Philosophy Ko
Philosophy Ko
Philosophy Ko
Allow to try out answers according to their understanding and engage in learning, not simply knowing
the concept of the lesson. I want my learners to know that the classroom is a safe place for exploration
of thoughts and insights. Wrong answers will be treated same as the correct one. It is a chance for
revisioning error rather than to be ashamed. The freedom they have while learning.
Learn best by doing. They will show active participation in learning my lesson. I will show exactly how
to do the something and give path to follow. As a teacher, I will provide them the knowledge and skills
and then they will apply and experience it while on the learning process. Encouraging learners to
explore and search information outside the setting and beyond the textbook.
Have the potential to learn even the hardest concept by repetition. I will teach it again and again until
they can master the concept. Their learning is what makes me an effective and efficient teacher. So, I
should create an exciting environment for them to easy to learn. Knowing their own level of mind
capability to learn is helpful so that I can adjust. I, the teacher must be one of their inspiration to push
themselves to the next level of learning.
Have the rights to give feedback on my teaching methods and facilitation. In both parties, teacher give
feedback to learners in different forms like assignments and regular communications to students can
barely improve of how I teach. I must be open to listen short feedback forms and culture creation where
my students feel safe and also myself would benefits through improving quality of teaching.
Teacher should be great examples. It must be to everyone not only to the students. A teacher is
responsible enough for his actions. I will model respect, discipline and solving such problems for the
The interest of the students on learning my lesson is what matter the most.
Giving joy and awesome environment or classroom settings where they are comfortable to be able for
them to learn more quickly.
My classroom is a space for exploration and discovering new things. I will be resourceful. I favor
practical lessons in which students get hands on experience of the subject.
Ill do my best to get to know my students very well so I can best meet their educational needs.
I will encourage students to learn in groups rather than individual to have an interaction and socializing
while learning.