ControlEdge-HC900-Catalog-NEW CATALOGUE
ControlEdge-HC900-Catalog-NEW CATALOGUE
ControlEdge-HC900-Catalog-NEW CATALOGUE
Process Control and Safety Made Easy
Process Measurement
and Control
Diverse Applications
Ranging from Process
The Honeywell ControlEdge™ HC900 Process and Safety System is a
fully field-proven system for process control and safety applications, with
over 13,000 installations throughout the world. Its SIL-2 certification
means it can be used in a variety of safety application such as burner
management systems (BMS), emergency shutdown systems (ESD),
fire & gas monitoring, pipeline monitoring, spill prevention etc.
TUV Compliance
The ControlEdge HC900 is fully Its non-interfering software protection for configuration,
validated to perform its safety means that the ControlEdge alarm processing and data
tasks, and is certified by TUV for HC900 system is capable of acquisition for process
use in a SIL-2 environment. The hosting process control and applications thus adding to
system is ideal for a process/ safety applications, providing reliable data and information
safety environment. control, monitoring, password being stored and protected.
Typical Industries Customer Benefits Typical Applications
• Chemicals (including Proven & Reliable Safety
specialty and fine Maximizes uptime • Burner Management Systems
chemicals, plastics and (e.g. furnaces, boilers, ovens,
• Proven track record
rubber) pre-heaters, reactors, calciners,
• Redundancy dryers, thermal oxidizers, kilns,
• Pharmaceuticals and
• G3 conformal coating for melters, incinerators, process
harsh environment heaters, vaporizers)
• Power (excluding
• RoHS compliant • Combustion Control
• Actionable information • Pipeline Monitoring
• Cement and Glass
• Spill Prevention
• Pulp and Paper
High Performance
• Metro/ Road Transportation-
• Mining and Metals Increases profitability Tunnel Safety, Ventilation
• Water and Waste Water • Tighter control • Waste Water Treatment
• Food and Beverage • Reduced scrap • Terminal Automation
• Heat Treatment • Higher throughput • Emergency Shutdown
• Buildings/
• Fire & Gas Monitoring
Infrastructure- Metro Easy to Use & Engineer
Rail, HVAC etc. Lowers operational costs • Pressure and Flow Control
• Easy engineering
Critical Control
• Faster startup • Electronics & SemiConductor
• Simple intuitive tools • Cement and Glass
• No additional • Textiles
maintenance fees
Enhanced Safety • TUV SIL2
with SIL2 certification • CSA-Canada and USA (HazLoc) /
• Common hardware and FM CL1 / Div2
software for process and • ATEX
safety • ABS
• UL
• Improved plant safety
• CE
• RoHS
Multiple Systems,
Multiple I/O Racks
ControlEdge HC900 Hot Stand-by Architecture
CPU Capacity
Function Point per module Max. for C30 CPU Max. for C50 CPU Max. for C70 / C75 CPU
Analog out
8, 16 192 2304 2304
(external Power)
Cascade control
• The Cascade Loop uses
2 PID block with the back
calculation pin of the
secondary (BCD) connected
to the primary loop (BCI). This
transfers values back to the
primary loop to adjust the PID
for changes in mode of the
secondary loop
• The RSP input for the
secondary loop can be
selected to be in engineering
units or %, eliminating the
need to scale the output of
the primary loop
Accutune III
• Standard auto tuning on
every control loop
• Reduces start-up time
• Ensures on-spec product
Fuzzy Overshoot
• Fuzzy Overshoot Suppression
minimizes the Process Variable
(PV) overshoot following a
Setpoint (SP) change or a
process disturbance. This is
especially useful in processes
that experience load changes
or where even a small overshoot
beyond the setpoint may result in
damage or product loss.
• The Fuzzy Logic in the controller
observes the speed and direction
of the PV signal as it approaches
the setpoint and temporarily
modifies the internal controller
response action as necessary to
avoid an overshoot. There is no
change to the PID algorithm, and
the Fuzzy Logic does not alter the
PID tuning parameters.
Carbon Potential
• The carbon potential of the
furnace atmosphere can be
controlled by monitoring the
furnace temperature and the
probe output because oxygen
potential directly relates to the
carbon potential. A combined
carbon probe, temperature
probe and PID algorithm
determine carbon potential of
furnace atmospheres based on a
zirconium probe input.
• Activates anti-sooting feature
that limits the working setpoint
of the carbon control loop to a
value that prevents sooting in the
Free-format Logic
• Optimizes design by combining
multiple logic functions into one
• Simplifies operation and
• Control the output states of
multiple digital parameters
• Control the sequence of process
operation based on time or
process events
• Each sequencer supports up to
16 digital outputs and may have
up to 50 process states
• Multiple sequences can be
selected on demand from the
operator interface or as part of
a recipe
• Stored in the controller memory
• Ensure error-free product/
process changeovers
• Write values into analog and
digital variables
• Load via Control Station
• Load via RCP block
• Can be used to:
– Write a value to any variable
– Load setpoints
– Select setpoint programs
– Set alarm limits
– Activate control valves
Setpoint Programmer
• Automatically manipulates a
setpoint value for use by PID
• Creates a time / value profile for
process batch control
• Multiple setpoint programmers,
with profiles of up to 50
segments each, may be
configured and stored
• Any programmer may run
any profile separately or
• Each also has an auxiliary soak
output and up to 16 event
outputs for integration with
sequence control functions
Dew Point Control
• Dew point analysis measures
the amount of water vapor
present which in turn helps
determine the carbon
potential of a furnace
• This application uses the
dew point function block to
calculate dew point based on
using a carbon probe where
the input is an O2 sensor
• A typical example is control of
an endothermic atmosphere
generator when the user
requires dew point for PV
Setpoint Scheduler
• Provides up to eight ramp/
soak setpoints that operate
on a common time base
• Supports up to 16 event
digital outputs 50 segments
per schedule; the number
of stored schedules is
• Auxiliary Scheduler provides
an additional 8 Soak
• Multiple independent
setpoint schedulers are
available in a configuration
• Maximize process availability
by providing backup
controllers, power supplies and
communications for seamless
failover under fault conditions
• Redundant Switch Module (RSM)
is located in the rack between
two CPUs and visually indicates
which CPU is the lead and which
is the reserve
• Key switch on the RSM allows
the user to change the operating
mode of the lead and reserve
• Ethernet network ports are
continuously active on the lead
controller, each on a different
• Transfer of communications from
one port to another port on the
same CPU is handled by the host
• A secondary power supply
can also be added to each
ControlEdge 900 Platform I/O
rack for standby redundancy
AMS Compliance
• The ControlEdge HC900 meets
AMS 2750E, the key requirement
for controlling, monitoring and
recording instruments, which
is a calibrated accuracy (± 2°
Flexible connectivity
suits your process
Open Ethernet Serial Ethernet Connectivity and
Connectivity Connectivity Communications
• Enables ControlEdge • Allows two RS485 ports • Adapts to existing process-line
HC900 controllers to to be configured as infrastructure
communicate with their Modbus slaves, while one • Satisfies specific control
host interfaces and each of the ports is selected as requirements
other a Modbus master
• Accommodates specialty
• Open Modbus / • Wide variety of devices applications
TCP protocol allows (touch panel operator
interfacing to most interfaces, I/O devices,
popular HMI, data etc.) can be connected to
acquisition and OPC the controller
software • Provides greater
• Up to 10 device flexibility in system
connections are design
supported on the host
Ethernet port
• ControlEdge HC900
network of controllers
and operator interfaces
are partitioned into
segments on the
network to maximize
• The improved ControlEdge
HC900 controllers provide
peer-to-peer interface between
a maximum of 32 units for
process/safety equipment
applications that require sharing
data between controllers.
• Up to 2,240 parameters per
controller may be exchanged
• Standard Ethernet
communication port
supports concurrent peer-
to-peer communications and
connectivity to supervisory
• Peer-peer between safety
systems is done using the new
Safety-peer protocol that can
exchange safety critical data
between peers
with Experion
• ControlEdge HC900 controllers
can be integrated with the
Honeywell Experion DCS system
for supervisory control and data
• Can be integrated with Experion
PKS, LX and HS systems
Configured using Quick Builder
• Uses Universal Modbus Driver for
• Redundant controllers can also
be integrated with Experion
• History Backfill: If Experion
HS loses communication
with ControlEdge HC900 the
History backfill functionality
will backfill data to the HMI
once communication is
restored. This feature is very
important for food and beverage, ControlEdge HC900
pharmaceutical and other data OPC Server from
critical applications and is not MatrikonOPC
often provided by other general
purpose PLC’s • Provides secure and reliable
real-time data access between
• Paired with Experion HS, the ControlEdge HC900
ControlEdge HC900 Controller and any OPC-enabled
can meet FDA 21 CFR applications such as Historians,
part 11 requirements for HMIs, SCADA etc.
pharmaceuticals, food and
beverage industry that need • Enables 3rd party connectivity
a proven and reliable solution for successful phased migration
capable of change management, and integration
automated electronic record • Enables easy and cost-efficient
keeping, and advanced controller management of openly
security and protection methods connected systems
configuration simplifies
control implementation
• Change management
• Save engineering hours in
finding previous changes
Version Control
• Easy tracking, de-bugging
• Revert to earlier versions
• Save dollars for a separate
version control offering
Paste Special
• Saves 15-20% of
engineering efforts
• Manage versions, track and
compare configurations
• Easier troubleshooting
thereby reducing
maintenance costs
Re-usable Custom
• Save engineering time,
create logic once and avoid
• Controllers are password
protected and thus prevents
any intrusion through the
• Any changes to the controller
are monitored and validated
with credentials
For more information
To learn more about Honeywell’s Control Edge HC900,
or contact your Honeywell account manager.