Ujwal Adhikari

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1. Advertisements are accepted in good faith, and the
Corporation accepts no responsibility whatsoever
regarding the bonafides of the advertiser. The Corporation
also does not accept any liability for the content of the
advertisements, delay, ommissions or errors in publication,
forwarding replies, etc.
2. Cancellation or alteration of any advertisement before
publication (30 hours) is acceptable only upon prior notice
in writing. In case the notice is less than 24 hours, 25%
shall be charged.
3. Each advertisement must clearly bear the name, signature
and address of advertiser.
4. Every effort will be made to insert advertisement on the
dates desired. But in case of inability to publish on the
earliest possible dates desired, advertisements will be
published on the earliest possible dates.
5. The advertiser/advertising agencies will be solely responsible
for the content of the advertisements placed with us.
6. The Corporation reserves the right to amend, refuse or
withhold any advertisement without assigning any reason
even if the advertisement has been accepted and paid for.
7. All rates are subject to alteration without prior notice.
8. Only authorised advertising agencies will be offered 15%
agency commission.
9. The Corporation will not be responsible for unsatisfactory
reproduction if bromides or negatives supplied are not
made according to our stipulated requirements.
10. All copy instructions for advertisements must be
accompanied by a photocopy of the advertisement intended
for publication. In the event this is not adhered to, the
Corporation will not be held responsible for incorrect
publication of any advertisement.
11. We reserve the right to cancel advertisements at any time
upon default in payment.
12. payment in bank draft in Favour of Gorkhapatra

Gorkhapatra Corporation
Dharmapath, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel : 977-1-4227493, 4231394, 4226529
E-mail: mgorkhapatra@gmail.com
Website: www.gorkhapatraonline.com
lj1fkg k|sflzt ug'{k/]df
Tariff for Online
(All Rates are in Nepali Currency, exclusive VAT) Jofkf/ ljefu
(Effective from July 29, 2020) uf]/vfkq ;+:yfg
k|wfg sfof{no,wd{ky, sf7df8f}F
& É )!–$@@&$(#÷)!–$@#!#($
www.risingnepaldaily.com Email: mgorkhapatra@gmail.com

S.N. Advertisement Name Size (Pixel) Rate (NRP)

1 Top Nav Ad 720 X 90 5,00000/- Per Month u|fxs aGg' k/]df
2 Middle Ad 1 900 x 100 4,50,000/- Per Month
3 Middle Ad 2 900 X 100 4,00000/- Per Month
ljt/0f ljefu
4 Middle News Ad 700x100 3,50000/- Per Month uf]/vfkq ;+:yfg
5. Middle Ad l 900 X 100 2,00000/- Per Month k|wfg sfof{no,wd{ky, sf7df8f}F
6. Middle Ad 3 Small 300x 200 65,000/- Per Month
É )!–$@@)^#*
Email: bgorkhapatra@gmail.com
7. Middle Ad 3 long 900 X 100 1,50000/- Per Month
8. Middle Ad/ Middle 4 300 X 200 50,000/- Per Month
9. Middle Ad/Middle 4 long 900 X 100 1,50000/- Per Month 6f]n lk|m gDa/ M !^^))!($$$$
10. Side Ad 300 X 200 65,000/- Per Month
11. News Content /News 700x 100 4,00000/- Per Month
Author Ad Banner Or
Box Ad
12. Content End Ad 700 X 100 80,000/- Per Month
13. Road Block/Skip Ad 900 X 1,00000/ - Per Day
(HOME) 550/350 risingnepaldaily.com
14. Sticky ad bottom 900 X 100 3,00000/- Per Month
15. Road Block/Skip Ad 900 X 550 1,20000/ - Per Day
Content) /350 X450
Gorkhapatra The Rising Nepal
TARIFF All Classifications Rs. 1,600/-percc Rs. 1,100/- percc

Ear Panel
(All Rates are in Nepali Currency, exclusive VAT) Front Page Rs. 15.000/- Rs. 7.000/-

(Effective from July 17r 20191 - Other Page Rs. 9.000/- Rs. 5^700/-

Jacket Front Rs- 15,00,000/- Rs. 9,00,000/-

BLACK & WHITE ADVERTISEMENT RATE 4. Front Page Rs. 2,1001 per cc Rs.1,5COl Percc
Gorkhapatra The Rising Neoal (N/ n rnum Size 3x20 cc / Nlaximum Size 4x25 cc/Bottorn Str p Size 8x5 cc)

All Classifications Rs. 1,300/- per cc Rs. I ,000/- per cc

'I hird Page Rs.17.00/- Rs.1.1501
Classified (upto 30 words) Rs.10/- per word Rs.10/- per word
6. Back Pagc Rs. 1,800/- per cc Rs. 1,200/- percc

(Sun. \lon. Tues & \!cd) 7. Cancellation Charge: 25 % 25 %

^3. Classified displar' 1lr ,i cnr) Rs.I .0()0 - Rs.700/- (Within 24 hours)
(Thu, Fri & Sat)
4. Ear panel (Except Ear panel/Glassifiedl Glassified display)
- Front Page
- Other Page Rs.6,0001 Rs.,1.7001 (F or same adr ertisenrent & sanrc order)
Note : A fraction (Measurement) will tre I CM
1. Frequency Discount
5. Front Page Rs.1,800/- percc Rs. 1,200/-percc
<0 <o/
- Up to 2 Ins. in a month J /l) J /l
(Minimum Size 3x20 cc / Maximum Size 4x25 cc/Bottom Strip Size 8x5 cc)
- More than 2 up to 4 Ins. in a month l0% 1501,
6. Back Page Rs. 1,600/- per cc Rs. 1,100i- per cc
- More than 4 Ins. in a month l5ol 20ol'
7. Multi Language page Rs. 1,050/- per cc -- 2. Full Page Discount 1504 15%,
8. Cancellation Charge : 25o/o 25% 3. SimultaneousDiscount 10% t0%
(Within 24 hours)
Note : A fraction (Measurement) will be I CM
Supplement Supplement
I Blrrck and \\ hife Rs.1.300/- per cc Rs.l,(XX)/- per cc

FREQUENGY & OTHER DISCOUNT Colour Rs.1.600r- per cc Rs.l,l{)01 per cc

(Except Ear panel/Glassified/ Glassified Display)
(For same advertisement & samc order)

l. Frequency Discount Width of Golumn 4 cm

- Up to 4 lns. in a month t0% l0% Number of Golumns I
- More than 4Ins. in a month t5% 15% Printing Area 33cmx5ocm
2. Full Page Discount t0% 10% Screen 85/65
3. Simultaneous Discount t0% r0%
(A monthly magazine for children in Nepali) OF ADVERTISEMENT
I . Advertisement.t are accepted in goodfaith, ond the Corporation
BLAGK & WHITE accepts no responsibility- tvhatsoever regarding lhe bonafi.des
of the advertiser. The Corporation also does not occept
Full page Inside Rs. 9,000/- any liability for the content of the advertisements, delay,
omtnissions or errors in publication, forwarding replies, etc.
Half page Inside Rs. 5,000i-
2. Cancellation or alteration of an1, advertisement before
Quarter page Inside Rs. 3,000/- publication (30 hottrs) is acceptable only upon prior notice
GOLOUR in writing. In case the notice is less than 24 hours, 25%, shall
be charged.
Back page Ciover Rs. 25,000/- 3. Each adverlisement must clearly bear the name, signature and
addres s of adttertis er.
Back paec lnside Rs. 18,000/- 4. Every el.fort will be made to insert adyertisement onJhe dates
Front paue Inside Rs. 20,000/- desired. But in case of inability to publish on the earliest
possible dates desired, advertisements will be published on
lnside Page Rs. 15,000r- the earliest possible dates.
(Exclusive \AT) 5. Printing mistakes shall not oblige ary; free reprint. We also
cannot assume responsibility.for printing errors caused by
MECHANICAL DETAILS defe ctive ma lerials s upplie d b1t th e a dvertis ers /advertis ing
Width of Column 7cm
6. The adverliser/adyertising agencies will be solely responsible
Number of Columns 2
Printing Area
.for the content of the advertisements placed with us.
15cm x22cm
7. Toriff rates for Indian adyertisements .-ill be the same as
Screen 85/65 Nepa li advertis ements.
B. The Corporation reseryes the right to amend, refuse or
v,ithhold any adyertisement without assigning any reason eyen
ONLINE ifthe advertisement has been accepted and paid for.
9. All rates are subject to altet ation withottt prior notice.
Right Frame Banner (H.240 pxl x W. 100 pxl.) Rs. 50,000/Month 10. Only authorised advertising agencies will he olfered l5%
Right News Location (Three Adr,t. Spaces) Rs.210,000/Space/Month agency commission.
Near E-Paper Rs.30,000,A4onth ll. MinimtLm size of advertisement will be 5 cm.
Other Three Spaces Rs.30,000/Space/Month
l2.A fraction of a centimeter will be treated as one full
Bottom Banner (Three Spaces) Rs.30,000/Space/Month
13. The Corporation u-ill not be responsible for un,sotisfactoty
Whole Bottom Space Rs.80,000,Month reproduction if bromides or negatives supplied are not made
Photo Feature Advertisement Rs.20.0001 Per Week according to our stipulated requirentents.
14. All copy instructions for advertisements must be accompanied
by a photocopy ofthe advertisement intendedfor publication.
In the event this is not
adhered to, the Corporation will
REBATES not be held responsible.for incorrect publication of any
I 5. We reserve the right to cancel adyertisements at anv time upon
FOR MONTHLY MAGAZINES default in payment.

upto 4 Insertions ls,Dh


Gorkhapatra Corporation
Dharmapath, Kathmandu, Nepal
5 to 9Insertions 250h Tel :4227 493, 423139 4, Fax No. : 97 7 -l-4226529
E-mail: m gorkhap.atra@gmail.com
More than 10 Insertions 35o
Website : www. gorkhapatraonline.com

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