Money Placed in A Bank
Money Placed in A Bank
Money Placed in A Bank
Another words
Charge interest
Do business
Give advice
Issue bonds
Issue stocks or shares
Make loans
Offer advice
Offer services
Raise capital
Receive deposits
Share profit
Unit 15
what an organization can do better than its competitors=competitive
able to continue over a period of time=sustainable
the sales businesses expect to achieve in a particular period of
time=sales forecast
where total costs equal total income from sales and the company makes
neither a profit nor a loss=break-even point
the total income received by a business before any expenses are
an investor's plan for getting their investment back and potentially
realizing a profit=exit strategy
the people who establish a company or other organization=founders
the people who are employed in an organization=personnel (staff)
Unit 16
1 rose quickly=soared
2 to revive or stimulate something=to kickstart
3 a standard used when comparing other things=benchmark
4 a period when the economy is contracting (three different words) = slump,
recession, depression.
5 an improvement or increase in prices=rally
6 failing to repay a loan=defaulting
7 another word for going bankrupt=to go bust