Shimadzu Mobile Art Evolution
Shimadzu Mobile Art Evolution
Shimadzu Mobile Art Evolution
Mobile X-ray
The MobileArt Evolution is a general purpose mobile X-ray system, which
can be freely moved throughout a hospital to directly obtain X-ray images
of various areas of the body.
FEATURES (3) Adjustment of tube voltage 12.5 kW type:
32 kW type: 40 to 133 kV in 40 to 90 kV: 320 mAs
(1) Smooth and Quiet Movement increment of 1 kV 91 to 100 kV: 280 mAs
Power-assist technology allows 12.5 kW type: 40 to 125 kV in 101 to 110 kV: 250 mAs
moving the unit easily and increment of 1 kV 111 to 120 kV: 220 mAs
quietly. 121 to 125 kV: 200 mAs
(4) Setting of mAs
(2) Compact Design 0.32, 0.36, 0.40, 0.45, 0.50, 0.56, (6) Minimum exposure time:
Excellent forward visibility allows 0.63, 0.71, 0.80, 0.90, 1.0, 1.1, 32 kW type: 1.0 msec.
freely moving through even tight 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.5, 12.5 kW type: 3.2 msec.
spaces. 2.8, 3.2, 3.6, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.6,
6.3, 7.1, 8.0, 9.0, 10, 11, 12, 14, (7) Anatomical program:
(3) Easy Positioning 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40, 32 kW type: Total 72
The system can be freely and 45, 50, 56, 63, 71, 80, 90, 100, (Upgrade single FPD unit:
quickly maneuvered into position 110, 125, 140, 160, 180, 200, Total 144)
using Inch-Mover buttons to 220, 250, 280, 320 mAs (Upgrade dual FPD unit:
move the main body and Total 216)
swiveling the column to move (5) Maximum mAs for each kV 12.5 kW type: Total 72
the X-ray tube.
32 kW type:
(4) Standard Anatomical Programs a) In case of General radiography (8) X-ray tube focal spot size
Anatomical programs (APR) are Large focus 32 kW type: 0.7/1.3 mm
installed as standard, to allow 40 to 90 kV: 320 mAs 12.5 kW type: 0.7 mm
setting radiography parameters 91 to 100 kV: 280 mAs
101 to 110 kV: 250 mAs (9) Max. size of X-ray field:
111 to 120 kV: 220 mAs 43 cm × 43 cm (SID 1 m)
121 to 133 kV: 200 mAs
(5) Cordless System Small focus (10) Minimum inherent filtration
The built-in battery enables 40 to 90 kV: 320 mAs X-ray tube assembly:
obtaining X-ray images without 91 to 100 kV: 280 mAs
Equivalent to 1.5 mmAl,
plugging in the unit. 101 to 110 kV: 250 mAs
111 to 120 kV: 220 mAs measured at 70 kV
121 to 133 kV: 200mAs Collimator:
(6) Status Indicator Light
b) In case of FPD device Equivalent to 1.0 mmAl,
The status indicator light
radiography (after FPD upgrade) measured at 70 kV
illuminates or blinks in response
Large focus
to X-ray exposure or system
40 to 50 kV: 200 mAs (11) Drive
abnormalities. This allows a 51 to 60 kV: 160 mAs Drive speed:
visual confirmation of system 61 to 80 kV: 125 mAs Forward & Backward :
status. 81 to 100 kV: 100 mAs Approx. 5 km/h(Max.)
101 to 125 kV: 80 mAs Grade ability : Maximum 7
126 to 130 kV: 63 mAs
(7) FPD upgradeable (32 kW type 131 to 133 kV: 50 mAs
only) Small focus
(12) This unit is not explosion-proof
40 to 60 kV: 160 mAs
61 to 80 kV: 125 mAs
SPECIFICATIONS OF 81 to 100 kV: 100 mAs
MAIN UNIT 101 to 125 kV: 80 mAs
126 to 130 kV: 63 mAs
(1) Rating 131 to 133 kV: 50 mAs
• Maximum tube voltage: Long exposure time mode
32 kW type: 133 kV Large focus
12.5 kW type: 125 kV 40 to 65 kV: 320 mAs
• Maximum tube current: 66 to 80 kV: 280 mAs
32 kW type: 400mA 81 to 85 kV: 250 mAs
12.5 kW type: 160 mA 86 to 100 kV: 220 mAs
• Maximum power 101 to 105 kV: 200 mAs
106 to 125 kV: 180 mAs
32 kW type: 32 kW (20 msec)
126 to 133 kV: 140 mAs
12.5 kW type:12.5 kW (0.1 Long exposure time mode
sec.) Small focus
• Nominal power 40 to 65 kV: 320 mAs
32 kW type: 16 kW (0.1 sec.) 66 to 80 kV: 280 mAs
12.5 kW type: 12.5 kW (0.1 81 to 100 kV: 220 mAs
sec.) 101 to 125 kV: 180 mAs
126 to 133 kV: 140 mAs
(2) Power supply
batteries: 12 V × 20 pcs
SPECIFICATIONS OF (14) Second FPD Kit (32 kW type,
with FPD upgrade)
(1) Nominal X-ray tube voltage: (15) FPD Bag (32 kW type,
*1 This is max. value which can be used at
32 kW type: 133 kV with FPD upgrade) (*)
the time of adjustment of tube current.
12.5 kW type: 125 kV
*2 (*)Not applicable for USA/Canada market
(2) Nominal focal spot
32 kW type:
32 kW type
Large focus: 1.3 mm Conditions of detection for the
leakage radiation are
Small focus: 0.7 mm
12.5 kW type: 0.7 mm (1) Max. used tube input 125 kV, SPECIFICATION
120 W continuously.
(3) Max. X-ray tube anode heat High focal point (Short column type
(2) Repeated radiographic loading
capacity : 300 kHU (210 kJ) only): Lift focal point up by 150 mm
to keep the average load to be
(4) Max. X-ray tube anode heat 100 W (141 HU/s) at the max.
dissipation rate: 1130 HU/s voltage.
(800 W) 12.5 kW type:
Conditions of detection for the POWER REQUIREMENTS
(5) Max. X-ray tube continuous
heat input: 300 HU/s (210 W)
leakage radiation are FOR BATTERY CHARGE
(1) Max. used tube input 125 kV,
(6) Max. X-ray tube assembly heat 160 W continuously. • Rating: 1 kVA
content: 1060 kHU (750 kJ) (2) Repeated radiographic loading • Type: Single phase, AC
to keep the average load to be • Frequency: 50/60 Hz
(7) Max. X-ray tube assembly 71 W (100 HU/s) at the max.
continuous heat input: 170 • Standard voltage: 100, 110,
HU/S (120 W) 120, 200, 220, 230, 240 V
(8) Nominal anode input power • Impedance
20 msec. 0.1 msec. Single phase 100, 110, 120
Large focus: 36.4 kW 30.5 kW CONFIGURATION VAC: 1.0 Ω max.
Small focus: 19.9 kW 16.8 kW (1) Inverter type high voltage Shingle phase 200, 220, 230,
(9) Max. filament voltage: 15 V generator 240 VAC: 4.0 Ω max.
(10) Max. filament current *1: 5.6 A (2) X-ray tube unit • Ground resistance
32 kW type: 0.7/1.3U163C-36 Ground terminal: 100 Ω max.
(11) Target material: 12.5 kW type: 0.7U163CS-36
Rhenium-tungsten faced on Additional ground terminal:
molybdenum (3) Collimator 100 Ω max.
R-20C • Fluctuation of voltage: ±10 %
(12) Target angle: 16degrees
(4) Cart from standard voltage
(13) Focal track diameter: 58mm
• Power cable length: 4 m
(14) Anode rotation:
Direction of anode rotation is
counter-clockwise as viewed
from cathode side. (1) Remote controller
32 kW type:
RPM is 70 Hz: 3800 rpm (2) Protective screen (folding)
(min-1) or more. (3) Dose area product meter
12.5 kW type:
RPM is 60 Hz: 3200 rpm (4) Grid unit
(min-1) or more. (5) Keyless entry
(15) Inherent filtration: (6) Dose calculator unit
Min. 1.5 mm Al at 70 kV
(7) Distance indicator
(16) X-ray protection *2:
Less than 0.87 mGy (2.58 × (8) Changing the grip bar height
10 C/kg) in an hour at (9) Luminous hand switch
distance of 1 m from focus.
(10) Additional hand switch
(17) Min. ambient temperature: -10°C
(11) Large cassette box
(18) Weight: Approx.
32 kW type: 12.8 kg (12) FPD upgrade (32 kW type)
12.5 kW type: 13 kg (13) Wireless LAN (32 kW type,
with FPD upgrade)
Tall column type: Approx.1930 mm(76.0 inch) from floor
Height during transportation
Short column type: Approx.1780 mm(70.0 inch) from floor
Tall column type: Approx.600 to 2010 mm(23.6 to 79.1 inch) from floor
Focal point height Short column type: Approx.600 to 1860 mm(23.6 to 73.2 inch) from floor
High focal point: Approx.750 to 2010 mm(29.5 to 79.1 inch) from floor
Arm length 635 to 1200 mm
Column rotation range ±270°
Tube rotation around support arm ±180°
Tube rotation around tube axis Forward 90°, Backward 20°
Rotation of collimator ±110°
32 kW type: Approx. 390 kg (with FPD upgrade: 420 kg)
Total weight
12.5 kW type: Approx. 370 kg
DIMENSIONS unit : mm
* Every value in this Product Data Sheet is a standard value, and it may vary a little from the actual at each site.
* The appearances and specifications are subject to change for reasons of improvement without notice.
* Certain configurations may not be available pending regulatory clearance. Contact your Shimadzu
representative for information on specific configurations.