I. Complete the table below by supplying the required information in each column. You may refer to Lesson 1 of our Module for your ideas and
answers. (30 points)
A. John Locke — (1632-1704) Acquire knowledge Teacher helps students Students tend to
John Locke The Empiricist Educator about the world through think rationally. become more engaged
the senses — learning by and learn more during
doing and by interacting Their role now involves lessons when
with the environment. counseling of students, participation is actively
Simple ideas become mentoring students, encouraged. Teachers
more complex through teaching students how should incorporate
comparison, reflection, to use and apply different techniques
and generalization- the knowledge in their into lessons to help
inductive method. lives. Teachers are now create a learning
Questioned the long looking for ways they environment that
traditional view that can impact students on encourages students to
knowledge came a whole different level, have a voice and
exclusively from literary and even inspire them participate.
sources, particularly the to be more and do
Greek and Latin classics. more.
Opposed the "divine
right of kings" theory
which held that the
monarch had the right to
be an unquestioned and
absolute ruler over his
Political order should be
based upon a contract
between the people and
the government.
Aristocrats are not
destined by birth to be
rulers. People were to
establish their own.
government and select
their own political
leaders from among
themselves; civic
education is necessary.
People should be
educated to govern
themselves intelligently
and responsibly.
(Ornstein, 1984)
B. Herbert Spencer Herbert Spencer- (1820- Spencer's concept of Explicit teaching of Student responsibility
1903): Utilitarian Education "survival of the fittest" traditional values in the classroom refers
means that human to the level of
development had gone The role of a teacher engagement and
through an evolutionary transcends following a participation of
series of stages from the specific lesson plan and students in class.
simple to the complex work schedule. Because Teachers must create a
and both students and learning environment
from the uniform to the teachers spend as much that allows students to
more specialized kind of time together, the be actively engaged and
activity. teacher inadvertently productive. This can be
Social development had becomes an external achieved by providing
taken place according to parent. Teachers can be opportunities for
an evolutionary process a mentor to help set the student participation,
by which simple child on the right path. setting clear
homogeneous societies In this role, the teacher expectations, and
had evolved to more can encourage the providing feedback.
complex societal student to be the best Students also have the
systems they can be and be a right to be safe at
characterized with source of inspiration school. This means that
humanistic and classical and advice to the schools should be free
education. students. from weapons and
Industrialized society violence, and that staff
require vocational and should be properly
professional education trained to deal with
based on scientific and emergencies. It also
practical (utilitarian) means that schools
objectives rather than should provide a
on the very general healthy environment
educational goals for students to learn.
associated with
humanistic and classical
Curriculum should
emphasize the practical,
utilitarian, and scientific
subjects that helped
humankind master the
Was not inclined to rote
learning; schooling
must be related to life
and to the activities
needed to earn a living
Curriculum must be
arranged according to
their contribution to
human survival and
Science and other
subjects that sustained
human life and
prosperity should have
curricular priority since
it aids in the
performance of life
Individual competition
leads to social progress.
He who is fittest
survives. (Ornstein,
C. John Dewey John Dewey (1859-1952): Education is a social Teacher is an authority Students have the right
Learning through process and so school in his or her subject to express themselves
Experience is intimately related field. freely. This means that
to the society that it First things first, the schools should allow
serves. primary duty of a students to wear
Children are socially teacher is to impart whatever they want and
active human beings knowledge, and that that they should be
who want to explore comes from teaching. allowed to speak their
their environment Teaching usually entails minds.
and gain control over following a specific
it. curriculum and
Education is a social ensuring that the
process by which the students understand
immature members what is being taught.
of the group,
especially the It is from this role that
children, are brought all other roles of a
to participate in the teacher originate from,
society. because if a teacher fails
The school is a in carrying out his/her
basic responsibility to
special environment impart knowledge, then
established by it might be difficult to
members of society, have any other form of
for the purpose of influence on the child.
purifying, and
integrating the social
experience of the
group so that it can
be understood,
examined, and used
by its children.
The sole purpose of
education is to
contribute to the
personal and social
growth of
D. George Counts George Counts (1889-1974): Education is not Teacher is a guide for Students with
Building a New Social Order based on eternal problem-solving and disabilities have the
truths but is relative scientific inquiry. right to participate fully
to a particular society in all aspects of their
living at a given time education. This includes
and place. Teachers play an having access to
By allying themselves essential role in appropriate
with groups that education, most accommodations and
want to change especially in the lives of services, as well as
society, schools the students they teach participating in
should cope with in the classroom. What classroom activities. It
social change that defines a teacher is is the responsibility of
arises from his/her ability to teach school administrators
technology. students and a positive and teachers to ensure
There is a cultural lag influence on them. that all students have an
between material Generally, the role of a equal opportunity to
progress and social teacher in education learn.
institutions and goes beyond teaching.
ethical values. In today’s world, Lastly, students have
Instruction should teaching has different the right to be treated
incorporate a content faces, and a teacher has with respect. This
of a socially useful to carry out the part of means that schools
nature and a being an external should treat all students
problem-solving parent, counselor, equitably, regardless of
methodology. mentor, role model, and race, religion, or
Students are so on. political beliefs.
encouraged to work
on problems that
have social
Schools become
instrument for social
improvement rather
than an agency for
preserving the status
Teachers should lead
society rather than
follow it. Teachers
are agents of change.
Teachers are called
on to make important
choices in the
controversial areas of
economics, politics,
and morality because
if they failed to do so,
others would make
the decisions for
Schools ought to
provide an education
that' equal learning
opportunities to all
students. (Ornstein,
A. 1984)
E. Theodore Brameld Theodore Brameld (1904- As the name implies, Teacher serves as an Effective classroom
1987) - Social social agent of change and management is not only
Reconstructionism reconstructionism is reform. about the teacher alone.
a philosophy that Teacher goes beyond Students have a role to
emphasizes the just teaching according play to make their
reformation of to the curriculum, it is learning environment
society. The social about grooming in the productive and
reconstructionist child. Teachers don’t enjoyable.
contend that: only impart knowledge,
... humankind has but they also help with When it comes to
moved from an character building as classroom management,
agricultural and rural well. one of the most
society to an urban important aspects is the
and technological students’ role in
society... there is a The teacher’s role is creating a positive and
serious lag in cultural described beyond effective learning
adaptation to the teaching. They are more environment. Students
realities of a than an educator and need to be aware of
technological society. are counselors, their responsibilities
Humankind has, yet mentors, role models, and what is expected of
to reconstruct its external parents, and so them to help create and
values in order' to on to a student. There maintain a successful
catch up with the are many significance classroom.
changes in the ways that providing a
technological order, better understanding of In general, students are
and organized a lesson to helpful for responsible for
education has a students in better following all rules and
major role to play in future. regulations set by the
reducing the gap teacher, keeping up
between the values of with their work, and
the culture and behaving in a respectful
technology. manner.
(Ornstein, 1984)
So, the social
reconstructionist Participate in various
asserts that schools school activities
should: critically organized
examine present They should be active
culture and resolve members in various
inconsistencies, classroom & school
controversies, and activities conducted or
conflicts to build a organized from time to
new society not just time. They should
change society... do proficiently participate
more than reform the in different sports,
social and cultural clubs, tours &
educational status picnics conducted by
quo. It should seek to the school.
create a new society... Co-operate with
Humankind is in a teachers & other
state of profound students
cultural crisis. If Students must be fair on
schools reflect the the playground &
dominant social support all their team
values... then members (other
organized education players). They should
will merely transmit pay attention to what all
the social ills that are is going on in class and
symptoms of the should also listen to
pervasive problems what the teacher is
and afflictions that teaching.
beset humankind...
The only legitimate
goal of a truly human
education is to create
a world order in
which people are in
control of them own
destiny. In an era of
nuclear weapons, the
reconstructionist see
an urgent need for
society to reconstruct
itself before it
destroys itself.
(Ornstein, A. 1984)
Technological era is
an era of
interdependence and
so education must be
international in
scope for global
For the social
education is designed
"to awaken students'
consciousness about
social problems and
to engage them
actively in problem
solving". (Ornstein,
reconstructionist are
firmly committed to
equality or equity in
both society and
education. Barriers of
socio-economic class
and racial
should be eradicated.
They also emphasize
the idea of an
world. The quality of
life needs to be
considered and
enhanced on a global
basis. (Ornstein, A.
F. Paulo Freire Paulo Freire (1921-1997) - Paulo Freire, a Helps students become Student responsibility
Critical Pedagogy critical theorist, like aware of problems occurs when students
social confronting humankind take an active part in
reconstructionist, their learning by
believed that systems Teachers use a variety recognizing they are
must be changed to of teaching methods accountable for their
overcome oppression and materials to academic success. It is
and improve human educate students about demonstrated when
conditions. a particular subject they make choices &
Education and area, providing take actions that lead
literacy are the specialist knowledge on them towards their goal
vehicle for social this topic. of education.
change. In his view, A good teacher will
humans must learn support students Meeting Academic
to resist oppression individually as well as Expectations
and not become its providing engaging Developing a creative
victims, nor oppress lessons that bring their learning environment
others. To do so subject to life, to inspire while displaying values
requires dialogue and motivate their of teamwork and unity
and critical students to do well. are some of the values
consciousness, the required to meet the
development of academic expectations
awareness to Teachers should keep a of students.
overcome record of student Being Punctual &
domination and grades so that they have Respectful
oppression. some indication of what By being respectful,
Rather than level they’re working at students contribute to a
"teaching as banking” and the progress of healthy learning
in which the educator their performance over environment and lessen
deposits information time. Keeping track of distractions and
into students' heads, student performance disciplinary actions.
Freire saw teaching can also help teachers They are also supposed
and learning as a to improve their to be punctual. Being
process of inquiry in teaching by indicating late for school develops
which the child must which methods of their bad image which
invent and reinvent teaching have been thus has a negative
the world. most effective and impact on their grades
Teachers must not where further time and as well. Thus, it is very
see themselves as the resources need to be important for them to
sole possessors of invested. maintain discipline in
knowledge and their As well as planning the classroom &
students as empty lessons, teachers are understand time
receptacles. He calls required to research management.
this pedagogical and source appropriate Being in the best of
approach the teaching materials to behaviors
"banking method" of complement the School plays an
education. contents of the lesson. important role in the
A democratic This includes both process of socializing.
relationship between materials that will be That means an
the teacher and her used during the lesson educational
students is necessary and information to take environment is
in order for the home and revise from. required to ensure that
conscientization the students gain access
process to take place. to quality education. In
Freire's critical any case, to exist in such
pedagogy is problem- a condition, they are
posing education. expected to comply
A central element of with behavioral
Freire's pedagogy is expectations and
dialogue. It is love display values like
and respect that politeness, kindness,
allow us to engage compassion, generosity,
people in dialogue sympathy, and respect.
and to discover Obey all the teachers
ourselves in the Students should behave
process and learn respectfully &
from one another. By obediently with their
its nature, dialogue is teachers & other
not something that members.
can be imposed. Maintain discipline in
Instead, genuine the class as well as in
dialogue is school
characterized by They must be well-
respect of the parties disciplined not just in
involved toward one school, classrooms but
another. We develop also everywhere
a tolerant sensibility
during the dialogue Follow the rules &
process, and it is only regulations of the
when we come to school
tolerate the points of They should go to
view and ways of school on time and
being of others that maintain proper
we might be able to punctuality attend
learn from them and classes on time
about ourselves in regularly. They need to
the process. Dialogue understand their moral
means the presence responsibilities &
of equality, mutual behavior towards
recognition, school & other
affirmation of people, classmates.
a sense of solidarity
with people, and
remaining open to