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Jermaine S.

Bataller March 16, 2019




When interaction among the group and between the worker and group starts, or when there is already an
emotional interaction between the two, the helping process starts.

Upon having this topic, I have understood more clearly what the helping process is all about, and when
can we say that the worker is already doing the “helping”. There are five stages in the helping process and
each phase should be understood by the worker, so that he can apply and use the right intervention to the
group or to the members of the group. He also needs to know when he can proceed from one stage to
another, so that the process continues, and the individual or group goals would be achieved.

Focusing more on my topic which is Plan Implementation, I have learned that the helping process would
be much more successful if there is an effective Plan Implementation, because all the activities, worker
intervention, and group actions will determine either the success or the failure of the helping process.
There are different aspects of plan implementation regardless of whether the action of the worker is
taking is on a group or on an individual member level. Each characteristic is needed to be understood by
the worker, so that he will be able to still perform his professional role. The worker must do what he is
expected to do, but he must also remember that he is not a superhero. No matter how much he wants to
help the client(s), there are just some situations that he just can’t, because he has his limits. It’s sad if we
can’t address a clients’ need on the very moment, but we can still help by referring him to another
resource. Even if we haven’t helped his original request, at least we opened another door for him to get
the help he needs.

As a future Social Worker, particularly with groups, I have also learned the different stances that we need
to apply if we are working with a group. We must know when to use the Direct Stance, the Facilitating
Stance, and the Permissive Stance; this application is called the Flexible Stance wherein a worker is able
to “shift gears” according to what is appropriate with the group he is working with.
March 20-23, 2019

Jermaine S. Bataller


Last week, from March 20 to 23, the Social Work Department of Southern Leyte State
University – Maasin City Campus celebrated its first World Social Work Day with the theme
“Promoting the importance of Human Relationships.” There were lots of activities that made the
celebration fun-filled and indeed promoted human relationships among the students.

As the celebration lasted, we, as students learned a lot from the different events that happened,
particularly about the theme. I had a deeper understanding about human relationships and what is
it all about. It is about having a good connection with the people around you. How will we do it?
By having a good attitude. When we respect people, when we listen, when we open doors instead
of closing them, that is how we show good attitude. We may not please everyone, but if we show
them who we truly are, it can somehow make a difference. It is not what we give that makes
good human relationships, it is what we are.

As future social workers, we really need to have a good and positive human relationship with
everyone in order for us to be successful and to be effective in our chosen field. It is not only
intelligence or knowledge that would lead us to achieving our dreams, but also good attitude and
positive communication with the people around us. We are said to be catalysts of change, so we
should set as an example for that. As what one of our speakers during the celebration said in her
speech, “Be the change you want to see in the world”, and everything else will follow.
Jermaine S. Bataller April 1, 2019



When we are helping an individual client to restore and develop his potentials, and to improve his social
functioning, we are doing the casework process.

Upon having this topic, I have learned that there are seven stages in the casework process and these can
be summarized into three phases. We need to fully understand each stage and to really take note of the
progress (if there is any) of our client, so that we would be able to identify when can we proceed to the
next. It is important to know each stage and what are we going to do in every phase for us to be able to
have a smooth intervention with the client and that we can achieve our goals.

After the Identification of the problem, we, then gather enough data to understand the case of our client.
We validate the information and then we do the Diagnostic Assessment, where we can already proceed to
the Treatment Planning. The plan will always be based on the diagnosis and case study. When doing the
planning, the client should be aware of everything that will happen and that the plan is relevant to the
problem at hand. There are also two approaches that we can use: Family Approach and the Crucial Point
Approach. The treatment follows after the plan. There are some components of the helping process that
we should consider, because it can greatly affect the treatment planning and the treatment as well. There
are different types of treatment that we can use to help the client. We should be knowledgeable enough
about the client’s problem as well as the client, so that we can easily identify which approach and
treatment we should use. When we are through with the treatment, we should know how to evaluate the
result, if there is progress or if the client still needs further treatment. Evaluating the result allows us to
understand the improvements of the client and helps us know if termination should follow.

As a future Social Worker, it helped me understand how the casework process helps an individual: by
helping an individual restore his normal functioning, and improve his social well-being. It is important to
know the steps in the casework process, so that when we encounter clients, particularly an individual
client, we already know what to do and how to help him overcome and solve his problem.

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