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EoYTest LUR 9B

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Listening, Use of English and Reading

Name: ________________________ 2 [Track 19] Listen to these six recordings. Choose the
best answer (A, B or C).
Class: ________________________
1 In the first recording, we learn that
A Stephen often plays cricket.
B Stephen is not very good at catching.
1 [Track 18] You will hear a conversation between two C Stephen would like to have a drink.
people, Josh and Carole. Put a cross (X) in the correct
2 The protest is about
box in the table to show if the sentences are True or
False. You will hear the recording twice. A protecting the environment.
B wanting better houses.
True False C changing the local council.
Josh prefers working at the 3 The girl doesn’t want to
restaurant on Sundays. A go to the party.
B miss school.
Josh doesn’t really like his
2 C upset her parents.
4 In the recording, we learn that
Josh’s manager takes longer
3 A Tom and Lucy are going to walk home together.
breaks than the other staff.
B Tom is at least 18 years old.
There are some people the C Lucy is missing her maths lesson.
chefs are not rude to.
5 The speaker wants Jake to
A give him advice about his illness.
B visit him in the hospital.
C do his homework for him.
6 Jason is waiting for
A his friend, Lee.
B his girlfriend, Anna.
C his mum and dad.



Listening, Use of English and Reading

4 Read the dialogues and decide which answer (A, B or

USE OF ENGLISH C best fits each gap.

3 Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, 1 A: Did you try the food on your holiday?
C or D) best fits each gap. B: Yes, it was really delicious!
I want to tell you (1) my brother, Steven. I think he’s A country B local C nearby
probably (2) person in my family. He (3) good at 2 A: Why do you always get the bus everywhere?
learning languages. He learnt to speak French and
B: It’s better for the environment to use transport.
German when he was at school and then (4) to
university to study Russian. After university, he lived in A public B people C driver
Japan for several years and learnt Japanese. 3 A: We’re just going to see the new Batman film. Do you
Steven is a very (5) person – he doesn’t like sitting in the want to come with us?
house but prefers to go out walking, running or cycling. He B: No, thanks. it.
also loves (6) time with his family and friends. Steven's A I already saw B I’ve already seen C I already see
very interested in the environment. He often (7) money
4 A: Is your sister going to go to university?
for environmental charities, and even once did a bungee
jump! B: Yes, but she’s going to Europe first.
We quite often go on holiday together and because he’s A see the sights B go abroad C travel around
quite a bit (8) than me, he looks after me. Last year we 5 A: I really rap music.
travelled to Germany for a (9) holiday. We had a B: No, I don’t like it much either.
fantastic time together and some of the countryside there
A can’t stand B can’t like C can’t listen
was absolutely (10) , especially the mountains!
Sometimes it feels like he’s my best friend rather than my /5
big brother.
5 Write the correct word next to each definition. The
first letter for each word is given. Do not change the
1 A about B around C of first letter.
2 A more intelligent than B the most intelligent 1 Food or music that has been cooked or played for many
C most intelligent years.
3 A is always B was always C has always been t__________
4 A go B went C has been 2 The money that people make from their job.
5 A energetic B generous C talented
3 Clothes that people often wear to do sport in.
6 A spending B spend C spends t________
7 A has raised B raise C raises 4 A place where children go at breaks or lunchtime at
8 A older B more older C the oldest school.
9 A camping B tent C campsite
5 This means beautiful if you are talking about a
10 A characteristic B breathtaking C peaceful landscape.
/10 p__________


Listening, Use of English and Reading

6 Read the text and decide if sentences 1–10 are True
or False. Put a cross (X) in the correct place in the
Finding a job is becoming more and more difficult. That’s
why more young people are starting their own businesses.
What’s it like? Here are some of their stories.
True False
1 Damien is worried about the future. I don’t like running a business but I can’t find anything else to
do. I’m trying hard. I’d love to work in an office with a
manager telling me what to do. People in offices have
2 Damien makes more money than he
colleagues to chat to. I don’t. People in offices get paid every
spends. week. I lose money. I don’t think this business can keep going.
3 Damien works alone. I can’t sleep because of the worry. I can’t sleep because I work
24 hours a day! I don’t know what the problem is. Other
people are doing well in the same business. I guess they’re
4 Damien prefers working for himself and better businessmen than I am. Some of them even give me
not for someone else. advice but it never seems to do me any good.

5 Hannah gets tired of meeting other HANNAH

people all the time. I’ve got my own business. I get money from people who put
adverts on my website. My friend and I work together. She
6 Hannah learns a lot from other people. designs the website and I look after the business. I don’t earn
much but I only work in the mornings. I go to business classes
in the afternoon. I really like them. I’m a sociable person and I
7 Hannah is more confident about the
love chatting to other people who have their own business. I
future than before.
listen to their ideas and problems and it helps me to know
8 Luke is positive about other people in what to do. The great thing about the business is that I’m more
the same business as him. positive about my own abilities now. I don’t worry about
failing now. I know I can be a success.
9 Luke doesn’t really know why some
people’s businesses fail. LUKE
I’m really interested in cars. That’s why I’ve got this business.
10 Luke is richer than his mum and dad. I buy and sell old cars. It’s a good business. I’ve got two
mechanics who work long hours to get cars ready on time. A
lot of people in this business sell cars which are in bad
condition. They get money from one customer and are then
surprised when no-one else comes to them. I’m happy here. I
come in late and go home early because I know the people I
work with are good at their job. I don’t have to watch them all
the time. I earn a lot too. I’ve got more money in the bank than
my parents and I’m only 27!



Listening, Use of English and Reading

7 Read the extract from a novel. Choose the answer (A,

B, C or D) which you think best fits according to the WHAT’S WRONG WITH GRAMMAR SCHOOLS?
text. In 1944, The Education Act in England and Wales created
three types of secondary school. All students took an exam at
1 Between 1944 and 1965, the age of eleven and then went to a grammar school, a
A most secondary school pupils went to grammar school. technical school or a secondary modern. The top 25 per cent of
B there were three different kinds of secondary schools in students went to grammar school and the majority of them
England. continued in education to university.
In 1965, politicians and education experts decided to
C not many grammar school students went to university.
change the system to comprehensive schools. Comprehensives
D schools gave 25% of their students an exam at the age were ‘fairer and better for everyone’ because all students,
of 11. whatever their ability, should go to the same school and have
2 Comprehensive schools are better than grammar schools the same classes with the same teachers. Grammar schools
because didn’t completely disappear. There are still 164 state grammar
A no-one has to pay to go to them. schools in England and they are very popular. So why aren’t
B students behave better in comprehensive schools. there more of them?
There are two main arguments against them. Firstly,
C students of different abilities go to the same school and people say that the best teachers wanted to work in grammar
have the same teachers. schools where the students were better behaved. The second
D All students learn the skills they need for university. argument is that richer parents can spend money on private
3 Grammar schools education for their children and make sure they get a place in
A attract worse teachers than comprehensive schools. their local grammar school.
B are the only state secondary schools in England now. These two arguments are totally correct but it isn’t the
grammar schools’ fault. Schools for less academic children
C are for all school students, whatever their ability.
should be better. The students should learn the skills they need
D don’t have enough available places for students. to succeed in life but they aren’t going to go to university and
4 The writer says that we shouldn’t pretend that they will. As for the richer parents
A there should be more grammar schools so that more using their money to help their children, it is obvious why this
people can study at them. happens. There aren’t enough grammar school places. Build
B comprehensive schools are good for students who want more schools and it will be easier for all clever children, rich
and poor, to go to a grammar school.
to learn a skill.
Grammar schools work. Twenty or thirty years ago, many
C parents shouldn’t pay money to help their children go to of our politicians were ex-grammar school students. Now,
grammar school. most of them seem to be from private schools. And what do
D all children should have the chance to go to university. the public think? 76 per cent support the idea of having more
5 From reading the last paragraph, we know that grammar schools. Shouldn’t our politicians give the people
A more people in England are in favour of grammar what they want rather than telling them what they should
schools than are against them.
B a lot of politicians nowadays are ex-grammar school
C politicians do what the people of the country want.
D the writer doesn’t think people should pay for their
children to have an education. /60


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