Mit Production
Mit Production
Mit Production
1. Surface Roughness Tester Rs.200/- for first 10 Rs.550/- for 5 measurements Rs.1000/ for 5
(contact type) measurements and part and part there of Rs.100/- for measurements and part
there of Rs.50.0 for every every additional thereof Rs.200/- for every
additional measurement measurement additional measurement.
3. VMS (Video Measuring Rs.250 for first 10 Rs.350/- for 5 measurements Rs.600/- for 5
Machine) measurements and part and part thereof Rs.100/- for measurements and part
there of Rs.5/- for every every additional thereof Rs.150/- for every
additional measurement. measurement additional measurement.
4. Non Contact Surface Rs.350/- per measurement Rs.750/- per measurements Rs.3000/- per
Roughness Tester up to 10 measurements up to 10 measurements and measurements up to 10
and part there of Rs.50/- part there of Rs.100/- for measurements and part
for every additional every additional there of Rs.200/- for every
measurement measurement additional measurement
5. Chemical Vapour Deposition Rs.1000/- for 6 hr and part Rs.1500/- for 6 hr and part Rs.2500/- for 6hr and part
equipment thereof Rs.500 for thereof Rs.750 for additional thereof Rs.1250 for
additional 2 hr 2 hr additional 2 hr
Flow / inert gas to be arranged
by separately
6. Stir Casting Facility Rs.1000/- per casting Rs.1500/- per casting Rs.2000/- per casting
(Stirrer and Crucible arranges (Maximum 1 Kg) (Maximum 1 Kg) (Maximum 1 Kg)
7. Stir Casting Facility with Rs.1500/- per casting Rs.2000/- per casting Rs.2500/- per casting
ultrasonic Cavitation 1/5
10/26/22, 6:28 PM Madras Institute Of Technology
10. Muffle furnace (1000oC) Rs.500/ hr (soaking) and Rs.750/ hr(soaking) and part Rs.1000/ hr (soaking)and
part thereof thereof part thereof
11. Tubular Furnace 1200oC) Rs.600/ hr (soaking) and Rs.1000/ hr and part thereof Rs.1500/ hr and part thereof
part thereof
Flow / inert gas to be arranged
by separately
12. High Temperature furnace Rs.1000 per soaking hr Rs.1500/- per soaking hr Rs.2500/- per soaking hr
1600 C
15. CNC Wire EDM Rs.250/- per hour Rs.350/- per hour Rs.600/ hr
18. CNC turning centre Rs.300/hr(Including & Rs.500/hr (Including & Rs.1000/hr
programming setting time) programming setting time)
(Including setting &
programming time)
(Including setting time) and (Including setting time) and (Including setting time) and
part thereof part thereof part thereof
22. Hydraulic press (100 Ton) Rs.300/- per specimen Rs.350/- per specimen Rs.600/- per specimen
23. CNC controlled hydraulic Rs.600/- per specimen Rs.800/ per specimen Rs.1200/ per specimen
press (40 ton capacity) 2/5
10/26/22, 6:28 PM Madras Institute Of Technology
(Inert gas and other items to (and part thereof) and part thereof) (and part thereof)
be arranged separately)
(Inert gas , Electrodes to be (and part thereof) (and part thereof) (and part thereof)
arranged separately)
(Inert gas , Electrodes to be (Including setting & (Including setting & (Including setting &
arranged separately) programming time and part programming time and part programming time and part
thereof) thereof) thereof)
27. Vision system Rs.600/10 readings and Rs.800/ - 10 readings and Rs.1200/ - 10 readings and
part thereof part thereof part thereof
37. Grid analyser 250 Rs for first 10 350 Rs for first 5 600 for first 5
measurements measurements measurements
38. Micro Vickers hardness 250 Rs for first 10 350 Rs for first 5 600 Rs for first 5
measurements measurements measurements
Mode of Payment
"The Director,