The document lists 21 audit firms approved to audit banks and financial institutions licensed and supervised by the Bank of Tanzania as of September 30, 2020. For each firm, it provides the name, physical and postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses, websites, and contact person and their title.
The document lists 21 audit firms approved to audit banks and financial institutions licensed and supervised by the Bank of Tanzania as of September 30, 2020. For each firm, it provides the name, physical and postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses, websites, and contact person and their title.
The document lists 21 audit firms approved to audit banks and financial institutions licensed and supervised by the Bank of Tanzania as of September 30, 2020. For each firm, it provides the name, physical and postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses, websites, and contact person and their title.
The document lists 21 audit firms approved to audit banks and financial institutions licensed and supervised by the Bank of Tanzania as of September 30, 2020. For each firm, it provides the name, physical and postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses, websites, and contact person and their title.
Name of Audit Firm Ashvin Solanki & Company
Physical Address Plot No. 22, Block “B”, Jamat Street, Iringa, Tanzania Postal Address P. O. Box 1537, Iringa, Tanzania. 1. Telephone & Fax +255 26 270 2951 +255 754 695 531 Email Address Contact Name Mr. Ashvin N. Solanki Person Title Managing Partner
Name of Audit Firm AUDITAX International
Physical Address 7th Floor, PPF Tower, Ohio Street, Dar es Salaam. Postal Address P. O. Box 77949, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Telephone & Fax +255 22 212 0692 +255 719 878 490 2. Email Address Website Contact Name Mr. Straton R. Makundi Person Title Managing Partner
Name of Audit Firm Baker Tilly Dgp & Company
Physical Address Office 10-2, Level 10, IT Plaza, Garden Avenue/Ohio Street Postal Address P. O. Box 1314, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Telephone & Fax 0774 508508, 0759 737975, 0768 222299, 0653-222299. 3. Email Address; Website Contact Name Mr. Kailas Kamalakar Bhattbhatt Person Title Managing Partner
Name of Audit Firm Balakrishna Sreekumar & Company
Physical Address Unique Hse, Plot No. 254, Alykhan Rd, Dar es Salaam. Postal Address P. O. Box 948 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Telephone & Fax +255 22 215 3137 +255 715 505 678 4. Email Address or Website Contact Name Dr. B. S. Sreekumar Person Title Managing Partner
Name of Audit Firm BDO East Africa
Physical Address 4th Flr, Harbour View Tower, Samora Avenue Postal Address P. O. Box 9912, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 5. Telephone & Fax +255 22 211 2291-2 +255 22 212 6848 Email Address Website LIST OF AUDIT FIRMS APPROVED TO AUDIT BANKS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS LICENSED AND SUPERVISED BY THE BANK OF TANZANIA AS AT 30TH SEPTEMBER 2020
Name of Audit Firm Claritas International
Physical Address 4th Floor, 395 Ursino Building, Mwai Kibaki Road Postal Address P. O. Box 76062, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 6. Telephone & Fax +255 22 266 6670 +255 22 266 6671 Website Contact Name Mr. Avelyne Msaki Person Title Managing Partner
Name of Audit Firm Cooperative Audit and Supervision Corporation
Physical Address COASCO Building, Hatibu Avenue, Dodoma, Tanzania. Postal Address P. O. Box 761, Dodoma, Tanzania. 7. Telephone & Fax +255 26 232 1704 +255 26 232 1486 Website Contact Name Mr. Zavery Mkingule Person Title Director General (Acting)
Name of Audit Firm Deloitte & Touché
Physical Address 3rd Floor, ARIS House, Plot No. 152, Haile Selassie Road Postal Address P. O. Box 1559, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Telephone & Fax +255 22 216 9000 +255 22 211 6379 8. Email Address Website Contact Name Mr. David Nchimbi Person Title Country Managing Partner
Name of Audit Firm Ernst & Young
Physical Address 4th Floor, Tanhouse Tower, New Bagamoyo Road Postal Address P. O. Box 2475, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Telephone & Fax +255 22 292 7868 +255 22 292 7872 9. Email Address Website Contact Name Mr. Joseph Sheffu Person Title Country Managing Partner
Name of Audit Firm Globe Accountancy Services
Date of Approval 28th August 2003 Physical Address 4th Floor, NIC Investment House., Samora Avenue 10. Postal Address P. O. Box 7794, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Telephone & Fax +255 22 213 0824 +255 22 211 7286 Contact Name Mr. William V. Mugurusi Person Title Managing Partner LIST OF AUDIT FIRMS APPROVED TO AUDIT BANKS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS LICENSED AND SUPERVISED BY THE BANK OF TANZANIA AS AT 30TH SEPTEMBER 2020
Name of Audit Firm INNOVEX Auditors
Physical Address ADA Estate 19 Kilimani Road, Kinondoni, Dar Es Salaam. Postal Address P.O. Box 75297, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. 11. Telephone & Fax +255 22 266 4098 +255 22 266 4099 Contact Name Mr. Christopher Mageka Person Title Managing Partner
Name of Audit Firm KPMG
Physical Address 2nd Floor, Luminary, Haile Selassie Road, Masaki Postal Address P. O. Box 1160, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Telephone & Fax +255 22 260 0330 +255 22 260 0490 12. Email Address Website Contact Name Mr. Alexander Njombe Person Title Partner
Name of Audit Firm HLB MEKONSULT
Physical Address 2nd Floor, Plot No. 84, ACACIA Building, Kinondoni Road Postal Address P. O. Box 20651, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. 13. Telephone & Fax +255 22 292 3422 +255 736 603 023 Website Contact Name Mr. Elinisaidie K. Msuri Person Title Managing Partner
Name of Audit Firm Mhasibu Consultants
Physical Address 3rd Floor, NIC Life House Building, Sokoine Drive Postal Address P. O. Box 78047, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Telephone & Fax +255 22 212 0238 +255 22 212 4782 14. Email Address Website Contact Name Mr. John M. Lyanga Person Title Managing Partner
Name of Audit Firm NEXIA SJ Tanzania
Physical Address 1st Floor, Oyster Plaza, Plot no. 1196 Haile Selassie Road Postal Address P. O. Box 12729, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Telephone & Fax +255 22 22-2120806-7 0713-444254 15. Email Address Website Contact Name Mrs. Sujata Jaffer Person Title Managing Partner LIST OF AUDIT FIRMS APPROVED TO AUDIT BANKS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS LICENSED AND SUPERVISED BY THE BANK OF TANZANIA AS AT 30TH SEPTEMBER 2020
Name of Audit Firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers
Physical Address Pemba House, 369 Toure Drive, Oyster Bay, Dar Es Salaam Postal Address P. O. Box 45, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Telephone & Fax +255 22 219 2000 +255 22 219 2200 16. Email Address Website Contact Name Mr. Nelson Msuya Person Title Managing Partner
Name of Audit Firm RSM Eastern Africa
Physical Address 1st Floor, Plot No. 1040, Haile Selassie Road, Masaki Postal Address P. O. Box 79586, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. 17. Telephone & Fax +255 22 213 7314-5 +255 22 213 7316 Website Contact Name Ms. Lina Ratansi Person Title Managing Partner
Name of Audit Firm TAC Associates
Physical Address 10 Malik Road, Upanga West, Dar Es Salaam. Postal Address P. O. Box 580, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Telephone & Fax +255 22 213 7721-4 +255 22 211 3142 18. Email Address Website Contact Name Mr. Simon Sayore Person Title Managing Partner
Name of Audit Firm TRION & Company
Physical Address Kassums Building, Samora Av & Mkwepu Street Postal Address P. O. Box 997, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. 19. Telephone & Fax +255 22 213 1789 N/A Email Address Contact Name Mr. Method Kashonda Person Title Managing Partner
Name of Audit Firm Mazars Wiscon Associates
Physical Address 2nd Floor, APEX Tower, Lugoda Str., Gerezani Postal Address P. O. Box 76999, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. 20. Telephone & Fax +255 767 129 018 +255 22 Email Address Contact Name Ms. Witness Shilekilwa Person Title Managing Partner LIST OF AUDIT FIRMS APPROVED TO AUDIT BANKS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS LICENSED AND SUPERVISED BY THE BANK OF TANZANIA AS AT 30TH SEPTEMBER 2020
Name of Audit Firm PKF Associates Tanzania
Physical Address Girl Guides Building, 1st Floor Tower B, Kibasila Street, Upanga, Dar es Salaam Postal Address P. O. Box 7323, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. 21. Telephone & Fax +255 22 215 2501/3/4 +255 716 964 731 Email Address Website Contact Name Mustansir Gulamhussein Person Title Managing Partner
Name of Audit Firm Basil & Alred
Physical Address 4th Floor, Barclays House, Ohio Street, Dar es Salaam Postal Address P. O. Box 78661, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Telephone & Fax +255 22 212 2710 +255 22 212 2711 22. Email Address Website Contact Name Mr. Godfrey B. Mramba Person Title Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer