How To Write An Emulator (CHIP-8 Interpreter)
How To Write An Emulator (CHIP-8 Interpreter)
How To Write An Emulator (CHIP-8 Interpreter)
Personally I have been excited about emulators since the late 90’s. As I didn’t own a console back in the days (only had
a C64), I was pleasantly surprised when I learned that you could use an emulator to run console games on the PC. I still
remember playing Super Mario 3 on the PC using a SNES/Super Famicom emulator Snes9x and a few years later
completing Metal Gear Solid using Bleem! (PSX emulator).
These days however I’m more focussed on providing support to emulator projects of recent consoles such as: PCSX2
(Sony Playstation 2), Dolphin-emu (Nintendo Gamecube and Wii) and nullDC (Sega Dreamcast).
While this guide expects you to have some basic knowledge of computer systems and assumes you know a program
language, it should also be an interesting read for people who are interested in emulation in general.
#define emulator
An emulator is a computer program that mimics the internal design and functionality of a computer system (System A).
It allows users to run software designed for this specific system (Sytem A) on a totally different computer system or
architecture (System B).
Often people confuse a simulator with an emulator and vice versa. Just remember that these words aren’t synonyms.
Since not every Pong game was licensed by Atari to run on these platforms, it also meant that not every game was
running the code from Atari. Basically what happened is that people created their own implementation (clones) of the
game Pong. In this case they simulated the looks and game behavior of Pong.
In case of an emulator, we choose not to re-implement the game Pong for our native system. Instead, we re-create the
environment with a computer program which allows us to run the original machine code of Pong. A benefit of this is
that it won’t just allow us to run Pong, but also any other application developed for that platform.
What is a CHIP-8?
The Chip 8 actually never was a real system, but more like a virtual machine (VM) developed in the 70’s by Joseph
Weisbecker. Games written in the Chip 8 language could easily run on systems that had a Chip 8 interpreter.
Writing a Chip 8 emulator is probably the easiest emulation project you can undertake. Due to small number of
opcodes (35 in total for Chip 8 ) and the fact that a lot of instructions are used in more advanced CPUs, a project like
this is educational (get a better understanding of how the CPU works and how machine code is executed), manageable
(small number of opcodes to implement) and not too time consuming (project can be finished in a few days).
Pick a programming language you’re familiar with (C/C++ or Java are common).
The examples below will use C/C++
Don’t use this project as a way to learn how to program.
(If bitwise operations confuse you, study them first)
You will probably need to use 3rd party libraries to handle audio / video output and user input (GLUT /
SDL / DirectX)
CPU Specifications
When you start writing an emulator, it is important that you find as much information as possible about the system you
want to emulate. Try to find out how much memory and registers are used in the system, what architecture it is using
and see if you can get hold of technical documents that describe the instruction set.
In the case of the Chip 8, I would recommend taking a look at the Chip 8 description on Wikipedia.
I’ll give you a brief overview of the Chip 8 system and some hints on how to implement the essential parts:
The Chip 8 has 35 opcodes which are all two bytes long. To store the current opcode, we need a data
type that allows us to store two bytes. An unsigned short has the length of two bytes and therefor fits
our needs:
unsigned short opcode;
CPU registers: The Chip 8 has 15 8-bit general purpose registers named V0,V1 up to VE. The 16th
register is used for the ‘carry flag’. Eight bits is one byte so we can use an unsigned char for this
unsigned char V[16];
There is an Index register I and a program counter (pc) which can have a value from 0x000 to 0xFFF
unsigned short I;
0x050-0x0A0 - Used for the built in 4x5 pixel font set (0-F)
The graphics system: The chip 8 has one instruction that draws sprite to the screen. Drawing is done in
XOR mode and if a pixel is turned off as a result of drawing, the VF register is set. This is used for
collision detection.
The graphics of the Chip 8 are black and white and the screen has a total of 2048 pixels (64 x 32). This
can easily be implemented using an array that hold the pixel state (1 or 0):
unsigned char gfx[64 * 32];
Interupts and hardware registers. The Chip 8 has none, but there are two timer registers that count at 60
Hz. When set above zero they will count down to zero.
unsigned char delay_timer;
The system’s buzzer sounds whenever the sound timer reaches zero.
It is important to know that the Chip 8 instruction set has opcodes that allow the program to jump to a certain address
or call a subroutine. While the specification don’t mention a stack, you will need to implement one as part of the
interpreter yourself. The stack is used to remember the current location before a jump is performed. So anytime you
perform a jump or call a subroutine, store the program counter in the stack before proceeding. The system has 16
levels of stack and in order to remember which level of the stack is used, you need to implement a stack pointer (sp).
Finally, the Chip 8 has a HEX based keypad ( 0x0-0xF ), you can use an array to store the current state of the key.
unsigned char key[16];
Game Loop
To give you an idea on how to design your emulator, I made a small example of a layout. It does not teach you how to
use GLUT or SDL to handle graphics and input but merely shows you how the flow of your emulator should be.
1 #include
5 chip8 myChip8;
8 {
10 setupGraphics();
11 setupInput();
13 // Initialize the Chip8 system and load the game into the memory
14 myChip8.initialize();
15 myChip8.loadGame("pong");
17 // Emulation loop
18 for(;;)
19 {
21 myChip8.emulateCycle();
24 if(myChip8.drawFlag)
25 drawGraphics();
28 myChip8.setKeys();
29 }
31 return 0;
32 }
Line 3-5: In this example we assume you will create a separate class to handle the opcodes.
Line 10-11: Setup the graphics (window size, display mode, etc) and input system (bind callbacks)
Line 14: Clear the memory, registers and screen
Line 15: Copy the program into the memory
Line 21: Emulate one cycle of the system
Line 24: Because the system does not draw every cycle, we should set a draw flag when we need to
update our screen. Only two opcodes should set this flag:
0x00E0 – Clears the screen
0xDXYN – Draws a sprite on the screen
Line 28: If we press or release a key, we should store this state in the part that emulates the keypad
Emulation cycle
void chip8::initialize()
void chip8::emulateCycle()
// Fetch Opcode
// Decode Opcode
// Execute Opcode
// Update timers
Every cycle, the method emulateCycle is called which emulates one cycle of the Chip 8 CPU. During this cycle, the
emulator will Fetch, Decode and Execute one opcode.
Fetch opcode
During this step, the system will fetch one opcode from the memory at the location specified by the program counter
(pc). In our Chip 8 emulator, data is stored in an array in which each address contains one byte. As one opcode is 2
bytes long, we will need to fetch two successive bytes and merge them to get the actual opcode.
memory[pc] == 0xA2
memory[pc + 1] == 0xF0
In order to merge both bytes and store them in an unsigned short (2 bytes datatype) we will use the bitwise OR
1010001000000000 | // 0xA200
1010001011110000 // 0xA2F0
Decode opcode
As we have stored our current opcode, we need to decode the opcode and check the opcode table to see what it
means. We will continue with the same opcode:
0000111111111111 = // 0x0FFF
Resulting code:
pc += 2;
Because every instruction is 2 bytes long, we need to increment the program counter by two after every executed
opcode. This is true unless you jump to a certain address in the memory or if you call a subroutine (in which case you
need to store the program counter in the stack). If the next opcode should be skipped, increase the program counter by
Besides executing opcodes, the Chip 8 also has two timers you will need to implement. As mentioned above, both
timers (delay timer and sound timer) count down to zero if they have been set to a value larger than zero. Since these
timers count down at 60 Hz, you might want to implement something that slows down your emulation cycle (Execute
60 opcodes in one second).
Getting started
Now that you know the basics of emulation and how the system works, it is time to put all pieces together and start
coding the emulator.
Initialize system
Before running the first emulation cycle, you will need to prepare your system state. Start clearing the memory and
resetting the registers to zero. While the Chip 8 doesn’t really have a BIOS or firmware, it does have a basic fontset
stored in the memory. This fontset should be loaded in memory location 0x50 == 80 and onwards. More details
about how the fontset works can be found at the end of this guide.
Another important thing to remember is that the system expects the application to be loaded at memory location
0x200 . This means that your program counter should also be set to this location.
void chip8::initialize()
// Clear display
// Clear stack
// Clear memory
// Load fontset
memory[i] = chip8_fontset[i];
// Reset timers
Loading the program into the memory
After you have initialized the emulator, load the program into the memory (use fopen in binary mode) and start filling the
memory at location: 0x200 == 512 .
void chip8::emulateCycle()
// Fetch opcode
// Decode opcode
// Some opcodes //
// Execute opcode
pc += 2;
// More opcodes //
// Update timers
if(delay_timer > 0)
if(sound_timer > 0)
if(sound_timer == 1)
In some cases we can not rely solely on the first four bits to see what the opcode means. For example, 0x00E0 and
0x00EE both start with 0x0 . In this case we add an additional switch and compare the last four bits:
// Decode opcode
case 0x0000:
// Execute opcode
// Execute opcode
// more opcodes //
Opcode examples
Lets take a look at some more opcodes that might look daunting at first.
case 0x2000:
stack[sp] = pc;
case 0x0004:
if(V[(opcode & 0x00F0) >> 4] > (0xFF - V[(opcode & 0x0F00) >> 8]))
V[0xF] = 1; //carry
V[0xF] = 0;
pc += 2;
I have to confess that I couldn’t to figure out how to implement this opcode, so I used TJA’s solution.
case 0x0033:
pc += 2;
Draws a sprite at coordinate (VX, VY) that has a width of 8 pixels and a height of N pixels. Each row of 8
pixels is read as bit-coded starting from memory location I; I value doesn’t change after the execution of
this instruction. As described above, VF is set to 1 if any screen pixels are flipped from set to unset
when the sprite is drawn, and to 0 if that doesn’t happen.
As the description of the opcode is telling us, the Chip 8 actually draws on the screen by drawing sprites. It will give us
the location of where the sprite needs to be drawn (the opcode tells us which V register we need to check to fetch the
X and Y coordinates) and the number of rows (N). The width of each sprite is fixed (8 bits / 1 byte). The state of each
pixel is set by using a bitwise XOR operation. This means that it will compare the current pixel state with the current
value in the memory. If the current value is different from the value in the memory, the bit value will be 1. If both values
match, the bit value will be 0.
01000101 ^
11110011 =
Lets assume it the opcode was 0xD003 . This means it wants to draw a sprite at location 0,0 which is 3 rows high. At
memory location I, the following values were set:
memory[I] = 0x3C;
memory[I + 1] = 0xC3;
memory[I + 2] = 0xFF;
How do these 3 bytes represent a sprite? Take a look at the binary values of each byte:
0xC3 11000011 ** **
You should use the binary representation to fill your array ( gfx[] ). However, before setting the value in gfx[] using
the XOR operator, you will also need to check if any of the pixels changed from 1 to 0. If this is the case, you should set
the VF register to 1 (This is basically a test for collision detection).
1 case 0xD000:
2 {
8 V[0xF] = 0;
10 {
13 {
15 {
17 V[0xF] = 1;
19 }
20 }
21 }
23 drawFlag = true;
24 pc += 2;
25 }
26 break;
The Chip 8 system uses a simple HEX keypad that allows users to interact with the system. For our emulator this
means we need to implement a method that will set the state of each key in the variable that handles the key states.
Every cycle you should check the key input state and store it in key[] .
It actually doesn’t matter what value you store, because opcode 0xEX9E and 0xEXA1 only check if a certain key is
pressed or isn’t pressed. Opcode 0xFX0A only waits for a key press, and when it receives one, it stores the key name
in the register and not the key state.
case 0xE000:
case 0x009E:
pc += 4;
pc += 2;
Below you’ll find an example of the original keypad layout. It does not really matter how you implement the key
mapping, but I suggest something as on the right side.
Keypad Keyboard
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
|1|2|3|C| |1|2|3|4|
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
|4|5|6|D| |Q|W|E|R|
|7|8|9|E| |A|S|D|F|
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
|A|0|B|F| |Z|X|C|V|
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
CHIP-8 fontset
This is the Chip 8 font set. Each number or character is 4 pixels wide and 5 pixel high.
It might look just like an array of random numbers, but take a close look at the following:
240 0xF0 1111 0000 **** 240 0xF0 1111 0000 ****
Look at the left example were we are drawing the number 0. As you can see it see it consists out of 5 values. Of every
value, we use the binary representation to draw. Note that only the first four bits (nibble) are used for drawing a number
or character.
Hopefully this guide provided you enough information to get you started with your own emulator project. At least you
should now have a basic understanding of how emulation works and perhaps a better understanding of how a CPU
executes opcodes.
I have included my own implementation of a Chip 8 interpreter below which you can use as a reference. The zip file
contains a binary for Windows but also includes the full source code of the emulator. Because the full source code is
supplied, I recommend only looking at chip8.cpp file as a last resort to see how I implemented a particular opcode.
The file chip8.h and main.cpp should be safe to view without spoiling too much. Actually, main.cpp mostly
contains GLUT code which you can reuse in other (non-emulator related) projects as well.
myChip8 (32024 downloads)
– Latest (Windows binary + Source code)
Early version of myChip8 from 2003 (contains a nice debugger)
An Android port I did in 2008
Let me know if you find this guide useful! If you have questions or think that essential parts are missing, please use the
comment section !
Special thanks to the following persons (many only known by their pseudonym) who have helped me greatly with my
own emulation projects in the past and present.
After you have completed your first Chip 8 emulator, you might want to try one of the following things:
Resources – System information
Cowgod’s Chip-8 Technical Reference v1.0 – Recommended
Chip8 tutorial – (mirror)
(S)Chip 8 instruction set – (mirror)
David Winter’s CHIP-8 emulation page – Contains some games
(S)CHIP-8 instruction set overview – (Erik Bryntse)
Chip8 emulator topic on Emutalk
Chip8 emulator topic on NGemu
Zilmar’s Emubook
Emubook CPU emulation chapter
Emubook memory emulation chapter
84 Comment
Martin Ennemoser
Are you sure that you display opcode is correctly implemented?
Take for example the rom from here (but I think it can be reproduced with you provided rom
‘pong2.c8’ as well):
This actually overflows you gfx buffer since it starts at y = 30 until y = 35. But as you know your
screen just has 32 rows. I think it doesn’t crash because its a C++ program and that the memory
after gfx is still unused. However, take the C# implementation from Patrick and you will see that
Pong will crash as soon as you press 2 on the keyboard and the left “Pong-Bar” reaches the top of
the screen.
But you can also notice it visually in your implementation because the “Pong-Bars” do not break
correctly when they are overflowing the screen.
if (gfx[posPixel] == 1)
V[0xF] = 1; // set vf register
gfx[posPixel] ^= 1;
Hello, I’d like some clarification on a section.
” Before running the first emulation cycle, you will need to prepare your system state. Start clearing
the memory and resetting the registers to zero. While the Chip 8 doesn’t really have a BIOS or
firmware, it does have a basic fontset stored in the memory. This fontset should be loaded in
memory location 0x50 == 80 and onwards. More details about how the fontset works can be found
at the end of this guide.
Another important thing to remember is that the system expects the application to be loaded at
memory location 0x200. This means that your program counter should also be set to this location.”
In the example you give for loading the fontset, you don’t offset memory[] by 80. However, in the
example for loading the game, you do. What’s with that?
Sprites should wrap around, so:
gfx[x + xline + ((y + yline) * 64)] ^= 1;
doesn’t work if the sprite position > 64*32 – 8
part of the sprite would be outside of the array changing data from other variables (the stack in my
Question, the article says to decode the first 4 bits of the OPCode but only uses the last 4 bits of it.
why are the terms switched?
0xF0 means the last 4 bits are 1111 as it represents (end> 11110000 00001111 <start),.
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