Money Placed in A Bank

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 money placed in a bank=Deposit

 a sum of money borrowed from a bank=Loan

 the money invested in a business=Capital
 certificates representing part-ownership of a company=Stocks of shares
 certificates of debt issued by governments or companies to raise
 when one company combines with another one=merger
 when one company offers to buy or acquire another one=Takeover bid
 buying and selling stocks or shares for clients=Stockbroking
 all the investments owned by an individual or organization=Portfolio
 the profits made on investments=Returns
 unable to pay debts or continue to do business=bankrupt
 the ending or relaxing of legal restrictions= deregulation
 a group of companies, operating in different fields, which have joined
 the price paid for borrowing money, paid to the lenders=interest

Another words
 Charge interest
 Do business
 Give advice
 Issue bonds
 Issue stocks or shares
 Make loans
 Offer advice
 Offer services
 Raise capital
 Receive deposits
 Share profit

1 credit rating estimates of people's ability to fulfil their financial commitments

2 default failure to repay a loan
3 collateralized with property or another asset used as a guarantee of
4 cash flow the money generated by an investment
5 write off cancel a bad debt or a worthless asset from an account

Unit 15
 what an organization can do better than its competitors=competitive
 able to continue over a period of time=sustainable
 the sales businesses expect to achieve in a particular period of
time=sales forecast
 where total costs equal total income from sales and the company makes
neither a profit nor a loss=break-even point
 the total income received by a business before any expenses are
 an investor's plan for getting their investment back and potentially
realizing a profit=exit strategy
 the people who establish a company or other organization=founders
 the people who are employed in an organization=personnel (staff)

Unit 16

 the money a company receives minus the money it spends during a

certain period= cash flows
 part ownership of a company in the form of stocks or shares=equity
 funds operated by investment companies that invest people's money in
various assets=mutual funds
 funds that invest money that will be paid to people after they retire from
work=pension funds
 the amount of capital making up a bond or other loan=principal
 the length of time for which a bond is issued (until it is repaid) =maturity
 the amount of interest that a bond pays=coupon
 unable to pay debts=insolvent or bank rupt
 people or institutions to whom money is owed=creditors
 payments by companies to their shareholders=dividens
 businesses that buy and sell securities= market makers
 the price at which a buyer is prepared to buy a security at a particular
time=bid or bid price
 the price at which a seller is prepared to sell a security at a
particular=offer price
 the rate of income an investor receives from a security=yield

1 rose quickly=soared
2 to revive or stimulate something=to kickstart
3 a standard used when comparing other things=benchmark
4 a period when the economy is contracting (three different words) = slump,
recession, depression.
5 an improvement or increase in prices=rally
6 failing to repay a loan=defaulting
7 another word for going bankrupt=to go bust

1-f 2-A 3-E 4-D 5-C 6-B 7-H 8-G

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