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E-Tender for

Data Center Design and Construction

Export-Import Bank of India

E-Tender Reference No: EXIM/RFP/2019-20/080

Head Office: Center One Building, 21st Floor, World Trade Centre Complex, Cuffe Parade,

Mumbai – 400 005


1. Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM Bank), a corporation established under the Act Export-
Import Bank of India, 1981 and having its registered office at 21st Floor, World Trade Centre
Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005 invites bids from eligible bidders for “Data Center
Design and Construction” for Export-Import Bank of India”.

2. The mode of tendering is through e-Tendering. E-Tendering is the process by which the
physical tendering activity is carried out using internet and associated technologies in a
faster and secure environment.

3. Vendor registration can be done online by opening Website:

https://eximbankindiatenders.procuretiger.com Click on “New Bidder Registration” link,
create User Id and Password and attach your Digital certificate.

4. Tender document will be allowed for download from above web site after successful vendor
registration (hard copies of the tender document will not be provided) and submission of
tender document cost.


e-Procurement Technologies Limited

A- 801 – Wall Street - II,
Opposite Orient Club,
Nr. Gujarat College, Ellis Bridge,
Ahmedabad – 380 006.
Gujarat State, India

Phone: +91 (79) 68136820/29/31/35/40/43/52/53/57/59/63

Fax: +91 (79) 40230847

Email Ids: support@auctiontiger.net

6. EXIM Bank reserves the right to accept or reject in part or full any or all the offers without
assigning any reasons there for.

Tender Document for Data Center Design and Construction for Exim
Tender Reference No. EXIM/RFP/2019-20/080
Tender Document Cost. ₹ 10,000/- (Non-refundable) (Demand Draft
(DD) in favor of “Export-Import Bank of India”
payable at Mumbai.
EMD Amount ₹ 5,00,000/-
Last date for acceptance of E-Tender March 28,2020 5:00 PM
Document Cost, IP Agreement, EMD Amount
Place of Submission of DD and IP Agreement Export Import Bank of India,
original document. Center One Building, 21st Floor, World Trade
Centre Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005
Date of Online Notice March 06, 2020 5:00 PM
Date of Pre bid meeting March 13, 2020 11:00 AM – 11:59 AM
Document Downloading Start Date March 06, 2020 5:00 PM
Document Downloading End Date March 26,2020 5:00 PM
Last Date and Time For March 28,2020 5:00 PM
Opening of Tender March 30,2020 11:00 AM
Address for communication As above Ph. 022-22172600, Ext: - 2410/2446
E-Mail: dharmendra@eximbankindia.in,
Place of Receipt of E-Tender https://eximbankindiatenders.procuretiger.co

Note: Commercial bids will be opened online only. E-Tendering is the simulation of the
manual tendering process on the internet. I.e. the eligible Bidders / Service Providers can
log on to the internet site specified using a unique username and password and place
their Technical & Commercial bids.
The eligible Bidders will be trained by M/s e-Procurement Technologies Ltd. (Abc Procure)
personnel on the methodology of submitting the bids online using a special digital
signature / electronic key / password at the date and time specified. The bids placed by
the Bidders are confidential and will be opened by the authorized EXIM Bank officials. No
other person can gain access to the information regarding the bids, which is confidential
and encrypted in nature.
Minimum requirement for e-tender participation:

1. Computer / Laptop with internet connection.

2. Operating system – Windows 7/ Windows 10.
3. Digital certificate - Class II or III, signing + Encryption, and it should be organizational
certificate only.
4. Vendor registration can be done online by opening Website:
https://eximbankindiatenders.procuretiger.com Click on “New Bidder Registration” link,
create User Id and Password and attach your Digital certificate.

For any clarification on technical support kindly contact –

E-Procurement Technologies
Limited 801 – Wall Street – II
Opposite Orient Club near Gujarat College,
Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad – 380 006
Gujarat, India
Phone: +91 (79) 68136820/29/31/35/40/43/52/53/57/59/63
Fax: +91 (79) 40230847

For any clarification on Bill of Material / lay out/ DC Design / UPS System/ Network Kindly contact –

CORE DESIGNS (Consultant firm for DC Design and Construction)

301/ 302, Riddhi Siddhi Bldg.,

opposite Sahkar Cinema, Tilak Nagar,
Chembur (W), Mumbai - 400089.
Email: girish.patil@coregroupindia.co.in
Cell. No. : +91 98203 54870 / 099209 95522 / 082912 95762

Export Import Bank Of India

Centre One Building, Floor 21, World

Trade Centre Complex, Cuffe Parade,
Mumbai 400 005
Email : mahesh.b@eximbankindia.in
Cell Number : 08879996541
Mandatory information required for pre-qualification of the Bidder

I/We confirm that to the best of our knowledge this information is authentic and accept
that any deliberate concealment will amount to disqualification at any stage.

Sr. No. Particulars Details

1. Name of the Firm
2.Name of the Proprietor,
A (Mobile No.)
B (Mobile No.)
3. Office Telephone Nos.
4. Head Office Address

5. Email Address
6. Year of Establishment
7. Registration No. and Date of
8. Status of the firm
9. Name of Bankers a.
10. PAN Card No.
11. GST No.

Seal and Signature of the document to be uploaded on the E-tender portal.


1. Bids shall be submitted online only at website:

2. The bidders can enroll themselves on the website:
https://eximbankindiatenders.procuretiger.com/. Possession of a Valid Class II/III Digital
Signature Certificate (DSC) in the form of smart card/e-token in the Company's name is a
prerequisite for registration and participating in the bid submission activities through this
web site.
3. The tenderers should have Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for filling up the Bids. The
person signing the tender documents should be authorized for submitting the on line e-
4. Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document carefully to
understand the documents required to be submitted as part of the bid.
5. Bidder, in advance, should get ready the bid documents to be submitted as indicated in the
tender document / schedule and generally, they can be in PDF / XLS / RAR / DWF/JPG
formats. Bid documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option which
helps in reducing size of the scanned document.
6. Please Make sure all format asked as per Sr No 4 and 5 of tender document are properly
uploaded online Website for E-Procurement
7. This Invitation for Bids is open to all Original Manufacturers/ their Authorized Dealers/
vendors / suppliers to quote on their behalf for this tender as per Manufacturer’s
Authorization Form and Indian Agents of Foreign Principals, if any who possess the qualifying
requirements as specified in the Tender. Any person signing a Tender shall submit
documentary evidence that his signature on the Tender, submitted by him, is legally binding
upon himself, his firm. If it is detected that the person so signing the Tender has no authority
to do so, the General Manager, Exim Bank may, without prejudice to other civil and criminal
remedies, not consider the Tender and hold the signatory liable for all costs and damages.
Bidders should not be associated, or have been associated in the past, directly or indirectly,
with a firm or any of its affiliates which have been engaged by the Purchaser to provide
consulting services for the preparation of the design, specifications, and other documents to
be used for the procurement of the goods to be purchased under this Invitation of Bids. The
bidder or his agent must have an office in India. That the Bidder will assume total
responsibility for the fault-free operation of equipment, application software, if any, and
maintenance during the warranty period and provide necessary maintenance services after
end of warranty period if required. Bidders who meet the criteria given above are subject to
be disqualified, if they have made untrue or false representation in the forms, statements
and attachments submitted in poof of the qualification requirements or have a record of
poor performance, not properly completing the contract, inordinate delays in completion or
financial failure, etc. The Bidder should be a manufacturer or their dealer specifically
authorized by the manufacturer to quote on their behalf of this tender as per manufacturer
authorization form and Indian agents of foreign principals, if any who must have designed,
manufactured, tested and supplied the equipment(s) similar to the type specified in the
“Technical Specification”. Such equipment must be of the most recent series/models
incorporating the latest improvements in design. The models should be in successful
operation for at least one year as on date of Bid Opening in India and is engaged in R&D


1. As per Public Procurement policy (PPP) for Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order,
2012 issued vide Gazette Notification dated 23.03.2012 by Ministry of Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprises of Govt. of India, MSEs must be registered with any of the
following in order to avail the benefits / preference available vide Public Procurement
Policy MSEs Order, 2012.
a) District Industries Centers (DIC)
b)Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC)
c) Khadi and Village Industries Board
d) Coir Board
e) National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC)
f) Directorate of Handicraft and Handloom
g) Any other body specified by Ministry of MSME (MoMSME)
h) Udyog Aadhaar Acknowledgment/Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum issued by

2. MSEs participating in the tender must submit valid & authorized copy of certificate of
registration with any one of the above agencies. In case of bidders submitting DIC
registration certificate shall attach original notarized copy of the DIC certificate. The
MSE’s Bidder to note and ensure that nature of services and goods/items
manufactured mentioned in MSE’s certificate matches with the nature of the services
and goods /items to be supplied as per Tender.

3. The registration certificate issued from any one of the above agencies must be valid as
on Bid closing date of the tender. Bidder shall ensure validity of registration
certificate in case bid closing date is extended.

4. The MSMEs who have applied for registration or renewal of registration with any of
the above agencies/bodies, but have not obtained the valid certificate as on close
date of the tender, are not eligible for exemption/preference.

5. TheMSMEs registered with above mentioned agencies /bodies are exempted from
payment of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) & tender fees.

6. Relaxation of Norms for Micro & Small Enterprises (MSMEs):

a. Pre-qualification criteria with respect to Prior Turnover and Prior experience

may be relaxed for Micro & Small Enterprises as per GOI guidelines
subject to meeting of quality and technical specifications.
b. However, there may be circumstances like procurement of items/services
related to public safety, health, critical security operations and equipment,
etc., wherein EXIM Bank reserves the right to not consider relaxation of
Prior Turnover and Prior Experience for Micro and Small Enterprises as per
GOI guidelines.


The Bidder is required to give confirmation of their acceptance of the General Conditions of the
Request for Proposal mentioned below which will automatically be considered as part of the
Contract concluded with the successful Bidder (i.e. Seller in the Contract) as selected by the
Buyer. Failure to do so may result in rejection of the Bid submitted by the Bidder.
1. Law: The Contract shall be considered and made in accordance with the laws of the
Republic of India. The contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the
laws of the Republic of India.
2. Effective Date of the Contract: The contract shall come into effect on the date of
signatures of both the parties on the contract (Effective Date) and shall remain valid until
the completion of the obligations of the parties under the contract. The deliveries and
supplies and performance of the services shall commence from the effective date of the
3. Standard Arbitration Clause: All disputes or differences arising out of or in connection with
the present contract including the one connected with the validity of the present contract
or any part thereof, should be settled by bilateral discussions. Any dispute, disagreement of
question arising out of or relating to this contract or relating to construction or
performance (except as to any matter the decision or determination whereof is provided
for by these conditions),which cannot be settled amicably, shall within sixty (60) days or
such longer period as may be mutually agreed upon, from the date on which either party
informs the other in writing by a notice that such dispute, disagreement or question exists,
will be referred to a sole Arbitrator. Within sixty (60) days of the receipt of the said notice,
an arbitrator shall be nominated in writing by the authority agreed upon by the parties. The
sole Arbitrator shall have its seat in Mumbai or such other place in India as may be
mutually agreed to between the parties. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted
under the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the award of such Arbitration
Tribunal shall be enforceable in Indian Courts only. Each party shall bear its own cost of
preparing and presenting its case. The cost of arbitration including the fees and expenses
shall be shared equally by the parties, unless otherwise awarded by the sole arbitrator.
The parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under this contract
during the pendency of the arbitration proceedings except in so far as such obligations are
the subject matter of the said arbitration proceedings.

(Note - In the event of the parties deciding to refer the dispute/s for adjudication to an
Arbitral Tribunal then one arbitrator each will be appointed by each party and the case will
be referred to the Indian Council of Arbitration (ICADR) for nomination of the third
arbitrator. The fees of the arbitrator appointed by the parties shall be borne by each party
and the fees of the third arbitrator, if appointed, shall be equally shared by the buyer and

4. Penalty for use of Undue influence: The Seller undertakes that he has not given, offered or
promised to give, directly or indirectly, any gift, consideration, reward, commission, fees,
brokerage or inducement to any person in service of the Buyer or otherwise in procuring
the Contracts or forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to do any act in relation to
the obtaining or execution of the present Contract or any other Contract with the Export-
Import Bank of India. Giving or offering of any gift, bribe or inducement or any attempt at
any such act on behalf of the Seller towards any officer/employee of the Buyer or to any
other person in a position to influence any officer/employee of the Buyer for showing any
favour in relation to this or any other contract, shall render the Seller to such liability/
penalty as the Buyer may deem proper, including but not limited to termination of the
contract, imposition of penal damages, forfeiture of the Bank Guarantee and refund of the
amounts paid by the Buyer.

5. Non-disclosure of Contract documents: Except with the written consent of the Buyer/
Seller, other party shall not disclose the contract or any provision, specification, plan,
design, pattern, sample or information thereof to any third party.
6. Liquidated Damages: In the event of the Seller's failure to submit the Bonds, Guarantees
and Documents, supply the stores/goods and conduct trials, installation of equipment,
training, etc. as specified in this contract, the Buyer may, at his discretion, withhold any
payment until the completion of the contract. The BUYER may also deduct from the SELLER
as agreed, liquidated damages to the sum of 0.5% of the contract price of the
delayed/undelivered stores/services mentioned above for every week of delay or part of a
week, subject to the maximum value of the Liquidated Damages being not higher than 10%
of the value of delayed stores/services.
7. Termination of Contract: The Buyer shall have the right to terminate this Contract in part
or in full in any of the following cases:
(a) The Seller is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent.
(b) The Buyer has noticed that the Seller has utilised the services of any
Indian/Foreign agent in getting this contract and paid any commission to such
individual/company etc.
(c) With mutual agreement
(d) As per decision of the Arbitration Tribunal.

8. Notices: Any notice required or permitted by the contract shall be written in the English
language and may be delivered personally or may be sent by FAX or registered pre-paid
mail/airmail or email, addressed to the last known address of the party to whom it is
9. Patents and other Industrial Property Rights: The prices stated in the present Contract
shall be deemed to include all amounts payable for the use of patents, copyrights,
registered charges, trademarks and payments for any other industrial property
rights. The Seller shall indemnify the Buyer against all claims from a third party at any
time on account of the infringement of any or all the rights mentioned in the
previous paragraphs, whether such claims arise in respect of manufacture or use.
The Seller shall be responsible for the completion of the supplies including spares,
tools, technical literature and training aggregates irrespective of the fact of
infringement of the supplies, irrespective of the fact of infringement of any or all the
rights mentioned above.

10. Amendments: No provision of present Contract shall be changed or modified in any way
(including this provision) either in whole or in part except by an instrument in writing made
after the date of this Contract and signed on behalf of both the parties and which expressly
states to amend the present Contract.
11. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids:

The bidder meeting the General Eligibility Criteria will be considered for technical evaluation.
The Bidder needs to comply with all the eligibility criteria. Non-compliance to any of these
criteria would result in outright rejection of the Bidder’s proposal. The Bidder is expected to
provide proof for each of the points for eligibility evaluation.
The decision of the Bank would be final and binding on all the Bidders to this document. The
Bank may accept or reject an offer without assigning any reason what so ever. At the sole
discretion and determination of the Bank, the Bank may add any other relevant criteria for
evaluating the proposals received in response to this RFP. The evaluation will be a two stage
process. The stages are:
a) General Eligibility evaluation
c) Commercial evaluation

12. Notices to local bodies:

The Service Provider shall comply with and give all notices required under any law, rule,
regulations or bye laws of parliament, state legislature or local authority relating to works.
13. No Bidder shall contact the Bank on any matter relating to its Bid, from the time of the Bid
opening to the time the Contract is awarded to successful bidder(s).
14. Any effort by a Bidder to influence Bank's Bid evaluation, Bid comparison or contract award
decisions may result in the rejection of the Bid.

15. I / We hereby declare that I / We have read and understood the above instructions for the
guidance of the Tenderers. Seal and Signature of the Bidder/s not required since the document
is Digitally Signed.

1. Advance Payments: No advance payment(s) would be made OR Advance payments may be

made upto 30% against appropriate Bank guarantee or any authorised guarantee, as
acceptable to the Buyer. The specimen of BG for Advance Payments is given in Appendix.

2. OEM Certificate: In case the Bidder is not the OEM, the agreement certificate with the OEM
for sourcing the spares shall be mandatory. However, where OEMs do not exist, minor
aggregates and spares can be sourced from authorized vendors subject to quality

3. Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) Clause: The following AMC clause will form part of
the contract placed on successful Bidder -
a. The Seller would provide comprehensive AMC for a period of 2 years. The AMC services
should cover the repair and maintenance of all the equipment and systems purchased
under the present Contract. The Buyer Furnished Equipment which is not covered under the
purview of the AMC should be separately listed by the Seller. The AMC services would be
provided in two distinct ways:
i. Preventive Maintenance Service: The Seller will provide a minimum of four Preventive
Maintenance Service visits during a year to carry out functional check-ups and minor
adjustments/ tuning as may be required.

ii. Breakdown maintenance Service: In case of any breakdown of the equipment/system, on

receiving a call from the Buyer, the Seller is to provide maintenance service to make the
equipment/system serviceable.
b. Response time: The response time of the Seller should not exceed 48 hours from the time
the breakdown intimation is provided by the Buyer.
c. Maximum repair turnaround time for equipment/system would be 7 days. However, the
spares should be maintained in a serviceable condition to avoid complete breakdown of the
d. Technical Documentation: All necessary changes in the documentation (Technical and
Operators manual) for changes carried out on hardware and software of the equipment will
be provided.
e. During the AMC period, the Seller shall carry out all necessary servicing/repairs to the
equipment/system under AMC at the current location of the equipment/system. Prior
permission of the Buyer would be required in case certain components/sub systems are to
be shifted out of location. On such occasions, before taking over the goods or components,
the Seller will give suitable bank guarantee to the Buyer to cover the estimated current
value of item being taken.
f. The Buyer reserves its right to terminate the maintenance contract at any time without
assigning any reason after giving a notice of 2 months. The Seller will not be entitled to
claim any compensation against such termination. However, while terminating the contract,
if any payment is due to the Seller for maintenance services already performed in terms of
the contract, the same would be paid to it as per the contract terms.
4. Force Majeure clause:
a. Neither party shall bear responsibility for the complete or partial non-performance of any of
its obligations (except for failure to pay any sum which has become due on account of
receipt of goods under the provisions of the present contract), if the non-performance
results from such Force Majeure circumstances as Flood, Fire, Earth Quake and other acts of
God as well as War, Military operation, blockade, Acts or Actions of State Authorities or any
other circumstances beyond the parties control that have arisen after the conclusion of the
present contract.
b. In such circumstances the time stipulated for the performance of an obligation under the
present contract is extended correspondingly for the period of time of action of these
circumstances and their consequences.
c. The party for which it becomes impossible to meet obligations under this contract due to
Force Majeure conditions, is to notify in written form the other party of the beginning and
cessation of the above circumstances immediately, but in any case not later than 10 (Ten)
days from the moment of their beginning.
d. Certificate of a Chamber of Commerce (Commerce and Industry) or other competent
authority or organization of the respective country shall be a sufficient proof of
commencement and cessation of the above circumstances.
e. If the impossibility of complete or partial performance of an obligation lasts for more than 6
(six) months, either party hereto reserves the right to terminate the contract totally or
partially upon giving prior written notice of 30 (thirty) days to the other party of the
intention to terminate without any liability other than reimbursement on the terms
provided in the agreement for the goods received.

The Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM Bank) is the premier export finance institution of the
country that seeks to build value by integrating foreign trade and investment with the
economic rise of India. The Bank has guided by expertise at the Board level, by senior policy
makers, expert bankers, leading players in industry and international trade as well as
professionals in exports, imports or financing. With offices spread across India and in select
locations of the world, the bank aspires to boost the businesses of industries and SMEs.

Background and Purpose of the Project

M/s EXIM BANK would like to install and deploy a Modular infrastructure which shall be able
to host critical IT technology hardware to run the application. It should be designed in a way
that it offers scalability over a period. The design should consider redundancy, scalability
and maintainability. The Banks current IT Network Backbone is mostly configured using
CISCO Network Devices.
The Bank is inviting all qualified bidders to participate in this e-tender as per eligibility
criteria and scope of work mentioned.
Exim Bank Office under this Project:

Sr.No Location Office Address

1 Exim Bank Head Office – Mumbai Export-Import Bank of India,

21st Floor, Center One,
World Trade Centre (WTC) Complex,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005
Scope of Work

General Requirement (Smart Rack)

M/s EXIM BANK wishes to deploy an Integrated Data Center Infrastructure/ Intelligent Racks
which should deliver the following features and benefits.

These specifications describe requirements for a fully integrated and intelligent Data center.
The system will be designed to provide precision cooling, Uninterruptible Power System
(UPS), Remote Monitoring solution with Biometric Access control for Security, RODENT
System, VESDA System and Novec 1230 Fire Suppression system for critical IT components
inside the rack.

Mandatory / (Yes / No)
Sr.No Description of Requirements Remark
Optional Yes for
1 Scope of Work
2 Requirements
Integrated Data Center
Infrastructure Solution (here after
referred as ‘Smart DC Solution’) with
2.1 Mandatory
Pre-fabricated Cold and Hot aisle
containment of 10 racks should
cater IT load of maximum 60kVA
The Intelligent Integrated
Infrastructure essentially includes
internal redundant or backup power
supplies, environmental controls
(e.g., precision air conditioning, fire
suppression, smoke detection,
water leak detection, humidity
sensor, intelligent monitoring
system, security devices, etc.) Air-
2.2 Mandatory
conditioning system is to have 100%
reliability on 24x7 basis with
adequate standby for system
redundancy. (Failure of any single
unit; still to meet the total cooling
requirement).The ambient
temperature considered for the
calculation of total tonnage
requirement should be 45 Degrees
The detail specifications of the DC
Solution, standalone system shall be
in adherence to standard Data
Centre guidelines thus shall be
2.3 Mandatory
composed of multiple active power
and cooling distribution paths, but
only one path active. Shall have
redundant components.
Solution shall have following
components: -
3.1 In-Row closed loop Air-Conditioning Mandatory
Data center server and network
racks should be equipped with
cooling units to provide closed loop
precision cooling system which
3.1.1 Mandatory
should be able to cool the
equipment’s uniformly right from
1st U to 42nd U of Rack through
Row/Rack Based Cooling
Precision Air Cooling solution should be
of 20kW capacity with standby (N+1
Precision Air Conditioner should have
following Features:
1. Cooling System should be DX
3.1.2 (Inverter type brushless
compressor/Digital Scroll) type.
2. Inbuilt Heater and Humidifier to cater
IT load up to 20kW
3. Outdoor Unit & Microprocessor
based Controller

True online,
3.2 Fully Digital Dual DSP Controlled Mandatory
Transformer Based UPS System

UPS should be of 2 x 60kVA in N+N

topology with PF up to 0.9 and
efficiency at least 90% and above &
SMF Battery with interlinks and
connection to be provided to deliver
combined 30Mins of backup at full load.
Other features of UPS system are as

1. True On-line UPS with Widest input

range at full load (305V-477V) or better.
3.2.1 2. On-Line Double Conversion IGBT Mandatory
based PWM Inverter
3. Built in isolation with static bypass
4.Facility for remote monitoring
5.N+N redundancy should be provided.
6. Wide input frequency range of 45Hz
to 65Hz
7.Input power factor: 0.9
8. Overload capability:
110% full load for 60 minutes
125% full load for 10 minutes
150% full load for 1 minutes

3.3 Power Distribution

Basic Rack PDU (Vertical 0U, 1 Phase)-
with 20 Indian sockets (5/15Amp)-
3.3.1 02Nos. for each Rack with 2.5-meter Mandatory
power chord (each rack having two
3.4 Main Electrical Panel and Cabling Mandatory
DB panel should be mounted on to
utility rack/room wall with all internal
cabling integrated into the same.
Essential MCB/MCCB should be
provided with electrical system. All the
3.4.1 Mandatory
PDUs inside all racks should be
connected by the UPS. DB panel
mounted on Utility rack shall be
covered with Novec 1230 Gas based fire
suppression system
Any extra electrical points and data
points required in the server room shall
3.4.2 Mandatory
have to be provided by the vendor at
his own cost
3.5 Fire Detection and Suppression Mandatory
Fire detection and suppression system
should be mounted in panel adjacent to
Smart Racks to avoid consumption of
(System can
any usable U space an In-rack built-in
3.5.1 be mounted
feature of solution. It should have Fire
anywhere in
alarm and fire suppression unit and the
the room)
fire suppression agent should be NOVEC
1230 Gas as per NFPA guidelines.
VESDA system should be mounted in
panel adjacent to Smart Racks to avoid Optional
consumption of any usable U space an (System can
3.5.2 In-rack built-in feature of solution. It be mounted
should detect smoke and should act as anywhere in
pre-alert system of Fire as per NFPA the room)
3.6 Environmental Controls Mandatory
Smart Racks should include basic
3.6.1 environmental controls: 12 Nos. Mandatory
Temperature/ Humidity Sensors
3.7 Racks and U Space
10 No.of 42 U racks of dimension 800
3.7.1 Mandatory
mm x 1000mm
Solution should have Min 410U (total)
3.7.2 space available for IT and network Mandatory
equipment. (UPS & Battery External)
Blanking Panel: 70% each for all the
3.7.3 Mandatory
supplied Racks.
Total Depth of the enclosure including
3.7.4 hot and cold aisle should be more than Mandatory
The rack must have caging partition
between two racks at both cold and hot
3.7.5 Optional
aisle containment to avoid intrusion
from one rack to adjacent rack
3.8 Monitoring
UPS, In-row Cooling unit, Temperature,
Humidity sensors monitoring facility for
Smart racks, Door sensors, Water Leak
3.8.1 sensor and other dry contact Mandatory
monitoring. Beacon & Buzzer-Sound
and Flash Led Alarm. Based on pre-set
Capable for sending Email and SMS
3.8.2 Alerts to 5 intended persons in case of Mandatory
Access and monitor the status of critical
3.8.3 components through mobile Mandatory
3.9 Other features :
The DC Solution would provide much
functionality and some of the key
3.9.1 functionalities are–Pre fabricated Mandatory
Cabinet with in build Cold and Hot aisle
DC Solution would have provision to
add extra racks in future. It should be
3.9.2 Optional
flexible, adaptable, controllable
Rack based Biometric access control
system provided should be controlled
by access control panel with access
3.9.3 Mandatory
control for both front as well as rear
doors. IP based Access control with user
exclusive authentication

Rack based Critical Component’s for

Integrated Server Racks system (Rack,
Cooling, Rack PDUs, UPS and
3.9.4 Mandatory
monitoring system) must be from single
OEM for Seamless Integration & better
Service Supports
Air-conditioning Condenser unit
3.9.5 designed for higher efficiency ikW/Tr of Optional
0.1 or less
Monitoring SNMP Enablement feature
3.9.6 to connect to any 3rd party BMS over Mandatory
Electrical Distribution board within
3.9.7 Utility Cabinet to have fire detection & Optional
Novec Based Fire Suppression system
Status based LED Lights within Smart
3.9.8 Optional
HMI – Graphical User Interface for
3.9.9 Optional
Smart Racks monitoring
Centralise monitoring for multiple DC
3.9.10 facility should be possible from single Mandatory
point in NOC center.
Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)
3.10 Mandatory
3.10.1 General Description :

Supply, installation, testing and

commissioning of true online, double
conversion, high efficiency, and high-
power factor Uninterruptible Power
Systems (UPS) rated at 60 kVA with
battery backup support for combined
30minutes on full load. UPS & the
backup batteries should be supplied
with the necessary arrangements for
external mounting

Configuration: 2x60 kVA (True online,

3.10.2 Mandatory
IGBT Inverter based, Dual Conversion)
3.10.3 Scope
1)The scope shall include design,
supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of the complete UPS
system and related accessories
2)All Server racks will get power feed
from two independent UPS systems to
ensure redundancy.
3)Battery & UPS should be mounted
outside of the considered DC area.
4)All systems should be tested in
factory as per the manufactures
recommended procedure for all
operating parameters and the test
results should be provided during the
5)Delivery at site, unloading, handling,
installation of complete system
including interconnection from the UPS
system to batteries and to input/output
panels switches. All interconnections
shall be done using multi-strand
Flexible Copper conductor cables of Mandatory
appropriate sizes.
6)Scope includes battery bank
connections and providing safety
barriers for all busbars and cable
connection leads on battery racks.
7)Energizing of UPS and Battery bank
8)UPS control parameters setting and
complete testing of system on load.
9) Service backup by engineer till
system is fully operational and
subsequently training is to be provided
to the concerned persons of the
10) Any upgrade of the system
hardware and other associated
software during the warranty or CMC
period should be supplied at free of
11) Acceptance tests will be carried out
after installation and the systems will
be taken over only after successful
completion of the acceptance tests.
Specification/features of the Each UPS
system are as follows:
1) Wide input voltage tolerance (+10/-
2) Double conversion and IGBT
3) Rectifier/Battery charger & Inverter
4) Batteries to support combined Mandatory
30minutes full load backup. (Extra
backup with external batteries and
charger if required)
6)Power distribution panels
7)Facility for remote viewing
8)Easy to expand in a cost-effective way
9)Build in Parallel & Load Bus
Synchronization ports

3.10.4 UPS other technical specification General
UPS type - ON-LINE Mandatory
Rating (VA) - 60,000 VA Mandatory
Technology - PWM Switching Mandatory
Crest Factor - 3:1 Optional
Invert efficiency - Upto 96% Optional
Overall efficiency - >90% from 50% to
100 % Input Ratings
Nominal Input Voltage - 415V AC (3-
Permissible input voltage variation at
full load - Optional
305 V– 477 VAC or better
Nominal input frequency - 50Hz Optional
Permissible input frequencies variation
- 45 Hz to 55 Hz Output Ratings
Nominal output voltage - 380V (3-
Output Voltage regulation - <+/-1% Optional
Output voltage distortion -
<2%THD maximum and 1%single
harmonic for a 100% linear load Optional
<5%THD maximum fora 100% non-
linear load
Nominal output frequency - 50Hz Optional
Waveform - Pure Sinewave Mandatory
Power factor - 0.9 lagging Optional
Overload capability - 125% for
10minutes, 150% of full load for 1 Optional
Transient recovery time - 20
milliseconds to 1% Bypass
Voltage Range - +15% -20% Optional
Frequency 50/ 60Hz Optional
Frequency Range +/-10% Optional Battery Parameters
Type - SMF Mandatory
Make - Exide/Rocket/Amaron Quanta Mandatory
No. of battery blocks - 30-40 Mandatory
Battery nominal voltage - 12V Mandatory
Battery Voltage - 360-480Vdc Mandatory Environmental Parameters
Operating temperature - 0 to 45 deg.
Storage temperature -15 to 45 deg.
Relative Humidity - 95% RH non-
Altitude - 1000 meters Optional
Temperature de-rating - 30-40 deg
Altitude de-rating - < 1000m; derating
according to GB/T3859.2 when higher Optional
than 1000m
Noise level <60db Optional
Monitoring Software - SNMP, Dry Mandatory
contact card, site monitoring
3.10.5 Installation and Configuration

1.The entire system shall be installed as

per manufacturer’s recommendations
& instructions including all
interconnections for supply & control
2. All components shall be clearly
identified using labels including battery
cells individually
3. Services of authorized representative
or manufacturer for supervision of
installation, connections, testing, &
adjustments shall be provided.

3.10.6 Testing and Commissioning

1. Under supervision of manufacturer’s
representative all system functions,
operations, protective features shall be
checked& pre-set to ensure compliance
or specifications.
2. Test the system as per
recommendations & test listed below
using pre-calibrated instruments.
3. Simulation of malfunctions to verify
protective device operations.
4. Duration of supply on emergency.
Low battery voltage alarm & shutdown,
transfer & restoration of normal supply.
5. Remote status & alarm tests.
6. In case of test any shortfalls/faults,
the same shall be rectified & test
procedure shall be again repeated to
establish satisfactory performance

3.10.7 Drawings & Manuals

Following drawings &

manuals/information shall be
submitted in at least THREE copies at
appropriate stages & for handing over
the system.

1. Manufacturer’s data for product,

features, components & performance
along with the offer.
2. Operation & maintenance manual
3. List of recommended spares &
replacement components
4. Detail operating instructions covering Mandatory
operations in normal & abnormal
5. Shop drawings showing detail
fabrication, assembly of components,
internal & interconnecting wiring,
dimensions, plans & views, installation
details access& clearance etc. for
1. Product certificates for Brought out
2. Factory test certificates & Inspection
3. Field test reports
Precision Air Conditioning System of
3.11 Mandatory
20kW Capacity
3.11.1 Configuration

Supply, installation, testing and

commissioning of DX Type floor mount
Row Based Air-conditioning units
designed specifically for high sensible
heat ratio with variable cooling
technique to match the low latent loads Mandatory
of systems to be installed adjacent to
cabinet for effective and uniform
distribution of cooling. Ambient air
design temperature to be considered is
45 Deg C.

3.11.2 Direct Expansion

Cooling Circuits
• One refrigeration circuit,
incorporating a high efficiency, fully
hermetic variable capacity compressor
with crankcase heater, safety valve,
filter drier, moisture indicating sight
glass, liquid line solenoid valve and an
externally equalized expansion valve
• Compressor is equipped with pre-set
high- and low-pressure switches for
protection against high condensing and
low evaporating temperatures
• The unit shall be provided with
additional protection against high
ambient temperature. When the
temperature goes over the design
conditions, the unit remains in operation with partial load (20% Mandatory
decrease against required). If such
protection is not sufficient High-
Pressure switch shall generate a high-
pressure alarm and the unit shuts down
- manual reset shall be required
• The inclined evaporator coil is
manufactured from copper tubes,
mechanically bonded to hydrophilic
painted aluminum fins, with a stainless-
steel condensate drain pan. The large
face area/low velocity coil allows
precise control of temperature and
humidity* during cooling and
dehumidification and is designed to
optimize fluid velocity and minimize
pressure drop
• The moisture indicating sight glass,
liquid line solenoid valve and expansion
valve for each circuit are mounted in a
service compartment, isolated from the
air stream, to allow checking and
adjustment while the unit is in

Fan Section
• Units should be offered with two plug
EC Direct Drive Fan, High efficiency, EC
motor with integrated electronics,
Maintenance free design and
construction. The fan section shall be designed for higher air flow. Each PAC Mandatory
unit should be capable of delivering 80-
100 CFM per kW. The fan shall be
protected from over temperature of
motor, electronics, locked rotor
protection, short circuit of motor
output. Fans are IP54, Protection class F

Cabinet and Frame

• The unit shall be powder painted
panels with ½” (or 10mm) insulation. A
hinged control access panel opens to a
second front panel which is a protection enclosure for high voltage components. Mandatory
The frame is painted with a powder
coat finish to protect against corrosion.
The unit is totally front and rear
accessible including any component

Air Filtration
• The filter cells are made of two deep
pleated 4” filters rated MERV8
following ASHRAE 52.2 (45% by ASHRAE
52.1) or G4 following EN779, located
within the cabinet, and accessible from
the rear of the unit. Frame of the filter
shall be made of galvanized steel.
• Clogged filter alarm must be available
for standard.

• All units equipped with direct
expansion circuit are suitable for R410A
Microprocessor Controller
• Air conditioning models should be
controlled by microprocessor-based
controller with Touch Panel. It can be
programmed to control the function of
every device within the unit via I/O.
• The controller shall allow setting and
monitoring of the room parameters.
Unit utilizes multiple temperature
sensors placed at the rack inlet, to
ensure management and control of
temperature by rack. The controller
should allow setting and monitoring of
• The controller should allow setting
and monitoring of the following space
o Air inlet Temperature
o Air supply Temperature (remote
sensors at rack inlet)
o Return Temperature set-point
o Supply Temperature set-point
o Return Temperature band
o Supply Temperature band
o Humidity (inlet) o Humidity set-point Mandatory
o Humidity band
o Rack Min, Max and Average
• The example of available warnings /
o High supply temperature, Low supply
o High return humidity Low return
o Loss of airflow
o Compressor Low Pressure,
Compressor High Pressure
o Electrical heater high temperature
(When applicable)
o Clogged filter, Customer input (No 4
o LP transducer fail, Call service
(customer input)
o High temperature (customer input)
o Unit hours exceeded
o Compressor hours exceed
o Humidifier hours exceed
o Supply sensor failure
o Network failure
o Humidifier problem
o Digital scroll high temperature
o Smoke detected
o Fire alarm
o Rack sensor failure

• Following features should be

incorporated in the controller:
o Status Report of the latest 400 event-
messages of the unit.
o Input for remote on-off and volt-free
contacts for simple remote monitoring
of low and high priority alarms:
high/low temperature, high/low
refrigerant pressure, fan/control failure,
compressor/control failure and others
are available
o LAN management: functions provided
as standard include stand- by (in case of
failure of the unit in operation, the
second one starts automatically), and
automatic rotation
o Automatic restart must be provided
after a power failure

1. There should be SNMP and
HTTP/Web-management capability for
enhanced communications and control
of HPM systems. The cards make use of
an Ethernet network (100Mbit/1Gbit)
to monitor and control a wide range of
operating parameters, alarms and
notifications to a standard web browser (Internet Explorer). A provision can also Mandatory
be made to make the monitoring
possible on the mobile phones.
2. The unit shall also include input volt-
free contacts for simple remote
monitoring of low and high priority
alarms: high/low temperature, high/low
refrigerant pressure, fan/control failure,
compressor/control failure and others
are available.
• The condenser should be with fan
speed controller designed & set for usages of R410A refrigerant. Condenser Mandatory
should work at 0 deg C to 45 deg C
ambient temperature. The motorized
fan shall be IP54, protection class F

Additional Features – Humidifier

• The unit is fitted with a canister type
steam humidifier suitable for use with
water of varying degrees of hardness,
provided that the water is not treated
or demineralized (Conductivity range
125-500mS/cm). The humidifier is
complete with a water inlet valve, Mandatory
water outlet valve and a maximum
water level sensor, disposable cylinder,
steam distributor and electronic
controls. Humidifier control is of the
ON-OFF type, can be also disabled by
remote contact (Optional - humidifier
and reheat lockout). Humidifier is
removable from the rear of the cabinet

3.12 Racks & Accessories

Rack Containment Frame is 42 U, 19''
mounting type with standard Rack +
Cold + Hot Aisle Containment for all the
10 racks. Base Plinth of 100mm with
safe load carrying capacity of 1000kG,
Vertical Cable manager on both LHS &
RHS at rear side. Front glass door & rear
steel split door for complete 42U height
visibility. Thermally insulated cold aisle
chamber. Blanking panels to prevent air
mixing. Fixed Shelf. Status based LED
3.13 Safety and Security Systems
Fire Alarm and Fire Suppression System
The integrated infrastructure solution
should be designed as a complete
stand-alone unit with security, fire
detection and fire suppression systems.
Each of the systems is inter-operable
and inter connected.
Environmentally friendly NOVEC1230
agent should be used to ensure that no
harm to human beings and
environment is caused. Following
systems should be installed.
1) NOVEC 1230 Clean Agent for fire
3.13.1 suppression system Mandatory
2) Fire detection and alarm systems,
with detectors and panel.
3)Protected area: The entire volume of
the server racks shall be protected with
fire detection and fire suppression
system. The doors should be secured by
Access Control system
5) The NOVEC 1230 system shall be
designed and installed as per NFPA
2001-2012 Edition. SMPV, Petroleum
and Safety Explosives Organization
(PESO) approved cylinder filled with
NOVEC 1230 is installed.

3.13.2 Rodent Repellent System Mandatory

The proposed Smart Racks/cabinets should be covered by Rodent Repellent Mandatory
3.13.3 Biometric Based Access Control Mandatory
The IP based Access Control System
shall be used to serve the objective of
allowing access to authorized personnel
only. The system deployed will be
based on Biometric Technology. The
front & rear rack doors will be provided
with magnetic locks, and will operate
on fail-safe principle through one
common Biometric access control
The system would be designed and
implemented to provide following
• Configurable system for user defined
• Built-in Real Time Clock (RTC), Mandatory
calendar; complete Database stored
locally and shall be capable of operating
offline on standalone mode
• Record, report and archive each and
every activity (permission granted and /
or rejected) with log formats
• Fail safe operation in case of no-
power condition and abnormal
condition such as fire, theft, intrusion,
loss of access control, etc.
• At the biometric reader, user presents
the finger to the biometric reader which
is unique to each employee. The
pattern is read and compared with
stored data to grant / deny access
3.13.4 Water Leak Detection System Mandatory
The proposed Smart Racks/cabinets Mandatory
should be covered by WLD
3.13.5 CCTV System Mandatory
Supply and installation of CCTV System for integrated data center Mandatory
infrastructure along with Display Unit
with sufficient Storage for 30 days
The Critical area of the Data Centre
needs to be under constant video
surveillance. The primary objective of
implementing a CCTV system is to
ensure effective surveillance of the area Mandatory
and create a record for post event
analysis. Monitoring cameras should be
installed in proper area to cover critical
area of the data center
The CCTV system shall provide an on-
line display of video images on monitor.
LED/LCD monitor shall be provided by
client. Cameras with suitable lenses
shall be used to view all the critical Mandatory
areas of the Data Centre. The CCTV
system shall be based on the use of
fixed dome cameras with NVR &
suitable Hard disc for storage

The CCTV System proposed to fulfil the

overall surveillance / observation
requirements and enhance the level of Mandatory
security necessary shall be complete in
all respects
3.13.6 VESDA System Mandatory
The proposed Smart Racks/cabinets should be covered by VESDA System Mandatory
with proper alarming system attached
3.14 Remote Monitoring Mandatory
Supply and installation rack mountable
monitoring system with Sensors &
notification system. The system shall
continuously collect critical information
from network connected devices such
as, temperature & humidity sensors,
Water Leak sensor and other dry Mandatory
contact monitoring. Beacon & Buzzer-
Sound and Flash Led Alarm. Based on
pre-set parameters, automated email
alerts are sent to the intended
recipients and mobile app-based
1) Intelligent Rack environment remote
2) Modbus 485 Communications Mandatory
3) SNMP Communication Mandatory
4) Single window for monitoring all
5) Data and logs of historical
information of alarms and notification
6) Temperature & Humidity Sensor,
Door Sensor, WLD Sensor, Smoke
Detection sensor. Alarm device with
LED flash and sound option
3.15 HMI – Smart Racks Graphical Interface Mandatory
Smart Racks should have functionality
to graphically monitor the passive
infrastructure ----
1. HMI-with 9-inch, LCD display, to
display live data of Power, cooling, and
environmental health
2. HMI should display complete
dashboard for Smart DC solution. It
should be menu driven system, Thermal
management, Power supply Optional
environmental quantities, alarms, logs,
and provided a total of menu items,
breakdown of the sub-menu item the
next menu level.
3. The HMI to show Temp, humidity, for
every rack with average of Top, mid and
Bottom Point.
4. Live Graphic representation of supply
and return Air temp

System performance parameters:

a) Enclosures: thermal path average
temperature, the IT load cabinet single
b) Air conditioning: return air
temperature, supply air temperature.
All the components shall be graphically
represented on HMI

Critical system parameters:

a) UPS operation: AC mode/bypass
mode/Battery mode/standby mode,
The system load factor
b) HVAC Operation – Animated fan Mandatory
during Run & Compressor status display
IT racks parameters – Temp. & Humidity
Parameters are highlighted for normal
& abnormal values

Thermal Management:
a) Return air temperature profile cross-
b) cooling fan state to the operating
state, the corresponding icon is Mandatory
animated; alarm flood state is, icon
animation. Door status icon static
display, the door opened and closed the
door to a different style static icon.
Supply & Distribution:
a) UPS page displays for the distribution
parameters and real-time power system
operating mode
b) UPS working state: AC mode / bypass
mode / Battery mode / standby mode
c) The operating state of the system:
Single / 1 + 1 parallel / 2N double bus
d) For each PDU distribution -PDU page
displays the total current and power
e) when the PDU voltage value, the
current value exceeds the set range, the
system will generate a corresponding
alarm; on the contrary, the alarm

Environmental Amount: (The amount

of ambient acquisition)
a) acquisition and display status of the
current environmental data amount of
the rack, comprising: a real-time value
of the respective collection point
temperature and humidity sensors,
front and rear door state, hot/cold
aisles average temperature curve
moisture profile
b) When the air conditioning is working
properly, hot and cold airflow patterns
dynamic channel is turned on when the
air conditioning is not working, dynamic Mandatory
airflow patterns hot and cold aisles
c) Door status icon static display, the
door opened and closed the door to a
different style static icon
d) when the passage of hot / cold
temperature and humidity sensor
measured value exceeds the set range,
the system will generate a
corresponding alarm; conversely, when
the hot / cold aisles temperature and
humidity sensor measurement range is
set to fall the alarm disappears
Warning – Alarm-Current Alarm:
a) Displays the Current Alarms Page
b) The current alarm is divided into
emergency alarms, major alarms and
general alarms
c) When the current alarms and buzzers
system in the normal mode, the LCD
buzzer will sound an alarm, and for 5
minutes, the duration of the latest
alarm generation time from a timer In
maintenance mode, the buzzer will not
sound an alarm. After the lifting of
maintenance mode, buzzer return to
normal mode

Alarm - historical alarm:

a) Alarm History page provides a display
system and screening history alarms
b) LCD page provides only historical
records up to 100 within the system
one week. For longer or more the
number of alarm history, Web pages
can be viewed in alarm management

3.16 Cleaning
1) On completion of installation, testing
of the system all components, cabinets
etc. shall be cleaned & unwanted
material, debris shall be removed from
2) Scratches dents if any shall be
cleaned & touched upto match the Mandatory
original finish
3) Cable and electric wire should be
arranged in a way that minimize the
physical tempering with the existing
infrastructure and should be properly
managed maintaining the aesthetics
Maintenance and Support
After Sale Service
1.Service shall be guaranteed by
supplier during defect liability period /
guarantee period.
2.Product OEM shall offer the Data
Centre with 24x7 services through their
authorized service engineer for a period
of at least 1 year.
3.Product OEM shall provide ONSITE
3.17 Mandatory
warranty for 3 Year from the date of
taking over of the equipment after the
acceptance tests. Two year onsite
warranty should be provided on items
specifically written in this tender.
4.Basic training and operational training
to be provided after the successful
installation of DC
5.Quarterly PM to be carried out during
the CMC period
Civil, Electrical, HVAC and MEP Services

The bidder will design, supply and carry out Civil/Interior works with given layout for
accommodating functional areas like Data Center area and Electrical Room for the proposed
Data Center.

Demolition & Demolition & removal of block work, tiles etc and L.S.
1 Removal carting away the debris from site to designated
dumping ground.
Pest control Providing Pest Control & Anti Termite Treatment by Sq.Ft.
2 appointing a specialised an agency as per the
specifications mentioned by the bureau of Indian
Standards Specifications for General Civil, Plumbing
/Drainage & Timber / Carpentry Works, Including at
least 3 year guarantee etc, complete as
directed.(Mode of measurement to be on carpet
area of floor and not the area of surface treated)

3 POP punning Providing & applying POP punning to be required Sq.Ft.

thickness of plaster of paris applied over selected
existing plastered surface on walls and columns
finished smooth, inclusive of surface preparation.
The finished surface should be smooth and in
perfect level so as to avoid unevenness and ready to
take on paint. Rate include making grooves 6mm
wide in the POP at the junction/end of walls or as
directed,pattas,sills,etc. complete.
4 Metal Grid Metal Grid Ceiling: Sq.Ft.
Ceiling Providing and Installing Commercial type suspended
metal false ceiling to consist the following:
General Requisites:
Grid system to consist of main runner @ 600mm and
joined by rotary stitched cross tees @ 600mm to
form overall grid opening of 600mm x 600mm and
shadow line wall angles all-round the wall.
Additional Cross tees are to be placed where
appropriate for light fixtures, AC Diffusers.
Main Runner - 15mm x 44mm x 3600mm
Cross Tees - 15mm x 44mm x 3600mm
Tile - Plain Metal Tiles
False Flooring Supply & Installation of FAF 800, 600x600 mm, 35 Sq.Ft.
5 600x600mm mm thick, includes a 1.2 mm thickness Anti-static
High pressure Laminate (HPL) Shade - 8192 with top
performance finish of HPL with ESRG under
structure system (suitable for finish floor height of
up to 600 mm with 1400 kgs/sqm UDL, 362 kgs of
point load.) with ramps of approved design
wherever denoted by the PM and L-angle support at
cut tiles for rigidity of the system.
6 Core-cutting Providing core cutting of required diameter in the
slab employing a specialized agency for the same.
a 4" dia No.s
b 6" dia No.s
7 Signages
e Signage for various rooms & Department No.s
f Fire extinguishers / Exit signage in Fluorescent Auto No.s
g Emergency Escape Route Plan No.s
A3 Size (Auto glow type).
8 Gyp False Ceiling Providing and fixing Gypsum false ceiling of India Sq.Ft.
Gypsum make which includes G.I.Perimeter
channels of size 0.55mm thick (having One Flange of
20mm. And another flange of 30mm and a web of
27mm) along with perimeter of ceiling, screw fixed
to brick wall/partition with the help of Nylon sleeves
and screws at 610mm centres. Then suspending
G.I.intermediate channels of size 45 mm (0.9mm
thick with 2 flanges of 15mm each) from the soft at
1220mm centres with ceiling angle of which
25mmx10mmx0.55mm thick fixed to soffit with
G.I.cleat and steel expansion fasteners. Ceiling
section of 0.55mm thick having khurled web of
51.5mm and 2 flanges of 26 mm each with lips of
10.5mm are then fixed to the intermediate channel
with the help of connecting clips and in direction
perpendicular to the intermediate channel at 450
mm centres.
9 Cove Light in Providing 4" or 6" 'L' shape Cove light with vertical in Rft
Gypsum ceiling. Gypsum ceiling for indirect lighting..
10 Modular false Providing and fixing modular ceiling system with Sq.Ft.
ceiling fibre board ceiling tiles as per following
specifications. Rate to include all fastening
accessories with approved finishes. Ceiling tiles shall
be Supreme RH 99 (Armstrong make) regular edge
tiles of size 600mm x 600mm. Tiles shall render a
NRC Level of 0.5.Suspension system shall be
manufacturer specification exposed gird system with
15mm wide silhouette black reveal grid, Installation
to comprise of main runners spaced at 1200mm
center securely fixed to the structural soffit by
approved hangers at 1200mm maximum centres
and not more then 150mm from spliced joints. The
last at the end of each main runner should not be
greater than 600mm from the adjacent wall
11 Ply backing for Providing and fixing 6mm ply backing of size 600mm Nos
mineral fibre x 600mm on modular false ceiling grid to support
tiles light fittings speakers, cameras diffusers of grid work
etc. with necessary cut outs for the same.
12 Double skin P/F Gypsum Dry wall section Double Skin of 100 Sq.Ft.
Gypsum mm, the partition shall be of 2 layer of tapered edge
Partition 12.5mm gyp board screw fixed with Philip screw of
at 300mm c/c to either side of 48mm studs (
Gypsteel Ultra ). GI sections to be placed at 600 mm
c/c in 50mm floor and ceiling channel 0.55mm thick
having equal flanges of 32mm made of GI steel with
joints staggered to avoid leakage through joints. The
balance hollow in the partition to be filled with(pre-
approved) glass wool for insulation.
13 Full height Glass Providing and fixing Toughened Glass partition Sq.Ft.
Partition consisting of 12mm thick clear glass of approved
make fixed on Aluminium Extruded anodized
profiles. Cost to be inclusive of joints between glass
to be filled with clear silicon sealant with all
accessories & fittings.
14 Partition above Providing and fixing Aluminium Framework Sq.Ft.
False Ceiling partitions above ceiling fabricated with 2" x 1"
aluminium section framework @ 600mm c/c both
ways and covered with 12mm thk Gypsum Skin on
one sides. Cost of partition to be inclusive of (pre-
approved) Glass wool insulation material . Alternate
members of the framework to be anchored to the
true slab.
15 Laminate Providing and skinning 1.0mm thk Satin Finish Sq.Ft.
Skinning Laminate of approved make, color and shade over
ply panelling / partitions etc. cost to include making
grooves as per the details & instructions of the
Architects. Basic Rate : Rs. 40/-psft Make- Marino,
16 Ply boxing Providing and fixing ply boxing which includes Sq.Ft.
19mm/12mm thick commercial plywood of
approved make fixed on aluminium frame work of
section 2" x 1" in straight / curved shape in level &
plumb. (Raw finish)
17 Ply panelling Providing and fixing 12mm ply panelling on wall, Sq.Ft.
column or framework as required to receive
laminate/veneer (Raw finish)
18 Niche Treatment P/F Niche boxing made out of commercial Plywood Sq.Ft.
on Partition/ to receive duco paint/ Laminate / veneer finish as
storages per details of the Architect. Average size of niche:-
12 " x 12" as per design.
19 Aluminium Providing and fixing 50mm high aluminium skirting Rft
Skirting as specified at locations as indicated by the
20 DB & Fire panel P/f Storage made out of 19mm comm. ply Shutters Sq.Ft.
Storage to have Aluminium grill louvers for ventilation panel.
Shutters will be provided with Glass vision panels as
required for Fire panels.
21 Painting
21.1 Plastic -Acrylic Providing and applying three coats of plastic Sq.Ft.
emulsion for emulsion paint of Asian/ICI/ Berger make to all
Ceiling. internal wall/ceilings of approved colour over a coat
of water based primer including preparation of
surface by thorough cleaning and wetting and
applying readymade putty fully to give a smooth and
even surface before painting and curing.
21.2 Metallic / Design Providing & Appling two coats pigmented surface Sq.Ft.
paint - Asian Metallic of desired shade. Rate shall include
Paint. preparation of base surface watering before and
after application. scaffolding, tools and plants etc.
Complete as directed.
21.3 Lustre Paint Providing and applying three coats of Lustre enamel Sq.Ft.
paint of desired shade of Asian/ICI/ Berger make to
all internal wall surface wherever required at all
heights to give an even and uniform shade, applied
over a coat of primer and putty fully to give a
smooth and even surface including thoroughly
brushing the surface free from water.
21.4 Fire retardant Providing & applying Fire retardant paint of Sq.Ft.
paint approved make.
22 Fire rated doors Doors :
22.1 Fire rated Door Supply and Installation of Fire rated Metal Door with Nos
1500x2400 (D6) vision panel as per detail dwg - D6 Type Size: 1500
X 2400 Double leaf ( 1200x 2400 & 300x 2400)
120min fire rated doors with all hardware,
accessories etc for DC main entry. Cost to include
Door Frame, holdfast and necessary fixing &
Fire rated Door Supply and Installation of Full Core Solid Door with Nos
22.2 1200x2400 (D5) vision panel as per detail dwg - D5 Type Size: 1200 X
2400 Single leaf 120min fire rated doors with all
hardware, accessories etc for DC. Cost to include
Door Frame, holdfast and necessary fixing &
Fire rated Door Supply and Installation of full core solid Door with Nos
22.3 1000x2400 (D4) vision panel as per detail dwg - D4 Type Size: 1000 X
2400 Single leaf 120min fire rated doors with all
hardware, accessories etc for DC.
Glass Door Supply and Installation of 900 X 2400 Single leaf Nos
22.4 900x2400 (D3) toughened glass doors on floor spring with all
hardware, accessories etc for Office Area
Fire Glass Same as above but Side Partition in FR Glass with Sq.Ft.
22.5 Partition metal frame as per manufacturer's specs. Size: 4950
x 1200
23.1 VC Room Table Providing & Fixing Meeting table made of 19mm No
comm. Ply finished in Veneer, the table top will be
finished in polyester lamination & base to be in
melamine, provision for cable management, POP
box of ebco / innofit make (6nos with 2power, 2
data outlets) as per design & details of the architect.
Size of table -15'0"L x4'0"W.
23.2 Full Height Providing and fixing full height Storage of Size Sq.Ft.
Storage 1050wdx depth 400 mmx 2100 ht finished in
1.00mm thk laminate of approved shade and color
as per the selection & design of the architect.
24.1 Frosted Film Providing and fixing frosted film of 3M Sparkle film Sq.Ft.
or approved equivalent make on Glass Partition with
laser cutting design in pattern as per drawings
complete. Basic cost 120/- Sft.
24.2 Roller Blinds Providing & fixing roller blinds comprising of Sq.Ft.
polymer coated fibre fabric with minimum openness
factor. The roller mechanism shall be a moulded unit
made from engineering grade plastic polymer with
steel spring support. The fabric shall be finished on
the sides with edge tape duly welded for waviness
control. The fabric shall be attached to the roller
tube with high quality self-adhesive tape. Basic cost
150/- Sft
24.3 Glass Writing Providing and fixing Glass board panel of size as per Sq.Ft.
Board drawing consisting of 8mm thick back painted
toughened extra clear glass of modifloat or
equivalent make , supported on 25mm dia brushed
SS studs with necessary 12mm thick commercial ply
reinforcement inside in back partition for strong
support to take glass weight.
24.4 Soft Board Providing and fixing Fabric wrapped soft board Sq.Ft.
panels 12mm thick of size and profile as per details
in 19mm x 50mm 6mm ply backing The rate should
include approved fabric (Basic price Rs. 150/-Rmt)
foam infill as per approved specification with
necessary 12mm thick commercial ply
reinforcement in the partition. Note the fabric shall
be stretched uniformly along the direction of weave
and shall be wrinkle free PVC Grippper to be
included in the cost.
24.5 Acostic Board Providing and fixing 12mm thk. Acostic board panel, Sq.Ft.
Panel as per architects design.
25 CHAIRS Providing and Installing Chairs (net back) but with
single point contact and an adjustable arm rest
25.1 a Medium Back Chairs Basic Cost : 5000/- Nos
25.2 b High Back Chairs (Cabins + VC ) Basic Cost : 7000/- Nos
26.1 Carpet Providing and fixing carpet of approved shade and Sq.Ft.
color of Unitex or equivalent make Basic Cost of
Carpet Rs. 150/-
26.2 Painting Artwork Providing & fixing Painting Artwork in canvas with No
wooden framing as per selection of Architect. Basic
rate Rs.11,500/-
26.3 M.S. Fabrication Fabricating M.S. ramp, Steps as per design, incl. 'I' Sq.Ft.
for Ramp section and chequered plate covering.
26.4 Wall paper Providing and fixing wallpaper of approved design Sq.Ft.
and color of KRAFT/ EGO/ MARSHALL neatly fixed
with proper adhesive , joints to be matched
properly, cost to also include surface preparation
incl. one coat of primer. Basic Cost Rs. 200/-
26.5 House keeping Providing Housekeeping services for the entire Job
duration of the project incl. deep cleaning with
vaccum cleaner through professional agency. Min. 4
labour during project on daily basis & 8 to 10 person
for deep cleaning at handover stage.


The bidder will design, supply and carry out Electrical works for accommodating functional
areas like Data Center area and Electrical Room for the proposed Data Center.
Sr. No Scope of Work - Electrical
Unit Qty


Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Following Panels and

electrical works as per below specs and with 100% redundancy system (N+N).

Floor/wall mounted cubicle type panel, Fabricated from 14/16G CRCA sheet
steel ,Totally compartmentalized, 7 tank powder coating treatment for rust
proofing, with separate busbar chamber & cable chambers ,Front /Back access
for switchgears, connectors etc. Suitable for 430 V, 3 phase / 4 Wire System ,
50 Hz supply,50 Deg Celcius ambient temp,Class 1 Type with 15VA burden,
Provisionn for control wiring diagram, 3 MM openable gland plate on top and
bottom of panel, 75 MM height channel base frame to panel. Proper labelling
shall be done all chambers of panel showing feeder rating and location

1.1 MAIN LT panel with Aluminium busbar - 250Amps Nos

200 A MCCB- 25KA TPN Incommer- Microprocessor based with 200A Manual
changeover switch
Load manager with RS 485, RYB , ON OFF TRIP, with control mcb, EFR with
125A TPN MCCB - 4 nos, 25ka
25A 2P MCB- 8 nos
32A 4P MCB - 2 nos
Floor mounted fabricated panel with 300mm MS stand
Separate cable chamber with Terminals

1.2 40A 4P MCB with box IP 44 Nos

1.3 25A 2P MCB and socket for split AC Nos
1.4 UPS OP panel with 125A TP +2N MCCB incommer Nos
100A 3P+2N MCCB- 2 Nos
32A 2P MCB- 3 nos
Fabricated box
Electro plated Cooper busbar

Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Distribution Boards complete

with MCBs/Isolators/ Bus bars and interconnections. No fabricated DBs shall
be allowed. Only DBs of specified makes as per list of materials shall be used
all MCB 10 kA. (All DB will have MCB numbering, DB chart, DB number), DB
should be fixed with Anchor fastener to wall with proper GI L angle fixed to
wall. Proper earthing should be provided to DB body at 2 places. Cable tray ,
raceway used for DB drop, shall be earhed to DB earthing with 12 SWG CU
wire and lugs
TPN as follows (LDB)- Wall mounted MCB double door DBs,fabricated from
2.1 16/18 G CRCA sheet steel with powder coated, and all fixing hardware. DB size each
should be suitable for Below mentioned MCB combination-for Terrace
Incomer 32A 4P MCB
32A DP RCCB , 30ma- 3 nos
Outgoing 10/ 16A SP MCBs -18 Nos.

TPN as follows (UDB)- Wall mounted MCB double door DBs,fabricated from
2.2 16/18 G CRCA sheet steel with powder coated, and all fixing hardware. DB size each
should be suitable for Below mentioned MCB combination

Incomer 32A 2P MCB- 1 No. D Curve

Outgoing 16A SP MCBs -12 Nos.D Curve

SPN as follows (ELDB)- Wall mounted MCB double door DBs,fabricated from
2.3 16/18 G CRCA sheet steel with powder coated, and all fixing hardware. DB size Sets
should be suitable for Below mentioned MCB combination

Incomer 20A DP RCCB- 1 No. 30ma

Outgoing- 10A SP MCB 12 nos.

B Cable and wiring

SITC of Aluminum / Copper armoured XLPE ,FRLS Grade PVC Insulated cables
as per IS 1554 to be fixed to walls, ceilings, on trays with suitable GI clamp,
1 cable tie at every 450 mm or to be laid in ready-made trench . Cable tagging
shall be done at both the ends of cable. Arrow marking shall be done at panel
end to show flow direction of current.
a 3.5 Core 240 sq. mm. AYFY. mtrs
b 3.5 Core 50 sq. mm. AYFY. mtrs
c 4 Core 25 sq. mm. AYFY. mtrs
d 4 Core 16 sq. mm. AYFY mtrs
e 1 Runs x 25 sq. mm. CU flex in PVC PIPE mtrs
f 1 Runs x 10 sq. mm. CU flex In PVC pipe mtrs
g 4 Core16sq. mm Cu Arm YWY mtrs
h 4 Core10sq. mm Cu Arm YWY mtrs
i 3 Core 10 sq. mm Cu Arm YWY mtrs
j 4 Core 6 sq. mm Cu YWY mtrs
k 3 Core 4 sq mm Cu YWY mtrs
l 3 Core 2.5 sq mm Cu YWY mtrs
m 4 Core 2.5 sq. mm Cu YWY mtrs

SITC of cables with Heavy duty Alu/ Cu. Lugs & Brass cable glands. All Cable
should be Double compression gland for 16 Sqmm and Above cables. The
glands should be earthed along with brass clips for Earthing. Bimetallic
washers shall be utilise for Aluminium cables for terminations with cu busbar.
a 3.5 Core 240 sq. mm. AYFY. nos
b 3.5 Core 50 sq. mm. AYFY. nos
c 4 Core 25 sq. mm. AYFY. nos
d 4 Core 16 sq. mm. AYFY nos
e 1 Runs x 25 sq. mm. CU flex in PVC PIPE nos
f 1 Runs x 10 sq. mm. CU flex In PVC pipe nos
g 4 Core16sq. mm Cu Arm YWY nos
h 4 Core10sq. mm Cu Arm YWY Nos
i 3 Core 10 sq. mm Cu Arm YWY nos
j 4 Core 6 sq. mm Cu YWY nos
k 3 Core 4 sq mm Cu YWY nos
l 3 Core 2.5 sq mm Cu YWY nos
m 4 Core 2.5 sq. mm Cu YWY nos

SITC of 1.6 mm thick GI Perforated type cable Trays of Asian /Profab /

Equivalent make The cable tray shall be fixed to the ceiling/ wall with suitable
size of GI clamp, appropriate dia threaded rod & 35mmx2mm thick GI slotted
'C' channel Patti OR suitable size of MS angle support (MS support to be
painted with two coats of red oxide & two coats of enamelled paint ).Supports
to be provided at an interval of 800mm or lesser depending upon the
location. The rate shall include the cost of GripleSupports/ GI rods and MS
angle support .
Cable Tray=100mm wide x50 mm height. IBMS works, DATA works, Electrical
a Mtrs
works in passage
Cable Tray=150 mm wide x50 mm height. IBMS works, DATA works, Electrical
b mtrs
works in passage
Cable Tray=200 mm wide x50 mm height. IBMS works, DATA works, Electrical
c mtr
works in passage
Cable Tray=300 mm wide x50 mm height. Electrical works, IBMS , data inside
d mtr
shaft works
Cable Tray=450 mm wide x50 mm height. Electrical works, IBMS , data inside
e mtr
shaft works
Cable Tray=600 mm wide x75mm height. Electrical works, IBMS , data inside
f mtr
shaft works

SITC of Powder coated 100mmx 75mm GI Trunking 2mm thick with cover to
be used for running the wires/cables near Db and DB drop. Trunking to be
fixed on Wall or flooring with suitable size of GI clamp, appropriate dia
threaded rod & 35mmx2mm thick GI slotted 'C' channel Patti OR suitable size
4 mtr
of MS angle support (MS support to be painted with two coats of red oxide &
two coats of enamelled paint ). The rate shall include the cost of Supports .
Trunking should have knock outs on both side at each 600mm distance as per
site requirements.

Fabrication in MS .The rate shall include the cost for painting with 3 Coats of
5 enamelled / metal applied after rust treatment of two coats of red oxide. The Kgs
colour of the paint & cable trays shall be as approved by Architect.
SITC of Light Point wiring through 20/25 mm MS CONDUIT with all required
accessories with 2 Nos of 1.5 sqmm & 1 no of 1.5 sqmm ( for earth) PVC
insulated Copper FRLS wires with Modular type switches complete with all
accessories as detailed in the specifications. The switch boxes shall be flush
mounted with partition /walls works or as directed by the consultants and
shall be done in co-ordination with furniture works. The rate shall include
circuit wiring From LDB to Switchboard Box & Switchboard Box to Switchboard
. 2 Nos of 1.5 sqmm & 1 no of 1.5 sqmm ( for earth) Copper conductor PVC
6 insulated FRLS Wire , conduit, back box, switch plate and modular type switch
. Conduit shall be fixed on wall / trays or ceiling with spacers & saddles. The
wires will be terminated in a separate connector before fixtures. All phase
neutral and earthing wire shall be terminated in SB level. No direct looping of
Neutral and earthing shall be done. All circuit/ Looping circuits shall have
ferrule on both ends and shall have lugs on both end. Circuit and point wire
shall have same colour code. Switch board have proper stickering showing DB
and circuit number. wall chasing and back filling will be in scope of electrical
contractor wherever required
Primary light points (Switch control) 3 x 1.5 Sqmm Cu FRLS PVC insulated
a Nos
Secondary light points with 3 x 1.5 Sqmm FRLS wires PVC insulated wires (Loop
b Nos
points after primary points)
DB MCB controlled primary point with 3 x 1.5 Sqmm Cu FRLS PVC insulated
c Nos

Secondary light points with 3 x 1.5 Sqmm Cu FRLS PVC insulated wire (Loop
d Nos
points after MCB controlled primary points)
e Wiring for PIR sensor from cabin SB to sensor and till first light point Nos
Primary light points (Switch control) 3 x 1.5 Sqmm Cu FRLS PVC insulated
f Nos
wires for emergency lights
Secondary light points with 3 x 1.5 Sqmm Cu FRLS PVC insulated wires .for
g Nos
emergency lights
DB MCB controlled primary point with 3 x 1.5 Sqmm Cu FRLS PVC insulated
wires .for emergency lights
h Nos

Secondary light points with 3 x 1.5 Sqmm Cu FRLS PVC insulated wires .for
i Nos
emergency lights


Supply, Installation , Testing & Commissioning of following Power Sockets

mounted with specified switchgear inside the specified enclosure confirming
to .The rate to include termination of incoming wires/cables with appropriate
size of lugs & applicable PVC/Brass cable glands
a 25 Amps two Pin & Earth ,Single phase metal clad socket with MCB and box set
16 Amps two Pin & Earth ,Single phase IP 44 PLUG and socket with MCB and
b set
32Amps two Pin & Earth ,Single phase IP 44 socket w(IEC 60309-1/60309-2)
c set
with box Heavy duty type with inclined handle
63 Amps three Pin + Neutral+Earth ,three phase IP 44v socket with with MCB
d set
with box ( (BCH Type) Heavy duty cat -DS6A7A1 and DS6B7A1 for kitchen
e Supply & Fixing of RG 6 TV socket with Approx. 35 Mtrs cable in pvc conduit Nos

SITC of modular type shuttered power sockets, data-outlets, telephone

sockets complete with chrome-plated mounting box. The switch box shall be
fixed in partition works. The rate shall be inclusive of connecting of switches /
sockets. . Proper care to be taken while passing wires from bends, wire entry
from floor JB to modular, bends in module. Contractor shall use PVC Sleeves to
avoid damage of ware. All sockets shall have label with DB and circuit number.
All main circuits shall have numbered ferrules. All circuit and looping wire
color code shall be same.
3 Nos of sockets 6A/13A installed below table and controlled by 1nos 15A
a set
switch below table - Double cover type face plate
2 Nos of Universal sockets 5A controlled by 5A switch (for UPS Power) for
b workstations / BMS. This combination shall be measure as one single point for set
wiring. PVC box shall be provided to socket
1No. of 6A Switch & socket combine for without back box for workstation raw
c.1 Set
power. Double cover type face plate
1 Nos of sockets 6A 3pin controlled by 6A switch Power Switch Socket
c.2 combine with indicator Complete with G.I. mounting box for VAV Boxes, FCU , set
AV points, Low voltage equipments.
1 Nos of sockets 16A 3pin controlled by 16A switch Power Switch Socket
d combine with indicator complete with G.I. mounting box for Convenience set
sockets. Double cover type face plate
e 2 way switch wiring wiring for executive cabins with wiring Nos

3 Back boxes required for data voice outlets boxes on wall or partitions Nos

SITC of modular type Under floor modular boxes of 300mm x 300mm x 65mm
4 with double door. Top cover will be hinged cover with minimum depth of 70 Nos
mm with 2nos 15 Amp Switch Socket 2 nos Data Point 2nos Voice Point

SITC of Circuit Mains wiring for work station and cabins Power sockets direct
from DB and then looped with nearest socket.
Circuit wiring - 3C x 2.5 sq.mm. Cu conductor PVC insulated FRLS wires for
a.1 Mtrs
UPS points on table , workstation, cabin furniture - UPS-4 points per circuit
Circuit wiring - 3C x 2.5 sq.mm. Cu conductor PVC insulated FRLS wires for
a.2 RAW points on table , workstation, cabin furniture - RAW- 4 sockets per Mtrs
Circuit wiring - 3R x 2.5 sq.mm. Cu conductor PVC insulated FRLS wires in 25
a.3 Mtrs
MM FRLS PVC conduit in ceiling, partitions, floor for RAW points , UPS points
Supplying and laying of CAT-6 cable make through already laid
raceways/conduit from racks to work station as directed (The rate shall
b mtr
include the cost of 1.6 mm wall thickness PVC conduits & all accessories) for
light dimming
Circuit wiring - 3C x 6 sq.mm. Cu conductor PVC insulated FRLS wires for UPS
c mtrs
points on table , workstation, cabin furniture - server and hub room sockets

50 MM, 3M long dia GI Rod, Chemical earthing system with Chamber cover
1 with civil brick works, test link with 4 nos SS nut bolts , and proper marking on Nos
earthing cover shall be provided for body earthing

SITC of main earth stations comprising of 600 * 600 * 6 mm GI plate buried

4.0 meters below ground with adequate coal & salt covering as per IS
2 standards3043, Including 10 mtrs long GI pipe with funnel, Chamber cover Nos
with civil brick works, test link with 4 nos SS nut bolts , and proper marking on
earthing cover shall be provided for body earthing

SITC of of 50mm x 6mm thick G.I. earthing strip from earthing chamber to the
main power panel and it's termination. The portion of the strip underground
3 shall be laid to a depth of at least 75cms. The portion on building wall upto mtrs
the main panel shall be laid on cable trays or to be saddled to the wall as per
the site conditions. GI flats to be painted with two coats of enamelled paint

SITC of 25 mm x 6mm thick G.I. earthing strip from the GI earthing grid inside
4 the panel room to the body earth connections of the individual panels.GI flats mtr
to be painted with two coats of enamelled paint

SITC of 25mm x 3 mm thick G.I. earthing strip from the GI earthing grid inside
5 the panel room to the body earth connections of the individual panels.GI flats mtrs
to be painted with two coats of enamelled paint

SITC of 50 mm x 3 mm thick Copper earthing strip for interconnecting the

6 earth pits. The portion of the strip underground shall be laid to a depth of at mtr
least 600mm with PVC Sleeve. All joints shall have 2 nos nut bolts.

SITC of 25 mm x 3 mm thick Copper earthing strip for interconnecting the

6.1 earth pits. The portion of the strip underground shall be laid to a depth of at mtr
least 600mm with PVC Sleeve. All joints shall have 2 nos nut bolts.

This item is inclusive of making necessary temporary arrangement lighting

with fixtures to attain a minimum 200 Lux lighting level for area of 3000 Sqft
Floor & provision of substantial number of power points for welders
,carpenters, electricians & others . The supply should be routed through MCB
DB having ELCB of suitable rating. Cost of energy meter at main incoming to
be considered (if required by client).Contractor to provide multiple DBs &
7 Job
services being multiple services. This items includes cost of supply &
installations of main DB with energy meter, Small DBs at each levels, Its
cabling, Temp wiring for Lighting fixtures & Power sockets. Lighting Fixtures,
Power sockets, required hardware & associated material. Also vendor shall
maintain the same till completion of project. All temp light material shall be
removed and taken back by electrical contractor.

CEIG APPROVAL - Statutory approval from Local Electrical Inspectorate & other
8 Job
required statutory bodies for clearance from electricity authority / Electrical
Inspectorate. Identification to be done for all electrical equipments like panel,
DB, sockets, Light fittings, Cables, Etc. for entire Electrical installation of
Building for 10000 Sqft .The job involves submission of application, test report
& other relevant documents as may be required to EI & EB, follow up with EI &
EB, collection of FQ, making necessary application payment to EI & EB (DD for
the same shall be given by client), coordination with EI & EB project team &
getting the relevant work done from EI & EB at site for obtaining power
supply. This being a time bound job, the meter connection work should be
carried out within the time frame mentioned in tender.(This is to be noted
that this work include liasoning with EI & EB) & Electrical Inspector charges to
approve entire Electrical installation Work .The job involves submission of
drawings ,test report, arranging visit of electrical Inspector at site , Approval of
Electrical Inspector on drawing Layout. This being a time bound job, Vendor
should ensure that they should get permission of Electrical Inspector in time
.This is to be noted that this work excludes liasoning with EI & EB.All official
charges will be reimbursed by client.

SITC of 1Cx 50 sq mm COPPER flexible cable for earth in PVC HMS Conduit
9 mtrs
inside the building premises PDU.

SITC of 1Cx 25 sq mm COPPER flexible cable for earth in PVC HMS Conduit
10 mtrs
inside the building premises.

SITC of 1Cx 16 sq mm COPPER flexible cable for earth in PVC HMS Conduit
11 mtrs
inside the building premises.

SITC of 1Cx 10 sq mm COPPER flexible cable for earth in PVC HMS Conduit
12 mtrs

SITC of 1Cx 6 sq mm COPPER flexible cable for earth along with the supply
13 mtrs
cable in 20mm PVC HMS Conduit .The rate shall include GI Conduit

SITC of 1C x 2.5 sq mm COPPER flexible cable with for earth along with brass
14 mtrs
clips for termination on MODULAR WORKSTATION METALIC BODY.

Item no.8 to 14 The rate shall inclusive of Termination at Both Ends.

Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of GI earth bus of size 50 mm

x6mmx 600 mm (WxBxL) mounted on insulators, Directly on wall or channel or
15 No
flooring as directed. Bus should have 10 nos of holes with GI nut bolts of
suitable size

Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of copper earth bus of size 25

mm x 3 mmx 600 mm ( WxBxL) mounted on insulators ,in suitable size MS
16 No
Powder Coated box ( Acrylic to be provided on front cover to view termination
). Bus should have 10 nos of holes with brass nut bolts of suitable size

Supply & Installation of Metallic caution/Danger boards of voltage grade as

given below with red colour base & white painted in English, Hindi & local
language. Grade Caution Boards. 150 x 150 mm size with 2 Hrs radium light
a. 415 V No

18 Supply & Installation of rubber mats of 1000 mm. width & thickness of 10mm
1.1 KV Voltage grade. Mtrs

Supply & Installation of shock treatment chart in English & local language.
19 No
Shock treatment chart to be printed & glass framed.

19.1 11KV Hand gloves Nos

20 Supply & Installation of first aid kit with wall mounting wooden stand. No

Supply & Installation of Co2 fire extinguishers for elect room, reception and
21 No
cafeteria - 4.5KG with floor stand

5 KG clean Agent Automatic ceiling suspended fire extinguisher with 68 deg

21.1 Nos
sprinkler with stand

Supply & Installation of ABC fire extinguishers for office area - 2 KG with
22 Nos
floor stand

SITC of portable Dry chemical type clean AGENT for IT Equipments,

23 environment friendly fire Extinguisher of 2 Kg. Capacity of Fire extinguisher. No
For Server and Hub rooms. with floor stand

23.1 10 KG sand buckets with wall mounting stand Nos

Fire extinguisher signage on wall and safety signages 200 x 200 mm size, with
23.2 Nos
2Hrs. radium

23.3 Fire exit route map with Glass frame and fixing on wall Nos

SITC of Following sizes of Earthing bare conductor wires with clamps,/saddles

/brass clips etc.
a 8 SWG GI Wire for AC earthing and outdoor USE mtrs
b 12 SWG CU Wire for DB earthing and indoor USE mtrs

25 SITC of 1 KVA On line UPS for EM lighting Nos.

Input voltage : Single Phase ,230V
Output voltage : Single Phase ,230V
Efficiency =92 % at full load PF -0.9
Maintenance seal lead acid battery with minimum 30 minutes battery back up
at full load.
Bypass system - manual


Floor preparation for raceway laying-Raceways / conduits shall be fixed to the
flooring with GI clamps for finished levels as per the site conditions or through
partitions with all accessories. The rate shall include preparation of trenches
upto 450 mm wide by carefully removing the floor tiles / IPS & malwa below
the tiles for laying Raceways/conduits . The depth of the trenches shall be at
least 2 inches from the finished floor level or upto RCC of the slab. The rate
shall also include the activity of clearing the debris generated at designated
area by PM .(Breaking and back Filling the same with PCC 1:2:3 with metal
wire mesh not part of electrical contractor scope. Contractor shall take prior
permission before execution of this work wherever required)

Supply and laying Raceways / Conduits Raceways / conduits shall be fixed to

the flooring with GI clamps for finished levels as per the site conditions or
through partitions with all accessories. Raceway and JB shall be closed
properly with plastic bags to avoid entering of cement mortar. All JB and
raceway to be earthed at each contact point and at DB level with 16 SWG cu
a 100mm x 38mm Aluminium raceways, 1.6 mm thick mtr
a.1 82 mm x 38mm Aluminium raceways, 1.6 mm thick mtr
a.2 100 mm x 40mm Aluminium raceways, 1.6 mm thick mtr
b 25mm PVC conduits of wall thickness of 2 mm thick mtr
c 40mm HMS PVC conduits of wall thickness of 2 mm thick mtr
d 50mm HMS PVC conduits of wall thickness of 2 mm thick mtr
e 25mm Flexible PVC conduits of wall thickness of 1.6 mm with Gland mtr

2 Junction Boxes
Supplying and fixing 350 mm x 350 mm x55mm deep GI finish. The junction
boxes shall have knock-outs on all sides suitable for Raceways/conduits. With
stainless steel Plate. The knock out shall be removed at site as per
a requirements. Junction boxes shall be levelled at the time of installation. Nos
Junction boxes shall be earthed with raceway with 18 Swg cu wire. Junction
boxes and raceway shall be covered with plastic bags during back filling of
concrete work.

Supplying and fixing 250 mm x 250 mm x55mm deep GI finish. The junction
boxes shall have knock-outs on all sides suitable for Raceways/conduits. With
stainless steel Plate. The knock out shall be removed at site as per
b requirements. Junction boxes shall be levelled at the time of installation. Nos
Junction boxes shall be earthed with raceway with 18 Swg cu wire. Junction
boxes and raceway shall be covered with plastic bags during back filling of
concrete work.

Supplying and fixing 150 mm x 150 mm x55mm deep GI finish. The junction
boxes shall have knock-outs on all sides suitable for Raceways/conduits. With
stainless steel Plate. The knock out shall be removed at site as per
c Nos
requirements. Junction boxes shall be levelled at the time of installation.
Junctions boxes shall be earthed with raceway with 18 Swg cu wire. Junction
boxes and raceway shall be covered with plastic bags during back filling of
concrete work.

Supply & installations of MS Powder coated sheet steel, Raceways in red or

blue in colour made of 1.6 mm thk, with removable top cover & knock outs of
25dia mm at every 300mm for entry/exits of cables , complete with couplers,
bends etc. The raceway shall be fixed to the flooring with 40 x 40 mm x 4mm
GI angle bracket with required hard ware such as anchor fasteners threaded
rods, clamps etc. This management should be sufficient enough to cater the
fixing & removal force of 32amps IP 44 socket. Additional support for each
socket to be considered in the rate.. The brackets/Straps shall be spaced at
500mm apart & on either sides of bends.(TO BE USED ONLY FOR THE
NETWORK ROOM & HUB Room & Server room)
a 350mm wide x 50 mm ht 1.6 MM Thick with cover mtr
b 200 mm wide x 50 mm ht 1.6 MM Thick with cover mtr
c 100mm wide x 50mm ht 1.6 MM Thick with cover mtr
d 300 x 75 MM GI perforated tray for data cable below false floor Mtrs

Supply & installations of Stainless steel Basket Type open Cable trays 400 mm
x100 mm, in LAB/NER Room, made of 6.0mm dia stainless steel rods , with
4 100mm grid , bends, SS welding , Fixing Supports , all installation accessories mtr
etc. The rate to include fixing MS PAINTED SUPPORT bracket of 50 mm x

SITC of High end Switch sockets for lighting SB and 5/15A Raw points in cabin
5 and conf room, basic cost taken for plate switch sockets combine taken rs. Set
3000 per room


Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of the following fixtures

complete with all tubes, lamps, HF electronic ballast with THD less than 10%, ,
fixing arrangements ball and sockets and suspension conduits connections,
earthing complete with all hardware, clamps, etc as per specification & as per
architects approved colour temperature. All fittings shall be suitable for
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 600x 600 mm recess
mounted , 30-34 W ( system wattage )LED light , with full diffuser
84% transference 6000k color temp and CRI >80%. The fitting shall be fixed
with chain ,screws etc. The fitting shall be recessed mounted suitable for
gypsum Ceiling, with full acrylic diffuser and delivered lumens 95 lumen> per
1 Nos
watts, The rate shall include connection with 3 core 1.5 sqmm. flexible copper
cable with Flexible Conduit. The brief specification of Fixture is as under: LED
chip used. Cost to include linking metal strips, wires, connectors, and
hardware material. Vendor shall order end light fitting in each row is per site
requirement( light shall give avg 300- 350 lux on workstation)

Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning 15- w LED down light with heat
2 sink on backside . For passage ( light shall give avg 150- 200 lux on Passage Nos
and 300 Lux on workstations)
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning 18- 22 w LED down light with
3 heat sink on backside . For passage ( light shall give avg 150- 200 lux on Nos
Passage and 300 Lux on workstations)

4 3W spot lights Nos

Supply Installation of EXIT Signage's with LED lamp with 90 minutes battery
5 backup type & LED lamps as per NFPA standard. These signages may be Nos
mounted on wall OR can be fixed on ceiling with gear wire /recessed.

30W- 50mm x 1200 mm reccess liner light as per architect requirements -

6 Nos
basic price 4000

20 W Decorative suspended light as per architect requirements - basic price

7 Nos

8 Day light sensor- with Timmer and adjustable lux level Nos
9 Occupancy IR sensors with timmer control Nos

10 10W per Meter LED strip lights with driver- cove light Mtrs

11 28 W LED TUBE lights - 4 feet with transparent cover housing for ware house Nos

12 Dimmable ballast for Led lights - Day light dimming Nos

13 Wall mounted industrial fans for warehouse and stores Nos

14 IP 67 outdoor flood lights - wall mounted , - 100W Nos

G NVR Based CCTV Camera

IP CCTV system with 30 days recording- Honeywell or higher model

SITC of IP based dome camera equipped with a 1/3″ 2 MP progressive scan
CMOS imager to capture 2304×1296 (20 fps)/Full HD 1080p (25/30 fps)
1 images; a 3.6mm mm fixed lens; and a waterproof (IP66) enclosure, true Nos.
day/night solution, camera shall use Smart IR technology and provide up to
100 ft (30 m) of IR illumination, 12 V DC power input.

2 8 Chanel Network switch Nos

SITC CAT 6 Cable in MS conduits with IO and faceplate , back box. AVG cable
3 Nos
length 40RMT with conduits and all accessories

SITC Flat screen TFT 32” high resolution Monitor with power supply complete
4 No.
with key board & mouse.
SITC of 8 CH NVR, 2 SATA HDD Slot (Max 32TB), ATX Power,Realtime
Recording Resolution (16 Channels @2MP),Realtime Local Playback,Multiplex
Operation,H.264 High profile,BNC/VGA/HDMI output, main profile,
baseline,HDD Redundancy,Free DDNS,Network backup, USB HDD, USB writer,
5 SATA writer,1 RS485, support 18 kinds of PTZ protocols,ONVIF 2.0,1 channel No.
Audio Input and Output,16 Ch Alarm Input and 8 Ch Alarm Output- Free
software supply and installation . 2 SATA HDD slots NVR shall be network
compatible and remote access shall be available through IP
Approved Makes:- Honeywell or higher model

6 4TB HDD drive with cables Nos

7 15 MTRS HDMI cable Nos.


H Access control system

Note- All Devices supply and installation in client scope

Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Bio metric-Finger print + card
number readers ( ESSL F8) as per specification suitable for mounting on
1 Gypsum/metal surface/metal frames or wooden frames/ wall or as required Nos
based on site conditions including all accessories and civil works. Honeywell or
higher model

Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Proximity card readers as per

specification suitable for mounting on Gypsum/metal surface/metal frames or
2 Nos
wooden frames/ wall or as required based on site conditions including all
accessories and civil works.

Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of electromagnetic Lock (fail

safe type) of 600lb holding force, with Door Feedback & door ajar alarm
buzzer for the following type doors : Locks shall be suitable for Glass door with
U clamps
a Double leaf Door Nos
b Single leaf Door Nos
c magnetic contacts nos

SITC of 2 door controller with TCP/IP connectivity, & power supply unit with
4 Nos
battery back up
SITC of 4 door controller with TCP/IP connectivity, & power supply unit
5 Make- Spectra, Solus, Honeywell Note- Access door shall open during fire Nos
alarm. Panel shall give door open alarm
6 SITC of Access PC Hardware & Software
I5 Processor with mobo,8GB dd3 Kingston RAM ,Keyboard & Mouse, Cabinet
6a Nos
circule,CD Drive with Dell screen 18.5" 1 TB HDD with windows installed
6b BASIC Multiple User licensed time attendance soft ware Nos
Capability to map multiple companies within the Enterprise, and Various
departments within a Company. Vendor to understand the existing software
and provide the similar of higher version.
Should have capability for generating extensive customised reports.

SITC of Armored Copper flexible Cable, PVC insulated, shielded PVC Sheathed
cable. The cable shall be laid on surface with GI saddle-spacers every 0.3
meters. Complete with GI Junction Box, lugs, cable compression glands, cable
tags and Ferruling.
A CAT 6 Cables in MS conduits Mtrs
b 4c x 0.75 Sq.mm for locks and exit switch with MS conduit Mtrs

Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Proximity cards as per client

8 Nos
specification. 32 bit/ 64 bits

Supply , installation, testing and commissioning of Push Button for Exit- SS

9 Nos
plate type

10 24 Port Jack panels - loaded type Nos

Panic bar with battery operated alarm- 60DB alarm shall be considered ,
11 Nos
Vendor to include door contacts, hooter, and cabling


Note- Vendor shall include cost of integration with BMS, Access, PA and Elect
system. All cables and hardware required for the same.
Supply of 2 Loop Microprocessor based 2 wire fault tolerant loop, required
loop networkable type (each loop accessing minimum 50 detectors /50
modules ) fire alarm/detection control panel. The panel shall be able to give
location of all fire/fault conditions of addressable units via the address codes.
Further, the panel must be able to automatically switch ON /OFF respective
control module whenever any alarm is triggered. The panel shall have
rectifier, Loop cards, 80 character L C D unit to indicate Fire/Fault Signal with
address and analogy output, external/inbuilt printer to log all fire or fault
events complete in all respects. The Panel Shall be Sheet Steel Painted, sealed
to IP30. The Panel Shall have 20 Zones with Individual LED Indicators,
expandable to 80 LED Indicators. The Panel Shall have 3 Serial Ports. The panel
1 No
shall have provision to integrate with PA System and shall have provision to
connect to Building Management system through Modbus Card. The panel
shall have a built in power supply and battery charger along with
maintenance free 24 AH, 2 x 12 volt SMF Lead acid batteries capable of
running for a minimum of 24 hours with battery charger complete as required.
and conforming to BS5839 Standards and Duly Approved by EN54/LPCB as per
Approved Makes: - Honeywell / Edward compatible - Note- Fire panel shall
be integrated to Elect panel, Access control, Builder fire panel, Auto dialer, PA
system. Vendor shall include scope for supply and installation for the same.
2 Loop Panel with 120 Character Display, programmed as a node on a peer to
peer network with other Panels.

Addressable fire alarm Active Repeater Panel which consists of display board
which will have 160 Character Display with Touch key pad, Mother board UL
2 Nos
Make: Honeywell / Edward compatible

SITC of Addressable Smoke detector with base with Binary coded address
setting. Dual LED’s for 360° visibility. Sleek low-profile housing design. Regular
3 Nos
100mm (Below false ceiling) base. IP Rating : IP - 42. Approval: UL Listed,
Make Honeywell / Edward compatible
SITC Addressable Smoke detector with base with Binary coded address
setting. Dual LED’s for 360° visibility. Polarity free, Sleek low-profile housing
design. Regular
4 Nos
100mm base( Above False ceiling with MS back box) . IP Rating : IP - 42.
Approval: UL Listed,
Make:Honeywell / Edward compatible

SITC Addressable MCD detectors with base with Binary coded address
setting. Dual LED’s for 360° visibility. Polarity free, Sleek low-profile housing
4.1 design. Regular Nos
100mm base( Below False ceiling) . IP Rating : IP - 42. Approval: Honeywell /
Edward compatible

SITC of Analogue Addressable Heat detector Rate of Rise Cum Fixed Supply of
Addressable Heat detector with base with Binary coded address setting. Dual
LED’s for
5 360° visibility. Sleek low-profile housing design. Regular 100mm base. IP Nos
Rating : IP - 42. Approval: (Below False Floor.)
UL Listed,
Make: Honeywell / Edward compatible

SITC Addressable Manual Pull Station - Single Action - Honeywell / Edward

6 Nos

SITC of Addressable Monitor Module/ control module- Approval: Honeywell /

7 Nos
Edward compatible

SITC Addressable Relay Module. Approval: UL Listed,

8 Nos
Make Honeywell / Edward compatible

SITC Sounder / Hooter with Strobe with minimum Db level of 90db at 10 feet
9 height with required control module Nos
Honeywell / Edward compatible
SITC of Addressable Control Module for conventional sounder . Binary Coding
Setting - Approval:
10 Nos
UL Listed,
Make-Honeywell Morley/Notifier/Siemens
Supply of Fault Isolator with base
11 Nos
Honeywell / Edward compatible
SITC of Response Indicator having twin LED flush mounted on false
12 Nos

SITC of 2 Core x 1.5 mm2, Multi stranded AT Copper, FRLS Armoured cable,
RED in Colour.
13 The cable shall be laid on surface with GI saddle-spacers every 0.3 meters. Mtr.
Complete with GI Junction Box, lugs, cable glands, cable tags and Ferruling as
required. Make polycab or Equivalent

SITC of GSM Auto dialler system, shall be capable of sending SMS and call
14 alert to max 10 peoples no
Note: GSM sim Card in customer scope


Note- Vendor shall include cost of integration with BMS, Access, PA and Elect
system. All cables and hardware required for the same.
SITC of Dual Tone Ceiling mounted speaker with all requisite mounting
accessories to mount the speaker on False Ceiling / True Ceiling.
1.a 6 Watts- Nos
Box type IP 66 12 watt speaker wall mounted type suitable for Open ware
1.b Nos
house area

SITC of 8 Zone Voice Alarm controller/ Preamplifier/ Mixer amplifier Auto fire
2 Nos
evacuation message with USB MP3 AM FM CAT 6 connectivity for Mic with

3 SITC of Power Amplifier 250 W Nos

SITC of Power Amplifier 175 W within built mic and Preamplifier/ Mixer
3.1 Nos
Make-Honeywell/ Bosch

SITC of Background music source CD/DVD/ AM-FM Tuner (BGM Source) .

4 Nos
Sony/ Phillips

SITC of Call Station With 6 Zone Selection Switch with wired mic with cat 6
5 Nos
cable connectivity

6 SITC of 6W Volume Control, with ON/OFF with auto over ride option Nos

6.1 2 Nos mics with cable direct from amplifier in BMS room Nos

SITC of ISI Marked FRLS Armoured 2 core x 1.5 mm2, Multi stranded Copper
Conductor, PVC sheathed Cable with The cable shall be laid on surface with GI
7 Mtrs
saddle-spacers every 0.3 meters. Complete with GI Junction Box, lugs, cable
glands, cable tags and Ferruling. Make
C. HVAC Works

The bidder will design, supply and carry out HVAC works for accommodating functional
areas like Data Center area and Electrical Room for the proposed Data Center.

Scope of Work - HVAC Unit Qty

A AC MACHINE & PIPING WORK (with 100% redundancy system (N+N).

Supply, Installation Testing & Commissioning of Air cooled conventional
Ductable split units with high static pressure, make : Daikin / Mitsubishi /
Toshiba / Hitachi / OG.
Ductable split type conditioning units, each comprising of an outdoor and a
single/double indoor unit/s.Condensing unit shall be complete with hermetically
sealed rotary / scroll compressor/s, with aluminium fins, thermostatic expansion
valve and air cooled condenser with fan. Evaporating unit shall consist of a fan
section with dynamically balanced centrifugal fan/s driven by FHP/TEFC squirrel
cage induction motor, multi rows deep cooling coil of copper tubes and aluminium
fins etc. Enclosures shall be fabricated as specified. The evaporating unit shall be
equipped with synthetic fibre filters, insulated drain pan, safety controls, thermostat
all complete in a unit. The outdoor unit enclosure shall be factory painted to a
smooth finish. Ductable three phase units shall be complete with phase reversal kit
and motor protection device. Including lifting, shifting, fabrication, installation of MS
base platform for indoor/outdoor unit complete with epoxy painting, vibration
isolation pads, support hangars, railing, brackets etc. Canvass connections with zip
as approved by consultants. This also shall include complete testing &
commissioning. The quoted price shall be inclusive of full charge of refrigerant gas.

Three phase ductable split units :

1.1 3 TR Ceiling suspended Ductable split units with single circuit Nos.

Copper Refrigerant Piping & Cabling for Air cooled ductable split units.
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of hard/soft copper refrigerant
piping complete with fittings between indoor units and remote condensers.
Refrigerant piping complete for all circuits with suction line insulation of min. 9 mm
thick Armaflex make & electrical cabling & conduiting with proper supporting
arrangement @ every 4 feet...

2.1 3.0 TR Ceiling suspended Ductable split units

2.1.1 Refrigerant piping (Circuit Length) Rmt.
2.1.2 FRLS Power cabling Rmt.
2.1.3 FRLS Control cabling Rmt.
2.1.4 Isolator switch of IP-55 construction near outdoor/indoor unit Nos.
Note for packaged units : If the Ref.piping lengths of each odu are beyond 20
M, vendors are supposed to consider one size bigger than the prescribed
sizes of Ref.pipes & quote accordingly for the same.
Provision of oil separator & accumulator for each circuit to cater additional refrigerant
3 piping length. (applicable for more than 25 mtr running ref. piping) Nos.
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Ductable / split type air-
conditioning units, each comprising of an outdoor and single/double indoor unit.
Condensing unit shall be complete with scroll / Rotary compressor/s & air
cooled condenser with fan. Evaporating unit shall consist of a fan section with
dynamically balanced centrifugal fans driven by FHP motor, multirows deep
cooling coil of Copper tubes and aluminium fins, thermostatic expansion valves
etc. Additional treatment for corrosion protection approx. coating shall be
included.MS fabrication platform works for outdoor units. The evaporating unit shall
be equipped with synthetic fibre filters, insulated drain pan, safety controls,
thermostat all complete in a unit. The enclosure shall be factory painted to a
smooth finish. The quoted price shall be inclusive of full charge of refrigerant gas,
vibration isolation pads & Flexible ducts at ductable units outlet.

Make : Daikin / Mitsubishi / Toshiba / Hitachi / OG.

Hi-Wall Split Units
4.1 2.0 TR / 700 CFM Nos.
4.2 1.0 TR / 380 CFM Nos.


Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of hard/soft copper refrigerant
piping complete with fittings between indoor units and remote condensers.
Refrigerant piping complete for all circuits with suction & liquid line insulation of min.
9mm thick Class "O" Armacell make Insulation & electrical cabling & conduiting with
proper supporting arrangement @ every 4 feet..

4.3 2.0 TR High-wall

4.3.1. Refrigerant piping (Circuit length for Liquid & gas) Rmt.
4.3.2 FRLS Power cabling Rmt.
4.3.3 FRLS Control cabling Rmt.
4.3.4 Isolator switch of IP-55 construction near indoor/outdoor unit Nos.

4.4 1.0 TR High-wall

4.4.1 Refrigerant piping (Circuit length for Liquid & gas) Rmt.
4.4.2 FRLS Power cabling Rmt.
4.4.3 FRLS Control cabling Rmt.
4.4.4 Isolator switch of IP-55 construction near indoor/outdoor unit Nos.

5 Drain Piping Make : Supreme / Prince

5.1 Drain Piping shall be Hard PVC.32mm dia for single unit, 40mm dia for two units and
50mm dia for 3 units. Drain Piping shall be insulated with 12mm Armaflex. Rmt

5.2 Epson Drain Pumps for above Hi-wall Units (If slope not available) Nos.
Supply & installation of Auto sequential control panel for the DX Units. The panel
should have the following features.
A/C units shall be able to restart automatically after power failure/interruption.
Automatic fault changeover
Sequential changeover of operating units every 8 or 12 hours or as per Client
Switch over to next machine or start both/all units if temperature exceeds the set
The panel should be provided with potential free contact for fire integration. Should
generate an alarm if the unit trips or the room temperature goes beyond the set
Necessary control / power cables required.
Complete with Temperature sensors

6.1 For 3 nos 1.0 TR Hi-Wall Split units ( 2 Working + 1 Standby ) Set
6.2 For 2 nos 2.0 TR Hi-Wall Split units ( 1 Working + 1 Standby ) Set


B Ducting & Insulation


Rectangular ducting – Factory Fabricated complete with splitter dampers, turning
vanes, access doors, supports, air tight joints applied with sealant etc. as per
1.1 drawings ( Rolastar / Zeco / SA Enterprises / Nutech / DBS Make) ( Make for GI
Sheet :- Jindal / Sail )
1.1.1 Thickness 0.63 mm sheet (24 G) - Sqm
1.1.2 Thickness 0.80 mm sheet (22 G) Sqm
1.1.3 Thickness 1.00 mm sheet (20 G) - For plenum Sqm
1.1.4 Thickness 1.25 mm sheet (18 G) - Sqm

Acoustic Insulation with 13 mm thick self-adhesive nitrile rubber (arma sound) as
2.1 shown in the drawing (Arma Cell / K Flex / Equivalent. Make.) sq.m


Thermal Insulation with self-adhesive 13 mm thick nitrile rubber & all joints of the
insulation shall be further covered with 50mm wide 3mm thick self-adhesive tape
3.1 made of similar material of (Armacell / K flex / Equivalent. Make.) sq.m


C Air Distribution Works

Supply & Installation of Supply air / Return air Aluminium extruded Powder Coated 2
1 slot Grille of sizes 100 mm with end flanges . ( Make : Cosmos / Dynacraft / System Rmt
Air / Air Product / Equivalent.)

Supply & installation of Insulated flexible duct with Jubilee clips & aluminium foil
2 tapes Make: Cosmic / Seven Star / Equivalent.
2.1 100 mm dia Rmt.
Supply Installation Testing and Commissioning of Opposed blade dampers black
3 powder coated vertical blade type for supply air collar. The damper should be gear sq.m
operated type.

Volume Control Dampers made out of 100 x 40 x 1.55 mm thick galvanized steel
4 frame and with opposed blades of 1.55 mm galvanized sheet steel. ( Make : Sachin sq.m
Impex / Dynacraft / Komalco Systems / Air Product )

Supply, Installation of Fresh air intake / exhaust outlet connections with rain
5 protection louvers, bird screen ( Al. 26 G min. ) & volume control damper gear sq.m
operated type. Make : Cosmos / Air Products / Equivalent.

Approved Make List


Sr ITEM DESCRIPTION Quoted by Contractor













9 Dimmable balast PHILIPS, OSRAM, WIPRO


11 6A / 16A MODULAR Schneider, RR ,Legrand,











& T,ABB,

















30 ATS Emerson, ASCO, socomech




Zenith Engg- Mumbai

sv power systems - mumbai

CPRI Approved equivalent panel








UPS SYSTEM and static switch Schneider, Socomec,






Siemens, Honeywell, Notifire









46 Fire Extinguisher Cease fire, Safex, MINIMAX

NOTE- Contractor should take prior approval for any changes in makes or technical
specification from Client and Consultant. Client has all rights to change the makes and
specifications as per requirements of site
The Bank’s current Core IT Network is deployed using CISCO Network devices. The proposed solution
should be compatible with the existing setup.

Core Switch Technical Specifications

Technical Specifications Compliance (Y/N)
OEM Capabilities
The OEM suggested should be a part of the Leaders quadrant of 2019
Gartner (Report) Magic Quadrant for Data Center Networking
Switch Hardware features and performance
Switch should have minimum 48* 1/10G SFP and 12* 40G uplink ports
Switch should have minium switching capacity of 4.8Tbps
Switch should have minimum throughput of 1.8 Bpps
Switch should have max 2RU form factor
Switch should have minimum packet buffer size of 16MB
Switch should support Hot swappable redundant power supply and
Layer-2 Specifications
Should should support 802.1Q based 3000 VLAN's (Minimum)
Should support spanning tree protocols such as RSTP,MSTP
Should support static and dynamic VxLAN
Should support IGMP protocol
Layer-3 Specifications
Switch should support policy based routing
Switch should support Equal cost multipath
Switch should support IPv4 routing protocols static routes, RIP, RIPv2,
Switch should support static route, RIP, OSPF and BGP for IPv6
High Availability
Switch should have mechanism which can combine two switches in
single virtual switch with separate data plane, control plane but single
management plane.
Switch should support VRRP protocol
Switch should support hot swapable redundant power supply
Switch should provide hitless failover during upgrades
Quality of Service
Switch should support Strict priority queuing, weighted round robin
Switch should support 802.1p standard
Switch should support SNMPv1,v2 and v3 protocols
Should support sFlow
Switch should support Local and remote port mirroring i.e. RSPAN,
Switch should support RMON capabilitiy
Switch should support Radius and TACACS+ protocols
Switch should support IEEE 802.1x based authentication
Should support ACL that can filter packet based on Layer-2 to Layer-4

Should support protocols such as RA guardr and ND snooping

TOR Switch Technical Specifications

Technical Specifications
OEM Capabilities
The OEM suggested should be a part of the Leaders quadrant of 2019
Gartner (Report) Magic Quadrant for Data centre Networking
Switch Hardware features and performance
Switch should have minimum 48 * 1/10G Base-T ports and 6* 40G ports
Switch should have minimum switching capacity up to 1.4Tbps
Switch should support Hot swappable redundant power supply
Switch should have packet buffer size of minimum 12MB and
Switch should provide upto 3 microsecond latency for 10GbE
Switch should have 1RU form factor
Layer-2 Switching
Should should support 802.1Q based 4094 VLAN's
Switch should support congestion management technologies such as
IEEE 802.3x
Switch should support IGMP snooping v1/v2/v3, PIM snooping, MLD
snooping v1/v2/v3 and IPv6 PIM snooping
Switch should provide full DHCP snooping functionality
Layer-3 Specifications
Should support connectivity fault management i.e IEEE 802.1AG that can
be used for fast fault detection and recovery
Should support VxLAN L2 and L3 gateway feature and support up to 2K
Should support ECMP
Should support static routes, RIP, OSPF and BGP
Should support static , OSPFv3 and BGP for IPv6
Should have mechanism to reduce convergence time for routing
protocols such as BFD or equivalent
High Availability
Switch should support technology by which multiple switches acts as
single virtual switch with single IP for management for TOR or spine/leaf
Should support minimum 8 switches in single virtual stack
Should support patch installation and new services features installation
without rebooting the equipment
Switch should support hitless software upgrade in high availability
Data Center features
Switch should support reversible Airflow mechanism
Switch should support Jumbo frames sizes up to 9,000 bytes
Switch should support FCoE with FCF and N- port virtualization
Switch should support Data Center Bridging protocols
Quality Of Service
Should support classification based on DSCP field, MAC address, IP
protocol type, port number
Should support Strict priority queuing, weighted round robin and
weighted fair queuing
Should support sFlow
Should have separate out of band management port, console port
Switch should support SNMPv1,v2 and v3 protocols
Switch should support various DevOps tools such as Puppet,Chef,YANG
Switch should support Local and remote port mirroring i.e. RSPAN,
Switch should support Radius and TACACS+ protocols
Switch should support IEEE 802.1x based authentication
Should support ACL that can filter packet based on Layer-2 to Layer-4
Should support protocols such as RA guardr and ND snooping
Core Switch
Sr. no Description Quantity
48 SFP+ 12QSFP+ fixed Port with Redundant
1 Power Supply with 8*5* next business day 2
HW Replacement for 60 Months
2 SFP-10G-SR 20
3 SFP-1G-BaseT 30
4 QSFP+ LC 16
5 QSFP+ to QSFP+ Cable 5M 2
6 Fan Tray 10
7 Power Supply 4
8 Licenses and OS Software 2
9 Power Cords 4

ToR Switch
Sr. no Description Quantity
48 1/10Base T 6QSFP+ with Redundant Power
1 Supply with 8*5* next business day HW 8
Replacement for 60 Months
2 Power Supply 16
3 Fan Tray 32
4 QSFP+ LC 16
5 Licenses and OS Software 8
6 Power Cords 16
7 40 G Supportable Fiber Patch Cord 20 Mtr 16
Network cables (ofc(lc to lc 40G
8 lumpsum

The Tenderer is responsible for managing the entire project from commencement to the
final handing over of the facility to EXIM Bank. The Tenderer is required to provide detailed
architectural diagrams and other illustrations like conceptual architectural plan, civil work
details, electrical layouts and network cabling design layouts, 3D view of data center etc.,
for the envisaged DC.

Submittals will be provided with the proposal and will include:

• Descriptions of equipment to be furnished

• System GA

• Detailed layouts w.r.t smart solutions positioning in the server room.

• Site Pre-requisites

• Size and weight of shipping units

1.1 Warranty
The system will be provided with 1 year warranty + 4 year AMC.
1.2 Quality Assurance
The specified system will be factory-tested before shipment. The system will be designed
and manufactured according to world-class quality standards and will be factory tested
before the shipment. The manufacturer will be ISO 9001 certified

1.3 Scope of Installation, Configuration and Integration

 Physical installation and deployment of an Integrated Modular Data Centre Infrastructure

Solution to cater requirement as per current/additional critical hardware and Networking
 Proper marking of cable, Safety Sign board/Route marker to be installed for cable aid
underground and other miscellaneous work.

 Any structure, permanent or temporary, dismantled or destroyed during the execution of

the work shall, will be refill/remake or restore to its previous condition by the bidder at its
own cost.

 Any extra electrical points required in the server room shall have to be provided by the
network vendor at his own cost.

1.4 Scope of Acceptance testing and commissioning

 After installation and configuration of each subsystem, integrating various systems and
providing various services, tests shall be conducted for system performance.

 Commissioning shall mean end-to-end commissioning of the Data Center on turnkey basis
with testing of every subsystem. Test parameters, commitments etc. shall be submitted
along with implementation plan, which is shall be approved by EXIM.

 In the event, the test parameters, commitments are not submitted or not accepted explicitly
in writing/minutes by EXIM, the Test parameters, commitments etc. as decided by EXIM will
be final and binding.
 Upon Self testing and Commissioning, the system shall be offered for inspection by EXIM.

 The successful Bidder, along with EXIM shall prepare an inspection and acceptance schedule
with details of each activity.

 Scope of Documentation

a. Providing original manuals of all hardware items supplied.

b. Implementation plan, to be approved by EXIM before initializing the installation and

configuration activity
c. Test parameters, commitments etc. for acceptance testing to be enclosed along with
implementation plan.
d. Operator manual for shutdown/start of the active resources.

e. Drawings and specifications for equipment:

i. Capacity data

ii. Electrical data

iii. Electrical connection drawing

iv. Piping connection drawing

v. Bill of materials

vi. Product catalog sheets or equipment brochures

vii. Product guide specifications

viii. Installation information, including, but not limited to, weights and dimensions.

ix. Information about terminal locations for power and control connections.

x. Drawings for requested optional accessories.

xi. Wiring diagrams (Lighting, Fire)

xii. Installation manual

xiii. Operation and maintenance manual

xiv. Compliance statements

1.5 Scope of Services required during warranty and CMC period

The brief scope of services and obligations to be performed by the Tenderer

Notwithstanding to those mentioned in the periodic maintenance checklist/maintenance

plan are the following.

o Quarterly checking and servicing the entire data center (Quarterly preventive
o maintenance)

o Attending to the service when called upon by the client within two hours.

o Repairing/overhauling the components of the equipment at site/in service station,

o including replacement of worn out parts when found necessary.

o Replenishing refrigerant required because of a leak in the system arising out of wear
o and tear.

o Lubricating the bearings of motor, pumps and fans, when found necessary.

o Replacing of damaged electrical parts before restarting the system after breakdown.

o Quarterly inspecting belts, adjusting of tension and replacing worn out belts.

o Check control system and devices for evidence of improper operation. Repair, adjust or
replace components to ensure proper operation.

o Check for proper operation of the cooling coil. Clean, restore or replace as required.
o Check the motor contactor for pitting or other signs of damage. Repair or replace as
o needed.

o Check fan blades. Clean, repair or replace as needed.

o Check refrigerant system temperatures. If outside recommended levels, find cause,

o repair and adjust refrigerant to achieve optimal operating levels.

o Check the integrity of all panels on equipment. Replace fasteners as needed to ensure
o proper integrity and fit finish of equipment.

o Check drain pan, drain line and coil for biological growth. Clean as needed.

o Visually inspect areas of moisture accumulation for biological growth. If present, clean
o or disinfect as needed.

o Check compressor oil level and or pressure on refrigerant systems having oil level and or
pressure measurement means. Repair, replace or adjust as needed to ensure proper

o Check for proper damper operation. Repair or replace as needed.

 Check temperature transmitters for accuracy.

o Visually inspect exposed duct work and external piping for insulation and vapor barrier
o for integrity. Correct as needed.

o Visually inspect internally lined duct work until the first turn or up to 20 ft into the
o supply plenum from air system for integrity, and if soiled or degraded, correct.

o Records are to be maintained for all the above tasks and submitted to clients as and
o when required.

1.6 Scope of Training

 Practical Training of the Electrical, Civil and IT staff of EXIM Bank should be given. The
training should cover all the aspects of functioning, maintenance and monitoring of the Data

 Course material for the above (one copy each per participant) to be provided
Evaluation of Bids
Bid Evaluation Process

The objective of the evaluation process is to evaluate the bids to select an effective and best
fit consultant in a fair and transparent manner and the Bank would be guided by this in
carrying out the evaluation of bids. The decision of the Bank shall be considered final.

For the purpose of the evaluation and selection of Bidder for the Data Center design and
construction project, a two-staged evaluation process will be followed. If a Bidder does not
meet the eligibility criteria, the Bidder will be disqualified. For the Bidders who satisfy the
eligibility criteria, the ‘Technical Bids’ will be opened on the date mentioned in RFP
schedule and subsequently evaluated. In order to be shortlisted for opening of Commercial
bid, it is mandatory for a bidder to score a minimum cut‐ off marks which is 70 marks in
Technical evaluation. The Bidder scoring the highest technical score will be ranked as T1.
Bidders who do not achieve the cut‐off score will be disqualified from the bidding process
and their commercial bids will not be opened.

For any clarification with respect to the RFP document, the Bidder may send an email to the
email ID mentioned in RFP before the date specified therein and/or during the pre-bid
meeting. It may be noted that all queries, clarifications, questions, relating to this RFP,
technical or otherwise, should be in writing only and should be to the designated email id as
stated earlier.

Written requests for clarification submitted to the Bank by the specified date and time will
be explained by the Bank or its representative in the pre‐bid meeting. The Bank may call for
any clarifications / additional particulars required, if any, on the eligibility criteria/technical /
commercial bids submitted. The Bidder has to submit the clarifications / additional
particulars in writing within two working days. The Bidder’s offer may be disqualified, if the
clarifications / additional particulars sought are not submitted within the specified date and

The Bank reserves the right to call for presentation/s, clarifications etc., from the Bidders
based on the technical bids submitted by them. The bidders should be ready to make a
presentation on the Technical Bid at a one-day email notice. The Bank also reserves the right
to conduct Reference Sites at the Bidder’s client sites. Based upon the final technical
scoring, short listing would be made of the eligible Bidders for final commercial bidding.
While the technical score carries a weight of 70 percent, the commercial score carries a
weight of 30 percent. The Techno‐Commercial scores (70:30) will be arrived at for each
shortlisted Bidder and the Bidder with the highest score will be declared as the successful

Technical Evaluation Parameters:

The overall score for evaluating the Bidder would be 100 marks, out of which 70 marks is for the
Technical evaluation and 30 marks is for Commercial bid:

Technical Evaluation Commercial Bid Overall Score

70 30 100

For Quality and Cost based Evaluation (QCBS), the following formula will be used for the
evaluation of the bids. The scores will be calculated as:

C low - The lowest commercial bid. C - Commercial quote of the bidder.

T - The marks obtained by the bidder as per the technical evaluation.

The bidder achieving the highest overall score will be invited for negotiations for awarding
the contract. In case of a tie where two or more bidders achieve the same highest overall
score, the bidder with the higher technical score will be invited first for negotiations for
awarding the contract.

The Bank's decision to adhere to evaluation methodology will be final and binding and
no claims whatsoever in this respect will be entertained.

The Bank also reserves the right to re-issue / re-commence / cancel the Bid/ Annul Bid
process. Any decision in this regard by the Bank shall be final, conclusive and binding on
the Bidders.


1.0 Location:
Export-Import Bank of India, 21st Floor, Centre One Building, World Trade Center, Cuffe
Parade, Mumbai 400 005 and Regional Offices in pan India.

a. Tenderers must get acquainted with the proposed work, specifications, conditions of
contract and other conditions carefully before tendering. The Tenderer shall seek
clarifications up to March 03, 2020, 12.00 Hrs... No request of any change in conditions
shall be entertained after pre bid date of the tender.

2.0 Any printing or typographical errors /omission in tender document shall be referred
to EXIM Bank and their interpretation regarding correction shall be final and binding on
Service Provider.

3.0 Transfer of Tender Documents:

Transfer of tender documents purchased by one intending Bidder to another is not

4.0 Rates:

The EXIM Bank is not concerned with any rise or fall in the product prices during price
validity period of 90 days from tender opening date.

5.0 Payments: The payment will be made as per below schedule:

Sr. No. Milestone Payment

Delivery of material at site – in 2 interim bills during the project 70%
1 implementation.
After completion of Installation and handover. 25%
Retention amount for 12 months from handover date. 5%
Warranty will start from the date of project sign-off.

6.0 Signing of the contract:

a) The successful Bidder may be required to execute a non-disclosure agreement

(NDA) with Exim Bank within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notice of
acceptance of tender. In the event of failure on the part of the successful Bidder to
sign the agreement in the above- stipulated period, the EXIM Bank may cancel the
b) Until the Agreement is formally signed, the Work Order / Letter of Acceptance of
Tender issued to the successful Bidder and accepted by him may be operative and
binding on the EXIM Bank of India and the Service Provider.

7.0 On acceptance of the tender, the name of the accredited representatives of the Bidder
who would be responsible for taking instructions from EXIM Bank shall be
mentioned by the Bidder.

8.0 If so decided EXIM Bank reserves the right to appoint PMC (Project Management
Consultant) or any other agency to get the quality of works checked,
measurements recorded, including certification of bills etc.

9.0 The EXIM Bank has the right to reduce or increase the scope of work. The Bank may
give 3 months’ notice period for termination of contract if service is not
satisfactory to the Bank.

10.0 Notices to local bodies:

The Bidder / Service Provider shall comply with and give all notices required under
any law, rule, regulations or bye laws of parliament, state legislature or local
authority relating to works.

I/We hereby declare that I/We have read and understood the above instructions for the
guidance of the Bidders.

E-Tendering Process Compliance Statement
The following terms and conditions are deemed as accepted by you for participation in the
bid event (Tender Ref: EXIM/RFP/2019-20/080)
1. The price once submitted cannot be changed.
2. Technical and other non-commercial queries (not impacting price) can be routed to
the respective contact personnel of the EXIM Bank indicated in the tender document.
Bidding process related queries could be addressed to M/s E-Procurement Technologies Ltd
personnel indicated in the tender document.
3. Inability to bid due to glitch in telephone lines, Internet response issues, software or
hardware hangs will not be the responsibility of M/s E-Procurement Technologies Ltd or the
EXIM Bank. However, M/s E-Procurement Technologies Ltd, shall make every effort to
ensure availability of technology resources to enable continuous bidding.
4. M/s E-Procurement Technologies Ltd does not take responsibility beyond the bid
event. Order finalization and post order activities would be transacted directly between
bidder and the EXIM bank.
5. Bids once made cannot be withdrawn or modified under any circumstances.
6. The EXIM Bank reserves the right to extend or reschedule or annul the e-tender
7. The bidders are advised to visit https://eximbankindiatenders.procuretiger.com for
any corrigendum etc.

I / We have read, understood and agree to abide by the e-tendering process compliance

Date: -
Organization Name: -
Designation: -


Mr. Dharmendra Sachan,
General Manager,
Export- Import Bank of India, 21st Floor, Centre One,
World Trade Centre,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005

Dear Sirs,

Ref: Data centre Design and Construction for Export-Import Bank of India

Ref. No: EXIM/RFP/2019-20/080

I / we further agree to execute and complete the work within the time frame stipulated
in the tender scope of document. I / we agree not to employ Sub-Service Providers
without the prior approval of the EXIM Bank. I / We agree to pay Sales Tax, Works
Contract Tax, Excise Tax, Octroi, LBT, VAT, GST, Duties, all Royalties and all other
applicable taxes prevailing and be levied from time to time on such items for which the
same are liable and the rates quoted by me/us are Exclusive of the same.

I / we understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest tender or bound to
assign any reasons for rejecting our tender. We unconditionally agree Exim Bank’s
preconditions as stipulated in the tender documents and empanelment process.

I / We agree that in case of my/our failure to execute work in accordance with the
specifications and instructions received from the Exim Bank, during the course of the work,
Exim Bank reserves the right to terminate my contract.
Yours truly,
Seal and Signature of the Bidder/s not required since the document is digitally

Place: Name:
Date: Designation:


Self-Declaration for Compliance

(On Company Letterhead)
I < Name> working as < Designation> in < M/s. Company Name > hereby declare that I
am entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring compliance with various laws applicable to
the company in the Administration of business and affairs of the company.
After having examined and considered all relevant information and based on the
information furnished by the concerned officers, I, do hereby certify that;

1. My company complied with all applicable laws, enactments, orders, rules,

regulations and other statutory requirements of the Central Govt. Of India, State
Govt. and other statutory and local authorities concerning the business and affairs of
the company.
2. Paid all applicable statutory dues on due dates.
3. Maintain proper registers, records, documents and books and filed proper returns,
forms and statements and furnished necessary particulars to the relevant
4. Not done or committed any act or entered into any transactions in violation of any
statutory provisions.
5. My company shall strictly follow and complied to Export Import Bank of India’s
policies, procedures and security measures during contract period.
6. My company will produce all documents for verification process as per Exim Bank’s
requirement and various audit compliance.

Date: Authorised Signatory Name:

Place: Designation:

Company Seal:
Eligibility Criteria of the Bidder

Sr No Eligibility require from bidder Document Require to verify the Eligibility Criteria
Bidder must be a registered firm/company in Certificate of Incorporation & Commencement of
India under Companies Act, 1956 and should Business (whichever applicable) should be submitted.
1 have been in operation for at least 5 years as
on date of RFP
Bidder should not have been debarred / An undertaking to this effect must be submitted on
black-listed by any Bank / Govt. / Govt. company letter head duly signed & stamped by
2 agency / PSUs Bank(s) / Financial Institutions authorized signatory.
in India in the past as on RFP submission
The Bidder should have successfully Upload Purchase Order Copy
3 completed min 3 data centre projects in last
3 year
4 The Bidder should have valid ISO 27001 Upload Valid Certificates
The Bidder should have register office in
5 Mumbai. Upload registration Certificate
The Project Manager from bidder must be Upload Valid Certificates
6 CDCS certified or Project Manager directly
from OEM to be appointed.
Authorized MAF from OEM (UPS system,
Smart Rack and Network Switches) is Upload MAF duly signed & stamp from OEM.
compulsory by the bidder as per the format
mentioned in Tender Document
Critical Component’s for Integrated Server
Racks system (Rack, Cooling and monitoring
8 system) should be from single OEM for Upload OEM certificate about integrated solution
Seamless Integration & better Service

Technical Evaluation Criteria of the Bidder

Technical Criteria require from Marks Document Require to verify the

Sr No bidder Allocated Eligibility Criteria
The Bidder turnover in last three Copy of the audited balance sheet as
years i.e. 2016-17, 2017-18 and well as a CA certificate mentioning the
2018-19. i.e. each year. turnover for last three financial years
1 15
>50 and <=75 Cr = 5 Marks from the auditor should be submitted.
>75 and <=100 Cr = 10 Marks
>100 = 15 Marks
Number of Data Centre Design
/Construction Projects executed
by the bidder in last 3 years
<3 Projects - 0 marks
2 3 Projects – 30 marks 50 Upload Purchase order copy
4 Projects – 40 marks
>=5 Projects – 50 marks

Proposed Technology details and Upload Project execution approach

3 10
Presentation by the bidder document.
ISO 9001 = 5 Marks
4 ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 = 15 15 Upload valid certificates
% of compliance to “Optional”
items mentioned in the Smart
Rack feature as per PART – A of
scope of work.
5 <=35% = 2.5 Marks 10
>35% and <=50% = 5 Marks
>50% and <=75%= 7 Marks
>=75% = 10 Marks

Note: Min 70% marks are required to qualify for opening of price bid.


Total Price in ₹
SR.NO. PACKAGE/SERVICES (Exclusive of all
GRAND TOTAL (A+B+C) (Exclusive of all taxes)
(1st and 2nd year CAMC cost shall be included
in above cost)
6 Third year CMC (Quote Separately)
7 Fourth year CMC (Quote Separately)
8 Fifth year CMC (Quote Separately)


This Agreement is made on the _________ day of _______________________ by and between

_______________________________, (a ____________________ incorporated under the
________________) having its office at _______________________ (hereinafter referred to as
“_______________” or the “Receiving Party”, which expression unless repugnant to the context or

meaning thereof be deemed to include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART;
Export-Import Bank of India, a corporation established under the Export-Import Bank of India Act,
1981 and having its Head Office at Floor 21, Centre One Building, World Trade Centre Complex,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005 and one of its Regional Office
at___________________________________ hereinafter referred “EXIM” or “Disclosing Party”) which
expression unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to include its successors
and assigns) of the OTHER PART.
____________ & EXIM are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties” and individually as a


The Parties intend to engage in a business relationship which includes

___________________________________________________. In the course of such business
relationship, it is anticipated that EXIM may disclose or deliver to __________ certain or some of its
trade secrets, policies, technical and business information, pricing, financial analysis, customer
names, customer list, customer data or any other confidential or proprietary information, for the
purpose of ______________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the Purpose”).

1. Confidential information: For the purposes of this Agreement, “Confidential Information”
means any and all information or data that is proprietary to the Disclosing Party and not
generally known to the public, whether in tangible or intangible form, in whatever medium
provided by the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party or its representative(s) in connection
with the Purpose and the business transacted/to be transacted between the Parties.
Confidential Information shall include any copy, abstract, sample, notes or module thereof.

The Receiving Party shall use the Confidential Information solely for and in connection with the

Notwithstanding the foregoing, “Confidential Information” shall not include any information
which the Receiving Party can show: (a) is now or subsequently becomes legally and publicly
available without breach of this Agreement by the Receiving Party, (b) was rightfully in the
possession of the Receiving Party without any obligation of confidentiality prior to receiving it
from the Disclosing Party and can be shown by documentary evidence in support thereof, (c) was
rightfully obtained by the Receiving Party from a source other than the Disclosing Party without
any obligation of confidentiality and can be shown by documentary evidence in support thereof,
(d) was developed by or for the Receiving Party independently and without reference to any

Confidential Information and such independent development can be shown by documentary

evidence, or (e) is disclosed pursuant to an order of a court or governmental agency as so
required by such order, provided that the Receiving Party shall endeavour to, unless prohibited
by law or regulation, promptly notify the Disclosing Party of such order and afford the Disclosing
Party the opportunity to seek appropriate protective order relating to such disclosure.

2. Non-disclosure: The Receiving Party shall not commercially use or disclose any Confidential
Information to any other person or entity other than persons in the direct employment of the
Receiving Party who have a need to have access to and knowledge of the Confidential
Information solely for the Purpose authorized above. The Receiving Party may with prior written
permission of the Disclosing Party, disclose the Confidential Information to its affiliates,
consultants, advisors and such other persons who have a need to have access to and knowledge
of the Confidential Information solely for the Purpose authorized above, subject to their
entering into an agreement containing terms and conditions no less restrictive than as set out in
this Agreement. The Receiving Party agrees to notify the Disclosing Party immediately if it learns
of any use of disclosure of the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information in violation of the
terms of this Agreement. The Receiving Party undertakes to take full responsibility for the
Confidential Information given to their Consultants, Advisors, Affiliates and other persons
referred in above and consequently any breach by such Consultants, Advisors Affiliates and
other persons referred in above shall be treated as breach by the Receiving Party and
accordingly will be liable to the Disclosing Party.

3. Publications: Neither Party shall make news releases, public announcements, give interviews,
issue or publish advertisements or publicize in print or electronic media or any other manner
whatsoever in connection with this Agreement, the contents/provisions thereof, other
information relating to this Agreement, the Purpose, the Confidential Information or other
matter of this Agreement, without the prior written approval of the other Party.

4. Term: This Agreement shall be effective from the date hereof and shall continue till the earlier to
occur of (i) the expiration of 1 (one) year from the date of this Agreement unless renewed by
both the parties in writing and (ii) till expiration or termination of this Agreement due to
cessation of the business relationship between ______________ and EXIM. However, the
confidentiality obligations shall survive the termination of this Agreement. Upon expiration or
termination as contemplated herein the Receiving Party shall immediately, cease any and all
disclosures or uses of the Confidential Information and at the request of the Disclosing Party
promptly return or destroy all written, graphic or other tangible forms of the Confidential
information and all copies, abstracts, extracts, samples, notes or modules thereof. That portion
of the Information which consists of analyses, compilations, studies or other documents or data
prepared by the Receiving Party or its representatives, will continue to be held by the Receiving
Party and will be treated as confidential.

5. Title and Proprietary Rights: Notwithstanding the disclosure of any Confidential Information by
the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party, the Disclosing Party shall retain title and all
intellectual property and proprietary rights in the Confidential Information. No license under any
trademark, patent or copyright, or application for same which are now or thereafter may be
obtained by such Party is either granted or implied by the conveying of Confidential Information.
The Receiving Party shall not conceal, alter, obliterate, mutilate, deface or otherwise interfere
with any trademark, trademark notice, copyright notice, confidentiality notice or any notice of
any other proprietary right of the Disclosing Party on any copy of the Confidential Information,
and shall reproduce any such mark or notice on all copies of such Confidential Information.
Likewise, the Receiving Party shall not add or emboss its own or any other any mark, symbol or
logo on such Confidential Information.

6. Return of Confidential Information: Upon written demand of the Disclosing Party, the Receiving
Party shall (i) cease using the Confidential Information,
(ii) return the Confidential Information and all copies, abstract, extracts, samples, notes or
modules thereof to the Disclosing Party within seven (7) days after receipt of notice, and (iii)
upon request of the Disclosing Party, certify in writing that the Receiving Party has complied
with the obligations set forth in this agreement.

7. Remedies: Both parties acknowledge that the Confidential Information to be disclosed

hereunder is of a unique and valuable character, and that the unauthorized dissemination
of the Confidential Information would destroy or diminish the value of such information.
The Receiving Party acknowledges that if the Receiving Party fails to comply with any of its
obligations hereunder, the Disclosing Party may suffer immediate, irreparable harm for
which monetary damages may not be adequate. The Receiving Party agrees that, in
addition to all other remedies provided at law or in equity, the Disclosing Party shall be
entitled to injunctive relief hereunder.

8. Entire Agreement, Amendment, and Assignment: This Agreement constitutes the entire
agreement between the Parties relating to the matters discussed herein and supersedes any
and all prior oral discussions and/or written correspondence or agreements between the
Parties. This Agreement may be amended or modified only with the mutual written consent
of the Parties. Neither this Agreement nor any right granted hereunder shall be assignable
or otherwise transferable.

9. Notices: Any notice or other communication under this Agreement shall be in writing and

shall be delivered personally, or sent by pre-paid first class post or recorded delivery or by
commercial courier or by electronic mail, to a party at its address as set out below:

Disclosing Party: Export – Import Bank of India

Receiving Party: ______________________
or as otherwise specified by a party by notice in writing to the other party.
Any notice or other communication shall be deemed to have been duly received:
i. if delivered personally, when left at the address and for the contact referred to in
this clause; or
ii. if sent by pre-paid first class post or recorded delivery, at 11.00 am on the fourth
business day after posting; or
iii. if delivered by commercial courier, on the date and at the time that the courier's
delivery receipt is signed; or
iv. if sent by an electronic mail, on the day of receipt, if received before 11.00 a.m on a
business day, or otherwise on the first business day after receipt.

10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction: The provisions of this Agreement shall be governed by the

laws of India and the parties submit to the jurisdiction of courts/tribunals at Mumbai.
11. General: The Receiving Party shall not reverse-engineer, decompile, disassemble or

otherwise interfere with any Confidential Information disclosed hereunder.

All Confidential Information is provided on “as is” basis. In no event shall the Disclosing
Party be liable for the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the Confidential Information. None of the
Confidential Information disclosed by the Parties constitutes any representation, warranty,
assurance, guarantee or inducement by either Party to the other with respect to the fitness of
such Confidential Information for any particular purpose or infringement of trademarks,
patents, copyrights or any right of third persons. Each party agrees to maintain and go by all the
extant laws, regulatory guidelines and such other similar regulations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first
above written.

Disclosing Party Receiving Party

By_____________________ By_______________

Name: Name:

Title: Title:
Manufacturer’s Authorization Form (MAF)


Mr. Dharmendra Sachan,
General Manager,
Export- Import Bank of India, 21st Floor, Centre One,
World Trade Centre,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005

Tender Ref. No: EXIM/RFP/2019-20/080

Name of Tender: Data center Design and Construction for Export-Import Bank of

Dear Sir,

We _______________(OEM Name)________________who are established and reputable

manufactures of ___________________________ having factory at________________ do
hereby authorize (Bidder Name.), ( Bidder Address )
who intends to bid, negotiate and conclude the contract with you against the above
mentioned tender reference for our range of products.

Our full support is extended to them in all respects for supply and installation. Further, we
(OEM / Manufacturer name) shall provide support services (as per SLA) during entire
warranty and AMC period directly by us for the offered solution (hardware as well as
software) as per the terms and conditions of the tender.

We also undertake that in case of default in execution of this tender by the (Bidder Name),
the (OEM/Company Name) will take all necessary steps for successful execution of this
project as per tender requirements.

We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty as per terms and conditions of the tender
and the contract for the equipment and services offered against this invitation for tender
offer by the above firm.

Yours faithfully,
(Name of bidder)

for and on behalf of

(Name of manufactures)
Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM BANK) hereinafter referred to as “The Principal”,

…………………………………………………. hereinafter referred to as “The Bidder/ Contractor”

The Principal intends to award, under laid down Organizational procedures, contract/s for
“Design and Construction of Data Centre”. The Principal values full compliance with all
relevant laws of the land, rules, regulations, economic use of resources and of fairness /
transparency in its relations with its Bidder(s) and / or Contractor(s).
In order to achieve these goals, the Principal will appoint Independent External Monitors
(IEMs) who will monitor the tender process and the execution of the contract for compliance
with the Principles mentioned above.

Section 1 - Commitments of the Principal

(1) The Principal commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and to
observe the following principles:-
a. No employee of the Principal, personally or through family members, will in connection
with the tender for , or the execution of a contract, demand; take a promise for or accept,
for self or third person, any material or immaterial benefit which the person is not legally
entitled to.
b. The Principal will, during the tender process treat all Bidder(s) with equity and reason. The
Principal will in particular, before and during the tender process, provide to all Bidder(s)
the same information and will not provide to any Bidder(s) confidential / additional
information through which the Bidder(s) could obtain an advantage in relation to the
tender process or the contract execution.
c. The Principal will exclude from the process all known prejudiced persons.

(2) If the Principal obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees which is a
criminal offence under the IPC/PC Act, or if there be a substantive Suspicion in this
regard, the Principal will inform the Chief Vigilance Officer and in addition can initiate
disciplinary actions.
Section 2 - Commitments of the Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s)
(1) The Bidder(s) / Contractor(s) commit themselves to take all measures necessary to
prevent corruption. The Bidder(s) / Contractor(s) commit themselves to observe the
following principles during participation in the tender process and during the contract
a. The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm,
offer, promise or give to any of the Principal’s employees involved in the tender
process or the execution of the contract or to any third person any material or
other benefit which he/she is not legally entitled to, in order to obtain in exchange
any advantage of any kind whatsoever during the tender process or during the
execution of the contract.
b. The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) will not enter with other Bidders into any undisclosed
agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies in particular
to prices specifications, certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-
submission of bids or any other actions to restrict competitiveness or to introduce
cartelization in the bidding process.
c. The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) will not commit any offence under the relevant IPC/PC
Act; further the Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) will not use improperly, for purposes of
competition or personal gain, or pass on to others, any information or document
provided by the principal as part of the business relationship, regarding plans,
technical proposals and business details, including information contained or
transmitted electronically.
d. The Bidder(s)/ Contractors(s) of foreign origin shall disclose the name and address
of the Agents/representatives in India, if any. Similarly the Bidder(s)/ Contractors(s)
of Indian Nationality shall furnish the name and address of the foreign principals, if
e. The Bidder(S)/ Contractor(s) will, when presenting their bid, disclose any and all
payments made, is committed to or intends to make to agents, brokers or any
other intermediaries in connection with the award of the contract.
f. Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) who have signed the Integrity Pact shall not approach the
Courts while representing the matter to IEMs and shall wait for their decision in the

(2) The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) will not instigate third person to commit offences outlined
above or be an accessory to such offences.

Sanction 3 - Disqualification from tender process and exclusion from future contracts

If the Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s), before award or during execution has committed a

transgression through a violation of Section 2, above or in any other form such as to put their
reliability or credibility in question, the Principal is entitled to disqualify the bidder(s)/
Contractors(s) from the tender process.

Sanction 4 – Compensation for Damages

(1) If the principal has disqualified the Bidder(s) from the tender process prior to the
award according to Section 3, the Principal is entitled to demand and recover the
damages equivalent to Earnest Money Deposit/Bid Security.
(2) If the Principal has terminated the contract according to Section 3, or if the
Principal is entitled to terminate the contract according to Section 3, the
Principal shall be entitled to demand and recover from the Contractor liquidated
damages of the Contract value or the amount equivalent to Performance Bank
Section 5 - Previous transgression
(1) The Bidder declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last three years with
any other Company in any country conforming to the anti-corruption approach or with
any Public Sector Enterprise in India that could justify his exclusion from the tender

(2) If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the
tender process.

Section 6 — Equal treatment of all Bidders / Contractors / Subcontractors

(1) In ease of Sub-contracting, the Principal Contractor shall take the responsibility of the
adoption of Integrity Pact by the Sub-contractor.

(2) The Principal will enter into agreements with identical conditions as this one with all
Bidders and Contractors.

(3) The Principal will disqualify from the tender process all bidders who do not sign this Pact
or violate its provisions.

Section 7 - Criminal charges against violating Bidder(s) / Contractor(s) / Subcontractor(s)

If the Principal obtains knowledge of conduct of a Bidder, Contractor or Subcontractor, or of
an employee or a representative or an associate of a Bidder, Contractor or Subcontractor
which constitutes corruption, or if the Principal has substantive suspicion in this regard, the
Principal will inform the same to the Chief Vigilance Officer.

Section 8 - Independent External Monitor

(1) The Principal has appointed competent and credible Independent External Monitor for
this Pact after approval by Central Vigilance Commission. Names and Addresses of the
Monitors are given below;

Shri Debabrata Sarkar Shri S K Goel

Ex-CMD, Union Bank of India Ex-CMD, IIFCL
Mayfair Boulevard (Narayan Apartment) Villa No.77, Kelisto Town Homes,
Flat No.701, Main Avenue Road Jaypee Wish Town, Sector-128
Santacruz (West) , Mumbai – 400054 Noida-202303
Email: dsarkar53@gmail.com Email: subodhgoel22@gmail.com
Mobile: 08879684000 Mobile:09650867778

The task of the Monitor is to review independently and objectively, whether and to what
extent the parties comply with the obligations under this agreement.

(2) The Monitor is not subject to instructions by the representatives of the parties and
performs his/her functions neutrally and independently. The Monitor would have access
to all Contract documents, whenever required. It will be obligatory for him / her to treat
the information and documents of the Bidders/Contractors as confidential. He/ she
reports to the Managing Director (MD), EXIM BANK.
(3) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) accepts that the Monitor has the right to access without
restriction to all Project documentation of the Principal including that provided by the
Contractor. The Contractor will also grant the Monitor, upon his/her request and
demonstration of a valid interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to their project
documentation. The same is applicable to Sub-contractors.

(4) The Monitor is under contractual obligation to treat the information and documents of
the Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s)/ Sub-contractor(s) with confidentiality. The Monitor has also
signed declarations on ‘Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information’ and of ‘Absence of
Conflict of Interest’. In case of any conflict of interest arising at a later date, the IEM shall
inform Managing Director (MD), EXIM BANK and recuse himself / herself from that case.

(5) The Principal will provide to the Monitor sufficient information about all meetings
among the parties related to the Project provided such meetings could have an impact
on the contractual relations between the Principal and the Contractor. The parties offer
to the Monitor the option to participate in such meetings.

(6) As soon as the Monitor notices, or believes to notice, a violation of this agreement,
he/she will so inform the Management of the Principal and request the Management to
discontinue or take corrective action, or to take other relevant action. The monitor can
in this regard submit non-binding recommendations. Beyond this, the Monitor has no
right to demand from the parties that they act in a specific manner, refrain from action
or tolerate action.

(7) The Monitor will submit a written report to the Managing Director (MD), EXIM BANK
within 8 to 10 weeks from the date of reference or intimation to him by the Principal
and, should the occasion arise, submit proposals for correcting problematic situations.

(8) If the Monitor has reported to the Managing Director (MD), EXIM BANK, a substantiated
suspicion of an offence under relevant IPC/ PC Act, and the Managing Director (MD),
EXIM BANK has not, within the reasonable time taken visible action to proceed against
such offence or reported it to the Chief Vigilance Officer, the Monitor may also transmit
this information directly to the Central Vigilance Commissioner.

(9) The word ‘Monitor’ would include both singular and plural.
Section 9 - Pact Duration

This Pact begins when both parties have legally signed it. It expires for the Contractor 12
months after the last payment under the contract, and for all other Bidders 6 months after
the contract has been awarded. Any violation of the same would entail disqualification of the
bidders and exclusion from future business dealings.
If any claim is made / lodged during this time, the same shall be binding and continue to be
valid despite the lapse of this pact as specified above, unless it is discharged / determined by
Managing Director (MD) of EXIM BANK.

Section 10 - Other provisions

(1) This agreement is subject to Indian Law. Place of performance and jurisdiction is the
Registered Office of the Principal, i.e. Mumbai.

(2) Changes and supplements as well as termination notices need to be made in writing. Side
agreements have not been made.
(3) If the Contractor is a partnership or a consortium, this agreement must be signed by all
partners or consortium members.
(4) Should one or several provisions of this agreement turn out to be invalid, the remainder of
this agreement remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement
to their original intentions.
(5) Issues like Warranty / Guarantee etc. shall be outside the purview of IEMs.

(6) In the event of any contradiction between the Integrity Pact and its Annexure, the
Clause in the Integrity Pact will prevail.

__________________________ _____________________________
(For & On behalf of the Principal) (For & On behalf of Bidder/Contractor)

(Office Seal) (Office Seal)


Witness 1:
(Name & Address) _________________________________________

Witness 2:
(Name & Address) _________________________________________
Annexure XI

Price Validity
(To be submitted in the Bidder's letterhead)

Mr. Dharmendra Sachan,
General Manager,
Export- Import Bank of India, 21st Floor, Centre One,
World Trade Centre,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005.
Sub: E-Tender Reference No.: ________________________________

Dear Sir,
We hereby confirm that, the Product quoted unit price is valid for 90 days from
tender opening date.

Yours faithfully,

(Authorized Signatory of Bidder)


(Company Seal)
Annexure XII

Statement of Nil Deviations

(To be submitted in the Bidder's letterhead)


Mr. Dharmendra Sachan,

General Manager,

Export- Import Bank of India, 21st Floor, Centre One,

World Trade Centre,

Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005

Re: Tender RFP Ref: _____________________________________________

Dear Sir,

There are no deviations (nil deviations) from the terms and conditions of the tender. All the terms and
conditions of the tender are acceptable to us.

Yours faithfully,

(Authorized Signatory of Bidder)


(Company Seal)
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