Exp. Proof, Flame and LHD
Exp. Proof, Flame and LHD
Exp. Proof, Flame and LHD
proof Flame Detector)
proof Optical Detectors)
Output module)
DM1103 B-Ex(Explosion
proof MCPs)
SB3 (Safety Barrier)
DF-1192 ( Infrared Flame Detector)
To the next
To FLM-420- detector or end of
CON-D line resistor
DF-1101-Ex ( Infrared Flame detector for explosion proof areas )
To FLM-420-
CON-D To the next
detector or end
of line resistor
Note: Always place the SB3 barrier in the Non- Explosion- hazard area
DIP Switch Settings (For both DF-1192 and DF-1101-Ex)
Connection Diagram
Linear heat detector FCS-LMW-1)
It is especially suitable for use in constricted spaces and under extreme environmental
Main Applications: Cable Trays, Conveyer belts, Tunnels etc.
FCS-LMW-1 has
1. Control Unit
2. Sensor Cable- Each sensor cable will have ‘4’ wires (Blue, Orange, White & Red)
One end of the sensor cable is connected to the control unit
In the other end, blue and red are shorted also orange and white are shorted. This will
form two loops.
The controller is monitoring the resistance between the two loops. If there is an
increase in temperature the resistance of the sensor cable reduces and if it is falling
below the set threshold the controller will activate the built in relays. The FPA-5000
which is monitoring this relay contacts through CON-D module thus detects fire.
The control unit can detect Max. Alarm (If the temperature goes above a set level) and
Differential Alarm (rate of rise of temperature)
Connection Diagram:
Pin Diagram:
Linear Heat
Cable End ‘A’
(Connected to Cable End ‘B’
the control unit) (Shorted)