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Payroll E Tender

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E - Tender

Human Resources Management System (HRMS) & Payroll System
Tender Reference No: IT/EXIM/RFP/2016-17/011

Ph: 022-22172410
E-Mail: dharmendra@eximbankindia.in


Head Office: Center One Building, 21 Floor, World Trade Centre Complex,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005
Ph. 022-22172600, 2410
E-Mail: dharmendra@eximbankindia.in

Human Resources Management System (HRMS) &

Payroll System




Last date for acceptance of Tender

Document fee

17-Aug-2016 10:00 AM

EMD Amount

Rs.100000 (One Lakh only)

Date of Online Notice

02-Aug-2016 02:00 PM

Document Downloading Start Date

04-Aug-2016 02:00 PM

Document Downloading END Date

18-Aug-2016 02:00 PM





18-Aug-2016 04:00 PM

Opening Of Tender

18-Aug-2016 05:00 PM

Place of Receipt of Tender


e-Tendering / Electronic Tendering / Web Tendering / Online Tendering is the

simulation of the manual tendering process on the internet. i.e. the eligible bidders
/ tenders can log on to the internet site specified using a unique username and
password and place their Technical & Commercial bids. The eligible bidders will be
trained by M/s e-Procurement Technologies Ltd. (Abc Procure) personnel on the
methodology of submitting the bids online using a special digital signature / electronic
key / password at the date and time specified. The bids placed by the tenderers
are confidential and will be opened by the authorized EXIM Bank officials. No
other person can gain access to the information regarding the bids, which is
confidential in nature.

Minimum requirement:
1. Computer / Laptop with internet connection.
2. Operating system Windows XP Service pack 3 / VISTA/ WINDOWS 7.
3. Digital certificate - Class II or III, Singing + Encryption, and it should be
organizational certificate.


Vendor registration can be done online by opening Website:

Click on New Bidder Registration link, create User Id and Password and attach
your Digital certificate. For any clarification kindly contact E-Procurement Technologies
A- 801 Wall Street - II
Opposite Orient Club
Near Gujarat College, Ellis Bridge
Ahmedabad 380 006
Gujarat, India
Phone: +91 (79) 40230 813/14/16/18/03
Fax: +91 (79) 40230847


E-Tendering Process Compliance Statement

The following terms and conditions are deemed as accepted
participation in the bid event:

by you for

1. The price once submitted cannot be changed.

2. Technical and other non-commercial queries (not impacting price) can be routed
to the respective contact personnel of EXIM Bank indicated in the tender
document. Bidding process related queries could be addressed to M/s e
Procurement Technologies Ltd personnel indicated in the tender document.
3. Inability to bid due to g l i t c h i n telephone lines, Internet response issues,
software or hardware hangs will not be the responsibility of M/s E-Procurement
Technologies Ltd or the EXIM Bank. However M/s E-Procurement Technologies
Ltd, shall make every effort to ensure availability of technology resources to
enable continuous bidding.
4. M/s E-Procurement Technologies Ltd does not take responsibility beyond the
bid event. Order finalization and post order activities would be transacted directly
between bidder and the EXIM bank.
5. Bids once made cannot be withdrawn or modified under any circumstances.
6. EXIM Bank can decide to extend or reschedule or cancel an e-tendering.
7. The bidders are advised to visit https://eximbankindiatenders.procuretiger.com
for any corrigendum etc.
I / We have read, understood and agree to abide by the e-tendering process
compliance statement.
Date Organization

Name Designation

Seal and Signature of the Bidder/s not required since the document is Digitally



Sr. No



Quotation Bid Notice


Eligibility Criteria




Tender Form


Instruction to Tenderers


Scope of Work


Technical Evaluation


Price Bid



1. Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM Bank) , a corporation established under the Act Export-

Import Bank of India, 1981 and having its registered office at 21st Floor, World Trade
Centre Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005 invites bids from eligible bidders for HR Management & Payroll System which should be a web enabled centralized solution with
security features.
2. The mode of tendering is through e-Tendering. E-Tendering is the process by which

the physical tendering activity is carried out using internet and associated technologies in
a faster and secure environment.
3. Vendor registration can be done online by opening Website: Click on New Bidder

Registration link, create User Id and Password and attach your Digital certificate.
4. Tender document will be allowed for download (hard copies of the tender document will

not be provided) from the above website after successful vendor registration and
submission of tender document cost.
5. CONTACT INFORMATION FOR E-TENDER PROCESS E-Procurement Technologies Limited
A- 801 Wall Street II
Opposite Orient Club
Nr. Gujarat College, Ellis Bridge Ahmedabad 380 006
Gujarat, India
Phone: +91 (79) 40230 813/14/16/18/03
Fax: +91 (79) 40230847
Concern Persons: Mr Dharam, Mr Anuj, Mr Vivek Email Ids: dharam@auctiontiger.net
bhavik.dave@auctiontiger.net anuj@procuretiger.com vivek.bhirud@auctiontiger.net
6. EXIM Bank reserves the right to accept or reject in part or full any or all the offers without

assigning any reasons there for.


Sr. NO.


Eligibility Criteria


The Bidder and Principal (OEM) should be a registered company in India. The Bidder
should be reputed IT company having existence in India for at least five years as on


The Company must have a minimum turnover of

Rs.100 Cr per annum out of its
operations for the past 3 years and should have made profits (Profit After Tax, PAT
would be considered) for the last 3 financial years.


Product offered (HR & Payroll) has been supplied and successfully running in at least 5
banks in India. The HRMS Licenses supplied should be perpetual and cover all Employees
of the Bank. The number of user License should be unlimited.


The bidder preferably should have ISO 9001:2000, Capability Maturity Model for
software (SEI-CMM) level 5 Certifications.

The Bidder should not have been blacklisted by any Government department /PSU /PSE
or banks. Self-declaration to that effect should be submitted along with the technical

HRMS Licenses should allow all employees to perform any operational roles available
in the system unconditionally including read / edit / view options. Also should allow
access of all functionalities through self-service for all employees of bank. The right to
restrict the use of the application is solely at the Banks discretion and cannot be
restricted by the HRMS vendor in any way. The HRMS Licenses supplied should be
perpetual and cover all Employees of the Bank. The number of user License should be

Bidder should have experience in Payroll integration with Microsoft technologies like
.net and Sharepoint applications.

Bidder should submit MAF (Manufacturers Authorization Form) by mentioning the

Tender ID.


03. Mandatory information required for pre-qualification of the Tenderer

I/We confirm that to the best of our knowledge this information is authentic and
accept that any deliberate concealment will amount to disqualification at any stage.

Sr. No.
1. Name of the Firm
2.Name of the Proprietor,
A (Mobile No.)
B (Mobile No.)
3. Office Telephone Nos.
4. Head Office Address



5. Email Address a.
6. Year of Establishment
7. Registration No. and Date of
8. Status Of Firm.
(Proprietor/Partnership/Co. etc)
9. Name of Bankers


10. PAN Card No.

11. Sales Tax No.
12. VAT No.
13. Service Tax No.
Seal and Signature of the Bidder/s not required since the document is digitally signed.
Please upload scanned copies of Certificates for S.No.7,8,10,11,12,13


Mr. Dharmendra Sachan,
Deputy General Manager,
Export- Import Bank of India,
21st Floor, Centre One,
World Trade Centre,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005
Dear Sirs,
Ref: Human Resources Management System (HRMS) & Payroll System
Ref. No: IT/EXIM/RFP/2016-17/011
I / we further agree to execute and complete the work within the time frame stipulated
in the tender scope of document. I / we agree not to employ Sub-Service Providers
without the prior approval of the EXIM Bank. I / We agree to pay Sales Tax, Works
Contract Tax, Excise Tax, Octroi, LBT, VAT, Duties, all Royalties and all other applicable
taxes prevailing and be levied from time to time on such items for which the same are
liable and the rates quoted by me/us are Exclusive of the same.
I / we understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest tender or bound to assign
any reasons for rejecting our tender. We unconditionally agree Exim Banks preconditions
as stipulated in the tender documents and empanelment process.
I / We agree that in case of my/our failure to execute work in accordance with the
specifications and instructions received from the Exim Bank, during the course of the work,
Exim Bank reserves the right to terminate my contract.

Yours truly,
Seal and Signature of the Bidder/s not required since the document is digitally




1.1 Location:

Export-Import Bank of India, 21 Floor, Centre One Building, World Trade Center, Cuffe
Parade, Mumbai 400 005 and regional offices in pan India.
Tenderers must get acquainted with the proposed work, specifications, conditions of
contract and other conditions carefully before tendering. The Tenderer shall seek
clarification up to 1 7 t h A u g u s t 2016, 1 0 .00 AM, if required, prior to submitting his
tender. No request of any change in rates or conditions for want of information on any
particular point shall be entertained after receipt of the tenders.
2.0 Submission of Tender:
Refer to E-Tendering Process Compliance Statement, No queries will be entertained on
last day of tender submission i.e. 18 August 2016.
3.0 Any printing or typographical errors /omission in tender document shall be referred to
EXIM Bank and their interpretation regarding correction shall be final and binding on
Service Provider.
4.0 Transfer of Tender Documents:
Transfer of tender documents purchased by one intending Tenderer to another is not
5.0 Validity:
Tenders submitted by Tenderers shall remain valid for acceptance for a period up to
120 days from the date of opening of Bid/tender. The Tenderers shall not be entitled
during the period of validity, without the consent in writing of EXIM Bank to revoke or
cancel his tender or to vary the tender given or any terms thereof.
6.0 Right to accept or reject tender:
The acceptance of a tender will rest with the EXIM Bank who does not bind
themselves to accept lowest tender and reserve to themselves the authority to reject
any or all the tenders received. They also reserve the right of accepting the whole or any
part of the tender and the Tenderers shall be bound to perform the same at the rates
quoted. All tenders in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or are
incomplete in any respect or there is any correction not duly signed and dated by the
Tenderer are liable to be rejected. For this purpose Tenderer shall quote rates for various
items which will be self-sufficient to meet their whole costs for executing any / every
item. No demand for variations in rates for items executed shall be entertained on
the plea of the EXIM Bank deciding to delete, alter or reduce the quantities specified in
respect of the any item.
10 | P a g e

7.0 Rates:
EXIM Bank is not concerned with any rise or fall in the prices of materials, Parts and
8.0 Payments for the work to be executed under this contract shall be made as per the
tender document, and no variation in the mode of payment will be acceptable.

9.1 Signing of the contract:


The successful Tenderer shall be required to

Exim Bank within 07 days from the date
tender. In the event of failure on the part
agreement in the above- stipulated period.


Until the Agreement is formally signed, the Work Order / Letter of Acceptance of Tender
issued to the successful Tenderer and accepted by him shall be operative and binding on
the EXIM Bank of India and the Service Provider.

execute a non-disclosure agreement with

of receipt of the notice of acceptance of
of the successful Tenderer to sign the
EXIM Bank reserves the right to cancel the

10.0 On acceptance of the tender, the name of the accredited representatives of the
Tenderer who would be responsible for taking i n s t r u c t i o n s from EXIM Bank shall be
mentioned by the Tenderer.
11.0 If so decided EXIM Bank reserves the right to appoint PMC (Project Management
Consultant) or any other agency to get the quality of works checked, measurements
recorded, including certification of bills etc.
12.0 E X I M Bank has the right to delete items, reduce or increase the scope of work
without the Service Provider claiming any compensation for the reduction in the scope
of work.
13.0 Notices to local bodies:
The Service Provider shall comply with and give all notices required under any law, rule,
regulations or bye laws of parliament, state legislature or local authority relating to works.
I / We hereby declare that I / We have read and understood the above instructions for the
guidance of the Tenderers. Seal and Signature of the Bidder/s not required since the
document is digitally signed.

11 | P a g e


Current IT Status of the Bank
The Banks Data Center (DC) is located in Mumbai and Disaster Recovery Center in
Hyderabad. The DC is connected to the 9 Domestic Representative Offices through Wide Area
Network. Eight Overseas Resident Representative Offices which are connected with Head
Office through VPN Network. The entire Domestic network uses MPLS Network. The Disaster
Recovery Center has limited similar setup as that of DC.
Current Human Resources Set-up
Presently bank is using a HRMS package from M/s Spine Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd. This package
is working in a distributed environment. Separate instances are installed at separate locations
like Central Office, Zonal Office. The database of the Spine Technologies Application is in SQL
Server. Detailed status location wise is as under:

Status of HRMS Application at Head Office

At Head Office, Treasury and Accounts Group (TAG) and Human Resource Management
HRM Group are using the HRM & PAYROLL software of M/s Spine Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd
for approximate 450 employees for maintaining Personal/Department details, and Payroll/
Bank is using Microsoft SharePoint Application for Intranet purpose. Following are the HR
related modules available in SharePoint Application.
a) Leave Module Employee Leave portal for Casual Leave, Privilege Leave, Sick Leave,
Paternity Leave, Maternity Leave and Mandatory Leave.
b) On Duty (OD) Module,
c) Attendance
d) Attendance Regularization
e) Mediclaim Request
f) Privilege Leave Roster
g) Leave Travel Concession (LTC) Request
h) Travel Allowance and Diem Allowance (TADA) Online Travel Approval and Claim.
i) Holiday Home Booking
j) Repairs and Maintenance
k) Petty Cash Request
l) Inward / Outward Document System
m) Stationery Request
n) Employee Training
o) Bank is also using PAPR (Performance Appraisal and Potential Review) application for
employee appraisal. It is standalone system.
12 | P a g e

Banks Requirements
a) The Bank wishes to introduce the best-practiced processes and techniques in HR in
managing its workforce. For improving its HR management and Payroll systems, the
Bank wishes to use a Web enabled centralized solution with security features. The
new technology and practices in the areas of Human Resources Process Management
System should enable the Bank to achieve the objectives of operational efficiency,
streamlined process and work flow automation in respect of HR functions.
b) The Bank proposes to award the contract to a selected vendor with necessary
resources and expertise for delivering the software and agreed services as broadly
outlined below.
c) Bring in the best of systems/processes in HR management to enhance efficiency of the
Bank's existing HR systems / practices /procedures.
d) Assist the Bank in Change Management. The offer should include the desired
capability of Bank in Change management, process and methodology used &
e) Assist the Bank in providing self-service facilities to the employees like browsing Salary
records, Printing of Pay Slips. Offer a comprehensive and self-contained HRMS &
Payroll solution conforming to the best standards with sophisticated tools and
processes for HR management. The solution should have a strong Management
Information / Decision Support System facility.
f) The Data ownership will remain at Head Office. Branches/Regional Offices should be
able to work on and/or upload data to / download data from HRMS Data Centre
Servers, as per defined levels of access and permissions.
g) The solution should provide a facility for processing Payroll, reimbursements, etc. at
Head Office for all Domestic Offices.
h) The solution should have all reports generation facility for MIS as well as statutory
requirements and reporting (statutory and other) purposes.
i) Enable Migration of data from existing systems with proper validation, controls and
consistency checks as may be specified by the Bank.
j) Provide end User IT support, impart the required training to the Bank's staff for
operating the HR applications brought in /implemented by him.
13 | P a g e

k) The HRMS/Payroll system should be integrated with SharePoint application for loss
of pay Leave Calculation. After implementation of proposed payroll application,
there should be single application for Employee Master Data maintenance.
l) The duration of proposed HRMS/Payroll project implementation should not be more
than 3 months and 2 months of parallel salary processing.
m) No advance payment will be made. Payment will be released after completion of
n) Employee Information Management: Each employee is provided with an Online Account.
Employee can easily view their Service details i.e. Histories like
Training | Transfer | Increment | Promotion.
Auto increment provision based on Salary structure and reports on
Increment due.
Promotion due report as per policy.
Employees can easy to maintain & view their Personnel & Official details like
PF | Gratuity| Family | Depend | Nominees | Qualification |
Skill | Hobbies | Passport | Visa | Social Responsibilities |
Service Security | Loan Guarantor
Employee can view all salary & Income Tax details like
Pay slip | Annual Salary | IT Projection | Yearly Payment.
Easy to submit Investment Declaration and Actual for ITAX.
Easy to add attendance for Functional Allowance (Daily/Hourly).
Improve administrative responsiveness and efficiency.
Deliver Significant Cost, Time Saving & Paper less for Payroll/HR department.
o) Payroll Management: Loan & Advance Management Module including user definable
Loan/Advances with EMI/Interest Calculation facility.
Perk Management Module handles Perk head for
regular/irregular earning perquisites.
Salary Management Module for regular/irregular earning & deduction.
Salary management Module for pensioner employees
Income Tax Management Module handles complex tax
calculation by considering investment with ease.
Activity Management Module for Increment / Promotion /
Transfer / Disciplinary / Officiating Tracking
14 | P a g e

Arrear Calculation Module for Salary Arrears, DA Arrear,

Increment Arrear or LWP arrear.
Statutory Requirement Management Module
handles all statutory earning/deduction as per rule.
Yearly Payment Management Module for yearly salary components
transaction with security feature.
Salary Generation Module with Location wise salary generation facility
JV voucher interface as per EXIM bank through sequential file
Loan EMI credit to the individual account in the bank software
through sequential file.
Reports Generation Module includes Pay slip, Salary Register and
all earn & deduct reports with Location/Department/Grade wise
Salary Reconciliation & Budgeting Module
NPS deduction from salary of the employees
Notional PF calculation of the overseas employees
Integration of leave and attendance
JV Report
Separate reports for Regular employees and pensioner
Final Net salary report
Final Summary report
Branch wise salary report
Salary head wise salary report
Administrative Control Module
Lock Month facility to avoid changes in processed data.

p) One Time Data Conversion Requirements

The entire data from the existing systems (Spine) will have to be migrated to the new
system by the vendor before going-live. The historical data (Number of years for which
the data needs to be converted) will vary depending on the need for such historical
data by the Bank.

15 | P a g e


The Company must have a minimum turnover of 10
Rs.100 Cr per annum out of its operations for
the past 3 years and should have made profits
(Profit After Tax, PAT would be considered) for
the last 3 financial years.
Product offered (HR & Payroll) has been supplied 20
and successfully running in at least 5 banks in
The Bidder should have technical support Office
in Mumbai
No. of years of experience in
implementation/maintenance of proposed
HRMS solution. 2 mark(s) for every year of
Implementation base for proposed HRMS
product in Banks. 5 Mark(s) for 0-5
organizations, 10 mark(s) for 5-10 and 20
mark(s) for > 20 organizations
(Maximum 20 Marks)
ISO 9001:2000, Capability Maturity Model for
software (SEI-CMM) level 5 Certifications.
Bidder should have experience in Payroll
integration with Microsoft technologies like .net
and Sharepoint applications.
Management approach


Upload Last Three years
audited Balance Sheet
(FY-2013-14, FY 201415, FY 2015-2016)
Upload Document
evidence and
Declaration letter for
unlimited License.
Upload Office address
Upload self-declaration
on Experience in years


Upload Total
implementation base
along with names


Upload Certification


Write up on Integration

Upload Write-up on
Service, support,
Training & Change
Management approach
Upload Declaration

The HRMS Licenses supplied should be perpetual 5

and cover all Employees of the Bank. The number
of user License should be unlimited.
Total Weightage


Minimum Weightage required


16 | P a g e

08. Price Bid


Amount Rs.
(Exclusive of all taxes and duties)

Total Fixed Project Cost for entire implementation

and training as per scope work in the tender
document including customisation.

The Bank will take care all hardware and software
requirements for implementation.

Tender Evaluation Method

Method of selection: Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS)
The minimum technical score (St) required to pass is: 70 Points
The formula for determining the price scores is the following:
Pp = 100 x Pm / F, in which Pp is the price score, Pm is the lowest price and F the price of the
proposal under consideration.
The weights given to the Technical and Price Proposals are:
T (Technical Proposal) = 0.7, and
P (Price Proposal) = 0.3
This Tender is not an offer by the Bank, but an invitation to receive offer from vendors. No
contractual obligation whatsoever shall arise from the tender process unless and until a
formal contract is signed and executed by duly authorized Officers of the Bank with the

17 | P a g e

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