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Direction (1-5): Study the following information d) As many persons takes the leave between H
carefully and answer the below questions and I
Eight persons- G, H, I, J, K, L, M, and N are e) One
taking Earn leave(EL) on two different dates
either 8th or 19th of four different months- 3) Which of the following month and date does I
January, April, July, and September of the take the EL?
same year, but not necessarily in the same a) July 8
order. b) January 19
K takes the leave on an odd date of the month c) January 8
which has an odd number of days. Only one d) September 19
person takes the leave between K and I. Only e) September 8
two persons take the leave between I and H.
Neither H nor L takes the leave in January. L 4) As many persons takes the leave before G
takes the leave immediately before N who takes as after ____.
the leave on an odd date. The number of a) J
persons takes the leave between L and K is b) K
one more than the number of persons takes the c) L
leave between H and M. J takes the leave one d) The one who takes the leave on September
of the days before G. 8
1) Who among the following person takes the e) The one who takes the leave on September
leave on April 8? 19
a) J
b) The one who takes the leave immediately 5) If all the persons are arranged in alphabetical
after G order from January 8, then how many persons
c) I remain unchanged in their position?
d) The one who takes the leave immediately a) Three
before K b) Two
e) M c) None
2) How many persons take the leave before H? d) One
a) None e) Four
b) As many persons takes the leave between G
and M Direction (1-5):
c) Three 1) Answer: B

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2) Answer: B b) F
3) Answer: D c) H
4) Answer: D d) The one who drives immediately after J
5) Answer: D e) G
Final Arrangement
7) If all the persons drive the car in alphabetical
order from the first, then how many persons
remain unchanged in their position?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) More than three
e) No one

8) What is the position of F with respect to B?

a) Three persons before
Directions (6-10): Study the following
b) Four persons after
information carefully and answer the questions
c) Immediately after
given below.
d) Three persons after
Nine persons - B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J are
e) Two persons before
driving the car one after another, but not
necessarily in the same order.
9) Four of the following five are alike in a
I drives the car three persons before J, who
certain way as per the given arrangement and
drives either immediately before or immediately
hence form a group. Find the one that doesn't
after E. Only one person drives between E and
belong to that group.
G. As many persons drive between J and G as
a) HI
between E and B. More than three persons
b) CG
drive after B. Only two persons drive between B
c) BF
and D. The number of persons driving before H
d) EJ
is the same as the number of persons driving
e) DH
after C, who drives three persons after F.
10) If H is related to J and B is related to C in a
6) Who among the following person drives the
certain way, then who among the following
car at last?
person is related to E?
a) The one who drives immediately after H

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a) The one who drives two persons before J  I drives the car three persons before J,
b) The one who drives immediately after H who drives either immediately before or
c) G immediately after E.
d) J  Only one person drives between E and
e) Both b and c G.
From the above condition, there are three
Directions (6-10): possibilities.
6) Answer: E
7) Answer: A
(Only F)
8) Answer: C
9) Answer: D (The second person drives
immediately after the first person, except option
10) Answer: B
Final arrangement

Again we have,
 As many persons drive between J and G
as between E and B.
 More than three persons drive after B.
 Only two persons drive between B and
Here case 3 gets eliminated.

We have,

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Direction (11-15): Study the following

information carefully and answer the questions
given below.
Ten persons viz. I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q and R
are working in different departments viz.
Purchase, Manufacture and Sales of the same
company, but not necessarily in the same
order. Atleast three persons work in each
J neither works in Sales department nor along
with L. Q works along with L but not in
Purchase department. O neither works along
with J nor Q, whereas only two more persons
Again we have, work along with O. M works in the department
 The number of persons driving before H which has the maximum number of persons
is the same as the number of persons along with I but not in Sales department. N
driving after C, who drives three persons works along with P but neither along with O nor
after F. Q.
So case 1 gets eliminated, hence case 2 shows 11) Who among the following person works in
the final arrangement becomes. Manufacture department?
a) The one who works along with O
b) P
c) The one who works along with L
d) R
e) None of these

12) If all the persons are made to work in the

alphabetical order in purchase, sales and
manufacture department respectively, with the
same number of workers as before, then how
many persons remain unchanged in their
a) Two

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b) One e) None of these

c) Three
d) More than three Direction (11-15):
e) None 11) Answer: C
12) Answer: A
13) In which of the following department does K 13) Answer: B
work? 14) Answer: D
a) Manufacture 15) Answer: B
b) Sales the final arrangement.
c) Purchase
d) Cannot be determined
e) None of these

14) Which of the following statement(s) is/are Direction (16-20): Study the following
true with respect to the final arrangement? information carefully and answer the given
I). Both R and P work in the same department. below.
II). Neither N nor K works in Manufacture Certain number of persons are sitting in a linear
department. row facing towards the north. Z sits sixth to the
III). J works in the same department along with right of H. Only two persons sit between Z and
N. A.H sits exactly in the middle of I and A. As
a) Only I many persons sit between A and Z as between
b) Both I and II I and L, who sits at one of the ends. Only four
c) Both I and III persons sit between Z and P, who doesn’t sit
d) Both II and III adjacent to H.T sits two places away from P. M
e) All of these sits second to the right of T and sits at one of
the ends. More than five persons sit between A
15) Who among the following person works and M.
along with M? 16) Who among the following person sits third
a) O to the left of H?
b) The one who works in Manufacture a)The one who sits third to the right of A
department b) I
c) N c) The one who sits second to the left of T
d) The one who works in Sales department d) M

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e) L d) H
e) The one who sits fourth to the left of M
17) Which of the following statement(s) is/are
true with respect to the final arrangement? Direction (16-20):
I. H sits ninth to the right of I 16) Answer: B
II. T sits fourth to the right of A 17) Answer: C
III. Only seven persons sit between A and P 18) Answer: C
a) Only I 19) Answer: A
b) Only II 20) Answer: D
c) Only III Final arrangement:
d) Both I and II
e) Both II and III

18) How many persons are sitting in the row?

Direction (21-25): Study the following
a) 20
information carefully and answer the questions
b) 21
given below.
c) 22
Ten persons - A, B, C, D, E, M, N, O, P and Q
d) 23
are living in two different types of flats – flat 1
e) 24
and flat 2 of a five-storey building, but not
necessarily in the same order. Flat 2 is in the
19) What is the position of H from the left end?
east of Flat 1. The lower-most floor is numbered
a) Seventh
as 1 and the floor immediately above is
b) Tenth
numbered as 2 and so on.
c) Thirteenth
A lives in an even numbered floor. Only one
d) Fifteenth
floor is between A and P where both are not
e) Fifth
living in the same type of flat. P lives below Q,
who doesn’t live northeast of A. D lives
20) Who among the following person sits sixth
southwest of Q but not immediate southwest. N
to the left of the one who sits fifth to the left of
and Q live in the same flat. Only two floors
between N and D, who doesn’t live in an odd
a) I
numbered floor. B lives north of O but lives
b) L
neither in the same floor with N nor with P. No
c) The one who sits fourth to the right of P
one lives southeast of B. C lives above O but

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not more than one floor is between them. M d) Two

lives below E where both live in the same type e) Either a or D
of flat. 25) Four of the following five are alike in a
21) Who among the following person lives certain way as per the final arrangement and
southwest of P? hence form a group. Find the one who doesn’t
a) The one who lives immediately below C belong to that group.
b) A a) E
c) D b) C
d) The one who lives west of O c) O
e) E d) B
e) A
22) Which of the following statement(s) is/are
true with respect to the final arrangement? Direction (21-25):
a) E lives adjacent floor of N 21) Answer: D
b) A lives immediate northeast of B 22) Answer: D
c) P lives west of D 23) Answer: C
d) C lives immediate northwest of P 24) Answer: D
e) More than one statement is true 25) Answer: E (All the persons live in an odd-
numbered floor, except option E)
23) If E is related to Q and A is related to B in a Final arrangement
certain way, then who among the following
person is related to O?
a) The one who lives immediate south of A
b) E
c) The one who lives immediately below C’s flat
d) M
e) None of these

24) How many floors are there between E and Directions (26-30): Study the following
D? information carefully and answer the questions
a) Three given below.
b) One Eight persons I, J, K, L, M, N, O and P are
c) None sitting around a square table in such a way that

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four of them sit in the corners facing inside the a) The one who sits third to the right of M
table while the other four of them sit in the b) P
middle of the sides facing outside the table. c) The one who sits immediate left of L
Each of them wears different brands of specs d) J
viz. Titan, Ray-ban, Carrera, Prada, Eyedo, e) None of these
Fastrack, Raymond and lens kart but not
necessarily in the same order. 28) How many persons sit between the one
I sits second to the left of the one who wears who wears Ray-ban and O when counted from
Titan specs and sits in the middle of the sides. the right of O?
One person sits between the one who wears a) One
Titan specs and the one who wears Eyedo b) Two
specs. P sits third to the left of the one who c) Three
wears Eyedo specs. As many persons sit d) Four
between P and I is same as between M and the e) No one
one who wears Titan specs. The one who
wears Fastrack specs sits adjacent to M. N sits 29) If N is related to the one who wears Titan
second to the left of the one who wears specs and I is related to the one who wears
Fastrack specs. K, who wears lens kart specs Fastrack specs in a certain way, then who
sits immediate left of the one who wears Prada among the following person is related to the
specs. L sits second to the right of K and sits one who wears Carrera specs?
immediate left of O.The one who wears Carrera a) The one who sits immediate right of N
specs sits third to the right of J. P doesn’t wear b) O
Raymond specs. c) The one who sits second to the right of J
26) In which of the following specs brand does I d) K
wear? e) The one who wears Raymond specs
a) Prado
b) Lens kart 30) Who among the following person sits
c) Fastrack second to the right of the one who wears Prado
d) Eyedo specs?
e) Carrera a) The one who wears Fastrack specs
b) O
27) Who among the following person wears c) The one who sits immediate right of L
Titan specs? d) L

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e) Both a and b as after the one who speaks about Nature. Only
one person participates between the one who
Directions (26-30): speaks about Nature and R, who doesn’t speak
26) Answer: D about freedom. U participates immediately
27) Answer: C before J. Either U or J speaks about socialism.
28) Answer: B Neither T nor R speaks about corona. The one
29) Answer: E who speaks about world war participates
30) Answer: A immediately before the one who speaks about
Final arrangement: corona.
31) Who among the following person speaks
about Digital world?
a) The one who participate on June 16
b) P
c) The one who participate on May 5
d) T
e) None of these

32) Who among the following person

participates in June 16?
Directions (31-35): Study the following
a) U
information carefully and answer the questions
b) The one who speaks about World war
given below.
c) P
Six persons- D, J, P, R, T and U participate in a
d) J
speech competition on two different dates either
e) The one who speaks about Corona
5th or 16th of three different months viz. May,
June and July of the same year. They speak
33) Which of the following combination is true?
about different topics viz., World war, Socialism,
a) U-Socialism
Nature, Digital world, Corona and Freedom. All
b) J-Freedom
the information is not necessarily in the same
c) P-Nature
d) R-Digital world
T participates three persons before the one who
e) D-World war
speaks about Freedom. D participates
immediately before the one who speaks about
freedom. As many persons participate before D

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34) How many persons participate between U Directions (36-40): Study the following
and the one who speaks about Corona? information carefully and answer the below
a) One questions
b) Two Eight persons-A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H are
c) Three working in the same company with different
d) Four designations. The designations are in
e) No one decreasing order as President, Vice president,
35) If T is related to D and J is related to R in a Chief Operating Officer(COO), Senior Project
certain way, then who among the following Manager, Project Manager, Team Leader,
person is related to the one who speaks about Assistant, and Junior Assistant where President
Freedom? is the seniormost designation.
a) J G is junior to the person who is a Project
b) The one who speaks about socialism Manager. The number of persons junior to G is
c) D the same as the number of persons senior to D.
d) The one who participates immediately after T Only three persons are designated between D
e) P and E. F is two positions senior to H.H is
neither a Project manager nor a Team Leader.
Directions (31-35): The number of persons designated between F
31) Answer: D and H is the same as the number of persons
32) Answer: B designated between D and B. B is not
33) Answer: A designated as a Project Manager. A is senior to
34) Answer: C C. Neither A nor E is a Team leader.
35) Answer: D 36) E is designated in which of the following
Final arrangement: position?
a) Senior Project Manager
b) Project Manager
c) Team leader
d) Assistant
e) Junior Assistant

37) Which of the following statement(s) is/are

I) D is the COO

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II) No one is designated between B and F d) Two

III) H is senior to F e) One
IV) C is not the Junior Assistant
a) Only (I) and (II) Directions (36-40):
b) Only (I) and (IV) 36) Answer: D
c) Only (II) and (III) 37) Answer: A
d) Only (II) and (IV) 38) Answer: C
e) All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) 39) Answer: C
40) Answer: B
38) How many persons are senior H? Final Arrangement
a) As many persons designated junior G
b) One
c) Three
d) As many persons designated between B and
e) None

39) As many persons senior to D as junior to

a) The one who is immediately senior to C
b) The one who is designated as a Project
c) The one who is designated as Team Leader
d) C
e) F Directions (41-45): Study the following
information carefully and answer the questions

40) If all the persons are arranged in given below.

alphabetical order from President, then how Eight boxes - A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H

many persons remain unchanged in their are placed one above the other in a single

position? stack, but not necessarily in the same order.

a) More than three Each box contains different materials i.e) book,

b) None eraser, glue, scale, marker, paper, pen, and

c) Three pencil.

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Atmost two boxes are placed above C, 43) If A is related to pen and G is related to
which contains eraser. The box which is at the Glue in a certain way, then which of the
top contains paper. Only three boxes are following box is related to eraser?
placed between D and the box which contains a) B
paper. Only two boxes are placed between C b) H
and the box which contains scale) F is placed c) D
three boxes below B, which is not placed just d) The box which contains paper
above D) The number of boxes placed below e) Both a & d
the box which contains scale is one more than
the number of boxes placed above A, which 44) How many boxes are placed below the
contains book. Neither F nor E contains pencil boxwhich contains glue?
and scale) H contains Marker but is not placed a) None
at the bottom. The box which contains glue is b) Two
not placed above G, which doesn’t contain c) Three
pencil. d) Four
41) How many boxes are placed between the e) More than four
box which contain book and G?
a) One 45) Which of the following statement(s) is/are
b) Two correct with respect to the final arrangement?
c) Three a) H is placed two boxes below F
d) Four b) F contains glue
e) More than four c) Only two boxes are placed below G
d) The box which contains pen is placed at the
42) Which of the following box is placed two bottom
boxes above the box which contains pen? e) Both a & c
a) N
b) The box which contains Book Directions (41-45):
c) M 41) Answer: C
d) A 42) Answer: E
e) Both b & d 43) Answer: E
44) Answer: A
45) Answer: C
Final arrangement:

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between the one who has Camlin and

Classmate note.
46) Who among the following person has Luxor
a) The one who sits second to the right of B
b) A
c) The one who sits immediate right of D
d) C
e) The one who sits third to the right of E

47) Who among the following person sits

Directions (46-50): Study the following second to the right of the one who has Unigo
information carefully and answer the questions note?
given below. a) The one who has Luxor note
Eight persons - A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are b) F
sitting around a circular table facing towards the c) The one who sits immediate left of B
centre, but not necessarily in the same order. d) A
Each person has a note of different company e) G
viz. Classmate, Camlin, Unigo, Luxor, Deluxe,
Paper Kraft, Mead and Micro. 48) How many persons sit between the one
Two persons sit between D and the one who who has Camlin note and G, when counted
has Deluxe note. H sits second to the left of the from the right of G?
one who has Deluxe note. One person sits a) One
between H and the one who has Mead note. A b) Two
sits two places away from the one who has c) Three
Mead note. C is an immediate neighbour of F, d) More than three
where both of them doesn’t have Deluxe note. e) No one
The one who has Micro note sits second to the
right of C. H doesn’t have Micro note. G has 49) If B is related to the one who has Luxor
Paper Kraft note and sits immediate left of the note and A is related to the one who has
one who has Unigo note. As many persons sit Deluxe note in a certain way, then who among
between G and D as between C and B. Neither the following person is related to the one who
H nor C has Classmate note. Two persons sit has Mead note?

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a) The one who sits immediate right of E Seven persons - A, C, J, M, Q, R and Y are
b) A teaching logical reasoning topics on different
c) The one who has Camlin note days of the same week starting from Monday to
d) D Sunday, but not necessarily in the same order.
e) The one who sits second to the right of A Y teaches on one of the days after Thursday.
Only two persons teach between Y and Q. C
50) What is the position of F with respect to the teaches immediately after Q. The number of
one who has Deluxe note? persons teaching between C and Y is the same
a) Fourth to the right as the number of persons teaching between R
b) Immediate left and J. A teaches three days after J. Both M and
c) Third to the right R don’t teach on consecutive days.
d) Immediate right 51) Who among the following person teaches
e) Second to the left two days after M?
a) Q
Directions (46-50): b) The one who teaches on Thursday
46) Answer: D c) The one who teaches immediately after R
47) Answer: B d) M
48) Answer: D e) The one who teaches two persons before Y
49) Answer: C
50) Answer: A 52) How many persons are teaching between Q
Final arrangement and R?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) More than three
e) No one

53) If M is related to C and Y is related to A in a

certain way, then who among the following
Directions (51-55): Study the following person is related to J?
information carefully and answer the questions a) The one who teaches on Tuesday
given below. b) Y
c) The one who teaches immediately after Y

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d) M
e) None of these

54) Four of the following five are alike in a

certain way as per the given arrangement and
hence form a group. Find the one that doesn't
belong to that group.
a) RJ
b) CM
c) AY
d) MQ
e) JQ Directions (56-60): Study the following
information carefully and answer the questions
55) Which of the following statement(s) is/are given below.
true with respect to the final arrangement? Eight persons - K, L, M, N, O, P, Q and R are
I. Only three persons teach between M and J. sitting around a rectangular table facing
II. Both Y and R teach on consecutive days. outside, but not necessarily in the same order.
III. J teaches before Q but after R. Four persons are sitting on the corners while
a) Only III four persons are sitting in the middle of the
b) Only II sides of the table.
c) Only I and III N sits third to the left of M. One person sits
d) Only II and III between N and L, who doesn’t sit adjacent to
e) None is true M. K sits opposite to O, who is the immediate
neighbor of L. The number of persons sitting
Directions (51-55): between Q and R is one more than the number
51) Answer: E of persons sitting between P and R. R doesn’t
52) Answer: C sit opposite to L. P sits on one of the sides of
53) Answer: A the table.
54) Answer: D (One day is between both the 56) Who among the following person sits
persons, except option d) immediate right of Q?
55) Answer: B a) M
Final arrangement b) The one who sits immediate left of P
c) R

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d) The one who sits second to the right of L a) R

e) O b) N
c) L
57) Who among the following persons sit d) P
adjacent to R? e) K
a) K and Q
b) M and O Directions (56-60):
c) L and N 56) Answer: D
d) P and M 57) Answer: B
e) None of these 58) Answer: C
59) Answer: D
58) What is the position of O with respect to the 60) Answer: E (All the persons sit in the sides of
one who sits third to the right of L? the table, except option E.
a) Immediate left
b) Third to the right
c) Exactly opposite
d) Second to the left
e) Fifth to the right

59) How many persons sit between P and N,

when counted from the left of N? Directions (61-65): Study the following
a) As many persons sit between K to O when information carefully and answer the questions
counted from the right of K given below.
b) Four Six persons - T, U, V, W, X, and Z are attending
c) As many persons sit between L to M when the conference in different months from April to
counted from the left of L September, but not necessarily in the same
d) Five year. They are working in different companies -
e) One HCL, TCS, Wipro, Infosys, Zoho and
60) Four of the following five are alike in a Z attends the conference three months before
certain way as per the given arrangement and the one who works in TCS. The number of
hence form a group. Find the one who doesn't persons attending before the one who works in
belong to that group. TCS is the same as the number of persons

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attending after the one who works in HCL. Only d) T

two persons attend the conference between the e) The one who attends two persons after V
one who works in HCL and V, who attends two
months after the one who works in Infosys. T 64) In which of the following month does T
attends two months after the one works in attend the conference?
Wipro. T neither works in TCS nor Infosys. As a) June
many persons attend the conference before T is b) August
same as after W, who attends immediately after c) July
U. V doesn’t work in Zoho. d) May
61) How many persons attended the e) September
conference between X and the one who works
in Cognizant? 65) Who among the following person works in
a) One Zoho Company?
b) Two a) The one who attends two persons before Z
c) As many persons attend between U and T b) X
d) Four c) The one who attends the conference in June
e) As many persons attend between Z and W d) T
e) W
62) Who among the following person attends
immediately after W? Directions (61-65):
a) The one who works in HCL 61) Answer: A
b) T 62) Answer: C
c) The one who attends the conference in June 63) Answer: E
d) X 64) Answer: B
e) The one who attends two months before U 65) Answer: D
Final arrangement
63) As many persons attending the conference
after the one who attends in April is same as
the persons attending the conference before
a) The one who attends immediately after Z
b) W
c) The one who works in Infosys

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67) Four of the following five are alike in a

certain way as per the final arrangement and
hence form a group. Find the one which doesn’t
belong to that group.
a) CG
b) FB
c) DA
d) HF
e) AB
Directions (66-70): Study the following
information carefully and answer the questions
68) Who among the following person sits
given below.
opposite to E?
Eight persons - A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H sit on
a) B
the square table such that four persons sit on
b) The one who sits third to the left of G
the corners and face towards the center while
c) D
four persons sit in the middle of the sides and
d) The one who sits immediate right of C
face away from the center, but not necessarily
e) A
in the same order.
Two persons sit between H and G. G sits
69) Who among the following person sits
immediate left of C, who faces outside. One
exactly between H and C, when counted from
person sits between C and B. E sits opposite to
the left of H?
the one who sits immediate left of B. D sits third
a) A
to the right of C. The number of persons sitting
b) The one who sits immediate left of F
between D and F is the same as the number of
c) F
persons sitting between F and G. A neither sits
d) D
adjacent to D nor B.
e) The one who sits second to the right of E
66) Who among the following person sits third
to the right of H?
70) Which of the following statement is/are true
a) B
with respect to G?
b) The one who sits second to the right of D
I. A is the immediate neighbor of G.
c) E
II. Two persons sit between G and B, when
d) F
counted from the left of G.
e) The one who sits immediate right of A

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III. G sits opposite to F. persons but not more than four persons applied
a) Only I and II for each competitive exam.
b) Only III B and D are applied for different exams where
c) All I, II, and III neither of them applied for IBPS. Both A and F
d) Only II are applied for the same exam. F neither
e) None of these applied for TNPSC nor Railways. The number
of persons applied for TNPSC is one less than
Directions (66-70): the number of persons applied for IBPS. H
66) Answer: E applied for the exam with only one person but
67) Answer: E (In each pairs, both the persons didn’t apply for Railway exam. Both E and I are
face different directions, except applied for the same exam. Both C and E are
option e) applied for different exams. Both I and D are
68) Answer: D applied for different exams.
69) Answer: B 71) Who among the following persons applied
70) Answer: A for IBPS exam?
Final Arrangement a) E and H
b) G and A
c) I and B
d) D and F
e) A and C

72) G applied for which of the following

competitive exam?
b) Railways
Directions (71-75): Study the following d) Either a or b
information carefully and answer the questions e) Either b or c
given below.
Nine persons - A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I 73) Four of the following five are alike in a
applied for different competitive exams viz. certain way as per the given arrangement and
TNPSC, Railways and IBPS exams, but not hence form a group. Find the one who doesn’t
necessarily in the same order. At least two belong to that group.

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a) D and E Directions (76-80): Study the following

b) A and B information carefully and answer the questions
c) I and F given below.
d) G and H Fourteen persons are sitting in two parallel rows
e) C and F facing towards each other such that P, Q, R, S,
T, U and V are sitting in row 1 facing towards
74) Who among the following person applied North while E, F, G, H, I, J and K are sitting in
for the same exam along with H? row 2 facing towards South, but not necessarily
a) The one who applied along with F in the same order.
b) The one who applied along with B T sits third to the right of S where neither of
c) D them sits at the ends. The one who faces T sits
d) The one who applied along with C second to the left of G. Only one person sits
e) G between G and H. The one who faces H sits
second to the left of R. Only two persons sit
75) What is the sum of the number of persons between P and R where P does not sit at the
applied for Railways and IBPS exams? extreme left end of the row. K sits immediate
a) Six right of I. Only two persons sit between I and E.
b) Five The one who sits immediate left of F faces the
c) Seven one who sits immediate right of Q. U is not an
d) Either a or c immediate neighbor of R. J doesn’t sit at any of
e) Either b or c the ends.
76) Who among the following person faces the
Directions (71-75): one who sits immediate right of U?
71) Answer: E a) H
72) Answer: B b) The one who sits fifth to the left of F
73) Answer: E (Both the persons applied for c) G
different exams, except option E) d) The one who sits third to the right of I
74) Answer: C e) J
75) Answer: C
77) Who among the following persons sit at the
extreme ends of the row?
a) I and S
b) H and P

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c) F and R 78) Answer: B

d) K and Q 79) Answer: E (All the persons are facing
e) J and R towards each other, except option E)
80) Answer: E
78) How many persons sit to the right of H?
a) No one
b) As many persons sit between V and Q
c) As many persons sit between R and U
d) As many persons sit between K and E
e) None of these Directions (81-85): Study the following
information carefully and answer the below
79) Four of the following five are alike in a questions.
certain way as per the given arrangement and Six persons- U, V, W, X, Y, and Z are living in a
hence form a group. Find the one who does not six-storey building such that the lowermost floor
belong to that group. is numbered as one and the topmost floor is
a) R and I numbered as six. They use different shopping
b) S and J apps- Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, Jabong,
c) F and Q Bigbasket, and Nykaa. All the information is not
d) G and U necessarily in the same order.
e) P and H X lives three floors above the one who uses Big
Basket. Z lives above X. Only three persons live
80) If F is related to S and K is related to R in a between Z and W. U lives immediately above
certain way, then who among the following the one who uses Nykaa. Neither X nor Z uses
person is related to P? Nykaa. V lives above Y. Y lives two floors below
a) The one who sits opposite to T the one who uses eBay. Neither V nor Z uses
b) K Jabong. The one who uses Amazon lives above
c) The one who sits adjacent to F the one who uses Flipkart. Z does not use
d) E Amazon.
e) The one who sits second to the right of H 81) Who among the following person lives
immediately above the one who uses Jabong?
Directions (76-80): a) The one who lives on the second floor
76) Answer: D b) The one who lives immediately below Z
77) Answer: C c) V

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d) Z e) Four
e) The one who lives immediately below Y
Directions (81-85):
82) Who among the following person lives on 81) Answer: B
the fourth floor? 82) Answer: E
a) W 83) Answer: E
b) V 84) Answer: D
c) The one who lives immediately above X 85) Answer: C
d) The one who uses Jabong Final Arrangement
e) The one who uses eBay

83) How many persons live between the one

who uses Amazon and Y?
a) None
b) Two
c) One
d) Four
e) Three
Directions (86-90): Study the following

84) Which of the following combination is true? information carefully and answer the questions

a) U- Flipkart given below.

b) X- Jabong Eight persons - P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and

c) W- Nykaa W are sitting in a linear table facing north, but

d) V-Amazon not necessarily in the same order. Each person

e) Y-Big Basket has different laptops i.e) Dell, Apple, Acer,

Sony, MI, Asus, HP, and Lenovo.

85) If all the persons are arranged in T has Apple laptop and sits at one of the ends

alphabetical order from the top, then how many of the row. Only two persons sit between T and

persons remain unchanged in their position? the one who has Sony laptop. W has Mi laptop

a) Three is an immediate neighbor of the one who has

b) Two Sony laptop. V sits immediate right of W but

c) One doesn’t have Sony laptop. The number of

d) None persons sitting to the right of V is one more than

the number of persons sitting to the left of the
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one who has Dell laptop. Only three persons sit 89) How many persons are sitting between P
between U and Q, who has HP laptop. S sits and Q?
immediate right of Q. Neither U nor S has Sony a) One
laptop. The one who has Acer laptop is not an b) As many persons sitting to the right of V
immediate neighbor of Q. Not more than one c) Three
person sits between P and V, who doesn’t have d) As many persons sitting between T and V
Lenovo laptop. e) No one
86) Who among the following person sits
second to the left of the one who has Asus 90) If all the persons are arranged in the
laptop? alphabetical order from right to left, then how
a) The one who has Mi laptop many persons remain unchanged in their
b) R position?
c) T a) One
d) S b) Two
e) P c) Three
d) Four
87) What is the position R with respect to the e) None
one who has Mi laptop?
a) Third to the left Directions (86-90):
b) Second to the right 86) Answer: E
c) Immediate right 87) Answer: A
d) Fourth to the left 88) Answer: E
e) None of these 89) Answer: B
90) Answer: B
88) If R is related to Sony and P is related to Final arrangement:
Asus in a certain way, then who among the
following person is related to Lenovo?
a) W
b) The one who has HP Directions (91-95): Study the following
c) The one who has Sony information carefully and answer the questions
d) The one who sits immediate right of R given below.
e) The one who sits second to the left of S Eight persons are sitting in two parallel rows
and facing each other. In Row1, S, T, U and V

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are seated and all of them face south. In row2, 93) Which of the following combination is true
D, E, F and G are seated and all of them face with respect to the final arrangement?
north. They are all in different positions viz. I. G-Actress
Doctor, Teacher, Actress, Lawyer, Plumber, II. U-Police
Scientist, Electrician and Police, but not III. F-Plumber
necessarily in the same order. a) Only II and III
F faces towards the one who sits immediate b) Only I
right of the one who is a Lawyer. F doesn’t sit at c) Only III
the ends of the row. D sits immediate left of G. d) Only I and III
The one who is an electrician sits two places e) All I, II and III
away from G. Neither F nor G faces towards T,
who is not a lawyer. U sits third to the left of T. 94) Who among the following person sits
S sits to the right of the one who is the police second to the left of the one who sits opposite
and faces towards the one who is a doctor. The to G?
one who is a teacher sits immediate left of the a) The one who is the Police
one who is a Scientist. Either D or G is an b) S
actress. E is not a plumber. c) T
91) What is the position of D with respect to the d) The one who sits opposite to E
one who is a plumber? e) None of these
a) Second to the right
b) Second to the left 95) Four of the following five are alike in a
c) Third to the right certain way as per the given arrangement and
d) Immediate right thus form a group. Which of the following does
e) Immediate left not belong to that group?
a) T
92) Who among the following person is a b) U
Teacher? c) D
a) The one who sits immediate left of V d) E
b) F e) V
c) The one who sits two places away from E Directions (91-95):
d) S 91) Answer: B
e) D 92) Answer: D
93) Answer: C

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94) Answer: D c) 2015

95) Answer: E (All of them sit at the extreme d) 2004
end except option e) e) None of these
Final arrangement:
97) How many persons get the promotion
between Q and T?
a) As many persons get the promotion between
T and P
b) As many persons get the promotion between
R and P
c) As many persons get the promotion between
Directions (96-100): Study the following
M and N
information carefully and answer the questions
d) As many persons get the promotion between
given below.
T and O
Nine persons - M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T,
e) Both b & c
and U are working in a company, but not
necessarily in the same order. Each of them
98) How many persons get the promotion after
gets the promotion in different year (i.e) 2000,
2004, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2020 and
a) Two
b) One
S gets the promotion in a leap year. Only two
c) As many persons get after U
persons get the promotion between S and T.
d) As many persons get after M
Only three persons get the promotion between
e) As many persons get between M and S
U and O. As many persons get the promotion
99) Who among the following person gets the
before U as after O. Only two persons get the
promotion in a leap year?
promotion between M and N, where either of
I. Q
them gets at first. As many persons get the
promotion between N and M as between M and
O. R gets after Q and before P but not gets
a) Only I
immediately before P.
b) Both I and II
96) In which of the following year does Q get
c) Both I and III
the promotion?
d) Both II and III
a) 2000
e) All I, II, III
b) 2020

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100) If all the persons are arranged in the 98) Answer: E

alphabetical order from 2022 to 2000, then how 99) Answer: E
many persons remain unchanged in their 100) Answer: A
position? Final arrangement:
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
e) More than four

Directions (96-100):
96) Answer: D
97) Answer: E

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