Colloidal Technology
Colloidal Technology
Colloidal Technology
Hydrogel-Based Colloidal Photonic Crystal Devices
for Glucose Sensing
Wenwei Tang 1 and Cheng Chen 2,3, *
1 Modern Service Department, College of International Vocational Education, Shanghai Polytechnic
University, Shanghai 201209, China;
2 School of Environmental and Materials Engineering, College of Engineering, Shanghai Polytechnic
University, Shanghai 201209, China
3 Research Center of Resource Recycling Science and Engineering, Shanghai Polytechnic University,
Shanghai 201209, China
* Correspondence:
Received: 5 February 2020; Accepted: 4 March 2020; Published: 9 March 2020
1. Introduction
In 1987, Yablonovitch and John proposed the concept of photonic crystals (PCs) based on the
properties of semiconductor crystals and electron band gaps [1,2]. As so-called metamaterials in
modern photonics, PCs possess specific periodic structures with different dielectric constants that
generate photonic band gaps (PBGs), and thus can manipulate the propagation of photons. Artificially
constructed PC materials have ordered structures in one, two, or three dimensions (1D, 2D, and 3D)
with different refractive indices. PCs can be fabricated by a “top-down” strategy that can usually obtain
a regular structure with few defects [3–5], whereas “bottom-up” approaches use nanoscale materials
to form specific units by aligning and assembling methods. Responsive PCs have tunable PBGs that
when induced by external stimuli could be fabricated by incorporating the response materials with
PCs. To achieve this, stimuli-responsive hydrogels are used as substrates that are coupled with the PC
structure according to specific needs.
Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by glucose, protein, fat, and other metabolic disorders
that occur due to hypofunction of islets of Langerhans and insufficient insulin secretion [6]. It also
causes serious complications, such as heart disease, renal failure, cerebrovascular disease, blindness,
and so on, which greatly endanger people0 s health. Accompanying the development of society, people0 s
eating habits have gradually diversified and their labor intensity has relatively reduced, causing an
increase in the diabetes population. It is important to monitor blood glucose (BG) concentrations for the
prevention as well as the therapy of diabetes. As BG in diabetics can undulate significantly throughout
the day, it should be monitored frequently. The commonly used self-analysis of BG levels requires a
tiny blood sample (<1 µL) obtained by a “finger-pricking” collection method; the glucose data should
be collected several times a day, which is inconvenient and discontinuous. Hydrogel-based responsive
PC materials are noninvasive options for glucose detection. Here, we briefly review glucose-sensing
materials and devices comprising hydrogels and colloidal photonic crystal (CPC) materials, which have
been extensively studied because of their unique optical properties and functionalities. The review is
organized as follows. The construction of 2D/3D CPCs and 2D/3D hydrogel-based CPCs (HCPCs) is
described in Section 2. Section 3 introduces the development and mechanisms of glucose-responsive
hydrogels and the achieved technologies of HCPC glucose sensors. A summary and perspective are
given in Section 4.
the substrate
Polymers 2020, 12,must
x FORbe flat,REVIEW
PEER clean, and chemically homogeneous to generate a high-quality array3with of 19
relatively large domain sizes greater than hundreds of micrometers. Therefore, HCP structures and
hundredsdefects often occur due
of micrometers. to the tiny
Therefore, HCPdifference in the
structures andGibbs
otherfree energy
defects between
often the two
occur due to thephases
(≤10 −3 RT per particle). Thus, planar stacking dislocations and polycrystalline structuresThus,
(mixtures of
difference in the Gibbs free energy between the two phases (≤10−3 RT per particle). planar
FCC and HCP) may occur when the assembly process is perturbed [19–22]. On
stacking dislocations and polycrystalline structures (mixtures of FCC and HCP) may occur when thethe other hand, for
NCP conditions,
assembly processthe is formed
perturbed CPC lattice morphology
[19–22]. On the othercould
an NCP
FCC structure with
conditions, thea formed
high volumeCPC
fraction of polymer colloids,
lattice morphology could bewhereas
an FCCthe body-centered-cubic
structure with a high (BCC)
volume structure
fractionwas observedcolloids,
of polymer at a low
whereasfraction of polymer colloids
the body-centered-cubic [23].structure
(BCC) The crystal
a lowFCC, and fraction
volume BCC areof illustrated
in Figure[23].
colloids 1. The crystal structures of HPC, FCC, and BCC are illustrated in Figure 1.
The typical
typicalopaline CPCs
opaline withwith
CPCs different colors colors
different are shown
are inshown
Figure in
The diffraction
1C. Thewavelengths
and the diffraction
wavelengths colors
and the are predicted
diffraction through
colors are Bragg’s
predicted law: Bragg’s law:
(NIR) regions. Until now, opaline CPCs were not expected to exhibit full PBGs; nevertheless, they were
easy to prepare,
Polymers and PEER
2020, 12, x FOR derived structures as well as functionalized devices were developed.
REVIEW 4 of 19
2.1.2. Inverted Opaline 3D CPCs
Theoretical studies
studiesshow show that thethe
that Brillouin zonezone
Brillouin of theofFCC thelattice
FCC structure is the most
lattice structure is spherical
the most
to form PBG. However, the resulting band gap of opaline CPCs is
spherical to form PBG. However, the resulting band gap of opaline CPCs is only a pseudo-gap. only a pseudo-gap. Fortunately,
they can still they
Fortunately, be used
can as templates
still be used to as create newtostructures,
templates create new and completeand
structures, band gaps (stop-bands)
complete band gaps
might be achieved.
(stop-bands) mightThe inverted opaline
be achieved. (inverse
The inverted opal (IO))
opaline structures
(inverse opal (IO))can be directly replicated
structures from
can be directly
replicated from materials by utilizing
opal-derived materials inorganic materials,
by utilizing suchmaterials,
inorganic as SiO2 , SiC, suchZrO , and
as 2SiO TiOZrO
2, SiC, 2 [26–28],
2, and
TiO polymers
2 [26–28], such as polyurethane
or polymers (PU) [29], which
such as polyurethane havewhich
(PU) [29], attracted
haveconsiderable interest ininterest
attracted considerable recent
years owing
in recent to their
years owing novel optical
to their noveland electronic
optical properties;
and electronic high specific
properties; highsurface
specificareas; andareas;
surface potential
applications in the realms
potential applications in theof PBG
realms materials, power sources,
of PBG materials, powerand catalysts.
sources, and catalysts.
As shown
Figure 2A,B, the inversion
2A,B, the inversion of opaline structures
of opaline involves
structures the infiltration
involves and removal
the infiltration and
of the opaline templates. The interstices between the colloids are first filled
removal of the opaline templates. The interstices between the colloids are first filled with different with different solutions or
solutions orthat have thethat
precursors crucialhaverole
matrices,roleand then the colloids
of matrices, and then aretheremoved
colloidsby dissolution
are removed by or
dissolution while leaving air
or calcination, voids
while in the air
leaving matrices,
voids inandthethematrices,
resultingand systems are also systems
the resulting CPCs. However,
are also
CPCs.are difficulties
However, associated
there with forming
are difficulties ordered
associated inverse
with opalsordered
forming using this method.
inverse opalsForusing
the fillingFor
method. volume is limited
instance, owing
the filling to the is
volume close-packed
limited owing structure
to the of the CPC templates,
close-packed structureand several
of the CPC
templates, cycles are required
and several to produce
infiltration cyclesaarehomogeneous,
required to robust
produce inverted opaline structure
a homogeneous, robustdue to the
opaline structure character
due toofthe polymer-based
hydrophobicCPC templates
character [30].
of polymer-based CPC templates [30].
Figure 2. (A)Schematic
2. (A) Schematicdiagram
fabricationof of inverse
inverse opals;
opals; (B)(B)
of TiO 2 inverse
2 inverse opalopal
(C) (C) an optical
an optical photograph
photograph of of a 2DCPC
a 2D CPCprepared
preparedby byspin
spin coating;
coating; (D)
(D) high-resolution
high-resolution SEMSEM
photographs of of an
an NCP
CPC [31];
imagesof ofan
Ag22SS nanonet
nanonet derived
derived from
from 2D2D CPCs
CPCs asas aa
template [32]; (F) schematic representation of various forces and interaction motifs for
template [32]; (F) schematic representation of various forces and interaction motifs for colloidal colloidal particles
particlesself-assembly [33]; (G) angle-independent
during self-assembly dragon patterns
[33]; (G) angle-independent dragonon polyethylene glycol terephthalate
patterns on polyethylene glycol
(PET) film by spray
terephthalate (PET)coating
film by(scale bar coating
spray is 5 cm) (scale
[34]; (H)
bar2DisCPC prepared
5 cm) by the
[34]; (H) 2Droll-to-roll
CPC preparedmethod by[35].
roll-to-roll method [35].
2.1.3. 2D CPCs
Different to 3D CPCs, colloids that are self-assembled in the planar direction result in a
monolayer structure, and are thus called 2D CPCs. The commonly used self-assembly methods for
Polymers 2020, 12, 625 5 of 18
2.1.3. D CPCs
Different to 3D CPCs, colloids that are self-assembled in the planar direction result in a monolayer
structure, and are thus called 2D CPCs. The commonly used self-assembly methods for preparing
2D CPCs are spin coating and interface spreading. Spin coating is a process where colloidal particle
suspensions are spread on a substrate at a high shear rate, and colloids are rapidly and densely
assembled on the surface of the substrate material under the action of centrifugal force with the
rapid volatilization of suspension solvents. It was verified that the regularity and stacking layers
of CPCs obtained by spin coating are mainly affected by factors such as rotation speed, suspension
concentration, affinity between substrate and solvent, etc. [36].
Interface spreading first injects the solvent dispersed colloids into the surface of the substrate
material; a monolayer film with regular arrangement can be formed at the gas–liquid or liquid–liquid
interface due to the surface tension difference. The self-assembly behavior of spherical colloid
suspensions was first studied in 1954 [37]. On this basis, assemblies of single-layer CPCs were
obtained by spreading colloids on a horizontal substrate [38]. During the spreading process of colloids,
continuous solvent evaporation caused the originally randomly dispersed colloids to spontaneously
aggregate under the co-effects of capillary force and convection transmission to form a close-packed
arranged monolayer structure. Next, a new method to continuously form hexagonal close-packed
high-quality 2D CPCs on a vertical substrate was developed [39]. This method utilized Marangoni
effects: with the gradient surface tension, the solvent spread rapidly on the liquid surface, driving
colloids to disperse and spread rapidly outward at the interface at the same time, thus forming densely
packed and long-range-ordered monolayer crystals [40]. Besides, other feasible self-assembly methods,
such as injection or roll-to-roll printing, can be used to prepare 2D CPCs in a large area with bright
iridescent structural colors [35,41,42]. Moreover, a 2D CPC with IO structure could also be obtained by
etching of colloids: an Ag2 S self-supporting nanonet film (Figure 2E) was prepared on a large scale by
gas–liquid interface etching combined with a gas diffusion reaction. The mesh of the film has a regular
and orderly periodic structure, so it has the characteristics of a 2D CPC [32].
properties. For isotropic changes, such as the scattering ability of the CPC being affected by the size
change of the colloids, the diffraction intensity could be tuned. Combination methods of HCPCs with
Polymers styles
2020, 12, xare
FORillustrated in Figure 3.
Based on these methods, a series of HCPC-sensing materials were developed in the past 25 years
Based on these methods, a series of HCPC-sensing materials were developed in the past 25
since Asher’s pioneering work [47]. This first HCPC optical material comprises a 3D NPC CPC
years since Asher’s pioneering work [47]. This first HCPC optical material comprises a 3D NPC CPC
of 150 nm PS colloids embedded in hydrogel via UV polymerization, and the hydrogel comprises
of 150 nm PS colloids embedded in hydrogel via UV polymerization, and the hydrogel comprises a
a co-monomer of N-vinylpyrrolidone and acrylamide, and N,N’methylenebis(acry1amide) as a
co-monomer of N-vinylpyrrolidone and acrylamide, and N,N’methylenebis(acry1amide) as a
cross-linker. The diffraction color of the HCPC could be shifted by applying a uniaxial strain to the
cross-linker. The diffraction color of the HCPC could be shifted by applying a uniaxial strain to the
HCPC film. Moreover, by removing the CPC from the HCPC, the IO HCPC could be obtained, which
HCPC film. Moreover, by removing the CPC from the HCPC, the IO HCPC could be obtained,
provides a larger VPT as the colloid voids are replaced by water [48]. As the NPC CPC is formed by
which provides a larger VPT as the colloid voids are replaced by water [48]. As the NPC CPC is
self-assembly, which relies on the electrostatic repulsion of the colloids to form a 3D periodic structure,
formed by self-assembly, which relies on the electrostatic repulsion of the colloids to form a 3D
it is very sensitive to ions. A tiny amount of ionic impurity will disturb the meta-stable CPC array,
periodic structure, it is very sensitive to ions. A tiny amount of ionic impurity will disturb the
and thus the monomers for HCPC preparation are limited to nonionic. To conquer this, physically
meta-stable CPC array, and thus the monomers for HCPC preparation are limited to nonionic. To
cross-linked poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) hydrogel was utilized to form HCPCs [49,50], and then ionic
conquer this, physically cross-linked poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) hydrogel was utilized to form
hydrogels could be added to the system by secondary UV polymerization [51]. Optionally, the PVA
HCPCs [49,50], and then ionic hydrogels could be added to the system by secondary UV
could be dissolved through thermal treatment and the ionic HCPC maintained [52].
polymerization [51]. Optionally, the PVA could be dissolved through thermal treatment and the
So far, HCPCs have become a hot spot in the research field of photonic materials due to their
ionic HCPC maintained [52].
great application potential in biological separation, bionic materials, environmental detection, medical
So far, HCPCs have become a hot spot in the research field of photonic materials due to their
diagnosis, displays, anti-counterfeiting, various chemical or physical sensors, and other fields.
great application potential in biological separation, bionic materials, environmental detection,
medical diagnosis, displays, anti-counterfeiting, various chemical or physical sensors, and other
In actuality, this reaction can be divided into a reductive and an oxidative step, as shown in Figure 4.
In the reductive half reaction, GOx catalyzes the oxidation of β-D-glucose to D-glucono-δ-lactone, which
is non-enzymatically hydrolyzed to gluconic acid. Subsequently, the flavine adenine dinucucleotide
(FAD) ring of GOx is reduced to FADH2 . In the oxidative half reaction, the reduced GOx is reoxidized by
oxygen to produce H2 O2 , which can be decomposed into water and oxygen by catalase [54]. Although
the sensitivity was improved by further research [55], the utility of the GOx HCPC for measuring
glucose was limited because of (1) the short usage due to the storage difficulty and irreversible reaction
of GOx; (2) its failure at high ionic strength; and (3) its response was also dependent on the concentration
of oxygen, accompanying the production of H2 O2 , which could be problematic for many applications.
response to certain stimuli. For the glucose-sensing purpose, glucose-sensitive hydrogels are used as
the matrices of HCPCs. Glucose-sensitive hydrogels are hydrogels that can recognize glucose
molecules in the environment and swell/shrink according to the glucose concentration.
Glucose-sensitive HCPCs can be mainly divided into three types due to their sensitive mechanisms:
Polymers oxidase
12, 625(GOx)-immobilized HCPC, concanavalin A (Con A)-containing HCPC, and boronic 8 of 18
acid (BA)-derived HCPC.
4. An
Figure 4. An illustration
illustration of
of the
the mechanisms
mechanisms of glucose response: (A) (A) reaction between GOx and
glucose [53];
[54]; (B)
bindingbyby Con
Con A [56];
A [54]; (C) (C) boronate–glucose
boronate–glucose complex
complex [55]. [57].
(D) Glucose
Glucose concentration
concentration change
change resulted
resulted in in
anan osmotic
osmotic pressurethat
pressure thatcaused
hydrogeltoto swell,
which red-shifted
red-shifted the
the Bragg
Bragg diffraction
diffraction wavelength
Similar to Con A, a borax competitive binding glucose-sensing HCPC that could respond to
blood glucose was proposed [61]. Glucose competes with the binding of PVA diols to borate ions.
The diffraction wavelength blue-shifted ~62 nm when the glucose concentration increased from 0 to
40 mM. Although this sensor showed a good sensing range for glucose in PBS, there was little response
to glucose at physiological pH due to the low affinity of boric acid and glucose; the effective pKa for
boric acid within the hydrogel was ~8.4, thus being unsuitable for in vivo monitoring applications.
The most investigated functional sensing unit for glucose is phenylboronic acid (PBA), which
can form reversible covalent complexes with molecules containing OH groups. As a Lewis acid, PBA
exists in aqueous solution in two forms: charged tetrahedral boronate and uncharged trigonal BA.
The ionized PBA can stably bind with glucose molecules, whereas the uncharged trigonal PBA-glucose
complex is unstable at a given pH value [62]. An increasing concentration of glucose drives the
formation of dynamic covalent bonds and generates PBA-glucose complexation, which effectively
reduces the pKa of the trigonal BA. This dynamic equilibrium allows more glucose to bind to the
PBA-functionalized hydrogel, and as a result, the hydrogel swells.
Following this, the 3-aminophenyl-boronic acid (APBA) pendent group was grafted into the
backbone of PAM with the help of 1-[3-(dimethylamino) propyl]-3-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride
(EDC) [63]. This PBA-modified PAM HCPC showed a red-shift of the diffraction peak with the
increasing concentration of glucose in Tris buffer at pH 8.5. However, the sensor became unresponsive
to glucose at pH < 7 and pH > 9.5 as all of the boronic acids titrate to boronates and the sensor swells.
Thus, this sensor only worked at low ionic strength. Nevertheless, it was the first time that the HCPC
was proved to generate a distinguishable color change according to glucose concentration.
To solve the ionic problem, a poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-functionalized HCPC was then developed
with improved ionic stability, which could be operated at physiological pH and ion strength [64].
Glucose binding caused the formation of a supramolecular bis-bidentate glucose–boronic acid complex,
which was stabilized by PEG and sodium cations. A two-way response of glucose was observed:
(1) At low glucose concentrations, the glucose cross-linked two boronates and the PEG moieties
localized the cations close to the BA. Thus, the complex between glucose and the two boronates was
electrostatically stabilized, resulting in the shrinkage of the HCPC, and the diffraction blue-shifted.
(2) At high glucose concentrations, the cross-linking of glucose and boronates dissolved due to the
saturation of the boronate sites. Consequently, the HCPC swelled and the diffraction red-shifted.
This work further clarified the mechanism of VPT in the glucose response process of PBA-HCPCs,
and it also demonstrated the potential for in vivo glucose monitoring by such photonic materials.
However, the data could be easily confused as the diffraction wavelength shift was not monotone.
Meanwhile, an APBA-functionalized poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA) IO HCPC was
developed to enhance the sensing ability. The IO structure ensured the response to glucose at both
low and high ion concentration as well as a faster response time [65]. It was also reported that
poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) and PBA were copolymerized to make an IO HCPC that
was dual-sensitive to thermal and glucose stimuli, which provides a wide range of ideas for future
researchers [66].
Subsequently, 4-amino-3-fluorophenylboronic acid (AFPBA) with low pKa was utilized as the
molecular recognition element for further improving the sensitivity and selectivity of the glucose
response, and the HCPC could respond to glucose concentrations of 0–40 mM with detection limits
of approximately 1 µM in artificial tear fluid (ATF) [58]. A comparison of glucose-sensing properties
could be found in Table 1. The HCPC sensor had good anti-interference performance against other
sugars and the major components in ATF. The demonstrated low sensing range is suitable not only
for sensing subcutaneous glucose levels, but also for measuring tear glucose levels (0.16 ± 0.03 mM
mean in normal individuals, and 0.35 ± 0.04 mM mean in diabetics) [67,68]. Thus, a wearable contact
lens glucose sensor with colorimetric measurement was successfully proposed. Recent research works
incorporated molecular imprinting technology to improve the specific recognition of glucose molecules,
and thus improve the sensitivity and accuracy of the sensor [69–72].
Polymers 2020, 12, 625 10 of 18
Table 1. Glucose-sensing properties of early reported HCPCs with different response mechanisms.
where λlaser is the incident wavelength, d is the nearest neighboring colloids’ spacing, h is the distance
between the 2D CPC sample and the screen, and D is the diameter of the Debye diffraction ring on
the screen.
The advantages of 2D HCPC-sensing devices mainly include (1) independent fabrication of 2D
CPCs and hydrogels, as the monolayered colloid arrays could be either attached onto the hydrogel
surfaces or embedded into the hydrogel during polymerization; (2) the response of the sensing device
could be determined by measuring the Debye ring instead of using a fiber spectrometer; and (3) the
readout of the 2D HCPC-sensing device is reliable since the diffracted light from the 2D structure is not
affected by the change in refractive index during measurement [75].
The potential for glucose sensing by 2D HCPC devices has been investigated since the technology
for the preparation of 2D CPCs on a large scale was developed. For a glucose-sensing motif, a highly
selective glucose-sensing protein 2D HCPC was reported that can shrink due to protein conformational
change induced by ligand binding [76]. Although the mechanism of this technology is different from that
of the above-mentioned methods, the preparation time and response time for such a device was too long
for point-of-care detection. In view of the diversity of glucose sources in the human body, in addition
Polymers 2020, 12, 625 11 of 18
to BG sensing, there are also different studies on the detection of glucose in urine, tear fluid, saliva, etc.,
which also made significant progress. A 2D HCPC with APBA-modified polyacrylamide-co-acrylic
acid (PAM-AA) hydrogel for urine glucose sensing was reported, which can avoid the urine-interfering
elements, but the diffraction color change could not be distinguished at low glucose concentration [77].
Following this, research with improved color response was reported for clinical urine sample tests [78].
A 2D HCPC tear glucose sensor was prepared, which exhibited rapid response to glucose and reached
binding equilibrium within 3 min, and the structure color of the sensor shifted from red to green as
the glucose changed from 0 to 20 mM. However, the response in the physiological range could not be
distinguished by the naked eye, which limited its application for in vitro sensing [79]. Another 2D
HCPC glucose sensor utilized 4-boronobenzaldehyde (4-BBA)-functionalized PVA hydrogel as the
sensing matrix, ensuring the high ionic sensing of glucose under physiological concentrations [80].
Such a device indicates hyperglycemia as its diffraction color changes from red to yellow, and even
to green in ATF, and the sensing process is fully reversible, as shown in Figure 5C. Similarly, an
APBA-PAM-PVA system was utilized with an Au colloid array that improves the diffraction efficiency,
as shown in Figure 5D–F; interestingly, this 2D HCPC device showed good linearity and only red-shift
was observed as the glucose concentration increased [81]. The comparison of glucose-sensing properties
of Polymers
2D HCPCs could
2020, 12, bePEER
x FOR found in Table 2.
REVIEW 11 of 19
Figure5. (A) Comparison
5. (A) Comparison between
between 3D and 2D HCPCs:
3D and 2D HCPCs:3D HCPCs are formed
3D HCPCs by cross-linking
are formed hydrogel
by cross-linking
networks networks
a 3D around
colloid a array,
3D colloid array,
whereas 2Dwhereas 2D HCPC-sensing
HCPC-sensing devices are devices
formed arebyformed by a
attaching a 2D CPC onto a hydrogel containing functionalized recognition
2D CPC onto a hydrogel containing functionalized recognition groups. (B) Debye diffraction ring groups. (B) Debye
diffraction ring (i)
characterization: characterization:
the photograph (i) shows
the photograph
the Debye shows the Debye
diffraction ring diffraction ring resulting
resulting from a 2D CPCfromunder
445a nm
2D CPC under 445
wavelength nmlight,
laser wavelength
and (ii)laser light, and
a schematic (ii) a schematic
diagram of Debyediagram of Debye
diffraction diffraction
ring detection [74].
(C)ring detectionspacing
Interparticle [74]. (C) Interparticle
change of a 2D HCPCspacingwithchange
differentof glucose
a 2D HCPC with different
concentrations; glucose
the photographs
show the photographscolor
that the forward-diffraction showchanged
that the from
forward-diffraction color changed
red, through yellow, to green,from red,inset
and the through
yellow, to green, and the inset shows a linear stop-band shifting with the increasing
a linear stop-band shifting with the increasing glucose concentration (0.1−0.6 mM) [80]. Photographs of glucose
2D Au CPC and (0.1−0.6 mM)
(E) 2D Au[80].
that showedof (D)
Au CPC and (E) 2D (F)
efficiency. Au Glucose
HCPC that showed
high diffraction efficiency. (F) Glucose concentration dependence of the
dependence of the diffraction wavelength of the 2D Au APBA -PAM-PVA HCPC device; inset shows diffraction wavelength of
the 2D Au APBA -PAM-PVA HCPC device; inset shows photographs of the 2D HCPC film at
photographs of the 2D HCPC film at different glucose concentrations [81].
different glucose concentrations [81].
Figure 6. Figure
(A,B) Photographs of structuralcolored
of structural colored PHEMA
contactlenses [88]. (C)
lenses Photograph
[88]. of a
(C) Photograph of a
rabbit wearing a structurally colored contact lens sensor [92]. (D) Diagram and photograph (insert)
rabbit wearing a structurally colored contact lens sensor [92]. (D) Diagram and photograph (insert) of
of a HCPC contact lens [6]. (E) The response of a PVA HCPC contact lens at low glucose
a HCPC contact lens [6].
concentration; insert(E) Thea response
shows photographof ofathe
colorHCPC contact
changed lens[93].
lens sample at low glucose concentration;
insert shows a photograph of the color changed lens sample [93].
Polymers 2020, 12, 625 13 of 18
For glucose detection purposes, a contact lens-based 3D HCPC glucose sensor was developed
using PVA physical hydrogel. The initially reported HCPC contact lens was physically cross-linked by
the PVA/PEG system covered on a rigid PMMA polymer contact lens. In this design, the PVA/PEG
could offer an anti-fouling layer for the penetration of glucose, thus improving the sensitivity to
glucose, and the glucose-sensing property was approached by modifying the hydrogel with 4-BBA [6].
A prototype of such a lens is shown in Figure 6D. Figure 6E states the diffraction wavelength shift at a
relatively low glucose concentration [93].
In the range from 0 to 1 mM that covers tear glucose concentration, there is an approximate linear
correlation between glucose concentration and diffraction wavelength. However, the sensing ability
was limited because the volume change of the hydrogel was restricted by the rigid lens; the parameters
of the contact lens are customized according to the corneal curvature of 4-month-old New Zealand
rabbits, with a curvature of 7.3, and fit with the corneal surface. Despite the exciting design, it remains
difficult to measure glucose concentrations in tears using contact lenses. Because of the very low
amount of glucose present in healthy control subjects (3.59 mM) and in diabetic subjects (4.69 mM),
the tear glucose levels measured appear to vary with the volume of the aqueous tear fraction collected.
This kind of contact lens with structural color has the advantage of high color saturation without
dizziness, which implies its possible use in healthcare sensing and functional visual regulation. It is
expected that with a certain structural color between red and green, the contact lens can play a role in
color separation and discrimination of color difference for color-blind patients.
the family prevention and treatment of diabetes. Real-time detection of glucose levels in saliva could
also be a possible breakthrough point for HCPC research. Although there is no CPC device for color
detection of saliva glucose at present, saliva glucose has the advantage of high correlation with blood
glucose, while other body fluids have a lag-of-time relative to blood glucose.
Contact lenses with structural color also provide an option for the development of dynamic
sensing devices. Existing attempts include the combination of sensitive HCPCs with rigid lenses
for glucose sensing and the in situ preparation of structural color HCPC lenses for drug release or
intraocular pressure detection. Dynamic glucose sensing with contact lenses could be realized by
utilizing molecularly imprinted technology, and excellent biocompatibility of the selected hydrogel
materials must be a prerequisite.
Photonic structures exist in many natural beings, and bionics has become a hot spot for CPC
research [103]. Recent studies on biomimicking chameleon skin showed that CPC structures might have
more potential applications in military, biomedicine, electroskin, and smart wearable devices [104,105].
Moreover, with the development of material science and technology, especially 3D/4D printing
technology [106], there may be more potential for the development of new structures of CPCs.
Combined with self-healable or biocompatible hydrogels [107,108], multi-sensitive and renewable
HCPCs can be obtained via self-healing processes, and the future design of CPC glucose biosensors
still has an exciting future.
Author Contributions: W.T. wrote the review under the supervision of C.C. All authors have read and agreed to
the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by the key subject of Shanghai Polytechnic University (XXKZD1601,
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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