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Comparative Study On Mechanical, Thermal and Morphological Behavior of Graphite Vis-À-Vis Carbon Black Composite/Pp

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International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering

Volume 3, Issue 5, January-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718


Niraj Sakharam Khandare1, Mousam Choudhury2
PG Student, Department of Polymer Nanotechnology, College CIPET, Bhubaneswar, India
Technical Officer, Department of Processing, CIPET, Bhubaneswar, India

Abstract: On the world wide basis, day by day requirement

of energy is increasing, hence to overcome this problem
polymeric fuel cells are most important and reliable option.
Polymeric fuel cells are now easy to made and maintain as
well. Now a day for this purpose Polypropylene like
thermoplastics are also using which are basically non –
conductive polymers but with the addition of some fillers
they can be make as conductive. Unmodified Carbon black
and Graphite are use as filler with Polypropylene (PP)
thermoplastic has been used in this process. In this process
injection moulding technique has been use for making
bipolar plates of fuel cell which can be support it
mechanically, thermally, and electrically. In this process
these fillers add with thermoplastic polymer (PP) in 20%, Figure – a) Fuel Cell Assembly
30%, and 40% composition and see some mechanical, In this study the thermoplastic polymer polypropylene (PP)
thermal, morphological and electrical test results to study has been used, with two deferent fillers, with deferent
its behavior. composition hence the level of percolation of filler into
Keyword: Use Unmodified fillers, fuel cell, bipolar plates thermoplastic polymer (PP) study is important, which will
show that the level of acceptance of the filler to polymer
I. INTRODUCTION (PP) and according to it, its mechanical, electrical and
In the recent day polymers and their composites are playing thermal performance will be present, this theory is given by
very important role in most of every area especially in the Flory (1941) and Stock Mayer (1943) to show how fillers are
field of electrical conductivity, polymers playing equivalent react with polymer (PP) and form an composition or large
role in comparison with metals [1]. For making Proton molecule[4]. It has been assume that the behavior of
Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMC) or Polymeric polymeric composite material is as insulator when the filler
Membrane Fuel Cells three main compartments are need they in it is below its specific value and above critical value the
are membrane, electrode, gas diffusion layer and bipolar composite act as conductive this concept known as
plates (flow field or separator) these compartments are Percolation Threshold Value (ϕ)[61], for this purpose
commonly named as Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA), morphological studies like SEM are done in this paper. In
in which bipolar plates are play very important role such as this work polypropylene is used, which is mainly a type of
make conductive medium in anode and cathode, transfer heat polyolefin, now what is polyolefin? It is produce by olefin or
out of fuel cells, provide field for gas reaction and it provide alkenes which are basically double bonded compounds, after
mechanical strength to the fuel cell. In this way bipolar plates polymerization that double bonded compound becomes
put their importance in the fuel cell for this purpose, to single bonded polymer and which will be able to use mainly
making bipolar plates, metals like; aluminum, steels etc. are for insulators, but since last two decades the polypropylene
used, but now form last decade polymeric bipolar plates also like polymers also use for mechanically and thermally
can be made and these showing very good results in reinforcement, and electrical conductivity as well, by adding
comparison with metals because metals can be corroded and fillers like CNTs, silver or aluminum particles same as here
can create new chemical in fuel cell and actual reaction of Carbon Black and Graphite are use as filler but “Unmodified
cell can be contaminate and automatically fuel cell efficiency State”, to study the effects of unmodified fillers on
will minimize, on the other hand always metals are higher in polypropylene (PP) thermoplastics. Polypropylene (PP) is
cost in comparison with polymers specially like the second most important polyolefin which has density 0.97
thermoplastics like polypropylene; hence to study the g/cm3, melting point is around 165°c. Polypropylene is a
polymeric bipolar plates playing a very important role to polymer which has property of tacticity, which it don‟t have
make fuel cells cheap in cost [2]. The PEMC can be show carbon chain attach with it in straight line but in zigzag
diagrammatically as; manner as shown in following figure[6];

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International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 5, January-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

conduction is very easy because electron require only small

amount of energy to cause a net drift of electron, this band
called as Conduction Band; this band gap crate cause of
addition of fillers in the polymers.
In this work; the following steps are flowed for preparation
of specimens for testing purpose as

Figure – c) – Tacticity of Polypropylene

In this project, unmodified carbon black and graphite are use
as filler to study what will be effect of these fillers on
polypropylene mechanically, thermally, and electrically as
well. Basically both carbon black and graphite are allotropes
of carbon compound which has molecular weight is 12 and it
representation symbolically by “C”. It has been found that
carbon base fillers like CNTs, Carbon black, graphene,
graphite etc. are effect on the polymer mechanically as well
as conductively[1-4]. Graphite is crystalline form of carbon
and it is considered as most stable form of carbon at standard Figure – e) – Specimen preparation of Bipolar Plates for
state, graphite is found in iron black in color, it is hexagonal testing purpose
in crystal structure and it is characterize as good conductor of In this paper mainly we are talking about fuel cell‟s bipolar
electricity and for good reinforcement purpose, it has high plates, now what is fuel cell, we come across in above
thermal stability too. Graphite has hexagonal layered planar literature; but what is a bipolar plate and what its application
structure; it can be seen in bellow figure d) as; here in the in fuel cell?, bipolar plates are using for the purpose of;
project work used graphite, which having particle size +100  Transferring the electron for anode to cathode and
mesh size. completing the fuel cell cycle electrically.
 Provide the path for gas flow through the fuel cell
during operation.
 Usable for separating oxidant and fuel gas and
feeding H2 to the anode and O2 to the cathode, while
removing water and un – reacted gas.
 Provide thermal stability to the cell and remove the
excess amount of heat through the fuel cell during
 It can be provide mechanical stability to the fuel
cell, if we use metal instead of polymer in purpose
of the mechanical stability, there may strong
Figure – d) – Graphite Unit cell chance to erosion and corrosion and which will lead
Now, carbon black is byproduct of incomplete combustion of to change the contaminate the chemical reaction,
heavy petroleum product such as coal tar, however carbon through which chemical energy get converting into
black is it is compose of fine particles consisting mainly electrical.
carbon element. It has main application in reinforcement and
as coloring pigments. In above figure general mechanism of
conduction of polymer is tray to explain in which electron be
in motion cause external force. A) If band gap is reasonable
size i.e. (Energy Gap) EG ≥ 1.5 eV, no electron will move
from valance band to conduction band hence no conduction
occurs & the material term as Insulator i.e. called photons. B)
If band gap is moderate EG ≤ 1.5eV, the movement of
electron will occurs form valance band to conduction band
leaving a hole in valance band & the material called Semi –
Conductors, within this region, some material with a very
small band gap in which some electrons always means get
excited to conduction band by thermal means, they are called
Intrinsic Semi – Conductors. C) The band is partly filled
without any energy gap at all i.e. EG ≈ 0 eV in this band the Figure : f Bipolar Plate & Fuel Cell Assembly

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International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 5, January-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

II. EXPERIMENTAL WORK procedure in which changes in weight of a specimen are

In this study, two compositions specimens were prepare for recorded as the specimen is heated in air or in a controlled
this comparative study; atmosphere such as nitrogen. In this test used machine
 Unmodified carbon black and polypropylene with having model number PYRIS 1 TGA, making by PERKIN
20%, 30%, and 40% composition of filler and ELMER, USA, & testing method is use for this is ASTM D
 Unmodified graphite and polypropylene with same 3418: Standard Test Method for Transition Temperatures
20%, 30%, and 40% composition of filler. and Enthalpies of Fusion and Crystallization of Polymers by
For this purpose twin screw extruder is use and after this Differential Scanning Calorimetry. This test is taken at
process whatever the products are come out as granules with constant heating rate 10°c/min.
which using injection moulding machine specimen 2.2.3) Thermal Conductivity – Thermal conductivity is the
preparation process is done as shown in above figure; in this concept uses to study how much thermal energy gets
study the instead of compressive moulding machine injection transferring through polymeric material hence it has SI unit
moulding is preferred because of several advantages such as W/m.K. During this study the polymeric composition get
high orientation, good surface finish, improved specimen tested under ASTM E 1530 having accuracy ±3 – 8 % &
geometry, free form voids and good dimensional accuracy, as conductivity range is 0.1 to 40 W/m.K., mathematically
moulding is done under high pressure and most importantly thermal conductivity can be calculated as;
thermoplastics like polypropylene are can easily process in Q. x
injection moulding only. Since injection moulded specimens t . A. T1 − T2
are highly oriented, the effect of orientation can be studied Here; K = Thermal Conductivity W/m.K, Q/t = Rate of heat
and evaluated by following tastings process with the flow (W) through the cross section area A, causing
specimen; temperature difference ΔT i.e. (T1 – T2), x = distance heat
2.1 Mechanical Testing – must be flow,
2.1.1) Tensile Test – By using universal testing machine, this
test is done, which has model number is 3382, load capacity 2.3 Electrical Testing
is 100N, 1KN & 100KN & having measuring capacity is ± 2.3.1) Dielectric Strength – Dielectric strength determines
0.5%. Its SI Unit is N/mm2. It has some formulas for the electrical strength of a material as an insulator. The
calculations as; the elongation produced in the gauge length higher the dielectric strength of a material, the better will be
of the piece up to the yield point is called as; its insulation characteristics. Actually, this test is for
{Change in length elongation } insulation specimen but cause of some resones author using
Elongation at Yield =
{Original length gauge length } this data for conductivity purpose as lower the dielectric
strength value higher will be the electrically conductivity.
The elongation at break, or at maximum extension, produced This has SI unit is Volt. /mm. Breakdown voltage of an
in the gauge length of the test piece is generally expressed as insulator is defined as the minimum voltage that causes a
a percentage of the gauge length. portion of an insulator to become electrically conductive.
Percentage of Elongation = ε × 100 The dielectric strength is calculated by following calculation;
Where, „ε‟ is the ratio of the elongation (ΔL) to the gauge V
length (L0). t
This test is done with standard ASTMD 638 -08: - Standard Here; U = Dielectric Strength (KV/mm), V = Breakdown
Test Method for tensile property of plastic, in which Voltage (KV), t = Thickness of Specimen (mm)
specimen dimension are taken as 12.7×12.7×25.4 mm For this method the standard of testing is use as ASTM D
2.1.2) Flexural Stress Test – By using universal testing 149: Standard test method for dielectric breakdown voltage
machine, this test is done, which has model number is 3382, and dielectric strength of solid electrical insulating materials
load capacity is 100N, 1KN & 100KN & having measuring at commercial power frequencies.
capacity is ± 0.5%. Its SI Unit is N/mm2. For this method the
standard of testing is use ASTM D790:- Standard Test 2.4 Morphological
Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and 2.4.1] Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) – The
Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials. morphological test of polypropylene was taken after
specimen getting tested by mechanically, around half an inch
2.2 Thermal Testing – of specimen of 30% composition of polypropylene and
2.2.1) Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) – This test is graphite, and polypropylene and carbon black composition
use for determination of melting point temperature, heat of specimen were tested by SEM.
melting, measurement of the glass transition temperature,
curing and crystallization studies and identification of phase III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
transformations. For this test, DSC machine is used which 3.1 Mechanical Property study –
has model number DIAMOND DSC, and test method is use 3.1.1] Tensile Testing – The made specimen is applicable for
for this is ASTMD – 3895. This test is done at the constant fuel cell bipolar plate mechanically for this purpose tensile
heating rate 10 °c/min to determine the peak temperature. test is taken; so it showing following results as[40];
2.2.2) Thermo gravimetric Analysis (TGA) – A testing

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International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 5, January-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

Table. 1 Table for tensile testing results polypropylene composition show very lower values of
Composition Tensile Strength Modulus flexural modulus in comparison with the 30% and 40%
(%) at Maximum (Mpa) composition but on the other hand in case of carbon black
Load and polypropylene composition 30% composition show that
(Mpa) lower flexural strength value; it means that in case of
Virgin Polypropylene 19.54 650.2 graphite lower percentage composition show lower flexural
(PP) strength and incase of carbon black filler as percentage
PP + Graphite (20) 27.53 1024.9 increase flexural strength value also increase.
PP + Graphite (30) 27.73 1021.01 3.2 Electrical Testing [39, 41] –
PP + Graphite (40) 28.9 1125.73 3.2.1] Dielectric Strength [27] – Mainly dielectric strength is
only applicable for the testing of insulation specimen; but
PP + Carbon Black (20) 29.12 857.84 here these results are using to study of electrical conductivity
on the principle that lower the insulating value higher will be
PP + Carbon Black (30) 26.32 807.1
electrical conductivity of the specimen. So, the values of
PP + Carbon Black (40) 25.87 891.88 dielectric strength are as follow table 3);
Table 3: Dielectric Strength Results
In above table 1) after taking tensile testing results show that Thickness of Dielectric
graphite and polypropylene composition is having higher Composition Sample Strength
tensile strength rather than either virgin polypropylene or (%) (mm) (kv/mm)
polypropylene and carbon black composition; in the graphite PP + Graphite (30%) 2.88 16.53
composition the results vary from lower percentage (20%) to 2.86 14.93
higher percentage (40%) composition and which is higher
2.84 14.08
one but 30% graphite and polypropylene composition shows
that lowest tensile strength than 20% and 40% composition.
PP + Carbon Black 2.96 5.57
Now, in case carbon black composition which show lower
tensile strength as compare to graphite and polypropylene
composition, but in which again 30% carbon black and 2.95 5.18
polypropylene composition how very low tensile strength 2.94 5
value. For this study, only 30% composition has been taking into
3.1.2] Flexural Testing – Flexural property is the another type account only; after study these results with the deferent
of mechanical property through which we can study the thickness of same composition comes to know that graphite
strength of sample on bending force, hence study of this (30%) and polypropylene composition showing that higher
property also play an important role; so its results are as dielectric strength so according to principle that “Lower the
follow; insulating value then higher will be conducting strength or
Table 2: Flexural strength results vice – a – versa” , hence graphite and polypropylene
Composition Flexural Strength Flexural composition showing lower electrical conductivity strength
(%) at Maximum Modulus (Mpa) than the carbon black (30%) and polypropylene composition.
Stress (Mpa)
3.4 Thermal Testing Results
Virgin Polypropylene 34.49 1056.11
(PP) 3.4.1] Thermal Conductivity Results [42, 43] – Thermal
conductivity is the test are taking, to know the rate of flow of
PP + Graphite (20) 47.93 1715.12
heat through the specimen at deferent temperature. In this
PP + Graphite (30) 51.36 1988.39 study the 30% composition of carbon black and graphite
with polypropylene composition has been studied and which
PP + Graphite (40) 52.04 2518.89 giving following results as;
PP + Carbon Black 53.27 2221.08 Table 4: Study of polymeric composition of thermal
(20) conductivity
PP + Carbon Black 53.76 2148.14 Composition Sample Thermal
(30) (%) Temperature Conductivity
PP + Carbon Black 51.24 2848.84 (°c) (W/m.k)
(40) PP + Carbon 34.18 0.203
After study the readings of table 2) show that the bending Black (30)
strength or flexural strength of carbon black and 54.09 0.215
polypropylene composition is higher than graphite 78.86 0.218
composition with different percent of composition. During 103.74 0.219
study of flexural strength values one more thing in one across
that in case of graphite composition 20% graphite and PP + Graphite 33.94 0.191

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International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 5, January-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

(30) In above figure g) graph is plot weight loss (%) v/s

53.81 0.2 temperature (°c) in which we can study the weight loss of
78.52 0.201 specimen in accordance with the temperature. From above
103.44 0.202 figure can be study that as temperature increase rate of
After understands the following results comes to know that weight is also increase in case of both specimens. Here two
carbon black (30%) and polypropylene composition showing compositions are taken to comparative study of carbon black
that higher thermal conductivity values as compare to the (30%) with polypropylene (PP) and graphite (30%) with
polypropylene and graphite (30%) composition. During this polypropylene. Now, in case of carbon black (30%)
study one more thing is come to know that as temperature is composition can be say that in comparison with graphite
goes on increase, the value of thermal conductivity of (30%) have higher sustainability at variable temperature rate,
respective composition is also increase. this result show that carbon black (30%) composition is
highly thermally stable as compared to graphite (30%)
3.4.2] Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) [39] – composition, because graphite (30%) composition show high
Differential scanning Calorimetry (DSC) showing following rate of degradation i.e. weight loss (%) at different
results; temperature range.

3.5 Morphological Tests –

3.5.1] Scanning Electron Microscopy [30-41]– The scanning
electron microscopy (SEM), study is dine at 100 µm and
20µm scale images, of the carbon black (30%) and
polypropylene (PP) composition and graphite (30%) and
polypropylene (PP) composition. The image results show in
following form as;

Figure f: DSC testing results

In above results the getting graph heat flow v/s temperature
(°c) of both the composition graphite and polypropylene and
carbon black and polypropylene at 30%. In which we comes
to know that it showing the composition glass transition
temperature of graphite (30%) and polypropylene
composition at 52°c and carbon black (30%) and
polypropylene composition is at 53°c temperature. At
temperature 170°c carbon black (30%) and polypropylene
composition and graphite (30%) and polypropylene
composition showing their melting. At temperature range
150°c to 170°c showing strong crystalinity of carbon black
(30%) and polypropylene composition and at temperature
range 151°c to 153°c showing its crystalinity. From this
result it can be say that carbon black composition showing
higher crystalinity i.e. higher mechanical strength, than
graphite composition.
Figure h: SEM Image of Graphite (30%) with Polypropylene
3.4.3] Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) – Taken Thermo and Carbon Black (30%) with polypropylene composition
Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) is giving following results as;
In above figure, figure a) of 30% carbon black with PP
composition getting compared with figure d) which is
graphite (30%) with PP composition; figure b) carbon black
(30%) composition compared with figure e) graphite (30%)
composition, these images were taken at 100µm scale, figure
c) carbon black (30%) compared with figure d) graphite
(30%) this image take at 20µm scale; during this total
comparison of images, carbon black (30%) composition
show that it get highly reinforcement with polypropylene
matrix hence mechanically, thermally, and electrically,
specimen of carbon black (30%) composition is have high
strength in comparison with graphite (30%) composition.
Figure g: TGA variations

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International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 5, January-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

IV. CONCLUSION Nanocomposite with Engineered Electrical

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Shinde MIDC, Nashik, Maharashtra, India and Mr. Kiran C.
Shaha, by “K. K. Packing”, from Borivli (West), Mumbai,
India, respectively and last but not the least Dr. Arun Gupta,
LARPM, CIPET, Bhubaneswar. Hence, author heartily thank
full to all of them.

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