Curriculum Vitae Jordi Vivaldi, August 2022
Curriculum Vitae Jordi Vivaldi, August 2022
Curriculum Vitae Jordi Vivaldi, August 2022
Jordi Vivaldi
Vienna - Barcelona
PhD Architect (IOUD, Austria) and PhD Philosopher cand. (EGS, Switzerland), his areas of research
include 21st century’s theory of experimental architecture, art and technology, as well as various
forms of Speculative Realism and New Materialism. His current field of investigation orbits around
the notion of “limit” together with associated terms such as “finitude”, “determination” and
“reduction”, both in its philosophical and architectural registers. Jordi’s philosophical work focuses on
contextualizing the notion of “Limit” within the framework of the New Realisms, conceiving the
notion of limit as limitation, liminality and limitrophy in pursuit of “sibylline” forms of objectivity.
From an architectural perspective, Jordi’s research focuses on instrumentalizing the limit as a spatial
device of differential sameness and auto-referential difference in order to reconsider the notion of
hospitality with respect to the Anthropocene.
Jordi is currently working as theory faculty and researcher in several international universities such as
IaaC in Barcelona, UCL Bartlett in London, IOUD in Innsbruck and TU-Wien in Vienna. Besides his
curatorial tasks as editor in chief of the architectural magazine IaaC Bits, his work has crystallized in
several articles, essays and lectures. Jordi is the co-author of the book The Threefold Logic of
Advanced Architecture (Barcelona: Actar Publishers, 2020) and the author of the forthcoming book
Limit-Space: Agency and Form in a Xenological World (Actar Publishers, 2023).
Academic Practice
- UCL Bartlett
Wien, 2022
Guest Faculty - Theory Seminar in Architekturtheorie und Technikphilosophie (ATTP)
Shenzhen, 2022
Guest Faculty - Theory Seminar in Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)
Main Publications
- 2022 (Forthcoming Book-Chapter) / “Anotherness: One Hypothesis and Four Keywords for a
Poly-Plural Hospitality”
Deep Vista (ed. Gabriel Esquivel). Print, 2022.
- 2021 (Paper) “Xenological Subjectivity: Rosi Braidotti and Object Oriented Ontology”.
Open Philosophy “Object Oriented Ontology and its Critics III”. (ed. G. Harman), 2021.
- 2021 (Book) / The Threefold Logic of Advanced Architecture: Conformative, Distributive and
Expansive Protocols for an Informational Practice. 1990-2020.
Barcelona: Actar Publishers, Print, 2021. Co-authored with Manuel Gausa.
- 2020 (Paper) “Matter versus Parts: The Immaterial Basis of Architectural Part-Thinking”
London: Bartlett Prospectives, Issue 1 (ed. Daniel Kohler), 2020.
- 2020 (Essay) / Black Gaia
Otherwise Engaged A Literature and Arts Journal Volume 5. Summer 2020. Quarantine
- 2016. (Paper) Can Advanced Cities rethink Democracy? Urban real time politics Barcelona:
IaaC Bits n.1, 2016.
Main Events
- 2019, 26 April, Bartlett Shool of Architecture, England. Matterlessness: On parts, fields and
particles. Symposium “Mereologies”.
- 2019, 28 March, University of Trento, Italy. The Allonomous Condition and its Aesthetics.
Lecture Series Acropoli Rethinking Architecture.
- 2018, 17 January, University of Innsbruck, Austria. New Urban Paradigms. Lecture Series
“Reading the City and the Landscape”. Together with Willy Müller.
- 2017, 23 July, IaaC, Spain. New Urban Paradigms. Lecture Series “Global Summer School”.
Together with Willy Müller.
Architectural Practice
- 2016-2017. Project Manager and Senior Architect in Willy Müller Architects (WMA). Focus
on international competitions related to residential housing and public equipments.