What Do The Key HSC Verbs Really Mean

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What do the key HSC verbs really mean?

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The glossary of terms has been produced by the Board of Studies since 2000 to assist students in understanding the key verbs that can be used in any HSC Syllabus and exam. These verbs are used in the majority of HSC exams. These key verbs are used to determine the difficulty of questions. They are closely related to meeting the different Band requirements (Bands 1 - 6), so as there is comparability between the various HSC exams across the wide range of courses that can be studied. In order to maximise success in the HSC, students need to understand the meaning and intent of the verbs as related to specific questions and areas of study.

Multiple Choice Questions

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Good multiple choice questions have some common elements. Firstly, there is often more than 1 correct response. You must read all 4 responses, and select the response that most fully answers the question. Hence, don't stop and select the first answer which appears correct, which might be option a), as a following choice may be the most correct. Secondly, a good multiple choice question will have what are known as distracters. These distracters will have some correct terminology or concepts, but have inconsistencies or incorrect usage of terms, which are designed to distract students away from the correct response - particularly students who are not fully conversant with their content knowledge of the Syllabus.

Written Responses And The Key Verbs Lower Order Key Verbs These verbs most frequently occur in the multiple choice, short answer questions and lower mark responses for Section II in exam papers. Often for the written responses, these verbs require a corresponding number of points in for the marks awarded e.g. 5 marks = 5 separate points. These verbs often require student knowledge to be applied in a straightforward and descriptive manner, with minimal depth to the response. KEY VERB Define Describe Demonstrate Identify Link Outline / list Definition and Requirement of the Key Verb State the meaning of the required terminology, and identify essential qualities Provide characteristics and features Show by example Name the key points. Recognise and name Show a relationship between two components / aspects / features List the main features

Mid Order Verbs These verbs most frequently occur in the short answer. These verbs require a more detailed response, in order to address the question required by the key verb. These verbs are more challenging by nature, but do not require higher order skills of analysis, but do require students to tailor their knowledge to the question.

KEY VERB Account Compare Contrast Distinguish Explain

Definition and Requirement of the Key Verb Provide reasons for the occurrence To show both similarities and differences To show how things are different Indicate the features that highlight the differences Relate cause and effect, how and why relationships, showing a direct linkage between the two things discussed

High Order Verbs These verbs most frequently occur in the extended responses. These verbs require an extended and detailed response, in using student's knowledge to thoroughly address the question required by the key verb. These verbs require higher order skills, and a more sophisticated level of discussion to address the question. They require students to provide a range of accurately sourced quotes and examples to substantiate discussion. Section III responses by their very nature are of a greater length, and will require a structured and well planned response. KEY VERB Analyse Assess Discuss Evaluate Examine Exam Tips
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Definition and Requirement of the Key Verb Identify components and the relationships between them ie linkages To make a judgement about the importance or significance supported by evidence Identify issues and provide points for and against, considering the topic of the question from a range of perspectives With clear criteria, make a judgement after a careful consideration of the facts. Inquire into the full consideration of the topic area

Exam preparation - allocate your time wisely within the exam. There are suggestions on the front of the paper regarding length of time for each section Stay within the confined space for the short answers. Highlight key parts of each question, including the key verb, so as you stay focused on what the question requires.

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