You Are My Refuge
You Are My Refuge
You Are My Refuge
80 [Solo 1]
I wan-dered through this world in sel - fish - ness and pride. The
4 [Solo 2]
Gm Am B C Dm
storms of life sur - roun-ded me, I had no place to hide. Un - til I heard the news, a
7 [Duet]
Gm Am B C F B
re-fuge strong and sure was wai-ting then to wel-come me and keep me there se-cure. You are my Re-fuge,
11 Am B
I hide in You. You are the Hope I'm run - ning to. Your words are faith - ful.
15 [Duet]
F B Gm Am B Dm
Your pro - mise true. I hide in You. Dark clouds may fill the sky. But
Gm Am B C
still I see the sun. God's love shines down up - on His child, the o - ver - sha-dowed one. No
Dm Gm Am
mat - ter what I feel, His pro - mi - ses are true. And I can trust Him e - ven when the
storms He takes me through. You are my Re - fuge, I hide in You. You are the Hope I'm
C D G C G C Am Bm C
run - ning to. Your words are faith - ful, Your pro-mies true. I hide in You.
G C G C G Bm C D G C
You are my Re-fuge, I hide in You. You are the Hope I'm run-ning to. Your words are faith-ful,
39 rit.
G C Am Bm C G C D G
Your pro-mise true. I hide in You. You are my Re-fuge, I hide in You.