Summary Writing Word Document
Summary Writing Word Document
Summary Writing Word Document
What is a summary-
Summary is a brief and concise information/ content/ presentation. It conveys main
ideas, from original written content. It is an important language skill. Summary enables one
to speak what is required and to write what is necessary. It is done quite precisely and
coherently. There should be logical link between the main ideas or points.
The skill of making summary can be developed by practice.
Purpose of summary
The purpose of summary is to give the reader a clear, objective picture of the original
A good summary consists of
Only main points of the text or lecture.
It need not give examples, details such as dates, numbers, statistics etc.
Omit describing words, definitions, repetitions, comparisons etc.
Use content words and connect the core information with proper linking words or
connectors. (Omit details)
Avoid your own opinion or interpretation.
Avoid quotations, anecdotes, examples etc.
Summarizing is a very useful skill for college students like you. There are many occasions
when you have to summarize a long text for example when you are referring to a book on
your subject in the library, you cannot take down every word. You must summarize the main
points only. Even when you are telling your friend the story of a film you have to be brief.
Think of other occasions when you need to summarize.
Elicit answer: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Question: write a summary of the following passage up to one third of its original
length. Suggest a suitable title
Text ‘A’
In this selfish world, man has one friend who is totally and unselfish. That is his dog.
He is never ungrateful. He never leaves his master.
A man's dog is loyal to him in wealth and property, in health and sickness. He will
sleep on the cold ground when the winter is severe. His only wish is to be with his master.
Even when his master has no food to offer, the dog licks his hand. He guards the sleep of his
master as though he were a prince.
When all other friends desert his master, he remains. He is as steady in his love as the
sun in his journey through the Heavens. Even if the master becomes friendless and homeless,
the Faithful dog remains true to him. He guards his master against dangers and fights
against his enemies.
Even when the master dies and his body is buried in the cold ground, the dog does not
leave him. He stays by the grave side, his head between his paws and his eyes sad. But he is
always alert and watchful, faithful and true even in death. (187 words)
Text ‘B’
Man’s Best Friend
The dog is an unselfish, faithful, and loving friend of man. He follows his master
whether he is rich or poor, healthy or sick. A man may lose his fame, money or friends, but
never his dog. Even during his worst misfortunes, the dog protects his master and fights
against his enemies. When the master dies, the dog watches over his grave. (62 words)
You must have guessed that Text ‘B’ is a summary of Text ‘A’.
Let us now see what the differences between the two are.
a) Text ‘A’ has 188 words
Text ‘B’ has 62 words
b) Text ‘B’ gives a summary of Text ‘A’
c) Text ‘A’ has four paragraphs
Text ‘B’ has only one
d) Text ‘A’- has no title
Text ‘B’- has a title- ‘Man's Best Friend’ (can you think of a better title?)
e) After reading the Text ‘B’- Do you find any sentence copied word to word from Text
‘A’? - No. it is written in simpler words
f) Important ideas / points in the text ‘A’
Paragraph 1 - Dog - man's most loyal friend.
Paragraph 2 - Dog devoted to master - at all times
Paragraph 3 - Dog loves, Guards master
Paragraph 4 - Dog loyal even in death.
Steps to Remember
1) Reduce the length of the passage.
2) Write the summary in a single paragraph.
3) Give a title to your summary.
4) Write the summary in your own words - with the help of main points.
5) Include only the main ideas.
Demonstration Summaries
Sr. Small passages Techniques Summaries
No. used
1 Television is a modern electronic medium. Use and Television is an audio
It is very popular among the masses. It is linking of visual means of mass
an audio visual means of communication. content words communication. It is an
It is an effective means of information of (Nouns) effective means of
news and events from all over the world. information,
It also entertains people by means of entertainment and
broadcasting cinema, serials etc. education.
Television is also an effective means of
education by means of advertisements and
documentary films, interviews etc. (65
2 A person, whom the police caught and put One word The Prisoner ran away.
in the prison, ran away. (13 words) substitution (4 words)
3 Now a day it becomes compulsory for the Avoid Citizens need to use
citizens to cover their nose and mouth definition mask to protect from
with a protective piece of cloth to avoid viral infection.
infection of a deadly corona virus. (10 words)
(29 words)
4 In the classroom the teacher uses a Avoid The teacher uses the
rectangular shaped black wooden surface definition blackboard to write and
mounted on the wall to write and explain explain concepts in the
new words, concepts and ideas. (25 class. (13 words)
5 We instinctively turn to the outdoor Combining We instinctively turn to
activities and nature as a way of relaxing content words nature to relax and
and enhancing our wellbeing. Nature (Verbs) enhance ourselves.
sooths and nurtures. Nature fulfills and Nature sooths, nurtures,
motivates. Nature whispers and motivates, whispers, and
commands. (29 words) commands. (18 words)
6 There are many evils in our society. Some Avoid Dowry system is one of
of them are dangerous. One of them is the unnecessary the dangerous social
dowry system. (19 words) verbose evils in our society. (12
7 Madam Curie was born on 7 November Avoid Madam Curie was born
1867. She was born in Warsaw. Warsaw repetition in Warsaw the capital of
is the capital of Poland. (19 words) Poland on 7 November
1867. (14 words)
8 Mr. Lahase was clerk. He worked Use of noun Mr. Lahase, a clerk in the
with the Ministry of education. His wife in apposition Ministry of education,
was pretty. She was greedy too. (20 has a pretty and greedy
words) wife. (15 words)
9 I read the book which tells the story of One word I read Mahatma Gandhi’s
events in the life of the father of the substitution. autobiography and got
nation, Mahatma Gandhi. I was highly impressed by it. (10
impressed by that book. (28 Words) Words)
Summaries the following passage reducing it to about one-third its length:-
The crown and glory of life is character. It is the noblest possession of man,
constituting a rank in itself, dignifying every station, and exalting every position in society. It
exercises a great power than wealth, and secures all the honour without the jealousies of
fame. It carries with it an influence which always tells; for it is the result of proved honour,
rectitude and consistency - qualities which, perhaps more than any other, command the
general confidence and respect of mankind. As daylight can be seen through very small holes,
so little things will illustrate a person's character. Indeed character consists in little acts, well
and honourably performed, daily life being the quarry from which we built it up, and rough-
hew the habits which form it.
- Smiles
Title: The Value of Character.
Main points:
(1) Character is the crown and glory of life.
(2) It is more powerful than wealth and brings honour.
(3) It commands the confidence and respect of mankind.
(4) Character consists the little acts.
(5) It is build up by the honourable performance of duties.
The value of character
Character is the crown and glory of life. It is the noblest possession of man. It exalts
his position. It is more powerful than wealth, and brings honour without exciting jealousy. It
is the result of rectitude and consistency - qualities which all respect. It consists in little acts
honourably done. Character can be built by the honorable performance of our duties and by
the formation of good habits.