6c7f5ec8 1643863161253
6c7f5ec8 1643863161253
6c7f5ec8 1643863161253
Design Lab
• In next 10-15 minutes, Explanation to how the make the breadboard/ IC connections as per the
circuit diagram (Note: it includes the pin configuration of each IC and hardware connections).
• Student to upload their snapshot of breadboard connection diagram of software simulation circuit
on LPU live.
• Software Link (Student Version only)
• http://tiny.cc/Proteous-Software
• http://falstad.com/circuit/ web simulator
• https://circuitverse.org/ web simulator
Pre-Requisite/Review of Logic Gates and ICs
Pre-Requisites: Students should be able to identify
various ICs and their Operational Concept along with
supporting Hardware.
(9/10) Design and Implementation of application based projects, any two to be implemented
• To design 4 bit digital calculator which can perform addition and multiplication and display using 7 segment.
• To design a circuit which can generate random number and display using 7 segment.
• To design a circuit for smart home automation.
• To design a circuit for secure locking mechanism.
• To design a circuit for global positioning system synchronize clock.
• To design a system for solar tracking.
• To design a up and down fading lights (different colored LEDs) with specified delays using flip-flops/counters
• Design a universal counter which can perform different shift operations using multiplexer.
• Design a digital calculator which can implement subtraction and division functions, and display output in 7-
segment display unit.