Library and Information Services in Pakistan A Rev
Library and Information Services in Pakistan A Rev
Library and Information Services in Pakistan A Rev
35 2,208
1 author:
Khalid Mahmood
University of the Punjab
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The paper presents a statistical and subjective review of the
journal articles on various aspects of library and information
services in Pakistan. Only the articles published in the journals
outside Pakistan are included. Articles are selected from four
abstracting services, i.e. LISA, ISA, LSA, and ERIC. Author-
ship characteristics of 97 articles are analysed and compared
with the previous studies of LIS periodicals. Authorship details
include collaboration, occupation, affiliation, and the author’s
country. Other publication details of the articles include year,
language, journal, and the country of publication. The findings
show that library science teachers write more than the other
professionals and the most popular subject is the library and
information science education. Library science faculty at
Karachi University contributes more articles in international
journals. The articles are mostly published in English language
journals and in English speaking countries, i.e. UK and USA.
International Information and Library Review published more articles
on this topic. Problems in library research in Pakistan are
discussed and recommendations are made. A brief review of
the articles is given according to 16 major subjects. A
bibliography of the articles reviewed is also compiled.
©1996 Academic Press Limited
Pakistan came into being as the result of the partition of India in 1947,
when the provinces of Sind, Balochistan, North-West Frontier and the
parts of Punjab and Bengal having Muslim majority constituted as a
separate country. Pakistan had two wings, West Pakistan and East
*Lecturer, Department of Library & Information Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore,
Library research in Pakistan started when Asa Don Dickinson, an
American, wrote a textbook, Punjab Library Primer, that was published in
1916 by the University of the Punjab. Afterwards, a number of books,
reports and proceedings on various aspects of Pakistani librarianship were
published. A remarkable research was carried out in six library schools in
the form of Masters theses. Bibliographies of library literature in Pakistan
were compiled time to time and some articles on this topic were also
The most popular media of publishing is the periodicals. Why are
journals mostly used in research activities? Budd (1988) answers this
“A primary means of scholarly communication in virtually all disciplines (and certainly
in library and information science) is the journal. The journal offers authors and
readers some advantages over the monograph: the opportunity for dissemination of a
larger number and broader scope of issues and questions; intensive study of very
specific questions or aspects of large problems; and the timely publication of intended
Only articles indexed/abstracted in the following abstracting services are
included in the study:
d Library and Information Science Abstracts — LISA (UK based, covers 550
journals from 60 countries, 1969 to the present, updated monthly)
d Information Science Abstracts — ISA (USA based, covers 300 journals,
1966 to the present, updated monthly)
d Library Science Abstracts — LSA (UK based, published quarterly from
1950–1968, in 1969 changed into LISA)
d Educational Resources Information Center — ERIC (USA based, covers 750
journals, 1966 to the present, updated monthly)
Approach to the abstracting services in the field of library and information
science was not possible in Pakistan. The author, during his stay at the
Department of Library & Information Science, Haagse Hogeschool, The
Hague in April 1996, searched for required articles in online databases of
LISA, ISA, and ERIC provided by the DIALOG. Descriptors like
Pakistan, four provinces of the country, big cities, etc. were searched (free-
text) in the databases. The abstracts of articles were downloaded. For
searching of articles abstracted in LSA, the author used the British
Library Information Sciences Service (BLISS) at London. The required
abstracts were photocopied. The decision of inclusion of the articles in this
study was taken after having a careful look into the abstracts. In order to
be fully aware of the topic, most though not all of the articles included in
the study were physically seen by the author. Findings of the study were
analysed and tabulated in Pakistan. For more information about LIS
journals included in the study, various editions of Ulrich’s International
Periodicals Directory and other available reference tools were consulted.
After searching in four abstracting services, 97 items were classified as
journal articles falling in the scope of the study. Three articles were
published twice in six different journals. For the purpose of this study
those three articles were considered as six independent entries. See
Bibliography for a full list of the articles included in the study.
Coverage of articles by abstracting services
Number of articles
Rank Name of abstracting service abstracted Percentage
Publishing Activities
69 (71·13%) articles were written particularly on Pakistani librarianship,
and 28 (28·87%) articles contained partial information about Pakistan. In
these 28 articles, most were written on South Asia, developing countries,
and Third World countries.
Collaborative Authorship
A total of 66 authors were counted. Four (4·12%) articles were found to be
anonymous. Of the 93 authored articles, only seven (7·53%) had more
than one named author. The majority of the articles (92·47%) had a single
author. Two authors were found in four (4·3%) articles. The maximum
number of authors in one article was four (see Table II).
Collaboration among authors
Number of Number of
authors articles Percentage
1 86 92·47
2 4 4·30
3 2 2·15
4 1 1·08
Total: 93 100·00
Pakistan 25 37·88
Other countries 41 62·12
Total: 66 100·00
Authors published most
Number of
Rank Name Occupation articles
English 94 96·91
German 1 1·03
Portuguese 1 1·03
Russian 1 1·03
Total: 97 100·00
Language of Articles
Most of the articles 94 (96·91%) were published in English. The other
three articles were in German, Portuguese and Russian (see Table V). The
large number of articles published in English language is due to the reason
that the official language of Pakistan is English. Almost all of the Pakistani
authors who went abroad for education purposes went to English-
speaking countries like the USA, UK and Australia. They wrote for
foreign journals published in English. Other authors from abroad who
had any concern with Pakistani librarianship and came to Pakistan for
various assignments were also from USA to UK. They also wrote on the
topics in which they had experience.
Distribution of articles by year of publication
Number of
Year articles Percentage
1947–1955 1 1·03
1956–1960 9 9·28
1961–1965 2 2·06
1966–1970 5 5·15
1971–1975 10 10·31
1976–1980 8 8·25
1981–1985 17 17·53
1986–1990 22 22·68
1991–1995 23 23·71
Total: 97 100·00
Country of Publication
The journals having articles on Pakistani librarianship were published
from 12 different countries. The country of publication of four journals
having five articles could not be identified. Of 92 articles, 77 (83·7%) were
published from only five (41·67%) countries. The maximum number of
articles, 32 (34·78%), were published from UK. 22 (23·91%) articles were
published from USA, and nine (9·78%) were from France (see Table
*Country unidentified.
Distribution by country of publication
Number of
Rank Country articles Percentage
1 UK 32 34·78
2 USA 22 23·91
3 France 9 9·78
4–5 Denmark 7 7·61
4–5 India 7 7·61
5–6 Hong Kong 4 4·35
5–6 Netherlands 4 4·35
7–9 Germany 2 2·17
7–9 Singapore 2 2·17
10–12 Brazil 1 1·09
10–12 Fiji 1 1·09
10–12 Russia 1 1·09
Total: 92 100·00
Subject coverage
Number of
Rank Subject articles Percentage
1. Anwar, Mumtaz A. (1982) Research in library science at the University of the Punjab,
Lahore (Pakistan). Libri 32, pp. 284–287.
2. Bottle, R.T. and Efthimiadis, E.N. (1984) Library and information science literature:
authorship and growth patterns. Journal of Information Science 9 (3), p.114.
3. Budd, John (1988) Publication in library & information science: the state of the
literature. Library Journal 113 (14), p.125.
4. Buttlar, Lois (1991) Analyzing the library periodical literature: content and
authorship. College & Research Libraries 52 (1), pp.38–53.
5. Haider, Syed Jalaluddin (1978) Status of library research in Pakistan, Libri 28, pp.326–
6. Hamid Rehman (1992) Demand and supply of library science graduates in Pakistan.
In Sajjad ur Rehman, Abdus Sattar Chaudhry and Afzal Haq Qarshi (Eds) Library
education in Pakistan: past, present and future. Lahore, PULSAA.
7. Muhammad Asghar (1992) Problems of library and information science research in
Pakistan. In Sajjad ur Rehman, Abdus Sattar Chaudhry and Afzal Haq Qarshi (Eds)
Library education in Pakistan: past, present and future. Lahore. PULSAA.
8. Raptis, Paschalis (1992) Authorship characteristics in five international library science
journals. Libri 42, pp.35–52.
9. Rizvi, Syed Jamil Ahmad (1987) Library science and research methods (Urdu). Islamabad.
Muqtadra Qaumi Zuban.
10. Usmani, Muhammad Adil (1982) Role of library research in Pakistan (Editorial).
Pakistan Library Bulletin 17 (3–4), pp.i–x.
Academic Libraries
In 1971, Anwar19 wrote on the secondary school libraries in Pakistan.
Christine28 described the experiences of a school librarian working at
Moir69 discussed the provision of archives in Pakistan. He described
various departments of government which held the archives. In 1990,
Moir68 again reported a survey of the administration, care and
accessibility of district records in Pakistan. Slavin89 gave an account of the
activities of the National Archives of Pakistan. Problems faced by the
department were discussed.
Papers on the conservation of archives are given under the heading
“Technical Services”.
Anis Khurshid16 presented an appreciation of the library career of Abdul
Moid (1920–1984), who fought for and promoted the cause of
librarianship in Pakistan. Abdul Moid served University of Karachi
Library from 1952–1973. One of his major achievements is the
establishment of the Pakistan Library Association in 1958. He also worked
in Nigeria.
Co-operation/Resource Sharing
Begg25 presented a paper on the development of resource sharing in
Pakistan at the “International Conference of Directors of National
Libraries on Resource Sharing in Asia and Occeania, Canberra, 1979.”
National Libraries
Akhtar4, the Director General of National Library of Pakistan contributed
a paper in an issue devoted mainly to the subject of national libraries. He
described the opening of NLP and noted its functions, resources, readers’
services, application of modern technology, conservation of library
materials and international relations.
Public Libraries
Mahindasa59 described the public library development in some African
and Asian countries. Pakistan is one of them. Anis Khurshid6 presented a
paper at INTAMEL Meeting 1973, India on the topic of public library
system in the city of Karachi. Muhammad Aslam71 gave a description of
rural libraries in Pakistan.
Reading Promotion
Diehl31 gave an account of various schools and colleges in Pakistan and
India and recorded the existence of libraries and the use of books. The
mass need for books did not exist in South Asia. The writer recommended
a complete change in the examination system to promote the need of
books. Stelmakh90 described the World Book Congress, which was
arranged by Unesco to stress the importance of reading as a means of
both individual and social development. The writer also mentioned
regional book centres set up by Unesco in Tokyo, Karachi, and Bogota.
country. The author also gave some hints to improve the condition of
special libraries. In 1960, Mohajir67 described the services of Pakistan
National Scientific and Technical Documentation Centre (PANSDOC)
which was established in 1957 upon Unesco recommendations. Haider41
wrote on the science and technology libraries in 1974. Rafique79
described the services of Nuclear Science libraries in Pakistan.
Medical information services is an important area in special
librarianship. In 1960, Cunningham30 wrote about the collection and
services of the library of the Basic Medical Sciences Institute in Pakistan.
Haider39 discussed the state of medical information in the country. He
discussed medical education and research and gave an account of
important medical libraries. Morgan70 discussed the program and
objectives of a workshop for medical librarians held at the Agha Khan
University (AKU), Karachi in 1987. Abrantes, Myhre and Oliveira2 wrote
on the software programs used in primary health care. Several packages
were studied. Microcomputer simulation of PHC developed by the Agha
Khan University, Karachi was discussed. Husein and others51 also wrote
on the same topic in 1993.
Agricultural information is another important aspect of special
librarianship. Schenck and George85 described two collections focusing on
food and feed grain. Information needs and information center activities
in developing countries including Pakistan were also discussed. Haider42
wrote on the existing resources and facilities in the field of agricultural
science. Problems of agricultural libraries were also discussed. Shaheen88
described the objectives and activities of an agricultural library
strengthening project, with financial assistance of USAID. He
recommended resource sharing among agricultural libraries in Pakistan.
In 1995, Shaheen87 reviewed the status of agricultural librarians in the
Law librarianship is also an important area. Haider’s paper35, 36 on law
libraries in Pakistan was published in two journals. He examined the
problems of legal information service in the country. Lindley58 discussed
the difficulties facing parliamentary libraries in developing countries
including Pakistan.
Minnatullah66 explained the need for management information system
for water and sanitation agencies. He also presented a proposal for
developing such an MIS.
Technical Services
In 1957, Khan53 presented the results of a survey about the acquisition
and availability of foreign literature in Pakistani libraries. Similarly Abdul
Haq1 described the problems in acquiring US scientific and technical
User Education
Anwar17 described developments in user education since 1926, when it
first became a serious study. He presented the findings of two surveys
carried out to discover the extent to which college students and working
scientists in Pakistan received any formal user education. He also put
forward a plan for a national user education programme in Pakistan.
A bibliography of 97 articles arranged alphabetically by author/title is given here. The
code for the source abstracting service is given at the end of each entry.
1. Abdul Haq, A.M. (1964) Difficulties in procurement of U.S. scientific and technical
publications in Pakistan. Library Resources 8 (1), 47–50. (LSA)
2. Abrantes, A., Myhre, T., Oliveira, A. (1989) Microcomputers in primary health care
planning and management decision modelling. Information Technology for Development 4
(4), 813–828. (ISA)
3. Ahmed, Munir D. (1988) The training of librarians, documentalists and archivists in
the Near East. Auskunft 8 (4), 277–286. (LISA)
4. Akhtar, A.H. (1994) The National Library of Pakistan. Herald of Library Science 33 (3–4),
226–228. (LISA)
5. Ali, Feroz A. (1981) Unesco Collective Consultation on National Book Strategies in
Asia and the Pacific, April 1981: a report. Fiji Library Association Journal, 16–18.
6. Anis Khurshid. (1974) INTAMEL Meeting 1973, India: Research methods in
developing public library system in the metropolitan city of Karachi, Pakistan.
International Library Review 6 (1), 103–107. (ISA, LISA)
7. Anis Khurshid. (1977) Is uniformity in cataloguing Muslim names feasible or
possible?: a Pakistani point of view. Libri 27 (4), 282–295. (LISA)
8. Anis Khurshid. (1971) Libraries and librarianship in Pakistan. Libri 21 (4), 301–327.
31. Diehl, Katherine Smith. (1967) Books and common education in the Indo-Pak
subcontinent, 1959–1962. Journal of Library History 2 (3), 201–210. (LSA)
32. Feather, John, Smith, Inese A. (1988) Post-qualification training. International Library
Review 20 (4), 459–468. (ERIC, ISA, LISA)
33. Grover, D.R. (1984) Library movement in Pakistan. International Library Movement 6 (2),
75–85. (LISA)
34. Haider, Syed Jalaluddin. (1989) Acquisition of scientific literature in developing
countries: Pakistan. Information Development 5 (2), 73–115. (LISA)
35. Haider, Syed Jalaluddin. (1985) Law information facilities in Pakistan. International
Journal of Public Administration 17 (1), 91–101. (ISA)
36. Haider, Syed Jalaluddin. (1985) Law information facilities in Pakistan. International
Library Review 17 (1), 91–101. (ERIC, ISA, LISA)
37. Haider, Syed Jalaluddin. (1969) Library associations in Pakistan. Unesco Bulletin for
Libraries 23 (3), 148–150, 165. (LISA)
38. Haider, Syed Jalaluddin. (1988) Library literature in Pakistan. International Library
Review 20 (1), 65–100. (ERIC, ISA, LISA)
39. Haider, Syed Jalaluddin. (1981) Medical information in Pakistan. International Library
Review, 13 (1), 117–128. (LISA)
40. Haider, Syed Jalaluddin. (1983) Pakistan librarianship in 1970s: current issues and
emerging patterns. Libri 33 (3), 208–235. (ISA)
41. Haider, Syed Jalaluddin. (1974) Science-technology libraries in Pakistan. Special
Libraries 65 (10–11), 472–478. (ISA, LISA)
42. Haider, Syed Jalaluddin. (1985) Some aspects of agriculture information in Pakistan.
Libri 35 (1), 43–61. (LISA)
43. Haider, Syed Jalaluddin. (1978) Status of library research in Pakistan. Libri 28 (4),
326–337. (LISA)
44. Haider, Syed Jalaluddin. (1975) University libraries in Pakistan. College & Research
Libraries 36 (5), 379–383. (ISA, LISA)
45. Haider, Syed Jalaluddin. (1986) University libraries in Pakistan. International Library
Review 18 (2), 195–216. (ERIC, ISA, LISA)
46. Harvey, John F. (1982). Critique of seven Asian-English language library serials. Serials
Librarian, 7 (2), 61–72. (LISA)
47. Hassan, S.Z. (1994) Environmental constraints in utilizing information technologies in
Pakistan. Journal of Global Information Management 2 (4), 30–39. (ISA, LISA)
48. Heitzman, James. (1990) Information systems and development in the third world.
Information Processing & Management 26 (4), 489–502. (LISA)
49. Heyman, Juliane M. (1957) Asia Foundation Libraries. Indian Librarian 12 (3),
213–216. (LSA)
50. Horne, Esther E. (1987) International comparison and problems in the application of
information technology to information services. Reference Librarian (17), 23–44.
51. Husein, K., Adeyi, O., Bryant, J., Cara, N.B. (1993) Developing a primary health care
management information system that supports the pursuit of equity, effectiveness and
affordability. Social Science and Medicine 36 (5), 585–596. (LISA)
52. Khalid Mahmood Malik. (1995) Library software in Pakistan. Information Development
11 (3), 165–167. (LISA)
53. Khan, Abdur Rahim. (1957) Foreign literature in the libraries of Pakistan: acquisition
and availability. Unesco Bulletin for Libraries 11 (5–6), 111–114. (LSA)
54. Khan, M. Siddiq. (1967) Libraries in Pakistan. Journal of Library History 2 (1), 58–65.
55. Khan, M. Siddiq. (1960) The library situation in Pakistan. Indo-Pacific Exchange
Newsletter (6), 1–11. (LSA)
56. Lahood, Charles G., Jr. (1967) Newspapers: directories, indexes and union lists. Library
Trends 15 (3), 420–429. (ISA)
57. Library school histories: library education in Pakistan. International Library Review 3 (1),
83–88. (LISA)
58. Lindley, Jane Ann. (1988) Third world parliaments and their libraries. Inspel 22 (2),
169–172. (LISA)
59. Mahindasa, P.G.M.G. (1956) The public library and the community in Africa and
Asia. Malayan Library Group Newsletter 1 (5), 97–104. (LSA)
60. Mahmud ul Hassan. (1984) The Allama Iqbal Open University Library. International
Library Review 16 (1), 45–87. (ERIC, ISA, LISA)
61. Mangla, P.B. (1994) Library and information science education in South Asia: India,
Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Education for Information 12 (4), 399–427.
62. Mangla, P.B. (1993) Library and information science education in South Asia: India,
Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Asian Libraries 3 (4), 23–40. (LISA)
63. Mangla, P.B. (1979) Manpower development for information handling. Journal of
Library and Information Science 4 (2), 113–126. (LISA)
64. Methven, Mildred. (1957) Planning in Pakistan. Library Journal 82 (10), 1287–1289.
65. Middle East datafile. Bibliography, Documentation, Terminology 15 (5), 320. (ISA)
66. Minnatullah, K.M. (1994) Management information systems for water and sanitation
agencies: a conceptual framework. Information Development 10 (2), 96–101. (ISA,
67. Mohajir, A.R. (1960) The development of PANSDOC and its services to the scientific
and technical workers in Pakistan. Indo-Pacific Exchange Newsletter (7), 1–6. (LSA)
68. Moir, Martin. Administering and preserving district records in Pakistan. Information
Development 6 (3), 144–149. (ISA, LISA)
69. Moir, Martin. (1983) Archives in Pakistan: some recent developments. SALG Newsletter
(21), 9–12. (LISA)
70. Morgan, Peter B. (1988) A workshop for medical libraries in Pakistan. Health Libraries
Review 5 (1), 7–10. (LISA)
71. Muhammad Aslam. (1975) Rural libraries in Pakistan. Unesco Bulletin for Libraries 29 (3),
156–158. (LISA)
72. Muhammad Aslam. (1977) Special libraries in Pakistan. Special Libraries 68 (4),
161–164. (ISA, LISA)
73. Owen, John E. (1960) Libraries in Pakistan. Library Journal 85 (4), 715–718. (LSA)
74. Qurashi, M.M. (1993) Dependence of publication-rate on size of some university
groups and departments in UK and Greece in comparison with NCI, USA.
Scientometrics 27 (1), 19–38. (ISA, LISA)
75. Qurashi, M.M. (1991) Publication rate and size of two prolific research groups in
departments of organic chemistry at Dacca University (1944–1965) and zoology at
Karachi University (1966–1984). Scientometrics 20 (1), 79–92. (ISA, LISA)
76. Qureshi, Naimuddin. (1979) The education and training of librarians and information
scientists in Pakistan. Libri 29 (1), 79–89. (LISA)
77. Rafia Mohammadally. (1986) Bibliographical control in Pakistan. International Library
Review 18 (1), 33–56. (ERIC, LISA)
78. Rafia Mohammadally. (1985) Information training in Pakistan. Information Development
1 (1), 31–37. (LISA)
79. Rafique, M.M. (1971) Nuclear science libraries in developing countries: with
particular reference to Pakistan. Unesco Bulletin for Libraries 25 (2), 79–83. (LISA)
80. Rait, S.K. (1983) Cataloguing Punjabi Muslim names in British public libraries.
International Library Review 15 (1), 105–113. (ISA)
81. Royan, B. (1993) Our reach and our grasp: development information and the
technological imperative. Focus on International & Comparative Librarianship 24 (3),
106–114. (LISA)
82. Sajjad ur Rheman. (1994) Appraisal of faculty preparedness by using selected
variables. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 35 (1), 20–30. (ERIC,
83. Sajjad ur Rehman. (1993) Comparative measurement of book availability in academic
libraries. International Information and Library Review 25 (3), 183–193. (LISA)
84. Sajjad ur Rehman. (1993) Manpower preparation for developing and implementing
information policies. Library Review 42 (6), 23–37. (LISA)
85. Schenck, H.D., George, P.F. (1986) Using special libraries to interface with developing
country clientele. Special Libraries 77 (2), 80–89. (ISA)
86. Schlie, Theodore W. (1977) The use of patent information in developing countries: a
study of a case in progress. Ciencia da Informacao 6 (2), 55–58. (LISA)
87. Shaheen Majid. (1995) Characteristics of agricultural manpower in Pakistan. Asian
Libraries 4 (1), 12–21. (LISA)
88. Shaheen Majid. (1993) Strengthening agricultural libraries in Pakistan. International
Information and Library Review 25 (4), 233–245. (LISA)
89. Slavin, Timothy A. (1991) The National Archives of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
American Archivist 54 (2), 220–226. (LISA)
90. Stelmakh, V.D. (1984) From a literate society-to a reading society: some results of the
World Book Congress. Bibliotekovedenie i Bibliografia za Rubezhom (97), 24–37. (LISA)
91. Unesco “Free Flow” Agreement achieves ratification. (1952) Unesco Bulletin for Libraries
6 (5–6), E61–E63. (LSA)
92. Wageman, Lynette M. (1986) Reference sources on South Asia. International Association
of Orientalist Librarians Bulletin (28–29), 39–46. (LISA)
93. Waller, Jean. (1959) The library scene in Pakistan. Newsletter of the Library Association of
Malaya 3 (3), 12–15. (LSA)
94. Wells, Jack C. (1988) The South Asia Microfilm Project. Microform Review 17 (1),
26–31. (LISA)
95. Wells, N.A. (1989) A program in BASIC for facies-by-facies Markov chain analysis.
Computers and Geosciences 15 (1), 143–156. (ISA)
96. Wettasinghe, Saroja. (1989) Archive conservation in South Asia. SALG Newsletter (34),
9–14. (LISA)
97. Yasmin, N. (1991) Status of information management in Pakistan. Journal of Hong Kong
Library Association (15), 173–178. (LISA)