User Guide - v1.0
User Guide - v1.0
User Guide - v1.0
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 4
9 Annexes ..................................................................................................................... 43
9.1 Annex A - Information Index............................................................................................ 43
9.2 Annex B - Soil Database ................................................................................................. 45
9.3 Annex C - Environmental exposure................................................................................. 47
9.4 Annex D – Corrosion Crown ........................................................................................... 49
9.5 Annex E – List of Warnings and Errors ........................................................................... 50
The first innovative feature provided by Mac S-Design is the ability to consider the real geometry
of the slope under investigation. This allows a more detailed and reliable analysis of the problem,
resulting in a tailored solution, i.e. the possibility of selecting the most suitable product.
Assessing the current state of the slope under analysis before the stabilization intervention
represents a further fundamental innovation introduced by Mac S-Design. This “pre-analysis” phase
is a relevant step within the overall design process. Indeed, a detailed calibration of the relevant
geometrical and mechanical input parameters can be easily accomplished, thus enabling a more
reliable design phase.
The possibility of carrying out a specific verification of the selected product is one of the key
characteristics of this software. In fact, the use of calibrated “characteristic curves” allows the actual
response of the product to be investigated, depending on both the site-specific conditions and the
real soil type to be retained.
Finally, Mac S-Design also enables the user to perform an assessment of the anchoring system.
A combined analysis in the M-N diagram integrates the usual verifications in terms of pull-out, shear
and tensile strength of the nails. Then, the actions on the nails consider the geometrical stabilizing
effect provided by the anchors on the unstable surficial soil layer. In this light, this feature also leads
to a tailor-made result, depending on the actual characteristics of both soil type and selected product.
These novelties highlight the added-value of Mac S-Design and they emphasise the possibility
of achieving a custom-site solution, thus delivering the potential of a higher safety level and optimised
solution for the designed intervention.
Mac S-Design
Mesh Anchor
Design Design
The first step is the initiation of a New Project (Figure 2). The flow diagram that characterizes
each project can be shown in (Figure 3). Each step is intuitively guided, and the related information
are shown step by step.
Calculation 1
Calculation 2
Calculation 3
Within a project it is also possible to perform more than one calculation, following the same
procedure as indicated in the flow chart. An example with three calculations has been displayed
above (Figure 2):
Run Pre-Analysis
Run Analysis
Herein, it is worth explaining briefly the principal mesh and anchor design procedures and their
features. In the following paragraphs the calculation procedure will be defined, and fundamental
aspects will be analysed in detail.
The first approach has an interface surface P’R between the two wedges orthogonal to the slope
surface and a variable geometry of the base wedge is also assumed. For each P’ point along the
slope, all the P’’ points are considered from the toe, and the equilibrium is computed (Figure 5a).
The second approach is characterized by a vertical interface P’Q between the two wedges and
a fixed geometry of the base wedge (Figure 5b).
Sliding Sliding
mass mass
Base wedge
𝛽 wedge 𝛽
(a) (b)
Figure 5: Considered geometries of analysis for Approach 1 (left) and Approach 2 (right).
Both phases, namely pre-analysis and design, consider the sliding of the upper wedge parallel
to the slope surface and a consequent displacement of the wedge. During the pre-analysis phase,
no external stabilizing actions to the system are considered. During the design phase, a stabilizing
pressure ‘q’, caused by the displacement of the base wedge and due to the presence of the mesh,
is considered (Figure 6).
This approach allows both a Factor of Safety in the pre-analysis phase (FS0) and a Factor of
Safety in the design phase (FSd) to be evaluated. The maximum achievable FSd is dependent on
the maximum pressure ‘q’, that can be provided by the selected product and then on its mechanical
performance. For this reason, a Working Ratio (WR) parameter for the product verification is
introduced and this expresses the ratio between the actual pressure ‘q’ needed to achieve the FSd
and the maximum pressure bearable by the product.
The mechanical actions on the anchors can be consequently computed depending on the actual
pressure ‘q’ and on the spacing between nails.
Figure 6: Example of equilibrium conditions for Approach 1 in case of pre-analysis (left) and analysis phases (right).
As displayed above (Figure 7), the total drilling length can be computed as the sum of the
thickness of the unstable soil layer, the shear band length and the effective anchoring length.
Figure 8: Bending moment (M)-Axial Force (N) domain for the anchor verification.
The check in the M-N interaction envelope, completes the entire design and the output results
can be obtained. Before progressing to guidance upon the design procedure, a few specific notes
regarding the application limits of the design follow.
Slope Angle, β Mac S-Design allows a wide range of slope angles, from steep- to gentle
slopes, to be analysed. The design approach is presented in detail in
section (§4.2). Specific limits for the slope angle have been set up in Mac
S-Design and they are briefly presented as follows:
• Lower bound, β≥30°: the lower limit for the slope angle has been set
to 30°. Input values lower than this lower bound are automatically set
to β=30.
Automatic calculation, z = -9: when the user inputs the value “-9” in the
‘tension crack’ field, then this parameter is automatically computed
based on the two equations reported below. The first applies when
the tension crack bottom lies above the water table, while the second
equation applies when the tension crack bottom lies below the water
This innovative feature of automatic tension crack calculation has
been included within Mac S-Design. In case the geotechnical report
provides no information about any tension cracks, the designer can
include it for safety if desired. This input allows Mac S-Design to
automatically calculate the tension crack depending on the soil’s
effective cohesion.
𝛾𝑢 ⋅ 𝐾
𝛾𝑢 2𝑐√𝐾
𝑧=( − ℎ𝑤 ) ⋅ (1 − )+
cos 𝛽 𝛾 𝛾 ⋅𝐾
c: effective cohesion
Ka: active earth pressure
γu: unit soil weight above the water table
z ≤ s / cosβ
s: unstable soil layer,
β: slope angle.
Input values higher than this upper bound are automatically set to this
limit value.
On the top of the home page, two tabs, Home and Project, are available:
• “Home” redirects the user to the Dashboard page;
• “Projects” redirects the user to a page with the full list of projects.
Additionally, on the right hand side of the initial interface (user menu), the dark green bar
• The username;
• The User Guide Manual;
• The Scientific Manual;
• The language selection;
• A link to the “Contact Us” form.
In case the user would like to ask for instructions, assistance or any other problems encountered
this can be done directly through the platform (Figure 10).
Below the menu bar, there are two main tabs, such of Projects and Calculations.
• Through Projects the user can select his previous projects, while
When a new project is created, a new window opens (Figure 13), where there are two tabs
Through the “Calculations” tab the user may inspect some relevant information of the previous
calculations for the studied project (Figure 15) or create a new calculation..
At the top of the Mac S-Design interface (Figure 17) a progress bar is displayed and this consists
of six arrows, helping the user to understand the workflow:
• Input;
• Pre-Analysis;
• Design;
• Anchors;
• Analysis;
• Results.
The background colour of the tabs shows the progress within the calculation: an orange colour
within the tab means “in progress” or highlights the progression of the calculation, whilst a green
colour means “complete”. Conversely no colour means “to be completed”. Below these tabs it is
possible to enclose a calculation description. In the next paragraphs, the steps to assign the
calculation parameters are displayed.
6.1 Input
The first step consists of compiling the input parameters (Figure 18) which are basically
categorized into the geometric, geotechnical, water table, partial safety factors and seismic
Each parameter contains an “Information Index” text, which can be displayed by moving the
mouse over the symbol; some parameters also have a description table (Figure 19).
6.1.1 Geometry
The slope geometry parameters can be set in the Geometry section (Figure 21). Such are:
“Slope Height” H (m), “Slope Angle” β (deg), “Unstable Soil Thickness” s (m) and “Tension Crack” z
(m). The “Tension Crack” z is has a predefined value equal to ‘-9’ for an automatic calculation of this
parameter (see §4.4 for further details); if known, the user can input the current value of ‘z’.
The Length of the slope L (m) is automatically computed by Mac S-Design according to the
Slope Height and Slope Angle parameters. The information index helps the user to understand
the meaning of the parameters.
6.1.2 Geotechnical parameters
In the “Geotechnical Parameters” section (Figure 22) the geotechnical properties can be
defined, such as Soil Friction Angle φ’ (deg), Effective Cohesion c’ (kPa), Unit Weight γ (kN/m³),
Saturated Unit Weight γsat (kN/m³), Soil Type and Soil Density.
The selection of the appropriate Soil Type and Density allows some further internal geotechnical
parameters to be computed, such as the Young’s Modulus and the soil dilatancy angle. An
exhaustive explanation of this approach is presented in the Reference Manual in §6.1.
In the following figures, informative tables with typical soil parameter values are visible by
clicking on the next to the specific parameter. Particularly, the following are reported for different
types of soil: typical values of soil friction angle (φ), values of effective cohesion (c'), values of unit
and saturated unit weight (γ, γsat).
By clicking either on the download button or on the graph in the right window the user can export
the graph and inspect the failure mechanism detail.
Figure 34: List of the available products by clicking on the product button.
After the selection of the product, the mechanical characteristics of each mesh type are shown
in the subsequent table (Figure 35).
• Longitudinal strength in kN/m
• Transversal strength in kN/m
• Punch strength in kN
After compiling the Design input data, the illustrative slope figure will be updated with the nail
configuration included (Figure 37).
The Anchors tab is the final step before running the analysis. By clicking the download button
(Figure 41) or clicking on the figure, the user can download the illustrative figure and inspect the
anchor bar details.
Furthermore, the strength of the anchors in terms of both tensile and bending capacity is also
reported as Nd and Md respectively. This allows the combined M-N verification to be checked.
On the same “Anchors” tab the final assessment of the nails is also reported. The results are
displayed in terms of Effective Length (Leff) and Total Length (Ltot). Furthermore, the pull-out Anchor
Finally, the charts may be manually exported by clicking on the download tab or on the graphs
illustrated on the left of the interface. (Figure 45 and Figure 46).
6.6 Results
The Results page is shown in Figure 47. Accessible through the tabs of "Short PDF report",
"Long PDF report” and "Word template report" (Figure 48), different types of reports may be exported
into files.
Concerning the soil friction angles and the effective cohesion values, information can be found in:
Swiss Standard SN 670 010b, Characteristic Coefficients of soils, Association of Swiss Road and
Traffic Engineers.
Koloski, J.W., Schwarz, S.D., Tubbs, D.W. (1989) Geotechnical Properties of Geologic Materials,
Engineering Geology in Washington, Volume 1, Washington Division of Geology and Earth
Resources Bulletin 78.
Carter, M. and Bentley, S. (1991) Correlations of soil properties. Penetech Press Publishers, London.
Meyerhof, G. (1956). Penetration tests and bearing capacity of cohesionless soils. Journal of the
Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, Vol. 82, Issue 1, pg. 1-19.
Peck, R., Hanson,W., and Thornburn, T. (1974) Foundation Engineering Handbook. Wiley, London.
Obrzud R. & Truty, A. (2012) The hardening Soil Model - A Practical Guidebook. Z.Soil.PC 100701
report, revised 31.01.2012.
Minnesota Department of Transportation (2007) Pavement Design.
NAVFAC Design Manual 7.2 - Foundations and Earth Structures, SN 0525-LP-300-7071,
Revalidated by Change 1 September 1986.
Slope Angle Inclination of the slope with respect to the horizontal (upward
Length of the slope The entire length of the slope
Unstable Soil Thickness Orthogonal distance measured from the ground surface
Tension Crack Vertical tension crack distance measured from the slope crest
Geotechnical Parameters
Soil Density Dense/medium hard (Void ratio up to 40%), Loose/soft (Void ratio
more than 40%)
Water Table
Water table depth Groundwater level measured vertically from the ground surface
Flow Head Groundwater level measured vertically from the failure surface
Angle of shearing resistance Partial factor for the angle of shearing resistance. (This factor is
applied to tanφ')
Effective Cohesion Partial factor for effective cohesion
Seismic Coefficients
Product The use of Polymeric coating offers greater than 120 years working
Life for the selected Environmental level
External Bar Diameter The external diameter of an anchor bar. In the case of an fully -
threaded bar design, use φi=0
Internal Bar Diameter The internal diameter in the case of a Hollow bar
Bar Thickness The average difference between the external and the internal
diameter in the case of a self-drilling bar
Drilling Hole Diameter The diameter of soil or rock core during the drilling procedure
Cross Sectional Area The solid (non-empty) intersection area of the anchor bar
Anchor Parameters
Nail Inclination (horizontal) Inclination of the nail with respect to the horizontal (upwards positive)
Nail Inclination (vertical) Inclination of the nail with respect to the perpendicular (upwards
Grout Soil Limit Bond Stress The shear stress limit in the grout-soil interface above which the
anchor fails
Amplifying Factor as for Factor for the soil behaviour during drilling
Steel Yield Stress The steel stress value from which plastic behaviour begins
Partial Factor on bond stress Partial safety factor applied to the value of the bond stress for the
computation of the effective anchor length
Partial Factor on pull-out force Partial safety factor applied to the tensile force for the computation of
the effective anchor length
Partial Factor on Steel Partial safety factor applied to steel for the total anchor tensile
Tensile Strength (design) The anchor's tensile design strength
Typical values of density (ρ) and unit weight (γ) respectively for different types of soil
Type of Soil Density ρ= γ/g (kg/m3) Unit Weight γ (kΝ/m3) Saturated Unit Weight γsat (kΝ/m3)
Sandy soil 1800 18-20 20-22
Gravel soil 2000 20-21 21-22
Silty soil 2100 20-22 22-24
Clay Soil 1900 19-22 21-24
Mafic igneous rocks 3000 31 31-32
Felsic igneous rocks 2700 28 28-29
Metamorphic rocks 2700 28 28-29
Sedimentary rocks 2600 27 27-29
Granite 2700 28 28
Shale 2500 25 25-26
Limestone 2700 28 28-30
Chalk 2100 21 21-23
Sandstone 2000 20-21 21-23
Water 1000 10 -
Table 3: Pop-up window of typical values of soil friction angle (φ) for different types of soil (Bowles, 1996).
Typical values of soil friction angle (φ) for different types of soil
Table 5: Pop-up window of Partial factors of soil parameters (γM) according to Eurocode 7.
Table 1: Description of environment of installation site, coating wire requirements (EN 10223-3:2013, Annex A).
Site Environmental level
Plastic coating Class working life of
(in accordance with EN ISO Coating
material (EN 10244-2) the product
9223:2012, Table 1)
- Zinc A 10
- A 25
Medium aggressive: (C3)
Dry conditions Zn90%/Al10%
- A >50
Temperate zone, atmospheric alloy
environment with medium pollution
or some effect of chlorides, e.g. A
chloride (PVC) Zn95%/Al5%
urban areas, coastal areas with low >120
deposition of chlorides e.g. Polyamide alloy
subtropical and tropical zone, E
atmosphere with low pollution
chloride (PVC) Zn90%/Al10%
Polyamide alloy
High aggressive: (C4) - A 10
Wet conditions
Temperate zone, atmospheric Zn90%/Al10%
- A 25
environment with high pollution or alloy
substantial effect of chlorides, e.g. Polyvinyl
polluted urban areas, industrial A
chloride (PVC) Zn95%/Al5%
areas, coastal areas, without spray 120
Polyamide alloy
of salt water, exposure to strong E
effect of de-icing salts e.g. (PA6)
subtropical and tropical zone, Polyvinyl
atmosphere with medium pollution A
chloride (PVC) Zn90%/Al10%
industrial areas, coastal areas, >120
shelter positions at coastline Polyamide alloy
The corroded bar thickness Corrosion Crown ‘Cc’ can be then computed in [mm] as follows:
Δ𝑆 (2 ⋅ 𝜋 ⋅ 𝜙𝑒𝑥𝑡 ⋅ 𝐶𝑅 ⋅ 𝑆𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒 )
𝑐𝑐 = 𝑅 − √𝑅 2 − √ 2
=𝑅− 𝑅 −
𝜋 𝜋
Error 1. The required resistance The Working Ratio (WR) of the mesh is The design of the solution must
exceeds the strength of the higher than 100%. The mesh cannot be modified e.g.: using a higher
selected mesh. FSd not achieved, sustain the required load to achieve the performing mesh, reducing the
please review the design design Factor of Safety FSd spacing between the anchors
Error 2 - exiting due to anchor The axial force acting on the most Possible solutions to solve this
failure (Axial Tension). Please stressed nail exceeds its tensile strength error are e.g.: Increasing the bar
review anchor parameters capacity diameter and the drilling hole
diameter, reducing the anchor
Error 2 - exiting due to anchor The combined action due to the axial Possible solutions to solve this
failure (Combined Bending and force and bending moment exceeds the error are e.g.: Increasing the bar
Axial Tension) - Please review overall strength capacity of the most diameter and the drilling hole
anchor parameters stressed nail diameter, reducing the anchor
Error 3. No results can be found Both methods of analysis cannot find an The geometrical and mechanical
in the pre-analysis phase for the admissible solution for the considered input parameters must be
given input parameters. Please, combination of input parameters revised
review the inputs.
Error 4. No results can be found Both methods of analysis cannot find an The geometrical and mechanical
in the design phase for the given admissible solution for the considered input parameters must be
input parameters. Please, review combination of input parameters revised
the inputs.
Error 5: Lmax < Lmin - Geometry The input geometric parameters of the The error is generally linked to a
inconsistent, please review the slope lead to an inconsistent geometry squat geometry of the slope
inputs of the wedges considered for the combined with a high value of
analysis unstable soil layer. A lower value
of the unstable soil thickness ‘s’
can solve this error
Error 5. Geometry inconsistent: The input geometric parameters of the The error is generally linked to a
Investigated slope length shorter slope lead to an inconsistent geometry squat geometry of the slope
than the upper smallest wedge of the wedges considered for the combined with a high value of
side, please review the inputs analysis unstable soil layer. A lower value
of the unstable soil thickness ‘s’
can solve this error
Error 5 – Negative anchor area: The geometry input for anchors is The external diameter of the bar
Please review your input on inconsistent, being negative must be higher than the sum of
anchor parameters both internal diameter (for
threaded bars) and two times the
corrosion crown
Error 6: Unexpected oscillation in The iterative solving procedure does not A slight modification of a design
the characteristic curve converge to a solution parameter can solve this error.
calculation e.g.: slight modification of the
anchor spacing
Warning 2: The minimum The user is warned that the result of the
computed Safety Factor is very pre-analysis phase is very low
low (FS0 < 0.5). Click Next if you (FS0 < 0.5). The user can in any case
would you like to proceed proceed to the design and analysis
Warning 2: The minimum The user is warned that the result of the
computed Safety Factor is very pre-analysis phase is very high
high (FS0 > 6.0). Click Next if you (FS0 > 6.0). The user can in any case
would you like to proceed proceed to the design and analysis
Warning 3: Tension Crack Height When the Tension Crack is input by the
Computed Accordingly To Active user, this warns that the actual value of
Earth Pressure And Cohesion ‘z’ is computed in accordance with the
approach presented in §4.4 (Tension
Crack depth, z).
When the Tension crack is automatically
computed (z=-9), this can be assumed
as a simple reminder
Warning 3: The tension crack When the user inputs a value of the
depth exceeds the thickness of Tension Crack that exceeds the
the unstable soil layer s; set to thickness of the unstable soil layer s,
s/cos(alpha) then this parameter is automatically set
to s/cos(alpha), in accordance with the
limits presented in §4.4 for the Tension
Crack depth, z
Warning 3. Please set The value of γc’ has been set by the user
gammacp >= 1 to a value lower than 1.0. The user is
suggested to input a value of γc’≥1.0
Warning 3: Please set The value of γφ has been set by the user
gammaphip >= 1 to a value lower than 1.0. The user is
suggested to input a value of γφ ≥1.0
Warning 3: Please set FSd >= 1 The design Factor of Safety has been
set by the user to a value lower than 1.0.
The user is suggested to input a value of
Warning 5. Anchors loaded with The axial load on anchors is null This warning is generally linked
bending moment only to a limited distance between the
nails. The anchor’s spacing must
be increased