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BY N.A-A.218
32. The Making of Holy Water ........................... 350
33. The Triple-Tongued Flame of Cleansing Fire ...............353
INTRODUCTION 34. Walnut Talisman Against the Law ......................355
The Second Book of Falxifer 35. Conquer the Law Oil Formula ..........................361
36. The Greater Enchantment and Seal for the Blinding of the Law ..364
37. Spell and Sigil of Invisibility- For Blinding the Eyes of the Enemy..370
38. Prayer for Protection ...............................372
39. Prayer for Illumination ............................. 374
1. Apocryphal Revelations of the Qayinite Genesis .. .. .......... 17 40. Prayer Against Enemies ..............................376
The Sigil of the Spirit's Deathly Ascent ....................62 41. Prayer for Prosperity ............................... 377
3. The Mark of Qayin and its Esoteric Sigil .................. 65 42. Prayer for Path-Opening .............................378
The Veiled and Rose-Crowned Queen ...... .............. 70 43. Prayer for the Conquering of a Rival ......................379
4. .
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aspects of the Tradition, giving a clear account of the underlying
foundation of our Qayinite system of thought, as expressed, according
to our strategy, through the mythopoetic forms recognisable to those
who have insights into the codifications of the Qabbala and the different
branches of that which often has been labelled as Gnosticism. While
Wl}t @1ernn� i'nnk nf 1J1alxiftr the forms/words/symbols employed may be recognisable the essences
they carry within this, our, context may be loaded with wholly different
powers and meanings than the ones more commonly associated with
them, thus the educated reader is warned not to mistake the covering
for the actual substance.
Within this Second Book of our Master Qayin we have tried, guided
by the Overseers and Famuli of the Path, to include texts and rituals
In the same first section also the mysteries of the Holy Mother will
that can point out, to the ones possessing the Eye to see, the still
be partly disclosed, but as it is Her nature to keep Her veil for all but
hidden points of ingress to the Gardens of Worldly Death and
those very few who would be worthy of beholding Her Salvific Beauty
Otherworldly Spiritual Rebirth.
and Light, more of substance will be presented in concealed than in
revealed form and thus only the initial steps of the road leading to
Whereas we in the First Book placed great focus upon the folk-magical
Her Garden of Roses will here be paved and the rest is left to the
forms and practices that His Cult is masked by and initially revealed
faithful to build upon, through direct and concrete contact with Her
through, we will in this Second Book focus more upon the esoteric
Soul and Spirit, via the means that through this book will be provided.
aspects of the Path, which in many ways are elevated far above the
simpler and more open aspects of folk-sorcery, while still being firmly
In the second part of this book the mysteries approached in the First
rooted in the fertile soil of such practices, as the strength of our Work
Book will be more fully entered into and different means and
and Tradition comprises in our correct employment of the simple, but
approaches will be made available to the ones that already have worked
both effective and authentic forms of nigromancy, in order to achieve
the Falx Bellicum. Here many new tools and techniques will be provided
the exalted goals of our Necrosophic Theurgy and Gnosticism.
for the venerators of the Green Thorn-Crowned Skull and those who
would seek to gain and utilise the benedictions and maledictions of
We will in this book, which is divided in three major parts, each
the mighty Black In Green. Within this section of the book we will
holding certain subdivisions within themselves, disclose much and
also provide many rites and formulae that can greatly aid the Qayinite
make available the Hidden Keys to even more, as that which is merely
sorcerer and once again that which is not openly given out will be
hinted at is as important, and often more so, as that which is clearly
hinted at and thus the traversing of the thorny tracks is hopefully
and openly outlined. This work is therefore not meant for the casual
made more attainable for those who would not hesitate to water the
reader and is solely penned for the sake of those who through the
sowed fields with their own lifeblood.
demanding practices based upon the teachings already made available
have entered His Cult, and as such it will yield its ripe and nourishing
In the third part of the book we will open the ways to the most
fruits only to those who have properly sowed their own seeds of
brilliant Light of the Mighty Dead and the densest darkness and
Becoming upon the Cursed and Blessed Path of Nod.
obscurity of the Dark Dead, as in order to reach the zenith of the cross
you must climb the steps at its nadir and in order to properly bless
In the first part of this book we will touch upon many before unrevealed
you must know perfectly how to curse. Here many secrets will for
the first time be disclosed and not only will the rites and signs for
the contacting and commanding the most bestial and ferocious of the
dead be provided, but also the simple and effective means through
which they are protected against and their taints washed off.
May this Second Book of Falxifer further establish our Master Qayin's
Necrosophic Cult upon this earth and aid in the realisation of His
Cause, being the Cause of the Black Light of the Unknown and True
These divided manifestations of the Divine became as beams of light
emanating from this first point outside the Acausal Fullness of Ain
and shone forth from that point of division as Two Contrasting Rays,
one being the White Light of Restriction and the Other being the Black
tltt <@aumitt <&.en.esm The White Light manifested on the one side of the void that had
become after the separation from the Ain and manifested as the point
of Ain Sof Aur, where it gathered its light in order to focus it towards
its willed separated, confined and restricted manifestations, through
which it designed to know itself.
In the Beginning was Ain and within its Fullness of Emptiness the
Divine Acausality was All and Nothing, Unbound and Unbinding. The
In contrast to this, the Black Light of the Divine manifested on the
Zeroth divine essence encompassed itself within an unlimited Point
Other Side (Sitra Ahra) of the void caused by separation, and there
of Unity, where all aspects of its Bornless and Deathless Non-Being
manifested its first point as the Tohu, within which it wanted to reflect
and Being coexisted simultaneously, without any spatial or temporal
the Chaos of Ain and thus re-connect itself unto it. As a reaction to
restriction placed upon its Lawless Becoming. Within this Holy Chaos
the limiting form-spawning impulses which it had separated itself
of the Pleroma of Unknowable Divinity All Was One and One Was
from, it then manifested Bohu, in order to reflect and connect to the
All, In Nothingness.
formlessness of the Abyssal Womb of the Ain and finally as a reaction
to the White Light's manifestation of Ain Sof Aur the Black Light
Within this state of Nihility and All-Potentiality the seeds of all
manifested Chasek, its eternal opposite.
manifestations and possibilities coexisted. Because of the all
encompassing and unrestricted Fullness of the Divinity within Ain, it
While the impulse of the White Light was separation, the Black Light
came so to pass that a fraction of the whole became separated from
instinctively sought unification and the Fullness that it once had been
the unity which in order to know itself fell outside of the Mindless
part of. Its opposition to the White Light was therefore not only
Spirit of Divinity Within Ain.
motivated by the volition for separation from the White Light and its
manifestations, but also caused by its Divine Will for unification and
As this fraction sought to confine and know itself, it caused a division
restoration of the Fullness of Emptiness. It was therefore its cause not
between its originally Paradoxical and Unbound facets and duality
to only return itself back to the unbound state of Ain, but also to bring
manifested within it in this state formed as the Ain Sof. Within this
back that fallen portion of the Divine manifested as the White Light.
eternally conflicted manifestation one portion of it wanted to
permanently separate itself from the Fullness of Emptiness, within
which it had been Unlimited, but thus also unable to know any
distinguished aspect of itself, while the other aspect instinctively sought
to return to the Acausal state of its Primal Chaos, where Nothing and
All was One and no division could limit its Eternal and Unrestricted
The White Light gathered and focused within Ain Sof Aur, unknowing
and uncaring of the Black Light that it had separated itself from, and
in order to know its own separate parts it decreed for itself to emanate
in a series of successive forms below its still unformed and shining
From his throne of singularity the Demiurge then caused the downward
point within Ain Sof Aur and to further cause division within itself,
succession of his essence and formed the spheres and elements of his
and, for the sake of the Being that it craved, sacrifice its own non
own confinement and creation. Into each sphere produced below him
temporal Spiritual Nature.
he made out of his own Light of Creation multitudes of forms, beings,
watchers, angels and rulers, all being aspects of his own essence, but
Thus the True Fall of the Divine Spirit contained within the White
separated from him in a way that allowed him to be the ruler of each.
Light was caused and commenced, but as the divine force was
But, by each successive emanation, the Light and Spiritual essence
emanating and pouring downwards from Ain Sof Aur, a fraction of
contained within the spheres before and the spheres coming after
the Divine Essence contained within That Light awoke to its own
became darker and darker, as the dispersion of the Fallen Divine Light
self-limiting and to the sin of restriction against the Fullness of Divinity
caused a dilution of the spiritual essence within the whole of the
that it was committing. This small fraction of the awakened White
Light formed itself into a Pearl of Wisdom and remained within Ain
Sof Aur, while the rest of the White Light dimmed through its
While the spheres and dungeons formed within these emanations below
downward fall.
the Demiurge's throne on high, each cell within this creation became
filled with prisoners fooled into believing themselves to be guards and
On the Other Side of the void caused between the Divided Lights, the
rulers, and by the restricting power of the Number Ten the Demiurge
Divine within the Black Light observed the foolishness of the Fallen
encircled and bound both himself and all that had emanated from
White Light and beheld that awakened Pearl of Spirit remaining within
the Ain Sof Aur and longed for her, as it could see that the essence
contained within the beautiful Pearl of Spirit was in harmony with its
The Demiurge waxed in darkness of ignorance and waned in divine
own longings for the Fullness-Emptiness of Ain. The Pearl of Wisdom
light. This darkening within him evolved until he hungered for the
also felt the connection to her unseen counterpart across the void
spiritual essence that he now had almost fully lost through his
between the divided lights and called out, as a lover to her betrothed,
emanating dilution into causal forms.
to the Divine Essence of the Black Light, for the sake of Reintegration,
Restoration and Union.
In his ignorant hunger the Demiurge looked upwards and for the first
time in his blind hubris noticed the Divine Pearl of Light and Wisdom,
radiating above him in her brilliance, and he lusted for her for the
sake of satiating the dark emptiness that he now felt within.
reflection for the Divine Presence that she had sensed across the Void. and to which it sought to return.
The Pearl therefore descended towards the reflection of her own Light
and fell into the trap and darkness of the Demiurge and thus became Where the Demiurge had bound by laws of restriction all within and
engulfed by and ensnared within him. Causing the fall of wisdom the from himself for the sake of the order, contrasting the Acausality of
Demiurge rejoiced but remained ignorant and forgetful. Ain, it would instead uphold freedom and Chaos as the only Law.
Where the Demiurge fought to preserve finite forms for the sake of
his own illusory being outside of the Formless, it would instead dissolve
limiting structures in order to open up the roads back to the Unbound.
As the Divinity within the Black Light observed the nescient doings Where the Demiurge had imprisoned himself within the barrier-circle
of the Demiurge, it waxed in ire, but also in pity for the broken shards of his own will to limitation, it would instead break all circles and
of the Divine Light that now had become enslaved and blinded within allow everlasting outward expansion.
the self-made prison of the Demiurge, and most of all it felt for the
Pearl of Awakened Wisdom-Spirit that now also had been lured into To the Tree of Life that the Demiurge had grown from himself it would
the murky world of the Half-Maker. It therefore decided to act and raise up a Tree of Death, bringing the end to the cause of restriction.
to sacrifice its own detachment in order to restore the Fullness of
Divinity and redeem the aspects of the divine that could be salvaged Thus the Black Light took forms on the Other Side in order to manifest
from the fallen creation of the White Light. as the antithesis of the demiurgic creation, but where the Demiurge
had caused division within itself because of the mode and cause of
In order to achieve its goal of Liberation the Black Light took upon his manifestation the Black Light preserved the connection between
itself the Cause of Opposition. For every impulse and deed of the its diverse parts and remained unified in its multitude and connected
Demiurge it would create an antithesis in order to cancel out the to its own Unformed Essential Points within Tohu, Bohu and Chasek.
abominations of the White Light. For every sphere, every ruler and
every creation of the Demiurge it would generate a reflected opposite As the first manifestation upon its own tree the Black Light took form
by, within and through itself, but in an astute manner preventing its as the Twin-Aspected and Two-Headed Opposer and Light-Bringer. In
own fall into the same traps as the ones that had snared the Demiurge this aspect it would counteract the very crowned head of the demiurgic
to his now wretched state of being. creation and act as the dual foundation for all the other manifestations
and emanations of the Divine Black Light.
Where the Demiurge, because of blind hubris, had manifested himself
as the one tyrannical point of singularity upon the throne of his creation For every ignorant principality and ruler of the Demiurge the Great
the Black Light would in contrast manifest as a Twofold Twin-God Twin-Divinity created an enlightened opposite within its own realm
of dynamic multitude, in order to counteract the very cause of and as the heads of them all, including and connected to its own dual
stagnation. manifestation, Eleven became enthroned, in order to counteract the
Demiurgic Ten.
Where the Demiurge had caused dilution of his own Spiritual Essence
through the acts of isolation and separation, it would instead remain As result of this Becoming of the Eleven the Twin-Divinity, who within
intact in itself and connected to the source from which it had came itself had held the essences of all male and female aspects in an
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undivided form, changed and adapted to the facets of the White Light in his own image, a microcosmos reflecting his own macrocosmos, in
that it was to oppose. Where it in the beginning had held in its dual order to know himself fully within another, for the sake of a fuller
manifestation the polar opposites of its own being, it, by the emanation understanding and mastery over himself and the order he had caused.
and enthroning process, created a distinction, division and distance
between its own polar aspects. He made a Garden within the sphere furthest away from his own
Crown and there formed a multitude of creatures and forms and
While the primary masculine aspect remained crowned and vested established the place as a false paradise, serving as a prison within
within the first sphere of the Twin-Divinity, acting as the Thaumithan, a prison.
being the Opposing and Illuminating aspect of the Black Light, within
the succeeding aspects forming the other Nine Heads of the Elevenfold Here the Demiurge decreed to all his angels and rulers that he would
Manifestation of the Light of Sitra Ahra, a sense of longing for union create a creature in his own image in order to fully complete his cycle
between the masculine and feminine, the God and Goddess aspects, of creation and demonstrate his own omnipotence.
of the polar opposite facets of that dual divinity became generated.
He decided to erect this first man from a pool of mud in which he
Among the highest manifestations of these now distinguished male had seen his own reflection and from the red clay taken from that
and female polar opposites of the Black Light became the ones called Garden he shaped him. He made his body in accordance to the form
Satan/Samael, the Lucifer, and Lilith/Taninsam, the Noctifer. of his whole creation and limbs and parts he made corresponding to
the different spheres that he himself had manifested and was
Satan/Samael was vested upon the first and highest throne, governing manifested through.
that lofty sphere together with his twin-emanation Moloch, while Lilith
became seated in the realms furthest away from that highest domain, The Demiurge placed this creature of clay before himself and beheld
in its own twin-aspected manifestation as Lilith and Nahema, forming him and saw that something still was deficient within him, as he
that which would oppose and counteract the Demiurgic Lunar and lacked the inner spark of light which animated his own self and the
Terrestrial mansions. other aspects of his highest beings. He therefore decided to breathe
into the creature of clay life from his own innermost core, without
As a Vengeful Night contrasting the dawning of the creation of the remembering the Pearl of Fallen Wisdom kept imprisoned therein.
Demiurge the anti-creation headed by Satan, the Adversary and
Accuser, in the Other Side Became, and so the Black Light yielded the The Half-Maker breathed into the nostrils of the man of clay and the
Nightside, in order to subvert the restricting existence of the Dayside man became a living creature.
of the White Light.
But, without the Demiurge's detection, the Pearl of Wisdom, that Holy
Remaining Fragment of the Divine Fallen from the Side of the White
Light, escaped through the exhalation of the animating force transferred
into the vessel of clay.
The self-deluded Demiurge, still unknowing of the Opposition of the Thus became the Pearl of Spirit, ensnared within the blind Demiurge,
Other Side, continued to explore the possibilities and limitations of unknowingly placed within the vessel of Red Clay, named by the Half
his own creation and so he decided to produce man and to create him Maker as the Adam, in order to animate him, but as the nature of
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the Pearl of Divine Light and Wisdom, now burning as a Flame of created. And when her shape was fully produced he blew into her in
Spirit, was adverse towards her state of causal and material captivity, order to give her life. When his breath did not lend the clay the
she instinctively sought to escape the prison of enfleshrnent and from animating force that first time around had been endowed to Adam he
the first moment of her escape into Adam she impatiently awaited the blew again - this time with power generated from his own innermost
opening of the prison doors of his day-born body and soul. being, where he still had held the last remaining sparks of the spiritual
essence which earlier had been diluted into his creation. As his Ruach
The Derniurge who was ignorant of the hidden spiritual aspect of bearing this last spark of divinity entered the body of this First Female,
Adam and now even more blinded because of the lack of the Spirit the clay became animated with that portion of the Spirit of the Fallen
Light that had left him, rejoiced as he saw his new creation come to Demiurge and came to life.
life and show a kind of luminousness that his other creatures lacked.
Blinded by arrogance he fallaciously misunderstood this as a reflection This portion of the Spirit of the Demiurge that now had been transferred
of his own divine greatness and thought that it was good. to the body of the female, through his spent Ruach, was the part
connected to the creative, feminine, aspect of his own Fallen Essence
remaining after all the diluting successions of his emanating. As this
share of the Spirit became separated from the now turbid nature of
the Demiurge, it awakened to its true Self, realised its awful plight
and sought Redemption.
Adam, whose hylic aspect was irreconcilable to the Spirit trapped
within him, roamed first unknowing and uncaring within the Garden, She remembered now who she had been and what she had become;
but in time he started to feel the influences of the Spirit within him where she had originally dwelt and where she had fallen into;
longing for escape. whereunto she had now been bound and understood through what she
would be redeemed; what birth into matter was and what rebirth and
Thus it carne to pass that Adam, affected by the suffering and liberation from it would be. She knew and in wisdom of her knowing
forlornness of the Spirit hidden within his animated clay, begged the she gained Power of Will and Illumination of Spirit.
The Demiurge knew that in Adam he had created something more from the Other Side, the Heads and limbs of the Black Light, who
elevated than the other creatures, as he had sculpted him in his own shared her own longing for the Unbound State of Undivided and
image and was now pleased to hear Adam beg and joyful to see him Unrestricted Fullness of Divinity, and they saw her and called out to her.
grovel before him and pray to him as the One True God. In hubris
he therefore decided to create a mate for Adam, again from the soil Among the Soundless Callings From the Other Side that she heard at
of the Garden of his creation, and to once again animate it with the the moment of her awakening within the accursed clay, the songs of
power of that which he had misunderstood as being his own breath. the one whose powers reside within the Black Moon were the most
clear and pleasing to her ears. These songs of the Lunar Garden of
The Derniurge sculpted this First Female under the cover of darkness, the Nightside instructed her and imparted to her guidance and further
so that Adam would not see from which muddy filth she would be empowerments.
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Demiurge still was untamed, and there, by the Red Sea, she made her
dwelling place inside caves and under the surface of the water, veiled
from the eyes of those from whom she sought escape.
Adam was summoned by the Demiurge to behold the naked splendour
of the newly animated female and both the Half-Maker and Adam This act of rebellion and transgression infuriated the Demiurge and
rejoiced when they saw the Light and Beauty of Spirit surrounding the saddened and scared the unawakened nature of Adam, while at the
form of the first female. same time empowering his hidden and indwelling Spirit.
The Demiurge rejoiced because he thought that he had made this The tears of Adam watered the soil beneath his feet as he begged the
splendid creation without the Spirit of the True Divinity above him Demiurge to create for him a more suitable mate. The furious Demiurge
and Adam rejoiced both because of the yearnings of his hylic nature who now was of an even darker nature, because of the departure of
and because of the pure nature of the Spirit bound within him, which the portion of his spirit that had fled his fallen state, through his
could recognise and relate to the Flame of Divinity within the newly breath, decided to create another female from the mud underneath
assembled female. Adam's feet.
The Demiurge ordered Adam to name this new creation, but before Before the eyes of Adam the creator assembled this body from that
Adam could utter a name the female spoke and named herself Lil, the clay and this time he used the portion of his own powers with which
Wind-Spirit, for through the breath she had become awakened to all the other animals of the garden had been given life in order to
herself and escaped the blinded Demiurge, while still confined to the enliven the clay.
turbid garment of matter.
Adam who in disgust saw how the filth was put together and shaped
This act of self-naming and self-defining separated her from the power into bone, flesh, blood, intestines, fat, skin and hair before his own
of the one who would name all other creatures and his creator and eyes became terrified and revolted as his own repressed Spirit reacted
she remained defiant and proud in Spirit and strong in Will. This towards the blasphemous doings of the Demiurge.
puzzled Adam and enraged the Demiurge.
Caused by the lack of spirit and the lowly and inauspicious elements
The Demiurge ordered the animal-nature of Adam to take Lil by force from which this second female was created and made alive its
and place her beneath himself in order to break her will and subjugate foundation was not well and it looked and acted as the vilest animal
her to the fated order of creation; the Law of the Creator. within the whole of creation. Because its nature was a mirroring image
of the most turbid aspect of the Demiurge, without any awakened
When Lil heard this and understood the destiny planned for her by spiritual spark, it could not be controlled and Adam refused to name
the tyrant Demiurge she recalled within and through her Spirit the her.
Unutterable Name of the True Divinity and through the power that
this revelation granted her she covered herself with darkness and Even more wrathful than before the Demiurge smote this unnamed
invisibility in the eyes of the now spiritless Demiurge and flew upon second female and returned her back to the muddy soil of his Garden.
the winds she conjured forth, up to the heavens and so escaped from
the confines of the Garden. She flew upon the storm winds of night Adam once again became consumed by loneliness and sorrow and
to the east of the boundaries of the Garden, where the creation of the cried to the Demiurge and asked him how come that he, who was
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"the One and True God", could not create a companion equal to him,
The Demiurge ordered Adam to name his female and Adam named
like what he had created for all the other seemingly happy animals
her Hawwah/Eve.
within the Garden.
The Demiurge who now had become frustrated and even more blinded
by anger decided to try to fulfil the prayers of Adam for the third time,
in order to prove to him that he indeed was the One and True God.
Hence Eve became the carrier of the spirit-flame while Adam was left
The Demiurge looked at Adam and in his confused state he mistook
as a spiritless golem of clay. The spirit within Eve reflected the Fallen
the separate divisions of animal-nature and Spirit within Adam for a
Light of the Unknown and Unmanifested Divinity and gave her the
purely material division between male and female essences, as the
nimbus and beauty of a goddess.
masculine powers within creation generally are more inclined towards
the animal-nature.
This divine shining beauty within the darkness of the hylic corpus of
Eve was the Spirit-Light which beckoned the two polar halves of the
Thus he decided to create anew and told Adam that he this time would
highest divine manifestations of the Other Side; Satan and Lilith, and
take the core-element and essence of creation from Adam's own side,
motivated and caused their intrusion into the confines of the Garden
instead of the clay which had revolted him so. He told Adam that
of Eden.
from his side he would take substance, in order to fashion for him
a beautiful female.
Because Satan and Lilith felt Love for that imprisoned Spirit they
united portions of their own essences within the Nightside sphere of
Adam rejoiced in his ignorance and praised the Creator and was then
Venus and together with the seeds gathered from that sphere their
put into a deep state of slumber, in which the two parts of him could
own shards of Spirit emanated forth through their Shadowless Lights
become separated.
into the garden of the Demiurge and took seat within the body of the
serpent, which they deemed as the most worthy host for their
From the flesh, blood and bone of Adam the Demiurge created the
manifestation. The two rays of the Black Light of the Other Side shone
flesh, blood and bone of this third female and as the animating element
thus as One within the Cunning Serpent and that Serpent became the
for this new creation he extracted what he identified as the female
vehicle for the Awakeners of the Spirit and the Accusers and Adversaries
essence, which in actuality was the portion carrying the hidden
of the Demiurge.
Awakened Spirit-Flame imprisoned within Adam.
Adam who when awakened saw this female stand before him could,
In order to awaken and liberate the Pneuma within Eve the serpent
in his now fully spiritless state, not do anything but be enamoured
Satariinsam/Samaelilith approached her and offered her the Forbidden
by and attracted to the enspirited flesh standing before him and he
Fruit of Knowledge, growing upon a certain mighty tree whose roots
praised his god, the Demiurge.
were connected to the source of all Wisdom and whose fruits the
Demiurge had forbidden Adam and Eve to eat from, as the nourishment
of Spirit it could provide would spell death to his own illusions and Thus the double-faced serpent comforted and lulled Adam to sleep
falsities. with its one face, being the one belonging to the Irresistible Lilith,
and with its other face, belonging to the Shining Satan/Samael/Lucifer,
The Serpent told Eve to eat from this Forbidden Tree, instead of the further introduced and seduced Eve to the ways of the Spirit.
fruits of the Tree of Life/Lie, which only bore the Fruits of Deception
and Restriction, fed to Adam and Eve by the Demiurge. The Serpent Eve Loved the Serpent for the gift it had bestowed upon her and the
promised Eve that if she ate from the fruit of knowledge her eyes Serpent injected its Black Light into her womb. Thus the male spiritual
would be opened to the truth, she would know divinity and the essence of Satan-Samael and female spiritual essence of Taninsam
difference between that which is good and that which is truly evil. Lilith impregnated Eve with the Acosmic Seed-Fire.
The Spirit within Eve awakened to the Words of the Serpent and
granted her the will and courage to eat from the Forbidden Tree of ���
Eve, in her goodness, told Adam about the instructions of the Serpent The empowerment granted to Eve by the Spiritual Fire and Light
and hoped that the fruits of the Tree also would awaken a Flame injected into her by the Serpent fully awakened her own pneumatic
within him, like the one she could feel inside herself, for as Adam was essence and through this act of salvific intrusion the Azoth/Spirit
now there was little difference between him and the rest of the animals Element hidden and imprisoned within her hylic shell expanded and
Adam was at first reluctant to break the laws of the Demiurge, but As the Fiery Seed of the Serpent germinated within Eve and empowered
because of his own submissive nature and the will to please Eve he her Azoth, the awakened and strengthened Spirit within her became
finally became convinced to also eat from the Tree of Knowledge. in essence as a Flame of Black Light, seeking to intermingle itself with
the Fiery Seed, with which it now was fully harmonious, in order to
Eve ate first from the Tree and the Divine Light of Truth within its escape from and shatter the clay-horn prisons that it had been
fruit added power to the Flame of Spirit she had within herself and encapsulated within by the ignorant Demiurge.
she gave Adam to eat from one of the fruits of that Holy Tree of the twofoldness of the Cunning Sataninsam, grew within Eve, it came
Knowledge, but because Adam only possessed a soul and no Spirit the to immerse the Spirit Flame held within her and because of the
knowledge imparted to him was of his own nakedness and lack of transmutation caused by the Atazothic Empowerment and Spiritual
spiritual substance. This Knowledge saddened, shamed and angered Addition the egg containing the spiritual flame broke the kelim-vessel
Adam. within Eve and spilled over and divided itself into two equal halves.
The Sataninsam, coiled around the Tree, saw all this and knew that The Black Spiritual Flames overflowing the shattered and divided vessel
it was good, for where the fruit of knowledge had provided a true within Eve took the forms of a pair of male and female twins. One
nourishment and awakening the Serpent knew that also other light half of the Pneumatic Fire became seated within the male foetus and
bearing gifts could prevail. the other half placed itself within the female one.
31 32
Thus the pneuma, once fallen through and then entrapped by the
lowest sphere of his own fallen creation and there sentenced them to
Demiurge increased in power, became as a Black Flame of Spirit aligned
a life of toil, pain, misery and material concerns, so that neither they
to the Cause of the Light of Sitra Ahra and broke its chains by becoming
nor their descendents would ever have the possibility to discover his
divided into the Twin Flames of Sataninsam in order to escape its
own imperfections and instead would be forced to eternally plead to
confines and return back to the Fullness it so much longed for.
him, as the One and True God, for mercy and salvation.
The Conjoined Spirits of Satan and Taninsam left at that time the
Through this tyrannical and evil deed of the Demiurge humanity
body of the Serpent that they had inhabited, as their work now was
became bound by the Oppressive Chains of Fate, tied to the planets
done, and retracted back to their source in the Nightside. From that
and the stars guarded by the Cosmic Rulers appointed by the Demiurge
time forward the Serpent became the most blessed and cursed amongst
all the animals and remains as a living symbol of the King and Queen
of Sitra Ahra.
Thus Adam and Eve went into the dark world of the earthly elements,
forgetful of that which they had come to realise about themselves and
their creator and enslaver.
But, while the finite senses of Adam and Eve were afflicted by the evil
spell of the Demiurge the twofold Spirit-Power within Eve, which had
Adam awakened beneath the Tree of Knowledge, remembered his own
elevated her own pneumatic flame, endured in remembrance of the
spiritual nakedness and wept, while seeing Eve standing proud and
radiating spiritual light.
Adam and Eve settled down in the world they now had been condemned
The Demiurge heard the cries of Adam and laid eyes on the luminous
to and there built their new homes. In this world of suffering all was
Eve and knew that they had eaten from the Forbidden Tree.
bitter, malodorous, hostile and unshapely and created to cause nought
but discomfort and distress. Here Adam and Eve, in their forgetful
The Demiurge became enraged as he in both of their hearts, based
state, toiled and endured.
on different reasons, could read contempt for him and his creation,
where he before had read admiration and respect. Where he before
d had seen gratification he now could sense a strong yearning for that ffiffiffi
e Fullness which was before, above and beyond him and his fallen
e creation.
As time passed the Twins of Sataninsam grew within Eve, whose spirit
l He therefore forced both of them to drink from the nver of
now had become strengthened by and integrated into their own, and
s. forgetfulness, which flowed past his accursed Tree of Life/Lie, and
at last the moment of their birth drew near. But, already within the
with his own darkness of ignorance he blinded their eyes to that which
womb of Eve the Twins of Awakened Spirit felt Love and Longing for
el they had been made to see.
each other, as their Divine essences instinctively sought further Union
and Completeness.
d He banished Adam and the pregnant Eve from his so called Paradisal
Garden and threw them out into the cursed world, which was the
Within these unborn twins the longing of the divine aspect, which at
one point had been the Pearl of Wisdom, for the Nightside force and
maintain her recollection of the truth.
the yearning felt by the fractions emanated from the Black Light for
the Return of All to the Fullness of Chaos within Ain became as one
The male child was named Qayin and the female one was named
and amplified in intensity and focus, because of the synergetic
Qalmana and through them a light was brought into the dungeon to
empowerments given and received by their merging.
which humanity had been condemned.
Thus when Eve gave birth to her twins the Spirit Flame of the
From the first moment of their coming forth Qayin and Qalmana
Transformed Divine Light, that once had been trapped inside her,
sought each other's company and solace, for as two strangers in a
escaped her being and the cosmic destiny that both she and it had
strange world they instinctively felt that they, besides each other,
once been shackled to and went forth as one with the Dual Flames
would have no equals in the world they now had entered into.
of Awakened Spirit, which burned within the two Children of the
Serpent Through Eve, which in more ways than one reflected through
As two flames born from the same Bornless Fire they were, and seeing
their essences the Holy Cause of the Twin-Divinity and all the other
these marvellous children Eve and Adam rejoiced and for the first
manifestations of the Black Light of the Sitra Ahra.
time since their expulsion from the Garden of Eden they felt hopeful
and joyous.
At the moment of their birth the curse of the world and the limitations
of the clay-horn flesh were placed upon their finite aspects, but still
they remained empowered and blessed by the Holy Spirits burning
within them.
First to exit the womb of Eve was the male child, followed by his
Adam and Eve decided therefore to have many other such children
lovely twin sister.
as their two firstborn and only 10 months after the birth of Qayin and
Qalmana they gave birth to another set of twins, again a son and a
l daughter.
This time the son actually sired by Adam through Eve was named Abel
and the daughter was named Kelimat.
When Eve saw the shining beauty of the two children to whom she
had given birth a suppressed memory stirred within her, because the
Contrary to their first twins these children lacked both inner and
light of spirit glowing within and around the twins had not only once
outer beauty and they were fully afflicted by the curse laid upon all
rit been within herself but also within the Beloved Serpent whom she had
of the clay-born, as they lacked Spirit and possessed only lowly animal
nd known but had now been made to forget.
or As she beheld the appearances of her children and saw that her
At the moment of their birth it was painfully evident for both Adam
on offspring, because of their acosmic luminance and beauty, were not
and Eve that their second pair of twins were different to Qayin and
of the nature of the earthly beings she for a moment realised that they
Qalmana and this saddened and enraged both of them, for where a
were not of the seed of Adam but instead of an Alien and Divine
luminous halo surrounded Qayin and Qalmana there was only the
h at Origin, but afflicted by the curse of the Demiurge she could not
darkness of matter around and within Abel and Kelimat, the same
darkness and spiritlessness that Adam and Eve had for so long seen
who mainly attended their fruit and flower gardens, and through their
in each other.
toiling, the light of their spirits, the sweat of their brow and by their
own Blessed Blood, which they from time to time spilled during their
For in contrast to Qayin and Qalmana, who both were born of the
arduous work, did nature, once cursed by the Demiurge, bloom in
Fires of Awakening and Awakened Spirit, Abel and Kelimat were born
sweetness and fragrance.
of clay solely, without any spark of that Deathless and Bornless Spirit
of the Divine.
Qayin and Qalmana developed their arts and elevated their agricultural
work towards the first forms of magic and witchcraft, as they learned
The disappointment they felt made their hearts cold towards Qayin
to use the plants empowered by their own sanctitude for exalting
and Qalmana and based on spite, jealousy and ignorance they started
purposes unlawful in the eyes of their own parents and their blind
to favour Abel and Kelimat, with whom they possessed actual kinship;
instead of the inferiority which they now unconsciously felt whenever
they looked upon their two firstborn.
They learned to make poisons, wines, medicines, perfumes, tinctures
and incenses, with which they could fortify themselves and also affect
Thus a division became created between the Spirit Endowed and the
their surroundings. All this they did learn and practice in secret and
spiritless and different paths became set for each of them upon and
under the cover of darkness as they instinctively understood that their
beyond the world they had been condemned to.
Work and Art was prohibited by the tyrant Creator and by those who
could not understand nor appreciate such prowesses.
They kept their secret workings and powers hidden especially from
Abel and Kelimat, who with the passing of the years had both developed
in nothing but ignorance.
Qayin and Qalmana remained inseparable as they grew up and for
each passing year they understood more and more that they did not
Qayin and Qalmana became also the first tamers of a wild horse,
belong in this world.
which they pacified and becharmed with the aid of certain plants that
they harvested at night, and thus Qayin's ploughing of the soil became
Where Qayin went the sterile earth became fertile and green and all
even more efficient and their fields flourished.
species amongst the green which Qalmana touched became sweetened
and came to carry aspects of her own lovely fragrance, as the mere
presence of their inner spirits quickened, by the way of At-Azothic I!< I!< I!<
addition, the diluted spiritual emanations entrapped within the earth.
would ever live and Kelimat lusted for Qayin, who was as powerful Spirit to fall into his own darkness.
and intelligent as he was beautiful and they despised the fact that they
seemed to be inseparable and only happy in each other's company.
Unknowing of the Divine Spirit their lust translated into the lowly
longings of the animals, as those born from clay can never comprehend
Qayin and Qalmana, who always sensed the invasive glances of their
the Glory of the Spirit and because of their base natures cannot ever
siblings, were repulsed by their ways and did everything they could
relate to anything more than the appearance, instead of the essence
in order to stay away from them and in their seclusion their love for hidden within or beyond such illusory and finite forms.
each other grew for each passing day and night.
Qalmana who was endowed with the sensual aura of her true mother
Lilith and the beauty of the Blackened Pearl of Wisdom had unwillingly
mesmerized Abel, but also Adam himself, who in secret lusted after,
what he thought to be, his own daughter.
Abel the shepherd laid in the grass all the days, accompanied by his In similar fashion did Kelimat yearn for Qayin, who possessed the
equally slothful twin sister Kelimat, and they often did nothing but
grace of both the Awakened Spirit and that of his own true father,
watch their flock feed on the green of the earth, made bountiful by
the Lord of the Black Light, and wanted nothing more than to mate
the hard work of Qayin and Qalmana.
with him in similar manner as how the animals copulated with each
In order to make his work even gentler on himself and motivated
purely by indolence, Abel, who had become inspired by Qayin and
Thus it came so to pass that Kelimat and Abel expressed their longings
Qalmana's taming of the horse, also succeeded in trapping a wild dog
for Qayin and Qalmana to their parents and asked them to be allowed
and by brutishly beating this dog into submission and starving it he
to unite with them in the same way that they themselves had been
managed to tame and train it to become the first herding dog, and
united by the Demiurge.
thus he managed to avoid even more of the laborious tasks that he
so despised.
Abel and Kelimat possessed not much more skills than those owned
by the animals they watched over and the white herding dog that
took care of most of their chores and they had no other ambitions Qayin who was disgusted by the very sight of the spiritless Kelimat
than just eating and sleeping and were felicitous in their spiritless and Qalmana who was even more so repulsed by the courtship of the
ignorance. sheep smelling golem, the day-born Abel, became both horrified when
approached about this subject of marriage by their earthly parents.
But, still they did lust for their beauteous siblings and their animalistic
passions for them grew with each passing season. As Qayin always had wanted to marry his own sister Qalmana, in
order to unite his inner flame with the flame that burned inside of
Unconsciously they hungered not for the flesh of their siblings but for her, he asked to be allowed to wed her instead and strongly refused
the flames burning inside of them, this reflecting the hunger the to have anything to do with the foul Kelimat. In similar fashion did
t Demiurge himself once had felt before luring the Pearl of Awakened Qalmana also reject the idea of marriage with Abel and told her parents
39 40
that her will was to instead marry Qayin, to whom she had been
so to pass that the Demiurge summoned Qayin and Abel and asked
connected even before birth.
them both to present their case before him.
But, Adam, who himself secretly lusted after the beautiful Qalmana
Abel who was used to beg and to be submissive before the creator
and who had for many years felt jealousy towards Qayin, prayed to
asked for Qalmana's hand in marriage and told the Demiurge that he
his God for guidance and received the signs he wished for, as his God
just wanted to follow the will of god and obey his commandments.
like himself also was jealous of the Light within Qayin and Qalmana,
By the fawning and supplications of Abel the creator became much
that he himself did not possess.
Adam declared thus that Abel indeed had to marry Qalmana and
It became Qayin's turn to present his case and Qayin who was without
Kelimat was forced to marry Qayin, as he in this marriage saw the
any genuine respect or devotion towards the god of Adam demanded
possibility to finally separate Qalmana from her protective twin brother.
that he who had been connected to Qalmana already inside the
womb of Eve should be allowed to marry her and that Abel instead
This decision made Abel and Kelimat very happy and filled both Qayin
should take his own twin sister as wife, for if they were not meant
and Qalmana with a great sadness, anger and hatred towards all those
to be together in life why had they been so in Eve's womb and by
who sought to separate them from each other.
Adam told his children that this marriage was the will of the Demiurge,
Qayin explained how Abel repulsed Qalmana and how he himself
their God and creator and that Qayin and Qalmana could not go
found Kelimat distasteful and charmless. He explained that Qalmana
against the law of the One True God. He told them that they could
shared his own passions and worked side by side with him in the
address the creator directly themselves and see that it indeed was His
Fields of Harvest, while Kelimat did not have anything in common
and not only Adam's will and decision that Qayin and Qalmana should
with him and knew nothing about his Craft.
marry Kelimat and Abel.
Abel rejoiced and brought to the altar of his god the firstborn amongst
The Prayers of Abel and Kelimat were heard by their god and it came
his flock of sheep and slit its throat on the altar of the bloodthirsty
Demiurge and proceeded by giving the fat of the animal to the fire
He told Qayin that it was because his own deeds and work always had
as a burnt offering to that tyrannical god. The smoke of the sacrifice
been better than Qayin's that his sacrifice had been accepted with
of Abel rose up towards the heaven and was accepted by the Demiurge,
favour and Qayin's had not.
who became much pleased by the offering of Abel.
It was so agreed upon that Qayin would lure Kelimat and Qalmana When they approached the field Qalmana ran jestingly into the long
would lure Abel to their chosen places of execution and sacrifice, and tall rows of wheat and enticed Abel to follow her in where no
which in Kelimat's case was the Rose Garden of Qalmana and in prying eyes could see them.
Abel's case Qayin's Field of Harvest.
Abel who could not think clearly because of the enticements of the
Anointed with perfumes and oils of seduction and enchantment lovely Qalmana ran blindly into the field, where Qayin waited for him,
Qalmana went to Abel, when he as usual was resting in the shadow armed with his harvesting tool.
of a tree, while watching his white herding dog do his own work, and
she told him that she now had changed her mind and could see that When Abel came to that beforehand chosen spot, at the crossroads
the judgment of the creator indeed had been just and vnse. She told hidden in-between the tall rows of wheat, he saw the brother of
him that she had secretly prayed to the creator for this judgment, as Qalmana waiting for him and as he realised that he had been deceived
she always had been attracted to him, but had not dared to show any he became overwhelmed by a crippling fear.
sign of her attraction because of her fear for Qayin's jealousy.
Qayin who saw the terror in the eyes of the one who wanted to violate
The words of the lovely Qalmana fully beguiled the unintelligent and his beloved felt nothing but contempt and urged on by the hissing of
vain Abel, who became joyous, and he told her that he always had the Serpent, echoing forth from within his own spirit, he cut down
known that his lust for her had been mutual, but that he could Abel, with three strikes, as if he was nothing but a shaft of wheat to
understand that she had feared Qayin's wrath, as he himself always be harvested, and with the third blow he severed his head from his
had been afraid of the strength and strange power that he seemed to body.
As the blood of Abel was splattered over the field and upon the ground,
Qalmana told Abel that she longed for him so much that she could the gates within and without leading to the Other Side became opened
not wait anymore and as Qayin had become so enraged by the sentence and both Qayin and Qalmana became fully awakened to the Cause of
of the demiurge that he had fully abandoned all his work in the field the Black Light and to their own Spirit-Selves.
they should go there and in the fields where Qayin for so long had
toiled unite as man and vnfe. As the blood of the true firstborn lamb from the flock of Adam was
spilled upon the crossroads, the earth itself opened up and the forces
The spiteful Abel was delighted when he heard this plan and becharmed of the Nightside Earth intersected with the Dayside Earth of Malkuth.
by the fragrance and beauty of Qalmana he agreed that they should Through the liminal point thus established, because of the event of
go into the field so that he could know her as a vnfe. spiritual awakening, transgression and the first sacrifice of day-born
human life, for the sake of freedom, liberation and spiritual unification,
Thus Qalmana succeeded to lure Abel away from his flock and from the Light of the Other Side could shine into the dark realm of the
Kelimat, who at that time had been to the altar of the demiurge in Demiurge and new seeds from the fields and gardens of the Sitra Ahra
order to present to him offerings of thanksgiving, to praise his good could be sown into the now blood-moistened soil of this world.
judgment, and thus as a sheep Abel became led to slaughter.
As the blood of Abel flowed downwards into the open jaw of Sheol
the Light spewing out of it caused an Increase of Azoth wherever
Qayin and Qalmana before had toiled and in whatever they before had
45 46
cared for, and they all became, through the addition of their spirit beholding that Raven of Death became inspired to sow the First Dead
power, blessed, empowered and/or awakened, either by the into the ground, in ways similar to how he always had sown the seeds
strengthening of the traces of the diluted spirit already there present into his tilled fields.
or by the intrusion of the emanations of the Nightside Garden, now
sown into the world. Qayin dragged the body of Abel, while Qalmana carried his severed
head, to the centre of the crossroads and there with a shovel Qayin
All that became so blessed within and through the Field of Blood dug the first grave and into that hole he placed the body and the head
awoke thus to the Cause of Qayin and Qalmana and became bound of Abel, and the First Tiller, Harvester and Killer now became also
to serve their unfated destinies. the First Gravedigger and thus the First Place of the Skull became
established, by the three cutting blows delivered by First Harvester,
Through the open pathways between this cursed earth and the Sitra and the Black Cross became also so stationed upon and through that
Ahra the true voices that before had been masked by the Hissing of burial mound.
the Serpent could now be heard and both Qayin and Qalmana knew
that what they had done was good, as they illuminated and empowered The Akeldama led thus to the Gulgaltha and the Gulgaltha to the
gained true insight about the Other Side and the transcendental divinity Akeldama, through the Black Crossing of life by the death instigated
that it championed. by the Nightside Impulses of the Spirit, and the earth first watered
with blood now also became fed with the flesh and bones of the first
By the wisdom so granted and obtained they both became marked and dead human and thus all the places of the skulls and all crossroads
set aside from all others. By the grace of Satan and Lilith they received of death came to fall under the dominion of the first establisher of
the Mark of the Venusian Emerald Point, the Mark of the Black Serpent the grave.
and the Mark of the Reddened Sickle. These three marks were given
to them as the One Mark of Qayin and Qalmana, as his marking Qayin stood so triumphant over the tumulus of his wretched foe and
became mirrored in hers, and that Mark became branded on their from that night on all the dead would forever be under his heals.
foreheads with the Invisible Fire of Spirit, to forever separate all those
born of fire from those solely born of clay.
As the deed was done Qalmana told Qayin that it now was Kelimat's
turn to reap the bitter harvest of that which she had sown and according
Qayin and Qalmana knew not what to do with the corpse of Abel, but to what they earlier had conspired she washed the blood from Qayin
one of the Rays of Light from the Other Side, emanating from the and anointed him with her oils and perfumes of seduction and
Venusian sphere from which Satan and Lilith first, for the sake of becharming.
Love, had gathered essence, entered into a raven who had sat down
upon the corpse of Abel in order to feast upon his flesh, and the raven Qalmana hid inside her own divinely fragrant and lovely rose-garden,
thus possessed scratched the earth and buried with its beak some armed with her pruning sickle, while Qayin went to Kelimat, who had
kernels of bloodied wheat which were scattered close to the corpse of started to look for her brother Abel, as she did not want to perform
Abel. Qayin the Planter, Harvester and now the First Murderer, the toilsome work of bringing in their flock without his aid.
47 48
Qayin went to her and told her a story similar to what Qalmana earlier flowers of the garden red and gushed over the ground and into the
had told Abel and added that as Abel already had taken Qalmana to grave already prepared for her, the earth shook once again and the
know her as his wife, there was no reason for why the two of them
jaws of the underworld opened within that grave in order to receive
should not unite in similar fashion, in accordance to the decree of
this second offering. The Black Light shone anew and the seeds of the
both the Creator and their father Adam. He also told her that because
Nightside were again scattered into the world in order to cause
Qalmana had seduced Abel inside his own field of harvest they should
empowerment of the divine essence, wherever they could take hold,
consummate their own union in the rose-garden of Qalmana, where
and the garden of Qalmana, containing all the most wonderful flowers
the lovely fragrances of all her flowers would elevate their act of
cultivated by her own lovely hands and by the unnatural power of her
Spirit, became awakened to the Cause of Sitra Ahra.
Kelimat who had always been enamoured by Qayin and now doubly
Kelimat's lifeless corpse was thrown into her grave, underneath the
so enchanted could not believe her own ears and in rapturous joy fell
rose and by the power of the spirit of Qalmana and the awakened
down on her knees in order to give praise to her god, who had deemed
divine power and installed spirit of the rose the Second Grave and the
to bless her so.
Hidden Place of the Skull became so established and Qalmana became
thus the Lady of Gulgaltha, as her sowing of the corpse made her
She then agreed and joyously followed Qayin into the garden of her
achievements equal to her beloved Qayin.
own slaughter.
that lost Eden, he led her to where Qalmana was waiting and in
It came thus to pass that the absence of Abel and Kelimat became
terror Kelimat saw her sickle-bearing rival standing before her.
known to Adam and Eve and when they could not find their children,
and when they could not get any aid in finding them from Qayin and
Before she could turn around and escape Qalmana reached for her
Qalmana, they turned to the Demiurge and prayed to him to help
and forced her in under the shadow of the rose and there quickly slit
them find their missing children.
her throat with her sickle, in a way similar to how she often had seen
Abel and Kelimat slaughter their sheep .
The Demiurge could not discover that which was buried hidden beneath
the rose bush, but he could detect the grave of Abel and seeing the,
As the blood of Kelimat splattered the white roses and the other
by him, unfated death which had befallen his faithful creature he
became most enraged, because he understood that Qayin must, because hidden paths to power, wisdom and liberation.
of the sentence passed upon him, have committed this most unlawful
act of transgression. As to sign them cursed and exiled he crowned both Qayin and Qalmana
with thorns, which they accepted with pride instead of shame, for they
He summoned Qayin and inquired about the whereabouts of his missing knew that which the demiurge himself was ignorant of and as the King
siblings, but as Qayin denied any knowledge and refused to confess and Queen of Harvest and as Sovereigns of All the Black In Green,
to his crime of fratricide the Demiurge became even more furious and they rejoiced in their coronation, which became an outward
told Qayin that the voice of Abel's blood had cried unto him from the manifestation of the Mark of Spiritual Fire, which they already bore.
ground and that he knew what he had done.
The Demiurge seeing the two unrepentant before him and sensing
Still Qayin stood before the creator unrepentant and without any their contempt also gave them as an oath that as the Sowers, Reapers
intention to confess to any wrongdoing, as what he had done was just and Bringers of Unlawful Death they would never find peace nor
and good and forced by necessity. escape from the sufferings of life and that none of his own faithful
creatures would ever grant them acquittance from the shackles of life,
The Demiurge contemplated to utterly destroy Qayin, but something for such a deed would be avenged sevenfold.
within Qayin filled him with fear, but also with longing for that which
he himself because of his foolishness had lost, and instead he decided Cursed and exiled to eternal wandering, opposing and opposed by all
to curse both Qayin and Qalmana, for he knew that the one had not the binding forces of nature, Qayin and Qalmana turned their backs
acted without the consent and support of the other. to the creator and left his presence to traverse the Path of Thorns,
towards east of Eden.
His curse upon them was twofold; and he told them that the ground
Qayin had tilled would no longer yield their fruits to him and offer
him nothing but poison and thorns and that the flowers of Qalmana ffiffiffi
would all wither before her and emit nothing but the stench of death
in her presence. He also cursed them to become fugitives and
wanderers, rootless in this world, and ever opposed by all those faithful In absence of their dead and their exiled children Adam once again
to his laws and by all the forces of the natural order of his creation. made Eve pregnant and she birthed a new son and later a daughter,
which became as replacements for Abel and Kelimat, and thorough
What the blind Demiurge, because of his own lack of spirit, could not this son, Seth, and his sister, Azura, the Adamite Bloodline of Clay
know or understand was that the ground and the plants blessed, was spread upon the earth, in accordance with the Demiurge's will.
awakened, empowered and enspirited by the deeds of Qayin and
Qalmana, now held aspects beyond his dominion, all owing allegiance
to Qayin and Qalmana. ffiffiffi
As for the curse of wandering and banishment, that was also nothing
adverse to their own wills, as they knew that they did not belong to As Qayin and Qalmana left the enclosure of their former homes they
where they had been bound to live and that because of the awakened felt as if they were leaving a prison in which they had suffered since
flames of Spirit within themselves they knew that they must find the birth and instead of tears of sorrow and regret they shed tears of joy,
51 52
for even in exile and cursed by the tyrant Demiurge they were as world's first truly Free Masons, a city and they named it after their
happy as they could be, as long as they were together. beloved Enoch, as both their son and their new city were a testament
of the falsity of the Demiurge's omnipotence, as he now could not
While crossing the Path of Thoms their tears of joy, their sweat and even rule his own creation or control the enspirited aspects of nature.
the blood from their thorn pierced flesh made nature itself to disobey
the decrees of the Demiurge and while not yielding any good fruits
or flowers from the hylic side of nature they did harvest all the good ���
fruits and blossoms of the Spirit, which they had awakened within
and without, and so their Sorcerous Arts became perfected and they
flourished in powers unnatural. As kings and queens Qayin and Qalmana crowned themselves with
Gold, while still retaining their Crowns of Thorns, in defiance of the
Through their wandering and guided by their spirits they so came to judgment of the demiurge and in pride of their own Unlawful Becoming,
that Land of Nod (Eretz-Nod), located on the East of Eden and there Exile and Rise to Power and by their second coronation Antinomian
they decided to settle down, as they there could feel the presence of Autonomy and Worldly Sovereignty were achieved.
a Spirit bright and as defiant as their own, for close to their settlement
was the Red Sea and the caves to which that First Woman, upon
Winds of Night, had escaped and taken refuge in. ���
There, in the Land of Nod, Qayin knew Qalmana as a wife and sowed In time the seven generations of Qayin and Qalmana became the true
his Fiery Seeds within her fertile womb and she conceived and bore rulers of the earth, opposing the ignorant ways of the Adamite race
the Firstborn Son of the Awakened Twin-Flame of Spirit and that son whenever they would come into contact with it.
was named Enoch.
Through their antinomian ways and growing power within the world
Qayin cultivated the land and Qalmana aided in his work and once they even came to cause other aspects of the creation to join their
again established her gardens, and thus the earth tilled and the seeds rebellion against the diluter and enslaver of the Spirit and new pathways
sown in defiance of the Demiurge's will flourished by the grace and and gates to the Other Side became so opened all across the world.
power of the Black Light shining into his creation, through the living
Spirits of Qayin and Qalmana and now their son Enoch, into whom Thus the natural order of the world became disturbed by the invading
an emanation of their unified Spirit-Flames had become seated. and expanding Light of the Other Side and the seeds of the Tree of
Death sown into the earth of the Demiurge gave forth the fruits of
Around their fields and gardens Qayin and Qalmana built, as the enspiritment and forbidden knowledge to all that possessed a strong
53 54
enough trace of the divine Spirit within themselves and brought the Even from the Other Side the Twin-Flames of Sataninsam, now Unified
"Terror of Darkness" to those blind to the Light of Spirit and lacking and Made Whole, continued to guide and bless its remaining divisions
the Divine Flame Within. on earth, for the sake of the liberation of all of the Divinity Fallen
through the Demiurge.
It was during this time, having lived for seven long generations of
their own Fiery Line of Blood, that the Third Crown of Power was So powerful and wondrous became the generations of Qayin and
placed upon the heads of Qayin and Qalmana, not by the hands of Qalmana upon the earth that even the angelic order of the Grigori,
man but by the expansion and ascension of their own powers of Spirit, assigned by the Demiurge to the task of Watching and Warding the
breaking their clay vessels and granting them the Crown of Apotheosis, human race, became enchanted by their ways and the diluted and
being the Halo of their Inner Flames turned into the Coronating Fires entrapped Divine Spirit within these Sons of God stirred, awakened
of the Black Light. and came to long for a separation from the binding order of the
creator and for a unification with the Spirit that burnt so bright and
By this Third Crowning, and because of the openings created by their strong within the Daughters of the Fiery Bloodline of Sataninsam,
own achievements and their Increasing of the Spiritual Power once manifested through the side of Qayin and Qalmana.
bound within them through the emanation of their divine essences
into the shells of life, they could finally transcend their Vessels of Clay The Watchers awakened so by their Love for the Spirits of those
(Kelims) and pour back into the sphere on the Other Side, where beautiful daughters of Qayin and Qalmana, headed by one amongst
Satan and Lilith first had gathered their Seeds of Spirit, and there in them called Naamah (the Pleasant One), as her beauty, power and
fullness take throne and within that sphere of Nightside Venus unite grace was from the very Mother of their Bloodline, and 200 of those
in Love, to make their Twin-Flame burn again as One. Watchers broke free from their chains, which had bound them to their
stations amongst the stars of the heavens, and they descended, like
While the begetters of the Bloodline of Fire, which would burn the falling stars from the heaven, in order to join with the Glorious Race
prison house of the Demiurge from within, transcended to that Other of the Fire-Born.
Side in Spirit, their souls remained as a link between them and those
that still would walk the Paths of Nod and the opposition could thus As their spirits united with the spirits of their male counterparts
continue through those who would carry their awakening and amongst the chosen ones of the Line of Qayin and became so enfleshed
enspiriting gifts, as they all would until the time of the Final Union through these who willingly received them, the addition of the spiritual
bear the same Marks of Blessing and the Brands of the Exiled, as they essence caused further empowerment to the Flames of Black Light
themselves had. within the fire-born and the Fallen Watchers could thus through their
Avatars attain freedom from their former limited being and
Thus the Bringers of Death became the breakers of the chains of consummate their union with the women that they wished to take as
cosmic Life and Death, as defined by the Creator of this world, and their wives.
they came to embody the Sinistral Path towards liberation and
transcendence. The daughters and sons of Qayin and Qalmana all rejoiced in the
55 56
coming of the Watchers and welcomed them as Flames unto their own his eyes, as they had not been able to withstand the blasphemous
Flames of Spirit, but also as husbands and brothers. lawlessness that had defiled his creation and undermined his own
tyrannical rule.
Those who did not unite as husbands and wives united as Spirit unto
Spirit and thus the bloodline of Qayin and Qalmana became endowed Upon all of them he willed death, for he was truly regretful that he
by the addition of the awakened share of the Divine infused into it had ever made them and thus unwittingly opened the gate to the
by the Descended Heavenly Azoth, which burnt Black as it joined the unknown forces which now as a wildfire had spread within his creation.
side of Sitra Ahra upon the earth.
The wrathful creator decided thus to drown them all in a deluge of
the bitter waters of his own ire, but before doing so he warned his
chosen one, Noah, and instructed him to, with the help of his angels,
build an Ark and to fill it with two of every sort of animal, male and
female, and with similar pairs of every other living thing from the dry
The children resulting from the union between the Fallen Watchers land.
and the daughters of the Bloodline of Qayin and Qalmana became the
Mighty Nephilimic men and women and as Giants they walked the In order to keep his bloodline, from the side of Seth, alive, Noah was
earth spreading unlawful freedom and forbidden knowledge, but also also granted to bring with him and save his own family, consisting
terror amongst the Adamic race, who always rejected and shunned the of his wife, his three sons and their three wives, but everyone else on
gifts of spirit, which was something alien and evil to them, because the face of the earth became so sentenced to death by the blind tyrant
of their ignorance of that which they themselves lacked. Demiurge.
The awakening of the Flames of Spirit growing in multitude upon the The enraged Demiurge further decided to punish the Fallen Watchers
earth threatened to set the Demiurge's whole illusory creation on fire, and ordered his Archons, headed by Raphael and Gabriel, to descend
as the natural order established by him was being fully overturned upon the earth with their vast armies, outnumbering all the living, and
into a liberating chaos. to chain all the fallen Watchers and to force them to behold the
slaughter of their own beloved children, the Nephilimic Race of the
The demiurge in his blindness could not see anything but wickedness Fire-Born, before the great flood would wash all their blood from the
in the deeds of the enspirited ones risen from the side of Qayin and face of the defiled earth.
Qalmana and in anger he regretted that he had ever created man.
The Adamites cried unto their Lord and Creator for salvation from ���
the iniquity of the Titanic Race of Fire, which had usurped the world
promised to them, but even amongst them none but one, named Noah,
did the Demiurge look favourably upon. The chieftains of the Bloodline of Qayin and Qalmana had by the
grace of the Spirit foreseen the events which would befall them and
He so decided to destroy man whom he had created from the face of they had thus made themselves ready for the bloodshed and the deluge
the earth, both those who carried the unnatural blood and those of which would follow. They strengthened certain bounds and loosened
the blood of Adam, for also they had proven themselves unworthy in others and planted their Seeds of Rebellious Fire where it would remain
57 58
hidden and endure, in spite of the decrees of the foolish Chief Archon. to oppose the Enslaver and undermine his tyrannical rule from within
his own creation, until the Black Light of Spirit would prevail and
For by the cunning of the Serpent they had amongst the chosen of Liberation would become endowed to all.
the Demiurge himself, the family of Noah, found a vessel fertile and
willing enough to carry that Fiery Seed. Thus the Seed of the Serpent
Sataninsam could secretly be sown into a receiving soil and in time iF iF iF
it would once again bring forth the Mighty Ones (Gibborim) upon the
face of the cursed earth.
The two main leaders of the Awakened Watchers the Demiurge ordered
to be chained forever in order to suffer for all generations. The one
called Azazel, who had joined spirit with the Blacksmith from the side
of Qayin, they bound with chains of iron and placed under a Mountain
of Darkness, located in the desert of Dudael, while the other one
And, the very forces of Dayside existence turned against the harbingers named Shemyaza, they chained upside-down upon the constellation
of spirit-awakening and liberation and the leaders of the incarnate of Orion.
Rebellious Spirits from the heavens became bound, tortured and made
to watch the destruction and evil brought upon their families by the This they did in order to separate them and have one suffer within
will of the enslaver. the underworld and the other in the heaven, so that they would see
what would befall the earth that they had usurped.
But, what the Archons could kill was solely that which their own
Creator had made, for the Awakened Spirit within the slain was The Demiurge did thus once again, because of his ignorance and hubris,
something beyond their grasp and belonging to a force transcending commit another mistake which would allow the influences of the unified
their own spiritless god. spirits from the side of the Angels and the side of Sataninsam, through
the Bloodline of Qayin and Qalmana, remain connected to and within
The slain Nephilim and those other Mighty Dead of the Bloodline of his creation in order to undermine his Heimarmene.
Fire became spirits unbound by flesh and because of the enlinkments
to the Nightside and the pathways and gates to that Other Side which For within the darkness of the Underworld Azazel could with one side
they had opened in life, many of them could transcend to the Side enter the Nightside Earth and with the other remain within the creation
of the Black Light and inhabit the realm of the Nightside Earth of the Demiurge, where he was bound, and he became thus a Lord
(Nahemoth), while others were caught in places in-between the worlds of the Crossroads and Intersections between the Tree of Lies and the
and remained within the liminal points or took seat within and joined Tree of Knowledge and Death.
with the elements upon earth already enspirited by the deeds of Qayin
and Qalmana and thus most welcoming and fitting for their own In similar fashion Shemyaza became a guardian of the Stellar Point
Spiritual natures. of Entry for the forces of the Nightside, which he by the connections
made through his own conjoined spirit became as a bridge to.
Others amongst the slain would instead become roaming spirits of
vengeance, swearing that they would take possession of the Demiurge's In this manner the Chthonic and the Astral Thrones of Rebellion
creation and incarnate in suitable vessels whenever possible, in order within this world became seated, by the two condemned to eternal
59 60
suffering by the sadistic and witless Demiurge.
The earth became thus in time repopulated, but with the re-emerging The Sigil of Spirit's Deathly Ascent is a sign related to the Fire-Born
of the races of man and nature itself, which had been duly seeded by Dead of our Lineage of Sataninsam, to all that which is strived for
the Other Side, the opposition once again took form. through the Path of Thorns and to the very essence of the Qayinite
Gnosis itself, but it is also interlinked with the mysteries of
For it is written that there were giants upon the earth in those days Anamlaqayin, being that of the Twin-Flame sired by the Two-Faced
before the flood; and also after that, and so the Bloodline continued Serpent of Wisdom, made whole and perfect in their transcendent
to endure and the Side of Qayin still remains, and so does He and conjunction accomplished through Death.
His Bride, both in Souls and in Spirits, on this and on that Other Side.
This sigil holds much power and is the key to the realisation of some
of the most fundamental mysteries. It shows the Point of the Skull
as the Gate of Death/Daath and as the very Head of the Mighty Dead,
representing the liberating powers ofNecrosophic Gnosis, the ancestral
aspects of Qayin and Qalmana and the path to ascension paved by
Nature's hostility towards its own creator and the day-born is thus them.
explained and some of the fundamental aspects of the mysteries of
the Fiery Bloodline and the Cult of Qayin and Qalmana are here The Sigil of Spirit's Deathly Ascent goes hand in hand with the Thirteen
further veiled and revealed. Pointed Star of the Gate of the Dead and the Key Sigil which opens
it, but while they are linked to the similar concepts and essences they
May the sanctity of the Two-headed Serpent's Seed of Forbidden are so in different manners, as this sigil emphasises the spiritual
Knowledge triumph over all profanity and may all sparks of divinity achievements of those Mighty and Blessed Ones through and within
trapped within the wretched and fallen state of the creation become Death and is not only connected to their souls upon earth but also
redeemed and liberated, through the Sowing and Reaping of Sinistral to their Spirits in the Beyond/the Other Side. It is in other words the
Death, incited by the Black Light of True Divinity. sigil of the Great Work itself, not being concluded but initiated by the
entering and going through and beyond the death of the clay-horn
61 62
the serpents to the right- and left-hand side of the middle vertical line
of the sigil are the Sataninsam or the Twin-Spirit Flame divided, while
the one in the middle is the Serpent Seeded Spirit Awakened and
ascending, or the Spirit Made Whole through consolidation and union
of its divided parts.
The seven visible coils of the serpent around that vertical shaft of the
Trident of the Holy Serpent Flame are also of relevance and encode
both the connection of the sigil to the Seven Generations of Qayin and
Qalmana before the flood and the Seven Gates and their Keys through
which the union and ascent of Spirit was/is accomplished .
The Sigil of Spirit's Deathly Ascent is a sign which can both adorn
the altar of the Master and the Lady and that of the Mighty Dead,
and serve as a focal point used during contemplation of the mysteries,
e meditations and the workings meant to recall those who through the
The Sigil of the Spirit's Deathly Ascent, being a sign of the Fire-Born Dead
e route codified within its linear forms have already achieved its glorious
and linear codification of the goal strived for through the Great Work
n promise. The key to the activation of this sigil lies fully within the
realm of the Spirit, granted through revelation and Necrosophic Gnosis.
spelling of Falcifer, which is the more common way to write the title
of the Scythe-Bearer in Latin. By using the FalXifer spelling of His
title we both separate Him from the general associations between the
CHAPTER 3 title Falcifer and the god Saturn and at the same time incorporate
within His title the marking X at the centre. Falxifer becomes thus
W�.e :!lark nf ®auin anb its the Crucifer/the Cross-bearer and the cross, which within our workings
tesnt.erir �igil is a most important symbol with many different attributions and
meanings given to it, becomes here an exoteric aspect of That Mark.
65 66
The Seed-Point: • to aid in the breaking of their Holding Vessels and thus facilitating
their ascension. The symbolic colour of the serpent's mark is black,
as it represents the Black Light of Divinity reacting in a disruptive
The Serpent: fashion against that which would restrict the Holy Spirit.
� The sickle represents the Harvest and the Harvester of the fruits
The Sickle: of the Spirit and symbolises Action and Work as the means through
which Gnosis is manifested and its rewards reaped. The Sickle is also
the weapon of Wrathful Will, cutting that which would cause
� The Crowning Point stands for the very Seed of Spirit Endowment; attachment or in any other way bind and restrict the Awakened Spirit
in this case representing both the Awakened Pearl of Spirit-Wisdom and as such its symbolic colour is red, as it is the spiller of the blood
and the Venusian Seed gathered from the Tree of Death and brought which must water the Seeds of Spirit with the sacrifices of one's own
to Eve in the form of the Serpent Sataninsam's Seed of Atazothic clay-horn limitations of the ego. The mark of the reddened sickle
Empowerment. The primary symbolic colour of this Seed-Point of stands for the force of separation; dividing that which is finite and
Spirit is Emerald Green, when representing the gift of Lucifer/Noctifer, that which in essence is deathless and infinite and is thus a symbol
both in the case of their first and second blessing placed upon the of the forceful path to liberation and transcendence. As a weapon and
Spirit of Qayin and Qalmana, as it in the primary form was a seed tool of murder the bloody sickle represents the antinomian approach
of the Fruit of their Love for the Spirit, plucked from the gardens of and the opposition required against the Archonic Laws before the goal
Nightside Venus and in the second blessing was in the form of the of the Great Work can be attained.
Emerald Stone, connected to that same spheres of influence, of the
Crown of Lucifer placed upon their brows, as a sign of their Regal These three separate parts when brought together manifest the One
Awakening and Uprising of the Spirit. The secondary symbolic colour Esoteric sigil of the Mark of Qayin, taking the following form:
of this Point of Spirit is black, as the Pearl of Awakened Spirit-Wisdom
through its alignment to and empowerment by the Sitra Ahra became
blackened to reflect the anti-cosmic impulse of the Divine Light, as
manifested on that Other Side.
to the Other Side and through that Other Side to the Path of Nia
leading to the Source of Divinity within the Fullness of Emptiness that
is Ain. The serpentine form stands here for both the Sataninsam and
The Esoteric Sigil of the Mark of Qayin
their bridging over to the cosmos of the Demiurge, showing the
connection made between that which is above, that which is within
and that which is below, establishing a liminality through which the It is this Mark that according to Gnosis became fully placed upon
Seed of Spirit could be sown and the Emerald Stone of the Crown Qayin and Qalmana in connection to their deeds of Murderous
could be bestowed. The Serpent's Mark also signifies a Bringer and Rebellion and Love for the Spirit, which fully awakened them to their
Scatterer of the Seeds of Spirit Endowment and one who would own True Selves and to the Other Side, to which they belonged and
empower the Sparks of Spirit, wherever they may be bound, in order would transcend to.
67 68
The sigil of the Mark is therefore a sacred symbol within the cult and
employed in different manners in order to represent and connect to
those who first, in essence, bore it proudly and to all the other Blessed
Ones of their lineage that continued and still continue to bear it with CHAPTER 4
defiant pride .
Within the workings of Holy Fetishes the sigil may be branded, carved The Mysteries of our Spiritual Blood Mother, the Twin-Bride of our
or painted upon the idol, ideally upon the forehead of the skulls Master, are of immense importance and crucial to enter in order to
employed, in order to visibly connect it to the essential principals achieve the Necrosophic Gnosis, which will facilitate the lawless
represented by the Mark and aid in the connection between its empty becoming leading to the coronations of the Spirit. The Holy Qalmana
form and the Holiness it is to be charged with or connected to. is in truth the other half of that which makes whole the Path of Thorns
leading to apotheosis and reveals the correct means and modes by and
In accordance to perceived Qayinite (and some would say Kenite) through which it is successfully traversed.
customs the sigil of the Mark can also be taken as a talismanic sign
tattooed ritually upon the body, in order to create an outer In ways similar to our Master Her soul dwells still upon the earth,
manifestation of the Mark Within and further evoke the blessings and in order to serve the cause of Her Spirit, enthroned in a state of
protection entitled to those bearing it. In such case the license to do unified wholeness on the Other Side. The secrets of Holy Qalmana are
so must first be asked for and granted by the Master and when so many and few of them can be truly comprehended without actual
received it must be taken as a mark upon the left side of the body, direct contact and interaction with Her blessed essence.
ideally in a concealed spot, as it is not for the eyes of man that it is
intended for. The ink employed for such tattoo should also be Because She is the Veiled One, the Shrouded One and the Queen of
consecrated and empowered according to the guidance of the Familiar All That Which Is Kept Hidden, She can only be approached via the
Shades and Spirits of the Path of Thorns and the marking of the body Master, our Sancte Qayin, as it is only through Him that Her power
should commence during one of the auspicious dates of the cult. and beauty can be reached and comprehended. This ties into the
mysteries concerning their spiritual bound and unbroken connection
Such tattoo must be treated as a talisman and regularly be anointed and the fact that what affects one of them also affects the other.
with holy oils and fumigated in the smoke of incense offered up to
the Master and His Lady and never be sported for the sake of the It is therefore again necessary to have had the essence of the Master
profane adornment of the flesh or for the furthering of the ego, as enlinked to and seated for a sufficient amount of time before the
it in such cases changes meaning and attributes and instead marks Hidden Flower, that is the Beauteous Qalmana, can be beheld amongst
the profaner as one worthy of nought but the reddening of the reaping all the piercing thorns and the broken bones trodden upon during the
blades of the true bearers of the Sickles of Qayin. arduous crossing of the tortuous Path of Nod.
69 70
We have therefore first now, in this Second Book of Falxifer, received individual power, for in ways similar to how Master Qayin is worked
the spiritual license to start to outline some of the esoteric traditions with singly can also the Holy Mother be petitioned on Her own to lend
concerning Her workings and offer a few insights into Her paradisal Her aid to whatever one finds worthy of Her involvement and
garden of Sorcerous Power, Death and Spiritual Rebirth. intervention.
Let it therefore be known that the profane, who have not earned the She wields powers as awe-inspiring as those of Her male counterpart
right to behold Her beauty, will instead only get to know the sharpness and within certain contexts, pertaining to the more feminine nature
of Her thorns and drink from the Envenomed Cup of Her Just Wrath, of the work, Her sorcery will be even more effectively manifested, in
instead of partaking of Her Sweet Spirit Salving Nectar, which is a ways similar to how the powers of Qayin may be better suited to call
boon reserved for Her Faithful Children. upon within certain other settings. It is in other words a question of
the two being, in their divided aspects, as the polar opposite ends of
the one and the same spirit-essence and therefore possessing
complementary attributes in relation to each other, creating in all
their forms of unification fullness and perfection.
Qalmana's identity has always been kept concealed and She has only Amongst the many facets of Holy Qalmana reflecting the Master's
been glimpsed through the apocryphal teachings and lore of certain most important aspects, such as the First Tiller, the First Killer, the
esoteric cults and traditions of old, but even in such contexts She has First Gravedigger and the Lord of the Shadows of Death, can Qalmana's
most of the time been misrepresented and not given Her true and aspects as the Rose-Crowned Queen of Harvest, the Mistress of the
deserving elevated status and importance. Bloody Sickle, the Queen of Gulgaltha and the Baalatzelmoth be
counted. But, beside these few cited aspects, which are overtly
e The Holy Qalmana is the feminine aspect of the Spirit of Qayin made connected to the most crucial manifestations of Qayin, there are still
l whole. She is the reflection of each of His manifestations and the one many others connected to Him, in ways less obvious.
who balances and completes each of His deeds and achievements with
Her own. Unto Qayin She is what Lilith is to Samael and She is Our Holy Qalmana is the Sower of the Seeds, the Bringer of Fruitfulness
f therefore a most significant aspect of that which must be venerated, and Abundance. She is the Cause of Beauty, Sweetness and Redolence.
e connected to and worked for and with, if the attainment of the full She is the Enchantress, Spellbinder and Witch-Mother. She is the
er awakening, empowerment and liberation of the Spirit is to be achieved. First Potion, Philtre and Perfume Maker.
on In ways similar to Qayin our Lady Qalmana also possesses numerous She is the Poisoner, the Deceiver of Foes and the Cunning Beguiler.
aspects and modes of manifestation, all connected to the cause of Her She is the Commander of the Shades and Spirits of the Left Side. She
being and becoming. Many of these aspects mirror those of Qayin and is the Concealer, the Granter of Invisibility and the Keeper of Secrets.
er stand for the more feminine expressions of their Spirit and they are She is the Oath Binder, the Overseer of Pacts and the Upholder of
he therefore wisely paired up and worked with within the same context, Covenants.
gst this in order to bring further completeness and focus to the sorcerous
he and spiritual manifestations sought within the different workings. She is the Piercer with Thorns, the Chastiser and the Destroyer. She
is the Subjugator, Dominator and Conqueror. She is the Becharmer,
This should on the other hand not be misunderstood as Her lack of the Turner of Hearts and Minds. She is the Consecrator, the Granter
71 72
of Spiritual Empowerments and the Cause of All True Blessings. She
is the Bringer of the Light of Spirit-Awakening and the Illuminator
of the Crossroads of Death.
She is the Queen of the Rose Gardens of Nightside Venus, who is the
Once Marked and Thrice Coronated One.
By knowing the Sancte Qayin the Holy Qalmana may be known and
by knowing Qalmana the still hidden aspects of the Master can be
revealed .
I invoke the Veiled One, whose Beauty is Enshrouded
I invoke the Bearer of the Poisoned Nectar of the Flowers of the Grave!
Otherworldly Rebirth!
75 76
spot upon the altar should be created for Her, upon which an incense
burner, a vase for the offerings of flowers, a cup for the giving and
partaking of libations, Her esoteric sigil inscribed and painted in black
CHAPTER 6 upon a red disk of wood, clay, ceramic or stone and a candle holder
with one single red candle are placed.
W�t lltntrntinn unll1fnt�rnning
nf tltt llinlu :!lntlttr The sigil disc must be fashioned in such a manner that it can withstand
being anointed with perfumes, tinctures, libations and oils, as it is
through those things which bear the traces of Her own blessings that
the sigil in question can become activated.
The cultivation of the Blessed Essence and Presence of Our Holy Upon the candle, which must be cleansed first with Tincture of Rue,
Mother Qalmana, via Her enthroning upon the Altar of Qayin, is a the characters/keys from around Her esoteric sigil are to be inscribed
process which must be initiated in successive steps. She is the only vertically, from top to the bottom of the candle, starting with the
one that can share altar with the Master and Her presence will even
character inside the double circle underneath the sickle at the centre
strengthen and complete His own manifestations. But, before any of
of the sigil and then continuing in the anticlockwise direction, inscribing
Her physical fetishes and talismans can be consecrated and stationed
each of the succeeding characters upon Her candle.
upon the altar an astral and spiritual contact with Her must first be
established. This is achieved through contemplation of Her role within
The candle is then to be anointed with the oil of Rose or Lilac and
the relevant mythos and the development of an intense longing for
prayed over, with invocations directed at Holy Qalmana entreating
experiencing of Her holiness, beauty and spirit-strengthening Light.
Her to imbue it with Her Light and make it shine through its flame.
After a sufficient amount of time of this simpler form of veneration the appropriate manner and finally, after their full consecration, veiled.
and work with the Holy Mother it will, through the guidance and
Gnosis granted by Her, become possible to seat Her enduring soul and Whichever form these fetishes take they must always be made worthy
create stronger enlinkments to a fragment of Her boundless essence, of that which is to be connected to through them and be adored
in ways similar to how the Master's essence is concretely connected accordingly. An important part of the veneration of Her idols is their
to through the holy rites of our fetishism. In order for such enthroning anointment with sacred perfumes and oils created and consecrated in
to become possible one must reach a deeper understanding concerning Her name, possessing the power to amplify Her presence.
Her nature and its connection to the natural world and through such
insights figure out the correct elements through which Her Point of As the full telestic seating of Holy Qalmana is reserved for those that
Sympathy can be established. have walked the Path of Thorns far enough to, by their watering of
the soil with their own lifeblood, be granted glimpses of the rising
Such Point of Attraction must be created by the way of the conjunction Garden of Roses (the Rosarium of Nod), the main approach to Our
of the essential elements of plants, minerals and animals, which Lady's power within the practical setting will remain through the
through the correct rites of harvest, consecration and sacrifice will employment of Her sacred sigils, as they possess the ability to reach
empower the sanctifying baths and tinctures through which suitable Her, even without having Her fully enthroned upon the altar.
vessels fit to act as a point of ingress for Her Unceasing Soul and
Transcendent Spirit can become hallowed and charged.
The exact approach for such work will not be outlined in this book,
as She, the Veiled One, has not wished for it nor given the spiritual
license to the scribe of the book to fully disclose such mysteries, but
those who study, practice and experience the truth and power of all
else that has been disclosed, both in the First and now this Second
Book of Falxifer, will become able to read between the lines and,
through the guidance of the Master, the Lady Herself and the Faithful
Famuli, be able to find any missing element needed but still
unmentioned and finally create the ablutions and tinctures demanded
for the consecration of Her most sacred idols.
The form of such idols must always be worthy of Her beauty and take
shapes related to the astral and mental forms Her essence has expressed
itself through in connection to all the workings leading up the creation,
or otherwise acquiring, of such Vessels of Holiness. Some of the most
often employed forms are those of a beautiful woman, adorned and
crowned with roses, holding a sickle in her left hand, or having such
a tool by her feet. Other times, and for the seating of other aspects
of Her essence, fetish skulls may be employed and within such settings
the skulls are often stained scarlet red, perfumed, loaded, crowned in
79 80
It is also here once again possible to combine the powers of the sigils
with those of Her Key Sigils, in order to unlock the hidden gates and
through the correct turning of the keys open up the paths to Her
Glorious Might.
�ils anil il\eus nf May Her Keys open up the hidden pathways to Her Garden of Flowers
and Thorns and may each and everyone employing them partake of
®ur &ilu nf tlf.e 1!\eaping �tklt a deserving share of the Sweetness of Her Blessings and the Bitterness
of Her Wrath.
As already stated the main outer points of contact through which Our �������
Lady is reached and venerated, but also petitioned to lend Her power
to the workings of the Qayinite sorcerer, are Her sigils, being the
imprints of Her presence already left during Her blessed manifestations The following are Her Seven Sigils and Key Sigils, being the tools of
and/or the codified aspects of the Gnosis imparted by Her Crowning Her concealing and revealing and means through which Her Holy
Light. presence may be called forth and Her Sweet Nectar and Deadly Venom
be partaken of.
81 82
Within more advanced workings the sigil is to be traced with Her
ensouled red chalk upon a black cloth and then become fully activated
by the chanting of Her Formula of Calling, the strewing of flower
petals around its keyed borders, the sprinkling of suitable libations,
the offering of fragrant smoke of sweet incense, the correct setting of
sacred flames and the assumption of the right frame of mind caused
by the realisation of some of Her hidden mysteries.
This Esoteric Sigil of Qalmana serves well as Her main focal point
upon the altar and should during the initial steps of Her veneration
be Her only representation upon the altar of Her Other Half, the
Blessed Qayin. The activation of this sigil can, because of its strong
spiritual enlinkments and immense value when it comes to establishing
a conscious contact with the Rose-Crowned Queen, be both very simple
and very complex, all depending on the context and on one's own level
of initiation into Her mysteries.
83 84
The sigil is activated by being traced in a suitable manner, the chanting
of Her Formula of Calling, flames of three red or half-red and half
black candles, this depending on the nature of the work, smoke of an
incense blend consisting of elements from three plants under Her
power corresponding with the specific work at hand, libation offerings
of strong liquor and the strewing of red Rose petals around the circle
of the sigil.
85 86
animal placed on its black points, the smoke of an incense blend
consisting of the flowers of three plants harvested from Her Garden
of Green and four withered flowers of the dead bought from Her
Garden of Bones and by seven black candles, carved, anointed and
dressed according to the purpose of the rite, placed upon the seven
crosses of the sigil and lit in Her name.
This sigil of the reaping and bloodied sickles of Liluwa, being the Seed
of Lilith born through Hawa/Uwa, is the poison cup emptied, the
trident of Crowning Fire stabbed into the earth, the establishment of
the burial mound of Murder Concealed and the Black Cross-roads of
Unfated Death paved. Through this sigil Her just vengeance is brought
upon the defilers of sanctity and those blocking the paths of the
Awakened Spirits of Her Bloodline.
The Reaping Sickles Sigil of Liluwa holds also Her dominion over the
Dark Dead and commands the shades of the murdered and the
murderous dead and can be employed within the workings in which
they are to be sent out to do Her biddings.
87 88
the blood of a dove sacrificed to the Rose-Crowned Queen, or with
Her Ensouled Ink, during the same night and planetary hour that the
copper talisman should be made. Within the workings meant to be
based and placed upon this sigil it must be traced with green
consecrated chalk upon a black cloth, sprinkled with rosewater,
fumigated with seven herbs belonging to Her planetary sphere of
influence and given one half-green and half-black candle, which is
placed at the centre of the sigil.
This sigil possesses Her powers to cause spiritual growth and expansion
of personal power and is as an amplifier of Her blessings and therefore
only employed as talisman by those within Her cult, having access to
Her powers and deserving Her boons. Amongst the powers of the sigil,
when employed as talisman, can those of becharming, the strengthening
of the bounds of spiritual love and the obtainment of wealth be counted.
It is also well paired with some of Qalmana's other sigils and Key
Sigil, which can be marked on its opposite side or traced around it,
and can within such contexts focus the Point of Power created and
effectively aid in the harvest of the blessings of Our Ever Reaping
ID4.e (@u.e.eu nf <&ulgaltlJa �igil
�almana' s <&rttn Jnint nf tf!t �kull The Queen of Gulgaltha sigil is a connecting point to the aspect of
Qalmana reigning over the Cemeteries, together with Qayin in His
Qalmana's Green Point of the Skull is a sigil mirroring in power and aspect as the Lord of the Black Cross. It calls upon the Skeletal Mistress
application that of the Green Point of Our Master, but calls specifically of the Mounds and through Her authority commands all the dead,
upon Our Lady's blessings and curses during the workings of herbal both the dark and lowly and the illuminated and blessed. This sigil
sorcery and in connection to the enspiriting recalling of the Black In is paired with the King of Gulgaltha sigil and connected to all other
Green. The sigil is here presented in its keyed form, but can similarly insignias and linear links of the different paths/aspects of Dominor
to the Green Point of Qayin be used in the two different forms and Tumulus.
in similar ways be employed also in its simpler aspect, without its
surrounding keys. The Queen of Gulgaltha sigil is to the workings of the boneyard and
the dead what the Green Points of the Skull are to the herbal sorcery.
This sigil is to be employed when the herbal elements are to be It possesses the power to quicken the shades of the dead via their
specifically consecrated through the powers of Qalmana and whenever physical links and can control and direct them via the force of their
the Black In Green specially faithful to Her are to be called back and Queen. As a talisman it grants Her protection, guidance and
re-seated within their corresponding plant elements. In keyed form empowerments during the workings conducted upon the bone sowed
it serves similar purposes as the keyed Green Point of Qayin and fields of the dead. It is a gate through which Her light of Necrosophic
serves the consecration and ensoulment of Her aspect-specific fetishes Gnosis can be received and Her Holy Soul communed with.
and talismans, connected to Her role as the Sower, the Reaper and
the Crowned Queen of the Black In Green. This sigil represents also Her position as the Queen of the Mighty
Dead and can even become incorporated into their altar setup, as a
The uses and modes of activation of this sigil reflect that which will means through which the most elevated dead can become summoned,
be fully outlined in the coming chapter concerning Qayin's Green in Her name and through Her Power.
Point of the Skull, with the only differences in the activation of
Qalmana's Green Point of the Skull being the obvious deviations when The sigil is activated by being drawn with consecrated white chalk
it comes to the Formula of Calling employed and the fact that She upon a black cloth, while the Formula of Calling is chanted, the strewing
favours Rose, Cherry or Vanilla scented cigars and cigarillos. of white Rose petals around its parameters, the sprinkling of Wormwood
91 92
infusion, the smoke of seven plants directly connected to Her
Kingdom and the flames of three half-white and half-black candles
anointed with a suitable Necromancy Oil.
The Clavis Rosarri is a sign and a means through which the Hidden
Points are entered into and that which is concealed becomes unveiled.
It is a key to the secret paths of Akeldama leading to Gulgaltha and
to the Crimson Rose Upon the Black Cross. It is a key to the Nightside
Garden of Venus, where the spilt blood of the finite ego nourishes the
flourishing powers of the Spirit-Self and where the Love for True
Divinity Conquers All.
This sigil is a key held and granted by the Enduring Soul of the Holy
Lady, opening up the thorny paths to where Her Spirit is Enthroned,
making possible the return of Blood to Blood and Spirit to Spirit.
93 94
1Ken t;igil Nn. 1
fKtn &igil No. 2
The First Key Sigil of Qalmana is that of Subjugation and is the Key
The Second Key Sigil of Qalmana is that of Becharming and is the
Sigil used in order to dominate and enthral those needed to be placed
Key Sigil used in order to turn and enflame the hearts of those upon
under one's own control. The Key Sigil of Subjugation binds both the
whom its enamouring enchantments are cast. The Key Sigil of
living and the dead to one's own service, through the regal power of
Becharming possesses the power to cast spells of glamour and confer
Holy Qalmana, and places unbreakable shackles upon others, if need
grace, beauty and charm in the minds and eyes of others and is
be, in order to subjugate their volitions and make them do one's own
employed within all workings of amatory magic driving power from
biddings. This Key Sigil is a forceful breaker of wills and linear
the Beauteous Queen of Roses. This Key Sigil is a conferrer of an
conjuration of the most stern and commanding powers of the Rose
irresistible and charismatic aura and a cause of attraction and sympathy
Crowned Queen, possessing the conquering power to place beneath
towards the one who would use it properly.
one's feet even the most unruly.
The Key Sigil of Becharming can bestow its powers through many
The Key Sigil of Subjugation can be employed in a multitude of different
different ritual techniques and can empower any work or talisman
ways and be incorporated into every rite that has as goal to defeat
harmonious with its own cause. For example, it can be inscribed upon
another entities' will through the dominating powers of Holy Qalmana.
a thin sheet of copper, which becomes consecrated and empowered
For example, it can, within the rites of ligature, be written with
through the sorceries of Qalmana and then rolled into a tight scroll
Sanctified Ink upon red or purple ribbons, which then are used to
and dropped into a bottle of perfume, in order to charge the perfume
bind the effigy embodying the target. It can be carved upon red or
with its spellbinding powers. Such consecrated copper scroll, bearing
purple candles placed on top of the links to the one meant to become
the engraving and power of this Key Sigil, when stringed on a red cord
dominated. It can adorn the wands of Qalmana, meant to act as Her
and hung around the neck will serve as a most powerful talisman of
Ruling Sceptres, for the commanding and the enforcing of one's own
amorous allurement.
will upon others, or be inscribed upon talismans meant to confer
lordship, mastery and dominion. The Key Sigil of Subjugation grants
This Key Sigil can also be inscribed upon red candles used during the
power to the one who uses it properly, by seizing and defeating the
rites of love-witching, become traced with sanctified red ink on white
will power of those against whom it is used.
plates, upon which such candles are burnt, or in different ways become
employed within the workings performed through enchanting lamps,
When written on a piece of parchment with the suitable Ink of the
fuelled with oils and perfumes extracted from Venusian plants.
Art connected to its own sphere of influence, and then burnt in the
candle flame of the Forceful Queen the ashes so produced can become
When written with blood of a dove, sparrow or a rabbit on a piece
a most empowering element to blend with other formulae meant for
of parchment this Key Sigil will constitute a most potent talisman,
the subjugation of the will of others, such as sprinkling powders, oils
imparting great charm and power of attraction, to carry on one's
or incense, and in some cases even for the mixing with Tobacco for
person and if written with an ink consisting of three drops of blood
the employment of the dominating powers of Good Amiahzatan.
from one's own left hand's ring finger, mixed with one drop of honey
and seven drops of rose water, upon a thin and small piece of paper,
its enchantment can be cast upon a target by burning it in the altar
scrolled around it is placed upon a fire fed with the perfuming oils
flame of Qalmana and then mixing its ashes into his/her food.
and incenses of Qalmana. Thus the pact becomes sealed by the power
of the Rose-Crowned Queen, through Blood and Fire, and all involved
parties become bound to uphold their covenant in the strictest of
1!\eu �tgil Nn. 3
secrecy, as by the murder of Kelimat all that which is placed underneath
the Rose (Sub Rosa) must be kept secret.
The Key Sigil of Oath Binding can within the practical context be used
in many different ways, but most often it is used as the finalising
signature of a written pact or otherwise employed as the representation
of Her sanctifying presence, under which secret alliances are entered
The fourth Key Sigil is that of Abundance and is the Key Sigil used
into or binding promises given. If human allies are to sign and seal
in order to conjure wealth, fortune and a plentiful harvest, all in
e a treaty with this Key Sigil three drops from each person's left-hand
accordance to one's own correct sowing of the seeds of that which is
e ring finger are to be mixed into a red, purified and dedicated ink,
to be reaped. The Key Sigil of Abundance is a wordless prayer to Our
e which then is used for the drawing the Key Sigil above their written ..
Lady of Good Harvest for the granting of the boons of Her increasing
agreement, in order to seal it by the Might of Qalmana.
powers of growth and is a point of connection to Her fertile aspect
as the Mistress of the Fruitful Gardens of Venus. This Key Sigil, when
In similar way can this key sigil, written upon a piece of parchment,
employed correctly, banishes the blighting influences which otherwise
e with such ink intermingled with the blood of those swearing to uphold
could ruin one's crop and aids in the flourishing of one's affluence.
, an agreement in Her name, be rolled around the stem of a single red
s Rose, which then is held over the head of each person involved in the
The Key Sigil of Abundance can aid in all forms of workings aligned
d oath binding process, while the pact is verbally pronounced by the
with its own cause and effect and serves well the talismanic arts meant
y person standing beneath the Rose. When all parties have sworn under
to focus and attract such influences. For example, written with suitable
, the Rose of Qalmana in such manner the Rose with the Key Sigil
Ink of the Art upon a piece of parchment and kept in a pouch containing
the enspirited seeds of seven plants allied to its desired effect of obstruct and mislead those against whom the Holy Mother's gifts of
wealth conjuring it can, after our Lady Qalmana's consecrations, concealment are sought. This Key Sigil is a shroud covering that which
become a most potent talisman. In similar ways it can be paired with it is placed upon, shielding it from the detection of both man and
other plant elements harmonious with its intended power and act as spirits.
the foundation of many such fetish-bundles, possessing the power to
increase one's fortune and earnings. The Key Sigil of Concealment can be employed within all settings
necessitating the hindering of the discovery of any person, deed or
Besides being written on parchment and purified paper, or inscribed thing and while not possessing the power to grant physical invisibility
on sheets of copper, this Key Sigil serves also well all forms of candle its powers to avert attention will make that which its sorcerous powers
magic, by being scratched upon the cleansed wax of a green candle are placed upon go unnoticed. For example, it can be written with the
with a copper nail, before it is duly anointed and dressed with suitable suitable Sanctified Ink upon a sheet of parchment or cleansed paper,
elements. In similar ways it can further other Rites of Flame, by being together with other magical signs and written petitions evoking
incorporated into magically charged oil lamps or by being written on concealment or directing the influences focused to blind and confuse
certain leaves which then are fed to the fire in order to attract and certain individuals, like within some of the workings done against the
cause the wanted prosperous manifestations and outcomes. law. The ashes from such written talismans burnt in the altar flame
of Qalmana can effectively be incorporated into talismanic sachets or
For the blessing of an actual acre to be sown with seeds this Key Sigil oils of concealment.
is marked upon the soil itself with the tip of a wand consecrated
through the powers of Qalmana, having been harvested from one of If inscribed on a thin band of copper, become consecrated with the
Her faithful Black In Green possessing the attributes connected to this essences of suitable plant elements and offerings, and then rolled up
Key Sigil. By inscribing the Key Sigil in question seven times upon into a scroll it constitutes a powerful talisman of invisibility, for wearing
the ground and then staking out the plot by placing four green candles, upon one's person or for placing in the proximity of that which is to
marked with the Key Sigil, one on each of the four corners and lighting be kept hidden. This Key Sigil can also be marked upon the ritually
them in Qalmana's name the soil will become blessed by Her obtained femur or tibia bone of a black cat in order to create an even
Sanctitude. more potent talisman of concealment, with the powers of misleading
and blinding all those from whom one's presence would need to be
kept enshrouded.
IKeu i'igil Nn. 5
The fifth Key Sigil is that of Concealment and is the Key Sigil used
within all workings meant to keep hidden, cloak in shadows and make
-t�mr.�� ft �
invisible that which must be protected by enduring secrecy, all through The sixth Key Sigil is that of Chastisement and is the Key Sigil used
the sorcerous power of the Veiled Queen. The Key Sigil of Concealment within all the rites of punishment and revenge, during which the
is a bringer of darkness upon the eyes and minds of others and is a wrathful aspect of the Lady of the Bloody Sickle is called upon to
means through which Her powers are made manifested in order to afflict a deserving target. The Key sigil of Chastisement is a tool of
99 100
vengeance and bearer of the sharp and poisonous thorns, piercing which then is anointed with suitable oil in harmony with its cause and
body, mind and soul of those against whom it is turned, but because placed upon the links of the target of the work. Such candle, when
of its severe nature it can also wound the hands of anyone lacking lit during the petitioning of the Lady of the Bloodstained Garden, can
the respect, knowledge and empowerments required for its correct effectively direct Her deadly emanations towards the one deserving
employment. This Key Sigil is as the thorns of the Rose, protecting Her punishments.
that which is sacred, good and beautiful, by spilling the blood of those
who would harm or defile it. When written seven times with venomous ink upon a piece of
parchment, which then is burnt in the flame of an offertory black
The Key Sigil of Chastisement is employed within all settings where candle lit for Qalmana, the ashes so produced will greatly empower
Sancta Qalmana is petitioned to harshly punish an offender and it all formulae reserved for cursing, be it for powders, oils or incense
acts within such contexts as the conductor of all the poisonous and and when written in similar fashion across the photo of the target and
harmful influences falling under Her royal jurisdiction, from both the the photo placed underneath of one of Our Lady's fetishes, it will
Kingdom of Green and the Kingdom of the Dead. It will within such direct Her punishing influences effectively upon the whole being of
settings direct all emanations connected to Her towards the baleful the person so cursed and placed beneath Her feet.
affliction of the target and enclose the person within a circle of Martial
Fire and Saturnian Poison, while jabbing him/her from all directions
with the thorns of the Fell Garden of Malediction. 1Ktn �igil No. 7
There are many different ways this Key Sigil can be used and it can
find a place within almost all forms of aggressive techniques of sorcery
and witchcraft. For example, it can be drawn with consecrated chalk,
containing enspirited elements pertaining to the nature of this Key The seventh Key Sigil is that of Consecration and is the Key Sigil
Sigil, upon any suitable surface in proximity to the dwelling place of employed within all rites of blessing and empowerment drawing
the target, such as upon the road leading to and fro the person's home, spiritual essence from the Holy Qalmana. The Key sigil of Consecration
upon the trunk of a suitable tree facing it or even upon the walls or is connected to the aspects of the sorcerous might of the Lady being
door of the house itself, all depending upon that which is most fitting the polar opposite end to those evoked through the sixth Key Sigil and
for the specific situation. it channels nought but Her benevolence and sanctitude, for the sake
of Her faithful. This Key Sigil is a connection to Her ensouling and
The Key Sigil can also be inscribed with a rusty nail upon the back enspiriting boons, granted to the receptive while She walked in life
of a figure candle consecrated according to the rite for the Enlinkment and still being granted by Her, even in and through Death.
of Sympathetic Effigies. The candle is then anointed with the venom
of seven Black In Green faithful to Qalmana and pierced with 49 The Key Sigil of Consecration is employed within all rites meant to
thorns and taken to a T-shaped cemetery crossroads and there lit in channel Her blessings and empowerments, be it towards, upon and
Qalmana's name, in order to combine the deadly powers of the plant into a person, a thing or even a shade or a spirit. It can, for example,
spirits with those of the Dark Dead. be used within the workings meant to reward someone through Her
powers or when Her essence is to be seated within some talismanic
Within other contexts this Key Sigil can be used in less elaborate form. A talisman inscribed with this Key Sigil and consecrated upon
candle burning rituals and become inscribed upon a black candle, Her other seals and through the fetishes of Qalmana can be granted
101 102
to someone deserving Her boons, or the Key Sigil marked in some
suitable fashion in the close proximity of the earthly place of a shade
or spirit to be rewarded can, in connection to the giving of suitable
offerings to Her, direct Her endowing currents towards the one She
becomes petitioned to bless.
As a talisman this Key Sigil can lend many of the blessings and the Wl}t 1!\nsaries nf tl}t 1!\nse (@ueen
protection of Qalmana and serves amply to enhance the powers of any
of Her other talismans and amulets that it can become combined with.
Within other context this Key Sigil can be used for all general Rosarium or Rosary, signifying both a Rose-Garden, a garland of roses
empowerments and consecrations and can direct Her power to infuse and a string of prayer beads, is of course something intimately
powders, oils, tinctures, perfumes, distils or anything else in need of connected to the sorceries of the Holy Qalmana, being that She is the
Her blessing touch. If branded, or otherwise marked, upon one of Her Queen of the Rose-Garden of Venus and the one who hears the wordless
wands it can create a powerful tool for the stirring of potions and prayers of the faithful. In similarity to Qayin, She also has Her set
other kinds of mixtures, bringing the blessings of Qalmana, filtered of beaded talismans, reflecting those of Qayin's described in the First
through the attributes of the Black In Green of the wand, in to that Book of Falxifer, with the only difference being the ways and the
which it would stir. alternative elements by which they are consecrated, as Her rosaries
of course must be washed and soaked in the infused essences of such
Within the rites of fetishism and ensoulment of idols this Key Sigil elements obtained from the plant, mineral and animal kingdom that
serves most efficaciously, as it acts as a focusing and drawing point have spiritual connections to and are in sympathy with Her.
for Her soul and Holy Spirit and strengthens all Her emanations
within such contexts of earthly enthroning. But, besides the rosaries similar in form to those of Qayin already
described in the First Book of Falxifer, our Holy Qalmana also possesses
Most often this Key Sigil is best manifested by being inscribed upon a set of Her own unique rosaries. These rosaries more intimately
a thin sheet of copper, which then must receive the consecrations of connected to Her secret arts and aspects of Her Soul and Spirit are
Qalmana, so that it can in turn become capable to amplify, hold and/ as following:
or reflect the power of all such consecrating blessings .
'JX7 black and 7X7 red beads, plus 7 talismanic spacing beads
'JX7 black and 'JX7 green beads, plus 7 talismanic spacing beads
'JX7 black and 'JX7 white beads, plus 7 talismanic spacing beads
The talismanic spacing beads are placed after each row of 7 black and
7 red, 7 black and 7 green or 7 black and 7 white beads strung on
For the black and red rosary the spacing beads are made of seven very
thin sheets of copper, inscribed each with one of Qalmana's Key Sigils,
which then are activated and consecrated individually with their own
connection to the Whole of Gulgaltha, spanning from the first grave
corresponding herbal formula and then rolled up tightly into small
to the last, and is both a talisman and amulet of great use during all
scroll-beads that can be strung on the rosary.
interactions with the dead, no matter if they be Mighty and Blessed
or cursed and obsessed.
For the black and green rosary the spacing beads are made of seven
different small pieces of wood, each ritually harvested from seven of
The exact procedure for the consecration of each Rosarium of Qalmana
Her holy trees, like for example Rose, Elder, Lilac, Whitethorn, Apple,
shall be left undisclosed, as it, like all of Her other mysteries, is
Cherry and Alder, or from any other such tree that sound judgment
reserved for those who actually reach Her and become received by Her
or Gnosis points out as one of Her arboreal links or points of power.
and thus also become blessed by beholding Her veiled beauty and
receiving Her illumination and direct guidance, but throughout the
For the black and white rosary the spacing beads are made out of bone
First and this Second Book of Falxifer there are enough hints and
and each of these beads are to have been buried at a separate cemetery
clues given to lead the cunning towards the correct direction, where
for 7 nights each, in a place of power specifically connected to Her
they through contemplation, meditation, prayers and communion with
aspect as the Queen of Gulgaltha, so that each of them become
the Holy Mother and Her hosts of famuli shall become able to learn
connected to the powers of a cemetery and so that the seven of them
and practice all Her sacred rites.
together constitute the One Link to the wholeness of the Sevenfold
Power of Field of Skulls, before they are strung on Her rosary.
The black and green rosary is connected to Her aspect as the Rose
Crowned Queen of Harvest and the Mistress of all Black In Green.
This rosary grants the power to conjure all spirits and spiritual qualities
of the Kingdom of Green and assists greatly in all rites of sowing and
harvesting and will, by Her power, aid in the establishing of contact
with all the aspects of Divinity hidden behind or caught within the
forms of plants.
The black and white rosary is connected to Her aspects as the Corpse
Queen of Gulgaltha and the Mistress of the Crossroads of Death. This
rosary grants Her empowerments through the forces of All Cemeteries,
as the seven cemeteries ritually connected to it esoterically create the
to draw blood from the flesh it will also be fit for the Sacred Rites
of Harvest. The blood so spilt is to be smeared upon the blade as a
reminder of the fact that power demands power and that every harvest
CHAPTER 9 has its price.
IDl}t i*lnbts nf tltt By the markings and the anointment with blood the sickle becomes
{@uetn nf �nistrnlEnrutst connected to the blade with which Qalmana Herself reaped and still
reaps, and it becomes ready for its final stage of consecration, via the
rites of ablution, during which the harvested flowers from seven plants
most closely connected to the Holy Mother are made to transfer their
spiritual virtues to the sickle, by the extraction and transfer of their
Amongst the sacred tools and the icons dedicated and connected to essences via a suitable solvent, such as water ritually collected from
Holy Qalmana it is Her Reaping Sickle and Blade which take the most a place of power or strong liquor that has been prayed over, for the
prominent position within the context of both Her veneration and Her making of a strong tincture.
practical sorcery. The blades of these tools of harvest take two forms;
one is curved and sickle shaped and the other straight bladed and in After having been marked, bloodied and washed in and by the unified
the form of a knife. Both of these blades serve their own share of the powers of the seven Black In Green faithful to Qalmana, the sickle
work and are of equal importance. is to be placed upon Her Sorcery Sigil, or Her Green Point of the Skull,
and there, according to the correct mode of activation of the sigil
The sickle serves the harvesting of herbs and other more delicate plant chosen, be given the final sanctification and the sealing of the powers
elements and possesses the ability to reap the full spiritual powers of bound to and within it. After 24 hours the Sickle of Qalmana will be
their Black In Green, through the authority of their Supreme Queen, fully empowered and removed from the sigil, wrapped in green silk
while the knife, most often with a long and heavy blade, serves to and kept upon the altar.
harvest branches and other more sturdy parts of the plants needed
for Her work.
As a small offering in return for all the Blood of Green that the sickle
is to spill, it must after its marking draw blood from the left hand
of the one meant to physically wield it. If the blade is sharp enough
107 108
When it comes to the straight reaping blade, reserved for the cutting
of the bones of plants during the sorcerous workings of Qalmana, the
procedure is exactly the same as with the making and consecrating
of the sickle, with the only differences being the shape of the sigil
meant to adorn its blade and the material of the blade itself, which
in this case must be heavy and sharp enough to cut through branches
without causing too much damage to the host tree.
The handle part of the Sickle Sigil retains its shape, but its curved
part intended for the marking of the blade must be changed into a
straight form, fitting the blade of the knife.
As for the blade the copper must here become replaced by steel or
iron and the tabu against those metals become here overridden, through
the enchanting and taming of the fires of the martial blade, by the
powers of the Witch-Mother Qalmana. This is achieved by placing the
container of infusion or tincture, in which the knife is to be washed,
directly upon the proper activated sigil of Qalmana and then first
washing and then letting the knife remain submerged in the
empowering, and in this case taming, bath for at least 24 hours,
during which the sigil upon which the work is placed is kept activated
by the power of the flames set upon it.
After the 24 hours the knife can be retrieved, dried, oiled and kept
wrapped in green silk, until it is needed for the Good Work of the
Lady, be it for benediction or malediction.
Besides its primary purposes such knife of Qalmana can also serve
well other forms of harvesting, such as when the life and soul of other
creatures are to be reaped for the sake of the fortification of Her
sorceries and the quickening of the powers of the elements employed
The Straight Sickle Sigil of Qalmana,
for the marking of the handle and the blade of a knife
From the Seed of Sataninsam She rose!
From the Side of the Serpent She came!
As a Crowned and Conquering Queen She returned!
CHAPTER 10 In the Kingdom of Nightside Venus She is now Enthroned!
1Jliluwa B.er Nam.e Js Whisper Her name in Awe and thus Evoke Death to all
that would defy True Beauty!
nub •, .
. .
Wfttir @?nrctrits •
• •
reaches up towards the zenith of His, and therefore also our own,
Becoming upon the Thorny Path of Nod.
CHAPTER 11 This insignia is a locked gate with a twofold key consisting of Qayin
Qatsiyr's Formula of Calling and a ritual procedure through which the
ID4t <&rttn Jnint nf t4t �kull key is turned and the power of Green Point of the Skull made activated
and accessible.
The worded formula in question calls upon the Master in His aspects
of the Father and Sower, the Planter, the Ploughman, the Bearer of
The Green Point of the Skull is the Insignia and Spirit Signature of
Thorns, the Reaper, the Poison Bringer, the Lord of the Tree of Death,
Qayin Qatsiyr which both represent and manifest the powers made
the Monarch of Green Death, the Master of the Sickle, the Harvester
accessible through esoteric treaties made between His spirit and the
of God and the Son of the Devil.
spirits of both the Black In Green and the Black In Red (i.e. the
Awakened Spirits within both plants and man).
The following is Master Qatsiyr's Formula of Calling:
This Insignia acts as the point of ingress for the Lord of the Venefic
Veni Qayin Sator, Consitor et Arator!
Sickle and is indispensable when it comes to the plant related aspects
Veni, veni Spinifer, Messor et Venenifer!
of His Sorcery.
Veni Dominor Arbor Mortis!
Veni, veni Rex Mars Viridis!
Through this insignia His powers, in the aspect of the Thorn-Crowned
Veni Baal-Maggal et Qatsiyrel!
Harvester and Master of the Green Skull, are evoked and directed
Veni Qayin ben Samael! (x7)
towards the workings of consecration and telestic seating of spiritual
essences related to the aspects connected to these manifestations of
For the ritual procedure of the activation of the Green Point of the
Qayin's soul and spirit.
Skull, through which the powers called upon through the given formula
are accessed and directed, four green candles, one black candle, liquor
The powers of this insignia of the Master Qatsiyr can be compared
and a cigar are required.
to a combination of His Nigromancy and Falx Bellicum sigils, with
the addition of His aspect-specific essence as the Master of all Venefic
The insignia is to be marked in a suitable manner on a fitting surface,
Arts and the Sovereign of all spirits of the Green Kingdom and can
such as with ensouled or otherwise sanctified black or green ink, paint
therefore serve all rites in which the Black In Green are to be charged,
or chalk upon a piece of green or black cloth, a piece of flat wood
called back, empowered or worked with in any other form through His
or on a cleansed and suitable sized piece of paper or parchment.
direct involvement, authority and grace.
Liquor is then to be sprayed from the mouth three times over the
Through this insignia the path of the First Akeldama can be opened
insignia in order to water it. The cigar is lit in traditional manner and
and the spirits of the plants, once awakened by the blood of the First
its smoke blown at all parts of the insignia in order to further activate
Murdered, can be summoned and communed with, both for the sake
it, while prayers through the smoke are given to the Master concerning
of sorceries base and exalted, as that Field both covers the nadir and
the reason for why His powers are roused through the Green Point.
117 118
The four green candles are so to be positioned upon the four cardinal
points of power within the insignia, and the one black candle is
positioned upon the skull at its centre.
The green candles are to be given flame first, while Qayin Qatsiyr's
Formula of Calling is chanted once over each, starting with the
uppermost green candle and moving downwards in a widdershins
motion until the fourth green candle is lit, and then the black candle Qayin Qatsiyr's Green Point of the Skull
is given flame and the formula is chanted three times over its flame,
so that the Calling of Master Qatsiyr has been intoned all in all seven There is a secondary version of the same insignia in which the Green
times over the five flames. Point of the Skull is encircled by the characters of Master Qatsiyr and
in contrast to the primary version, which is most often employed
At that point when the insignia has been planted, given libation, smoke within rites where plant-elements are worked with through His grace
and fire and the calling has been chanted for the seventh time, the and power, this secondary aspect of the insignia is reserved for the
Point of the Green Skull will have been fully activated and opened, evocation of the essence of the Master Qatsiyr Himself and is most
and the Black of the Green placed upon it becomes summoned by the often utilised when His aspect-specific fetishes and talismans are to
power of Qayin the Tiller and brought back, quickened and charged be ensouled with the spiritual essence of the Sovereign of All Black
directly by His sorcerous might and their consecrated element assumes In Green, when He is to be given thanks and offerings and be
thus qualities similar to correctly ritually harvested plants and becomes communed with directly, or when His direct intercession is sought in
enspirited by their corresponding daemons. certain other pressing contexts.
Upon such activated Green Point, the daemons of the plants can be If the purpose of the Calling is to imbue different elements, talismans
communed with in many different ways and their signatures and secret and fetishes with His essence, all such objects must be placed upon
names can be obtained by those possessing the empowerments of the vertical and horizontal parts within the insignia or upon the skull,
First Coronation. close to where the black candle shall burn. If the purpose is instead
to give Him offerings or to petition Him to reap on one's own behalf
the offerings or/and sympathetic links pertaining to such goals are to
be placed upon the four diagonal points inside the insignia, within the
curve of the blade of each reaping sickle.
119 120
and colour of the candles and to the timing of the chanting of the
Salve Qayin Sator, Consitor et Arator!
Formula of Calling.
Salve, salve Spinifer, Messor et Venenifer!
Salve Dominor Arbor Mortis!
The libation of liquor is here to be replaced by the fresh spilt blood
Salve, salve Rex Mors Viridis!
of a suitable animal offering and the green upon which the insignia
Salve Baal-Maggal et Qatsiyrel!
is marked in black is by this 'Watering of the Field' made red, and
Salve Qayin ben Samael!
thus Akeldama becomes established.
The seven half-green and half-black candles are to planted upon the
crosses spaced between the characters/keys surrounding the insignia
and the one black candle is placed at its centre, upon the Falx Bellicum
marked skull.
The giving of flame starts with the candle placed upon the uppermost
positioned cross, marking the Point of Midnight, and Qayin Qatsiyr's
Formula of Calling is chanted once. The candles are then to be given
flames to in the usual widdershins motion and succession and for each
candle lit the Formula of Calling is chanted once, until all the seven
half-green and half-black candles have been lit and His Calling has
been chanted seven times. At that point the black candle at the centre
of the insignia is to be given flame and the salutation of the Master
Qatsiyr is to be chanted once, in order to give praise and
The Keyed Insignia of Master Qatsiyr
welcome Him that has come.
Thus the material corpus of each plant that at first, because of the
Demiurgic act of spiritual diluting, did not possess any other virtues,
but those of the four material elements, received a hidden Quinta
Essentia, because of the blessings and curses brought upon and through
Amongst the most powerful magistelli of the Qayinite are those of the material portion of each plant but instead to that Hidden Part, which
Arboreal and the Herbaceous Hosts of Black Guised In Green. These in ways unseen and uncomprehended by the profane race of Adam
faithful allies to our cause and assistants in Our Great Work are the is connected to the Pneumatic Flames burning within our own selves.
embodied spirits of some of the intruding forces of the Sitra Ahra, the
portions of the diluted divine essence that they empowered, awakened We shall therefore now focus on these Yereq-Tsaba of Qayin Qatsiyr;
and aligned to the Cause of the Black Light and the spirits of the many being the Green Host of Qayin the Harvester; the Legion of Black In
Nephilum and other Mighty Dead that later became seated within Green.
The intruding powers from the Sitra Ahra are the ones brought into harbouring the Green Daemons of Our Work, presented here together
this world through Our Master Qayin's and Our Lady Qalmana's first with their Magical Signatures which by the wise can be used in order
acts of blood sacrifice, which stained red the green and opened up the to access their hidden and most potent spirit-powers.
jaws of the parched earth and connected the first tombs to the unlocked
gate of the Nahemothic realm. As the First Tillers became the First
Murderers, the very nature of the plant kingdom became altered and
the shadow-vessel of each and every plant sowed, cared for and
harvested by our Master Qayin Qatsiyr and His Rose-Crowned Bride,
our Blood-Mother Qalmana, became thus affected and unnaturally
Because of this there are two aspects to each plant in this world; one
being the profane aspect serving the Law of Nature and the other
constituting the Hidden Black In Green; being spirits not installed
within them by the Demiurge of this world but instead shards of that
holy crystallized Black Azoth from and/or aligned to that Other Side,
endowed to them through the deeds of the two First-Born of the
Bloodline of the Janus-faced and Doubly Cunning Serpent Sataninsam.
Alber Almnnb
(Alnus gfutinosa) (Prunus dulcis)
The daemon of the Alder tree is a guardian of the spirit-gates often The daemon of the (sweet) Almond tree is a bringer of abundance,
found in connection to still ponds, lakes and rivers. She can cause wealth and riches. She is a strong worker of enchantments concerning
drowning, but also grant protection against it. Her dominion is love and lust and possesses the power to make her allies beloved by
specifically over the souls of the suicides and murder victims that their friends and liked by their foes. This daemon enhances all powers
have died by drowning. She possesses also great power over the and currents which are in line with her own, and where there is the
darker races of the faerie, especially the ones most adverse towards seed of growth for her sorcery she can cause great fruitfulness. The
the race of Adam inhabiting bogs, swamps and the liminal marshes. wood of the Almond tree, when empowered by its daemon, will also
This daemon is also very strong when it comes to protective rituals aid in all forms of dowsing, be it by the work of the wand, forked
aimed at the reversal and removal of curses, as she holds sway over rod or pendulum and can lead the exalted to hidden treasures, riches
many kinds of baneful currents and can open and close the doors concealed beneath the soil or to any lost items sought.
between the target and the poisoned currents directed towards him/
her. A ritually harvested Alder wand empowered by this daemon is
therefore the key to immense powers coveted by most sorcerers,
spirit-workers and necromancers as it can, by the grace of its daemon,
grant the powers of prophecy and spirit-sight, and lend protection
and control over many dark shades and spirits. The Alder daemon
is one of the Black In Green beloved by and devoted to Qalmana,
and it is in Her holy names that this daemon's blessings and
empowerments can be obtained.
125 126
l\ngtl's mrumptt l\pple
(Brugmansia) (Malus domestica)
The daemon of the Angel's/Devil's trumpet is a mighty spirit with The daemon of the Apple tree is another great enchantress and a
mastery over many aspects of the Sorcerous Arts. She is a seductress bringer of many blessings and powers to those who approach her
and enchanter of minds and souls and can cause lust and love, as correctly. She is one of the strongest spirits when it comes to the arts
well as horror and insanity. She holds sway over the gates of sleep of love-witching and her power to cause sympathy, attraction, lust
and can cause both erotic dreams and terrifying nightmares. She and love is unparallelled. She can sweeten the hearts of man and
possesses the power to grant the Ghost-Sight and is one of the holders cause friendship and lasting bonds between those who come together
of the green keys to the kingdom of the dead. The daemon of the in her presence. She is also a great protector and can act as a banisher
Angel's Trumpet can induce communion between the living and the of many kinds of misery and illness. Her powers to bless reaches
dead, mostly within the realm of dreaming and through profound beyond the realm of the living and can also strengthen and comfort
states of trance, but can also grant the powers of divination and the dead and she is therefore often entreated to attend within the
prophecy to those who entreat her wisely and correctly. She can point contexts of non-coercive necromancy. The daemon of the Apple tree
out secret tombs and the hidden treasures of the dead and grant the holds also the keys to forbidden occult knowledge and is one of the
power of soul-flight within the context of sabbatic sorcery. Her powers earthbound spirits most beloved by Qalmana and is therefore a
are most accessible during night-time, when the enchanting scent of guardian of the mysteries of Our Holy Blood-Mother and a potential
her flowers signals her awakened presence. The flowers of this daemon, granter of illumination and wisdom. The wood of the Apple tree can
when dried and mixed with the holy Tobacco of Amiahzatan, can be therefore be used to unlock the cited powers of this great daemon,
employed as a very potent incense used in order to channel the but also act as the very key to the spiritual points of the otherworldly
blessings and curses of this mighty spirit. realms that the Apple tree often stands upon.
127 128
l\sq �au1!Iaurel
(Fraxinus excelsior) (Laurus nobilis)
+<, r ·>+
The daemon of the Ash tree possesses the power to open up the gates
to all realms, both physical and spiritual and can direct magically The Daemon of the Bay Laurel tree is a mighty spirit of victory and
generated power or the very soul of those with whom he chooses to conquest. He grants success in battles and leads one to triumph by
work with across the spiritual planes. His powers are connected to dispelling false notions and faulty ideas. He can within such adversarial
the mysteries of the Spirit Stead and to the Vertical Road between settings also be entreated to attack one's foes and cause them to
the lowest and the highest worlds within creation. By his blessing the make strategic mistakes in the heat of the battle. He is also a bringer
wand harvested from his tree can become the witch's broom or the of wealth and good luck and can be a generous granter of boons, if
sorcerer's staff, upon which the barriers standing between the realms worked with properly and according to his own holy tabus. The daemon
of man and gods, the living and the dead and the sleeping and the of the Bay Laurel owns also the power to banish spirits of sickness
awakened can be traversed. He also possesses the power to arouse and wretchedness and is therefore called upon within many different
or calm sea waves, affect the weather, tame unruly horses and focus rites of cleansing and banishing. He can grant the powers of prophecy,
and strengthen one's Sorcerous powers of Will. vision and second-sight and aid in the opening of the Eye that can
see all that which is hidden from the eyes of the day-born race of
129 130
1iir.clt �lark 1Jrnnwnn!l
(Betula) (Krugiodendron ferreum)
The Daemon of the Birch tree is a guardian of the paths to the hidden
realms, with power to open and close gates that can allow man and The Black Ironwood, also called the Devil's Wood within certain
spirits to climb the axis between the worlds. She holds sway over traditions, possesses a daemon feared and respected by all who have
many lesser spirits and has the ability to banish the lowly spirits of knowledge of his existence. He is a diabolical dryad with immense
disease, misery and sadness. She can banish unwanted influences appetite for the blood of both animals and man. He is a master of
and can cleanse both body and soul from parasitic forces. She is a the infernal arts of necrosophic black magic and holds power over
protector of the dead, but can also be employed to remove the Dark the souls of Dark and Evil Dead. He commands, in the name of
Dead and sweep away their harmful influences. The Daemon of the Qayin, legions of dead murderers, suicides and vengeful murder victims
Birch tree also possesses the power to bind both man and spirits with and draws to himself all manners of bloodthirsty, sadistic and obsessive
the power of solemn oaths sworn in her presence and attends many spirits. Not only does he possess the power to gather such dark
of Our Mother Qalmana's rites of Pacts and Holy covenants. The assembly around himself, but he also possesses the power to bind,
wand empowered by this lovely daemon can not only exorcise negative control and command them all. He is the guardian of the Arboreal
spirits and influences, act as a spirit-bridge and be a sign of unbreakable Hell Gate and a bringer of madness and slow, but often bloody,
oaths, but it can also control the weather and raise storms. The bark
death. Since he first drank of Abel's spilled blood he has craved the
of such a blessed tree is also used as parchment upon which talismans
lifeblood of the children of Adam and during the rituals in which he
of protection are drawn and petitions to spirits are written its twigs,
is petitioned to grant a part of the tree he possesses to the sorcerer
when tied with red ribbons and used as a magical broom, can be
he is always, in the name of the Devil, given the blood of animals
employed for the sweeping away of unwanted influences, but also
slaughtered by the root of his tree. His ceremonies are most often
serve as the iconic tool of spirit flight, upon which the soul of the
conducted during the night hours of Good Friday, and it is during that
sorcerer during awaken dreams can travel across the realms of night.
night that he is most willing to aid the sorcerer in his darkest workings.
The wand empowered by this daemon possesses the power of the
Sceptre of the Master of the Dark Dead and serves as a key to the
most fearful realms of the dead. Any part from the Black Ironwood
tree, when ritually harvested or consecrated in the correct manner, (Prunus spinosa)
can act as a direct link to Our Master Qayin Occisor Himself.
� �
malediction and vengeance, but such thorns can also be used to set
up a protecting magical fence, upon which all intruding forces become
(Rhamnus cathartica)
impaled. Any spot encircled with the empowered wands of this
daemon becomes in a similar fashion protected and impenetrable,
but it is also widely known that any unsanctioned use of the wood
of this daemon brings a curse upon the head and heart of the profaner.
<l!q.erru mr.e.e Qtinnamnn
(Prunus avium) (Cinnamomum verum)
+ +
The Daemon of the Cherry tree is a powerful ally and a spirit with The Daemon of the Cinnamon tree is well known for its many beneficial
great powers of enchantment. She is a mistress of the arts of Love powers and is a good ally to have when working with the Black In
Witching and can effectively becharm any target and cause both lust Green. He is a bringer of good luck, prosperity and wealth, if
and love and ignite the flames of passion within the hearts of man, approached correctly and according to the laws he acknowledges. He
by strengthening or causing attraction and allure where very little or can aid in the overcoming of obstacles and in the achievement of
none originally existed. She can also grant the powers of prophecy success. He also possesses the power to incite lust and love and can
and strengthen all mediumistic abilities. Her power over animals is enflame passions within the hearts of man and creates great sympathy
also strong, and she can grant the ability to tame and befriend many towards his allies, but can also reverse his blessings into curses and
kinds of wild beasts. Any wand from the Cherry tree empowered by cause animosity, envy and jealousy within the ranks of one's foes.
this daemon will be able to channel her blessings and also strengthen This mighty spirit possesses also the ability to banish negative and
the powers of the sorcerer's own magical will, aid in the finding of stifling energies, shades and spirits and cleanse both body and soul
any sought after object or person and the opening of all closed from such burdening influences. The wood and bark of the Cinnamon
opportunities or paths leading to the goals of her allies. Upon such tree, when empowered by this daemon, can become an amplifier of
holy wand also many binding oaths are sworn and spiritual pacts and all his powers and used in order to channel, strengthen and focus
covenants entered into, most often in the Holy Names of Qalmana. his magic.
137 138
Qtlnut IDrtt <!tupre1Ht
(Syzygium aromaticum)
(Cupressus sempervirens)
The daemon of the Clove tree is a mighty spirit with many wholesome
and good attributes and skills. He is a powerful defender and a potential
The daemon of the Cypress tree is a spirit connected to the mysteries
dispenser of boons and is often entreated to aid in the shielding
of the Gulgaltha and is a guardian of the graves. His dominion is over
against danger and harmful influences, which he can nail down in
cemeteries and he is one of the daemons holding the green keys to
different manners, and in the banishing of misfortune, sickness and
the underworld. He possesses the power to bring back the souls of
obsessive shades and spirits. The daemon of the Clove tree can also
the dead and can make them communicate or otherwise interact with
assist in the breaking of the curses of one's foes and in the fortification
the living. He can strengthen the souls of the living and the dead and
of the spiritual defences of his allies. He can attract wealth and luck
grant comfort, purification, illumination and spiritual elevation, but
to those upon whom he chooses to place his blessings and make them
he can also become provoked or entreated to curse, bring maddening
more attractive in the eyes and minds of the opposite sex. The branches
sorrow and depression and the torments of the Restless Dead. This
and wood of the Clover tree, when empowered by this daemon, can
dryadic spirit has also the ability to bind both the living and the dead
be used in many different ways for the channelling of his power, but
and block their paths in life or death. The wood or other ritually
the most blessed share of harvest from his tree, containing links to
harvested parts of the Cypress tree, empowered by this mighty guardian
his spiritual essence, is its unopened flower buds, which are used in
of the death-paths, can be used in all manners of necromancy and
many different forms of sorcery, especially when sun dried and used
necrosophic sorcery, and a bonfire made with such wood and leaves
as fragrant nail with which his protection and benediction are
from his tree can be made into an open Ghost Gate, through which
called upon.
souls can enter or leave the Kingdom of the Dead.
lragnn illnn.b Wrtt 1£Uter
(Dracaena Cinnabari) (Sambucus nigra)
The daemon of the Elder Tree is one of the mightiest amongst all
The daemon of the Dragon Blood tree is a fierce spirit of war, victory
of the Black In Green. She has been considered a goddess in her own
and conquest. He possesses the power to grant courage and strength
right by many and possesses immense powers and works closely with
to his allies and strike fear into the hearts of their enemies and make
and for the Soul of Our Blood-Mother Qalmana, and some would
them demoralized. He is an elevator of the astral currents and where
even go as far as saying that Her Blessed Soul actually dwells within
he is evoked all lower astral shades and spirits become banished, he
the Elder tree and that the dryad of that tree is as a daughter to Her.
is therefore often called upon during the rites of exorcism and spiritual
The aspect of Our Holy Qalmana that the daemon of this tree is
cleansing and is known as the eraser of the stains of the Dark Dead.
specifically connected to is Her deathly manifestation, as the Skeletal
Because of his high vibratory nature and fierce and purifying martial
Queen of Gulgaltha. The Elder tree itself is an arboreal manifestation
heat, he is seldom called upon within the necromantic settings, as
of the Queen of Death and its daemon is both Her messenger and
most of the dead fear him. The spirit of this fiery dryad can also
handmaiden. This daemon possesses the ability to channel and direct
grant male virility, enflame passions and cause lust, but he can also
the powers of all graveyards and make the dead and the other spirits
aid in workings of domination and coercion. The wood and resin
dwelling in such places do the biddings of herself and those of her
from the tree of this daemon, when fully empowered, can become
allies. She can summon, but also engulf or banish the shades of the
a conductor of his force and grant both protection and power, and
dead and acts as a commander of the ghostly legions. She possesses
outside the context of the workings with the Dark Dead and other
also the ability to strengthen all necromantic spells and holds the
spirits of the lowest astral, strengthen most, if not all, Sorcerous
secret keys to both the most infernal and the most elevated forms
of necrosophic sorcery. She is also known to delight in the punishing
and execution of traitors and oath breakers, and upon the branches
of her tree the effigies connected to many such betrayers have been
hung by the neck. Suitable branches ritually harvested from the tree
of this daemon, after her sacrifices have been given and her license
to harvest has been clearly obtained, can be used to make the Sceptresj
141 142
Fetish-Wands of Qalmana, with the power to command and summon iEim!lllu.dJ iElm
all of the inhabitants of the Places of the Skulls. Such empowered (Ulmus gfabra)
wood from the Elder can also be made into flutes, equalling in power
to certain human thighbone trumpets, with which the living can be
enchanted and the dead and other chthonic spirits evoked. All portions
of such harvest can be used in different ways in order to bless and
consecrate other tools used within the Sorcerous arts of the Children
of Qayin and Qalmana and even the soil ritually obtained from the
base of this daemon's tree can channel and direct her powers according
to the Holy Laws of Our Sorcery. It must also be stated that
disrespectful harvest or unsanctioned use of any part of this tree
brings a harsh vengeance upon the head of the foolhardy and harvest
from this tree should not even be considered unless one has received The daemon of the Elm tree possesses many Sorcerous powers, but
some of the empowerments, protections and spiritual licenses of Our most of them are connected to the realms of sleep and death. She
Holy Qalmana. is a guardian of the Mound Gates and is one of the holders of the
arboreal keys to the underworld. She commands legions of spirits
often inhabiting the astral spaces around where her tree is rooted
and is especially respected by the dead, as she holds great power over
them and can direct their shades to do her biddings. Her power over
the astral shades is not limited to the dead and stretches to the living,
mostly during the night hours when they loosen the bounds of their
souls while traversing the fields of sleep. The Elm daemon is a mistress
of dreams and can influence the dreaming of those upon whom her
blessings and curses are laid. She can grant prophetic dreams and
cause meetings between the living and the dead within the realms
of sleep. Any part of her tree when empowered by her magic can be
used for the opening of the gates between the souls of the living and
the souls of the dead. Her wands become as keys to the burial mounds
and to knock and encircle such places of power with her wand can
unlock and open the pathways to the chthonic spirits inhabiting such
places. Those who seek to manipulate the dreams of others, or to
dream truly, do wisely in using the leaves of her tree, as the incantations
written upon her leaves become directly imprinted upon the veils of
143 144
1J1ig IDr.e.e crossroads are especially well suited for such rites of hellish ingress,
(Ficus caric) but wherever it grows it will, because of its daemon, be connected
to the Nightside by its spiritual roots. Branches of the Fig tree
empowered by its daemon are both powerful blasting wands of
fatal cursing and tools of diabolical evocations. The leaves of his
tree are good for the marking of the signatures of darker spirits
to be summoned or for the writing of infernal pacts signed in
The daemon of the Fig tree is a spirit most diabolical with powers
to cause much harm but also to bring the Forbidden Light of
Adversarial Gnosis. He is considered to be one of the guardians
of the Arboreal Hell Gates, leading to the Other Side, and his is
a tree blessed by Devil Himself and connected to the Mysteries of
the Nephilim. He possesses the power to bring great riches, worldly
and spiritual power and arcane knowledge, but can also cause
impotence, frigidity, poverty and desolation if enraged or entreated
to curse. This daemon can bind the souls of the living and bring
upon them sickness, madness and death, but he can also banish
the darkest of wraiths and reverse the deadliest of curses, if he
would be pleased with the sorcerer seeking his assistance. The Fig
tree is, when approached correctly, an axis between the worlds
and a vertical bridge between this accursed world and the Other
Side. To thrice or seven times encircle the Fig tree widdershins,
during the times when the veil between the worlds is as thinnest,
while sprinkling the fresh blood of a black rooster sacrificed to its
daemon around its roots, and performing certain other rites, is
one of the ways that the bridge-gate between the realms that this
tree constitutes can be opened. Fig trees rooted close to graves or
145 146
<&a:bnn iEbnnu knife, the wood connected to this daemon can serve many purposes,
(Diospyros crassiflora) ranging from evocations, exorcisms and bindings through encirclement,
to the directing of deadly currents towards man, shades and spirits.
A skull carved from this black wood serves as fitting fetish for Our
Master's Holy Soul and, if shaped into a black cross, it can serve as
a potent amulet and talisman connected to the workings upon the
places of the skulls. In powdered form will such enspirited wood
from the Ebony be able to strengthen all formulae serving the purpose
of evoking death or the dead, but also the esoteric workings related
to the opening of the Gates of the Nightside Gardens.
147 148
<&um :!lurrlt IDree lliawtitnrn/llmltitttitnrn
(Commiphora myrrha) (Crataegus monogyna)
*t ~
The daemon of the Myrrh tree is a great protector of the Blessed
Dead and an overseer of the earthbound ones. He is a guardian of
The daemon of the Hawthorn is one of the Queens of the Black In
the Tomb-Gates and can bring the blessings of the living to the dead
Green and is, in ways similar to the Elder daemon, connected to Our
and vice versa. This daemon holds the power to strengthen all astral
Lady Qalmana, but where the Elder represents the skeletal and deathly
currents and can open the pathways between the living and the dead.
aspects of Our Lady, the Hawthorn connects to Her 'Harvest Queen'
He can strengthen and elevate other energies and vibrations related
aspects, with emphasis placed on Her beautiful and enchanting, but
to the chthonic, sub-lunar and astral realms and can bring the souls
yet also both protective and conquering attributes. The daemon of
of the living to the dead or the souls of the dead to the living. He
the Hawthorn possesses great martial powers and can be considered
can purify both the living and the dead and banish lowly spirits and
to be the female counterpart of the spirit of the Blackthorn. She can
energies causing sickness, misery and sadness. The wood and resin
therefore both grant protection and smite those who offend her or
empowered by this daemon can channel and focus all his powers and
oppose her allies. She is also one of the key holders of the Otherworldly
in different ways manifest his presence and might within the context
gates and guards the pathways and crossroads hidden beneath the
of many forms of sorcery. The thorns from his tree are especially
visible realm and stands upon the intersecting points of liminality,
suited for the punishment of grave desecrators and those who defile
where the shades and spirits of the chthonic spheres crossover into
the Saintly Dead. The branches of Myrrh tree ritually harvested from
the world of man. She is known for her ability to shield against the
or otherwise consecrated through this spirit can also serve as mighty
obsessive and dark dead and other forms of astral dangers and attacks
keys to the realms of the dead and act as shields against many kinds
directed at her allies, but she can also send such malevolent forces
of impure and profane influences.
to punish and seek vengeance when provoked, or when correctly
beseeched to do so. She can summon the spirits bound to the chthonic
and sublunar realms or banish them and can grant those who win
her favour the ability to see all these spirits and wraiths, but she can
also make such favoured ones as invisible as the inhabitants of the
spirit world in the eyes of others against whom the gift of concealment
is sought. This daemon of the Hawthorn has likewise power over fire
]l{a5.el IDr.e.e
and lightning and can protect against the devastation that they can
(Corylus ave/lana)
cause or direct their destructive forces to smite the enemy. Besides
these fierce abilities she also possesses the charming and enamouring
powers granted to her by the blessings of the Holy Qalmana, and she
can ignite the flame of passion and love within the hearts of man
and is most often entreated to do so in connection to the workings
of the philtre and ligature when unrequited love is to be championed.
The branches, flowers, thorns and other parts of the Hawthorn are,
when empowered and blessed by its daemon, most useful tools of
sorcery for workings concerning evocation, banishment, protection,
magical attack, binding, enchantment and invisibility, all according
to how wisely they are employed in the name of the Rose-Crowned
Mistress of the Hawthorn Queen.
The daemon of the Hazel tree is a spirit of great wisdom and power
and a very good ally to have for those who traverse the Thorny Path
of Nod. He can grant knowledge concerning the occult and the unseen,
but also possesses the power to make that which is known forgotten.
He is greatly known for his ability to aid in many different forms
of divination and can bestow the gift of foresight upon those he
deems worthy of his blessing. This daemon can also aid in the reversing
of curses and in the removal of the damaging influences of such
sorcery placed upon man, animals or plants. He protects against both
lightning and fire and can lend his aegis to those amongst his blessed
that seek entrance into the abodes of darker spirits and the shades
of the dead. He can also grant the blessing of magical and poetical
inspiration and banish all kinds of mental confusion. If entreated
correctly he can also point out secret treasures and grant material
wealth and copiousness. The forked branches of the Hazel tree blessed
by this daemon can become powerful dowsing tools with the ability
to point out not only hidden treasures and chthonic water and mineral
veins, but when three-pronged and trident shaped such wand will
also possess the power to conjure thieves, murderers and runaways
whether they be living or dead. The smaller twigs of such blessed
branches harvested can be woven into crowns that, when worn with
the blessing of this daemon, can grant protection, invisibility, inspiration
and luck. The nuts of such tree can, when employed within the llinllu IDrtt
talismanic arts, also summon the blessings of its daemon, especially (!lex aquifolium)
in connection to the accumulation of luck and wealth, and when
eaten as a sacrament the Hazel nut can bring knowledge, inspiration
and guidance by further strengthening the bounds between the sorcerer
and the daemon of the Hazel tree.
The daemon of the Holly tree is a mighty spirit with the powers to
both protect and attack. He controls the hidden powers of fire and
directs them in accordance to the will of the sorcerer in order to forge
the swords of conquest or establish fiery walls of protection. He
protects against the very elements that he controls and can avert
disasters caused by fire and lightning. This daemon holds the power
to tame both man and beast and can banish all unwholesome spirits,
if entreated correctly to do so. He is connected to the mysteries of
Tubal-Qayin and acts as a link to the Nefilimic Shade of that Mighty
Dead and by the means of that enlinkment also connects to the Holy
Soul of Master Qayin himself. This daemon of the Holly tree possesses
also oneiric powers and can influence the sleeping mind and grant
the gift of prophetic dreams. He is a spirit most potent during the
dark half of the year and can during that period grant his most
potent blessings and curses. His empowerments award strength, victory,
power, initiation into the secret arts of the forge and the furnace and
can grant the armour of fascination and glamour, with which fear
is placed into the hearts of foes and alluring enchantments placed
upon the coveted. The branches and leaves of the Holly tree blessed
by this daemon can serve to focus and enhance all his powers and
amongst other things be used to tame, dominate, banish, conquer,
protect and induce truthful dreams.
153 154
Juniper mree 1Jjflar Wrtt
(juniperus communis) (Syn·nga vulgaris)
+ ( +
155 156
of passion, love, lust and union, but also sorrow, sickness and death, flurtl.e
if used disrespectfully or if used on purpose for such causes within (Myrtus communis)
the fell workings of malediction, in which the aim is to bring down
maladies upon the residence of an enemy. One of Qalmana's titles
is "the Lilac Smelling One", as it was Her lovely touch that granted
this and all other fragrant flowers their sweet scents, and because
of that the perfume of this daemon is also a gift well received by the
Holy Mother of the Qayinite Bloodline and an element that, if used
correctly, can evoke Her blessed presence.
The daemon of the Myrtle tree is one of the faithful and loved daughters
of Lady Qalmana and a sister of the spirit of the Rose. She possesses
supreme powers within all spheres of Love-Witching and is a ruler
of hearts, uniting in bliss those who respectfully are tied together by
the bounds of Venus in her presence. This daemon is a heart-turner
and can cause love and passion where such feelings before had been
absent and can strengthen the heat of passion within the souls of
those already enamoured. She does not only cause such sentiments
but also preserves and protects them against all that could break her
enchantments. Her power reaches beyond the limitations of the clay
horn flesh and she can, if entreated correctly and paid the offerings
requested, even unite the souls of the dead with the living who still
love them. She can also grant protection against misfortune and aid
in bloodless victory over enemies. Her powers to increase fruitfulness
and grant bountiful harvest can also aid in the accumulation of wealth,
and abundance is the reward she often bestows upon those blessed
enough to win her favour. Even if this daemon is known for loveliness
she can also be easily offended by the brutish and is known to punish
disrespect and indifference towards her tree with bad luck, impotence
and even death. The branches of the Myrtle tree, empowered by this
daemon, are used as wands for the stirring of philtres and for the
casting of enchantments upon hearts and minds, but also for the
swearing of oaths during marital rites and other such conjugations
157 158
motivated by love. Her flowers are used in the sacred arts of perfumery ®ak
and employed within certain rites connected to the Holy Qalmana, (Quercus robur)
in ways similar to the employment of Lilac and the Rose perfumes,
and the leaves of her tree are, when made into a powder, or when
inscribed with Sorcerous signs, used in her witchcraft concerning \lJ
wealth and protection.
The Daemon of the Oak tree is one of the monarchs of the Arboreal
Host and is as wise as he is powerful and one of the Black In Green
blessed by the touch of the Master of the Green Skull, as the leaves
of his tree offered shelter and hooded the Master during His Exile.
The Oak daemon is a guardian of the arboreal spirit-gate standing
in the middle of the crossroads where the roads to all unseen realms
intersect, and he holds the keys to the opening and closing of the
gates and the paths. He can therefore act as a messenger or, more
correctly, as a gate to other spirits and through him other realms can
be reached and spiritual powers harnessed. He is one of the wisest
amongst the brethren guised behind the masks of wood and can
bestow wisdom and knowledge concerning the mysteries of the trees
and plants upon those he chooses to bless. He is a great protector
and can banish and close the gate through which harmful influences
emanate and even shield against lightning. The branches of the Oak
empowered and blessed by this daemon become powerful wands with
which the arboreal spirit-gates can be opened and the spells and
power of will become strengthened. The leaves can confer both luck,
wisdom and protection and the acorns can become used as talismanic
seeds for success and victory, as well as fertility and virility. Such
acorns are also known to feed the spirits inhabiting the liminal points
of the wild and grant strengthening nourishment to the shades of the
159 160
Jain �antn wr.e.e from such Palo Santo trees that have fallen dead to the ground and
(Bursera graveolens) there remained for at least 4 years. Such wooden corpse is strongly
connected to this Spirit of Resurrection and contains the essential
+ links to all his blessings.
+ +
The daemon of the Palo Santo tree is a spirit connected to the Saintly
Mask of Qayin and is a mighty friend and ally. He is a carrier of the
fire of purification with which he banishes sickness, misfortune, sadness
and all that is unwholesome to both body and soul. He is a breaker
of the curses of the enemies and a shield against the evil eye of the
jealous and the hateful. This daemon is so strong that he can thwart
the foul Archon Azrael and bring the dying back from the brink of
predestined death, if entreated correctly and made willing to do so.
His most secret powers are connected to the empowering, or extraction,
of the life-force of the dying and the dead, and he possesses also the
ability to nourish the Mighty Dead, and at the same time bar the path
from and banish all obsessive and dark shades. He can grant spiritual
focus and magical control and is an enhancer of the blessings sought
and received from the Master of the Green Skull. This spirit of the
Palo Santo tree is the polar opposite of the daemon of the Black
Ironwood (Palo Diablo), but is in secret ways connected to him, as
they together mask the True Face of Qayin. The wood from the Palo
Santo tree, empowered by this daemon, serves mostly as carved
talismans and fetishes of Our Saint Death, but also as smudge wands
and, when powdered, as holy incense. There exists a strong tabu
against harvesting from the tree of this daemon while the tree is still
alive, and as his powers linger within and are connected to the bones
of his physical corpse, usually a blessed harvest can only be obtained
161 162
J.enr4 Jtur
(Prunus persica)
(Pyrus communis)
The daemon of the Peach tree is both a fierce protector and a charming
The daemon of the Pear tree is a worker of miracles concerning love
enchantress. She can aid in all kinds of witchcraft connected to the
and lust. She can entice even the chastest and spellbind the coldest
conquest of hearts and can cause both lust and love, or strengthen
of hearts with her powers of desire. She is a spirit of temptation and
such sentiments where they already are present. This daemon can
can cause sexual attraction, charm and charisma and by her Sorcerous
also aid in all workings concerning fertility and bountiful harvest,
Glamour beautify those upon whom her blessings are invested. This
where the sowing of the seeds is overseen and directed by her spirit.
daemon lends her blessings to all kinds of orgia and hedonistic
She is also a mighty shield against the evils of both man and spirits,
celebrations and takes pleasure and power from the currents raised
and especially potent against the harmful and dark dead. Her power
during such rapturous rites. She also possesses the power to protect
to banish and subdue lower and earthbound spirits is immense and
against spells such as the ones she herself casts, and talismans blessed
where she is attending as the guardian no disturbing shades or
by her can act as wards against amorous bindings. The wood of the
elementals can linger. The fruits, leaves and branches of the Peach
Pear tree, empowered and blessed by this daemon, can become powerful
tree, when blessed by this daemon, can aid in all sorceries connected
wands of love-conjure and will effectively focus, strengthen and direct
to her powers. The sweet juices of her fruits can greatly enhance the
the currents of lust and passion. Her flowers and fruits are wisely
powers of philtre and potions made for the casting of her spells, and
employed within the arts of the philtre and can even call upon her
the leaves of her tree can be marked with holy ink and carried as
defensive powers against the enchantments of others.
talismans or made into powder and used during cleansing and
banishing rites. The wands of this daemon possess immense powers
of both enchantment and forceful protection, as they can both enflame
hearts and beat to submission unruly spirits. The ritually harvested
wood of this daemon's tree can also be shaped into small daggers
and swords and aid greatly in all magical combat and become thus
doubly as strong when it comes to conquering the inhabitants of the
lower planes.
Jint Jnplar
(Pinus .rylvestris)
(Populus alba)
ltnst a mistress of the graves and a holder of their keys within such contexts.
(Rosa) This daemon of the Rose can both lovingly summon the Faithful
Dead and forcefully banish the profane shades of the day-born,
whenever called upon in connection to the Workings of the Skulls.
All parts of the Rose bushes harvested from and blessed by this
daemon can strongly aid in the channelling of her powers and are
often employed within the Arts of Qalmana. When it comes to the
magic of perfumery and philtre, such blessed harvest of Rose is
indispensable. The oaths sworn beneath a bloodstained Rose are
unbreakable and guarded not only by this mighty daemon but also
by Our Holy Mother and accursed will be any and all oath breakers,
as they will be pierced and bound by thorns, both in life and in death.
X So blessed is the Rose and its daemon that when proper idols and
fetishes for the adoration of Holy Qalmana are lacking, one, three
or seven red roses can be ritually adored as a representation of Her
The daemon of the Rose is a spirit much blessed and beloved by the beauty, this because the Rose continues to bear a blessed impress of
Holy Qalmana and one of the mightiest amongst the Legions of the the lovely hands which tended it inside the First Rosarium.
Black In Green. Her dominion is over four thrones and eleven families
belonging to her masks within the Earthly Gardens. This daemon is
a strong enchantress and her sorcery reaches from the realm of hearts
to the realm of skulls. She is a most efficient spirit to call upon
during all operations of amatory witchcraft and can enflame passions
and bend wills, all according to the wishes of those who have correctly
petitioned her in the names of Our Rose-Crowned Mother. She can
dominate and bind, as well as strengthen and liberate. She can protect
and purify as well as chastise and vanquish. This daemon of the Rose
possesses great powers of glamour and can bestow charm, charisma
and beauty upon those that she chooses to bless. She masters the
magical arts concerning secrecy and invisibility and is a powerful
guardian of that which must remain hidden. She is a concealer and
silencer of Blood Spilt and a protector of oaths, pacts and covenants,
especially those sworn or entered into in the Holy Names of Qalmana.
Her powers in connection to spilled blood reach from the overseeing
of pacts signed or sealed with blood to being entreated by the wise
to give aid in the stopping of haemorrhages. This daemon can also
grant the powers of foresight and aid in both amorous and necromantic
forms of soothsaying. She is known to crown the mysteries of Gulgaltha,
at the side of the Queen of the Skulls, and is a guardian of the dead,
167 168
1\nmun powder, the wood and leaves of this daemon can strengthen all spells
(Sorbus aucuparia) harmonising with its own sphere of influence and are especially useful
within incense blends and talismanic sachets. The red berries of the
Rowan can also channel much useful aspects of the powers of this
Black In Green, especially when dried and used in connection with
other harvested parts of his tree, and when stringed on a red cord
they are known to constitute very potent amulets with the ability to
shield against all that which is harmful.
�anilahunnil Dllalnut
(Santalum Album) (fugians regia)
The daemon of the Sandal Wood tree is a spirit with many beneficial
The daemon of the Walnut tree is a spirit with immense powers of
abilities and is one of the most effective healers and protectors amongst
sorcery and is dispenser of both blessings and bane. He is another
the Dryadic Legions. She is a banisher of harmful currents causing
guardian of the keys to the Gate of the Dead and possesses also links
sickness, depression and misfortune, and is of the highest astral
to the Nightside Gardens, from where he brings forth wrathful spirits
vibration, and while she is much in harmony with the lunar energies,
known to dwell within the shadow cast by his tree. He holds the fire
she is known by the wise to be holding within her a hidden solar
of the underworld connected to his own Black Flame of Spirit and
flame. She is a most powerful spirit to call upon during rites of
can cast the most merciless curses, but also protect against any act
purification and consecration, as her cold heat sweeps away profanity
of magical aggression. His sorcery is especially strong when it comes
and strengthens all traces of holiness. She does not only possess the
to spells with the aim to conceal a presence, or to manipulate and
power to bless the living but also the dead and can, if employed
influence minds. He can afflict the targets against whom his curses
correctly within the necromantic rites, empower the manifestations
are directed with frigidity, infertility, infidelity and deceitfulness and
of the dead sought and focus all other elemental currents brought
thus cause discord and separation amongst them. He is one of the
together during such workings. This daemon can also act as a
Black In Green most loyal to the Children of Qayin and Qalmana,
messenger and carry the prayers of those who approach her correctly
and in the shadow of his tree such blessed ones have during certain
to other spirits and gods. She is especially useful when the Saintly,
sacred dates, such as the night of Saint John's Eve, opened many
Holy and Mighty Ones are petitioned, as her presence attracts the
pathways to the Other Side, while the same shadow has been feared
attention of such lofty Souls and Spirits. The wood of the Sandal tree
by the race of Adam, as it has often brought them nothing but
empowered by this daemon can effectively channel all her blessings
misfortune, madness and death. The Walnut tree is therefore one of
and is mostly suited for the blessing, honouring and protecting
the trees acting as an axis connected not only to That Which Lies
ceremonies of fire and smoke, but in the form of a wand such wood
Below, but also to That Which Is Beyond. While the wood of the
can also become a most effective tool for healing and exorcism or
Walnut tree empowered by this daemon is mainly connected to his
for the invocation of most Elevated Spirits.
darker and more adversarial powers, and is often used for blasting
or the summoning of spirits, the nuts of his tree are more as containers
for his blessings and goodwill and can both grant abundance and act llfillntu
as fetish vessels for souls and spirits, or effigies of heads to influence. (Salix Alba)
+ +
173 174
maladies by banishing sickening wraiths, soothe pains through the ltw
manipulation of emotions and stop haemorrhaging through her control (Taxus baccata)
over the rivers of life and death. This daemon is also a great
enchantress, wielding the powers to cause lust and to cloud minds
through her glamours and illusions, but she can also grant inspiration
and eloquence. Not only is she connected by the root of her tree to
the waters of the underworld, but she is also by the zenith of her
wooden axis connected to the Lunar Streams and channels the powers
of all the phases of the moon, with hidden links even to the Moon
of the Other Side. There are therefore strict tabus against the harvesting
from her tree during certain phases of the moon, and for her general
blessings and powers such rites of reaping should only be performed
during the night of Full Moon, as the darker phases will tap into the
Black Waters that can turn bitter and poisonous, if not contained
properly. The branches, twigs and leaves of Willow tree, when blessed
and empowered by this daemon, serve as great tools in connection
The daemon of the Yew tree is a spirit strongly connected to the
to all her sorceries and powers. The wands made from her wood are
mysteries of Gulgaltha and is a guardian of the dead. This spirit
sceptres of her magic, with which all powers of the waters above and
holds the keys to the Realm of Graves and holds dominion over the
below can be harnessed and the mirror entered into. The leaves of
legions of entombed souls. He is one of the most faithful servants
the Willow, when dried and made into powder, can empower all
of Our King of the Black Cross amongst the Black In Green and a
forms of shade summoning formulas and, when employed together
most powerful ally to have for those that walk the Path of Death in
with the slander and serpentine twigs for the making of a wreath,
life. He is an overseer of the cemeteries and other more secret places
they crown the blessed with dominion over the Kingdom of Sleep and
of the buried dead and holds the power of both the Water of Death
aid in the shaping of dreams and all other forms of sorcery related
and the Fire of the Underworld. He can summon the shades of the
to the oneiric sphere. Such slander twigs can also be used in all forms
dead and make them perform magical deeds and is especially efficient
of ligature and can become as astral chains, or as strings of a spider's
when it comes to the employment of the Dark and Restless Ones. He
web, with the power to bind or entrap, but also to enlink and hold
channels the poisonous currents of the deathly powers of the chthonic
together that which must remain connected.
realm and holds within himself the poison with which both bodies
and souls can be vanquished and destroyed. He can lend protection
against many forms of magical aggression and reverse and send back
venomous streams directed at those that he has chosen to defend.
This daemon can also direct such deadly flows of the darkest aspects
of the powers of the dead against enemies and bring them sickness,
sorrow and misfortune and even lead them to their graves. To those
who have won his favour he can besides the powers of Ghost Sight
also bestow Necrosophic Gnosis, ancestral wisdom, inspiration and
reveal the secrets of death/the dead. The branches of the poisonous
Yew tree, empowered and bought from this daemon, act as conductors
175 176
of all his sorcerous might and can call upon, shield against and
command the shades of the dead, but they can also bring down dire (Aconitum nape/Ius)
curses upon the living. Such wands can also act as the keys to the
mounds and possess the powers to evoke the Guardian of the Cemetery
Gates. The wood of the Yew tree is also especially well suited for the
fetishistic arts and serves perfectly for the carvings of the talismans
and idols of Our Master Qayin. The needles/leaves from his tree can,
when made into powder or used as incense, call upon the darker dead
or bring death itself. Such powders are often used in connection to
the baneful workings where the poison of the dead or their Master,
contained within the tree of this daemon, is to be accessed.
within talismanic sachets or for the making of tinctures, infusions, l\safnetiba
potions, powders and incense. As the venom of her green guise (Ferufa ascifoetida)
brings indiscriminate destruction to all flesh, her harvested gifts
must be handled with extreme care and be reserved for the gravest
of workings.
The daemon of the Asafoetida is a mighty spirit with great martial
attributes. This daemon can banish sickness, parasitic shades and
many kinds of intruding presences. He can forcefully cleanse an area
with his fires, but also purify body and soul from· the foulest of
imprints. He can establish walls of protection around his allies and
establish boundaries and enforce magical circles meant to guard against
all trespass. He can shield against the curses of others and even
return such maledictions back to their sender, but his powers are as
effective in the area of magical assault and he can place effective
curses upon the enemies and bring them grave misfortune, sickness
and sorrow, or banish them and make them rootless. Besides the
banishing, cleansing and offensive attributes, this daemon of the
Asafoetida also possesses the powers of summoning and stands guard
before the gates leading to the fieriest of shades and spirits of the
infernal realms. The powders of Asafoetida blessed by this daemon
aid in all his sorceries and are known to serve well the workings of
both nigromancy and necromancy, as through his powers such powders
or incense, when employed correctly, can arouse the sulphurous flames
within other daemons and shades aligned to the workings of aggression.
179 180
ii.ellailnnna �lack lli.ell.ebnr.e
(Atropa belladonna)
(Helleborus niger)
to the witching might of this daemon, but its root is more so than 9llack :!lustar!l
the other parts, when empowered and blessed/cursed by her and can (Brassica nigra)
be used in order to access her powers. Such harvested share of her
plant is most often employed as powders, for scattering or burning
as incense, but also for the making of tinctures, infusions and potions
utilised within the Ars Veneficium.
183 184
ialark Jepptr 1\lnnbrnnt
(Piper nigrum) (5anguinaria canadensis)
)1 j
The daemon of the Black Pepper is a most potent martial spirit with
the ability to both protect and to harm. He can reverse and turn back The daemon of the Bloodroot is a strong spirit with the power to
the curses of hatred, fear and envy directed at his allies and purifies protect and strengthen. He holds sway over the ties of blood and is
them from all the evil influences placed upon them and is known as one of the guardians of ancestral knowledge made accessible through
a most potent and fiery assistant in all manners of exorcism. He lineage and can aid in the invocations of the Mighty Dead. He is an
possesses the power to raise shielding barriers that burn trespassers overseer of pacts, blood oaths and other such rites where familiarity
and can fortify many different forms of magical boundaries. He can is established and a potential protector of the household of those
also grant the gift of invisibility by confusing the minds and senses who correctly petition him for his blessings. He is a great shield
of those concealment is sought against and erase astral traces left against the magical attacks of the enemies and a granter of the martial
behind in connection to harmful sorcery performed by his allies against fires often utilised in the repayment of such indiscretions. Such martial
others, so that their deeds do not become exposed by other fires can also be employed for the rites of cleansing and exorcism
practitioners, or their famuli. The daemon of the Black Pepper can and can with ease remove negative and low vibrations which otherwise
bring great agitation, discord and animosity amongst the ranks of the would bring sickness and misfortune. The masculine force of the
enemy and cause separation and disorganisation. His fiery essence daemon of the Bloodroot lends itself also very well to the workings
lends also very well to all workings of malediction and coercion and of love-conjure, especially when a woman is to be seduced or made
both man and spirit can be made to yield to his forceful sorceries. infatuated. The roots of the Bloodroot plant, when empowered by
The leaves and fruits of the Black Pepper, when empowered and this daemon, are the main part used in the sorceries of this powerful
blessed by this daemon, are powerful tools of protection and attack spirit and serve most often as sprinkling powder and/ or as incense,
and can be employed in many different ways within the Sorcerous but also within tinctures, infusions and oils, as well as being suspended
arts, but are most often employed through scattering and burning, over thresholds or carried as talisman.
but also within sachets and different forms of tinctures and infusions.
185 186
Qtalamus <l!arnatinn
(Acorus calamus) (Dianthus caryoplyllus)
The daemon of the Carnation is a mighty spirit with great powers
of purification, protection and empowerment. He is a great aid in the
The Daemon of the Calamus is a most powerful enchanter and holds banishing of harmful, sickening and misfortune bringing influences
great control over the minds and hearts of man. She possesses the and an establisher of wholesomeness and strength. He can assist in
power to bind and to bend the will of those upon whom her spells many forms of exorcism and banishing rituals and is especially effective
are cast and force them to do as they are commanded. She diminishes when it comes to the dispelling of the illnesses and weaknesses of
the willpower of those resisting the wishes of her allies and makes both body and soul. He is known to be an effective guardian of sacred
them much easier to control and conquer. She also grants protection temples, shrines, altars and fetishes and empowers the manifestations
against many different forms of occult manipulation and mind control of the spirits invited by his allies to take seat within such places and
and makes sure that her allies are in control of their own thoughts points of holiness, while blocking the path and banishing those that
and actions. The daemon of the Calamus can aid in the rites of would intrude uninvited. The daemon of the Carnation is therefore
purification and consecration and remove undesired influences and often petitioned to lend power to different forms of blessings and
help in the establishment of the energies and powers required during consecrations, especially when holy presence is to be installed within
magical workings. The roots of the Calamus, when empowered by a fetishistic or talismanic form, or when such presence already seated
this daemon, will serve well within sachets, sprinkling powders, within a suitable form is to be venerated, strengthened and exalted.
talismans, oils, infusions and tinctures and can in many different The flowers of the Carnation, when empowered by this daemon, serve
ways be used for the channelling of the sorcerous might of this daemon. all his workings and can be employed in both fresh and dried form,
depending on the context, and serve excellently in sachets, incense,
tinctures, infusions, oils and baths.
187 188
Q!qilli Jtpptr inbbtrl1tlitr4 s lliair ·
+ ...
+o< I I"+
+ +
The daemon of the Chilli pepper is a fiery spirit with immense martial
powers. He works with the hottest Points within the realm of the The daemon of the Dodder is a most baneful and dangerous spirit.
Black In Green and is both a potent aggressor and defender. He She is a Black In Green with the ability to drain life-force from living
possesses the power to burn and banish unwanted influences and can creatures and empty them of all vitality and power. She is a spirit
curse and afflict with the flames of hatred that he can empower. He of astral assault and black witchcraft and entreated almost solely
is often entreated to act as a catalyst for the manifestation and/or within the context of hurtful sorcery. She can trap her targets and
activation of the martial powers of other spirits or elements containing coerce them to do the bidding of the few that can win her favours
heat aligned to his own scourging flames. This daemon of the Chilli and in ways much more pernicious than the daemon of the Hobblebush
pepper can enflame and quicken shades and spirits employed within tie their foes to wretchedness. This daemon of the Dodder is as a
many forms of assault sorcery and affect their temperaments in such noose of death with the power to strangle and shackle and must be
way that they more effectively accomplish their pernicious called upon in the names of both Qayin and Qalmana and be entreated
undertakings. He can cause discord and separation within the ranks correctly, with proper rites and offerings, before her powers can be
of the enemy and agitate them to make strategic mistakes. He can accessed. The stems, or "hair", of the Dodder, when empowered by
also establish fiery barriers of protection and break many kinds of this daemon, can be used in many different ways in order to direct
curses and negative influences directed towards his allies and is in her baleful influences. They can for example be employed as binding
such cases known to burn the 'Evil Eye' of the envious and the spiteful, threads, with which effigies are tangled and bound, or be made into
but he possesses also the attribute to add heat to all fiery passions powder for strewing or burning.
and can both grant virility and cause sexual desires, if entreated
correctly and respectfully. All parts of the Chilli pepper can, when
empowered by this daemon, be used in order to call upon and direct
his powers, but most often it is the fruits which are used within
different forms of tinctures and when dried are employed as powders
and incense in order to evoke the fiery blessings and curses of this
189 190
1J1.enn.el ]l{.emlnrk
(Foeniculum vulgare) (Conium maculatum)
The daemon of the Hemlock is a most fierce and deadly spirit, with
The daemon of the Fennel is a powerful spirit of protection and
immense sorcerous powers. She is a guardian of the Mysteries of
purification. He can exorcise profane influences and spirits and shield
Akeldama and Gulgaltha and her power stretches from the Field of
against the curses of the enemy. He holds the power to grant strength,
Blood to the Black Cross upon the Skull. A multitude of the workings
courage and charisma and power to influence the minds of others.
of the Venefic Sickle and the Dark Dead are within her realm of
He is especially known for his ability to hold at bay the enforcers
influence, as she can bring death to the living and quicken, empower
of the laws of man and protect against their officious presence. The
and agitate the Restless and Feral Dead. She is often entreated in
daemon of the Fennel is allied with many ophitic spirits and often
connection to magical assault and can aid in all kinds of magical
employed when such aspects are to be invoked within the sorcerous
assassination, but her Mars-Saturnian powers lend themselves as
rites. He is also a great healer and remover of the stains of disease
well to the breaking of the curses of the enemy, counter-attacks and
and can aid in the restoring of vitality lost. The seeds of the Fennel,
soul-binding forms of ligature. She can also cause frigidity and destroy
when empowered by this good daemon, are the most potent link to
the virility of those upon whom her spells are cast. This daemon of
his magic, but all other parts of a blessed harvest from this daemon
the Poison Hemlock is a Black In Green connected to Qayin Occisor
can be used for the employment of his powerful sorcery.
and Liluwa of the Poisoned Sickle and is one of their most faithful
famuli upon the earth. She is a protector of poisoners and murderers
and can hide them from discovery and make their deeds go unpunished,
but she can also point out such individuals, if besought correctly to
do so. The seeds, leaves, flowers, stems and roots of the Hemlock,
when empowered by this daemon, can be used within all her venefic
workings and even aid in the ensouling and consecrating of the reaping
blades and fetishes of the more wrathful aspects of Our King and
Jt.enban.e lliiglt 3Jnltn tlte Q!nnquernr
(Hyosryamus niger) (Ipomoea Jalapa)
The daemon of the Henbane is a powerful spirit of witchcraft and The daemon of the Ipomoea Jalapa (also called 'High John the
necromancy. She possesses the power to loosen the soul from the Conqueror') is a mighty spirit of victory and conquest. He is a remover
body of the living and grant it entrance to the chthonic or the astral of obstacles and an opener of all closed paths, holding the keys to
realms, but she can as well separate the mind from the body and success and glory. He is a granter of luck, money and wealth and
cause insanity. She can grant the powers of prophecy and aid in a dispeller of weakness, misfortune and fear and is known to confer
many forms of divination and make visible that which otherwise virility, power and charisma to those that he chooses to bless. He
cannot be seen by the physical eyes. She is connected to the realm possesses the ability to banish unwanted and negative influences and
of the shades of the dead and can summon and control them within to protect against defeat and dishonour. This forceful daemon of the
the necromantic workings. She is also one of the Black In Green Ipomoea Jalapa is also a fierce warrior, with the power to grant
often entreated within the conjurations of Abel the Black and can, martial strength and courage and aid in the vanquishing of rivals and
in the name of the King and Queen of Gulgaltha, aid in the opening enemies, in all fields of battle. The harvested share most powerfully
and closing of the cemetery gates, especially when the Restless and connected to this daemon is the root/tuber of Ipomoea Jalapa, which
Dark Dead are to be conjured and put to work. The daemon of the when blessed by this spirit becomes a strong carrier of his potent
Henbane can control the waters of the realms and is known to be essence and can empower all workings related to his sphere of
able to cause rain and storms, but also to cause sterility and frigidity. influence. Such root is most often carried as a talisman or made into
All parts of the Henbane, when empowered by this daemon, can be powder to be used as incense and, when mixed with suitable carrier
used in order to access her sorcerous powers, but the roots are oils, such powders can create potent anointing oils of Conquest, Victory
especially powerful when it comes to the workings of the Dead. and Power.
193 194
Bnbbltbuslt/ ituil's <ntstring 11lilu
(Viburnum alnifolium) (Lilium)
o HE
iliqunric.e flalt 1J1trn
(Gfyryrrhiza glabra) (Dryopteris ftlix-mas)
The daemon of the Male Fern is a spirit with immense powers. He
The daemon of the Liquorice is a mighty dominatrix and an can conceal and make invisible and protect against all manners of
enchantress. She possesses the powers to sweeten hearts, influence baneful sorcery. He can make the curses and the foul emanations of
minds and bend or break wills. She can cause passion, lust and love the evil eye of the enemy miss their targets and rebound back upon
and create sympathy where there originally was none and can him- or herself. He can also bring luck, wealth and success and point
strengthen all such sentiments where their seeds already have been out hidden treasures and disclose other such veiled sources of material
planted and tended. She can secure fidelity in a lover and make sure abundance. This spirit is also well-known for his mastery of the arts
that he/she does not want or lust for any other. The daemon of the of enchantment and love-witching and can cause passion, lust and
Liquorice is also a most powerful sorceress with the ability to dominate love within the hearts of those upon whom his spells are cast. The
and subjugate any person upon whom her spells are cast, and her daemon of the Male Fern is also secretly connected to the realm of
dominion reaches even beyond the realm of the living and can influence the shades and holds within himself links to the powers of the Most
and command the dead. She can crush the will of those opposing her Ancient Dead and is thus also connected to the Mysteries of the
allies and is one amongst the Black In Green representing the Mound. He also possesses the powers of Oath-Binding and covenants
sovereignty of Our Holy Mother Qalmana, both within the Realm of entered into in the presence of this daemon will bind both body and
the Green and the Kingdom of the Graves. All harvested parts of the soul. He can cause rainstorms and reveal the past and the future to
Liquorice, when empowered by this daemon, can be used in order those that he chooses to confer his blessings to. The leaves and root
to work her witchcraft, but the most potent share of such harvest will of the Male Fern, when blessed by this daemon, can channel his
always be the sweet Liquorice roots, which hold her full powers to powers and blessings and while the leaves are often burnt in order
edulcorate and dominate. Such roots are carried as talismans or made to cause rain or to establish barriers of protection, the root which
into powders and employed within all workings of enchanting and must be harvested at twelve o'clock, during the Midsummer night,
will-bending sorcery, but also within more sacred and secret rites is kept as a sacred talisman with the power to grant protection,
where fractions of the boundless essence of the Rose Crowned Queen wealth, luck and love, but also to disclose certain other mysteries
are to be seated within fetishes or in some other way bless and pertaining to the Black In Green. According to tradition there are
consecrate Vessels of Holiness with Her Sweetness and Might. also certain rites through which one can harvest magical seeds and
197 198
. .
flowers from this daemon, which if obtamed will grant all his most
potent blessings and empowerments.
(Mandragora rifficinarum)
can enflame hearts and manipulate the minds of those upon whom ilnst.erwnrt
his enchantments are cast. He can grant virility and fertility, provoke (Imperato ria ostruthium)
lustful passions and cause attraction. He can also grant bountiful
harvest, riches and multiply one's earnings and even point out hidden
sources of wealth and lead his allies to concealed treasures. The +
spirit of the Mandrake is likewise a legendary protector and can turn
back the attacks of the enemies towards themselves and banish
unwelcomed and harmful shades and spirits and grant victory in all
battles, if entreated correctly to do so. He possesses the power to
command and bind lesser spirits and ghosts and make them do the
bidding of his allies. He can likewise aid in the seating of spirits
within the rites of ensoulment and telestic consecration and enliven
talismanic forms with their essences. His are also the powers of Soul
Flight and Spirit-Sight, which he can bestow upon those whom he
chooses to bless, but he can also cause poisoning, madness and death,
if enraged, offended or conjured purposely to do so. All parts of the The daemon of the Masterwort is a Black in Green well-known for
Mandrake, when empowered by this daemon, can be used within his his strength and commanding powers. He holds the sceptre of
multifaceted witchcraft, but it is the root of the Mandrake which, if dominance and subjugation, but can also grant control and focus. He
properly harvested, will be directly and fully charged with the spiritual makes his allies rulers of men and commanders of spirits and can
essence of this Black In Green. Such root is a living fetish enspirited confer charisma, confidence and willpower. This spirit is also a great
by this daemon and often a king amongst the legions of the faithful protector and a banisher of harmful, obsessing and possessing spirits
and mighty famuli. and a potent dispeller of the misfortune and sickness that they can
cause. He can strengthen the manifestations of spirits and aid in
their enthroning within the holy rites of telestic ensoulment and
empower the psychic senses with which all such manifested aspects
of the invisible realms can be perceived. The daemon of the Masterwort
can also aid in the defeating of rivals and grant physical protection
against magical but also physical attacks and dangers and is known
to be able to both shield against and heal gunshot and knife wounds.
All parts of the Masterwort, when empowered by this daemon, can
be used for the gaining of his blessings and protection, but it is the
root of the Masterwort that carries the strongest enlinkment to his
magical powers and such root is often carried as a Talisman of Mastery
and, when used in powdered form, often employed within sachets
and powders.
201 202
(Artemisia vulgaris) :!lullein
as spirit lanterns illuminating the obscure pathways leading to and ®r.egnnn
fro Gulgaltha and when coated with wax or dipped in fat and given (Origanum vulgare)
flame to such flowers of the Mullein can be used as spirit beckoning
torches, with the power to make visible and manifest both ghosts and
205 206
Jatcitnult Jntsnn 1Juu
(Pogostemon patchoufy) (Toxicodendron radicans)
The daemon of the Patchouli is a powerful spirit and a bringer of The daemon of the Poison Ivy is a harsh spirit, but also a very
wealth, lust and protection, but can also aid greatly in darker forms powerful one. She can protect her allies and surround them with a
of sorcery. This daemon possesses both male and female attributes fiery wall of protection and close the paths of their foes. She can bind
and forms, but within our Work it has more often taken masculine the enemy onto damnation and cause them to fail and suffer defeat
guise when interacted with. He is an enticer of lust and a generator and hinder them from making any hostile advances towards those
of attraction and can cause the heat of passion even within the most whom she chooses to defend. She is a strengthener of magical
frigid. He is a breaker of the curses of the enemy and a dispeller of boundaries and circles and can keep out all unwanted influences. The
misfortune, with the power to attract money and wealth. When daemon of the Poison Ivy is also connected to the secrets of the
employed within the rites of reversal, his magic can rebound the chthonic rivers of the dead and can within certain rites aid in the
spells of the enemy back upon themselves and afflict them with their evocation of the dead, especially those of a darker nature. She is also
own poison. The daemon of the Patchouli is also one of the holders one of the guardians of pacts and covenants and a punisher of oath
of the secrets of the Black Earth and possesses vast powers when it breakers, especially in those contexts where such treaties have been
comes to the rites of spirit manifestation and the grounding and entered into in the name of the Holy Qalmana. The leaves and stem
seating of non-temporal essences within the workings of both low of the Poison Ivy, when empowered by this daemon, are connected
and high fetishism. He also possesses the ability to strengthen and to her magical powers and may be employed in sachets, powders,
focus currents related to the chthonic spheres and can greatly benefit incense, oils and tinctures.
207 208
Jnppu &t
(Papaver somniferum) (Ruta graveolens)
The daemon of the Opium Poppy is a powerful enchanter and The daemon of the Rue is one of the most powerful warriors and
mesmeriser of both the living and the dead. She holds the keys to defenders amongst the Legions of the Black In Green. He is a wielder
the realm of sleep and to the Fields of Dreams and Nightmares and
of immense martial power and bearer of the Green Flame of
can manipulate both the cycles of sleep and the nature of dreams.
Purification. He possesses the ability to banish all profanity and all
She can aid in the intrusions into and the reshaping of the dreams
spiritual unwholesomeness and is often employed during the banishing
of others and empower all workings of oneiromancy. She is for example
of the obsessive dead and the removal of the stains left behind by
known to be an opener of the intersecting paths of the living and
such shades. He is also a breaker of the curses of the enemy and a
the dead within the realm of dreams and can be petitioned to aid
most potent shield against the poisonous currents that by the hateful,
in different forms of astral communions between the soul of the
jealous and the envious are directed towards his allies. The daemon
living and shades or spirits of the departed. Her sorcery can bring of Rue is an effective dispeller of misfortune and sickness and can
solacing slumber with pleasant dreams or troubled sleep, harrowing
remove the parasitic shades and spirits that cause such misery. He
nightmares and astral torments. She can, because of her dominion is also a potential bringer of fortune and if entreated correctly can
over the astral currents and Shades of the Lunar Gardens, grant
aid in matters regarding passion and love, but in such contexts he
invisibility and cause concealment through the inducing of confusion must often be paired with a more Venusian spirit in order to enflame
and forgetfulness in the minds of those upon whom her spells are
hearts. His powerful green flames can also burn the minds of the foes
cast. The flowers, seeds and seedpods, but also the roots of the Poppy, of his allies, incinerate their good fortune and make their lives bitter,
when blessed and empowered by this daemon, will serve all her if petitioned to do so within the context of magical warfare. The
enchantments and can be employed in divers manners, like for example leaves of the Rue, when empowered and blessed by this spirit, are
within sachets, incense blends, infusions and tinctures, or through amongst the most potent cleansing elements in existence and are
the scattering of the seeds where her influences are meant to be
most often employed as incense and in tinctures, but if carried in
made manifest.
sachets they also constitute as powerful amulets against the evils of
both the living and the dead.
209 210
@1uluiu/@1ug.e �inging Nettle
(Salvia apiana) (Urtica dioica)
Wqnrn l\pplt Wnbuccn
(Datura stramonium) (Nicotiana tabacum)
The daemon of the Tobacco is one of the most powerful spirits amongst
the Black In Green and a force indispensable within our Necrosophic
The daemon of the Thorn Apple is a powerful spirit of witchcraft. Work. He is a holder of the quickening, empowering, cleansing and
She holds dominion over the darker currents of the chthonic streams incinerating flames of the martial spheres, but holds also the essence
and is connected to the sorceries employing the Dark Dead. She can of Saturnian poison and can bless as well as he can effectively curse.
arouse, empower and control such shades and make them do the Within the baneful rites of vengeance, punishment and warfare, his
bidding of her allies, in the name of the Queen of Gulgaltha. She can powers serve to direct the arrows aimed at the hearts of the enemies
also shield against such shades and other forms of magical hostility and focuses the venomous currents to hit their targets. He is a
and reverse the flow of such sorcerous poison and direct them back messenger of the gods and bridge between the flesh and the spirits.
towards their points of origin. When petitioned within the context He can open and close the pathways between the elemental kingdoms
of magical warfare she can direct her transfixing power towards the and holds even the keys to the Mound and can therefore aid greatly
enemy in order to bind, drive insane or even cause painful and often in all forms of invocation, evocation and manifestation of shades and
slow death. The daemon of the Thorn Apple is also one of the holders spirits. He can effectively act as catalyst for the awakening and arousal
of the keys to Spirit Flight and a granter of the Second Sight and of other Black In Green and is therefore employed within countless
can, if entreated respectfully and correctly, aid in the achievement contexts where his influence is sought in order to boost the powers
of Sabbatic Congress with the spirits and in the opening of the Eye and presences of other such spiritual essences. The daemon of the
of Night. All parts of the Thorn Apple, when empowered by the Tobacco is also a great commander and ruler with the ability to
blessings and curses of this daemon, can be used within her sacred manipulate minds and bend the will of man, shade and spirit. This
rites and serve well in sachets, powders, infusions, tinctures, oils and spirit is the only one amongst the Black In Green whose secret name,
incense. Amiahzatan, has already been revealed, and this is done solely because
of his own given license and expressed will to do so, as an answer to
one of our petitions meant to benefit the followers of Our Qayinite
Cultus. For more detailed explanation about the powers and mysteries
of this mighty daemon, read the chapter dedicated to him in the First
Book of Falxifer.
213 214
11Ialtrian as banish them, and can within the rites of malediction direct the most
(Valeriana officina/is) ravenous shades to do the bidding of those that she chooses to bless.
She can also, in her wrathful aspect, bring damnation and misfortune
+ upon the enemy without the aid of any other spirits or shades, as
she holds within herself a hidden force of destruction, but when
combined with other more pernicious elements, shades and spirits
this fatal aspect of her powers increases tenfold in potency. The roots
of the Valerian, when empowered and blessed by this daemon, are
+ the most powerful link to her sorcerous might and can be employed
in countless ways in order to cast her spells.
215 216
(Artemisia absinthium)
The daemon of the Wormwood is a most potent spirit of protection, Each signature of the Black In Green presented in this book, or
divination, summoning and aggression. He wields the powers of Mars, otherwise received from the spirits seated within the Green Points of
but possesses also hidden links to the Saturnian and chthonic spheres. Nature, are direct links to their non-corporal and quintessential
He is a mighty shield against the parasitic larvae and other possessive aspects. Within the lines of each signature is manifested the flow,
shades that may become attached to the souls of the living and can mode of manifestation, direction and points of power belonging
effectively repel and banish them, but because of his hidden connections to the spirit in question.
to the spheres of death and the dead, he can also use his fires to heat
up, agitate and quicken such shades and spirits inhabiting the lower The signatures are thus the foundations upon which further
astral, all in accordance to how he is petitioned. Within the rites of manifestation of the corresponding spirits can be built, worked with
spirit summoning, he is often employed in order to aid in the and directed through and should be understood as paths or gates to
manifestation of the spirits evoked and can within such context grant be opened for their ingress, egress and congress.
break the curses of the enemy and bring bitterness and misfortune manifestation of the spirit, it possesses the power to aid in and provoke
to those that his wrath is turned against. The daemon of the Wormwood the reoccurence of such manifestations, by the power of actual
is also a granter of the Second Sight and a conferrer of the powers enlinkment between the trace it carries and constitutes, that which
of divination and prophecy, especially when paired with the spirit of has traced it and the mode through which it was first made manifest.
Mugworth, and can aid in the mastering of necromancy, oneiromancy,
enoptromancy and libanomancy. He is also well known for his ability The signatures also ensure that the aspects of each plant accessed
to strengthen any and all psychic abilities possessed by those that through them are fully in harmony with the specific context within
he chooses to bless, but he can also enflame the mind of man in which the sorcerous work is to be conducted and that the spirits so
harsher manners in order to afflict with delusion and madness. All contacted are the ones aligned to and allied with the Tradition through
parts of the Wormwood, when empowered by this daemon, will act which these mysteries are re-presented.
many other ways, all depending on intention and context. calling to the corresponding spirit, with the intentions and spiritual
217 218
stance of the caller already imprinted into them and therefore only Whenever the consecration of the plant elements obtained in any
suitable for the use of those who embrace the whole of the Qayinite other manner than through the correct ritual harvest and interaction
Path, as it is expressed through the Cult of Falxifer. with the spirit of the plant is necessary, the Green Point of the Skull
is to be employed, even if it is a tinctured portion of the essence of
a plant that is required. In such cases the tincture is to be made inside
a bottle, or jar, upon which the black candle for the central flame of
the Green Point of the Skull is to be lit.
When it comes to the practical applications of these signatures, there The amount of the plant element introduced into the ink, paint, chalk
are countless of ways through which they can be worked and employed or powder depends on the quantity of the mentioned carrier element,
within all settings where the influences of the Black In Green are but the numbers 7, 9, 11 and 13 should be specially considered for
sought. such additions.
The key to the activation of the plant-spirit signatures is most often When the signature is traced with empowered and enlinked chalk/
an act of vivifying empowerment through the conjunction of the linear powder or paint/ink, it still needs a series of final quickenings before
forms of the signatures with sympathetic and energetic elements of it can constitute as a fully open gate to its spirit. This final step in
enlinkment obtained through the physical share of the corresponding the full activation is achieved through establishing the elemental ladder
plant. through which the other four elements give way to the fifth, being the
quintessential Black In Green, and it is done by the giving of suitable
As an example can the use of sanctified ink (or paint), infused with libation, smoke and fire. The elemental step of the Earth, seemingly
the extracted essence of the plant of the Black In Green whose signature omitted, is already established by the very planting (tracing) of the
one seeks to activate, be mentioned, as such method is one of the most signature, as that physical manifestation of the spirit's imprint is by
practical, effective and most often employed. and through the earthly elemental step of coming into being.
In other working where chalk or powders are employed for the tracing The signatures of the Black In Green could thus indeed be realised
of the signatures the corresponding herbal elements must, in similar as the Seeds of the Spirits, to be sown (traced), watered (given libation),
ways as when inks are sanctified, become introduced into the chalk given air/wind (given breath and smoke) and light (flame of candle)
or the powder. to, so that the seed can germinate and the manifestation of the Spirit
bloom, in ways very similar to how the germination of an ordinary
As both the signatures and the plant elements belonging to the Black plant seed depends upon water, oxygen, temperature and the light/
In Green hold links to the related spirit their unification will strengthen darkness.
the bounds and establish the connection sought, but before the herbal
element can be conjoined with the signature it must first be The signatures thus received from the spirit and activated by the
consecrated, in the cases where the element in question is not ritually exalted essence of the corpus of the plant in question become an
harvested; for in such instances no further consecration is necessary, activated point through which the spiritual current of the Black In
as the ritual harvest will have assured that the Green (the physical Green called upon can flow to and fro and cause changes in accordance
portion) and the Black (the spiritual portion) of the plant remain to its own nature and the ritually focused and expressed will of the
connected. caller.
219 220
The activated signatures will remain open and retain their empowering
and talismanic virtues as long as they are tended for and kept vivified,
as a signature activated correctly is in truth as a fetish ensouled by
the spirit that it represents and manifests. CHAPTER 14
Such activated points of contact can be employed within countless of <&tntrnl ®fftrings
different workings and are most often used to empower other portions
of the plant belonging to the Black In Green in question, such as when fnr t4t �lark 1Jn <&rttn
wands, wooden fetishes or talismans, powders, oils, tinctures, potions,
incenses, perfumes or any other plant-derived base for sorcery is to
be made consecrated, blessed or cursed in conformity with the powers
of the spirit. During the workings in which we interact with and seek the aid of
the Black In Green still attached to their living bodies, we must always
The plant elements so consecrated are placed upon, marked with or pay for that which we need to harvest, or otherwise want accomplished
in some other suitable manner made to come into contact with the by them, through different offerings and sacrifices.
signatures, which within their activated forms will, by the way of
contagion, directly transfer the power of the spirit into the elements Besides the general offerings of different kinds of libations, candles,
already sympathetically connected to it. coins, tobacco, incense, bread and other food offerings, there are at
times some additional and specific offerings which are needed
Thus the signatures of the Black In Green can be used for work with depending on the Black In Green approached.
specific plant-elements and instead of the blessings and empowerments
otherwise obtainable from the Master, through His Green Point of the The nature of the work within which the spirit of the plant is contacted
Skull, one can here obtain the power required directly from spirit of and that of the plant spirit itself will determine the kind of more
the plant in question and engage in a more direct form of communion. context-specific offerings required. For example will the offerings given
in connection to the harvest of plant elements or the magical aid
If the fundamental aspects concerning the correct use, activation and petitioned for during the rites of Love-Witching differ from the ones
the powers of these signatures of the plant spirits become understood, given during the rites of malediction, but in the same way may the
a countless of different possibilities for their employment within the offerings required for one and the same kind of work be different
work will become accessible, as we have here only lightly scratched depending on the plant petitioned.
the surface of this subject and will leave the rest to the cunning of
the blessed. A Rose may demand certain set of offerings in connection to amatory
221 222
of workings within the Cult of Qayin.
Black In Green, there are a few sets of protocols of such level of
importance that they must be adhered to even if sound judgment and
For example, whenever branches from trees are harvested, the offerings
spirit's guidance otherwise should shape such proceedings.
given must be of a more grand nature than what would be demanded
if only leaves, flowers and/ or fruits would have been harvested. In
The harvest of the wood of Blackthorn, Whitethorn and Elder always
connection to the cutting of living branches, there must most often demands self-sacrifice and the spilling of one's own blood, this in
also be a sacrifice of one's own blood in order to repay for that which connection to the other rites and offerings which must be performed
is taken. Often the blood from one or more fingers of the left hand
and given during such harvests.
is drawn and smeared upon the cut part of the branch, which then
is covered and sealed with a few drops of honey or, in some cases, wax.
The Blackthorn and Whitethorn demand drops of one's own blood
whenever any part of them is to be harvested, as they call for red blood
Such giving of one's own blood is not to be taken lightly and must
in return for the green blood drawn from them. But, if the harvest is
be understood as the sealing of a lasting pact with the spirit of the
aimed at the martial defence against, or Saturnian destruction of,
plant in question and should be reserved for the more elevated, or
someone else both of these trees will demand life offering of
the most important, workings.
In certain cases when it is unwise to spill one's own blood, the blood
When it comes to the Elder, tradition states that also she demands
of a suitable animal offering must be spilled instead, as in almost all
animal offering when her powers are to be turned against someone
cases when one of the more Martial or Saturnian plants are conjured
else, but when its wood is needed to be cut one must follow further
in order to bring harm upon an enemy, or in such contexts where the
protocol and again involve the spilling of one's own blood.
location of the plant makes it unwise to spill one's own blood, such
as when for example branches from trees growing within a cemetery
During such rites one must bow low to the Elder tree, encircle it in
are to be harvested from.
prayer and ask the skeletal queen of the arboreal legions to grant her
power through the hollowed and hallowed bones of her tree. One must
Self-sacrifice is important when one humbly goes before the Famuli
then put a silver or gold ring on one of her branches, as if such branch
Guised In Green, but to attract other less worthy recipients of one's
would be her corpselike hand, or otherwise adorn it with some other
offering can turn the work into a meaningless and slow form of suicide.
kind of jewellery, kiss the branch and then water the root of the tree
One must therefore thread carefully when it comes to giving of blood
with a libation offering consisting of sweet red wine, into which 7
sacrifices to spirits within their natural surroundings, as such habitats
drops of one's own blood have been mixed. If no sign of rejection
often swarm with different kinds of shades and spirits.
is at that point sensed and instead welcoming omens are perceived
one may cut a living wand from her tree, bearing her full power within
One must again let the spirits sought and one's own understanding
it through a lasting link to her mighty spirit.
concerning their nature and what they themselves communicate shape
the sacrificial rites through which they become bound to champion
The reason for why this approach is specially outlined and emphasised
one's cause; regardless if that cause is of a base and mundane or
here is that one of the main fetishes and magical tools of our Holy
spiritual and lofty nature .
Lady Qalmana is such a properly harvested Elder Wand, which when
hollowed out and loaded with rolled up copper scrolls bearing Her
Amongst the established covenants between the Cult and the Faithful correct sigillae, soil bought in Her name from seven different cemeteries
223 224
and seven of Her key herbal elements in powdered form constitute,
when sealed in both ends, anointed with sacred oils and marked with
Her signs of Necrosophic Sorcery, as the Sceptre of the Queen of
Gulgaltha. CHAPTER 15
The Yew tree, on the other hand, receives animal offerings more ID4t 1Jnflutntts nf tltt <&tnilm 1Jlnri
gratefully than a few drops of one's own blood in all contexts, especially
when that which is harvested is for the sake of Death, but when a
anb �ttnnbaru <ttaus.es
personal wand is harvested from the spirit of Yew it is also customary nf Attribution
to let a few drops from the left hand's middle finger fall upon the stub
remaining from where the branch was cut. This bloodied stub is then
sealed with the wax of a black candle, which then is left, in a secure
manner, by the roots of the tree, together with the other more general Besides the attributes already presented for the different plants and
offerings. their Black In Green, there are still some additional factors which can
play in when it comes to some more special and context-specific powers
These were just a few important approaches within our workings with that each individual plant may possess. These secondary causes of
the Black In Green and the wise will, based on that which is given, attribution are based on the influences of the Genius Loci and the
or hinted at throughout this book, be able to interact and communicate general flow of power within the place where the plant is rooted.
with the Spirits of the Green and through their faithful counsel attain
further realisations and insights concerning their mysteries, all by the Crossroads, cemeteries, graves, forests, hills, mounds, seas, rivers,
grace of the First Tiller. wells, fences, walls or other barriers, fields, meadows, the sides or the
centres of roads, sites of accidents or places of violent crimes, bloodshed
and murder can be given as a few examples of places that confer
strong spiritual influences upon the plants rooted within or by their
points of power, but also banks, casinos, police stations, prisons,
courthouses, hospitals, market places or other such locations can,
according to their energetic emanations, impress upon the sphere of
influence of the plant growing in proximity to them.
Cemeteries and graves confer amongst other things the blessings and
curses of spirits and shades of death and the dead.
Forests confer the powers of the spirits of the wild and the untamed
aspects of nature, granting often strong magical attributes.
225 226
Hills and mounds connect in different manners to the mysteries of
Hospitals can connect to both the powers of healing and to the spirits
the chthonic and the celestial points of power and the elements, shades
and shades of sickness and madness, but also to certain shades of the
and spirits related to them.
Seas, rivers and wells connect in different ways to the powers of the
Marketplaces and other such places of commerce can grant the powers
aquatic shades and spirits, possess certain links to the realm of the
of communication, success in business and attract customers and
dead and confer amongst other things the powers of prophecy, dream
control and spirit summoning.
Fences, walls and other similar barriers confer the power to protect, ���
keep out and set boundaries, but sometimes also the ability to cross
that which stands in the path and traverse to the other side.
Roads confer the powers of safe travel, success and direction, or the
For example can a tree pressing down upon another tree, with roots
ability to block all such things, if for example a tree grows in the
breaking through the ground and passing over, under or by the sides
middle of, and blocks, such a road. Roads also connect to the flowing
of a large stone or something else blocking its path, a tree with hollowed
powers and spiritual currents of the land and its many different shades
trunk leading downwards or upwards, with branches stretching or
and spirits, depending on how it has been formed, the shape it takes,
hanging over a path, with branches or roots dipping into the water
where it is suited and towards which direction it is headed .
of a river or some other source of water, with roots or branches
breaking through any form of barrier, or a tree struck by lightning
Sites of accidents, places of violent crimes, bloodshed and murder
and still alive, or a dead tree still standing erect, all have specific
confer the powers of the Dark Dead and the spirits of Violent Death
attributes added to the general powers of their Black In Green.
governing and working them and will often aid in the furthering of
calamity and champion the cause of vengeance, torment and death.
In similar fashion will the places upon which herbs and lesser plants
grow and the forms they take because of their interaction with their
Banks and casinos confer the power to control money in different
environs influence their attributes and thus add or diminish aspects
manners, grant luck and financial success and empower wealth
of their inherent spiritual powers.
conjuring sorceries.
It is therefore not possible to entirely generalise the attributes of
plants just based on their place of growth, and one must see the whole
picture before arriving to any relevant conclusion concerning the ways
that the essence of the Genius Loci becomes brought forth through
the plant in question.
Wl}t <nnu.enant
To gain a true understanding concerning the powers of the Genius
Loci and to read the shapes and forms of the plants, based on their of tl}t mruabit 1J1amulus
own original attributes, are the keys to the realisation of the more
hidden aspects of the virtues of the Kingdom of Green and something
which is mastered only through meditative contemplation of and direct
contact and communion with the powers beneath one's heels and the The spirits of the plants are within our tradition understood as the
Black Within the Green. awakened aspects of divine essence diluted into creation, intrusive
forces from the Nightside Gardens and/or as the Pneumatic Sparks
cast-off by some of the Mighty Fallen and there is therefore a concrete
bond of spiritual blood-familiarity between the Qayinite Sorcerer and
the spirits behind the Masks of Green.
Amongst our strongest plant allies one can find some of the heroic
bringers of light, who from behind the green guises of their earthbound
forms lend power and magic to those of the Holy and Fiery Bloodline
of Qayin and Qalmana. Their presence within smaller plants and herbs
is often understood as the Shadow Portion of their powers, while some
of their very Spirits are believed to possess sovereignty over the
collective power of the mightiest species amongst the Kingdom of
Green. For instance, the Black In Green of all Blackthorns is understood
by some to be the spirit of one of the most forceful Nefilim that after
the deluge became caught in-between the worlds and seated within
the Liminal Garden of Twilight. Similar ideas exist about the Genius
of many other powerful plants and this explains certain taboos and
rules of conduct which have been set within the workings of the Faithful
229 230
transcendence through which sorcerous powers can be channelled The Elements needed for this Work:
outwards in order to create willed temporal changes and inwards for
the accomplishment of 'At-Azoth'. ii' A green glass bottle of suitable shape and size, which will
231 232
� Protective and empowering amulets and talismans befitting 1. After a period of meditations, prayers, the giving of gifts and offerings,
the work at hand. Amongst these are for example the relevant invocations and different forms of communication with the plant
sigils and black and green rosaries connected to the spirit the actual ritual can commence.
Ars Veneficium of Master Qayin and His Bride,
Our Blood-Mother Sancta Qalmana. Armoured by the protective and empowering amulets and talismans
� A half-red/half-green candle, cleansed and inscribed with seek out a worthy representative of the plant host of the Black In
your magical namejsigil and that of the Dryadic Famulus Green with which you seek to enter into the unifying covenant.
(your name on the green half of the candle and the name
of the Dryadic Famulus on the red half) and dressed with Salute the spirit of the place and the Black In Green in the traditional
suitable oils and juices linked to the vital essences manner by stamping your left foot three times and bowing towards
of the both parties. the plant. State your intention and in the name of Qayin and Qalmana
� The Green Point of the Skull sigil marked in black on ask for permission to proceed with the ritual. If no negative signs are
a piece of cleansed and dedicated green silk. received you may proceed with the Work.
� The usual elements for the activation of the Green
Point of the Skull, such as the 4 green and 2. With the digging tool encircle the plant three times in a widdershins
the 1 black candle, the cigar and the liquor. direction and by the Three Coronations of Qayin and His Bride conjure
� A piece of parchment marked with the name and sigil of its Green and evoke its Black. From inside of this traced circle dig
the Dryadic Daemon on one side and your own magical a hole close to the roots of the plant and with your left hand take
name and sigil on the other side. Let your own blood be seven handfuls of soil in the name of the First Tiller, Our Holy Master
the ink with which the name and sigil of the Dryadic Qayin. Place the soil inside the bottle.
Famulus is written and let the Green Blood and essential
juices of the plant corpus of the Famulus sanctify 3. Bring out the parchment marked with the names and sigils and
the ink with which you write your own name and sigil. place it with the sigil of the Black In Green facing yourself by the
With a mixture of your own blood and the plant blood plant, within the traced circle. Place to the sides of the parchment 7
of the Famulus finally trace Qalmana's Key Sigil of Pacts copper coins, a black candle, a piece of unsalted sweet bread, a bottle
and Covenants around both sides of the parchment. of suitable libation, a cigar and any other more specific offering that
� An incense blend consisting of harvested parts linked to you know the Dryadic Daemon of the plant enjoys, requests or
the corpus of the Famulus, plus other elements that can demands. Light the black candle and pray to the Black In Green of
enhance the manifesting powers of the specific plant the plant to come forth in the names of Qayin and Qalmana. Light
spirit in question (these empowering additions to the cigar in the name of Amiahzatan and blow its smoke towards the
the mixtures can vary depending on the specific spirit parchment while silently praying to the spirit of the plant.
and plant host, but Tobacco, Myrrh, Sandalwood,
Cypress leaves and Mandrake root can be given as 4· When more than half of the cigar has been smoked you must place
examples of such fortifying elements). it upon the bread. Take then a sip from the libation offering and three
� A bottle of very strong vodka or rum times spray it, in a fine mist, over the parchment. Pour out the rest
� A container of cooled, unsweetened, black coffee of the libation around the plant in the same way that you earlier had
� A suitable animal offering encircled it. Take now the parchment, roll it up if need be, and drop
it into the bottle containing the soil.
233 234
5· Depending on the specific species of the plant host, the season and Close the bottle and shake it 49 times and envision a unification and
the guidance of the Dryadic Famulus, you must at this time, with the synthesis between the harvested parts contained therein and focus
sacred blades, ritually harvest, in an appropriate manner and upon the spiritual conjugation taking place through the strengthening
succession, a small part of the root of the plant, a piece of its bark, of the golden chains of sympathy that connect you to the Dryadic
stem, twig or branch, drops of its sap/juices, leaves, flowers, berries, Daemon.
fruits, thorns and seeds from the plant corpus of the Dryadic Famulus
and in the Holy name of Sancte Qayin Sator and Sancta Qalmana 8. Place the bottle once again upon the skull of the Green Point and
Satora place them inside the bottle. open it anew. Light a cigar in the name of Amiahzatan and blow its
smoke first 13 times over the central altar fetishes and then 7 times
(It is important to remember that 3, 7, 9, 11 and 13 are sacred numbers directly into the open bottle in order to strengthen the powers of the
connected to these workings and that these numerical forms should element kept therein. Place the remaining part of the cigar within an
whenever possible be reflected in the amount of the parts you harvest ashtray inside of the circle of the Green Point of the Skull.
Secure the lid of the bottle and shake it 49 times and thus symbolically have been sown into the bottle and bonded together you must water
sow the harvested elements from the plant into the soil kept within the 'seeds' that they now have become with white, black and red
the bottle. Give praise to the Black In Green, bow, take three steps libations.
back, turn around and leave the location without looking back.
The white libation can consist of strong white rum or vodka. The black
6. When back at home you must light the altar candles of the Master libation must consist of strong unsweetened coffee and the red libation
and invoke Him with the aid of the Formula of Calling and then call must consist of the spilled blood of a suitable animal offering favoured
upon the Holy Blood-Mother in traditional manner and also light Her by the Dryadic Famulus. Let the first two libations be of an equal
flames upon the altar and inside your own heart. amount, filling up little more than 2/3 of the empty space that remains
in the bottle and let the third libation of red comprise of every precious
Place the Green Point of the Skull, marked on the piece of silk, before drop that streams from the slit throat of the chosen sacrifice.
the altar and awaken its powers in traditional manner with alcohol,
smoke, the flames and the Formula of Qayin Qatsiyr. Place the bottle (In the same manner that the blood-essence is consumed by the
close to the centre of the Green Point of the Skull, in front of the attending Black In Green it is beneficial, when possible, if the flesh
burning black candle and open it. of the animal can be saved and later cooked and consumed by yourself,
as such solemn sharing in the sanctified sacrifice would further solidify
7· For each part of the plant that you have placed within the bottle the bonds between you and the Dryadic Famulus.)
a corresponding part from your own body must also be given as sacrifice
and placed inside the bottle in order to tie the links and strengthen The white, black and red libations represent life, death and rebirth,
the bonds between your own Self and the Dryadic Famulus. Amongst but also on a more concrete level serve to add power to the contents
such sacrificially harvested 'mumia' are nail clippings, scraps of skin of the bottle, aid in the magical intermingling of the intimate elements
and flesh, strands of hair, teeth and bone, sweat, saliva, sexual fluids linked to both you and the Dryadic Famulus and further aid in the
and blood. empowering of the spiritual enlinkments. By watering the share of the
harvest taken from both man and plant the seeds of power are made
235 236
to amalgamate, grow and lead to the bringing forth of the forbidden and protection of the now fully enlinked Dryadic Famulus, some of
fruits of the union between your own Spirit and that of the Green the most thorny paths that before were impossible to thread will now
Guised Dryadic Daemon. become possible to enter and explore.
10. Burn inside the brazier a suitable incense blend consisting of plant Upon awakening, and after all candles have burnt down fully, you
parts linked to your Dryadic Famulus, mixed with other suitable must seal the bottle and keep it wrapped within a piece of emerald
elements for the enhancement of the potency of the incense and give green silk. When you seek to work with your Dryadic Famulus it is
praise to the Famulus. Place then the brazier inside the circle, within not necessary to open the bottle, for in order to physically activate
the curved blade of the left lower sickle of the Green Point of the Skull, the link (i.e. the One Point of Sympathy and Unification) established
and burn some more incense in order to further empower all within the bottle and rouse the Famulus, or assume its virtues, it is
manifestations. enough to shake the bottle seven times and call upon it in the name
of Sancte Qayin and Sancta Qalmana.
11. Place the half-red/half-green candle erect in the opening of the
bottle. Light the candle in the name of Qayin and Qalmana and focused The offerings you will have to give to the Dryadic Famulus in order
on its flame contemplate the mysteries and with the powers of mind, to reward, adore and strengthen it should in some ways be related
will and spirit realise it to be a physical manifestation of the to the different elements used during the initial ritual and thus aid
intermingled essences of the Black In Green and the Black In Red. in the fortifying of the links already established within the bottle.
Before offerings are given you must always uncover the bottle, shake
Through deep and slow breathing channel the powers of the Dryadic it seven times, place it before the altar, or before the living plant host
Famulus and then slowly let your inhalation and exhalation become of the Famulus, and encircle it thrice with a suitable wand or the
faster until the mind is altered and ecstatic trance is entered. Commune middle and index finger of your left hand.
with the Famulus on all levels possible and explore the essence of the
Black In Green and seek to further penetrate, experience and The time of such offerings should harmonise with the nature of the
understand its mysteries. Dryadic Famulus and its expressed wishes, but Mondays and Fridays
are generally suitable for such rites of honouring and communion.
Let your Soul leave the body if you can and interact with your Famulus
unbound by the restrictions of your soil-born bodies.
When all is done let the soul return and fall back into its shell of clay.
Give praise to the Master and His Lovely Lady and extinguish all altar
candles, but let all flames burning upon the Green Point of the Skull
remain alight.
13. Make your bed upon the floor, with your head pointing towards
the burning candles and try to enter the realm of dream with the
names and shapes of the spirit signature of Dryadic Famulus held
firmly within your mind. This aspect of the work can further open up
the gates to the Gardens of the Other Side and, through the guidance
237 238
To ritually wash cleansed statues or talismans with such tincture and
just to let it soak into that which it is to consecrate is enough to cause
full enlinkment and a seating of a portion of the manifested essence
of the Master within them. Bone talismans are often placed in a jar
and then covered with the Ensouling Tincture and given the suitable
ID4t iEnsnultng IDtncture nf <@autn rites and offerings during a period of 31 nights in order to cause full
ensoulment within them and make them into most powerful links to
the soul and spirit of the Master.
Each drawn insignia and spell written with ensouled chalk or ink,
Within the Cult of Our Holy Saint and Master Qayin there are few
empowered by drops of such Ensouling Tincture, is instantly activated
other formulas or techniques as important, powerful and practically
and working at the moment it is given form to and is wholly enspirited
useful as the one pertaining to the creation of His Ensouling Tincture.
and charged by the Master's presence, transferred via the Holy
This tincture can be made first after a period of at least three years
of active veneration and work with the Seated Essence of Qayin, which
must have been enthroned according to the Ablution Ritual for the
The creation of the Ensouling Tincture itself may be considered as a
Consecration of the Altar Statue, as outlined within the First Book of
somewhat demanding process, but the way that the tincture later
effectively and with ease is employed within the rites of ensoulment
and consecration makes up for any arduous steps within the process,
The reason for why the essence of the Master must first have been
as it possesses the power to imbue with each of its drops the very
seated and cultivated during a sufficient amount of time before the
Holiness of Our Sancte Qayin and is therefore invaluable.
Ensouling Tincture can be created is because the tincture in question
creates a fluid Point of Propagation and further Manifestation for both
The following elements are needed for the creation of the Ensouling
the soul and the spirit of the Master via the law of contagion and
Tincture of Qayin:
sympathy, in this case affected through the close proximity and contact
with His already seated essence.
>I< general offerings to the Master
>I< a piece of black cloth
The Ensouled and Ensouling Tincture of Qayin can best be described
>I< a piece of white chalk cleansed with smoke of Rue and
as a liquid carrier of the Master's presence and each drop of it is
dedicated to Qayin
imbued with His sacred essence and therefore handled with utmost
>I< a wide brimmed circa 11f2 litre glass jar, with a flat and
care, respect and devotion.
secure lid, of suitable shape and size so that the central
Altar Fetish can safely be placed, in a standing position,
The practical utilisations of this tincture are many, but amongst its
on top of it
most prominent applications are the consecration of other fetishes
>I< 4 large cigars
and talismans, like for example other altar statues and the immensely
>I< a box of matches
useful Bone (Paye) Talismans, but also the creation of Ensouled Ink,
>I< a bottle of liquor for the spraying of libation
paint or chalk and any other form of enlinking to and charging with
>I< 3 tablespoons of Yew leaves, plus 7 berries
the Master's essence within the Telestic Rites.
>I< 3 tablespoons of Cypress leaves, plus 7 young/green cones
� 3 tablespoons of Blackthorn leaves,
� 3 seven day candles, in beforehand cleansed with
plus 7 thorns and 7 berries
tincture of Rue, inscribed with the Nigromancy
� 3 tablespoons of Gabon Ebony wood powder
sigil and anointed with Mandrake oil
� 3 tablespoons of Black Ironwood powder
� an empty 700cl bottle, painted black on the outside,
� 3 tablespoons of Palo Santo powder
in which the filtered Ensouling Tincture is to be kept
� 3 tablespoons of Rowan leaves
� 2 tablespoons of Tobacco leaves
� 2 tablespoons of Myrrh resin powder
� 2 tablespoons of Carnation (red) flower petals
� 2 tablespoons of Pepper powder
� 2 tablespoons of Mandrake root powder
� 2 tablespoons of Patchouli leaves
� 2 tablespoons of Rue leaves
� 4 tablespoons of cemetery crossroads soil bought in
Obtain, consecrate and dedicate all of the other elements listed in Spirit of Yew, in the name and for the sake ofQayin, conjured be and
suitable fashion and also set them aside until the night reserved for
bestow all your empowerments and virtues to me!
the making of the Ensouling Tincture.
Place the elements of Yew within the jar and give them three exhalations
1. Open the ritual in the traditional manner and call upon the Master
of tobacco smoke.
with the Formula of Calling and serve Him the offerings. Pray to Him
and make known the purpose of the rite, which is to create a tincture
Bring forth the container of the Cypress leaves and cones and recite
worthy of harbouring His Holy Essence and ask Him to bless you with over it the following prayer:
the luminous emanations of His seated power.
Bring forth the container of the Blackthorn leaves, thorns and berries
3· Bring forth the container of the Yew leaves and berries and in the
and recite over it the following prayer:
following way pray over it, conjure it and dedicate it to its task, all
according to its own nature and attributes:
Mighty Blackthorn, tree of strife and martial triumph, serve now the
cause of my sorcery and become the foundation of the Liquid Point of
been Mighty Yew, tree of death and eternal life, serve now the cause of Manifestation, through which the Master of us all, Qayin the Crowned,
k the my sorcery and become the foundation of the Liquid Point of shall be throned!
r the Manifestation, through which the Master of us all, Qayin the Crowned,
each shall be throned! Blackthorn, tree of bloodshed and sacrifice and elect enforcer of the
altar Holy Laws and Tabus of Qayin, lend yourself now to my Work and
g the Yew, tree of poisoned power and sentinel of both the waters and make way for the propagation of the powers of the Master already
dates flames of the realms of Death, lend yourself now to my Work and make seated!
way for the propagation of the powers of the Master already seated!
Spirit of Blackthorn, in the name and for the sake of Qayin, conjured
Spirit of Black Ironwood, in the name and for the sake of Qayin,
be and bestow all your empowerments and virtues to me!
conjured be and bestow all your empowerments and virtues to me!
Place the elements of Blackthorn within the jar and give them three
Place the elements of Black Ironwood within the jar and give them
exhalations of tobacco smoke.
three exhalations of tobacco smoke.
Bring forth the container of the Gabon Ebony wood powder and recite
Bring forth the container of the Palo Santo powder and recite over
over it the following prayer:
it the following prayer:
Mighty Ebony, tree of the Black Light of the Mighty Dead, serve now
Mighty Palo Santo, tree of Spiritual Sanctity, serve now the cause of
the cause of my sorcery and become the foundation of the Liquid
my sorcery and become the foundation of the Liquid Point of
Point of Manifestation, through which the Master of us all, Qayin the
Manifestation, through which the Master of us all, Qayin the Crowned,
Crowned, shall be throned!
shall be throned!
Spirit of Ebony, in the name and for the sake of Qayin, conjured be
Spirit of Palo Santo, in the name and for the sake of Qayin, conjured
and bestow all your empowerments and virtues to me!
be and bestow all your empowerments and virtues to me!
Place the elements of Ebony within the jar and give them three
Place the elements of Palo Santo within the jar and give them three
exhalations of tobacco smoke.
exhalations of tobacco smoke.
Bring forth the container of the Black Ironwood powder and recite
Bring forth the container of the Rowan Leaves and recite over it the
over it the following prayer:
following prayer:
Black Ironwood, tree of the Devil, sceptre of the First Murderer and
Rowan, tree of most potent and cunning sorcery, granter of protection,
guardian of the Arboreal Hell Gate, lend yourself now to my Work
martial victory and path-opening, lend yourself now to my Work and
and make way for the propagation of the powers of the Master
make way for the propagation of the powers of the Master already
already seated!
Spirit of Rowan, in the name and for the sake ofQayin, conjured be Bring forth the container of the Myrrh and recite over it the following
and bestow all your empowerments and virtues to me! prayer:
Place the elements of Rowan within the jar and give them three Mighty Myrrh, keeper and guardian of the dead, serve now the cause
exhalations of tobacco smoke. of my sorcery and join the foundation of the Liquid Point of
Manifestation, through which the Master of us all, Qayin the Crowned,
Take a sip from the bottle of liquor and spray it three times over the shall be throned!
contents of the jar and say:
Myrrh, preserver of corpses, elevator and vivifier of the shadows of
May your Blessings, Empowerments and Light be, and unitedly focus, the dead and powerful evoker of spirits exalted, lend yourself now to
strengthen and embody all spiritual manifestations of Our Master my Work and aid in the propagation of the powers of the Master
Qayin! already seated!
Hail the Black In Green! Spirit of Myrrh, in the name and for the sake of Qayin, conjured be
and bestow all your empowerments and virtues to me!
Place the remaining part of the cigar in the altar ashtray.
Place the Myrrh within the jar and give it three exhalations of cigar
4. Bring forth the containers of the enspirited herbal elements, including smoke.
here also the Myrrh resin and the Mandrake root powder, starting
with that of the Tobacco and pray over it the following: Bring forth the container of the Carnation and recite over it the
following prayer:
Mighty Tobacco, herb of fiery power and messenger of gods, serve
now the cause of my sorcery and join the foundation of the Liquid Mighty Carnation, bringer of power and protection, serve now the
Point of Manifestation, through which the Master of us all,Qayin the cause of my sorcery and join the foundation of the Liquid Point of
Crowned, shall be throned! Manifestation, through which the Master of us all, Qayin the Crowned,
shall be throned!
Tobacco, igniter of the flames of life and death, quickener of the
subtle essences of the spirits and strengthener of their manifestations, Carnation, guardian and keeper of sanctified purity, shield against
lend yourself now to my Work and aid in the propagation of the profane intrusions and strengthener of spiritual presences invited,
powers of the Master already seated! lend yourself now to my Work and aid in the propagation of the
powers of the Master already seated!
Spirit of Tobacco, in the name and for the sake ofQayin, conjured be
and bestow all your empowerments and virtues to me! Spirit of Carnation, in the name and for the sake of Qayin, conjured
be and bestow all your empowerments and virtues to me!
Place the Tobacco within the jar, light a cigar in the traditional manner,
and direct three exhalations of its smoke towards the Tobacco placed Place the Carnation within the jar and give it three exhalations of
inside the jar. cigar smoke.
247 248
Bring forth the container of the Chilli Pepper and recite over it the Bring forth the container of the Patchouli and recite over it the following
following prayer: prayer:
Mighty Chilli Pepper, fiery bearer of martial heat, serve now the Mighty Patchouli, keeper of the mysteries of the rich soil of both the
cause of my sorcery and join the foundation of the Liquid Point of field and the grave, serve now the cause of my sorcery and join the
Manifestation, through which the Master of us all, Qayin the Crowned, foundation of the Liquid Point of Manifestation, through which the
shall be throned! Master of us all, Qayin the Crowned, shall be throned!
Chilli Pepper, aggressor, agitator and enkindler of the flames of Patchouli, causer of attraction, forger of the chains of sympathy
burning passion and aggression and castigator of enemies, lend between souls and between spirits and sealer of essence manifested
yourself now to my Work and aid in the propagation of the powers of within sanctified forms, lend yourself now to my Work and aid in the
the Master already seated! propagation of the powers of the Master already seated!
Spirit of Chilli Pepper, in the name and for the sake of Qayin, conjured Spirit of Patchouli, in the name and for the sake of Qayin, conjured
be and bestow all your empowerments and virtues to me! be and bestow all your empowerments and virtues to me!
Place the Chilli Pepper powder within the jar and give it three Place the Patchouli within the jar and give it three exhalations of
exhalations of cigar smoke. cigar smoke.
Bring forth the container of the Mandrake root powder and recite over Bring forth the container of the Rue and recite over it the following
it the following prayer: prayer:
Mighty Mandrake, keeper and bringer of chthonic light, serve now Mighty Rue, bearer of the Green Flame of Purification, serve now the
the cause of my sorcery and join the foundation of the Liquid Point of cause of my sorcery and join the foundation of the Liquid Point of
Manifestation, through which the Master of us all, Qayin the Crowned, Manifestation, through which the Master of us all, Qayin the Crowned,
shall be throned! shall be throned!
Mandrake, evoker and strengthener of spirits, installer of essence Spirit of Rue, breaker of the arrows of enemies, dispeller and banisher
and holiness and enchanter of bodies, minds and souls, lend yourself of all profanity and unwholesomeness and cleanser of all vessels of
now to my Work and aid in the propagation of the powers of the holiness, lend yourself now to my Work and aid in the propagation of
Master already seated! the powers of the Master already seated!
Spirit of Mandrake, in the name and for the sake of Qayin, conjured Spirit of Rue, in the name and for the sake of Qayin, conjured be and
be and bestow all your empowerments and virtues to me! bestow all your empowerments and virtues to me!
Place the Mandrake root powder within the jar and give it three Place the Rue within the jar and give it three exhalations of cigar
exhalations of cigar smoke. smoke.
249 250
g Take a sip from the bottle of liquor and spray it three times over the
May the Blessed Raven connect to and embody the Black Light of
contents of the jar and say:
the Lord of the Ravens of Death and manifest the Point of Oreb Zaraq,
opening up to the sphere of Nightside Venus, so that the Soul and
e May your Blessings, Empowerments and Light be, and unitedly focus,
Spirit of Master Qayin shall become reached and linked to!
e strengthen and embody all the manifestations of Our Master Qayin!
By the Power of the Raven of Dispersion, the wise Famulus of the
Hail the Black In Green!
First Gravedigger, may the Point of Baal-Oreb become manifested
within the foundation of the Ensouling Tincture, through which my
y Place the remaining part of the cigar inside the altar ashtray.
Master Qayin's seated essence shall propagate and become enthroned
he s. Bring forth the containers of cemetery crossroads soil, the sulphur
and the ashes. Pour the sulphur and the ash into the container of the
Let the skull, bones or claw of the raven fall into the jar and give it
cemetery soil and pray the following over it:
three exhalations of cigar smoke.
May the Liminal Point of Gulgaltha, the centre of the Black Cross,
Take a sip from the bottle of liquor and spray it three times over the
become here established and opened up for the coming forth of the
contents of the jar and say:
of Master Qayin, so that His Holy Soul become seated anew and His
immortal Spirit become re-enlinked!
May the roads to and fro the sphere of the Ravens of Death become
opened and give way to all the manifestations of Our Master Qayin!
ng By the power of soil, sulphur and ash may that which is below ascend
and that which is above descend through the vertical beam of the Hail the Raven of Dispersion!
Calvary Cross and manifest the Point of Power within the foundation
he of the Ensouling Tincture, through which my Master Qayin's seated
7· Bring forth the container of the snake vertebrae and pray the
of essence shall propagate and branch out!
following over it:
Pour the mixed soil, sulphur and ash into the jar, light a cigar in the
May the Beloved Snake, cursed by the Demiurge for once having
traditional manner, direct three exhalations of smoke into the jar.
served as the Avatar of the Black Light, constitute the atavistic links
to the First-Born of the Serpent's Seed and establish the Point of
of Take a sip from the bottle of liquor and spray it three times over the
manifestation for His Soul and Spirit!
of contents of the jar and say:
By the power of the Cunning Serpent, the Sire of the Seven Generations
May the Liminal Point of the Black Cross opened be, and give way to of Black Light before the deluge, represented here by the seven
nd all the manifestations of Our Master Qayin! vertebrae bones of the snake, may the links of Fiery Spirit Blood
manifest the Point of Power within the foundation of the Ensouling
Hail the Cross of Gulgaltha! tincture, through which my Master Qayin's seated essence shall
propagate and go forth!
6. Bring forth the container holding the remains of the raven and pray
exhalations of cigar smoke. May this dead, bound according to the holy and binding rites and
covenants to the service of Qayin, the King of Bones, act as the herald
Take a sip from the bottle of liquor and spray it three times over the of this Work within the Kingdom of the Shadows of the Graves and
contents of the jar and say: establish the Point of Manifestation for His Soul and Spirit!
May the Winding Path of the Serpent become established and give By the power of this osseous seed of the dead, planted into the Fields
way to all the manifestations of Our Master Qayin! of Black, may the sorcerous might of the First Sower of the Skull
germinate and manifest the Point of Power within the foundation of
Hail the Serpent of Wisdom! the Ensouling Tincture, through which my Master Qayin's seated
essence shall propagate and flourish!
8. Bring forth the container of the scorpion, open it and say the
following prayer over it: Let the bone powder be poured into the jar and then give it three
exhalations of cigar smoke.
May the scorpion open up the paths to the Nightside Arcana of the
letter Nun, foreshadowing the becoming of the Reaper of Death within Take a sip from the bottle of liquor and spray it three times over the
and through the succeeding sphere of Venus, and by becoming contents of the jar and say:
sacrificed in the name of Qayin establish the Point of manifestation
for His Soul and Spirit! May the powdered bone and the soul connected to it open the gates
between the realms of the living and those of the dead, in order to
By the power of the life and death of this scorpion, may its soon to be give way to all the manifestations of Our Master Qayin!
drowned soul manifest Niantiel-Mawethel's Point of Power within
the foundation of the Ensouling Tincture, through which my Master Hail the Faithful Dead!
Qayin's seated essence shall propagate and emanate!
Place the remaining part of the cigar inside the altar ashtray.
Tilt the container, let the scorpion fall into the jar and then give it
three exhalations of cigar smoke. 10. Bring forth the seven inscribed pieces of the thin copper sheet and
9. Bring forth the container of the human bone powder and pray the Roll the copper sheet towards yourself, into a tight scroll and drop
following over it: it into the jar.
253 254
Take up the Green Point of the Skull copper talisman and say the it into the jar.
following prayer over it:
Take up the Niantiel/Mawethel copper talisman and say the following
May the Green Point of the Skull channel and focus all the sorcerous prayer over it:
emanations of the Thorn-Crowned King and direct them into the
foundation of His Ensouling Tincture! May the Mawethel sigil channel and focus all the sorcerous emanations
of the Averse Letter of Nun and the Arcana of Death and direct them
Roll the copper sheet into a tight scroll, towards yourself, and drop into the foundation of His Ensouling Tincture!
it into the jar.
Roll the copper sheet into a tight scroll, towards yourself, and drop
Take up the King of Gulgaltha copper talisman and say the following it into the jar.
prayer over it:
Take up the Oreb Zaraq copper talisman and say the following prayer
May the King of Gulgaltha sigil channel and focus all the sorcerous over it:
emanations of the Lord of the Place of the Skull and direct them into
the foundation of His Ensouling Tincture! May the Oreb Zaraq sigil channel and focus all the sorcerous
emanations of the Lord of the Ravens of Dispersion and direct them
Roll the copper sheet into a tight scroll, towards yourself, and drop into the foundation of His Ensouling Tincture!
it into the jar.
Roll the copper sheet into a tight scroll, towards yourself, and drop
Take up the Qayin ben Samael copper talisman and say the following it into the jar.
prayer over it:
Fetch the Master's libation glass from the altar and let seven drops
May the Qayin ben Samael sigil channel and focus all the sorcerous fall from it into the jar. Refill the glass with His liquor and return
emanations of the blessed Son of the Light-Bringer and direct them it to its place upon the altar.
into the foundation of His Ensouling Tincture!
Hold your both hands over the opening of the jar and say:
Roll the copper sheet into a tight scroll, towards yourself, and drop
it into the jar. By the powers connected to via the seven seals and by all the enspirited
elements the foundation of the Ensouling tincture of Qayin is now
Take up the Baaltzelmoth copper talisman and say the following prayer established!
over it:
Hail Qayin! (x7)
May the Baaltzelmoth sigil channel and focus all the sorcerous
emanations of the Lord of the Shadow of Death and direct them into 11. Bring forth the dove, or any other suitable animal offering pertaining
the foundation of His Ensouling Tincture! to the sphere of Venus, hold it over the triangle and the jar in the
centre of it and with the sharp knife cut its throat and let the blood
Roll the copper sheet into a tight scroll, towards yourself, and drop fall into the jar, while saying:
255 256
By this animal's blood be quickened, empowered and unified, all you 13. Fetch, one by one, the red, the black and finally the central, half
spirits and shades assembled here as the foundation of the Point of red and half-black, altar candle and let the hot wax from each candle
Manifestation of our Master Qayin! fall seven times into the jar, in order to both add power and seal the
essences contained within it.
By fresh blood the field is watered so that the harvest shall become
Ensouled and Ensouling! Return each candle to its place upon the altar when done.
Hail the Faithful Famuli and the Lord of Us All, Qayin the Crowned! 14. Firmly close the lid of the jar. Bring the central fetish of the Master
from the altar and place it carefully, in a standing position, on top
Set aside the cadaver of the animal, when it has become fully drained of the lid of the jar.
of blood, so that it later can be taken out and buried.
Place the three black seven day candles on the points of the triangle
12. Pour now carefully the 700cl of vodka into the jar and say: of Manifestation and light them one by one, starting with the lower
left side, then the lower right side and finally the candle placed on
And thus the waters of life are united with the waters of death and the apex of the triangle.
the living and the dead are merged and submerged in order to create
the One Point of Sympathy and Manifestation, through which our Light the fourth cigar and via its smoke direct a full seven times
Lord Qayin's already seated essence shall propagate, expand and recitation and exhalation of the general Formula of Calling of Qayin
take new thrones upon the earth! towards the fetish of the Master, the jar it stands upon and the sigil
and triangle underneath it and thus direct and connect the emanation
Be careful with the scorpion and make sure that it becomes drowned of the seated aspect of the Master into the contents of the jar, now
in the vodka that you have poured into the jar, and if necessary press constituting a point of intersection in harmony with His own Holy
it down with a Blackthorn wand until it has died and its soul thus Soul and Spirit.
become bound to the liquid aspect of the tincture.
Place the remaining part of the cigar in the altar ashtray and then pray
Stir then with the Blackthorn wand, held in the left hand, the contents from your heart to the enlinked aspects of Sancte Qayin and tell Him
of the jar in widdershins motions, while with the knotted cord kept to fully empower the Ensouling tincture made for and placed
in the right hand counting 49 recitations of the Qliphothic formula underneath Him, so that it later can serve the workings of His Cult
of the Master: and aid in establishing His new thrones upon the earth.
Zammazo Emoth Zaraqaen Baaltzelmoth! (x49) Sit in meditation before the Triangle of Manifestation and with your
mind's eye see how the Black Light of the Master fills the jar containing
While stirring the contents of the jar and chanting the formula envision the Ensouling Tincture and understand this process of transference
a black fiery halo taking form within and manifest through it and of power according to certain mysteries divulged within the Apocryphal
connect it to the Black Light emanating from the central altar fetish Revelations of the Qayinite Genesis and know that the propagation
and all the other holy talismans and fetishes of the Master. of the seated essence is accomplished in such manner that the
strengthening and expansion, instead of dilution and separation, of
When done place the wand and cord to the sides of the triangle. the spiritual essence is caused.
257 258
Contemplate the mysteries and behold with the Spirit's Eye the remaining marc. Separate all the solid parts and place them upon a
Ensouling Tincture become set aflame by the currents evoked into it, plate so that they can dry, as such Ensouled and Ensouling elements
granting it its holiness. serve perfectly the many different workings of telestic fetishism, in
which they can constitute as the 'empowering load' (Carga) with which
15. When you feel ready give praises and thanks to the Master, and for example statues are filled and consecrated.
the attending famuli, and close the ritual in the traditional manner,
but let the altar fetish remain on top of the jar and let the three 7 Pour over the filtered tincture into the black bottle and keep it upon
day candles burn until fully consumed. the altar for future use and understand that each drop of this Ensouling
Tincture is as powerful as the physical vital fluids of Qayin would be
During the period that the three candles are burning repeat each and handle and employ it accordingly.
night, after midnight or during the night hour of Venus, the giving
of tobacco smoke, the silent recitation of the Formula of Calling, the
prayers and the meditation before the Triangle of Manifestation .
Return the fetish to its place upon the altar first when all the three
candles have burnt out.
Wrap the jar of Ensouling Tincture in the black cloth marked with
the triangle and the sigil, upon which it had stood, and during each
49 following nights, after the stroke of midnight or during the night
hour of Venus, vigorously shake the jar, while 49 times chanting the
Qliphothic Formula.
During these 49 nights you must keep the jar upon the altar, as close
to the central fetish as possible.
16. After the 49th night the Ensouling Tincture will be ready for
You must at this point take out all the larger elements, such as the
bigger pieces of bones and the copper talismans before you press the
259 260
2 - 1!\ett &igU nf 11lluminatinn 1J1nrmula
CHAPTER 18 ¥t�'£..&X1
Jl.erbal1J1nrmulas fur t4.e 4 parts Sage powder
�.eu.en tf\tu @igils nf m.eat4 4 parts Apple tree leaf or wood powder
3 parts Frankincense
3 parts Myrrh
5 - fKey �igil nf Jrntertinn 111nrmula Each mixture is to be consecrated upon the Green Point of the Skull
and only when the Black In Green belonging to each grouping of seven
have been assembled, through the grace of Master Qayin Qatsiyr, will
the mixture possess the power to turn each Key that it is associated with.
3 parts Nettle
These formulas are also to be understood as the herbal codes which
can unlock the hidden force of each of the Key Sigils of Death and
6 - fKey �igil nf ilane 111nrmula this becomes most obvious within the workings of Sanctified Inks. The
essence of each formula, obtained through the method of tincturing,
will possess the power to consecrate the ink into which its drops are
added and gives it the ability to activate the Key Sigil to which it
3 parts Aconite flowers and leaves
7 - JKey �igil nf Necromancy 111nrmula immensely strong focusing and quickening of the powers connected
to it and would cause impressive results.
263 264
obtained soil from a place of power, of relevance to our work, is also
in similar fashion introduced into inks, in order to endow them with
magical virtues of that place.
When the basic approach to the creation of the ensorcelled inks is
�anrtifitil1Jnks nf tltt understood there will be countless ways through which one can transfer
�nrrtrnus l\rt
and confer desirable attributes to any ink required for the different
workings of our sorcery.
Within our practice there are few tools used as often and as effectively
as the Inks of the Sorcerous Art, being the sanctified inks carrying
within them the virtues of plants, animals and minerals, or in some The ritual cleansing and dedication of the ink base, be it self-created
cases even the ensouling essences of the Master and His Lady. or bought, is simple. The ink must be purified via the fire-bearing
drops of the tincture and the purging smoke of the powerful Rue.
Plants ritually harvested or otherwise hallowed and re-enspirited During this process the ink vessel is simply opened, three drops of
through the power of the Thorn-Crowned Master or His Lady, animal consecrated Rue tincture is added into it and it is then held above
parts obtained via sacrificial rituals or minerals obtained and/or and fumigated with the smoke of burnt Rue herb, while the following
empowered ceremonially are the endowing elements possessing the 'Exorcism of the Creature of Ink' is prayed over it:
abilities needed in order to confer the required powers into the ink
base. I exorcise you, 0 Creature of Ink, by Qayin, Qalmana and by the
Mighty Rue's Black In Green and by the name of the Cunning Serpent
When plant elements are used in the art of ink making it is the Sataninsam, who generated the Holy Bloodline and awakened the
tinctured essence that one most often employs, even if also powders Spirit!
made from plant parts could be used, as the tincture allows the
extraction of their essences in a concentrated liquid form which often I exorcise you and banish from you all profanity and make you pure
better lends itself to the conjunction with the carrier ink base. and worthy to assist me in my Work, which is a Work sanctioned by
the Hidden Head of Divinity, so that it becomes fully accomplished in
When animal virtues are sought it is their blood, powdered bones and accordance to my will and fulfilled through the Spiritual Licenses
ashes which most often are mixed with the ink base meant to become granted to me by the Master Qayin and His Lady and by all the
so empowered, but even in such instances tincturing could be used binding treaties existing between Him and all the Faithful Souls and
in order to avoid lumps which otherwise could be caused by the coarser Spirits!
elements in the resulting ink.
Sanctified be, and in the Holy names ofQayin andQalmana become
When it comes to minerals they can often be added to the ink wholly, now fully dedicated to my Work, which is the Work of (insert here a
such as in the cases of stones and crystals, or lend their extracted descriptive title for the kind of work that the ink is intended for)!
essences once again through steeping. In some workings ritually
265 266
The enspirited tinctures should be added in an amount of 3, 7, 11 or ®ntirnmancy1fnk:
13 drops, ml or parts each based on the quantity of the ink base and Black Ink, empowered by Mugwort, Angel's Trumpet and Lily
the number of different tinctures employed, in order to not dilute or
weaken its staining qualities too much. As the drops of tincture are 'rnt.ectinn 1fnk:
added to the ink it is further conjured in the names of Qayin and Red Ink, empowered by Rowan, Rue and Hawthorn
Qalmana and the spirits or souls added to it are petitioned to lend
their powers of blessing and cursing. lnminatinn 1fnk:
Red Ink, empowered by Liquorice, Calamus and Tobacco
As a final step and a sealing of the work the bottle of ink is placed
upon the activated sigils or spirit signatures most relevant to its <!rnnque.st anllllfictnry1fnk:
consecration, such as those of the Master or the Lady and the signatures Black Ink, empowered by Jalap root, Belladonna and
of the Black In Green. The open bottle of ink is then given the smoke Dragon Blood
of tobacco, or some fitting incense blend harmonious with the powers
charged into it, and candle of suitable colour, inscribed and dressed �nnllllinrtune 1fnk:
again in accordance with the installed spirits, virtues and purpose of Green Ink, empowered by Nutmeg, Camomile and Clove
the ink.
<!rnncealm.ent anll1fnui.sibility1fnk:
When the candle/s has been consumed the ink is ready for use. Black Ink, empowered by Male Fern, Black Pepper and Hemlock
267 268
In order to create these inks one must first make the Ensouling
Tinctures of the Master and the Lady.
13ml of each of the Ensouling Tinctures are then mixed, inside suitable CHAPTER 20
ink bottles, with 30ml of black ink for Qayin and with 30ml of red
ink for Qalmana, which in beforehand has been exorcised and dedicated
according to the method outlined earlier .
ID4t �tutu IDnlismnnit �tnls
The ink bottles are then placed on the respective sigils of the Master
and the Lady, each sigil is activated according to its own specific mode
and the bottles of Ensouled Inks are given the sealing smoke offerings The seven talismanic seals presented in this chapter are most often
and a seven day candle each (black for Qayin and red for Qalmana), drawn with Sanctified Inks empowered by the herbal formulae of their
while the Master and the Lady are petitioned to lend their full corresponding Key Sigils of Death, or in other suitable manners marked
consecrations and enlink the inks to their souls and spiritual essences. or inscribed on sheets of metal, clay disks, ceramic plates or flat pieces
of wood and employed in different ways in connection to the sorcerous
Each following night the Master and the Lady are prayed to for their practices drawing power from the forces governed by the Master.
empowerments and the ink bottles are envisioned to become set aflame
by their Black Light imbuing their contents. Within the purely talismanic context they are consecrated via the
seated essence of Sancte Qayin and then carried hidden upon the body
When the seven day candles have been consumed the inks will be in order to draw to one's self their indented virtues, but they can also
ready for use and fully ensouled by the holy touch of the Master and be employed in connection to candle burning rituals during which
His Lady, and they will at that time possess the powers to directly they most often are marked with ensouled ink, paint or chalk upon
link all that which is written, drawn or marked with them to the seated a plate, on which the cleansed, inscribed, anointed and dressed candles
powers of Sancte Qayin and our Sancta Qalmana. are positioned. By placing the charged candle upon a plate bearing
the talismanic seal corresponding with its ensorcelled purpose the
powers of the candle will, via the heat of magical will manifested
through flame, activate the full force of the seal and in union they will
bring about the desired outcome.
When thick pillar candle is used the talismanic seal can be directly
inscribed upon its wax and become anointed with oil empowered by
its corresponding Key Sigil formula and then dressed with a powder
consisting of the same kinds of herbal elements. Such talismanic candle
possesses great powers and is a very effective tool for the focusing and
directing of the magical will.
269 270
correct magical oils, with which first the four corners and then the
centre of the parchment are anointed. If such talisman is carried in
a small pouch, also containing a mixture of the herbs belonging to
their corresponding herbal formulae, their effectiveness and power
becomes doubled.
271 272
Wlft �tal nf �piritual 1Jlluminatinn
Witt �tal nf Ilfirt-lSnrn ilnmininn
Witt i'tal of <&nllltn .Jinrtunt Ulltt �tal nf .Sartial flltftnct
W:It.e �tal nf �laying Wilt �tal nf tlrt Ntrrnmanctr
The sixth seal is that of Slaying and is a symbol of pernicious attack The seventh seal is that of the Necromancer and represents the powers
directed at one's foes and a beckoning call to Qayin Occisor and to of Will and Spirit unified and directed towards the awakening of, and
the shades and spirits faithful to the Qayinite Bloodline, entreating interaction with, the dead. It is a seal of the seeker of the mysteries
them all to lend their wrathful powers to all such assaults. This seal of Gulgaltha and a sign of a living soul that walks with the dead. This
crosses the death-dealing powers of the sickle, sword and arrow/spear, seal petitions the First Sower of the Skull for His protection, blessings
all being important symbols connected to different aspects of Qayin's and empowerments and signals to the dead that the wearer of the seal
baneful aspects, but also to two other Mighty Ones of His lineage and summons them in the name and through the power of their Lord of
their abilities to cause bloodshed and ruin. the Black Cross.
This seal embodies the intention to cause harm and take lives and is This seal possesses both empowering and protective attributes and
reserved solely for the rituals of malediction and sorcerous while conferring the authority of the Mighty Dead it also blocks the
assassination and serves within such settings as an amplifier of the paths of the malignant souls and shields against them, by the power
deadly currents of justified hate, directed towards those who oppose of their Sovereign, unless such Dark Dead are purposely called upon,
that which is good, holy and of the Spirit. Within and through its in which case it will aid in their tasking and controlling. By this seal
simple form the very Sting of Death is represented and at its central all the dead are notified that the wearer is one who knows about laws
point of intersection it opens up the liminal Crossroads of Death, and tabus of the Fields of Skulls and that both he/she and they thus
bringing about the destruction of those against whom its powers are are bound by the governing treaties between the quick and the dead
turned. and that they therefore must obey and act according to the ruling
protocols and lend their aid whenever approached correctly by such
The seal of Slaying is a sign by which the envenomed sorcerous will a person.
becomes directed in accordance with the cause of damnation and
justified vengeance, as it represents and manifests nought but the The Seal of the Necromancer is also a sign connected to Dominor
wielding of the reddened scythe or poison dripping sickle of Qayin, Tumulus and is best consecrated via His aspect-specific fetishes and
for the sake of the deathly harvests of lives and souls. ensouled tools of sorcery.
277 278
As already mentioned there are connections between the talismanic
seals presented and the Seven Key Sigils of Qayin. Besides being
activated through the herbal formulae of those Key Sigils the talismanic
seals can be further empowered by being combined with them in the
following manner, which creates the keyed aspects of the seals and
grants great addition of power to them, by strengthening their focus
and their vincula to the aspect of the Master from whom they obtain
their sorcerous merits.
The Following are the Seven Talismanic Seals, in their keyed forms:
279 280
Through the correct study of the specific plant elements that the
formulae consist of and their specific combinations it becomes possible
The Keyed Seal of Slaying to conclude which of the aspects of the Master and the Lady there are
that most potently can be manifested by the powers released and
strengthened through the presented formulae and for which contexts
and kinds of ritual workings they are best suited.
1f!trst 1Jnceuse 1f!nrmula nf �ayin: JJHrst Jlnttnn Jllormuht of (igulmaua:
283 284
1. Open the ritual in the traditional manner and ask for the blessings
2. Mix all the elements in a bowl and place the bowl in the centre
-l\ if\inbling1J.Jibatinn 3. Activate the Green Point in the Traditional manner and make sure
that the liquor sprayed over and smoke given to it also bless the
contents of the bowl.
By the smoke given pray to the Master that He quickens the powers
The Tincture of Vivification, Rekindling and Awakening is to be used
and spirits connected to the plant elements mixed within the bowl and
as libation given to the seated power of the Qayin's Holy Fetishes in
that He by the virtues of the gunpowder given to them endows
order to quicken the essence within them, whenever you need to hasten
them with the collective ability to, in a fiery manner, hasten the
the outward manifestations of the currents of His Spirit, as connected
manifestations and affecting abilities of His own seated share of Soul
to and manifested through His blessed soul upon the earth.
and Spirit power within the sorcerous workings in which He is
The use of this tincture can be compared to the pouring of petrol upon
burning ambers and if employed too often, or without sufficient
Ask Him to grant the mixture the power to make His Flame on Earth
understanding or temperance, it will sooner or later burn the hands
blaze forth stirred by the tincture that you intend to make, so that
of its misuser .
it can during all crucial settings, when His blessings or curses are
needed the most, aid in the hastening of His manifestations. Also,
The power of the tincture constitutes of the ability to accelerate fiery
promise Him that whenever the tincture in question becomes used for
manifestations and arouse the Spirit Flame already seated, or enlinked
the stirring of His powers you will repay Him with suitable offerings
to by the way of sympathy or the presence of His shade, within a Holy
to replenish the powers spent for your own cause.
Fetish. The following elements are needed for the making of this
Tincture of Vivification:
Place a flat lid upon the bowl and proceed with the positioning of the
candles upon the points of the Green Skull and then light them in
� an empty glass bottle of suitable shape and size
traditional manner and fully evoke the influences of the Master with
� 700cl vodka
His Formula of Calling, so that His power brings back all the spirits
� 3 teaspoons of Ginger powder
of the plants placed within the bowl and unites them to the cause
� 3 teaspoons of Galangal powder
conveyed to Him.
� 3 teaspoons of whole Black Pepper corns
� 3 teaspoons of Red (hot) Chilli powder
4· When the candles are fully consumed by their flames remove the
� 3 teaspoons of Tobacco leaves powder
bowl and pour its contents into the empty bottle and then fill the
� 3 teaspoons of Grains of Paradise (Guinea Pepper) seeds
bottle with the 700cl of vodka.
� 3 teaspoons of gunpowder (a correct mixture and
conjugation of sulphur, saltpetre and charcoal powder)
Shake the bottle before the altar while chanting the salutations to the
Master and then once again pray over the bottle, while still shaking bottle. Wrap the bottle in a scarlet piece of cloth and tie the cloth
it, and ask the unified spirits to act as awakeners of the seated power around it with red yarn.
of the Master and as the enflamers of His sparks of manifestation.
The Tincture of Fiery Vivification is ready for use and whenever you
5· Open the bottle and place it on a fireproof surface before the altar are in dire need of the Master's aid and have to accelerate His
and with gunpowder trace a thin Triangle of Manifestation around the manifestations you can use the tincture in order to stir His seated
bottle, making sure that its lines are fully connected to each other. essence by spraying it three times over His holy fetishes or in some
other suitable way pour it over them, but still, to spray it directly out
Light a cigar in the traditional manner and by the sorcerous might from your own mouth is recommended, as it will not inflame only
of Amiahzatan, directed through its smoke, further conjure the power Him but also yourself, in more ways than one.
of the Tincture of Fiery Vivification in accordance with the cause of
its making. The arousing power of this Tincture of Fiery Vivification is more than
ten times as potent as a normal libation of alcohol and the spiritual
When more than half of the cigar has been smoked ignite the triangle flames ensuing by its use will surely bless the wise and burn the
traced with gunpowder, by touching its apex, which must be pointing foolish.
towards the altar and the Master's central fetish, with the glowing tip
of the cigar.
As the triangle blazes and burns you must direct the powers of its
fiery manifestation into the contents of the bottle at its centre, by the
virtues of your imagination and focused will.
6. When the black ash left by the burning gunpowder has cooled
down place three pinches of it, taken from each point of the now
charred triangle, into the bottle and then let seven drops of wax from
the red, right side, altar candle fall into it in order to fully seal the
Close the bottle and shake it once again while giving praise to the
Master, saluting His Holy Name and titles.
Place then the bottle of tincture upon the altar, if possible in a position
close to the central fetish.
7· Shake the bottle each following night, for at least 31 nights, and
after that period filter its contents and then pour it back into its
287 288
Within some modern systems these kinds of effigies are believed to
only serve as tools of mental concentration or as a mere symbolic
representation of the target, without any actual magical powers of
CHAPTER 23 their own, but such ideas are not traditional or correct.
289 290
it can besides the personal links to the target become filled with
of some of the mentioned materials for the creation of a fitting effigy
cursing powders and grave soil bought from a suitable Dark Dead. The
and as in most situations necessity will dictate the exact approach,
important thing is to remember that whatever you stuff the effigy with
all according to the specific situation and context.
will penetrate into the very core of the target's being and cause physical,
astral, mental and spiritual influences, all depending on the ritual
As for the second point concerning the personal links to the target
consecration and the later treatment of the effigy.
it is all about their degree of attachment caused by their former level
of proximity and physical and etheric contact with the target. The
When it comes to the consecration and magical conjunction of the
most potent links are the ones that originate from the actual body of
different elements and links in order to create a true embodiment of
the target and therefore carry within them parts of his/her vital essence.
the target there are a few different ways that this can be accomplished.
Amongst such 'Bodily Mumia' (i.e. elements derived from the body
but we will now present a relatively simple but very effective Baptismal
serving as a medium for the transmission and manifestation of Life
Rite for the final consecration of the effigy, which will strengthen all
Force) are blood, spittle, sweat, sexual fluids, strands of hair, nail
ties it possesses to the target, by the focusing and unification of all
clippings, skin scrapings and teeth the most coveted within these rites,
the powers of the elements employed in its creation.
as such intimate elements contain strong imprints of, and enduring
connections to, the whole being of the person they have belonged to.
The following elements are used in order to create the Baptismal
Because of the obvious difficulties with the obtaining of some of these
Water used for the consecration of an effigy:
kinds of links it can often be practical to use objects that have been
in direct contact with such bodily mumia of the target, such as
>F a Triangle of Manifestation, traced with a red paint
unwashed clothing, some favourite piece of personal jewellery,
empowered by the tinctures of Myrrh, Wormwood,
discarded cigarette butts and to a lesser extent the person's handwriting,
Mugwort, Chamomile and Tobacco upon
which does hold some etheric and astral enlinkment because of the
on a piece of black cloth
contact with the target's body, but also mental connection to the target,
>F a Rowan wand
as the written word is the direct manifestation of the person's mental
>F a terracotta bowl
sphere of thought. All links to the target, such as the ones mentioned,
>F 3 red candles (each placed within a candleholder)
are most often placed inside the hollow effigy and it is specifically into
>F soml water
the solar plexus and head area of the effigy that such load most often
>F soml fresh milk
is put, but for example when a figure candle is loaded also the base
>F 10ml tincture of Myrrh
of the candle can be hollowed out and loaded with the linking elements.
>F 10ml tincture of Mugwort
>F 10ml tincture of Wormwood
Besides the abovementioned personal links to the target other elements
>F 10ml tincture of Chamomile
can also be used for the stuffing of the effigy, especially if it is one
>F 2 cigars
made out of cloth or created in any other hollowed form that would
>F a bottle of liquor
require further filling, both in order to assume the correct shape but
>F a suitable animal offering
also for the sake of strengthening the connections to the target and
>F a sharp knife
the influences with which one wants to afflict him/her. For example
can an effigy created for the sake of healing become stuffed, or otherwise
1. Open the ritual in the traditional manner, call upon the Master and
empowered by a powder made of plant elements possessing the powers
the Lady and burn incense for them both. Place the constructed and
of healing, or if the effigy is to be used for the destruction of an enemy
loaded effigy before them and pray to them to grant power to your through the powers of Amiahzatan entreat the spirits of Myrrh,
rite and aid you in the final consecration of the effigy and in the Mugwort, Wormwood and Chamomile to awaken fully in the name of
empowerment of all the physical, astral and mental enlinkments to their Thorn-Crowned Sovereign and lend to you their aid in the final
the target that it possesses. consecration of the effigy. Place the remaining part of the cigar in the
altar ashtray.
2. Place the cloth marked with the triangle of manifestation in front
of the altar and position the terracotta bowl in the middle of it. 8. Retrieve the effigy from the altar and place it inside the triangle,
on its back and with its head towards the terracotta bowl.
3. Fill the bowl with the water, milk and with the four tinctures. Pick
up the Rowan wand and with its tip knock once on each point of the Bring forth the chosen animal offering, pass it over the whole front
triangle and then use it to trace the outline of the triangle, starting side of your own body while intensively focusing on the intentions you
at its apex pointing towards the altar and moving down to the lower have towards the target so that the animal absorbs some of the energetic
left point, the lower right point and back to the apex, while you envision emanations of your will and emotions and then cut its throat above
the spiritual fire of the Rowan establish, fortify and seal the triangle the triangle so that its blood falls upon the effigy and into the terracotta
within all intersecting realms. Do this thrice and then seven times stir bowl and say:
the contents of the bowl in a widdershins motion with the tip of the
wand in order to bind all elements therein and quicken them with the I sacrifice this animal's blood and life in order to strengthen all the
sorcerous fire of the mighty Black In Green of the Rowan tree. Return links to NN's body, mind and soul!
the wand to its proper place.
In the name of Qayin and Qalmana, may the sacrifice of this animal
4· Open the bottle of liquor, hold it over the terracotta bowl and tilt empower all connections created between the effigy and NN and may
it three times, so that by the libation offering thrice poured further they truly become as one!
empowerment becomes granted to the intermingling plant essences
kept within it. Let every single drop of blood of the animal that you can drain from
it fall upon the effigy and inside the bowl within the triangle and then
s. Light the cigar in the traditional manner and direct seven exhalations put aside the carcass of the animal.
of the breath of Amiahzatan first towards the central altar fetish of
the Master and then an equal amount of time towards the bowl and 9. If the effigy is made out of wax, wood, bone or some other water
its contents, in the centre of the triangle. Place the remaining cigar resistant material place it now inside the bowl and wash it slowly and
in the altar ashtray. thoroughly with the baptismal water, but if it is made out of fabric
or some other material that can become ruined by a complete soaking
6. Place the three red candles, which in beforehand must have been just hold it in your right hand, dip your left hand into the baptismal
cleansed with the tincture of Rue, inside their candleholders and water within the bowl and then spatter it upon the effigy repeatedly,
position them on the tree points of the triangle and light them each while saying:
in the name of Sancte Qayin.
I baptise you NN and strengthen all the chains of sympathetic
7· Pick up the cigar once again and smoke more than half of its enlinkment tying your body, mind and soul!
remaining part and direct the smoke towards the bowl while you
293 294
While performing this baptism you must feel the effigy vibrate with If further elevation of the potency of this rite is sought you can add
the powers installed and awakened within it and with your mind's eye to the list of the tinctures poured into the baptismal water also those
and the fires of imagination shape it so that it becomes fully imprinted,
of the True Mandrake and Tobacco, in the same amount as the earlier
on all levels, with the resemblance of the target.
mentioned tinctures.
Place then the effigy back in its place within the triangle, inside or
Also, whenever possible let the sex and the species of the animal
in front of the bowl.
chosen for the sacrifice within these rites of baptism be, on some
relevant level, of a sympathetic nature in relation to the target and
10. Light the second cigar in traditional manner and blow the smoke
to the work itself.
towards the effigy, while focusing your mind on the person it now
embodies and feel the connections become even more fortified, focused
You could for example choose a dove for love-witching, a rat for the
and sealed within the effigy and see it becoming more and more
cursing of traitors, a snake for the conferring of cunning and blessings,
animated with the essence of the target that it now channels vital
a black hen or rooster for removal of unwanted influences and
forces from and has become a living part of.
protection, a pig for the strongest workings commissioned to the dead,
a bat for the bringing of nocturnal torment and sickness, a black cat
When more than half of the cigar has been smoked go before the
for the bringing of death, a toad or a frog for the controlling of minds
central altar fetish and direct seven exhalations of smoke towards it
and a rabbit for general ensoulment and fortification of an effigy.
in exaltation and then place the remaining part in the altar ashtray .
� a piece of cleansed parchment
� a quill pen made of the feather of a raven, crow or an owl
� 7 black candles, each having Qalmana's Key Sigil of
Punishment inscribed upon them with a Rose thorn
Self-delusion will in this context bring doom upon your own head, so
Sickle and pray for Her guidance, protection and aid in the punishing
make sure to be honest and open-minded while seeking these kinds
of the traitor.
of answers.
3. Cut the outlines of the black cloth puppet, sew together the two
If no disapproving signs or other forms of answers are received you
halves with black thread and leave an opening through which it can
may proceed with the work, but if the Holy Qalmana rejects your
be filled. Stuff the puppet with the minced pork and insert into the
ruling you must revalue your judgment and not go through with the
ground meat all the personal links to the target and then finish it by
execution of this work, on that night, and wait for further clarification
sewing up the opening used for stuffing.
concerning the matter and you must wait at least a full lunar cycle
before presenting the same case to Her again, if you at that time feel
Proceed with the rites of 'Enlinkment of Sympathetic Effigies',
that the harsh judgment still feels justified.
according to the instructions provided earlier in this book and when
the puppet is fully connected to the sentenced offender wrap it in a
2. If the Mistress of the Sickle approves your sentencing you must
black shroud.
write the name of the accused seven times upon a piece of paper and
then turn the paper 90 degrees anti-clockwise and seven times write
4. Adorn yourself with the black and green rosary of Qalmana and
Qalmana's Key Sigil of Punishment over the offender's name, so that
any other empowering and protective talismans and amulets of
a cross pattern becomes created. Place the paper upon the altar, in
Qalmana that you possess and burn some additional incense to Her
front of Her central flame.
glory. Give praise to the Holy Mother in traditional manner and then
extinguish the altar candles, but let the black candle placed upon the
Cleanse a black candle with the Tincture of Green Fire and inscribe
name of the offender remain burning. This candle will burn while you
Her Key Sigil of Punishment vertically upon it with a rusty nail, a
perform the rest of the ritual and will aid in the channelling of Her
Hawthorn spine or a Rose thorn. On the lowest part of the candle
wrathful emanations towards the target. This candle may also reveal
inscribe horizontally the name of the traitorI oath breaker and dress
certain omens concerning the outcome of the work once you have
the candle with mineral oil containing the essences of Hawthorn, Elder
returned back home or it may show some signs through its molten
and Rose, while focusing on your will to afflict the offender with the
wax when it has burnt down completely, in either case it will act as
harshest punishments of Qalmana.
a manifestation of your sentencing of the offender upon the altar.
Hold the candle with its wick towards yourself and anoint it with the
s. Collect all elements needed for the work and head for the, in
oil downwards and away from yourself, towards the target's inscribed
beforehand selected, spot where the specific Elder tree that you are
name, thus directing the castigating currents of Qalmana towards
to work with is located.
him/her. Let your focused Will and vindicated wrath become the lethal
poison envenoming the arrow that you through the powers of Qalmana
Face the Elder tree, stomp your left foot three times on the ground,
direct at the heart of the target and put your trust completely and
bow before the tree and say:
faithfully in Her marksmanship.
Attend now and lend your aid to my rite of execution and open up the Lift up and hold the effigy of the offender in the rising smoke and say:
In the name of Lebuda, the Twin-Bride of Qayin the Thorn-Crowned, Behold the offender of the Holy Tabus of Qayin and Qalmana, brought
I beseech you to awaken and lend strength to my work and bring to the gallows to be executed for his/her profanity, as a sacrifice and
death to my enemy! tribute to all that which is sacred and good.
Hail the Elder's Black In Green! Mighty Spirit of the Elder, take NN's life and soul as he/she will be
hung by the neck on the branches of your tree, but bring him/her first
6. Draw the spirit signature of the daemon of the Elder upon the trunk fear, pain, sickness, disgrace and madness and finally a deserving
of the tree with the black ritual chalk and three times say: death!
Awaken now to the cause of Qalmana and lend your powers to me, 0 In the Names of the Holy Qalmana, let the punishment fit his/her
mighty daemon of the Elder tree, come forth and deliver Her death crimes!
sentence to our enemy!
Return the effigy back to its place by the foot of the Elder tree.
Knock with your left hand three times upon the traced signature and fumigate the cord with the smoke. Tie the cord first into a Hangman's
once again bow low to the now awakened spirit of the tree. Noose with thirteen coils and then tie seven knots on the opposite end
of the cord and into each knot charge and seal all your justified hatred
7· Take out the effigy of the offender, remove its covering and place against the traitor/oath breaker.
it by the foot of the Elder tree. Place the seven inscribed black candles
in a wide circle around the Elder tree and then light them with seven Burn some additional incense upon the glowing charcoal and hold up
different matches, starting with the candle in front of the effigy and the noose in front of the effigy and within the smoke and three times
then moving widdershins around the circle created by the positioned say:
Behold the Snare of Death, the Hangman's Noose of your execution!
8. Place then the brazier by the foot of the Elder tree, in front of the NN, behold the knotted cord of my malediction, which shall bind you
effigy, light the charcoals within it and upon them burn a large amount unto Death!
of the incense blend.
With your right hand lift up the effigy, which you must fully envision
Take this life and drink the blood I shed and in return take the life
to be the person it embodies and is esoterically connected to, and with
and consume the vital force of NN and bring to him/her Death!
your left hand place the noose around his/her neck. Tighten the noose
and see with your mind's eye the offender start choking. Tie the end
In the name of Qalmana!
of the cord to a suitable branch of the Elder Tree and recite seven
times the following charge:
With the sharp knife slit the throat of the animal and let its blood
run over the hanged effigy of the betrayer. Envision dark shapes emerge
Mighty Black In Green of the Elder tree, I give now the life and soul
from below the roots of the Elder tree and swarm upon the effigy in
of NN as a sacrifice to you!
order to consume all life force that is upon, within and enlinked to
and through it. See with your mind's eye the Shades and Spirits of
0 most faithful servant of Qalmana, Chosen One amongst Her
Black consume the effigy and by the way of the sympathetic connection
Arboreal Court, execute now Her will and ensnare and take the life of
also the person it embodies.
the betrayer!
12. Place the animal by the foot of the tree, where the effigy before
Let his/her life become yours and bring a fitting end to one that has
was seated and with the quill pen dipped into the spilled blood write
brought disgrace to the Holiness we both cherish!
Qalmana's Key Sigil of Punishment on the piece of parchment. Burn
some additional incense and hold the parchment in the smoke while
Take now NN's life as he/she is hung by the neck on your tree and
silently praying to the Rose-Crowned Queen to fully afflict the target
bring death!
and direct all shades and spirits serving Her Divine Will to consume
and destroy him/her.
Death to NN!
When more than half of the large cigar has been smoked place the
Set then the pouch by the side of the animal's carcass in front of the
remaining part in the brazier so that it becomes burnt as a martial
incense to strengthen the death-dealing currents evoked.
13. Dig with the aid of the shovel a grave for the animal close to the
11. Take the animal to the foot of the tree and say:
roots of the Elder tree and place inside the hole first the pouch
containing the thirteen coins and the parchment and then the animal
0 Mighty Spirit of the Holy Elder Tree, accept this offering and
carcass. Cover the hole with soil and flatten the grave by stomping
strengthen your assault upon NN and let the legions of bloodthirsty
with the left foot three times upon it and say:
shades and spirits that you oversee follow the scent of blood to NN
and consume him/her utterly!
As this animal is dead and buried so shall also NN soon be dead and
placed within the darkness of the grave!
Open the bottle of the Elder Flower wine and pour it out in a
widdershins circle around the buried sacrifice and say:
Place the silver ring upon a suitable branch of the Elder tree, taking
The sigil itself does not possess the power to animate (i.e. bestow
in your mind's eye the shape of the hand and fingers of the Elder's
Anima) anything on its own, but it does direct and seal forces
spirit, and say:
possessing such abilities, when and where they are presented, in order
to empower an effigy and grant it the powers and abilities to hear,
I give full praise and thanks to you, 0 mighty spirit of the Elder, and
to see, to smell, to talk, to eat, to take, to give, to feel, to leave, to
in Qalmana's name may your blessings and protection belong to me return, to grow stronger and most importantly to remain bound to
and your fatal wrath afflict my enemy! its purpose.
Collect your belongings, bow deep and low before the Elder spirit,
The Spirit Effigy Animation Sigil is not to be used for the consecration
take three steps back, turn around and leave the place without ever
of any effigies representing already living persons and is solely reserved
looking back.
for the animation of the bodies of the discarnate souls and spirits and
as such it may even be used for the consecration of effigies holding
When back at home read any omens manifested through the black
the shadows of the dead, employed within certain forms ofNecrosophic
candle burning upon the altar, light incense to Qalmana and to Qayin
Sorcery in which the souls of the departed are kept and bound to serve
and then take a cleansing ritual bath in order to remove the stains
the living.
of death from yourself and fortify your own self against the poison
that you have directed at the offender.
The sigil is a linear channel for the animating forces connected to and
installed within such effigy and serves to give them clear and correct
Rejoice in the knowledge that true justice has been done, by the grace
direction. It is a sigil by which the Famuli can be granted bodies and
of the Holy Queen and Her faithful Black In Green .
by which homunculi and golems can become their vehicles through
which they more concretely can affect the physical realm and be
interacted with.
Notice that the sections of the sigil meant to cover the ears of the
effigy are in the following depiction drawn in a way meant to clearly
show their forms and that those parts of the sigil, when employed
within the ritual setting, must be marked properly and be traced so
that they are wrapped around the sides of the head and covering the
ears of the effigy.
307 308
>I< a circa 30-35cm tall effigy
made out of beforehand ritually cleansed, soft and thin,
naturally coloured, white or red leather (this homunculus
CHAPTER 26 effigy must have its head and shoulder area open for the
stuffing of the elements which have to be placed inside it)
309 310
� a small sharp blade that can function as the sword
I pray to you to lend power and authority to my words and deeds so
of the effigy
that the aspect of my being that I tonight seek to separate from my
� a round mirror upon which the Key Sigil of Protection
own self becomes a guarding, shielding, deflecting and protecting
has been marked with sanctified black paint containing
body double and twin armoured, enlivened and fortified by the spirits
the essence of the herbal formula of that Key Sigil
of the thirteen Black In Green that I shall awaken in your Holy
� strong glue
� a terracotta bowl for the mixing of the elements,
circa 35cm in diameter
Place the black and green rosaries of Qayin and Qalmana around your
� a green cloth upon which the Green Point of the Skull
neck and say:
is ritually marked in black (the outer diameter of the circle of
the Green Point of the Skull signature must be at least 70cm)
By the spiritual blood of the Thorn-Crowned and the Rose-Crowned
� a bottle of rum or vodka
King and Queen of the Legions of the Black In Green, I am empowered, (
� 2 cigars
protected and blessed!
� 1 cigarillo
� matches
Hail Qayin!
� a sharp knife
Hail Qalmana!
� 3 red candles
Hail the Host of the Black In Green!
� 4 green candles
� 1 black candle
2. Mark, with sanctified ink, the signature of each of the thirteen Black
� a glass goblet
In Green that you are going to employ in this work upon the thirteen
� a small ashtray
small plates. Place the plates upon, or before, the altar and place the
earlier indicated amount of each plant element upon their
1. On a Saturday, after the stroke of midnight, place all the elements
corresponding signature.
needed for this working before the altar and open the ritual with the
Formula of Calling of Qayin, light the altar candles and then proceed
Take small sips from the liquor bottle and spray it out from your
with calling upon the Holy Mother and light Her candlejs. Burn Myrrh
mouth in fine mists over each plate three times, so that the quickening
incense for the Master and Rose incense for the Lady and recite to
power of the alcohol is given to each of the thirteen.
them the following prayer:
Light then a cigar in the name of Amiahzatan and blow its smoke
Master Qayin, my Saint of Harvest, I pray to you!
seven times over the contents of each plate, while mentally praying
Lady Qalmana, my Sacred Mother of Spiritual Blood, I pray to you!
to and calling upon each Black In Green to awaken, become fortified
and lend its blessings to your work.
Be with me on this night and lend your blessings and empowerments
to me, as I by your grace conduct the hallowed rites of sorcery!
Place the remaining part of the cigar in the altar ashtray.
Let your crowning fires cast their shadowless light upon me and
3· Lift, one by one, each of the thirteen plates close to your lips, so
make your Holy Mark glow upon my brow as I summon the spirits
that your breath imbues them, and recite seven times each of the
faithful to your cause in order to create my shielding homunculus
following short prayers to the corresponding Black In Green:
Daemon of the Rowan tree, opener of the paths to that which is Holy Daemon of the Wormwood, surmounter of obsessive shades, I pray
and strengthener of the barriers protecting against the enemy, I pray that you remove all dark souls dispatched towards me and in more
that you bar the ways for all the venomous hostility directed towards ferocious forms return them all back to and against my enemy! Purify
me! Break the curses of those that wish harm upon me and grant me and spiritually fortify me, strengthen the defences of my famuli and
your impenetrable armour and unlock the roads to glory! Grant bring bitterness, suffering and defeat to those who seek to harm me!
courage and strength of will to me, so that I may remain ever In the names of Qayin and Qalmana, as I pray so it shall be!
triumphant over all those that would oppose me! In the names of
Qayin and Qalmana, as I pray so it shall be! ffi
Daemon of the Oregano, banisher of misery and poverty, I pray that Daemon of the Jalap root, granter of conquest, I pray that you protect
you shield me against the enforcers of the laws of man that would me against all adversity and open up all my roads to victory! Dispel
serve to oppress me! Banish from me all negativity and bestow upon all weakness and all the causes of misfortune from my being and
me good health, happiness and prosperity! Nocturnal wraiths keep grant me courage, virility, power and forceful mastery! Banish all the
away from me, during sleep protect me, in dreams bless me and causes of defeat and dishonour from me and ever keep me on the Path of
grant me the powers of prophecy! In the names of Qayin and Glory! In the names of Qayin and Qalmana, as I pray so it shall be!
Qalmana, as I pray so it shall be!
313 314
Daemon of the Blackthorn Tree, spirit of warfare and destroyer of Daemon of the Sage, granter of wisdom and clarity, I pray that you
the enemy, I pray that you now lend your deadly sword and cleanse, purify and sanctify me! From misfortune and profanity,from
unbreakable shield to me! Against all dangers to body and soul ignorance and spiritual obscurity, I entreat you to save me! Banish
protect me and turn back with a sevenfold stab the baneful all foul currents directed towards me and high above my foes elevate
influences ever directed towards me! Grant me invincibility when and exalt me! Upon the path of the wise guide me and against all
facing adversity and become the scourge of the foolish ones that delusion and wretchedness protect me! In the names of Qayin and
would dare to oppose me! In the names of Qayin and Qalmana,as I Qalmana, as I pray so it shall be!
pray so it shall be!
Return the plate containing the herbal links of the daemon of the Sage
Daemon of the Hawthorn Tree,dryadic famulus of Our Rose-Crowned to the altar and say:
Lady,I pray that you grant me the protection of your piercing thorns
and smite those that would attack me! Let your conquering might Praise and glory to the Master of all the Black In Green!
crown me and to those that direct malevolency towards me, bring Praise and glory to the Mistress of the Sickle!
harsh defeat,fear and insanity! In their eyes grant me invisibility so Hail Qayin and Qalmana!
that all their hostile advances become easily averted by me! In the
names of Qayin and Qalmana, as I pray so it shall be! 4. Present the red drawstring pouch containing your personal links
to the altar and place it before the thirteen plates. Draw blood from
the tip of your left hand's middle finger and let one drop fall on each
y plate containing the links to the thirteen Black In Green and for each
s Daemon of the Palo Santo Tree,upholder of spiritual sanctity,I pray drop given say:
n that you grant me the purification and protection against misfortune,
s sickness and misery! Nullify all maledictions directed towards me By the Blood of Qayin and Qalmana we are bonded and in their Holy
t and from an unworthy demise save me! Lead me upon the exalted Names you are bound to bless and protect me!
n path of transcendent glory and confer the Master's boons unto me! In
the names of Qayin and Qalmana,as I pray so it shall be! Let seven drops of blood fall upon the red drawstring pouch containing
your links and say:
With blood freely given I permeate the links harvested from my own f
ct Daemon of the Tobacco, mighty spirit of sorcery, I pray that you body and let it fortify their connection to my soul and spirit!
el grant empowerments,purification and your quickening powers unto
nd me! With your fiery winds shield me and with your enchanting smoke Lift up the red pouch close to your mouth and let the exhalation of
he whelm the minds of those that would oppose me! Strengthen my soul, seven deep breaths transfer your life force into it and say:
of fortify my will and remove from me all the stains of worldly profanity!
In the names of Qayin and Qalmana,as I pray so it shall be! I give the breath of life and place a part of myself into this link, so :
that it remains separated but strongly connected to me!
315 316
Hold the pouch against your chest and say:
Qalmana with your powers now cover me!
By the beating of my heart you will live, to serve, defend and avenge me! United as one protect me!
Separated, but still part of me, you will protect and honour me! Absorb and deflect all harm directed towards me and return a
thirteenfold retribution to those that wish misery upon me!
Take a sip from the liquor bottle, hold the red pouch in front of you
and spray over it three times the alcohol from your mouth and then
Keep me, bless me and empower me and through this our sorcery
cast aside all evil meant for me!
In my own name baptised be, by blood, breath of life, beating heart As an armour now cover me, become my shield and the sword piercing
and now also the grace of all my famuli! NN, your name shall be! the hearts of my enemy!
(Here you must name the part of yourself transferred to the pouch
Hail the Black In Green!
by your own mundane and true names, so that all known and unknown
aspects of Ego and Self become connected to it.)
7· Hold your both hands over the contents of the bowl and focus upon
the aspect of yourself that now has become separated and connected
Return the red pouch to its place before the thirteen plates containing
to the thirteen Black In Green. Feel the transference of power and the
the awakened links to the Black In Green.
link between you and that which is placed inside the bowl and
contemplate the energetic field for at least 15 minutes.
s. Bring out the empty homunculus leather effigy and with the help
of the black paint and the thin brush mark the Spirit Effigy Animation
Fetch the marked, still empty, leather effigy. Make sure that the sigil
Sigil upon it. Place it on the altar and leave it there for the sigil to dry.
painted upon it has fully dried and then hold it over the terracotta bowl.
6. Place the terracotta bowl before you and place the red drawstring
Stuff it slowly and carefully with the mixture of the links to the Black
pouch constituting the separated aspect and the living sympathetic
In Green until the Homunculus effigy is filled up to its solar plexus
link to yourself therein. One after one pour the contents of each of
area. At that point place the Jalap Root, which you must save for this
the thirteen small plates containing the plant elements over the red
moment, on the red pouch and stuff them both into the effigy and
pouch while reciting once their corresponding short prayer used earlier
then continue to fill its interior with the remaining mixture of the
in step 3 of this ritual.
plant elements.
When all thirteen have been poured over your link inside the bowl
With the aid of the black thread and needle sew shut the opening of
mix them all together with your left hand, while seven times reciting
the effigy and with seven knots seal the unification between a part
the following:
of yourself and the thirteen Black In Green which now shall ensoul
the homunculus.
0 mighty spirits of the Black In Green, in the Names of Qayin and
Kiss the homunculus three times and then leave it upon or in front
By the power of Qayin of the Reddened Sickle, I entreat the thirteen
of the altar.
Black In Green to clothe my twin-homunculus in a Flammeous Armour
of Green and empower him with the Ebon Light of Spirit!
8. Place the piece of green fabric marked with the Green Point of the
Skull on the floor close to the altar. Take a sip of liquor and spray
Through the sorcery of Qayin Qatsiyr, I invoke you, 0 Mighty and
it three times over the Green Point of the Skull.
select shades and spirits of the Kingdom of Green to serve the cause
of defence and justified assail and keep the branched half of myself,
Light a cigar, in traditional manner, smoke more than half of the cigar
that I have placed in your care, ever potent and watchful!
and blow its smoke over the Green Point, while through the fiery
breath of Amiahzatan projecting your salutations and prayers to the
Make him my representative before all hostile forces and draw to
Master and thus strengthening His point of ingress, through and within
him all malediction directed towards me, for he is connected to my
the linear forms of His insignia opening up the paths leading from
own being, but made separate in order to lure and annul the attacks
the Field of Blood to the Kingdom of the Shadow of Death.
of the wretched and the cowardly!
Place the terracotta bowl upside-down over the effigy and position the
By the power of the Bearer of the Scythe, let this Work now become
black candle on the flat side of the upturned bowl.
Remove the upturned bowl and take up the homunculus and greet it When almost the whole cigarillo has been smoked place the remaining
as you would greet a brother and position him in a suitable place parts of it in the small ashtray and say:
before the altar.
Once a week I shall feed you, with flame, water and with smoke and
Glue the small round mirror marked with the Key Sigil of Protection during the nights of the Full Moon I shall bathe you, in the pale lunar
over the stomach area of the homunculus and then securely tie, or light, in order to strengthen and preserve your astral soul!
glue, the small sharp blade/sword in his left hand and say:
May the Thirteen keep and bless both you and me!
The mirror is a shield blessed by the Master Qayin and fortified for Hail the Black In Green!
the protection of both you and me and the blade placed in your left Hail the Master of us all, Our Sancte Qayin!
hand is for retaliation against those that would attack us!
Pray to the Master and the Lady and thank them for their blessings
Let each assault become avenged sevenfold and let the poison cast at and aid in this work and close the ritual in traditional manner, but
us become returned to the sender and by the sharp blade let their let the three candles remain burning until fully consumed.
own evil pierce their cowardly hearts and let their throats be slit!
12. Create a small shrine close to the altar, or close to the entrance
Protect and avenge, by the blessings and curses of the Black In Green of your home, for your homunculus twin, and there give him one
and the Holiness of the Bloodline ofQayin! candleholder, an ashtray and his goblet of water. Make sure to take
care of him and he will surely care for and preserve you.
11. Place three red candles around the now armoured and armed
homunculus, so that they mark the points of a triangle of fiery In addition to the weekly offerings of a candle (white, red or black),
manifestation. a cigarillo and the cool water you may also feed him with incense
containing plant elements belonging to the thirteen Black In Green
Fill the glass goblet with cool water and place it before him and next employed in his creation and fortification. If the water is changed
to the goblet place the small ashtray, with the cigarillo inside. each night instead of once a week it is even better, as it will serve
both to trap negative currents and strengthen the homunculus twin.
Light the three red candles and say: Additional offerings besides those mentioned may be given, according
to the guidance of the famuli and the overseers of our Work.
By the powers presented and manifested this work shall now be
Take power from the flames burning around you, drink from the
water and be strengthened by the smoke that I shall give to you, so
that you become fortified for your tasks!
e Light the cigarillo in traditional manner and blow its smoke directly
towards the homunculus and mentally instruct it to protect you and
avenge any and all attacks.
321 322
!!< a quill pen drown them all in the misery, pain and death that they had wished
!!< incense blend based on the Key Sigil of Protection for me!
herbal formula
!!< a brazier Holy Qayin, I pray to you to bind all Turbid Waters of Malediction
!!< a bottle of cold water directed towards me inside the water poured into this glass, so that I
!!< Aconite tincture shall be able to revert them back towards my enemies and thus by
!!< a 'Curse Breaker and Revocation Powder', consisting of one your grace become avenged sevenfold!
spoon each of enspirited and powdered Asafoetida,
Valerian root, Black Mustard, Black Pepper, Rue, Mighty Qayin, by the Waters of Death let the evil intentions of my
Chilli Pepper and Stinging Nettle foes become here drowned inside this water, that I shall conjure with
!!< 2 black candles your seated power, and let its turning lead to the destruction of those
!!< 2 cigars who would see me destroyed!
!!< matches
!!< 7 coins Forceful Qayin, by the Seven Encircling Seas of the Kingdom of the
!!< a small bottle of liquor Death, let now this water become the element through which all
pernicious currents directed towards me shall become trapped and in
1. Open the ritual in the traditional manner and call upon the Master which my cowardly enemies shall become drowned!
and the Lady and pray for their aid, protection and empowerment.
Present to them the traditional offerings, with any additions deemed Salve Sancte Qayin!
4. Pour circa seven drops of the deadly Aconite tincture inside the
2. Upon the white plate draw the Seal of Martial Defence, with the glass and as it becomes dissolved into the water say the following:
quill pen dipped in the black ink sanctified by the spirit of the
Blackthorn. Burn the Key Sigil of Protection incense inside the brazier Spiritus Aconiti, in the name of our Sovereign Qayin and our Mistress
and fumigate the plate inside its smoke, while praying to Sancte Qayin Qalmana, who you serve faithfully, I conjure you now to envenom
for His potent protection against all assaults of the profane. this water and through it destroy the evil my enemies have intended
for me, and by your poisoning force aid in their own destruction and
Place the plate upon the altar and then in similar fashion fumigate let them all be drowned in their own bitterness and usher them
the drinking glass. mercilessly towards and through the Gates of Death!
3· Fill circa 90% of the glass with the cool water and then pray over Black In Green of the Aconite, lend now your sorcerous powers to my
it the following: work and bring destruction, through the reversing of the poisonous
flow, to those who wish for my demise!
Master Qayin, my Holy Saint of Good Death and Just Harvest, I
implore you to trap the currents of envy, fear, malice and cowardly Salve Spiritus Aconiti!
hatred directed towards me by my known and unknown enemies
inside this water, which I, in your Name and by your Power, shall Place the plate over the glass of the envenomed water, with the seal
reverse and send back to them, as an envenomed flood that shall marked side facing downwards. Hold the glass with the right hand and
325 326
push down on the plate with the left hand and quickly turn the glass, 6. Take the black candle and reverse it by cutting off the wick end
while still holding the plate in place, so that the plate becomes the and making it flat, turning it upside down and digging a new wick
base upon which the upside down turned glass stands, with the reversed out from that which originally was the bottom part of the candle.
water trapped and held inside of it.
Light the candle in the name of Qayin and let its hot wax drip upon
While doing this envision the reversal of the poisoned tides and know the inverted glass of water and position it securely on the glass so that
that the venomous currents directed towards you will now be returned it further aids in the attracting, trapping and bringing of all baneful
to their senders, with the extra addition of the punishing powers of currents directed towards you down into the reversed and reversing
the Master and the toxicant essence of the Aconite. water.
5· Place the plate with the inverted glass of water upon or in front 7. Light a cigar in the traditional manner and with its smoke add
of the altar. Pick up the container of the Curse Breaker and Revocation power to your conjurations by placing the burning foot of the cigar
Powder and carefully, with your left hand's index finger and thumb, in your mouth and blowing its fiery smoke out of its head end, from
strew it tightly, in seven unbroken widdershins circles, around the under the top of the candle and down towards the glass beneath it.
brim of the glass upon the plate. Do this seven or thirteen times and through the smoke forcefully
quicken and empower the work and the spirits connected to it.
By this sevenfold encircling the sphere of power aiding in the trapping
and sending back of all malicious emanations becomes further 8. Pick up the plate and carry the whole work to the front door of
established around the work. your house and there leave it by the left side of the door.
Say the following over the encircled glass: Place the fetish or talisman of the Master in a standing position on
the floor, so that it faces both the work upon the plate and the door
I conjure you, all powers of Martial Defence! behind it and pray to Him to oversee the work and to further add His
own powers to it and make sure that His faithful child becomes both
In the name of Qayin, I adjure you to break the arrows of my enemies protected and avenged.
and turn their poisoned darts back towards their own hearts and let
them all be stabbed sevenfold by the evil that they wish upon me! g. Close the ritual in the traditional manner, but let the work in front
of the door remain until the next night. At that time return the Master's
Let the binding of their aggression towards me become the binding of fetish or talisman back to the altar and then take up the plate with
themselves to damnation and make them all fall upon their own the reversed glass and bring it to a crossroads.
swords and perish before me!
There salute the spirits of the place in the name of Qayin, by stamping
By the Master of the Bloody Scythe and the Poisoned Sickle, conjured your left foot three times and then place the plate at the centre of the
be to defend me against all enmity and turn back all attacks direct crossroads.
towards me!
Reverse the wick of the black candle like earlier and light and place
In the name of Qayin, the Master of Us All, this is my Will and so it it upon the inverted glass once again.
d shall be!
327 328
Light a cigar in the traditional manner and in similar fashion as
before give the fiery smoke to the work and place the remaining part
of the cigar on the ground, to the left side of the plate.
Place seven coins around the plate and pour out the contents of the
liquor bottle in a widdershins circle around the coins, as a libation
offering to the spirits attached to the work. ID4.e �nrr.eri.es nf Amia45atan
Pray to the spirits that they aid in the reversal of the Turbid Waters
of Malediction directed towards you and mercilessly punish those who 111nr ilnminatinn:
had attacked you.
This spell is used in order to dominate a person and is often employed
within the context of coercive amatory sorcery, but can with a few
Give thanks, take three steps back, with left foot first, turn around
slight changes also become used in any context when the domination
and leave the place without looking back.
and subjugation of a person is sought through the power of Amiahzatan..
When back at home take a purifying ritual bath and anoint yourself
Elements needed for this ritual:
with Protection Oil.
>Il a photo depicting the target of the spell, plus any other
personal link that you may have to the person
>Il red Ink of Domination
>Il a suitable quill pen
>Il a large cigar
>Il the tincture of Amiahzatan
>Il a box of matches
>Il a clear glass jar with lid, big enough to hold the photograph
>Il a Domination Powder consisting of a full teaspoon each of
powdered Liquorice root, Calamus root, Jalap root, Masterwort
root, Red Rose petals, Black Poppy seeds and Tobacco
>Il a Domination Oil empowered with Liquorice root,
Calamus root and Bergamot essential oil
>Il a purple 7 day candle
>Il a Rose thorn to inscribe the candle with
>Il a bottle of dark rum or whiskey
1. Open the ritual in traditional manner and call upon the Master
Qayin and His Rose-Crowned Lady and pray to them to attend and
grant power and blessings to your ritual and give them the usual
2. Lay the photograph of the target upon the altar and focus for at Subjugate her five senses and put them all under my control and by
least 15 minutes on your intention and the exact reasons for why you your piercing smoke and burning fire make her see what I want her
need to dominate the person depicted. Write then the target's name, to see, hear what I want her to hear, taste what I want her to taste,
with the Red Ink of Domination, seven times, in seven different rows, smell what I want her to smell and feel what I want her to feel and
on the backside of the photograph and then turn the photograph 90 thus force her to do what I will her to do!
degrees anti-clockwise and seven times write Qalmana's Key Sigil of
Subjugation over the target's name and say: Mighty Amiahzatan, Strong spirit of the Tobacco, over this cigar I
pray so that your magic channelled through it may conquer and fully
In the name of Qayin and by the power of the Holy Qalmana, I dominate the whole being of NN, so that she does not find a single
dominate, subjugate and enthral you NN and break your will and moment of peace or comfort until she has degraded herself before
make you succumb to me! me!
3. Pour the Domination Powder into the glass jar and then place the Oppress and torment her, 0 Most Potent Spirit of Tobacco, and let
photograph of the target upside-down inside the jar, so that it faces your smoke and heat imprint my will upon hers constantly, by the
inwards. Place at this point also into the jar any other link that you light of the day and the darkness of the night, until she, by the force
have to the person, as the more links you have to the target the of your magic, utterly succumbs to me!
stronger the casting of the dominating influences will become.
Let your sorcerous power become aroused and directed according to Ahtasha Bahym Koa Amiahzatan! (x7)
my conjurations and affect the body, mind and soul of NN, so that
her will becomes subdued by mine! 7. Light now the cigar in the traditional manner, but instead of lighting
its foot end give flames to its uncut head, thus reversing the cigar.
331 332
This reversal will aid in the breaking of the will of the target and will your sorcerous will towards the target kept inside the jar, but this time
assist in the changing of the target's inclinations. let the ashes become collected in the altar ashtray and direct the
influences of Amiahzatan's breath solely through the exhaled smoke.
Smoke the cigar while fully focusing on your will to dominate the
target and through the smoke, which you blow into the jar and towards g. After the seventh night and the seventh cigar the work will be
the face of the target depicted in photography, project the thoughts accomplished and the inclinations and attitude of the target will have
and emotions that you want her to have. Install your own will into changed according to your own will.
her mind and soul through the breaths of Amiahzatan and imbue her
whole existence with the dictating force of your sorcery . In more difficult cases three seven day candles must be used together
with 21 cigars.
Let the ash of the cigar fall into the glass jar as you continue to smoke
the cigar and keep smoking it until only less than scm is left of the The jar containing the target can be kept as long as you need to
cigar. strengthen your hold over her and can be worked periodically in ways
similar to that which has been described, or be hidden close to or
At that point drop the remaining part of the cigar into the jar and inside the dwelling place of the target or alternatively be buried under
pour rum/whiskey over it so that the jar becomes almost filled and a road that she often crosses.
Praise to Amiahzatan, the Dominating spirit of Tobacco, and glory to 11Tnr Jurifira:tinn:
Qayin and Qalmana, through whose grace and sorcerous might this
work is accomplished and now shall become sealed! This working is done whenever a client, or some other person in need
of your aid, is to be cleansed through the powers of the Tobacco. In
Close then the lid of the jar and place it upon the altar, in a suitable
combination with other cleansing rituals, such as the fumigation with
working space before the fetishes and insignia of the Master and the
the Rue Incense and the cleansing herbal bath, this seemingly simple
ritual will remove even the darkest stains and most obsessive shades.
333 334
1. Pray over the bottle of the liquor and in the name of Qayin conjure
Mighty Amiahzatan, Strong spirit of the Tobacco, over this cigar I
its fiery powers to remove all impurities and burn and banish all
pray so that your magic channelled through it may effectively and
harmful spirits.
wholly purify NN, so that all unwholesome and pestilent influences
may be banished and removed from him and all misery-bringing
Take a sip of the liquor and spray it in a fine mist over the client.
spirits and shades attached to him become scorched by your martial
Repeat this step until the front, back and the sides of the client have
fire and swept away by your fiery breath!
been sprayed from head to toe.
Sanctify, bless and cleanse NN, 0 most potent Spirit of the Tobacco,
2. Burn the Rue Incense inside of the brazier placed on the ground
and let your smoke and fire remove all impurities from his body and
and let the client step over the brazier and the rising smoke seven
soul, so that no noxious or oppressive influence remains!
times. Take up the brazier and fan the smoke of the Rue Incense
towards the client's whole body, while silently praying to the daemon
In the name of Master Qayin, I pray to you to fully charge this cigar
of the Rue to remove all the harmful effects of the evil eye, the poisoning
with your fiery presence, 0 Mighty Amiahzatan, so that I through it
hatred and the jealousy directed by others at the client.
shall become able to confer your purification, which shall forcefully
revoke all impurities afflicting NN and replace all such maladies with
Place the brazier in a suitable place when finished with this primary
your fortification and blessings!
until his/her front, back and sides have been fully cleansed with the Red Chilli powder, Black Mustard seeds, Valerian root,
smoke and with the ashes of the cigar, that you collect in the new Tobacco and sulphur
ashtray, mark crosses on his/her forehead, nap of the neck, the insides � a wide brimmed black, lidded, jar containing seven fistfuls
of both hands and soles of both feet. of cemetery soil bought from the Dark Dead in the name of the
First Gravedigger, for the expressed purpose of bringing
6. Give the remaining part of the cigar to the client and instruct him/ darkness and death upon the target
her to directly go to a crossroads and there, together with seven coins, � 3 black and white rosaries of Qayin; the first consisting
throw it over his/her left shoulder into the centre of the crossroads of 13x7 black and 13x7 white beads to be placed around
and then return home without looking back towards the direction that your own neck, the second consisting of 7x13 black and
the cigar and coins are tossed. 7x13 white beads and the third consisting of 13x7
black beads spaced by 13 white beads
7. When back at home instruct the client to employ the Herbal Bath � a teaspoon of Red Cinnabar powder
Blend and thus conclude the cleansing process through the purifying � 7 teaspoons of Red hot Chilli powder
bath. � 7 teaspoons of Red Iron Oxide powder
� 7 teaspoons of gunpowder
If this work is performed correctly the client will become both cleansed � a small Blackthorn or Ebony wand
and uncrossed and will feel invigorated and soon see the results of � a cigarillo
the spiritual purification and blessing that he/she has received. � a large dark cigar
� a box of matches
� a bottle of liquor
llfnr Slulellictinn: � a black piece of cloth
� a black candle, for the asking of permission to conclude
Amiahzatan's Prayer for Malediction may be employed within countless the work inside the cemetery
of different forms of hostile sorcery directed at your foes, but we will
here give the instructions for a baneful candle magic ritual in which 1. On a Saturday night when the moon is in her dying phase open the
the destructive forces of justified hatred are to be channelled towards ritual in the traditional manner by calling the Master and the Lady,
the target with the aid of the envenomed breath of Amiahzatan, which give to them the usual offerings and then place focus upon the Master's
carries forth with it the Dark Dead against the enemy. aspect as the First Murderer and as the Owner of the Dark Dead. Pray
to Him and ask for His blessings, protection and empowerments and
The following elements are needed for this cursing ritual: let Him know why you seek to bring destruction upon the target.
� a black figure candle, suitable in shape in order to 2. Pick up the black figure candle and pour a little bit of liquor over
present the enemy it in order to wash and cleanse it and then light the cigarillo in the
� personal links to the target of the curse, or otherwise name of Amiahzatan and say:
a piece of paper with his/her name written upon it seven
times with the blood of a rat or some other suitable animal By the breath of Amiahzatan I exorcise you, 0 creature of wax, and
� a rusty nail (a real coffin nail would be optimal) make you void and ready to receive the enlinkment to NN, who you
� a Cursing Oil empowered by Asafoetida, Black Pepper corns, shall embody and act as a direct link to!
337 338 !
Blow the smoke of the cigarillo thirteen times over the figure candle
Mighty and most forceful spirit of Tobacco, I pray to you to hear my
and thus make it purified from all former influences and ready for
supplications and in the name of the Master Qayin lend me your
the sympathetic enlinkment to the target of the curse.
boundless strength and awaken your spirit within this cigar, over
which I now say your prayers of Malediction!
3. Carve with the rusty nail the full name of the target on the chest
of the figure candle and on the back of it carve vertically the Master's
Let your punishing and annihilating force become aroused and
Key Sigil of Bane. Hollow out the space underneath the feet of the
directed according to my conjurations and with your suffocating
figure candle and insert therein the links to the target or his/her
smoke and scorching fire attack the one that I seek to harshly smite
folded name paper. Seal the links with the aid of the black wax that
with your aid!
you had carved out and carefully heat the base of the candle and make
it flat and as smooth as it was before the loading of the personal links.
Bring restlessness, sickness, confusion, fear and madness to NN, upon
whom my curses shall be placed and let your vengeful and destroying
For the most potent result you may here proceed with the full rite of
spirit fully charge this cigar, so that it shall emit the poison of my
'Enlinkment of Sympathetic Effigies', but if time and circumstances
justified hatred, empowered by your sorcerous might, against him/her!
do not allow that full rite just initiate a focused contemplation in
which you mentally project and install the image of the actual target
Mighty Amiahzatan, Merciless Spirit of the Tobacco, over this cigar I
into the black figure candle and thus strengthen the links and establish
pray so that your magic channelled through it may bring down the
further mental connections between the figure candle and the enemy.
pernicious winds of death upon NN, so that he/she becomes stripped
of all blessings and protections and drained of his/her vital essences!
4. Open and place the jar containing the cemetery soil upon the altar.
Place the black and white rosaries around it on the altar so that they
Curse, attack and af
f iict NN, 0 fiery daemon of the Tobacco, and let
both encircle it and empower and direct the shades kept therein. Pour
your smoke and fire bring damnation to his/her body, mind and soul,
into the jar the Cinnabar, Chilli powder, Iron Oxide and the gunpowder
so that no blessing abide with him/her and only the most noxious and
and with the small Blackthorn or Ebony wand stir the contents of the
oppressive influences stay attached to his/her wretched being!
jar and pray over it, in the name of the Lord of the Shadow of Death
and the King of Gulgaltha, to bring merciless pain, fear, madness,
In the name of Qayin Occisor, I pray to you to fully charge this cigar
misery and destruction upon your enemy.
with your infernal presence, 0 Mighty Amiahzatan, so that I through
it shall become able to confer your punishments, which shall pitilessly
5. Anoint the enlinked figure candle from head to toe with the Cursing
afflict and stab at the heart, mind and soul of NN and bring him/her
Oil and transfer your deadly hatred into his/her body through the
suffering, weakness, defeat and finally a most disgraceful death!
maleficent powers of the oil with which he/she is smeared.
Ahtasha Bahym Koa Amiahzatan! (x7)
As this black figure candle burns so shall NN become consumed by
the hunger and blood thirst of the Dark Dead and by the power of the
7. Light the cigar in a reversed manner so that the flames are given
justified hatred that he/she has brought down upon himself/herself!
to its uncut head end and smoke it in this reversed form in order to
emphasise the adverse and disruptive nature of the forces that you
As the flame consumes him/her so shall all the hungry shades consume
seek to direct towards the enemy.
his/her vital force and bring darkness and death to him/her!
and prepare for taking it out to the cemetery, together with the bottle
Take, with the left foot first, seven steps back, turn around and leave
of liquor, the black candle and the box .of matches.
the cemetery in the traditional manner, without looking back and
when paying for your exit pray to Abel the Black to close the cemetery
9. Enter the cemetery in the traditional manner and light the black
gates firmly behind you so that no dark shades may follow you out.
permission candle in front of the seventh grave, the first cemetery
crossroads or on some other suitable point of power where you can
12. When back at home take a cleansing herbal bath in order to remove
ask the Master for His license to complete this cursing ritual.
the stains of the Dark Dead and the poison of malediction that you
have directed at your enemy.
If permission is granted take the jar to a suitable place within the
cemetery where you feel that the shades you have employed for this
13. Light a candle for your own protection upon the altar, burn incense
work will be at their strongest, and there place the jar on the ground
for the Master and give thanks to Him for His aid and then rejoice
and remove the black cloth covering it.
in the knowledge that your foe very soon will get what he/she deserves.
10. Open the bottle of liquor and pour first a small amount into the
jar in order to awaken the shades kept therein and pour out the rest
as a libation offering in consecutive widdershins circles around the
jar, while in the name of Qayin Dominor Tumulus calling upon all
dark shades to gather and smite the enemy that you through the
enlinked black figure candle place in their "mercy".
Grant all these blessings to me
And I shall faithfully extol thee
With libations of wine and blood feed thee
CHAPTER 29 With smoke andflame empower thee
During the Nights of Venery
To strengthen the bonds of this sacred treaty
343 344
llin.egnr Winrtur.es
Besides the more usual tinctures made within our work there are also
those made with vinegar used as the solvent extracting the spiritual
virtues of the plants. Such vinegar tinctures may not always be suitable
for use, because of their stronger scent, but within some context they can
be even more potent than the tinctures made with normal distilled alcohol.
There are many different kinds of vinegar and each of them confers
to the tincture made with their own special qualities and powers, for
example White Alcohol Vinegar is perfect for the stronger rites of
purification, for the breaking of curses and the undoing of spells. Red
Wine Vinegar is powerful when it comes to counteracting and reversing
of magical aggression and Apple Cider Vinegar is the best choice when
it comes to love and money matters.
Black Pepper corns, Red Chilli powder and sulphur infused in White
Alcohol Vinegar, used for the banishing of enemies.
Wormwood, Garlic and Rue, infused in Red Wine Vinegar, used for
the returning of Malefica back to the sender .
Gum Benzoin, Jalap root powder and Rowan wood infused in Red
Wine Vinegar, for the opening of the paths. llamabruabit Armnur �igil
Basil, Bay leaves and Allspice infused in Apple Cider Vinegar, used
The Hamadryadic Armour Sigil is a sign received as result of the
for money conjure.
secret treaties between the Temple of Qayin and the Black In Green
and is a mark by which the protection and powers of eight powerful
plant spirits are called upon, often within the context of talismanic
magic, but also within certain other more esoteric settings, where the
Rue, Hyssop and Agrimony, infused in White Alcohol Vinegar, for the
soul of the employer becomes armoured and reshaped in accordance
removing of the Evil Eye and the stains of the dead.
with the astral forms of the eight combined. Such uses we shall leave
undisclosed and by the sigil itself the faithful will be able to obtain
the knowledge needed for its more secret applications directly through
the Black In Green themselves.
Asafoetida, Dragon's Blood and Camphor, infused in White Alcohol
Vinegar, used for the rites of exorcism and the banishing of all obsessive
and parasitic shades.
All these vinegar tinctures can be used in many different ways, but
most often they are employed within the rites of aspersion and ablution
and either sprinkled where their effects are sought or used in some
way to wash that which they are meant to influence. In certain cases,
when edible plant elements are infused, vinegar tinctures can also be
incorporated into the target's food, for example within the context of
The eight plants with spirits connected to the shielding powers of this
sigil are Yew, Black Hellebore, Blackthorn, Aconite, Elder, Angel's
Trumpet, Whitethorn and Thorn Apple and it is with the unified
essences of these eight plants, obtained via tincturing, that the ink or
paint required for the tracing of this sign can become sanctified and
When drawn with such ink and fumigated with an incense blend,
containing in equal parts of the harvested share from these eight plants,
the sigil becomes a powerful shield against all enemies, but also a
mighty sword, as it directs the belligerent and baneful emanation of This simple, but very powerful and useful, ritual is employed whenever
each Black In Green connected to it towards any would-be aggressor. Holy/Lustral Water is to be created with the aid of the Master's seated
essence. The Fetish/Talisman carrying that essence should ideally be
The sigil can also be marked with the correctly sanctified ink or paint one carved out of bone and ensouled according to the traditional methods.
on the outside of a lidded urn or vase, which then becomes filled with
elements harvested from each of the eight plants connected to it. Into Holy Water made in the manner here presented can serve many
the urn is also placed the activated spirit signature of each of the purposes and will most often be utilised within the rites of aspersion,
eight, drawn on a piece of parchment or paper. Such urn is kept upon baptism, consecration and ablution where the conferring of the Master's
the altar as a fetish, granting both protection and means for the powers charged into the water is to be bestowed upon that which it
conquering of foes with the aid of the spirits connected to it, but it is used upon.
also becomes a point of interaction through which the more esoteric
workings connected to the Hamadryadic Armour Sigil can become The following elements are needed for the making of the Holy Water:
1. Place the Paye inside the terracotta bowl. Recite over the bowl seven
times and through each exhalation of the smoke direct your prayer If the Lustral Water on the other hand is to be utilised at some later
to the Master and ask Him to bestow upon the water the specific holy point in time the flat lid is instead to be placed upon the terracotta
virtues you require. bowl and the candle placed upon it and allowed to become fully
consumed by the flame, which in this fashion also will grant its fiery
Place the remaining cigar in the altar ashtray. essence to the water, while at the same time allowing the essence of
the Master and that of the Carnation (or any other plant used within
2. Pour water into the bowl and over the Paye talisman and say: it) to more fully saturate it. When the candle has burnt out the Holy
Water will be ready for use.
May my Master's sanctitude grant holiness to this water so that my
Work through it shall become fully accomplished, by the grace and At this point the Paye can be taken out from the bowl and placed back
power of Qayin! upon the altar.
May this water receive and confer the Holiness of my Saint of Death If the Holy Water so created is to be used at a later time it is good
and serve His servant's Work, conducted in His sacred name! if it is filtered, poured into a tinted bottle with the addition of 1/5
of Vodka, over which you have prayed. When kept in a dark and cool
May His Blessings and Empowerments be! place such Lustral Water is known to retain its virtues for at least a
whole lunar month.
Add the flower petals from one, three or seven red carnations (or some
other chosen plant elements) to the water, stir it thirteen times in a ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
widdershins motion with the index and middle fingers of your left hand.
3. Pick up the cigar and with seven exhalations of its smoke towards The colour of the candle used within this rite can be white, green, red,
the contents of the bowl direct your entreaties to the Master and ask black or purple.
Him anew to imbue the water with the specific empowerments you
require. White is most often used for the workings of the dead, but also for
healing, blessing and certain forms of protection.
4. Light the candle and hold it in your left hand and recite once the
"Salve Qayin" salutation, corresponding to the formula of Calling that Green is most often used for the workings of the plant spirits, but also
you earlier had employed, and then tilt the candle seven times over for abundance, growth and money conjure.
the bowl so that its hot wax drops into it. This creates, through the
solidifying wax, a sevenfold sealing of the powers of the Master within Red is most often used for the workings of fiery passions, but also
the water. for quickening, martial protection and victory.
s. If the Holy Water is needed urgently you must at this point pray Black is most often used for the workings of malediction and death,
over the water and ask the Master, Our Good Saint of Sinistral Death, but also for protection, occult knowledge and spirit summoning.
to grant His complete empowerments and then turn the candle upside
down and extinguish its flame into the water, thus giving its fiery Purple is most often used for the workings of domination, but also
essence to it. The water is at this point ready for use. for consecration, spiritual elevation and empowerment.
351 352
Purification to the tincture.
When the work upon and through the Green Point of the Skull is done
CHAPTER 33 the bottle of tincture is removed and kept upon the altar and for the
49 following nights vigorously shaken for at least 5 minutes each
UJ}J.e UJripl.e-UJnngu.eb night, while the following conjuration is repeatedly prayed over it:
1fllam.e nf Qtl.eansing1J1ir.e �
I Aroused be, 0 Trident Flame of Purification!
And by the Power of Qayin conjured be to serve as Purgatorial Fire!
A potent tincture for the cleansing of all vessels and tools meant to Blazing Spirits of the holy triad of Black In Green,
contain or channel holiness and light is made by the leaves of Rue, Become as One to burn all impurity, unwholesomeness and profanity,
Sage and the Yerba Mate tree, as all these three plants possess powerful And leave nought but that which is good and with our Work and Will
abilities, especially when it comes to the rites of purification, and their in harmony!
spirits are great protectors of those who approach them correctly.
After the 49th night the tincture is to be filtered and will at that time
Even though all of these plants separately are potent allies of our be ready for use. The pressed marc is then to be taken out and scattered
Work they become even stronger when they are unified by the way in a forest, while the three Black In Green are given praise and thanks
of tincturing, as their extracted essences when conjoined create a to.
triple-flamed spiritual fire, with powers to eliminate all unwanted
influences and establish purity. The tincture of the Triple-Tongued Flame of Cleansing Fire so created
will become a most potent tool and aid greatly in all rites of purification,
For the making of this tincture an equal amount of enspirited and not only of tools and objects but also of the bodies and souls of the
dried leaves of each plant is powdered, mixed and placed inside of living, when for example added in moderate amount to cleansing
a green tinted 700cl glass bottle, with a fitting metal screw cap, so ritual baths or in other suitable ways become employed in connection
that 2/5 of the bottle becomes filled. The bottle is then filled with to ablutionary rites.
strong vodka, leaving enough room so that by its shaking the plant
elements can be mixed, in order to so assist the extraction and
conjunction of their essences. The bottle's cap is screwed on and it
is shaken 49 times and the spirits of Rue, Sage and Yerba Mate are
prayed to and asked to lend their cleansing and protective powers.
The Green Point of the Skull is then planted and activated in the
traditional manner, with the bottle placed at the centre, with the black
candle positioned carefully upon its flat metal cap. The Master Qayin
Qatsiyr, after having been called upon through His Green Point and
Formula of Calling, is prayed and asked to lend His own Flames of
353 354
'14 a big cigar
'14 a black candle
'14 a copper nail
CHAPTER 34 '14 matches
lllalnut walisman
The following elements are needed for the assembling of the talisman: Place the two walnut shells side by side on the altar, with the empty
sides up, so that they become two talismanic vessels that you, in the
ii< 1 walnut name of the Master Qayin, shall fill with the required elements and
ii< 7 dried Rowan berries powers.
ii< 7 small pieces of Devil's Shoestring Root
ii< Oregano herb 3· Place all the herbal elements, which in beforehand should have
ii< Fennel Seeds been empowered and enspirited through the Green Point of the Skull,
ii< Black Mustard seeds in fitting containers upon, or in front of, the altar and quicken their
ii< Celandine herb powers by spraying liquor over them, while at the same time mentally
ii< sulphur powder praying to their Black In Green to fully awaken and lend their blessings
ii< a small piece of paper which has been cleansed to your work.
and blessed for the work
ii< sanctified black ink, empowered by a tincture bearing Light then the cigar in the name of Amiahzatan and repeat the same
the essences of the same seven elements which are process as you did with the liquor, and focus the power of your will,
to be employed inside the walnut talisman through the smoke, towards every herbal element, arousing their spirits
ii< a quill pen and conjuring them to the task at hand.
355 356
4· Take the small piece of paper and draw with the consecrated ink long) in the same shell half, blow smoke over them and pray to the
the Master's Nigromancy Sigil on one side. Outside the circle of the root's spirit to tie the feet of all the lackeys of the law and to prevent
sigil write three times with small letters 'Blind the law!' them from investigating, pursuing or in any other way bothering you.
Blow tobacco smoke over the sigil and pray to the Master to hide you, Add to the contents of the shell a pinch of Oregano, blow smoke over
protect you and to make you invisible in the blinded eyes and minds it and ask its spirit to repel all servants of the law and to turn their
of the law. steps away from you.
When the ink has dried turn the piece of paper and on its other side 6. Fold now the paper marked with the sigils away from yourself as
draw the 'Blind the Law Sigil', which is reserved solely for these kinds many times as possible, since the intention is to direct outwards the
of workings against the lackeys of the law (e.g. policemen, judges, blinding influences. Place the folded talismanic paper in the same
prosecutors, tax collectors, lawyers etc.). shell half that you have filled with the other elements and blow tobacco
smoke over it, while asking the Master to blind the enemy and make
you invisible in their eyes and minds.
7· Place a small pinch of sulphur in the other, still empty, half of the
walnut shell and blow tobacco smoke over it, asking its elemental
spirit to burn, punish and banish all the lackeys of the law.
Place a pinch of Fennel Seeds over the sulphur, give them smoke and
ask them to keep away all the lackeys of the law and lead them astray.
Blow tobacco smoke upon the 'Blind the Law Sigil' in order to activate Finally add a pinch of Black Mustard Seeds upon the Celandine, give
it, and focus on how the emanations of the Nigromancy Sigil, marked them tobacco smoke and ask them to confuse and blind all lackeys
on the other side of the paper, filters through it and charges it with of the law.
the powers of the First Saint of All Outlaws, Our Master Qayin.
8. Cleanse the black candle and inscribe both the Blinding the Law
Leave the talisman paper on the altar to dry. Sigil and the Master's Nigromancy Sigil upon it, with the help of the
copper nail. Anoint the candle with a scentless mineral oil and then
s. Place the 7 dried Rowan berries in one of the empty walnut shell dress it with a blend consisting of all the seven different elements with
halves, blow tobacco smoke over them and in the name of Qayin pray which you filled the two halves of the walnut shell.
for the protection of the Rowan's mighty daemon .
Blow tobacco smoke over the candle and pray to the Master to charge
Place then the 7 pieces of the Devil' s Shoestring Root (each circa smm it with the power to confuse, blind, mislead, obstruct, disgrace, conquer
357 358
and banish all the lackeys of the law. Every time the talisman is anointed with this oil, you have to chant
7 times:
9. Light the charged candle and carefully let the black wax drop into
the first half of the walnut and then into the other one, in order to Sancte Qayin, Obscurentur Oculi Eorum ne Videant!
seal the magical powers of the different elements they carry.
When not carrying this talisman on your person you must keep it
Push down with your left hand's thumb upon the still warm wax so upon the altar, so that it retains its enlinkments and power to and
that the sealing becomes as smooth and as even as possible, and make through the Master.
sure that the wax does not cover the inner edges of the walnut shells.
Place then the candle in a candleholder and let it burn upon the altar.
10. Apply the glue to both sides of the inner edges of the two walnut
shells, and carefully and precisely close them by pressing them together.
The end result should on the surface look just like a normal walnut
and one should not be able to see that it was ever opened.
Blow now tobacco smoke on the now charged and sealed talisman and
chant 21 times:
11. Place the talisman close to the dressed and burning black candle
upon the altar, praise the Master and close the work in a traditional
manner, but let the black candle burn down as an offering to the spirit
of the talisman.
The talisman can then be placed in a small black pouch and carried
in the left pocket.
In order to keep this talisman strong and its magical charge alive you
must, with the help of a mineral oil base and the same kinds of
elements that were used to fill the walnut shells, create an ensorcelled
oil, with which you have to anoint and feed the talisman every Monday
359 360
>I< copper talisman marked with Qayin's Key Sigil of Protection
>I< copper talisman marked with Qalmana's Key Sigil oflnvisibility
>I< copper talisman marked with the Nigromancy sigil of Qayin
CHAPTER 35 >I< copper talisman marked with the Sorcery Sigil of Lebuda
>I< a piece of black cat, wolf, coyote, fox, raven or crow bone
361 362
grant to the user of the oil the protection and blessings of Sancte
Qayin and Sancta Qalmana, in their aspects as the Saints of Outlaws,
and that of the Eleven Black In Green.
The carrier oil is poured over the elements within the glass jar, which
then are stirred in widdershins direction with the small Rowan wand Witt �rtattr fnrijantmtnt anb
and once again prayed over.
�tal fnr tltt i'linbing nf tl}t &w
When ready, the lid of the jar is closed and it is placed upon the altar,
before the central fetishes.
The black seven day candle is cleansed and inscribed with the same The following ritual is another means through which the lawless may
gain invisibility in the eyes and minds of the enforcers of the law and
kind of conjuration as the one employed earlier in connection to the
giving of the cigar smoke and then anointed from top to bottom with escape their tyranny. In a world governed by Archonic decrees meant
the Jalap, Celandine and Oregano Oil. to crush the Spirit and bind the strong, it is sometimes necessary to
employ sorcery in order to retain one's freedom and accomplish that
The candle is placed securely upon the lid of the jar and lit in the which needs to be done. In contrast to the Walnut Talisman Against
Holy Names of Qayin and Qalmana. the Law already presented, this ritual serves more directly and
aggressively to obscure the sight and mind of any and all servants of
When the candle has been fully consumed the whole oil jar is to be the Demiurge who in the name of the laws of man would suppress
the free will of the blessed ones of Awakened Spirit.
wrapped with the black cloth and tied with the black string, in order
to protect its contents from the light. During the following 49 nights
The following elements are needed for this work:
after this sealing of the jar it is to be shaken each night while being
prayed over and further conjured to serve its cause, in the name of
Qayin and Qalmana and through the spirits of the eleven Black In
� general offerings for the Master and the Lady
� a piece of black cloth, in beforehand cleansed and consecrated
by being washed in an infusion of Aconite, Male Fern
and Black Pepper
After the 49 nights of shaking and praying over the jar it will be ready
for use within all rites of anointment.
� a piece of white chalk empowered by the spiritual essences
of Hemlock, Black Pepper and Rowan
� a bottle of liquor
The oil can at this point be filtered or be kept as is and it will possess
� a cigar
immense powers when it comes to all sorceries aimed against the law,
� matches
and has in such contexts proven to be a mighty conqueror of those
� 5 pieces of paper
who would imprison and otherwise punish the antinomian.
� a bottle of Concealment and Invisibility Ink
� a quill pen
� 4 eyeballs of pig, obtained through ritual slaughter
or purchased from a butcher
� a black pillar candle
� a small ceramic plate
� a vial of Conquer the Law Oil
� 4 normal sized black candles
� 4 candle holders
� 4 long spines of Blackthorn, harvested in Qayin's name
� 4 long spines of Whitethorn, harvested in Qalmana's name
� 4 small braziers
� an incense blend consisting in equal parts of enspirited Black
Pepper, Poppy Seeds, Mustard Seeds, Oregano, Fennel Seed,
Celandine herb and Galangal root
1. Open the working in the traditional manner and call upon the
Pray to the Master and the Lady to direct the powers of all their
Let their eyes be stabbed, darkened and blinded, so that they may not
shades and spirits opposed to the law to grant you their aid, power
see me!
and protection and thus lead you to victory, as your enemies are theirs
and their enemies are yours.
Place the remaining part of the cigar in the altar ashtray, when the
whole seal has been properly retraced with the tobacco smoke.
2. Place the black cloth upon the floor before the altar and with the
white chalk mark 'The Greater Seal for Blinding the Law' upon it.
3. On one of the pieces of paper write with the sanctified ink your
own name seven times, on seven succeeding rows, and then draw a
widdershins circle around the written names.
Around the circle surrounding your name draw the Qalmana's Key
Sigil of Concealment, while praying to Her to grant you invisibility
in the eyes of those who you seek Her protection against.
Draw another circle, this time around Qalmana's Key sigil, and pray
to Her to fully cloak you with Her shroud of concealment.
Around this second circle draw Qayin's Key Sigil of Protection, while
the power of your sorcerous will, amplified by the spiritual charge of
praying to Him to let His bloody scythe become your shield by making
the oil.
blind your accusers and prosecutors.
Place the small ceramic plate on the paper bearing your name, at the
Draw a third circle around the Key Sigil of the Master, while praying
centre of the seal, and position upon it the inscribed, anointed and
to Him to fully enfold you in His light and so grant you invisibility
charged pillar candle.
in the eyes of the profane, who mistake such brilliant lumina for
Light the candle in the names of Sancte Qayin and Sancta Qalmana
and give to them salutations and praise.
Place this piece of paper at the centre of the traced Greater Seal for
Blinding the Law.
6. Take each of the normal sized black candles and anoint them with
the Conquer the Law Oil, from the bottom to the top, while more
4. On each of the four other pieces of paper, write the name of the
aggressively focusing your sorcerous will to defeat and blind the
specific lackey of the law or the governmental agency that you seek
servants of the corrupt laws of man.
to blind and attain invisibility in eyes and minds of and need protection
against, in similar fashion as to how you earlier wrote your own name
Place each candle in its candle holder and place a candle holder over
in seven succeeding rows.
the tip of each arrow piercing the four blinded eyes depicted in the
Over the name or title, written seven times, draw the sigil for Blinding
the Law, so that the central vertical line of that sigil crosses over all
Light each candle and say over its flame, seven times, the following:
the seven horizontal lines created by the written name or title
representing those that must be blinded.
Saint Qayin and Holy Qalmana, make blind their eyes and with the
darkness of Death engulf their minds, so that they may not see nor
Lay down each of the pieces of paper, written and marked accordingly,
persecute me!
upon one of the four symbols of the arrow-pierced eyes of the seal.
7· Wrap carefully each of the pig's eyes in the piece of paper that it
Upon each of these papers spelling out the sorcerous intention to
was placed upon and pierce each of the small packages so created with
blind your foes, place then one of the four pig's eyes.
one spine of Blackthorn and one spine of Whitethorn, so that the two
long thorns create a cross pattern, holding in place the paper wrapped
s. Around the black pillar candle, from its top to bottom, inscribe
around each eye.
seven times the Key Sigil of Protection followed by the Key Sigil of
Concealment, so that Qayin's blessing becomes followed by that of
Place each pierced eye back on its place upon the seal and pour drops
of black wax from the candle placed in front of each, while saying
seven times over each eye stabbed and now darkened by the black wax
Underneath the base of the pillar candle inscribe your own name and
the following:
a widdershins drawn circle around it.
May the eyes of the law blinded be, so that by the powers of Qayin
Anoint the candle with the Conquer the Law Oil, while imbuing it with
and Qalmana, I remain unaccused, unseen and free!
Place the candle back in its place, upon the tip of the arrow, after the
darkening of each eye.
9. Close the work when ready, but let the seal and everything on it
At that point, take the piece of paper marked with your own name
and the Key Sigils of Qayin and Qalmana, fold it towards yourself four
times and keep it as a powerful talisman.
Take the four stabbed eyes and hide them close to some place connected '
to those who you seek to blind. If this is not possible, take the stabbed
and blinded eyes and bury two of them under a Blackthorn tree and
the other two under a Whitethorn tree. A third alternative for the Saint of Killers, 0 wielder of the Reddened Scythe,
disposal of the eyes is to bury them in cemetery crossroads, two of Cloak me now with your living shadows
them in a T or Y-shaped crossroads of Qalmana and the other two And bless me with the powers of the endless night!
in an X-shaped crossroads of Qayin.
369 370
I pray to you 0 Mighty Qayin,
Stab and blind the eyes ofmy enemy!
Stab the eyes and remove the sight ofmy enemy!
Seven times seven blinding blows deliver now to the eyes ofmy enemy!
Holy Saint of All Those Who Walk In Exile, I who adore you call
upon you to defend me against the evil of those who would oppose
Let your thorny vines become the chains that bind all my foes and
with your seven keys lock all their paths in life, save for those dark
roads which shall lead them to their demise!
In the same way that the blood of the clay-born Abel was spilled,
INN , your faithful devotee, now pray to you to spill the blood of all
my known and unknown enemies, so that I shall become liberated
from them and saved from all that they conspire against me!
Let the illuminating halo of shining darkness that cloaks your exalted
Spirit dispel the obscurity of my mortal -ignorance and reveal to me
the acosmic truths that the Archons offinite existence aspire to keep
Let the Black Flames of your Third Coronation and Final Elevation
arouse the Fiery Serpent-Blood which courses through my veins and
enlighten me in the same manner that the Bearer of Light, the Great
Adversary, enlightened you during the course of your own Lawless
0 beloved Qayin, begetter of my own True Self and Spirit, you who
are the Lord of the Shadow of Death, I pray now to you to dispel the
shadows and obscurities of this illusory life and to show me the
splendours of your Kingdom Within Myself, by granting me the
wisdom and insight that shall usher me towards Liberation and
Let your reddened scythe fall down upon all those who wish me harm
and who openly or in secret conspire against me!
Remove their tongues so that they may not bear witness against me!
Shatter their minds so that they may not think of, or remember, me!
Cut off their hands so that they may not hold me, steal from me or
take up weapons against me!
375 376
Gold Crowned Majesty of Death, Holder of the Seven Keys, I pray to you, 0 my Holy Saint of Death!
owner of all the riches of the underworld, make so that You who are the remover of obstructions and opener of all
I never go wanting for anything that I would desire or need! closed paths and doors, hear now my supplications!
Act on my behalf, bring to me wealth and fortune, 0 Mighty Qayin, guide me towards the realisation
and grant me the riches reaped from the fields of of my Self-defined Destiny and let your scythe
both the dead and the living! sweep the road ahead, cutting down all that would hinder me!
Make so that concealed treasures become attainable to me, Traverser of the Paths of Thorns, Bones and Fire, it is to you I pray so
and so that my enemies never get to see me fall into that all tracks leading to my chosen destination become by your powers
poverty or misery! and blessings firmly paved and my footsteps become led towards the
attainment of all goals set in accordance with
Powerful Saint of Death, grant me abundance and prosperity, my Sorcerous Will!
and I shall always invoke your name, praise you with offerings,
spread your glory and do your Work ever so gratefully! Holy Qayin, opener of the Seven Paths and the Seven Gates,
let now your keys be turned in my favour and grant me
Let a most fruitful harvest befall me, safe passage towards success, liberation and glory!
so that I shall be able to endure this life of plight,
without being too distracted by all base material needs! Lord of the Crossroads of Death, let the liminal points upon which
I walk in your Holy Name take me beyond the limitations
Make a ruling on my behalf so that cruel destiny by luck that by cosmic fate have been decreed and forcejully remove
becomes overwritten and grant to me fortune, winnings, all that which is meant to block my Path of Lawless Becoming!
profit and copious earnings!
0 Lord of Nod, open now all roads and unlock all doors so that I through
Let gold and riches shower me and bless me with the freedom my wanderings shall reach that which I seek to accomplish and let my
and detachment that can be attained through prosperity! success upon the paths add to your own Crowning Glory, as I am of your
Blood, a bearer of your Mark and faithful to your cause eternally!
377 378
Forceful Sovereign, grant now to me the total and crushing victory I
seek and make my rival and foe suffer defeat and become forced to
succumb before me, as it would be abominable to let one who is of
CHAPTER 43 your Flame of Black Light be bested by creature born solely of
mortal clay!
Jraurr fnr tltt <trnnqueting nf a lltual
Qayin, Holy Saint of Sinistral Death, you who are the conqueror of
the mighty and the cause of dark miracles; you who conquered your
rival and buried him in the first grave, over which you stood
triumphant and thus became the ruler and subduer of enemies;
It is to you that I pray!
You who victoriously walked the widdershins and left path of the
one opposed to and by all of creation, I praise your blessed and holy
name and ask you now to aid me in my cause and to grant me
Mighty Master, I pray to you, let your spiritual fire that I bear
within me overpower the clay of my adversary, and let my victory
become another proof of your Unbound Power and Glory, by
granting me complete triumph over my opponent, NN!
379 380
IV �
Come forth and accept the simple offerings I present to you as tokens
of my love and longing and commune with me, as I am one who in
life walks with Death, seeking the liberation of the Blessed Dead,
CHAPTER 44 while still afflicted by the limitations of this accursed life!
11nunratinn nf t}Je tlig}Jtu meab I lovingly entreat you all to come and grant me the Light of the Dead,
in order to dispel the darkness of this finite and illusory life!
I call upon you, 0 Holy Ones of the Serpent's Blood, by the powerful
names of Sataninsamaelilith, Anamlaqayiniyaqalmana and Tubal
By the three, seven and three knocks of the Rowan wand, let now the Qayinaamah, come and grant me your wisdom, power and guidance
Gate of the Mighty Dead be opened wide and all profane shades and and lead me to the Hidden Points, where I while still bound by life
spirits be banished, leaving way for the Blessed Ancestors of my may drinkfrom the nectar of the Liberating Death!
Spirit's Flame!
I invoke and invite you all, 0 You who are of Qayin and Qalmana's
By Sataninsamaelilith, by Anamlaqayiniyaqalmana and by Tubal Fiery Blood, let your spirits now fill me with the Light of the Other
Qayinaamah; I call upon the Shades and Spirits of the Holy Bloodline! Side and guide my footsteps upon the Thorny Path of the Exiled!
May the Draconic, the Qayinitic and the Nefilimic ancestors now Come, 0 Fire-Crowned Dead, and let your Coronating Flames of
hear my beckoning call and return! Sanctity dispel the falsities of clay-barn life and show me the truth
hidden behind and beyond this fallen existence, caused by the foolish
Let me now become sanctified by the presence of the Blessed Dead! and blind Demiurge!
Hear me, 0 Mighty Ones, and make your presences known to me and Come now to me, 0 Mighty Dead belonging to the side of the Black
bestow upon me the illumination of the lightfrom beyond the darkness Light, and grant me the insights needed in order to walk in your
of life, in which you all now bask! footsteps and attain the elevation and liberation that you through the
Spirit's Deathly Ascent have obtained!
Come to me, NN, who am of the lineage of the Cunning Serpent and a
child of Qayin and Qalmana, and inspire and bless me with the holy
wisdom you have to impart!
Come forth now from the Gates of Death, and let the crossroads
between the worlds become opened wide, for it is in the name of the
Nameless and Unknown Divinity in Ain that I call upon you!
383 384
Out of these thirteen there are two who are believed to not have
directly belonged to the bloodline of Sataninsam, and are instead
thought to have been wedded into it, these two being Addah and
CHAPTER 45 Zillah, the mothers of Jabal and Jubal and Tubal Qayin and Naamah.
Who these two mysterious women were, where they came from and
Witt 13 Namtb Jltabs nf why they were receptive for the Spirit-Blood is a mystery left for
tltt :!liglttu mrab contemplation, but it is sufficient to say that they did serve the impulses
of the Spirit Awakened and the Black Light of the Other Side, as they
gave birth to some of the most important, powerful and enspirited
amongst our Holy Ancestors.
Within the Qayinite Cult of the Dead, innumerable shades and spirits These Thirteen Mighty Dead represent all those named and unnamed
of the Mighty Ones belonging to our Holy Bloodline are venerated and belonging to the Awakened Ones of the Spirit, from both before and
communed with in order to create connections to and receive guidance after the flood, and occupy, within the context of Necrosophic Sorcery,
from those Blessed Ones that have walked the path before us. Included the Thrones of Skulls and Bones holding dominion over all the Faithful
in this category are all those that have possessed an Awakened Spirit Dead and commanding power over all the spiritless dead of the
and who through death have reached liberation from the dungeons bloodlines of the profane. These thirteen, eleven of which being placed
of the Demiurge and traversed the pathways leading to the Other Side, beneath the two exalted thrones of Qayin and Qalmana, before whom
or in other ways managed to escape the cyclical hell of hylic rebirth. they all kneel, become the points of egress for the Spirit's Deathly
Ascent and the overshadowing forces ruling all the dead.
There are those amongst these dead that have taken seat within the
points in-between the world of the Archons and the realms of the The Thirteen-Star of the Gate of the Dead, placed upon the altar of
Black Light, and as such they have become liminal entities venerated their veneration, and the thirteen parts of Qayin's Seventh Key Sigil
as gods, demons or saints, depending on the context and the traditions of Death are all connected to these mysteries, with the souls of these
in and through which they have been contacted and experienced. Mighty Ones being enlinked to their thirteen points and thirteen parts,
However they are perceived and understood by others they remain to establishing through them the outer connections to their Spirits,
us still as respected ancestors, connected to our own Inner Divine residing on the Other Side.
Sparks by the bonds of the Serpent Seeded Spirit-Flame.
Each of the thirteen parts of the Seventh Key Sigil of Death is in truth
Within the context of esoteric work with the Mighty Dead, the 12 an individual Soul Signature of one of those named heads of the
names of the Line of Cain mentioned in Scripture, plus the secret Holy Mighty Dead, manifested in sigilic form.
Name of Qalmana obtained from apocryphal sources, making 13 names
all in all, have become a formulaic point of enlinkment between us The Following is the esoteric connection between the thirteen parts
and all those known and unknown Mighty Dead. These names represent of the Seventh Key Sigil and the souls of the thirteen named Mighty
the Seven Generations of Qayin before the flood and are the following: Dead of our ancestry, each part being a separate key unto itself,
Qayin, Qalmana, Enoch, Irad, Mehujael, Methusael, Lamech, Addah, possessing the power to call upon the Shades of the Mighty within
Zillah, Jabal, Jubal, Tubal-Qayin and Naamah. the communal rites of Necrosophic Veneration and the sorceries in
which the aid of any and all of them is sought.
385 386
The Thirteen Soul Signatures of the Mighty Dead:
Amongst these Thirteen there was a division between the First Seven
named and the following Six, but by the addition of the Spiritual Fire
1- Qayin
� brought by the Falling Angels that division was mended and Thirteen
became as One, turning now the Seventh key and opening the Gate
of Death, leading to the Eleven. Here is a mystery for contemplation,
2- Qalmana as many secrets have been concealed within the visible forms of myth.
3- Enoch � ���I.HI.����
4- Irad
Z' Exoteric sources can shed little light on the mysteries connected to
these Mighty Dead of Qayin and Qalmana's bloodline, but apocryphal
and esoteric traditions, both old and new, will be able to provide a
5- Mehujael
few seeds of gnosis which, if sown and watered properly, may through
the Grace of the Mighty Ones germinate and bring about Revelation.
6- Methusael
'f It is up to each of the faithful to seek the mysteries, from both spiritual
and material sources, in order to open up the paths enabling the
shining forth of the Light of the Dead, but we will here provide two
7- Lamech
examples of some small, but visible, pieces of the puzzle.
� In connection to Zillah we offer the following quotation from The
Book of Jasher:
"For in those days the sons of men began to trespass against God,
9- Zillah
and to transgress the commandments which he had commanded to
Adam, to be fruitful and multiply in the earth.
10- Jabal
� And some of the sons of men caused their wives to drink a draught
that would render them barren, in order that they might retain their
figures and whereby their beautiful appearance might not fade. And
11- Jubal
1V when the sons of men caused some of their wives to drink, Zillah
drank with them and the child-bearing women appeared abominable
in the sight of their husbands, as widows,for to the barren ones only
12- Tubal-Qayin
they were attached.
13- Naamah X And in the end of days and years, when Zillah became old, the Lord
387 388
opened her womb. And she conceived and bare a son and called his of spinning and weaving; of Tubal-Cain, who first constructed a
name Tubal Cain, saying, after I had withered away have I obtained furnace, worked in metals, and dug subterranean caves in the
him .from the Almighty God. mountains to save his race during the deluge; but it perished
nevertheless, and only Tubal-Cain and his son, the sole survivors of
And she conceived again and bare a daughter, and she called her the glorious and gigantic family, came out alive."
name Naamah,Jor she said, After I had withered away have I obtained
pleasure and delight." The quoted text is remarkable in more ways than one and should be
studied in its entirety, not for the sake of it being an ancient or
The relevant aspects lie as usual hidden within the scriptures of the historically authentic document, but because it is a clear example of
profane, as for every word written in order to hide the truth an echo 'inspired writing' and in essence harmonious, in many ways, with our
of it, even if it be very silent, will ring out its concealed verity to those own Traditional Gnosis, especially because of its unusually strong
who by the Spirit can hear. anti-Demiurgic and pro-Luciferian stance.
In this case there are mysteries here connecting Zillah to the darker The statement about the survival of Tubal-Qayin and his unnamed
lunar mysteries of Lilith and in her proclamation of having obtained son should be considered in the light of our own gnosis, as presented
a child from "the almighty god" we can see a clear reflection of Eve's in the 'Apocryphal Revelations of the Qayinite Genesis' chapter of this
statement when she had acquired Qayin. Here lies the beginning of book.
mysteries worthy of contemplation.
It must here be made clear that value given to the writings of those
As for the second example, in connection to the more modern, but not standing within the Circle of the Faithful must never be
lesser known, lore attributed to that which has been labelled as overestimated, even if they sometimes may provide forms and
freemasonry, we can find one interesting text named "The Legend of structures through which Spirit can communicate its Alogos, and that
the Temple" as published by Charles W. Heckethorn, in his book about true insight in the end only can be attained through practice and
Secret Societies. The following is a short quotation from that text: actual communion with the unseen, as our work is not that of
archaeology or mundane history, and is instead mystical and spiritual
"Enoch, a son of Cain, taught men to hew stones, construct edifices in both approach and intention.
and form civil societies.
It is therefore more rewarding to seek the spiritual reality of myths
Irad and Mehujael, his son and grandson, set boundaries to the waters via spiritual routes, instead of solely look to the writings of others for
and fashioned cedars into beams. the disclosing of that which only can be revealed by the interaction
between the living and the dead.
Methusael, another of his descendants, invented the sacred characters,
the books of Tau and the symbolic T, by which the workers descended Let the Altar of the Mighty Dead therefore become the desk in front
from the genii of fire recognized each other. of which their mysteries are studied and contemplated, and in time
let experience be your primary teacher in these matters.
Lamech, whose prophesies are inexplicable to the profane, was the
father of Jabal, who first taught men how to dress camels' skins; of
Jubal, who discovered the harp; of Naamah, who discovered the arts
389 390
May the Light of the Un-Manifest shine upon the Faithful Dead and
may they all see and know that they are not forgotten by those still
shackled to the dungeons of finite life and rejoice in the knowledge
that their cause is still championed upon Earth, as it is on the Other
I pray for the Mighty Dead, who have paved the Path of Thorns upon
which I now walk and I ask you, 0 Divinity Most High, to bless them
eternally and ever draw them closer to your own Holy Spirit, so that
they, as drops of rain falling back into the eternal sea of their origin,
In remembrance of the Blessed Dead I pray, 0 Mighty God, for the may achieve fullness in your Non-Being!
Spirits of the Faithful both known and unknown I now pray to you;
grant to them your Endless Power; let the Black Illuminating Light All praise to those of the Spirit, to the Awakeners of the Spirit and to
from beyond the cosmic barriers shine upon them; grant them, I pray the Divine Source of the Spirit!
to you, Eternal Bliss, and the Holy Splendour of your Gnosis!
0 Eternal Divinity, you who rule outside of the prison-house of finite
creation, I pray to you to cast upon me, and all your other faithful
children, the shadowless rays of your Thoughtless Light, and grant
that we all, who are following the examples of those Mighty Dead
who have already achieved your Gnosis, become able to climb the
steps of the Cross and ascend through the Point of the Flame Crowned
Skull, and thus one day attain the same transcendence as those Mighty
Ones now free from the shackles of finite life!
I praise you, Alien Divinity Before and Beyond All Aeons, for the
blessings already bestowed upon those for whose memory and mighty
deeds I continually give to you thanks, and pray that I may one day
become, like them, fit to enter the Kingdom of Black Light and in
Spirit attain union with all those with whom I share True Kinship!
This alternative version of the Thirteen Pointed Star is to be marked
with the Ensouled Ink of Qayin, or if the Ensouling Tincture has yet
not been produced with a sanctified ink containing the essences of
CHAPTER 47 Myrrh, Wormwood, Tobacco and Rowan, upon a piece of cleansed and
dedicated parchment.
ID4t ID4irtttn llninttb �tar nf
<@auin' s illnnblint With each point and line drawn and each key marked, its corresponding
name must be intoned and projected into the lines and angles of the
talisman so created and all the lines and Soul Signatures must be
drawn and written in the correct succession.
The following is the Thirteen Pointed Star sign of the Qayinite The Mark of Qayin in the middle of the star is to be drawn lastly, while
Bloodline, being the secret essence behind the Gate of the Dead and the thirteen names of the Heads of the Mighty Dead are chanted in
a beckoning call to the Thirteen Named Ancestors and to all those their proper sequence, starting with Qayin and finishing with Naamah.
blessed Unnamed Ones joined with them:
and the dead are prayed to and asked to bestow their light, power,
inspiration and protection.
When all candles have burnt down the Thirteen Pointed Star of the
Qayinite Bloodline is ready and consecrated and becomes placed
underneath the visible Gate of the Dead altar disk of their altar.
393 394
If these beads are to be made of copper, very thin sheets of pure copper
must first be cut into rectangular shapes, circa 3cm in length and 2cm
in width, which then are inscribed with one of the thirteen signs of
the Seventh Key Sigil of Death and rolled up tightly into a small scroll
shaped copper bead.
Each of these marked beads are to be blessed in the name and upon
the sign of each of the named ancestors of the Qayinite bloodline, by
being placed on their corresponding part of the Thirteen Pointed Star
The Rosarium of the Mighty Dead is a powerful talisman connected of the Gate of the Dead. There they must remain and gain the Blessings
to the Shades and Spirits of the Blessed Ancestors of the Qayinite of the Mighty Dead for at least seven weeks, before they can be
Bloodline. It possesses the power to strengthen all forms of interaction incorporated into the rosary, and it is during this period that they will
with them and calls upon their blessings, guidance and empowerments. gain their primary enlinkments to the powers of the ones represented
This rosary talisman is connected to the Named Ones of the Line of by and accessed through the thirteen signatures marking the points
Qayin and Qalmana and is a link to the thirteen keys, gates and of that star.
The Rosarium of the Mighty Dead can also be employed as a powerful consecration via ablution and fumigation, is the following: a quartz
talisman and an amulet to be placed around the neck during the bead is followed by seven onyx beads, an additional quartz bead and
Workings of Gulgaltha, as it lends both the protection and authority then a marked bone or copper bead. This sequence is repeated until
of those Elevated Dead that it is linked to and assists in the all beads are strung.
The rosary in question consists of 130 beads all in all; Naamah, Tubal-Qayin, Jubal, Jabal, Zillah, Addah, Lamech, Methusael,
Mehujael, Irad, Enoch, Qalmana and Qayin.
13 bone or scrolled/rolled up copper beads, each bearing the mark of descent the end resulting rosary will become correctly shaped and the
one of the thirteen Soul Signatures of the Seventh Key Sigil of Qayin marked beads will correspond with the visible Gate of the Dead sigil
encircled by the thirteen Soul Signatures of the Mighty Dead.
of the soils of Gulgaltha, even animal bones may be used. In certain sealed in the name of one of the Holy Antecessors, here starting with
cases hollow ceramic skull beads marked with the thirteen signs and Qayin and ending with Naamah.
loaded with the powdered bones of a Faithful Dead, or the mixed soils
of seven cemetery crossroads, can also be employed. As for the consecration ritual itself a strong tincture made of the
enspirited wood powder, or other plant parts, of Ebony, Elder, Rowan,
wash and soak in it.
Cypress, Blackthorn, Rose, Yew, Holly, Juniper, Palo Santo, Oak,
Whitethorn and Apple are needed. The bottle in which the tincture
3. Wash the rosary carefully inside of the bowl while praying to each
is made must contain 1 part of the thirteen trees mixture and 5 parts
of the Thirteen Named Ones to come and charge the marked bead
of strong vodka and be left in a dark and cool place to macerate for
bearing their own Soul Signature with their powers and cause through
at least 31 nights, during which you each night must shake the bottle
it a permanent enlinkment to their selves, thus granting the talismanic
and pray to the Black In Green for their assistance.
and amuletic empowerments and blessings required.
When the tinctured essence of the thirteen trees has so been obtained
4. Inscribe upon thirteen, in beforehand cleansed, black candles each
the consecration ritual itself can commence on a following Monday
of the thirteen Soul Signatures from the Seventh Key Sigil, and place
night, in connection to the traditional workings with the Mighty Dead.
them around the corresponding points of the Gate of the Dead sigil
disk, encircling the bowl at the centre.
1. Remove the piece of quartz crystal normally kept inside the central
water glass of the Mighty Dead and place it inside a cleansed and
Light the black candles in the correct order of the Holy Line of Descent
dedicated terracotta, or glass, bowl. Place the bowl upon the Gate of
and with the lighting of each candle pray to the corresponding Mighty
the Dead altar disk, so that it replaces the usual cup of water.
Dead and ask him or her to grant light, blessings, protection, power
and guidance and to enlink the rosary to him/her soul and spirit.
Fill 3/5 of the bowl with Holy Water, that in beforehand has been
created via the traditional ritual employing the power of the Master's
When the thirteen candles have been lit sit for a while in front of the
bone talisman. Mix into the sanctified water the prepared tincture of
altar and with your Spirit Eye behold their Black Flames blazing up
the thirteen Black In Green, so that 2/5 of the liquid contained in the
inside the bowl and fully imbuing the rosary placed therein with their
bowl consists of it.
own Holiness and Might.
2. Call upon the dead in the traditional manner, light the three altar
s. When ready close the ritual by giving thanks and praise to the
candles and serve them the traditional offerings meant to nourish
Beloved and Familiar Dead and let the rosary remain inside of the
their astral links to this world, constituting of their enduring souls.
bowl until all candles have been fully consumed and remove it first
during the following night.
Via the smoke of their tobacco offering direct your prayers to each
of them individually and ask them each to confer their blessings and
6. After the stroke of midnight of Tuesday night you must again call
empowerments through their crystal, into the contents of the bowl
upon the Mighty Dead in the traditional manner and light three new
placed upon their Gate Sigil and by the powers of the thirteen Black
offertory candles for them, to cast their shadows upon the altar.
In Green, that have lent their fortifications to the Holy Water, manifest
their spiritual light and fully consecrate the rosary that you intend to
Take out the charged and consecrated rosary from the bowl and place
it upon the altar. Remove the crystal from the bowl and return it to
the cognac glass and fill it with cool water and serve it upon the
central point of the Gate of the Dead sigil. CHAPTER 49
Pour over the charged contents of the bowl into a suitable bottle, so
that you later can take it to the cemetery and there with it bless some
l\ �ptll fnr t4t Jlanb nf <&lnrtt
place of power that you wish to further fortify and link to your workings,
for by the libation thus given the faithful and worthy shades and
spirits of the place will become exalted and empowered.
7· Light charcoal inside the brazier placed upon the altar of the Mighty
Dead and as a final step in the sealing of the powers contained within
and enlinkments caused through the Rosarium of the Mighty Dead
fumigate it in the smoke of an incense blend consisting of the following,
in beforehand consecrated and enspirited, plant elements:
Hold the rosary talisman over the smoke of the incense and pray to Hand of Abel, in service of Cain
each of the Thirteen Named Ones to let their essence become sealed Summon now forth the Vengeful Slain
inside the rosary, so that it may remain a permanent connexion between Turn Hell's key and open its lock
you and them. Awaken the daemons with the dead man's knock
8. When ready place the talisman in a circle around the Gate of the Hand of Darkness that serves the Lord of Death
Dead sigil disk, so that the marked beads align, as much as possible, Your Fivefold Curse shall smother my enemy's breath
with its thirteen encircling Soul Signatures. As the Corpse Flames now burn high and bright
Bring them grave darkness and steal their Light
Close the ritual in traditional manner and employ the fully empowered
and consecrated Rosarium of the Mighty Dead in all rites connected Black Hand of Glory, I evoke your Might
to the communion with them or the channelling of light, wisdom and Conceal now my presence from all mortal sight
power from those Blessed Ones that it is charged by and enlinked to. Empower my Sorcery with Death's Darksome Fire
Harken to my spell and fulfil my desire
399 400
Adamite aspects conquered by Qayin and Qalmana, resulting in their
own transcendence and apotheosis.
CHAPTER 50 In this post-mortem form the first murdered and buried, the first dead
human sowed into the land, became Abel the Black, who in his tamed
Witt flusttrits nf i\htl <&rant <&rim and bound state actually received an elevation from Qayin, as he was
- Witt TBlark ]l{nunb nf <&ulgaltqa made to serve a cause more noble than what he ever had been destined
to by the decrees of his own Creator.
It is this Abel the Black that we pay homage to and ask permission
from when entering the cemetery gates, in the name of his Master,
One of the central mysteries of the graveyards within our Necrosophic Qayin Lord of the Mound, and it is him that we pay with the three coins
Tradition concerns Abel the Slain. Abel who was the first man to be when exiting the cemetery, in order for him to close the gates behind
killed and buried, by the hands of our Master Qayin, is in death made us and hinder all unwanted shades and spirits from following us out
sacred and faithful to the cause of his own murderer and a servant through the gate or in some other manner attaching themselves to us.
to those of the bloodline of his own subduer.
According to existing sources it was often the first living creature that
The zoomorphism of Abel's earthbound soul holds many fundamental happened to pass by the place chosen for the building of the new
mysteries and beside the more common shape of a large Black Hound church that the builders had to trap and bury alive under one of the
with often glowing eyes, he is also known to take form as a monstrous would-be cornerstones, thus binding its soul to the building and its
Three-Headed Dog, shackled around the necks with a leash of thorn, surroundings and through incantations and prayers conjuring it to
a leash of gold and a leash of fire, this reflecting the three clay-horn remain as its guardian.
401 402
The animal so employed could be a hen, rooster, ram, lamb, bull, pig, a sombre task an animal was instead buried alive where a new cemetery
dog or any other kind of ill-fated creature that happened to pass by would be established, this in order to create the guardian and save
the selected spot and could be captured, or in beforehand become the soul of the first human that later would be buried there from
chosen and led to the place of its entombment and sacrifice, in order becoming the earthbound guardian ghost of that cemetery.
for the dreaded Church Grim to become created.
There were, and still are, other traditions in which the first man orI
Even though any animal could be used as the sacrifice the idea of a and woman buried within a cemetery become venerated as the rulers
watchdog seems to have made most sense in many cases and there and guardians of the dead buried within that place and the attainment
are therefore many instances where the dog has been the preferred of that post is viewed more as an elevation and a blessing upon those
choice. chosen dead rather than a curse.
In one known case, in Sweden, a white horse is reported to have been Another related and very interesting lore connected to our own Qayinite
released and allowed to choose the spot where the new church would mysteries, which we consider to be the esoteric foundation for all
be built and where the horse stopped the place became marked and these other mentioned traditions, is the one derived from the folklore
the horse itself became buried alive in that spot in order to become of French Brittany, concerning the Ankou, who is depicted as a Grim
a very fierce guardian of the place. Reaper of souls and a personification of Death. This scythe-bearing
messenger of death is according to certain folklore identified with
Whatever the inhumed creature had been in life it would in its Church Qayin - the Harvester and Murderer, who through the first act of
Grim form become fearsome, awe-inspiring and often monstrous, murder is thought to have become bound to the task of harvesting
especially in the eyes of those who in some way would offend it. souls and to the eternal service of death.
These kinds of sacrificial rites are of course of pagan roots and can While Ankou in his origin is a pagan deity it is for us of great interest
be traced back to the offerings given to the chthonic spirits and earth to contemplate the folkloric interpretations concerning his true identity
deities in order to obtain a firm foundation to build upon and protection according to rural folk-Catholicism. According to these beliefs Ankou
against all hostile forces, gained through the blessings expected from himself was the primary representative and bringer of death, but he had
the deities to whom the sacrifices were made. also a multitude of lesser Ankous, who served him in his grim harvest.
An interesting addition to the Church Grim lore is that within certain These secondary and subservient Ankous are the ones relevant to this
communities it was also believed that the first person within the parish discourse as they are also thought to be the first person buried within
who died after New Year's Eve would become an assistant of the a cemetery and the last person to die and become buried by the end
Church Grim and aid it in its protection of the treasures of the church of each year. These lesser servants of death have to work for Ankou
and the graves of the dead and punish those who would wrongfully for at least one full year from the time of their burial, until their
trespass the established boundaries of the hallowed grounds that they responsibilities can be shouldered by another dead.
were bound to guard.
403 404
realities in many aspects harmonious with our own Qayinite Tradition His manifestations are therefore never influenced by the dead through
and is therefore understood as another re-manifestation of the which he has gained access to each cemetery that he guards, as the
mysteries of Qayin and Abel, the First Death and the First Dead. soul belonging to that dead becomes always fully overshadowed by his
own unnaturally empowered shade.
As for the zoomorphic manifestation of the first dead there are also
links connecting different relevant traditions to our own Qayinite As the sentinel of the places of the dead Abel the Black is most effective
Necrosophy. The black dog has in many different contexts been and in accordance with his Master's decree all desecraters of graves
connected to the forces of the underworld, the dead and death itself. become hounded down by him and punished with soul afflicting misery,
In order to just point out a few of the many relevant traditional weakness, sickness, pain, madness and death, often through fire, as
contexts in which the dog has been understood as a servant of death, he who became subdued by a Son of Fire knows very well of the
a guardian of the chthonic gates or in some other way become destructive effect that scorching heat can have upon fallible clay.
connected to the dead we could here mention the black hounds of
Hekate, the Kerberus (the three-headed guardian of the underworld), As the Herder of the Dead he holds power over all day-born dead,
the four-eyed dogs of the death god Yama, the "four-eyed" guardian specially the Restless, Dark and Obsessive ones and it is he, Abel the
dogs employed within ancient Persian funerary rites, the hound Grave Grim, who by the will of Qayin and His Bride keeps such dead
guarding the kingdom of Erlik Khan, the Armenian dog of death called within the confines of the graveyards or lets them loose to afflict the
Siaw (the Black), the monstrous hell hound Garm (the guardian of the living who in some ways have incurred the wrath of the Monarchs of
gate of Hel), the Welsh death hounds of Annwn, the East Anglian the Gulgaltha.
ghostly Black Shuck and from certain perspectives even the dogs
accompanying Saint Lazarus. During our workings with the Dark Dead, we must therefore always
first gain the permission of Qayin and then ask of Abel to aid in the
tracking down of the suitable dead and to open the cemetery gates
and release the dead in question so that he/she can accomplish his/
her required task. In similar ways to how Abel can aid in the lunching
of such 'sending of the dead' he can also, in the name of Qayin, be
Within the Qayinite Tradition 'the Ghost of Akeldama' and 'the petitioned and conjured to force back such restless dead and drag
Guardian of Gulgaltha' are titles given to Abel the Black, in his aspect them back to their graves whenever one wishes to thwart the 'sending'
as the Grave Grim, as he here serves as the guardian of the boundaries of another, in order to for example save a victim of such rites of
of the grave and the gatekeeper of all cemeteries. Abel is thus viewed 'expediting death' through the ferocious dead.
and worked with as an important mystery and force of the cemetery,
serving directly under the King and Queen of all the places of the skull. A common method often employed within such settings is the cleansing
of the victim with the aid of a live animal, like for example a black
Abel the Black manifests through the bones of the first man buried chicken, hen or rooster, by passing the animal over the victims whole
in each cemetery, but his soul is his own and the bones he manifests body, while in the name of Qayin, Qalmana and Abel the Black
himself through are only the physical points of egress through which conjuring the dead obsessing and afflicting the person being cleansed
his earthbound and undead shade gains access to All Fields of to enter the animal instead. The animal is then buried alive in a
Gulgaltha, while fundamentally being shackled to and through that suitable point of power within the cemetery and over the place of its
first grave dug by Our Master Qayin. burial the Conjuring Seal of Abel the Grave Hound is traced with the
405 406
tip of a suitable wand possessing the ability to command the dead, instead of the live animals in order to cleanse oneself or someone else
watered with libation offerings, given smoke and finally given flames and then bury the eggs in ways similar to the methods already
through three black candles placed and lit upon its three black described.
points of power.
Similar methods can be employed within baneful rites in which Abel
Abel the Grave-Hound is thus conjured to take back the dead which himself is sought to be sent against an enemy, in order to consume
had afflicted the victim of the sending of the Dark Dead, but also to his/her vitality and finally drag his/her soul back into the darkness
return the attack back to its sender, if there be any, so that the dead, of the grave. Within such workings a black cat becomes baptized as
now empowered by the animal it has fully received, in the Name of the target of the curse and if possible further enlinked to the target
Qayin and by the force of Abel, takes vengeance upon the assailant, via the correct use of sympathetic elements, which for example can
or otherwise just remains bound to its confines within the jurisdiction be fed to it. The animal is then buried alive in order to create a
of the Grave Grim. haunting shade that then in the name of Qayin and through the power
of Abel the Black is sent out to attack the target of the curse, to which
it carries links and because of whom it has died. Upon the grave of
the black cat the Seal of Abel the Grave Hound is marked with a
Blackthorn wand and the seal is given nine coins, libation offering of
white, black and red, tobacco smoke and the flames of nine black
candles, while Abel himself is conjured, in the name of Qayin, to
empower, oversee and direct the shade of the sacrificed animal to
harshly afflict the victim. Soil from the four corners of the animal's
grave is to be harvested during such sending of the animal's enraged
ghost and sprinkled over the path of the target, or in some other way
be made to come in close contact with him/her. Such curses are well
Conjuring Seal of Abel the Grave Hound
known for their potency when it comes to the causing of madness,
sickness and suicide.
An alternative approach to situations such as the one described is to Beside these rites of 'taking off or 'the sending the dead' there are
employ Abel himself for the wreaking of vengeance upon the assailant, many other contexts in which Abel receives buried offerings, as that
when the existence of such aggressor is known for sure. Three animals which is buried within the cemetery always falls directly within his
are in such cases used to cleanse the victim of the curse of the Dark realm of influence, since he was the First Buried. Whenever his services,
Dead and then buried alive as offerings to Abel the Three-Headed, in beyond his primary duties as the guardian of the cemetery gates, are
order to feed him and contract him to lend his aid, give him the means sought he must therefore be given some form of buried offering, plus
through which he can tear off the obsessing shade from the victim and certain other more common gifts of coin, libation, smoke and flame.
keep it down in the grave and also give him the scent of the assailant,
so that he can become able to hound him/her down.
In ways resembling the ones already described, but with much less
potency and complexity, one can also use three or nine fresh eggs
407 408
A potent ritual for Gaining the Sight of Abel the Black is to enter a served, all in the name of Qayin Dominor Tumulus.
suitable cemetery during the night hours of the Good Friday, all
according to traditional protocol, lighting the 'permission candle' for Abel's candle is given flame to, in the name of the one who killed and
the Master and asking for His license to seek out the Ever Wakeful buried him and he is conjured to accept the offerings given to him
shade of Abel in order to feed him and gain his Sight and Guidance and in return grant the Sight, of himself and of those that he guards.
towards its northern cardinal point and there, upon a well chosen offerings and filled with clear well water. Libation offering is poured
spot, place a black candle inscribed with the Signature of the First out in nine circles around the bowl and its contents is then given 13
Dead and anointed with sanctified oil empowered with an equal amount exhalations of the smoke of a cigar, which then is placed to the left
of the essences of Henbane, Aconite and Wormwood. side of the small bowl of water.
The whole process is repeated until candles have been placed and lit
also upon the western, southern and eastern points of the graveyard
and the circumambulation is completed by again returning to the
Northern point and candle.
If the candle still burns one can proceed and at that point wash the
eyes with some of the water contained inside the bowl placed upon
that northern point. The process is again repeated in the same
succession as before by going to each candle illuminating one of the
four cardinal points of the cemetery and by washing the eyes with the
water placed before each such candle of Abel the Black. If this whole
process is repeated for three full circumambulations, during which the
eyes are washed three times with the water contained in the bowls
placed upon each of the points of Abel, with the flames of the candles
still burning, the Power of Sight will be obtained.
Signature of the First Dead
At that point, when having returned once again to the northern starting
In front of each candle a raw piece of pork, seven copper coins, a piece point, one is to head in a straight line towards the centre and the fifth
of quartz crystal and three onyx stones are to be buried. The space point of the cross created by the positioned candles and there one will
around the candle and the buried offerings are then encircled, be able to see the visions sought and the assembling shades of the
widdershins, first thrice with a Blackthorn wand, then thrice with a dead and the one who herds them will at that point become witnessed.
each stamp, while all other dead are because of the powers of the nine
barriers set in place barred from entering and accessing the offerings
409 410
Even without having obtained the Sight of the Dead one can still call
within the Fields of Bones and because of this both the lowest and
upon Abel in order to obtain his guidance and protection. This is most
highest amongst the dead can, in different ways, be found through
often done by the inside of the gate through which one had entered
his guidance.
the cemetery, as it is there that he is conjured to grant his aid whenever
one, for example, is searching for a specific kind of dead or for something
It is therefore common to invoke Abel the Black's names when, by
else lying hidden and buried within the boundaries of the boneyard.
the power of Qayin, the dead are summoned inside cemeteries, for like
a faithful herding dog he in a most efficient manner gathers the shades
After having obtained the permission of the Master one returns back
required and makes them do that which is correctly requested of him
to the left side of the threshold of the gate through which one had
and them, all by the binding power of the Blackthorn Sceptred
first entered the boneyard and by the discreet tracing of the conjuring
seal upon the soil and the giving of three coins, a lit cigar and the
thrice pouring out of strong libation, Abel the Black will become enticed
to come in order to lend his aid and in the name of Qayin guide one's
footsteps to the specified kind of dead that one needs in connection
to the different workings or whatever else it is that one needs to find
with his help.
Through the aid of Abel the Black it becomes, for example, much easier
to find the grave or shade of any specific kind of dead, be it the
obsessive, dark and cursed or the Blessed and Mighty, as long as their
remains are kept within the burial grounds that he guards.
Our Mighty Saint Qayin is the Sinistral Lord of Death, while Abel is
the first of the dead. Qayin is the King of the Mighty Dead and Master
of the Dark Dead, while Abel is like an enforcer of only the dark and
the profane dead of all cemeteries, under the direct dominion of Qayin.
Abel has in other words no power over the Mighty Dead, but he does
hold power over all other dead outside of the Holy Bloodline of Qayin,
within all the places of burial. While holding no power over the Mighty
Fire-Born Dead, he can still lead one to their earthly point of power
Abel, First Dead and First Buried, three times I, NN, call out your
name and evoke you:
Abel! Abel! Abel!
In the name of and by the Power of Qayin, who thrice tamed and
conquered you, I conjure you now to give me your Selected Shadows
from amongst the Legion of the Dark Dead!
Dead and send them out to hunt and haunt my known and unknown
foes who work against me, so that no living man or woman shall
unpunished have betrayed me and so that their feeble fear, envy and
l hatred shall not reach nor ajjZict me!
1 Abel, Guardian of the Gates of All Cemeteries, set now your chosen
amongst the Restless Dead as my impenetrable shields and poisoned
swords, and in the name of Qayin be conjured now to serve my
cause, as I am a direct spiritual descendent of your Master and one
� of His most faithful servants upon the face of the earth!
Let your subordinates amongst those shades and spirits who roam
the graveyards gather as a bloodthirsty pack of the Hounds of Hell,
and command them to seek out and devour the vital force of all those
who have aimed their impotent magic, or hatred, against me, and in
the name of Qayin let them be Thrice Stricken by the Darkness of the
Abel, 0 Three-Headed and Thrice Shackled Black Guardian of the
Tumuli, let all the evil and perversities that have been aimed towards
me become revoked and in the jaws of the bestial dead be brought
back to their source and sender!
Come now in the name of your Master Qayin, and grant protection
and assistance, as I have come to do the work of one who in life
walks with the dead!
I have come to buy the soil of Death and call therefore upon you,Abel
the Black,Guardian of All Graves, to ensure the safe and correct
transmission of the power I seek through the Sacred Soil ofGulgaltha,
which I have come here to water, plough and harvest from!
I conjure you, 0 Black Ghost of the First Skull sowed into the land,
and entreat you to banish all lowly shades of the profane and gather
here for me, in the powerful name of Qayin Dominor Tumulus, the
lingering essence of the one who buried you, through the holy soil of
this place marked by the footsteps of the Bringer of Deathly Liminality!
I stamp my left foot seven times,to echo His coming and going forth
and arouse the forces of Sinistral Death and their Left-Handed Master!
In this place of the dead I seek not the essence of the buried but the
Soul of the one who dug the First Grave!
Let this soil beneath my feet, encircled by His wand and ensorcelled
through His powers, now become fully empowered by the holy
presence of the Soul of my Saint Qayin and because of my offerings,
which shall here be given to the Unseen Hosts ofGulgaltha, become a CHAPTER 53
potent part of the SevenfoldGolden Chain of Enlinkment, connecting
me to the Owner of All Places of Skulls, the Master of the Crossroads
!laster nf l\11 1Biabn1ir @Jltab.es
of Death!
Holy Father of the Serpent's Bloodline upon the Earth, come now and
bless your faithful child and empower the soil I need for the seating
of your essence upon new earthly thrones! The aspect of the Master concerned most with the workings of the
Dark Dead and all other destructive forms of sorcery employing the
Veni Qayin Fossor, Defensor et Eversor! powers of the dead is the one connecting His Occisor and Dominor
Veni, veni Crucifer, Dominor Tumulus et Umbrifer! Tumulus attributes, often given the titles 'Lord of the Dark Dead'
Veni, veni Qayin Beatus! (Senor de los Muertos Oscuros) or 'Master of the Dark Shadows' (Senor
Veni, veni Qayin Rex Ossis! de las Sombras Oscuras). In this aspect the Master governs all the
Veni Baal-Gulgoleth et Orebel! forces of hostility within the Kingdom of the Graves and acts as the
Veni Qayin ben Samuel! Tamer, Commander and Owner of the Bestial Dead.
By the Crowned Skull Upon the Black Cross, Holy Qayin, bless this It is this aspect that Abel serves as the Herder and it is from this
soil now and let it become connected to the aspect of your Enduring manifestation of the lingering and deathless soul of the Master Qayin
Soul governing all Fields ofGulgaltha! one must seek permission, blessings and empowerments before
embarking upon the tortuous paths of the Distorted Shadows of
Salve Qayin Crucifer, Dominor Tumulus et Umbrifer! Gulgaltha, being the dominion of those Dark and Ravenous Dead.
Through this aspect of the Master is all gnosis concerning such
mysteries sought and gained, as it represents the facets of the Dominor
Tumulus focused upon not only the digging of the graves for the dead,
but also for the living.
417 418
innumerable and literally swarming the living. spiritual insights and qualities needed in order to approach these
mysteries of the Shadows of the Cross.
It is therefore of great importance to realise the necessity for protection
against and the obtainment of control over these obsessive and obsessed The following is the insignia of Qayin as the Lord of the Dark Dead,
dead, which both can be obtained through the initiations received focusing specifically on His aspect as the Sovereign of the Distorted
from the Master within these contexts. . Shadows cast by the Calvary Cross, showing His domination over the
Dark Dead, represented in the insignia by their descriptive symbol of
The mysteries of Qayin Dominor Tumulus are vast and all the horned and fanged skull emphasising their bestial nature, placed
encompassing when it comes to the secrets of the dead, both low and underneath Him:
cursed or elevated and blessed, as He governs the axis connecting
such nadir and zenith of the Black Cross.
This Formula of Calling is, in ways similar to the sonic key to the
Green Point of the Skull, a means created for the opening of the paths The ritual procedure, through which the specified Formula of Calling
leading specifically to His diverse aspects within the Kingdom of Bones, will unlock the powers of the linear gate that the insignia of the Lord
which also connects to those contexts where the darker powers and of the Dark Dead constitutes, demands more offerings than most of
more aggressive and envenomed currents of the dead are sought. It the other insignias, in addition to a fully ensouled fetish or talisman
can open up the paths to His aspects as the Most Elevated King of of the Master.
Gulgaltha, being the Monarch of the Mighty Dead, but also to His
aspect as the Master, Commander and Subduer of the Dark Dead, all The offerings demanded are the following: seven half-white and half
depending on the manner of employment of the sonic key in question, black candles anointed with an oil empowered by the Necromancy Key
for example in connection to the marking of the different insignia and herbal formula, three black candles anointed with an oil empowered
signatures, workings, the giving of offerings and the displaying of the by the Bane Key herbal formula, three purple candles anointed with
419 420
an oil empowered by the Power Key herbal formula, suitable holders chanted for the seventh time and the seventh candle has been lit, the
for all candles (such as small plates), two cigars, a box of matches libations are to be poured into the three glasses forming a triangle
and an ashtray, three glasses for His libations, vodka, black and around where the fetish of the Master has been placed upon the elevated
unsweetened coffee, red wine, a white plate with three raw pork chops, skull of the insignia. The lower left side glass is to be filled with vodka,
spiced with white and black pepper and served upon a bed of cooked the glass placed above the skull is to be filled with black coffee, and
white and black beans, three coins, a brazier containing self igniting the glass to the lower right hand is to be filled with red wine.
charcoal and an incense blend consisting of 3 parts Ebony (wood
powder), 3 parts Cypress (leaves), 3 parts Blackthorn (wood powder), The three purple candles upon the crown are to be given flame to at
3 parts Rowan (leaves and wood), 3 parts Wormwood, 2 parts Myrrh this point and the Master is to be greeted and praised through three
and a pinch of sulphur. complete 'Salve Qayin Fossor' chants, once for each candle lit.
The insignia is to be traced with consecrated white or black chalk The cigars are at this point to be lit one by one, in the traditional
upon a large piece of black cloth or white cloth/shroud, washed in manner, and through thirteen exhalations of smoke from each of them,
beforehand in an infusion of Yew (or that of some other poisonous directed at the Master's fetish and the plate of food offerings, the Lord
plant directly related to these mysteries) and then fumigated with the of the Dark Dead is to be petitioned to lend His aid, empowerments,
smoke of Myrrh. permission or whatever else the purpose of His calling happen to be.
The two cigars are then to be placed in a crossed position in the
The fetish or talisman of the Master is to be placed upon the upper ashtray.
skull, at the centre of the cross, and on the three points of His crown
the purple candles are to be set. Upon the seven black points of the The charcoal within the brazier is then ignited and the incense blend
insignia the half-white and half-black candles are to be positioned, burnt in the name of Qayin, the Thrice Crowned Monarch of Gulgaltha,
and upon the three X-crosses to the sides and under the Dark Dead
and the 'Salve Qayin Fossor' chant is recited once.
skull of the insignia the three coins are to be placed, and upon them
the black candles are to be set. The glasses into which the white, black (Within certain settings petitions concerning the Dark Dead can be
and red libations later are to be poured are placed upon the three written on a piece of cleansed paper, folded four times away from
intersecting lines of the parts of the cross to the sides and above the one's self and placed under the brazier, before the charcoal is
skull of the Master within the insignia. enkindled.)
The plate containing the food offering is to be placed upon the area The three black candles connected to the Dark Dead within the insignia
between the second step of the Cross of Gulgaltha and the lower part are now to be lit, the 'Salve Qayin Fossor' chant recited once over each
of the jaw of the Master's skull within the insignia. Below the plate, of their flames, and the Master is petitioned to act for, against or
upon the two crossed arrows, the ashtray and the two cigars are to through the Dark Dead, in accordance with one's needs.
be placed and upon the skull of the Dark Dead the brazier is to be
positioned. The Master of the Dark Dead is at this point communed with in
different forms and via different visionary and divinatory means and
During the activation process, the half-white and half-black candles techniques, while additional incense is burnt, and that which was
are to be lit first and before each of them is given flame to the sought is in one way or another obtained, as the correct rite will have
Formula of Calling is to be chanted once. When the formula has been called upon His holy presence.
421 422
When the work is done the Master is to be given praise with the
salutation chant employed within these contexts and the ritual is closed
in the traditional manner.
All candles are left burning until fully consumed and the remains of
the offerings are, during the next night, taken to a suitable place of
power within a cemetery, or to a tree connected to the mysteries of
Witt Bntu111ttislt
the Master as the Lord of the Cemetery, and there left together with nf inminnr Wumulus
one black and one white candle, a cigar and seven coins.
The cloth upon which the insignia was traced and the work was placed
is put in a bowl and then washed with a suitable libation offering, like The fetish of Qayin Dominor Tumulus is an aspect-specific point of
vodka or rum. The content of the bowl, holding both the libation and manifestation for the portion of His essence governing the Kingdom
the power of the enspirited insignia now dissolved within it, is poured of Graves. Such aspect-specific fetish serves to channel, focus and
into a bottle and then also taken to the cemetery as a libation offering amplify the links to the King of Gulgaltha already established via the
to its King, the First Gravedigger. seating of the Master's essence within the general central altar fetish.
By creating a fetish specifically representing His aspects as the First
Salve Qayin Fossor, Defensor et Eversor! Gravedigger/Lord of the Black Cross, the parts of His Soul and Spirit
Salve, salve Crucifer, Dominor Tumulus et Umbrifer! connected to the sphere of influence under the dominion of those
Salve, salve Qayin Beatus! Salve, salve Qayin Rex Ossis! aspects become further enlinked to and made stronger in presence,
Salve Baal-Gulgoleth et Orebel! which in turn leads to the fortifying of all the workings ofNecrosophic
Salve Qayin ben Samuel! Sorcery conducted through it.
The following is needed for the creation and consecration of the Holy
Fetish of Dominor Tumulus:
423 424
>I< a piece of white chalk, empowered and consecrated in
� Tobacco powder
beforehand with the Ensouling Tincture of Qayin
� 7 black beans
>I< a terracotta bowl for the mixing of the elements
� 7 white beans
>I< a ceramic plate fitting as the lid of the terracotta bowl
� 3 thin rectangular sheets of copper, circa 7x7cm in size,
upon which the central fetish can be positioned
upon which the Dominor Tumulus, King of Gulgaltha and the
>I< 7 white Carnations
Nigromancy sigil of Qayin have been inscribed and activated
>I< a small bottle of Wormwood tincture
� 7 half-white and half-black candles
>I< 3 black candles
� 7 small plates or candleholders
>I< a brazier, containing charcoal
� vodka
>I< incense blend consisting of elements from Cypress, Yew,
� black coffee
Myrrh, Patchouli, Wormwood, Mandrake and Tobacco
� red wine
>I< 7 cigars
� 3 new glasses for the serving of the libation offering
>I< a box of matches
� pieces of white and black yarn for the tying of the fetish bundle
>I< a bottle of strong liquor for the spraying of libation
� a circa 35cm high statue depicting Qayin Dominor Tumulus,
>I< a suitably sized piece of black cloth, with which to line the
holding a wand or a cross in His left hand. The statue is to
inside of the terracotta bowl, inside which the soil and other
be made of wood or clay and be hollowed underneath in order
loading elements are to be packed and tied into a bundle
to hold all the empowering elements
>I< a container with the mixed soil from seven different cemeteries,
� wax, plaster or cement for the sealing of the elements inside
bought from each cemetery's crossroads, from the foot of its
the fetish
central cross or from any other esoteric point of power directly
� a Rosarium talisman with 7x13 black and 7x13 white beads,
connected to the Lord of All Graves
fully consecrated in beforehand
>I< a new tablespoon
� a black, thin, piece of cloth, suitable to act as the covering
>I< a piece of clear quartz crystal point
shroud of the Dominor Tumulus, which in beforehand has
>I< bone powder from a dead man bound to the Master's service
been fumigated with the smoke of Myrrh
>I< 4 small pieces of onyx
>I< sulphur
The main ritual itself is to be commenced during the late Saturn hour
>I< a new teaspoon
of Friday night and become concluded during the late Venus hour of
>I< Blackthorn wood powder
the following Saturday night.
>I< Yew wood powder
>I< Cypress wood powder
Let all elements be acquired and consecrated according to tradition,
>I< Palo Santo wood powder
so that the soils bought from the seven cemeteries are linked to Qayin
>I< Gabon Ebony wood powder
Dominor Tumulus, the bone of the dead empowered by a soul obedient
>I< Rowan tree wood powder
to the Master and all plant elements fully enspirited by their Black
>I< Oak wood powder
In Green, either through the rites of harvest or through the workings
>I< Myrrh powder
of the Green Point of the Skull, in which case they must have been
>I< Patchouli powder
consecrated individually.
>I< Wormwood powder
>I< Mandrake root bits
1. Open the ritual in the traditional manner by employing the Formula
of Calling, lighting the altar candles and burning some general incense Place the three black candles upon the triangular points of the trident
offering for the Master. above His Crowned Skull within the sigil and light them in the name
of Qayin Fossor, Qayin Crucifer and Qayin Baal-Gulgoleth.
Pray to Him, through the central fetish upon the altar, to bless your
work and let the portion of His essence connected to the Dominor 4· Place the terracotta bowl upon the centre of the now activated King
Tumulus aspect of His being heed your calling and manifest strongly of Gulgaltha sigil and place the smaller piece of cloth over the bowl
in order to take seat within and cause spiritual connection through and push it down so that it covers both the bottom and the sides
the fetish that you intend to consecrate and ensoul with His aid. of the bowl. This is done so that all the elements placed inside the
bowl later can easily be tied into a bundle.
2. Place the black cloth reserved for the marking of the sigil upon the
floor, in front of the altar and mark the following sigil of the King Spray liquor from your mouth three times into the bowl and then blow
of Gulgaltha upon it with the consecrated chalk, while seven times the smoke of the cigar seven times into it, so that it becomes blessed
chanting the Formula of Calling of the First Gravedigger: and dedicated to its cause, by the power of your Will and Spirit
emanated and transferred via the traces of saliva mixed with the
quickening alcohol and the breath carried forth and made fiery by the
smoke of Amiahzatan.
s. Bring forth the container of the mixed soils bought from seven
cemeteries and open it. Direct seven exhalations of cigar smoke into
it and with each let your prayers be directed to the Master of the Seven
and All Cemeteries and ask Him to lend His full empowerments and
enlinkments through the soil of His Fields of Skulls and Bones.
Pour seven full tablespoons of the soil into the bowl lined with the
black cloth and recite the following prayer:
King of Gulgaltha Sigil
Master of All cemeteries I pray to you; by the sorcerous soil of seven
3· Take a sip from the liquor bottle and spray it out of your mouth graveyards, gathered from beneath your feet, I ask that you come
three times over the sigil. Light a cigar in the name of Amiahzatan forth in order to cause a potent connection to your own Holy Soul
and exhale smoke from it seven times over the sigil, while mentally and Spirit!
calling upon the First Gravedigger.
Master of the Grave Mounds, Lord of the Black Cross Upon the Place
Strew the petals of the seven white carnations around the outer circle of the Skull, I entreat you most humbly to come forth and establish
of the sigil in a widdershins direction and welcome the Master of the your enduring enlinkments, through this Holy Soil and all other seeds
Restless Souls. of enspirited manifestation which shall be sown into it!
Sprinkle Wormwood tincture over the sigil seven times and then Mighty Qayin Dominor Tumulus, 0 Crowned King of Gulgaltha, lend
fumigate it with some of the incense blend burnt in the brazier. now power to this rite of Ensoulment and let a fraction of your
427 428
Deathless Soul and Bornless Spirit become Enthroned and Seated Set aside the container of the bone powder when a clear and distinct
through the soil and the elements that shall become buried within it! Osseous Cross has been established, with the quartz nailed down at
its centre.
Mighty King of Bones and Commander of the Shades of both the
Blessed and the Cursed, let now the soil of Seven Cemeteries become Place one of the small pieces of black onyx upon each of the four
the One Soil of the First Place of the Skull, where Abel's bones seeded cardinal points of the Cross of Bone. Bring the container of the
the fertile Akeldama and established the liminal Fields of Gulgaltha! Ensouling Tincture of Qayin, open it and pour a few drops over each
onyx stone and finally also over the quartz crystal point at the centre
Make One the Seven and cause enlinkments to yourself as the Digger and say:
of the First and the Last Grave, and let it become a means through
which you are seated upon another Earthly Throne! By the Ensouling Tincture of Master Qayin His presence is evoked,
His Black Light of Death accessed and His enlinkments established!
Master Qayin Fossor, by the Soil of the Seven and All Cemeteries,
come forth and lend your just blessings and curses to my Work! By the Ploughed Cross of the Field of Bones the Sower of the First
Grave Mound is now connected to!
Flatten with your left hand Seven Cemeteries Soil now kept within the
bowl and imagine it to be a field ready to be ploughed and seeded.
Holy Master of the Liminal Points of the Dead, with yourfiery spiritual
essence now blacken the Crossroads of Bones and come forth to be
6. Get the small quartz crystal point and with it mark an equal-armed
cross upon the soil inside the bowl and then place the crystal at its
centre. Salve Qayin Crucifer, Dominor Tumulus et Umbrifer!
Bring the container of the bone powder and open it. Direct seven
Direct seven exhalations of smoke towards the contents of the bowl,
exhalations of cigar smoke into it and through the smoke conjure the
while strongly envisioning the essence of the Master, transferred
shade of the dead to both act as a servant of the aspect of the Master through the drops of the Ensouling Tincture, emanate from the stones
to be seated and as a point of connection to all the other dead faithful
and into the cross of bones and unfold as a fire inside the bowl and
to Him. With your left hand's thumb and index finger take a pinch
set aflame the cross, making it burn black.
of the bone powder and sprinkle it over the traced cross upon the
cemetery soil and say:
Get the container of sulphur and sprinkle a widdershins circle with
it around the cross, give it three exhalations of smoke from the cigar
By the bone sown into the land the Crossroads of Death becomes and envision it become a red flaming circle around the black cross,
opened so that its Master can come forth and take seat! to bind all the dead connected to via the cemetery soil and the bone,
with the fiery force of the Master established here as a Hot Point,
By the Cross of Bone the King of Gulgaltha is evoked and the dead compelling them all to serve effectively the cause of Qayin.
are all bound to His service!
7· Bring now forth the containers of the fourteen consecrated and
Salve, salve Baal-Gulgoleth! enspirited plant elements. Hold them one by one close to your mouth
and conjure the Black In Green, according to the individual attributes
and powers pertaining to the sphere of influence intersecting with that of Qayin to specifically manifest His aspect as the First Gravedigger,
of the Master and entreat them to become a part of the foundation the Lord of the Dead and the King of Gulgaltha within and through
through which His aspect-specific essence of Dominor Tumulus can the contents of the bowl set beneath His feet.
become seated and enthroned inside a new fetish.
Through the smoke of the cigar focus your will and petition and direct
Pour one full teaspoon of each element, plus the seven black and the smoke from the head to the toe of His fetish and thus conduct
seven white beans, into the bowl after their individual prayers. Water the flow of His descending emanations into the loading elements inside
them all with the precious drops of the Ensouling Tincture of Qayin, of the bowl.
by sparingly pouring out a cross over the elements inside of the bowl
in order to fully enlink and ensoul its contents to and with the essence When more than half of the cigar has been smoked place its remaining
of the Master. Envision the cross poured burn black with the Holy part in the altar ashtray.
Flames of His Light and chant:
10. Place the three empty glasses on the three black points of the sigil.
Salve Qayin Fossor, Defensor et Eversor! Fill the glass upon the point within the lower part of the sigil, inside
Salve, salve Crucifer, Dominor Tumulus et Umbrifer! of the small triangle, with red wine. Fill the glass upon the right-hand
Salve, salve Qayin Beatus! Salve, salve Qayin Rex Ossis! side with vodka and the one upon the left-hand point with the black
Salve Baal-Gulgoleth et Orebel! coffee.
Salve Qayin ben Samael!
Light the three cigars, one by one, and exhale the smoke of each seven
8. Get the copper sheets inscribed with the Dominor Tumulus, King times towards the bowl upon which the Master's fetish stands, and
of Gulgaltha and the Nigromancy sigils of Qayin and roll each of them then place them, one for each, across of the three glasses of the libation
up, towards yourself, into a tight scroll. Push these scrolls into the offerings just poured.
contents of the bowl, as additional seeds sown to further cause His
aspect-specific manifestation, so that they mark the points of a small 11. Place the brazier in front of the terracotta bowl upon the sigil and
Triangle of Manifestation, with the King of Gulgaltha sigil at its apex. if need be light more charcoals within it and burn a copious amount
of the incense blend.
Take a sip from the liquor bottle and spray it three times over the
contents of the bowl. Light then a new cigar in traditional manner and Position the seven half-white and half-black candles around the inner
seven times direct its smoke towards the centre of the triangle marked parameter of the circle of the King of Gulgaltha sigil and light them
out by the three sigil scrolls, while mentally chanting the Formula of one by one and over each flame recite once the Formula of Calling
Calling of the First Gravedigger. of the First Gravedigger.
g. Cover the terracotta bowl with the ceramic plate. Bring the central Recite the following prayer when the seven candles have been lit and
fetish of the Master from the altar and carefully position it upon the the formula has been chanted for the seventh time:
improvised lid of the bowl.
431 432
sigil and beneath your feet, so that they may possess the power to
its smoke towards the central fetish and give it praise and thanks for
load your new fetish and fully ensoul and enspirit it with your essence
having granted the required blessings.
as the King of Gulgaltha - the Sovereign of the Shadows of Death
and the Dead!
Take off the lid of the terracotta bowl, now containing the fully
ensouling contents with which the fetish of Dominor Tumulus is to
Mighty Father, opener of the paths of Liberating Death, 0 Lord of the
be loaded and charged and direct seven exhalations of cigar smoke
Crossroads of Skulls and Bones, let your already seated powers
towards it, mentally giving praise to Qayin Fossor.
emanate and focus the aspect of your boundless might that I seek and
let it become enthroned within the sacred elements assembled and
Fold carefully up the corners of the cloth inside the bowl, containing
conjured in your name and by the power of your Holy Ensouling
all elements, and tie it into a bundle, shaping it in a suitable fashion,
fitting into the hollowed fetish it is to fill.
Seal the load placed within the fetish by the use of hot wax.
Close the ritual in traditional manner and extinguish the altar candles,
When the wax has hardened, place the loaded Dominor Tumulus fetish
but let the working placed upon the King of Gulgaltha sigil remain
upon its reserved place upon the altar, hang the black and white
until all candles have been consumed.
rosary created and consecrated for Him upon the neck of the fetish
and recite seven times the Formula of Calling of the First Gravedigger.
12. On the following night, after midnight, open the ritual in traditional
manner and then return the central fetish of the Master back to its
Spray liquor, three times, from your mouth over the fetish and then
place upon the altar.
light a new cigar and through its smoke pray to the Master's newly
seated aspect and ask of Him the initiations, guidance, power and
Light a cigar in the name of Amiahzatan, direct seven exhalations of
light you need in order to more completely comprehend His mysteries,
practice His sorcery and reach His Gnosis.
When more than half of the cigar has been smoked place its remaining
part in the altar ashtray, take a seat in front of the altar and meditate
upon the strengthened and strengthening presence of the Master
Dominor Tumulus, the King of Gulgaltha. CHAPTER 55
When ready, give praise to the Master Qayin and thank Him for the ID4t mark itab
empowerments granted and close the working in the traditional
(UJ4t 14tginns nf tht 11ntrnnquil,
®bstssiut, 11.I'nntl11 nub
Cover the newly seated fetish with its black shroud, which must always
veil it and be removed only when He is to be called upon in connection
i 1-Euil �nuts)
to spiritual work or during the weekly giving of offerings.
As for the Formulae of Calling it is most often the general formula Rage, fear, pain, lust, confusion, madness and hate can be counted
employed in the opening of almost all the workings, following the
amongst the more common reasons for why some of the dead become
aspect-specific formulae, like that of the First Gravedigger or that of
earthbound, dangerous and often in more ways than one parasitic in
Master Qatsiyr. The same goes for the salutations at the end of the their interactions with the living.
workings, where also the general salutation is followed by the aspect
specific ones.
The Dark Dead are sometimes also referred to as the Red Dead, as
435 436
they are the souls of the bloody and/or bloodthirsty dead and have one must know how to direct them, one must know how to bind them
most often been insane murderers, murder victims, suicides, lunatics, (both to a victim and to their own graves or other places of confinement),
sexual predators, extremely fearful, depressed or otherwise painfully one must know how to feed them and how to heat them up, one must
sick individuals in life, but also those who have died in violent accidents, know how to protect against their contagious darkness and how to
because of starvation, during childbirth or have become killed through wash away their black stains and one must know when to use them,
some sorcerous means are understood to fall under the category of which of them to use and how to find the specific kind needed for
the Dark Dead. the work at hand.
According to some systems of thought also the souls of the unborn, The Sceptre of the Shadows of Death, the Bellicum Wand of Qayin
especially those purposely aborted, can join this legion of the dark and Dominor Tumulus, is for example one of the most important tools
vengeful dead and even though their consciousness had not developed when it comes to the workings connected to these kinds of the dead,
in life they gain a sort of bestial awareness in death, which makes for when such sceptre has been obtained correctly it will be, amongst
them potentially very dangerous. other things, an outer sign of the inner fortifications and insights into
the relevant mysteries gained from the Master, but a wrongfully
All these ferocious and harmful dead have because of their unnatural obtained sceptre will aid in nothing but one's own sinking into the
state of being assumed an antagonistic role within the realms of both darkness of the restless dead as it in such case will hold no power
the living and the dead and cause usually nothing but suffering, sorrow over them and will grant no protection against their rage and hunger.
and death. The black and white rosary talisman of the Master are also of great
value and power within these kinds of workings and if consecrated
It is these shades that our Master Qayin, in His aspect as the Lord properly they will aid greatly in both the summoning and controlling
of the Dark Dead, owns, commands and controls and it is these dead the Dark Dead, but also in keeping a safe distance between one's self
that Abel the Black herds, keeps in check or lets loose, all according and these bestial revenants.
to the decrees of the one who holds his own leashes, for in truth is
Abel not only the First Dead but he is also the first and the most Besides the empowerments and protection granted by the Master, there
elevated amongst the Dark Dead, because of his taming by the hands are also those of the First Earthbound Dead, Abel, which one needs
of the Master. to acquire before embarking upon the infernal road of the Dark Dead,
as it is he who in the name of Qayin controls such wicked and foul
Within the practical work there are more or less only two different shades and by the grace of the Master and through Abel one can also
approaches when it comes to these kinds of the dead; one is to banish gain such control.
them and to protect one's self or others against them and the other
is to direct their venomous souls against those who deserve the suffering When the necessary knowledge, power and spiritual licenses needed
which the Dark Dead always tend to bring upon those afflicted by for a correct approach towards the workings connected to these kinds
their envenoming presence. of the dead have been obtained one can, in accordance with sound
judgment and for the sake of justified causes, seek out these kinds of
There are certain things that one must possess and know before working miserable souls and put them to work, set them upon the guilty and
with these kinds of the dead; one must possess the knowledge and remove them from the truly innocent.
empowerments granted by Qayin in His aspect as Master of the Dark
Dead, one must know how to raise them and how to put them down, ���oE
437 438
When it comes to the practical approach in connection to the tormented dead and have in truth very little to do with any kind of
categorisation and identification of these tortured and obsessed souls purgatorial cleansing. The other sub-category falling under this heading
there are a few groups amongst them which are of special interest to is those amongst the perverse dead that have been obsessed
us, when it comes to both curing and causing harm. The following is pyromaniacs and arsonists in life that have caused the suffering and
a short list of some of those Dark Dead and the understanding of their deaths of others through fire and taken delight in the agony and
conditions and the causes of their suffering are actual key points when destruction that they have induced and still seek to cause. In either
it comes to how they can be accessed, fed, agitated, quickened and case these kinds of Dark Dead remain in death obsessed with burning
controlled, but such knowledge will also help in making the correct and fire, in different ways, and they often cause pain, terror, madness
decisions when it comes to choosing the right kind of dead for any and horrible accidents, disfigurements and death by the way of fire.
specific situation so that the dead conjured possesses the qualities
best suited for the work at hand. The Drowned Dead - These are those restless souls of the drowned
which often stay attached to and trapped within the bodies of water
The Murderous Dead- These are the shades of the hateful, the where they have died and there they often cause drowning accidents.
violent and of those with an immense bloodlust and murderous rage It is these Dark Dead that often have been mistaken for undines and
in life who in death continue to strive for bloodshed and the demise other aquatic spirits and besides causing tragedies in connection to
of others. These Dark Dead are as double-edged swords, for even if water they are also known to be effective bringers of nightmare,
they with ease can be directed to destroy others they can with equal madness and in some cases serious breathing problems and suffocation.
ease turn upon the one who seeks their baneful services, as they are
like bloodthirsty beasts and need to be bound firmly to their tasks, The Insane Dead - These are the lunatics afflicted with mind
lest they cut off the hand that tries to wield them. The souls of these shattering forms of insanity in life which becomes carried over with
obsessed murderers can in a very efficient manner provoke acts of them even in death and there binds them to a nightmarish, earthbound,
violence, bloodshed, suicide and murder. existence. Because of their mental confusion these Dark Dead can
often not grasp their own deaths and continue to haunt their familiar
The Murdered Dead- These are those amongst the Dark Dead that surroundings, people or the things that they have felt some form of
have remained in a shocked state of both mind and soul and because strong attachment to in life, in a state of perpetual madness. These
of the violence that has led to their demise often become bound to insane souls cause nightmares, confusion and madness and are known
and haunt their places of death. They may not always seek conscious to be effective destroyers of the minds of the living, as their lunacy
and directed vengeance, but they are most often in a confused and is most contagious in the cases where they attach themselves to them.
enraged state, caught in a limbo where they relive the terror and pain
of their own murder. These dead can cause much harm and are often The Plague Bearing Dead - These are some of those that have died
bringers of confusion, anger, mental anguish and madness, but they because of painful and contagious diseases that in life had destroyed
can also provoke violence and murder, as they can influence the minds both their bodies and minds. They remain obsessed with their sickness
of the living in a very concrete manner. and suffering even in death and become thus bound to a state of
nightmarish anguish. These Dark Dead are called the plague bearers
The Burnt and the Burning Dead - These are the ones that have as they can afflict the living with the symptoms of their own diseases
been burnt alive and in death still remain within the flames of their and so also manifest such sickness physically, as the seed of any
mind and soul afflicting pain and horror. The visions of purgatory and sickness is first planted in the subtle planes before it can manifest in
the flames of hell are often connected to the sights conveyed by these flesh.
439 440
The Suicides - These are the souls of certain suicides who in death about in life and continue to do so in death, where they place themselves
have not found any escape nor rest and continue to obsess about that in the parts of the lower astral that best corresponds with the most
which they had sought to escape through the death of their bodies and common ideas concerning purgatory. These mournful Dark Dead are
because of their attachments they remain bound by their futile self most often called upon in order to cause regret and sorrow, or in order
destructive impulses. These tormented shades possess the power to to afflict a person's five senses with all of their own sufferings until
cause sorrow, madness, fear and depression and can provoke suicidal he/she does as demanded of him/her, but these tormented souls can
and self-destructive tendencies within the target they are sent against. also cause depression, self destructive behaviour and even provoke
The Vengeful Dead -These are those amongst the Dark Dead who
in life have been and in death continue to be obsessed with their just The Cursed Dead - These are the Dark Dead who have died because
or unjust strive for vengeance. These shades serve all forms of of some form of sorcery that had been directed towards them in life
retaliation and are best worked by those sharing, on a very deep level, and they are often in death bound by that same curse and made to
their own obsessive sentiments concerning vengeance. Intranquil souls remain a captive of the elements or spirits which had caused their
such as these are effective when merciless and harsh justice is sought unnatural deaths. These damned shades are only accessible and useful
and they are especially good to employ when the target has wronged if one knows how and why they became cursed and by which powers
someone in similar manners that one of these dead considers they in death are kept subjugated, for with such knowledge they can
themselves to have been wronged. Shades such as these are very become efficient slaves and serve many forms of highly effective
dangerous as they easily can possess the minds of those who call upon malefica. Most often such privileged knowledge is only accessible to
them and one must therefore possess sufficient knowledge and the one who has caused the death of the soul in question, but there
fortification before souls such as these are worked with. are of course other esoteric means through which one can learn about
the fate befallen the dead, all according to the different rites of
The Unrepentant Dead - These are the souls of hardened, necromancy and through the aid of the Faithful Famuli received from
impenitent and merciless criminals obsessed because of their vices the side of Qayin and His Bride.
and material attachments. They are called upon within certain contexts
in order to combat and escape the law and successfully commit crimes, The Stinging, Crawling and Snaring Dead - These are those
in return for offerings pertaining to and satisfying their base desires, amongst the restless dead who have been killed by poisonous insects,
or addictions, which they had in life and continue to have in death. spiders or other crawling and venomous animals. They are caught
These are another unit of the Dark Dead which require very specific within a perpetual nightmare of their own death and that which has
knowledge and great preparation if they are to be worked properly killed them and their shades often assume bizarre forms because of
and without peril. the unnatural synthesis between their own human souls and that of
the shadow of the creature that had killed them. Another reason for
The Lonely Dead - These are the tormented souls of the cheerless, the manifestation of these insectoid or otherwise crawling and stinging
regretful and lonely dead, often thought to be in a state of purging forms of the Dark Dead can also be an extreme phobia, obsession or
suffering, without anyone ever having cared for them or loved them attraction towards these kinds of creatures in life. These dead can
and it is this perceived lack of love and kindness which often is thought leave actual bite marks upon the body of their victim, swarm them
to be the cause of their obsession and unnatural attachment to the in their nightmares and cause sickness of both body, mind and soul.
realm of the living. Some of these souls are believed to suffer in death
because of some presumed sin or wrongdoing, which they obsessed
441 442
The Vampiric Dead - These are the Dark Dead of legends, the
undead rising from the graves in order to hunt, haunt and drink the
lifeblood of the living. In truth these are not the drinkers of physical
blood, even though blood and other bodily fluids carry that which they CHAPTER 56
thirst for, but what vampiric shades such as these hunger for is the
very life-force of all living beings and because of their conscious or mtstnrt.eb �l}abnws nf
unconscious parasitic impulses and traits developed in life they
continue to act as souls obsessed by and craving for the Breaths of tl}.e C!Taluaru QTrnss
Life they themselves are unable to produce, or maintain, through
natural means. The atavistic form assumed by these Night Flyers is
that of bats or nocturnal birds of prey and they are also known to
possess the attributes of the Succubi and Incubi when stalking the We will here present the signatures of the Dark Dead obtained through
dreams of the living. Dark Dead such as these possess the power to a multitude of different treaties and covenants with Qayin, in His
empty a target of his/her vitality, bring weakness, sickness, nightmares aspect as the Lord of the Dark Dead and the legions of famuli serving
and madness and slowly cause death through the siphoning and theft that specific path of Our Holy Monarch of Skulls.
of the target's vital force.
443 444
Such preparation should always include ritual baths, fumigations and sought is identified as the person buried in that specific grave.
the magical donning of the Spiritual Armours, by the ways of sacred
anointments and the talismanic and amuletic fortifications of one's The tracing itself is most often done with some kind of consecrated
self, all in the name and through the grace of the First Master of these chalk, paint or powder, but in certain contexts the signatures can also
specific sorceries. be marked with the tips of suitable wands, such as those of Blackthorn,
Ebony, Yew, Elder, Alder, Cypress and the Black Ironwood, with knives
Of even greater importance are the cleansings which must be performed
or in other ways become imprinted upon any suitable surface in
after these interactions with the Dark Dead in order to remove any connection to the place haunted by these shades.
remaining link to them, through which they otherwise, because of
their malefic and ravenous nature, could inflict their suffering upon When it comes to the making and consecration of the chalk used to
the one who had called upon them, even if such calling had been
call upon the Dark Dead there are many different elements from the
conducted through the authority of their Master. As these dead only mineral, the plant and the animal kingdom that can be mixed with
act upon their animal instincts and obsessive drives they may be
the white plaster or black charcoal powder, which are the two main
properly forced and directed, but they can never be made loyal or ever carriers most often employed.
be trusted and must therefore always be treated both cautiously and
Some of the most useful minerals to mix, in moderate amounts, into
such chalk are Cinnabar, sulphur and Red Iron Oxide. Cinnabar
There are a few different ways through which these signatures of the
possesses all the virtues of the swift mercury with the addition of the
damned can be activated during their conjurations and summoning
heating qualities granted by its colour, sulphur possesses the burning,
and most often it is inside the cemeteries or the places known to be
banishing and commending powers and is an element much in harmony
haunted by these shades that such workings are conducted, as it is
with the infernal chthonic realms and Red Iron Oxide, being the very
not advisable to ever invite these dead to one's own house by conducting
blood of iron, possesses fierce martial qualities empowering all
these evocations in front of the home altar.
workings of aggression. Also, small amounts of gunpowder can be
added to the mix in order to grant further explosive and expediting
Most often the signatures are traced upon suitable pieces of black or
qualities to the mixture.
red cloth that in beforehand has been ritually washed in an infusion
made with one, three or seven plants possessing powers that can
When it comes to the plant elements employed they can vary from
facilitate the interactions with these kinds of restless dead. Such piece
case to case, but within the workings of the Dark Dead the following
of cloth is usually left to air dry in front of the Master's fetishes, or
plants are some of the ones most often used: Angel's Trumpet, Cypress,
hung on His black altar cross, if such a symbol of Gulgaltha is present Yew, Blackthorn, Poplar, Black Ironwood, Aconite, Black Hellebore,
upon or in front of His altar, and when dried folded and kept upon
Hemlock, Henbane, Mandrake, Mullein, Thorn Apple, Valerian,
the altar until use.
Wormwood, Alder, Rosary Peas and Castor Beans. By understanding
the powers of the spirit of each plant one will be able decide which
Instead of the black or red cloth also paper, of suitable size and
one to employ within each specific working.
colour, can be used and receive the empowerments of the plant spirits
via the sprinkling of the infusion and/or through fumigation. In other
From the animal kingdom black cats, pigs, dogs, bats, ravens, crows,
cases the signature may be directly marked upon the ground or even
owls, maggots, scorpions, centipedes, frogs, toads, spiders and other
on the backside of a gravestone, in such cases where the Dark Dead venomous crawling creatures are most often employed and their blood,
445 446
crushed bones or bodies and their ashes serve often to grant additional extreme cases even live animals are sacrificed and fed to these malicious
focus and magical charge to the chalk that they are mixed into in shades in order to empower them fully before they are sent out to
order to further connect it with and give it power over the category their work.
of Dark Dead that it is meant to conjure.
The libation offerings given are strong liquors, wines or black
When all the elements have been selected, consecrated, dedicated to unsweetened coffee. The food offerings consist often of hearts, livers
their task and become empowered by their respective spirits they are and brains, different kinds of raw meat, especially pork, served
mixed together, prayed over and finally blended in the amount of sometimes with black beans, chilli and black pepper.
one-tenth of the whole mixture that is meant to constitute the
foundation of the sorcerous chalk. Depending on the kind of plaster As for the incense used when these dead are called upon through their
employed, and the elements mixed into it, sufficient amount of liquor, signatures, there are a few formulas that have proven most effective,
instead of water, must at this time be added to the mixture in order one of them being the following:
for the plaster base to become thick. Usually 1 part liquor to 2 parts
of the chalk mixture is sufficient in order to get the correct consistency � 7 parts Cypress
and moisture needed. � 7 parts Yew
� 7 parts Wormwood
If charcoal is used instead of plaster, in order to create black chalk, � 3 parts Mullein
egg whites are used in addition to a smaller amount of alcohol than � 3 parts Aconite
what would be used in plaster mixture, just enough to give the mixture � 3 parts Henbane
of elements a smooth and thick consistency, allowing them to be � 1 part Sulphur
formed into suitable shapes.
Each plant element must be consecrated according to tradition, through
For the forming and drying of the moist chalk mixture waxed paper the powers of Master Qatsiyr, and become thus empowered by its own
can be used and made into simple moulds, of suitable sizes and shapes, Black In Green, which in turn must be petitioned to lend specific aid
into which the chalk mixture is poured. These are then placed upon to these workings, before they are mixed together, with the sulphur
a plate and positioned upon the altar of the Master for at least seven being added last.
nights, in order to slowly dry and receive the full empowerments.
Each night they are given smoke of tobacco, the flame of a candle and The smoke of this Dark Dead Incense acts, according to the governing
in the name of Qayin conjured and charged to possess all the qualities pacts through which these mysteries have been revealed, as a key to
needed for the tasks that they have been created for. the parts of the signature which at this point would still have remained
closed and gives further substance and power to the manifestations
In whichever way the signatures are traced, be it with the consecrated of the wraiths summoned.
chalks or through some other suitable means, they must still be further
worked before they become fully opened. Usually certain offerings and As for the candles used, they are always black, marked with the signature
elements are placed upon the power points of the signature, plus any of the Dark Dead and anointed with suitable magical oil, most often
link to the target of the spell that one wishes to send the Dark Dead consisting of a mineral oil base into which the same elements like the
against. Libation, raw meat, incense and candles are amongst the ones in the Dark Dead Incense, or other herbal and mineral elements
offerings most often given within such settings and within the most specifically relevant to the work at hand, are steeped.
447 448
It should be observed that, contrary to how work otherwise is usually in the most potent manner, but a glass of cool water, one single flame
conducted within other contexts, we here refrain from giving libation and a container of soil from a place of the abandoned and forgotten
sprayed directly from the mouth and exhaled smoke offerings, as we dead can be placed. For the Cursed Dead elements connected to that
in connection to the work with these kinds of malign souls do not wish which has cursed, destroyed and bound them should be presented. For
to give them any more personal links to ourselves than what is the Stinging, Crawling and Snaring Dead live or dead scorpions,
necessary, and as saliva and breath are amongst the strongest carriers centipedes, spiders and/or any other such creatures or elements
of the personal essence, we employ alternative methods of giving unto pertaining to this category of the obsessed dead should be placed upon
and quickening these shades. the signature, and for the Vampiric Dead elements pertaining to
vampirism, such as certain animals and certain plants, but also fresh
Besides the somewhat general offerings mentioned, there are also spilled blood should be placed.
certain specific elements which could be placed upon or around the
signatures, depending on which category of the Dark Dead it is that The links to the target of any malefic work conducted through these
one seeks to summon, in order to focus the powers of the work and signatures are on the other hand most often placed upon the fanged
further strengthen the manifestation of the dead called forth. These mouth of the skull, or in some other position where the dark currents
are the elements pertaining specifically to the binding obsessions of of the signature are focused or directed towards, via the points, crosses,
the shades represented by the signature. arrows, elements and offerings.
For the Murderous Dead some weapon, tool, element or other potent When working with these signatures, it is also customary to employ
symbolic link to the deeds and forces of homicidal aggression should two smaller Rowan wands, branded with Qayin's Key sigil of Protection,
be presented upon the signature, unless the soil from a known and place them crossed, in the form of an X, upon the ground
murderer's grave can be employed instead. For the Murdered Dead somewhere under the skull depicted in the signature. This is done in
the soil bought from a place of murder or the grave of a murder victim order to block any of their emanations from coming down upon one's
should be used. For the Burnt and the Burning Dead a container of self, as it is most often in that spot, underneath the skull, one stands
glowing embers or some other fiery elements should be presented. For after the full activation of the signature employed, in order to conjure
the Drowned Dead a bowl of water, ideally collected from a lake the shades evoked. In the case of those signatures that have a
where drowning has occurred, is to be placed. For the Insane Dead downward pointing vertical line, passing all the way through the skulls,
soil from a mental hospital or the graves of the mentally ill is to be the crossed Rowan wands are to be placed in front of the endpoint
employed. For the Plague Bearing Dead the soil from a hospital or of such vertical lines, in order to protect against the emanations flowing
the graves of those that have died because of contagious and deadly through them.
diseases are to be used. For the Suicides soil from a place of suicide
or the grave of one who has died by his/her own hands is to be placed. If suitable Rowan wands are not accessible, those of any other tree
For the Vengeful Dead written accounts about the deeds which are possessing the powers to protect against the Dark Dead can be used
going to be avenged, penned by the one wronged by the target of the instead.
curse, or some other concrete links to that which is the cause of the
retaliation sought should be present. For the Unrepentant Dead The whole working, including the crossed wands, is usually left to
elements linked directly to their vices and causes of obsession can be remain upon and around the signature, as everything becomes soiled
presented upon the signature. For the Lonely Dead there are a few by the envenoming presence of these shades, but in those cases where
mysteries one must have insight into before they can be called upon the signature needs to be erased and removed, a strong infusion bearing
449 450
the powers of Rue, Yerba Mate and Sage must be used and an incense
blend consisting of those three herbs must be burnt in order to banish
any lingering influences.
Here follows the 13 signatures of the Dark and Malefic Dead, being
the keys to the roads of victory, power and insight for the few possessing
the sufficient understanding and empowerments, but also to the gates
of damnation, for those who will approach these mysteries without
respect, spiritual license or a worthy cause.
451 452
The Signature of the Insane Dead
The Signature of the Plague Bearing Dead
453 454
l\ 1J1nrtifuing iiatft
The Signature of the Cursed Dead The fortifying bath is to be taken as a preparation before the more
demanding and dangerous workings, especially before any form of
aggressive sorcery or before all rituals connected to the commanding
of the Dark Dead and other such unruly shades or spirits. The Fortifying
Bath grants a protective spiritual armour placed upon the outer layers
of the soul and endows besides a potent martial empowerment also
a dominating and commanding aura, all according to the attributes
of the Black In Green of the plant elements employed.
>F 3 large Bay Laurel leaves (or the petals of 3 red Roses)
>F 2 teaspoons Rowan wood powder
>F 2 teaspoons Blackthorn wood powder
>F 1 teaspoon Jalap Root powder
The Signature of the Stinging, Crawling and Snaring Dead
>F 1 teaspoon Liquorice root powder
>F 1 teaspoon Calamus root powder
>F 3 drops Bergamot oil
With some slight changes, the following bath can be consecrated either
through the grace of Qayin or Qalmana. This is done by simply
replacing the Bay Laurel leaves with red Rose petals and using
Qalmana's Key Sigil of Domination instead of Qayin's Key Sigil of
Power upon the candle lit upon the bowl.
circa 112 litre of boiling water over them. s. Lie down in the bathtub with closed eyes for circa 15 minutes.
Immerse your whole body seven times completely under the water and
2. Place a white plate as the lid of the bowl and upon it light a red feel all the strengthening power imbue your astral shield, endowing
or purple candle with Qayin's Key Sigil of Power or Qalmana's Key it a fierce, commanding and dominating glow of fiery red or royal
Sigil of Domination. purple.
Pray to the Master or to the Lady and ask Him or Her to grant you Feel and envision how the magical infusion grants to you the protective
the fortification, strength, power and protection you need and to endow fortification and empowerments you need, take in the power you are
you with a dominating and commanding presence, before which both immersed in fully and give praise to the Master or to the Mistress of
the shades and the spirits, the living and the dead, shall tremble and All Black In Green.
6. Step out of the bathtub and let your body air-dry. Let the water
Contemplate the power of each plant element used within the powerful in the bathtub go down the drain and know that all the powers it
and power bestowing infusion, and pray again to each plant spirit and contained now are vested upon you.
ask them to lend their ablutionary blessings to you and leave then the
candle to burn until fully consumed. Light a red or purple candle upon the altar as a votive offering to
Master Qayin or Lady Qalmana and give thanks for the fortifications
When the candle has burnt all the way down, the infusion is ready and victory bringing blessings you have received.
for use.
7· Empowered go forth and initiate your follow-up workings, or do
3· Filter and remove all the coarse elements from the infusion, pour whatever else it was that you needed to be fortified for and you shall
the strained extract back into the bowl and once again put on the succeed, command and conquer.
white plate as its lid.
Take down the bowl, remove its lid, pray over its contents once again
and envision its spiritual essence ablaze with red or purple flames,
depending on if a red or a purple candle was used during the
empowering of the infusion.
When ready, slowly pour the infusion first over your left shoulder,
then over your right shoulder, and finally pour the remaining part
over your head.
457 458
(!Ueansingilaflt, formula 3:
13 Juniper berries
2 teaspoons Wormwood
2 teaspoons Birch leaves
1 teaspoon Saltpetre
Jurtfutng 9lat1Js �
III, 1. Consecrate all of the plant elements according to tradition and place
These baths should be taken after every working in which the poisonous
. them in a bowl when they are ready and fully enspirited. Pour circa
and death-bringing currents of the Dark Dead have been employed
:I 112 litre of boiling hot water over them into the bowl and pray over
within the Necrosophic Work or whenever else you have stained q
the infusing mixture and ask the Black In Green to grant you the
yourself with the poison meant for someone else.
purifications you need.
3 teaspoons Rue powder light a small white candle, marked with the Key Sigil of Protection.
2 teaspoons Nettle powder Pray to Sancte Qayin to imbue the infusion with the cleansing power
3 teaspoons Yerba Mate powder need.
3 teaspoons sea salt powerful cleansing infusion and pray again to each plant spirit or
the candle has burnt all the way down, the infusion is ready for use.
3 teaspoons Hyssop herb pour the strained extract back into the bowl and once again put on
459 460
4. Take first a normal shower and cleanse your body of all physical
impurities. After the mundane cleansing of the body, fill the bathtub
with moderately hot water.
Take down the bowl, remove its lid, pray over its contents once again
and envision its spiritual essence ablaze with green flames.
Jrnttrtinn ®il
When ready, slowly pour the infusion first over your left shoulder,
then over your right shoulder, and finally pour the remaining part
over your head.
The following oil formula offers protection against the shades and
s. Lie down in the bathtub with closed eyes for circa 15 minutes. spirits of depression, fear and obsession and against all forms of astral
Immerse your whole body seven times completely under the water and assault. It is a powerful oil for the anointment of one's own body after
feel all the astral impurities attached to your auric body become cleansing baths following any working with the Dark Dead and
dissolved by the cleansing power of the holy infusion. possesses the power to utterly remove any lingering stain caused by
the interaction with shades so foul.
Feel and envision how the magical infusion washes away and banishes
the spiritual blemishes and unwholesome shades from your body and This blend falls under Saint Qayin of Gulgaltha, being the Master of
soul, and give praise to Our Master of All Black In Green. the Wandering Dead and the owner of All Graves and should receive
its empowerments both through the Green Point of the Skull and the
6. Step out of the bathtub and let your body air-dry. Collect some of sigil of the King of Gulgaltha.
the bathwater in a lidded jar and let the rest of the water in the
bathtub go down the drain and take with it all of the turbid astral The following are the elements which are to be blended into a carrier
fluids that otherwise would have poisoned you. oil base, such as Almond or Olive oil, and therein be left for at least
49 nights, during which the bottle is to be shaken each night, while
Light a green candle upon the altar as a votive offering to Our Master the spirits of the plants within it are prayed to grant their protection
Qayin and thank Him for His blessings and protection. against all offensive shades and spirits:
7· Take the jar filled with bathwater to a crossroads and pour it out � 3 parts Blackthorn leaves
at its centre and pray to the spirits to disperse all negative currents � 3 parts Palo Santo wood powder
earlier attached to you. Leave a small offering of seven coins and a � 2 parts Salvia
cigarillo for the genius loci, take three steps backwards, first step � 2 parts Rue
taken with the left foot, turn around and leave without looking back. � 2 parts Yerba Mate
� 1 parts Benzoin
� 1 parts Myrrh
The Protection Oil is to be applied upon the body from the nadir to
the zenith, starting with the sole of the feet and then moving upwards
461 462
to the solar plexus, heart, left and right shoulder, throat, back of the
neck, forehead, crown of the head and finally both hands, all this
while praying to the Master, asking Him to remove all unwholesome
shades and spirits and to cut all lingering links between one's self and CHAPTER 60
This exact same formula can also be used for the creation of a potent
�tlf-iatntbictinn ®il
incense blend, serving the same cause as the Protection Oil, and in
the most severe cases, when the strongest of cleansings are necessary,
such oil and incense can be used as follow-up to a cleansing ritual
bath and would in such case ensure the removal of all spiritual parasites The following formula is for an oil to be employed within the rites
and other astral taints. of self-anointment, as a follow-up to having removed negativity and
baneful influences from one's own self through the purifying rites, as
such cleansings tend to leave a vacuum which needs to be filled in
order to establish a foundation for desired forces to take root.
463 464
'I< 2 parts Allspice powder
Once again the same formula can serve well the making of incense,
and in such case the fumigation of the body, in connection with the
anointment with the Self-Benediction Oil, will complement its powers
and the manifestations of its blessings. In other settings, when necessity
so indicates, the smoke of the Self-Benediction Incense may fully
replace the oil, like in contexts where such oil is not available or still
not ready for use, as the plant elements must have steeped within the
carrier oil and have been shaken for at least 31 nights before the oil
will be infused enough for use.
their Spirit's modes of manifestation and influence on this accursed
side of cosmic existence still become facilitated and affected through
the traces of their being and becoming left here behind, both within
CHAPTER 61 the Bearers of the Mark and in the world throughout the unnaturally
lflnifi.eb wwtn-Itilam.es nf This means that when their Spirit is accessed from, or manifested
�ataninsam within, this world it will be through the forms of their earlier individual
manifestations remaining still accessible to us and to Them. For
example, when it comes to the inner and spiritual links through which
They are reached, it is because their Bloodline bears the traces of their
Zammazo Emoth Zaraqaen Baaltzelmoth!
past individual manifestations, as the Mother and the Father of the
Zammazo Emoth Zaraqaen Baalatzelmoth!
Spirit-Awakened Lineage, that they still become perceived as two
Zammazo Emoth Zaraqaen Baalbaalatzelmoth!
individual essences, and when it comes to the outer links through which
There are great mysteries of immense importance connected to the they are contacted, it is primarily through their Enduring Souls, which
aspect of Baaltzelmoth, being the Qliphothic manifestation of the Spirit are sympathetically still connected to the masculine and feminine
of Qayin as the Monarch of the sphere of Oreb Zaraq, but here lies aspects of their One Spirit.
also a secret pertaining to the exact identity of this aspect and how
it compares to that which once was manifested upon the earth as the When it comes to their manifestation through other links, such as all
individual aspect of the spirit of our Master. the elements within this world that became enspirited by their graceful
touch and their glorious deeds, all such things are still also links
The revelation of these mysteries is achieved by the realisation of the connected to their once divided aspects, which means that when they
fact that Qayin and Qalmana, through their transcending of the now become accessed or manifested through such elements bearing
limitations of the cosmic tree of life, unified their once divided spirits, their imprints, their One Spirit still manifests as Qayin and/or Qalmana,
thus achieving the wholeness and union of the Spirit that they had instead of the Baaltzelmoth/Baalatzelmoth/Baalbaaltzelmoth, being
strived for. What this means is that Qayin and Qalmana, in their the more transcendent aspect of Anamlaqayin (i.e. Qalmana and Qayin
Qliphothic aspect, are as One and forever united in bliss and power conjoined in Spirit), which represents their Liminal Point of Union
as the Nightside Regent/s of the Black Light's Venus. upon Earth, signifying the earlier stage of their transcendence
and complete spiritual conjunction.
Baaltzelmoth and Baalatzelmoth are in other words one and the same,
in their Nightside manifestation, and it is actually this achievement What this also reveals is the fact that each of their spiritual
of theirs that is reflected in the traced lines of the Spirit's Deathly manifestations and intrusions into this world is an act of salvific and
Ascent Sigil, which shows the Divided Shards/Seeds of Spirit become heroic sacrifice, as they for the sake of the furthering of the cause of
unified through the Point of the Fire-Crowned Death. the Black Light allow a fraction of their own Spirit to become crucified
and divided upon the Cross of Matter, each time when a shard of their
All this may seem paradoxical as we have throughout this book talked crystallised essence is seated upon a new earthly throne within the
about the Holy Souls and Spirits of Qayin and Qalmana, as if they rites of fetishistic ensoulment and evocation. With this in mind one
have retained their individual spiritual aspects, but this is because can approach these solemn rites with a more correct frame of mind
and understand the necessity for the devotional rites, sacrifices and
This is because what we can truly comprehend and experience of their
the offerings given, both as a token for one's thankfulness and devotion
transcendental unity, until such union is self-attained, will be a mere
and for the more practically inclined reason of maintaining the links
pale reflection of the truth and nothing more, as the mind and the
established through sympathetic elements and the intermediary spirits.
soul can never fully comprehend that which is fully of the Spirit. The
closest Point of Gnosis connected to the unified aspect of the Twin
To make a complicated matter simple, one can say that even though
Seed of Sataninsam is the mentioned Anamlaqayin aspect, which is
Qayin and Qalmana in essence are One in Sitra Ahra, their
an eidolonic representation of the comprehensible aspect of the earthly
manifestations upon the earth will continue to take the individual
stage of Qayin and Qalmana's Spiritual Marriage.
forms of their distinct and divided aspects. We will therefore not
experience Their Unity, until we ourselves have become united with
This aspect of their spiritual union, as mentioned before, creates a
Them, through the Death of the day-born ego and the Daath of the
Liminal Point through which the Baaltzelmoth/Baalatzelmoth/
Spirit-Self. It is because of this that when we call upon Baaltzelmoth
Baalbaaltzelmoth can be glimpsed, as a Black Light shining at the end
within the normal ritual settings, it is still the share of Their Spirit
of what seemed to be an infinitely long tunnel of white darkness.
connected to the individual aspect of Qayin which often is addressed,
and when we call upon the Baalatzelmoth it is the portion of Their
The symbolism codifying the essence of the Anamlaqayin aspect is in
Spirit that was once solely Qalmana's that we approach; even though
itself revealing, as it shows a two-headed manifestation signifying the
we know that in essence their spirits are now One.
presence of a still dual-aspected spiritual essence, having initiated the
process of At-Azothic Integration, but still maintaining their individual
traits based on division.
The most potent way to accomplish this is to create both the Ensouling
Tincture of Qayin and that of Qalmana and join them together in
order to create the Ensouling Tincture of Anamlaqayin. Such fetish
aids greatly in the attainment of further Gnosis concerning the Mystical
Union of the Master and the Lady and acts as a crossroads opening
the transcendental point towards the Other Side.
Esoteric Sigil of Baaltzelmoth, being the point connected not only to Qayin's,
but also Qalmana's Spirit, in its complete and perfected form Further insights are hidden within and can be accessed through the
following Formula of Calling and Esoteric Sigil of Anamlaqayin.
Anamlaqayin's Formula of Calling:
Veni Anamlaqayiniyaqalmana!
Veni Anamlaqayiniyaqalmana!
Veni Anamlaqayiniyaqalmana!
Veni Veni Baalbaalatzelmoth! (x7)
473 474