Comparative Study On Mechanical, Thermal and Morphological Behavior of Graphite Vis-À-Vis Carbon Black Composite/Pp
Comparative Study On Mechanical, Thermal and Morphological Behavior of Graphite Vis-À-Vis Carbon Black Composite/Pp
Comparative Study On Mechanical, Thermal and Morphological Behavior of Graphite Vis-À-Vis Carbon Black Composite/Pp
Table. 1 Table for tensile testing results polypropylene composition show very lower values of
Composition Tensile Strength Modulus flexural modulus in comparison with the 30% and 40%
(%) at Maximum (Mpa) composition but on the other hand in case of carbon black
Load and polypropylene composition 30% composition show that
(Mpa) lower flexural strength value; it means that in case of
Virgin Polypropylene 19.54 650.2 graphite lower percentage composition show lower flexural
(PP) strength and incase of carbon black filler as percentage
PP + Graphite (20) 27.53 1024.9 increase flexural strength value also increase.
PP + Graphite (30) 27.73 1021.01 3.2 Electrical Testing [39, 41] –
PP + Graphite (40) 28.9 1125.73 3.2.1] Dielectric Strength [27] – Mainly dielectric strength is
only applicable for the testing of insulation specimen; but
PP + Carbon Black (20) 29.12 857.84 here these results are using to study of electrical conductivity
on the principle that lower the insulating value higher will be
PP + Carbon Black (30) 26.32 807.1
electrical conductivity of the specimen. So, the values of
PP + Carbon Black (40) 25.87 891.88 dielectric strength are as follow table 3);
Table 3: Dielectric Strength Results
In above table 1) after taking tensile testing results show that Thickness of Dielectric
graphite and polypropylene composition is having higher Composition Sample Strength
tensile strength rather than either virgin polypropylene or (%) (mm) (kv/mm)
polypropylene and carbon black composition; in the graphite PP + Graphite (30%) 2.88 16.53
composition the results vary from lower percentage (20%) to 2.86 14.93
higher percentage (40%) composition and which is higher
2.84 14.08
one but 30% graphite and polypropylene composition shows
that lowest tensile strength than 20% and 40% composition.
PP + Carbon Black 2.96 5.57
Now, in case carbon black composition which show lower
tensile strength as compare to graphite and polypropylene
composition, but in which again 30% carbon black and 2.95 5.18
polypropylene composition how very low tensile strength 2.94 5
value. For this study, only 30% composition has been taking into
3.1.2] Flexural Testing – Flexural property is the another type account only; after study these results with the deferent
of mechanical property through which we can study the thickness of same composition comes to know that graphite
strength of sample on bending force, hence study of this (30%) and polypropylene composition showing that higher
property also play an important role; so its results are as dielectric strength so according to principle that “Lower the
follow; insulating value then higher will be conducting strength or
Table 2: Flexural strength results vice – a – versa” , hence graphite and polypropylene
Composition Flexural Strength Flexural composition showing lower electrical conductivity strength
(%) at Maximum Modulus (Mpa) than the carbon black (30%) and polypropylene composition.
Stress (Mpa)
3.4 Thermal Testing Results
Virgin Polypropylene 34.49 1056.11
(PP) 3.4.1] Thermal Conductivity Results [42, 43] – Thermal
conductivity is the test are taking, to know the rate of flow of
PP + Graphite (20) 47.93 1715.12
heat through the specimen at deferent temperature. In this
PP + Graphite (30) 51.36 1988.39 study the 30% composition of carbon black and graphite
with polypropylene composition has been studied and which
PP + Graphite (40) 52.04 2518.89 giving following results as;
PP + Carbon Black 53.27 2221.08 Table 4: Study of polymeric composition of thermal
(20) conductivity
PP + Carbon Black 53.76 2148.14 Composition Sample Thermal
(30) (%) Temperature Conductivity
PP + Carbon Black 51.24 2848.84 (°c) (W/m.k)
(40) PP + Carbon 34.18 0.203
After study the readings of table 2) show that the bending Black (30)
strength or flexural strength of carbon black and 54.09 0.215
polypropylene composition is higher than graphite 78.86 0.218
composition with different percent of composition. During 103.74 0.219
study of flexural strength values one more thing in one across
that in case of graphite composition 20% graphite and PP + Graphite 33.94 0.191
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