumes a free part as a
workstation as it approaches save the whole arrangement of information in its own
data set.

To state in layman's language, the general peer-to-peer engineering is

planned to remember the functionalities of a solitary programming program. Along
these lines, each program is capable to play out its errand while satisfying the job
of both client and server conveying comparative obligations and capacities.
Besides, if you can't help thinking about how to learn blockchain nuts and bolts,
you can likewise get various substance parts of help you in the meantime.

Further, peer-to-peer organizations can be characterized into two significant

classifications considering how the segments in the organization are connected to
one another. Here are the two significant sorts -

Unstructured network: - An unstructured peer-to-peer network is one where the

connections in the organization are laid out haphazardly. Such organizations are
not difficult to build as any new peer that might want to join and add to the
organization can do as such by duplicating the current connections of another
segment and afterward shaping and spreading its own connections.
In any case, it is similarly critical to realize that the questions may not
necessarily get a goal in unstructured organizations so there can be bothers. For
example, a famous piece of content might be accessible to specific peers yet on
the off chance that some other is searching for content that is seldom accessible,
the client will be unable to look for it.

Examples- Napster, KaZaA, Gnutella, and so on.

Organized network: - Dissimilar to unstructured organizations, organized ones

permit each peer to take care of a particular segment of the substance over the
organization. These organizations dole out a particular worth to each satisfied and
peer in the organization which is then trailed by a typical protocol that figures out
what segment is liable for what part of the substance. Along these lines, at
whatever point somebody connects with a peer to look for content, the organization
utilizes the normal protocol to decide the part answerable for information move and
direct the inquiry question towards the peer answerable for it.

Examples- Tixati, Kademlia, P-Lattice, and so on.

• Uses Of Peer-to-peer Network: -

Peer-to-peer technology has irrefutably prepared for a few different innovations
that coordinate with its engineering to offer more noteworthy and better types of
assistance to clients. Aside from blockchain, which you can learn in any top-
appraised blockchain class, there are different uses of peer-to-peer organizations.
However, there are not many regions where P2P networks track down very
various applications. Further talking about the absolute most normal applications
where peer-to-peer networks are transcendently utilized.

Peer to peer and copyright infringement: - The first and most clear use of a P2P
network is related with copyright infringement. As these file sharing organizations
utilize the gadgets from both the finish of the client and the server, it becomes one
of the most generally involved stages for sharing electronic media, for the most part
for pilfered content. Furthermore, these organizations additionally track down their
application in conveying malware programming like spyware and viruses.

It intends that by introducing any peer-to-peer document sharing programming

on a gadget, anybody can get to the records among a huge number of different
clients, regardless of whether the individual is doing it deliberately. Be that as it
may, with such organizations, individuals who legally purchase content online may
likewise cause problems. Thus, playing it safe is generally fitting.

A few noticeable instances of such programming incorporate are Frostwire, Kazaa

light, BitTorrent, Limewire, and Gnutella.

File Sharing: - File sharing is one more huge use of peer-to-peer organizing that
happens through document sharing technology. As the actual name suggests, it
permits the clients to access and move different sorts of sight and sound files like
recordings, pictures, music, and so forth. In this way, fundamentally, you can utilize
a file sharing organization across different gadgets to move any sort of record you
need. A few instances of a file sharing peer-to-peer network incorporate are
BitTorrent, uTorrent, Ares Universe, FrostWire, and BitComet.
Blockchain: - As a technology, a P2P network depends on the idea of
decentralization. The essential design of blockchain technology comparatively
empowers a client to move cryptocurrency across the globe without requiring any
broker or mediator. With such a decentralized dispersion, it becomes simpler for any
person to turn into a piece of this course of check.

At the point when a peer-to-peer network is empowered on a blockchain, the

organization helps in the support of a total copy of the records guaranteeing the
exactness of information. Then again, it likewise offers more noteworthy security when
contrasted with traditional client-server frameworks. Subsequently, a peer-to-peer
network works marvelously when utilized with blockchain technology. Assuming you
wish to become familiar with the essential ideas of blockchain, make a point to get the
best blockchain preparing stage for it.

Content Delivery Acceleration: - On the off chance that there is one organization
administration that can essentially help in lessening conveyance costs, it must be a
P2P content conveyance organization. The specialized functionalities of a peer-to-
peer organization might possibly incorporate with any happy conveyance framework
and proposition an extensive variety of administration capacities.

One of the most well-known instances of such a substance conveyance network is

Alibaba Cloud's peer-to-peer content conveyance network that depends on a similar
technology where these two filled in as parts that can successfully oversee content
conveyance in any event, during essentially high traffic.

General concept of car sharing services

• Work Done in Blockchain Domain: -
With the distributing of the Bitcoin whitepaper in 2008, blockchain became well known.
Beside digital forms of money, blockchain innovation has been basic in empowering
various applications, for example, supply-chain management, financial technologies,
medical care, information sharing, and the Internet of things (IoT), to specify a couple.
It has changed the imparting economy to applications, for example, File coin, music,
and other digital assets. Blockchain could be utilized to make a protected, reliable,
and decentralized independent ITS current circumstance, considering further
developed utilization of inheritance ITS foundation and assets, which is particularly
helpful for publicly supporting technology.

An Android application that will empower clients to be aware if vehicles are

accessible for carpooling in their ideal way and permit them to sign in for it. Permitting
drivers to give ride-sharing administrations without the utilization of an outsider. The
pertinence of blockchain frameworks for improvement of the applications still up in the
air through a review referred to. The utilization of smart agreements to fabricate a
maintainable application which can help in the field of operations. The overview on
benefits and difficulties of utilizing decentralized applications what's more,
incorporated applications is made sense of. As a reason, a decentralized stage, for
example, the blockchain arrangement, is viewed as one of the most incredible
arrangements that anyone could hope to find. We focused on the utilization of
blockchain around vehicle sharing in this paper. This was featured as one of the major
blockchain applications that could arise in the future.

Blockchain is an arising secure powerful control free technology that would

help in the improvement of present day robust and safer frameworks. A ride-sharing
peer-to-peer application that handles the financial capacity to drivers and riders to
make a control unregulated economy could create use blockchain technologies.

• Technology Involved in Blockchain Domain: -

Coming to the technical parts of our topic, it is likewise important to comprehend
the mechanism behind the working of peer-to-peer organizations. While things are
very divergent on account of blockchain, where any blockchain engineer can resolve
your inquiry, the essential system of a peer-to-peer network follows an alternate
interaction. For the most part, these organizations have no unmistakable server for
validating their clients. Every gadget across the organization deals with its own
security which makes it important to make a different client represent every gadget
that the client would require.
• Usually, a client stores their record on their own gadgets, which is a PC best case
scenario. They are themselves answerable for guaranteeing that these documents
are appropriately upheld for data recovery. Moreover, the gadgets for the most part
run both server and client programming in a peer-to-peer organization and can
likewise make the assets accessible to different clients on the organization.

• According to the viewpoint of straightforwardness in network engineering, a peer-

to-peer network is moderately easy to set up and is in many cases an ideal
arrangement for networks that require under 10 gadgets and favor a server-based
arrangement over some other choice.

Allow us to take a guide to comprehend how a peer-to-peer network really works.

Assume you need to download any record from the web. For this situation, you should
utilize an internet browser to open any site over the web. Considering this situation,
the site you will visit assumes the part of a server while your PC or any gadget you
use has the job of a client that will get every one of the records you will download.
This whole organization model plays out some arrangement of undertakings very
much like a one-way street where the information you download shifts from the site to
your gadget.

Essentially, on account of a peer-to-peer organization, at whatever point you

peruse the web to look for a specific piece of content, this task of downloading is
controlled in a somewhat unique way. It is fundamental for you to have any peer-to-
peer program introduced on your gadget that can empower you to produce a virtual
peer-to-peer organization. Whenever this is laid out effectively, the document you
need to download from the web is gotten in the units of pieces that come from various
gadgets in the organization that as of now have similar record on them.

Simultaneously, the record is likewise moved from your gadget to other PC

frameworks that call for it. This whole cycle works in two ways the records convert into
little pieces of information that come from your gadget. When this cycle gets finished,
the organization delivers your document after sending the request, which is then
followed by the final transfer of the file to all connected peer devices.
• Dataset Involved in Blockchain Domain: -
Now let us examine the utilization of Cosmos blockchain network to make a
straightforward blockchain-based ride sharing solution. When applied to ride sharing,
the Cosmos network permits associations to handle data from countless clients and
vehicles simultaneously without delays. We should investigate the Cosmos
Cosmos Brief Overview: -

Cosmos is a steadily extending network of decentralized and interconnected

blockchains. Its ecosystem comprises of different blockchains, each fueled by a
Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) consensus algorithm.

The Cosmos network is likewise called the web of blockchains since it incorporates
various applications and administrations that trade advanced resources and
information utilizing the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol.

Cosmos is a famous network for creating decentralized applications (dApps). In this

network, dApps are conveyed as blockchains, which permits designers to utilize all
the computing power of the blockchain.

Improvement devices, for example, measured structures give an immense pool of

advancements fit to be utilized in building explicit applications. For example, the
CosmWasm module allows developers to compile smart contracts written in high-level
languages like Rust into the WebAssembly (Wasm) guidance design and execute
these brilliant agreements on a Wasm virtual machine.

Procedures Involved in Ride Sharing: -

The main reason for our smart contract is to mechanize the installment interaction: a
client pays for the time they utilize a vehicle and the vehicle's proprietor gets

To make our ride sharing smart contract, we'll utilize:

1. The Rust programming language

2. The CosmWasm framework
3. A Rust compiler
4. wasmd (execution of a Cosmos node with Wasm smart contracts enabled)

Creation of Smart Contract: -

There are three main files that constitute our smart contract: - — contains the declaration of data structures used by the smart contract and
functions that the smart contract uses to access storage to read or write this smart
contract data. — contains the declaration of messages that the smart contract receives and
the responses it sends. — contains the smart contract’s internal logic.

Next, we need to work with the four main structures of our smart contract:

How different parties interact with the smart contract

1. Config: - To initialize the brilliant agreement, we want to determine the

accompanying parameters that are pronounced in the Config structure:
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct Config {
pub denom: String,
pub kyc_verificator: CanonicalAddr,
pub manager: CanonicalAddr,
pub rent_count: u64,

These Parameters are: -

denom — the name of the token used for payment. In our example, we don’t
use a specific token type. You can specify any token type that is available in the
network where you deploy the smart contract.

kyc_verificator — the address of a party that confirms the client’s identity.

manager — address of the party that adds new cars.

rent_count — counter of active rentals.

The data we specify for the parameters mentioned above is saved in storage by
the config key as a singleton.

The code below ensures access to the storage: -

static CONFIG_KEY: &[u8] = b"config";

pub fn config(storage: &mut dyn Storage) -> Singleton<config> {

singleton(storage, CONFIG_KEY)

pub fn config_read(storage: &dyn Storage) -> ReadonlySingleton<config> {

singleton_read(storage, CONFIG_KEY)

2. Car: - Parameters of the Car structure include:

id — address that is bound to the car; messages from the car to other parties
will be sent from this address.
name — client’s name.
rent_price — rental price for a unit of time (in our case, an hour).
deposit_price — amount that will be locked to rent the car.
balance — amount earned by the car owner from the rental.

3. Client: - For the Client structure, we need to specify the following parameters:

id — client’s address.
name — client’s name.
verified — an indicator that tells whether the client has passed KYC verification.
balance — client’s balance.
locked_balance — client’s locked balance.

4. Rent: - Finally, the Rent structure includes the following parameters:

client_id — address of the customer that initiated the rental.

car_id — address of the rented car.
balance — deposit sum plus rental cost.
usage — planned start and end of the rental period.
actual_start — actual timestamp when the rental started.
Methodology Used
• Software Used: -

The proposed framework involves 2 programming viewpoints viz. Blockchain

development and Android development.

Following is the list of software, libraries, dependencies, and APIs used to develop
the proposed system: -

1. Android Studio 3.8: - Android Studio is an App Development IDE and in this
project it is used for developing native android applications.

2. Google Maps/Directions API: - Google Maps API provides the app a map
fragment. Google Directions API is used to parse directions between 2 points on a

3. Node v16.13.1: - Node used as an IDE for Javascript and Solidity development.

4. Ganache: - Ganache is a software that hosts a personal ethereum based


5. Truffle v5.0.2: - It is a development environment used to write smart contracts

and is based on Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

6. Solidity v0.5.0: - Solidity is language for implementing smart contracts.

• Proposed Method: -

The Android Application comprises of various classes exercises to help the

usefulness of the undertaking. Most of the current ride sharing applications like
Uber, Ola conveys unified outsider-based frameworks to give ride sharing
administrations to clients.

Login and Registration service is sent with a basic UI and google firebase
authentication service is utilized at the backend to store and approve login
certifications of the users. A map part is added on the map movement and
broadens GoogleApiClient, LocationListener, ConnectionCallbacks,
OnConnectionFailedListener, OnMapReadyCallback classes to carry out essential
map functionalities viz. Enabling user location, location markers, map type, etc.
The front end of the application is characterized in the xml document where it
comprises of login/registration, selection activity, map fragment, search bar,
drawer for mentioning rides, drawer for ride approvals. To set up the map API we
have executed GoogleApiClient on primary Activity. Map part, which is arranged
by OnMapReady method. Where we can perform tasks like padding; adding
listener for onMapLongclick, onMarkerClick; building GoogleApiClient, setting
current location of user, and so forth.

In Manifest, access to the web, course and fine location is granted. Location
Listener's method viz. onLocationChanged, onConnected,
onConnectionSuspended, onConnectionFailed are executed and location
Solicitation object is initialized in onLocationChange technique to get current
location. In Main activity Search Bar's onQueryTextListner is set to feed the latlng
of searched address as destination to the direction parser class.

Geocoder object is made and geocoder. getFromLocationName is carried out

to get latlng of destination. At the point when an inquiry is taken care of to the
search bar, the most important location on the map is taken care of and showed
as a marker on the map, consequently a polyline is shown between user's location
and destination and this direction information alongside different information
substances is taken care of to rider requests and sent on the blockchain network.

Public class TaskRequestDirections which is an AsyncTask is made to make a

response string which acts as a URL to be sent to directions API to parse polyline
for directions. Public Class Task Parser parses the polyline got from Directions API
through the object of class whose sole work is the form
polyline on map from input params.

Illustration of data exchange in blockchain and time flow of request approvals

Above figure outlines the progression of driver's and rider's information in
blockchain transactions. The flow is finished in steps which thus endorses a ride
demand and interfaces riders and drivers. Rider distributes a solicitation by sending
client information, travel route information onto a blockchain transactions.

Drivers send their information, location coordinates onto a new blockchain

transactions. Rider then gets driver information and endorses this solicitation which
is again taken care of to blockchain. A private blockchain network is sent on
ganache, truffle v5.0.2 climate is utilized for coding in solidity v0.5.0 and scripting
smart contracts. The technique followed here is to make a transaction on the rider
end through a function call, createRequests which has the rider information, area,
objective as params.

This information is taken care of to blockchain as a transaction through smart

contract wherein this rider information is put away in the format of structure.
Presently this solicitation is made apparent at the driver application end, the driver
supports the solicitation through the endorsement drawer, which thus calls a
function approveRequest which has driver information, location, vehicle permit no,
rider id, fare as params.

This information is again taken care of to the blockchain as a transaction and

gotten back to the rider, presently the rider has the driver information and other
data with respect to the trip.

Visualization of Decentralized Ride Sharing System

Above Figure portrays a peer to peer of riders and drivers in a space

associated by a blockchain.
Thus, the proposed android application is made to converse with blockchain
through transactions and user's information is shared with one another through this
interaction. A safe powerful method of ridesharing is laid out by coordinating these
cutting-edge technologies.

• Flowchart Used: -

Below Flowchart makes sense of the work process of the proposed blockchain
based ridesharing framework. The application software cycle begins with clients
making a rideshare demand also, follows till the rider again endorses one of the
drivers' demands lastly information is divided among these users.

The proposed diagram of P2P ride-sharing system

Result Discussion

Existing ride-sharing services, while functional and popular, can be further

developed in appropriate evaluating models, expanded security, transaction
transparency, and information security. Riders may communicate directly with
drivers through the blockchain's decentralized network, limiting the requirement for
additional charges.

People with a smartphone and safe contemporary cars have more greater
market open doors since there are no mediocre. The system proposed in this
project has attempted to achieve these.

The subsequent android application handles user ride sharing requests and
coordinates them with different drivers nearby. Users can help matched with their
peers through the matchmaking that the application gives which is conveyed over
a blockchain. The system which is sent over android stage is extremely easy to
use and users can book rides effectively, safely, and as fast as could really be

• Plan of Work (Blockchain-based Ride Sharing): - In this project, we need to

show how a blockchain can assist with executing one of the key rides sharing
cycles — charging adaptable sums relying upon the rental time frame.

Our model application will comprise of two main parts:

1. A smart contract.
2. A CosmJs dApp to permit gatherings to interface with the smart contract.

One of the critical components of any ride sharing service is Know Your Customer
(KYC) support.

KYC is a methodology in the financial services industry that expects to check

the identity of users to prevent financial crimes, money laundering, and other
business gambles.

In real-life applications, KYC administrations incorporate various checks to

confirm that a client is a genuine individual, isn't needed by authorities, doesn't
have unpaid depts, and so forth. KYC might incorporate check considering an ID
card, facial acknowledgment, biometrics, charging archives, and more. If clients
don't meet least KYC necessities, organizations can decline to work with them.
Since guaranteeing this multitude of prerequisites is tedious and challenging,
for our application, we'll supplant KYC with a part that essentially changes the
confirmation condition of a user yet doesn't perform genuine check. So here we
will just depict a possible KYC execution.

The main roles in our service are: -

• Car sharing service — A service that requires a customer’s KYC verification.
• KYC — A service that collects data from a customer, validates it, and may provide
it to other parties (like the Verifier).
• Customer — A party that uses car sharing services after passing KYC verification.
• Verifier — A subsystem of car sharing services that performs KYC verification for
KYC verification can be performed in six stages: -
1. Customer provides personal data to the KYC service.
2. KYC service validates the given data.
3. User allows verifier to access their personal data provided to the KYC service.
4. Customer registers in the car sharing service.
5. Verifier verifies the customer’s identity through the KYC service.
6. Verifier allows the customer to use the service.

KYC Verification Process

Regarding our above project discussion, peer-to-peer network is one of the

most complex innovations that we have today. What makes it much more
prominent is its connection with blockchain and the potential it holds concerning its
ease of use. However, it is similarly vital to be aware and comprehend that it may
not generally come to use for the right reasons because of such open and simple
admittance to a wide range of content. While it can be a possible argument that
this innovation should not be advanced, we as individuals should comprehend our
obligations as users while getting to online content.
The versatility of the system should be taken into thought, in the alpha stage a set of
clients' requests can be handled but with expanding traffic on the application large
numbers of the params should be modified dynamically aside from the blockchain
which itself is versatile and dynamic in nature and in core of the proposed solution. A
lot more application features can be conveyed in beta delivery where the application
executes a sensible cost proposing algorithm so the user can get insight into the price
range and compare it with what the drivers are suggesting.

The following could likewise be investigated in future: -

I) To investigate the technology from the standpoint of data processing because

blockchain technology is a trustless system that allows users to trust data.
Despite the fact that blockchain innovation works on improving overall quality
of data, it is basic to comprehend data processing abilities while associating the
blockchain with a more extensive software system.

II) Inspect data handling requests on blockchain stages.

Applying blockchain innovation to vehicle sharing permitted us to execute a believed
model for a car sharing service. Clients can be guaranteed they won't pay more than
they consented to and vehicle owners always get payment for rentals.

In our simple smart contract model, we demonstrated the way that installment
can be flexible: the client just pays for the use time frame and income goes directly to
the car's balance. Thanks to locking the customer's deposit payment before beginning
a rental, car owners are constantly rewarded when their vehicles are utilized. In the
case of an accident, the car owner will know who used the vehicle, as information
stored in the blockchain can't be changed and can be passed to third parties, such as
insurance companies.

The framework proposed in the project endeavored to decentralize ridesharing

services and prevailed to do as such to a degree. Benefits of decentralized stages
over centralized ones were accomplished by doing so. The conveyed P2P Android
Application gives ride sharing services along these lines like the predominant
organization services gives to its user base whenever checked out at in a shallow
way, interface and user experience is kept up with on a similar level as of the
customary ridesharing services though the center of the system is decentralized.
Users can demand for a shared ride or offer a ride with others bother free however
the proposed stage and subsequently the issue explanation that we started with was
tended to and settled in a solid, control free, versatile, non-vulnerable to crashes and
exceptionally easy to use way.


I) V. Buterin. Ethereum, April 2014.

II) “Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system”, Jan 2008 Journal.
III) “Decentralized Applications: The Blockchain-Empowered Software System”.
IEEE Access.
IV) “A Decentralized Application for Logistics: Using Blockchain in Real-World
Applications”.2018 Cyprus Review.
V) Blockchain Based Ride Sharing Decentralized App.
Site: - (
VI) Working of Peer-to-Peer Network.
Site: - (

VII) A Brief DataSet Used from Kaggle.

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