A792697141 - 16932 - 21 - 2022 - Assignment 1 Mec 103

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Course Title: Engineering Graphics Course Code: MEC103


1. The assignment consists of a total of 3 questions for 10 marks each, hence the maximum marks are 30.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Assume the dimensions or data, if missing.
4. Solve these questions on grid sheet with pencil only (Neat and clean).
5. After the preparation of the solutions, mention your registration number, name, section near the diagram along
with your signature. This should be mentioned with the pen only.
6. Prepare one scanned pdf file of solution to upload on UMS in assignment section under LMS. File name must be
your Registration number without any special character. File size should not be more than 5MB.
7. The last date to submit this is 28th Feb 2022 only. No assignment will be considered after this day moreover the
link of uploading the file will be closed on UMS.
8. Sharing of assignment, copying, cut-crop activities are not allowed. Students will be punished according to Exam
UMC policy.

Q1: Write your full name (Do not use short forms of your name) in Normal, Freehand, Single stroke, Vertical style taking
Height equals to 16mm.

Q2: Draw a scale when 2m is equal to 5cm then show a distance of 4.02m and 2m 6dm 9cm on this scale.

Q3: A point M is 20mm above HP and 18mm in front of VP. Another point N is 45mm above HP and 25mm in front of
VP. If the gap between Mo and No is 40mm then draw and find the gap between the front views and top views of both the

*****End of the Assignment*****

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