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My Linux Book

Urs Lindegger
My Linux Book
Urs Lindegger
Copyright © 2019-11-25 Urs Lindegger
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1
Why again an other Linux Book .......................................................................... 1
About myself .................................................................................................... 1
Some terms ...................................................................................................... 2
TUX ........................................................................................................ 2
root ......................................................................................................... 3
Daemon ................................................................................................... 3
Zombie .................................................................................................... 3
N00b ....................................................................................................... 3
Gnu ......................................................................................................... 4
SoHo ....................................................................................................... 4
CamelCase ............................................................................................... 4
Foo, bar and foobar ................................................................................... 4
rc and init.d .............................................................................................. 4
shebang .................................................................................................... 4
Help ................................................................................................................ 4
Using the manual pages .............................................................................. 4
Man pages on the web ............................................................................... 5
Info pages ................................................................................................ 5
Using documentation from the packages ........................................................ 5
Writing your own man pages ....................................................................... 6
2. Working in the Console .......................................................................................... 7
The Console ..................................................................................................... 7
Console login ............................................................................................ 7
Terminals ................................................................................................. 8
Screen Manager ........................................................................................ 8
Working with bash .................................................................................... 8
Special characters .................................................................................... 11
Wild cards .............................................................................................. 11
Strings in Bash ........................................................................................ 12
Calculations ............................................................................................ 13
Command substitution .............................................................................. 13
Bash scripts ............................................................................................ 14
Bash processes ........................................................................................ 14
Bash variables ......................................................................................... 15
The [ program ......................................................................................... 19
Bracket overview ..................................................................................... 20
Debug of bash scripts ............................................................................... 20
Bash configuration ................................................................................... 22
Working with Windows ............................................................................ 22
Commands ...................................................................................................... 22
Midnight commander ................................................................................ 23
Text Web browser Links ........................................................................... 23
cat ......................................................................................................... 23
cd .......................................................................................................... 23
cp .......................................................................................................... 23
cut ......................................................................................................... 24
dd .......................................................................................................... 24
find ....................................................................................................... 24
grep ....................................................................................................... 25
ls ........................................................................................................... 25
more or less ............................................................................................ 26
mv ......................................................................................................... 26
rm and rmdir ........................................................................................... 26
strings .................................................................................................... 26

My Linux Book

tail ......................................................................................................... 26
Time ...................................................................................................... 26
uname .................................................................................................... 26
watch ..................................................................................................... 27
Sed ................................................................................................................ 27
Filtering certain lines ................................................................................ 27
Sed Commands ........................................................................................ 28
Sed Options ............................................................................................ 28
Regular expressions .......................................................................................... 28
Character description ................................................................................ 28
Examples ................................................................................................ 28
Ranges of characters ................................................................................. 29
Localization .................................................................................................... 29
3. System ............................................................................................................... 31
Character encoding ........................................................................................... 31
ASCII .................................................................................................... 31
ASCII Table ........................................................................................... 31
UTF-8 .................................................................................................... 32
beep ....................................................................................................... 34
Hexadecimal ................................................................................................... 34
Booting .......................................................................................................... 35
BIOS ..................................................................................................... 35
BIOS update ........................................................................................... 35
UEFI ..................................................................................................... 36
Secure Boot ............................................................................................ 38
Bootloader .............................................................................................. 38
Booting the Kernel ........................................................................................... 40
SysVinit ................................................................................................. 41
systemd .................................................................................................. 45
Start up messages ............................................................................................ 48
Linux 32 bit and 64 bit ..................................................................................... 48
Loading Libraries ............................................................................................. 50
Processes ........................................................................................................ 50
Interprocess Communication IPC ........................................................................ 51
Kernel ............................................................................................................ 51
Hardware compatibility ............................................................................. 51
Having the hardware and looking for drivers ................................................. 51
Hints about kernel compiling ..................................................................... 52
Kernel compilation ................................................................................... 53
Kernel internals ....................................................................................... 55
Kernel modules ............................................................................................... 57
modules directory .................................................................................... 57
update modules ........................................................................................ 58
Working with the modules ........................................................................ 58
Firmware ................................................................................................ 59
D-Bus ............................................................................................................ 60
Devicekit ........................................................................................................ 60
udisks .................................................................................................... 61
Log files ......................................................................................................... 61
Config files ..................................................................................................... 61
Files that will be customized ...................................................................... 62
Files usually not to be customized .............................................................. 62
CPU .............................................................................................................. 62
Memory ......................................................................................................... 63
Endians .................................................................................................. 63
Memory usage ......................................................................................... 64
Swap ..................................................................................................... 64
Memory Management Unit (MMU) ............................................................ 65

My Linux Book

System Time ................................................................................................... 66

UTC ...................................................................................................... 66
NTP ....................................................................................................... 67
RTC chip on the motherboard .................................................................... 71
Gateways and Routers .............................................................................. 71
Cron .............................................................................................................. 71
Vixie-cron .............................................................................................. 71
Other crons ............................................................................................. 72
Frontends ................................................................................................ 73
Clone a system ................................................................................................ 73
Turn off a Linux computer ................................................................................ 73
Posix ............................................................................................................. 74
Install Packages ............................................................................................... 74
Redhat/Suse ............................................................................................ 74
Debian ................................................................................................... 74
Gentoo ................................................................................................... 74
Flatpack ................................................................................................. 75
From Source ........................................................................................... 75
4. Hardware ............................................................................................................ 76
Graphic Cards ................................................................................................. 76
Nvidia .................................................................................................... 76
ATI Graphics Cards Radeon ...................................................................... 77
Monitors ......................................................................................................... 78
ddccontrol ............................................................................................... 78
read-edid ................................................................................................ 78
Keyboard ........................................................................................................ 79
Mouse ............................................................................................................ 80
Joystick .......................................................................................................... 80
Fingerprint sensor ............................................................................................ 81
Parallel Port .................................................................................................... 81
PCI ................................................................................................................ 82
Power ............................................................................................................ 82
ACPI ..................................................................................................... 83
Batteries ................................................................................................. 83
Frequency scaling of the cpu ..................................................................... 85
Hard disks .............................................................................................. 85
Impact of the software .............................................................................. 85
5. Graphical User Interface ........................................................................................ 86
Xorg, the X server ........................................................................................... 86
Install the X server under Gentoo Linux ...................................................... 86
The configuration files .............................................................................. 87
Font ............................................................................................................... 92
Setting up fonts ....................................................................................... 93
Asian fonts ............................................................................................. 93
Font warnings in Xorg.log ......................................................................... 94
Desktop environments ....................................................................................... 94
KDE ...................................................................................................... 94
Gnome ................................................................................................... 95
Xfce ...................................................................................................... 95
LXDE .................................................................................................... 96
Desktop files ........................................................................................... 96
Window Managers ................................................................................... 98
Compiz .................................................................................................. 98
Gui Terminals ................................................................................................ 100
Display Manager ............................................................................................ 100
Start, stop and login ................................................................................ 101
Slim ..................................................................................................... 101
Lightdm ................................................................................................ 101

My Linux Book

Screen capture ............................................................................................... 101

Screensaver and Screen blanking ...................................................................... 102
Running a GUI application on an other computer ................................................. 102
X11 forwarding ...................................................................................... 102
QT ............................................................................................................... 103
6. Authentication .................................................................................................... 104
Ownership ..................................................................................................... 104
User account ......................................................................................... 104
User definition ....................................................................................... 104
Group definition ..................................................................................... 105
Resetting Linux passwords ....................................................................... 105
Resetting Windows Passwords .................................................................. 106
Working with different computers ............................................................. 106
Commands and behavior ......................................................................... 106
Administrator ................................................................................................. 107
Sudo ............................................................................................................ 107
Login ........................................................................................................... 107
PAM ............................................................................................................ 107
PAM applications ................................................................................... 107
PAM modules ........................................................................................ 108
PAM configuration files .......................................................................... 108
How it fits together ................................................................................ 109
PAM Examples ...................................................................................... 109
Gnupg .......................................................................................................... 109
Keys .................................................................................................... 109
Key servers ........................................................................................... 110
Getting public keys ................................................................................. 110
Produce your keys .................................................................................. 110
Modifying keys ...................................................................................... 111
Cryptographic signature ........................................................................... 111
Encryption and decryption ....................................................................... 112
Gui tools ............................................................................................... 112
Gpg Agent ............................................................................................ 112
Network Information Service .................................................................... 112
7. Filesystem ......................................................................................................... 113
FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standardization) ....................................................... 113
Permissions ................................................................................................... 114
Linux file systems .......................................................................................... 116
Copy filesystems .................................................................................... 117
ISO file systems ............................................................................................. 117
Rock Ridge and Joilet ............................................................................. 117
Mount a ISO image ................................................................................ 118
Write ISO file system to a memory device .................................................. 118
Microsoft File Systems .................................................................................... 118
FAT ..................................................................................................... 118
NTFS ................................................................................................... 120
Fix permissions ...................................................................................... 122
Encrypted File Systems ................................................................................... 122
Encfs .................................................................................................... 122
Other encryption methods ........................................................................ 123
Network filesystems ....................................................................................... 123
NFS ..................................................................................................... 123
Links ............................................................................................................ 125
Symbolic links ....................................................................................... 126
Static links ............................................................................................ 126
Pipes and FIFO .............................................................................................. 126
Device files ................................................................................................... 127
Mount and umount ......................................................................................... 127

My Linux Book

bind mount ............................................................................................ 128

fstab ..................................................................................................... 128
AutoFs ................................................................................................. 129
Mount removable media .......................................................................... 129
Autorun ........................................................................................................ 129
udev ............................................................................................................. 130
udev rules ............................................................................................. 130
Advanced udev rules ............................................................................... 133
Proc ............................................................................................................. 135
Sys .............................................................................................................. 136
Hard disk ...................................................................................................... 137
DMA (Direct Memory Access) ................................................................. 137
Partitions .............................................................................................. 137
Defragmemt .......................................................................................... 138
Test programs ........................................................................................ 138
SMART (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) ...................... 139
CD and DVD ................................................................................................ 139
RAM disks .................................................................................................... 140
Floppy disks .................................................................................................. 140
Format .................................................................................................. 141
Mount .................................................................................................. 141
Floppy image files .................................................................................. 141
Files containing file systems ............................................................................ 142
Putting file systems onto SDcards ..................................................................... 143
Checksum ..................................................................................................... 143
MD5 Message-Digest algorithm 5 ............................................................. 143
SHA-1 and SHA-2 ................................................................................. 144
MD160 ................................................................................................. 145
Integrity of CD/DVD's ............................................................................ 145
File indexing ................................................................................................. 145
Duplicate files ............................................................................................... 145
Logical Volume Manager ................................................................................ 145
Device Mapper .............................................................................................. 145
Filelight ........................................................................................................ 146
Zip files ........................................................................................................ 146
atool ..................................................................................................... 147
bzip2 .................................................................................................... 147
gzip and gunzip ..................................................................................... 147
Tar ....................................................................................................... 147
unrar .................................................................................................... 148
Zcat ..................................................................................................... 148
Zip ....................................................................................................... 148
Unison .......................................................................................................... 148
Unison on the command line .................................................................... 149
Unison with Microsoft file systems ........................................................... 150
8. Networking ........................................................................................................ 151
Base64 ......................................................................................................... 151
Ethernet ........................................................................................................ 151
Network Interface names ................................................................................. 152
TCPIP .......................................................................................................... 153
TCP/IP packets ...................................................................................... 153
Setting up the TCP/IP connection .............................................................. 154
IP addresses and DHCP ........................................................................... 155
DNS ..................................................................................................... 156
Dynamic DNS ....................................................................................... 158
OpenNIC .............................................................................................. 158
DNS name server ................................................................................... 159
Network tools ........................................................................................ 159

My Linux Book

Networkmanager .................................................................................... 159

Wicd .................................................................................................... 160
Server configuration ............................................................................... 160
Sockets ......................................................................................................... 161
URL and URI ................................................................................................ 161
Wireless ........................................................................................................ 162
Device drivers ....................................................................................... 162
Wireless implementation under Linux ........................................................ 164
Tools to work with wireless connections .................................................... 166
regulatory db ......................................................................................... 166
Telnet ........................................................................................................... 167
Telnet client .......................................................................................... 167
Telnet server ......................................................................................... 167
SSH ............................................................................................................. 168
SSH Concept ......................................................................................... 168
SSH Server ........................................................................................... 168
SSH Client ............................................................................................ 169
SSH troubles ......................................................................................... 170
FTP ............................................................................................................. 170
Ftp servers ............................................................................................ 170
Ftp clients ............................................................................................. 171
Rsync ........................................................................................................... 171
Rsync in the console ............................................................................... 172
Rsync daemon ....................................................................................... 172
Mail ............................................................................................................. 172
ssmtp ................................................................................................... 172
Kmail, the KDE e-mail program ............................................................... 172
Evolution .............................................................................................. 173
Simple mail programs ............................................................................. 173
MIME .......................................................................................................... 173
Instant Messenger ........................................................................................... 174
Internet relay chat .......................................................................................... 174
RSS ............................................................................................................. 175
eD2k ............................................................................................................ 175
Webserver ..................................................................................................... 176
Apache ................................................................................................. 176
Lighttp ................................................................................................. 180
Ngnix ................................................................................................... 181
Web Statistics ........................................................................................ 182
LAMP .......................................................................................................... 182
PHP ..................................................................................................... 182
CGI ..................................................................................................... 183
FCGI and SCGI ..................................................................................... 185
Wsgi .................................................................................................... 187
SSI ...................................................................................................... 187
Ajax ..................................................................................................... 187
Access counters ..................................................................................... 188
htdig ............................................................................................................ 190
Wireshark ..................................................................................................... 191
Xinetd .......................................................................................................... 191
Samba .......................................................................................................... 192
I2C .............................................................................................................. 192
Different implementations ........................................................................ 192
Linux implementations ............................................................................ 193
lm_sensors ............................................................................................ 193
USB ............................................................................................................. 194
Installing USB ....................................................................................... 194
USB protocol ........................................................................................ 195

My Linux Book

Descriptors ............................................................................................ 196

9. Office ............................................................................................................... 199
Documents .................................................................................................... 199
Pdf ....................................................................................................... 199
Emacs .................................................................................................. 199
LibreOffice ............................................................................................ 200
Latex .................................................................................................... 202
Lyx ...................................................................................................... 203
Wiki ..................................................................................................... 203
Dokuwiki .............................................................................................. 204
Contacts ........................................................................................................ 206
Calculators .................................................................................................... 206
Printer .......................................................................................................... 207
Line printer ........................................................................................... 208
Cups .................................................................................................... 208
PDF printers .......................................................................................... 209
Printing from the command line ................................................................ 209
Printer troubleshooting ............................................................................ 210
Spell Checkers ............................................................................................... 210
SQL ............................................................................................................. 210
SQLite .................................................................................................. 210
MySQL ................................................................................................ 211
Korganizer .................................................................................................... 212
10. Graphics .......................................................................................................... 213
Dot .............................................................................................................. 213
Gnuplot ........................................................................................................ 214
Imagemagick ................................................................................................. 215
Gimp ............................................................................................................ 216
Daily work with Gimp ............................................................................ 217
Animated Gifs with Gimp ........................................................................ 217
Icons with Gimp .................................................................................... 217
Image maps for web pages ....................................................................... 218
Troubles ............................................................................................... 218
Inkscape ....................................................................................................... 218
Synfig 2D animation ....................................................................................... 219
Modeling 3D ................................................................................................. 219
File formats 3D ............................................................................................. 220
OpenScad ...................................................................................................... 220
Splitting into different files ...................................................................... 222
OpenScad libraries .................................................................................. 222
OpenScad Hints ..................................................................................... 222
Extruding 2D to 3D ................................................................................ 223
Variables .............................................................................................. 223
Animation ............................................................................................. 223
Blender ......................................................................................................... 224
The Blender windows ............................................................................. 224
Video sequence editor ............................................................................. 239
Node Editor ........................................................................................... 240
Movie clip editor ................................................................................... 241
Coordinate system .................................................................................. 241
Blender game engine .............................................................................. 241
Simulate physics .................................................................................... 243
Scripting Blender ................................................................................... 244
Povray .......................................................................................................... 244
CAD ............................................................................................................ 245
qcad ..................................................................................................... 245
Freemat ................................................................................................ 245
Scanner ........................................................................................................ 246

My Linux Book

Sane backend ........................................................................................ 246

Sane Frontend ........................................................................................ 246
Sphere cameras .............................................................................................. 246
11. XML .............................................................................................................. 249
Introduction to XML ....................................................................................... 249
XML tags ..................................................................................................... 249
Adding special characters to xml ...................................................................... 250
XML Namespaces .......................................................................................... 251
Doctype ........................................................................................................ 251
DTD ............................................................................................................ 252
XML Schema ................................................................................................ 253
RELAX NG .................................................................................................. 253
Working with XML ........................................................................................ 253
XmlStarlet ............................................................................................. 253
xmldiff ................................................................................................. 254
Html-xml-utils ....................................................................................... 254
XML2 .................................................................................................. 254
Validate xml .......................................................................................... 254
Docbook ....................................................................................................... 254
Docbook syntax ..................................................................................... 255
Docbook editing ..................................................................................... 260
Converting Docbook via Sgml utils ........................................................... 263
Converting Docbook via XSLT ................................................................ 264
XML as HTML evolution ................................................................................ 266
XHTML ....................................................................................................... 267
MathML ....................................................................................................... 267
Xpath ........................................................................................................... 268
Absolute path ........................................................................................ 268
Relative path ......................................................................................... 268
Wildchards ............................................................................................ 268
Publishing XML Documents ............................................................................ 269
XSL processing ...................................................................................... 269
Debugging XSLT ................................................................................... 270
XSL Stylesheets ..................................................................................... 272
Formatting Object .................................................................................. 278
Jade ..................................................................................................... 283
Cleanup XML ........................................................................................ 283
Other tools ............................................................................................ 283
Checks for having user friendly documents ................................................. 283
Stylesheets .................................................................................................... 283
Cascading Style Sheets ............................................................................ 284
DSSSL ................................................................................................. 286
Processing Instructions .................................................................................... 286
Processing XML in Python .............................................................................. 287
ElementTree .......................................................................................... 288
lxml ..................................................................................................... 288
SOAP ........................................................................................................... 288
XML alternatives ........................................................................................... 288
JSON ................................................................................................... 289
YAML ......................................................................................................... 289
World Wide Web ........................................................................................... 289
Browser ................................................................................................ 289
HTTP ................................................................................................... 290
HTML .................................................................................................. 291
Making html nicer .................................................................................. 292
The meta tags ........................................................................................ 293
Working with HTML .............................................................................. 293
Web analyzing tools ............................................................................... 295

My Linux Book

Making money with the web site .............................................................. 295

Search robots ......................................................................................... 295
Privacy ................................................................................................. 296
12. Multimedia ...................................................................................................... 297
Image formats ................................................................................................ 297
PPM ..................................................................................................... 297
GIF ...................................................................................................... 297
JPEG .................................................................................................... 297
SVG ..................................................................................................... 298
Sound formats ............................................................................................... 298
ALSA ........................................................................................................... 299
Setting up ALSA ................................................................................... 299
ALSA Mixer ......................................................................................... 303
Command line sound tools ....................................................................... 304
Capture audio ........................................................................................ 304
Jack ..................................................................................................... 306
Gui sound tools ..................................................................................... 307
Pulseaudio ..................................................................................................... 307
Audio CD ..................................................................................................... 308
Internet radio ................................................................................................. 308
Speech .......................................................................................................... 308
Festival ................................................................................................. 309
mbrola .................................................................................................. 309
Speech device ........................................................................................ 309
KDE speech tools ................................................................................... 310
Speech to mp3 ....................................................................................... 310
Music synthesizer ........................................................................................... 310
MIDI ............................................................................................................ 310
Sound Hardware ............................................................................................ 311
Video ........................................................................................................... 311
Container formats ................................................................................... 311
Video codecs ......................................................................................... 311
Video tools ........................................................................................... 312
avinfo ................................................................................................... 312
kdenlive ................................................................................................ 312
kino ..................................................................................................... 312
Compression techniques .......................................................................... 313
Setting up the hardware ........................................................................... 313
Video compression ................................................................................. 314
Video DVD ........................................................................................... 314
Rip a video DVD ................................................................................... 315
Blueray ................................................................................................. 315
Camera ......................................................................................................... 315
Webcam ....................................................................................................... 316
QuickCam 3000 Pro ............................................................................... 316
Thyphoon EasyCam ................................................................................ 316
Webcam applications .............................................................................. 316
IR cameras ............................................................................................ 317
Digital TV .................................................................................................... 317
Hauppauge WinTV Nova T USB .............................................................. 317
Configuring digital terrestrial tv ................................................................ 318
Measuring signal .................................................................................... 319
Record compressed video ........................................................................ 319
DVB-T Antennas ................................................................................... 319
Analog TV .................................................................................................... 320
No auto detected TV cards ....................................................................... 320
Analog cards ......................................................................................... 320
TV Applications ..................................................................................... 324

My Linux Book

EPG ............................................................................................................. 325

Nxtvepg ................................................................................................ 326
XMLTV ............................................................................................... 328
Frontends for XMLTV ............................................................................ 329
Internet TV ................................................................................................... 329
Media player ................................................................................................. 329
Mplayer ................................................................................................ 329
mpv ..................................................................................................... 331
kaffeine ................................................................................................ 332
Xine ..................................................................................................... 332
Gstreamer ............................................................................................. 332
VLC ..................................................................................................... 332
Media Server ................................................................................................. 332
Mediatomb ............................................................................................ 332
The client ............................................................................................. 335
Home theater ................................................................................................. 335
Mythtv ................................................................................................. 336
VDR .................................................................................................... 336
Oxine ................................................................................................... 338
Geebox ................................................................................................. 338
Mediasystem ......................................................................................... 338
Dreambox ............................................................................................. 338
Connection to the TV ............................................................................. 338
13. Outdoor and fun ............................................................................................... 341
Mobile phones ............................................................................................... 341
G2 ....................................................................................................... 341
G3 ....................................................................................................... 341
G4 ....................................................................................................... 341
Connections using xG phones ................................................................... 341
Bluetooth ...................................................................................................... 342
Bluetooth headsets .................................................................................. 343
Bluetooth connection to the phone ............................................................. 343
Gnome bluetooth .................................................................................... 344
Kdebluetooth ......................................................................................... 344
Other bluetooth software ......................................................................... 344
GPS ............................................................................................................. 344
GPS devices .......................................................................................... 344
The gps daemon gpsd ............................................................................. 346
The maps .............................................................................................. 346
Gpsbabel ............................................................................................... 346
Navit .................................................................................................... 348
gpsdrive ................................................................................................ 351
Google earth .................................................................................................. 351
QR codes ...................................................................................................... 352
Vcard ........................................................................................................... 353
Anki Flash Cards ........................................................................................... 353
eBook ........................................................................................................... 355
EPUB ................................................................................................... 355
Sigil ..................................................................................................... 356
Calibre ................................................................................................. 356
fbreader ................................................................................................ 356
Ebook-tools ........................................................................................... 357
Games .......................................................................................................... 357
Privateer ............................................................................................... 357
Gog ..................................................................................................... 358
14. Gentoo Linux ................................................................................................... 359
Gentoo fundamentals ...................................................................................... 359
Installing Gentoo .................................................................................... 359

My Linux Book

Some rules when working with Gentoo Linux ............................................. 360

The world file ........................................................................................ 361
System packages .................................................................................... 361
The package data base ............................................................................ 361
Emerge ................................................................................................. 361
Elogs .................................................................................................... 364
Virtual packages .................................................................................... 364
Slotted packages .................................................................................... 364
Package sets .......................................................................................... 365
Finding what has been installed ................................................................ 365
Portage ................................................................................................. 365
Portage tools ......................................................................................... 366
Use flags .............................................................................................. 366
eselect .................................................................................................. 368
Licenses ................................................................................................ 368
Mirrors ......................................................................................................... 369
Profiles ......................................................................................................... 369
Handling of Config Files ................................................................................. 370
etc-update ............................................................................................. 370
dispatch-conf ......................................................................................... 371
cfg-update ............................................................................................. 371
Overlays ....................................................................................................... 371
Repositories ........................................................................................... 372
Local overlay directories ......................................................................... 372
Layman ................................................................................................ 373
Overlays in GitHub ................................................................................ 373
Eix search in not installed overlays ........................................................... 374
Ebuilds ......................................................................................................... 375
Ebuilds in Portage .................................................................................. 375
Working with different version of an ebuild ................................................ 375
Creating an ebuild .................................................................................. 375
Installing ebuilds .................................................................................... 380
Install an ebuild using the command ebuild ................................................. 381
Debugging emerge and ebuilds ................................................................. 382
Record of the installation ......................................................................... 383
GLSA ........................................................................................................... 383
Gentoo internals ............................................................................................. 384
List of repetitive tasks ..................................................................................... 384
Keep computer updated ........................................................................... 384
Cleanup tasks ........................................................................................ 385
Backup data .......................................................................................... 385
Check disk space ................................................................................... 386
Checking dependencies ........................................................................... 387
Check unused useflags ............................................................................ 388
Advanced checks ............................................................................................ 388
Check log files ...................................................................................... 388
Check the disk health .............................................................................. 388
Check dangling symlinks ......................................................................... 388
Check init scripts ................................................................................... 389
Check old files ...................................................................................... 389
Check user accounts ............................................................................... 389
Clean user account ................................................................................. 389
Using Portage tools ................................................................................ 389
Troubleshoot ................................................................................................. 390
Program crashes or does not start .............................................................. 390
Boot errors ............................................................................................ 390
Emerge update failures ............................................................................ 391
Emerge wants to emerge stuff that you don't want ........................................ 394

My Linux Book

Emerging groups of ebuilds ..................................................................... 394

No keyboard and mouse in X after update .................................................. 394
Problems with after a gcc update .............................................................. 394
Python version conflicts .......................................................................... 395
No Internet connection after update ........................................................... 395
Dependency troubles ............................................................................... 395
Having done stupid things ....................................................................... 395
15. Programming .................................................................................................... 399
gcc ............................................................................................................... 399
C programming .............................................................................................. 400
The hello wold program .......................................................................... 400
Hello world split in two files .................................................................... 400
Interacting with the parent process ............................................................ 401
Integrated development Environments (IDE) ............................................... 402
Makefiles and make ................................................................................ 402
Debugging ............................................................................................ 404
Execution from the text console ................................................................ 405
Libraries ............................................................................................... 405
Clang ................................................................................................... 408
Python .......................................................................................................... 408
Python2 and Python3 .............................................................................. 409
How python finds its packages ................................................................. 409
Python documentation ............................................................................. 410
Python IDEs .......................................................................................... 410
Embedded python debugging .................................................................... 412
Python Programming .............................................................................. 412
Installing python packages ....................................................................... 420
Documenting Python ............................................................................... 421
Testing Python code ............................................................................... 422
Python on Gentoo Linux ......................................................................... 423
Python on Windows ............................................................................... 423
Distribute python code ............................................................................ 427
Accessing C code ................................................................................... 430
Python byte code ................................................................................... 430
Java ............................................................................................................. 430
Java hello world program ........................................................................ 432
Java hello world applet ........................................................................... 432
Netbeans ............................................................................................... 433
A deeper look inside java ........................................................................ 433
Javascript ...................................................................................................... 434
node js ................................................................................................. 437
Pascal ........................................................................................................... 437
Free Pascal ............................................................................................ 437
Gnu Pascal ............................................................................................ 438
Eclipse Pascal ........................................................................................ 438
Debugging Pascal ................................................................................... 438
TCL TK ....................................................................................................... 438
Csharp .......................................................................................................... 439
Basic ............................................................................................................ 439
Perl .............................................................................................................. 439
Ruby ............................................................................................................ 439
slibvga .......................................................................................................... 440
Matlab .......................................................................................................... 440
Scilab ................................................................................................... 440
Octave .................................................................................................. 441
Beautifiers ..................................................................................................... 441
Patches ......................................................................................................... 441
Doxygen ....................................................................................................... 442

My Linux Book

Create the documentation ......................................................................... 443

Doxygen Syntax ..................................................................................... 443
Graphic support ..................................................................................... 444
Build tools .................................................................................................... 444
Autotools .............................................................................................. 444
Scons ................................................................................................... 447
Waf ..................................................................................................... 448
Code analysis tools ......................................................................................... 448
Version control .............................................................................................. 448
Git ....................................................................................................... 448
CVS ( Concurrent Version System) ........................................................... 454
Other version control systems ................................................................... 456
Logging ........................................................................................................ 456
Eclipse ......................................................................................................... 456
Installing eclipse .................................................................................... 457
Installing eclipse plug-ins ........................................................................ 457
Working with eclipse .............................................................................. 458
Eclipse internals ..................................................................................... 458
Plugin development ................................................................................ 459
16. Emulation ........................................................................................................ 460
DOS ............................................................................................................. 460
DosBox ................................................................................................ 460
DosEmu ................................................................................................ 461
FreeDOS ............................................................................................... 461
Old software .......................................................................................... 462
VirtualBox .................................................................................................... 462
Guest additions ...................................................................................... 464
Run a ISO CD image .............................................................................. 464
Back to the past ..................................................................................... 464
Shared folders ........................................................................................ 464
USB devices .......................................................................................... 465
Using Serial port .................................................................................... 465
Running FreeDos ................................................................................... 465
Snapshots .............................................................................................. 465
Audio ................................................................................................... 466
Import and export VM ............................................................................ 466
Mounting Virtual Harddisks ..................................................................... 467
Virtual Box Networking .......................................................................... 468
Bochs ........................................................................................................... 468
Wine the Microsoft Windows API for Linux ....................................................... 469
HP41 Calculator ..................................................................................... 469
Remove applications ............................................................................... 470

List of Figures
1.1. Me .................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Root .................................................................................................................. 2
1.3. Tux ................................................................................................................... 3
1.4. Zombie .............................................................................................................. 3
1.5. GNU ................................................................................................................. 4
2.1. Bash debugger ................................................................................................... 21
3.1. firmware blobs .................................................................................................. 59
4.1. Firmware blobs ................................................................................................. 77
4.2. Fingerprint ........................................................................................................ 81
4.3. Smart Batteries .................................................................................................. 84
5.1. KDE cube ........................................................................................................ 95
5.2. Compiz cube ..................................................................................................... 99
5.3. Compiz screens ................................................................................................ 100
7.1. Filelight .......................................................................................................... 146
7.2. Unison ........................................................................................................... 148
8.1. USB ............................................................................................................... 163
8.2. Access counter ................................................................................................. 189
9.1. Latex ............................................................................................................. 202
9.2. Nonpareil ........................................................................................................ 207
9.3. Cupspdf .......................................................................................................... 209
10.1. DOT ............................................................................................................. 213
10.2. gnuplot ......................................................................................................... 214
10.3. Oven ............................................................................................................ 215
10.4. OpenScad ...................................................................................................... 221
10.5. 3D cube ........................................................................................................ 227
10.6. 3D manipulator .............................................................................................. 228
10.7. Object .......................................................................................................... 229
10.8. Putting boxes and cylinders together .................................................................. 230
10.9. blender units .................................................................................................. 230
10.10. Measure Add on ........................................................................................... 231
10.11. Mesh display ................................................................................................ 233
10.12. Node Editor ................................................................................................. 240
10.13. Anaglyph stereo ............................................................................................ 240
10.14. Logic Editor ................................................................................................. 242
10.15. Sensor ......................................................................................................... 242
10.16. Povray ........................................................................................................ 245
10.17. Povray ........................................................................................................ 245
10.18. Two circles .................................................................................................. 247
10.19. Sphere ........................................................................................................ 247
10.20. VLC and sphere videos .................................................................................. 248
11.1. Vex .............................................................................................................. 260
11.2. Conglomerate ................................................................................................. 261
11.3. Serna-free ...................................................................................................... 262
11.4. xslt debugging with eclipse .............................................................................. 271
12.1. Capture ......................................................................................................... 305
12.2. Playback ....................................................................................................... 305
12.3. Sound connectors ........................................................................................... 311
12.4. DVB antenna ................................................................................................. 320
12.5. PCTV ........................................................................................................... 321
12.6. SAA3134 ...................................................................................................... 323
12.7. Tvtime .......................................................................................................... 325
12.8. Aletv ............................................................................................................ 325
12.9. Nextview ...................................................................................................... 326
12.10. Mediatomb .................................................................................................. 333
12.11. Home theater ............................................................................................... 336

My Linux Book

12.12. Vdr ............................................................................................................. 337

12.13. Geebox ....................................................................................................... 338
13.1. Bluetooth daemon ........................................................................................... 342
13.2. Navilock ....................................................................................................... 345
13.3. Griess glacier ................................................................................................. 347
13.4. Navit gtk ....................................................................................................... 349
13.5. Navit Internal gui ........................................................................................... 349
13.6. Navit menu ................................................................................................... 350
13.7. Gpsdrive ....................................................................................................... 351
13.8. Google earth .................................................................................................. 352
13.9. QR-code pointing to .................................................................. 353
13.10. Privateer ...................................................................................................... 357
13.11. Privateer ...................................................................................................... 358
14.1. Cascading profiles .......................................................................................... 370
15.1. idle .............................................................................................................. 411
15.2. Windows Environmental Variables .................................................................... 424
15.3. scilab ............................................................................................................ 441
15.4. Eclipse Marketplace ........................................................................................ 457
15.5. Eclipse Install Software ................................................................................... 458
16.1. Sokoban ........................................................................................................ 461
16.2. Sokoban ........................................................................................................ 461
16.3. Keen ............................................................................................................ 462
16.4. Virtualbox and compiz is running Ubuntu and XP ................................................ 463
16.5. HP41 ............................................................................................................ 470

List of Tables
2.1. grep ................................................................................................................. 25
3.1. Unicode to UTF-8 .............................................................................................. 33
3.2. Signals ............................................................................................................. 51
7.1. Permissions ..................................................................................................... 115
10.1. Basic viewing commands ................................................................................. 226
11.1. Special characters ........................................................................................... 250
11.2. xpath ............................................................................................................ 268
15.1. gdb .............................................................................................................. 404
15.2. String methods ............................................................................................... 414

List of Examples
2.1. Test script .......................................................................................................... 8
3.1. Boot memdisk ................................................................................................... 36
3.2. system call ....................................................................................................... 55
3.3. fork ................................................................................................................. 56
5.1. Custom screen resolution .................................................................................... 93
7.1. Permission ...................................................................................................... 115
7.2. umask ............................................................................................................ 116
7.3. GUI mount NTFS ............................................................................................ 121
7.4. udev rule ........................................................................................................ 132
8.1. Access Counter ................................................................................................ 190
10.1. Dot .............................................................................................................. 213
11.1. XML ............................................................................................................ 249
11.2. DTD ............................................................................................................. 252
11.3. DTD in XML ................................................................................................ 253
11.4. Split docbook ................................................................................................. 258
11.5. Docbook ....................................................................................................... 263
11.6. XHTML ........................................................................................................ 267
11.7. xsl stylesheet ................................................................................................. 277
11.8. CSS in head tag ............................................................................................. 284
11.9. CSS link to file .............................................................................................. 285
11.10. CSS classes and ids ....................................................................................... 285
12.1. mplayer command .......................................................................................... 330
12.2. mplayer video example .................................................................................... 330
14.1. License blockage example ................................................................................ 369
14.2. ebuild variables .............................................................................................. 382
15.1. hello.c .......................................................................................................... 400
15.2. hello.c splitted ................................................................................................ 401
15.3. hello c function .............................................................................................. 401
15.4. Dynamic library ............................................................................................. 408
16.1. Mount vdi ..................................................................................................... 467

Chapter 1. Introduction
Why again an other Linux Book
The purpose of this book is to have all I have learned and use for the administration of my Linux
computers in one place.

It started as a couple of pages (in 2004) and got bigger and bigger over the years until it became a
book. After that the book became so big that I decided in 2016 to split it into different books. In 2017
I started to delete all what I'm not using or probably never going to use again.

I wrote my books mainly for myself, however in a open source world, it is also nice to give something
back to others and not always just profit.

The books originally referred mainly to Gentoo Linux using OpenRC https:// After splitting it into different books I try to get it less Gentoo Linux
specific to make my books more interesting to people not having Gentoo Linux.

This book has been written using docbook (pure xml). Docbook strictly separates semantics (content
meaning) from visual appearance. The docbook file is then converted into a visual presentation using
stylesheets. Therefore this section shows what Docbook tags are used, but the outcome, the visual
presentations depends on the stylesheet transformations. This means while I'm writing this text I do
not know how it will later look like. This text is converted in html as well as pdf and might look
therefore different. I use serna-free a WYSIWYG xml editor, so see one possible visual presentation
while I'm editing (except when I work in text mode).

About myself
I was born 1962 in Lucerne Switzerland.

Figure 1.1. Me

I grew up in Kriens and I'm also a citizen of Root an other village close to Lucerne.


Figure 1.2. Root

Later I became an electrical engineer, I joined an international company, where I developed many
years microelectronic circuitries. After that I got involved in product safety, environmental aspects of
electro mechanical equipment, their hazards, product certifications, standards and law. Since I work
just 80% additionally to join living, I find also some time to spend improving my electronics and
software know how and writing my books.

I speak Swiss German, German, Italian, English and learn currently Spanish.

By the way, this document is not written in bad US English nor bad UK Queens English, it is written
in good Swiss English! Sorry, but that's the best I can!

Some terms
What is Tux? If you have installed the kernel sources you will find Tux. Tux stands for Torvalds Unix.

/usr/src/linux/Documentation/logo.gif is where TUX is at home! It is the name of

the penguin, the symbol of Linux. To play with Tux use the game supertux it is something like super
Mario but with Tux instead Mario.


Figure 1.3. Tux

The administrator is called root and has its /root directory.

root means also / the top of the root file system

Don't be afraid, daemons are not living creatures that come out of some ventilation opening of your
computer. Daemons are regular programs usually started by the system and running in background
and doing rather friendly, magic and helpful stuff. Programs ending with a d character are probably
such daemons.

Zombies are dead processes that still appear. The reason that this can happen is the way processes are
started. A process, the parent process can start other processes, the child processes. Different than in
regular life the child processes die usually first. When a child process terminates, the kernel send a
signal SIGCHLD to the parent process, the parent process then has to ability and duty to check the
reason, why the child process has terminated (successful, error, ... ). During the time of termination
and checking of the parent, the child process lives further as zombie.

Figure 1.4. Zombie

Means New Be. N00b is somebody new to Linux, but probably has experience with Windows. The
n00b references, list common n00b problems (I had all of them so far).


Figure 1.5. GNU

He is not dressed up for carnival, it is the African gnu animal the symbol of
that has created all the necessary tools to enable the Linux world. In fact Linux is just the kernel and
without gnu the kernel source could not even be compiled. Gnu Linux would be the more precise
name for Linux.

SoHo is an area in London, but in computer literature it means Small Office & Home Office.

A word can be written as upper case lower case and CamelCase. Mostly spaces have to be avoided
during programming since it would be interpreted as two identifiers. Therefore everything is put to-
gether and the joints will get an uppercase character, whereas all other characters are lowercase.

Foo, bar and foobar

Often files as foo-1.0, bar-2.4.6. appear in the documentation. It looks that those words come from
abbreviations of words in English sentences containing the f word. Therefore I do not want to spend
time to find out the details. I consider Foo, bar and foobar as synonyms for real names and in my books
I use something as <your filename here> instead.

rc and init.d
rc can be understood as run commands. rc seems to come from runcom, from the MIT CTSS systems
that were around in 1965. runcom was a file containing commands to run. rc is also used for other
things as release candidate.

The .d in directory names probably means just directory.

A shebang under Linux is:


inside a script. Since this line has a leading # it gets ignored by most of the script interpreters. However
it has effect when the operating system loads the file to start it. During this loading it reads the line
and knows that it has to start it with the /bin/sh interpreter.

Using the manual pages
man<commando> prints out manual of the commando.


It looks for pages in the directories shown by echo $MANPATH

Q quits man (Don't use Ctrl Z since this stops it but leaves it in memory)

H brings up help for man

Ctrl Y scrolls up

man -k<command> shows sections of the manual page

man 1<command> shows the manual page in the user command section

The numbers are:

1 User (or shell) commands

2 System
3 c functions
4 File formats device files
5 Config files
6 Games
7 Miscellaneous
8 System administration
9 Kernel

After emerge xman on the console type xman a small window appears where you have to press the
Manual Page button, then an ugly window appears where you select search to find the page.

Man pages on the web

Instead of installing a program as xman to read the locally stored man pages, simply browse the web
for man <command>

Advantage: Nice browser environment, also man pages not installed can be read

Disadvantage: Might be out of date and not synchronized with your installation

Info pages
As man there are are also info pages.


Using documentation from the packages

In /usr/share/doc documentation about installed packages can be found.

/usr/src/linux/Documentation contains the Linux kernel documentation

A good way is looking what has been installed with the package.

Gentoo records this in /var/db/pkg

Gui tools as porthole show this nicely.

Gentoo has the doc useflag that controls if documentation is installed or not. There are also ebuilds
that do not install the documentation at all.


Therefore check in /usr/portage/distfiles and extract it somewhere or if there is no dist

file fetch it:

ebuild /usr/portage/sys-apps/sandbox/sandbox- fetch

There is also automatically generated documentation from the source as using doxygen. Install doxy-
gen. Go to the directory containing doxyfile and then type doxygen to create the documentation.

Writing your own man pages

Writing your own man pages can be done with every text editor. The filename is the topic followed
by a dot an the section number <mymanpage>.1. A special syntax is used to format the page man 7
man explains it or just open a man page with a regular editor and learn from it. troff escape sequences
that start with \ are used to format fonts

man troff or

man 7 groff

\- means print the - character

\fB means change to font B = bold

Avoid making empty lines, since this will create warnings later on. Then the page can be compressed to
gz archive <mymanpage>.1.gz or left as it is. Then the page is copied in Gentoo in the corresponding
section folder as: (/usr/share/man/man1)

Alternatively man pages can be created automatically from what they return from --help or -h after
installing help2man using a command as:

help2man<path to>/<the program> -o <the program>.1

or with suppressing link to info pages help2man -N -o gencfs.1

or include stuff going to stderr

help2man --no-discard-stderr -N ./<name of program> -o <name of program>.1

Automatic generation is the best way, since not much to do, little maintenance of the man page, guaran-
teed consistency. For details see: Finally test it man gencfs.1

The package man comes with man2html see man man2html how to convert a man page into html.

man2html does html but not xhtml.

man2html <name of man page>.1 > <name of man page>.html

Instead of the man package, man-db might be installed.

Chapter 2. Working in the Console
The Console
When using a "ready to go" distribution almost never a text console will pop up. So why taking care
about historic textural user interfaces?

If you want to see behind the scenes and discover why and how it behaves, this is probably why you
have chosen Gentoo, then you will be getting in contact with the text mode. It is hard to imagine that
Linux can be understood without having a knowledge about text mode working. This does not mean
you have to work without a graphical desktop. In fact you can open different consoles to let you easily
understand how Linux handles applications run in parallel. Unfortunately learning the text mode stuff
is dealing with historic inherited things. Additionally many system routines and programs in Linux
are bash scripts. Without understanding bash to some detailed level, it is not possible understand bash
scripts. Bash seems to be so simple and straight forward, why to read about it and and one minute later
you are completely lost, since you find lines as:

find /usr/bin -type l ! -xtype f ! -xtype d -ok rm -f {} \;

there is no way to understand the syntax without spending lots of time reading the manuals.

If you have a crashed X desktop, try pressing Ctrl Alt F1 and you might get a chance that just X has
crashed and you see a login prompt. Just login and try to kill the bad processes or do a shutdown -
h now.

There are actually different things, when you see text on your screen: bash, getty and console.

1. The commando interpreter bash (bash is a shell implementation and therefore the link /bin/sh
is a link pointing to /bin/bash) it runs in a console. So you use bash and might not be aware of
it! The file /etc/passwd defines on a user base, what commando interpreter is used. You could
have other commandos interpreters than bash, if you want to be a real Linux freak.

2. However before you can type in a command you have to login, this is done using a getty. There
are different getty's:

3. The original getty (not present on my computer)

4. The alternative Linux agetty

5. The mingetty that even allows automatic login of a user (used for Home theater).

Gettys are text based, but also graphical login X display manager as xdm, kdm, gdm and others do the
same. In the file /etc/inittab it is defined what getty is used.

1. In a graphical desktop environment as KDE there a numerous console programs where bash com-
mandos can be entered.

Finally all you type in and all you see, is connected to a teletypewriter (tty). What device file is involved
can be seen by simply typing the command tty.

If you run under X you get the pseudo and see /dev/pts/1

In the console you get: /dev/tty1

Console login
As described above gettys are responsible for the login. See also the booting and runlevels section
within this document.

Working in the Console

Type who to see who has logged in.

Toggling trough gettys:

In text mode

Alt F1 to F6

in X :

Crtl Alt F1 to F6

Ctrl Alt F7 brings back to X

To log out of a text console Ctrl D

To see on what terminal you work w, tty, who

Open console and check with tty what file you have. Oben other console and echo Hello > /dev/pts/0
Hello goes from one console to the other.

When opening a console in a desktop environment a new /dev/pts/<n> file is created that is also
reported when doing tty in that console. The pts dev files are pseudo terminal slaves that are linked
to /dev/ptmx as man pts describes.

Screen Manager
When connecting via ssh to a remote computer and then closing the ssh connection closes also the
terminal and stops what is in progress (as for gentoo updating using emerge on an remote embedded
device stops). Within the ssh console the program screen allows to connect to a local terminal (screen
session) using screen -S <name> and then detach Ctrl+d (or Ctrl+a followed by d), screen -ls shows
the sessions and session ID's and later on re-attach screen -r or screen -r <session ID>

Ctrl+a ? gives help

Working with bash

Test script
The following script is used in the following sections to test process id's and environmental variables.
Lets call it testscript:

Example 2.1. Test script

echo ===============================
echo This is the process with PID $$
echo ===============================
# Create a variables with unique name and value Start with
# Z so they are the latest in the alphabet.
eval $LocalScriptVarName=$$
cmd="declare -x $GlobalScriptVarName=$$"
eval $cmd

Working in the Console

# Create variables with common name and values.

declare -x ZGlobalVar=$$
# print the variables
eval "value=$cmd"
echo Local Script Variable: Name: $LocalScriptVarName Value: $value
eval "value=$cmd"
echo Global Script Variable: Name: $GlobalScriptVarName Value: $value
echo Local Variable: Name: ZLocalVar Value: $ZLocalVar
echo Global Variable: Name: ZGlobalVar Value: $ZGlobalVar
echo =====================================================
echo "Process PID $$ knows the global and local variables"
echo =====================================================
# get rid of some local variables
unset cmd
unset value
echo ===========================================
echo "Process PID $$ knows the global variables"
echo ===========================================
export -p
echo =====================================
echo Process PID $$ waits to be terminated
echo =====================================
# hang here to observe that this process is alive.
# kdialog creates a new process
msgtext="Click ok to terminate PID $$"
kdialog --msgbox "$(echo $msgtext)"

kdialog puts a graphic window under kde and the scripts will not terminate until the button
gets clicked.

Command line typing support

Bash offers some features that maybe unknown:

The tab completion helps to type in path names. Type in the first characters of the path and press
simply the tab button and bash finishes the rest or it beeps when multiple choices exist. If it beeps
press tab tab and you see all choices.

cat /etc/fs press tab button

cd /usr/src/ tab tab

Tab completion works also on commands since commands are files and tab completion con-
siders the contents of the PATH environmental variable: echo $PATH

Ctrl R followed behaves as tab but it shows the available commands.

history pops up a long list of commandos entered !<number> starts a previous typed in commend
!<number>:p pops it just up to be modified

Working in the Console

Starting and controlling processes

The programs in echo $PATH can be started by typing their name and pressing enter. Others, in-
cluding working directory must have the path included. For programs in the working directory type
./<program name>

PATH is a regular environmental variable, therefore different environmental variables exist.
So the PATH variable of some daemon process might be completely different from the PATH
variable that you see in the console.

Do start a program and put it in to background

<command> &

or to not get the text output

<command> > /dev/null &

after this the PID (Process ID) gets printed.

ps shows and confirms the running program in background and shows the PID

To put a running program in background Ctrl Z to suspend it, then type bg to put it in background.

It will still in memory and can be put back to front using the command fg. However what was printed
on the screen is lost. Without parameter fg brings back the last process put in background. To get an
other process to the front use fg with a parameter. However not the PID is used as parameter, it is
the job number instead.

jobs shows the job number, the job numbers start from 1 within each started session. To see both job
number and PID type jobs -l.

The jobs can be killed using the PID: kill -9 <PID>

To stop (or abort, quit, exit) a running process do Ctrl C.

If it does not react, then it might be crashed, so try to suspend it via Ctrl Z and than use kill.

There is also the dot command . <filename>. Dot is reading the file <filename> and executes
the commands found in it. The file <filename> does not have executable permission. An other
difference is that the script could do a cd to the caller shell.

Deskop environments have GUI's to see what is going on, how the processes come and go.

Using the previously defined test script type a couple of time:./testscript &

And observe it in your desktop environments GUI. Check the PID's. Test the commands jobs -l, fg, bg

Conditional processing
<command1> ; <command2> run first command1 then command2 using two
(<command1> ; <command2>) as above but with the same PID
<command1> & <command2> run command1 in background then command2
<command1> && <command2> run first command1 when OK then run command2
<command1> || <command2> run first command1 when not OK then run com-

Working in the Console

Running in an other directory

Programs run in the directory where they got started. To run them in an other directory (cd /opt/slic3r-
bin-1.3.0/ && ./Slic3r)

Special characters
. the current working directory

.. the directory above

/ the top most root directory or a subdirectory

~ the home directory of the user

> file creates a file then moves the output into this file and not to the screen

>>file appends the output to the file and not to the screen

2>file Error messages are rerouted to a file

>& Error messages and standard output are rerouted to a file

2>&1 Error messages are rerouted in standard output

<file Input comes from file not from keyboard

1 Standard output /dev/stdout

2 Standard error output /dev/stderr

0 Standard input /dev/stdin

& Standard output and standard error output together

1> is equal to >


./cmd 1>out.txt 2>err.txt

./cmd 1>>out.txt 2>>err.txt

ls -l > <filename>

less < <filename>

Using the vertical line character | the following sample shows how to print to a file and on the screen
at the same time (however first the complete output goes into the file and then the complete output
goes to the screen ):

ls | tee out.txt

The | character represents an unnamed pipe.

Wild cards
Wild cards let you select a group of files and directories. Using wild cards is a key feature in bash
scripts and therefore it is absolutely necessary to understand how they behave. There are two dedicated
characters for wild cards * and ?.

Working in the Console

1. The character * means any combination of characters. There is the exception that a dot . is not
allowed in the first position, so it excludes hidden files and directories. Also the directory character /
is excluded.

2. The character ? means a single character (inclusive . but exclusive /)

Example, ls prints out all the files in a directory. To show just the pdf files in the working directory
type ls *.pdf

However for a N00b or for one just working with GUI's, there will be many surprises:

1. The command ls * will give such a surprise. Not just the files are printed out but also the sub-
directories with even their content, but just down to one level.

2. The command ls .* is the next surprise the hidden files will be shown but also much more, even
hidden files of the directory above.

What is going on? What logic is behind?

To be sarcastic, bash can not handle wildcards (directly). Before bash executes the command line, it
replaces the wild cards in a previous step.

The outcome of that first step can easily be understood when you type echo * or echo .*. This shows
how bash resolves the wild cards. On this echo response, bash executes the ls command. So not just one
argument (directory or file) is passed to ls, a list of directories and files are passed to the ls command.
As an alternative type sh -x to enable some kind of debugging feature. After that, the next command
will be printed with the replaced the wild cards, then it executes the command. This way you can
observe the two steps.

See how it handles the working directory . and the directory above .. , so you understand the
strange directory up and down in the ls example. The characters . and .. are in the working
directory and therefore handled as they would be regular files.

Additionally bash lets you use any regular character as wild card by putting it into brackets [a]. The
command echo [a]* prints out all files and directories starting with an a. Or echo [ab]* prints out
all files and directories starting with an a or a b. Or echo [a-d]* can be used as a range. Or echo [!
a]* to print all files and directories except the ones that start with an a. The command echo [^a]*
is equivalent.

Conclusion to list the hidden files (and unfortunately the hidden directories) in the working directory
type ls .[!.]*. It is confusing isn't it?

Strings in Bash
Strings are put between "<string>" characters.

$ will be interpreted within the strings. To tell bash that those character have been taken as
regular characters they have to be marked '<character>' or the \ character has to be put

Watch out there is a difference between the ` the ' and the ' character.

Parameter substitution
Parameter substitution is used to manipulate with strings.

Working in the Console

It can have the following syntax:

${<name of variable><one or two characters><string>}

${<variable>:-<string>} The variable is returned except when it is empty

then the string is returned
${<variable>:=<string>} The variable is returned except when it is empty
then the string is returned and written in the empty
${<variable>:+<string>} String overwrites the variable except when the
variable was empty
${<variable>:?<string>} If variable is empty the script terminates and the
string appears on the screen
${#<variable>} Number of characters in the variable are returned
${<variable>#<string>} Returns the largest part of the variable that match-
es the string or the entire variable when not suc-
${<variable>##<string>} Returns the smallest part of the variable that
matches the string or the entire variable when not
${<variable>%<string>} Returns the largest part of the variable that match-
es the string looked from the right or the entire
variable when not successful
${<variable>%%<string>} Returns the smallest part of the variable that
matches the string looked from the right or the en-
tire variable when not successful
${!<variable>} Takes the string inside the variable and looks for
a variable that has this name, when found returns
its contents.

Brace expansion
Brace expansion can be used to create a list of strings:

echo string{x,y}{1,2,3}

Put the term in [ ] and $ in front and bash knows that it has to calculate:

echo $[1+2]

Command substitution
Command substitution follows the following two syntax possibilities:

$(<command >)



Watch out there is a difference between the ` the ' and the ' character. Therefore prefer the
first syntax.

Working in the Console


Puts not the string pwd into the variable a but the name of the working directory.

And now what it does. The command <command> is executed and produces a text that is interpreted
in the command containing this term.

It will fail when it is the only term in the bash line. The way out is using eval <some text to be
interpreted as command>

Often command substitution is used in a command:

<command1> $(<command2>)

<command1> does not use the <command2> as parameter. The $ character is used to execute <com-
mand2> first and then the result is(are) passed as parameter(s) to <command1>.

Bash scripts
Bash commands can be put into a text file and form a bash script. This way they can be started from
anywhere and everywhere. However first some things have to be made:

1. The file containing the bash script must have executable permission chmod

chmod a+x <scriptname>

2. The first line must have some magic characters to tell what interpreter has to be taken to run the
script. It is the path to bash.


For a python script it would be


Often the interpreter is called via /bin/env or /usr/bin/env to get a known environment as

#!/usr/bin/env python

Gentoo makes heavily use of the runscript instead of bash for the files in /etc/init.d.


The # character will be interpreted from bash as comment line.

Make use of a syntax sensitive editor when you write bash scripts.

3. And finally the file has to be found. Either call it with the full path /<path to script>/<mybash-
script>, as ./<mybashscript> or copy it where echo $PATH points. Even better, keep it where it
is, add a version number to the filename and create a symbolic link not having the version number
from a directory that is in the path .

Bash processes
As every process, the running bash has also a PID (Process ID). The PID of the running bash is stored
in the variable $ and can be seen typing:

echo $$


Working in the Console




5650 pts/1 00:00:00 bash

5683 pts/1 00:00:00 ps

Ore even better use a system monitor of your desktop environment.

And if you open an other window you will start a new bash process with an other PID. The PID's are
unique and can also be used in file names to create unique files: ls > tmp.$$ to avoid conflicts from
accidentally accesses by two processes running the same bash script.

Bash variables
Since exported bash variables are environmental variables and get read by the operating systems and
various programs not written in bash (as C and Python) it is fundamental to understand how they

Reading and writing Bash variables

Input can be done by putting the following line in a script

read a

Read stores all keys into the variable a and returns when CR is typed.

echo $a

prints the content of a. The $ sign is important to identify that it is a variable and not just the letter a.

Local bash variables

The following example shows well how bash variables behave:

1. Bash variables created as var=hello are just valid for that process (PID) and can not be read by
other programs

DO NOT PUT BLANKS AROUND THE =! and use an editor with syntax highlighting

2. To show the contents of such variables echo $var

3. Now type bash, this creates a child shell (that can well be observed in the process table).

4. Then type echo $var and nothing will be printed, since the child runs on an other process and var
did not got inherited (exported).

5. Type exit to quit the child shell and you are back in the original shell.

6. Type echo $var and hello pops up again.

7. Finally delete the variable by typing unset var.

8. Now type echo $var again, to verify that it has been deleted.

Working in the Console

Exported bash variables

The previous created variables are just available by the current running process and are therefore be
called local variable.

To see the variables you have type:

printenv or export -p or /bin/env

or set to get all including the local variable.

When a command, program or a bash script (or when you type bash to create a bash session depending
on the first) is started, a new PID is created and the previously assigned variables are no more available.
To prevent loosing the availability variables can be created as follows:

declare -x<variable name>=<value>

or exported when previously created:

export<variable name> or export<variable name>=<value>

Exporting means the child process gets a copy of the variable. If this variable gets overwritten
or deleted, just the copy gets modified and not the variable of the parent process.

Obviously but very confusing is when a local gets gets created with the same name as a non
exported variable or if a exported variable gets over written. Then multiple variables with
different values appear on the computer.
If a bash script wants to receive and be able to modify the variables from the calling shell, then it has
to be called adding . in front of it (.<name of script>). In this case no new PID is created. The
script has the same PID as the calling process.

Calling a script
To understand Linux, it is very fundamental and very important to understand what happens if you
call a script, this is the same as calling any other executable.

Open a console and observe it. Create a local and a global variable:


declare -x myglobalvar=global

Change the directory to where your test script is and type: ./testscript. Notice that a new process with
a different PID has been created. PPID holds the ID of the process that has called it. This allows to
build the tree. Just the local variables are there. When clicking to the close button it terminates its
process and returns back to the console. The test script has defined some variables, however non of
them is available in the shell that called them:

echo $ZGlobalScriptVar<PID>

echo $ZGlobalVar

echo $ZLocalVar

echo $ZLocalScriptVar<PID>

But the previously defined variables are still there there:

Working in the Console

echo $mylocalvar

echo $myglobalvar

exec <command> starts the bash command within the same environment and PID as the calling
process. The calling process is therefore terminated.

Open a console and observe it. Create a local and a global variable:


declare -x myglobalvar=global

Change the directory to where your test script is and type: exec ./testscript. Notice that the PID stays
and just the global variable is there. When clicking to the close button the console closes.

source <command> or its short form . <command> starts the bash command within the same envi-
ronment and PID as the calling process.

Open a console and observe it. Create a local and a global variable:


declare -x myglobalvar=global

Change the directory to where your test script is and type:

source ./testscript. Notice that the PID stays the same and both the local and the global variable are
there. When clicking to the close button it returns back to the console. The test script has defined some
variables type that are available now:

echo $ZGlobalScriptVar<PID>

echo $ZGlobalVar

echo $ZLocalVar

echo $ZLocalScriptVar<PID>

And also the previously variables are there:

echo $mylocalvar

echo $myglobalvar

Environmental variables
Environmental variables are exported bash variables that a process can read, but they are usually not
created by the running applications, they are part of the system environment. Even tough they are
usually created using bash they can be read, written and created by other programming languages as
C, python and what ever.

Samples of environmental variables are:

echo $PATH

echo $HOME


Working in the Console

echo $PWD

Some other variables give more info about the own running process, application and program:

$* or $@ all the command line parameters passed to the script (come back one by one)

$1 or (new syntax ${1} ) first command line parameter (

${10} is the 10st parameter)

$# number of command parameter passed

$0 name of the script

$? return value of last command called

$$ PID of the script (can be used as unique number)

$! PID of last background processing

However there are also bash variables accessible different processes and used to control the system as
the localization variables or more generally speaking the environmental variables.

Expanding Environmental variables

Environmental variables might be overwritten or not be expanded to a child process, so their previous
value is lost. But many times they contain something as a list of data items where an additional item
has to be added. The following as command or as put in a bash script appends a values to a list:


Setting environmental variables via /etc/env.d

The variables are in RAM and will be lost after a boot. To avoid that, Gentoo stores the contents
of the environment variables in the /etc/env.d directory. The program env-update (this is also
done automatically during emerge) takes all those files from /etc/env.d and creates /etc/pro-

Finally /etc/profile is a script called when bash starts. /etc/profile reads /etc/pro-
file.env and puts the variable in RAM of the current process.

To prevent that a new process with a new environment is created /etc/profile is started with the
source key word source /etc/profile or its short form . /etc/profile . Without the keyword source or
. the new created process would get the updated environmental variable but everything would be lost
when /etc/profile terminates.

There is also a hierarchy among the processes that can be viewed when for example pstree is typed
in. Some selected variables (declare -x or export) are inherited down wards the tree, therefore not
all processes will see that an new /etc/profile.env is created. Additionally env-update uses
ldconf to create files as /etc/ for the dynamic linker run time bindings. env-update
is a python script: /usr/lib/portage/bin/env-update env-update can be called manually
and is also called when emerge executes.

Setting bash variables per user

The script ~/.bashrc is called when a shell is opened and therefore setting environmental variables
can be initialized or changed there.

Working in the Console

Run not installed programs

Run something as the w3m html browser that is not installed (as from a usb stick) would fail since the
environmental variables do not contain the link to the binary and the libraries, so do:

HOME=/mnt/home/user LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/usr/lib /mnt/usr/bin/w3m www.exam-

The [ program
[ is actually a regular program, but obviously with a strange looking name. Type

and you will get

bash: [: missing `]'


whereis [

and it is 3 times on the PC:

[: /usr/bin/[ /usr/X11R6/bin/[ /usr/bin/X11/[

Check in /usr/bin and you'll find it. It does almost the same as the program test. [ has no man
page but man test (or info test) shows more about it and its syntax. The programs test and [ test an
expression (number, string, file) and exits with:

0 if the expression is true,

1 if the expression is false,

2 if an error occurred.

If you want to see what it exits


echo $?


echo $?

test a = a is equivalent to[ a = a ]. and suddenly the [ program does not look strange anymore. The
difference between [ and test is that [ wants as last parameter the ] character to look cool. take care
about the spaces since [ a = b ] will be interpreted as any other regular program <program name = "[">
<Parameter 1 = "a"> <Parameter 2 = "="> <Parameter 3 = "b"> < Parameter 4 = "]">. This explains


fails with

bash: [a=b]: command not found

Working in the Console

Using the program [ in bash scripts looks as it would be a part of the bash syntax (especially for the
if else conditional branches and loops), but this is not the case, it is a standalone program and can be
used in all kinds of situations.

Bracket overview
{} define a block

${} reference of a variable

[] index and arrays

$[] calculate contents => new syntax $(())

() arithmetic expression

$() String in brackets will be interpreted as command

Debug of bash scripts

Bash syntax can be so easy, but also so confusing. There are different options that might help.

Be more verbose
However there are different methods to know what will go on during a script runs.

You can force bash to print out every line that will be executed:

v shows what bash gets

x shows what bash makes with it

You can call

sh -vx to activate


sh +vx to make passive

Within a bash script you can activate it with the following script command:

set -vx

Instead of printing every line to the screen you can move it to a file:

sh -vx "nameofscript" 2>&1 | tee log.txt

Bash debugger
There is the bash debugger bashdb. See Just emerge bashdb and start
your script:

bashdb <bash script>

Type s to go step by step through your script.

Be aware, when you have enabled bashdb, then some other bash script (as used in emerge) that were
previously running without interruptions, might be stopped and showing the bashdb prompt. Just type
s until they restart.

It has a man page and some documentation is in /usr/share/doc

Working in the Console

or type

bash /usr/bin/bashdb <scriptname>


bash --debugger <script script-arguments>

if this fails then the link from bash to bashdb might be missing, so check where bash wants the bash

strings /bin/bash | grep


and if nothing is there, check where emerge bashdb has put this file and put a link (you might create
the missing directory before):

ln -s /usr/share/bashdb/ /usr/local/share/bashdb/

or to have a gui emerge ddd and call DDD as front end:

ddd --bash <script>

should start the debugger when it comes to this line

Figure 2.1. Bash debugger

Working in the Console

There's a bashlogger useflag to log all history commands. It should ONLY be used in restricted envi-
ronments to learn what is going on (or on honeypots to log attacks).

Bash configuration
Default settings are in /etc/inputrc that will be overwritten by ~/.inputrc when present.

See man readline to understand the contents of those two files.

The more bash oriented configuration is in /etc/profile, again ~/.profile will overwrite
when present. /etc/profile is a script that looks into /etc/bash/bashrc and /etc/pro-

The Linux login gets the default shell passed, in case of bash, the bash configuration scripts are started
at login.

Users have ~/.bashrc where command can be added that are started when a shell opens.
~/.bash_history remembers all commands typed in (up/down arrow make use of it)
~/.bash_logout is run when a shell closes and ~/.bash_profile is sourced by bash for
login shells.

Working with Windows

To use a Windows computer to communicate with a Linux computer using Telnet or SSH a program
as putty.exe from is required. Telnet is simple
but not considered to be safe enough, so usually SSH (Secure Shell) is used to log into the Linux
computer and having a working console.

Required is:

1. Name of the Linux computer where you have an account

2. User name

3. Password

Copy files between the windows computer and the Linux computer needs something on the windows
computer. The easiest way is using a program as winscp down-loadable at and use
SCP (Secure Copy) for that. Winscp resolves many more issues, since it is a file manager and allows
deleting, creating, editing files and synchronizing directories between the two computers. The two
programs putty.exe and WinSCP.exe run directly without the hassle of installing them under win-
dows. So no administrator rights are required on the Windows PC.

Now in the 21st century computers have graphical user interfaces (GUI). However if something goes
wrong, you can find yourself in front of a text console and now?

Additionally embedded devices can have Linux inside and offer a console! Dedicated PC's for servers,
routers, or multimedia boxes should not have too much functionalities for reasons of security and
maintenance effort, therefore a text console for maintenance might be the way to go.

It is not the idea here to give a complete list of all commands, this would create a book on itself
and would not be very useful, since simply typing man <command> does it better. Knowing the
commands, bash scripts can be written.

Working in the Console

Midnight commander
The midnight commander mc is similar to the DOS Norton Commander.

To have mouse support start gpm and use a terminal that can deal with this as xterm

When working under X11, use terminal that supports the mouse as konsole.

lxterminal does not support the mouse and conflicts with the F10 key. However the F10 key feature
in lxterminal can be switched off.

To enable exiting to latest working directory, put this into your ~/.bashrc

. /usr/libexec/mc/

Text Web browser Links

In text mode you can even browse around the Internet and download files using links the text based
web browser. Within links press ESC to get the menu. An other text based browser is lynx. To down-
load something from the web use wget<url>

to show contents of a text file. Use cat instead of opening files in /proc

cat /proc/cpuinfo (shows you the bogomips of your computer)

Since such files are not real, they can crash a text editor => result text editor will never finish to open
the file.

Copy this into a shell and type return

cat > << "EOF"


echo "Hello World"


Now you have a file and run it:


Looking at the details, since no input file is given cat takes the console and routes it into the output
file until EOF is read.

change directory.

is the copy command. The

cp -arT <directory 1> <directory 2 >

copies directory 1 to directory 2 and makes an exact copy including subdirectories, links, owner rights.

Important options are:

Working in the Console

-p (preserve) to keep owner timestamp and so on

-r (recursive) to copy also contents of subdirectories

There is also rcp (remote copy available).

Cut can be used to cut out text coming from a pipe. It can therefore be used to format things derived
using grep. A line of text is considered to have text fields with the TAB delimiter. The -d option allows
to use an other character as =. The -f <n> defines the field not being cut (n>0).

Per default dd reads raw bytes from stdin and writes them to stdout and allows some formatting and
conversion. The dd options if and of are passed to read from a file and write to a file instead.

Instead of reading a file also a device can be given, so commands as:

dd if=/dev/hda3 of=/backup/mybackup-07-July-08-hda3.bak.dd

write an entire disk and save them to a file.

A classic example is reading the master boot record:

dd if=/dev/hda of=/backup/mbr.bak bs=512 count=1

and restore it:

dd if=/backup/mbr.bak of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1

Often dd is also used for other kinds, when the whole data has been read see MD5 checksum verifi-

To find a file

find <path where to look> -name <filename>

But also other criteria than the file name can be selected. Look for files in the users directory that
belong to root.

find ~ -group root

Look for files larger than 100MBytes

find ~ -size +100M

To see files in home directory that got modified within the last 10 min

find ~ -mmin -10

To see files created more than 1 year ago

find ~ -mtime +365

To see files accessed more than one year ago

find ~ -atime +365

Working in the Console

And now a challenge

find /usr/bin -type l ! -xtype f ! -xtype d -ok rm -f {} \;

It looks in the /usr/bin directory and makes some tests, since no operators are given all test have and
operators meaning all test need to be true. -type l tests if the file is a link. The following tests need
their result to be inverted, this is done with the ! sign put in front. So ! -xtype f gets true if the link
found by -type l does not point to a regular file and -xtype d if it does not point to a directory. Finally
-ok<command> ; runs a command requiring the user to confirm it with a y. The {} characters are
replaced by the file found. The \ character is an escape charter to prevent the shell to interpret the ;

lets you print out just certain lines of a file. Example find errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log

grep -n3 "(EE)" /var/log/Xorg.0.log

or in a combination wit cat

cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep bogo

Or to find in files grep -rnw '<path>' -e '<text>'

The options are:

Table 2.1. grep

n number of lines before and after to be printed
C As n but without line number
A number of lines after to be printed
w Match whole words only

to list the stuff in a directory.

ls -l or ls -la including hidden files

gives you a nice list with file details. The first character identifies what it is:

- regular file

d directory

l link

p pipe (or FIFO)

s socket

c character device

b block device

To list all files and directories that have the name ebuild and go recursive into the subdirectories:

ls -R Urs/ApplicationData/overlay/ | grep ebuild

This are two commands connected via pipe, the ls command prints everything out and the grep filters.

Working in the Console

more or less
Commander Data from Star Trek does not need the programs more and less, since he is able to read
faster than the computer puts text on the screen. He would type cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log and would be
able to read and remember all the lines.

Regular human beings would miss the first lines, so they can type:

more /var/log/Xorg.0.log or less /var/log/Xorg.0.log. The command less is more advanced than the
command more and therefore called less, it allows you to scroll back. Q quits from everywhere. Both
more and less can be used with other programs as. An other example how to use less:

ls /dev -l |less

Note to the insiders: The program man is configured to use the program less.

An alternative is using a video camera and record a movie on the things that come to the screen too
fast. It is the only way to get the text that BIOS puts to the screen when it boots.

Move files or rename them. The -f option allows to overwrite files that have the same name.

rm and rmdir
Two different commands exists:

The command rm removes files what basically means delete them. A useful option is -i that asks
before it does the delete.

To delete directories, the directories must be empty before rmdir removes them. There is the --ig-
nore-fail-on-non-empty option to make the damage.

strings - print the strings of printable characters in file. It is a hacker trick to find e.g. expected paths
in programs.

strings /bin/bash | grep


Shows where bash expects the bashdb scripts to be.

Tail can be used to see the last lines of a file. It is useful to observe what the message logger writes:

tail -f /var/log/messages

time <command> executes <commend> and returns the time it used.

To see about your computer (Linux, cpu, ....) type:

Working in the Console

uname -a

Linux sempron 2.6.21-gentoo-r4 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Jul 23 09:11:32 CEST 2007 i686 AMD
Sempron(TM) 3000+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux

Or to see just the Kernel version

uname -r


and might be used in script programs dealing with the kernel.

Watch executes a program periodically (default 2 seconds). Example to see live what is going on
watch grep \"cpu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo.

sed is a stream editor. This sounds scary in the WYSIWYG GUI world see https://devmanual.gen- or There are rea-
sons why bother with something that looks rather nostalgic and has not even mouse support and a
menu bar:

1. sed takes all of its inputs from stdin a pipe can be used to feed it. So if called it freezes in the
console. Therefore call it best with a file so an EOF comes.

2. sed can be called from scripts

A good introduction is

sed is called as:

sed <options> '<command>' <inputfile>

The single quotes are not necessary but strongly recommended so that the shell never tries to expand it.

sed works as follows:

1. It takes the input file and the commands from stdin

2. It reads a line and stores it into its internal pattern buffer

3. It executes the command to the internal pattern buffer

4. It puts the result inside the internal pattern buffer to stdout (Note: The input file will not be modified
except the -i option is added).

5. It goes to step 2 until the end of the file has been reached

Filtering certain lines

Of course there are options to limit the commands just to certain lines.

A single line:

sed <options> '<linenumber><command>' <inputfile>

A range of lines:

Working in the Console

sed <options> '<first line>,<last line><command>' < inputfile>

A regular expression:

sed '<regular expression><command>' <inputfile>

All lines from a first regular expression to a second regular expression.

sed '<first regular expression>,<second regular expression><command>'

< inputfile>

Sed Commands
d delete

p print

s/<find>/<replace>/g find a string and replace it globally

sed 's/\t/ /g' <inputfile> > <output file> replaces tab characters with a blank

sed -i 's/<xxx>/<yyyy>/g' <file> replaces xxx with yyyy in a file

Sed Options
-n usually all lines if not deleted will be printed. -n does just print the lines that match the -p command.

Regular expressions
Regular expressions are used to check strings for a certain criteria. Be aware that it is up to the software
developer to support regular expression, but also to create them or even deviate from the following
regular expressions.

Character description
^ Matches the beginning of the line

$ Matches the end of the line

. Matches any single character

* Will match zero or more occurrences of the previous character

[ ] Matches all the characters inside the [ ]

/./ Will match any line that contains at least one character

/../ Will match any line that contains at least two characters

/^#/ Will match any line that begins with a '#'

/^$/ Will match all blank lines

/}^/ Will match any lines that ends with '}' (no spaces)

/} *^/ Will match any line ending with '}' followed by zero or more spaces

Working in the Console

/[abc]/ Will match any line that contains a lowercase 'a', 'b', or 'c'

/^[abc]/ Will match any line that begins with an 'a', 'b', or 'c'

Ranges of characters

[:alnum:] Alphanumeric [a-z A-Z 0-9]

[:alpha:] Alphabetic [a-z A-Z]

[:blank:] Spaces or tabs

[:cntrl:] Any control characters

[:digit:] Numeric digits [0-9]

[:graph:] Any visible characters (no whitespace)

[:lower:] Lower-case [a-z]

[:print:] Non-control characters

[:punct:] Punctuation characters

[:space:] Whitespace

[:upper:] Upper-case [A-Z]

[:xdigit:] hex digits [0-9 a-f A-F]

Localization deals with all around languages other than US English.

An example shows how names of locals are composed:

ab_CD where ab is your two (or three) letter language code (as specified in ISO-639) and CD is your
two letter country code (as specified in ISO-3166).

Locals can be found at /usr/share/locale it is wise to use just the ones being there!

locale prints a list of language relevant variables to the Konsole.

LC_ALL Define all locale settings at once. This is the top

level setting for locales which will override any
other setting. (can also be empty "LC_ALL= ")
LC_COLLATE Define alphabetical ordering of strings. This af-
fects e.g. output of sorted directory listing.
LC_CTYPE Define the character handling properties for the
system. This determines which characters are seen
as part of alphabet, numeric and so on. This also
determines the character set used, if applicable.
LC_MESSAGES Programs' localizations for applications that use
message based localization scheme (majority of
Gnu programs, see next chapters for closer infor-
mation which do, and how to get the programs,
that don't, to work).

Working in the Console

LC_MONETARY Defines currency units and formatting of currency

type numeric values.
LC_NUMERIC Defines formatting of numeric values which aren't
monetary. Affects things such as thousand sepa-
rator and decimal separator.
LC_TIME Defines formatting of dates and times.
LC_PAPER Defines default paper size.
LANG Defines all locale settings at once. This setting
overwrites the individual LC_* settings above ex-

Since those variables are regular bash variables look also in the bash section

and try out echo $LC_ALL

Type the following to have your changes saved:

(For system-wide default locale:)


LC_ALL=”<your locale>

env-update && source /etc/profile

or to have it available next boot add it to /etc/env.d/02locale

(For user-specific locale:)

source ~/.bashrc

and the result goes to ~/.bashrc

There is also LINGUAS variable to be set in /etc/make.conf that lets some newer applications
(as OpenOffice) know that you want more than just English. Add therefore to /etc/make.conf the
following line:

LINGUAS="en de it"

emerge kde-i18n gives support to kde for localization.

Let glibc know what locales you want to use on your system by editing /etc/locale.gen. If you
don't do this, the glibc will build all locales available and will use much time and the necessary disk
space for that.

Verify that you have supported combinations by looking at the file /usr/share/i18n/SUP-

Then run locale-gen.

Chapter 3. System
Character encoding
Codes seven bits to the most commonly used characters and non printable characters. The non print-
able characters serve as functions used by the early textural user interfaces and data framing. The
assignment of the number to characters has been done with the following in mind:

1. The lowest numbers are for the non printable characters

2. Number characters can be easily converted to ASCII by adding an offset of 0x30

3. Lower and upper case letters differ just in bit 6. Bit 6 set, means lower case.

In a ASCII text files a line breaks has to be put where a line ends. The Linux style is to put a single line
feed character (LF 0x0a or in C \n) for that. But Microsoft style puts two characters for that carriage
return (CR 0x0d or in C \r) and line feed (LF 0x0a). Therefore when passing a Linux style text file to
the Microsoft world, the whole file appears in a single text line. On the other hand Microsoft ASCII
files look correct under Linux. Linux editors can make a mess when opening a Microsoft file and end
up with both styles inside. On the other hand Microsoft editors behave strange when they open a file
with Linux style. They might ignore the line-brakes, or put little squares in or do it correctly.

Soon people wanted to have more characters. Many localized conflicting characters tables got invent-
ed. Finally UTF8, that is upward compatible to ASCII, has been introduced and the conflicting char-
acter tables should not be used anymore.


Higher 3 bits 000 001 010 011

Lower 5 bits
0 0000 NUL space @ (commercial at) ` (grave accent)
0 0001 SOH ! (examination A a
0 0010 STX “ (quotation mark) B b
0 0011 ETX # (number sign) C c
0 0100 EOT $ (dollar sign) D d
0 0101 ENQ % (percent sign) E e
0 0110 ACK & (ampersand) F f
0 0111 BEL ' (apostrophe) G g
0 1000 BS ( (left parenthesis) H h
0 1001 HT ) (right parenthe- I i
0 1010 LF * (asterisk) J j
0 1011 VT + (plus sign) K k
0 1100 FF , (comma) L l
0 1101 CR - (hyphen, minus M m


0 1110 SO . (full stop) N n

0 1111 SI / (solidus) O o
1 0000 DLE 0 P p
1 0001 DC1 1 Q q
1 0010 DC2 2 R r
1 0011 DC3 3 S s
1 0100 DC4 4 T t
1 0101 NAK 5 U u
1 0110 SYN 6 V v
1 0111 ETB 7 W w
1 1000 CAN 8 X x
1 1001 EM 9 Y y
1 1010 SUB : (colon) Z z
1 1011 ESC ; (semicolon) [ (left square { (left curly brack-
bracket) et)
1 1100 FS < (less-than sign) \ (reverse solidus) | (vertical line)
1 1101 GS = (equals sign) ] (right square } (right curly
bracket) bracket)
1 1110 RS > (greater than ^ (circumflex ac- ~ (tilde)
sign) cent)
1 1111 US ? (question mark) _ (low line) DEL

Once there was 7bit ASCII and all where happy. With 7 bits, 128 characters could be printed. But
there are 8 bits and people wanted more:

1. Add a few native language characters ö ä ü

2. Graphical characters to print some kind of graphics on the character terminal.

3. Smilies and Symbols

4. Japanese, Chinese, Korean....

This lead to many different 8 bit character sets, whereas all relevant sets had the 128 characters
common to the original ASCII set. There was obviously a need to standardize those character sets
and many standards got created. ISO-8859 [
MA-ST/Ecma-094.pdf] has different parts and defines such sets or character formats, Microsoft uses
the term codepage for it.

Unicode ISO10646 defines an universal character set that assigns a numbers to all characters available.
Obviously 1 Byte containing 8 bits can not be used for such large numbers, so an encoding is necessary.

One approach is UTF-16 used by Microsoft that uses simply two bytes for each character. This has
many disadvantages:

1. 0 in the data could be interpreted as EOF and terminating an running low level routine by an ap-
plication not dealing with UTF-16.

2. Memory will be doubled even when writing pure English and not using more than 7bits.

3. Limit to 65'535 characters


UTF-8 is an way to improve this overhead and has a maximum of 2097152 characters (Unicode has
a lower limit of maximum 1.114.112 characters (U+0000 bis U+10FFFF) but just 109.449 characters
are currently assigned). In UTF-8 a character will require dynamically 1 to 4 Bytes, this has the disad-
vantage that a UTF-8 file needs to be sequentially read and parsed. The 7bit ASCII are equal to UTF-8
so pure ASCII files are identical to UTF-8 files. The encoding can be best understood by looking at
the following table:

Table 3.1. Unicode to UTF-8

unicode character number binary coding
0x0 .. 0x7F (0.. 127) 0xxxxxxx 1 byte character identical to 7 bit
0x80 .. 0x7FF (128..2047) 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx 2 byte characters
0x800...0xFFFF (2048..65535) 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 3 byte character
0x1000..0x1FFFFF 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 4 byte character
(65535..2097151) 10xxxxxx

The close relationship and compatibility looks good, however might create suddenly bad
software crashes, when a program thinks it gets ASCII but then UTF-8 comes.

UTF-8 uses the 8th most significant bit to indicate that more than one Byte is required for the
character. Every byte belonging to an non ASCII character has bit 7 set to 1, so if the sequence
in reading would be corrupted, no wrong interpretation of ASCII characters would occur.
For changing the encoding of filenames, app-text/convmv can be used.

Example usage of convmv

emerge --ask app-text/convmv

(Command format)

convmv -f<current-encoding> -t utf-8 <filename>

(Substitute ISO-8859-1 with the character set you are converting from)

convmv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8<filename>

For changing the contents of files, use the iconv utility, bundled with glibc:

Example usage of iconv (substitute iso-8859-1 with the charset you are converting from)

(Check the output is sane)

iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8<filename>

(Convert a file, you must create another file)

iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8<filename> > <newfile>

app-text/recode can also be used for this purpose.

An other application is app-text/recode to convert from ISO-8859-15 (also known as Latin-9) to UTF-8
do recode l9..u8 <my>.xml

Having UTF-8 enabled, does not mean that your computer finds all the fonts required. Fonts
and character encoding is not the same!


A problem when having so many characters is to find what number corresponds to what character. A
link to help is or

Sending out 0x07 the bell character or using C printf("\a"); (a stands for alert) or echo -e '\a' or
echo -ne '\007' (-e interprets the \ character) should make a beep. However this might fail, since the
loudspeaker is a device and in a multi user system as Linux there might be no permission to beep.

There is also a package called beep, after installing it beep can be tested in the console. As beep -h
or man beep shows, beep has some options

Especially in a desktop environment it might happen that the root console can beep but the
user console not. A way out is using the sound card and do aplay <soundfile>
Finally there needs to be the kernel module pcspkr that controls the speaker.

Computers are digital and can therefore just distinguish for a bit between two conditions. Various
synonyms are possible for the condition of a digital signal:

1. 1 and 0

2. true and false

3. set and reset

4. or for the hardware people low and high

To deal with bits, sequential bits are grouped together:

Number of bits Name Combinations Commonly used for

4 nibble 16 Hexadecimal character
8 byte 256 ASCII character
16 word 65536 Integer numbers

The 16 bit combinations the following characters are assigned:

Bit combination Representing char-

Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 2
0 0 1 1 3
0 1 0 0 4
0 1 0 1 5
0 1 1 0 6
0 1 1 1 7
1 0 0 0 8
1 0 0 1 9


1 0 1 0 A
1 0 1 1 B
1 1 0 0 C
1 1 0 1 D
1 1 1 0 E
1 1 1 1 F

The human brain has to remember just 16 combinations to convert a nibble to a bit sequence. A byte
contains two nibbles and instead of representing it as a decimal number, it can be represented as two
nibbles and therefore two hexadecimal numbers.

Observing a memory dump or any file (as an example to see character encoding) ghex to have a hex
editor or a simple hex converter, to start type ghex2.

Alternatives are: lfhex, hexer, hexedit, hexcurse, wxhexeditor.

Mysterious things can be observed:

1. carriage return (cr) line feed (lf) or carriage return (cr) only (=Unix style) at line ends

2. tabs or spaces used

3. utf-8 character encoding

The BIOS (Basic Input Output System) is located in a memory chip of the motherboard and is the
program that is started when the PC boots. It performs checks and signals failures with beeps but
also puts error codes to the IO port address 80 that can be captured using special PC cards. After a
successful boot, it looks for a disk drive as a hard disk and reads there the 512 Byte big Master Boot
Record (boot sector) and starts it. This program from the 512 Byte boot sector then can read a partition
and load more code into memory and then start it. Boot loaders as Grub will get alive like this.

Boot loaders are therefore limited to understand partition schemes (MBR) and reading filesystems.
Therefore it is common for a simple Linux system to have 2 partitions.

/dev/sda1 the boot partition about 128MByte size ext2 formatted to hold the bootloader and the Linux
kernels to be read and loaded by the boot loader.

/dev/sda2 then is better more advanced as ext4 formatted and can hold all the data and is called the
root partition.

More partitions can be added as a swap partition. However in the time of having SSD swapping to SSD
might not be desired. It should also be noted that a swap file can be used instead of a swap partition.
Often the swap partition is /dev/sda2 so the root partition will be /dev/sda3. It is also common to split
the root partition into more partition or having more than on physical drive (a SSD drive and a big
hard disk).

BIOS update
No Floppy drive, no CD drive (or BIOS does not support it), no Windows, no DOS just Linux and
the BIOS update comes with a DOS program?

Download (and unzip) a boot-able floppy image as from


To create a boot-able floppy image yourself you should have a computer with a floppy disk drive.
But having a floppy disk drive makes updating the BIOS easy and the following steps would not be
necessary. However the time will come when you probably do not have a floppy disk drive anymore
and storing the created floppy image is much easier than storing historic computer hardware. Therefore
here the instructions. Create or find a bootable floppy disk. If you do not have a Microsoft operating
system available, then use alternatives as the CD from When having a boot-
able floppy it can be converted into a floppy image file: cat /dev/fd0 ><name of floppy image>

Copy the floppy image to /boot and add the following to your grub.conf:

Example 3.1. Boot memdisk

root (hd0,0)
kernel /memdisk
initrd /<name of floppy image>

Note: /boot/memdisk might be necessary in the path, depending how your Linux is setup

memdisk is the floppy emulator and can be obtained by emerge syslinux and cp /usr/share/syslin-
ux/memdisk /boot.

Now its worth to try out FreeDOS, boot it and you should find yourself in DOS. When done, the good
old Ctrl Alt Del brings you back.

Reboot the PC in Linux and add the BIOS update utility to FreeDos. To do this create a mounting
point mkdir /mnt/floppy and mount the image:

mount -o loop /boot/<name of floppy image> /mnt/floppy

Now cd /mnt/floppy and copy the DOS BIOS utility (e.g. AWDFLASH.EXE) and the new BIOS (e.g.
M2N-SLI-Deluxe-1701.BIN or rename it to have it DOS style 8 characters and character extension)
to the floppy image. Check where the floppy is mounted cat /etc/mtab and then unmount it umount /
dev/loop<n>, reboot from FreeDos and update the BIOS.

When done it is wise to mount -o loop /boot/boot/<name of floppy image> /mnt/floppy and
delete the BIOS update utility from there, since updating BIOS is a critical task that can badly hurt
your PC when it crashes, or gets interrupted by a power failure.

If BIOS update was successful but the motherboard does not start, try to reset the CMOS setup as
documented in the motherboard manual or remove the battery.

Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) replaced Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) and
therefore the classic BIOS.

The partition is GPT this means GUID Partition Table and GUID stands for Globally Unique Identifier.

Instead of a boot sector, UEFI is able to read a FAT 32 formated file system acting as the EFI system
partition (ESP). There is no mystery about the ESP it is just a FAT32 formated partition on a GTP
disk with its boot flag turned on. Unfortunately FAT32 does not support symlinks.

The BIOS has boot entries that point to efi applications in the ESP (boot partition formatted with FAT
32). Typically there is a efi directory in the ESP where every efi application has its own subdirectory.
Since the ESP is after booting mounted to /boot those efi applications appear as /boot/efi/


1. UEFI applications are usually boot loaders as grub (acting as efi application) that will find on
the ESP the kernels to be loaded. /EFI/gentoo/grubx64.efi on the ESP or /boot/EFI/
shell/grubx64.efi on the root file system is the grub executable.

2. UEFI can boot directly a Linux kernel that is compiled as stub kernel knowing all its boot parameter
as where the root filesystem is and therefore having the need of a boot loader obsolete.

3. An other efi application is the efi shell where its source code can or binary can be obtained https://

The binary can then be added to /EFI/shell/<binary>.efi on the ESP or /boot/EFI/

shell/<binary>.efi on the root file system.

Some BIOS versions have nice gui support to deal and create those boot entries other have
nothing. If there is no boot entry to boot from a hard disk then booting from a hard disk is
not possible. In such cases a boot entry must be done in the motherboards BIOS non volatile

A nice gui BIOS might be nice to look at but might not do what is desired. It might also be
picky to accept path names as /EFI/gentoo/grubx64.efi and accept just paths as /

It is possible to communicate after a EFI boot (not a CSM boot) with EFI via the EFI Variables.
This requires the Kernel settings Pseudo File System > EFI Variable filesystem. The kernel module
might be required to be loaded modprobe efivars to have then access mount -t efivarfs none /sys/
firmware/efi/efivars. Finally access is via /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/

To work with the boot entries (add, view, edit, delete) there is the efibootmgr. efibootmgr accesses
the efivars this means the PC must have be booted with efi (make sure the live CD supports this and the
motherboards BIOS is set to just do a efi boot). efibootmgr -v shows the boot entries. The following
adds a boot entry to the motherboards BIOS on the first hard disks first partition that has the label
Gentoo and calls grub efibootmgr --create --disk /dev/sda --part 1 --label "Gentoo" --loader "\efi

To change the order the boot entries try to boot use: efibootmgr -o 2,1,3,0 . The numbers are the (1 or
4 digit) numbers shown by efibootmgr. It is a good sign if writing fails due to read-only file system
error. If so, remount the efivars mount -o remount /sys/firmware/efi/efivars -o rw,nosuid,node-

A efi GTP disk and be simply partitioned and formatted as follows

mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/sda1 to format FAT32 the first partition as ESP with about 128M. Within parted,
set 1 boot on turns the boot flag on

/dev/sda2 the ext4 rootfs partition

Once grub starts, grub can call other installed efi applications as the efi shell. As example add to /
etc/grub.d/51_efishell the following

exec tail -n +3 $0

menuentry "EFI shell" {

chainloader /EFI/shell/Shell_Full.efi


CSM is the Compatibility Support Module within UEFI. So a UEFI motherboard can boot as a good
old BIOS when using a MBR partitioned disk. GTP partitioned disks with CSM is also possible but
more complicated.

Secure Boot
Secure Boot is used with the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface to restrict booting just from signed
bootloaders. For Linux this means no more compiling the bootloader since than it is no more binary
equal and therefore not signed. Such signed binary bootloaders are Shim and PreLoader.

On MBR partitions the boot loader does not fit into the bootsector. The bootsector has just everything
necessary to start the bootloader that is somewhere else on the disk. Usually the boot loader starts
the operation system and the PC is ready to go. Chainloading is when the boot loader calls an other
bootloader instead. As example when doing a major update to a bootloader, it might be advisable to
have the old well working bootloader calling the new one, the new one could fails and crash the PC,
a simple reboot will bring back the old old bootloader where you could select now to boot directly
into the system.

There are different boot loaders available. For booting from hard disks (or any disks except CD/DVD
or embedded solutions) grub is mostly used.

For gentoo add


to /etc/portage/make.conf before emerging it to have efi support by doing it manually or

echo 'GRUB_PLATFORMS="efi-64"' >> /etc/portage/make.conf.

After Grub is installed grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot need to be executed

to create the /boot/grub and /boot/EFI directories.

grub2 uses the configuration file /boot/grub/grub.cfg to start. Furthermore this file should not
be edited since it is normally produced automatically by the grub-mkconfig program from the files
found in the directory /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub where settings as
the following can be done:

• background image:


Compared to grub legacy, compressed picture files are no more supported. Don't forget to
run grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg to get an effect.

• kernel parameters as disabling the Predictable Network Interface Names and force to use the tradi-
tional network names (as eth0):


grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg will automatically detect files in /boot/kernel-<ver-

sion and text> as kernels and adds them to the grub2 configuration. /etc/grub.d/40_cus-
tom can hold things that are not automatically detected.

Optionally the packet os-prober could be installed that checks for other than Linux operating systems.


And finally a custom file as /etc/grub.d/50_freedos could be made

exec tail -n +3 $0

menuentry "FREEDOS" {

linux /memdisk
initrd (loop)/FDSTD.288

When grub2 starts an error might pop up for a fraction of a second, telling the file /grub/locale/
can not be found. This seems to be a bug that can be fixed by

cp /usr/share/locale/<language>/LC_MESSAGES/ /boot/grub/locale/


cp /boot/grub/locale/<what every you have>. mo /boot/grub/locale/

The file extension here is mo not gmo

During boot the c key brings grub2 into its command line mode where things can be observed.

ls (hd0,2) shows information about this hard disk partition

ls (hd0,2)/ shows files and directory on this hard disk partition

linux (hd0,2)/kernel-<x> root=/dev/sda4 ro followed by boot select a kernel and the boots it.

grub 2 supports the <tab> key for file completion

Grub Legacy
Many Linux systems use grub legacy. Grub legacy is a grub version below 0.

The config file /boot/grub/grub.conf looks as follows:

title=Gentoo Linux 2.6.31-gentoo-r6-2010-04-11

root (hd0,0)
kernel /kernel-2.6.31-gentoo-r6-2010-04-11 root=/dev/sda2 vga=ask

To see the tux and have small fonts, select a VESA mode as mode a.

When done modify the vga= statement by replacing the word ask with 0x and the number. Putting
the the hot key of the menu instead leads to a non bootable kernel and not putting 0x in front of the
number could end up in a unsupported video mode. To get less flicker, use the same mode as later
on when X starts.

If there are problems with grub, you can go to the grub command line pressing c at the grub's
boot screen. Then you get the command prompt grub> where you can type:

help shows all the commands available


root (hd0,0) to see what partition type and format it has

root (hd0, and press TAB to see how many partitions there are

geometry (hd0) to see and identify the physical drive

find /etc/fstab when found, tells you on what drive the file is

find /etc/ and press TAB to see all files there

cat /boot/grub/grub.conf to see the contents of a file

kernel /boot/ and press TAB to see if there are kernels and finally to load the kernel in RAM

initrd (hd0,0)/boot/initrd if you require an initial ram disk to boot then grub know about

setup (hd0) setup grub in the master boot record

boot to start a loaded kernel

reboot to leave

U-boot from is a boot loader mainly targeted for embedded
systems. Many of those do not have a screen. However u-boot uses a serial link (115200 baud) where a
terminal program as gtkterm can be attached. Pressing a key during boot brings up the u-boot console,
where commands as help can be typed. printenv gives a lot of information about what u-boot sees
and what it will do. setenv modifies them and saveenv makes it persistent. mmc list shows the mmc/
sd cards mmc dev 0 sets the one listed as 0. mmc part shows partition table. fatinfo mmc 0:1 gives
fat info of disk 0 partition 1. fatls mmc 0:1 shows the files and directories in there. For ext2 there
is ext2ls mmc 0:1

minicom is more suited to be used than gtkterm to work with u-boot. However some tricks when copy,
modify and past back long commands to u-boot. Setting W to wrap long lines that then can be copied
and pasted into an editor, where the syntax of what came out using printenv must be modified from
bootargs=console=ttymxc0,115200 <and more> to sentenv bootargs 'console=ttymxc0,115200
<and more>' and watch out to remove the CR minicom has eventually put in when it wrapped the
line. Then the command can be cut and pasted back to u-boot. It is worth to verifying the change with
printenv before saveenv takes it persistent. It can happen that the memory where those environmental
variables are stored gets corrupt or never got initialized. Then u-boot refuses to use it and puts out a
warning: *** Warning - bad CRC or MMC, using default environment entering
the u-boot menu verify printenv and saveenv can fix that.

Uboot script files can be made as:

mkimage -A arm -T script -O linux -d boot.txt boot.scr

Booting the Kernel

The bootloader as Grub loads the kernel. The kernel is the extracting itself and starts itself.

If something goes wrong the kernel stops with a panic messages. Sometimes the kernel hangs. I this
case it is worth to wait, maybe it is just a blocker and the kernel continuous after a while (e.g. after
1 min). If the system comes up, dmesg will show the trouble and its first column is the time, so the
hanger can easily be found.

When the kernel comes up in a traditionally SysVinit system it starts /sbin/init. Grub can be configured
to let the kernel start any other program than init. Some newer Linux systems have replaced init by
the newer systemd. On those system /usr/lib/systemd/systemd will be called instead.


To get a nice boot sequence seeing one tux per processor, you need to enable framebuffer support in
the kernel, select therefore VESA VGA graphics and Framebuffer Console support.

SysVinit makes uses init and init reads /etc/inittab and executes the scripts in /etc/init.d
accordingly. Since this configuration is very flexible and can be easy adapted many versions of the
scripts exist. This is one of the main differences between the different Linux distributions. The fol-
lowing is based on the scripts OpenRC uses. OpenRC
is what uses init on a Gentoo Linux system.

Openrc makes use of c programs and allows that script can run in parallel. See: https://wiki.gen- .

The configuration is in /etc/rc.conf. It can create a log file (optionally verbose) in /var/log/
rc.log, however during booting no writable file-system might be available and therefore the logger
might create an error. A way out might be specify an other path than /var/log as setting up an
initial ram disk.

A option exist and set by default to interrupt the boot process by pressing the I key.

/etc/conf.d/modules holds the kernel modules to be loaded.

As default the Linux kernel starts the program init as first process.

init is a regular program see man init. init reads the file /etc/inittab that has a list of instructions
for init.

There are usually 7 runlevels (0 to 6). A runlevel is a mode of operation defined in /etc/inittab.

The program init can also be called when Linux is running to change the runlevel.

The command init 0 changes to runlevel halt and turns off the computer.

The command init 6 causes a reboot.

The program init creates the binary log files /var/run/utmp and /var/log/wtmp.

The file /etc/inittab contains individual lines having the following structure:

idcode: runlevel: action: command

1. The idcode has to be an unique 2 character string.

2. The runlevel is a number 0 to 6 or a list of runlevel numbers indicating on what runlevels the line
has to be interpreted.

3. The action field defines the purpose of the line (initdefault, ctrlaltdelete, once, respawn, sysinit,

4. Finally the command is the command executed in the way the line defines it (runlevel and action).
As any command the command can also have command line arguments.

The contents of /etc/inittab is Linux distribution depending. In Gentoo /etc/inittab is

configured that the script /sbin/rc is called with various script parameters (shutdown, boot, sysinit).


Traditional distributions made use of simple bash scripts for the purpose of rc. This is more open,
but has some limitations. Gentoo uses the bash script rc script, however it does not use bash directly
it uses /sbin/runscript. runscript is a program written in c that calls (also in /
sbin) both are part of Gentoo's baselayout, both form a initscript handler that calls bash. As root
type runscript help. The source of the c program runscript is delivered inside baselayout-<ver-
sion>.tar.bz2 that can be found in /usr/portage/distfiles when not present download it
from There are many copies of runscript on
the pc:

whereis runscript

runscript: /usr/bin/runscript /sbin/runscript /usr/share/man/man1/

runscript.1.bz2 /usr/share/man/man8/runscript.8.bz2

The /usr/sbin/runscript will be taken at boot as seen by the PATH environmental variable:

echo $PATH


or found by which:

which runscript


To see from where all the other runscripts are coming from:

qfile /usr/bin/runscript

net-dialup/minicom (/usr/bin/runscript)

Or all in one command

qfile $(whereis runscript)

sys-apps/openrc (/usr/share/man/man8/runscript.8.bz2)

sys-apps/openrc (/sbin/runscript)

net-dialup/minicom (/usr/share/man/man1/runscript.1.bz2)

net-dialup/minicom (/usr/bin/runscript)

The script interpreter for minicom is also called runscript, but is a completely different program. If
the path and which would point to this binary, then the system would no more to be able to boot!

To see what init is doing, runscript.c can be hacked. Copy baselayout somewhere and go into
the /src directory. There modify the main by putting some print statements:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

int debugcounter;
printf("\033[33mDebug support in runscript, %i command line parameters\n",argc);


Save the file and run make in this directory, now backup the runscript in /sbin and copy over the new
runscript. Now when you boot or do a shutdown, you can observe how init is calling rc and how the /
etc/init.d routines are called. This is a temporary hack and will be wiped off when you do a re-
emerge baselayout, or just copy over the saved runscript.

The hack could be expanded to debug further the rc scripts! It would be nice to have something as this
not as hack, but as official baselayout feature!

Improving the boot time

The /sbin/init boots one service after an other. This is quite robust and reliable but not very fast. The
PC waits e.g. for a IP address from the DHCP server and continues just after having it receive. Instead
of waiting it could initialize other hardware and do other things.

You could work with static IP addresses to avoid waiting for DHCP.

To get some other slight optimization there is also an option in the /etc/conf.d/rc


However the bootup messages are drastically reduced and you will not easily see if the system has
a problem.

There is also the kernel parameter fastboot that can be added to the grub

title=Gentoo Linux fastboot 2.6.36-gentoo-r5-2010-12-27

root (hd0,0)
kernel /kernel-2.6.36-gentoo-r5-2010-12-27 root=/dev/sda2 vga=0x31B fastboot

Mounting the file systems

init is also responsible to read /etc/fstab and mount the file system. In fact this is one of the first
action it does. However it does this not automatically, it reads this out of /etc/inittab

si::sysinit:/sbin/rc sysinit

Boot script and default runlevel

After having mounted the file systems, init reads from /etc/inittab to start the bootscripts:

rc::bootwait:/sbin/rc boot

after this the default runlevel 3 is read from /etc/inittab


Then all scripts and login shells from this runlevel are started.

/etc/init.d holds all the scripts that init starts. Which boot scripts start depends on the users
needs and runlevels. The rc-update program finally configures what scripts in /etc/init.d have
to run and when. Type rc-update -s to get the view of the situation. The configuration is stored in /
etc/runlevels where every runlevel has a directory and those directories have links to the scripts
in /etc/init.d.

The scripts can also be started, stopped or restarted

/etc/init.d/ntpd stop


/etc/init.d/ntpd start

/etc/init.d/ntpd restart

Instead of typing (or press the tab key) the path and service the command rc-service <service>can
be typed in. This sounds like less work however the service has to be typed in completely and correctly.
The first approach pressing the tab key is therefore faster and more reliable.

What init handles can be see by

rc-update -s or full command rc-update show

The /etc/init.d scripts can be linked to init by

rc-update add lircd default

rc-update del lircd

To see what is going on with the run levels:

rc-status boot

rc-status default

rc-status -a or rc-status --all

The command runlevel shows preceding and actual runlevel.

Additional runlevels can be added and even be selected on boot time telling grub to pass a parameter
via kernel to init. The runlevel offline can be used with the keyword softlevel (or bootlevel) on a
laptop to give an alternative to not start the network.

title Gentoo Linux Offline Usage

root (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/kernel-2.4.25 root=/dev/hda3 softlevel=offline

The scripts make use of their configuration data found under /etc/conf.d The file /etc/con-
f.d/local.start is a bit special since commands can be put there that will be started on boot.
A cleaner way is writing boot scripts for /etc/init.d

Writing OpenRC scripts

Once OpenRC was a project on its own, but it became an orphaned so Gentoo took it over. Unfortu-
nately the documentation is now a bit vague, The fact that many Linux distributions move away from
SysVinit to systemd gives not much hope that the documentation improves. Reverse engineering from
scripts under /etc/init.d as ntpd and ntp-client is a way to go however a good documen-
tation can also be found at

Just on script is required to start and stop the daemons, it should look as follows


The depend function can have keywords as need,use, before and after and allows to set a startup



need apache2

The start function starts the daemon using the start-stop-daemon function (see man start-stop-dae-
mon) with all options as desired

ebegin "starting my daemon"
start-stop-daemon --background --start --exec <daemon> \
--make-pidfile --pid-file /var/run/<pid file>.pid
eend $?

Creating a pid file is optional but helps OpenRC to find the process number and to stop the script
when desired.

The stop function then could look as

ebegin "stop my daemon"
start-stop-daemon --stop --exec daemon \
--pid-file /var/run/pid
eend $?

Login at startup
Additionally /etc/inittab is responsible for the login. Historically there was one UNIX comput-
er that had many terminals connected via RS232 to it. Now this is emulated with different console
windows (getty). The agetty lines define such a virtual terminal with the virtual baudrate of 28400.

c1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty1 linux

Or if you really want to log in via RS232

#s0:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 9600 ttyS0 vt100

There is also mingetty that allows automatic login of users without password. Just emerge mingetty
and put a line as

1:3:respawn:/sbin/mingetty --autologin <USER> tty1

to replace agetty and it parameters.

systemd is a replacement for sysvinit. Unfortunately there is a lot of controversy about it but finally
it has made it in most of the Linux distributions as default start up method.

Some links:

tem-1565543.html or the original German version

Using systemd makes the different Linux distributions very similar. What stays different is the pack-
age handling and management.

/etc/mtab is handled differently since systemd does mounting. For backward compatibility do or
check ln -sf /proc/self/mounts /etc/mtab


systemd does not require a udev package since it includes it (this has put the pressure to distributions
using OpenRC to fork udev in a separate package).

systemd replaces ConsoleKit

Dealing with /etc/fstab additional .mount and .swap units can be automatically created


can be added to the drives in /etc/fstab to convert them to automount drives and not have the
system waiting until such typically network drives are ready.

Since systemd is running all the time also a gui tool systemadm is available.

systemd-analyze tells how long the boot process was taking

There is support to make a svg graphics as bootchart systemd-analyze plot > plot.svg or systemd-an-
alyze dot | dot -Tsvg > systemd.svg to convert it first to dot format and then having dot making the
dependengy graph. Or simply see the ranking of what took long to start systemd-analyze blame

Keyboard layout can be listed as localectl list-keymaps and loaded as root with loadkeys <keymap
as sg> or persistent by localectl set-keymap --no-convert <keymap> this modifies /etc/vcon-
sole.conf obviously /etc/vconsole.conf could also be edited using an editor.

systemctl poweroff turns off the computer and systemctl reboot reboots it. More precise systemctrl
calls the unit that is in /usr/lib/systemd/system

Modules not loaded automatically can be listed (one per line) and added to files like /etc/mod-
ules-load.d/<some name>.conf

The network must probably be started. In case of dhcp start the client daemon dhcpcd eth0 or start it
via its unit systemctl start dhcpcd@eth0.service

Boot with systemd

The kernel must know to start systemd and not init after it has booted. For grub legacy put

kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda2 init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd

in /boot/grub/grub.conf and for grub 2 put


in /etc/default/grub

Systemd units
The units are text files and have different file extensions as

• .service to start a service (e.g a daemon)

• .mount to mount a filesystem (there is also .automount)

• .socket prepare a socket for a listener and when accessed trigger an action

• .path to monitor accesses to a file or directory and trigger an action

systemd handle services as known from sysvinit systems:

systemctl start <name>.service starts a service

systemctl stop <name>.service stops a service


systemctl restart <name>.service stops and then starts a service

systemctl reload <name>.service similar to restart is reload however normal functionality of the
service keeps maintained.

sysemctl status <name>.service shows the status

systemctl cat <name>.service to read the file without dealing with its path

systemctl list-dependencies <name>.service or systemctl list-dependencies --all <name>.service

to see its dependencies

systemctl show <name>.service to see the low level details

systemctl edit <name>.service or systemctl edit --full <name>.service to edit it without dealing
with its path followed by systemctl daemon-reload to have effect

Available units can be seen by

ls /usr/lib/systemd/system

systemctl --all --full

systemctl list-units or simply systemctl

systemctl list-units --all

systemctl list-unit-files

Customization can be made by copying and modifying those files to /etc/systemd/system

systemd calls more or less it units in parallel. If a unit calls an other that is not ready, then systemd
buffers the request using sockets.

Systemd can create automatically additional units as when devices are pluged in. Therefore it uses
in udev rules


Systemd targets
systemd targets are units as well but are used to group units and have them started together and form
therefore something similar as runlevels in a sysvinit system.

systemctl list-unit-files --type=target lists the unit files that are targets

Adding a services to the list of being started at boot (the is more uniform:

systemctl enable <name>.service enable automatic start at boot

systemctl disable <name>.service disable automatic start at boot

systemctl get-default shows the targets that are run at boot

Other targets exist as,

systemctl set-default sets it

Finally everything are links so the same could be achieved by ln -sf /lib/systemd/system/mul- /etc/systemd/system/ makes the multiuser-target the default target.

systemctl list-dependencies show what depends on it.


systemctl isolate will stop all targets except the

Journal the systemd logger

systemd does not need a logger since it includes the logger journal. It can be configured via /etc/

To have the log stored on the disk /var/log/journal


or mkdir -p /var/log/journal

To set maximum size on disk


Limits to 50MByte if this is missing it will be limited to 10% of the partition size.

The log is binary and not ASCII and can be read via journalctl, for just the current boot journalctl
-b or for the kernel messages journalctl -k.

journalctl -u <name>.service will show what has been logged for a service.

The journal can feed a classic logger by systemctl enable syslog-ng so the log becomes ASCII again.

Start up messages
The start up messages are kernel messages that pass too fast over the screen not giving a human time
to read. However they get logged:

dmesg -H or dmesg > boot.messages make them human readable

It is wise to check them to see where Linux has problems (e.g. HW not matching with the Kernel

dmesg | grep USB

dmesg | grep eth0

If you want to see just the lines containing USB

To delete the old messages type dmesg -c

Linux 32 bit and 64 bit

For a PC architecture Linux supports 64 bit systems as well as the traditional 32 bit systems. 64 bit
hardware can run both 32 bit and 64 bit applications.

Surprise, no clear statement can be made that a 64 bit system runs faster than a 32 bit system, since
it depends on the applications running.

One clear and big plus for 64 bit is that it can address more Giga bytes of RAM than 32
bit machines. On 32 bit machine the disappointing fact can arise that the complete range of
installed RAM can not be used. Modern PC's having more than 4Giga Byte of RAM should
therefore run on 64 Byte Linux. dmesg | grep Memory will show what the system has de-
tected on boot. For PC's up to 3Giga Byte of RAM this should not make a difference.


If you have a binary and you do not know what you have, type:

file /opt/serna-free-4.4/bin/serna.bin

/opt/serna-free-4.4/bin/serna.bin: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel

80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-, for GNU/Linux 2.2.0, stripped

Installing a 32bit system to run 32 bit binaries is obvious a simple hassle free solution.

However there are different ways to run 32 bit applications on a 64bit system.

One thing is that the 64 bit kernel must be configured to support 32 bit applications. However this is
not enough, the more complicated issue are the libraries. A 32 bit application does not work together
with a 64bit library.

One way out is installing a complete 32bit system (root directory tree) and then chroot into it. There
is some support available to not doing it all manual. However this sounds really like maintaining two
systems running on one hardware.

An other approach is multilib, that installs the for the 32bit applications required libs two times /usr/
lib32 for the 32bit libraries, /usr/lib64 for the 64bit libraries and finally having a link from /
usr/lib to /usr/lib64 for the 64bit applications that do not have to care about.

ldd /opt/serna-free-4.4/bin/serna.bin shows all libraries that are required to run the 32bit application.
Consequently those libraries must be available (or installed) under /usr/lib32

However packages are usually be installed and not single libraries. Therefore start the 32bit application
in the console and observe the errors due to missing libraries. Then find out what package contains
this library and install this package supporting 32bit.

For Gentoo Linux see:

equery belongs <library> shows what package contains the missing library.

emerge -1 pv <library> shows the use flags indication how the libraries are getting installed.

Then adding to /etc/portage/package.use the following

<package-name> abi_x86_32

emerge -1 pv <library> should now show the new use flags and its dependent packages.

Temerge -1 --autounmask-write <library>


emerge -1 <library>

and repeat those steps until all missing libraries are available as 32 bit. Since Gentoo checks the de-
pendencies not many loops should be required.

After knowing what is required all known should be added to ebuild installing the binary with the
required library and dependencies.



Loading Libraries
ldd /bin/cp shows what shared libraries including their version the program cp uses.

*.so are shared libraries (as Windows DLL).

/lib and /usr/lib are the default paths where such libraries can be found

ldconfig creates /etc/ where path to so files can be found. Purpose fast finding
when program starts.

See also the libraries chapter in the C programming section

The program ps lets you see the running processes. There are (too) many option ps supports or requires.

To show processes including Process ID ps -A

To see all processes do a ps -e

To see also daemons ps -ax or simply ps ax

To see also the users ps -u

pstree is alternative that shows process tree.

top gives a live text view about the running processes and their CPU load.

nice -n<-20 to 19><command> starts a program with given runtime priority

renice -n<-20 to 19><PID> lets change the runtime priority of an already running program using
their PID (Process id-> shown e.g. using ps). The values -20 mean low and 19 mean high priority.

Processes can be stopped by killing them. kill -9<Process ID> kills process.

To be successful use -9 the hard way

To find out that you are probably to nice use -150 the soft way.

KDE system guard is an application to show and kill processes

Linux was originally written for larger processors (Pentium and Athlon are considered very large
processors) having a piece of hardware called memory managing unit. This allows that the individual
user processes have their own memory space and can just do there damage. Therefore crashed process-
es can be killed without the need of doing a system shutdown. If X crashes or some keyboard/mouse
processes then you might be logging via network (SSH, Telnet, tty).

A program can have more than one process. Of course there can be more than one process running
(“quasi”) at the same time, Linux is a multi tasking system and manages the runtime for each process.
Each process is registered in the kernel process table. Check out cat /proc/1/status that shows what the
kernel knows about process number 1 (PID 1 is init). There are also threads. The difference between
threads and processes are, that threads belong to a process and therefore all threads have the same
memory space. But the threads run in parallel.

Linux got ported to smaller processors without physical memory managing unit. Special Linux ver-
sions got developed and are required for that as uclinux . The kernel 2.6 has also growing support
for such devices.


A program can be started two times and run in parallel, however sometimes this is not desired, espe-
cially when there is just one resource (on CD burner, one Database, one Document). Programs that do
not allow that often create a locking file when they start. When there is already a locking file present,
the program decides that an other instance is already running and quits. After a crash locking files
might be present and prevent the program to start. In such cases the locking files have to be deleted.

Interprocess Communication IPC

Since processes run in their own memory space, they can not communicate with each other without
passing through the kernel.

One way to communicate is to use the standard input and output. Instead of connection the terminals
keyboard and console, an other process can be used.

One of the easiest way is sending signals to processes. Processes can send signals via the kernel but
they can also have signal handles to have custom code to act when a signal arrives. The signals can not
contain data, they are used to send events. The event is identified by the signal number that is defined
in /usr/include/bits/signum.h. Some commonly used signals are:

Table 3.2. Signals

Number Identifier Description
2 SIGINT Ctrl-C has been pressed and
process should stop
9 SIGKILL Send signal to kill the process
17 SIGCHLD The child process informs the
parent process that it has stopped

The kernel is started via bootloader. The bootloader can pass kernel parameters to the kernel. man
bootparam tells you what parameters you can pass to the kernel during boot. The bootloader also tells
the kernel what the kernel has to do after starting. Usually the bootloader tells the kernel to start the
program init (It is possible to do something else). The kernel parameters can also be changed during
runtime via the program sysctl. To see the parameters type sysctl -a and to get a description man sysctl.

Hardware compatibility
Diverse distribution have a hardware data base that got (hopefully) tested under Linux, you can avoid
problems considering products from this list when buying new hardware . Some examples:

Having the hardware and looking for drivers

Open your computer or/and launch the following programs:

lspci from pciutils package


lspci -v to get more details. The easiest way is run a liveCD and do lspci -vvv | grep Kernel to see
what kernel modules get used.

lspci -vvv -s 00:10.2 to see just one single card

lspci -k to see the kernel modules supporting the cards and if in use

update-pciids update the list of known PCI ID and put it in /usr/share/misc/pci.ids , this
is where the text of lspci comes from.





gtk-lshw (emerge lshw)


Boot with a liveCD's and look what it is using:

cat /proc/modules lists them or better formatted:

cat /proc/modules | cut -d ' ' -f 1

Check the Ethernet card since update via Internet requires it. Use the help and description in make
menuconfig, make nconfig, using X make xconfig or make gconfig. Check there the kernel module
names later to be seen when you use the command lsmod.

An easier way than create the .config file is finding somebody who already has done it, so look on
your Linux PC, LiveCD or in the Internet, you might find the desired .config.

Hints about kernel compiling

There is make help that prints out a lot make inside the kernel source directory can do.

This section gives some hints about kernel compilation or information when you build the first time a
kernel on a new computer. For kernel updated go directly to the kernel compilation section.

The kernel sources are in the directory cd /usr/src. To see whats there type ls -l. The symbolic link
Linux points to the selected source. To update the source manually, the old link can be removed rm /
usr/src/linux and a new link can be created ln -s linux-2.6.24-gentoo-r4 linux.

Gentoo recommend a faster way that avoids misspelling is using the eselect kernel list and eselect
kernel set<n> command.

Use make xconfig to have the short documentation available when you go through the options. You
find there links to the Internet or to /usr/src/linux/Documentation where you get more
information about the kernel.

If you don't find an option look at it is build from the file /usr/src/
linux/arch/x86/Kconfig. This file includes lines as

source "init/Kconfig"

that include other files.

To not have to save corresponding kernel configuration each time a new kernel is configured by a
command as:


cp .config /boot/config-2.6.24-gentoo-r4-2008-04-18

The configuration in the hidden file /usr/src/linux/.config can be attached to the kernel.
The kernel options IKCONFIG (general setup > kernel .config support) and IKCONFIG_PROC (gen-
eral setup > enable access to .config through /proc/config.gz> must be set.

When the kernel is running and having set IKCONFIG_PROC the /usr/src/linux/.config
can be unzipped from /proc/config.gz gunzip config.gz.

To restore cd /usr/src/linux and zcat /proc/config.gz > .config

The other option is:

scripts/extract-ikconfig <name of the kernel file>

If you select kernel options you might think enable verbose debug messages is a good thing, this might
be the case if you look for specific problems, however it can get very annoying when so many debug
messages appear on the screen frequently and periodically like every two seconds to prevent you to
work in the console. Candidates for that are USB and PM (Power management) messages. See what
you have enabled:

cat .config | grep VERB

cat .config | grep MESSA

cat .config | grep DEBUG

make loadmodconfig deletes all not running modules in .config and therefore helps to make a
small kernel image,

When you run in X, you will not see them (press Crtl + Alt + F1 to see them and Crtl + Alt + F7
to go back to X).

Before you reboot and run into version problems with some kernel modules not delivered with the
new kernel source. Re-emerge those kernel modules now, since the link points already to the new
kernel source (even the old kernel is running) so the drivers will match the kernel version, otherwise
the kernel probably will refuse to load those drivers (Other way would be using the option to force
loading kernel modules with mismatching versions exist, however this is less clean and safe).

Further if you select in Grub at boot time previous compiled kernels, an other problem might occur.
Kernel modules are still used from the last compilation and might no more be compatible to the pre-
vious installation, they might even block your computer. Therefore all kernel modules not taken from
the kernel need to be re-compiled as well.

To not manually remember what kernel modules are installed, Gentoo Linux has a tool emerge mod-
ule-rebuild that does a rebuild to all used kernel modules not delivered with the kernel source

module-rebuild rebuild

does the job. An alternative would be emerge all packages individually.

Kernel compilation
Setup the source
The kernel source is under /usr/src/linux. It is quite common to have different versions of the
kernel source or even patched versions of the kernel sources on the system. So/usr/src/linux
is mostly a symbolic link to a directory containing the selected kernel source. Setting up the kernel
source means bending the symbolic link /usr/src/linux to the desired directory as: ln -s /usr/
src/<kernel source name> /usr/src/linux


Under Gentoo Linux there is eselect that allows to work with this link more safely and ad-
vanced. To see what you have got and what source is used

eselect kernel list

If the newest source is not selected, select it (it does nothing else than safely updating the
link of /usr/src/linux):

eselect kernel set<n>

Goto the kernel source

cd /usr/src/linux

If you have selected a new source copy over old kernel configuration file:

cp /usr/src/linux-4.<version>-gentoo-r<release>/.config .config

To update your old .config to the new source run:

make oldconfig

Configure the kernel

If you want to do changes to .config then do the following otherwise jump to the next section:

make menuconfig

Pressing / pops up a search window
or the newer method

make nconfig

or to have something more advanced under X:

make xconfig

If you do not have a .config file do make defconfig or make config

There is also make localmodconfig that makes a .config according what is running in the system
(plug in therefore all your peripherals)

Compile and install the kernel

Compile the kernel and install the kernel modules

make && make modules_install

(This command uses && to run two commands in a row, make standalone does the compilation and
then make modules_install that installs the modules).

Copy and rename the kernel to the boot directory. Depending on how you boot, the destination path
might be different as /boot/boot/ . The kernel should be renamed to reflect its source, version
and maybe compilation date so it can be distinguished from other kernels:

cp arch/<arch>/boot/bzImage /boot/kernel-<version>-gentoo-r<release>-<date>


The architecture <arch> is i386 for a 32bit machine, x86_64 for a 64bit machine or arm for an
embedded system using a arm micro-controller as the Raspberry.

There is also make install to install the kernel, but it will get default names for the kernel
and might have a conflict with the grub2-mkconfig.

In case the kernel does not compile save your configuration and clean the kernel source:

cp /usr/src/linux/.config /root/kernel-config

cd /usr/src/linux

make clean

mv /root/kernel-config .config

make && make modules_install

Add the kernel to the bootloader configuration

For grub2 grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg does the job.

For grub legacy ( grub below version 1) now add entry in the loader menu /boot/grub/

title=Gentoo Linux 3.<version>-gentoo-r<release>-<date>

root (hd0,0)
kernel /kernel-3.<version>-gentoo-r<release>-<date> root=/dev/sda3

Update the modules and reboot

When you have a new source compiled, the depending kernel modules not delivered with the kernel
source need also to be recompiled, otherwise they might not be accepted by the kernel due to a version

For Gentoo emerge @module-rebuild will do it. In the past there was the following com-
mand (emerge module-rebuild) module-rebuild rebuild that recompiled the known kernel
modules not delivered with the kernel source:

Now reboot: init 6

Kernel internals
For an overview see:

Applications can communicate with the kernel using system calls. All system calls are listed in /usr/

The applications prepare the data for the system call and create an interrupt to call the kernel to do
something. The following example shows how a C program makes the system call write.

Example 3.2. system call

#include <unistd.h>


int main ()
write(0,"Hello World\n", 12);

unistd.h is the c library that holds the system call C functions.

0 is the file descriptor and means standard input output. 12 stands for the 12 characters to be printed.

The following program when started gets obviously a process ID, but it also creates a second child
process using the fork command. After that both parent and child process get trapped in while loops.
Using the KDE System guard both processes can be observed and killed (parent)!

Example 3.3. fork

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
int forkvar;
forkvar = fork();
printf("child process\n");
printf("parent process started child with PID:%i\n",forkvar);
return 0;

Now, the child process is running, but as a second instance of the parent process. The kernel has a
process table that actually can be seen using KDE System guard. Child and parent process running
with the same parameters but different PID's. In the tree view the relation between child and parent
(and bash that has called them) can also be verified.

The following line can be put into the program to call an other program

execl("<path to and the the binary>","<name of the program>,NULL);

The data in the process table will be replaced.

<path to and the binary> has to be replaced by program to be executed including the

<name of the program> has to be replaced

NULL stands for null arguments passed to the program

Processes can have different status:

Running Having one CPU, just one process can run at a

Ready The process is ready to run but waits for the kernel
scheduler to start it


Blocked Process is waiting for an event and does not be

activated by the kernel scheduler

The process table is defined in /usr/src/linux/include/linux/sched.h see the defini-


struct task_struct

Different signals can be sent to the processes

SIGTERM Friendly ask to terminate

SIGKILL Not so friendly ask to terminate

Kernel modules
Kernel modules are programs that run inside the kernel. They also can be understood as device drivers.
Kernel modules can included in the kernel file /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage
or be separate files found in /lib/modules. As separate files, they have to be loaded on request,
manually or at startup using /etc/conf.d/modules.

Not having the kernel modules in the kernel file /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzI-

magegives some advantages:

1. Whats loaded can be seen via lsmod

2. Kernel module parameters and options can be passed easily

3. Kernel modules can be unloaded rmmod, without requiring to reboot the system

Sometimes you do not know what kernel modules you have. Therefore watch what make && make

prints out:

INSTALL drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvb-usb-dib0700.ko

means you have the kernel module dvb-usb-dib0700

It is also possible to pass module parameters to modules included in the kernel. The equivalent of
modprobe usbcore blinkenlights=1 can be passed as kernel parameter in the form usbcore.blinken-

Kernel modules communicate to the application (user space) via device files /dev/*.

modules directory
For kernels 2.6 and newer the directory /etc/modules.d and the file /etc/modprobe.conf
have been introduced with a simplified syntax. However since backward compatibility to kernel 2.4
stuff is an important issue both methods are supported in parallel. The support for the file /etc/
modprobe.conf will stop in the future.

Therefore the future is to add or modify files under /etc/modules.d . The files be considered
need to end with conf. As example a tv card needs some parameters passed when its kernel modules
is loaded, to get the right support for the tuner.

So create a file /etc/modprobe.d/tv.conf with the line inside to be used together with mod-

options saa7134 card=2 tuner=69


update modules
Since those config files are a key thing for the installation, Gentoo does not recommend to edit them
manually and uses a program update-modules -v to do it (run it with the -v verbose option, so
you see what it refuses to do). The command update-modules -v creates (or updates) /etc/mod-
ules.conf from the directory /etc/modules.d. Therefore do not edit /etc/modules.conf
except you want delete something there that stays in after a update-modules -v. You might have to
set the old-linux useflag and re-emerge module-init-tools.

(There was also modules-update that is now replace with update-modules).

Those conf files contain:

1. aliases to tell insmod/modprobe which modules to use modprobe -c shows them all

2. options to be passed when a module is loaded

To get help type or update-modules -h.

update-modules updates:



/lib/modules/<kernel version>/modules.dep

To force an update update-modules --force

Working with the modules

Kernel modules in can be inserted and removed by a user using the console.

insmod inserts module to the kernel (version of kernel and module do have to match, -f force does
ignore version) uname -r shows the kernel version.

modprobe does the same and more and is more convenient to be used. It has it configuration directory
/etc/modprobe.d where default parameters for the modules can be set.

rmmod => removes the module

lsmod => lists modules present (Formats just cat /proc/modules )


Module Size Used by

radeon 104064 1

drm 65620 2 radeon

The number under used shows how many applications (references) using it currently

modprobe -s -k char-major-63 loads the kernel module mapped to the character device with the
major number 63.

/var/log/messages shows eventually problems during loading of the module.

modinfo give information about the kernel module

modinfo /lib/modules/$(unmame -r)/kernel/sound/core/oss/snd-pcm-oss.ko


modinfo /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/video/fglrx.ko

Modules depend from each other /lib/modules contains /lib/modules/<kernel ver-

sion>/modules.dep showing how. If a module depends on others then the whole dependency tree
of modules will be loaded. depmod produces this file (so you can delete /lib/modules/<ker-
nel version>/modules.dep and re-crate a new one).

cat /proc/ioports shows the area in the IO memory space occupied by the kernel modules.

cat /proc/devices shows the major numbers assigned to the kernel modules.

Opening or loading a kernel module creates a link between /dev file and the kernel module itself. This
is done via the major number. The major number is a constant value in the kernel module. Obviously,
there might be more than one kernel module per major number. /dev file as well have a constant
major number as seen by ls /dev -l. However this is not enough.

Filenames use - as separator character (snd-pcm-oss.ko), whereas lsmod shows them
with _ separation character (snd_pcm_oss).

In OpenRC the file /etc/conf.d/modules holds the modules including their parameters to be
loaded during the init startup process.

When the system is running and the devices are plugged in then also this event can trigger to load
the missing modules.

Some useful commands:

find /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ -name "pwc*.ko*"

depmod -a

modinfo /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/usb/media/pwc/pwc.ko

An evolutionary way of a device driver is that it will be created in a packet completely separated from
the kernel sources. Those device drivers will also be installed under /lib/modules and are often
found in /lib/modules/<kernel version>/misc. If there is common interest, then the
device drivers might get adopted by the kernel sources. When this happens, it can happen that multiple
versions of the same device driver are under /lib/modules but inside different directories. ls -lR /
lib/modules/<kernel version> shows that.

Open Source means source code that needs to be compiled to get binary. However Linux can han-
dle also binaries. The gentoo kernel source comes with executable binaries as in /usr/src/lin-
ux-4.12.12-gentoo/firmware/radeon. Those binaries are used for the radeon graphic

Other binaries are usually added to /lib/firmware. This is done by installing a package containing
firmware as under gentoo emerge linux firmware.

Further, when creating a kernel, firmware can be included

Figure 3.1. firmware blobs


dmesg | grep 'firmware' will show if the firmware is loaded and used. There are some option in the
kernel to have more debug messages. However if the kernel starts it looks into various places for the
firmware and can produce error messages even if it later finds the firmware and loads it.

[ 10.421498] dvb-usb: found a 'Hauppauge Nova-T Stick' in cold state,

will try to load a firmware

[ 10.433650] usb 2-4: loading /lib/firmware/updates/4.12.12-gen-

too/dvb-usb-dib0700-1.20.fw failed with error -2

[ 10.433658] usb 2-4: loading /lib/firmware/updates/dvb-usb-

dib0700-1.20.fw failed with error -2

[ 10.441880] usb 2-4: loading /lib/firmware/4.12.12-gentoo/dvb-usb-

dib0700-1.20.fw failed with error -2

[ 10.477139] dvb-usb: downloading firmware from file 'dvb-usb-


[ 10.682581] dib0700: firmware started successfully.

D-Bus handles hotplug and application events.

D-Bus (Desktop Bus) is a IPC (Inter Process Communication) layer responsible to exchange data
between applications. D-Bus has an interface to the hardware. In the past it was HAL, but since HAL
is deprecated packages from the Devicekit providing a D-Bus interface are used.

There is a dbus deamon so start it:

/etc/init.d/dbus start and to have it automatically done at next boot:

rc-update add dbus default

There is a dbus useflag that are set by default.

Last but not least add the user to the plugdev group as via command line:

gpasswd -a<username> plugdev

To get an idea what is going on type:

dbus-monitor --system

Now plug in some USB devices and observe the events.

There is also a dbus viewer qdbusviewer. If dbus does not want to run, try to start the daemon manually
dbus-daemon --system. It might fail but tells you to delete /var/run/dbus-pid and this might
be the reason, a PC crash might have left it over.

D-Bus replaced bonobo (component model) used in earlier gnome environments.

Devicekit replaced the monolithic HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer), however there are still some
applications around that require HAL.

Make sure to add the user to the plugdev group as via command line:

gpasswd -a<username> plugdev


Devicekit is actually just the name of the project to replace HAL. So don't look for the Devicekit
package. In this project the following packages have been created and many others will follow or

1. UPower

2. udisks

3. media-player-info

udisks the disks daemon handles storage devices and uses PolicyKit for authentication issues. It fits
between udev and D-Bus. It can also be used on the command line:

To get everything about your storage devices:

udisksctl dump

Or monitor what udisks sees (Ctrl+C brings you back)

udisksctl monitor

Log files
If the system runs a lot of data is written into log files found under /var/log. After a while this
data will get too large and the question arises what to do? Deleting the individual files is possible but
a clean professional solution should do the job automatically.

To archive the logs emerge logrotate. The configuration file is /etc/logrotate.conf. Un-
der gentoo logrotate is started once a day using a cron job, see /etc/cron.daily/logro-
tate.cron, but this does not mean it archives daily, since there is the option weekly in the config
file. Per default, logrotate creates once per week an archive and keeps the last 4 archives. Some pack-
ages create their own log files. Logrotate holds for those packets separate config files in the directory
/etc/logrotate.d It can be run in at the command line as logrotate -fv /etc/logrotate.conf to
see if it does its job correctly and last but not least see what files it produces. logrotate is a bit picky
when it comes to permissions of the /var/log folder.

The system logger logs all kind of messages. There is also the kernel log daemon klogd.




Check for size /var/log/messages can raise up significantly. Just delete it or better emerge
logrotate when it is too big. Next power up there will be a new smaller one. Depending on the system
logger you have other log file names.

/var/temp contains user data.

Additionally there can be many package specific logs in /var/log as /var/log/cups/


Config files
Here a brief overview of the most important configuration files. Gentoo has a protection mechanism
to not automatically overwrite the config files (in the protected directories, usually /etc) during


updates. To know what got changed, can be found out using the /var/lib/portage/config
file that holds the checksums of the original files. There are also GUI tools not dedicated to a single
Linux distribution to maintain and configure Linux:

emerge webmin

Files that will be customized

It might be worth to have a backup (See

/boot/grub/grub.conf Configuration of boot loader grub

/etc/conf.d/clock Link to timezone
/etc/conf.d/domainname Contains domain name
/etc/conf.d/hostname Contains name of this computer
/etc/conf.d/net Contains default gateway and network settings
/etc/fstab Contains devices to be mounted FD, CD ROM,
HD, or default settings for mounting
/etc/group Defines group membership of users
/etc/hosts Contains other hosts and their IP addresses
/etc/make.conf Is the most important of them all contains CPU
info usefags and more
/etc/ Modules (e.g. HW) that have to be loaded at start
modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6 up
/etc/passwd Defines user accounts
/etc/rc.conf Contains global configuration settings e.g. uni-
/etc/X11/xorg.conf Configuration of X server

Files usually not to be customized

They however influence system behavior significantly:

/etc/make.profile/make.defaults USE variables e.g. kde qt

/etc/profile Contains path to programs and default editors,
points to /etc/profile.env witch is pro-
duced automatically by env-update contains vari-
/etc/resolv.conf Contains domain name and nameserver IP

lscpu shows the details about the CPU('s) . There are Core(s) per socket and Thread(s) per core. Cores
are the hardware processors. Those cores can run more than one thread.

cat /proc/cpuinfo returns everything about your CPU.

The bogomips line tells something about its performance measured and required during kernel boot.
The MIPs (million instructions per second) value is therefore bogo.

cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep bogo

bogomips : 3979.99


For performance measurements programs as sysbench are more suitable: sysbench --test=cpu run

Checkout the flags line

cat /proc/cpuinfo

flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov
pat pse36 mmx fxsr sse syscall mp mmxext 3dnowext 3dnow up ts

To enable those things use ufed to turn on the corresponding use flags and have higher performance.

emerge --update --deep --newuse world

Check out gcc so it compiles with the right flags.

Depending on memory chips and CPU, the smallest amount of data that can be read is one Byte (or
a multiple of Bytes). The Bytes can be numbered to get the address. A 8 bit CPU can access 8 bit =
1 Byte at once using an address. Also 8 bit CPU have to deal with 16 bit data (as integer numbers).
To do this two accesses to the memory is required with two sequential addresses. When a program
runs the program counter counts up and increments the address (it is natural that it counts up and not
down). The two bytes read, will have to be put together to form a single 16 bit value. However there
are two possibilities to do this:

First Byte accessed Second Byte accessed

First (lower) Address used High Byte Low Byte
Second (higher) Address used Low Byte High Byte
Big Endian Little Endian

The two terms big and little endian are used to distinguish between the two methods.

As example x86 CPU's are little endians and ARM, 68k are big endians.

The terms are quite confusing, since the CPU that end its access with the low byte is called big endian
and the one that ends the access with the high bite is called little endian.

My experience: Each time I think I know what an big and what a little endian is. I'm wrong and
discover that it is the opposite.

To help remember: Big endians will read the big end of the 16 bit value (= high byte) first. So the 16
bit value has two ends (as a sausage) but one end is big the other little. If you get the big end first it
is a big endian, if you get the little end first then it is a little endian.

The same problematic exist also for:

1. Bits forming a byte

2. Bytes forming a 64 bit value

3. Data structures, unions an bit fields in C (and other) programming languages.

4. All kinds of serial communications, where bit after bit and byte after byte are transferred.

Some CPU's can not or can not fast access a 16 bit value (or 64bit, or ...) when the first byte is on a odd
address. Therefore compilers put all 16 bit values (data structures, labels functions) on even addresses.
64 bit processors use a multiple of 4 bytes to align data to memory.


When first a 8 bit value is put in memory a even address will be taken. A second 8 bit value would
be put in the following odd address, however a 16 bit value has to be put in a even address as well
to have it fast and easy accessible, therefore a hole will be created, a byte that will not be used. Such
bytes are called padding bytes.

Memory usage
To see what you have available type:


total used free shared buffers cached

Mem: 1033292 843088 190204 0 56700 369556

-/+ buffers/cache: 416832 616460

Swap: 1554604 0 1554604

Or if you are a human type free -h

An alternative commando is cat /proc/meminfo

Show that the system has 1'033'292kByte or 1GByte RAM. Out of that 843'088kByte is used and
190'204kByte is free. Some of the RAM used, is used for buffers 56700kByte and 369556kByte for
cache. This gives 426'256kByte and so the remaining 416'832 is used for the applications running on
the system. When the RAM is completely used up, then the system crashes. To prevent that the RAM
can be expanded to the hard disk, having some space of the hard disk used as swap. On the system
above 1'554'604kByte of the hard disk is reserved for the swap and nothing is used. Again if using
swap the memory is used up, then the system crashes and unfortunately the harddisk containing the
swap space will stressed continuously and might therefore have a reduced lifetime. Therefore it is
recommended to use a smaller maybe old harddisk for the swap space and have the data on a other disk.

The program vmstat as many options to see how the memory is used, so type man vmstat.

cat /var/log/dmesg | grep Memory will show how much memory is detected when the PC boots.

Finally there is dmidecode --type 17 (man dmidecode tells that 17 are the memory devices)

Some hard disk space is often uses as swap, if RAM gets full, data is been put onto this swap partition.
As rule of thumb, swap partition should be 2 times the size of the RAM. swapon /dev/sd<?> makes
it available.

This sounds cool but it sounds really cool sometimes by the hard disk noise where the user does not
see any reason. The swap can be turned on and off on the fly by swapoff -a and swapon -a

Instead of a swap partition a swap file can be used that can be wherever wanted and does not require
that the partition is altered:

Create the file: dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=1048576

with bs=1024 the count is kByte.

Then mkswap /swapfile to convert it into a swap file.

Turn it on swapon /swapfile

Then add it to /etc/fstab to have it activated next boot:


/swapfile none swap sw 0 0

To see how enthusiastic the kernel is to use the swap cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness

60 is the default 100 means the kernel really likes to use the swap and 0 means the kernel avoids to
use the swap. This is a kernel parameter but can be overwritten by echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
or to have it persistent add it to /etc/sysctl.conf


Finally swapon -s or cat /proc/swaps shows you what you have.

In the age of solid state disks it should take care since those devices have limited write cycles,
the filesystem however can mark broken cells as bad blocks. This however makes the situa-
tion worse since the trouble gets hidden to the user. SSD usually support SMART Data so
checks are advisable. Anyway the better solution than swapping to SSD is using more RAM
and remove the swap space.

Memory Management Unit (MMU)

When a program is started, it is copied into memory space (ram) and runs as a process scheduled by
the kernel. An other program (not intentionally or intentionally) could write into the ram area where
the program resides and would cause unpredictable side effects (crash, malfunction, ...). To prevent
such side effects, the single processes have there own virtual memory space, kept isolated from each
other using a piece of hardware, the MMU.

The programmers do not have to care about the MMU, since they have to deal just with virtual ad-
dresses. The MMU translates the virtual addresses of every individual process into the real unique
physical addresses. A virtual address is therefore split in an upper and a lower address part. The lower
(offset) is kept as it is, but the upper (page number) part is replaced by the MMC. It is simple as this,
however the lower part has a limited size (for x86 4kByte, 2MBytes or 4MBytes) so it is too little to
hold most of the programs, additionally there are many processes running in parallel. This block is
called a page and the upper part of the virtual address is used as the page number.

The table to hold the page numbers and the corresponding upper address bits of the physical memory
(page number) is called Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) and its rows of entries are called Page
Table Entries (PTE).

Looking up the page number in a table slows down the program execution. Therefore for the imple-
mentation of the TLB a Content-Addressable Memory (CAM) inside the physical MMC device is
used. Physical memory is chip area and therefore cost. Smaller processors can therefore not afford
an MMU and native Linux can not run on those devices. However Linux versions are available that
emulate an MMU, as uclinux .

Since the TLB has not a infinitive size, there are many reasons that a virtual address can not be trans-
lated to the physical address since no entry can be found. In such cases the MMU creates a page fault
interrupt and the operating system (Linux kernel) has to react. The Linux kernel has its own additional
page table in regular memory, where it knows much more about the memory demands than that what
fits into the MMU's TBL. Maybe the the desired page is even cached to the hard disk swap space. If
swapping is used the Linux kernel takes the page from the hard disk and puts it into physical memory
and updates the TLB. If there was no free space in RAM, pages will be overwritten, the kernel has to
update its page table accordingly. The overwritten TLB entries will be recovered at the next access.
When the Linux kernel has found the physical address it leaves the page fault interrupt routine and
restarts the last command that should be successfully now, since the TLB has been updated.

If also the operating system is not able to find a corresponding address, it creates a segmentation fault
that might appear on the screen.


If all that works every program can see its 4 GByte (32 address bits) virtual address space that looks
as follows

Address Segments
Hex FFFF FFFF Linux Here are all interrupt routines
and kernel stuff. Note it is phys-
(1 GByte) ically not duplicated for each
process! All virtual addresses
point to the same physical ad-
dresses in this area.
Stack Return addresses of functions
calls, but also local variables and
other temporary data
Unused area Since stack and heap grow this is
the between area, as long there is
something free there is no crash
Heap Data
Hex 0000 0000 Code Here is the program code to be
executed, but also constant data.

To initialize such an address space Linux requires that the program is formatted in a known way. The
Executable and Linking Format (ELF) is used.

Type objdump -h<path and program name> to get an example of what is known. Or even
better readelf --all<path and program name> to get all.

Historically Intel processors had weired historically grown methods to access memory. Luckily Linux
does not support them and requires the the protected mode to address memory. This makes use of the
MMU. Therefore all other address modes do not have to be considered, except when the CPU gets
reseted then for backward compatibility issues it will behave as a old Intel processor and has to be
first configured including initializing the MMU to go into the protected mode.

System Time
To see what time it is type:


And to set it:

date<MMDDhhmmYYYY> where the syntax follows (Month, Day, hour, minute and Year).

Time is vital for handling files since versions are often determined on time. Having the systems clock
running behind actual time will be very problematic since files would appear as created in the future.
Warnings as the following appear:

make[1]: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.

make[1]: Warning: File `scripts/kconfig/' has modi-

fication time 4.1e+03 s in the future

UTC is not a timezone.

To allow working globally, the following sequence could occur: Saving a file in Europe and then
another file gets saved some seconds later in New York. Even the clock in New York is hours behind,


it should be made sure that everybody on the globe sees that the file in New York got saved after the
one in Europe.

Linux uses for this UTC (Universal Time Coordinated). GMT is equal to UTC except when daylight
saving time is active. So all Computers save time in UTC on their hard disks. When showing the date
on screen, the computer takes UTC saving time of on the hard disk, knowing the local computers
timezone and daylight saving time, it can calculate the date to be shown.

A question is what time shows the local real time clock on the motherboard.

On Linux computer this should be set to UTC.

However Microsoft Windows assumes that the real time clock on the motherboard shows local time.

If running Windows and Linux on the same computer and the clock jumps back an forward one hour
then make sure Linux uses local time instead of UTC by setting


in /etc/conf.d/hwclock.otherwise leave it to


Set also the timezone of the computer by something as:

cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT /etc/localtime or create an absolute or relative symbolic link ln -s /usr/

share/zoneinfo/GMT /etc/localtime

The symlink shows what timezone selected, zdump /etc/localtime or strings /etc/localtime show it
also on a copied file.

NTP synchronizes the UTC time via Internet from a time server as using UDP
port 123.

Get the ntp packet

ntpdate is a ntp client that sets the time. Reading man ntpdate shows a disclaimer telling that it is
easy to be used but lacks of maintenance.

The pc could also act as a ntp server using the ntpd the ntp daemon. It actually acts as client as well
to get the time in the first place.

There is also sntp the simple network time protocol client.

The term stratum is used to show how directly the time is determined.

1. Stratum 1 are the most accurate network time servers (they use stratum 0 reference clocks)

2. Stratum 2 are time servers synchronized from stratum 1 network servers

3. Stratum 3 are ntp clients, they can act as stratum 4 time servers and this can repeat until stratum
15. Stratum 16 means not synchronized at all.

To configure use the pool of ntp time servers.

As when being in Switzerland:

server <n>
server <n>


<n> can be omitted or be a number of 0,1,2,3. It defines a random set of time servers. Often 4 lines
are added


Using DNS IP addresses of pool ntp time servers are assigned

Verify how close the time servers are:

install traceroute


or get tracepath (for gentoo USE="tracepath" emerge -1 iputils )


Edit /etc/conf.d/ntp-client to point to something close to the computer

NTPCLIENT_OPTS=" -b -u \ \ \ \"

To set your time at boot run

rc-update add ntp-client default

Now start it:

/etc/init.d/ntp-client start

ntpd is usually used together with ntpdate. ntpdate is used first to set the time roughly to some
minutes precision. Then ntpd takes over for the synchronization. ntpd gets more accurate time than
ntpdate since it synchronizes the kernel time and not just sets the time.

rc-update add ntpd default

Now start it:

/etc/init.d/ntpd start

To test it use ntpq the ntp query program. The -c option runs a command and exits

Read the variables using the rv command

ntpq -c rv

Print list of peers

ntpq -p -w one of the peers should start with tally code character * indication that time comes from
this server (other codes + is a candidate, space unreachable)


ntpq -c sysinfo or ntpq -c sysinfo | grep stratum to see just the stratum

There are the config file /etc/ntp.conf file and the openRC file /etc/conf.d/ntpd.

Alternative time source

The standard way for ntp is taking time from a time server on the Internet. If none is available ntp
offers to get time from other sources.

This means that a ntp server will be created and other devices might become connected as ntp clients.
If this is the case, then it could happen that the alternative time source fails. In this case it is advisable
to add the following lines to /etc/ntp.conf to switch to the local internal Linux time (coming at
boot from the RTC of the motherboard).

fudge stratum 7

ntp and gps

Gps satellites send time down to earth. Usually they use NMEA sentences on a serial port to the PC.
There might also a PPS pulse on DCD (Data Carrier Detect pin1 of a sub D9 RS232 connector) that
gives a precise clock signal.

Gps receiver must receive enough satellites to lock position and use the time information. Gps suited
well where the antenna can be placed to open sky.

Set the correct baudrate stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 38400

verify it stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0

To see what comes from the GPS receiver cat /dev/ttyUSB0

Ctrl + Z, ps and kill -9 <n> to stop the cat command

When having gpsd installed gpscat -s 38400N1 /dev/ttyUSB0 other alternatives are programs as
minicom can also be used to test it.

In ntp there are different drivers that allow to use gps:

generic nmea and ntp

This is enabled by adding

server mode <x> prefer

fudge flag1 1 flag2 0

as server.

The 127.127 means not using Internet and use a clock driver instead.

20 is the clock driver number 20 assigned to the Generic NMEA GPS Receiver see https://

0 is /dev/gps0 where the receiver will be read from

<x> is a bit map defining the details of this clock driver as:

$GPRMC is a NMEA sentence that contains both UTC and day/month/year => 0x01

38400 baud => 0x30

<x> is therefore 49 (0x01 plus 0x30)


If everything works fine ntpq -p shows a * in front of GPS


and ntpq -c rv shows stratum=1

ntpq -c clockvar shows the last NMEA sentence received

ntpq -c sysinfo gives a more human friendly view

ntp and gpsd

To use gps data simultaneously in different applications, gpsd the gps daemon can be installed. This
removes also the burden to have ntp dealing with the gps hardware. The communication between gpsd
and ntpd is done via shared memory. Problematic might be permissions for ntpd to access the shared
memory. ps -eF | grep ntpd shows how ntpd is running

and start gpsd /dev/ttyUSB0

test cgps

add to /etc/ntp.conf

# GPS Serial data reference

server minpoll 4 maxpoll 4
fudge time1 0.0 refid GPS

# GPS PPS reference

server minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 prefer
fudge refid PPS

restart ntpd /etc/init.d ntpd restart

gpsd comes with ntpshmmon a tool to monitor the shared memory.

check ntpq -p and ntpq -c rv

ntpq -p check if access to shared memory works

ipcs -m

ps aux | grep ntp

ntpq -c clockvar shows the last GPS sentence

DCF77 is a long wave 77.5kHz time transmitter in Germany
abteilungen/abt4/fb-44/ag-442/dissemination-of-legal-time/dcf77.html that can be received all over
Europe and is used by many watches. It sends pulses once a second and has date and time coded by
different pulse lengths (100ms and 200ms). It takes longer than 1min to decode time and date.

Since it is simple, some concerns exist of being too open for cyber attacks sending intentionally wrong
time. This might be easily possible on a very short distance but for long distances an antenna big as
the one in Germany covering a couple of football fields would be required.

A simply DCF77 receiver is connected directly to the RX line of a serial port of a PC. This is a trick
to not require to poll the signal level of the DCF77 receiver. If a pulse arrives the UART interprets
it as start bit and samples the following 8 bits. With the correct baud-rate the 100ms pulse returns to
hight during those 8bits and therefore different characters get received for the short 100ms pulse and
the long 200ms pulse.


Check out,+Main-

point with your smart phone there and have the ferrite antenna 90° horizontal to it. See

Generic Reference Driver number 8 is used for that.

RTC chip on the motherboard

As seen in /etc/conf.d/hwclock the Linux time is saved to the motherboards rtc chip at shut-

clock_systohc = "YES"

Assuming the kernel has been compiled with the appropriate real time clock device (RTC) driver.

Gateways and Routers

Gateways have often a clock inside and can make use of ntp as protocol (RFC1305) and type in a
sever name as

Cron allows to start programs periodically. Every full minute cron checks for some scheduled action,
therefore it has a resolution of one minute. One example is to update EPG once a day.

There are different cron implementations and therefore differences in the configuration files. The
Gentoo handbook proposes to emerge vixie-cron.

There is also a cron guide:

That shows that vixie-cron does not behave as the general documentation expects.

Vixie-cron works different than other crons. It has cron tables (crontab) per users and not the single
central /etc/crontab. So editing /etc/crontab will not make you not happy. Also Kcron fails
with vixie-cron for the same reason. What a pain (except you know why)?

/var/spool/cron is where cron holds its temporary files. Every user can have a crontab file in /
var/spool/cron/crontabs. The file /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root is everything
that root did and is waiting to be served.

Cron users have to be in the user group cron. Additionally, vixie-cron supports two files to control
who can use cron:

/var/spool/cron/allow holds all users that are not allowed, if empty all users of the cron group
are allowed.

/var/spool/cron/deny holds all users that are not allowed

The syntax of vixie-cron entries is the following:

min hour day month weekday command

The * character means not relevant. A */15 in the minute position means start at 0min 15min 30min


This table is usually not being edited directly to avoid that cron conflicts with the user.

Create the script /root/rootscript and make it executable

#! /bin/bash
date >> /tmp/cron.txt
echo the root script did it >> /tmp/cron.txt

now do:

crontab -e

Then a editor opens put the following line in and exit. Don't be worried about the strange temporary
filename, it is that cron will not try to run a file that you have currently opened, blocked and maybe
with a wrong syntax, since you are in the middle of editing it. When done cron takes care and merges
the entry into /etc/crontab.

*/2 * * * * /root/rootscript

Note: It follows the same syntax as in /etc/crontab except the user is missing.

Every two minutes 0,2,4.... the script is executed what can be observed in /tmp/cron.txt

Be aware * */2 * * * /root/rootscript

does not trigger two hour, it continuously triggers every two hours with the cron clock, to trigger it
every two hours write 0 */2 * * * /root/rootscript

Instead of editing it manually, it is also possible to create some file on (a more safe place than the /
var directory) and let vixie-cron read out the contents:

crontab<some filename>

After a while the modification of the crontab will be seen with the command crontab -l that shows
what is scheduled.

crontab -l will show the cron tables of the current user

crontab -l-u <username> of an user

To remove cron entries editing the crontabs are not recommended, do instead:

crontab -r


crontab -r -u<username>

Other crons
Other crons are dcron and fcron and require after setup the command:

crontab /etc/crontab

They have a central cron table that has the same syntax are /home/lindegur/Desktop/vix-
ie-cron except the username is also present. This central cron table is /etc/crontab

A more easy way (that does not work with vixie-cron) than editing /etc/cron.weekly is
putting a script into one of the directories /etc/cron.hourly, /etc/cron.daily, /etc/
cron.weekly or /etc/cron.monthly.

Create a script, make it executable and copy it into /etc/cron/hourly


#! /bin/bash
date >> /tmp/cron.txt
echo /etc/cron.hourly did it >> /tmp/cron.txt

Some hours later check /tmp/cron.txt

Finally there are some graphical front ends as Kcron. However Kcron does not work with vixie-cron.

Clone a system
You need more HD space, change the partitions of a drive, move from ext2 to ext3, make a backup of
a small embedded PC or you add a new hard disc, you are not happy with your partition scheme or you
want to move your system to a Solid State Disk without do a complete re-installation? This task is easy:

1. Add the new disk to your computer that will be cloned.

2. Start your PC with a Live CD, this is to avoid to copy the pseudo file systems as /sys /proc, ...
or remove the disk from your PC and add it to an other PC.

3. In case you want to copy it to a new disk, partition the new hard disk (you could do this also without
liveCD). The command ls -lR /dev/disk or fdisk -l will show you the /dev file.

4. Copy the system partitions over: cp -arT<source><destination>

5. Install the MBR (Master Boot Record) of your boot loader on the new disk, so it boots from there.
For grub legacy (versions below 1) to install the MBR on the first hard disk on pointing that the
rest of grub is in the first hard disk first partition:

a. grub --no-floppy

b. root (hd0,0)

c. setup (hd0)

d. quit

6. Verify BIOS so the boot order is correct and reboot

7. Fine tuning and checks as vmstat -d to see how often the disks are accessed.

Turn off a Linux computer

If you have KDE installed you don't have this problem, but on a text based installation you might get
crazy not being able to do such simple things:

Shutdown now does not shut down now, it brings the computer to runlevel 1 where it is still alive
and should not be turned off. If turned off, a corrupt HD could be the result. runlevel 0 would be the
runlevel, where the computer turns itself off. Init 0 brings it to this runlevel a more typing version is
shutdown -h now. An other hint just root can turn the computer off. Installing the sudo package, also
no roots are allowed to shutdown.

Ctrl + Alt +Delete can be used for shut down (only in text mode) -> /etc/inittab. One of the
two lines make sens to be there.

The following line in /etc/inittab turns off

ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -h now


The following line (unfortunately default in Gentoo) causes a reboot:

ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -r now

halt or poweroff => does also a shutdown

If you have configured graphical login to KDE, a menu allows also not root users to shutdown the

/var/log/wtmp holds the frozen state when the system got power off. Do halt –d to prevent writing
this file.

N00b Problem: When you shut down the computer but it does not turn off the power supply auto-
matically and you have to do it manually on the backside of your computer case. There are different
standards how to deal with them, check your kernel configuration.

Posix stands for Portable Operating System Interface and is defined in ISO/IEC 9945 (X stands prob-
ably for Unix). Posix standardizes the application programming interface (API), independently from
the operating systems internals.

Install Packages
It is wise to install programs just the way your Linux distribution wants it, since only this way the
Linux distribution knows what files and directory have been created. This is obviously useful later to
remove them, prevent version conflicts, check dependencies and know what to update. However there
might be the case that the program to be installed is not available for your distribution. For Gentoo
it is wise to learn about ebuilds and portage overlays so such programs will fit well into the Gentoo

Since programs contain multiple files that have to be stored at different places and relay on the correct
version of already available resources. Redhat has introduced rpm (redhat package manager) to allow
packages to be installed.

rpm -i<packagename> installs packages -e removes them.

/var/lib/rpm is the database where the rpm history is stored.

Debian uses <name>.deb files as packages that can be explored using the ar command. Type ar
t<path and packagename>.deb to explore the 3 files inside:

debian-binary Description of version

control.tar.gz Metadata, checksums, contents of data.tar.gz de-
data.tar.gz Binary of application and configuration data and

See Gentoo.


Flatpack can be installed on many different Linux distribution and allows to install
applications in a uniform manner. Gentoo Linux is supported

From Source
Download the zipped source code project project.tar.gz a good place is /usr/src. Gentoo does the
same thing and uses the directory /var/tmp/portage for it.

Unzip it tar -xzvf project.tar.gz

ortar -xjf project.bz2

Now the source is in a directory and has to be compiled, and installed. There are many ways and tools
available to do that. The following is just a short overview how to install such packages, more details
can be found in the chapter C programming.

Source with a Makefile

cd project


./make install

Source with autotools (autoconf, automake)

./configure runs the configure script created by autotools that creates the makefile


make install

Source with scons


scons install

Chapter 4. Hardware
Graphic Cards
The major graphic cards are from ATI and Nvidia. Both manufacturers support Linux and are contin-
uously improve the support and documentation. If you have the choice use Nvidia since it has better
Linux documentation and is easier to be installed.

A problem is that manufacturers proprietary drivers don't tell the open source community how the
hardware works. This is because they want to hide it to the manufacturers competitors. The open
source community restricts kernel devices to be open source, a dilemma.

The newest graphic cards might therefore problematic since the kernel probably does not support them
and the newest proprietary drivers is not integrated in the actual Linux distribution. A last chance way
out is using the VESA vga drivers. This driver works fine but does not support the multimedia and
gaming feature as 3D support, hardware acceleration and so on. Frustrating when you have to use this,
having a high end graphic card.

It has to be decided between nouveau the driver that comes with the kernel and the nvidia binary
drivers. Follow Gentoo nvidia guide to setup the card. As a general rules the driver coming with the
source should be taken since it works well together with the kernel. Exception if the functionality is
limited and the additional features of the nvidia drivers are required.

Nouveau should work right out of the box using Plug and Play data (EDID from the monitor). glxinfo
and glxgears will show if hardware acceleration work.

But it might happen that the monitor does not identify itself as expected (e.g. it is not a monitor but
a TV) then nouveau tries continuously to find some monitor with PnP and every couple of second it
blanks the screen. To avoid that pass the following to the kernel as via /boot/grub/grub.conf:

kernel /kernel-3.7.10-gentoo-2013-03-16 root=/dev/sda2 vga=0xf07 drm_kms_helper

Proprietary nvidia drivers

The the nvidia proprietary drivers must be compiled for the used kernel version. This might be consid-
ered as disadvantage, however on the other hand the installation went smooth indicating that there is
good Linux support. It works well and gets a compact not confusing /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Nice
comprehensive documentation is provided at: /usr/share/doc/nvidia-drivers-<no>/html/index.html.
However it is not necessary to read it since there is also emerge nvidia-settings. There all the settings
as Video Output for an attached TV can be made and when done the /etc/X11/xorg.conf can
be created out of it.

Pivot functionality (turning monitor 90° to have portrait) is easily supported using nvidia cards. In /
etc/X11/xorg.conf in the device section where nvidia driver is, add the line

Section "Device"

Driver "nvidia"

Option "RandRRotation" "true"


When successful the desktop tools for screen resize & rotate will contain now the options to rotate
the screens. If not checkout /var/log/Xorg.0.log since since rotation might be restricted to 24
depth only. So set:

DefaultDepth 24

The commands xrandr -o left and xrandr -o right will then turn it and xrandr -o normal brings it

ATI Graphics Cards Radeon

There are drivers available via kernel source or closed source drivers from ATI.

Create a kernel with no frame buffer except efi if you boot with efi.

In the xorg.conf.d/21-radeon.conf file add

Section "Device"
Identifier "radeon"
Driver "radeon"

to avoid that Xorg needs to guess, producing errors and finally be faster to start.

ATI drivers from kernel source

Linux is open source and this is especially true for the kernel. However when it comes to new ker-
nels and modern ATI graphic cards then an exception appears. Proprietary ATI firmware in form of a
number of binary files needs to be configured in the kernel (or made available when the kernel loads
the graphic card as module). The kernel .config file can be prepared in a way that the kernel com-
pilation knows those files from /lib/firmware that do not come with the kernel source. To get the
ATI radeon firmware emerge linux-firmware and find the firmware files under /lib/firmware/

To know what firmware file needs to be installed is best done by not install any at all but then check
the logs for what is missing:

dmesg and /var/log/Xorg.0.log will show if there are some troubles.

cat /var/log/messages | grep 'error'

radeon 0000:01:05.0: Direct firmware load for radeon/R600_rlc.bin

failed with error -2

Then add the missing firmware and redo the steps.

Figure 4.1. Firmware blobs

ATI closed source drivers

The proprietary drivers from ATI where used in the past to support more features.

The more modern way (and sometimes the only way) is use the standard kernel way and have the
kernel know and load firmware into the graphic cards.


In the early days computer monitors had an analog video signal as input similar as black and white
TV's. To support color, they did not modulate the color information to the black and white signal (as
PAL and NTSC). PAL and NTSC work well for video sequences but for a color output the picture
was not sharp enough. The color PC's used different color signals and separated the sync signals from
it. Many different connector variations appeared, but finally the VGA 15pin connector became the

As PC evolved a digital interface between PC and monitor was requested, to increase the performance
and since digital not loose any information. The DVI (Digital Visual Interface) got introduced. The
3 channel color makes use of DC free encoding, differential signals and are clocked between PC and
Monitor supporting 24bit data per pixel. The dual link feature doubles the number of channels and
expands the limits of the single link implementation. Optionally the DVI connector can have additional
pins that make the analog signal available to connect VGA monitors. DVI makes use of DDC to
communicate with the monitor.

Nowadays the gap between PC and multimedia devices gets smaller and smaller. Multimedia devices
require not just a video signal but also audio signals. The High Definition Multimedia Interface (HD-
MI) is therefore quite common. HDMI considers DVI for the Video signal and adds other missing
feature to the connector (Audio and HDMI Ethernet Channel HEC, bidirectional audio using AOC
Audio Return Channel). Since the physical size gets quite important for multimedia devices, there are
many different connectors available: type A (single link), B (dual link), C (Mini-HDMI single link),
D (Micro HDMI), E (Automotive). The smaller connectors make not use of the dual link feature of
DVI. There are no audio pins on the HDMI connector, since audio is transmitted the same way as DVI
uses for video. This might cause compatibility problems and therefore many devices still use separate
audio cables. HDMI makes also use of to communicate between the devices. There is also
Content protection (HDCP) to encrypt data between two devices for copy protection reasons (but there
are also HDCP strippers to remove this).

Since HDMI is digital and bidirectional it might happen than a small fault makes the signal
disappear. One source of errors are connectors and sockets that do not fit well together. Con-
nectors might have too much rubber that prevents plug them in completely.

The i2c interface of the graphic card needs to be setup. Check the i2c section of this book about how to
do this. Finally a good command to see if the i2c adapter of your graphic card is available is: i2cdetect
-l (after emerge i2c-tools). i2c-tools comes with ddcmon and decode-edid that use the (not in the
kernel included) kernel module eeprom to read the edid from the monitors eeprom. So first modprobe
eeprom and to confirm lsmod will confirm that the eeprom kernel module is loaded.

There are also dedicated programs for that:

To read from (and write to) the monitor emerge ddccontrol and read http://ddccontrol.source-

If all is ok, gddccontrol pops up a gui and detects the monitor.

To read the edid data emerge read-edid from Extended
display identification data (EDID). The two programs are get-edid and parse-edid. Per default get-
edid reads the data and sends it directly to parse-edid so human readable data appears on the screen


among other bla bla bla output text that get-edid produces. Optionally get-edid > <edid-file>
sends the binary edid data in a file. The file could then be used by manually tweaking Xorg or can
later parsed using parse-edid < <edid-file> to see the edid data. The edid data can be copied and
pasted to a /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-Monitor.conf file.

The modeline lines in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-Monitor.conf file might
cause syntax errors due to the missing first three mandatory numbers. Just comment the lines
with # that having a syntax error.

Set in /etc/conf.d/keymapsyour keyboard language type e.g. sg for Swiss German (See /usr/

setxkbmap ch




loadkeys <path to *.map file> to load keyboard translation table to load the kernel keymap for the

The command showkey -s (root and preferably not under x since x reads also from /dev/console) shows
scan codes of the keyboard pressed and release events.

The system converts those to keycodes shown by the command showkey. Note that the X keyboard
driver can convert them and desktop as KDE can convert them again.

How do I set up an International Keyboard Layout? To check multimedia keys press them and then
check dmesg. Pressing and releasing the E-Mail button, produces

atkbd.c: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0x91 on isa0060/serio0).

atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e011 <keycode>' to make it known.

atkbd.c: Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0x91 on isa0060/serio0).

atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e011 <keycode>' to make it known.

Edit the KEYMAP variable in /etc/conf.d/keymaps. To have console working correctly

with extended characters in your keymap you might also need to set up variables CONSOLE-
TRANSLATION and CONSOLEFONT in your /etc/conf.d/consolefont (See /usr/
share/consolefont for further information on localization of your environment, refer to our lo-
calization guide). Then, either reboot, or restart the keymaps and consolefont scripts:

Code Listing 5.1: Restarting keymaps

/etc/init.d/keymaps restart

/etc/init.d/consolefont restart


Mapping keys to applications in kde is easy open the control center, go to regional and accessibility,
then keyboard short cuts. Then to command short cut. Select the application you like to map, create
the shortcut an press the key.

scan codes can be seen by

showkey -s

and key codes by

showkey -k

Mapping the keycodes seen by the command above to the symbols in /usr/share/X11/
XKeysymDB the file .Xmodmap in the home directory has to be edited.

As example the calculator key produces the keycode 140 and this has to be linked to XF86Calculator.
So ~/.Xmodmap contains:

keycode 140 = XF86Calculator

Now some code is required to run it: For Kde create the executable ~/.kde/share/con-
fig/kdm/Xsession and add:

if [ -f $HOME/.Xmodmap ]; then
/usr/bin/xmodmap <home path>/.Xmodmap

See xorg for configuring the mouse in graphic mode.

To test a mouse in text mode cat /dev/input/mouse0 reads from the mouse and shows that it is alive
Ctrl C quites it.

If the /dev file not exist. Check if CONFIG_INPUT_MOUSEDEV is set in the kernel

For having the mouse in text mode use gpm

gpm -m /dev/input/mice

For OpenRC

/etc/init.d/gpm start and rc-update add gpm default

If it does not work under the xserver Ctrl Alt F1 to open a text screen and start a text application that
has mouse support as mc Alt F7 brings you back to the xserver

Type man gpm to get info about the options and mev to see the mouse events.

There are different ways how joystick are supported in Linux.

The most up to date way is using a modern usb joystick, evdev and sdl2 the simple direct media layer.
If the system is happy the joystick should be seen under /dev/input/by-id


The old way uses /dev/input/js*

Fingerprint sensor
Fingerprint sensors are usually attached to USB and do not need a kernel driver. To test it is best to
install the fprint_demo packages that usually installs the library libfprint that does all the

Before installing a PAM module to use it as a password, fprint_demo should proof that it works

Figure 4.2. Fingerprint

The libfprint source code comes with example programs that might not become installed with
libfprint but could be compiled separately. Those sample programs capture fingerprint and con-
vert them to images and do simple verification tasks.

Parallel Port
The parallel port has been introduced to control a printer. Since printers are output devices there where
8 outputs to pass an ASCII character to the printer and some inputs to get the status back. The parallel
port got quickly used for other things and got expanded, therefore the following version can appear.
Some BIOS allow to choose between them

Type Date of Introduc- Bidirectional DMA Speed

Standard parallel 1981 No No 150 Kbyte/sec
port (Standard Par-
allel Port SPP)
Parallel port PS/2 1987 If No 150 Kbytes/sec


Enhanced Parallel 1994 If No 2 Mbytes/sec

Port (EPP)
Extended Capabil- 1994 If If 2 Mbytes/sec
ity Port (ECP)

To use the the parallel port to control some custom hardware as LCDproc make sure DMA is disabled.

The Pinout of the parallel Port:

Pin Name Dir

1 Data Strobe out
2 to 9 Data 0 to 7 out /(and in)
10 Acknowledge in
11 Busy in
12 Paper Out in
13 Select in
14 Autofeed out
15 Error in
16 Reset out
17 Selected out
18 to 25 Ground

In simple CPU designs the microprocessor accesses directly the memory and peripheries. Modern PC
have multi core and run much faster that the signals could reach the peripherals. It would also be a
bad solution when low cost, low speed peripherals would have to run at the same speed as the CPU or
the other way round, if the CPU would have to wait until the slow peripheral would be ready to pass
data to the CPU (simple CPU design add wait states in the data access sequence for that).

Therefore a bus architecture feeds the CPU's. The PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) is the bus
that interfaces to add-on cards (plus stuff directly integrated to the motherboard, that looks as add-
on cards).

Different version with coded PCB shape exist: 3.3V, 5V, 32bit, 64bit. There can be different domain
that are numbered from 0 to ffff, different buses numbered from 0 to ff, different slot to plug in cards
numbered 0 to 1f and finally a card can have multiple functions numbered from 0 to 7. A PCI address
can therefore be written as <domain>:<bus>:<slot>.<func>

PCI-E (PCI-express) is the successor of PCI.

Saving energy has many benefits:

1. Getting green!

2. Working longer on batteries

3. Increasing lifetime of the computer, since it gets less hot

4. Lowering energy bill


There are a lot of sites about power management:

Enable the ACPI (Advanced Configuration & Power Interface) stuff in the kernel, set the useflags and
emerge sys-power/acpid start the daemon /etc/init.d/acpid start and add it to the default runlevel rc-
update add acpid default.

There are smart batteries used in SBS (Smart Battery Systems) that contain lots of electronics that can
be accessed through a dedicated SMBus. However this SMBus might not be directly accessed by the
laptop's main CPU. The reason is the the SMBus host is a small microprocessor responsible for the
battery management, and interference with the main CPU and it software might cause in the worst
case an overcharging of the batteries. In case of LiPo batteries this could cause to produce gas pressure
inside the batteries and this cold lead to an explosion.

However you can still do something with the batteries. Check that your kernel has enabled CON-

To check your lap top batteries

cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/info

cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state

Smart batteries can store data in non-volatile memory. It might therefore be necessary when smart
batteries are repaired to reseted this non-volatile memory via SMBus. There are at least the following
pieces on the SMBus:

1. SMBus host interface (can be powered down)

2. Smart battery charger

3. Smart battery

There are usually 5 signals on the smart battery:

1. Plus, Minus of the battery

2. SMBus Clock and Data

3. Safety Signal that is a temperature sensitive resistor to ground (2850 < Rss < 31.5k is normal

There are two types of Smart battery chargers:

1. Level 2 act as slave only (the battery must initiate the communication)

2. Level 3 can act as master and initiate a communication

Usually the Smart battery initiates a request to the Smart battery charger to deliver voltage and current.
The smart battery can send out critical events.

To charge Li-Ion and Li-Polymer the voltage and the current must be controlled. Usually they will
be charged with a constant current until the voltage has raised to a certain level. Then this voltage is
kept constantly. Special care is necessary since when the batteries get overcharged they can explode.


Usually there are battery packs, where the 3.5V batteries are put in series to produce 7V or 10.5V.
It can happen that the cells in series are not equally charged and therefore one might become over-
charged and the other undercharged, this could lead in the extreme case to explosion. To avoid that
the a battery balancer checks and balances the voltage of every cell. Additionally battery backs have
temperature sensor as additional check. However connecting Li-Ion and Li-Polymer in parallel is a
common method to expand the capacity.

Talking to a smart battery SMBus address 0x0b can best be done using a USB to I2C converter, since
the internal SMBus might not be accessible to the main CPU running Linux due to safety issues. So
you have to remove the battery and connect it to the external I2C converter. This can be done using
adhesive copper tape glued to plastic strips to make the contacts that can be plugged into the battery
pack. Wires can be glued onto the copper tape stripes and epoxy resin fixes it mechanically.

i2cget -y 6 0x0b 0x18 w


Converted from hex to decimal gives the 4800mAh capacity of the battery

i2cget -y 6 0x0b 0x19 w


Converted from hex to decimal gives the 11100mV design voltage

i2cget -y 6 0x0b 0x08 w


Converted from hex to decimal gives the temperature in Kelvin at a 0.1K resolution => 26.5°C

i2cget -y 6 0x0b 0x09 w


Converted from hex to decimal gives the current voltage 10995mV

i2cget -y 6 0x0b 0x03 w


Shows the problem that the battery packages has: The bit 7 is the read only condition flag 0 would
mean Battery OK, but 1 means Conditioning Cycle Requested (or according the newest smart battery
spec Capacity Re-learn Cycle). Usually this is a full charge, full discharge and full charge cycle. To
have a program that does this see:

Figure 4.3. Smart Batteries


Frequency scaling of the cpu

The frequency has direct impact to the power used by the cpu. However it can be just changed by
certain steps. First check if you kernel has the support enabled and modprobe the kernel modules
when they are not included in the kernel, then emerge cpufrequtils and run cpufreq-info to see what is
possible. To test it is good to get manual control over the frequency. To get this the govenor userspace
must be made active cpufreq-set -g userspace. The frequency can then be lowered cpufreq-set -f
1000000 or using units cpufreq-set -f 1800MHz or cpufreq-set -f 1GHz. Reducing the frequency
from 2GHz to 1GHz using a Amd64 AthlonX2 results in about 20W power saving (using a low cost
watt meter). Now cpufreq-set -g ondemand and let the kernel play with the frequencies.

To see live what is going on watch grep \"cpu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo. An other option is using a
program as the ksensors to see frequency and also fan speed read via I2C of the mother board. The
kernel does all the stuff remember to set the desired default governor when building it. Other methods
that are more complicated to setup are available that make use of daemons to set the frequencies.

Hard disks
Show status hdparm -C /dev/hda

Setting a power management level (if supported) hdparm -B10 /dev/hda

Show info hdparm -i /dev/hda

Look in the info for the AdvancedPM

Got to idle hdparm -y /dev/hda

Different ways how hard disks are powered exist.

Historically they had a 12V plus a 5V power supply.

Smaller Laptop disks use just 5V and are therefore friendly to be connected as external disks. External
hard disks can be connected via USB converter or eSATA. eSATA is electrically the same as SATA
used between motherboard and hard disk except the connector is more robust.

When connecting an hard disk to a usb adapter take care how it is powered. It might be
powered via the 5V or the USB but if the hard disk requires 12V then an additional power
supply must be used. Some USB converter do not support using an external power supply
(USB to SATA converters having a common connector for both SATA and Power)

gnome-disk-utility comes with gnome-disks that has features: show partition, show disks, tests,
SMART data, benchmarks, looking for bad sectors.

Impact of the software

emerge powertop to see how the software installation can help. It analyzes the system and gives tips
and saving estimates.

Chapter 5. Graphical User Interface
Xorg, the X server
Once there was Xfree86 the X server. But Xfree86 wasn't GPL, so a fork of it, Xorg got created.
Lightweight alternative X servers are:

1. XVesa

2. TinyX

The X server turns the text based Linux into a graphic computer. In simple words X does all the graph-
ical things except, the ones that you see on the screen. For the things on the screen a Desktop-System
as Kde, Gnome, Xfce, LXDE and many others has to be used, that run on top of the X server. More
precisely window manager as matacity for gnome, xfwm4 for Xfce4 have to be used. There are also
window mangers that do not come with a Desktop-system as compiz. The X server can therefore be
understood as the infrastructure that allows a graphical user interface.

Since the system gets a lot of plug and play information modern X server do not any manual config-
uration to run with basic functionality. Fine tuning might be just necessary to let the X server know
what keyboard layout is used.

The X server relies on a kernel having the graphic cards correctly supported. A good sign
for such a kernel is if at boot the penguin icons appear. If not the a kernel should be created
that does this. Setting up modern radon cards is a bit tricky since they require firmware to
be loaded. But when done, they work well.

X servers make use of evdev, so make sure your kernel has it enabled. Additionally dbus should run
verify it by rc-update show.

The X server is quite heavy, therefore alternatives have been developed. Android does not
use the X server at all.

Programs using the X server can obviously access the graphic card, however there is a need to do it
more direct:

1. XV (Xvideo) extension allows to direct access to the graphic card via the X-server

2. DGA (Direct Graphic Access) accesses the graphic card bypassing the X-server

Install the X server under Gentoo Linux

To install X the VIDEO_CARDS and INPUT_DEVICES variables have to be set in /etc/


for backup drivers, you may also want to add vesa and fbdev

INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse synaptics evdev"

In the sample above a radeon video card is used and synaptics is the driver for most laptops touch
panels and evdev for some mice.

emerge xorg-x11 then does the job.

Graphical User Interface

After the installation /usr/lib/xorg/modules holds the drivers. The directory /usr/X11R6/
lib/X11/doc should be present and hold the documentation.

X -showconfig, X -version or xdpyinfo shows what you have.

To start the xserver with startx some window managers need to be installed in the past x came with
some, but not anymore, therefore emerge -1 twm and emerge -1 xterm or go directly to your desired
window manager as lxde.

Major updates of the xserver might bring incompatibilities with the x drivers. Therefore recompile
the drivers as follows:

emerge -av1 `qlist -I -C x11-drivers/` or (in case of qlist makes a segment failure) emerge -vuDN
--with-bdeps=y xorg-drivers

The configuration files

The key to have a running X server was the /etc/X11/xorg.conf configuration file, now the
xserver can even run without it since it can get most device information from the system. A closer
look shows that the idea of the xorg.conf file did not disappear. Furthermore it got quite expanded.
There is the directory/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ that holds the configuration files. Those
files are basically an xorg.config file that got split into different files and luckily follows the same
syntax. There is nothing wrong if the /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ directory is empty and
the X server runs. In this case the X server has found all the necessary configuration using plug an
play data. However certain things the X server can not detect as keyboard layouts. So some help by
adding config files is recommended.

To tune the X severs configuration delete temporarily xdm service rc-update del xdm and
if done re-added rc-update add xdm default. Be aware that /etc/init.d/xdm stop terminates
immediately the X server

If the system administrator wants to change something he should do it in the/etc/X11/xorg.con-

f.d/, those settings will overwrite the default settings where the sequence of processing is defined
by alphabetical order, therefore the file have a preceding number in their file names. A practical way
is to copy and rename the files from the default settings in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/
to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/, and do the modification there. See

To see the appropriate xserver version type X -version.

The/etc/X11/xorg.conf, /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ and /etc/X11/

xorg.conf.d/,files have sections, starting with :

Section "<section identifier>"

" " "

In the past xorgcfg and xorgconfig where programs that created the/etc/X11/xorg.conf file.
X -configure should still work

See man xorg.conf to get the actual information about the config file.

The sequence in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file can be structured bottom up or top down. It is
explained here in a top down approach. The sections of the same type can be more than once present
in the file, since the can be distinguished by their identifiers.

Graphical User Interface

In the newer Xorg's how it is dealt with the keyboard and mouse have changed The mouse and key-
board drivers are obsolete and have been replaced by evdev. Therefore create a kernel with evdev
before installing xorg to have the keyboard and mouse running in xorg. evdev might end up to have
a laptops touchpad working as absolute coordinates (thinking it is a touch screen). In this case the
synaptics driver can be installed in parallel. On a long term both evdev and synaptics will be replaced
by libinput.

See man evdev

Create a kernel with:

Device Drivers --->

Input device support --->

<*> Event interface

If you have an AT (all laptops) or PS/2 keyboard

-*- Keyboards --->

<*> AT keyboard

If you have an USB keyboard

[*] HID Devices --->

-*- Generic HID support

<*> USB Human Interface Device (full HID) support

Add to/etc/make.conf:

INPUT_DEVICES="... evdev ...."

To see your ev devices:

cat /proc/bus/input/devices

the line

H: Handlers=mouse1 event8 kbd

shows the link to the device file


The test cat /dev/input/mouse1 should now show that this mouse is active and the appropriate kernel
driver is loaded (if it is a laptop touch-pad, check also that is enabled by keys as Fn + F7 or BIOS).

Touch pads of laptops might operate in two modes. Relative as mice do and absolute. If
touching in the middle or corners of the touch pads and the cursor jumps thee then absolute
mode is used. Obviously in absolute mode positioning the cursor is difficult, since some mm
on the touch pads result in some cm on the screen. If the touch-pad is very sensitive and
jumps then absolute mode might be enabled.
Install the package evemu from to get the tools

Graphical User Interface

evemu-describe to describe the devices

evemu-record > <filename> to record events and write it to a file Ctrl+C exits

evemu-play <filename> to play the recorded events


or install the package xev, start xev in a x terminal, and type multimedia keys to see their key code.
Example for E-Mail button:

KeyPress event, serial 34, synthetic NO, window 0x2c00001,

root 0x13b, subw 0x0, time 3132075, (765,504), root:(793,581),

state 0x0, keycode 163 (keysym 0x1008ff19, XF86Mail), same_screen


XLookupString gives 0 bytes:

XmbLookupString gives 0 bytes:

XFilterEvent returns: False

KeyRelease event, serial 34, synthetic NO, window 0x2c00001,

root 0x13b, subw 0x0, time 3132287, (765,504), root:(793,581),

state 0x0, keycode 163 (keysym 0x1008ff19, XF86Mail), same_screen YES,

XLookupString gives 0 bytes:

XFilterEvent returns: False

There is also emerge input-utils that prints out what events a device can produce and the monitors
it. lsinput shows what you have got.

For the mouse:

Section InputDevice and InputClass

Originally each input device as mouse and keyboard had an individual InputDevice section. This
caused a problem when multiple mice and keyboard (like) devices got plugged in. New Xservers solve
this issue by using InputClass sections instead of InputDevice sections. The main difference between
InputClass and InputDevice sections is that a InputClass section can match different input devices and
therefore support multiple devices as multiple mice and keyboards. See

Section Mouse
All the mice that live around and in your computer and their wheels

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "<Name of the Mouse>"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "Auto" # Auto detect
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"

Graphical User Interface

For the wheel mouse add at least

Option "ZaxisMapping" "4 5"

to enable the wheel. A program to detect the mouse wheels is xev.

Section Keyboard
See also: Keyboard

This section contains everything about the Keyboard and its layout (Swiss-Layout => ch).

For evdev the section would look as follows:

Section "InputClass"
Identifier "keyboard-all"
Driver "evdev"
Option "XkbLayout" "ch"
Option "XkbVariant" ",qwerty"

MatchIsKeyboard "on"

When not using evdev then the kbd driver has been used

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "<Name of the Keyboard>"
Driver "kbd"
Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
Option "XkbModel" "logiaccess"
Option "XkbLayout" "ch"

/usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst holds the possible values

Alternatively the layout could also be set in the desktop environment as gnome, but this is not rec-
ommended since it is not active on the login screen and when having a password deviating from the
default keyboard layout will create big confusion since just * appears during typing in the password.

Section ServerLayout
This Section puts everything together and defines the Layout. The Screen is the combination of Mon-
itor and Graphic card, CorePointer and Keyboard are the input devices.

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "<Identifier of this Layout>"
Screen "<Identifies the Screen used>"
InputDevice "<Identifier of the mouse>" "CorePointer"
InputDevice "<Identifier of the keyboard>" "CoreKeyboard"

This section does not have to be present, if there is just one section of every device.

Section Screen
The section screen links the monitor to the graphic card (Device) and lists all Video modes supported:

Section "Screen"

Graphical User Interface

Identifier "<Identifier for the Screen>"

Device "<Identifier of the Graphic Card>"
Monitor "<Identifier of the Monitor>"
DefaultDepth 24
Subsection "Display"
Depth 8
Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
ViewPort 0 0
Subsection "Display"
Depth 16
Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
ViewPort 0 0
Subsection "Display"
Depth 24
Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
ViewPort 0 0

Section Monitor
Shows what your monitor is able to do:

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "<Identifier of the Monitor>"
HorizSync 22-82
VertRefresh 56-76

The horizontal synchronization frequency range values are in kHz and the vertical synchronization
frequency range in Hz. Usually this section looks simple, but it can be highly customized to create
various timings. It is also a place where you can adjust horizontal and vertical position of the picture
on the monitor, to remove annoying jumps when video modes change. See: Timing for a TV

If i2c is enabled (see i2c section in this book) then the graphic controller can read the edid data from
the monitor. The program get-edid can create the content of the Monitor section and can be stored
into a file as /etc/X11/xorg-conf.d/22-monitor.conf

Section Graphic Card

The Section for the graphic card is called Device. It helps the X server to take directly the correct driver
and not try to guess generic drivers first producing errors and maybe end up loading a wrong driver.

Section "Device"
Identifier "<Identifier of the Graphic Card>"
Driver "<Name of the driver for the Graphic Card>"
<Graphic Card specific options>

For binary device drivers of ATI and Nvidia drivers this section becomes complex, drivers delivered
with the kernel source have just the basic settings.

Section Files
Holds the paths that differ from the defaults paths plus many paths to fonts

Section "Files"

Graphical User Interface

RgbPath "<here when differ from default>"

ModulePath "<addtitionl paths to modules can be added>"
FontPath "<path to fonts>"

Section Modules
Checkout for what modules are available



Section "Module"
Load "dbe" # Double buffer extension
SubSection "extmod"
Option "omit xfree86-dga" # don't initialise the DGA
Load "<Font module>"
Load "<An other font module>"
Load "extmod" # for some commonly used extensions
Load "glx" # This loads the OpenGL for X module
Load "drm"
Load "v4l" #Video for Linux

Section Dri
This is the configuration for the Direct Rendering Infrastructure for OpenGL and sets the permission

Section "dri"
Mode 0666

Section ServerFlags
The deviations from the default flags of the X server are added here

Section "ServerFlags"
# Disable the <Ctrl><Alt><BS> server abort sequence
# This allows clients to receive this key event.
Option "DontZap"

Fonts are one of then most complicated things on a Linux computer. There are many ways and also
many license issues how sw handles them.

Tools to help getting an overview are gnome-font-viewer, fontypython, fslsfonts (lists fonts of the
xserver), showfont.

Modern linux systems use fontconfig to standardize a way fonts are handledhttp://www.freedesk-

For gentoo to reset it delete /etc/fonts/conf.d and then emerge -1 fontconfig then eselect
fontconfig list

Graphical User Interface

fc-list shows all fonts managed be fontconfig

fc-match will show what font will be used for a given pattern (as monospace and German language:
fc-match Monospace:lang=ge

/usr/share/fonts is a place where font files are

fontforge is a tool to create fonts

xfd -fa dejavu-sans or xfd -fa "DejaVu Serif:style=Book" will show the glyphs in a fonts

gnome character map has a search option, typing the character into it ans search will bring up the font
where the glyph is inside.

Setting up fonts


When configuring X it is important to make sure that it has the correct understanding of the size of your
screen, make also sure that you're running LCDs at their native resolution, which is used to calculate
the horizontal and vertical pitch (DPI) of the screen - fonts in GTK+ applications seem to get especially
uglified by bad screen info. Defining the width and height of the screen (in millimeters) is done the
following way and put in the Monitor section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
DisplaySize 340 270

Example 5.1. Custom screen resolution

To get the DPI (Dots Per Inch) you need to know the resolution. Assume it is 1024 dots * 768 dots.

Horizontal DPI = 1024dots/340mm * 25.4mm/1inch = 76.5 DPI

Vertical DPI = 768dots/270mm * 25.4mm/1inch = 72.2 DPI

Asian fonts
Having the font is not enough, your character encoding and application must also able to select them
(see UTF-8).

emerge media-fonts/kochi-substitute For Japanese

emerge media-fonts/arphicfonts For Chinese

emerge media-fonts/baekmuk-fonts For Korean

To test use Google language tools type in something English and translate it into Japanese http:// , then copy and paste it into the console. Now an exercise! If your computer is
configured correctly then you will see the 3 lines below with some Asian characters (glyphs), copy
and paste the the first line in Google translate and select Japanese to English, then click on translate.
For the second line Chinese to English and the third line Korean to English:


Graphical User Interface


## ##### ##

Font warnings in Xorg.log

If the log contains the request for mkfontdir /usr/share/fonts/100dpi and mkfontdir /usr/share/
fonts/75dpi execute those commands.

If fonts are missing install the following







If still are missing fonts as TTF adn OTF create their directories mkdir /usr/share/fonts/TTF and
mkfontdir /usr/share/fonts/TTF

Desktop environments
Linux is very flexible when it comes to how graphical desktops looks like. However almost all make
use of X. To explain in a sentence what is X, I would say X is the infrastructure needed to run graphical
programs, without having any graphical software. So the various desktops make use of this infrastruc-
ture that forms a nicely powerful layer to the hardware.

The desktop that you mostly use and where you have discovered all features needed is probably the one
you like the most. Therefore it is recommending a desktop might never be based on a neutral opinion.

It is a good idea to use applications not thighed to the desktop environment, so the work and data will
be still available on major version updates or desktop changes.

KDE is a full featured desktop using the GPL version of the QT libraries and comes with many ap-
plications that simply are there and work without being worried how to install and configure them
(screen capture, system monitor, info center, file find, file manager that asks to do links instead of
copy and duplicate files... ).

Advantage: KDE is a complete solution.

Disadvantage: It might be considered a bit bloated, having big foot print and makes the used depending
on KDE applications.

The many (but not all) KDE applications can be installed easily when not using KDE.http-
s:// They have obvious dependencies to QT.

Once having installed a program that depends on QT, the KDE applications do not require
a lot of dependencies.

Graphical User Interface


KDE can have many window effects as wobbly windows and the desktop cube. For this, it is important
that direct rendering is working and KDE gets started with the Window manager plasma (not Open-
box). The the desktop cube can be made visible by a key sequence.

Simply short pressing the key sequence to see the cube and then use the mouse to move
around. When done, re-press the key sequence to go back. The default key sequence Ctrl
+ F11 might conflict with an other already set key sequence and therefore not work. In this
case a custom key sequence as Ctrl + space can be set.

Figure 5.1. KDE cube

The desktop environment Gnome has a long tradition and is probably the best compromise between
full blown slow fancy desktop and fast, friendly intuitive and usable. It uses gtk library and is therefore
full GPL. Ubuntu makes use of Gnome.

Gtk stands for Gimp tool Kit and shows it origin. Gimp is the Gnu Image Manipulation Program.

For Gentoo set the automount useflag, to have the gnome-volume-manager dealing with the devices
plugged in. See the D-Bus section for more details.

Gnome 3 depends on systemd and therefore a migration is tricky. An other indication that it has become
a big chunk is that it does no more run with compiz.

Xfce means XForms Common Environment, however new versions of it do not make use of Xforms
anymore, to keep the name, Xfce means something as X Freakin' Cool Environment.

It is considerably less complex than KDE and Gnome, but still well featured and fast.

Distributions on Netbooks as Linpus for the Acer Aspire One make use of Xfce.

Graphical User Interface

LXDE the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment is an other attempt to have what many people
want, a non bloated fast simple desktop. and for gentoo https://wiki.gen-

Many distributions as Knoppix has jumped toward LXDE. Additionally it is well layered and follows
the standards. To get it fancy LXDE can be run with compiz.

Since it is lightweight not too many applications come. The following might be considered to addi-
tionally install

• Leafpad a gui editor

• LXDM a display manager to login graphically (Add lxdm to /etc/conf.d/xdm). The configu-
ration file is /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf . There is also a simple gui lxdm-config

Some other packages are recommended to be installed as:

• To have media mounted via gui make sure gvfs is installed

• check that consolekitd is running (On gentoo rc-update add consolekit default)

• file-roller to get archiving support

• shutterbug for screen-shots

To see date and seconds click on the clock, go to the digital clock settings and insert %F %R:%S

For gentoo emerge lxde-meta and echo "exec startlxde" >> ~/.xinitrc

LXDE used gtk2 and there are no plans to move it to gtk3. As alternative there is a move to QT https://

Desktop files
Desktop icons are defined in the *.desktop files found in ~/Desktop and . pcmanfm wants to
be clever and smart and does not show their filenames but interprets their contents. pcmanfm finds
inside those *.desktop text files a link to an icon and a name to be shown.

The easiest way to get such files is going to the menu and right click the mouse and select put to
desktop. However going to /usr/share/applications and see what desktop files are already
available and then just copy them to ~/Desktop. The *.desktop files is an other option. Since
the *.desktop files are text files they can be edited using a text editor or created via command
lxshortcut -i ~/Desktop/<name>.desktop that starts a gui to create a *.desktop file. Path to the
executable, Name on the desktop and finally an icon has to be placed. Icons for that can be found under
/usr/share/icons or /usr/share/pixmaps for those directories not path and file extension
must be added. For Icons in other directories the path must be present.

Desktop files should be validated using the desktop-file-validate tool.

Finally right click on the mouse lets to move menu icons to the desktop.

However also documents and links to documents can be placed can be placed in the Desktop
directory and appear as icons on the screen.

Graphical User Interface

The menu is made from *.desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications for user menus
and /usr/share/applications for global menus. The parameter


inside those files defines the category where they pop up. There is the java application lxmed that
is a gui for this.

To have the terminal running:


Inside the directory /usr/share/applications also a file mimeinfo.cache can be found.

Having a file of a mime type, then the desktop file handling this type of data can be found. This cache
file is created from the *.desktop files using their mime type declaration:


File managers as pcmanfm make use of desktop files in /usr/share/applications that, when
clicking on a file the mime type is defined (looking at the file extension) and via mimeinfo.cache
the *.desktop file is found and therefore started including passing the name of the file being clicked.

It takes the desktop files from /usr/share/applications and not from ~/Desktop

In pcmanfm go to Edit/Preferences/General, Check box for "Don't ask options on launch executable
file" to not have questions popping up

Desktop files can also be started automatically when they are put in /etc/xdg/autostart

Inside the *.desktop files there is the command including an variable as %f that represents a single
file name.

AdobeReader.desktop has %U inside indication that is an URL but pcmanfm passes
a file and then acroread does not open the file. Changing %U to %f fixes this issue.

Some applications do not have icons and take icons form a icon theme. So install theme as:








xdg-open <filename> opens a file with the default application

Graphical User Interface

xdg-settings get default-web-browser returns the desktop file of the default browser

gtk-launch <name of desktop file without .desktop> start such files

Window Managers
X is even layered more than expected this allows to exchange the window manager with something
that does fancy stuff. Window managers create a window space where a program can run. As examples
for window managers:

Desktop environment Window Manager

KDE Plasma, Openbox, Kwin
Gnome metacity
Xfce4 Xfm4
LXDE Openbox (is considered as standalone manager)
X twm (comes with X)

There are also some standalone Window Managers, since they want to be complete more than just the
Window manager is coming with those programs:

1. Compiz to make your desktop fancy

2. Fluxbox

3. TWM (is often the default one since it is basic with not much dependent libraries, as a result it is
ugly, and often used jut to test X)

4. Openbox

The Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual (ICCCM) defines a standard way for Window
managers and allows to exchange window managers.

Windows have windows decoration, this is usually the top colored bar showing on the right the window
size and close icons and on the left an icon identifying the running program. Alt + Space can open its
menu where new commands as move window, move up/down, Un/decorate, ... appear.

Openbox customization
Since openbox is rather basic some customization might be useful

Install fonts as ttf-bitstream-vera and corefonts

The menu is /etc/xdg/openbox or user level ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml There is the

program menumaker that can create menus as mmaker -v OpenBox3 that then can be edited and
copied to cp .config/openbox/menu.xml /etc/xdg/openbox/menu.xml .

There is also an autostart script for system wide /etc/xdg/openbox/ and on

user level ~/.config/openbox/

To evolve GUI's to have more alive desktops many projects have been created beryl, compiz and
a merge of both compiz-fusion. There is a lot of activities since many people like a fancy desktop.
According, everything will be merged again and will be called simply compiz

Graphical User Interface

version 8. See also its wiki Currently compiz-fusion seems to be the most
stable option.

Installing compiz
Since compiz is just a window manager it needs desktops that are layered. Unfortunately some as
gnome don't fit in this category, so compiz can no more work with it. On the other hand X11 become
more plug and play capable and works almost without xorg.conf (that has become a directory /
etc/X11/xorg.conf.d in the modular X11). So compiz can be used to pimp up simple desktop
environment as LXDE.

Set the xcb, svg useflags. Lots of packages have to be unmasked to do the emerge compiz-fusion.
After unmasking emerge compiz-fusion.

To start it unmask and emerge fusion-icon. Different options can be selected, as selecting the window
manager a is possible.

Working with compiz

Configure compiz via the menu Settings => CompizConfig Setting Manager. See: .

If you see no window title, minimize/maximize/close buttons, verify the CompizConfig Setting Man-
ager has Window Decoration enabled, since those buttons are part of the window decoration. To get
a nice windows decorations emerald can be installed.

Ctrl+Alt and click on the mouse lets you turn the cube plug in and then the screen capture program
can produce something as below:

Figure 5.2. Compiz cube

And Ctrl+Alt+Down Arrow shows you the following, where you can use left and right key to get
the desktop desired:

Graphical User Interface

Figure 5.3. Compiz screens

To get burning windows when close, select in the Settings Manager, Paint fire on the screen plus
Animations Add-On. The in Animations go to Close Animation and edit the first entry, change there
to Burn effect and leave the other things as window match as they are.

Gui Terminals
Working under a graphical user interface allows to open a terminal (console). There are different
terminals available for that and probably every desktop environment installs one.

lxterminal comes with LXDE but has no mouse support

xterm is the classic one for X11 it is rather ugly and ugly menu can be poped up using Ctrl Right-
Mouse click

konsole comes with KDE but is suitable to be installed also in other desktop environments. It uses
profiles to manage settings. Adding Activating Window Title Set by Shell: %w is recommended to
get more information on running commands inside konsole as when under Gentoo emerging a lot.

terminator independent of any desktop environment

Display Manager
Without display manager you need to log in into the console and then statrx. Display Managers put
them selfs in between those two steps. They are started by adding xdm to the default boot level: rc-
update add xdm default. This reads the file/etc/conf.d/xdm that contains the name of the login
manager. After login startx starts what is stored in the XSESSION environmental variable or does
what is inside the file~/.xinitrc of the user that has logged in. Most desktop environments com
with their own display manager that replaces xdm as gdm for gnome, kdm for kde and lxdm for LXDE.

Graphical User Interface

Start, stop and login

startx test it, see log file for problems: /var/log/Xorg.0.log

Ctrl + D exits

startx checks if in your home directory ~/.xinitrc exist. If so, it starts what it will find inside.
Maybe you have done one of the following commands:

echo "exec startxfce4" > ~/.xinitrc

echo "exec startkde" > ~/.xinitrc

This command created the file~/.xinitrc, and executes kde. Otherwise it starts the session found
in /etc/X11/Sessions where/etc/rc.conf points to.

To start x automatically rc-update add xdm default. This starts the Display manager as default xdm
that allows also to login graphically. If you use an other login manage set its name in/etc/con-

X is a display server, the program name is Xserver. Check man Xserver

The script startx is a script in and calls xinit that calls Xserver.

See man startx to see for example how options are passed.

Slim is a lightweight login manager. See To start it, add
slim to /etc/conf.d/xdm. Slim has also a log file /var/log/slim.log.

Slim will start per default what is set by the environmental variable XSESSION that is initialized via/
etc/rc.conf .

Alternatively the environmental variable can be set via/etc/end.d add XSESSION="Xfce4" to/

env-update && source /etc/profile

To have a setting per user ~/.xinitrc has to be started. Put the following

login_cmd exec /bin/sh - ~/.xinitrc %session

command in/etc/slim.conf

Unfortunately slim does not have an autologin with timeout

Lightdm is an other display manager with its config file /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

Lightdm is not as light as it seems to be, it is full featured but needs no special configuration on config
file levels. It can login a user automatically with a time out for intervention.

Screen capture
Screen capture allows to store what is shown on the screen. To store into a picture is usually available
on every desktop environment. But when switching to an other desktop environment the used utility

Graphical User Interface

will probably no more be available. shutterbug is a nice featured screen capturer that comes not with
many dependencies. It comes with an executable, man page, desktop file, and icon.

scrot is a command line tool. Starting scrot will capture the complete screen, scrot -s pops up a mouse
cursor to select what should be captured. man scrot shows all the other options.

To store what happens on the desktop to a movie:

simplescreenrecorder is a simple gui based screen recorder that does what it is expected.

gtk-recordmydesktop or qt-recordmydesktop. The window pops up where inside the screen is seen.
Inside this window the area or window to be recorded can be selected. When start recording, the
window disappears. To stop the recording a button in the status bar is visible. Once captured the raw
data is encoded and can be stored per default in the home directory.

Screensaver and Screen blanking

If the PC does not detect any human action for a given time then there are different behaviors possible:

• Do not react at all and keep screen active

• Blank the screen and some monitors detect that and go in power down mode. This is called DPMS
and is triggered by the kernel to save energy

• Start a screen server as xscreensaver

It is quite annoying when this happens repeatably while watching a movie. There are some solutions
for that:

• Turn off DPMS using the xset command as xset -dpms or xset s off

• Install a screensaver and use a movie player that can talk to it so it does not trigger. Or just set a
time that is much longer than the movie.

Running a GUI application on an other com-

There are two ways the more complicated remote desktop way where the complete screen of a com-
puter is transmitted ore the more native UNIX/Linux way to just use X forwarding having the appli-
cation running on one computer and having its Gui window appearing on an other computer.

X11 forwarding
X forwarding is the native historical X way to have graphical terminals attached to a central computer.

X forwarding allows an X11 client (screen) to be connected to a X11 server using ssh.

Since security is a topic this might be disabled by default so check on the server the configuration file
/etc/ssh/sshd_config for:

X11Forwarding yes

Restart ssh to take effect, as for openRC /etc/init.d/sshd reload

To know what screen to use check echo $DISPLAY on the client. If nothing is shown fix it by running
export DISPLAY=':0.0' or when logged in at the server with export DISPLAY=''
using the IP address of the client.

Graphical User Interface

Then on the client commands as ssh -Y <server name> /usr/bin/leafpad or ssh -X <server
name> /usr/bin/leafpad can be entered in the console to have a GUI window popping up.

An other sequence is ssh -Y <username>@<server name> and then typing in the commands
as leafpad& where the & character puts the GUI application in background so additional application
can be started from the console (as su and then starting commands as root as elogviewer&).

QT is a cross platform frame work for user interfaces. KDE makes
heavy use of it. To develop QT applications there is the qtcreator IDE that combines differed individual
tools as the GUI creator that allows to draw the GUI and create the necessary code to interface to the
application. Additionally many other ways and IDE's exist to support QT and also interfaces to other
programming languages exist. There are some incompatibilities between the major versions of QT so
Gentoo makes use of slotted package to have them installed in parallel,

Chapter 6. Authentication
This chapter is really a pain for me and mostly the source when I having problems with Linux. But on
the other hand it restrict system access to unexpected visitors as expected.

As general rule: When running in troubles, check if it works as root, if so then it is an authentication

Working as root makes it simpler but easily huge damages to the system could occur. So create a user
and work when possible as user. A user belongs to a primary group and optionally to supplementary
groups. Devices and demons are also defined as users and groups.

User account
useradd -m -G users,wheel,audio -s /bin/bash<username>

Creates the user account and its home directory where the files .bash_logout .bash_profile
.bashrc and the empty directory .ssh get created.

It uses the file /etc/default/useradd for the defaults. However it also uses settings in /etc/
login.defs that contains PASS_MAX_DAYS the maximum number of days a password may be

It also assigns a unique number to the user and assigns numbers for its belonging groups.

passwd <username> sets a password

Over time a lot of other directories and files are created in the user account. Most of them are hidden and
start therefore with a . character. Some of them can be considered as garbage from no more installed
programs or can even contain outdated incompatible data that might cause problems.

To delete a user userdel <username> or the same but including its data userdel -r <username>

User definition
/etc/passwd contains list of users

<user>:<password>:<UID>:<GID>:<comment>:<Home directory>:<Shell>

GID Group ID is the primary group of the user, if the user creates a file, then this is the group id
given to the file.

1. root =0

2. system=1-99

3. users=100

4. own groups=101….


1. root=0

2. daemons=1-499 (daemons are programs running in background)

3. users=500…


A file belongs to an owner and a group.

Users have numbers (UID). Not the user name but the UID is stored with files and directories.
If you share data between computers make sure that your user has on all computers the same
UID! The same applies for the primary GID.

In the past the passwords were in this file but now it contains just an x since /etc/passwd is to
easy accessible and creates therefore a security risk, so the passwords got moved to /etc/shadow
accessible just by root. See man 5 shadow. The file contains additional data defining as expiration
date of a password.

Password * means nobody can log in. Nothing means no password and you will get prompted for one
when you log in next time.

chown -R<my name> /home/<my name> to fix the user name.

Group definition
groups shows where a user belongs to.

usermod -a -G <group> <username> adds a user to a group.

For the groups /etc/group contains the configuration:

<group name>:<password>:<GID>:<list of users>

groups have a password and a group id. The password is usually not used it allowed users to add
themselves to other groups knowing the password. This now commonly done by the administrator
having root privileges.

Users belong to primary group but can also belong to a supplementary group. Users using this group
as supplementary group are added here as well.

The supplementary groups are where the user has access rights, but just the primary group /etc/
passwd is the group where files and directories are created. There are different philosophies how
groups are assigned:

1. every user has as primary group the group: users

2. every user has as primary group a group with the same name as the <username> and has the
secondary group: users

The first method is more open. Sensitive data should be kept in encrypted directories (as encfs).

The second method that has become the default is more restrictive and can block easily file read access
between the users. /etc/login.defs sets this behavior when it contains


Manually changing the user number and group number afterwards is possible but obviously not the
standard way to go. usermod is the way.

chgrp -R <primary group name = username> /home/<username> will assign to all files
in the user accounts the group ownership

Resetting Linux passwords

Passwords can be reset by using a liveCD or mount the physical hard disk on an other computer and
delete the passwords in /etc/shadow


Just make the password field empty since this means no password and next time you will be prompted
to add a new password.

So change

root:<Some sting>:<some number>:0:::::


root::<some number>:0:::::

Resetting Windows Passwords

Maybe this is not necessary since Linux can read the Window disk (if not encrypted).

fdisk -l shows the disks

The disk must be writable so ntfs-3g /dev/sd<nm> /mnt/windows and repeat this for all the partitions.

cd <...>/Windows/System32/config

chntpw -l SAM shows all Windows users

chntpw -u <username> SAM modifies the user information as clearing the password and unlock
the account

Working with different computers

Multiple computers on a network exchange usually files between them. To keep it simple make sure

1. the user number assignments UID is consistent between the computers

2. the primary group number assignment GID is consistent between the computers.

The numbers are more important than the names, since they are stored with the individual files. The
names are just defined in /etc/passwd and /etc/group.

To fix the ownership edit /etc/passwd and /etc/group or use a tool for it.

For people that like it complicated NIS (Network information service) is used to coordinate user ac-
counts and group data over a network.

Commands and behavior

/etc/login.defs contains behavior data of login as timeouts, retries, …

passwd is the command to change the password. passwd<username> can be used by root to reset/set
a user password.

groups show groups where I’m member

groupadd creates new group

useradd -m -G users<username> Adds a new user

usrmod modifies a user

userdel deletes a user


grpmodmodifies a group

groupdel deletes a group

id<username> shows UID and to what group <username> belongs. id does the same with the
current user

chown change file owner. The following command sets the <username> to all files in the users
home directory: chown -R<username> /home/<username>

chgrp change the primary group ownership. The following command sets the <primarygroup>
to all files in the home directory: chgrp -R <primarygroup> /home/<username>. In case
<primarygroup> is the same string as <username> the command is chgrp -R <username>

The administrator has the user name root. It is also called superuser.

To become root type in su and then you are asked to enter the root password.

When working as root in the console the prompt is # and as regular user $.

Certain Linux distribution do not have a root account. Commands requiring root permission must be
entered by a regular user in the following way sudo <command>. sudo checks then if it is allowed
and grants the command.

Finally sudo su is a command that allows opening a root console o Linux distributions without root
account or without inserting the root password.

Gentoo Linux has a user account and sudo is per default not installed

To see who and where is logged in type who. After login a terminal is assigned to see what's about
you type who am I.

Applications need to check if the users are authorized. Instead of having this implemented in each ap-
plication individually they can delegate it to PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules). Applications
that support PAM will find always the same interface and use the library.

This allows by just editing the pam configuration files introduce different ways to identify the user
as finger print, memory stick, remote login with different encryption methods without the need of re-
compiling/configuring the application using pam.


PAM applications
Since every application using pam has a configuration file in the directory /etc/pam.d ls /stc/
pam.d list all applications using pam.


Some configuration files are used/included by other configuration files and are therefore not
linked to a single application.

If an application does not find its matching file it uses the default file /etc/pam.d/other.
This file should be present and deny every access.

To check if a program (application) support pam check if it uses the pam library that is used as interface
to pam

ldd<name of the program> | grep


ldd /bin/login | grep => /lib64/ (0x00007f7752f88000)

PAM modules
Pam has modules for the authentication method. Documentation about those modules can be found
under /usr/share/doc/pam-1.2.1-r2/modules. The modules itself are under /lib/se-
curity and as it can be observed there, the pam modules are shared object libraries. They have
names as pam_<name>.so and some have even manual pages so man pam_<name>.so pops up
a description.

To see what a module support, go to /lib/security and type:

nm --dynamic --defined-only pam_<name>.so

PAM configuration files

The /etc/pam.d files are structured as a spreadsheet having columns and rows.

The first column in the /etc/pam.d files contains what the application wants from pam. pam (or
the pam modules) can support the following:

1. auth (Example: Verify that a user has entered the correct password)

2. account (Example: Check if the user is allowed to do this task)

3. password (Example: Check if the password is not too simple)

4. session (Example: Doing things before and after login as mounting or logging)

The next column is called the controlflag and defines how the rows (modules) are stacked together.
It can be:

required A failure will lead to failure but only after the re-
maining rows are processed.
requisite The row must pass. It returns immediately when
sufficient If it passes PAM immediately passes without call-
ing the next modules,

It is allowed to fail
optional Is allowed to fail except if it is the only one


include Includes all lines of an other /etc/pam.d file

substack As include, but just for a group of lines

Additionally to the above controlflags there is an alternative syntax using a term in brackets [] where
more detailed controlflags can be defined.

The next column is the module that is used followed by a column where options to the module can be
passed. Common options might be: debug, use_mapped_pass and use_first_pass.

How it fits together

The files in /etc/pam.d hold the rules for the authentication and make use of the modules in /lib/
security. The files in /etc/pam.d have a rule per line. To be more flexible different lines can be
stacked together so they get sequentially read until the authentication shows the result pass or failed.

It is important to understand the different parties involved in PAM:

1. Application making use of pam e.g. requests authentication and calls

2. reads the pam configuration files /etc/pam.d setting up the rules for authentica-

3. starts the pam modules that are shared object files in /lib/security

PAM Examples

auth sufficient

Passes and returns if the the user is root. It does not fail if it is not root but continues with the following

auth include system-auth

It does not call an other pam module (so library) but processes the /etc/pam.d/system-auth
pam config file.

GNU Privacy Guard ( )is an implementation of OpenPG. It can be used to:

1. sign files to make sure it come from a trusted source

2. encrypt/decript files to exchange information between users

The program gpg is used for it, see man gpg.

The package gnupg is used.

The keys need to be identified, the documentation about this is a bit confusing.

For the following the Key ID is a 8 hex digit identifier from the 40 hex digit long (Primary) Key
Fingerprint and is therefore more handy as dealing with the 40 hex digits.

There are creation, expiration and revocation dates.


Keys contain Real name, e-mail address and Comment, those elements can also be used to find the
Key ID. The key can hold lots of other stuff as preferred key server, photo and many more.

Key servers
To work with gpg, the public keys need to be exchanged and imported into the local PC. This can be
done using files, an other way is using key servers.

If the keys are once uploaded to a key server, then they stay there, forever (also when expired
or revoked)

The name of the key server can often be passed to the command using a command line option as
--keyserver but the default keyservers can be configured in the file ~/.gnupg/

Keys can be found on the keyserver when an e-mail address or the User Name (=Real name) is known.
This is because the user ID composes from Real name, e-mail and comment and is inside the key:

gpg --search-keys <e-mail address>

gpg --search-keys Urs Lindegger

Getting public keys

The Key ID must be published somewhere or can be found using:

gpg --search-keys <e-mail address>

When found simply pressing the corresponding number imports it.

Alternatively it can be imported using:

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys <Key ID> the public key (or keys) can be imported.
This can be verified using gpg --list-keys

Gnupg creates the directory ~/.gnupg where all keys reside. The file ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf holds
the configuration.

Produce your keys

gpg --gen-key produces the two keys belonging to you. You should limit the time the key is valid.

Select the default encryption settings. Important is the passphrase to be entered. The passphrase will
be used as a password to perform all later actions.

You need to enter Real name, Email address and comment.

This forms then the USER_ID: "<Real name> (<Comment>) <<e-mail address>>"

gpg --list-keys to see the key you have got.

gpg --list-secret-keys lists the secret keys you have

When created the keys it is wise to think about when you loose your keys or when somebody
would get a hold of your keys. Therefore create a revocation certificate as compromise (For
normal speaking people this means create a file that you need to make the key invalid).


gpg --output revoke.asc --gen-revoke <Key ID>

It wants to know a reasons why such a certificate has to be created select 1 = Key has been compro-
mised for the reason for the revocation.

You have to enter the passphrase from above.

Backup the contains of ~/.gnupg on a memory medium. Also move the revocation file revoke.asc to
this media and delete it from the computer (or move it int a encrypted place) and store it in a safe place.

The keys can sent to a key server gpg --send-keys <Key ID>

To get it out of the keyserver goes usually in two steps:

gpg --import my-revocation.asc

gpg --keyserver --send-keys <Key ID>

Modifying keys
Keys can be exported gpg --export the output goes to the screen in binary format. So better to use gpg
--armor --export to get ASCII. Or put it into a file gpg --armor --export --output <filename> or
just one user gpg --armor --output <filename> --export <users e-mail>

They can also be imported gpg -import <filename>

gpg --delete-key <Key ID> deletes them from the local PC but not from the key server, since you
are probably not the owner.

Type gpg --edit-key<Key ID> brings you in a interactive loop, where you can type commands as
help. As you can see all kinds of modifications can be done.

1. To see what you have showpref

2. The expire date can be modified with expire

3. A keyserver could be added with keyserver so when signed emails arrive, the receiver knows where
the get the public key, however the major keyserver exchange the public keys among each others.
keyserver none deletes it

4. Add a photo with addphoto

Refresh the keys: gpg --refresh-keys

List the keys showing the fingerprint: gpg --fingerprint

Cryptographic signature
Textfiles (but also binary files) can be signed. There are different options.

gpg --sign <filename> adds a signature to the file but converts all to be unreadable

gpg --clearsign <filename> adds a signature but stays readable

gpg --detach-sign <filename> creates a separate file that is not readable containing the signature

gpg --armor --detach-sign <filename> creates a separate file that is readable containing the sig-


After importing the Key from the author (e.g. using its Key ID), the file can be verified using a com-
mand as gpg --verify <filename>

Encryption and decryption

gpg --encrypt <filename> to encrypt (destination user must be specified)

gpg --recipient "Urs Lindegger" --encrypt <filename> to encrypt it for a destination user

gpg --decrypt <filename> to decrypt (passphrase is required)

Gui tools
Evolution can sign the e-mail it sends, all it needs is adding the Key ID into the mails account config-
uration data under security and enabling it. The first time it asks for the passphrase, but then it can use
its internal authentication methods to get rid of continuously asking for it.

Gpg Agent
When working with gpg encryption decryption you often have to type in the passphrase. You can set
a gpg agent to reduce this.

Network Information Service

Network Information Service (former yellow pages) is used to share information among a small net-
work. it allows to have user names and passwords consistent over a network. Since this information
does not pass encrypted over the network LDAP and Kerberos are recommended.

Chapter 7. Filesystem
To see what filesystem your system supports cat /proc/filesystems

FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standardization)

Unix and Linux try to structure the thousands of files in a standard way . However the latest version
is from 2004 and things as /sys and /proc are missing.

In the root directory the following directories should be present and used in the proposed way:


System commands, to be used from all users


Boot loader and kernel


Device files


Configuration files and boot and runlevel scripts


All regular users


Shared libraries. In/lib/modules are the kernel modules


Stuff that fsck found


Mounting point for removable media devices


Mounting points for temporary file systems on other media.


Additional program packages. Alternative /usr/local


Information about running processes


The home directory of the user root


System commands to be used just from root



The kernel exports information about devices and drivers to this directory.


temporary data mounted as RAM disk using tmpfs. Alternative/var/tmp be aware that this directory
gets wiped off when booting the system.


Static read only user data (/var should hold the dynamic), kernel source, and applications.


Dynamic data log files, printer spool, mail

To observe directories it might be handy to emerge app-text/tree and use it as tree /var/log.

Under Linux file systems, files and directories have bits defining what can be done with them. Usually
it looks quite obvious and no problem occurs and it is therefore not very interesting to learn how it
behaves. But sometimes it is a pain and a hassle since those bits do not behave as expected and trying
to modify them using the command line tools with not intuitive command line parameters of can end
up in a worse situation.

ls -l

shows the permissions as a string of characters. Example:


The first character can be:

1. - for regular file

2. d for directory

3. l for link to a file or directory

4. p for named pipe (FIFO)

5. s for socket

6. c for character device (should exist just in /dev)

7. b for block device (should exist just in /dev)

After the first character, three triples of the following characters or a - character is used as place holder
are set in the following sequence:

1. r the file can be read and the files in a directory can be listed

2. w the file can be written and files in a directory can be added, modified and deleted access

3. x the file can be executed and subdirectories in a directory can be opened

Note the difference between the bits for files and directories as described above.


The permission of a file or a directory can be set more restrictive by its parent directory. So
the permission bits are evaluated by a top down approach, where a next level appears the
permission used in the mount command of the file system. So if the drive is set to read-only,
no files and directories can be modified regardless of their permission bits.

The first triple is the access right of the user, the second of the group (where the users and other users
belong to) and the third of the world (all users). The user root has all the rights by default.

A file can have additional bits:

1. setuid is used to run a program with user id of the file and not the user calling it

2. setgid is used to run a program with other group id of the file and not the user calling it

3. sticky restricts to delete this file just by the user

There is not enough space to show everything in the character string. So the characters s and t are used
in the position where x is to indicate that those bits are set.

The character string of the access rights can also be present as a number as illustrated in the following

Table 7.1. Permissions

Example setuid setgid sticky Owner Group World
By charac- - - - rwx rwx rwx
Weight 4 2 1 421 421 421
By number 0 0 0 000 020 020
Numerical 0 0 0 0 2 2

Results in the numeric access right of 0022 or 022 or 22 since preceding zeros have no effect.

If you want to see what number corresponds to your files in a directory: stat -c "%a %n" *

Since it is so complicated there is a permission calculator

Example 7.1. Permission

chmod 400 <filename>

just read access to owner, rest forbidden

chmod -R 777 <directory>

Gives all the permissions to all files in the <directory> and its subdirectories.

chmod +x <file>

Gives executable permission to the file.

chmod ugo+x <file>

Gives x permission to user, group and others

umask shows default mask that user is using. It is defined in /etc/profile or /etc/lo-
gin.defs. It can also be redefined on a user base by ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile


To confuse the user, those bits are the inverse of the ones chmod uses. According the boolean algebra
this is mathematically correct, since a logical zero deletes a logical one in a bitwise and function.

ls returns a string and chmod accepts a numeric value. ls is therefore not ideal to verify what
chmod <n> <filename> did. The solution is stat -c %a <filename> that shows the
numeric value.

Example 7.2. umask

Common command is chmod 0755 this corresponds to the umask 022

See the ownership section for owner and group assignment.

The permission of the drive set by the mount command or settings in /etc/fstab (or the
defaults of the mount command) can make that those bits have no effect. Problems that can
occur is no write and no execute permissions. Check this with cat /etc/mtab. For the execute
permission /etc/fstab must contain the mount option exec!

chmod modifying access rights bits. The following command sets the access rights to all directories
(but not files) in the home directory: chmod -R 755 /home/<username>

Problems with access rights and Microsoft file systems. Microsoft file systems do not support access
rights as Linux uses it, so trying to modify the access rights will fail. Therefore mount and use them
defaults values. As an option the parameter umask can be passed to the mount command to get the
desired result.

Linux file systems

The most commonly used file systems in Linux is ext2, ext3, and ext4. ext3 and ext4 are similar to
ext2 but have journaling feature that keeps track of what is written to the disk and might be helpful
after a system crash. .

Those file systems are not directly accessed by the kernel. VFS the Virtual File System is a layer
between the kernel and the real file system to get flexibility. Therefore it is possible to have support
different file systems, but also RAID.

As usual bytes for a block. Blocks are further grouped to block groups. Those block groups contain
other data as: a copy of the superblock, the block group descriptor table that defines the block bitmap,
an inode bitmap, and an inode table.

Every file or directory is represented by an inode. The inode contains the description of the file: file
type, access rights, owners, timestamps, size. Additionally the inode holds pointers:

1. 12 pointers that point directly to blocks that hold data.

2. The 13st pointer points to a block that does not hold data but holds pointers to additional blocks.
It is therefore called an indirect block.

3. The 14st pointer that points to a block that points to other indirect blocks. It is therefore called a
doubly-indirect block.

4. The 15st pointer that points to doubly-indirect blocks. It is therefore called a trebly-indirect block

The reason for this rather complicated structure is that small files can be accessed fast without a lot
of addressing overhead and still support large files.


Directories are handled by special files holding directory entries that define the file and directory
names and there inode number that contains the data. This separation allows to have links. The root
directory is in inode number 2, to find the way how to read the directory tree.http://e2fsprogs.source-

After created a partition with fdisk type 83, the partition needs to be formated:

mkfs.ext2, mkfs.ext3 or mkfs.ext4 do that

To see what you have: tune2fs -l /dev/<your drive>

e2label /dev/<disk> shows the label

e2label /dev/<disk><name> sets it

tune2fs -L <name> /dev/<disk> sets the label too

tune2fs -l /dev/sda10 to see

tune2fs -c 4 /dev/sda10 to force checking after 4 mounts

tune2fs -i 2d /dev/sda10 to force checking after 2 days

dumpe2fs /dev/sda1 to see information about the filesystem

Copy filesystems
Filesystems can be easily copied using cat as cat /dev/sda1 > /dev/sdb1 since the sizes of the disks
partitions might be different the filesystem can be expanded to cover the complete space: resize2fs /

Partitions can be copied using dd as dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/dev/sdc1 and complete disks as dd if=/
dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc and to not loose the master boot record: dd if=/dev/sda of=/backup/mbr.img
bs=512 count=1

ISO file systems

Among thousands of ISO standards, ISO (or more precise ECMA) has created the standard ISO 9960
for the CD format. The standard can be bought from or its identical version can
be downloaded for free from

For the 120mm DVD ISO/IEC 16448 or

For DVD-R, DVD-RAM, 80mm disk, see

The iso9660 file system was originally very restrictive: 8 character filename, 3 character extension,
capital letters. The iso9660 level 2 is less restrictive: 32 filename and level 3 allows fragmented files

Rock Ridge and Joilet

The Rock Ridge is a iso9660 extension to support Unix permissions, user attributes, longer file names
and Linux links. The Joilet extension is from Microsoft to extend iso9660 to have as example longer


Rock Ridge is embedded into the iso9660 file system, whereas Joilet is an additional file system on
the CD next to the iso9660 file system.

Mount a ISO image

The image will be mounted via loop device:

mount -o loop ~/knoppix/KNOPPIX_V5.3.1DVD-2008-03-26-EN.iso /mnt/loop

and can then be observed or verified with the burned DVD:

diff -qrd /media/KNOPPIX/ /mnt/loop/

Write ISO file system to a memory device

dd if=KNOPPIX_V6.7.1CD-2011-09-14-EN.iso of=/dev/sdd

Microsoft File Systems

First, don't use them if you can since they do not support many common Linux features as links, and
permission features. If you can not avoid to use Microsoft Filesystems under Linux, two options are

1. Linux has read access only Windows has r/w access then use NTFS.

2. If Linux has to write as well use FAT32, however also FAT32 has its issues.

3. FAT12 and FAT12 might be interesting to use on micro controller projects.

Using FAT
If possible do not use FAT under Linux. It is simply too old an very limited.

The problem with FAT32 is still the old DOS issue with the limit of 8 character filenames and 3
character extensions. To exceed those limits there are certain incompatibilities between the different
flavors of FAT16 and FAT32 (Win95 or WinNT). Usually you do not notice it, but when suddenly
filenames appear in lower or uppercase letters that you have such a problem. File synchronizing tools
are sensitive to that and probably drive you crazy especially when the filenames are getting converted
from one format into an other.

Mounting a FAT32 partition could look as follows:

mount -t vfat /dev/exthd1 \

/mnt/exthd1 -o \




When creating a fat system with fdisk then you will see there are many different variants. Hard disks
shipped are usually W95 FAT32 (LBA) set this is id c.

Memory sticks partitioned formatted with XP are id b Win95 FAT32. Other choices are id 6 FAT16.


Under Gentoo there is the useflag fat to get support for it and emerge dosfstools

mkfs.vfat /dev/sdg1 to format the disk

fatlabel /dev/sdg1 HELLO to change label of the disk

fatlabel /dev/sdg1 to see the change

fsck.vfat /dev/sdg1 to check it

If run on a mounted device the it reports that the dirty bit is set since it got unmounted incor-
rectly. Ignore this and unmount the device and run fsck.vfat again.

If it is going really bad then testdisk from is a utility that

runs on different operating systems and can restore deleted files and lost partitions. It is good to use
testdisk > Advanced > Image Creation to create a image.dd file first (or make even two copies) of
the corrupt filesystem and then use testdisk image.dd to try repairing it. testdisk comes with photorec
that allows recovering photos and other files from a corrupt filesystem without the hassle of restoring
the filesystem. So photorec image.dd might do what it is desired.

FAT internals
FAT12 and FAT16 might be still of interest to be used on micro controller projects, to connect such
small micro controllers to Memory devices as SD cards. For a library check
ff/00index_e.html Please note that SD technology requires companies developing SD products to join
their organization

FAT (File Allocation Table) has been developed for disk drives. Disk drives contain centric tracks,
every track spans over sectors, therefore sectors per track is a key figure. A sector contains typically
512Byte of data. The term sector might be confusing, since a geometrical sector holds as many sectors
as the disk track has. Additionally a hard disk can contain multiple magnetic disk inside and each disk
usually holds data at both sides (this results in number of heads of the disk).

The disk driver software abstracts this physical arrangement by separating physical sectors from log-
ical sectors. For the boot sector (number 0), the physical sector corresponds to the logical sector as
during boot not much software runs.

To not risk to position the heads between successive sector reads and to not have to deal on a high
level with sector numbers, the sectors are grouped into clusters. Clusters have a fix length that is a
multiple sector size. Cluster size can be something between 2KB and 32KB. Clusters can be chained
together to hold more data. Such cluster chains might become physically split apart. De-fragmentation
of a disk then moves them back in sequence.

Blocks is a synonym for Clusters

There is therefore a size limit of the disk that depends on

Size of the sectors (usually 512Byte)

Number of sectors in a cluster (1..128)

Bits in the File Allocation Table to hold the clusters (block) number (FAT12 holds 12 bits and therefore
can address just 4096 clusters, FAT16 holds 16bits ....)

The File Allocation Table (FAT) holds the cluster numbers, where the clusters hold files content or
directory list


To put everything necessary onto the disk, the disk has first to be partitioned simple disk as floppies
have just one partition), after that in DOS terms a Volume is created. The volume is usually called
FAT, but FAT is the File Allocation Table and is just a part of it. The volume consist of:

1. Boot sector

2. One or more File Allocation Tables

3. Root Directory

4. The clusters containing the data

The boot sector contains more then the boot routine, it contains the key parameters of the FAT system
as: Number of sectors per volume, Number of sectors per cluster, ...

The File Allocation Table is contains all clusters that form a file. The entries of the FAT point to other
entries of the FAT until the complete file is covered. The number of the FAT entry is directly linked
to the cluster number that holds the data. So looking on the next FAT referenced FAT entry means
also looking at its cluster and therefore to the data inside the sectors. Since the first two entries of
the FAT are reserved (held the media descriptor), the 2 has to be subtracted from the FAT to get the
corresponding cluster number.

The size of data to be accessed is limited and since memory devices become bigger, FAT needed
to be revised and new FAT versions got created. In FAT12 the FAT entry consists of 12 bits and
creates therefore a limit of having maximum 4096 clusters. It got expanded to FAT16 where FAT
entry consists of 16 bits and creates therefore a limit of having maximum 65536 clusters. Note a file
consists of at least one cluster.

Since a mess in the FAT would result in not finding the data anymore, a FAT file system usually
creates one or more copies of the File Allocation Table to have redundancy.

The Root Directory finally makes the link between cluster number and filename and directory. An
entry has a size of 32 Byte and is also the reason why FAT was limited to 8 character filenames and
3 character extension.

Be aware when writing to a NTFS file system some Linux drivers might damage it badly.

However there the 3rd attempt to write to NTFS the 3rd generation ntfs driver is available and works
fine. So why bother with historic fat32?

Fuse from the kernel source might be too old for ntfs3g, instead:

echo "<=sys-fs/fuse-2.6.0 ~x86" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords

emerge ntfs3g it emerges also the kernel module fuse.

/etc/fuse.conf is missing after the emerge, therefore it takes default values and regular users
can not mount the ntfs partition.

echo "user_allow_other" >> /etc/fuse.conf enables this.

modprobe fuse to load the driver and for the next boot

echo "fuse" >> /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6

Now you can manually mount the partition as regular user (verify that you have write access to the
mounting point /mnt/sda1).

ntfs-3g /dev/exthd1 /mnt/exthd1 or


ntfs-3g /dev/exthd1 /mnt/exthd1 -o locale=de_CH,umask=022

Or mount as user 1000 group users with rwxr-xr-x rights:

ntfs-3g /dev/exthd1 /mnt/exthd1 -o locale=de_CH,uid=1000,gid=100,umask=022

To unmount it type

fusermount -u /mnt/exthd1

To be put in the/etc/fstab :

/dev/exthd1 /mnt/exthd1 ntfs-3g noauto,user,rw 0 0

it mounts with the kde icon, but with errors and I can not unmount. Probably it is too much for kde
to mount with ntfs-3g and unmount with fusermount.

Simple scripts to mount/unmount:

echo "ntfs-3g /dev/exthd1 /mnt/exthd1 -o \

locale=de_CH,umask=022" >> /usr/bin/mexthd
echo "fusermount -u /mnt/exthd1" >> /usr/bin/uexthd

Graphical Python script to do the same:

Example 7.3. GUI mount NTFS

from os import *
from tkMessageBox import *
from Tkinter import *

def mount():
#If you want to synchronize a nfts with a ext2 then
#uncomment the line below to make all ext2 stuff
#having the same rights
#system("chmod -R 755 /home/<your username and directory>")
popchild=popen4("ntfs-3g /dev/exthd1 /mnt/exthd1 -o locale=de_CH,umask=022")
if len(childresp)==0:
showinfo("mount","Successfully mounted")
return 0

def umount():
popchild=popen4("fusermount -u /mnt/exthd1")
if len(childresp)==0:
showinfo("mount","Successfully mounted")
return 0

window.mountbutton=Button(master=window,text='mount NTFS',command=mount)
window.umountbutton=Button(master=window,text='umount NTFS',command=umount)



Be aware that you safely remove your USB HD on your Windows computer (icon in the bottom), so
no unfinished Windows journaling data is being created, otherwise the script above can not mount the
NTFS partition and a Windows mount umount has to be repeated.

If you synchronize hard disks be aware about the following: Since not all permission features are
supported on the NTFS partition, make sure that all files of the non NTFS partition have the NTFS
default permission values.

The package emerge ntfsprogs contains a lot of tools to deal with ntfs:

mkftfs /dev/<my disk> to format ntfs

ntfsfix /dev/<my disk> to force windows to check it

Fix permissions
Since Microsoft filesystem do not support the Linux permissions, default permissions is set by the
Linux system. This can cause troubles when synchronizing files (e.g. using unison) since the permis-
sions might differ between Linux disk (e.g. Hard disk) and Microsoft disk (e.g. FAT USB stick). In-
stead of changing the default setting of the system and apply those also to all kind of disks, a dedicated
configuration can be done:

1. Create a udev rule to get a dedicated name for the memorystick that is recognized using its serial

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", KERNEL=="sd*", ATTRS{serial}=="200512326309FCF28507", NAME=

2. Add an entry to fstab to /media and if required create the /media/<disklabel> mounting point

/dev/memstick1/media/<disklabel> auto noauto, user, rw, umask=022 0 0

Encrypted File Systems

It is possible that your private and secure data can be read by not authorized persons when they have
physical access to your computer.

A Example:

1. Boot your computer with Knoppix and mount the hard disk.

2. Plugin a USB memory stick and copy everything over.

Easy isn't it? Here it is in evil hands, in good hands this is the way to recover data from a
crashed computer (including non-Linux operating systems). A way to prevent that is encrypt-
ing your files. However do not forget your password!

A simple method is encfs:!encfs/c1awt. Actually it is not an encrypted file
system, it uses regular directories and regular files on the hard disk. It encrypts the files, but not the
file system.

Real encrypted file systems are more tricky to handle and therefore more vulnerable to loose data. If a
crash would happen everything would have been gone. Additionally synchronization tools might not
be able to access encrypted file systems.


To not have all those side effects encfs might be the desirable solution. The probability that encfs
crashes is much lower since regular well tested file systems (as ext2) are used, but if a crash would
happen you could even copy the encrypted files on a memory stick and knowing the password rescue
their content.

Usually encfs uses a hidden directory named .crypt with all the encrypted data, for every file and
directory there is a encrypted equivalent. Additionally it makes use of a mounting point crypt. Once
mounted requiring a password, the encrypted files from .crypt can be accessed unencrypted as
normal ones in the crypt directory.

encfs uses the kernel module fuse (from the kernel source or as separate package) that makes the link
from the kernel to user space.

Install also the fuse packet, since it adds additional libraries.

See man encfs for all options

To mount but also to create the encrypted file systems (with absolute paths):

encfs~/<some_path>/.crypt ~/<some_path>/crypt

A prompt for the password appears.

When the password got accepted, files and directories can be accessed in crypt and their encrypted
twins appear in .crypt

When finished unmount it:

fusermount -u ~/<some_path>/crypt

In case a new .crypt directory gets created encfs prompts for options and passwords. The .cryp-
t/.encfs<n>.xml holds the data and encrypted passwords in the directory.

For changes to the Encfs directory, see info about the encryption encfsctl info .crypt

To change the password once a while do the following. With the not mounted crypt-ed directory,
change to the Encfs directory where ls -a shows you the .crypt directory and:

encfsctl passwd .crypt

gencfs is a simple GUI:

Other encryption methods

A Windows version is that can be read on Linux using LUKS.
An other tool is dm-crypt.

Network filesystems
The Network Files System (NFS) allows to access files and directories over the network on Linux
(Unix) computers. If there is a Windows computer samba is the alternative to nfs. The computer
holding those data must have a nfs server and the computer requesting access to the data must have
a nfs client.

There are different major versions and therefore incompatibilities. Having everywhere the
same version obviously is a good idea.


To work with nfs, the nfs kernel features need to be enabled. The nfs-utils package needs to be in-

For Gentoo Linux check also the nfs useflags and the nfs useflags indicating the nfs version.

Finally, check if your number assignments for user and group names are consistent between the com-
puters. cat /etc/passwd and cat /etc/group

See also:

To get the client and the server emerge nfs-utils on all computers involved.

Nfs server
The configuration file that has to be edited on the server is /etc/exports to define what will be
available on the network. See also man exports

<server directory> <client computer name>(rw)

<other server directory>

or as example

/home/lindegur/Urs black(rw,async,no_subtree_check)

Either the clients IP address or the name of the computer have to be added. An example to give read
only access to the multimedia directory:


Avoid exporting symlinks

mounting As man 5 exports tells, wildcards in ip addresses might work just per accident, so
avoid to use them use a netmask instead.

No space is allowed in front of the ( character.

To give all computer in a home net access us a netmask


or in the form counting the bits in the netmask having a 1


To start the server (and client) /etc/init.d/nfs start and consider to add it to the init scripts rc-update
add nfs default

After editing and when the server is already running type exportfs -a

This is necessary to move the stuff to /var/lib/nfs/xtab.

Some commands to show if the system is happy:

rpcinfo -p to see if the daemons are running

showmount -e to see what the server exports

showmount -a to see who accesses the server

Or directly from the kernel cat /proc/fs/nfs/exports


nfs does not use inetd or xinetd, however it considers the two files /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/
hosts.deny from xinetd for more details.

Nfs client
The data on those computers can simply be mounted as it would be a local disk drive:

mount -t nfs <remote computer>:/<remote directory></local mounting point>

An example:

mount -t nfs /mnt/media


mount -t nfs <computername>:/home/lindegur/media /mnt/media

When done do a umount</local mounting point>

It is also possible to have it mounted without typing a lot by using a line in /etc/fstab such as:

<remote computer>:/<remote dir> </local mounting point> nfs user,auto,exec 0 0

After that you can mount -a to get everything mounted that is defined in /etc/fstab . The option
auto is quite important, when the server is running during boot of the client the clients mounts the
network drives automatically. Otherwise they would have to be mounted manually. If the remote
computer is not accessible then boot struggles with retraining to connect and finally after a long time
out it continuous with its boot process.

The automounter autofs is a better option since it mounts the network drives just on demand when
they are getting accessed.

If your nfs server is not always online you can set noauto in /etc/fstab so it will not cause delays
on boot due to failures and retries to connect the unavailable nfs server.

<remote computer>:/<remote directory> </local mounting point> nfs user,noauto,

If the server is up you simply can mount the drives manually by mount /mnt/<mountpoint>.

Instead using /etc/fstab autofs can be used that mounts the network drive on demand.

Nfs troubles
Since time is moving and the system evolves things can happen:

If you get IP6 errors when start the server then comment or uncomment IP6 stuff in /etc/netcon-

If you get:

mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified

and run nfs version 3 on a new system you might get in troubles since it wants to take version 4. You
can fix that with modifying /etc/fstab to hold the nfsvers=3 parameter:

<remote computer>:<remote directory> <local mounting point> nfs user,auto,exec

Sometimes you would like to have a single file in two directories, just copy it in the 2nd directory is
a bad idea, since it creates sooner or later a version problem: One version gets updated the other not.


Sometimes you want to access a file under a different name as for/dev files and to hide the version
number in library file names.

This is possible by creating links to such files using the ln command.

In some cases a similar effect can be done using bind mounting directories
There are two kind of links:

Symbolic links
Symbolic links are often used to deal with versions. The different files or directories contain often a
version number in their name. Instead of renaming the actual files or directory, just a symbolic link
not containing any version number in its name is pointing to the selected file or directory containing
the version number. Links are therefore used to select the desired versions.

Symbolic links are commonly used unfortunately they are not the default for ln (maybe due to historic
reasons and backward compatibility).

Those links are made by:

ln -s<path to existing file or directory><name of the link>

ls -li shows in the first column the I-node number, this is a unique reference where the data is on the
hard disk. The file or directory pointed to and the link have different I-nodes. Note how small the size
of the link is. If you delete the file or directory pointed to, the link still remains but is useless since
it points to nowhere.

It happens often that symlinks point to nowhere due to destination removals and forgotten symlinks.

Instead of absolute links: ln -s /lib/modules/3.5.7-gentoo/source -> /usr/src/linux-3.5.7-gentoo rel-

ative links do not get broken when the directory containing both (link and destination) gets moved: ln
-s /lib/modules/3.5.7-gentoo/source -> ../../../usr/src/linux-3.5.7-gentoo

Static links
Are done without the -s option

ln<path to existing file or directory><name of the link>

ls -li shows in the first column for both the same I-node additionally the third column should show
now a two, telling how many file names point to the single I-node. Therefore it can not be distinguish
anymore what was the original and what was the link. Additionally I-nodes are just unique per file
system, therefore static links are restricted to one single medium whereas symbolic links can spread
even throughout the network. Deleting one file deletes just the filename and decrease the number in
the third column except when it was the last filename pointing to the I-node then of course the date
is deleted.

Pipes and FIFO

Pipes is one method to exchange data between two processes. In the following bash command a pipe
is used:

ls | grep x

The | character stands for a pipe, the ls command prints out all the files in the current directory, however
the output is put in a pipe and passed as input to the grep command. The grep command filters all
filenames that do not contain a x. Such pipes are called unnamed pipes.


There are also named pipes that are called FIFO's (First In First Out). Named pipes look as regular
files and are created as follows:

mkfifo pipe

The command ls -l shows p as first character to indicate that this is not a file but a pipe. Having created
the pipe, test by opening two console windows . In the first console type ls -l > pipe and then in the
second console cat < pipe.

Device files
/usr/src/linux/documentation/devices.txt contains list of the devices.

/dev contains list of all devices possible. As in/proc, the files in/dev are also not regular data files.
They are used as link from an application to the kernel. Devices can be accessed as would they be files:

1. cat /dev/input/mouse0 reads from you that your mouse is alive.

2. cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp reads from the random number generator and writes those to to the
sound card, do not wear a headphone when typing enter.

Crtl + C ends it.

Devices belong to a user and/or group .e.g./dev/hda belongs to the group disk. If you want to access
it you should therefore also be added to the group disk.

The devices have a major number defined in the kernel module. If you write a device driver (= kernel
module) on your own, you have to put inside a major number. Additionally a minor number used to
select a particular device (e.g fd0 or fd1).

cd /dev

ls -l shows those numbers

There are block devices and character devices that could use independently the same major number.


brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Dec 28 10:35 sda

b block device , 8 major, 0 minor, Dec 28 10:35 creation date and time

Devices files can be static in/dev (have to be static when used during boot) or can be appear dynam-
ically to not have an huge list that little get used

udev is included in Kernel 2.6 to create those files dynamically. It has replaced devfs in previous kernel
versions. The date of the/dev files is an indication whether or not they are created dynamically.

Mount and umount

Disks and devices can’t be used without being mounted. They aren't allowed to be removed without
being unmounted. Removing Floppy disks or Flashcards without un-mounting first will block the
device. A option to remove such media is emerge eject.Filesystems are mounted with the mount
command and unmounted with the umount command.

cat /etc/mtab shows what file systems are mounted.

lsof /mnt/gentoo/boot/ shows the processes that access the directory.

fuser shows the user that blocks the device. This process can be killed to free the device.

fuser /dev/lirc/0 or fuser -m /dev/usbhd to see processes that have mounted the device


/dev/lirc/0: 20123

20123 is the PID of lircd daemon. To get it more verbose

fuser -v /dev/lirc/0 or kill the process kill -9<PID>

df –T shows file systems with there types

/etc/mtab contains actual loaded file system. cat /etc/mtab or mount without any arguments show
what is mounted.

There are different ways to mount the file systems automatically. Since those ways can be used in
parallel a directory should be mounted just by one way. As example a network filesystem that will be
mounted using autoFS should not have entries in fstab.

bind mount
Mount mounts a filesystem (as a disk) under a directory (mounting point). Sometimes it is desired to
mount just a directory of a filesystem under a mounting point.

After the bind mount both directories can be accessed and contain the same content

mount --bind /mnt/sda3/home/<username>/<userdir>/ /home/<username>/<userdir>

Bind mounts can also be done in /etc/fstab

/mnt/sda3/home/<username>/<userdir>/ /home/<username>/<userdir> none defau

A similar effect can be done with links symbolic and hardlinks.

The file/etc/fstab holds defaults for different filesystems and their mounting points and is heavily
used during boot. An fstab entry could look as follows:

/dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1 ext2 user,exec 0 1

The columns show:

1. the device file or alternatively UUID=<Universally Unique Identifier> or LA-

BEL=<the string that you set with e.g. e2label <device> <label>>.
blkid will print out the UUID and when the label.

2. the mounting point

3. the file system

4. mounting options as the members of the user group can mount it and programs on the file systems
are allowed to be executed. See man fstab and man mount

5. tells if the file system need to be dumped

6. configures how fsck is used on the file system after boot

The mount options of the storage device can also make use of its UUID or label in/etc/fstab
instead of the /dev file).

The command mount -a mounts everything that is in the /etc/fstab file except what is marked
with the option noauto. This command is usually launched during boot.


The kernel (of a client computer) can be configured to support auto mount CONFIG_AUTOFS4_FS.
If an access to an unmounted file system is requested the kernel request the automounter to try to do
the mount.

The automounter can just mount filesystems that are supported by the linux system. This
means as example network file systems must be configured first and be working before au-
tomounter can mount them.

To get the automounter install on the client autofs and check it options (Gentoo Linux Use flags). There
are two configuration files/etc/autofs/auto.master and/etc/autofs/auto.misc.

/etc/autofs/auto.master can hold a single line as

/mnt/auto /etc/autofs/auto.misc --timeout=15 --ghost

This defines that all mounting points are under /mnt/auto and are defined in the file/etc/aut-
ofs/auto.misc, that it will be tried to unmount it after 15 seconds of the last access and if it creates
empty folders when access is not possible.

The/etc/autofs/auto.misc needs to be edited and holds the mounting points

cd -fstype=iso9660,ro :/dev/cdrom

Means that the mounting point is the combination of/etc/autofs/auto.master and/etc/

auto/auto.misc and results in /mnt/auto/cd and it is a read only iso9660 filesystem using
the device /dev/cdrom

A more practical example using a network drive (first make sure manual mount/umount works)

<mountdir> -fstype=nfs,rw <computer name or ip>:/<path>

Do not create subdirectories under /mnt/auto autofs does this automatically

To start the daemon using OpenRC /etc/init.d/autofs start and rc-update add autofs default

Troubleshooting automounter
Disable automounter as for OpenRC /etc/init.d/autofs stop

Mount the drive manually using the mount command

mount -t nfs /mnt/media

If it can not be mounted manually then also automounter can not do it. So fix the problem with manual

Mount removable media

Based on plugin events the file systems are mounted. This is used for USB sticks CD/DVD.

On the root of the filesystem a file autorun.inf can be place. This file can contain instructions
when mounting the drive.



Will place an icon on the desktop when the memory stick is plugged in.

Since it is a Microsoft invention \ are used and not /

Accessing hardware is done through the files under/dev. Those files can be created manually using
mknod. Examples to create device nodes when preparing an initial RAM:

mknod /mnt/initrd/dev/console c 5 1 a character device with major 5 and minor 1

mknod /mnt/initrd/dev/sda1 b 8 1

Having such files does not mean having the necessary kernel device driver and hardware. Also the
other way round gives a problem when having the hardware and the the device driver but not having
the /dev file. To be more flexible udev creates the desired files in /dev automatically and does this
using kernel uevents (also hot plugged uevents, and there is netlink that allows IPC from kernel to
userspace programs as udev). So device drivers will be linked to the /dev files. Udev replaced devfs.

After doing its job, udev usually triggers udisks (from the Devicekit project, in the past HAL was used,
but HAL is now deprecated) to let applications via D-Bus know that a memory device is plugged in.
Similar approaches exist for other than memory devices.

Udev does not mount filesystems but informs the systems about new devices that might hold
filesystems! It is up to the system what happens then.

Luckily udev, udisks and D-Bus have all a monitor that can be started on the command line to observe
how those events are passed between them. udevadm monitor for udev, udisks --monitor for udisks
and dbus-monitor --system for dbus.

/sys is where the sysfs file system is mounted that contains all info about the devices. udev can
rename the dev files from the default name the kernel uses, create symbolic links, launch scripts.

The default rules create for instance/dev/disk/by-id where the memory devices plugged in can
be identified. Type ls -lR /dev/disk

If you have a lot of different USB memory devices (Memory sticks, Hard disks, Flash card reader.. )
then you don't like to guess what is behind sda1. Depending on the sequence how the USB software
finds the devices the first device found will be sda1 and this is nowadays the first SATA hard disk. It
is obviously not very user friendly. Better would be: If you plug in your USB Hard disk, it would be
mounted under an unique name. Usually newer desktop environment create a mounting point under/
media and choose a name. To have a useful name give your file system (memory device)a label.

It is also possible to use those /dev files with /etc/fstab. In the past this was necessary for some
desktop environments, but the modern way is that memory devices are mounted under /media.

udev rules
To create other than default names for the dev files rules can be set. However a better approach is
keeping the default names but making symbolic links with the new name to the /dev files. The custom
rules are in:/etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules.


/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev.rules contains the default rules, no need to edit it since the

rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules have priority.

udev remembers certain things that might be obsolete when time goes by. If you run into
problems after unplugging devices it could have a simple reason. They got an other and
new name assigned by udev that is stored in the following files. Therefore check the files
containing the word persistent in their names:

1. /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules if you have plugged in net-

work cards.

2. /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-cd.rules if you exchanged CD drives.

You might find in those file an Ethernet card named eth0 that you have replaced by a new Ethernet card
that got the name eth1. Just delete those lines since they get reproduced automatically the correct way.

To write udev rules plug-in all your USB devices and observe the newly created /dev files or when
your desktop system pops up already with new devices just mount them and you might see the /dev
name or mounting point. You can also run udevadm monitor to see what is going on when you plug
in stuff or do the cat /etc/mtab or ls -lR /dev/disk

Knowing the /dev file or mounting point, the following commands tell you how to find a criteria to
identify your different devices.

Looking from the hardware side. Go in/sys/block and look for some node. Unplug the device and
plug it in so you can find it. The following command prints out a device found by the system including
all its data to be used as rules.

udevadm info -a -p /sys/block/sda

Looking at a usb device looks more complicated, its path can be get using udevadm monitor and
then see it parameters

udevadm info -a -p /sys/devices/pci0000\:00/0000\:00\:10.4/usb2/2-8/2-8.2/

The other way round showing where in /sys the data is:

udevadm info -q path -n /dev/sda

Or combining both is more straight forward not needing to scan through /sys manually.

udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/sda)

Or if you are lazy to just see what is needed, the serial number of the device:

udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/sda)| grep serial

Devices are organized in a tree. The device itself is the child device and controller on the motherboard
is its parent device. The controller on the motherboard is also a child device of e.g the PCI subsystem.
This is important for writing rules, since all match keys need to be on the tree branch.

Every line in a udev rule file is a rule.

There are match keys with == and assignment keys with = . Multiple match keys can be added but all
match key must point to the same device so no mixture between child and parent devices are supported.
If all match keys match the assignments are done. The assignment could be NAME=<my dev name>
however less radical is the assignment is the SYMLINK+=<my dev name> that creates a link to


the default /dev file, it has also a += assignment operator. GROUP, OWNER and MODE are other
assignment keys to get those parameters to the /dev file created.

Edit:/etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules The following file shows an example how such

rules look like, however they are no more necessary on a new desktop environment using dbus and

Example 7.4. udev rule

#Intenso usb stick 32GByte
BUS=="usb", KERNEL=="sd*", ATTRS{serial}=="08121800042367",NAME="intenso%n"

#Freecom hard disk

BUS=="usb", KERNEL=="sd*", ATTRS{serial}=="13E32A4102CD01FW401",NAME="usbhd%n"

#Apacer Card Reader

BUS=="scsi", KERNEL=="sd*", SYSFS{model}=="IC1210 CF",SYMLINK+="cflash%n"
BUS=="scsi", KERNEL=="sd*", SYSFS{model}=="IC1210 MS",SYMLINK+="mstick%n"
BUS=="scsi", KERNEL=="sd*", SYSFS{model}=="IC1210 MMC/SD",SYMLINK+="mmcsd%n"
BUS=="scsi", KERNEL=="sd*", SYSFS{model}=="IC1210 SM",SYMLINK+="smedia%n"

#any further usb memory stick

BUS=="usb", DRIVERS=="usb-storage", KERNEL=="sd*",NAME="usbstk%n"

Every line is an udev rule. After reboot udev reads the rules and stores them in memory (a part of
the udev database) to have them faster available when required. According the man pages the udev
demon should detect automatically changes in those files and reload them but there is also udevadm
control --reload-rules for it. A line is separated with commas in keys. There are two kind of keys
identification keys and assignment keys. That a rule takes action all identification keys must match
(logical and). All those identification keys have to be in the same /sys directory. In the sample above
a device with the product serial number


and sitting on the usb bus will create the assignment. The assignment key NAME results in device
nodes usbhd, usbhd1 to usbhd(last partition).

For multi card reader select in kernel: kernel probing multiple LUNs.

If you have problems to read/var/log/messages, try to delete the problem nodes as /dev/sda.
Maybe there are conflicts between static /dev (manually produced) and udev produce /dev. Not every-
thing on the USB is considered as USB, it might be SCSI (as the card reader above)!

Some device files might not be able to be created by udev, since they have to be there during boot
before udev comes alive. So create them statically:

mknod -m 660 console c 5 1

mknod -m 660 null c 1 3

/lib/udev-state/devices.tar.bz2 contains /dev directory to be restored at next boot. This

way the devices not created or not supported by udev (static /dev) survive. Mechanism can be config-
ured in/etc/conf.d/rc. Side effect is that all nodes once created (even by udev) will be there
forever (so delete the ones where you are sure).

Problem: The empty card reader creates the /dev/sda file but not /dev/sda1 since there is no partition.
When a card gets plugged in no udev event is produced, so no dev file is created. With fdisk /dev/sda
the /dev/sda1 will be created or with a reboot and the flash card plugged.



in/etc/config.d/rc saves it for the next boot.

The problem of the multi slot card readers is to find out what /dev/sd* is mapped to what slot? The
sample above tells how to find it out. To scare you, the mapping is not static, if you plug in other
memory sticks it could produce an other mapping (as windows does). Way out are udev rules.


#Apacer Card Reader

BUS=="scsi", KERNEL=="sd*", SYSFS{model}=="IC1210 CF", NAME="cflash%n"
BUS=="scsi", KERNEL=="sd*", SYSFS{model}=="IC1210 MS",
BUS=="scsi", KERNEL=="sd*", SYSFS{model}=="IC1210 MMC/SD",
BUS=="scsi", KERNEL=="sd*", SYSFS{model}=="IC1210 SM",

and you have it fixed. This is also where my /dev/mmcsd comes from. All usb memory sticks plugged
in can be accessed under /dev/usbstk and not one time sda then sde and so on. it took me a long time
until my computer behaves like this, but it is not that complicated when you know how.

Here a rule that changes group ownership:

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{product}=="i2c-tiny-usb", GROUP="uucp"

Since more than one driver might be involved the access might still fail.

Sometimes udev is responsible that some devices do not work anymore. The reason might be simple,
a mess with the device names might exist. It seems that udev seem to remember well what has had
been plugged once into your computer, and uses the default names for the devices that have been
removed from the PC. Therefore check files as /etc/udev/rules.d/*-persistent-*.rules and delete the
line that contain old hardware.

To see what udev does, you can run test and observe the output: udevadm test /sys/block/sdb . Check
for the udev_rules_apply_to_event: that point to the files containing the rules and even the line num-
bers within it.

udevadm test --action=add /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:10.4/usb2/2-8/2-8.4/2-8.4:1.3

Advanced udev rules

PROGRAM is not used to run some programs to perform some action, even it this would work. Pro-
gram produces a variable %c that can then be used to create a name of the /dev file. During the run of
the program referred by COMMAND the device node is not been created so it can not be accessed.

To run Programs RUN must be used. Those programs run after the /dev file is created and therefore
can do things as mount. RUN has often an issues and might not run. A good way is to move custom
rules to the back of the uderv rules this is done to put them in a file with a high number. Also udevadm
test --action=add /sys/devices/pci0000\:00/0000\:00\:10.4/usb2/2-8/2-8.4/ shows in the last lines a
list of what run commands are executed. Replacing --action=remove shows what is going on when
the device is pulgged out.

More complex rules might exist for a ebook reader that will report two discs an internal one and an
external one. ls -lR /dev/disk shows them as sdg and sdh but this might change if other devices are
plugged in. Unfortunately the outputs of udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/sdg)
and udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/sdh) differ just in the file size and they
have the same parent device, so no easy udev rule can be made. The problem is that parent and child
devices need to be matched in a single udev rule. ATTRS{serial}=="3238204E6F76" can be used in
the udev rule to match the ebook reader, but this is not enough to decide if it is the internal or external
disk. This would just create a single /dev file.


The way out is the RUN+= assignment that can call an external script that returns ebookint for the
internal disk and ebookext for the external disk. To know to what the kernel is looking udev has to
pass the /dev file to the script, this is the contents of %k and what the script reports back is %c.

The rule looks therefore quite simple:

ATTRS{serial}=="3238204E6F76", RUN+="<path to script> %k", NAME="%c"

What is missing is the script. The script can be written in any language and gets as command line
parameter what is passed in the udev rule in our case %k is the device name. To pass back data it
needs to print to the standard output.

A good test is just create a file

RUN+="/usr/bin/touch /tmp/udev.touch"

and be aware that absolute paths must be set also to the program. udev starts when the PATH
environmental variable hasn't setup completely

A little test script shows that the concept works:

echo $1$device

And two dev files are created, since udev calls this rule twice:

cd /dev

ls | grep ebook



Now regular programming is required the rule stays unchanged.

The following udev python script uses a temporary file to keep track of the sequence the rule is called
and defines the first call to be the internal disk and the second the external disk. The delay is necessary,
since the two calls follow to shortly after each other. An attempt to use environmental variables failed
since the export


import os
import time

if os.path.exists("/tmp/udevflag"):
os.system("rm -f /tmp/udevflag");
print "ebookext"
print "ebookint"
os.system("touch /tmp/udevflag");

In the config file /etc/udev/udev.conf logging can be activated. The default rules are in /lib/udev/
rules.d/ and should no t be altered, /etc/udev/rules.d/ hold the customized rules and finally /etc/udev/
rules.d/10-local.rules hold the local administrators rules.


Advanced rules make use of LABELS and GOTO to disable rules to be checked when not relevant.
A common use of such labels are

ACTION!="add", GOTO="my_rules_end"
<rules when adding>

udevadm info --export-db prints the udev database to the screen. It points to /sys and /dev and shows
major and minor among other informations.

The procfs filesystem is mounted under the /proc directory and contains live data about what is
running on the computer. Even everything is stored as text, do not open the files with an editor. The
editor might crash since it gets never ending data. Use cat instead. e.g. cat /proc/cpuinfo shows you
how much bogomips your computer has.

The device specific information is successively moved away from the proc directory into
the /sys directory. As example the /proc/bus/usb is now found under /sys/bus/
usb and the devices file is for backward compatibility reasons added under /sys/ker-
nel/debug/usb/devices. For details see the kernel documentation usb/proc_us-

Many system programs do nothing else than reading the data out of/proc.

man proc and read the details. Some Examples:

cat /proc/partitions

Shows the drives attached

cat /proc/cmdline

Shows how the kernel got booted

The number directories in/proc are equal to the PID's (process ID's).

cat /proc/1/status

Shows the status about PID 1 (known as init the first program started)

cat /proc/loadavg

returns 5 values:

1. 3 average system load values over the last 1,5 and 15 minutes

2. number of running processes plus sum of all processes

3. last active PID

cat /proc/uptime

returns 2 values:

1. time in seconds since system start

2. idle time in seconds since system start


cat /proc/meminfo

returns everything about the memory

cat /proc/kmsg

returns last kernel messages

cat /proc/version

returns version of Linux and gcc used

cat /proc/cpuinfo

returns everything about your cpu

cat /proc/devices

returns the running devices

cat /proc/interrupts

returns configured interrupts. The number shows how many interrupts already occurred. Additionally
device driver handling the interrupt can be seen.

cat /proc/filesystems

The supported file systems nodev indicated that this file system does not require a device.

cat /proc/dma

The supported DMA channels

cat /proc/ioports

The io ports of your computer

cat /proc/cmdline

The command line used to start the kernel.

The kernel mounts the filesystem sysfs under/sys and makes information about the devices and
drivers available.

Historically stuff originally found under/proc got and will get moved to sysfs to clean
procfs from device and hardware related stuff.

udev makes heavily use of sysfs since it creates the /dev files using information from /sys.

The files under /sys contain just one value. The meaning of the value can be extracted from the
path and filename.

As app-text/tree shows the devices are grouped in tree -L 1 shows the directories

block, bus, class, dev, devices, firmware, fs, kernel, module, power

Since many files might be put in more than one directory, sysfs make heavily use of symbolic links
to have the data consistent.


Hard disk
DMA (Direct Memory Access)
DMA allows coping data from the hard disk to the memory without passing it thought the CPU bottle-
neck. Enabling DMA increases hard disk access performance significant (using hdparm -tT > more
than factor 10).

Enabling DMA is done with the hdparm command, but also the kernel has to be configured to support
DMA and the DMA controller on the motherboard has to be selected.

hdparm /dev/hda shows data about your hard disk

hdparm -d /dev/hda shows DMA status

hdparm -d 1 /dev/hda turns DMA on

hdparm -d 0 /dev/hda turns DMA off

hdparm -i /dev/hda displays DMA mode info

hdparm -tT /dev/hda tests it

To create partitions the basic fdisk, or the bit advanced cfdisk, parted or sfdisk can be use. The hard
disk is not allowed to be mounted and be aware when you write you loose your data.

To see what you have (before doing the damage) fdisk -l , parted -l, df -h or blkid lists all the devices.

For parted there is the GUI qtparted.

A typical sequence to partition ssd sd for a UEFI-only system not swapping to the SSD could look
as follows:


print devices

parted -a optimal /dev/sda

mklabel gpt

unit mib

mkpart primary 1 64 0 to 1 might be critical or / not possible and not per-formant

name 1 boot

mkpart primary 64 -1

name 2 rootfs

set 1 boot on


Model: Jmicron Corp. (scsi) Disk /dev/sdg: 114473MiB Sector size

(logical/physical): 512B/512B Partition Table: gpt Disk Flags: Number
Start End Size File system Name Flags 1 1.00MiB 64.0MiB 63.0MiB boot
boot, esp 2 64.0MiB 114472MiB 114408MiB rootfs



mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdg2

mkfs.vfat /dev/sdg1

parted -l to list all the devices

parted /dev/sdb to start parted for working on /dev/sdb

Commands to be used within parted a command line prompt:

mklabel msdos or mklabel gtp to create partition tables

print to see what parted sees

select /dev/sdc to switch to /dev/sdc

resizepart to resize a partition

rm to remove partition

set boot to set partition flags as boot, swap, esp and others

e4defrag /home/user/directory/ defragments a directory

e4defrag /dev/sda5 defragments a disk

Test programs
More advanced test programs as hdparm -tT /dev/hda are the classic bonnie or the C++ version

If you like to know where the big files and directories are that have filled up your hard disk:

emerge filelight

and you get a graphical picture of it

Show bad blocks: dumpe2fs -b /dev/hda3

Show superblock: dumpe2fs -h /dev/hda3

Show all stuff: dumpe2fs /dev/hda3

Show filesystem stuff: mke2fs -n /dev/hda3

To change the parameters for automatic testing use tune2fs -c or tune2fs -i

The following programs check the "unmounted" file systems. Boot from a live-CD as http:// and run them:

A front end for various checkers: fsck /dev/hda3

Force check even it is clean: e2fsck -f /dev/hda3

Look for bad blocks: e2fsck -c /dev/hda3

Automatic repair: e2fsck -p /dev/hda3


Search for bad blocks (with the show option): badblocks -s /dev/hda3

A "mounted" filesystem can be checked using the readonly option -n:

e2fsck -n /dev/hda3

The ext3 file system has journaling function that should not require a manual check by definition.

The kjournal is a daemon doing the stuff in background.

To test the disk: emerge testdisk

Interesting to know is also how often your disk is accessed, the command vmstat -d will show that
and can be used to move data from one disk to an other to e.g reduce write access to SSD devices.

e2label /dev/<disk> shows disk name on e2 partitions e2label /dev/<disk> <name> sets it

SMART (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Tech-

Check if your drive supports SMART hdparm -I /dev/<sd?> | grep SMART, then emerge smart-
montools and do smartctl -i /dev/sda for get the info and smartctl -H /dev/sda to do the health test.
To get all kinds of stuff smartctl -A /dev/sda.

To do a self-test (you can still work normally with it)

smartctl -t short /dev/sda

When done

smartctl -l selftest /dev/sda

Desktop environment come also with GUI's as gnome-disk-utility

CD and DVD
Different programs exist to burn CD/DVD's:

k3b is fully developed but not bloated. It handles well linux specific things as links and others.

Gnome comes with brasero, that works fine just for simple cases but if it gets complicated, the CD
or DVD might end up in the trash.

Such programs are more or less just GUI's for the different CD/DVD packages. But it is also a challange
to deal with those packages to get a satisfied result.

For USB burners check that USB SCSI support is enabled in the kernel.

Good practice is:

1. always check the ISO image against its published checksum, in the advanced option there is a do
not eject after write that should be selected to not confuse the computer (Hal and Dbus).

2. verify written data (Hint: If you run into checksum problems, verify your RAM settings in the
BIOS. However it can also be the fact, that the CD filesystem can not hold all the info coming from
the hard disk filesystem)

3. better use rewritable medium than produce trash

To observe the CD drives type wodim --scanbus and wodim --devices to get the real /dev file. Then
run the diagnostic as readom dev=/dev/<the disc drive>. Very interesting is the scan for C2


errors. C2 errors can usually be corrected until a certain limit. If you have C2 errors you might consider
to copy your data to a new fresh CD, before the data is unrepairable and lost.

RAM disks
Sometimes it is desirable to have a ram disk for reasons as:

• Speed improvement

• Less noise

• Increase lifetime of the disk (reducing access and write cycles)

To create a ram disk check is you already have some ls -l /dev/ram*

If you are lucky you have some, so check if something is mounted: cat /etc/mtab | grep ram

If you do not find /dev/ram* device files, then you need to check the kernel:

You should modify it to have something as:


Then format it mke2fs -m 0 /dev/ram0

Create a mounting point and mount it: mount /dev/ram0 /mnt/ram

Recheck that it is mounted: cat /etc/mtab | grep ram

Check the disk size df -T | grep ram

cat /usr/src/linux/.config | grep DEV_RAM

If you are not happy with the size you could instead of reconfiguring and recompiling the kernel pass
a parameter to the kernel at boot time to get more memory. Using grub add something as the following
to get 16MByte

kernel /kernel-3.<version>-gentoo-r<release> ramdisk_size=16000

Floppy disks
Even tough floppies are now historic these days, but in certain situations they have to be still used:

1. BIOS update of the motherboard

2. Creating boot floppy disks to load the Microsoft CD device driver to be able to install a Windows
Installation CD.

3. Get data out of a old instrument as storage oscilloscopes and logic analyzers

4. Clean up your home and find a historic floppy

Check if your BIOS has the floppy controller enabled. Configure the BIOS to try booting from the
floppy so you can make sure that the hardware works.

Since floppies are historic, it might be that their support has to be disabled in the default
installation. To have the fdformat command on Gentoo the fdformat useflag has to be set.
This then enables floppy support in the sys-apps/util-linux package.


Enable floppy kernel driver (called floppy) and fat in the kernel and set a code page as NLS code-
page ISO 8859-1 in the kernel. File system, native language support, code-page select at least US or
many others with the M option. See also documentation coming with the kernel source: /usr/src/

Many /dev files might exist for the outdated floppies as ls /dev/fd* shows. It is wise to used always
the one corresponding to the desired size as /dev/fd0u1440, since /dev/fd0 might fail or not
do anything at all. On a newer system just /dev/fd0 might appear.

The command fdformat /dev/fd0 low-level formats a floppy disk.

And now you need to high level format it. For a Linux ext2 floppy do: mkfs.ext2 /dev/fd0

For a DOS floppy emerge sys-fs/dosfstools and format it: mkdosfs /dev/fd0 or if this command does
not exist use mkfs.vfat /dev/fd0

fdisk is also a way to create floppies.

mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy

then type mount | grep fd0 so verify that it is mounted and unmount it

umount /dev/fd0

To mount it, verify your/etc/fstab and then:

Alternatively you can emerge mtools allows to do floppy commands without mounting the floppy.

Floppy image files

Instead of dealing with physical floppies, you can simply handle a floppy image. Those image files
are an exact copy of a physical floppy. Floppy images be used to archive floppies, started using grub
to do BIOS updates or have a simple DOS, they can easily be used on virtual machines (Virtual box).

Instead of having a floppy also a floppy emulation can be used. The link
disks/ contains floppy images for FreeDos and has also a CD builder to create a DOS CD with the
application you desire. Download and unzip. Copy it to /boot and add in your grub.conf:

root (hd0,0)
kernel /memdisk
initrd /FDINSTALL.144

or for grub 2

menuentry "FREEDOS" {
linux16 /memdisk raw
initrd16 /FDSTD.288

memdisk is the floppy emulator and can be obtained by emerge syslinux and cp /usr/share/syslin-
ux/memdisk /boot when done good old Ctrl Alt Del brings you back. Nice but how to add stuff to
the boot disk?

Create a mounting point mkdir /mnt/floppy and mount the image:

mount -o loop /boot/FDINSTALL.144 /mnt/floppy


Running FreeDOS via Grub is not an emulation, FreeDOS runs directly without Linux. You
could use it to update your BIOS having just DOS utilities.

Convert a floppy to a image file:

cat /dev/fd0 > floppy.img

If it fails on an old Floppy, try it with an other floppy drive. If you are lucky it is a track alignment
problem and a different floppy drive might read it.

Copy image file to a floppy:

cat floppy.img > /dev/fd0


dd if=floppy.img of=/dev/fd0 count=1 bs=1440k

Create a empty image file (emerge dosfstools first):

dd bs=512 count=2880 if=/dev/zero of=floppy.imgmkfs.msdos floppy.img


/sbin/mkfs.msdos -C /path/floppy.img 1440

Mount a floppy image file

mount -o loop floppy.img /mnt/floppy/

Files containing file systems

Sometimes it is desirable to put files into a file system, that can be mounted.

Examples are initial ram disc for the boot, preparation contents of a CD, backup of a memory device.

Here the steps:

Create a file in current directory of bs size filled with zeros (see dd)

dd if=/dev/zero of=<filename> bs=3000k count=1

Format it as file system

mke2fs -F -m0<filename>

Mount the file as device (Note: The kernel must support loop devices)

mount -t ext2 -o loop<filename> /mnt/<mountpoint>

Now everything can be copied there. If finished unmount it.

umount /mnt/<filename>

When it will be distributed then it is probably worth to zip it.

gzip -9<filename>

When be used on a later stage, unzip and mount it:

mount -t ext2 -o loop<filename> /mnt/<mountpoint>


Putting file systems onto SDcards

If the file system is not available as if a SDcard needs to be copied the SDcard contents can be copied
into a file: dd if=/dev/sdf of=<name>.img

Check where the SDcard is plugged in. It should be high speed.

If the image is copied to an SDcard some of the following will happen:

1. SDcard is larger than the image. The image will be put on the SDcard but the unused space is lost

2. SDcard has the same size as the image. This is the perfect case.

3. SDcard is smaller than the image. Some of the file system will not be written to the SDcard. The
impact is therefore unknown.

Therefore it is wise to check if the file system fits to the SDcard and in case the SDcard is bigger it is
worth to enlarge the file system to the optimum size. fdisk -l shows how many bytes can be stored.

To know how much can be written to the SDcard using dd the SDcard can simply be read by dd: dd
if=/dev/sdf of=dummy.img

Now re- check the file size of <name>.img and dummy.img to face the situation.

truncate is the command that also can do the opposite as enlarge a file system so truncate --reference
dummy.img <name>.img expands the <name>.img file system to fit the SDcard.

Finally writing it to the SDcard dd if=<name>.img of=/dev/sdf

Before removing the SDcard sync will assure that everything will be written down.

It is advisable to verify the integrity of large files as CD and DVD images and files being downloaded
though the net. Additionally checksum algorithm get used by many cryptographic and secure appli-
cations. As usual under Linux, there are different ways to create check sums:

MD5 Message-Digest algorithm 5

See: RFC 1321 [] it is a commonly used algorithm.

There are different ways to deal with MD5:

1. Download and produce checksum of it, them verify it by the checksum published: KNOP-

4ccda04355e63d1485072f8906465168 KNOPPIX_V5.3.1DVD-2008-03-26-EN.iso

2. Contents of the md5 file is (except *) the same as the result of md5sum

cat KNOPPIX_V5.3.1DVD-2008-03-26-EN.iso.md5

4ccda04355e63d1485072f8906465168 KNOPPIX_V5.3.1D-

3. Download ISO and md5 file

Example Knoppix DVD


md5sum -c KNOPPIX_V5.3.1DVD-2008-03-26-EN.iso.md5

KNOPPIX_V5.3.1DVD-2008-03-26-EN.iso: OK

The -c option points to a file that has the md5sum and the filename to be verified. A * character is
put in front of the filename to mark it as a binary file, otherwise it is considered as text file. The
checksum files can contain multiple lines to support multiple files to be checked. Also lines starting
with # can be in the files to add comments.

Note: Between checksum and filename maximum one space character is allowed.

4. To get the md5sum of a physical dvd and not a iso image and assuming it is accessible on the
mounted /dev/hdc type:

dd if=/dev/hdc bs=2k count=$(($(isosize /dev/hdc)/2048)) | md5sum

2171297+0 records in

2171297+0 records out

4446816256 bytes (4.4 GB) copied, 916.757 s, 4.9 MB/s

4ccda04355e63d1485072f8906465168 -

This way a DVD/CD can be verified with the md5sum of an ISO image. See dd

5. or much easier way would be assuming hdc is the cd drive

md5sum /dev/hdc

85bb4695004e9edd52414f34a572eedb /dev/hdc

but the checksum is different due to additional stuff on the dvd.

The man page man md5sum does not show all details especially the -c option and the checksum files,
therefore check the info page using info coreutils 'md5sum invocation'.

To perform more md5 operations emerge md5deep to get the two programs md5deep and hashdeep

SHA-1 and SHA-2

Those Secure Hash Algorithm are considered as successor of the MD5 algorithm. SHA-2 actually does
not exist, it is a synonym for one out of the following four algorithm: SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384
and SHA-512.

Commands are:







For the details see the man pages.

MD160 is an other hash algorithm are considered commonly used in OpenBSD. RMD160 is defined
in the standard ISO/IEC10118-3. MD160 is a short form of

RIPEMD-160 (RACE Integrity Primitives Evaluation Message Digest) where RACE means Research
and Development in Advanced Communications Technologies in Europe.

Integrity of CD/DVD's
DVD's and CD store the data in a high redundant matter. It does not stop just there when it comes to
error detection, it can also do error correction. Since CD's and DVD have a limited lifetime of some
10 years it is wise to verify the integrity of your CD's and DVD's and emerge dvdisaster. It has a
nice GUI and is ready to go.

There are two files involved the well known ISO image (*.iso) that is ready to be used and the and
the parity file (*.ecc) that contains the redundant data.

File indexing
Instead of searching a file in a filesystem with the find command, speed can be improved by looking
into a database (as /var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db when using the mlocate package) using
the locate command. The drawback is that the file and the database might differ and an update needs
to be done regularly by the command updatedb or a cron job doing it..

Duplicate files
duff the duplicate file finder can find recursively such files using duff -r <directory>

A file list (skipping one of the files to be kept) can be created using duff -re <directory> > ../

After that while read file ; do rm "$file" ; done < ../del.txt will remove the files

Alternatively this can be done with rm $( duff -rPze <directory> )

A duplicate file finder for Linux file system should understand links. duff has command line options
for that, as -P do not follow symbolic links to directories (symbolic links to files are never followed)

-z does not compare files with 0 size

To improve speed most programs look first for the disk space and even for the first bytes to match and
if everything is identical the time consuming checksum is calculated.

Logical Volume Manager

The Logical Volume Manager (LVM) is layer that can be put between physical drives and the applica-
tion software. It allows to merge the memory space of the physical drives into one and gives therefore
something as having variable partitions.

Device Mapper
The device mapper puts a layer between block devices and the application. Typical applications are
RAID systems or Encrypted File Systems. To have the device mapper running enable device mapper


support in the kernel. Set the following Device Drivers > Multiple Devices Driver Support (RAID
and LVM):


emerge device-mapper

If you run baselayout2 then add the runscripts rc-update add device-mapper boot

The device-mapper contains dmsetup that creates block device nodes in

/dev/mapper/<device name>

cat /proc/devices shows that it is running.

Truecrypt makes use of dmsetup and creates a node as truecrypt3

dmsetup info truecrypt3 will give info

dmsetup table truecrypt3 will show its table

It is also possible to create and remove such devices manually

dmsetup create<device name> --notable

dmsetup remove<device name>

Filelight is a tool to find large directories and files on your disks. It has a nice graphical user interface
to guide to the big files. Run it as root so you get also the space used by all kind of users.

Figure 7.1. Filelight

Zip files
Summary on the commands used to zip and unzip for the various zip formats:

1. 7-zip - app-arch/p7zip


2. ace - app-arch/unace

3. arj - app-arch/arj

4. cpio - app-arch/cpio

5. deb - app-arch/dpkg

6. iso - app-cdr/cdrtools

7. jar,zip - app-arch/zip and app-arch/unzip

8. lha - app-arch/lha

9. lzma - app-arch/xz-utils

10.lzop - app-arch/lzop

11.rar - app-arch/unrar

12.rpm - app-arch/rpm

13.zoo - app-arch/zoo

14.unstuff - app-arch/stuffit

15.lz4 - app-arch/lz4

There are some zip front ends as file-roller used in gnome that make use on the packages listed above.

Atool tries to do what a user expects. Certain archives scatter files allover the place when extracting.
atool avoids this by putting always all into a directory. man atool shows all programs coming with

Uses extensions as bz2. The tools are:

bzcat to unzip.

But there is also bzip2 and bunzip2. See man bzip2

gzip and gunzip

gzip<filename> to get <filename>.gz

gunzip<filename>.gz to get <filename>

Extract tar: tar –xzf<filename>.tar

Extract tar.gz: tar -xzf<filename>.tar.gz

Create tar.gz of a directory that is inside the current directory tar -czf<file name>.tar.gz <di-
rectory name>

Extract tgz: tar xvzf<filename>.tgz



zcat is identical to gunzip -c

So many things can go wrong. Go into the directory that you like to zip and zip -r <output file-
name>.zip * Password protection:

zip -P <password> -r <zipname>.zip <filename> or less strong

zip -e <dirname>.zip <filename>

Keeps files synchronized between two computers. Tell unison the two directories and then in synchro-
nizes it, to have on both directories the same contents. It shows what it likes to do, and waits for the
manual OK.

Figure 7.2. Unison

I heavily use unison since years, Unison simply works as desired so there is not much to say. The only
negative points are that is is a bit slow and the older versions struggle with microsoft filesystems used
under linux. This has improved, if it fails unison tells why and how to fix it.

For the homepage

It can synchronize between hard disk and usb memory stick but also between two different computer
using ssh (don't use root for the ssh user).

Unison stores its configuration files containing the two root directories in the home directory of the
user within the hidden directory ~/.unison. The files have the extension .prf (profile) and can be
opened with an editor. It is also possible to edit them however unison will then restart from scratch.

Example to synchronize to directories on two different computers using ssh:


~/.unison/<name of the synchronisation>.prf

root = /home/<username>/<directory>
root = ssh://<username>@<computername>//home/<username>/<directory>

When two computers are involved, then both need unison to be installed. Obviously this
works best when both use the same version of unison.

Unison is over-writing read-only files. So it synchronizes also read-only files, this might be
a nice feature but could also be considered problematic.
To ignore hidden files and directories

ignore = Name .*
ignore = Path .*

Unison has a watcher that might cause problems. If so consider to disable it in the To use the ~/.uni-
son/<name of the synchronisation>.prf as:

watch = false

For Gentoo to use the graphical user interface that is build using gtk set the gtk use flag.

Gentoo allows to switch between different unison versions in a controlled manner using the following

eselect unison list

eselect unison set 1

If unison is installed the first time, it might be necessary to use the eselect unison set 1command.

Unison on the command line

Finally unison can be started from the command line, and seems to be faster this way!

The syntax is easy since the profile files in the ~/.unison directory can be passed without the prf

unison<my unison profile>

Without profile file it takes the two directories as arguments:

unison<first directory><second directory>

The user interface on the command line is rather simple type in ? To get help.


1. y yes

2. > left to right

3. / skip

If lots of directory structures have to be changed, it is a good advise to first synchronize both directories,
modify one, then delete the other one, copy over the new directory structure, and run unison.


Unison with Microsoft file systems

Microsoft files systems do not support all the Linux permission options instead, default permissions
are shown. This can cause problems with unison, since unison synchronizes also the permission bits
and can therefore run into errors when it likes to modify NTFS and FAT permission bits. On the
non-Microsoft files system run something as chmod -R 755 * to set the permissions to the default
permissions of the NTFS or FAT file system, then synchronize the Linux and the NTFS or FAT file

The permissions should be clean, this can become tricky when Windows file systems are used that
don't support different users. Unfortunately there is also a mess with upper and lower case characters in
filenames when using FAT. Sometimes the filenames change upper and lower case letters and results
in Unison with a file name changed during synchronization error (This might be the FAT driver or
Unison itself). Not using FAT and switching to NTFS-3g is probably the better option, the additional
time to install it will quickly pay back.

Useful options to be put into the *.prf files are

ignorecase = true

when dealing with FAT file systems that do not understand upper and lower case.


or set


Make that group and owner ships are not synchronized, this might be helpful when synchronizing
Linux file systems with Microsoft file systems that does not support those features.

There is the perms parameter thats allows to set what permission bits should be considered


Don't worry if it is unknown to you what you have to set behind 0o newer unison will fail too but
tell you what to set (or set it to 0 to not have the permissions synchronized at all). But do not forget
to quit and restart unison.

There is also a Windows version, however the new versions require a complicated setup, the old unison
versions require just one exe file that does not have to be installed.

Chapter 8. Networking
If binary date has to be transmitted, it will usually be packed into frames having additional bytes
formatting those frames by telling where the frame starts and where it ends. This has to be interpreted
by the communication software. When tripped out of synchronization, the data bytes however could
be misinterpreted as if they would be the additional frame formatting bytes. Usually data was meant
to be just pure ASCII containing 7 bits. So when the 8th bit was set, then it was assumed to be some
framing information. When the 8th bit was used for data, a potential danger was created. Base64 takes
3 binary bytes and copies it into 4 bytes assuring that no bit gets lost and the 8th bit will be 0. This
way binary data can be transmitted without danger.

As example base64 is used in email to embed pictures. Such pictures can be extracted when the email
source is observed. e-mails are pure ASCII and structured in different section. The section

Content-Type: image/jpeg; name="Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) 1.jpg"

Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

identifies that a jpeg picture is embedded. From the e-mail programs source view, cut and past this
base64 coded jpeg into a text file. After that run base64 -d <textfile> > <name of the pic-
ture>.jpg. Maybe some errors and warning pop up that might be stuff that got inserted by the e-
mail program and the text editor due to formatting reasons (as cr/lf). Since base64 is quite robust and
contains just ASCII it still produces the desired jpg that now can be observed using a jpeg viewer.

Ethernet is the low level stuff on top it runs usually TCP/IP so check out this section about high level
stuff. This section deals about Ethernet cards.

Checkout if you can reach something on the LAN/WAN by pinging on some computer (e.g. your

ping -c10

-c10 makes that it does not run forever and stops after 10 pings.

Example how to unload skge driver and add sky2:

rmmod skge

cd /etc/init.d

ln -s net.lo net.enp3s0

rc-update add net.enp3s0 default

/etc/init.d/net.enp3s0 stop

modprobe sky2

/etc/init.d/net.enp3s0 start

The Media Access Control Address (MAC) are 6 byte that should be unique for every Ethernet Inter-
face (piece of Hardware). I used the word should since there are ways to modify the MAC address.
TCP/IP and all network software assumes that those MAC addresses are unique and identify uniquely


the computer. Some licensed software packages use this number to prevent from copying. There are
different names for the MAC address ifconfig uses the term Hwaddr.

To see what you have ip a or ifconfig -a or ls /sys/class/net more than lo should be seen otherwise
no matching kernel driver is loaded.

The new command ip will replace the no more maintained ifconfig that has some issues with new
kernels. See man ip for the details.

To find out what driver is used type ethtool -i eth0

Note that udev gave the eth0 name to your network card, if you plug in and out network cards it
happens that eth0 disappears but eth1 appears. This is probably not what you want, so check and delete
the entries in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules.

# PCI device 0x1186:0x1300 (8139too)

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:1e:58:3b:

This entry links the device driver (kernel module) 8139too, the MAC address 00:1e:58:3b:2d:f0 and
the dev name eth0.

During startup of the net an IP address is assigned to a MAC address. This could be done in a fixed
manner static IP address or by DHCP.

Network Interface names

Historically network names got called eth0 eth1 and so on. Communication is today the hot topic and
devices have various interfaces and booting makes use of running stuff in parallel. Since names as
eth0 and so on are assigned sequentially to what is found it could end up that the names are random-
ly assigned to the network interfaces found in the computer.

For most people this is not a topic since they have a PC with just on network device. However Linux
is heavily used for devices as network routers and there it is a topic.

Therefore the network names must be assigned predictable. New udev version rename the traditional
names eth0 to something ugly looking as enp0s18 and when updating udev and not be aware of it
the PC can no more connect to the Ethernet. The name as enp0s18 can be found in the system log
dmesg | grep enp or more directly ls /sys/class/net and cat /sys/class/net/eth0/address gives the
MAC address of it.

For a Gentoo machine, the following steps are necessarily:

rc-update delete net.eth0 default

ln -s /etc/init.d/net.lo /etc/init.d/net.enp0s18

rm /etc/init.d/net.eth0

rc-update add net.enp0s18

If static IP addresses are assigned the /etc/conf.d./net needs to get its eth0 names changed
to enp0s18

The strange looking name enp0s18 means

en => Ethernet

s18 => slot 18


It is still possible to keep the old names by passing the kernel parameter


to the kernel using the bootloader

TCP/IP is often used as a synonym for the infrastructure that the Internet uses. To access Internet you
need for instance a Ethernet or a Wireless interface:

The command ifconfig shows its status and requires su privilege.

Actually there should be at least two interfaces:

eth0 is the Ethernet interface of your network card

lo is the local loopback, it is just software that lets programs talking to each other as would they be on
different machines. Software that makes use of that is therefore easy to use over the net.

Sometimes it is difficult to know what device driver the kernel has used for TCP/IP. After having
emerge ethtool type ethtool -i eth0 to know.

TCP/IP packets
Ethernet packet
The TCP/IP uses data packets (size a couple of hundred Bytes) that are transmitted, from the sender
to the receiver. Usually Ethernet is used, however a well known alternative is WLAN. Sender and
receiver have to be uniquely be identified, this is done by the 6 byte MAC address of the network cards.

IP packet
Network cards can be broken or exchanged. Using the MAC address is therefore not suitable. So a
4 Byte IP address is assigned to the computers network interface. Therefore the sender is including
inside the Ethernet packet the IP address. Since the sender uses Ethernet as it is, the MAC address is
still used as the address of “a” receiver. However the sender normally does not put the MAC address
of the final receiver in the data packet, since numerous Ethernet routers are probably between sender
and receiver and the MAC address of the final receiver is unknown anyway. Therefore the sender uses
the MAC address of the next router. The command arp -a shows what the sender knows about the
router. Behind arp is a protocol that finds out those things by doing broadcast messages. The router
passes then the packet to the next router until it receives hopefully the final receiver.

Very basic summarizing: The IP packet is stuffed into the Ethernet package and the software behind
is called IP (Internet Protocol)

The next problems are:

1. The sender wants to send more data than fits into a single package.

2. The sender wants to send the data not just to a computer, it wants to address a running program
(service, process).

Therefore 16 bit wide port numbers are introduced and the additional created data including the 16
bit sender and the 16 bit receiver port number is put into the IP packet. Port numbers and services
are defined /etc/services. Observing this file will show UDP and TCP after the port number.
If UDP data is stuffed into the IP packet then a UDP/IP packed is on the net and when TCP data is
stuffed into the IP packed then a TCP/IP packet is on the net.


UDP/IP packet
UDP/IP is simpler and faster than TCP/IP and is mainly used when the required data fits into a Ethernet
packet (minus IP and UDP overhead). There is always a possibility that a packet gets lost on the way
to the receiver. UDP does not provide detection and recovery of such lost telegrams. If it is important
that all packages arrive, then the service using this UDP port has to take care. e.g. Introduction of a
protocol where the receiver has to send acknowledges.

TCP/IP packet
TCP/IP does all the missing things, it can split larges files in small packages and send them over the
web and on the other side it puts all together and takes care about packages not arrived. Since it does
all the magics, it is slower than UDP.

Clients and Servers

Communication between two computers is not just there up and running. One side has to initiate the
communication (client) and the other one has to react (server). The protocols on top of TCP/IP (TCP/
IP is a synonym because some protocols use UDP/IP) have a client part (e.g. Firefox web browser)
and a server part (e.g. Web server Apache2). For a running service a client and a server program is
required. Services can use single ports (as Telnet =23) or can use more than one port (as FTP 20 for
the data transmission and 21 for the control). See /etc/services.

Where clients are often started by human beings sitting in front of the computers, servers mostly have
to be started during the boot process. To not start all servers and use a lot of resources for just being
ready, a Internet service daemon as xined can be installed. This daemon waits and starts the servers
on request.

To see whats up type

netstat -a

The explosion of Internet users around the world has caused a shortage on available IP addresses! This
is one of the reason why your Internet provider probably wants some money for the static address that
he would have to give to you permanently, and this is also a reason why the 4 Byte IPv4 runs out
of addresses and IPv6 will introduced. IPv6 will not have 6 bytes, it will get 8 bytes since 6 means
version 6. Having 8 byte should make it nearly impossible to run out of IP addresses again, since this
results in billions of IP addresses per square millimeter on the surface of our planet.

IPv6 will be quite different, the first 4 bytes build a prefix and is provided by the In-
ternet provider, the second 4 Bytes form a Device_ID, this allows to address individ-
ual devices directly from the Internet, no address translation by a router is required.http://
[2001:0db8:00000:0000:08d3:8a2e:0070:7344]:8080/ is an example to address a web site using
IPv6 on port 8080. An alternative to write the address is possible to skip preceding zeros: http://

To introduce IPv6 smoothly, IPv4 can run in parallel. The PC will run a IPv4 and IPv6 network stack
in parallel.

Gentoo Linux has the ipv6 useflag to enable support for it.

Setting up the TCP/IP connection

This is done using the /etc/conf.d/net file. This file defines interfaces but also the modules
used. It can therefore map modules to interfaces.

Example are:


1. Various implementations of DHCP servers exist. So a specific DHCP server implementation can
be mapped to a specific Ethernet interface.

2. There are to implementations for the wireless operation: iwconfig and wpa_supplicant.

For laptops and other PC's that find themselves in various locations with and without Ethernet, WLAN,
the package netplug (alternative is ifplugd) can be installed.

It is enough to emerge netplug, since this is handled by the net scripts of gentoo.

For Laptops it is probably better to use NetworkManager and its GUI front end for KDE Knetwork-

IP addresses and DHCP

IP addresses can be assigned statically, dynamically or randomly as by Zeroconf uses.

Dynamic IP addresses
Dynamically is more flexible however there must be a DHCP server on the network always be turned
on and the attached devices must have a DHCP client configured. Luckily, in the age of RJ45 connec-
tions is is common to have a Ethernet router that can act as DHCP server, WLAN access point, and
firewall toward the Internet.

The DHCP client has to search for the DHCP server to ask for a valid IP address. A DHCP client
daemon that runs in background is dhcpcd.

Note emerge dhcpcd is recommended by gentoo.

Maybe you are not always attached to a network, dhcpd would the try to get an IP address and would
be trying for a while before it gets up with an error message. To avoid this, you could us either a static
address or make a shorter timeout. Set in /etc/conf.d/net

dhcpcd_eth0="-t 5"

This set the time to 5 seconds. The file /etc/conf.d/net is read by a script but the dhcpd client
can more directly be configured using /etc/dhcpd.conf

As alternative, there is an other DHCP client available (the networkmanager uses this as default, but
newer versions of it, have a useflag to select dhcpcd). To get this one

emerge dhcp. The configuration files are /etc/dhcp/dhcp.conf and /etc/dhcp/


Static DHCP
Some DHCP server support static DHCP, this is as DHCP but the MAC address of your PC is known
and therefore the DHCP server assigns all the time the same IP address. This makes live easier when
your PC acts as a server see:DNS (Domain Name System)

Static IP addresses
If you run a server than having different IP addresses would make the clients to fail. Therefore a fix
IP addresses might be the simple way out.

Add the following two lines in netmask notation to /etc/conf.d/net

config_eth0=( " netmask" )

routes_eth0=( "default via" )


or in CIDR notation

config_eth0=( "" )
routes_eth0=( "default via" )

The first line is the static address of the server PC and the second line is the gateway the device that
connects your LAN to the Internet.

The above assumes the following configuration, check that your ADSL router has this address. ADSL router is default gateway and DNS (link to Internet) first computer second computer subnet mask

Avahi a free implementation of Zeroconf.

Other names are Bonjour from Apple (or earlier rendezvous).

With Zeroconf a system name as raspberrypi.local can be taken instead its numeric IP address. .local
is important since it is assumed that this is and stays inside the local network.

For Gentoo Linux check

rc-update add avahi-daemon default

rc-service avahi-daemon start

ping -c 3 <hostname>.local

Zeroconf usually tests and then picks unused IP-addresses between and

Test the IP addresses

I your web browser type in as address and login to the ADSL router, to check the dhcp
tables and the space for static addresses.

Remember to start as root, when it does not let you select an network interface.

When the dhcp client got successfully an IP address, then it overwrites the file /etc/resolv.conf.
Therefore check the date of this file!

Sometimes you see something as : and you wonder what is 24?

24 is the netmask there are 8+8+8=24 bits in the subnet mask.

To see if a DHCP server is around emerge dhcping. To test if has a alive DHCP server
by providing your IP and MAC address, type

dhcping -c -h 00:13:d4:f6:aa:9b -s

Got answer from:

Working with IP numbers might be good for the computer but are not that what a human being re-
members easily, something as can easily be remembered. Additionally IP


addresses can be dynamically assigned, so when you login on the Internet you probably get not the
same IP address assigned from your Internet provider than before. In fact, if you always want to get
the same IP address then you probably have to pay your Internet provider to get a static address.

Since IP addresses as well as domain names have to be unique on the network there assignments has
to be coordinated and who is servers as below show who has reserved them: http://www.networkso-

The reservation of those names is coordinated by

Now what is needed is a big table that converts all IP numbers in text addresses. The table would be far
too big and the access to slow, so the Domain Name System is the solution, you basically ask a com-
puter that has a DNS server installed for the corresponding IP number of If
this computer knows it, than it returns it to you, if not it will ask an alternative computer or your com-
puter ask an alternative DNS server. Finally and hopefully you will get from somewhere the answer.
The big table is therefore slitted allover the world wide net and gets updated by remembering requests.

Fine, but nobody will know the names of your computers and devices in your local area network
(LAN). You probably have a Internet router (ADSL, or whatever) that gets a single IP address of your
service provider. Your router is a DHCP server and assigns IP addresses as to your first
computer. Addresses in this range are not be sent over the Internet (Wide Area Network WAN). To
avoid communicating via IP numbers to your LAN devices. There are two solutions:

1. The /etc/hosts holds a list of computer names and their IP addresses. This is a fixed table and
might get in conflict if your DHCP server in your router assigns different addresses. Fortunately
many routers acting as DHCP servers allow Static DHCP, so always the same IP address is assigned
to each MAC address known and therefore also the computer names have always the same IP

2. The second solution sounds cleaner. One of your computers has to have a local DNS server. Un-
fortunately this is not that easy:

1. This computer would have to run all the time.

2. DHCP and DNS are not on the same machines (unfortunately Internet routers do not support DNS
"yet"?). When DHCP assigns new numbers the DNS server would have to be noticed to update
its DNS table.

Due to to the simplicity I recommend the first solution.

To test if name resolving works ping to a name:

ping -c 3

If not successful check if /etc/resolv.conf (that gets updated via dhcpd server) holds something


This causes the computer to ask the ADSL router to help out resolving the names.

When having DHCP then the dhcpc client writes the /etc/resolv.conf, but when having static
IP adresses you might have to put

dns_servers_eth0=( “” )

in /etc/resolv.conf

To resolve the IP addresses there are 3 files involved /etc/host.conf that tells how, /etc/
hosts that holds the LAN devices and /etc/resolv.conf that holds the DNS server IP address-
es, the latter will be updated by the DHCP client.


A computer can be identified by

<computername>.<domain name>

where <domain name> can have multiple parts

<computername>.<first part>.<second part>

Dynamic DNS
Your Internet router gets an IP address assigned from your Internet provider. However you can not
relay on the fact that this will be always the same (since you might have no static IP). If you want to
have your computer being accessed from the outside you have to face that fact, that this IP addresses
is unknown.

There is a way to have an URL (
without having a static IP address. This is called Dynamic DNS and it is highly probable that your
Internet router supports it.

Using Dynamic DNS, each time your router gets a new address your router sends this new assigned IP
address to a Dynamic DNS provider. A common protocol used for that. The Dynamic DNS provider
updates and maintains a list containing your URL and your dynamically assigned IP address. If some-
body types in your URL he will end up at your Dynamic DNS provider and will receive your newly
assigned IP address. This explains why there are some restriction in the choice of URL names.

There are different Dynamic DNS provider:

1. is free

2. has a free option that needs to be reactivated every 30 days

3. that was once free, but now costs

Since the assignments of names to IP addresses done by did not make everybody
happy, alternatives have been created:

OpenNIC (NIC = Network Information Center) can be considered to be a parallel Internet, this
makes obviously not everybody happy. Having OpenNIC installed you should find new url's
as .oss, .geek, .ing, .free, .bbs, .gopher.

To test if it works, check for some NIC DNS servers IP addresses.
Then modify /etc/resolv.conf to have something as:


Do not restart you network, since this file would probably get rewritten, and the modification would
be lost. Then try to open in a web server: http://www.opennic.glue or ping -c3 www.opennic.glue

OpenNIC and Static IP

Just add the OpenNIC nameservers to the nameservers in the /etc/conf.d/net

dns_servers_eth0=( “<ip from open nic>”)

Now restart eth0


/etc/init.d/net.eth0 restart

OpenNIC and dhcp

Adding those name servers to /etc/resolv.conf and will not satisfy since they will be overwrit-
ten after next boot by dhcpcd.

However dhcpcd offers the feature to add the content of /etc/resolv.conf.head to /etc/
resolv.conf :

echo "nameserver <ip from open nic>" >> /etc/resolv.conf.head

Then try to open in a web server:

http://www.opennic.glue/ or ping -c3 www.opennic.glue

Other but more complicated solutions would be emerge openresolve or even install a local nameserver
as bind.

DNS name server

To get a DNS name server emerge bind.

Network tools
emerge gnome-nettool to observe details about your net.

There is a firefox plug-in that shows where IP addresses are.

emerge wireshark to have a network analyzer

nmap is a port and security scanner. nmap -A

Laptops are used in all kind of places, so networkmanager is probably the way to go https://wiki.arch-

Network manager uses gnome keyring to remember all the different passwords. If the keyring has an
own password (not just using the login password) then this password must be entered. The keyring
files might be deleted to restart collecting passwords from scratch.

When using network manager the gentoo scripts /etc/init.d/net.eth0 is no longer required
and should be deactivated (otherwise too many managers create a mess):

rc-update del net.eth0 or rc-update del net.enp2s0

Network manager relies on a dhcp client. It takes per default dhcp. For Gentoo there is a useflag to
get dhcpcd instead.

The following line makes sense to put into /etc/conf.d/net :

dhcpcd_eth0=-t 5”

This line makes that the start script gives up after 5 seconds to wait for a wired dhcp server.

If you want to stick with dhcp as dhcp client, emerge dhcp and check the configuration files: /etc/
dhcp/dhcp.conf and /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf.


After having made the choice of the dhcp client emerge networkmanager

Then start it: /etc/init.d/NetworkManager start

and rc-update add NetworkManager default

When the PC requests a IP address via DHCP and the environmental variable HOSTNAME is not
set or is localhost then the DHCP server delivers an HOSTNAME that will not be changed by the
hostname in /etc/config.d/hostname. To still define at PC level the host name it can be set in the /

hostname athlon

Or if there is none or just an empty /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf it is better to avoid a redundant

definitions and create a link:

ln -s /etc/config.d/hostname /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf

This works, however networkmanager is not the standard way for gentoo and has some conflicts with
the boot scripts. In fact per default the boot scripts try to get an IP address via the dhcpcd ebuild (not
the dhcp ebuild). If no cabled network is present they fail and networkmanager using dhcp takes place
and probably finds the WLAN and is successful.

The drawback is that NetworkManager starts a connection after you have logged in. So it is not a tool
for server applications.

For console but also for troubleshoot emerge cnetworkmanager. To see what access points are
around: cnetworkmanager -a

To connect depends on how the access point is configured, the following commends might be used:

cnetworkmanager -C<SSID> --wpa-pass=<password>

cnetworkmanager -C<SSID> --wpa-psk-hex=<hex password>

cnetworkmanager -C<SSID> --unprotect

For Gnome and LXDE do emerge nm-applet to get a gui.

For xfce4 emerge xfce4-xfapplet-plugin, so xfce4 can use the gnome nm-applet, then do emerge
nm-applet. The nm-applet is not manually selectable. You must start it in the root console nm-applet,
after that it should be saved with the session and come alive at next reboot. To be sure add it to the
list of Application Autostart (Settings > Session and Startup)

wicd is an alternative to networkmanager (if you use kde set the wicd
useflag), emerge wicd and start it as wicd-client

Server configuration
It is recommended to have a static IP address for the server, so all others can add it to its /etc/
hosts and can access the server using its name. The command hostname should pop up the name
of the host that is defined in /etc/conf.d/hostname. Optionally a domainname giving your


network a name might be desired that can be seen by typing domainname. To get a domain name add
lines as follows to /etc/conf.d/net:


The network interface lo gets the domain assigned.

If you look into a directory you will see files and subdirectories but occasionally there are things as
files but they are identified as sockets. So what are sockets?

Sockets is a way to communicate to other processes. Accessing them is as open a file, but instead
reading or writing data from a file, data is sent or received to an other process. This is not an unique
approach since device drivers work the same way. TCP/IP makes also use of sockets, but sockets are
not just restricted to TCP/IP other applications can create sockets (as lirc, nxtvepg, ... ).

The ls -l command shows sockets with the s character.


There are URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) and URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers). Now I make
the cool statement: Both mean the same! This is true for most of the people except some zealots.

Uniform resource locator's are addresses to stuff on the Internet (or your local computer). URI's is the
same, but have also the protocol specified.

http:// Stands for the protocol used

(here: Hypertext Transfer Proto-
www Stands for the name of the trans- Domain name
mitters hard drive or root folder
of the transmitter hard drive
mypage Is the mid-level-domain defining
the owner of the internet site
com Is the top-level-domain and
stands for a commercial internet
path Contains subfolders and the file
name. Some pages or files are
created dynamically and contain
therefore temporary data. is the URL as above but uses an other TCP/IP port as the default
one. Usually http uses port number 80. However this would result that just one web browser per IP
address could be used. Assigning other port numbers allows to expand it. The port number 8080 is
often used as additional http port. now not just the the address is there, but also an
additionally parameter with a value is added. and now a second parameter. this link points addition-

ally to an anchor inside the address defined by the URL.


There is also the possibility to pass the IP address

Wireless mainly uses the same mechanism as Ethernet, so check also the Ethernet chapter in this book.
For Gentoo Linux set the wifi use flag.

Device drivers
Linux is full of options, so there are primary two options to have a device driver for the wireless card:

1. Using Linux device drivers (delivered with or without the kernel source)

2. Using Microsoft device drivers and the ndiswrapper

Many drivers have to download a firmware or ucode first into the Wlan interface to work. Therefore
check dmesg if you have some error about a missing firmware. To have such a firmware or ucode
available you have to emerge a special ebuild as:

emerge linux-firmware

emerge iwl5000-ucode

emerge rt73-firmware

Last but not least make sure your Wlan switch is on.

Please note that udev comes in place and assigns a device to a /dev name in a persistent manner.
This could cause problems when testing different drivers and configurations. When you have a emp-
ty /etc/conf.d/net file but still drivers are loaded or you observe other strange behavior, then
check /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/70-
persistent-net.rules and delete there the configurations that you do not want anymore. Also
run update-modules to re-do the module dependency files. Also check dmesg to see if some conflicts
and errors occur. Once the device drivers are loaded iwconfig should show wlan0 additional to eth0.

The ndiswrapper makes use of the Microsoft device driver. mdiswrapper can be be started using /
etc/modules.autoload.d. It requires the two Microsoft device driver files *.inf and *.sys . The
command ndiswrapper -i<Path to Microsoft drivers>.< Driver name>.inf tells the
ndiswrapper where the files are.

Linux driver for the WUSB54GC USB Adapter

This USB Wlan interface from Linksys WUSB54GC is probably more tricky to install, but having
USB allows to be plugged into almost every hardware.

and is now included in the newer kernels 2.6.25, so there is no need anymore to emerge it separately.

As an alternative there are also driver packages from ralinktech, the manufacturer of the chip set.

Note: WUSB54GC has there the name: RT2501USB.

When the USB adapter is plugged in then a firmware has to be downloaded to the WLAN USB device
first. The name of the file is rt73.bin and has to be be put into /lib/firmware. This can be done
manually or by unmasking and emerge rt73-firmware. Verify that dmesg will not show the firmware


Create kernel where IEEE802.11 support is selected and then select also rt2x00. Select in the kernel
rt73usb. Load the kernel module:

modprobe rt73usb

and/or add


to /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6

to have it loaded automatically during next boot.

usbview shows the card (a useful /dev/file can not be seen, neither for eth0, udevadm monitor --env
sees the card when plugged in/out.). Check to see if it got accepted by the system.

Figure 8.1. USB

Atheros wireless PCI Express Adapter

This driver comes with the kernel source. Build a kernel with it preferably as module. Load the module
ath5k by putting it into /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6 or do a modprobe ath5k.

Madwifi has been developed by the same people as ath5k and will be replaced one day with ath5k.
Set therefore the madwifi useflag.

Since ath5k comes with the kernel source, there is no need to emerge madwifi-ng to get the driver.
However emerge madwifi-ng-tools to get the associated tools.

There might be a conflict between the kernel module ath5k and the madwifi module ath_pci when
both are loaded together.


Wireless implementation under Linux

The following security methods exist:

1. WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) requiring a 64 or 128bit key

2. WPA (WiFi Protected Access) offering TKIP or the symmetric AES Encryption. Additionally there
is the option PSK" (Pre-Shared Key 2)

There are two ways:

1. iwconfig that supports many devices, is easy to install supports WEP, but does not support WPA.
iwconfig is part of wireless-tools

2. wpa_supplicant does not support many devices, but supports ndiswrapper and therefore it sup-
ports everything that has a Microsoft driver. It has its own configuration file /etc/wpa_sup-

WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) should be the favorite since it is more safe and therefore more used
than WEP. WEP can be cracked using instructions found on the WEB as: https://www.smallnet-

Do a emerge wireless-tools to get iwconfig that is similar to ifconfig or ip and shows you the stuff
about Wlan. Wireless tools lets you try out WEP that is not very save, but easy to try out a connection.

Make sure you have loaded the kernel module for your hardware. When not included in the kernel
lsmod should show it. If it is not there, modprobe ath5k to load an Atheros wireless PCI Express
Adapter or modprobe rt73usb for the Linksys WUSB54GC. Since the first tests are done manually
/etc/conf.d/net should contain nothing about wlan.

Type iwconfig to see your interfaces and its names, ifconfig will not show anything.

However just in case do a: ifconfig wlan0 down

Set to managed mode this means somewhere is an access point and you are a client. If not already set
to managed: iwconfig wlan0 mode managed

You have to give your network a name, the ESSID this has to be the same name on all devices that
want to communicate with each other (your wireless router and your PC):

iwconfig wlan0 essid <my net>

Verify that your interface and the AP use the same channel, if not do:

iwconfig wlan0 channel 11

And if you have set WEP with a static key in our AP, let your PC know about it:

iwconfig wlan0 key e7dddcee7d

Bring up the client interface: ifconfig wlan0 up. After a few seconds iwconfig should also have the
Access Point field with a number, so it is associated.

You might use iwlist wlan0 scan to see the ESSID of your AP (Access Point). (Encryption key cur-
rently turned off during these tests):

iwlist wlan0 scan

wlan0 Scan completed :


Cell 01 - Address: 00:AF:C5:DD:85:32




Frequency:2.412 GHz (Channel 1)

Quality=54/100 Signal level=-34 dBm

Encryption key:off

Bit Rates:1 Mb/s; 2 Mb/s; 5.5 Mb/s; 11 Mb/s; 22 Mb/s

6 Mb/s; 9 Mb/s; 12 Mb/s; 18 Mb/s; 24 Mb/s

36 Mb/s; 48 Mb/s; 54 Mb/s


Give yourself an IP address ifconfig wlan0 up

And now you should be able to do a ping -c 3 assuming this is the address of your AP.

To see what is set use iwlist. Example to see the keys: iwlist wlan0 keys

To have the interface automatically up, follow the Gentoo handbook and use wlan0 instead of eth0.
I did not use the /etc/conf.d/wireless file at all (it seems not a good idea to create this file
from /etc/conf.d/wireless.example) I just used /etc/conf.d/net and followed the
Gentoo handbook.

Set replace in the following <essid> with your essid and add it to /etc/conf.d/net:





Create the useful link to start the wlan connection:

ln -s /etc/init.d/net.lo /etc/init.d/net.wlan0

Type emerge -pv wpa_supplicant to if useflags like madwifi are enabled. Madwifi enables atheros
chipset to be supported by wpa_suplicant. After that emerge wpa_supplicant

To see what drivers wap_supplicant supports, type:

wpa_supplicant -h don't expect too much the list of supported drivers will be short. However it sup-
ports ndiswrapper. When enabling the madwifi useflag then madwifi pops up there. Since the first
tests are done manually /etc/conf.d/net should contain nothing about wlan.

Make sure the driver is loaded and no other has taken the chip.

To encrypt the key type wpa_passphrase <essid> <mykey> and then edit /etc/wpa_suppli-
cant/wpa_supplicant.conf to hold something as



ssid=<my ssid>





psk=”<my key encrypted>”

To start wpa_supplicant type

wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -D madwifi -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

To /etc/conf.d/net add:



Tools to work with wireless connections

Wireless means, you probably have a laptop an move it around, so you will face different

KWiFiManager is a GUI tools that work well after the setup is done.

Or use NetworkManager and its KDE GUI front-end Knetworkmanager to handle all your links and
encryption methods, keys and passwords.

kismet is a WLAN sniffer. Wireshark is an alternative to see what is going on up in the cable. Checkout
/usr/share/doc for the kismet documentation.


suiduser=<add you name>

piddir=<some directory where you have access>

The wlan driver must not occupied by the regular LAN connection.

ifconfig wlan0 down to make it available

iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor to go into monitor mode

iwconfig to verify


rfkill list shows if wifi is blocked (hard or soft) rfkill unblock wifi removes soft block

regulatory db
Radio transmitters use different regulations around the world (as allowable signal strength). Since
WLAN is also transmitting data it has to follow the different regulations.


As default it assumes COUNTRY=00 meaning world and being most restricted (not all frequencies
usable and signal strength restricted).

To handle this issue the wireless-regdb packet installs the regulatory database /lib/firmware/
regulatory.db and more important its binary version /usr/lib/crda/regulatory.bin
The binary version can be read with regdbdump /usr/lib/crda/regulatory.bin

The kernel must be prepared for this and the Central Regulatory Domain Agent (CRDA) needs to be
installed (crda packet).

The packet linux-firmware might be required to be installed to get the correct firmware for the wlan

The WLAN dirver knows the card's certification and where it is and try to do the best to follow the
countries regulation.

To have all this running the COUNTRY environmental variable must be set correctly (for Switzerland

This can be done via iw reg set CH and verified with iw reg get (packet iw). It can just more restrict
but not remove restrictions.

Persistent setting is done depending the linux distribution wpa_supplicant configuration file crda con-
figuration file Network manager.

To debug crda to kernel udevadm monitor --environment kernel

Telnet allows you to connect you over TCP/IP Ethernet to devices (computers, routers, ...) using a
console. Telenet is considered as not save since it does not use encryption but has the advantage to be
simple. To be save, use ssh whenever possible instead of telnet. Telnet is a client server protocol.

Emerge a server daemon and a client

emerge netkit-telnetd

Type in man telnetd to find out whats about.

Telnet client
To connect you to your broadband router type


Telnet server
Usually telnetd does not start manually except for debugging so: telnetd -debug

then make some tests.

Or do it right from the beginning by using xinetd.

Do not login as root since this might be disabled. Login as user than su. The user must have permission
for su, if not add him to the wheel group and check the sudo configuration.

If login fails e.g. 3 times or after terminating telnet the telnetd exits to avoid disasters since telnet is
not well protected against evil hackers.


SSH Concept
Secure Shell is used to connect via Ethernet to an other computer using the console. It is similar to
telnet and rsh but more safe. Using telnet is easy, but the password required to login will be sent
unencrypted. This might be acceptable on a local lan but is obviously too dangerous over Internet.

Login is possible via password or/and keys. Login via password takes place after having a encrypted
connection, so password and username can not be seen.

An other authentication method that does not require manual typing in user name and password for
authentication makes use of two keys the public and the private. However it ends up often that you
have to type in manually a passphrase instead. The private is kept hidden, whereas the public must
be given to the clients.

ssh-keygen creates the keys and stores them in ~/.ssh additionally a passphrase needs to be entered,

Later during use, some pop up window ask for the password, but mean the passphrase
The public key is ~/.ssh/ and the private key is ~/.ssh/id_rsa

To login at the ssh server without password the public key must be known by the ssh server.
This depends on the ssh server implementation but is usually done by appending the servers public
key file to the clients authorized_keys file as:

cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys obviously the file needs somehow be transferred from
server to the client machine. In the simplest case this is done via an USB stick. A more elegant way
is using a authorized SSH connection.

After the a connection has been done the first time ~/.ssh/known_host will get an entry holding
the address and the public key.

There is the client program ssh whereas on the other end the sshd server daemon has to run.

SSH Server
Under gentoo, the server ssh daemon sshd is already installed on the computer

/etc/init.d/sshd start

brings it alive and generates the first time the keys

* Generating Hostkey...

Generating public/private rsa1 key pair.

Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key.

Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/

The key fingerprint is:

09:30:4b:8c:7c:b6:c9:57:da:d4:73:35:98:f2:a4:ab root@geode

* Generating DSA-Hostkey...

Generating public/private dsa key pair.


Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.

Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/

The key fingerprint is:

54:84:b5:06:16:c2:c1:6f:e7:ae:ad:25:a1:00:24:ec root@geode

* Generating RSA-Hostkey...

Generating public/private rsa key pair.

Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.

Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/

The key fingerprint is:

aa:30:45:f3:86:22:15:a3:2d:d6:ac:7e:21:23:6d:a9 root@geode

* Starting sshd ...

or to bring it each time alive type rc-update add sshd default.

To copy a file from the local machine to a remote machine you can type scp<path and file on
the local machine><user or root>@<ip address or host name of remote
machine>:<path on the remote machine>.

There are different authentication possibilities in ssh, that have a different level of security:

1. Secure password authentication (default)

2. RSA (Rivest, Samir, Ademan = 3 mathematicians) authentication (ssh version 1)

3. DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) (ssh version 2)

RSA and DSA use two keys:

1. a public key to encrypt the local message before sent

2. a private key to decrypt the message on the remote machine

The private key has to get stored secretly and might be stored encrypted on the local machines hard
disk. A passphrase is used to encrypt it.

The public key will be copied to the remote machine.

Many of the following including the keys is done by the command /etc/init.d/sshd start

or at boot when rc-update add sshd default got made.

~/.ssh/known_hosts holds the fingerprints

/etc/ssh holds the configuration data

SSH Client
On the remote machine type into console:




ssh <username>@

then the keys are exchanged and you have to login.

To copy a file from a remote machine to the local machine you can type scp<user or root>@<ip
address or host name of remote machine>:<path on the remote ma-
chine><path and file on the local machine>The console changes its prompt and
it is ready to go.

The command exit quits.

sftp is the ssh ftp version

ssh username@machine makes it running

scp ~/.ssh/ username@machine copies over the public key in a safe way

ssh username@machine opens the console from the remote machine

If next time ssh username@machine asks for the passphrase RSA authentication is enabled.

The ssh_agent daemon and the keychain program make authentication easier.

The sshd (daemon) can be added to the boot scripts using rc-update. The configuration files are in
/etc/ssh and the init script is in /etc/init.d.

SSH troubles
If you get @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ IT IS
eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)! It is also
possible that a host key has just been changed. The fingerprint for the
ECDSA key sent by the remote host is SHA256:xst06A5oYmr2KleaFzpE8r-
CVQ672301cYJ6blFoYN0E. Please contact your system administrator. Add
correct host key in /home/lindegur/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of
this message. Offending ECDSA key in /home/lindegur/.ssh/known_host-
s:6 ECDSA host key for has changed and you have re-
quested strict checking. Host key verification failed.

and you are sure that nothing is wrong then delete the entry in ~/.ssh/known_hosts

FTP allows to download but also and upload files from a server. Alternatively rcp the remote copy
could be used.

Ftp servers
There are different ftp servers:

1. Apacheoffers also a ftp module.

2. emerge vsftpd to have a standalone ftp server can be installed by doing and is described in further


Good is to choice for ftp is a program that gets maintained since ftp servers can be subjects for hackers.

Open and edit /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf that holds the configuration.

It can either be standalone and watch incoming ftp requests (listen=Yes) or using xinetd for that (lis-
ten=No). Type man vsftpd.conf for help. There is a initscript rc-update add vsftpd default. Finally
the directory shared by default and anonymous user is ~/ftp/ make sure the file system does also
allow to access this directory. The use of FTP to make such a directory easily usable and visible but
hide the rest of the computer with all unnecessary details for the up and download. In konqueror type and you will see the contents of ~/ftp (assuming the correct IP address is given).

There is also a log file: /var/log/vsftpd.log

Ftp clients
To have a stand alone gui tool gftp

or FileZilla

Since upload can take a while check in FileZilla window Transfer Queue the Queued files.

Or simply type in ftp://<Uri> into a browser.

lftp can be used to keep a remote in sync with local

lftp ftp://<username>:<password>@<url> -e "mirror -e --ignore-time -R <local

dir><remote dir>; quit"

-e means delete remote files that are no more used

-R means transfer is local to remote

Instead of dealing with an Ftp client curlftpfs mounts a Ftp server to the local filesystem where tools
as unison can be used to sync.

To mount as regular user (If the password has characters as $ ! then use the escape character as \$ or \!)

curlftpfs ftp://<url>/ <local dir>/ -o user=<username>:<password>,utf8

or as root

curlftpfs -o allow_other ftp://<username>:<password>@<Url><Dir>

to unmount fusermount -u <Dir>


rsync is a protocol to copy files between computers as ftp. However rsync does not copy everything,
it copies just the differences to be fast and transferring as little as necessary. Both computers must
have rsync installed.

Finally there is also the gui grsync


To use it two methods are possible:

Rsync in the console

It can run on top of ssh (or rsh the remote shell), if so run:

rsync -t <source path><user>@<name of the remote machine>:<destination


-t means keep modification times of the files or use -avz that moves them in archive mode compressed
with verbose outputs. Not using the trailing / in the source path means do it recursively


rsync -t <source path><name of the remote machine>:<destination path>

Note the the command has a single : character

Rsync daemon
Or it can use a rsync daemon on the remote machine, if so run

rsync -t <source path> rsync://<name of the remote machine>:<destination



sync -t <source path><name of the remote machine>::<destination path>

Note the command has two :: characters

The two files are necessary to setup a rsync server:



The standard way is that mails arrive on a web server that runs 24h a day. Since this is probably not
you desktop computer, the mails need to be exchanged with this mail server. The two protocols (one
for each direction) POP3 and SMTP are used for that. Alternatively many mail server allow users to
log in using a regular browser and read the mails while they remain on the server. Also mails to be
sent can be created on the server using the web browser. Using this method not additional SW needs
to be installed. Disadvantages are the mail can just be read when the desktop computer is on line and
it takes longer since the authentications goes over the Internet.

ssmtp is used to send automated mail and have the application using it free from configuring the mail.
It has no mail reading functionality. After having it installed /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf needs to
get the mail account settings. See

Kmail, the KDE e-mail program

Kmail comes with kde. In integrates therefore nicely in kde, but when you move away from kde then
you also have to move away from kmail.


emerge bogofilter to filter spam. man bogofilter tells you some option. Install it with the kmail spam
wizard. You get two icons where you can mark messages as spam or not. Using the command line,
you can do more specific things.

Evolution is a standalone full featured Mail program

Simple mail programs

Something simple that do not depend on a desktop environment are:

1. claws-mail

2. sylpheed

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions was originally be developed for e-mails but became a standard
for all kinds of applications (see The problem to be solved is
to mark and identify in a single data stream individual files (parts) Content-Type. The data stream
contains : the marking, identification and the data to be transmitted. Typically in emails there is text and
some attachments. Additionally it defines a set of transfer encodings which can be used to represent
8-bit binary data using characters from the 7-bit ASCII character set content-transfer-encoding.

Names and values in MIME headers can be encoded:

Subject: =?utf-8?Q?=C2=A1Hola,_se=C3=B1or!?=

is interpreted as

"Subject: ¡Hola, señor!"


Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="frontier"

MIME-version: 1.0

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.


Content-type: text/plain

This is the body of the message.


Content-type: text/html; encoding=UTF-8

Content-transfer-encoding: base64





Mime links applications to type of data. This is not done once per computer, it is done more per
software family:

1. Default

2. For KDE applications

3. For Gnome applications environment.

If no file extension is present the program file tries to find out its content.

Instant Messenger
kopete is an instant messenger and supports the following protocols

1. AIM is AOL instant messaging

2. ICQ

3. Jabber

4. MSN Messenger for Microsoft

Internet relay chat

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is an Internet protocol to chat.

A text based IRC client is irssi.

The documentation explains all the fancy stuff that you will hardly use on your first chats. All you
need for a first chat is to connect somewhere and provide yourself a nick name. Here an example to
connect to the sunrise portage overlay IRC do:

irssi -c -n <my name>

and when connected to this server, you need to connect to a channel:

/j #gentoo-sunrise

Now you are connected and what you type in can be seen. If you are done type

/quit or /exit to leave.

KSirc is a GUI IRC client however there is not much gui.

Live is not easy, there are IRC networks, IRC server and IRC channels. Using an IRC network you
can connect to a IRC server and select (=join) a IRC channel.

Useful commands look as:




/join #gentoo-sunrise




Sometimes you like to show larger stuff in the chat, this can be done to copy and paste it to some
public location on the Internet that will be wiped out after some time. Then just put the link in the chat.
First emerge wgetpaste for that and then wgetpaste</path/to/your file> wgetpast returns
then with the Internet link. The data is limited on size and intended to be text.

RSS pops up subscribed XML data on the screen. Other terms are: feed aggregator, feed reader or
simply aggregator.

eD2k (eDonkey2000)is used to download large files shared by different users (however it is very slow
due to fire walls out there). A file is identified with a link as follows:


Note: The name actually does not identify the file, it is the hash code and the size.

Satellite images from the NASA showing the whole earth have the following links:

East Map:


West Map:


To download it, you need to install a ed2k client. Since eD2K works peer to peer (P2P) so the clients
are called P2P clients.

It is peer to peer, but you still need aserver. The server helps you searching files and establishes the
connection between you and other servers. Ones established you get different chunks from different
servers and your eD2k puts them together to the single file you requested. There is also no problem,
when you interrupt the connection.

eD2k is sensitive for firewalls. If you are behind a firewall, then you get a low ID and everything is
slow. Check if the ports are open on your local as well as providers router.

Since most ports can be configured to be set to any other number, the defaults will be listed. The traffic
direction is from client perspective (you):

4661 TCP (outgoing) Server listens for connection (defined by server)
4662 TCP (outgoing and incoming) Client to client transfers
4665 UDP (outgoing and incoming) Used for global server searches and global source
queries. This is always Client TCP port + 3
4672 UDP (outgoing and incoming) Extended eMule protocol, Queue Rating, File
Reask Ping
4711 TCP WebServer listening port.
4712 TCP: External Connection port Used to communicate aMule with other applica-
tions such as aMule WebServer or aMuleCMD.


aMule (all platform MULE => emerge amule). Don't run it as root.

After successfully download the files are in:


Note that you can interrupt the download and proceed later. Check out:

Other clients:

MLDonkey (originally developed for Linux, emerge net-2p2/mldonkey)

eMule (most used, originally developed for windows, not there in Gentoo portage)

Kademila and Overnet are future replacements for the eD2k network.

eD2k is very slow and seems to be problematic for copyright and “content” issues of what you down-
load. So better use it just if you have no other choice, so you do not accidentally download illegal
things and end up in prison. More legally critical is uploading.

ED2k is also a BitTorrent client running the BitTorrent protocol. BitTorrent Inc. is a company.

Apache2 is the second and actual version. Many advanced applications as web applications re-
quire an web server, so apache2 can be used for it. http://httpd.a-

Install apache
For gentoo linux the installation is easy. Set use flag apache2. When doing a emerge -pv apache, the
variable APACHE2_MODULES shows additional modules, when the default is not ok the file /etc/
portage/make.conf can get the APACHE2_MODULES with the corrections. Then emerge
apache. Per default the web server uses and initializes the directory /var/www/localhost. If this
is not empty, the emerge apache command refuses to write to it, since there is a potential danger to
overwrite something (as www-misc/htdig a search robot that might be there). If it is not empty, you
will be asks to take care or do something as emerge --config =apache-<x>.<y>.<zz> to initialize
and eventually overwrite some files when desired.

Using OpenRC apache can be started as follows:

/etc/init.d/apache2 start

or to do it automatically next boot add it to the run scripts

rc-update add apache2 default

If you get the error:

apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified

domain name, using for ServerName


ServerName <name of my computer>


to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

Type in your computers IP address in a web browser of an other computer (as, or on the
same computer where the apache server is running ( Or http://<computername>. The
file /var/www/localhost/htdocs/index.html should now be seen.

Virtual hosts
Now this looks simple, but there is also the possible to have more than virtual host installed on one
PC or even more than one web server.

Different programs as web applications must be aware when making use of virtual hosts. Gentoo Linux
uses the vhost use flag for this purpose.

The virtual hosts are defined in /etc/apache2/vhosts.d where. Every file that ends with
.conf will be read in an alphabetical order. Every file with .conf is a virtual host. Additionally
the .conf files include other files. So a Gentoo virtual host definition has two files per virtual host
a .conf file and a .include file.

The domain names have to be unique on the Internet, so when using something as com then
a potential conflict might occur. But for some tests an arbitrary domain name is desired to be
taken. The domain name local is commonly used for that. As local says it is meant for a
local net and should not be used on the globally Internet.

Here an example of a /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/example.local.conf

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName example.local
Include /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/example.local.include

and the corresponding .include /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/example.local.include

ServerAdmin root@localhost
ServerName example.local
ServerAlias www.example.local
DirectoryIndex index.html
DocumentRoot "/var/www/example/htdocs"
<Directory "/var/www/example/htdocs">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

The data of those hosts can be put in directories as /var/www/example/htdocs.

The security settings might restrict apache to show any file outside of /var/www/example

Options FollowSymLinks does it but can obviously not change the directories permissions. So make
sure all directories including parent directories are readable by apache.

To make the browsers find your virtual hosts add their addresses in all computers accessing
this virtual host to their /etc/hosts ( an alternative would be setting up an local DNS
server) and restart apache /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

A more advanced way is to install a dns server on your server machine.


In this example the server has just one IP address and therefore all virtual host have the same IP
address, but apache can pick the right virtual host.

Web applications
To avoid installing, maintaining and updating web applications (www-apps) for each virtual host and
therefore multiple times, gentoo supports to install the webapplications just once and then hard links
them to the virtual hosts. Just the config files and the files to be written exist multiple times. To deal
with this emerge webapp-config. The program webapp-config can also be considered as package
manager (as emerge) for web applications.

Web applications are installed under /usr/share/webapps.

There is the vhosts useflag, when this flag is on, emerge will not run webapp-config automatically
and the web application needs to be installed manually using webapp-config.

To install a web application to the virtual host

webapp-config -I -h <host as in /var/www> -d <web application name> <and


To remove a web application

webapp-config -C -h <host as in /var/www> -d <web application name> <and


Check man webapp-config to see how to install phpmyadmin to a virtual host.

To see what web apps and where are installed:

webapp-config --list-installs --verbose

To see whats there but not used

webapp-config --list-unused-installs --verbose

To see what web servers other than apache have been installed, type:

webapp-config --list-servers

Apache configuration
The main configuration file is /etc/apache2/httpd.conf.

There is also /etc/conf.d/apache2.

Many additional modules can be installed, they have their configuration files under /etc/apache2/
modules.d. Everything that is there will also be started when apache is started. Such modules are:

1. DAV (Distributed Authoring and Versioning) to access files on the server in a similar manner as
accessing files on a harddisc

2. SSL (Secure socket layer) to have secure communications

To have cgi scripts running you need to give permission

<Directory /var/www/<myhost>/cgi-bin>
Options +ExecCGI

To have SSI (Server Side Includes) working, the directories need to get

Options +Includes


XBitHack on

The first lines enables SSI for the server. However this in not enough the files with SSI need to marked.
The XBitHack way is setting executable permission on those html files.

The other way is to rename the web page from html to shtml. And tell apache to handle such files:

AddType text/html .shtml

AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml

To see the configuration: /etc/init.d/apache2 configdump or /etc/init.d/apache2 modules

Access restrictions
To restrict access to certain users, you must create a password file as: htpasswd -c .htpasswd <user-
name> the password file (.htpasswd) needs to be saved somewhere on the pc where the web server has
no access. For the access restriction there are different ways. In the config file as /etc/apache2/
http.conf or in the config file of the virtual host, the following can be added:

<Directory "/var/www/<path to protected dir>">

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Restricted Files"
AuthUserFile /var/www/.htpasswd
Require user <username>

For more sensitive Authentication use

AuthType Digest

since Basic sends the password not encrypted. Additionally or alternatively place the directory in the
https (not http) section, so when the password is transmitted the connection is crypted.

Important is that either

AllowOverride All


AllowOverride AuthConfig

is set.

If you have setup you apache server then you have access to those files, if not, then there is a way
using .htaccess files that can be put there where access needs to be restricted. However the absolute
path to the password file needs to be known. The contents of such .htaccess files uses the same syntax
as the configfiles but do not require the <Directory> element:

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Restricted Files"
AuthUserFile /var/www/.htpasswd
Require user <username>

See and


XSLT on demand
XML files can be converted to html on demand. Modern browsers can do that do on the client side.
To do it on the server side additional packages as Cocoon or AxKit are required. To work the xml file
has a reference to a xsl stylesheet included in a processing instruction:


<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="<my stylesheet>.xsl"?>

Apache trouble shoting

Restart it as with /etc/init.d/apache2 restart and check for erros

Does work in the browser?

Check /var/log/apache2

Lighttp (also called Lighty) is a light and fast web server well suited for small embedded devices where
apache might be an overkill. See

The configuration is done via /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf where

server.port = 81

moves it away from port 80 and therefore avoids collision with an other server as apache. The root
of the documents can be set with

server.document-root = "/var/www/localhost/htdocs"

It might be that this looks as

server.document-root = var.basedir + "/htdocs"

so the modification also takes place in

var.basedir ="/var/www/localhost"

After starting /etc/init.d/lighttpd start it can be called as http://localhost:81/ If something comes as:
socket failed: Address family not supported by protocol then ligthttp
wants to use IPv6 but your Linux does not support it so disable IPv6 support in /etc/lighttpd/

In case of any other trouble check /var/log/lighttpd

lighttpd and gci

CGI does not come out of the box /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf there has to be

include "mod_cgi.conf"

and the path to /cgi-bin/ is per default server.document.root+ /gci-bin/ resulting in /

var/www/localhost/htdocs/cgi-bin but it can be adjusted setting an alias in /etc/
lighttpd/mod_gci.conf to get also /var/www/localhost/gci-bin/ to work. Howev-
er for that the module mod_alias must be loaded.

When using python as script then it should be added to

$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/cgi-bin/" {
# only allow cgi's in this directory
cgi.assign = (



and if python is used it should be marked as non static so add it to /etc/lighttpd/


static-file.exclude-extensions = (".php", ".pl", ".cgi", ".fcgi", ".py")

lighttpd and fastgci

To have FCGI support its module needs to be enabled in /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

include "mod_fastcgi.conf"

and in /etc/lighttpd/mod_fastgci.conf to a fastcgi server must be configured that could

look as follows

fastcgi.server += ("/fcgi-bin/" =>

"socket" => "/tmp/fastcgi.socket",
"bin-path" => "/var/www/",
"check-local" => "disable",
"max-procs" => 1,
# to get some debug messages
fastcgi.debug = 1

The file above holds all information to start the fastcgi server that is found under "bin-path" and
communicates with lighttpd via the named socked.

The option "check-local"="disable" is very important, since otherwise the web server would look for
a file to return and would not find it and respond with a page not found message. If this feature is
disabled then the server passes pages not found to the fastcgi server. The above fastcgi server is setup
that it accepts everything with a prefix /fcgi-bin/

In this example /fcgi-bin/ looks like a directory but is not a directory. In fact if there
would be a directory with this name then the setup would fail.

As example a request to http://<hostname>/fcgi-bin/ will not point to a file

or a directory. The result is that /fcgi-bin/ will be passed to the fastcgi server and
then the fastcgi server must decide what to do. It could ignore that and just respond always with the
same web page.

Nginx is a light weight web server that can be installed as emerge nginx

and then started /etc/init.d/nginx start

The configuration is in /etc/nginx.conf . It has to be said on what IP address it has to listen


or to listen everywhere



Web Statistics
If virtual hosts are installed on the web server then every host can offer to show the statistics. In case of
virtual hosts webapp-config is used to install it just once and use it on many individual virtual hosts.
For Gentoo Linux there is the vhost useflag to enable support for virtual hosts.

webapp-config -h localhost -d webalizer -I webalizer 2.23.08 or webapp-config -h <host as

in /var/www> -d webalizer -I webalizer 2.23.08 is the command to add it to a virtual host we-
bapp-config --list-installs --verbose should then confirm it.

/etc/webalizer.conf holds the configuration

webalizer can read log files as /var/log/apache2

/var/log/apache instead of /var/log/apache2 might be set in /etc/webal-

Since the log exists just once, it contains all logs of all virtual hosts. It might therefore make
sense to install it just on localhost

webalizer to generate the reports and could be called by a cron job

http://localhost/webalizer is the url on localhost calling the /var/www/local-

host/webalizer/index.html page

/usr/share/doc/webalizer-2.23.08/apache.webalizer example

Often the term LAMP appears, LAMP stands for Linux, Apache web server, MySQL database, PHP
programming language. For Linux read this book, for apache go to the apache section.

PHP is the Hypertext Preprocessor that is installed on the web server. PHP is used to create a dynamic
HTML page. Those pages are the result when pages as index.php are called. In the other direction
PHP can interpret data being arrived from a user (client, web browser). This happens when forms are
sent back to the web server.

When a browser request a page, then the web server sends a header (where the MIME type is defined)
following the HTML page.

If the requested page is a page as index.php, then the server loads this page in memory, but instead of
sending it out, it is passed to a PHP interpreter. Try out the following index.php

echo "Hello World";

The PHP interpreter creates what ever is echoed and sends it out.

To not have to create the complete web age, PHP is embedded in HTML containing something as:



echo "Hello World";

However the above probably won't execute the php. The reason is that apache interprets the file as
html, won't parse it and sends it out as it is.

For apache load the php module in /etc/conf.d/apache2

APACHE2_OPTS=" <other -D stuff > -D PHP5"

To install php and have apache note about it by /etc/init.d/apache2 restart. Create a simple HTML
page with the name index.php and put it under /var/www/localhost/htdocs/index.php :


Then type in your browser and you should see a full featured php info page.
To see what and if apache2 supports php eselect php list apache2

With CGI (Common Gateway Interface) your web browser (HTTP client) can initiate a communication
with the HTTP server and as result some code is running on the server. This sounds easy, however this
time you send the data to the HTTP server, the server takes it, does something with it and responds
back to your HTTP client the browser.

To keep it simple a basic sample explaining the concept is more helpful than writing pages showing
how the data sent to the server, how it is structured, what buttons and forms HTML supports, how the
server interprets the data and last but not least showing you a blown Perl script (if you are Perl newbie
than you are probably lost when reaching this point),

Here the example script put on the server:

echo Content-type:text/plain

The script is easily explained, #!/bin/sh tells the server that it has to start it as a regular script. The first
echo tells to the server, that it will receive plain text from the CGI executable and finally /bin/date
prints date and time in plain text. The server then takes this plain text and send it back to your browser
nude as it is. Hopefully your browser understands naked plain ASCII and will show something as:

Sun Aug 17 13:47:11 EDT 2008

An easy test is just typing the following URL into your web browser: or or http://www.lin-

This is also a good test if everything works, since many servers have lots of restrictions.


If a symbolic link is used to point to the cgi script, then the web server might to refuse to
start the script due to security issue.

The following line can be put in a html page:

<a href="">Show the date</a>

It is nothing else than a Hyperlink, but this time not to a HTML page but to a cgi executable. This
gci executable can be everything that runs on the server: A binary, a Perl, python or bash script. If
you have the necessary permissions than the server starts this executable after you have clicked on
the Hyperlink.

The CGI executable could look as the following bash script:

The server does just a little bit more than just executing the script, it has deviated the stdout, so every-
thing the script prints ends up on the HTTP server application itself. This explains that CGI can make
use of all programming languages that can print. Script languages need an interpreter to run, as the bash
script needs bash available on the server, for Linux no problem, but for a Windows server a problem.

The above sample could send back other MIME types as text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, video/mpeg.
Sending back HTML, the sample could look as follows:

echo Content-type: text/html
cat <<_End_
<P> The Date is:<B>
cat <<_End_
</B> <P>

Instead of creating some data, that will be send back, you could also pass back a link:

echo Location: /index.html

replaces the echo Content-type line.

A more complex CGI example would show how a form is created on a web page, how all the data inside
the form is sent to the http server, how the server gets the data and passes it to the CGI executable, how
the CGI executable interprets the data and maybe creates files on the server or interacts with a data
base, and finally how it returns more than just nude plain ASCII, since usually the GCI executable
returns a HTML page back to the http client (your browser).

Finally you can call a GCI script through the net:

It is also possible to install a terminal application and use it via cgi. The package cgiterm https:// be put under the cgi-bin directory and be started: http://www.lin-


Passing data to the CGI script is done by attaching ?<var1name>=<val-

ue1>&<var2name>=<value2> to the url. Languages as python have a parser to extract the data
from the string

import cgi
print("Content-Type: text/plain")
print(para.getvalue("<name of the value>"))

Usually the GET request (an alternative would be using POST) of the HTTP protocol is used to pass
the string and therefore the data ends up in the QUERY_STRING variable. Python and most other
programming languages allow also to read environmental variables:

import os
print("Content-Type: text/plain")

So when developing CGI scripts

declare -x QUERY_STRING="<var1name>=<var1>&<var2name>=<var2>"

sets the environmental variable

Finally the cgi script has environmental variables that can be read.

Services as then tell you where you are.

The above python 2 script could look as simple as

import cgi
print "Content-Type: text/html"

Or more easy use things as ip2country from


Regular CGI are scripts that are getting called and terminated when a web browser calls them. In case
of having a python script, this means first the python interpreter must be loaded and then the script
can be started and finally everything is unloaded. This can mean a huge overhead for just a couple
of script lines.

FastCGI (or FCGI) or FCGI is Simple Common Gateway Interface (SCGI) solves this by loading the
CGI script once and uses it for many requests. The script communicates with the web server via a
TCP/IP socket (and could therefor be even on an other machine). Both are standardized so SCGI and
FCGI can be used on different web server implementations. As a result FGCI and SGCI scripts are
no more simple scripts since they need to implement the TCP/IP protocols (they are now similar as
daemons running in background and serving requests).

The procedure is that the server has to be setup to start these scripts. The server has to find out what
files it can simple send to the browser and what files are really requests for FCGI and are really not
files. The above scripts have to interpret such requests and send back to the server.


The socket protocol required to have the fastcgi server taking to lighttpd can be handled by different

A quite commonly used but badly documented, old and no more maintained implementation is flup
and flup is just available for python2 (version 1.0.2). It has sphinx documentation. So change to docs
subdirectory and make html

However some people ported flup to python3 but unfortunately this is not very coordinated, (there
might be many different 1.0.3 versions around). I found one that after patching worked. I informed the
developers about the patch and then the whole thing disappeared from the Internet. Luckily Gentoo
kept the source on my PC, so I simply forked it and now also I'm one of the many having his own
python3 flup version.

It should be noted that the script below will work for many web server as lighttpd or apache, since
it follows the fastgci standard.

A fastcgi script doing this could look like:

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

import sys, os
from cgi import escape
from flup.server.fcgi import WSGIServer

def app(environ, start_response):

start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
yield '<h1>FastCGI Environment</h1>'
yield '<table>'
for k, v in sorted(environ.items()):
yield '<tr><th>{0}</th><td>{1}</td></tr>'.format(
escape(k), escape(v))
yield '</table>'


A flup. simple hello world python FCGI script flup would look:

def myapp(environ, start_response):
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
return ['Hello World!\n']

if __name__ == '__main__':
from flup.server.fcgi import WSGIServer

Environ is a python dictionary that contains all the stuff as the QUERY_STRING that could be ex-
tracted via query=environ["QUERY_STRING"]

There is also webpy that allows selecting different objects to be started using its urls variable that
contains a regular expression and the matching object to be started.

#!/usr/bin/python import web

urls = (
'/(.*)', 'test'


handler = web.application(urls, globals(), True)

class test:
def GET(self, name):
return "It works!"

if __name__ == "__main__":

WSGI is the Python Web Server Gateway Interface that serves as middle-ware between a web server
and python.

A server that can handle wsgi is uwsgi unfortunately it is

a monster where it is difficult to get an overview.

Scripts could also be started when the web page is loaded.

This is not CGI where the client initiates that code is running by sending data to the server.
It is the server that has to know that it has to run code when a page is requested.

With SSI take care that you do not could cause an recursive loop.

To enable SSI (and call a CGI script), just add a special comment:

<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/<name of the script>.cgi"-->

To work the server needs to be configured, to interpret such lines.

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) Allows to exchange data with the web server and modify
the web page without re-loading it. The web page contains javascript and sends out a XMLHttpRequest
(using GET or POST since it must use the HTTP protocol) to the server and then receives the response
behind the scene. Then Javascript is used to modify the web page accordingly. Ajax is a method of
combining things to do it and is not something to be installed. However just browsers of the current
century support XMLHttpRequest and therefore Ajax.

What is received can be either text or xml and it can be a file or output from a script. If it is xml then
DOM is used to extract the desired information from xml.

The following example reads text output from a cgi script:

<script type="text/javascript">
function RunMe()


var xmlhttp;
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();"GET","../cgi-bin/temperature.cgi",false);
<body onload="RunMe()">
<p>Ajax way to update the text below</p>
The temperature is
<div id="myDiv"><h2>AJAX</h2></div>

The text identified by the id="myDiv" is periodically updated using javascript. uses false
this means ajax does not run asynchronous but synchronous (Synchronous JavaScript and XML). This
means the open command stops until the response has been arrived. This might be ok. But if there are
many things to do, waiting is no more an option, so asynchronous is desired. This is done by using
a callback function. The request is sent out and then immediately other things can be done. If the
response comes back some time later, then the call back function is executed to process the response.
Since javascript is an interpreted language, the call back function has to be declared before the open
and send methods are called:

<script type="text/javascript">
function RunMe()
var xmlhttp;
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200){
<body onload="RunMe()">
<p>Ajax way to update the text below</p>
The temperature is
<div id="myDiv"><h2>AJAX</h2></div>

Access counters
It seems very simple to have an access counter to count how many times the web page has been
accessed. If you are lucky your host provider offers you a solution. If not, then it can get complicated!


An easy way is a shtml using SSI or a php page, that is dynamically built when it is accessed, so just
some code to read the actual value from a file, display it, increment it and store the result back to
the file is required. But a pain is the dynamically creation of the web pages (and maintenance them

Figure 8.2. Access counter

But you probably would like to keep your html extension of your web pages and just add some small
thing to it. If you are lucky you can give your files the x permission and use SSI.

If none of those options worked, you can put a static string as the following in your HTML page:

<IMG SRC="cgi-bin/graphical-counter">

It represents a graphical file created by a GCI script. The GCI script has to deliver a MIME type and
the graphical file attached.

It is quite a hack, but since the HTML servers are made for static HTML pages, this is a quite common
approach. The graphical file has to be obviously created using the counter value.

The binary
Now some instructions (GIF files containing single numbers are attached together to form the counter

I originally used the c code found on the Internet, but I modified it to have individual pages supported.

The size constants of the downloaded GIF files needs to match with the settings in the code (int re-
al_height = 13 and int real_width = 9)

After emerge gd it can be compiled gcc -o graphical-counter -lgd graphical-counter.c

Since the access counter supports multiple pages, the page number needs to be defined, this is done
with the exported environmental variable:

declare -x QUERY_STRING=page=count

The access counter program can therefore read the exported environmental variable and knows what
page counter to be counted.

If you run ./graphical_counter you get some weird response:


Content-type: image/gif GIF87a<????,<v????S?ko?Lo?I??"p.g?ql???

#??????kPI? ?H_??=?q???:I?.64???1(?\&?I9?N??n??,#x?5?75???6????U?

This is actually a ASCII header and the binary gif file all in one string.

For further debugging, you would like to split it. So run the program as ./graphical_counter > test.gif
then open test.gif with an hex editor (as GHex) that understands pure binary and delete the first bytes
until G is the word GIF is the fist character. Then save it and you have your image that you can observe
in a picture viewer.

Installing on the server

To having running on the server there might be different obstacles especially when the server is not
the same computer where you developed the access-counter.

The server probably does not know what versions of the libraries you have used at compilation time
and therefore fail. To avoid that recompile the code.

The access counter makes use of the gd library, that is dynamically linked. If the access counter gets
copied from the local Gentoo PC having the gd library installed to some Internet server without having
the gd library installed, then the access counter fails. If so, you need to statically link the gd library
into the access counter (and also the math library).

gcc -o graphical-counter graphical-counter.c /usr/lib/libgd.a /usr/lib/libm.a

or add -static to get rid of the dependencies.

An other way is not using C, and write/use an counter that is written in a language as python that is
interpreted on the machine where the server resides. It will run slower but with less hassle.

Move the working directory to your server where it accepts cgi-bin. A first test to see if your script is
found and even runs type the following url into your web browser.

You should now see a nice gif number that increments each time you click on the reload button of you
browser. If it does not increment then you do not have write access to the file.

Now add a HTML page to your server that calls it

Example 8.1. Access Counter

<TITLE>Example of the Graphical Access Counter</TITLE>
<H1>Graphical Access Counter</H1>
This is my Home page. Thank you for visiting. Please come again.
<P>This page has been accessed
<IMG SRC="/cgi-bin/accesscounter/graphical-counter?page=index">
</IMG> times.

Htdig is a search engine as but targeted for selected web pages or servers
as your own and your friends. It is not a pure web application since it does not run entirely on the


web server. It has its cgi under /var/www/localhost/cgi-bin plus additional files installed
on the system. It uses a database under /var/lib/htdig and has its configuration under /etc/
htdig/htdig.conf. To have something being found on your web pages add your web page as to this config file and run rundig to build the database. Then use its search
application http://localhost/htdig/search.html.

The database does not update itself automatically, so rundig must be called automatically this can be
done best by a cron job.

KDE's help center khelpcenter makes use of htdig.

Wireshark is a successor of ethereal. Ethereal has been replaced by wireshark due to security vulner-
abilities and the assumption that Ethereal is not being developed further.

Is an Ethernet protocol analyzer that helps you explore what is going on on your LAN, WAN, WLAN.

In the days of coax cable lots of computer shared a single wire. Now there are RJ45 connectors and
physical Ethernet is point to point. Your Ethernet is probably connected to a Ethernet switch. If you
want to sniff whats going on, you not get all the traffic, you just get what is for you: Broadcasts and
your IP.

Note: If you have two Ethernet cards in the computer you have two IP addresses

Xinetd has nothing in common with the multimedia player xine. It is a successor of inetd a Internet
service daemon. Inetd requires additionally a wrapper daemon, xinetd has it integrated. If you have
servers installed for Internet services, then different ways are possible:

1. Every server waits actively and listens to its IP port and uses unnecessarily resources of your com-

2. One central IP port listener is active and wakes up the corresponding Internet service server when
requests are arriving. This is the work of xined!

3. Last but not least and whats probably on your computer both method above are installed and hope-
fully do not conflict. Some well known Internet services as apache2 do not require an Internet ser-
vice daemon.

After emerge xinetd check out the /etc/xinetd.conf file where you have to make sure that the
following line

#only_from = localhost

is commented. In the /etc/xinetd.d directory where every service has a file (/etc/xinet-
d.d/telnetd) make sure that

disable = no

Then start the daemon /etc/init.d/xinetd start or automatically

rc-update add xinetd default

And after having done some modifications do a /etc/init.d/xinetd restart

To know what services are behind the different IP ports see /etc/services


There are files configure who has access rights. A good strategy is deny everything and allow some

/etc/host.deny and the log file /var/log/deny.log

all:all : spawn (echo Attempt from %h %a to %d at $(date) >> /var/log/deny.log)


in.telnetd : : ALLOW

Samba brings Windows PC's into a Liinux network. and https://

A kernel with SMB3 the successor of the Common Internet File System (CIFS) Network File System
support is required.

The configuration is in /etc/samba/smb.conf and can/should be verified with testparm

Logfiles are in /var/log/samba

smbclient -L localhost

I2C is a two wire bus developed by Phillips originally for the inside of a TV. It is low performance,
low distances but simple and very cheap. This has been discovered by the PC industry and got used to
hold plug and play data, read temperature, ram configuration, fan speed, battery charging and more.
I2C has a master host interface and various sensors acting as slaves. On the motherboard there can be
more than one host, resulting in having more than one bus. Usually the host is the master and the other
devices are slaves, however be aware, also slave devices can act as masters.

SMbus (System Management bus) is derived from the I2C bus with additional specifications and rules
used in PC applications.

Different implementations
Many evolutionary steps have been made to I2C and this causes some incompatibilities. I2C is meant
for device internal communications where the configurations is roughly known. Therefore using it as
plug and play might cause some misinterpretations, confusions and failures.

The simples way is using I2C to send or receive a stream of bits into a device (usually memory devices).
Such chips can be read and written as files, whereas the file is /dev/i2c-<nn> and the chip I2C
address is set by the files ioctl function call.

Since devices behaving this way are limited, a new approach got introduced to address registers in
a device. Devices supporting registers can be used with the command i2cset and i2cget. There is a
pointer register that can be written as usual. To read it or read/write to other registers the device con-
siders the content of this pointer register as the register address. On write access, the bytes following
the pointer register end in the register selected by the pointer register. To read, two accesses are nec-
essary write to pointer register, then read from what is selected by the pointer register.

Be aware that there are mainly two I2C bus behaviors, devices that use a pointer registers
and devices that don't.


Register access commands can cause disastrous effects on devices that do not follow this
registers approach as eeproms. When not taking care eeproms can loose their contents, and
if this happens on the eeprom on a DIMM, a PC might even permanently refuse to boot

Linux implementations
Linux offers two ways of accessing the devices on the I2C bus:

• Using a kernel driver as /usr/src/linux/drivers/hwmon/LM75.ko that matches the

chip. This driver needs to be added to the ic2-core device driver and see /usr/src/lin-
ux/Documentation/i2c/instantiating-driver access is then done via /sys/de-
vices see /usr/src/linux/Documentation/hwmon

• Use the dev-interface to get the routines to access the chip that can be used in a C program /usr/
src/linux/Documentation/i2c/dev-interface . The i2c-dev driver will access the
i2c-core driver.

See for a good overview

lspci | grep SMBus shows what i2c adapters are available on pci.

Create a kernel with support for it plus enable i2c-dev. Check if the files under /dev get created ls /

The i2c-tools package comes with program i2cdetect -l lets you all adapters available.

An alternative is:

cat /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-*/name

If there are problems check with ls -l /dev/i2c* if device files are there. To check the functionality of
the <n> i2c host adapter i2cdetect -F <n> , this list gives also a good overview of all access modes
i2c supports

The packages lm_sensors is mainly targeted to i2c chips on the motherboard.

A lot of device drivers are involved when it comes to i2c. The i2c-core driver communicates to the i2c
host hardware via other kernel drivers. In case of a parallel port i2c adapter i2c-core communicates to
i2c-algo-bit that actually does bit banging. i2c-algo-bit then might call i2c-philips-par the device driver
that philips proposed and this then calls the device driver parport a abstraction layer of all parports and
finally on a PC the device driver parport_pc is called that then accesses the hardware. Finally there
is either i2c-dev to access the devices using i2c commands or a device driver as LM75 that creates
the data under /sys

Run sensors-detect to find out what chips are available and what kernel modules are required.
It creates as output /etc/modules-load.d/lm_sensors.conf holding i2c drivers as
fam15h_power or k10temp that was read by the outdated OpenRC service /etc/init.d/mod-
ules-load. Now this is no more needed and can cause boot up errors. To avoid that comment
the drivers in /etc/modules-load.d/lm_sensors.conf reboot and check with lsmod if the
drivers are there.

Add it to the rc-update add lm_sensors default

/etc/init.d/modules restart will now produce errors for all kernel drivers missing. Now build a kernel
with the missing drivers.


Type sensors to see what data can be get

See and

Installing USB
OHCI and/or UHCI and/or EHCI (for USB2) have to be included in the kernel. Check e.g. with lspci
what your motherboard supports, it does not make sense to select both OHCI and UHCI, however
they do not disturb each other.

To check what will be seen on the usb install usbutils for a command line tool or usbview for a gui
tool. Make sure version >=2 gets emerged since for new kernels the devices file is no more under
/proc/bus/usb/devices but now under /sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices. This file
shows what appears on the bus. Alternative command line tools are:


lsusb -t

you must emerge usbutils

e.g. Mount manually usb hard disc

mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbhd

instead of -t vfat you can use auto.

mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbhd

Unmount it

umount /mnt/usbhd

Disable the low performance USB block driver (BLK_DEV_UB) since it conflicts with USB mass
storage support that you have to select to be future oriented (USB_STORAGE). If you have a multi
card reader select Probe all LUNs on each SCSI device (SCSI_MULTI_LUN) udev will create the
sd* files in /dev if USB_STORAGE is selected. If BLK_DEV_UB is selected /dev/ub* would appear.

udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/sdc) is a useful command to see what is behind
the device file.

According apacer you have to add an option to /etc/modules.conf. The clean way you create
a file /etc/modules.d/apacer with the line from the manual

options scsi_mod max_scsi_luns=8

then run modules-update to put the line in /etc/modules.conf.

For USB2 check out if cables are USB compliant and are not too long e.g. Appearing and disappearing
nodes on usbview and EHCI is in the kernel especially USBHD (you might have difficulties to mount
them and they disappear and seem to loose data).

When EHCI and OHCI devices are attached, then both EHCI and OHCI need to be installed.
This can result that when a EHCI disk is unmounted OHCI remounts it. This can be well
observed with programs as usbview but is not what a user wants. To get rid of this remounting
a udev rule


SUBSYSTEM=="usb", <matching argument> OPTIONS=="ignore_device"

USB protocol
USB supports 127 physical devices per host interface (the USB address has 7 bits). PC's can have
multiple host interfaces.

The host can reset the bus and all USB hubs will block downstream traffic. This way the USB host
sees just the devices immediately attached. All devices have address 0 after the reset. It can therefore
configure them and give them one of the 127 available USB addresses. If it is a hub, it can enable
downstream of one of the ports and configure there what is found. This way all the devices on the USB
bus can be uniquely enumerated. When not configured the devices can draw up to 100mA current, if
configured the value is increased up-to 500mA.

pin signal color
1 5V red
2 D- white
3 D+ green
4 gnd black

The D+ and D- signals are 3.3V where as the power is 5V.

Data rate
There are also different speeds and versions

Speed USB version Host interface type

Low speed USB 1.1 UHCI or OHCI 1.5Mbit/s
Full speed 12Mbit/s
High speed USB 2.0 EHCI
USB 3.0

Therefore make sure the USB memory devices are attached on the EHCI or USB 2 hosts. The host
have two 15kOhm pull down resisters on the data lines to ground. Low speed devices have a 1.5kOhm
pull up resistor to 3.3V on the D- line signaling to the host that they are low speed devices. Full speed
devices have this resistor on the D+ line.

Data is coded to allow the receivers PLL to synchronize to the data rate. After 6 sequential one bits,
a zero bit is stuffed.

Every device has different End Points. Therefore the destination address for a data packet on the USB
contains both device address and endpoint number. The endpoint number is 4 bit but 0x80 is added
when it has data in direction.

All devices have an endpoint 0 (EP0), where all the hierarchical structured description information
can be found and where the device can be configured (default pipe). Other endpoints have a single
direction and are used for the application.

Therefore a device can have up to 15 endpoints plus EP0.


Transfer methods
The following transfer methods are supported:

Control Transfer Used for EP0 configure Uses a message pipe that con-
tains formatted data and ac-
knowledgment by the receiver
Interrupt Transfer Host polls here (multiple of 1ms) Uses stream pipes that have not
to get events formatted data
Bulk transfer Big data exchange without time
Isochronous Transfer Latency time guaranteed but no
error recovery

Data exchange
Since USB is master slave, the host has always to initiate the communication. Devices can just send
data when the host has told them to do so.

A Frame locks as follows:

Idle time Sync PID (Packet Data CRC End of Package

8bit 4 bit plus its 4 5bit or 16bit 2bit
bit complemen-

Every 1ms a Start of Frame Token is put on the bus, if not the slaves go after 3ms into a suspend mode.

A full speed Start of Frame locks as follows:

Idle time Sync PID (Packet Frame number CRC End of Package
8bit 4 bit plus its 4 incremented 5bit 2bit
bit complemen- from 0x000 to
tary 0x7FF
00000001 SOF (Start of
Frame) 0xA5

USB2 uses 125us Micro Frames to increase performance. USB frames are similar to the full speed
frames and have more sync and CRC bits.

Device Classes
To avoid that every USB device has its own behavior and own code on the host side. Device Classes
are introduced. A good example is, that all USB sticks follow the same Device Class and can therefore
be attached and used without the need to install special driver software on the host.

cat /proc/bus/usb/devices or for newer kernels cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices tells you what is

T: Bus=01 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=05 Cnt=02 Dev#= 3 Spd=480 MxCh= 0


D: Ver= 2.00 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS=64 #Cfgs= 1

P: Vendor=0dda ProdID=2026 Rev= 1.9c

S: Manufacturer=Generic

S: Product=USB2.0 Card Reader

S: SerialNumber=0000001

C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=80 MxPwr=500mA

I:* If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=08(stor.) Sub=06 Prot=50 Driver=usb-storage

E: Ad=82(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=0ms

E: Ad=01(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 512 Ivl=0ms

This information is gathered via EP0 of each device, where different Standard Descriptors are read out:

1. However the first line T: does not come directly from the device it contains how the host has
configured the device: USB address, host interface number, ...

2. Every device has a Device Descriptor, where the information in line D: (and P:) got read, addition-
ally there are links to all other descriptors as String Descriptors

3. String Descriptors contain what is seen in the S: lines.

4. Every device has at least one configuration, see C: containing the Configuration Descriptor, where
the number of interfaces is defined.

5. The Interface Descriptor, see I: line, defines how many Endpoints are there

6. Finally there are the Endpoint Descriptors, see E: lines, that define the endpoint parameters as:
direction transfer mode. Note: EP0 is not here since it is always present and fully defined.

This is the multi card reader is a USB2.0 device, having two endpoints #Eps=2 with bulk transfer, one
endpoint for each direction. It is device number 3 on the first USB bus in the computer.

The Descriptors are requested using the following C structure.

typedef struct usbRequest{

uchar bmRequestType;
uchar bRequest;
usbWord_t wValue;
usbWord_t wIndex;
usbWord_t wLength;

The mentioned simple implementations, make use of marking the bmRequestType as vendor specific.
After that a frame containing vendor specific data can be sent/received to/from the host.

The numbered directories in /proc/bus/usb represent one host interface but are not human read-

Linux implementation
There are 3 pieces:

1. Host interface device driver (UHCI, OHCI, EHCI) is the software the controls the USB host on
the motherboard, or plug-in card.


2. USB core software. Contains everything excluding hardware specific and device specific software.

3. USB device driver, that can be accessed via /dev as if there would be no USB.

See for more details.

See /usr/src/linux/Documentation/usb/usbmon.txt how to monitor what is going


Chapter 9. Office
This section describes how the create and work with documents. For documents shared on the WWW
see the section World Wide Web.

They are many philosophies how to write documents:

1. The most known is WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) or some programs do
WYSIAWYG (What You See Is Almost What You Get).

2. An other goal that is on contradiction to the above is: Write a document once and use it everywhere.
This concept allows you to have a version that you or a team of authors access where you can have
an version control system. It can be exported to a web page in HTML so it can be read using a
browser. Or exported to pdf to be sent everywhere and printed on paper.

On a modern computer, the Acrobat reader is no more available under Linux. Working with older
binary versions that require old libraries is not very recommended.

qpdfview is a simple program that just does what it is desired

okular is a good alternative that depends on some but not too many kde libraries.

master-pdf-editor is very featured but it is not free and intended to be registered. However it can be
run for free as unregistered version with limited functionalities. The limitations might still be more
featured than many free versions.

ghostview is also an option to view pdf files and postscript files. Ghostview can also be used to create
pdf files:

1. Print to a postscript file using a postscript printer driver

2. Create the pdf file by calling: ps2pdf<my file>.ps

There is Gsview a viewer for postscript. To edit pdf's pdf's can be opened with gimp, important is to
set landscape or portrait correctly before importing the pdf. You can select multiple pages, but every
page becomes a gimp layer.

To modify pdf files or to combine scanned in single pages there are:

1. A command line tool pdftk

See the to get the examples that you probably

want as: Merge two or more pdfs into a new document pdftk 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf cat output 123.pdf.
pdfchain is a gui for pdftk

2. A gui tool jpdftweak java gui

3. mupdf pdfmod are other alternatives

As a Linux beginner I avoided emacs, since it looks old fashioned, ugly and bloated. However I ended
up with many specialized editors: OpenOffice Writer, editor that come with the desktop environment,
Lyx, HTML editors, … .


Instead of learning all those tools, it might be better to replace them by emacs. Since emacs is more
than just an editor, it is more something as an IDE: It can be used to write and debug many things as
c programs, xslt, bashdb and many more.

The emacs user interface is really not intuitive. Middle mouse clicks are used instead of double clicks
and some keystrokes have to be known, even there is a gui. Open files are buffers, in the Buffers
menu they can be closed. Alt+x (or Esc+x) makes M-x in the command line below. Add the following
here: M-x fundamental-mode to get the major mode fundamental. Luckily the tab key completes
text. There is also Crtl+x that is C+x. F1 + M gives a description about the active major modes.

There are two versions to choose from (looks better) and http:// (looks really ugly and old fashioned). Gentoo solves this by having a virtual emacs
ebuild and a eselect-emacs ebuild. Emerge the emacs of your choice or both of them and do a eselect
emacs list to see what you have got. And to switch between them.

Emacs was mainly written in lisp. You might come in touch with lisp when you do advanced things
with emacs.

Libre Office is a fork from Open Office and is a free alternative to Microsoft Office. It runs under
Linux but also under Windows. The latest versions can smoothly open Microsoft files and store them
in then various Microsoft file formats as well. However it is more future oriented to store them in a
open format. By the way,LibreOffice can also be used to help Microsoft Office users to open their
files when they run in incompatibility problems.

Luckily, standards for the public are in preparation (Microsoft is involved, but probably due to the
pressure received ) to define the file formats for office files. See
where TC45 - Office Open XML Formats creates the standard ECMA-376 that will be adopted by [] and [] and will create an other in-
compatibility to Microsoft Office.

If you want to open a LibreOffice file on a Windows computer that hasn't LibreOffice installed you
should look at where you find OpenOffice portable for Windows, that runs
from your memory stick and does not need to be installed on the Windows computer.

Try to close and save open office files when you make some tests with device drivers and multimedia.

If you have a crash and you can not open a file anymore, you might consider to unzip the crashed
LibreOffice file, a directory will appear where you might recover some data with XML format.

Insert Name Define => creates cell name other than e.g. A7 so constants can be picked from cells and
used in formulas, without being overwritten by increments when copying.

A very good and comprehensive guide can be found here:

Table of contents
Go to Tools => Outline Numbering to create numbers for titles (not other numberings as line number-
ing). This way you can create table of contents based on outline.

Once having set the outline numbering, inserting the table of contains goes as expected:

Insert => Indexes and Tables => Table of Contents


To have Hyperlinks in the table of context right click table of contents then select Edit Index/Table
to get a menu. There go in the Entries tab. What then follows is a rather complicated procedure that
can be read using the LibreOffice help.

Alphabetical index
Select the word that you want to have in the index then

Insert => Indexes and Tables => Entry and click to Insert (Using the default settings the word should
be getting a gray background). Repeat until you are happy then click to close. Click there where you
want to have the index and Insert => Indexes and Tables => Indexes and Tables. Select Alphabetical
Index and click OK. To have two columns in the alphabetic index and save lots of pages do edit index
table and set 2 columns.

Do not just select text and modify it with font, size color since this would be badly maintainable. Go
in Format=>Styles and Formatting a window opens. To format text there are Paragraph Styles and
Character Styles. Paragraph Styles format everything until a CR character whereas Character Styles
can be used to highlight a single word embedded in text.

Note: Don't activate numbering for headings (Chapter titles), since this is done via Tools => Outline

In this document I used custom styles to have all command lines using this style. If I find they are too
small to big or can not be printed black and withe, I can change on a single location and do not have
to scan manually throughout the document and do hundreds (or even thousands) of mouse clicks.

The manually caused formatting mess can be cleaned by selecting each manually formatted item indi-
vidually and Mouse click right=>Default Formatting. This is an other reason why working with styles
should be started right at the beginning.

When making a manual page break the page style of the following page can be selected. First page for
the first and last page to create the cover, default page for the rest has been used in this document.

If AutoComplete is activated LibreOffice proposes some text before you have finished the typing, you
can accept it by pressing the Enter key.

Pictures or other stuff can have captain assigned that allows to give them a visible title and border.

Ugly icons
Change the icon style found under Tools>Options>View

grep -i german /usr/portage/profiles/desc/l10n.desc pops up de-CH. /etc/portage/
make.conf should get

L10N="en de-CH"

to have German Swiss spell check among English.

1. To make holes into a shape use combine.


2. To make complex shapes rectangular with round section draw them individually and then use merge

3. Don't do it with more than 2 shapes at a time.

4. To change the value of dimension, just select the dimension and type in what you like to see.

Lot of Linux tools make use of latex (pronounced like laitech), so you might get in contact with it and
think is is old fashioned. You might get it confirmed when observing the latest release date.

Figure 9.1. Latex

This section gives a short overview.

jedit might be a good editor.

Similar to docbook, latex allows writing documents using a regular ASCII editor. Such files have tex
extension and use its own syntax to make the text attributes (docbook uses XML for that). Latex can
convert such tex files to dvi files that can be viewed (xdvi or kdvi) or converted to Postscript using
divps. Latex can not be used on its own it requires something as a latex distribution containing fonts,
and tools. Latex can be converted to HTML using latex2html or tex4ht or pdf using pdflatex.


To not edit latex with an ASCII editor, Latex has a GUI front end lyx that stores its data in files with
lyx extension. Lyx has a nice web page and a wiki:

Lyx has it own file extension *.lyx but allows latex source preview and latex export.

Lyx can be used for all kind of things. Start lyx go to the help menu and start reading.

If you want something other than English just change the language.

Start lyx from a console so you see what is going on.

If dvi preview does not run, try to open via file manager a dvi file to find out the name of a program
that can do it. In xfce4 there is probably already evince installed that can do the job. To tell lyx to use
evince as dvi viewer set it via Tools > Preferences > File Handling > File Format. Then select dvi and
instead of auto set evince (or whatever name the dvi viewer has).

When you type, the characters go into an environment. The environment defines what the characters
mean: Is it simple text, is it a title, a list, a comment, ….

To convert into html lyx makes use of latex2html, see

ing/latex2html/manual.html. A successor is tex4ht . As can be seen
under Preferences > File handling > Converters the call to latex2html is set as:

latex2html -no_subdir -split 0 -show_section_numbers $$i

This causes to create a single HTML page. To have multiple pages either modify it to:

latex2html -no_subdir -show_section_numbers $$i

Or set a split value bigger than 0.

Wiki has demonstrated the success of wiki. Wiki uses its own markup language
that is then converted into HTML to be shown using regular web browsers. Regular HTML browsers
allow also to edit the text.

The term wikitext or wiki markup is used for the source of wiki. Wikitext is considered as simplified
markup. There was no standard at the beginning to define wiki markup and some incompatibilities

A wiki software (wiki application or wiki engine) is used for the conversation. There are also creole
to xhtml converters.

Depending on the wiki software the data is stored in regular files or in a database as mysql (and since
images do not fit in the database, there are even some files in a filesystem when using the database

1. is a wiki that does not use a database.

2. is the fully blown wiki used by wikipedia that uses

a database as mysql.


It is strongly recommended to consider how to backup your wiki, especially when you want to edit it
on the web and give others permission to do so. Also security issues have to be considered. Making a
backup of a full blown database based wiki is much more complicated than using a filesystem based
wiki. If you read “I lost my wiki database”, then this means all the work is gone.

There are incredible many different wiki's checkout what wikis exist and
what they can do and require.

The standard way is to convert wiki data into HTML, however wiki data might get also exported to
other formats as pdf or xml.

Dokuwiki uses a directory where the stuff goes and does not use a database. It is there-
fore easier for the backup and has a lot of plugins that can expand its functionality. File synchronizers
as unison can be used to synchronize and backup dokuwiki when it is present on the machine or the
wiki files can be accessed via a file system.

To install dokuwiki under gentoo and having apache

php needs to be installed. Before emerging dokuwiki it must be decided how it should be installed.
Two ways exist just install to one server or when your PC has multiple virtual servers, just install it
beside under /usr/share/webapps and link it to the virtual servers making use of it. If virtual
servers are used, this is more recommended since it is flexible and future oriented, so set the vhosts
useflag. When the vhost useflag is set, then emerge dokuwiki.

To use it, it must be (hard)linked to the virtual host used:

webapp-config -I -h <host> -d dokuwiki dokuwiki 20120125

<host> can be localhost or any other name of a host used.

The defaults should work, but you might want to adapt the main configuration file:


However you should not modify too much there, since it is considered to hold working default val-
ues and might be overwritten by updates of dokuwiki. Create instead your /var/www/local-
host/htdocs/dokuwiki/conf/local.php file, by copy the example

cp local.php.dist local.php and do the modifications there.

Now it is time to check your dokuwiki put the following into your browser


Verify that users.auth.php has write permission, since this is to register users.

The do parameter can also be used for other things (action modes) as



After that you can start editing the top page


To create additional pages just create a link in the top page to the new page. Then click on the link
and dokuwiki ask you to edit the newly created page.


Where the data goes

The pages are stored as wiki text files in: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/dokuwiki/da-

and the pictures are in


Inside those two directories, other subdirectories can be created. This will be namespaces, that hold
sub-dokuwikies. To make a link to them just use <namespace>:<pagename>.

When manually created such directories (make sure that have the same access rights and ownership) or
when page got moved manually to such subpages, delete all files in /var/www/localhost/ht-
docs/dokuwiki/data/attic and in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/dokuwiki/da-

Additionally the links to pictures must be updated inside every page.

Nice looking links

Since dokuwiki has to create the HTML pages dynamically from the wiki text. Depending on the
server setup, the links can look rather ugly as:


To have them as:





$conf['userewrite'] = 2; //this makes nice URLs: 0: off 1: .htaccess 2: internal$conf['userewrite'] = 2;

Alternatively the web server (as apache) could be reconfigured to get rid of the doku.php characters
in the link.

The default settings are quite open and lets everybody editing pages. ACL (Access Control Lists) are
used to login users and prevent that everybody can edit the wiki.

Create the files by copy the defaults:

cp users.auth.php.dist users.auth.php

cp acl.auth.php.dist acl.auth.php

and give it the right ownership

chown apache:apache users.auth.php acl.auth.php

and modify /var/www/localhost/htdocs/dokuwiki/conf/local.php

$conf['useacl'] = 1; //Use Access Control Lists to restrict access?

Note a login button appears now on the wiki page.


The dokuwiki can send out the password via mail. To have this work, you have to verify that apache
can send emails. Since apache probably runs as root, root need to be able to send emails.

If you don't want to enable this emailing you can

$conf['autopasswd'] = 0; //autogenerate passwords and email them to user

After that you can register yourself directly.

To delete a user delete its entry in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/dokuwiki/conf/user-


Doku wiki plugins

Plugins allow to expand dokuwiki, there is the Configuration Manager Plugin that deals with that
(instead of installing plugins manually). It updates

/var/www/localhost/htdocs/dokuwiki/conf/local.php. It is installed by default,

but you need to login and your name must match the entries in /var/www/localhost/ht-

$conf['superuser'] = '<myname>'; //The admin can be user or @group or comma separated list

$conf['manager'] = '<myname>'; //The manager can be user or @group or comma separated list

Make sure the /var/www/localhost/htdocs/dokuwiki/lib/plugins directory can be


Export to static HTML

or to pdf

other plugins are for statistics, support of multimedia, ...

To hold contact data vCards, Files with .vcf can be used. Those files can be imported and exported
from various formats. The data is specified at

Many tools (as evolution) hold the data in propretary format. A tool that uses xml is rubrica.

kcalc from kde gives a simple calculator that supports science and hex calculations

X48 is a Hewlett Packard scientific calculators that can be get by emerge x48. Type man x48 or
checkout to get help.

An other alternative without official gentoo ebuild is be nonpareil see:


It is a collection of older Hewlett Packard models and includes the HP41.

Figure 9.2. Nonpareil

The program will be put into /usr/local/bin instead of selecting the model using a gui, nonpareil
can be called as nonpareil --shape <prefix>/lib/nonpareil/41cv.kml to open directly a calculator.
The default prefix is /usr/local but Gentoo Linux requires /usr

For the old HP calculators there is also the HP museum where manuals (unfortunately not free) and
all kinds of other stuff can be found:

There is also a HP-35 (JavaScript) that can be opened in any browser when Java is enabled.

There is also emerge free42 that can be started with free42dec. It comes with a nice looking realistic
skin but can also be switched to an ugly skin.

Last but not least type man bc to see about the console calculator.

Or use wine and install the windows hp41 emulator from [] .

To have a nice calculator having hex support emerge calculator

Some printer manufacturers want to make money buy selling over priced printing cartridges
after they got you with an under priced printer. To increase there profit, they add things as a
page counter to their system, to refuse printing and to refuse refilling. In the past the cartridges
where transparent so it was easy to observe their status, but now they want to restrict that to
the user. So first advise don't buy such a printer and if you have one, try to hack it or dump
it. For the future I hope this will become illegal due to environmental laws.


However when the printer does not print it could also have an other reason as the inkjet
apertures are closed due to dry-ed ink. Wipe it of with a bit of spirituous can make wonders.
Finally there are also software problems maybe caused due to updates.

Due to the long history of Unix there is some line printer functions (character printing) but also graphic
printing as cups.

Line printer
lpq shows printer jobs

lprm<n> kills printer jobs

After installing cups, the cups daemon needs to be started:

/etc/init.d/cupsd start

or permanently:

rc-update add cupsd default

then cups can be opened and configured in a (root) web browser http://localhost:631 [http://local-

where you can print test pages.

And if your printer wants to destroy all paper that it finds, it might become out of synchronization
with the queue so: /etc/init.d/cupsd stop

To do some administrative tasks as adding a printer you need to login as user root with the root pass-

Install a printer
Using Cups, this is a straight forward task, go to http://localhost:631 and select a printer from the list
or (set the ppds use flag) go to [
printing/start] and download the ppd file for your printer model.

For HP printers install hplip (if non open source firmware for the particular device is required then
also install the hplip-plugin) read then
run hp-setup and finally /etc/init.d/cupsd restart and as regular user hp-toolbox

The hp device manager checks for packages and when missing it ask them to be installed (as avahi,

/usr/share/ppd/HP contains a lot of ppd files that are automatically selectable in cups. In gentoo
Linux there is an autostart useflag that puts a desktop file in /etc/xdg/autostart

Cups has a Driver Development kit to create PPD files. I is part of newer cups, but was once separate

For printers connected locally to the parallel port, make sure the kernel has those modules loaded
(either including in the kernel or loaded via /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6):

1. parport

2. parport_pc


3. lp

The you should get: /dev/lp0 and within http://localhost:631 [http://localhost:631/] you should be
able to select lp when adding a new printer.

The configuration is stored in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and /var/log/cups contains the log.

If root can print, but a normal user not, check for the write access rights of /var/tmp since spool
files will be written there.

Print on a printer attached on an other computer

On the server side, the computer that has attached the printer, open http://localhost:631 [http://local-
host:631/] and in the Administration tab enable in the Server section Share published printers con-
nected to this system. and on client and server side add

/etc/init.d/cups-browsed start

or permanently:

rc-update add cups-browsed default

On the client side type in a console lpstat -v to see the available network printers, as printers using
the Internet Printing Protocol (ipp).

Open http://localhost:631 [http://localhost:631/] and go under printers, they are available without any
additional configuration using a device URI as: ipp:// . Print a test
page using the http://localhost:631 [http://localhost:631/] page and try to print using a regular appli-

PDF printers
Some programs have PDF export or a virtual PDF printer functionality that is not part of cups. To
have something independently of those programs a virtual cups pdf printer can be installed: emerge
cups-pdf. Open http://localhost:631 [http://localhost:631/] and add this printer. Type in something as
cupspdf and as description virtual pdf printer. For the device choose cups-pdf and for the model choose
the file /usr/share/cups/model/CUPS-PDF.ppd. Per default the pdf files can be found in /
var/spool/cups-pdf. This default can be set in /etc/cups/cups-pdf.conf.

Figure 9.3. Cupspdf

The files got printed to /var/spool/cups-pdf/<user name>. To have a better place, create
a symlink ln -s /var/spool/cups-pdf/<user name> ~/cups-pdf

Printing from the command line

Cups can also be used on the command line and understands lots of file formats. This is quite handy
when using scripts or to find out why is why I get is not what I see.

See man lp


lpstat -p -d shows what printers I got

lpoptions -p Deskjet_D1600 -l shows what the printer can

lpoptions -d <printer> sets the default printer

lp -d Deskjet_D1600 <filename>.jpg prints it

lp -d Deskjet_D1600 -o page-ranges=1 <filename>.pdf prints first page

lp -d Deskjet_D1600 -o page-ranges=2-3 <filename>.pdf prints page 2 to 3

lp -d Deskjet_D1600 -o fitplot <file>.pdf is the most important command since what you see will
also fit to what you get.

Other options -o outputorder=reverse prints last page first so the pile gets on a simple printer ordered

Printer troubleshooting
Since printing involves many packages it is important to find first the package that causes troubles.

1. Do you have troubles just with one printer or with all (try cups-pdf)? If yes check your printer

2. Is it possible to print from other applications as OOO-Writer, Acrobat-Reader? If yes check your
desktop system.

3. Is it possible to print as root (or other user)? If yes, check permissions.

Spell Checkers
Some big multi platform applications might have their own spell checkers, others as kmail make use of
a standalone spell checker as aspell that is a replacement for ispell. There is also myspell. Just emerge
the missing spell checkers as emerge aspell-it, emerge aspell-de, emerge aspell-en. If you have set
the LINGUAS variable in /etc/make.conf than all languages defined there will be installed by
emerging aspell.

Structured Query Language is a standard to access databases. See

There are 2 major GPL implementations:

1. Mysql that is client server based and suitable for networks and multi users

2. SQLite that is targeted for embedded applications, easy to go and has all database in a single file.
It is widely used, since android makes use of it.

SQLite ready to be used and needs no administrative server/client configura-
tions. It is ready to use (the 3 is important otherwise the incompatible version 2 is used):

sqlite3 my.db

then the sqlite> prompt pops up and commands can be entered to create the table adr:


CREATE TABLE adr(first VARCHAR(20), family VARCHAR(20));

INSERT INTO adr VALUES('Urs','Lindegger');

SELECT * FROM adr; the * stands for the column names, and means all columns, alternatively a
list of column names separated by , can be applied

If some column got forgotten add it with


SQLite is not case sensitive and follows human readable syntax, however to distinguish what is SQL
and what are user terms upper and lowercase is commonly used to style the commands.

.exit, .quit .q or Ctrl + D exits and the file my.db is left behind containing the SQLite database.

Alternatively it can be worked without entering the interactive prompt by adding the command to the
command line:

sqlite3 my.db ".dump" will dump the database to the screen. or to be more efficient, type all com-
mands in a file and run .tables will show all tables in the database

SQLite understands additional commands that have names starting with a dot and written in
lowercase as .tables

sqlite3 my.db < mysqlcommands.sql

Many bindings to programming language exist as c and python (where it is even part of the standard
library. pysqlite is an alternative).

There are also gui's as sqliteman, sqlitebrowser or just use gda-browser the database browser that
might come with gnome (emerge libgda).

SQLite has triggers that can be configured to create events when something gets modified.

MySQL is the GPL SQL database that is used by many applications. It is a key component in LAMP
web severs. In fact it is just a program that can deal with numerous databases. Every database can
have tables.

You need to login to the sql server, then you can select the database among the databases to be used.

MySQL can be operated via console. First start the sql server:

/etc/init.d/mysql start

Login as guest (press enter to not give a password)

mysql -u guest -h localhost -p

Or as root (press enter to not give a password, note that you can do this also without being Linux root)

mysql -u root -h localhost -p

Since this looks scary give it a password:

/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h localhost password 'new-password'

Some commands



CREATE DATABASE <my database>;

USE <my database>;


CREATE TABLE <name of table> ( <name of 1 column> VARCHAR(128), <name

of 2 column> VARCHAR(128), <name of 3 coumn> VARCHAR(128));

DESCRIBE <name of table>;

and finally quit to get out

To get a gui application emerge mysqlnavigator

To get a web application that runs in a web browser: emerge phpmyadmin to have a gui. Read the
post install instructions, how to create the config file:

mkdir /var/www/localhost/htdocs/phpmyadmin/config

chown apache:apache /var/www/localhost/htdocs/phpmyadmin/config

then go to http://localhost//phpmyadmin/scripts/setup.php

cp /var/www/localhost/htdocs/phpmyadmin/config/ /var/www/localhost/ht-

rm -rf /var/www/localhost/htdocs/phpmyadmin/config

To work with it use: http://localhost/phpmyadmin/index.php


The config files are in /etc/mysql per default the data is in /var/lib/mysql.

To export to do a backup

mysqldump db_name > backup-file.sql

or for backups on the same machine use the faster way:


Korganizer is a agenda and calender program. It can use *.ics files like many applications as Lotus
Notes can produce. More than one calendar file can be viewed at the same time. This is useful for
observing the business agenda and the private one in one at the same time. To do this just add the
calendar file (do not merge it). One of this calendar files is the default calendar. As default it is $KDE-
HOME/share/apps/korganizer/std.ics, but it can be also on any location.

Chapter 10. Graphics
Dot you to draw unidirectional graphic charts. Doxygen makes use
of dot to get the graphics. To get dot emerge graphviz create a file as

Example 10.1. Dot

digraph G {
main -> parse -> execute;
main -> init [label="Reset"];
main -> cleanup;
execute -> make_string;
execute -> printf;
init -> make_string;
main -> printf;
execute -> compare;

Then create a gif: dot -Tgif -o ex1.gif

After that you get

Figure 10.1. DOT

lines starting with

# are comments

States need names that have to follow restrictions as not having spaces and being on a single line. If
this is not what is desired, then they can be formatted:

name [shape=box, label=<This will <BR/>be put on<BR/>different lines<BR/> in a s

The same way also transactions can be formatted

State1 -> State2 [style=dotted, color=red, label="this is a transaction"];


It is also possible to modify the default settings

node [shape=box,style="rounded,filled",fillcolor="grey"];
edge [fontsize=10, color=darkgreen];

Gnuplot shows 2 or 3D graphs. As input it allows scripts or data tables. As output it can visualize
the data and store it into commonly used picture formats. Gnuplot is interactively. Type gnuplot and
then a prompt appears where you can type in a formula to be interactively visualized using the plot
command as plot sin(x)/x

Figure 10.2. gnuplot

To visualize data from a table, a file containing the data is required. The extension .dat is commonly
used for such files. The file is a regular text file where the data columns are separated by space char-
acters or tab. Using # allows to insert comments as the title section of the file.After typing gnuplot
and having the prompt type plot "oven.dat" using 1:2 title 'Temperature'


Figure 10.3. Oven

After seeing the basics, some advanced stuff to know are:

1. To exit type quit

2. While seeing the graphics, additional commands can be inserted into the console windows.

3. The commands typed into the console can be stored into a file to have a gnuplot script. To not have
gnuplot interactive, start it with the script: gnuplot -p <script>. The script runs and gnuplot exits.
The -p option keeps the graphical window alive when gnuplot exits.

4. Since it is interactively you can zoom in with the mouse and give some hot key commands as u for
zoom out, g to show the grid and h for help on that feature.

5. To convert the output into a file requires some commands as

set terminal <postscript or png>

set output "<filename>.<extension>"

The first command set terminal selects the output format. The second deviates to a file and the third
re-plots the graph into the file. Gnuplot does not handle directly fonts and this might cause the set
terminal command to fail. Postscript and jpeg are not critical formats. After having the file it can
easily be converted in other formats.

6. The environmental variables GDFONTPATH and GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_GDFONT can be used

to solve font problems

Imagemagick is a collection of command line tools for images. Images can be con-
verted from one format to an other by using the following command:


convert<input file>.jpg <output file>.png

or resize convert <input file>.gif -resize 50% <output file>.gif

convert is used for copying mogrify is used to modify a file.

identify -verbose <file> prints out information about the picture

mogrify -resize "100x200" <file>.png does not always resize picture to 100x200 since it respects
the x/y ratio mogrify -resize "100x200!" <file>.png does it.

The -units parameter is confusing, it is some hight level parameter that tells how the units are shown
as a result. It has nothing to do what will be written into the file.

Imagemagick has also a simple gui display where many things as display image properties and meta
data can be observed.

Imagemagick can convert vector formats as svg in bitmaps as png.

However for simple resizing svg it is better to use xml operations to change the width and height
attributes of its root element and introduce a viewbox attribute.

Imagemagick can also be used to create pictures and attach them together. Automated pictures con-
taining customized text can be created this way. If not everything fits into a single command bash
scripts are used.

Imagemagick can also be used to put different pictures together forming animated gifs.

Some links:


Gimp is the most advanced pixel picture editing program under Linux. However many beginners
decide to remove it from the computer since it is not intuitive. It needs time to understand its concept
and how to use it. Therefore the common pitfalls:

Gimp does not know objects, so you can not click to select. To select something the area of
pixels need to be selected first and can then be modified. A picture is a single 2D array of
pixels (however gimp has some features to deal with that efficiently!). Pictures containing
objects have usually vector oriented formats as svg, so consider to not use gimp.

Gimp supports intensively layers to work efficient. Many frustrating experience of new Gimp
users occur, since editing is just possible to the layer selected, but the new Gimp user wants
to modify an other layer. An example is that when adding text to a picture, the text goes to an
other layer to not damage the picture. Additional it is not intuitive to pop up the layer menu
using Ctrl+L or via Windows > Dockable Dialogs > Layers

Layers are just supported when working xfc Gimp format, they get merged and are lost if
you export to other formats as jpg, png.


Worth to install is also the gimp help that uses the F1 key to sensitively point into the manual. Under
Gentoo it is a separate package:

emerge gimp-help

Daily work with Gimp

When a new file is opened, "Advanced Options" allow to select a picture with transparent background.
This is much better than later erase the background. Erase to transparency can be done easily if the
gimp vocabulary is known. Go to Layer > Transparency > Add Alpha channel. Note: not all file
formats understand transparency.

To paint a straight line use the brush but press Shift before and while working with the mouse.

To fill an area use the gradient icon and select gradient as FG to BG and the shape as radial or lin-
ear.With the mouse click you select start and end points. Other niche effects is FG to transparency
with white FG. This gives a reflection effect.

Copy and past work after an area of pixels has been selected (Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V). Past creates a new
special layer (floating selection or pasted layer). Anchor layer Ctrl+H is then used to push it back
to the original layer and overwrite it. An other option is Add New Layer to have the floating layer
converted to a regular layer. Copying to other layers of the same image is not intuitive. Make just the
destination layer and the pasted layer visible. The convert he pasted layer to a new layer (add new
layer) and then do merge visible layers.

The array of pixels can have different meaning for its data: Gray scaled, RGB color or indexed color
(the value of the pixel is an index in a color map, and picks from there the color). To add color to a
gray scaled picture Image > Mode has to set to RGB.

If you make a drawing from scratch, do no draw on the background layer, add a second transparent
layer and start there. If just an area is selected, it can just be edited inside of this are, rectangular select
the whole picture if you want to get everything.

Animated Gifs with Gimp

Gimp supports well animated gif. When such a gif is opened, Gimp shows for every frame a layer
that can be modified.

To create an animated gif pictures holding the individual frames are required.

In Gimp open them as layers and select them all. Then export them as gif and check Animation and
its options as the frame per second rate.

The layer name (layer attribute) can contain additional information as "Frame 2 (100ms)", this tells
how long the frame will stay visible and overwrites the default value that can be set when later ex-
porting the gif file.

Under the menu Filters>Animation>Playback the result can be observed.

Icons with Gimp

A regular picture can be saved as *.ico (Microsoft Windows Icon). The size of the icons are typically
16*16 pixels, however it is also possible to have ico files that support multiple sizes. This is actually
necessary since a 16*16 icon looks ok on the web browser corner, but looks ugly on the desktop. On
the desktop icons of 32, 64, 128 pixels are used. To do this additional layers have to be added with
the desired sizes. The icon can then be copied and scaled to those layers. To do this, different ways
are possible. Mostly you start with the largest icon size 128*128, then you could save it in different


sizes. After that you can open all individual files with open as layers, where you can select the other
size images. A trick is here that the result gets the size of the largest picture. This can be controlled
on the layers window and be influenced using the sequence the files have in the open dialog. At the
end save it as ico.

Image maps for web pages

Image maps are used in html pages that contain an image with sensitive areas. The start is an image
that can be opened in gimp. Filters > Web > Image Map opens then a second window, where the
original window appears as well. Now the sensitive areas can be drawn on the original file and its
actions defined. The result is not saved in the original file but in a *.map text file. This file contains
the html code that has to be put into the web page. The code contains the map plus the reference to
the original picture and the necessary declaration.

No colors set Image>Mode>RGB

Images can be grouped in two categories, pixel oriented and vector oriented. Pixel oriented data for-
mats are jpg, gif, png and programs to edit and view them are numerous. A disadvantage is, when you
zoom in, you will see the pixels and the picture is no more sharp.

A way to not have this effect is using lines (vectors) instead of pixels. A file format used in the GPL
world is svg (Scalable Vector Graphics) and the program to edit such files is: inkscape

Unfortunately inkscape runs rather slow and has not a very intuitive user interface and needs therefore
some training until it can be worked efficient. Some keyboard mouse operations are necessary to be

Drag mouse wheel > pan

Scroll mouse wheel > pans up and down

Shift scroll mouse wheel > pans left right

Click mouse wheel > zooms in

Shift click mouse wheel > zooms out

Inkscape is a program to draw vector graphics. The drawing is svg and this is an xml format that is
directly supported by many programs as web browsers. Since it is xml, inkscape allows to go in xml
mode where xml data can be observed and modified.

When the xml editor is opened also the drawing window stays open (maybe it get hidden by the full
screen xml editor). Now in both windows can be worked and both windows are synchronized. This
is a good way exploring svg and the drawing.

To have your personalized settings store an inkscape file under:


Inkscape is pure XML data, therefore external programs (as java scripts) can easily modify
inkscape drawings.


As File>New shows, inkscape can be used for many things as cd-covers, business cards, font-
forge-glyph, Open A4 landscape and turning on the grid gives something ready for making a drawing
on a 1mm grid (where it snaps when close) and 5mm major gridlines.

The secret of drawing straight lines is selecting Bezier curves (but pressing the Ctrl Button) when
left clicking the mouse button to get a straight line between points. This can be continued until CR
or mouse right click happens.

Synfig 2D animation
Synfig allows to do cartoons. It is in sunrise overlay so layman -a sunrise and then unmask and
emerge synfigstudio.

Modeling 3D
Some definitions:

1. Vertex a point in 3D space.

2. Edge a line in 3D space that has 2 vertices (plural of vertex) on its two ends

3. Face is a triangle area defined by 3 edges (quads using 3 edges are not commonly used). In the
result, faces are visible and edges and vertices are invisible.

4. Mesh is your 3D objects edges and vertices.

There are different projections:

1. Orthographic projection is the projection used in technical drawings. All angles stay the same. It is
the favor projection for modeling. However the size of an object stays the same when it gets moved
in the distance, therefore it does not give realistic views.

2. Isometric projection

3. Perspective projection, makes things that are in far distance to appear small. If put very far that
every object becomes just a point. There are also two and three point perspective projections.

Coordinate systems need some definitions. The right hand method assigns positive directions of the
x,y,z axis to where the fingers (thumb, index, middle finger) of the right hand point (when having 90
degrees between them).

Additionally there are also rotations. Positive rotation is (according right hand rule) when the thumb
points in the positive direction to the axis and then the other fingers point in to the rotating direction.

3D objects can put together, so a hierarchical structure is formed between them. Every object has its
own coordinate system in the global coordinate system.

3D modeling sw for linux are: openscad, blender, wings3D, k-3d, aoi http://

Models are available from https://

A very big issue is that the 3D objects have to be manifold, especially when it comes to
3D printing. A good explanation of manifold is that the objects are watertight. Using faces,


just the surface is described, therefore objects are like plastic bags, when they are manifold
(watertight) and filled with water, no water runs out. Unfortunately many 3D design software
can create complicated meshes that are not manifold.

A good software is openscad, since it does not work with meshes, it works with Constructive
Solid Geometry (CSG) and when the work is done, it can be converted in a mesh that is
usually as simple as possible and manifold.

A bad example in this point of view is blender. When applying the boolean modifier to punch
a lot of holes in an object a terrible complicated mesh is created. When then moving the holes
around a non manifold very complicated mesh gets created. To fixing that manually hours
of work is required.

Meshlab is a tool to clean up a mesh

File formats 3D
3D file formats can be grouped in 3 categories

Binary files (stl, 3ds)

Ascii files (fbx, ply, obj)

xml files (dae, x3d)

However some of the file formats my have more than one implementations as stl, that can be binary
or ascii)

Xml files are rather big but have the advantage to follow a strict syntax and be able to parse and use
by a external program as a python script. Additionally x3d is the ISO/IEC 19775 standard and some
html5 web browsers can show it. x3d is a successor of vrml ISO/IEC 14772.

With OpenScad http://www.openscad.org3D objects can be created a bit special since code has to be
typed in and this will then be converted into a 3D object. This sounds a bit odd, however when creating
precise technical things then it is a quite effective way.




Pressing F5 for compile or automatic reload and compile makes it appear as 3D. Moving the mouse
while left pressing its button rotates the view around one axes. While doing that pressing the shift
button rotates it around the other axis.

The above creates an object with two fake coins put together to be used on shopping mall carts (in

Some things in the code are not so obvious:

• The two small cylinders that create the holes are higher than the coins. This is a good practice to
make sure the holes are really pushed through the coins. If they would have the exact height of the
coins a surface could be created when exporting to stl and made the mesh not manifold.

• The $fn=16 parameter tells to make a cylinder with 16 corners.

• The # modifier character is used for debugging and puts a red color on the object. In front of dif-
ferentiate shows the transparent cylinders that get extracted.

• The % modifier character makes the object transparent

• The * modifier character disables the complete command, Adding comments as // will comment
out a single line and the C style /* */ sequence does it for multiple lines.

Figure 10.4. OpenScad

After Compile and Render using CGAL the work can be exported to STL and the mesh is really nice
and clean (No manual mesh fixing as often necessary with other tools). OpenScad uses Constructive
Solid Geometry (CSG) to create the objects and not Vertices, Edges and Faces. It can operate with
primitive objects as cube, cylinders and so on. When the work is done it can convert it into a mesh
file format that uses Vertices, Edges and Faces.

If some dimension after 3D printing is not ok, simply change the parameter value and the work is done.


There are two manuals that are not consistent the more complete one is https://en.wikibook- and the one when clicking help in OpenScad https://

Splitting into different files

It is worth to split a design into different files as having all the values in on file or when creating an
assembly that takes multiple parts from individual files:

include <hydroclip.scad>


There is include but also use. The difference is include runs the code and use not but gets
the definitions.

A practical method for a library is having two files (as used in C). One file to include having
all the constants and an other file to use having the modules. In the file to use additional code
to test, show and present the modules can be added. This code will show the 3D rendered
modules when the scad file is opened but has no effect when it is included in an other scad
file using use.
The file hydroclip.scad being included needs a module definition as

module hydroclip(){
<add the commands here>

Libraries can be included as regular scad files without path information if there are in a place OpenScad
looks into, as /usr/share/openscad/libraries/. But since the MCAD libraries are in a subdirectory the
subdirectory must be added:

include <MCAD/gears.scad>

OpenScad libraries
When splitting the work to different files than it is worth to reuse the files also in other project. There-
fore the files must be in a location that can be easily found. There are 3 ways where libraries can be

The installed library path /usr/share/openscad/libraries

The path per user at ~/.local/share/OpenSCAD/libraries

And finally the OPENSCADPATH environment variable that can contain more than one path.

OpenScad Hints
Rotation of the objects take the origin of the coordinate system and not the center of the objects.
Therefore alway rotate the object first and then move (translate) it. This needs some discipline but
removes the complexity of dealing with many coordinate systems.


Difference and object that already used difference seems to be critical when the result needs to be
exported to stl for later 3D printing.

Extruding 2D to 3D
A strong feature is also extruding 2D to 3D. Not just linear extrusion is possible also rotation extrusion.
There are also options as twist during extrusion.

Some advanced thing is the surface command that reads in a file that has a 2 dimensional array of
different surface heights. One application would be using an image to emboss or impress it.

Variables are more like constants in OpenScad, since they can not be modified at runtime.

Also "for loops" will not overwrite the variable, they just create an other variable having the
same name in an other name space (inside {}).

As example the following produces the warning: WARNING: Ignoring unknown variable
'l'. since l is just known within {}

for (small=[0,1]){

A solution is using a function

function l(small)=(small==1)? 5:10;

for (small=[0,1])

Or an other example:

function headh(d)=screw_cyl[d][1];

Openscad allows to animate the 3D objects.

The special variable $t holds a value between 0 to 1 and can be used to create different pictures per
tick (as translation, rotation).

From a coding point of view something as

<do what needs to be done when time is 0>

or simply animate


or to get more effect multiply $t.



In View the Animate icon needs to be clicked. The animation parameters appear:

Time is the value of $t (usually nothing needs to be inserted here, since it gets overwritten once the
animation runs)

FPS is the frames per second 0 and blank means stop. On every tick the 3D objects are calculated.

Steps holds how many pictures are created. 0 stops the animation other than 0 starts it.

The checkbox "Dump pictures" then creates png pictures for every step. Programs as gimp can open
all files as layers and the export it to an animated gif.

Changing the View from Orthogonal to Perspective is considered.

Blender is a complete and very complex 3D solution to work with 3D
Blender can create animations, complete videos, has a game engine and physical simulations. Blender
has a python interface to automate tasks in modifying objects and all other things. Blender comes with
lots of tools to do video processing. Those tools have a complexity of other standalone tools.

Since it is a very complex program, with a not very intuitive but efficient user interface, and lots
of tools that are not obvious to know what they are about, it is recommended to read a book as the
following: and then look at some video tutorials. The manual gives a good description but

might be a lot to read to do know what it is about.

There are also very nice videos on youtube.

3D Objects to be downloaded can be found at

Blender is available for many platforms and there are many ways to install it.

Under Linux a trouble free way is to download and un-tar.bz2 it and then run directly from the directory
without the need to install anything. Obviously it can also be installed as the distribution has foreseen
it. For windows there also portable version that run from Memory stick without installation.

If there is an issue with the graphics card of the PC try User Preferences (Ctrl+Alt+U) then Window
Draw Method in the drop-down menu in the center column and LIBGL_DRI3_DISABLE=1.

The Blender windows

Blender has its own windows called areas (other synonyms window frames, frames, windows, work-
spaces or editors) inside the desktop window where it runs. Those areas have their own behavior that
differs from the regular behavior of the windows on your desktop. The areas can not overlap.

Since in those areas an editor runs, the term editor is often used. So everything is an editor even the
Info editor that pops up on top and allowing you to do the common stuff as save a file and open help.

As with any desktop environment, when having too many windows or in case of blender areas opened,
the overview gets lost, especially to blender novices. When too many areas are open in blender all can
be seen, but are simply too small. Having a big screen helps.

The areas have a triangle on one edge to easily identify them. The triangle edge is usually on top right
but can also be on bottom left of the areas. Shift + LMB and drag this triangle creates a new new
desktop window containing a copy that can then be moved as to a second monitor or virtual screen.


Some areas contain sub-areas, also identified by the triangle edge. Next to the the triangle edges there
can be a area header.

The areas, not the sub-areas have on the left an icon showing what blender editor type resides in the
area and allows selecting an other one. Multiple blender editors of the same type can be opened at
the same time.

When hovering over the edge of an area a double arrow appears. Right clicking opens the Area Options
menu where Split Area or Join Area can be selected. Split Area splits an area into two areas and
therefore creates a new area. Join Area makes out of two areas one area and therefore deletes an area.
Left clicking on the double arrow allows to adjust the size. An other indication that the blender user
interface is simple is that just blender editors can fit into a area. Which editor it is can be selected by
the icon on the area. Knowing this, the blender desktop is quite intuitive and easy to be used.

A good way to start working with blender is to have 4 areas open and select the following editors
inside the areas:

1. The info editor (blender calls everything editor) shows a pull down menu with the commonly used
commands as save and quit.

2. The 3D view editor is the most used tool showing the 3D objects.

3. The Outliner editor shows you what objects have been put into the 3D space and allows to select
them using their names. Once selected the objects can be modified.

4. The Properties editor contains all settings for the renderer plus physical settings.

Just one Area (the one where the mouse cursor is) is active and takes the key strokes.

The 3D view editor

When Blender is started a 3D cube inside the 3D view editor appears. There are important commands
to know, since those get very often used. Using the pull down menu is possible, but will be slow
due to the many steps necessary and is therefore not the preferred way for the often used commands.
However the pull down menu has the logic to group commands so similar commands can be found.

Use a mouse with 3 buttons since the middle mouse button is used often!

When importing stl set the blender units to millimeter and check with Num0 if the camera
render distance is enough to get the complete part. If not increase the clipping end in the
properties editor (not the 3D view editor) by selecting the camera and clicking to the Data
icon (not the camera). Under Display there is also the limit checkbox, when checked a line
appears that shows how far the rendering works additionally it gives the direction. A good
method is adding an empty mesh and selecting the camera and then the mesh and have the
camera tracking it.

To get familiar practice with the 3D cube:

There are abbreviation for some keys as Num5 means the key 5 on the number keypad.

Don't mix it up with the 5 above the alphabetic keys, since this would select layer 5.


The buttons of the mouse have also abbreviation as MMB the middle mouse button

The MMB is used for viewing, therefore avoid pressing LMB and RMB.

Table 10.1. Basic viewing commands

Ctrl + X 3D View> Object > Delete Erase all selected. Info > File >
Load Factory Settings will Get
the default cube
Ctrl + Z 3D View > Object > Undo Undo last step
Shift+Ctrl+Z Redo last step
ESC Cancel selection before it does
anything that requires undo
A Toggles between selecting all
and nothing
Middle mouse button MMB (or Rotate the view (2 Axis horizon-
press the scroll wheel) and move tal and vertical screen axis)
the mouse. An alternative is:
Pressing Alt plus left mouse but-
ton (LMB) and move the mouse.
Press Shift + middle mouse but- Top pan (shift) the view
ton MMB (or press the scroll
wheel) and move the mouse
Turn (SCROLL) the mouse Zooms in and out
Num5 (5 key in numerical key 3D View > View > View Per- Toggles between orthographic
block) sp/Ortho and perspective view
Num1, Num3, Num7 3D View > View > Right/Front/ Views used as for technical
Top drawings (select View Num5 to
Ortho) .

The grid can be seen
when looking with 90°
to the planes.
Num0 Camera View

The camera has a
clip distance. Every-
thing beyond will not
be visible.
Z Toggle back and forth between
solid mode and wireframe mode
Ctrl + Alt +Q Toggles quad view X,Y,Z and
camera, this allows especially
for beginners to see waht is go-
ing on but for an more advanced
user it occupies too much screen


Shift + S Opens Snap menu to snap cursor

or selection to grid
Ctrl + up Full screen of current window
Ctrl + down Exit full screen
Shift + Space Toggle full screen

If the keys do not behave as described, then you might have a conflict with the window
manager, that has the same key stroke combination assigned to other things.

Figure 10.5. 3D cube

The 3D view editor shows the cube, the camera and a light source. The camera is the eye of the render.

The red-and-white striped circle with black cross-hairs is the 3D cursor that points where 3D actions
will happen.

Be aware that a right click affects just 2 coordinates work happens on a 2D computer screen. This
can be best observing when alter different views Num1, Num3, Num7. Shift S (Object > Snap) opens
the snap menu and the cursor can be place to what is selected. Or Shift C to snap it to the origin of
the coordinate system.

With the outline orange highlight the cube selected, the orange point is the pivot point and shows the
center of rotation and scale. The gray circle belongs to the blue, green, and red arrows showing the
coordinate system. Be aware there are different coordinate systems, the global one and every object
has its local one.

There are two sub-areas (tool shelf on the left and a properties shelf on the right), they can be made
visible either by: View > Tool Shelf or View > Properties, the hot keys T or N or by dragging the
horizontal area in and out. A little + icon appears when the areas are hidden.

The object mode

The object mode is the standard mode of the 3D view editor.


In the object mode a scene can be created where different objects can be placed.

To get an overview about the objects on the scene it is advisable to have an additional area open
containing the editor Outliner.

Blender has up to 20 layers, this is quite useful in many ways. It allows to group and hide what you
don't like to see, but also prevents from selecting unwanted objects. The regular number keys above
the alphabetic keys (not the ones on the numeric block) selects layers. The M (Object > Move to Layer)
button lets move an object from a layer to an other.

To insert an object place the 3D cursor there where you want the object. Then info > add > mesh >

Press Delete or X to delete objects.

The pull down menu groups the commands in:

View > commands that do not edit anything on the scene

Select > selects objects
Object > modifies the selected object

To select an object RMB click on it or click on its name in the Outliner. Shift + RMB allows to select
more then one object.

The A key (Select > Select/Deselect all toggles between select all and select nothing.

Then press tab that toggles between Edit and object mode until you are in object mode, or just select
the correct mode in the user interface.

G goes to grab mode to move an object (Object > Transform > Grab/Move)

R goes to rotate mode (Object > Transform > Rotate)

S goes to re-size mode (Object > Transform > Scale)

Once in G, R, S mode values can be entered. This can be done with moving the mouse, using the
arrow keys, typing in a number (the blender units) where Tab selects the next number field or using
the properties sub-area View > Properties (hot key N) to get the transform panel where the values
can be entered. The values can be limited as for G mode to an axis by pressing either X,Y ,Z or a by
snapping to a grid by either pressing Ctrl or activate the magnet icon. It is very important to know if
those values refer to the global or to a local coordinate system.

Easier is it to use the 3D manipulator where grab, rotate and scale can be selected. grabbing click on
the axis you want and drag the mouse, the object will follow staying on it.

Figure 10.6. 3D manipulator

The orange pivot point is the center of an object, scaling, rotating and other functions are based on
where the pivot point is.


In Object mode the pivot point follows the object when it gets moved. However the pivot point can
also be moved. First place the 3D cursor then Object > Transformation > Origin to 3D cursor.

Creating objects

A good and fast way of creating objects is using the standard objects as cube and cylinder and modify
them. After adding the tool shelf in the 3d window holds parameters of the mesh you added. If it is a
cylinder you can modify those parameters and create a 6 edge prism. There is the Properties sub-area
of the 3D view editor the dimension can be changed and its rotation and position.

Very important to know is that the object still remembers its original values as size, location and scale.
Some operations refer to that and not to the actual values. Once happy with the object, the command
Object > Apply will take the current values.

Similar as on mechanic tools the object can be modeled. Using the blender boolean modifiers allows
to glue two objects together or dill a hole.

Figure 10.7. Object

When objects are created they should have the center (orange pivot point) of their local coordinate
system on an corner. Per default it is in the center, this point is the original of the local coordinate
system and determines the position of the object in the scene. Additionally they should be rotated
correctly and having scale set to 1.


Figure 10.8. Putting boxes and cylinders together

For technical drawings the blender unit must be linked to millimeters. This is done in the properties
editor after clicking the scene icon. For objects in the size of a hand, 1 blender unit = 100mm = 10cm
gives a good result.

Figure 10.9. blender units

When taking care about the grid, coordinate system, sizes and having snap activated, blender can be
used as a mechanical 3D CAD tool. Some python scripts would be handy to automate sequences as to
drill a hole. See

Blender comes with a measure add on that can be enabled to get distances:


Figure 10.10. Measure Add on

To work with it go in edit mode and select two vertices, then press on the update selection button and
the distance between those points is shown.

Hierarchy between objects

Different objects can put into a hierarchy so moving or rotating the parent object makes the child
object to follow and therefore the constellation does not break apart. However the child objects can
still be selected and modified individually.

To create a hierarchy you might change to wireframe mode Z to see better what gets selected. Then
select the child objects first RMB (or Shift + RMB to select multiple ones). The last one appearing
yellow will become the parent when pressing Ctrl + P

The outliner will nicely show the hierarchy. Alt + P frees the objects from the hierarchy. Sometimes
not a clear parent node can be selected among multiple candidates (as two cameras form a stereo
camera). A clean way out of such situations is using an empty and make it to the parent. An empty is
an invisible point in space and has not even a single vertex (but it has rotation).

An other way is creating object groups. There is not really a view where it can be seen what objects
belong to a group. However if selecting a group member then its line become green and no more
orange. In the properties editor the group or groups can be seen where the object belongs. As an
example grouping is used for the Tool shelf > Rigit Body Tools to assign parameters for the physical
simulation (when not doing the old fashion way using the Game engine to create key frames).

The edit mode

The edit mode of the 3D view editor is to modify the mesh of the objects.

The pivot point therefore does not move when the object gets moved.

A blender novice can easily get lost when ending up with it. Many times especially for square or
cylinder shaped technical objects it is not require to use it, since the objects can be modified in object
mode with commands as resize, rotate and then issue the Object> Apply command. In object mode
objects can interact with other objects using modifiers and when clicking on apply a permanent change
is made.

However the edit mode has to be used to edit complex shaped objects as used in computer art.

Important to notice is that everything you do you do to one single object, even if you add a second
mesh, this second mesh takes part of the first one. If you want to create a object from scratch you can
add a cube go in edit mode and delete it and then start.

The edit mode has 3 sub modes selectable by buttons to choose if you want to work with vertices,
edges or a faces.


The pull down menu groups the commands in:

View > commands that do not edit anything on the scene

Select > selects objects
Mesh > modifies the selected vertices, edges or faces

As in Object mode many commands as the grab/move, rotate and size can be applied and are therefore
no more discussed.

Working with vertices edges and faces

Working directly with vertices, edges and faces should be avoided, since more efficient ways exist.
But it is a good exercise to understand what is going on. And to create profiles it can be quite helpful.

RMB selects (or de-selects) a vertex

Ctrl + LMB click creates a vertex and an edge is created automatically between it and the last selected
vertex. To close a loop, Shift + LMB to select the two vertices and Mesh > Edges > Make Edge/Face
( or F or Alt+ F fills larger holes).

Now go to edge mode and select all edges using Ctrl + LMB then do again Mesh > Edges > Make
Edge/Face to create a face.

In edge mode select extract and create a profile with the shape of the area.

To create a 3D object other faces might be created in a similar way. If the Mesh gets messy Dissolve
can clean it.

Be aware when making objects out of faces, that faces have an inside and an outside. Edit
mode View Point Shading > Texture shows it nicely when it is wrong and Tool Shelf Normals
> Recalculate fixes it, alternatively the faces can be selected and flipped.


Figure 10.11. Mesh display

When in Edit mode the properties panel shows the normals, one face is intentionally flipped in ant
therefore missing the blue line and other face is selected to show its angles.

Every mesh could be done this way, but this would be really painful therefore blender offers many
more efficient methods.

A simple way to create a 3D object is creating a face with the desired form and then selecting it and
extrude (pulling out) see extruding.

There is the Limit selected to visible button, this allows to just select visible items as vertices. This
might cause problems when in orthographic mode since vertices overlap and are therefore not visible.

There is B box select to select all vertices inside a selected box. Similar works C the circle select,
where the mouse wheel changes the diameter of the sphere.

Mirror editing should be used on things that are symmetrical. Since most of things are symmetrical,
this is a very nice feature to work efficient and precise. The concept is you do one side and the computer
using the mirror modifier does automatically the other side for you. To select this mode go to the
properties window and select the button with the wrench. Then add the modifier Mirror. Don't forget
to press apply when in object mode to get the mirroring permanent. For mirror copy objects, set the
pivot in the middle then Shift D to duplicate the object and press ESC to not moving, then pressCtrl+
M to mirror it. You will be asked what axis.

Instead of using the pivot point also an object can be used as the mirror. If no object make sense to
be used as mirror add an empty object, rename it like center of the universe and use it just for the
mirror purpose.


The spin mode allows you to copy objects multiple time on a circular curve.

The subdivision surface modifier, makes a rectangular object smooth. There are to parameters the
view and the render, to adjust rendering and viewing separately. To make it even smoother you can
press to smooth (or flat) in the 3D window tool shelf.

To clean up meshes there is Mesh > Vertices > Remove doubles and Mesh > Faces > Tris to Quads
might reduce the faces significantly.


Having selected a face press E for extrude, the vertices get copied and edges are put between the newly
created vertices and the originals. To pull out using the mouse works, but better is the use of the arrow
keys or just type in a number (the blender units).

Extruding works in two steps, first vertices on top of the selected are created and then they
got pulled. If the pulling step gets canceled the newly created vertices remain on top of the
originals and might cause confusion.Ctrl + Z removes them.

Extruding can be combined with scale. Extruding works just on the axis of the original face, if you
want extrude in an other angle, extrude first and than drag. Or select extruding region from the Tool
Shelf (Press T) then a lot of options can be set as the axles and x,y,z coordinates.

MMB click while extruding gives you freedom to extract in different angles


A good working method is to keep the surface of an 3D object always intact and extract new things
out of it. To do that an big area must be divided into smaller areas. Subdivide does this with edges
but also faces.

An un-subdivide does not exist. Too get rid of too many polygons the decimate modifier exist. The
ratio 0.5 should give a good result without distortion of the objects shape.


The spin command Alt + R (or via Mesh tools) allows to spin a 2D curve (adding vertices to form
edges in edit mode) and creates an object like the ones manufactured on a lathe (turning machine).

Special menu

With vertices selected press W and the special menu pops up. Commands are:

Merge that merges all selected vertices so all move into a single one.
Subdivide creates new edges when applied to a face and therefore the area is divided. If it is done on
an edge, then a vertex is added and the edge is divided.


In reality edges are not as sharp as the computer draws them. Rendering such objects would look there-
fore unrealistic. Instead of modeling not very sharp edges manual the crease method can be applied.
In the button window, you find the button Add Modifier in the sub-window having the Modifiers tab.
Select Subsurf and increase the level from 1 to 4, the default cube becomes a sphere. In edit mode you
still see the original cube. Shift + E and mouse click lets you transform the sphere in a creased cube.


Modifiers as the the array or the mirror modifier copy your work. This is quite efficient when similar
thing are used more than once. So avoid drawing too much and let the modifiers do that for you. You
can apply more than one modifier to an object, in this case the modifier are put on a stack and are
operated in this sequence.

Avoid clicking apply to the modifiers, since this will freeze the effect (as create multiple
objects that have to be handled as individuals later on). Mostly you do not want to do that.
Without clicking to apply, the the modifiers keep the copies synchronized, so you change
something and the modifier changes all derived objects accordingly.

If the object gets resized they still remembers its original scale. The array modifier will then
be based on the original and not actual size, so it will not get the expected distances. Using
the command Apply Scale will set the new scale to 1.
Some modifiers are easy to understand others need some more explanation:

Decimate reduces number of polygons

Subdivison Surface makes an object less sharp by adding more faces. In an extreme situation it trans-
forms a cube into a sphere

The array modifiers makes a copy, it can be applied twice to create an 2D array of objects.

Mirror does mirroring around the objects origin, so place the origin there where it causes the desired

The modifiers can also do much more as nice mesh operation as cutting a hole into an object. Stick a
cylinder inside a cube, then select the cube. Add the modifier boolean with the operation difference
and choose the cylinder. The press the apply button and you can delete the cylinder and a hole remains.

Blender Text
Text is not as a mesh, since when in edit mode it can be edited by typing text with the keyboard. In
the property editor fonts and others as extrude it to make 3D text can be selected. However text can
be converted to a 3D mesh (Alt + C or Object > Convert to).

Making holes
Modifiers allow easy to make holes in objects. Create a bolt (cylinder), consider its segments 16 is
mostly ok to drill a small hole. Once happy with length and diameter (blender allows also to drill
rectangular holes) execute the command Object > Apply > Rotation & Scale so it takes current scale
and direction as default and no bad surprises happens. It is good to keep it on the scene and have it
invisible and excluded by the render.

Now stick it into the object on the desired location.

Select the object and add the Boolean modifier and select differences and as object select the drill.
Click then to apply to make a permanent hole.

A hole is not round, it contains many faces and therefore a lot of triangles and quads are
created. After creating a couple of holes a mesh appears that is too messy. It is therefore wise


to subdivide a face of an object first to get a face a little bit bigger than the hole. Then drill
the hole in this rectangular face. So all faces and quads created inside.

When more than one hole has to be to drilled then some steps should be done to get easy coordinates
for the additional holes. Do again Object > Apply > Location and if you have turned it Object > Apply
> Rotation . In the 3D view Editors sub area Properties set Transform Orientation to Local, so the local
coordinates of the drill are taken and no more the global ones. You should see now that its location
is 0,0,0 since you applied the current position. When done with drilling put the new coordinates and
drill the additional holes.

If instead of a hole the drill appears, then it might be that the object has upside down faces. this means
you are inside like under water and you are looking in to a air bubble. In this case you need to flip
the faces.

Making one object out of two

This is done by RMB clicking the first object and then the second one with Shift + RMB. Ctrl + J
with then Join the two and making the first object disappearing from the outliner. Join is just basic it
copies on mesh to the other. So some ugly result could happen as internal faces.

An other option is selecting the first and then give it a modifier from the boolean type and select the
object to be joined using the boolean operation union. Pressing Apply will modify the mesh of the
first object permanently. A difference to join is also that the second object does not disappear from
the Outliner and can be reused again.

An other way would be not melting them together but form a hierarchy between objects.

Outliner editor
The outliner editor shows the contents of the blender files and the relation ships between different
objects that have a parent child relation ship. Object can be renamed there easily and be selected, made
visible, hide modifier results, ....

Create child parent relation ship. Select the object that should become a child, then select the parent
and press Ctrl + P.

Every object has three icon buttons to hide, lock and render it.

Properties editor
Every object, camera, light, ... has it properties that can be set here.

Blender Camera
With camera selected go in properties editor and click object data. A lot of camera settings can be

The 3D view editor defines a view point but this is usually not what the camera sees, to make it happen
go to perspective view (it is assumed that the camera has perspective view setting Num 5 ) and then
Ctrl Alt Num0 . Then adjust what you like to see as position, direction and zoom. Use the property
window for things as lens angle.

Num0 switches to camera view. If you are not happy with that what you see you can go into camera
fly mode by pressing Shift F.Then you can move and zoom using the scroll wheel of your mouse.
Pressing CR accepts and exits.

With camera selected and in camera mode R and G work as well

The camera (but also lights) can be forced to look at an object. A good object for that is an empty
object that can be placed wherever desired and since it is empty, it is invisible. Select the camera, then
the object and then Ctrl + T a menu pop up where you select Track to Constraint.


User Preferences editor

The colors and style and behavior of blender can be configured. When working intensive with the
grid, it is advisable to get a brighter color for the grid lines.

Position the camera, so it sees what is desired, then press F12 to render view and change to the UV/
Image Editor where the result can be seen. F3 saves the image.

In the properties window there is a lamp icon where the light properties can be set as spot light. The
withe button is actually a color picker press on it to change the color of the light. Adding a second
light above the camera is recommended Add > Lamp > Hemi with intensity 0.2

Since rendering is time consuming there are some things to know to either get a faster preview or to
get the desired output. Fast previews can be done with the OpenGL rendering. The picture size is just
as expected when 100% is selected. In the Properties area there are world properties that have impact
to the render in quality and also render time.

In the property window there is a camera icon this gives the render panel. Blender has its internal
renderer, the game engine renderer and the new Cycles Renderer (that allows also some rendering
options while in 3D View editor) but it also supports other renderer that can be installed when desired:
YafRay, sunflow, PovRay and luxrender

For future releases of Blender it is planned that the Cycles Renderer will replace the Blender Renderer.
This change also effects the material properties, the cycle renderer has a less complex material property
settings, since it point using the Node Editor for it.

The Blender Renderer supports also Freestyle, this is making just lines and therefore suited for black
and white illustrations used in manuals. When Freestyle is enabled than other rendering as Property
Editor Scene>Passes Combine and Z should be deactivated. Different line styles can be assigned to
edges to differentiate between lines seen and lines not seen. Many lights from different sides are
recommended, since it sometimes can not detect edges. Alternatively edges can in the 3D View Edit
mode be selected as freestyle edges and then be shown.

In the property window there is the small ball button that opens the material properties.

Materials are assigned to an object. The can be seen in the preview, but new blender version have
Cycles Render that is an interactive renderer and allows to see in 3D View editor the effect, this makes
the material preview view outdated, since size of textures and so on can be better seen on the object.

The material has 3 colors. Diffuse is its color and specular is how shiny it is (bright spots appear).
Mirror can be enabled and defines how it reflects and alters the color of incoming light rays.

Materials created but no more used stay in blender and can not be deleted. However when quitting
blender they get deleted automatically.

An object can have different materials on its surfaces. First add a material used to the object, then in
edit mode select the face and then the material, assign makes then the job to link the material to the face.

The material can also be applied to the edges, the volume of the object or its vertices that is called halo.

A texture can be an image or even a movie loaded from a file that is added to an object.

Other textures are procedural, that can be described mathematically. Different procedural texture can
be selected. When selected a panel pops up that allows customizing the texture. The procedural textures


can influence different parameters as intensity, colors, geometry to make fake bumps and many more.
This explains it can make sense to apply different textures at the same time.

UV editor
The UV editor is mostly used to show the rendered pictures, but it can be used also for UV unwrapping.

UV wrapping map 2D pictures with the coordinate axis U and V (has noting to do with ultra violet, it
can simply not use x and y since this is used in the 3D) to the 3D object with its X,Y,Z coordinates.
UV wrapping is preferably used for fast renderings as in the game engine and animations.

Blender has the screen layout UV editing that opens 3D view and the UV Editor. Going in edit mode
the Mesh > Unwrap (or U key ) unwraps the object to 2D in the UV editor (as you see there are many
different un-wrappers that try their best). The UV editor can generate a UV grid and color Grid test
pictures or you can directly use an other picture.

To see in the 3D view editor what is going on, open the properties sub panel (N key) and go to Display
and check Texture Solid.

To not start complicated an image can be loaded on a cube and the result is that it appears on all sides
of it. In the UV editor the image can be resized and moved around and its effect can be seen in the
3D View.

If the object or the image is a bit more complex then seams can be added to edges in the 3D object. Then
the unwrapping uses then those seams. The edges of the 2D image can also be moved and modified.

UV> Export UV Layout lets you export the 2D file as empty mapping drawing just showing the edges
ready to be used on an other 2D picture program as gimp. You could also use it to cut out and bend
and stretched to do something as a paper model.

Now the image must be brought to the object, a material has to be assigned and then a texture to
this material. The texture is the image file. To have the render understand how the image is mapped
Properties>Texture>Mapping Coordinates has to set to UV

An object can send out particles. There are two types the emitter and hair.

The emitter can send out particles that can be configured with all kind of options. Particles can be
objects and can have material and halo effect. It is also configurable how they behave among each
other and how the physical effect influence them. The outcome can be objects that look as mud, gas
or liquids.

Hair are probably not everywhere so select faces and create a vertex group with a name then select the
vertices and click to assign. Go in object mode and add now a hair particle system select the vertex
group so it does not get too hairy. The 3D View editor has a Particle mode, where you can act as
hairdresser and use the comb and cut it. Finally there can be a lot of physical effects assigned so the
hair moves when its object moves.

A simple movie can be done with the default cube. Press Num0 so you see what will be in the movie.
Open the Timeline editor and go to frame 1, select and position the cube and then pressing the 3D view
editor the key I.The insert key frame menu pops up where it can be selected what will be stored.A
yellow line indicates a key frame

There is also the red record button (Automatic Keyframe insertion for objects and bones) that inserts
keyframes automatically each time something gets modified at the green line location.


Note that the Timeline Editor belongs to the selected object (or in case more than one is selected then
to the selected objects), so you could add an additional object (or use camera or light) and edit there
the Timeline.

Move the cube and create other keyframes until you are happy. Check the start and end frame. You
can now play the movie.

You can also render it, select as output avi jpeg and not png, otherwise you will get a series of png

The way how it behaves between the keyframes can be modified using the graph editor. It shows
the object properties (not just position, rotation and scale) as time graph. The curves can be edited
graphically but there is a side panel where the values can be edited. This side panel has also modifiers
as adding noise to the movement.

If the keyframes can not be deleted with Alt + I go into the Graph editor and to it there.

There is also the DopeSheet Editor where keyframes can be moved in the time axis and other operation
can be performed

For animation and games there need to be more flexibilities how objects move and change than the
Timeline editor allows. The DopeSheet editor includes the Action Editor where sequences can be
stored as actions and be used in different ways no longer be fixed linked to the time scale.

The NLA editor lets then combine such actions and have them repeating. There are option to smooth
in movements as shaking a hand and start walking.

Adding bones
Bones can be added to form an armature. The armature will become the parent object of the body and
not vice a versa. Adding bones is done in object mode on the place where the body is. This way two
objects exist. Additional bones will be added in the edit mode, so one armature with multiple bones
exist. If a bone is selected in edit mode, chaining bones is easy, put the cursor where the chaining bone
should end and click Ctrl+ LMB. Usual beings have all bones chained together. Blender does not have
the restriction that bones are linked together, so a body might end up with more than one skeleton.

Armature and Body are created as separate objects but to work the armature must be set as parent
objects of the body. This is done by selecting first the body and then the armature (bones are yellow,
and body orange) and followed by Ctrl+ P and set in the parenting menu Armature Deform > With
Automatic Weights. The result can be observed in the outline window.

There is an armature and a bone context in the properties window. When having selected a bone, the
armature context shows properties to the armature where the bone belongs (including the name of the
armature) and the bone shows name of the bone and it properties.

Now you can go in posing mode where you can select the bones and then rotate R, drag G the bones
(S works as well). The center of the rotation is the pivot point of the armature. If it is too much twisted
Alt+G and Alt+R brings the selected bones back.

To make a movie you need the Timeline editor and set 1 for the first frame. Go in posing mode and
bend the bones and do the key frames.

Video sequence editor

The video sequence editor can be considered as a standalone program, where different movie files
(strips) can be put on different tracks and be blended in and out. If present on time then they overlap in
a hierarchical order (high tracks are on top). It is also possible to just add pictures for a certain number
of frames as on the lowest track a background picture.


With two strips selected Add > Effect strip can will blend into the other using an effect.

Node Editor
The node editor is used to manipulate videos. Things as video in video can be made.It has something
as logic blocks (the nodes) that can be connected with each other to get the desired effects. The source
of the video is the movie clip node and the destination the Viewer node (or composite node to save it).

Figure 10.12. Node Editor

Using the node editor anaglyph stereo pictures can be created. Two cameras are added. Since just a
camera can be active per scene, two scenes are created, but one is linked to the other. The two cameras
are attached to an empty (object without a mesh) and form a stereo camera. An other empty is used
as focus point, so both cameras look at it, this is done by adding a constraint to the cameras to track
it. Ones this works, the node editor comes in place. The two cameras go to a color mix mode that
multiplies a colored picture with it. Then both colored picture (red and cyan) go to a mixer mode that
adds both pictures. The output goes to a viewer node (to view) and a composite node (to save).

Figure 10.13. Anaglyph stereo

Having an image can be expanded to having a video, this works straight forward. Alternatively two
videos could be recorded and then merged together. Obviously the videos or imaged could be created
by a real camera.


Movie clip editor

This is quite new in blender and allows to put animated 3D object onto a movie that has been recorded
using a regular camera. The challenge is the video moves and the animated object has to follow,. The
technique is therefore called motion tracking and makes use of blenders Movie clip editor.

Coordinate system
Blender uses a right hand coordinate system:

thumb red x
pointer green y
middle blue z

Each object in blender brings in a new local coordinate system that might have an offset to the x,y,z
coordinates of the global coordinate system. Additionally the local coordinate system can rotate the
axes. The rotation sense also follows an other right hand rule. When the thumb points the rotating axis,
then all other fingers point in the positive rotation direction.

Objects can have child objects that will bring their own coordinate systems as well.

There is actually also a coordinate system of your PC screen or window. This is called the view point.
It is the way how you look at the blender 3D view windows. This is a 2 dimensional coordinate system:
Horizontal and vertical axis. You make use of it when you rotate a view, moving the mouse vertically,
rotates over the horizontal axis moving horizontal rotates over the vertical axis.

Blender game engine

It should be noted that Blender game engine can also be used to make interactive animations that are
used for things other than games. Ones created they can be exported to a Linux or windows executable.

Since the game engine is a render it has to be changed from the default: Blender Render to Blender
Game. This indicates that the game engine is an other renderer and since it has to be fast it can not
render as nice as the Blender Render with ray tracing. In Blender changing the renderer has also effects
of the property editor, since there a lot of render options as for rendering surfaces and material are

Real-time rendering in a game must be fast. Therefore games make use of UV mappings to give a
better look. The files for those textures can be packed to the exported runtime executable. This explains
why you might be disappointed when your wonderful created surfaces do not appear.

The camera might must follow the game, this is best done by having the camera a child of a vertex
of an object. Since vertices do not rotate the camera points always to them. The camera might also be
assigned to an object in object mode Ctrl + Num0 assigns it to the selected object. It could also be
assigned to a ghost that follows an other object.

After the Blender Game renderer has been selected, the Game menu item with a Start Game Engine
command can be started. But a user interface and a behavior needs to be configured.

The logic editor allows to add logic blocks to individual objects, so select the object first. Then a signal
has to be created using a sensor block. A common sensor block is Keyboard. The output of the sensor
is passed to a controller block that makes in case of one single signal many time nothing else than
passing the signal to its output where an actor block can be feed (this is done using an and block with
just one input). A common actor blocks is Motion. The actor block Game allows to exit.

A big monitor helps to see the fonts, otherwise Shift + Space toggles into single view or Shift + LMB
on a Area triangle and drag out a new desktop window to be placed on a second monitor or virtual


Figure 10.14. Logic Editor

How the connection lines can be deleted is not so intuitive. They are drawn by LMB on a
start point and drag to the other point and they are removed exactly the same way.

There is also a game properties panel, this serves to have game variables stored (as score of the game).
The timer data type is a number that is counting up as long the object exists.

With every frame the game engine calculates the logic this is also called logic ticks. Sensors trigger
everything, so their common features are important.

Figure 10.15. Sensor

Usually an event as a key pressed gives a pulse (an event) and is then evaluated by the controllers
and passed to the actuators. The ''' button however repeats this pulse as long (in this case) the key is
pressed. The ... button does the opposite it creates pulses as long the key is released. When repeating
the Freq: parameter can be set this is the number of frames (logic ticks) between two event pulses.
The invert button inverts the sensor output. If Level is pressed then a pulse is created when the state
of the object changes. The tap button seems to make just a one time pulse.

Sensors can give just digital outputs, but some sensors as the joystick can give accurate position.
Blender can not handle that directly. It however can set a threshold when it triggers, so multiple Joy-
stick axis sensors with different threshold levels could be added.

Actuators can send out messages, the message sensor can react to such messages. Similar things can
be produced using properties since there is a property actuator and sensor.


Multiple sensor can be connected to a single controller input (For electronic circuitries this would not
be allowed since the sensor outputs are not allowed to be connected in parallel). Controllers have a
preference button to have them operated before others.

The game actuator allows to quit the game or start a game from a blend file. A dummy game could load
the blend file. This might be interesting for changing scenes or separating game data from executable
data to solve licensing issues..

Every object can have a state (a number between 1 and 30) in the game this information is stored
in the controller blocks. If the state of the controller does not match the state of its object then the
controller is disabled. Simple games don't use states and have all running in state 1 the default. States
are changed using the state actuator.

Since python is heavily used in blender controller blocks can be programmed in python. Actuators can
not be programmed in python, but the controller block using python can actuate (e.g. move objects
directly). Python controllers can get Sensor events from sensor block and act on them end exit. Loops
in Python controller blocks should be avoided since if they take very long time blender might crash.
Acting on Sensor events and exit immediately once work is done solves this cleanly. Acting on things
that can not be found as sensor event (as arrival of a TCP/IP packet) a timer mechanism (Editor >
Python > Templates > Operator Modal Timer) can be set up, that checks so every 0.1 seconds if there
is need to do something and if not exits.

To create an executable runtime without the need of having blender, you must first make sure that in
the User Preferences > Addon > Game Engine is checked. Then File> Export gets the option to create
the binary. For Linux ldd <name of the game> shows you dependencies to libraries that needs
to be on the system for the game to run.

If blender runs on windows, then a windows exe file and the necessary dll's can be created. Creating
those files on a network drive might fail, so do it on drive c:\ and do it as administrator. MacOS
and there is Android Blender Player is in

Such files contain parts of blender and need to be GPL. This might be a problem when the artwork
in it would like have a different license. A way out is creating a dummy game that makes use of the
Game Actuator to loads in and starts your blend file that is non GPL

Simulate physics
Depending on the renderer used the physic simulation has different settings.

For the Game engine the physical effects to an object are enabled by selecting the objects first and in
the properties editor under Physics the Physics Type has to changed from static to something else as
rigid body. Start the game engine and if there is no ground plane the object falls down. Add a ground
plane that is not perfectly flat and add a sphere. The cube will roll down as well but interferes with
the ground plane. This can be corrected by setting collision bounds to box (mesh would work as well
but will give more calculation work). It is some work to calculate how it is rolling down, on smaller
object doing this work might slow down the system so per default it does not doing this calculation.

The game engine has the record function (stopped by Esc) this creates key frames. The key frames can
then be rendered using the regular renders. To create animations like this, requires therefore two steps.

When not doing a game using first the game engine to create key frames and then switch back to the
render (Blender or Cycles) to render the animation is cumbersome. In the new blender version physical
simulation can be done directly. When having an object selected the 3D View Tool shelf shows the
menu Rigid Body Tools. Pressing Add active will add the object to a object group and mark it green.
Alt + A (Playback Animation) will then have it falling down.

The Rigid Body Tools can also put constraint to objects in the group as connect them, so something
as a chain or rope can be created.


Fluid simulation requires at least two objects, one serves as boundary of the fluid simulation plus the
material properties of the fluid, its simulation parameters and has the type domain, the other object
serves the object where the fluid comes out and must reside inside the domain object. The type of
this object needs to be selected depending on the desired effect. Common types are fluid or inflow
(for inflow a speed and direction must be set). This object can be made invisible by moving it to an
other layer.

The simulation is started by selecting the domain object and then pressing its bake button.

Scripting Blender
Python 3 is used as scripting language of blender. Open the (editor type) Python Console where you
can type in commands as print("hello").

The contents of your blender file is the python object bpy. To know what all is inside this object
can press after bpy Ctrl+Space to get the options and to learn about the structure of the bpy object.
Select different objects and print(bpy.context.active_object) or/and print(bpy.context.active_ob-
ject.location) modify the location with bpy.context.active_object.location[0]=1

The following code produces 5 cubes:

add_cube = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add
for locX in range(0, 15, 3):
add_cube(location=(locX, 0, 0))

Instead of reading the manual you can also made the (editor type) info a bit bigger so you see python
commands when you perform some actions using blenders gui. However bpy.context.object.rota-
tion_euler[0] = 0.1523599 needs to be changed into bpy.context.active_object.rotation_euler[0] =
0.1523599 since you loose focus when going into the shell.

A real script is best copied and then executed in blenders Text Editor integrated in blender where you
need to

import bpy

As with any other multitasking environment loops to wait for an action can not be done in in the script
since it would probably crash blender. The way out is a modal function that might be called periodically
by a timer or by an event. It can then execute and exit and then have blender calling it again. In the text
editor there are templates (Code snippets) for modal functions. Loading in
blender text editor and run the script calls bpy.ops.wm.modal_timer_operator() periodically and does
change the scene background. With the ESC key it stops. Using the line

self._timer = context.window_manager.event_timer_add(0.1, context.window)

A timer that will be expire in 0.1 seconds is started. When the timer expires the

modal(self, context, event) method is called and the event is usually a TIMER event, so the if even-
t.type == 'TIMER': code will be executed a print("Hello") can be added there and is then put on the
console where python is executed from. Adding something as print("Bye") to the cancel method shows
how it is stopped.

Povray (Persistence of Vision Raytracer) puts light into computer graphics.
The light reflects from surfaces, shadows are created and you see trough glass. Povray itself has no
graphical user interface, POV-Ray scenes are described in *.pov files containing a special text lan-
guage called scene description language. You will type commands into a plain text file and POV-Ray
will read it to create the image.


Figure 10.16. Povray

It is also possible to create *.pov files with other tools..

There is a front-end emerge kpovmodeler.

Figure 10.17. Povray

You need a camera, light and an object with some material properties to get something different than
a dark black picture.

Run the tutorial that is available in the help menu, to create a picture as shown in the picture above.
To save the picture use the desired and supported extension as *.jpg and kpovmodeler converts it
automatically to this format.

To get a 2D CAD emerge qcad from (you get the Community Edition) and
do not forget the parts catalog emerge qcad-parts to get the stuff in /usr/share/qcad-parts.
It uses the standard dxf file format for the drawings. Qcad has a nice help.

Freemat from is an other matlab alternative. It can be started as FreeMat
and runs matlab code directly, smooth and well, it has some incompatibilities when it comes to plotting


Sane (Scanner Access Now Easy) is the program to get the scanner support in linux. http://www.sane- gives the list of supported devices.

For Gentoo Linux: Consider to set the usb and scanner useflag.

Sane backend
Sane has a back end dealing with the hardware so install it sane-backends.

For usb scanners check what has been detected lsusb or usbview and then to have sane find the scanner
sane-find-scanner. To see what you have:

scanimage -L

device `hp3500:libusb:005:003' is a Hewlett-Packard ScanJet 3500


Important to know is `hp3500:libusb:005:003' the name of the scanner.

scanimage -d hp3500:libusb:005:003 > image.pnm will scan.

Sane Frontend
Now get a sane frontend as xsane or the simple sane-frontends providing xscanimage.

The frontends have options as enable ocr or gimp integration (For Gentoo set those useflags).

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) can convert picture to text there are GOCR, KADMOS,
OCRAD. Under gentoo emerge gocr however do not expect too much from a OCR program. For
OCR use grey pictures and make test with the resolution, too high resolution does not give the best
results. 800DPI is a good value.

To get good scanning results for something as you would photocopy use: 150 dpi gray

For HP usb devices install the hplip (HP Linux Imaging Printing) support package. Type hp-toolbox

Sphere cameras
A camera that can take 360 sphere pictures and videos has two fish-eye objectives that capture more
than a half of the sphere each. To put those two "half" sphere pictures together at real-time before
storing them on their memory the necessary processor power is not available.Therefore the two raw
circle pictures are added into a standard jpg picture.


Figure 10.18. Two circles

This picture can then later e.g. by an android app converted in a stitch picture containing both pictures
and converted to a rectangular projection.

Figure 10.19. Sphere

Meta data should then be added to let the viewer SW to be know that it is not a regular jpg picture
(the same applies also for videos).

Google uses the MIME type application/ to let it know that it is a 360
degree picture.

Any picture viewer or movie player can be used. More specialized viewers could be installed. But
there is also Web support for it as simply copy and past the web pages and
modify them to point to your pictures and movies. The open it in a browser. Additional features as
adding hot spots are supported and nothing has to be installed. If it is more frequently used than the
used java scripts and the html pages should be installed on a web server.

When adding hot spots their pitch and yaw must be known. panellum allows to pass "hotSpotDebug":
true, to is viewer. then mouse clicks write the corresponding pitch and yaw into the browsers console.
For Firefox the console can be seen when adding the Firebug plug in.


To observe video the video can be converted from mp4 to webm format that is used by YouTube and
sponsored by Google to be a royalty-free alternative (however also mp4 works well). The conversion
can be done with ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -i movie.mp4 -vcodec libvpx -acodec libvorbis movie.webm

vpx support must be compiled with ffmpeg and libvpx must be istalled. In Gentoo Linux this
is done by setting the vpx useflag.

Instead of installing a special sphere video player to just view a section VLC with its interactive zoom
(Tools -> Effect and Filters -> Video Effects -> Geometry ) can be used

Figure 10.20. VLC and sphere videos

Chapter 11. XML
Introduction to XML
XML (Extensible Markup Language) has become state of the art to store data. It contains data including
type and hierarchal structure. Since this mostly this overhead to structure the data can take more disk
space than the the data itself, many formats use XML and zip it when it is saved to memory. Examples
are OpenOffice, Microsoft Words docx, Epub,.... . To test it rename the file to have the .zip extension
and then unzip it. XML is usually read from a file but it can also read from any communication data

Unfortunately a lot of terms need to be understood before not getting lost with XML. Documents are
mostly written very confusing instead to explain the concept by simple words. Often reverse engineer-
ing is the quicker approach.

To use XML a editor with syntax highlighting and oder xml functions is a must. Tools are xmlcopy-
editor or the simple XML editor qxmledit, that can be started as QXmlEdit.

The first line of a xml should be something like this, that defines that it is an xml document following
version 1.0:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

More clean is to add the character encoding as well

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

XML tags
Xml is about elements and attributes that are put together hierarchically.

You can mark any data with any tag that you wish following this element example:

<tag>this text here is text</tag>

The data is between an opening tag and a closing tag. If there is no data, it could either be: <tag></
tag> or as single tag: <tag/>

And you can make comments

<!-- This is a comment -->

Tags can have child tags

Example 11.1. XML


In this example the <car> tag is the root element, every xml file needs one (and just one) root element.

It can happen that the child tag is in the middle of the patents text. This is quite common in
docbook when inside the text a url link is inserted. This splits the text in two the text and the


tail text. The tail text needs to be specially handled. It would be logical to link the tail text to
parent text, but this is usually not done by processing sw. The reason is that the parent text
could be split multiple times and therefore the parent text would need an array of tail texts.
Instead of that a single optional tail text is added to the child tag.

Tags can have attributes:

<tag attribute_name= "attribute value">

But it should considered hat the same thing can be achieved using child elements.

For documents the original XML should just define the meaning of the data (semantics) and should
avoid to define how it is visually or audibly presented. Using stylesheets XML can then be translated
into XML that has exchanged the tags defining the semantigs by tags showing how to print it.

To check if the sequence of tags is correct (after having installed expat) type xmlwf<file-

An other program is xmllint (emerge libxml2)

Some tools create XML files with all in a single line and not using the CR character. To clean up such
or similar xml the program tidy (package htmltidy) can be used. Type man tidy and use it as tidy
<filename>. To check and format xml files: tidy -xml -i -w 80 <filename> and if you are sure
you can write it back instead of just showing the result on the screen using the -m option: tidy -xml
-i -w 80 -m <filename>

xml editors as screem can start tidy using its gui.

To validate if the xml has correct syntax use the online tool

or xmllint from dev-libs/libxml2:

DTD the Data Type Definition can be a separate file or included in xml and defines the rules of the
tags in an xml file included in XML or linked:

xmllint --valid --noout <my>.xml

or mention dtd:

xmllint --valid --dtdvalid<mywww>.dtd --noout <my>.xml

Adding special characters to xml

Some characters as < and > are used to format xml (and html). However it is also desired to use them
in the xml content. To distinguish if they are tags or content some method needs to be introduced.
If those characters are used in the content they will be written differently, a & sign is used to mark
them and some regular characters are added to define the character. The ; character finally is used
to mark that this special sequence is terminated. Unicode characters can be added as &#<decimal
number>; or &#x<hex number>;

Here some samples: #, # and # this is also a challenge for your computer to find the font that matches.

Such sequences are called entities.

Table 11.1. Special characters

&lt; < lower than
&gt; > greater than


&quot; " quote

&amp; & ampersand

The & character is not used to format xml but is still not allowed to be used since it marks
a beginning of a special character.

XML Namespaces
XML on its own, does not hold anything that defines what the data represents about. To let it know,
the xml namespace attribute can be added to an element:

<html xmlns="">

This indicates that everything between the opening tag <html> and the closing tag </html> is in the namespace. Clicking on pops up a
human readable web page, and therefore no computer can check if the content of the xml really follows
the definition. To have a computer checking if the data follows a definition, other methods as DTD,
XML Schema have to be used. This explains why it is not mandatory to have namespace attributes
since a computer can not do a lot with them.

The XML namespace can be understood as a language that defines a set of words. Words not in the
dictionary are still possible but do not take part of the language and therefore are subject to cause

A more complex issue is to have a XML document that makes use of more than one namespace:

1. An other element within the the html open and close tags might have a xmlns attribute. This results
that everything between this child opening and closing tag belongs to the childs namespace (baby

2. However the namespace can also overlap. In this case the tags require prefixes. The following
defines with the xmlns attribute the html prefix:

<html:html xmlns:html="">

To know to what namespace the child tag belong, they also require prefixes:


3. There is also an other way to add a namespace to a tag, just add the uri and not use prefixes


To now have an arbitrarily sequence of elements and attributes, a doctype line as the following can
be added, to tell that the xml file follows some rules.

After the word Doctype the name of the root element of the document follows, this is in the above
document html. There are two ways to point to the dtd.

Using the public identifier that follows after

the word PUBLIC and an optional link to an external file where the dtd can be found. If a program
likes to check if the xml data is valid (good programs should do that) then it needs to download the
external file. This can obviously take some time and overload some servers holding the dtd. Since


everybody can setup Public Identifier and they need to be analyzed using xml catalog files, they might
not be unique but obviously should.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


Using the system identifier SYSTEM, that can be used to point directly to the dtd.

<!DOCTYPE EMail SYSTEM "<url or file name>">

To improve this situation xml catalog files are used /etc/xml/catalog. They simply hold how
external uri points to a local copy of the desired file (this works also for directories):

<system systemId= "" uri=

Or by using the public identifier

<public publicId='-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN' uri='file:///path/t

The external files can be downloaded as:


DTD (Document Type Definition) contains a description what is allowed in XML files. DTD can
therefore be used by a parser to verify that XML files are valid.

The DTD can either be included in the xml file or be a stand alone file. It defines the tags being
allowed, their sequence and its content. Unfortunately they require to learn yet an other syntax. For
the previous car example it could look as:

Example 11.2. DTD

<!ELEMENT car (brand, type, color?)>

<!ELEMENT brand (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT color (#PCDATA)>

The ? after color is a special character. Those character mean:

1. may occur once or not at all ?

2. must occur at least once or many times +

3. may occur not at all or many times *

There is also a choice character

<!ELEMENT boat(sails¦motors)>

PCDATA means parsed character data.

CDATA means not parsed character data.

Also attributes need to be mentioned (for every attribute one line)

<!ATTLIST <element name> id ID #REQUIRED<attrbute name> CDATA #IMPLIED >


Implied means optional. CDATA means a string and ID that can be used to identification to the ele-

To include the DTD in the XML file the second line must be as:

Example 11.3. DTD in XML

<!DOCTYPE car[
<!ELEMENT car (brand, type, color?)>
<!ELEMENT brand (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT color (#PCDATA)>

To have it externally

<!DOCTYPE car SYSTEM "URL address">

This is also identical to the first line in the DTD standalone file.

Finally you could put something as:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>

in the first line to to have the attribute standalone="yes" to disable DTD verification.

XML Schema
Is an other implementation for the same purpose as DTD. Those files have a xsd extension.

Schemas are as DTD but pure XML and allow more control and validate XML data as checking
content of the data.

Is an other XML Schema language that aims to follow XML Schema but aims to be as easy as DTD.

Working with XML

If you open an xml file with for instance your web browser you will see that it is not human friendly.
However it is computer friendly. Different tools an libraries exist to deal with it. Those tools use
different ways and methods, each has it strengths and weaknesses:

1. DOM (Document Object Model) reads the XML data and created as tree in memory. This DOM
tree in memory can be processed and then converted back to XML.

2. XPath and XPointer can address data in a DOM tree

3. XSLT makes use of a stylesheet (that is actually a program written in the XML Stylesheet Lan-
guage) that is transformed into an other document format. Common output formats are XML,

XML starlet is a tool that can be used to work with xml on command line level. It is nice to learn
xpath expressions and use it in scripts.


Xmldiff from can be used to compare two xml files or two directories con-
taining xml files. It also supports to compare html.

Html-xml-utils from is a collection of various tools to
manipulate xml and html data.

Xml2 has introduced a format called flat. It can convert xml or html into flat and vice a versa. It uses
4 programs for that xml2, html2, 2xml and 2html. Flat work well with c command line tools. It has
no closing tags and the start tags are expanded to hold the complete path. Xml2 is fed from a pipe
and is therefore used in combination with wget or cat and the output is filtered with grep, awk, sed
and maybe formatted using cut

cat<filename>.xml | xml2 | grep <string> | cut <options>

The data behind = is the data of an element and the data before the = are the tags pointing to the data.
Except if there is a @ character, then it is the data of an attribute and the name of the attribute is
between the @ and = character.

Validate xml
Xml is not always validated, to save time. To validate and xml document type:

xmllint --valid --noout <my file>.xml

xmllint comes with xsltproc

Docbook allows to write a book that can not be read. Ok, it is a joke, docbook holds the semantic
content of the book in XML (or SMGL), but it contains nothing how this can be visualized.

To view a docbook without a XML or ASCII editor, it has to be converted into a well known format
as html, pdf,... . This process makes use of a stylesheet that adds how it should appear. See http://, or http://www.sage-

You might ask yourself what is this all about, why not just using something as OpenOffice Writer to
the documents. If you ask yourself this question, then just use OpenOffice Writer that's fine.

However when the book becomes a project, or when it comes to publishings to different formats,
having amendments, corrigenda, versions or you want to make it available in different formats as pdf
and HTML or more people write the same book, then you are better of having something as docbook.
Since it is ASCII, you can have a version management system as CVS and compare the differences
using diff.

Unfortunately Docbook had a major evolution behind, that is still ongoing and therefore might confuse
people who want to start with it. In the past docbook was SGML, used DSSSL style sheets and TeX
as engine (jade and jadetex). This is still working but nowadays docbook has moved to XML, used
XSL (libxslt libxlm2) to convert in HTML and the XSL-FO engine (fop) to convert to pdf. Docbook
uses common xml tools and can therefore make use of many tools, this is the advantage of docbook
being pure xml.


Docbooks has different formats (sets of tags DTD):

1. Article is something smaller than a book.

2. Book, I guess you know what it is. Use this as default.

3. Chapter a file that will be used in a book or article

In general docbooks are validated using its DTD, parsed and then translated in the desired format.
What is used for that is not a simple tool, it is a toolchain, a chain of different tools and of course
command line tools.

Docbook files have often the extension *.docbook, this causes sometimes problems with generic tools,
a better option is calling them just *.xml. Good tools and operating systems look anyway to the files in-
ternal data and will find out that it is docbook using xml and even see the version numbers of docbook.

Docbook syntax
To have good picture support, to not create a mess when they got converted from docbook to an other
format especially pdf or having a too big or bad resolution adjust the pictures to be used. Use jpg since
this is widely supported and has tags containing picture information that can be added and read.

1. Scale the size to 320*240 pixel

2. Set the resolution to 72 pixel/inch

3. And the most important thing, set print size to 4.44 * 3.33 inch

In gimp you can do both with the scale image dialog.

Docbook Links
Internal Links
Links point to a file or a location in a file. To mark points in a file, id attributes can be added to tags
as: <sect1 id="Docbook"> marks and gives section 1 (the Docbook section in this document) the id

To create a link to this id the link tag can be used:

<link linkend="Docbook">This is a link to Docbook</link>

and here how it looks like This is a link to Docbook

Don't use empty tags as:

<link linkend="Docbook"/>

since they make an error when processing the xml.

The id is an attribute and can not stand on its own without a tag. The anchor tag is basically a dummy
tag that allows to place an id. However anchor tags cause errors when converting xml to pdf using
fop. So don't use them.

Links to other sites

To link to a uri, a site on the web:


<ulink url="">my homepage</ulink>

and here it is: my homepage [] and here as empty tag

<ulink url=""/>

and here how it looks like: In serna it looks a bit scary, since it prompts to insert
the link text, but this can be ignored, since we want here the uri to be shown as it is. So what we see is
consistent with the link.When the document is converted to pdf (means print to paper) both, the text
and the link are printed. If they are equal then it looks silly, so keep links empty except if the text is
different from the link.

Or an e-mail address:


and here how it looks <>

Links between files

A link to an other xml file can be done by using the <ulink> tag as it is used to link to some web site
or files. This approach is not very portable and needs a web server to be installed.

Easier would be using a relative path between the files. This is done with the <olink> tag that points
to the target docs id (not file name) and the id within the file:

<olink targetdoc="<target file id>" targetptr="<target id>

The files can be written straight forward, here the first file:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "docbookV4.5/docbookx
<book id="MySourceBook">
<title>My Source Book</title>
<chapter id="SourceChapter">
<title>My Source Chapter</title>
<para>Olink to other document
<olink targetdoc="MyDestinationBook"
link text

and here the second:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "docbookV4.5/docbookx
<book id="MyDestinationBook">
<title>My Destination Book</title>
<chapter id="DestinationChapter">
<title>My Destination Chapter</title>
<para>olink to other document
<olink targetdoc="MySourceBook"
link text



Since the two files have links they are linked, but it is desirable to process and edit them independently.
The two files might be in different directories. However they must know about where they are since
they share links.

In the following example both files are inside the same directory, this makes the path more simple, but
the default output filenames need to be modified otherwise they overwrite each other. To know the
links of each other, they need to be processed producing a xml file that contains the link information.
The following commands produce just those files containing the links:

xsltproc --stringparam targets.filename "srctarget.db" \

--stringparam collect.xref.targets "only" \
/usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/html/docbook.xsl \

xsltproc --stringparam targets.filename "desttarget.db" \

--stringparam collect.xref.targets "only" \
/usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/html/docbook.xsl \

The two files are included in a common file that needs to be edited manually:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE targetset SYSTEM "file:///usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/commo
<!ENTITY sourcetargets SYSTEM "srctarget.db">
<!ENTITY destinationtargets SYSTEM "desttarget.db">
olink example
<dir name=".">
<document targetdoc="MySourceBook"
<document targetdoc="MyDestinationBook"

The <dir> element is used like a tree for every directory that is between both files. There is relative
linking between them so there is no need to add the absolute path. In this example both files are in
the same directory, so one <dir> tag is enough. Having this file that includes the two link files, the
html can be produced:

xsltproc --output source.html \

--stringparam target.database.document "olink.db" \
--stringparam current.docid "MySourceBook" \
/usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/html/docbook.xsl \

xsltproc --output destination.html \

--stringparam target.database.document "olink.db" \


--stringparam current.docid "MyDestinationBook" \

/usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/html/docbook.xsl \

To get an index the element <index> needs to be set in the place where the index should appear. To
have items popping up, the element <indexterm> is used. This is actually a bit tricky since putting it
right here shows nothing in the text. However what is put here invisible pops up in the index. A child
element of the <indexterm> is <primary> that holds the text popping up in the index. A <primary>
element can have multiple <secondary> child elements.

The language of a document can be set as attribute on the root element of a docbook file:

<book lang="de">

This seems to do not a lot, but it gives the change to communicate the language to stylesheets and
allows the stylesheets to select the proper language for automatic text added typically for formatting
as chapter for English or Kapitel for German.

Splitting a docbookfile
If the docbook file comes to big it can be split in different docbook files. Every file contains a chapter.
The parent files holds a list of all chapter files to be included:

Example 11.4. Split docbook

"-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN" "docbookV4.5/docbookx.dtd" [
<!ENTITY <fist chapter> SYSTEM "<filename first chapter>.xml">
<!ENTITY <second chapter> SYSTEM "filename second chapter>.xml">

<!ENTITY <variable name> "<productname><Variable data></productname>">


&<first chapter>

&<variable name>

The entity allows also something as variables. Stuff that is repeated should be define there.

Since <!ENTITY just includes XML data into XML data the files included have to follow certain

1. <!DOCTYPE is not allowed since it would appear twice in the master document

2. Tags as <article> are also not allowed for the same reasons.

Serna-free allows to edit such docbook data as everything would be inside the same file. Additionally
single include files can be edited.

Meta data
Metadata is data not visible in documents. If docbook is exported to html meta data should be created,
since Internet search machines look for meta tag to put your web page in higher rankings.


There are two types of meta tags commonly of interest for this purpose:

The docbook <abstract> tag should hold a description, in a form of a single sentence. This tag will
be exported as description meta data in html (set the stylesheet parameter 'generate.meta.abstract' to
1). It should be between 150 and not longer than 160 characters.

The description meta tag is quite important since search machines show the description tag
in the search result to the users.

Keywords for the meta data can be inserted between the <bookinfo>, <chapterinfo> or <sect*info>
tags, where <keywordset> has to be selected, the individual keywords are inserted into the <key-
word> tag. The keywords and will be converted to the keyword meta data in html. It is also possible
to comma separate the keywords and having just one keywords element.

The keywords meta tag is no more important for search machines.

<para>Introduction to XML and Docbook</para>

The keywords will be inherited from the parent pages. As example, a docbook book creates keywords
for the book and a chapter section will create keywords for the chapter. So the chapter page(s) will
have a first keyword element with the chapter keywords and than a second keyword element with the
keywords from the book. This can be omitted by using

<xsl:param name="inherit.keywords" select="0"></xsl:param>

Additionally for the description tag, xsltproc has been call with the parameter: --stringparam gen-
erate.meta.abstract 1

Docbook catalog file

When splitting files, the path the the files included has to be put in the parent file.

Each time you move a child file from one directory to an other, the parent file needs to be edited to
know about it.

Change your docbook file as follows

<!ENTITY <my chapter> PUBLIC "my FPI">

A FPI looks as follows:

1. "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"

2. -// means it is not registered

3. OASIS is the owner company, organization or person

4. DTD is the keyword indicating the type of information (DTD, ELEMENT, TEXT)


5. DocBook XML V4.5 is the description

6. //EN is the language for the markup text and not its contents

Create or modify a catalog. The xml catalog is /etc/xml/catalog

Docbook editing
It is rather difficult to find a good GUI GPL Linux docbook editor. Possibilities are:

Vex gpl and based on the eclipse platform. With eclipse installed vex can
be installed through the eclipse marketplace.

As usually in eclipse a project must be created, select just a generic project this puts a subdirectory
under the workspace. Then you can put your docbook files there. To create select XML authoring>
File. VEX is the visual XML editor, but you can open at the same time the regular XML editor (that
allows you to view the elements, but also the raw characters).

Make sure you select the XML Authoring Perspective to get all the right windows open.

Figure 11.1. Vex


Vex can also be used to edit custom xml files as WYGIWYS.

1. Create a new project via XML Authoring > Visual XML plug-in project type. This creates two file
the hidden .project file and a file vex-plugin.xml.

2. Now a DTD defining the structure and rules and a CSS defining the appearance must be put in this
directory. The CSS must contain quite a bit to make a satisfiable result. Basically every element
tag should have its definition.

3. Those two file need to be registered in the vex-plugin.xml file that is best created using the GUI
of VEX.

4. First register the DTD file. This is done by selecting the DTD file and go to Properties > Visual
XML Document Type. Fill in the fields, name and system ID get <filename>.dtd and the public
ID something as -//DTD <name>//EN then press apply to see the list of elements. Select there the
root element.

5. Now register the css, by selecting it and go to Properties > Visual XML Document Type. The name
is <filename>.css and select the corresponding css.

DEP4E is a eclipse docbook editing plug in.

Has a personal version and is a pure java application. The disadvantage to not be GPL brings the
advantage that it is actively maintained. Download it from and
extract it. Since it is a java application it runs directly without having to be installed. Go to where the
bin directory is and run:

./xxe &

It is available as free but also as full featured

commercial version.

Is available in portage, but unfortunately no news after 2005 are there, so its probably dead. Create
a docbook file using conglomerate is easy:

Figure 11.2. Conglomerate


Serna is a WYSIWYG XML editor. Serna existed upto 2011 as free version. But now the free version
is no more available. A gentoo ebuild can be found on my overlay. Since it is no more available the
fetch from the internet will not work anymore, so the files have to be copied to /usr/portage/distfiles

Figure 11.3. Serna-free

To start it type /opt/bin/serna

or create an icon on the desktop.

There is different levels of checks available, as default you can not make violations when you edit.
But this can be a pain when you import and edit some file. In the menu item Edit => Validation move
the level from strict to on to get less errors reported.

To use custom XML, you can work in text mode, as with any regular xml editor

Alternative Docbook editors

1. Docbook can be read in XML capable editors as Bluefish, Screem.

2. Emacs is also possible to be used but it has a horrible user interface and is mega complicated.

3. Lyx aims to be used as well but it has no XML support, not nicely integrated, old lyx versions
recommended. The latex fronted lyx supports export in docbook format and gentoo has even a
docbook useflag to enable this support, however they consider docbook to be slightly bloated.

4. Quanta could be an option to edit docbook files but it is connected too tight to kde, and therefore
makes sense just for kde users.


5. Xerlin and pollo are other applications that are also outdated and run badly.

6. Create Wikitext and then convert it to Docbook with a tool as the eclipse plugin mylyn WikiText

7. For OpenOffice there is a docbook template

loads/DocBookTemplate.stw open it and edit the file with open office, when done it can be saved
as docbook.

Converting Docbook via Sgml utils

This is the sample files where id attributes have been added to create nice file names when this file
becomes split:

Example 11.5. Docbook

<?xml version="1.0"?>
"-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" "
<book id="HelloWorld" lang="en">
<title>Hello World</title>
<chapter id="Introduction">
<title>Hello World</title>
<para>This is my docbook Hello World document</para>
<sect1 id="AboutThisBbook">
<title>About this book</title>
<para>This is my first DocBook file.</para>
<sect1 id="WorkInProgress">
<para>This is still under construction.</para>

After emerge docbook-sgml-utils a lot of docboo2* commands are available.

Then run docbook2html hello.docbook to get full featured set of html pages where you can open
index.html. Or choose an other format:

docbook2pdf hello.docbook

docbook2txt hello.docbook

docbook2rtf hello.docbook

Many editors as Openoffice can directly open the docbook xml files. However it can happen that not
all features are supported and no pictures appear.

To put the results in a directory

docbook2html -o html hello.docbook

Create a link from where the pics are to a pics directory in the html directory otherwise the links to
the pics will fail.

To have meaningful names for the sub pages, use the following to take the id's as filenames

docbook2html -o html -V "%use-id-as-filename%" hello.docbook

Since filenames become lower case, don't use uppercase or CamelCase in the id's.


To put everything in a single file

docbook2html -o html -u hello.docbook

To use a stylesheet

cp /usr/share/sgml/docbook/utils*/docbook-utils.dsl .

$ docbook2html -d docbook-utils.dsl#html myfile.docbook

Looking at the docbook2* man page, all are just jade wrapper scripts for docbook. They could also
be called as jw to get HTML:

jw<my file>.docbook

A set of HTML pages are created that are linked with each other. The index.html page is the start.

Converting Docbook via XSLT

Since docbook is XML, XML tools can be used to convert docbook files. See also Publishing XML

The big advantage is that docbook stylesheets are available /usr/share/sgml/doc-

docs/articles/dbdesign/ that allow to convert efficiently to different formats. Those stylesheets can also
be customized using parameters passed on command line. This depends on the xslt processor since
it has to pass them to the stylesheets.

With xsltproc the parameter --stringparam indicated that such a parameter is used, the parameter it-
self contains of a name and a value. All parameters are described in

xsltproc ... --stringparam <parameter name> <parameter value> ...

The following makes html more human readable by adding cr in the right places: --stringparam
chunker.output.indent yes

An other form is using css. Such a stylsheet can be applied on the command line: xsltproc --string-
param html.stylesheet style.css chunk.xsl myfile.xml

Every html page gets then a link to the stylesheet:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">

The stylesheet must be found in the location of the html pages, or an other parameter must be used
to tell where it is.

Customization Layer
Instead of listing all the parameters used in the command line they can also be put into a stylesheet

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
<xsl:import href=
<xsl:param name="base.dir" select="'../html/'"/>
<xsl:param name="chunk.first.sections" select="1"/>
<xsl:param name="html.stylesheet" select="'style.css'"/>
<xsl:param name="chunker.output.encoding" select="'UTF-8'"/>
<xsl:param name="" select="1"/>


<xsl:param name="" select="1"/>

<xsl:param name="generate.meta.abstract" select="1"/>
<xsl:param name="chunker.output.indent" select="'yes'"/>

This is a simple form of adding a customizing layer to the standard XSL sylesheets, since the para-
meters overwrite the original stylesheets parameter settings. Having this stylesheet the command gets
simple and short: xsltproc style.xsl index.xml

A web site should have a favicon, this is the favorite icon that pop up in the browsers corner and
bookmarks. This can be inserted in html the same way

<xsl:template name="user.head.content">
<link xmlns=""
rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico"
type="image/x-ico" />

Custom HTML can be put around the navigation headers and footers

<xsl:template name="user.footer.navigation">
<a href=""><img src="/favicon.ico" alt="Linurs" border="

user.<header or footer>.navigation goes on the outside and user.<header or foot-

er>.content goes on the inside of the page.

Epub with Docbook

There is also a stylesheet to convert docbook to epub, the format for ebook readers. The command
xsltproc /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/epub3/chunk.xsl <my docbook>.xml does it.
It creates two directories META-INF and OEBPS that contain the data plus the file mimetype. The
pictures have to be included at the correct location. When everything is prepared go into the directory
and do zip -r <my epub>.epub *

firefox has two addons one is a epub reader the other a epub writer.

Epub3 can also embed movies.

Man Pages with Docbook

Man pages can also be written using docbook, this helps to get an unique look and no need to bother
about learning the man page syntax. Or the other way around man pages can be converted to docbook
using doclifter this helps also to get familiar how man pages look
in docbook. Doclifter is a python script that can also be run without bothering about package installa-
tion. Docbook man pages can be converted to man pages using xsltproc and the man page stylesheet
found in /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/manpages/docbook.xsl-
However there is the <reference> root element to be taken to start writing manpages. The <reference>
element includes one or many <refentry> element. The <refentry> serves as a man page for a particular
section, so the docbook file can hold a collection of all sections in a single file. However doclifter does
not use <reference> as root element when converting a single man page but uses instead <refentry>
as root element. The docbook file can then be converted to a man page using: xsltproc /usr/share/
sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/manpages/docbook.xsl <myman>.xml

Note, there is no need to specify the output file name, since this is chosen automatically.


Microsoft Word with Docbook

Wordml is an xml format that Microsoft Word understands. It makes use of the stylesheets found
in /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/roundtrip. Those stylesheets allow
both converting WordML in Docbook and converting Docbook in WordML It supports also to add
a WordML template.

To start it:

xsltproc -o <my-word>.xml --stringparam wordml.template /usr/share/

sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/roundtrip/template.xml /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/
roundtrip/dbk2wordml.xsl <my-doc>.xml

Alternatively docbook can be converted in FO and the using the fo converter from http://www.xml- to convert it to rtf, docx (or odt for libreoffice)

Webpages with Docbook stylesheets

The stylesheets coming with docbook allow to create webpages that are linked together. It uses the
<webpage> element that is not a valid docbook element additionally not all docbook elements are sup-
ported. contains additional docu-
mentation and shows how such web sites will look like.

Slides with Docbook stylesheets

The stylesheets coming with docbook allow to make a slide show with navigation icons similar as
power point, but there is no need to have a program installed, since it runs entirely in the web browser
(except if the pdf version is selected). In the web browser go in in Full screen mode. It uses special
elements that are not a valid docbook elements.

The documentation:

Introduction with example:

Stylesheet parameters:

XML as HTML evolution

A way out of the increased interests and new requirement is to extract the semantics (the meaning of
the content of a HTML Web page = generic markup) from its visual appearance (formatting = generic
coding). This was one of the aims of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), XHTML , XML and XSL to
separate semantics from visual appearance.

SGML was available (Standard Generalized Markup Language ISO8879) that serves a meta language
to define the semantics of the language being described. A practical example: SGML was used to
describe HTML. SGML was too heavy, so it got reduced to the max and XML (Extensible Markup
Language) was born. XML can be understood as subset of SGML, in fact every XML document can
be considered to be a SGML document.

Document Typ Definition (DTD) files, contain the definition of a language. The definition of HTML
is described in a DTD file that follows SGML. The elements in the DTD files define the tags in HTML.

Parser can be used to verify that the HTML file conforms to the definitions in the DTD file. Instead
to look how to install and call a parser, type the URL into Don't be surprised
how bad the web pages are that you daily use. For CSS see

Also browsers as firefox have the possibility to validate the (X)HTML being viewed add the plugins
firebug an web developer (see


Document Object Model (DOM) shows in a tree model how the document is structured. Knowing the
structure individual fields can be accessed.

XHTML is the clean version of HTML. On a modern Linux computer there is no reason to
not use it, however if your files go to other environments, as other web servers and client
PC you can face problems that nothing arrives. XHTML is still too new for them. It might
therefore be wiser to stick with the old HTML.
XHTML is XML. The Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) is as HTML but follows a
XML DTD and not the SGML DTD. The SGML DTD HTML 4.01 has been converted to XML. The
use of XML DTD instead of SGML DTD simplifies the automatic processing: Therefor more tools
exist and XHTML should be preferred over HTML. The differences between XHTML and HTML are
small and most users and tools do not care what they receive.

The program tidy can convert HTML in XHTML

Example 11.6. XHTML

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<p>Hello World!</p>

In the example above the first line is intentionally not <?xml version="1.0"?> this would be
correct too and cleaner, but can cause some old webservers and browsers to fail

MathML is XML to make nice mathematical formulas.

Instead of learning the MathML set of elements, MathML editors having a gui's are available as http:// Such an editor that is on-line is
tor/demo/en/. When done with the gui, MathML code can be created that looks as:

<math xmlns="">



The above code is the semantics of the formula, but nothing how it will be presented is defined. How-
ever modern browsers understand and render the formula. Since it contains the namespace declaration
it can be embedded this way in xhtml.

Embedding the above code in docbook xml works too when converting to xhtml and the using a
modern browser. But with other tools there are some issues since they do not know what to do. Apache
FOP does not render anything and serna gives a validation message.

An alternatives is just include the formula as picture. The picture could be a SVG vector format that
is even created automatically from MathML

Xpath is a common way to access data in xml. Sets of elements or attributes data can be selected.
Xpath looks similar to a path pointing to a file on a file system. Some gui programs as editix has good
xpath support, where the gui lets you select the desired data and then you can copy xpath from it.

Table 11.2. xpath

/chapter/sect1[2] The second <sect1> is selected that is a subtag of
/chapter/sect1[2]/title[1] The first (and probably only) <title> of the second
<sect1> is selected that is a subtag of <chapter>
/chapter/sect1[2]/title[1]/text() The actual data=text of the first (and probably on-
ly) <title> of the second <sect1> is selected that
is a subtag of <chapter>

Absolute path
This is quite straight forward. To access the text of an element use the / character

<parent element>/<child element>

To access value of an attribute use the @ character

<parent element>/<child element>@<childs attribute>

Relative path
Just use a child elements name and you select all of the children having this name. You can also extend
the child's name with the / character to address a subchild <child element>/< sub-child

The * character can be used instead of a real element name

Instead of <parent element>/*/<sub-child element> the syntax <parent element>//< sub-child ele-
ment> can be used

To select parent elements of a child element use <child element>/..

To have the or function use the ¦ character <parent element1> ¦ <parent element2>


To get the current element use the . Character

To select just elements fulfilling a certain criteria <parent element>[<childelement><


and attribute <parent element>[<childattribute><test><value>]

Test can be < = ... . and value a number.

The / character selects the root of the document, therefore everything.

Publishing XML Documents

XSL processing
A XSL processor is used for the XSLT (XSL Transformation) that can produce various commonly
known formats formats. See:

The goal to get a HTML page is to type a command as:

<XSLTprocessor><mydoc>.xml <mystyle>.xsl <myhtmlpage>.html

1. The xml file contains absolutely nothing about how the content is visually presented.

2. The xsl file (style sheet file) contains how the xml is visually presented

3. And finally in this example html is the output

This is also the way Docbook works. Docbook is xml and using a stylesheet in can be converted in
HTML or other formats. The XML definition of Docbook might be to numerous for simple projects.
Note: various formats as XML can be imported into Docbook.

You can put a link (=processing instruction <? ) to the xsl style sheet inside your xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="project.xsl" ?> <yourxml>

This might be a good idea, but might be also a bad idea when having multiple stylesheet for the same
xml file. It can also considered as violation of the concept of separating the visual appearance from

The XSLT processor does not do a lot, except that it transforms XML in XHTML. It basically replaces
the XML tags with XHTML tags and places additional stuff to format the page as the background

There are many different xsl processors:

The XSLT processor xsltproc is probably already installed with the libxslt package. http://xml-

To call xsltproc xsltproc<my>.xml when the stylesheet is referenced inside the xml file. The output
appears on the screen, to put it into a file do simply (or add alternatively the -o option):

xsltproc <my>.xml > <my>.html

And to call a stylesheet on the command line


xsltproc<my>.xsl <my>.xml

To write into a file and ignore downloading the dtd:

xsltproc --novalid -o<output-file>.html <stylesheet>.xsl <input-xml-file>.xml

Docbook stylesheets have lot of options. An example that uses a xml docbook file and stylesheet and
produces multiple html files with he file name coming from the <sect1 id=<filename>> tag, this
is done by passing some variables modifying the defaults to the stylesheet using --stringparam:

xsltproc --stringparam 1 /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/html/


Or to put the resulting html files somewhere else:

xsltproc \

--stringparam 1 \

--stringparam base.dir /<destination directory>/ \

/usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/html/chunk.xsl <filename>.xml

To see what happens some options can be added:

--profile shows what matched in a sequence

--load-trace shows what files got loaded

--noout can be added when no file should be created and no output is desired

It uses java and is therefore much slower than xsltproc. It is well documented and used in other tools.
It and has also a gui kernow:

To call saxon with a hello.xml that contains the link to hello.xsl:

saxon8 -a -o hello.html hello.xml

Or when having all 3 files separated

saxon8 -o hello.html hello.xml hello.xsl

Many different Xslt processors are around as:

1. xalan from the apache project.

2. gorg used to make the homepage, but has poor documentation.

3. sablotron

Debugging XSLT
Many commercial xslt debuggers exist. But there are not too many options for none commercial tools.

XSLT debugging with eclipse

The biggest problem is to install a working version of eclipse and its (eclipse web developer tools)
WTP. Very many combinations with already installed plug-ins and versions exist. It is not very im-


portant what version gets installed but it is important that XSLT support is included or gets otherwise
installed manually using eclipses GUI. See

As usual in eclipse a project need to be created that puts at the minimum an empty subdirectory in
the workplace (eclipse directory ~/eclipse-workspace). A good start is opening in the project
explorer XMLExample. The files of this projects are under ~/eclipse-workspace/XMLExam-

Then add a copy of your xsl and xml files and do not forget if required dtd files underneath ~/
eclipse-workspace/<some dir> using import and creating a new directory.

xsl file can be run where a xml file (from the eclipse-workspace) is required to be passed.

However it is best to create a XSL configuration with all the settings. This XSL configuration can then
be run and debugged with some mouse clicks. In this configuration the output file can be configured
to be html and then the standard web browser opens it.

Eclipse has some perspectives, those are basically view configurations, so when debugging the Debug
perspective opens. Perspectives can be changed under Window > Perspective

When debugging with the not debug capable default JRE XSLT processor a request pops up to switch
to Xalan. See

Figure 11.4. xslt debugging with eclipse


During single step debugging some error might occur that does not occur when not doing
single step.

One of such errors is when an attribute is added to an already processed element. The error
reported is: Cannot add attribute content after child nodes or before
an element is produced. Attribute will be ignored.

It looks that the single step debugging can not revert what it has already put on its result
window. The solution is do not single step such lines.

Alternative ways of debugging

Instead of using a debugger you can generate messages (similar as printf when developing a c pro-

Text that ends up in the output file


Or add it into a template to create a function:

<xsl:template name="hello">
<xsl:text> Hello </xsl:text>

And then call it from anywhere you want as:

<xsl:call-template name="hello"/>

More advanced is the use of message see


Text that ends up in the console

some text

Some item

<xsl:copy-of select="$<what to look at>"/>

terminate here

<xsl:message terminate="yes" />

XSL Stylesheets
The previous section looked simple, but the topic gets very fast very complex, since many tools and
article are around not focusing on the concept how to deal with xml data.

In a modern environment, it is preferred to write the stuff once and publish it in various forms, places
and media (Manual pages, HTML on the web, PDF to be printed, speech output, ...). If you are a
programmer, it is wise to have your data available as XML so you can make use of those tools to have


your program supporting outputs in HTML, PDF or whats so ever. This explains why XML gained
importance, but also why so many different and complex tools exist.

XML does usually not contain anything about how the data is displayed. XSL (Extensible Style Lan-
guage) is a programming language used to transform XML into readable formats.

Xsl Stylesheets are regular xml files. Since xsl needs to deal with tags from the processed file there
might be potential confusion if a tag belongs to xsl or to the processed xml file. This is simply resolved
by using the namespace xsl for all tags belonging to xsl. In simple words tags for xsl start with <xsl:xxx
and tags for the xml file being processed don't have this prefix.

The xsl style sheets are xml and start therefore also with the xml version used and the character en-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

The next line the xsl prefix for the tag stylesheet and adds attributes for version and xmlns (namespace).


Finally the stylesheet closes with the </xsl:stylesheet> tag. Xmlns creates the namespace xsl and there-
fore all tags inside the stylesheet must be prefixed with the xsl prefix.

How the xslt processor works is difficult to understand since it is not sequentially, it is rule based.
With such an empty stylesheet the xsl processor would just remove all tags from the elements and
would print out all text of all elements one after an other.

To do something different and have the possibility to replace xml, rules have to be added. A rule is
an element with the xsl prefix and the template tag.

<xsl:template ....>
<some stuff>

The xsl processor does not sequentially read and process a xsl file. It checks for rules defined in
template elements as seen above and processes its contents. Templates as above are usually nested,
this means out of the template other rules set in other templates will be evaluated, therefore the xslt
processor recursively processes a tree of templates.

To read any further the details about xpath expressions are not necessary to be understood, since you
can easily be lost when reading about xpath. xpath is nothing else than selecting elements in a tree
of elements following an approach as selecting a file inside a tree of directories using a path to the
file (relative or absolute). However you need to learn the syntax when writing your own not trivial

The most common rule is the match rule.

<xsl:template match="<xpath-expression>">

When the xml file is processed the xml tags are observed and basically drawn away and the rest is
printed onto the screen or in a file. If a match template matches with the xml tag processed, then


not the tag but the complete element and its child elements are drawn away. This can also be done
intentionally to not process an element and its child elements.

<xsl:template match="/">

selects the root of the document, therefore everything. Alternatively the match could select the root
tag, since all xml files should have just one root element.

Instead of drawing away everything something should be done. The most easiest thing is just adding
text (that could also contain <tag>) to the match element. Other thins are:

Read the attributes and write then out

<xsl:attribute name="href">
<xsl:value-of select="@href"/>

Write the text of the element

<xsl:value-of select="."/>

Process all child elements


Process just some child elements this can be used as a fork to go down a branch in a tree

<xsl:apply-templates select="<some tag>"/>

Sequence of processing
Having match rules everything between the template tag of the stylesheet is written to the output but
the matched element and its child elements are not processed.

To have the child elements processed the following instruction is necessary to add inside the match


1. <xsl:apply-templates/> is necessary to process child elements but also the text of the current element
that is printed. Having this and nothing else will make that the text of the current element plus all
child elements are printed.

2. On the other hand if you want to wipe off all child elements , don't place the < xsl:apply-tem-
plates/> statement.

3. Or just omit the current text since it might be used as attribute

xsl:apply-templates select="*"

4. Alternatively it can be restricted to certain child elements <xsl:apply-templates select="<x-

path-expression>"/>. So just the elements and their subelements selected with the xpath ex-
pression is further processed.

5. The <xsl:apply-templates select="<xpath-expression>"/> statement can also be used to alter

the sequence how the subelements are processed.

<xsl:template match="echo">
<h1 align="center">


element or text
Elements could be added as text

<xsl:template match="www">
<html xmlns="" lang="en">
<xsl:apply-templates />

or with xsl:element to be checked and have higher quality

<xsl:template match="www">
<xsl:element name="html"
<xsl:attribute name="lang">en</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:apply-templates />

Adding line breaks and blanks

HTML and XML do not care if line breaks exist. But if you open a automatic produced HTML file
you do not like to read everything in a single line. To be able to insert line breaks add first

<xsl:template name="Newline">

and then you can produce in your code line breaks by inserting

<xsl:call-template name="Newline" />

An other problem is that you like to insert a or more blanks, but the xslt processor ignores the blanks.
Therefore where you like to have the blank insert:

<xsl:text> </xsl:text>

As you see it is as for line break, there a cr character is inserted.

Printing out text and attributes

Anything can be printed out using a xpath expression

<xsl:value-of select="<xpath-expression>"/>

To print out the value/text of the selected element use:

<xsl:value-of select="."/> it usually has the same effect as <xsl:apply-templates/> the difference is
that it does not go down the tree any further. It prints out the text ignoring any other included elements,
instead of processing the text and additional elements.

and the value of an attribute:

<xsl:value-of select="@<attribute name>"/>

Or and the value of an child element:

<xsl:value-of select="./<child element>"/>

Or a neighbor element


<xsl:value-of select="../<neighbor element>"/>

Write an attribute
The following example shows how to insert an attribute. The matched element text has to be put as

<xsl:template match="homepage">
<xsl:attribute name="url">
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>

The example inserts the url text in the desired places with the <xsl:value-of select="."/> command and
avoids that the text is printed else were by just processing the child elements using <xsl:apply-tem-
plates select="*"/>

Passing parameters to xml stylesheets

A stylesheet might be less statical and get some variable text. This variable text can be passed to the
stylesheet when calling the xslt processor as: xsltproc --stringparam <name><value> ...

For other than strings there is the --param option.

To use this parameter, the stylesheet needs a definition:

<xsl:param name="<name>"/>

The parameter can then be used in the stylesheet as $<name> to use the value in the text

<xsl:value-of select="$<name>"/>

The following shows how to add the parameter to an attribute

<xsl:attribute name="src">
<xsl:value-of select="$rel"/>image/logo.gif
<xsl:attribute name="alt">Linurs</xsl:attribute>

Or more simple

<img src="{$rel}image/logo.gif" alt="Linurs">

Other xslt elements

Other useful commands are: for-each, sort, if, choose

Sample stylesheet
And now here a simple xsl style sheet


Example 11.7. xsl stylesheet

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
<xsl:output method="html"/>
<xsl:template match="/">

<xsl:output method="html"/> used the output tag of the xsl namespace. The output tag has all neces-
sary attributes to have or modify a html header.

Here all attributes of the output tag:

method = "xml" | "html" | "text"
version = "string"
encoding = "string"
omit-xml-declaration = "yes" | "no"
standalone = "yes" | "no"
doctype-public = "string"
doctype-system = "string"
indent = "yes" | "no"
media-type = "string" />

Embedding XSL stylesheets in XML

Usually you have one stylesheet (or a set of it) an you apply it to many xml files. This is the way
as it supposed to be: Write it once (without worry about how it is later visually presented) and then
transform it to whatever using stylesheets.

The disadvantage is that you can not simply send a single file to somebody that is not aware of how to
deal with XML and this are most humans on our planet. Therefore it is possible to add an xsl stylesheet
to your xml data and have a regular web browser to convert it. See

Since XSLis xml it can be easily included using an other namespace the xsl namespace. However it
must also be processed when opened, this is done with a process instruction as

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="#stylesheet"?>

The href points to the stylesheet and used id attribute of it


A little trick remains, stylesheets to not have an an attribute id and parsing would fail. This can be
fixed with:

<!DOCTYPE www [
<!ATTLIST xsl:stylesheet


So a simple xml file with an embedded stylesheet looks as:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="#stylesheet"?>
<!DOCTYPE www [
<!ATTLIST xsl:stylesheet
<xsl:template match="xsl:stylesheet" />
<xsl:template match="www">
<html xmlns="">
<meta name="author" content="Urs Lindegger" />
<xsl:value-of select="./head/title" />
<style type="text/css">
p.text {color: red; background-color: white;}
<xsl:value-of select="./head/title"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="body"/>
<xsl:template match="text">
<p xmlns="" class= "text">
<xsl:apply-templates />

<title>Example how an embeddedd xsl stylesheet</title>
<description>Embed xsl in xml</description>
<keywords>xsl, xml</keywords>
<text>If it works this text is changed to red</text>

Formatting Object
When publishing XML data a intermediate step can be made by converting it into FO (formatting
objects) that can be converted to formats as PDF.

Formatting Object Processor

To use the apache formatting object processor emerge fop. See:


Other formatting object processors are: XMLmind XSL FO [

er/what_is_xfc.html] that can convert FO to Office Open, OpenOffice and RTF therefore opens the
door to the Microsoft World.

An other FO is

Converting to HTML is much less picky than converting to pdf. One reason is pdf is meant to be paper
and html computer screen. If it done not fit to the screen, there is no problem, you just get scroll bars.
However if it does not fit to the paper, you get a serious error.

To convert docbook to formatting object, the fo file:

xsltproc -o<my file>.fo /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/fo/docbook.xsl <my


And to add a paper format parameter

xsltproc --output --stringparam paper.type A4 /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-

stylesheets/fo/docbook.xsl BootFromUsb.xml

and then to pdf:

fop -fo<my file>.fo -pdf <my file>.pdf

Fop could also convert xml to fop and the to pdf with one call: fop -xml <my file>.xml -xsl <my
stylesheet>.xsl -pdf <my file>.pdf

Fop and fonts

A common warning is:

WARNING: Font "Symbol,normal,700" not found. Substituting with "Sym-


700 is the font weight telling how fat bold should be. The font installed does not allow the setting
for 700 so 400 is taken this probably give a nicer output. Possible weights are: normal | bold | 100
| 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 where normal = 400, bold = 700. This shows that the
FOP warning does not find bold and replaces it with normal. This is rated as WARNING but could
be considered also as INFO and could therefore ignored.

However it is nice to process data without getting warnings.

A radical way of getting rid of these warnings is to tell xsltproc to not use that fonts by font sub-
stitution xsltproc --output --stringparam paper.type A4 --stringparam dingbat.font.fam-
ily serif --stringparam serif /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/fo/doc-
book.xsl doc.xml

It is possible to pass a xml config file with the -c command line option. The file fop.xconf can be found
inside apaches fop package, on gentoo it can be taken from /usr/portage/distfiles/fop.

The file holds the default values and therefore should have no effect until it gets modified. However,
it changes the path for relative links to the location of this file and therefore troubles as not finding
pictures to be included might occur. It also gives out some messages that it changes the page size.

Using font substitution (added right on top not in the <render> sections) the warning can be resolved

<fop version="1.0">
<from font-family="Symbol" font-weight="bold"/>
<to font-family="Symbol" font-weight="400"/>


<from font-family="ZapfDingbats" font-weight="bold"/> <to font-fami

Using this file fop is called as: fop -c fop.xconf <..............>

PDF must support the following fonts: Helvetica (normal, bold, italic, bold italic), Times (normal,
bold, italic, bold italic), Courier (normal, bold, italic, bold italic), Symbol and ZapfDingbats.

It can happen that it will not find the desired fonts and then default to Times-Roman and showing a
# character in the pdf.

If other fonts (as asian) are to be used then they need to be installed first on the PC and then imported
to the config file.

<renderer mime="application/pdf">
<font kerning="yes"
<font-triplet name="DejaVuSans"

The fo file contains the fonts to be used, however the new font will not be in the fo file. So a font
substitution is required.

<fop version="1.0">
<from font-family="serif" />
<to font-family="kochi-gothic-subst" />

Now the font is ok for asia, but the The Euro sign as unicode € is no more understood and replaced
by a dot.

To fix that both fonts the default serif and kochi-gothic-subst need to be used. This can be achieved
xsltproc with the command line option:

--stringparam serif,kochi-gothic-subst

As result the fo file will contain both fonts and give serif priority:


Fop and hyphenation

To not get hyphenation errors emerge offo-hyphenation for apache fop see http://offo.source-


phenation.html. The xml files from offo-hyphenation are not directly used and just put into the /usr/
share/offo-hyphenation directory. During the fop compilation they get packed into /usr/
share/fop/lib/fop-hyph.jar. To make this happen on gentoo set the hyphenation use flag.
This explains why offo-hyphenation needs to be compiled before fop

aunpack -l /usr/share/fop/lib/fop-hyph.jar from atoolshows what hyphenation patterns are available

Fop and pictures

Pdf means being able to print on paper and this means the pictures must fit within the paper dimension.
So the pictures printsize must be smaller than the printable paper size. This sounds easy but:

The printsize is on most pixel based formats a computed value. Printsize is pixel per inch
multiplied by number of pixels. This explains why when resizing a picture with gimp to 14
cm it might result in 14.0001 cm. Imperial dimensions is still common and unfortunately
some programmers still struggle with inch to metric conversion.

A good strategy is to agree for portrait format on x pixel resolutions of 640, 320, 160 for the picture
dimensions 14cm, 7cm, 3.5cm and have then the y resolution respecting the x/y ratio.

High resolution picture are nice but take some time to download on a web page and when printing on
paper the printer must support the resolution.

This gives then a dot per inch resolution of 640/14cm*2.54cm/1inch= 116 dpi or for people that like
it simple 100dpi.

identify -units "PixelsPerInch" -format "%w x %h %x x %y" <picture>.<ext> from im-

agemagick prints out both resolution and dpi

mogrify -resize 320x236! <picture>.<ext> changes the resolution and for exact pixel counts the !
character ignores x/y ration of the original picture.

mogrify -units "PixelsPerInch" -density 100 <picture>.<ext> fixes the dpi (mogrify works on
the same file, convert would require two files an input file and an output file)

Fop and accessibility

Newer fop versions have the command line option -a that enables accessibility features as (Tagged
PDF and produce additional warnings helping to improve the document). Alternatively fop.xconf can


However then pictures need alternate text and this is a bit complicated. If used the <graphic> tag needs
be replaced by <mediaobject>

<imagedata align="center" fileref="pics/<some>.png"/>
<phrase><some text></phrase>

This works for html but not for fop. For fop the fop extension fox must be added as with xsltproc --
stringparam fop1.extensions 1 .... resulting in:


fop <fo:root xmlns:fo=""


then in the fo document it must made be sure that the graphics get the alt-text attribute

<fo:external-graphic src="url(" fox:alt-text="logo"

Unfortunately this is not done automatically by the style-sheets and there is also a reason for it. Not
all Formatting Object Processors use fox:alt-text.

A fundamental question. When having XML then why not focus on accessibility friendly and HTML
and keep pdf just targeted to print it on paper?

Formatting Object Structure

A FO file is pure xml and after its xmlns declaration, it can be separated different parts. The first part
defines page layout templates and gives those templates some names:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<fo:root xmlns:fo="">
<fo:simple-page-master master-name="DefaultPage"
margin-right="1in" >
<fo:page-sequence master-reference="DefaultPage">
<fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
<fo:block>Hello World</fo:block>

After the printable region is defined on the sheet, the region can be divided further in region-before,
region-after, region-start, region-end and what is left over is the the region-body that holds the main
contents of the page. In the simples form the empty element


needs to be added. The individual pages can then be added using the page-sequence tag and passing
the layout template name using master-reference.

<fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">

tells that the text has to go into the region body.

The element block holds what appears on the page. In the simples case it is text. A picture can be
added as:

<fo:external-graphic src="pic.jpg"



There are many more options as choosing different page templates depending on odd or even page

Finally fop -fo -pdf sample.pdf converts it to pdf


fo/index.html and there is also a WYSIWYG editor

Jade (or OpenJade) is a tool that can convert SGML to RTF, TeX, MIF, and SGML using DSSSL

Cleanup XML
Since a xml file contains a huge amount of tags, there are endless formatting styles. Two identically
files (semantics) might look completely different and cause confusion for humans and diff programs.
Therefore tools to format xml as tidy be used. See man tidy

Advanced features: Accessibility checks can be enabled tidy --accessibility-check <n> http://

Other tools
Many tools are available to convert xml, but many of them use other depending tools.

To convert xml to pdf format using the latex infrastructure.

xmlto pdf mydoc.xml

Or to convert xml (docbook) to html and store the result in the html sub-directory:

xmlto html -o html hello.docbook

Checks for having user friendly documents

Accessibility checks
There is and tools as or with called by
the following evaluates the accessibility of a
web page. It allows easily browsing from one page to an other of a web site. There are also plug-ins
for web browsers as firefox so with a click a web page can get analyzed.

Errors and Alerts are shown including their reasons. Having created the web site with style sheets
allows easily improving the stylesheets and then having all web pages cleaned up.

Stylesheets are used to add the look of the data. Sytlesheet languages convert the data into the common
known file formats as html or pdf. Many different ways exist:

1. FOSIs (Formatting Output Specification Instances)

2. DSSSL (Document Style Semantics and Specification Language) is ISO/IEC 10179:1996

3. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) used to expand html


4. XSL (Extensible Style Language) separating stylesheet from xml

In simple words, the stylesheet converts the tags into other tags or attributes that contain the visual
characteristics of the data, as type and size of the font.

Cascading Style Sheets

Cascading Style Sheets allow to deviate from the default style HTML is using. In fact how HTML
is be shown per default depends on the browser. The default view of an HTML browser can also be
documented as default css. This default stylesheet is then overwritten by the custom css.

Css is considered as an own style sheet language and is separated from html. This is why it has to be
linked to the html code using a link or meta tags.

In the past html pages used many different tags to differently format the contents. Today many of
those tags are nomore used, since the look and feel can be changed with css. And the css can be made.
changed and modified individually.

It also helps to separate semantics from formatting by moving the styles in a central space (one location
in the html file or in a central location). Firefox lets you disable/enable the Style Sheet support under
View > Page Style.



CSS in a html tag

Inline usage of CSS makes use of the style attribute

<p style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Hello World!</p>

Just this <p> gets the style other not. Elements that are used once on a page can make use of it as
the <body> tag.

CSS definition in the html head

Internal usage of CSS

Example 11.8. CSS in head tag

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;
<style type="text/css">
p {
text-align: center;
font-weight: bold;

The definition is done one time per page. This way allows to used CSS in xsl stylesheets and have
therefore all style related stuff in a single file.

CSS as link to a file

External usage of CSS using a file from


Example 11.9. CSS link to file

<meta http-equiv="content-type"content="text/html;
<link rel="stylesheet"

The stylesheet file contains something as:

p {
color: green;
background-color: black;

Typically href points to a style sheet in the same directory tree not using http.

CSS classes and ids

CSS classes allow to assign a class to a tag and having the same tag appear differently.

Example 11.10. CSS classes and ids

p.code {
color: green;
background-color: black;
p.text {
color: black;
background-color: white;

and then it can be used by adding an attribute as:

<p class="code">emerge gencfs</p>


<p class="text"> This is some text </p>

p.code is restricted to be used for <p> elements where as .code can be used for all kinds of tags.

<p class="center large"> assigns two classes to an tag.

id follow the same logic as CSS classes but use the # character instead of the . character and are used as

<p id="text">Gencfs is a simple graphical front end.</p>

The difference between classes and ids is that ids can be used just once on the page since the id should
be unique.

Line breaks
The usual way would be adding the <br> tag and to not run into xml/xhtml the <br>< /br> tags get
line brakes. CSS allows to solve this in a cleaner way by adding

{ display: block; }


Or if no line brake is desired

{ display: inline; }

Or if nothing at all has to be displayed

{ display: none; }

Comments can be added to styles

/*This is a comment*/


DSSL (Document Style Semantics and Specification Language) is defined by ISO/IEC 10179:1996
and are well supported. DSSL have the file extension *.dsl and are often modular, this means one
stylesheet includes an other one. The modularity gives a lot of *.dsl files under /usr/share/sgml/
docbook/dsssl-stylesheets-*/ and might therefore be confusing. Make sure you use the
master *.dsl file. Open it in an editor to verify that, since some have comments.

Processing Instructions
PI's look as as the xml declaration

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

User defined processing instructions PI's can be inserted in XML that look as:


The program processing the XML code as xslproc ignores them except when it is advised to do some-
thing with it. A match attribute needs to be added in a stylesheet to do something:

<xsl:template match="processing-instruction('Hello')">
The Processing Instruction says Hello

Instead of processing the PI the PI can also be created using a sylesheet with

<!-- -->

PI templates are available as for Docbook PI at


A good an useful example of an PI is to insert a date to an docbook file when it is processed to get
html (or other formats as pdf). The PI would look:

<year><?dbtimestamp format="Y"?> </year>



or getting a time stamp

<?dbtimestamp format="Y-m-d H:M:S"?>

PI's are used by FOP to help formatting in the case the result of the automatic formatting of the
stylesheets is in some places not what you like. If this is generally not what you like you should fix
this in the stylesheet and do not use PI's:

Telling FO to not insert a page break in the following, to e.g. not split a table

<?dbfo keep-together="auto" ?>

Or force a so called soft page break with:

<?dbfo-need height="2in" ?>

Or a hard break


Or add some vertical space

<?dbfo-need height="0.5in" space-before="3em" ?>

Add a background color

<?dbfo bgcolor="#<rrggbb>" ?>

Adding php code

<some code>

There are other examples as telling xlsproc what stylesheet to use. This is quite often used on web
server where the web server makes makes the xslt on demand. If you have xml data that is alive and
changes often then this is a good approach. But this violates the rule, write it once use it everywhere
since at least for static xml you would like sooner or later apply different stylesheets:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="<my stylesheet>.xsl"?>

Processing instructions PI can be inserted into XML as to force a file name of a html chunk:

<?dbhtml filename="intro.html" ?>

Or the subdir where the chunk goes:

<?dbhtml dir="sub" ?>

Or including html code from an other file

<?dbhtml-include href="mycode.html"?>

Processing XML in Python

Different libraries exist, the older dom and sax seem to be less commonly used and ElementTree seems
to be the way to go.


ElementTree is in the python standard library and does therefore not specially be installed. For a tuto-
rial look see and for the official documentation see https://

The ElementTree class contains an Element data structure that is basically an XML element. It also
and obviously can contain links to other elements. All linked elements should have one top element,
the root element. The root element is the entry point and forms a tree, the ElementTree.

Sub-Elements need to be linked to the parent element, this can also be done with the Element method
followed by an append or insert method. The insert method lets to insert the element in any position
whereas the append method puts it at last element. Instead of append, there is a SubElement method
that does both steps in one.

To work with Etree see

A C implementation is also available to be used under python.

LXML is a python library to work with XML, it expands ElementTree and takes care to be compatible
to the ElementTree.

Some examples:

ElementTree writes xml data to files having no line breaks and therefore the data gets ugly when
opened with an editor. Using lxml the data can be written to the file using the same command, but
additional parameters as pretty_print=True and xml_declaration=True can be set to have a nice looking
xml file with xml declaration.

Lxml allows to include comments ElementTree does not allow it.

See: the complete documentation and solutions to your questions (including the use
of xpath to access the data).

To work with it do

from lxml import etree

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) uses xml data for communicate. It can run on top of a Proto-
cols as HTTP. The data exchanged uses the soap xml name space and has the soap:Envelope as root
element. Sub elements can be the optional header element and the mandatory body element. Inside the
body there is usually an other name space used. This namespace is application specific and defined
by the soap user.

As with http, there are usually a request and a response messages involved. There is http post and
http get.

SOAP with Attachments (SwA) allows to use mime to attach files as pictures.

XML alternatives
Some bad thing about XML is that it can happen that 99% of a XML file content is used just for the
XML tags and the rest for the data to be stored. Therefore some other formats are commonly used:


Json stands for Java Script Object Notation. It is a way to format data using Javascript syntax. This
is why it can be easily be imported into Javascript using the Javascript's eval() function. To not get
a syntax error brackets need to be used:

var j = eval ("(" + <string variable containing json> + ")");

However since a files could contain also code instead of just data, json files are usually be parsed
and not executed.

json is used by firefox to hold the bookmark backups ~/.mozilla/firefox/<some random


Python supports json The concept is that a json data rep-
resented in a string can be converted in a python structure and back.

Python has also json functionality in its standard library.

To validate json the text can be copied and pasted into

Json assigns a value to a name:

"<name>" : "<value>"

Multiple name/value pairs can be grouped

{ "<name1>":"<value1>" , "<name2>":"<value2>" }

or put into an array

"<array name>": [
{ "<name1>":"<value1>" },
{ "<name2>":"<value2>" }

YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) has ideaa as xml but more user readable and less tag bloated

World Wide Web

The browser (Firefox, Konqueror, ...) is a http client that communicates with a http server (apache, ...).

Firefox gets released in different stages:

• The nightly build and the aurora stages have different icons, not showing the firefox

• Finally there is the beta and the release stages that have the familiar firefox icons

To get flash support emerge adobe-flash or to get html5 instead of it.


To hold the bookmarks json is used. Backups are in ~/.mozilla/firefox/<some random

characters>.default/bookmarkbackups. The files are just backups containing the date in
their filename. Firefox seems to be written in a way bookmarks can not be synchronized easily. It
seems a business issue to get user data from local computers and store it on a server. I don't like to
guess what motivation is behind that.

Konqueror is the file manager of KDE, but also a web browser. It allows different views of the files
in a directory, as thumbnail with file content preview, but also a files size view, to find the big ones.

There is kmplayer a pluging for konqueror to run mplayer. It is also able to run adobe flash player
when the nnp useflag is set.

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is used to get the web pages
to your computer.

A nice tutorial can be found under

A http server is usually a web server that as a well known behavior, but it is also possible that ans
other server make use of the http protocol.

Practical test can be done using the console with telnet, that is a terminal instead of an http client. To
still look as a http client you have to type in the http stuff manually.

First open a connection to a host, you have to pass the port 80 so telnet connects to the http server:

telnet 80

then type in the request:

GET /index.html HTTP/1.0

and type two times return (officially CRLF but just CR works as well) since HTTP wants a blank line.
If everything works you get my html homepage back in ASCII. Note that the connection closes right
after that, this is how HTTP works, it is called connection less protocol.

The commands are not case sensitive, however it is a good habit to use upper case, so com-
mand can be easily identified.

When more than one virtual host are on the server and an other than the default host is desired choose

telnet <IP address> 80

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1


Looking closer to the protocol results that the Request consists of the header an empty line and an
optional message body. The header can have just a line as the GET line above but can (or must) have
other lines called Header fields. The same works also well cgi scripts telnet <IP address> 80

GET /cgi-bin/getdate.cgi HTTP/1.1

There are different request to the HTTP server:


1. GET is thew most used request since it retrieves a message body that is usually a web page (not
you can test this way what you get, with a full featured browser you are not so sure since the
browser might modify the data). GET has no message body, but can still pass data to the server that
is packed to the url http://www.linurs.local/cgi-bin/script.cgi?name1=value1&amp;name2=value2.
On the server side those data can be found in the QUERY_STRING environment variable.

2. HEAD is as GET but requests just the header and not the whole page, it is used to check links.

telnet 80

HEAD /index.html HTTP/1.0

3. OPTIONS is used to see what the server supports. Usually the servers are quite restrictive and
support just the common requests.

telnet 80


4. POST is used to call a script on the server and pass some data to it. The server must know what
and how much it has to receive:

telnet www.linurs.local 80

POST /cgi-bin/getdate.cgi HTTP/1.0





The data to be posted is in the message body and in the header there is the header field (line):
Content-Length: <number of bytes in the message body> telling the size of it.

To have a successful termination the above used cgi script must return something asCon-
tent-Type: text/plain


For sending name value pairs GET is used for sending files POST is used. If you use a HTTP request
the server responds and the browser (HTTP client) shows the response on the screen. If you just want
to send data but nothing to be updated on your screen you need something more as Ajax (Ajax still an
must use HTTP but deals with the browser to just update certain things or nothing on the screen).


The source code of a simple html page could look as follows:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

<title>Sample HTML Page</title>


style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);

background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
background-image: url(;
"alink="#ff0000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#ff00ff">
<div style="text-align: left;">
<h1>Sample HTML Page</h1>
<a href=""> The Gentoo Home Page</a>
<a href="">My home page</a>
<a href="../index.html">Home</a>

The first line defines that page as HTML including the HTML version used. The HTML contents
is then put between the opening tag <html> and the closing tag </html>. In simple words HTML is
about such tags, not for all tags an opening tag and a closing tag exist, e.g. the <br> tag makes a line
break. Between <head>and </head> the HTML page identifies itself. Different tags are possible as
the <title> tag, those tags are not visible to the user but to the program reading the HTML page. The
visible section is between <body> and </body>. The page above adds a background picture, formats
everything to the left, adds a visible title, a list with hyperlinks and a hyperlink to a top page of the
web site. Inside the tags additional parameters can be put:

<div style="text-align: left;"> how to align the text

<a href=""> the hyperlink </a>

This was how HTML was created, however the inventor did not expect that it became such a success
and therefore people used it for all kind of things and wanted it to be better looking and full featured.
A chaotic situation was that includes documents about HTML and web servers.

Making html nicer

<link rel="shortcut icon" <link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon">

creates an icon in the browser tab.

<link rel="search" ... .

is to support so your web site is better found and analyzed by search

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" ... .

is to link to an rss feed

<title> appears in the widow headline

To have a nice layout tables are used and lists are avoided. Tables use the <table> tag. <tbody> is the
table body <thead> is the head and <tfoot> is the head row of the table.


<tr> is the table row

<td> is a cell in the row

The cells can span over rows and columns (merge cells) this is done with the rowspan and colspan

To make it a nightmare cells can contain tables.

Tables with

<table border="0" ... .

look good but are a pain to troubleshoot, so set them temporarily to border="1"

The meta tags

The goal of putting data onto the web is that others can read it, but first they must find it. Search
machines as should find it. To make them know what your web page is about
add between the <head> tags some meta tags:

<meta name="description" content="<simple text describing the page>">

<meta name="keywords" content="<first keyword>, <second keyword>">

You can put your name on the page

<meta name="author" content="Urs Lindegger">

Or you can make that the page automatically forwards to an other one

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; url=<newurl.html>">

Since it is HTML and not XML, there is no </meta> close tag! This can cause troubles when
HTML is produced out of XML. If a meta close tag is present the page can be considered as
badly formated and therefore its ranking can decrease.

Working with HTML

1. To create HTML a HTML editor has to be used this can be a dedicated editor or a simple text
based editor.

2. The result of the newly created web page must be verified, this can be done in a regular browser
(as firefox) or inside the HTML editor when this feature is available.

3. The web page is probably created locally on a PC and when finished it needs to be published to
a server on the Internet, some HTML tool offer this feature other use standalone tools to do the
FTP copy.

4. Finally a local HTML web server can be used to test the server side tools (GCI scripts, ...).

There are different tools around to do all those things, however most of them do not all. Tools that do
all, are very complex and therefore not well suited to learn how it works.

HTML editors
Probably a couple of thousands book exits about HTML and how to create web pages.


Analyzing my problems with HTML editors, I found out that it is worth to invest some time to under-
stand the basics tags in HTML. Working with pure graphical HTML editors a web page accumulates
a lot of garbage tags over time, that will be neutralized by other tags, and this was what confused me.
Less is more, creating simple web pages and understanding the HTML source inside is a guarantee
to have good quality pages compatible with most browsers, operating systems and hardware devices.
This does not mean creating HTML pages with an ASCII editor, but means to take a look at the HTML
source while editing.

Many text editors have syntax highlighting and can therefore be used as HTML editors.

To not have to remember all HTML tags a HTML editor is the way to go:

1. has no integrated viewer and also upload to a web server

is missing.

2. (mozilla-application-suite) For gentoo there is a binary pack-

age available. So it can be emerged quickly. If you start it it is a browser that looks a s mozilla or
firefox. If you want to edit the file just go to edit and the Composer opens.

3. (derived from nvu)

4. uses an external viewer as firefox

5. Quanta just available under kde

Uploading to the server

FTP is commonly used to upload the files to a server on the internet.

1. Programs as Quanta upload just what is necessary. Quanta has a project file that holds all files
being considered.

2. Seamonkey can upload HTML files opened to be edited (in the composer) on manual demand.
Binary files as images used in HTML will not be uploaded.

3. To have a tool that can upload emerge gftp

4. Firefox extension FireFTP can be added. The firefox FireFTP plug-in works well. It is a file man-
ager making both sides visual. Files can be copied from one side to the other, and there is also a
synchronize command. Enable the timestamps feature to allow having the files in sync. Without
that it just looks if the files are there.

Managing your web page

You will not want to put just HTML on your page, you want also put other files as images, sample
code. Therefore create a directory structure that fits your needs. Don't create too many subdirectories
where you put your files, since it is desirable that the links to those files do not change frequently.
Therefore create directories as image where you putt all the pictures used on the web site. Your HTML
browsing structure might change in the future and is therefore not the most maintenance friendly
structure. Dealing with all files individually is a pain, however it is a good experience.

The expression content management system (CMS) is used for the programs that do this job. A ex-
ample of such a program is joomla, mediawiki and all kinds of other wiki. Joomla uses MySQL to
store the contents of the web pages. Using Templates and Php the MySQL data is converted to HTML
pages used by the HTML server. Everything that joomla uses can be on the local hard-disk, and when
a HTML server is installed and configures it can be accessed as is http://localhost/joomla

If you run KDE, you probably find: Quanta that comes with it. Quanta is not available as separate
ebuild, therefore restricted to kde users.

Quanta is more than just a HTML editor:


1. Create a web project and add all the files to it

2. Upload and synchronizes all kinds of files to the Internet

3. Integrated viewer

4. KlinkStatus (plugin) verify that all links are correct.

Validate Web pages

The extensions and to an-
alyze and verify web pages. they are plug-ins for browsers as firefox.

Convert HTML to text

To convert HTML to text a text based web browser as lynx (elinks or w3m) can be used:

lynx -dump myfile.html > myfile.txt

Web analyzing tools

Having a web site is one thing, but there is also the demand that others will find the page. Many
use as search engine. Google us a tool webmasters
webmasters/tools/ where you can get statistics but also configure things. To identify that you are really
the owner of your web site, you must login (e.g. with your gmail account that you use on a android
device). After that a dummy website is created and you need to download and upload it to your web
site. Webmasters have impression counters (how many times your website appeared as search results)
and click counters (how many times somebody clicked on it). Crawling is what google does to find
your web sites additional you can create a sitemap (xml file) to let google know about your web sites.

Other tools are google analytics and tag manager where some code on your web site is required. This
allows going in more details as where are the visitors coming from, what devices and browsers got

Finally, if you have o hosting service for your web site, don't miss to see the statistic there. It contains
everything and not just where google was involved.

Making money with the web site

Finally with google adsense (or you can rent space on your websites and earn
money. Therefore html code needs to be inserted in your web page. There is a battle who will but his
advertisement on your web page, the one that pays the most will win. This pages got about one click
every 1000 pages and an earning of 0.2 Euro per click. I told to my friends that I'm testing adsense
and it seemed that one clicked to many times so google quit my contract. Conclusion: Do not talk
to your friends.

Search robots
If somebody is looking for something, they use a search machine as google and you probably would
like that they are going to find your website. Therefor search robots are crawling your website to gather
information that can then be used to see if its contents matches the search request.

Titles of web pages is used for that. But there are different things to improve it as adding meta data.

There is the robots.txt file that can be put to the websites top directory. Its purpose is telling the
search robot what directories should not be analyzed.

#This is a comment


User-agent: *
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /image/
Disallow: /overlay/
Disallow: /pdf/
Disallow: /sudokueditor/
Disallow: /*.css$
Disallow: /*.ico$
Disallow: /*.txt$
Disallow: /*.png$
Disallow: /*.xsl$


An additional way is listing all the files to be crawled. This can be done in a sitemap.xml file. Therefore
allow xml to robots.txt. the sitemap.xml the
xml syntax as:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<urlset xmlns="">

This site map file can be submitted to the search machine as via goolge webmaster, but also a link
can be added to robots.txt

It is a big business to spy what persons do also regular nice ones as (hopefully) you and me. is the tracking your IP and all your search request. If you do not want your IP
to be tracked then use it can be considered as google front end that filters
all privacy data before making the request at google.

Chapter 12. Multimedia
Image formats
The strength of PPM is that it is an easy format suitable to be chosen when writing a program that
produces some pixel graphics. On the other hand it has absolutely no data compression, so the files
become unnecessary big and it is not a very common file format.

PPM stands for portable pixmap picture. Those *.ppm files can be viewed or converted in other pic-
ture formats using external programs as convert<image>.ppm <image>.png from imagemagick.
Portable pixmap can be ASCII or binary. For ASCII lines should not contain more than 70 * characters
and therefore the ASCII format is quite limited.

The ASCII format starts with P3 in the first line. The # character can be inserted to have a comment
line. The next line holds width and height separated by a blank character, then comes a line with a
number that defines maximal of different steps per color. The following lines contain each a row of
pixels, where 3 numbers set the rgb values for every pixel.

The binary format is similar but starts with ASCII P6 and CR The 2 following lines are identical to the
ASCII format. The first line contains width and heights as ASCII characters. The second line contains
a number that defines maximal color. Due to backward compatibility issues this value should not be
greater than 255, to work with all kind of viewers and converters. With the next line the pixel data
starts. With maximal color size smaller than 256 3 bytes for a pixel every byte holds a color (red,
green, blue)

Gif is a popular image format that allows also animated pictures (a sequence of pictures). Unfortunately
it has a license issue. Therefore certain developers care about this and exclude to implement gif support
at least in their default configuration. Gentoo has a gif use flag to allow being strict and exclude gif
support. Because of this license issue it is good to avoid using gif and use a more GPL oriented picture
format as png.

To create animated gifs from individual gifs get gifsicle and run gifsicle --delay=10 --loop *.gif >

Or use a gui program as Gimp.

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a file format used for pixel graphics. Besides the picture,
JPEG allows to include meta data for all kinds of other information.

For the data compression the following methods are used:

1. The picture is first converted to a black and white picture (Y= luma) representing the brightness
and a color picture containing just blue and red (chroma Cr & Cb). Green seems to be lost, however
it can be reconstructed using the luma picture (YCrCb). The human eye (or brain) is more sensitive
in the luma picture than the chroma picture. Therefore the resolution of the chroma picture can
reduced, as scaled with width / 2 and height / 2. Therefore the chroma data is reduced to a quarter!
A similar concept is also used in the PAL TV standard. Note this step can optionally be skipped.

2. Next the pictures are segmented in 8*8 pixel blocks. Again the human eye (or brain) is not sensitive
in frequent changes of colors and luminance over the short distance of 8 pixels. Therefore high
frequent changes (luma and chroma) in the x and y axis of the 8*8 pixel block are filtered out.


This is done by applying a DCT (Discrete Cosine Transformation) to the 8*8 pixel block and then
damping the high frequent changes. DCT is a simpler less holistic variant of a Fourier transforma-
tion, requiring less calculation but similar results.

3. Finally the picture is compressed using a zipped algorithm (Huffman coding)

JPEG can hold various addition data, as a preview picture and info about landscape or portrait. Many
variations of meta data exist. This can cause interoperability issues between different devices and
programs. On the PC the picture appears portrait but on the TV landscape.

To see the metadata use jpeginfo.

Cameras might use metadata called exif so get exif. exif -l <name of picture>.jpg shows the
tags in the picture. exif can be used to manipulate the data.

Svg is a vector format, instead of having a picture with lots of pixels and telling what color they
have, vector formats contain shapes as lines rectangular, circles, text and so on and describe how they
look. This gives some advantages as no quality loss when zooming in and mostly the files are smaller
than bitmaps. Svg is pure xml and can therefore easily be parsed, created modified and interact with
software. Most web browsers understand it directly, either as supported picture format or as pure xml
text using the svg name space. When using svg in xml name space the browsers support additional
functions as finding text in the a svg drawing modifying the svg with JavaScript .

The svg root element has attributes width and height that define the viewport defining what will be
seen. The actual svg can be larger or smaller than the viewport (width and hight) to just show a fraction
of the svg. The viewBox attribute allows translate the the svg inner coordinates to the ones set by the
viewport (height and width). It has 4 parameters the first two allow to set an offset and the second two
(width followed by height) scale the inner to the outer range.

Inkscape is a program to create, draw and edit svg.

Sound formats
The simplest way to convert analog audio into digital is PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) that samples
the analog signals with the sampling frequency. The Nyquist-Shannon theorem says this sampling rate
must be double of the highest expectable frequency. Those sampled pulses can then be converted in
digital values using a analog to digital converter. Telephony voice got sampled at 8kHz with 8 bit,
resulting in 64kbit/s

Looking at this approach shows much possibilities to reduce or compress the data flow.

A first approach was ADPCM (Adaptive Differential Pulse Code) that makes the hight of the steps of
the AD converter depending on the previous signal tendency. This way voice usually sampled with
8 bit could be reduced to 3 bits without noticeable quality loss. The sampling rate for voice could be
reduced to 8kHz * 3 bit= 24kbit/s

The next step in data compression made use of psychoacoustics. The human brain picks dominant
frequencies and ignores adjacent frequencies with a lower amplitude. Using such approaches sampling
rates for voice could be reached in the area of 4.8kbit/s. It should be noted that those formates loose
data in the original signal, however the data lost is considered not be noticed by the human brain.

Most modern audio codecs make use of psychoacoustics. Such codecs are mp3.

Mp3 has also the possibility to add meta data (ID3 tag) next to the sound data. This data is often shown
by media players and holds things as a song title. To see and edit this data programs as mp3info or
using the gui gmp3info from easytag from
EasyTAG or id3ed can be used.


Alsa is the Advanced Linux Sound System. It contains of two parts the kernel drivers and the user
space library.

ALSA standardizes the way sound hardware is accessed but it is not a sound server. Without
a sound server as pulseaudio a program might prevent other programs to access the sound

There might be more than one device that gets handled by ALSA:

1. the sound card where the loudspeakers are attached

2. the graphic card having a HDMI output

3. but also a DVB-T cards sound

4. the microphone built into a web cam

ALSA might working well but the speakers are not plugged in there where the sound comes
out or mute is active.

Setting up ALSA
1. Prepare the kernel with the corresponding sound drivers. It might be considered to have them as
modules and not built into the kernel. This allows to insert them by modprobe as well as passing
options to the modules. Verify them by lsmod and remove them by rmmod

2. Set the alsa useflag then every other packages get alsa support. Then install alsa-utils

3. Make that the Alsa daemon starts at boot and start it. For OpenRC this is done with rc-update add
alsasound boot and /etc/init.d/alsasound start

4. When having just one sound card than it should work right away. When having more than one then
sooner or later troubles arrive, due to their enumeration.

Check with cat /proc/asound/cards, aplay -L, aplay --list-devices or alsamixer (F6) to see how
many sound-cards are there. Check the settings of the sound cards, maybe something is muted
pressing M in alsamixer will toggle the muting.

5. Type ls -l /dev/dsp* to see how many dsps are there. Then type cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp<n>.
If noise (abort with Ctrl + C) appears, then the hardware and its drivers work well. If no noise
appears, a hardware problem might exist. On laptops some mute and volume buttons might be the
trouble (The wost problems are always the ones that are no problems but features)!

/dev/dsp is actually used just for older programs written for the ALSA predecessor
OSS. If /dev/dsp does not exist it can be created via kernel configuration. Under ALSA
enable OSS PCM (digital audio) API

6. aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/* should sound when everything is ok and the setup is done. It lets
you find your speakers! Or speaker-test -t wav -c 2 that does almost the same but must be turned
off by Ctrl + C


7. If the standard call to aplay does not work, test the sound of the cards and their devices with aplay
-D plughw:<x>,<y> /usr/share/sounds/alsa/* where <x> is card and <y> device as aplay -l

There is also hw instead of plughw. hw gives more direct access to the sound hardware
and is therefore picky when it comes to channel numbers and sample rate. plughw is a
layer above that can handle those things.

Card0 and Device0 must be the sound-card where your speakers (or microphone) are at-
tached to work with the ALSA default settings.
What happens if this is not the case:

a. Wondering why the sound does not come out? The reason is that it goes into a TV card that
obviously fails, since it has no loudspeaker.

b. Having a jumper cable between TV card and sound card. Troubleshooting the sound cards mixer,
but the problem is not there, the TV card has muted the sound. In such cases the jumper cable
can be replaced by a headphone and a mp3 player, so the problem can be immediately located.

c. aplay gets an error since it wants to play a sound on a sound device that can not play sounds

If the order of cards and/or devices is wrong there are the ways to fix it:

• Define the order how the sound drivers get loaded

• Use a ~/.asoundrc or a system wide /etc/asound.conf file

No headphones
Build the driver as module and then pass options to it via /etc/modprobe.d/alsa.conf

options snd-hda-intel model=headset-mic


options snd-hda-intel enable_msi=1 single_cmd=1 model=laptop

Set sequence of ALSA cards and devices

Pass parameters to the sound drivers via /etc/modprobe.d/alsa.conf. For that you should
know the device names. When having a kernel with the sound drivers not included type lsmod to see.

If the kernel has the sound devices included, build a new kernel using modules for it.

options snd cards_limit=2

options snd-via82xx index=0
options saa7134-alsa index=1

The driver shown by lsmod is snd_via82xx but in the file snd-via82xx needs to be written.

The next complexity is when a sound driver as snd_hd_intel supports more than one device and their
sequence is mixed up. This can be corrected inside /etc/moduprobe.d/alsa.conf as follows:


options snd-hda-intel index=1,0

Some other example showing a sound card and a video card

options snd-hda-intel index=0,1,2

options saa7134-alsa index=3

Reboot takes effect of the new sequence.

Changing the sequences can just be done if the drivers are compiled as modules. It will not
work when they are inside the kernel.
Or better use something as rmmod snd_hda_intel and modprobe snd_hda_intel index=1,0

Alsa config files

When ALSA gets used then the file /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf gets called and this file calls
if present a user file in ~/.asoundrc or the system wide file /etc/asound.conf.

Those files can do simple things as creating names for the cards (aliases) or exchanging the default
card with:

pcm.!default {
type plug
slave {
pcm "hw:<x>,<y>"
ctl.!default {
type hw
card <x>

Or they can create virtual devices that do audio processing or more easier stuff as routing audio streams.

Setting up ALSA for HDMI

The HDMI card is quite limited but it has a mute switch that is muted by default so check it using

aplay -l shows you the sound card assuming it is card1 device 3 as aplay --list-devices

**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****

card 0: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 0: ALC887-VD Analog

[ALC887-VD Analog]

Subdevices: 1/1

Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

card 0: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 1: ALC887-VD Digital

[ALC887-VD Digital]

Subdevices: 1/1

Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

card 1: HDMI [HDA ATI HDMI], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]


Subdevices: 1/1

Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 :

aplay -D plughw:1,3 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/* will play it

Since HDMI is not card0 and device 0, the ALSA default setting will not work. Just doing that would
also be possible by changing the sequences of the devices but this section does it by adding HDMI as
default for a user in ~/.asoundrc or system wide in /etc/asound.conf

pcm.!default {
type plug
slave {
pcm "hw:1,3"
ctl.!default {
type hw
card 1

Test it with aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*

Now the analog output might be mute. So what comes next is having both running simultaneously.

It is best to rename the above /etc/asound.conf to /etc/hdmi_asound.conf and work

using link as ln -s /etc/hdmi_asound.conf /etc/asound.conf

Check what analog needs and create the file /etc/analog_asound.conf with:

pcm.!default {
type plug
slave {
pcm "hw:0,0"
ctl.!default {
type hw
card 0

then link it with ln -s /etc/analog_asound.conf /etc/asound.conf

Now the analog audio should be heard but the digital not.

Next merge both together to the file /etc/both_asound.conf and link it ln -s /etc/both_a-
sound.conf /etc/asound.conf

# Connect HDMI and analog simultaneously to the output

# exchange the default pcm

pcm.!default {
type plug
slave.pcm both

# Create a 4 channel pcm input device from the 2 cards

pcm.quad {
type multi
slaves {


a {
pcm "hw:1,3" # HDMI
channels 2
b {
pcm "hw:0,0" # analog
channels 2
bindings {
0 {
slave a
channel 0
1 {
slave a
channel 1
2 {
slave b
channel 0
3 {
slave b
channel 1

# Feed 2 channel stereo to the 4 input channels

# ttable:
# - first is input channel,
# - second is output channel,
# - third is volume
pcm.both {
type route
slave.pcm "quad"
ttable.0.0 1
ttable.1.1 1
ttable.0.2 1
ttable.1.3 1

ALSA Mixer
To check alsa open two console windows change them to su and do:

alsamixer -V all to have in the first window the sound card

alsamixer -c 3 all to in the second window the TV card

A brief description about the device and all controls can be seen.

The controls can be grouped in two:

1. Playback: A sound source gets mixed to the output load speaker). A sound sources is the D/A
converter others are analog signals coming directly from the CD player or TV card or the mixer.

2. Capture: The analogue sound signal gets converted into a digital data stream by the A/D converter


F3, F4, F5 keys in alsamixer making the individual groups visible or hiding them. The H key opens
a help window. M to mute and unmute the channels. The capture channels have a capture property,
press space to enable capture. Capture and mute are quite similar:

1. Capture is muting inputs

2. Mute is muting outputs

The DSP is the digital signal processor that can manipulated the digital data streams (compress, en-
code, decode). Every sound control has mixer sound levels. Additional there are switches as mute,
or diverse options (My VIA sound chips needs to put exchange front surround to off and VIA DXS
sliders to maximum).

If you get really bad sound quality from the line out socket, but everything seems to work, check if it is
also the case for the front audio socket. If the front audio quality is good and very loud, then probably
there is a audio saturation problem inside the sound chips. So take the sound levels back to 50% and
try to get a setting that satisfies all outputs.

To check if sound works in principle, turn all captures on and give maximum level, this produces a
lot of noise and let you find out that something is going on. For the final settings mute all captures
and put the not used input levels to zero.

Command line sound tools

The following command line tools come with ALSA:

1. To record 5 seconds of arecord -d 5 sound.wav or arecord hw:1,0 -d 5 sound.wav to record from

card 1 device 0 as returned by arecord -l

2. To play it aplay sound.wav

3. To see (or set) mixer options amixer -i

4. To set mixer amixer set Master 90% unmute and amixer set PCM 85% unmute. Type amixer
scontrols to get a list of all controls.

/etc/asound.state restores mixer settings.

To play mp3 from the command line madplay and

madplay -v /<path>/<song>.mp3

To store the mixer settings in /etc/asound.state type alsactl store and to restore type alsactl

lame can be used to create mp3 files, it supports various input formats as: raw pcm, wav, ...:

lame<input>.wav <output>.mp3

lame -B 80 <infile>.mp3 <outfile>.mp3 re-samples the file to get a lower bit rate. This might
be useful when an older or smaller device runs into performance problems when playing a high quality

Capture audio
Capture audio sounds simple, but since audio copyright violations could be done with it, some hurdles
got introduced.

Additional it might be difficult since there are so many possibilities to adjust but then no result comes.
The first issue is the capture source that has not many possibilities. alsamixer shows Mic, CD Line
(and if lucky Stereo Mix that if working would record what can be heard from the computer).


The question might arise how to capture the audio that appears o the PC speakers?

Capture Audio from microphone

Set the alsamixer to have captures active (red CAPTURE text), correct input selection and volumes
high and not muted. arecord -l will show what hardware there is. Obvious a microphone is required,
when extern then it needs to be plugged into the usually pink socket.

arecord -vv --device=plughw:0,0 --duration=5 --format=dat /dev/null will record from Card 0 De-
vice 0 (as arecord -l showed) for 5sec microphone noise and destroys its recording immediately by
writing it to /dev/null instead to a file (as mic.wav). To do something useful the option -vvv or -
vv will put some verbose text containing a VU meter (volume meter) producing some ### characters,
clap in your hands and you should see an effect.

When it works the a filename as mic.wav can be provided instead of /dev/null and when done
aplay mic.wav will then play it back.

Capture audio via line input

If alsamixer stereo mix is not there or not working then what you hear on the PC can not be directly
captured by ALSA. However a jumper cable can feed back e.g the black audio output to blue line
input. The next thing is identify the capture source and the playback device and adjust the levels so
the audio does not run in saturation.

Figure 12.1. Capture

Figure 12.2. Playback


To not create a feedback, mute the Line input in the playback settings.

arecord -f cd -d 10 sound.wav will record 10 seconds and aplay sound.wav plays it back

Capture audio via loopback driver

A solution without the jumper cable from a speaker output to the line input is making use of the generic
ALSA loop back driver coming with the kernel. If compiled as module it can be loaded with modprobe
snd-aloop to get a virtual soundcard. alsamixer F6 shows it usually as sound card 1. alsamixer can
not do anything with it, since it has no controls. It also has no speakers attached, so it can not be
listened to its outputs.

The applications creating the sound need to make use of the virtual sound card. This can be done
by setting it temporarily as the users default sound card in ~/.asoundrc as (assuming the virtual
sound card is card 1):

pcm.!default {
type hw
card 1
device 0

The virtual soundcard has no speakers attached so nothing comes out of the speakers. As-
suming the virtual soundcard is hw1 arecord -D hw:1,1 -f cd | aplay -D hw:0 -f cd will
pass its output back to the physical soundcard having the speakers attached. When now an
application is started then sound appears from the speakers.Crtl + Z, ps and kill -9 <PID>
should be executed to free the soundcards for the next steps.
To record the audio via loop back is a bit tricky since the recorded sound will go into a file and not to
the speakers. If the recorded sound is played using aplay then it will end up at the virtual soundcard
that has no speakers attached. The following procedure shows a user friendly procedure for ALSA
loopback sound recording:

• Instead of creating a ~./.asoundrc file create a ~/.asoundrc_loopback file and then

create a symbolic link ln -s ~/.asoundrc_loopback ~/.asoundrc

• modprobe snd-aloop

• Start the application that produces the sound. Nothing can be heard since the application uses now
the speaker less virtual sound card of the ALSA loopback device.

• Delete the link rm ~/.asoundrc but keep the ~/.asoundrc_loopback file for later use. The
still running sound producing application will keep using the virtual sound card.

• Open a console and arecord -D hw:1,1 -f cd -d 20 sound.wav to capture 20s sound from the
application using the virtual sound card. If an error pops up then adapting the audio type as -f
FLOAT_LE -c2 -r 44100 might be necessarily.

• After recording sound aplay sound.wav will play back the sound to the speaker using the physical
sound card (since ~/-asoundrc has been deleted before)

For details google for ALSA generic loopback driver

The command line tool jack allows to connect the different sound channels. there are also guis for
it as


Gui sound tools

audacity to let you record analog audio e.g. from a tape.

aumix is a mixer program.

In the mixer do the settings:

1. Click on red radio buttons (LED) so it illuminates Capture and Line

2. Put the sliders to max.

3. All other inputs turn off so no noise comes in red radio button (LED) dark.

qastools comes with different gui tools as qasmixer that is as alsamixer, qashctl a more complex
mixer and qasconfig a ALSA configuration browser.

There is alsamixergui that has not much functionality and does not look nice.

To have an standalone graphical mixer aumix.

Without pulseaudio programs have to access the sound hardware directly and prevent other programs
to access it. pulseaudio allows to configure what sound cards are used and allow to mute and adjust
the volume also when the soundcard does not support it (as modern HDMI output)

Unfortunately what program can access the hardware problem existed a long time so many programs
got enhanced to be more flexible and autonomous. The backside is that those "historical" features
might get in conflict with a central sound server as pulseaudio

Obviously pulsaudio puts also a middleware between ALSA and the application and get a
more standard soundinterface.

The programs should be made aware of the pulseaudio sound server.

Under gentoo there is the pulseaudio useflag to let the system be aware of pulsaudio.https://wiki.gen-

mplayer needs to set /etc/mplayer.conf


mplayer /usr/share/sounds/alsa/* is a good test to see if it runs

For Desktop systems do not use system wide configuration, since every user might have its own setup.

Try to not use a /etc/asound.conf file let pulseaudio do it for you using a gui tool as pavu-

There are also some tools as pavucontrol, pavucontrol-qt or pulsemixer for volume control of pulse
and paprefs for it preferences.

pactl set-sink-mute <n> toggle toggles mute <n> is the sink (= output device) number shown in
pactl list

pactl set-sink-mute alsa_output.pci-0000_01_05.1.hdmi-stereo toggle does the same using the


pactl set-sink-volume 1 70% set the volume

pactl set-sink-volume 1 +5% increases it


Pulseaudio might to start without any sound. pavucontrol might show in the Configuration the profiles
Off. So it simply does not know what to do and does not restore settings. To help the config file
~/.config/pulse/ can be created as:

.include /etc/pulse/
set-default-sink alsa_output.pci-0000_01_05.1.hdmi-stereo
set-card-profile alsa_card.pci-0000_01_05.1 output:hdmi-stereo

The first line loads the system default settings that might get lost if a ~/.config/pulse/de- exists. It is worth to set a default sink and have the card set a profile other than off.

killall pulseaudio might to get done followed by pulseaudio --daemonize to have the following
commands showing information.

pacmd list-sinks|egrep -i 'index:|name:' lists the names of the sinks

pacmd list-cards|egrep -i 'index:|name:' lists the names of the cards

pacmd list-cards shows all profiles

Audio CD
Audio CD are CDDA (Compact Disc Digital Audio) formatted and not ISO. So they must be ripped
and compress into MP3 using programs as KAudioCreator or K3b. Some file managers are able to
show the tracks, copy them to an other place performs also ripping.

The song titles can be obtained automatically over Internet via CDDB (Compact Disc Data Base) and
be used in the filenames. CDDB assumes that this is legal since they provide just the song titles and
nothing more. The default setting puts the songs in ~/mp3.

To get automatically the CD cover as picture (therefore might be not legal) albumart can be used. To
start albumart type: albumart-qt

Internet radio
You can listen many radio station via a regular browser having the necessary plugins as realplayer
installed. Links can be plugged into the browser (for links in Switzerland [] see:

Those livestream links can also be used in most audio players. Copy a link as this as url in a media
player as kaffeine, it is even possible to save it as a mp3 file (after setting the stream save directory
in the settings):

Livestream samples for in VLC Player-Format:

Or winamp link:

Other tools are streamtuner, audacious and streamripper. To send radio a stream server as shoutcast
is available.

Different application allow to have Text To Speech conversion (TTS):


To let your PC speak emerge festival

rc-update add festival default lets it start automatically.

Festival is a package from the center of speech technology research from the University of Edinburgh Festival is a standalone packet direct accessing the sound device. The con-
figuration of festival is in /etc/festival and user specific configuration can be put in ~/.fes-

Therefore under KDE having Alsa the following two lines have to be added to /etc/festi-
val/siteinit.scm to use the command aplay to output the voice:

(Parameter.set 'Audio_Command "aplay -q -c 1 -t raw -f s16 -r $SR $FILE")

(Parameter.set 'Audio_Method 'Audio_Command)

other wise you get an

"ESD: error writing - Bad file descriptor"


Note the user has to be in the speech group: gpasswd -a <user> speech

To test festival:

echo "This is your Computer running Gentoo Linux" | festival –tts

or go to the example directory

cd /usr/share/doc/festival-1.95_beta-r4/examples/

and type


Festival runs also in the console having a textual user interface. Type festival and at the prompt (Say-
Text “Good evening”) to leave type (quit).

The voices are in /usr/share/festival/voices the line

(set! voice_default 'voice_us1_mbrola)

in ~/.festivalrc sets the voice for a user and in /etc/festival/siteinit.scm globally.

Mrola is an other speech synthesizer packet, that does not support on its own text to speech but can
be controlled via festival. It supports more languages that festival.

First use ufed to set the mbrola use flag, since this lets you change the voice later. Then do something
as emerge --update --deep --newuse world to have the packets mbrola updated.

Speech device
To make it Linux like emerge speechd that creates /dev/speech when started (e.g by rc-update add
speechd default).

The speech demon allows more straight forward commands as:

echo "Hello" > /dev/speech

It connects to festival via a server port.


killall festival

festival –server

Now you get a window where the festival reports

Restart the speech damon

/etc/init.d/speechd restart

if you get an error as

client(4) Mon Jan 7 23:03:31 2008 : rejected from local not in access

Open file:


and add the following line

(set! server_access_list '("[^.]+" "" "

localhost.*" "192.168.*" "<name of your computer>"))


/etc/init.d/speechd restart

and if you get

client(3) Tue Jan 8 22:56:02 2008 : accepted from localhost

Everything should work

KDE speech tools

ksayit and kttsd are the kde tools tha can be emerged. Kttsd is the deamon of kttsmgr that allows you
easily to configure the speech.

Speech to mp3
Festival comes with an script text2wave that could be used however on a kde environment it will fail.
Instead of the hassle to fix it there is an easier methode. In kttsd you can simply click keep audio files
and select where you want to have them. Then open a text file with kttsd and play it. Afterwards you
might compress the wav files with audiacity to mp3.

Music synthesizer
To get a music synthesizer emerge musescore

timidity++ a synthesizer that can play midi files and convert them
to wav.

aseqview, vkeybd

amidi -l or aplaymidi -l shows the available alsa midi ports

aplaymidi -p 24:0 midi_file.mid will play the midi file to the port 24:0 in this example.


There are soundfonts that turn midi comands into a sound.

Some soundcards have midi interfaces. There are also midi USB interfaces available. A midi usb
standard exist, when following this standard they are inter changeable and therefore promising to be
used under Linux. Different arduino projects exist to have such usb to midi device.

Finally there are virtual Midi devices so midi can be used without having it.

Sound Hardware
Plugging a headset into the back of the computer facing towards the wall, with all the other cable
attached and not enough light of course is difficult. The hands there, no way to read the tiny signs that
have no contrast at all, but there are colors and here is what they mean:

Figure 12.3. Sound connectors

Color Signal

Container formats
Movies are not just simple files, since they have at least some sound tracks. A typical movie has
therefore multiple tracks: A video track and two sound tracks to have stereo. To put everything to one
single file a container format is required. This container format holds all tracks together. Container
formats are:

1. OGG

2. AVI

The tracks make use of different codec formats for audio and video. For audio it is mostly mpg3, but
for video different codecs are available

Video codecs
1. DivX


2. Xvid


2. H264

A good compatibility to have the video running on all kinds of devices is AVI using XVID and a MP3
codec. The selection of codecs are a potential source of incompatibility problems between certain files
and applications. So if you get problems with a player try to rip in an other format. Linux uses mostly
as default open and license free format, however they do not run well on Windows machines and other
devices. To have portable video mpeg seems the way to go.

Video tools
ffmpeg can easily convert videos:

ffmpeg -i<input>.avi <output>.mpg

To see what formats it supports ffmpeg -formats and what codecs: ffmpeg -codecs, or to see the
formats ffmpeg -formats

man ffmpeg illustrates that ffmpeg is quite a universal tool.

To rotate 90° clockwise ffmpeg -i <input> -filter:v transpose=clock -c:v libx264 -preset veryfast
-crf 22 -c:a copy -metadata:s:v rotate="" <output> it also removes meta data since this could
also cause the player to rotate the video.

To copy without modifying the recoding ffmpeg -i<input>.mov -vcodec copy -acodec copy

To change the pixels ffmpeg -i input.avi -s 1360x768 output.avi

To change the video bitrate using the -b:v option ffmpeg -i input.avi -b:v 2048k output.avi

ffmpeg can also handle other things as inputs than files, as from /dev/video0

ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -s 640x480 test.avi

and alsa ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 1 -i hw:1 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 /tmp/out.mpg or grab an x11
screen ffmpeg -f x11grab -video_size cif -framerate 25 -i :0.0 /tmp/out.mpg

The ffmpeg package comes with other tools as ffprobe <filename> to see the details of a movie
file. ffplay a simple command line player or the streaming server ffstream.

avinfo simple command line tool

kdenlive is the video editor coming from kde. It is a standalone program since it has not many de-
pendencies to kde

kino video editing software Some terms and concepts must be understood to
not get lost. A movie contains different scenes. kino uses a container format not loosing the individual
elements of a movie this optimized for editing the movie. However this container format is not that
what most users expect from a movie since it is not a simple mp4 or whatever format. The kino


container format is to edit the movie and not to just play it. So the container format needs to exported
to mp4 or whatever using kino before it is distributed or played. kino supports just dv video format
but it is able to convert to it when open a file. In the export a start and stop time can be set so the
video can be cut.

Compression techniques
A video can highly be compressed to save bandwidth for its transmission and storage size. Video
compression must obviously be real-time and requires therefore high processing power. A lot of inno-
vative algorithms and methods have been invented. Currently the H.264 algorithm is the most popular.
A video is a sequence of images, typically 24 images a second. Such images are called frames. To
make video compression robust sequential frames (12-15) are grouped into Group Of Frames (GOP).
The first frame is called I-frame (Intra Coded Frame) and is a regular picture compressed as JPG
having macro-blocks of 16*16 pixels that are compressed using a Discrete Cosinus Transformation
(DCT). Since the following frames do not differ a lot, they can be highly compressed. Those frames
contain just the color and intensity difference of the macro-blocks from the adjacent frames. P-frames
(Prediction-Frames) are inserted that are considering differences to the preceding I-frame or P-frame.
The H.264 codec goes one step ahead and considers in its B-frames (Bidirectional-Prediction-Frames)
the difference to up to 16 preceding and following frames. B-frames are therefore up to 20% smaller
than P-frames.

Setting up the hardware

For video for Linux see For Gentoo Linux make
sure the v4l use flag is set to get user space support. In the user space there is the library libv4l and
different plugins and tools from v4l-utils as qv4l2

In the kernel space there are many drivers.

There are different ways how the picture comes to the screen:

1. Grab and display: grab picture store it and than move it to graphic card

2. XVideo: direct to graphic cards memory

3. OpenGL: as Polygons. GLX is the X implementation of OpenGL. With DRI (Direct Rendering
Interface) the Hardware Acceleration puts them on screen.

4. X11: as any other X window

A good way to see how the video is coming to the screen is by starting a screen capture program as
ksnapshot, if the video is seen in the capture program than it dir not pass directly to the graphic card.

Useful commands for debugging:




v4lctl -c /dev/video0 list

v4lctl -c /dev/video0 bright "50%"

v4lctl -c /dev/video0 contrast "45%"

v4lctl -c /dev/video0 color "50%"

v4lctl -c /dev/video0 hue "100%" Does not work no worry

xawtv -debug 1


xdpyinfo shows the X configuration where the XVideo extension should be seen.

DGA stands for direct graphics access.

emerge xdriinfo and emerge driconf to even have a graphical direct rendering tool.

The newer 2.6.xx kernels contain a dummy video driver (VIVI) that can be used instead of a real video
device (virtual). This device shows a color bar and a time stamp, as a real device would generate by
using V4L2 API. Compile it as module and load it manually: modprobe vivi

VideoOverlay - Used to allow hardware scaling of video images. The following must also be enabled
in /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

Section "Extensions"
Option "XVideo" "Enable"

Make sure the use flag xv is set in /etc/make.conf. If not emerge xorg-x11 with the xv flag set.

Important seems to be that in /etc/X11/xorg.conf v4l is loaded before vbe.

Load “v4l”
Load “vbe”

And finally the xext use flag should be set to not get the dga warning when you start xawtv.

Further check the Xvideo configuration in /etc/X11/xorg.conf

To the section module add

Load "extmod"

Video compression
Video compression makes uses of very many methods. Since video is a sequence of single pictures (or
frames), those pictures can be compressed using a compressed picture format as JPEG. Such pictures
appear in a video stream and have the name I-frames (Intra frames). They are important since they
allow the video decoder to synchronize to a running video stream.

Between two sequential pictures there are mostly not much changes. Therefore it is a huge potential
of compression to just transmit the differences. Two types of frames are defined containing those
changes, the P-frame (Predicted frame) contains the difference to the preceding frame. There is also
the B-frame (Bidirectional frame) that contains the difference to the preceding but also the following

Often the term Group of Pictures (GOP) is used indicating a I-frame and its following P or B-frames.

When the camera turns or just an object moves in the video, then there is only a movement in the
picture. Therefore P and B frame can contain movement information to avoid transmitting the redun-
dant information.

Video DVD
Different copy protection methods are around to prevent copying commercial video:

1. APS (Analog Protection System) disturbs the synchronization signal of the analog video so it can
not be recorded but viewed.

2. CGMS (Copy Generation Management System) has some decoded data (similar as Teletext) in the
VBI (Vertical Blanking Interval) of the video signal.

3. CSS (Content Scramble System) Works with a digital key inside the digital video and uses a DVD
firmware built into the DVD reader hardware.


4. CPRM (Content Protection for Recordable Media)

5. DRM Digital rightsw Management (that seems to hopefully will disappear soon)

6. Additionally every DVD has an unique 64 bit number

File formats on the DVD:

1. IFO contains the menu on the DVD to select the various options

2. BUP backup files from IFO

3. VOB is the movie in mpeg2 but contains additional data packages for navigation and search and
probably also copyright data packages. It might be renamed to mpeg2 and played when not copy-
right protected.

4. VOR as VOB but created by video recorder

5. AOB digital audio

Regular media players as kaffeine and Xine can play DVD's, make sure that udf file system is selected
in your kernel.

Rip a video DVD

k3b allows to rip video dvd's and cd using a giu.

The package dvdrip is a gui front end for the command line tool transcode and can be used to
compress VOB files further to (30%) and outputs them into file formates as OGG and AVI.

dvdrip gives you a tool to rip movies from a DVD. Check out the copyrights and legal situation in
your country you might or might not rip your DVD's.

1. After installing dvdrip check in the preferences that everything is OK. If necessary install the
missing packets (e.g. Rip).

2. Check that the right DVD device is selected in storage page.

3. In the rip page read the table of contents and check View selected title/chapter(s) for the files that
are of interest. Rip the selected title(s)/chapters(s) and you will find after a while the VOB files.
Or try the smallest title to test.

4. In the clip and zoom make sure the Presets is what you want (e.g. 16:9 to PAL)

5. In transcode check the audio options so your language will be the only one or first. Select the
container format (OGG, AVI, MPEG), then click on transcode and you will find after a while
your file.

Example a 7 GByte movie DVD is converted to 6.4 GByte VOB files and then compressed to a 0.9
GByte OGG format 4:3.


Playing mplayer br:////run/media/<path to it> or mplayer -lavdopts threads=2 br:////run/

media/<path to it> withpout / at the end.

emerge gphoto2


and the frontend for it: emerge gtkam

gphoto2 --list-cameras

gphoto2 --auto-detect


The list of supported cameras is:

Were I find my toy camera Argus DC-1510

gphoto -P copies all the photos from the camera to the PC.

Webcams require a kernel driver and if available files like /dev/video0 pop up. If it is unknown
what driver to use enable all of them as M and not build into the kernel. If /dev/video0 pops up
check what drivers got loaded lsmod. Then delete the not necessary modules.

QuickCam 3000 Pro

The Quickcam 3000 uses the kernel module pwc.

The built-in microphone is enabled by selecting in the kernel USB Audio support.

Additionally there is setpwc user space package for it.

Thyphoon EasyCam
Obviously the right driver needs to be found lsusb shows its id 0c45:6028 and this gives

c45:6028 Microdia Typhoon Easycam USB 330K (older)

to work the kernel needs to be compiled having the drivers gspca_sonixb and also the main driver

Webcam applications
Test it with (put the camera into light, otherwise you might debug for no reason):

mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0

mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:width=352:height=288:device=/dev/video0

and mplayer can take even screen-shots pressing key s with

mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:width=352:height=288:device=/dev/video0 -vf screenshot

cheese a gui tool from gnome (has a lot of dependency with gnome libraries)

camorama has not a lot of dependencies and does what a simple user desires. Unfortunately if more
than one cam is present, the gui does not allow to select the cam. However it is possible via command
line camorama -d /dev/video1

xawtv -c /dev/video0 is the classic video application but more dedicated for TV cards.

To avoid problems, make sure the web cam is directly connected to the PC and not via a hub.


IR cameras
The electronics of standard web cams would support usually IR and would therefore suitable to view
and record pictures in the dark. For such purposes IR would usually be emitted by e.g. IR LED's.
However the cameras have a IR filter that blocks IR and therefore the cameras can not be used in dark
environment. If you are lucky the lenses are not coated and your camera has an IR filter that can be
removed. An other problem is that the focus for IR is different than from visible light, so the position
of the lenses need to be adjusted.

Digital TV
linuxtv-dvb-apps from might not be necessary but you get lots of small
programs to help configuring the dvb.

Hauppauge WinTV Nova T USB

Hauppauge WinTV Nova-T USB is on the market with different chips inside. Type lsusb (usbutils
package) and when you get 2040:7070 inside the string Bus 001 Device 004: ID 2040:7070
Hauppauge Nova-T Stick 3 then the following tells you how to install it.

It requires the firmware is

downloaded into the usb device plus the kernel driver dvb-usb-dib0700. This rises a GPL problem
since the firmware is not open source. The firmware has to be put in /lib/firmware.

The firmware can be download from that points to https:// (and finds nothing since it has an url bug .
instead - in the filename) or or as
part of the complete tar

For gentoo to not get the firmware from all devices add to /etc/portage/make.conf


and then verify what emerged would do by emerge -pv linuxtv-dvb-firmware and when
happy do it.

The kernel driver is Support for Various DVB devices => DiBcom DiB0700 USB DVB (This shows
that Hauppauge WinTV Nova-T uses inside)

The kernel driver can just be selected if Remote Controller Support is selected

Since you do not want to restart the computer now, check with lsmod if the driver not already is loaded
and if not try to load the driver with modprobe dvb-usb-dib0700

Check if /dev/dvb/adapter0 got created.

Check dmesg to see if it is happy and the firmware gets loaded.

What is missing now is a media player that can show dvb-t.

DVB-T comes with EPG, make sure that the timezone is set correctly on your computer.

This dvb receiver has an internal infrared receiver (even when not shipped with a IR con-
troller). It is not visible from the outside. When evdev runs it is reported and it even works


on the fly. When you set up LIRC with an self made receiver, then you might wonder why
everything key comes up twice (and even correctly converted due to evdev as the number

Configuring digital terrestrial tv

Many application can not scan for channels and rely on a channel file that holds all the channels. There
are programs that can create the a channel file themselves. However for command line tools to be used
in applications as totem the official media player for gnome it has to be done separately.

For gentoo there are various useflags that need to be set on a package base or globally such
as: dvb v4l zvbi

The simples way for a dvb-t device is emerge w_scan. Unfortunately there are different formatting
standards for the channel file, so if you are in Switzerland (CH) and use a dvb-t make sure no other
application uses the dvb-T device and run:

w_scan -ft -M -c CH >> ~/.mplayer/channels.conf for mplayer

w_scan -ft -X -c CH >> ~/.xine/channels.conf to get a channel file compatible with tzap, xine

w_scan -ft -c CH >> ~/channels.conf for vdr

Copy or link the channels.conf file to ~/.mplayer (or/and ~/.xine for xine and totem).

DVB and mplayer

After having the channels.conf file for mplayer type mplayer dvb:// to show the first dvb-t
channel. Press h or k to zap through the channels or add the channel name mplayer dvb://SRF1 and
when the channel name has some spaces then mplayer "dvb://<channel name>". You might
manually edit the file to give the channels shorter names. The key F goes to full screen and back. In
case of having more than one card mplayer dvb://2@SRF1 selects the second card

If you run into difficulties, you might do it in two steps to determine where the problem is.

1. Open one console and after emerge linuxtv-dvb-apps run tzap to tune: tzap<channel name>.
The dvb-t tuner should be able to tune to that channel. If not you have a problem with the receiver
or the channel file.

2. Open an other console window and start: mplayer /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 . You should see the
tv station. If not mplayer has a problem

Mplayer can also record mplayer -dumpfile r1.ts -dumpstream dvb://R1 or encode and record men-
coder -o r1.avi -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=800 -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=128 -pp=ci

Mplayer works well but it is a command line tool, therefore gui tools are desired. Unfortunately those
gui tools often have difficulties with the channels.conf and therefore fail and additionally it seems that
they always change the way how they handle channels.conf.

Kaffeinekaffeine works well with dvb-t and has even a channel search and record schedule.


In VLC the easiest way is opening the file channels.conf (maybe it is in the hidden .mplayer
directory, so it needs to be moved, linked to a non hidden directory or just type .mplayer as file name
and hit enter). After that the first channel pops up, the other channels can be selected via View >


View > Advanced Controls give a record button to record the video in ts format and a snapshot button
for png files. *.ts files can be converted and compressed (e.g to 128kbit/s video bit rate) using
ffmpeg -i <input file>.ts -b:v 128k <output file>.mpg

Under Subtitle > Sub Track appears Teletext or Subtitles

Tools > Program Guide shows you the program of the selected channel

Other DVB tools

To get dvb for gnome see, set the totem useflag if you want to use
it with totem. Consider to set the vala useflag since the gnome-dvb-daemon is written in vala. After
unmasking lots of packages emerge gnome-dvb-daemon.

There is smplayer a gui that does not depend on the desktop environment.

In xine the channel.conf needs to be loaded as playlist and then play should do the work. There is a
snapshot (camera) icon in the control gui.

Measuring signal
Watch your dvb-t channel then

femon -c 3 -H in an other console window. Something as:

status SCVYL | signal 72% | snr 0% | ber 0 | unc 0 | FE_HAS_LOCK

comes back.

signal is the signal strength (should be high but is not that important)

snr is signal-to-noise ratio (should be high, but might not be supported by the card)

ber is bit error rate (should be near 0) can be corrected if low

unc is uncorrected blocks (should be 0)

FE_HAS_LOCK means the channel is tuned in

Record compressed video

Many tools as vlc record *.ts files that are very big and therefore need to be converted to compressed
video in an second step using tools as ffmpeg.

There is also a direct way to compress and record video with ffmpeg from dvb. However ffmpeg can
not tune a dvb receiver to a channel. Therefore something as the following needs to be done to tune the
dvb receiver. Create a channels.conf file w_scan -ft -A1 -X > ~/.tzap/channels.conf and then
tune to a channel tzap -r "<complete channel name as appears in channels.conf>"
After that ffmpeg can record: ffmpeg -f mpegts -i /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 out.mp4

DVB-T Antennas
However signal strength is not the only thing, the signal quality must also be good enough, amplifying
noisy signal makes it strong, but if there is too much noise, it will be still useless. Different elements
influence the signal strength:

1. Gain of the antenna

2. Amplifier in the antenna, when having an active antenna

3. Sensitivity of the receiver

If you have a bad signal you might end up with an outdoor antenna with integrated amplifier.


If you have good signal you might even consider to build your own antenna.

Just take a coaxial cable and take off about 12.5cm from the outer plastic coat. Bend back the metallic
screen and fix it with a tape to the cable. That's it. It might work better than a commercial antenna.

Figure 12.4. DVB antenna

Background information: The 12.5 cm come from the formula:

Speed of light / dvb frequency /4 * k.

The factor k (=0.95) considers that the signal on the antenna itself is lower than the speed of light
(Thanks to Mr. Einstein). The dvb signal has a frequency around 600MHz.

Analog TV
Create kernel that supports your tv card and mark the driver as module to pass arguments to the driver.
Help you can find in:

No auto detected TV cards

TV cards are a combination of tuner and TV-decoder chip, there are various combinations but not all
can be auto detected correctly. The drivers are based on the main chips and are written universally to
work with all kinds on tuners. Check out:


If your card isn't auto detected correctly, you have add the missing information to the driver when

modprobe<drivername> radio=<radio number> card=<card number> tuner=<tuner


Make sure that /etc/conf.d/rc contains


otherwise the driver is loaded before the command in /etc/modules.autoload.d/ker-

nel-2.6 is launched. There is also a /hotplug/blacklist that should prevent loading mod-
ules, but it did not work. Check with dmesg | grep <driver name> that the parameters had
been passed to the module.

Analog cards
Analogue TV cards are replaced by digital TV, analogue TV cards can also be used to digitize analog
video signals of some historic devices as vcr, tv cam, ... .


Driver BTTV
Create a kernel with the bttv (BT848 Video For Linux) built as module, so you can pass command
line parameters.

Card: Pinnacle PCTV

Check for the card and tuner number


card=39 - Pinnacle PCTV Studio/Rave

tuner=0 - Temic PAL (4002 FH5)

Info about the device driver

modinfo /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/media/video/bttv.ko

Since the card is not auto detected load the driver manually:

modprobe bttv radio=0 card=39 tuner=0 gbuffers=32

If it is already loaded consider to unload it with rmmod bttv since the required arguments might not
have passed. Not knowing the correct tuner makes the card unusable.

To have it started correctly put the lines

modules_3="${modules_3} bttv
module_bttv_args_3="radio=0 card=39 tuner=0 gbuffers=32"

in /etc/conf.d/modules.

Figure 12.5. PCTV


Audio can be supported by connecting an internal audio cable from the vt card to the motherboard as
shown in the above photo or by plug-in externally a 3.5mm Audio cable into the tv card an feed it to
the external line in socket of the PC's audio card.

To checkout the card run as regular user mplayer tv:// -tvscan autostart and note a channel as chan-
nels=R6-ch1. Finally q brings you back.

To watch

mplayer tv:// \ -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0:width=768:height=576:channels=R6-ch1

To record a raw stream gets tricky when also audio has to be recorded. So two devices are required
the tv card for the video and the sound card for the audio. To get the video without sound:

mencoder tv:// -tv \

driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0:outfmt=yuy2:adevice=default:alsa:forceaudio \

-vc rawyuy2 -nosound -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=3200 -o output.avi

And to get the audio from the first alsa device hw.0,0 you need to enable the line input capture switch
and set a good volume.

mencoder tv:// -tv \

driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0:outfmt=yuy2:adevice=default:alsa:forceaudio:\ amode=0:\

adevice=hw.0,0 -vc rawyuy2 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=3200 -oac \

mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=128:mode=0 -o output.avi

It might happen that audio and video get out of sync using this approach, to fix that there is avifix -
i reits-parijs.avi -f 2487,100

Ctrl-c stops the well working mencoder, if it does not stop then something is wrong like the audio.

Driver SAA7134
Card: LifeView FlyVIDEO3000

TV Card EASYLITE identifies itself as LifeView FlyVIDEO3000

Its internals are not auto-detected. Therefore it has to be done manually.

According /usr/src/linux/Documentation/video4linux/CARDLIST.saa7134 it


The tuner on the card is TNF-9935-B/DFF that is not listed in /usr/src/linux/Documenta-

tion/video4linux/CARDLIST.tuner but

tuner= 69

is similar and works (61 works as well but no FM radio support). To test load the driver manually:

modprobe saa7134 card=2 tuner=69

If it is already loaded consider to unload it with rmmod saa7134 since the required arguments might
not have passed. Not knowing the correct tuner makes the card unusable.

Then put this line


modules_3="${modules_3} saa7134
module_saa7134_args_3="card=2 tuner=69"

in /etc/conf.d/modules to have the right command parameters when the file is loaded.

However there is an other approach than /etc/conf.d/modules that loads kernel modules
when they depend on others. It can happen that this loads the tv kernel module before /etc/con-
f.d/modules . To have also this approach using the correct parameters create a file /etc/mod-
probe.d/tv.conf with the line.

options saa7134 card=2 tuner=69

This card is also detected as additional alsa cards, so check if your soundsystem is still working. Maybe
it is but misses the loudspeakers on this tv card so it will be quiet. So test alsa and configure it to have
the soundcard as card 0 and this tv card as card 1.

To checkout the card run as regular user mplayer tv:// -tvscan autostart and note some channel as
channels=R6-ch1,SR2-ch2. R6 is the channel ch1 is the name. Finally q brings you back.

To watch (k and h zap through the channels)

mplayer tv:// \

-tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0:width=768:height=576:channels=R6-ch1,SR2-ch2

Figure 12.6. SAA3134

Probably no sound comes.

There are two options:

1. Cable between audio out of the tv card and audio in of the soundcard. This occupies the socket
audio in of the soundcard, and puts the work when digitizing sound to the soundcard and not the
tv card. It is also expected that the sound quality will decrease.


With the jumper cable two sound cards are involved:

a. TV card sound output (sound level can be adjusted and can be muted)

b. Line in of the sound card where the loudspeakers are (where the sound level can be adjusted
and also can be muted). Additionally there is the capture sound level used for recording, that
also can be muted.

There are so many parameters to be adjusted, that you can be lucky if it works as you wanted! In
case of troubles (You are lucky if you don't have) replace the jumper cable with a headphone to
listen what comes out of the TV card and on the other end plug in via jumper cable a MP3 player
that pumps sound into the sound card, so you can determine, if the problem is with the TV card
or the sound card or both.

2. Use the alsa sound on the tv card. If not already loaded modprobe saa7134-alsa. If you do that
or it has been automatically done, you add a new sound card to your computer, watch out that the
sequence of sound card is not get messed up. See Alsa. The sound gets to the tv cards audio chip,
but does not find the way to the soundcards loudspeakers.

A way out is the following command that reads from the TV card, writes it into a buffer and that
reads it out of the buffer from your sound card. It basically replaces the jumper cable.

arecord -D hw:1,0 -r 32000 -c 2 -f S16_LE | aplay -

To record video with sound from the tv card mencoder tv:// -tv \driver=v4l2:device=/dev/
video0:outfmt=yuy2:adevice=default:alsa:forceaudio \

-vc rawyuy2 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=3200 -oac mp3lame \

-lameopts cbr:br=128:mode=0 -o output.avi

For the on board FM radio check that the module tuner is loaded and emerge fmtools that includes the
fm and the fmscan application. Type fmscan and not how it finds station by printing their frequency
and level to the screen. To listen type fm 99.8 to get the radio at 99.8 MHz with default volume. To
have something nicer emerge gnomeradio.

There is also the program radio that has a user interface in the console. It comes with xawtv. Since
it does not find the radio type radio -c /dev/radio0.

gnomeradio holds all its setting in ~/.gconf/apps

To record it is important to set the mixer input appropriate. In the mixer applications the red lights
for line and capture should be on.

TV Applications
The classic TV application is xawtv (so emerge xawtv) that has some not obvious and ugly user
interface behavior. Arrow up and down select channels, mouse click left and right when mouse cursor
is over slide bar increases and decreases (e.g. brightness). Capture in the pop up menu lets you select
how the video comes to the screen, probably not all works so try out. Select some tv stations and save
it, the result will be in ~/.xawtv, so next time it keeps up on running.

xawtv -hwscan

xawtv -nodga -c /dev/video0

If you like to have something less ugly lookingemerge tvtime or put a home theater application as
vdr or mythtv or use the standard tv application that comes with your desktop environment. Or use
mplayer on the command line or with some front-end.


tvtime is a nice looking tv application that does not depend on the desktop environment. Configuration
is done via menu as well as scanning the channels.

Figure 12.7. Tvtime

Alevt is a standalone video text (VT) application (or teletext).

Make sure the use flag zvbi is set, so also other applications will get video text support.

Check that daemons such as nxtvepg or even other TV programs are not running, since they can
obviously occupy the video text decoder circuitry in the TV card and therefore aleVT can not access
it and will not work. Unfortunately aleVT does not give an error message in this case.

Figure 12.8. Aletv

A channel must be tuned in as when watching TV

alevt was written for analog cards, with

alevt -vbi /dev/vbi0

However the new versions work also for digital cards:

alevt -vbi /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0

EPG shows you what's on on TV see:

Check that the time and timezone of your system is set correctly otherwise no matching EPG data
can be found: date


The EPG data is usually put in a file /tmp/TV.xml. The format of the file is broadly accepted,
however the path might makes some troubles. The //tmp directory gets wiped off when you boot the
PC. This means you will have no EPG data when you boot. Usually you fetch EPG data for a couple
of days, so even when the data is old it still contains todays TV program. It is also not the best option
to always grab the data when booting. It takes a lot of time, might slow down the boot time and all TV
application must wait until it is done before using EPG. Therefore just use an other path for TV.xml.

Two ways how it comes to your PC:

Analogue TV cards can receive EPG via the information in the VBI (Vertical Blanking Interval ) of
the Video signal. The VBI is the historic time gap where the cathode ray tubes have moved their beam
from lower right corner to upper left, during this time nothing is visible because the beam is blanked.
However this VBI time slot is used to transmit all kinds of data as Teletext, EPG, Test lines, 16:9 4:3
mode information, copyright protection.

Figure 12.9. Nextview

To get a VBI based online TV guide emerge nxtvepg (set use flag zvbi). See http://nxtvepg.source- A disadvantage is that it can update the info just when your TV card has tuned to the channel
that you have in your nxtvepg setup. However when you do not watch TV or when you watch TV on
this particular channel, nxtvepg acquires the EPG data.

An advantage is that it comes in a standardized format so it is much more stable than xmltv and usually
much faster.

There is a possibility to start nxtvepg without user interface and export a xml file that is compatible
to xmltv. Nxtvepg runs then as acquisition daemon server and produces a socket

An other instance of nxtvepg can then act as client (or browser) and can then dump /tmp/nxtvepg.0
to the /tmp/TV.xml file.

Once configured nxtvepg takes all its settings from ~/.nxtvepgrc. Since you want to start nxtvepg
from an initscript copy the ~/.nxtvepgrc to an absolute directory e.g:

cp ~/.nxtvepgrc /usr/local/share/nxtvepgrc

so it can be used in a script. The command in the script would than look as:

/usr/bin/nxtvepg -rcfile /usr/local/share/nxtvepgrc -daemon

and could be part of an /etc/init.d/script to have a nxtvepg daemon running in background. /

etc/init.d scripts have start and stop functions. To stop the following line could be used:


/usr/bin/nxtvepg -rcfile /usr/local/share/nxtvepgrc -daemonstop

However the two commands above just start and stop the daemon but do not create a /tmp/TV.xml
file. After having given some time to the nxtvepg daemon to acquire EPG data the following command
would convert the nxtvepg cached data into the /tmp/TV.xml file:

/usr/bin/nxtvepg -rcfile /usr/local/share/nxtvepgrc -dump xml -provider merged > /tmp/TV.xml

2> /dev/null

Note: The / character is used to split the command to two lines.

Here a Gentoo /etc/init.d/nxtvepg init script:

depend() {
need modules
start() {
# display to the user what you're doing
ebegin "Starting nxTVview EPG daemon"
# Start the process as a daemon
/usr/bin/nxtvepg -rcfile /usr/local/share/nxtvepgrc -daemon
while test $THRICE -gt 0
HEADER=`head -n 1 /tmp/TV.xml | grep "<?xml"`
if [ -n "$HEADER" ]; then
THRICE=`expr $THRICE - 1`
sleep 1
# output success or failure
eend $?
stop() {
# display a message to the user
ebegin "Stopping nxTVview EPG daemon"
# stop the daemon
#killall nxtvepg
/usr/bin/nxtvepg -rcfile /usr/local/share/nxtvepgrc -daemonstop
# output success or failure
eend $?

The script above calls an other script /usr/local/sbin/nxtvepg2xmltv that actually dumps
the /tmp/TV.xml file:

/usr/bin/nxtvepg -rcfile /usr/local/share/nxtvepgrc -dump xml /
-provider merged > /tmp/TV.xml 2> /dev/null

To log what is going on add the following line to the script above:

date >> /tmp/nxtvepg.log

Finally make sure both scripts have executable permission and add the init.d script to the default

rc-update add nxtvepg default


If problem occur with the scripts make sure /etc/init.d/nxtvepg start and /etc/init.d/nxtvepg stop run
without problems. If /etc/init.d/nxtvepg stop does not find the daemon then also dump /tmp/TV.xml
will fail. In this case try to create a new /usr/local/share/nxtvepgrc/.nxtvepgrc file.

The solution with a nxtvepg daemon disables all the Teletext features of the other TV appli-
cations as Alevt and Kdetv. Therefore a solution with a cron job that may run once a day
might be the better solution. When nxtvepg starts it produces the file /tmp/
that holds the PID of its process, the command kill $(cat /tmp/ kills nxtvepg to get
access to the teletext device /dev/vbi0.

XMLTV is a standalone console program that gets the EPG from
Internet. It serves as engine for other programs having a GUI. However, it uses grabbers that take the
data from web pages and extract the EPG from HTML. Since web pages change frequently its format
without notice, bad surprises can happen and the xmltv package will not getting a new version and
release just because one of the many grabbers have changed. xmltv uses grabbers written in perl. But has grabbers written in Python.

Check about the xmltv specific useflags to select the EPG provider.

cat /usr/portage/profiles/use.local.desc |grep xmltv:

Or check

Add to /etc/portage/package.use

media-tv/xmltv ch

check first the useflags emerge xmltv -vp

and finally emerge xmltv

Now working as a user and no more root, to create a selection of TV stations for your area look under
/usr/bin to get the right command:

tv_grab_ch_search --configure

and select the channels of your interest and not more. If you select more than it simply takes long until
the updates finish. An other way is to select all and edit the file containing the list in ~/.xmlt you
will have now a ~/home/.xmltv/tv_grab_ch_search.conf that contains the stations.

tv_grab_ch_search --days=1 > /tmp/TV.xml gets you the TV program but it takes a while! You also
have to repetitively do it since days go by. So cron can help you out.

Create a script and make it executable


tv_grab_ch_search --days=3 > /tmp/TV.xml

Run it to see if it works and if it creates a /tmp/TV.xml file, that can be observed using a XML
editor. It requires the file ~/.xmltv/tv_grab_ch_search.conf

Xmltv has it dtd in /usr/share/xmltv/xmltv.dtd

Assuming you run vixie-cron tape crontab -e and add the following to have epg updated twice a day:

0 */12 * * * /home/lindegur/Urs/sw/bash/xmltv


Check if it is scheduled crontab -r

Frontends for XMLTV

emerge mtvg is a simple handy application that does the job well. To setup click to preferences updates
where your file is /tmp/TV.xml and if you use XMLTV the command to update it:

tv_grab_ch_search --days 7 --output /tmp/TV.xml

If you use an other method than XMLTV to create /tmp/TV.xml as NXTVEPG then leave the
command field empty.

~/.kde/share/config/maxemumtvguiderc is where the configuration data goes.

/usr/share/doc/mtvg is where the documentation is.

In the mtvg options do not enable hide history, since this also hides the present and past.

emerge ktvschedule (works but is rather ugly)

mtvg and kscheduler stay alive and keep XMLTV up to date.

emerge tvbrowser a lot of masked packages have to be emerged. It is written in Java and has a nice gui.

Internet TV
Once there were dedicated sw for that and probably will still be, but there is a trend to just use a
regular bowser:

Has nice overview picture and shows how many user watch what channels, so you find interesting

Had a dedicated player, that is now badly supported for Linux. So just the browser version can be
used. Many nice features that the player had have been added as well.

Hint: Use a standalone Electronic Program Guide viewer as described in the Epg (Electronic Program
Guide) section.

Media player
There are numerous media players around, but most are just GUI front ends ends as kaffeine, smplayer,
kmplayer. Power full back ends are:

Mplayer is a video and audio application that runs via command line and is therefore quite stable but
has a huge set of command line options. There is also the second big version mplayer2. If it does
not work it is as with many Linux programs, they are just nice looking shells, but the work is done
behind in different programs. So your mplayer has to know what is installed on your computer. Go to
preferences audio or video and try one driver after the other until you get one that work.


For GUI there are different and most desktop environments as KDE and Gnome.

Some GUI front ends are smplayer (with smplayer-themes and smplayer-skins) or gnome-mplayer

If you run into problems it is good to see if the problem is in the front or in the back end. Therefore it
is good to be able to start mplayer from the command line to troubleshoot:

Play a mp3:/usr/bin/mplayer '~/media/audio/AC-DC/Highway To Hell/AC-DC - 04 - Touch Too


Those commands get easily to large, so create a simple bash script to put them in and use the \ to use
more than one line.

Example 12.1. mplayer command

/usr/bin/mplayer \
-slave \
-autosync 100 \
-nolirc \
-nojoystick \
-autoq 100 \
-screenw 640 \
-screenh 480 \
-fs \
-vo null \
'~/media/audio/AC-DC/Highway To Hell/AC-DC - 04 - Touch Too Much.mp3'

the # for comments is not accepted between lines with \

Or playing a video

Example 12.2. mplayer video example

/usr/bin/mplayer \
-slave \
-autosync 100 \
-nolirc \
-nojoystick \
-autoq 100 \
-screenw 640 \
-screenh 480 \
-fs \
-ao alsa \
-v \
-vo X11sdl \
-cache 5000 \
-idx ~/media/video/UFO1/ufo-001-Identified.avi \
-vf pp=de,crop=336:288:10:0

Mplayer supports many ways to put the video onto the screen. Type mplayer -vo help to see what
video outputs are supported:

xv X11/Xvx11

X11 ( XImage/Shm )

xover General X11 driver for overlay capable video output drivers


gl X11 (OpenGL)

gl2 X11 (OpenGL) - multiple textures version

dga DGA ( Direct Graphic Access V2.0 )

sdl SDL YUV/RGB/BGR renderer (SDL v1.1.7+ only!)

v4l2 V4L2 MPEG Video Decoder Output

directfb Direct Framebuffer Device

dfbmga DirectFB / Matrox G200/G400/G450/G550

null Null video output

xvmc XVideo Motion Compensation

mpegpes MPEG-PES file

yuv4mpeg yuv4mpeg output for mjpegtools

png PNG file

jpeg JPEG file

gif89a animated GIF output

If no video comes try an other video driver as -vo x11 this selects the ost software intensive way, that
should work always but is the slowest. sdl means simple direct media layer.

mplayer can convert key strokes and lirc commands to mplayer command using the file /etcmplay-
er/input.conf or ~/.mplayer/input.conf.

Useful options:

-fs fullscreen

To watch analog TV

mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:norm=PAL:input=0:amode=1:width=384:height=288:\


And to record

/usr/bin/mencoder \
tv:// \
-tv driver=v4l:input=0:norm=pal:channel=K05:chanlist=europe-west:width=320 \
:height=240:outfmt=yuy2:device=/dev/video0: \
adevice=/dev/sound/audio3:audiorate=32000: \
forceaudio:forcechan=1:buffersize=64 \
-ovc lavc \
-lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1200:keyint=30 \
-oac mp3lame \
-lameopts br=128:cbr:mode=3 \
-ffourcc divx \
-endpos 289 \
-o /media/record/Record.avi

mpv is a fork from based on mplayer


kaffeine is a standalone player.

Xine is a multimedia player that plays all kinds of files and streams. To get it emerge xine-ui

Type xine-check to see what is going on. Maybe xine does not find the dvd so create a link to the
device where the DVD is

ln -s hdb /dev/dvd

A front end for xine is oxine

Gstreamer is an other backend.

VLC (VideoLAN Client) is a nice complete video player that is available for many operating systems
and runs even as portable application from a memory stick under windows.

Help can be found It can play but also deal with streams.

VLC version 3 might appear with big ugly icons. To get the desired look, the following
environmental variable value assignment needs to be done:


Under Gentoo this is done by putting this line into a file as /etc/env.d/60qt_au-
to_screen_scale_factor, and run env-update followed by source /etc/profiles

Media Server
Modern devices as smart TV's, smart Phones, Tablet PC can be connected to a media server to view
movies, watch pictures and listen to music. Of course mediaserver and client can run on the same PC.

There is the DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) that defines standards and also certifies devices
to be inter-operable to exchange multimedia data. However there are also other standards as Universal
Plug and Play (UPnP).

In the Linux world there are two servers

Mediatomb and the light way ReadyMedia.

To use it a TV must have a built in media player and support streaming. Some TV's as Samsung use
their own PC software (running only on windows) for streaming, but fortunately there is a standard
way to communicate so mediatomb can also do the job. The TV has to
act as a UPnP compliant MediaRenderer.

medaitomb is not a DLNA server it is a UPnP server but it has some DLNA support that is
good enough for most users.


For Gentoo Linux emerge -pv mediatomb to see and decide on the database you like to use. The
choice is MySql or Sqlite. Check to see what kernel para-
meters need to be set and what use flags are available for the compilation. mediatomb --compile-info
will show what you have and what options are supported.

Start it as user in a console the user based configuration file ~/.mediatomb/config.xml and a
uri as is printed (Ctrl+C stops it). Open this uri in a web browser on an
other PC (or since it is TCP/IP you can also do it on the PC running mediatomb). A user interface pops
up that looks as a file browser. It has two views, the Filesystem view that shows your harddisk and
what ever it linked and mounted and the mediatomb database. So you can add the files you want to
make available to the database. You can also add links to the Internet. Add as autoscan dir allows to
keep the mediatomb database synchronized with the filesystem. To have this working the scan mode
timed has to be selected.

Figure 12.10. Mediatomb

It is relatively easy to read and write to the computer and therefore hackers might cause some

Therefore do not start mediatomb as root.

Disable the user interface once it has configured by modifying config.xml to:


<ui enabled="no" show-tooltips="yes">

When now is opened the text MediaTomb UI is dis-

abled. Check your configuration. appears.

To not be so radical the user interface could be enabled but an account (username/password)
can be set

<ui enabled="yes" show-tooltips="yes">

<accounts enabled="yes" session-timeout="30">
<account user="<username>" password="<password>"/>

For Sqlite a database file is created in ~/.mediatomb/mediatomb.db different location and file
name can be adjusted in /etc/conf.d/mediatomb

The file ~/.mediatomb/mediatomb.html can be opened by a browser or used as uri to open

the server.

The system wide config file is /etc/conf.d/mediatomb and the log file is /var/log/me-

MediaTomb daemon
For OpenRC init scripts start the mediatomb daemon, so do rc-update add /etc/init.d/mediatomb
default. The difficult part here is to know what files and options the daemon uses.

The file /etc/conf.d/mediatomb contains the parameters passed to mediatomb by the init
scripts as to take /etc/mediatomb/config.xml instead ~/.mediatomb/config.xml.

The /etc/mediatomb/config.xml script tells the daemon to use /var/lib/mediatomb

as home and therefore use /var/lib/mediatomb/mediatomb.db and /var/lib/medi-
atomb/mediatomb.html not ~/.mediatomb/mediatomb.db and ~/.mediatomb/me-

To see what is going on start and stop the init scripts. For OpenRC /etc/init.d/mediatomb start and
/etc/init.d/mediatomb stop

Then check the log file /var/log/mediatomb.log

If not happy adapt the system wide config file is /etc/conf.d/mediatomb

To know what server can be seen add something to the name in the config.xml that is taken:

<name>MediaTomb <add here something unique></name>

With the following setting just the directories holding the files will be visible and can be selected

<pc-directory upnp-hide="yes"/>

MediaTomb Troubleshoot
Unfortunately my Samsung TV can not play anything with the default settings. To have them working,
the following has to be added to ~/.mediatomb/config.xml :

<protocolInfo extend="yes"/>
<add header=" Streaming"/>
<add header=" DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_F


MediaTomb Transcoding
After that everything works well as long the the video codecs used are supported by the TV. If not
mediatomb could convert them (transcode) on the fly or you can do it manually to avoid the following
additional setup.

The transcode configuration will be done in config.xml

Before configuring mediatomb to transcode, it is worth to test if it runs. Open 3 console windows.

1. In the first create a fifo with mkfifo /tmp/tr-test since mediatomb uses a fifo to get the transcoded
stream from an external program.

2. In the second console read the media file as here in the example a mkv video using ffmpeg to
convert it and write it into the fifo: ffmpeg -i ./Avatar.mkv -vcodec mpeg2video -b 4096k -r 25
-acodec mp2 -ab 192k -ar 48000 -ac 2 -f dvd - > /tmp/tr-test

3. Finally in the third console use the console version of vlc to read the fifo: cvlc /tmp/tr-test. If the
video comes out mediatomb can be configured to transcode.

The ~/.mediatomb/config.xml has already prepared a lot for that mostly just setting enable
to yes and adapting the formats you want to change do the job.

The client
After having a server also a UPnP client (other than a modern TV) might be desirable.

kodi (successor of xbmc)

djmount allows to mount a UPnP media server as linux filesystem. After that any program can be
used to access the files.

Home theater
A home theater next to your TV that can do different things. To not end up with too many boxes, have
something always up to date and universal multimedia equipment, you can use an old small (silent)
PC running Linux. If you want to record video you probably need a higher power PC.


Figure 12.11. Home theater

Typical applications support Video (watching/recording, electronic program guide), listening to digital
music (MP3, analog/digital radio), watching pictures, some games and more... . The user interface is
kept simple so you can use a low resolution TV screen from the distance and operate the application
via a single infrared remote controller (get rid of the fleet of IR controllers). Applications for that are:

It requires the old qt version 3.

It is very complex, difficult to setup and successfully update. It has a lot of dependencies.

There is also a mythknopp version a knoppix to help you with the setup. So instead of installing it
on the hard disk and if it fails or doesn't satisfy a painful removal is ahead a try with mythkopp is
recommended. I had no success setting up my TV card, so I'm happy that I used mythknopp.

Additional to emerge mythtv, there are many different packages available to emerge to expand its

The VDR (Video Disk Recorder) and https://lin- can not just be used to watch TV and record them, there are
many plugins available


Figure 12.12. Vdr

and There is also an emerge vdr-analogtv to give sup-

port to analog cards.

The linux video recorder can easily be emerged, set the vdr useflag and emerge vdr. You need to con-
figure a remote controller. If you have a ir remote controller with your dvb-t device then emerge vdr-
remote and eselect vdr-plugin enable remote, if not then you need to use LIRC. The remote controller
should have the cursor keys (Left/Right/Up/Down), Menu/Exit/Ok, Colors (Red/Green/Yellow/Blue)
and Number keys (0-9)

You need to tell vdr, if your dvb-t card has a hardware or a software decoder inside. For a budget card
emerge vdr-softdevice and eselect vdr-plugin enable softdevice

Verify /etc/conf.d/vdr.softdevice

Then /etc/init.d/vdr start

then ShmClient

Let vdr play everything mplayer can and emerge vdr-mplayer. To enable the plugin

eselect vdr-plugin enable mplayer

look to /etc/conf.d/vdr.mplayer

and to configure where the files are /etc/vdr/plugins/mplayer/mplayersources.conf

emerge media-plugins/vdr-mp3ng


eselect vdr-plugin enable mp3ng

/etc/conf.d/vdr.mp3ng to set the paths to the music

To start vdr every time it powers up

rc-update add vdr default

Oxine is a simple program

Disadvantage: It does not have all the functionalities that freevo has

Advantage: It is simpler to configure.

Geebox is a multimedia viewer application that runs from CD or any other media as USB-stick. TV,
DVD, Pictures, Sound, Radio, .... . Since it uses just about 8 M byte, it fits everywhere.

Figure 12.13. Geebox

Download the Geebox ISO image (geebox-1.0-en.i386.iso) from:

Using K3b burn yourself a Live cd and you already can enjoy. To install it to a media press F1 during
boot of the geebox live CD. This brings you into a setup dialog. Now you can install it everywhere
(but do not overwrite your Linux distribution!). Checkout the homepage for
further configuration issues.

An other media system that uses geebox libraries, but has a more modern user interface is enna http://


The company Dream-Multimedia TV sells dreamboxes Dreamboxes are PC based
Linux systems see . They run the software package enig-
ma2 that is written in python and can be downloaded. It is an evolution of

Connection to the TV
Basically two ways are to go:


Modern TV
Probably the TV has something different from regular VGA resolution and supports just a small num-
ber or just one resolution. How to configure the X server? Maybe you are lucky and the TV supports
plug and play and has sent everything to the PC like magic. You find all to know to configure the X
server in /var/log/Xorg.0.log. There might be different ways how the data got sent to the PC,
one way is via pin number 12 of the VGA cable, where the TV sends periodically all the data. An
other way allowing bidirectional data is using pin 12 for the data and pin 15 for the clock.

To produce a non standard video timing does not seem to be a problem for the X server. Almost any
resolution and timing can be specified in the monitor section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf using the
ModeLine keyword. It might be a good thing to set also the TV screen dimension using the keyword
DisplaySize. Just add there width and height of the screen in millimeters. The fonts might have to be
set larger since the distance nose to screen will probably bigger. The sample uses the data read from the
/var/log/Xorg.0.log having attached an Acer TV AT3201W (Screen size 700mm * 400mm).

Section "Monitor"
ModeLine "mytvresolution" 85.5 1360 1424 1536 1792 768 771 777 795
DisplaySize 700 400

Now some mathematics and electronics to understand the numbers:

1. The number 85.5 stands for 85.5 million pixels per second it is the pixel frequency in Mhz.

2. There are 1360 visible pixels are per horizontal lines. The following three numbers are a bit more
difficult to explain, since they came from the days where CRT's got used that required time to bring
back the e-beam to the left most position. A high voltage in the composite video signal has put a
lot of electrons on the screen producing a "white (green, or what ever color). A low voltage in the
composite video signal has put no electrons on the screen and has left it black. From pixel 1361
to pixel 1424 the line will be black, then from pixel 1425 to pixel 1536 the line will have a lower
voltage than the one producing black on the screen, this is detected as the horizontal synchronization
pulse. Then pixel 1537 to pixel 1792 will be again a time where the line is kept black, and finally
the next line will be started by resetting the pixel counter.

3. The next four numbers are analogous but for the lines and not the pixels. 768 are the visible lines,
line 769 to 771 are lines that are kept black, line 772 to 777 having a lower voltage in the composite
video signal than the one producing black on the screen and create the vertical synchronization
pulse, then again line 778 to 795 are kept black and the line counter is reset and a new picture begins.

Knowing all those numbers and the pixel clock the horizontal and vertical frequencies can be calcu-

Horizontal frequency = 85.5MHz/1792 = 47.7 kHz

Vertical frequency = 47.7 kHz/795 = 60 Hz

Please don't put those two numbers in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, since the ModeLine defines already
everything and you might just create ambiguity. I have put the calculation just for cross checking there
and as help when the TV does not support plug and play, then read the manuals, calculate and try
out is the way to go.


The traditional VGA resolution is 640*480. Have you ever asked yourself why they had chosen such
strange numbers? The VGA resolution would create the following ModeLine:

ModeLine "640x480" 25.175 640 664 760 800 480 491 493 525


So there are in total 525 lines that looks exactly as the TV! 800 pixels per line is also a nicer number
than 640, considering a monochrome terminal where a pixel can be considered as a single bit gives
800 bits = 100 Bytes! 60 Hz picture frequency is what comes from the mains in some countries. So
the only thing missing is a 25.175MHz quartz oscillator.

How to create a TV signal

For this the way to go is taking a modern Nvidia card, since the support for TV out seems to be ready.

For real hackers create a timing using ModeLine as described in the previous paragraph. Then hope-
fully your video card has a composite output or a S-Video plug otherwise you have to be a master
hacker (better go and buy a new TV).

The composite signal can then directly connected to the TV. The S-Video can be connected to a S-
Video connector of the TV. S-Video has two signals one is for the intensity (luminance) the other for
the color ( chrominance). If you take a S-Video adapter to connect to a composite input of the TV
and you get just a black and white picture, then nothing is wrong just the intensity signal has been
connected to the TV and the color signal is missing, thats how those adapters work. There descriptions
around in the Internet how to make yourself an adapter that mixes the intensity and color signal to have
a real composite signal that produces a color picture ion the TV. The S-Video plug is a 4 pin mini DIN
connector, graphic card manufacturers have connectors with more pins. The pin out and the connectors
used are not standardized. So be warned if you do some experiments, you might damage something.
If you are not able to buy exactly the connector that fits to your graphic card, buy one with more pins
and heat up the pins causing a collision with the soldering iron and pull them out of the plastic.

Chapter 13. Outdoor and fun
Mobile phones
GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications was the second generation and got some evolution-
ary expansions as the General packet radio service (GPRS) for digital communications.GSM900/1800
refers to the frequencies (900MHz and 1.8GHz) used in Europe and other parts of the world (except
North America, where my old Nokia phone really remained silent). Some countries have started to
switch of their 2G networks, so older phones will become useless.Other protocols used in G2 are:

Data rate <0.2Mbit/2

3G means the 3rd generation mobile telecommunications project and their standards that should have
brought harmonization into the world, so our G3 phone should also work outside your country.

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) got introduced with G3 phones.

Data rate <0.39Mbit/s (UTMS)

An other protocol used in 3G is HSPA taht boosted up data rate to <7.2Mbis/s and with HSPA+ to

With G4 LTE got introduced with data rate <150Mbit/s. (G4+ uses LTEadv with a datarate <450Mbit/
s). G5 is expected to bring 1Gbit/s

Connections using xG phones

Phone connections are not free, therefore dial up and download will be too expensive and slow to
many applications. It might be a good investment to buy a new phone and have the money in a new
hardware piece and not in high telephone bills.

Plug in a modern USB phone might result in a additional Ethernet connection. Check it with udevadm
monitor and/or see what is going on with the udev rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persis-

# USB device 0x0bb4:0x0b5f (usb)

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="80:00:60:0f:e8:0

The phone can be accessed via eth1, this can be the hard way or using networkmanager. To have it
working, the phone must be setup to connect to the right 3g network on one side and to use usb on
the other side.

The phone may have different operating modes to usb, as acting as external drive to have access to
the memory card. Therefore it is important to have the right setup.

For 3G phones, bluetooth can be taken as alternative to usb to make an Internet connection.

To see what is supported via usb type lsusb and check the device number. Then lsusb -s <node
number> -v | grep bInterfaceProtocol pops up the protocol. Picture Transfer Protocol and AT-
commands might pop up.

Outdoor and fun

To have Bluetooth devices inter-operable, different profiles exist: Hands-free (HFP), Object Push
(OPP), File transfer (FTP), Dail-up Networking (DUN), Synchronization (SYNC) and Serial Port

Bluetooth is well supported by Linux. Cheap sub miniature and bigger devices as D-Link DBT-122
work well. There is a bluetooth useflag so set it. Configure kernel as shown in the Gentoo Bluetooth
guide ( and emerge net-wireless/bluez to get the stuff that not
comes with the kernel. Then plug in the device so the new installed udev rules will handle it.

Start the Bluetooth daemon:

/etc/init.d/bluetooth start

Figure 13.1. Bluetooth daemon

See what the hciconfig finds:

hci0: Type: USB

BD Address: 00:19:5B:10:E7:81 ACL MTU: 1017:8 SCO MTU: 64:0


RX bytes:382 acl:0 sco:0 events:17 errors:0

TX bytes:318 acl:0 sco:0 commands:17 errors:0

The interface must be UP RUNNING. If not hciconfig hci0 up
The BD Address is the MAC address of your host device.

Edit /etc/bluetooth/pin to give it a personalized id number, that serves as a password when

two bluetooth devices get paired. The run:

/etc/init.d/bluetooth restart

rc-update add bluetooth default

Look for active devices around (there is also a virtual device in the kernel)

hcitool scan

Scanning ...

00:1D:3B:82:1C:9D Nokia 2760

Outdoor and fun

And notice the ID found.

Now do a ping and wait for 3 responses.

l2ping -c3 00:1D:3B:82:1C:9D

For debugging reasons packages can be captured emerge bluez-hcidump and run hcidump

Phones are quite different in what they support so:

sdptool browse 00:1D:3B:82:1C:9D | grep "Service Name" to see what it supports. When no re-
sponse is received than it still supports something, but it is just unable to respond. Maybe it is a simple
device as bluetooth headset.

Bluetooth headsets
As other bluetooth devices headsets (or bluetooth to audio converters) need to be paired as well. There-
fore they need a pin. Devices as computer pop up windows where you can enter the pin. A headset
however has no keypad and no display. Look at its manual where you should find the pin. Often pins
as 0000 are used since it is not considered to do much damage with the headset device. However if
you connect to somebodies headset device you might listen things that he is not aware. A2DP is the
audio protocol that bluetooth uses.

After pairing it must be connected, to have this working the kernel must have the uinput module
compiled Device drivers > Input device support > Miscellaneous devices > User level driver support
that creates /dev/input/uinput (uinput is its module name when not included into the kernel)

The next step is that alsa needs to be aware about the new sound device. Create ~/asoundrc with

pcm.bluetooth {
type bluetooth
device 00:02:72:EE:B3:OC

The restart bluethooth /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart and mplayer -ao alsa:device=bluetooth /usr/

Bluetooth connection to the phone

To connect devices, the application rfcomm can be used.

A configuration file /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf can hold the necessary settings so they do

not have to insert at command line:

rfcomm0 {
# Automatically bind the device at startup
# Creates the device node, /dev/rfcomm0 at start up)
bind yes;
# Bluetooth address of the device you want to connect to
device 00:1D:3B:82:1C:9D;

then type rfcomm connect 0 to make use of the configuration file or type

rfcomm connect 0 00:1D:3B:82:1C:9D 1 to do the settings on the command line to connect to your
device using channel 1

rfcomm should show now the device and the file /dev/frcomm0 should be created.

Outdoor and fun

If it fails, verify by ls -l /dev | grep rfcomm if the file already exists. Some desktop bluetooth appli-
cations might get a hold of your host bluetooth device. Also a mismatch between the pins might occur,
there is a pin under /etc/bluetooth/pin, gnome desktop has and creates randomly pins and the
phone itself has some pin.

Having the connection, different protocol might make use it. Phones highly differ in the protocols they
support. There is a high chance that the phone understands some of the many AT commands.

To test it, a terminal as gtkterm can be used. However gtkterm fails if rfcomm0 is the only port,
in this case use minicom -s to start minicom and go directly to its settings or plug in a USB RS232
adapter to make gtkterm happy.

If the connection is there type in at and ok should come back. On Nokia phones type ati3 and Nokia
2760 the model number should come back.

Gnome bluetooth
emerge gnome-bluetooth to get common bluetooth support and emerge gnome-phone-manager to
exchange messages. To exchange data with your phone emerge gnome-user-share then you should
be able to set in System -> Preferences -> Personal File Sharing exchange data via bluetooth.

On Android phones the necessary bluetooth software might not be installed when it comes out of the

emerge kbluetooth

Other bluetooth software

There is: emerge blueman

47°04' N 8°20' E is where I live most of the time, if I'm not there then I will probably at 46.150108
N 8.926396E

GPS devices
Probably all GPS receiver support the NMEA protocol (National Marine Electronics Association).
This protocol dumps pure and readable ASCII characters to a serial link. Traditionally this was a
RS232 connection with low speed. Such receivers (and more complex GPS devices supporting this
mode) can just be connected to a RS232 port and be read via a /dev/ttyfile.

If the PC has no or no more free RS232 port see USB serial how to connect a RS232 serial device
to a USB laptop.


This receiver contains a serial to USB converter chip inside plus a GPS receiver. When plugged in
lsusb shows it is a Prolific chip. Build a kernel and select under device drivers > usb support >
usb serial converter support for the chip. Having the kernel with the device driver, the Navilock gps
receiver will be accessible via /dev/ttyUSB0. For a quick test type cat /dev/ttyUSB0 and you see
some characters arriving in the console. Since the baud rate probably does not match, the output will
not be readable. However this works probably just when working as root. Checking the file /dev/

Outdoor and fun

ttyUSB0 shows that it belongs to the uucp group where your regular user account is probably no
member. Therefore include in your user account also the uucp group.

Figure 13.2. Navilock

Finally to see the nice NMEA strings, start gtkterm and set the baud rate of 38400.


,,A*6D $GPG-

The navilock device identifies itself to the system as USB to RS232 converter. This has the advantage
that it is easy to make it work. The disadvantage is that your computer might become confused when
you plug in an other USB to RS232 converter or when you unplug and replug. To get rid of loosing
your gps connection due to such effects a udev rule is desired. Unfortunately setting up a udev rule
for navilock is not easy since it reports no serial number. To see what it reports type:

udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/ttyUSB0)

A difference that I see between my USB to RS232 cable and navilock is:


Therefore a udev rule can be set in /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules:

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", KERNEL=="ttyUSB*", \
ATTRS{bcdDevice}=="0400", NAME="gps%n"

But then gtktem might refuse to open since it does not recognize /dev/gps0as a tty device. If an
other tty device is available then gtkterm opens and /dev/gps0can be entered and then it works.

A better rule to not have this effect is to make a symlink instead of replacing the device name:

ATTRS{bcdDevice}=="0400", SYMLINK+="gps%n"

Or even better, when plug in navilock create the symlink and start gpsd the gps daemon:

ATTRS{bcdDevice}=="0400", SYMLINK+="gps%n",
RUN+="/usr/sbin/gpsd /dev/gps%n"

Outdoor and fun


For the HAiCOM CF or PCMCIA GPS receiver HI-302CF create a kernel with char devices serial
devices 8250 PCMCIA support. Then e.g ttyS1 will be your 4800 NMEA port.

The gps daemon gpsd

GPS applications might access the GPS receiver directly. This might be the quickest way to have them
running, but has also some drawbacks:

1. Every application has to setup the hardware and tackle the hardware issues

2. Just one application can get the GPS data. No simultaneously use of the gps data is possible.

3. Applications have to be written for different kind of hardware

The gpsd can be put between GPS receiver and applications to solve these issues.

The gps daemon gpsd is available from communicates through a TCP/
IP port.

The simplest way is to start it as:

gpsd /dev/ttyUSB0

To see more info it can be run in foreground and show more debug info:

gpsd -N -D 2 /dev/ttyUSB0

gpsd comes with gpscat that reads directly from a gps device without gpsd involved and gpsmon a
tool to monitor the gps device. It has two operation modes:

1. client for gpsd

2. accessing the gps hardware directly

Small applications come with it see man gps:

xgpsspeed --speedunits kmh to get a speedometer

cgps for a text console.

The maps
GPS without having maps is not that funny, but maps are often not free. Here some links to get maps: nice maps not very detailed very nice maps, detailed, optional satellite view

Gpsbabel supports many gps devices and formats to exchange data such as waypoints, tracks, routes.
See: Unfortunately there are still some binary format as the ones from
the older versions of are not openly documented and therefor
not supported. Gpsbabel supports gpx (the GPS Exchange Format) that is pure XML, see: http:// Since the gps manufacturers could not agree on a common data format
gpx has become a standard that is widely supported. As example you can open gpx in google earth.

Outdoor and fun

Figure 13.3. Griess glacier

Inside gpx files there can be different and multiple things, as a single track or all your tracks, different
way points or routes. Since gpx is xml it can easily be edited using a xml editor. As example all
except the desired track can be deleted and then imported to google earth to get a picture as above.
Unfortunately gps gets sometimes in trouble not finding enough and good gps signals especially in
steep mountain area facing south (from Switzerland's point of view).

gpsbabel is a command-line tool. It has no man page but a -h option. However -h brings so much text
that does not fit into the terminal window and its buffer, so gpsbabel -h > gpsbabel.txt. gpsbabel
is usually called as:

gpsbabel -i<input format> -f <input file or device> -o <output format> -F

<output file or device>

Obviously it is wise to use gpx as format for the files stored on the computer.

Additional options that might be used are -t for tracks, -r for routes and -w for waypoints. To get all
the waypoints (-w is not necessary since it is the default):

gpsbabel -i garmin -f /dev/ttyUSB0 -o gpx -F mywaypoints.gpx

To get all the routes

gpsbabel -r -i garmin -f /dev/ttyUSB0 -o gpx -F myroutes.gpx

To get all the tracks (this can take quite a while)

Outdoor and fun

gpsbabel -t -i garmin -f /dev/ttyUSB0 -o gpx -F mytracks.gpx

A Gui front end for gpsbabel type gpsbabelfe to get the gui that comes with gpsbabel.

Using the gui the command line parameters must not be identified. This way nmea gps data can easily
converted to gpx.

To convert unknown ascii based gps data into gpsbabel the universal csv format http://www.gpsba- suits well. The data has to be formatted as table using
standard spreadsheet tools as OpenOffice Calc. The spreadsheet has to be exported to the basic and
well supported csv format. Cvs is very simple but not so well specified. Different separator characters
are possible, unicvs supports the tab and the, characters and detects them automatically. Further the
cvs needs to be formatted using the first row as header. Unfortunately tools as OpenOffice Calc want
to be too smart (the result of that is that they don't do what you want) and might round the longitude
latitude data to something as two decimal places and add text delimiter characters as " to the header
line and time cells. Gpsbabel seems to be tolerant for some stupidities as the delimiter characters, but
it can obviously not add more decimal places. Therefore open the csv file with a regular text editor
to discover the stupid things that OpenOffice Calc has done. To import a useful track, you should
observe a line as:


The date column is wise to add to not have it to default to some historical computer date. Once imported
using gpsbabelfe or the command line the gpx data its ready to be used and looks as:

<gpx version="1.0" creator="GPSBabel -" xsi:schemaLocati

<bounds minlat="46.151764000" minlon="8.856053000" maxlat="46.173500000" maxlo
<trkpt lat="46.152664000" lon="8.918796000">

Navit is a navigation and routing software. It is in the sunrise overlay (and akoya) portage overlay
(found by eix navit). The home page is There is also a wiki: http://

A Live CD with navit that runs also from usb is available at

The program is still in a early stage but works well. Gentoo makes use use of an ebuild with a 9999
number and fetches the sources directly from cvs ( emerge navit) therefore no released version will be
emerged and the manifest file does not have a DIST entry with the checksum to be verified when the
source code is received. However on the navit site there are released versions available.The useflags
to be consider are gps and speechd. It can make use of speech output using speechd.

After emerging do cp /usr/share/navit/navit.xml ~/.navit to get the necessary config file. The defaults
are ok when using gpsd. The navit.xml file is a regular xml file that can be edited with any text editor
or with a xml editor. To switch between different options and enable/disable features the xml tags

Outdoor and fun

used have often the attribute enabled that can be set to yes or no. This is easier than to comment and
uncomment sections.

There are two GUI's available: The Gtk and the Internal. The Internal Gui aims more a navigation
device with 3D views and simple big user interface. The Gtk is more as a regular PC application.
Obviously the settings for the desired map of your neighborhood has to be made. Check that the xml
attribute enabled is set to yes for the preferred gui.

Figure 13.4. Navit gtk

Figure 13.5. Navit Internal gui

Outdoor and fun

Figure 13.6. Navit menu

The easiest way to get a map is going to http://maps.navit-project.organd grab the map out of a world
map, it makes use of a converted binary file is fetched ready to be
used by navit.

Add it to navit.xml as

<map type="binfile" enabled="yes" data="<path and name of the file>" />

Different icons can be made visible on the screen enabling the osd settings:

<osd enabled="yes" type="navigation_next_turn" x="0" y="-5" />

With osd take care that buttons are not at the same place as labels, otherwise buttons might not work.

If you navigate then navit defaults to the country set by the LANG environmental variables. This results
the you always have to enter your country before you can select a town. to avoid this start navit as

LANG="de_ch.UTF-8" navit

When happy probably do a bash script and a desktop launcher for that.

To have 3D at startup add a pitch as

<navit center="4708 N 834 E" zoom="64" tracking="1" orientation="-1" recent_dest

To start fullscreen

<gui type="internal" enabled="yes" fullscreen="1" >

Day or night layout is changed automatically depending on time. The order of layout tags is used to
set the default layout. Don't define a night layout to disable it.

Outdoor and fun

Plan and Route

Make sure under settings > map you have selected route, so you will see the route. Select the destination
in action > town or action > bookmark. If nothing happens select a close destination and see if it is
a map issue.

Bookmarks are in ~/.navit/bookmark.txtClick on the destination flag enter an address and
click bookmark, the address is added to your bookmarks

Gpsdrive is an universal GPS software with many fea-
tures that can record and show tracks. It can make use of and oth-
er maps. The gsp daemon gpsd is used to connect to a gps device. There is a wiki https://source-

Figure 13.7. Gpsdrive

It is not stable under gentoo and runs really slow on smaller devices. Also many changes happened
among their versions and the user interface is not intuitive.

Google earth
Just emerge it: emerge googleearth, since it runs under Linux as well. Make sure direct rendering is
enabled for your graphic card, otherwise its far too slow.

Outdoor and fun

Figure 13.8. Google earth

To have readable fonts do:

echo 14 > \ ~/.googleearth/Registry/google/googleearthplus/User/render/guifontsize

QR codes
QR (Quick Response) codes can hold different things as URL, email addresses and wifi login infor-
mation, vcards and others

Outdoor and fun

Figure 13.9. QR-code pointing to

Such pictures can be made via that supports svg or https:// The ISO-18004 standard holds the definitions of those codes.

Vcards are electronic business card, most programs and devices can export and import vcards using
*.vcf (it does not mean visit card file, it means ) files. Unfortunately vcards are not well defined and
therefore the interoperability often does not give the expected result since the different implementation
interpret the vcards differently. An xml implementation of vcards
(filenames *.xml ) should clarify this situation. Even though the standardization makes big process
and talking about xml and vcard version 4, year 2012 devices as the Samsung Galaxy S3 export in
very badly formatted vcard version 2.1 format.

Except for blocks of embedded coded data, vcard files contain lines of text holding an vcard element:

<tag><;optional parameters>:<value><;optional additional value>

Basically the : character splits identifiers from values and the identifiers and values might be an array
separated with the ; character.

Vcards start with BEGIN:VCARD and end with END:VCARD. This way multiple Vcards can be
added to a single file. Vcard has been grown historically and had and still has its troubles. It got
improved and therefore is is mandatory and useful to have at the second line the vcard version.

Anki Flash Cards

anki flash cards can be used on a PC (for Windows it can easily run as portable application) via Web
or as Android app.

Unfortunately anki can do a lot (or maybe fortunately it is like this) so the quickest is to use some
flashcard somebody else has already done and has putted on the Internet. anki has a Get Shared button
that can be clicked an then, the correct web page opens. A file *.apkg can then be downloaded and
when anki got a correct desktop setup then it can be double clicked, otherwise this *.apkg file needs
to be imported. There may be thousands of cards inside but a setting in anki just picks per default 20
to start and then includes more once it detects some learning success.

The cards downloaded are bundled in a deck. The *.apkg is the zipped file form of such a deck. So
click on deck and select the deck desired and then start working with the cards.

A closer look shows why anki is quite complex, click on Browse shows that there are two things:

Outdoor and fun

1. Note Types:

The information is added to a note type. There are different note types predefined (as the note type
Basic), but it is also possible and common to create user defined note types. The note types hold
fields to reserve space for the data to be used.

The note type has no indication of what will be shown on the cards back and front sides.

A deck can have one or more note types

2. Card types:

A note type can have one or more card types. The card types define a template of a card to be
shown. The fields are marked as {{English}} and get replaced by their content. Special codes as
<br> that follow the HTML style can be added for formatting.

An easy flash card set (the deck) would not make use of all these features, it would use just one out of
the standard note types of just two fields, one for the front and one for the back (this is the note type
Basic). Then it would make use of just one card type (as Card 1) that shows the front field on the front
and the back field on the back. With this setup anki works as a simple flash card program.

However when working, then quickly names as "Card 1" and "Front" and "Back" are desired to be
changed. So "Front" might be something as "German" and "Back" something as "Spanish". " Card
1" might be renamed to "German Spanish". This shows that a second card should be created named
"Spanish German" and therefore shows nicely the concept of anki to separate cards from note types.
For this to happen a new note type needs to be added.

A user defined note type should be done quickly. So modifications will affect just this one
and not other standard note types.

Flash cards can be synchronized using or an user installed server https://

The webservice is currently free since it is financed via selling the iPhone
apps and donations. This may change if more money is required to have it running. If you
do not use it for some months it might be happen that it gets deleted. So do a backup to your
PC by sync Web with PC!

After creating an account on you can use the web version as it would be an com-
puter installed version. It runs on everything that supports a web browser. (except nobody does backup
for you and your work might be deleted when not in use).

To put private flash cards to the web start anki on your PC and click on the sync icon. A scary message
comes calming there is a database conflict. This is true since the web is empty and the PC is initialized,
therefore the message can be ignored and the PC's databases can be uploaded.

anki stores everything into ~/Anki so backup gets easy.

Do not have anki started when doing a copy or manipulating files. This can make its database

If something gets messy as lots of unused meta data gets stuck in the database. the decks can be
exported to *.apkg files and then then do something as cp ~/Anki ~/AnkiCopy and delete Anki
after that and start from a new database.

Outdoor and fun

The eBbook readers use many formats, but have not very powerful software and hardware. It is highly
recommended to use tagged formats since scrolling might not work as desired.

eBook readers are slow and are more to read sequentially and slowly a document. They are not (yet)
suitable to read all kind of files to browse and search.

To get free eBooks see:

Epub from is the recommended open format for eBook readers. The specifi-
cations are freely available however not in epub format. So I ended up reading the epub spec not on
my ebook reader but on my desktop PC. Maybe the epub authors were not able to write epub? Epub is
a container format that can hold different items. You can unzip a epub file (maybe you need to rename
it first to *.zip) then you get a directory with:

Epub is specified using 3 specifications: the Open Publication Structure (OPS), Open Packaging For-
mat (OPF) and Open Container Format (OCF)

Open Container Format

This specification how the docu-
ment is prepared as directory (File System Container or Abstract Container) that will be compressed
to a single file (ZIP Container or Physical Container) using zip.

The file system container (or in simple words the directory where the epub is created) contains a file
mimetype with a single text line identifying epub as epub:


There is also the mandatory META-INF subdirectory where just the only mandatory file is contain-
er.xml. It has a content as:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding='utf-8'?>

<container version="1.0" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container"
<rootfile full-path="OEBPS/content.opf" media-type="application/oebps-pa

Important is the rootfiles element with its attribute full-path. This describes the subdirectory and file
containing the epub table of contents that serves as entry point of the epub document.

Open Packaging Format

The open packaging format is used to define the contents of a epub file. This file resides in the directory
defined in the OPC data. A good name for such an XML file is therefore contents.opf. For details see:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<package version="2.0" xmlns="" unique-identifier="B
<spine toc="ncx"/>

Outdoor and fun


Metadata follows to describe stuff about the document that

are used to find classify and do all other things than what will be seen when reading the book. The
mandatory meta data are title, language and an unique identifier that can be of different kind as ISBN
number or an uuid (see: Using python an uuid can easily be cre-
ated using time and computer info.

Manifest lists all files (html,css, jpeg, ncx, ... ) and their location, that make part of the epub. One of
the files inside the manifest is

<item id="ncx" href="toc.ncx" media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml"/>

This refers to the spine element and a file toc.ncx. The spine element contains the list of file id defined
in the manifest element to defines the sequence of how the individual files form the document. The
toc.ncx file is an other xml file that defines the global navigation structure used for navigation.

The guide element is optional and allows to set a cover, table of contents and other features.

Open Publication Structure

The Open Publication Structure has the most
pages of all the ebup specification, however it seems that it is not necessary to be bothered with it.
Make sure the file inside the epub are clean xhtml data. If you want to know what this means red the
mentioned spec.

Sigil is a a WYSIWYG ebook editor. It does not force you to put the ebooks
in a library, it simply behaves as users like. However can modifies the ebup files when read, as moving
all xhtml files under the directory Text and modifies the contents.opf file.

Sigil allows to open html and text files and save then as epub. Since sigil is an editor, it allows to add
metadata, cover pictures, table of contents, ... . It is worth to edit the html files once imported and
converted to epub, especially delete surroundings of the actual text by tables cells or frames.

To convert from other formats as odt, doc, pdf it is recommended to export, convert and save them
as html first and import html in a second step.

Sigil shows nicely that epub is a container format, when going to code view html pop's up. Next to
html, different items can be added as cover page, meta data and css.

In the portage but masked is calibre, see Calibre can convert from CBZ,

Calibre is proud to offer its own database where files can be imported and exported. But for users
as me, this is a pain. Files need to be added to this database and are therefore copied. Luckily this
database is in a folder where the files are accessible. The aim behind this database is that it allows
calibre to search better for document attributes as authors.

Fbreader is a simple ebook reader from However it also forces to have a library
of your books.

Outdoor and fun

Unmask and emerge fbreader might fail depending on your useflag settings when gtk and qt4 are set
at the same time so make a USE="-qt4" emerge fbreader.

There is also emerge ebook-tools that has conversion tools to convert .lit (Microsoft Reader format)
files to epub using the clit package from Be aware that using clit might
cause a legal issue due to copyright laws.

Check that your user account has permission to play games (put yourself in the game group).

KDE comes with lots of games. Under Gento get them with emerge kdegames-meta

Is a classic DOS game that has been ported to the Linux world.,

Figure 13.10. Privateer

Outdoor and fun

Figure 13.11. Privateer

Gog has good old games some are available for linux

Chapter 14. Gentoo Linux
Gentoo is also the name of the fastest underwater swimming penguin species https://en.wikipedi- Gentoo runs on many architecture as: X86, amd64 (aka x86_64), arm, ... .
Since Gentoo is a source code distribution the differences between the architectures are surprisingly
small (other bot loader, other kernel source).

Gentoo fundamentals
Gentoo is (per default) always compiling the source. It would be possible to install rpm's or deb's, but
this is highly not recommended on a Gentoo system, since it is highly probable that this would cause
a conflict with the Gentoo package management database.

To allow automatic compilation and installation Gentoo has introduced ebuilds, that contain all nec-
essary tasks to make those steps. Ebuilds can be considered as packages, but instead of having the ac-
tual binaries and data inside, they hold the information where to retrieve the source and how to create
a binary. However some ebuilds install also binary packages and others even debian deb packages.
Gentoo is flexible for that however many Gentoo developers are not.

The program emerge is used to install packages. emerge<ebuildname> installs packets. emerge
umerge<ebuild> removes the packet. This way dependencies are resolved and the updates will

On of the fundamental concepts of Gentoo is that the packages are not directly installed into
the system. They are first installed in a temporary location and then copied (merged) file by
file to the real system. This way Gentoo remembers all the files installed (merged, copied)
and knows what to remove when the package gets updated or removed.

All ebuilds are in the in the portage. If an ebuild does not exist it is better to write yourself an ebuild
and put it in a portage overlay (your own portage) than use an other method and run into a conflict
with different packet managers.

The ebuilds can be grouped in three categories :

1. The system ebuilds, emerge -p system shows them. The selected profile in /usr/portage/
profiles defines them, but the profile uses a cascading directory and file structure, therefore it
is not as easy as opening a file and look at the system ebuilds.

2. The ebuilds you installed manually that are listed in /var/lib/portage/world and cat /
var/lib/portage/world shows them or emerge -p world shows them plus the system ebuilds

3. Ebuilds that depend on the above and got installed automatically. To see everything installed: sys-
tem, world and depending ebuilds do equery list "*" or cd /var/db/pkg/ && ls -dl */* or emerge
-pe world. The numbers of ebuild listed should be consistent otherwise something is corrupt in /

To get an overview emerge --depclean --pretend.

Gentoo uses the term sets emerge --list-sets to group ebuilds. To differentiate that a set is meant the
@ character has to be put in front of the set name.

Installing Gentoo
Use the official handbook

Gentoo Linux

The following are hints to be used with the handbook.

Download a Gentoo live DVD (64bit for 64bit systems or 32bit for 32bit systems). Set the key board
layout at boot and then open the gentoo handbook and copy and paste the commands from the hand-
book into the console. To be root do sudo su in the console window.

When decided to use efi, use a live CD that supports booting from efi (as the gentoo minimal
installation CD) and make sure it has booted from efi.

To be very sure that the efi installation will successful test it further as:

Load the driver modprobe efivars

Check if there is a efi directory ls /sys/firmware/efi/

Use efibootmgr (if not available on the live DVD just do emerge efibootmgr.

Partitioning the disk for gtp and efi can be simple using 2 partitions as:

Number Start End Size File system Name Flags

1 1049kB 134MB 133MB fat32 boot boot, esp

2 134MB 120GB 120GB ext4 rootfs

No mysterious partitions are required. Starting the first partition from 0 might not be possible.

Partitioning a disk with mbr can also be simple

Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type

/dev/sda1 * 2048 264191 262144 128M 83 Linux

/dev/sda2 264191 <rest of it> <rest of it> 83 Linux

Consider to have swap and have it activated. This might be necessary just during installation since the
RAM must share both the life filesystem and the the RAM required to run the applications. The swap
can also be a swapfile that simply can be deleted after the installation is done.

Some rules when working with Gentoo Linux

This section is here to remind about the few things when working with Gentoo Linux without going
into the details. The reason why it is here at the beginning, is to prevent that you make a mess in your
installation. If you read this book the first time and you understand none of the commands, just skip it.

1. It is recommended to call emerge -pv before emerging a ebuild. The useflags that the package
supports are shown: The ones enabled and the ones disabled. Check what they mean by e.g. ufed
and modify them as appropriate.

2. For the ebuilds that depend on the ones you know or the ones that make troubles use emerge -1
<ebuild> or emerge --oneshot <ebuild> this prevents that garbage gets registered in /var/

Gentoo Linux

3. Emerge something as portato to search for ebuilds in the portage and when installed, where the
files are (executables, documentations, ... .)

The world file

To have a clean installation, watch out what is in /var/lib/portage/world there should be just
files there that you installed intentionally and manually and that you should know all of them. For the
ones you do not know use a gui portage tool (as porthole) to find out about them and if you still do not
remember that you have emerged them, consider to wipe them off the world file (do not --unmerge
them since they are probably be used as dependencies for other packages).

It happens that packages depending on the ones you like to install fail during updates and you like to
re-emerge such packages manually. It is highly recommended to use the --oneshot or-l option in the
emerge command, so they will not be registered in the /var/lib/portage/world file. If you
don't use these options, then the world file collects all trouble packages and you will not get rid of
them in the future. Except you --unmerge them or delete them manually in the world file.

If you loose this file you can recover some of it, emerge gentoolkit and run regenworld (it is a python
script that does nothing else than trying to restore data from /var/log/emerge.log ) to restore.

The contents of the world file can be made visible in the console using emerge -pv world or cat /var/
lib/portage/world or open it in an editor.

To verify that the world does not contain packages that depend on other emerged packages or if your
world file has a couple of hundred packages, then unmask and emerge udept and run dep -wvp. If
you are sure that you want to clean it run dep -w. However when later on deleting a front end the
back-end is no longer registered in the world file and could be wiped off when running emerge --
depclean. Therefore run previously emerge --depclean --pretend. Type dep -h to get the full list of
options for the powerful dep command.

System packages
Those ebuilds are defined in the profile. Since profiles are cascading there is no single file to see those
ebuilds. The list of basic ebuilds is /usr/portage/profiles/base/packages . To see the
complete list type emerge -pv system.

Note the /var/lib/portage/world contains no system files, except you have emerged them

The package data base

Everything that is installed can be found in /var/db/pkg . Those directories contain lot of infor-
mation relevant during the installation and information about the packages themselves. Portage tools
(as porthole) read this database and show the content in a user friendly GUI.

The magic Gentoo command is emerge.

emerge <packetname> Compiles and installs new package, use this just
for packages that you have selected.
emerge –1 <packetname> Compiles and installs a package, but does not add
it to /var/lib/portage/world use this
when you run in to problems with packages that
depend on the ones you like to be installed. --
oneshot is the long version of the option

Gentoo Linux

emerge “<<name>-1.2” Installs earlier version (>newer, =exact)

Options with long parameter form:

emerge --depclean Remove not used packages

emerge --help Help about emerge
emerge --help config Help about config files
emerge --info Shows configuration of your system libraries use
flags and many more
emerge --pretend --update world Checks what is up to do
emerge --search <name> Looks for packets containing name
emerge --searchdesc <name> Looks for packets and description containing
emerge --sync Updates the portage tree on the computer to see
what new packages are available. Net etiquette do
not more than once a day
emerge --unmerge <packetname> De-installs packets
emerge --update --deep --newuse world When you have added new use flags and want to
update all
emerge --update --deep world Does the update including dependencies
emerge --update system Updates just the system not the packages
emerge --update world Does the update
emerge --usepkg <name> Installs prebuild packet (when available, when not
build from source code)
emerge --usepkgonly <name> Installs prebuild packet

Options with short parameter form:

emerge -e system To recompile all with e.g. new compiler version

emerge -e world To recompile all with e.g. new compiler version
emerge -epv <name> Pretend installing a package, be verbose and show
the (empty)tree to see all dependencies
emerge -K <name> Short form of --usepkgonly
emerge -k <name> Short form of --usepkg
emerge -pv<name> Pretend installing a package and be verbose
emerge -pvt <name> Pretend installing a package, be verbose and use
tree formatting
emerge -u world Short form of update
emerge -u world Updates all packets to last version

Usually emerge takes the newest stable package (e.g. x86 keyword). However this default behavior
can be changed. There are different options.

Unfortunately the same verb mask is used for two different things and creates therefore confusion.
To avoid that the term hard mask has been introduced. Packages can be hard masked by the Gentoo
developers. You as system administrator can just (soft) mask them. On the other side you as system
administrator can unmask hard masked packages and unmask unstable packages (packages under test).
In the worst case a package is masked and unstable. To use it you must hard unmask it and (soft)
unmask it.

Gentoo Linux

The emerge command shows information (man emerge for a complete description) about what it is
doing with the package:

N new package to be installed

U update already installed package

D Downgrade package

S Slotted package

R Reemerging with same version

f fetch restricted (e.g. due to license) but already downloaded

~ unstable package

Slotted packages are packages where different versions can be installed at the same time.

Using emerge --update world does not necessary update everything as emerge -pe world shows.
Files depending on the ones listed in /var/lib/portage/world might not be updated. Such file scan man-
ually be updated using emerge -u<ebuild> but such updates usually have no noticeable effect.

EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--jobs=<n> --load-average=<m>

can be added to adjust how many jobs in parallel and how much load is used for the compilations.

Use a unstable package

To use a unstable package that is under test instead of the stable one, use the following command to
appended a line to /etc/portage/package.keywords

echo "<=sci-electronics/eagle-4.16_p2-r2 ~x86" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords

A package.accept_kewords file has been introduced that will replace the package.keywords
file. Or even worse /etc/portage/package.keywords became a directory on new
systems and is no more a file, since the /etc/portage/package.keywords got too
long. To convert the file to a directory, rename the file and move it to /etc/portage/
package.keywords/package.keywords.file .
To enable just to the current version, it is wise to do it as show above. Therefore in the future the line
gets obsolete when newer stable versions are in portage and therefore the line can be wiped out.

Alternatively to the echo command the file /etc/portage/package.keywords can be edited:

<=x11-drivers/ati-drivers-8.26.18-r1 ~x86

An unstable package could require to unmask very many additional unstable packages. emerge can
do it: emerge --autounmask-write<ebuild> and then run etc-update.

Do not use the default package

To not use a specific version that caused troubles, create the file

/etc/portage/package.mask . To mask the default files add lines as:


Gentoo Linux

Since this way of masking packages is done by the system administrator it is called soft masking.

Use masked packages

Masked packages are different from unstable packages. Masked packages are known to have troubles,
this is why they got masked by the Gentoo developers. Since this way of masking packages is done
by the Gentoo developers it is called hard masking. Masked packages and the reasons why they got
masked can be found in /usr/portage/profiles/package.mask .

Note that overlays can also mask packages. Therefore look to directories as:

/usr/locale/portage/layman/<name of overlay>/profiles/package.mask

It is therefore recommend to read those files before unmasking masked packages.

To unmask a package that got masked by the Gentoo developers edit the file /etc/portage/
package.unmask and since it is probably unstable you need to unmask it in /etc/portage/
package.keywords as well => double unmasking.

This is an important note, since read and setup storing elogs is a must. Unfortunately the
Gentoo manuals do not enough point out this important steps. If not, then the system will get
sooner or later errors and requires troubleshooting.
During emerge a lot of information appears on the screen and can obviously not be read. Some of this
information is vital to the Gentoo installation.

The logs can be read inside the directory /var/log/portage/elog .

Usually just the file summary.log is found in this directory, but adding the following in /etc/
portage/make.conf causes individual files being created:

PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES="warn info error log"

On the console, those files can be viewed directly. More user friendly is to use mc and have in on
window the quick view.

For a gui emerge elogviewer to have a list of all them to look and delete them individually.

Virtual packages
There are also virtual packages. Virtual packages allow the use of different implementations for the
same purpose. As example there are different implementations of java. A program written in java
requires java being installed but does not require a specific java implementation. The dependency to
the virtual java package resolves this issue and allows to choose different java implementations.

The virtual java package depends on at least one out of the java package. emerge virtual/jdk will
get the default java vm

Slotted packages
Gentoo allows that different versions of the same packages can be installed at the same time. This is
necessary when a package gets a major release with incompatibilities and other packages still depend
on the older version. To those packages a slot number is assigned.

Gentoo Linux

Package sets
With portage 2.2 a new feature is introduced. Multiple ebuilds can be emerged with a single command:
emerge -av @kde

Finding what has been installed

Gui tools as porthole show you easily what has been installed. However if the list is to big, then
the command line tool equery files<packagename> in combination with grep can be used. If the
package documentation speaks about some files that can not be found, then the files might be still
on the computer but not installed. Go to /usr/portage/distfiles and browse through the
zipped package.

Portage is a list of packets (programs, ebuilds) maintained by Gentoo that can be installed and managed
on your computer. The portage is /usr/portage . There are also other directories inside that
contain no ebuilds as:

1. distfiles holds the source code downloaded from the Internet

2. eclass holds functions often be called by the ebuilds (as a library for ebuilds)

3. licenses holds what the name says

4. metadata holds a lot of different stuff as cache, dtd, glsa, news, timestamp

5. packages hold binary packages

6. profiles hold the profiles

7. scripts holds what the name says

The official portage can be expanded by overlays. Overlays are collections of non-official ebuilds.

Settings can be done in /etc/make.conf .

The FEATURE variable has direct influence on how portage behaves. The following line in /etc/

FEATURES=”noman noinfo nodoc”

prevents that documentation is installed. However saving 100MB less compared to the rest is not
worth losing the documentation.

The program emerge is used to deal with the portage.

To find what is in portage the following can be done:

1. emerge --search<criteria>

2. Check out

3. use a portage GUI front end as porthole, himerge, kuroo, ... .

As time goes by, everything can be improved, but it can also become worse. A replacement of portage
with promised improvements is in preparation, lets see what the future brings.

Once the web site contained a lot to browse and search throughout portage,
but it disappeared due to a security issue. So a GUI front ends for portage is helpful:

Gentoo Linux

Portage tools
Obsolete portage tools
Nice tools got outdated: portato, himerge, kuroo. Maybe in the future they will get maintainers to
become reactivated.

Easy, stable and well maintained GTK front end

Use flags
If a package is installed, Gentoo downloads the source code and compiles it. You can influence what
and how it is compiled and what is added. You might want to add or remove certain functionalities and
support for other stuff (as adding IP6 support). This is archived by the use flags. Considering those
use flags, the ebuilds add or skip certain items. Use flags are defined (enabled or considered) in the
ebuilds or eclasses (see /usr/portage/eclass ).

Available useflags
To know what use flags are available for a package and their status type: emerge -pv<ebuild>

To see for what a useflag (e.g. useflag ldap) is used by a package, emerge euses and type

euses ldap.or use equery hasuse ldap found in gentoolkit


There are the following kinds of use flags and places where there are defined:

1. Global useflags /usr/portage/profiles/use.desc

2. Local use flags for specific packages /usr/portage/profiles/use.local.desc

(This file is deprecated as per GLEP 56 in favor of metadata.xml)

Some useflag names are ambiguous since they exist as global as well as local use flag
as mtp.

3. Expanded use flags /usr/portage/profiles/base/make.defaults (See USE_EX-

PAND: VIDEO_CARDS, LIRC_DEVICES, LINGUAS, ...) . Regular use flags have just two con-
ditions set or not set. The expanded use flags are a list of items.

To find use flags:

cat /usr/portage/profiles/use.desc |grep lirc

cat /usr/portage/profiles/use.local.desc |grep lirc

Activate and deactivate use flags

Useflags should just be set when necessary. As example the profile for desktop computers /usr/
portage/profiles/targets/desktop/make.defaults hold the X useflag, so there is
no need to set it again manually. emerge -pv<ebuild> shows what the default settings do. Also
activating useflags that are not used does not make sense.

Gentoo Linux

emerge ufed the use flag editor to change use flag settings. If no package is shown, it is a global use
flag, if a package is shown it is a local useflag

Once the default where in a single file /etc/make.profile/make.defaults but in new-

er versions /etc/make.profile is a link to cascading profiles as /usr/portage/pro-

Useflags can be set global, so they apply for every package emerged or they can be set just for a single

When setting useflags globally side effects might happen as troubles with other packages.
Setting them package based is therefore less problematic.
Global useflags should be set Global useflags are set in /etc/portage/make.conf

If a – is put in front then it is disabled.

Package specific use flags can be set to /etc/portage/package.use as

media-tv/xmltv de_tvtoday

Or cleared to avoid that a certain package uses a useflag that has been globally set

dev-java/blackdown-jdk -doc

This example emerged blackdown java without the documentation that gets loaded from Sun Mi-
crosystems thats very often causes problems.

Working with use flags

It is wise to do first an emerge -pv that means pretend verbose. Nothing happen but you see what use
flags are there and if they are set or not set.

Sometime some programs rely on other programs and how they got complied (their use flag settings),
this can give some problems and error messages during the emerge. To get rid, you have to find the
program an recompile (reemerging) with the appropriate use flag setting. Or do a radical step by:

emerge --update --deep --newuse world

emerge --p --depclean

Then if nothing dangerous shows up do

emerge --depclean

emerge @preserved-rebuild

To see whats up with the use flags set or clear one useflag and check its impact with

emerge --update --deep --pretend world

Or to see all of them being used:

emerge -evp system

emerge -evp world

Or for a package

emerge<package> -pv

Gentoo Linux

- are use flags not set

red are active use flags

blue are inactive use flag

% after the use flag shows that an update of a package has introduced this new use flag

1. * after the use flag shows that use flag status does not match with what has been installed.

yellow are use flags that will be added by new emerges

green are use flags that have been used previously for the package

Gentoo has the tool eselect to do semi automatic configuration task as selecting the desired version of
different packages (kernel sources, Gcc, OpenGl, …. ).

It is also used to pass news to gentoo users that usually act as system administrators.

eselect news list will list the news and eselect news read new will show the news.

License groups are defined in /usr/portage/profiles/license_groups

Licenses are controlled by the ACCEPT_LICENSE variable in /etc/portage/make.conf


* the wild-card means all known licenses

- means minus

@ means that the following is a name of a group of licenses and not a single license

All together mean all known licenses are automatically accepted except the licenses the require a End
User License Agreement

Licenses can also be accepted by per-package basis in /etc/portage/package.license

If the license is not accepted messages pop up as:

!!! All ebuilds that could satisfy "app-emulation/virtualbox-bin"

have been masked. !!! One of the following masked packages is re-
quired to complete your request: - app-emulation/virtualbox-bin-3.1.2
(masked by: PUEL license(s)) A copy of the "PUEL" license is located
at "/usr/portage/licenses/PUEL".

Then it is due to the lawyers out there. Especially sun Microsystems and now Oracle that owns them
tries to give you a hard time. Maybe worth to use an other java implementation as Alternatives are
switching to dev-java/icedtea-bin:6 or the source-based dev-java/icedtea:6?

To accept the license put something as


into /etc/portage/make.conf.

Or add it to the license file /etc/portage/package.license

Gentoo Linux

>=dev-java/sun-jdk- Oracle-BCLA-JavaSE

Example 14.1. License blockage example

!!! The following updates are masked by LICENSE changes: - www-
plugins/adobe-flash- (masked by: AdobeFlash-11.x
license(s)) A copy of the 'AdobeFlash-11.x' license is located at
'/usr/portage/licenses/AdobeFlash-11.x'. For more information, see
the MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge man page or refer to the
Gentoo Handbook.

Does not give a useful hint what to do. To solve it add the following:

>=www-plugins/adobe-flash- AdobeFlash-11.x



Mirrors are servers where you download the data for your installation or update. You have to select
mirrors near you during the installation and you might want to change them in the future. The last line
of /etc/make.conf contains URL’s to the download mirrors. Emerge looks one after another.
You can modify this line to get your preferred mirrors in front, or you can delete the not wanted.


This can also be completely missing, sometimes even better, since mirrors might not be syn-

The following list (or similar) can also be put in /etc/make.conf to use a rsync server, to increase
speed of updating the portage tree.


However this seems to be outdated, since emerge checks on its own initiative whether or not a rsync
sever is present.

In fact there are different ways how to get the portage tree updated from the mirrors: emerge --sync
that uses rsync protocol and might run into problems with firewalls

emerge–webrsync that gets a daily snapshot from a mirror, than this local copy will be used to syn-
chronize the portage what obviously is the approach that is more time consuming.

emerge–delta-webrsync that is similar as emerge–webrsync downloads just the difference between

the local snapshot and the snapshot on the Mirror. However first this package must be installed emerge

Profiles are settings for supported architecture and default settings for the portage package system
(system ebuilds and default use flags).

Open the upgrading guide and see what to do. There
is also a description in

Gentoo Linux

eselect deals with the profiles:

eselect profile list shows all profiles available and

eselect profile set<number> lets change (update) to an other profile.

Behind the scenes it modifies where the link /etc/make.profile points to.

Profiles have sub-profiles as example the profile default has the sub-profile linux default/lin-
ux/x86/10.0/desktop/gnome and this corresponds the directory and subdirectory structure under /

When changing the profiles run emerge --update --deep --newuse world since it is expected that the
useflags have been changed.

Check your profile by following the link /etc/make.profile , that points somewhere into /
usr/portage/profiles . Files are shared between different profiles, to avoid duplication. In
cascaded profiles a file called parent points to a list what has been added too. Using the links in
the parent files a complete tree of directories can be created and those directories contain the files
defining the profiles. as example the file make.defaults appears a couple of times and holds the USE
flag settings.

Figure 14.1. Cascading profiles

Handling of Config Files

To update a gentoo system the command emerge does the job. But it does not update the config files
automatically to not destroy the customized settings. If it is the first time that a config file is put on
the system an entry is added to /var/lib/portage/config that contains a checksum of the
config file. Next time if a config file has to be put on the system and it does have an other checksum
the characters ._cgg0000_ are put in front of the new config file and emerge tells you that updates are
necessary or available. To see whats there on your system type find /etc -name ._cfg*.

Run cat /var/lib/portage/config | grep /etc/conf.d/modules to see the registered checksum and run
md5sum /etc/conf.d/modules if you have modified it, it has an other checksum.

Inside the cascading profiles (see /usr/portage/profiles/base/make.defaults holds

the two variables CONFIG_PROTECT that says that in /etc files shall not be overwritten except
the ones defined by the variable CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK.

To resolve different versions of those config files some programs are available:

etc-update can be used to do the update. A general rule is, whatever you never touched can be updated,
what you have updated should be saved before the update or merged with the update. etc-update has

Gentoo Linux

also the possibility to review the differences and merge it. Type in the number of the file to be updated,
then you see the difference. When done, press Q and you will be asked for further actions as ignore
the update for this file.

Alternatively the files can be merged manually using a regular editor and tools as diff.

dispatch-conf is an improved alternative to etc-update that saves old versions of the configuration

It has a configuration file /etc/dispatch-conf.conf where the directory to archive replaced

config files can be specified


Other behavior can be configured as auto merge files that differ just with comments and white space


Or auto merge files that the user never has modified


to get colored output

emerge colordiff

To put all your changes under a revision control system to not loose the contents of your older
config files (maybe the config files that worked) the use-rcs variable has to be set in /etc/dis-

# Use rcs for storing files in the archive directory?

# (yes or no)

and emerge rcs the Revision Control System that is a standalone package. The directory /etc/
config-archive is where the stuff goes.

cfg-update is a GUI alternative to etc-update or/and dispatch-config.

The portage holds all ebuilds maintained and tested by the Gentoo developers but there is also a need
to develop and test ebuilds outside of the regular tree. If ebuild modifications would be done inside
the /usr/portage directory, the changes would be wiped out after emerge --sync. Therefore such
ebuilds have to be put in Overlays (as found at

There is an old and simple way via PORT_OVERLAY variable in /etc/portage/make.conf

note also the program layman uses it.

There is a new and preferred way via repositories defined in the /etc/portage/repos.conf
directory. In this case the term overlay appears to be not correct since the ebuilds are added as the
standard ebuilds in the /usr/portage directory. In this case the proper term is repository. Overlay
and repository directories can have identical files, just they way how the got used by the system makes
the difference. Therefore the following uses the term Overlay also for such a directory containing

Gentoo Linux

Using Overlays could result that the same ebuilds could be found more then ones. If this is
the case then emerge complains. However this applies just for the ebuild files not for the
directories or the Manifest files. So overlapping might be useful when developing ebuilds.

To be more open, Overlays can be handled exactly the same way as /usr/portage using the repos-
itory configuration found in /etc/portage/repos.conf. As example and consequence the file
gentoo.conf holds all necessary to get the the standard gentoo ebuilds.

Instead adding manually a config file emerge eselect-repository

Run eselect repository list first to set it up

eselect repository add linursoverlay git creates then a

config file eselect-repo.conf that holds all necessary to find as example the linursoverlay from
GitHub. It creates the local copy in /var/db/repos

emerge --sync or faster emerge --sync linursoverlay will then get the updates

Working with repositories does not require layman and also no layman configuration. lay-
man -L will not show those repositories, layman -S will not synchronize them and layman
-a will not add them.

Local overlay directories

Local overlays are mainly used to develop ebuilds.

Create a local overlay directory where the collection of ebuilds go:

mkdir<path to overlay directory>>

Tell /etc/portage/make.conf where it is by adding the following line

PORTDIR_OVERLAY="<path to first overlay directory> <path to second

overlay directory>"

Now additional sub-directories serving as categories (as app-editors) can be created there where the
ebuilds to be developed can be put.

A profiles and metadata subdirectory should exist. For other examples check existing
overlays as found in /var/lib/layman, /usr/portage,
ursoverlay or read the gentoo manual.

Now let your console know what you did:

source /etc/portage/make.conf

And verify the result:


Gentoo Linux

Now you can work in this console with your local overlay. Since every process has it own environmen-
tal variables, just this console and its children will have the PORTDIR_OVERLAY variable updated.

The tool layman (emerge layman) handles overlays via expanding the PORTDIR_OVERLAY vari-
able. layman can be considered outdated since adding repositories is the new way.

To see what overlays layman can get

layman -L

To add a single overlay out of the list of available overlays:

layman -a<overlay-name>

As example layman -a sunrise

To see what overlays you have installed

layman -l

To de-install

layman -d <overlay-name>

To install a package from the overlay (= ebuild)

emerge -av<category>/<package>

To update the overlays

layman -s <overlay name>


layman -s ALL


layman -S

Overlays can also mask packages. Therefore look to directories as:


To unmask the files edit /etc/portage/package.unmask and if they are unstable

unmask them in /etc/potrage/package.keywords

layman creates a cache under /var/lib/layman

After emerge --unmerge layman this cache remains and must be deleted manually rm -fr /

/etc/layman/layman.cfg is the configuration file.

Overlays in GitHub
Overlays can be put in GitHub and therefore be used by many computers.

Gentoo Linux

A GitHub account is required that has a name. GitHub uses also the term repository to hold the files.
A GitHub repository needs therefore to be created that holds the overlay or repository.

In this GitHub repository the the required ebuilds need to be put. Take an already existing overlay as
example and create a directory with the ebuilds and the metadata and profiles directory.

Inside this directory add a repository.xml file needs to be added that holds all the necessary data
about the overlay/repository.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE repositories SYSTEM "/dtd/repositories.dtd">
<repositories xmlns="" version="1.0">
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
experimental ebuilds from
<owner type="person">
<name>Urs Lindegger</name>
<source type="git">
<source type="git">

To update it follow the GitHub rules and create a branch, so master branch stays intact for all the other
users. When done create a pull request followed by a merge to the master.

The GitHub repository can be added to a Gentoo system as repositories or the old way as overlays.

xmllint --noout --schema $(portageq get_repo_path / gentoo)/metadata/xml-schema/reposito-

ries.xsd repositories.xml or

xmllint --noout --schema /usr/portage/metadata/xml-schema/repositories.xsd repositories.xml

verifies the repositories.xml file. See for other things missing:

to clone it git clone

cd api-gentoo-org/

Add the repository to files/overlay/repositories.xml and then the tricky authorization

part starts to push it back and make a pull request.

Eix search in not installed overlays

Commands as emerge --search, esearch or gui programs as porthole will find the ebuilds in the
installed overlays. However there are many overlays not installed and it makes no sense to install all
available overlays just to look for an ebuild that might or not might be there. To get a tool that can
search in not installed overlays emerge eix

Gentoo Linux

eix is much more than just an overlay search tool, it is an alternative to various gentoo tools. Therefore
it has a

There is a huge list of options as man eix shows. eix-update will update is cache containing portage
and the installed overlays. The command eix-remote update will download the /var/cache/eix/
remote.tar.bz2 file and than unpack it, it is quite common that this file has a newer version than
eix being used and then fails. In this case simply update eix to the newest version..

Per default eix-update will rewrite the cache and therefore delete what eix-remote update added. To
avoid that a variable needs to be set check if eix --dump | grep KEEP_VIRTUALS. As default it
reports false, so the following needs to be added to /etc/eixrc then it has to be added


Finally to look for a ebuild type eix<ebuildname>.

To install programs, Gentoo uses ebuilds to automatically compile and install packages from source
code including their dependency. Check the chapter ebuilds in the Gentoo developer manual.


Ebuilds in Portage
The Gentoo ebuilds are in /usr/portage and represent the heart of the Gentoo Linux meta dis-
tribution with 10000 thousands of ebuilds.

Additionally /usr/portage contains some directories not containing ebuilds as /usr/

portage/distfiles that holds the compressed sources of the single packages that got installed,

The /usr/portage directory will be updated (synchronized with the mirror defined in /etc/
portage/make.conf ) using the command emerge --sync.

There is the portage tool that can query portage. Type portageq --help for more.

Working with different version of an ebuild

=<ebuild-version> is used to mean an specific ebuild containing its version

>=<ebuild-version> means ebuilds newer or equal

<ebuild>:<slot> means the ebuild with the slot number

Creating an ebuild
Before writing an ebuild, check if nobody else has already written this ebuild. Places to look are the
overlays with emerge --search when installed and emerge eix when looking in overlays that are not
installed. An other place is This is usually the place where people put the
request to have an ebuild. So ebuilds under development and under test appear there.

The internals of /usr/portage can be observed as help to create some ebuilds yourself.

Create the Overlay

To get more help read or the development manual under https://

Gentoo Linux

Ebuilds are best developed in a local overlay and when done they can be moved to an overlay residing
on th Internet. Using a local overlay avoids that commands to move and copy files to the Internet.
The ebuild should not be on both overlays the local and the one on the Internet, since then Gentoo
and probably yourself gets confused.

So add the overlay directory to /etc/portage/make.conf

Inside the overlay directory there must be a subdirectory metadata containing a file layout.conf
with inside

masters = gentoo

Additionally there must be a subdirectory profiles inside the overlay directory containing a file
repo_name with inside a name of the overlay as


Run the following to make your console aware of it:

source /etc/portage/make.conf


The ebuild directory

Beside the ebuild you need a metadata.xml file in the directors containing the maintainers e-mail
address. A skeleton can be found /usr/portage/skel.metadata.xml

Further there are the following files and directories:

1. The file ChangeLog that contains the history of the ebuild

2. The Manifest and of course the ebuild itself are the only files necessary to emerge an ebuild.
The file Manifest contains all the checksum of all the ebuild versions plus all the files to be
downloaded. When one file gets changed or one file is missing (e.g. old ebuild version) then the
emerge will fail with a digest failure, to get around that the Manifest could be re-created.

3. The directory files that contains patches to the source archives and digest files containing check-
sums of the source archives. Digest files will be obsolete when the Manifest format Manifest2 is
used. Small files that come not with the package as *.desktop files can also be added here.

Create a subdirectory (ebuild category) in the local overlay as app-misc and then add subdirectory
below that with the name of the ebuild. Finally copy /usr/portage/skel.ebuild or some
other file to it and give it an ebuild name <name>-<version>.ebuild

The ebuild file

Ebuild are shell scripts using the bash syntax plus helper functions. They follow the package manager
specification and this has currently the version number EAPI=5

There are different standard ways how to install a package under Linux as make, automake, distutils.
Packages making use of a standard way can inherit the corresponding eclasses in their ebuilds so the
ebuild gets very simple and can contain just the package definitions and no code at all.

A good way to get familiar is browsing through /usr/portage and look for real and simple
ebuilds and use them as examples (start with the simple ones).

The name of the ebuild contains the name of the software package, the version or the software package.
A released ebuild might require later a modification. To identify that this happens, also the ebuilds
have versions, to the first revision of a released ebuild -r1 will be added to the ebuilds name.

Gentoo Linux

Ebuilds with the number 9999 are live ebuilds and can be considered as ebuilds without version.

Once live ebuilds are emerged they are frozen regarding future updates. To update them
emerge @live-rebuild or emerge -1 <name>-9999.ebuild or make it more clever and up-
date them just if something has changed smart-live-rebuild

There is a very rich set of solutions available for writing the ebuild. The difficult part is to know what
is available and understand it and get the documentation.

Ebuilds can also include eclasses in /usr/portage/eclass to not have to repeat the same lines
over and over.

There is also a collection scripts to be used in ebuilds in /usr/lib/portage/bin

The KEYWORDS variable shows if the ebuild is for stable architectures (e.g. x86) or/and to be test-
ed (e.g. ~x86). If you write an ebuild then it should to be tested and therefore something like ~x86
applies. Therefore it is not yet to be considered stable and has to be unmasked in /etc/portage/
package.keywords . Edit this file manually or append a line as:

echo "<my ebuild> ~x86" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords

See also:

man 1 emerge

man 1 ebuild

man 5 ebuild (it contains an example)

man 5 portage

man 5 make.conf

man 1 ebuild

and about writing ebuilds

man 5 ebuild

The ebuild (at least when making it official) must have a header as /usr/portage/header.txt

To have something to work more efficient see:

A more complex ebuild would have the DEPEND (build dependency) or RDEPEND (run dependency)
line showing what dependencies to other ebuilds including their version ranges.


Require one of the following

RDEPEND="|| (sys-fs/jmtpfs sys-fs/mtpfs sys-fs/simple-mtpfs sys-fs/go-mtpfs )"

On of the available license from /usr/portage/license should be selected.

Gentoo Linux

GPL license means also that you have also some duties. You have to make your source code and
all of its published versions available for public for a certain amount of time, therefore you might
choose an other license see /usr/portage/licenses . By the way, this is the reason why I prefer
sometimes not using GPL, since I do not want to keep track of releases and versions.

Create Links
Avoid making copies, do links instead

dosym <source> <destination>

Install executables
Install executable files are done with

exeinto /usr/bin
doexe <some runable>

Install man pages

The installation of man pages is done with doman

src_install() {

<other code>
doman girttools/girt2html.1
doman girttools/ggirt.1
doman girttools/girtd.1

Install documentation
To install documentation the files can be listed in the DOCS variable as


this makes installing them using the dodoc function.

Install files
Try to avoid this but if non of the specific installs can be found in
tion-reference/install-functions/index.html or in
s.eclass/, then the file they can be installed as

insinto <path>
doins <file>

Install a desktop file

If a desktop file exist within the package install it to /usr/share/applications and the menu

domenu slic3r.desktop

If there is no desktop file, create one. This is best done by just copy and rename an existing one and
edit it.

If you are the developer, add it to the package.

If you are not the developer add it to the ebuilds directory in the subdirectory file. Then add it

Gentoo Linux

domenu ${FILESDIR}/serna-free-bin.desktop

There is also a function to create a desktop file using the ebuild (see: https://devmanual.gen-

make_desktop_entry <command> <name of desktop file> <icon> <Category>

Unfortunately it ends up with a desktop file having an odd file name. In graphical environments the file
name is usual replaced by the name inside the desktop file. So it is fine to simply ignore this file name.

ebuilds with useflags

Declare the useflag (in the example bleow hyphenation) with IUSE and then use it in an if condition.
Use it in the package dependencies if applies.


hyphenation? (

src_configure() {

if use hyphenation; then

elog "do things here when usflag is set"


Object oriented ebuild writing has also arrived using eclasses
reference/index.html. Since non object oriented ebuild functions and object oriented ebuild functions
are used in parallel some confusion might occur what is now object oriented and what not. Additional
some non object oriented helper functions as doicon come from an eclass.

The eclass is the universal eclass that

holds all modern features and should therefore inherited by most ebuilds (if not already inherited by
an other eclass used).

inherit eutils

Objects have methods and they can be overwritten. This way eclasses can overwrite the generic or
empty methods and then have some useful code to emerge ebuild for specific build methods as au-
tomake or dist. In the simplest cases the ebuild has no code at all and just inherits the proper eclass.

emerge app-portage/eclass-manpages allows to type man epatch.eclass to get the manual pages.

Overwriting eclass method

When inheriting eclasses function calls as src_install() will be overwritten. Additionally
eclasses can overwrite eclasses. However when adding src_install() in the ebuild the eclass
install methods are overwritten.

Adding customized stuff to an method can be done by overwriting it, add the custom commands and
then recall it.

Gentoo Linux

For distutils-r1, overwrite python_install_all to insert your commands but recall distu-
tils-r1_python_install_all to not disturb the installation (check the eclass reference pages for the

python_install_all() {
doman girttools/girt2html.1
doman girttools/ggirt.1
doman girttools/girtd.1

Ebuilds with patches

Inside the directory where the ebuild is a subdirectory files has to be added where the patch can be
copied (assuming the patch is not coming from the Internet). Using

inherit eutils

gives the support for patches to the ebuild and

src_prepare() {
epatch "${FILESDIR}/<name>.patch"

will do the job.

epatch handles the patch -p command line option automatically, but there must be a long
enough path inside the patch files that points to the file being patched.

Binary ebuilds
Binary ebuilds are not the Gentoo way but sometimes still necessary and Gentoo supports also that.
Binary ebuilds should have a filename as <name>-<version>-bin.ebuild to not get in conflict
with the regular source ebuilds. Since binary depends on the architecture they need multiple version
to download and restriction to the architecture, so SRC_URI will be a list:

amd64? ( <uri for amd64> )
x86? ( <uri for x86> )"

Installing ebuilds
Ebuilds are installed using the following sequential steps:

1. fetch (download)

2. unpack

3. patch

4. compile

5. install to temporary location (BUILD_PREF variable showed by emerge -v info. To manually

clean rm -rf /var/tmp/portage)

6. merge from temporary location

7. and maybe unmerge

Gentoo Linux

Using the command

emerge /usr/portage/<category>/<ebuild>/<ebuild>.ebuild <command>

all those steps are executed automatically. Optionally the program ebuild allows you to do it individ-
ually what is an advantage for trouble shooting. To get more help about the use:

Install an ebuild using the command ebuild

Using the command ebuild instead of emerge lets you observe what is going on during installation
and you can do a step by step installation.

After that being satisfied with the ebuild, it can be emerged:

emerge -va<program name>

ebuild wants to be smart and avoids to do things already be done. But you are smarter and want
during development on an ebuild have ebuild repeating the steps. The command clean resets ebuild's

ebuild /usr/locale/portage/local-overlay/app-misc/<program name>/<program name>-<

version number>.ebuild clean

The ebuild needs a digest (a checksum) that ends up in a Manifest file. For that it needs the package
usually tar.gz file found on the Internet as defined inside the ebuild. This fetch from the Internet places
it into /usr/portage/distfiles . If the file is not yet on the Internet then this can be done
manually by copy the tar.gz file to . After that the digest can be created with

ebuild /usr/locale/portage/local-overlay/app-misc/<program name>/<program name>-<

version number>.ebuild digest

or the following that should do the same

ebuild /usr/locale/portage/local-overlay/app-misc/<program name>/<program name>-<

version number>.ebuild manifest

When developing an ebuild then it might be annoying to recreate the Manifest file after each mod-

There is also the option --skip-manifest

Additional creating the manifest file is omitted when ebuild thinks there is nothing to do since nothing
has changed, this behavior can be overwritten using --force

ebuild /<absolute directory where ebuild is>/<ebuild name>.ebuild fetch

The zipped package gets downloaded to /usr/portage/distfiles and the checksums get
checked. If the package is not yet on the Internet (e.g. if you are the developer of it) then the package
can simply get copied to /usr/portage/distfiles or make a link.

Live ebuilds seem to be the way for development, but they get always fetched from the In-
ternet. During package development it is therefore better to avoid them.

Gentoo Linux

Packages that can not automatically be downloaded due to logging requirements need to be copied
manually there.

ebuild /<absolute directory where ebuild is>/<ebuild name>.ebuild unpack

The package gets unpacked in /var/tmp/portage/<category and file name>/work

additional directories are created under /var/tmp/portage/<category and file name>/
as distdir, homedir, temp

Prepare and Configure

After prepare follows configure are these are good steps to fix and modify everything before compi-
lation starts. If everything is already well done then prepare and configure can be empty.

ebuild /<absolute directory where ebuild is>/<ebuild name>.ebuild compile

The package gets compiled in the /var/tmp/portage/<category and file name>/work

directory. Compilation works in a sandbox that prevents that accidentally writes out of the working
directories can be performed.

ebuild /<absolute directory where ebuild is>/<ebuild name>.ebuild install

Installs everything under /var/tmp/portage/<category and file name>/image. This

directory serves as temporary root directory. Also for this step the sandbox is active.

ebuild /<absolute directory where ebuild is>/<ebuild name>.ebuild merge

Copies all the files over from /var/tmp/portage/<category and file name>/image
to the root directory and deletes the files in /var/tmp/portage/

ebuild /<absolute directory where ebuild is>/<ebuild name>.ebuild unmerge

Finally removes all files installed in the system (merged)

Debugging emerge and ebuilds

Both programs are python scripts and are in /usr/lib/portage/bin . In the same location also
the bash helper functions are located.

To get familiar with the variables an ebuild uses, print them out as:

Example 14.2. ebuild variables

# to get familiar with the ebuild variables
einfo "P=${P}"
einfo "PN=${PN}"
einfo "PV=${PV}"

Gentoo Linux

einfo "PR=${PR}"
einfo "A=${A}"
einfo "D=${D}"
einfo "S=${S}"

For fop-2,0-r100 this will get

* P=fop-2.0

* PN=fop

* PV=2.0

* PR=r100


* D=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/fop-2.0-r100/image/

* S=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/fop-2.0-r100/work/fop-2.0

* WORKDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/fop-2.0-r100/work

* FILESDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/fop-2.0-r100/files

Record of the installation

All files the user installs are listed in /var/lib/portage What is installed will be written in the
following directories:

/var/db Top directory

/var/db/pkg Here is all detail data of the packages installed.
/var/db/pkg/<category>/<package>/ Holds all directories installed plus all files includ-
CONTENTS ing their checksums.
/var/db/webapps Web applications installed with web-config

Keeping a Gentoo System updated helps to minimize weak packages that might be in the focus of
an attack.

Gentoo Linux Security Announcements (GLSA) have been introduced to remove such weak points.
Typing glsa-check -t all checks if the computer is affected (part of emerge gentoolkit).

To fix everything glsa-check -f $(glsa-check -t all)

To see more about what is going on:

glsa-check -lv<glsa number> s

glsa-check -l | grep [[N]]

[A] means this GLSA was already applied,

[U] means the system is not affected and

Gentoo Linux

[N] indicates that the system might be affected.

200709-17 [N] teTeX: Multiple buffer overflows ( app-text/tetex )

200711-07 [N] Python: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code ( dev-

lang/python )

The critical are marked red with [N]. The glsa's are numbed as 200709-17.

glsa-check -p<glsa number> shows what will be done to fix it.

glsa-check -f<glsa number> is used to remove (or fix) the security problem a emerge --update
--deep world will mostly do it as well, since since new package version should also have fixed older
security issues.

The Glsa's are in /usr/portage/metadata/glsa

Gentoo internals
qlist lists what has been installed. See qlist -h or man qlist

To support the configuration especially to support multiple version of packages the package eselect
can be used. Since it is modular type eselect list-modules to see what it supports.

List of repetitive tasks

Make sure the system has the right time, since compiling and linking depends on the date and time
of the files: Type date

If the time is set wrong, then sooner or later problems occur with no obvious reason. Checkout the time
chapter. Many of the following tasks are supported by the program genservice. See: http://www.lin-

Keep computer updated

1. Before doing the big compilation work, check if you are using newest gcc compiler gcc-config -
l and that a gcc profile is selected.

2. emerge --sync

3. /etc/make.profile does it point to the newest profile? (read gentoo upgrade [https://wi-] guide for updating it). /usr/portage/profiles is
where the profiles are. Where:

eselect profile list shows all profiles available and

eselect profile set <number>lets change (update) to an other profile

4. emerge --update --deep world --pretend to see if you have blockages

5. Check for comments and follow them as emerge -u portage

6. emerge --update --deep world after that it is wise to read all the warnings and info that it is
summarized and put on the screen after having the last ebuild merged.

7. If /etc/portage/make.conf is configured to save the elog (and this is strongly recommend-

ed) read the post install messages and consider to do what is reported. The post install messages
are summarized on the screen when emerge finishes. If you do not have a gui, the elogs can be read
in /var/log/portage/elog. Using mc is a good tool for that on the side on the left the files

Gentoo Linux

are listed and on the left side the quick view shows the content. If you have a graphical ui, consider
to install and use elogviewer for that.

8. To check if some news got emerged: eselect news list. If you have something eselect news read
1 and to delete all the ones eselect news purge

9. Check /usr/src or eselect kernel list for latest kernel source and verify it type uname -r in the
console. To update the kernel go to the kernel compilation section.

10.Check if you have the newest python eselect python list. When updating run python-updater
afterwards. emerge python-updater might be necessary first.

11.Check perl using perl-cleaner --all or perl-cleaner --reallyall

Cleanup tasks
/etc/portage/package.keywords holds packages that got installed when they were not sta-
ble. As time goes by they might be stable or even outdated. Therefore it is always wise to put pack-
ages with their version number into /etc/portage/package.keywords. As an example the
following entry uses a not stable version:

=media-tv/mtvg-6.2.18-r1 ~x86

So check what you have installed, if newer wipe out the above. If no version number is present then
check what you have installed and define a range up to the installed version:

<=media-tv/xmltv-0.5.50 ~x86

/etc/portage/package.mask holds the packages where you have decided to not install them.
In meantime they might be outdated by newer version and therefore this file should be cleaned. It is
wise to just mask certain versions.

/etc/portage/package.unmask holds packages that are hard masked and you have unmasked
them. Verify if they are still hard masked and unmask them.

To do it automatically emerge portpeek and then run portpeek -arf. If it complains about some
files not found, then check if those files are really missing and do something as touch /etc/portage/

Check also /etc/conf.d/modules some of your modules loaded there might now be delivered
(as staging drivers or be now stable) within the kernel source.

Backup data
Backup your data. This is best done to have the data consistent on different PC and an external hard
disk. To have the data consistent between all those devices emerge unison.

Store the data to a DVD or CD using tools as k3b is an other option. Unfortunately backup-ed data
might become corrupt after some years. CD and DVD's should retain the data for a couple of 10 years
and a Hard disk might crash after 10 years. It will be a frustrating moment when you have a hard disk
crash and you take the backup thinking you are save but then you notice that the backup is corrupt.

Therefore verify your backup (e.g once a year). After making some tests with:

To verify the data on DVD's and CD's emerge dvdisaster.

To check the data on a hard disk diff (or the graphical diffuse) and cmp can be used.

It is also advisable that you backup important configuration data as /var/lib/portage/world ,

this file holds all ebuilds that you have emerged. The program genservice can be configured to backup
the important files. See: .

Gentoo Linux

Check disk space

If the disk is full, a crash happens and some data is lost. Therefore be aware about your disk
and try to move movies and disk images of virtual PC away from the partition where your
work and system resides!

To see how the space is used on the disk use a disk usage analyzer as baobab coming with gnome
or filelight or to find the big ones df -T if you are in text mode (when run as root all files are visible
otherwise just the ones where you have access). To get size of directories use du :

1. du -s ~ to see how big is your home directory in kBytes

2. du -sb ~ to see how big it is in Bytes (1 kByte=1024 Bytes)

Clean data from updates.

Manually delete the files in /usr/portage/distfiles/ and /usr/portage/packages/

is not recommended, since errors could be made easily and it is not obvious what files belong to
what ebuild. Additionally under some desktop environments it will end up in the roots trash bin and
therefore not visible.

Use eclean distfiles or eclean packages to delete old files where no ebuild exist anymore (emerge
gentoolkit first) or use eclean --destructive distfiles or simply eclean -d distfiles to delete all distfiles
except the ones installed (Respectively eclean --destructive packages or eclean -d packages ).

man eclean shows that there are alternative calls for eclean:

eclean-dist, eclean-pkg, eclean -dist or eclean -pkg

Remove old kernel stuff

1. Kernel sources are slotted packages, so all kind of versions get collected in /usr/src. Old kernels
get removed during updates as any other packages, however the directories and all files created
during compilation remain under /usr/src. This is also true for the modules found in /lib/

If you check with eselect kernel list then not the installed kernel sources pop up but as stated, the
existing symlinks to the kernel source directories. Some of them have the source files removed, but
the files created during kernel compilation are still there. Those directories are pretty useless, so
you can remove them including their modules. To be save run uname -a to see what kernel you use.

To know what kernel sources are installed do: equery list gentoo-sources

2. Clean up /boot. To not end up with just one kernel that does not boot, leave more than one kernel

In case of having grub legacy update /boot/grub/grub.conf accordingly.

There is also emerge eclean-kernel that could do it automatically.

Type eselect python list and delete no more used python site-packages in /usr/lib/
python<n.m>. If it got messy run python-updater afterwards.

If no emerge command runs, further check the directory: /var/tmp/portage. It can contain left-
overs that emerge did not clean, probably due to emerge errors, so clean it manually.

The logfiles in /var/log/messages might get huge. So install and use logrotate to limit the size
automatically by performing periodic backups as gz files. Under Gentoo the file /etc/cron.dai-
ly/logrotate calls it periodically

Gentoo Linux

Alternatively deleting them manually. Otherwise delete the logs directly manually.

If you run a desktop environment than the trash bin might be full. So remove files from trash bin.

GUI's have trash bins and those can getting full. Also root and the different users have their
garbage, you might have to delete it from a shell, since delete via GUI might move garbage
around but does not destroy it. For example if you do a lot of kernels, your trash on your boot
partition accumulates. As regular user you will not see a full trash that belongs to the root.
Use the console or mc for getting rid of it.

Programs add hidden directories in /home/<user>/.<name of the program> to save per-

sistent data. Check if such directories from programs that have been removed still exist and delete
them. Sometimes it is also wise to delete them since incompatibilities with old versions can exist and
the those directories will be reproduced when the program is re-started.

Just delete directories where you are sure what they are for.

Checking dependencies
Since your Linux installation is GPL, it consist of many small pieces that all have versions and depend
from each other. Usually emerge and its ebuilds handle those very complex situation very well.

/var/lib/portage/world => list of all packets that you have manually installed (hopefully
intentionally installed). Therefore check if you know all the packages there. See the world file section
for details.

To check /var/lib/portage/world emaint -c world. Or do all checks: emaint -c all.

If it fails with IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/portage/

packages/Packages' do

mkdir /usr/portage/packages

To allow emaint to fix the things

emaint -f all

To check the consistency of your installation run first:

emerge --update --deep --newuse world

Or the more complete command (@word means that world is a set and not a single package)

emerge --update --newuse --deep --with-bdeps=y @world

then run:

emerge --depclean --pretend

check what it wants to remove. If it wants to remove something that you like to keep, add them to /
var/lib/portage/world either via regular editor or

emerge --noreplace <package-name> and re-check again. Then do the

emerge --depclean

and check if some other packages need to be re-emerged: emerge @preserved-rebuild

Gentoo Linux

Once there was from emerge gentoolkit the program revdep-rebuild that served for similar things.

Check unused useflags

The file /etc/portage/make.conf holds useflags set by the user that differ from the default
ones. When the installation is old, the number of use flags get longer and longer. And finally many
useflags might no more be needed and can be removed. euses <useflag> shows what packages
could use them and emerge -s <package> shows if those packages are installed.

Advanced checks
Check log files
Check for errors and warnings

dmesg or dmesg -H for the kernel messages

dmesg | grep 'Error\|error\|Fail\|fail\|Warn\|warn\|not' to get something quick

Not every error is critical. As example the kernel tries to load firmware but fails since it does
not find it on the location and produces an error. Then it tries an other location with success

Most of the log files are under /var/log. Using grep with error warn fail helps finding the problems

cat /var/log/messages | grep 'Error\|error\|Warn\|warn\|Fail\|fail\|not'

cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep 'WW\|EE'

cat /var/log/user.log | grep 'Error\|error\|Warn\|warn\|Fail\|fail\|not'

To see the kernel messages and have them in a file dmesg > dmesg.txt

Instead of checking log files manually logcheck could be installed. The setup of logcheck is not easy
since it requires other packages as ssmtp to send mail.

Check the disk health

Type dmesg | grep orphan to see if orphan i-nodes are around or cat /var/log/messages | grep orphan
if such things have occurred.

To see info about your hard disk: tune2fs -l /dev/sda<n>

Check for clean status. If not unmount it (if possible) and e2fsck /dev/sda<n>

For FAT partition unmount them (when mounted the dirty but appears set) and run fsck.vfat <de-
vice> to see if the dirty bit is set.

Check dangling symlinks is a tool to find missing symlinks. It is quite a small nicely
written c program so man symlinks gives probably all the documentation available (which is not
bad). symlinks -r ~ checks dangling symlinks in the users home directory. It is also wise to run it just
on certain directories, otherwise it takes too long and too much stuff will be found and added to the
output. symlinks -r /lib should look quite clean, but symlink just claims that the links are absolute

Gentoo Linux

and symlink would prefer relative links. Checks on the root directory as the following should report
mainly nothing:

symlinks -r /etc | grep dangling

symlinks -r /lib | grep dangling

Check init scripts

Emerge does not automatically install the init scripts located in /etc/init.d, this has to be man-
ually using the rc-update command. Open two console windows ls -l /etc/init.d shows you what init
scripts you have and rc-update -s (after typing su) shows you what is running. If you type it with the
verbose option rc-update -sv all init scripts are shown also the not configured ones. Check out what
the ones are that are not running and if you know what they are about install them when necessary.
The command rc-status shows what is running.

Check old files

The package managers do good work, but the can just remove things that are known to them. If you
install the kernel source and compile and then install a kernel, the package manager knows just bout
the files of the source it does not know about the files produced during compilation and then what
you installed.

Similar things happen with regular programs, when they run they produce files luckily in Linux there
are some write restrictions so programs write this stuff often under ~/.<name of the program>
a hidden directory in the users home directory. When you remove the program using the package
manager some leftover remain.

There is no easy way to know about those files, one thing could be done find ~ -mtime +365 shows
the files produced more than 1 year ago and find ~ -atime +365 the files accessed longer than one
year ago. It is then up to you to decide if you want to delete them manually.

Check user accounts

Have the users the same UID numbers assigned among the different computers in the network?

Have the users the same primary GID assigned among the different computes in the network? /
etc/passwd contains the the primary GID

Is the user added to its GID in /etc/groups

Clean user account

Programs save data in ~. If they are nice they save the data in a directory containing the program name.
Since emerge is not aware of those files they remain after a package gets unmerged. Therefore deleting
those directories manually makes sense. It can also happen that those directory contain incompatible
data to contain a version conflict after an update. Files that should not be deleted since creating a fresh
user account produces them are; .bash_logout, .bash_profile, .bashrc

Using Portage tools

Missing files or don't know who installed (emerge gentoolkit first)

equery belongs /usr/bin/<filename> to get the path whereis <filename>

equery belongs<filename-for-files-in-the-path>

Gentoo Linux

equery depends<packet-name>

equery depgraph<packet-name>

Example: equery depgraph =clanlib-0.6.5-r4

equery files <packetname> lists files belonging to an ebuild

equery hasuse<useflag-name> files having used this use flag

equery uses <packetname> what use flags have been used.

Is as emerge -pv<packagename> but more verbose.

emerge portage-utils (faster because in c written but more limited than gentoolkit)

How to find a package to which a file belongs


or if you do not know where it is

qfile $(which<command>)

Listing packages which depend on some package

qdepends -a <packetname>

Listing files that belong to an ebuild

qlist vim

Looking for packages with the 'firefox' USE flag quse firefox or with description quse firefox -D

Probably you are not alone and not the fist that run in to the problem so see:

Program crashes or does not start

On gui applications start them from the console, where errors and warnings appear. Check also logfiles
and dmesg.

oowriter to start openoffice

Try also to run them as root to see if there a problem with the permissions.

When crashed type in the console Ctrl + C to quit it.

Boot errors
It is wise to have the text running by during boot, so it can be observed what is going on and be
even interacted. Something could go wrong with X and when you need to login to the graphical login
manager, you might be stuck with a non working keyboard or mouse.

After the boot loader has loaded the kernel, the gentoo init scripts are started. When this happens you
can press the button I to go into an interactive boot mode.

Gentoo Linux

First some none interruptible tasks are performed, but then the menu comes and shows step by step
what service has to be started. For more serious error you can jump directly into the text console and
try to fix this way your installation. The command rc-status shows what init scripts are running.

Emerge update failures

To do the rest and look later for the problem.

emerge --resume --skipfirst


emerge --resume


emerge --skipfirst

Optimists believe that this could fix the problem, since it changes the sequence of the list to be emerged.

Check also that the system time is correct since many builds are based on that.


When retrying the package that failed and you try re-emerge it, make sure you type emerge --
oneshot<ebuild> or emerge -1<ebuild> (1 as one, not as l) when the ebuild has been selected
due to dependencies, so it will not be put in the world file and might be deleted once nothing depends
anymore on the package. The world file should not be a collection of bad ebuilds. It should be small
and clean.

Try to find out more and where the ebuild fails, see: Install an ebuild using the command ebuild

Poker solutions
MAKEOPTS="-j1" emerge -1 sys-apps/coreutils (-j or --jobs) some ebuilds do just emerge with

or MAKEOPTS="-j1 -l1" emerge -1 sys-apps/coreutils (-l or --load-average) to restrict the average

load too.

Open the console and type su - this creates a basic environment with much less environmental vari-

The wimpy solution

Finding out why and resolving is one method, where the discussion forum is a valuable source of
information. The other method is waiting for better times and mask the one causing the problem or
unmask a newer not yet stable version.

If you have time emerging everything removes lots of dependency errors:

emerge -uDNav --with-bdeps y --backtrack 100 @world or emerge -e <problematic


Problems with use flags

Do USE="-<problematic useflag>" emerge -1<my problem ebuild>

to see if emerge works with disabling (or enabling) the useflag. Avoid doing it globally in /etc/
portage/make.conf do it for a specific package in /etc/portage/package.use as:

Gentoo Linux

=<my-problem-category></my problem ebuild><-its version> -doc

Adding the version is recommended, since it can be assumed that the ebuild will emerge in the future.

Critical useflags are:

1. doc creates the documentation requiring tools that do not emerge (read the documentation online

2. bindist makes that binary version get installed there where it is possible (and could therefore bring
lots of dependency conflicts)

Slot issues
Slots allow that a package can be installed multiple times. This is common for some packages as
python (version 2 and 3) and kernel sources. However there are many packages or versions that can not
be installed at the same time. This can cause a dependency conflict and therefore the system refuses
to be updated. Possible solutions are:

Useflags that are not enabled by the new version but got enabled by the old version and package wants
also to have the useflag enabled for the updated package. It refuses to accept the new package due to
the missing useflag. The solution is to also enable the useflag for the updated package.

Circular blockers
This is like what was first the egg or the chicken? One ebuild can not be installed because an other one
is missing, however the missing ebuild can also not be installed since the same first ebuild is missing.
A way out is playing with the USE flags and call as: USE="-doc" emerge<one of the ebuild>

Missing libraries
When updates fails, the reason is reported, however in a form requiring detailed know how. If a library
is missing, then it is probably really not there. Check this as ls /usr/lib | grep '' and do not
provide a version number, so all versions are reported.

If the version is not there but others, it is an update bug. You can try to fix it making a symbolic
link of the missing library to the so version that has no version. Then try updating your system and
emerge @preserved-rebuild (or the old way revdep-rebuild). When everything done remove your
manually added symlinks.

Checksum error or digest verification failure

If emerge fails due to an MD5 checksum error (or digest verification failure) you can manual-
ly delete the file in /usr/portage/distfiles or/and /usr/portage/packets or/and /
usr/portage/packets/<ebuild> and redo emerge from the same mirror or modify the mirror
list in /etc/make.conf to try it from an other mirror and redo a emerge --sync again. Inside
portage each ebuild has it own manifest file containing all checksums of all files used during emerge,
alternatively you could update yourself the manifest file. However this is a dirty hack that gets wiped
out next time you emerge --sync your portage and the reason remains why manifest did not match,
however it might solve your problem:

ebuild /usr/portage/media-video/realplayer/realplayer- digest

Emerge blockages
Instead emerge ---update -- deep world directly try first emerge --update --deep system

One ebuild can not be updated because an other ebuild blocks the update. Check if the other one who
blocks is part of the system profile emerge -pv --unmerge <package that blocks> if not
unmerge it.

Gentoo Linux

Check also if /var/lib/portage/world is clean. Clean means that just files are there that you
know and that you manually and intentionally have emerged.

Access violation
Emerge does the installation in two steps. The installation goes into a temporary directory and then
the merge follows to put it into the real root system. If install tries to write directly into the real root
system, then the sandbox gives access violation with permission denied.

This feature can be turned off by calling FEATURES="-sandbox" emerge v4l-dvb-hg . This should
just be considered when no other solution can be found.

It is possible but not recommended at all to have this permanently active and put the line


in /etc/portage/make.conf.

Perl emerge failures

perl goes in /usr/lib/perl5 where the installed versions can be seen.

Special updating perl procedures might remove lots of perl emerge problems. Commands for that are
perl-cleaner --all or perl-cleaner --reallyall or emerge gentoo-perl-helpers that creates ebuild sets
to clean and update a perl version.

Packages do not emerge on small machines

The reason can be that the system runs out of memory. Adding additional swap space, either as a swap
partition or a swap file might be the solution.

A swapfile or partition might be required when huge packages are getting complied. The
swap could be on an external USB Harddisk. swapon /dev/sd<?>.

Running out of RAM

If it is a multicore CPU /etc/portage/make.conf can be modified to have


to not use all cores in parallel. Compilation takes longer but uses less RAM.

Small embedded devices

When having installed Gentoo to an SDcard,USB stick, USB HD or SATA drive, you might consider
to plug it into a more power full PC and chroot the system and then do the emerge.

Sample code to chroot using a swap file on hda3:


mkdir /mnt/gentoo/

mount /dev/usbstk2 /mnt/gentoo

mount /dev/usbstk1 /mnt/gentoo/boot

mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/gentoo/swap

Gentoo Linux

cp -L /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc/

mount -t proc none /mnt/gentoo/proc

mount -o bind /dev /mnt/gentoo/dev

chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash


source /etc/profile

export PS1="(chroot) $PS1"

swapon /swap/swapfile

swapon -s

Emerge wants to emerge stuff that you don't want

After removing some programs it can happen that when you do emerge --update --deep world --
pretend, you see that emerge wants to emerge stuff that you don't want. The reason is that there are
still some packages or libraries installed that want these updates.

Dependencies go in two directions.

In the down direction a package required to have other packages so it emerges. To find those ebuilds
take one of the unwanted ebuilds that emerge --update --deep world --pretend lists and do a equery
depends =kdelibs-3.5.10-r6. As result a list of ebuilds appear that still desire kdelibs-3.5.10-r6. Using
a gui portage tool (as porthole) you can check if those ebuilds are installed and when so un-merge
them using the appropriate version.

If the up direction the package is required by an other package installed and this packages can be found
using emerge with the -t option

Also things as USE="-systemd" emerge --update --deep world --pretend can help

Check also files in /etc/portage as /etc/portage/package.use

Emerging groups of ebuilds

When having troubles with big ebuilds also dependent ebuilds need to be re-emerged. The following
sample shows how to do this for the drivers related to xorg-server emerge -1tav $(qlist -IC x11-

No keyboard and mouse in X after update

A first check is to go into the BIOS and see if the keyboard and mouse work. If this is the case than
it is a X issue. Boot with a live CD (or use an other computer and access the keyboard-less one with
ssh) and disable bootmanager in /etc/conf.d/xdm then reboot and try to fix it using the console.
emerge -1tav $(qlist -IC x11-drivers) might be a good option for that or ls /var/db/pkg/x11-drivers
to see what x11-drivers you got. Alternatively plug in usb mouse/keyboard.

Problems with after a gcc update

On major gcc updates incompatibilities might occur. See gcc chapter. Or Gentoo gcc update guide
specially made for this topic. One way out is: Wait until you can leave your computer busy for some
days and do the last hope procedure

Gentoo Linux

emerge -e system followed by emerge -e world

Python version conflicts

Check that python packages (as: pycairo, pygtk, ... ) get install using the right python version /usr/

Switch back and forward using eselect python list and eselect python set<n>. Decide on the python
version that you like to used and unmerge and delete everything else.

eselect python cleanup

No Internet connection after update

Check if you have the DHCP client running. If not emerge the DHCP client, however without Ethernet
connection it is impossible. Way out. /etc/cinfig.d/net set to fix IP address. Then emerge
dhcp client and re-edit /etc/config.d/net to have DHCP.

Dependency troubles
Example how to build dependencies that depend on a lib

revdep-rebuild --soname

/var/lib/portage/world is a file containing a list of all packages emerged. A clean Gentoo

installation must have a clean world file! See the wold file section for more details

Try emerge -ea<package> that installs the package with all necessary packages in the tree.

A library is required but the library is obsolete or missing, so compile everything that has dependencies
to that library with the hope that the dependencies will be removed: revdep-rebuild --library '<path
to and library>'

If revdep-rebuild exits due to an error and gets restarted afterwards, the checking phase is skipped
and everything will be re-emerged. To reset this call it as revdep-rebuil -i. This ignores the temporary
files. Alternatively you could do rm /var/cache/revdep-rebuild/*.rr

Having done stupid things

You sit in front an half dead computer and the previous last hope solution does not work. All you get
are error messages and not much is working anymore. Pretty dumb feeling isn't it? I know that well.
So you have a broken system. Maybe you know what damage has been done, maybe not. Maybe you
unmerged a system ebuild?

So keep in mind for next time: Never ever unmerge system ebuilds!

The system is a set of programs used to do emerge, fetch and install data from the Internet. Reasons
why things like that can happen are often updates that fail, having tried to fix the problems make the
things worse and try to revers the action made make it even more worse.

Now some hints for the case when the last hope solution failed. For such cases you probably need a
second preferably Gentoo computer.

Emerge still does not work

You get still an error when you do emerge -a --oneshot libtool. Probably you can not fetch the file
from the Internet. Go to a second well running Gentoo computer and emerge --fetchonly libtool then

Gentoo Linux

copy it to a memory stick and go to the broken computer mount the stick and copy the file to /usr/
portage/distfiles. Now try again emerge -a --oneshot libtoolemerge should now proceed
well. However emerge -e system will fail (See: Creating a script with packages necessary). On the
second well running Gentoo computer delete all files in /usr/portage/distfiles and then do
emerge --fetchonly -e system so you get all necessary files in /usr/portage/distfiles to fix a
system. Copy all files in /usr/portage/distfiles to a (Gigabyte) memory stick (or even burn
a CD or DVD), go to the broken computer, mount the stick and copy all files to /usr/portage/
distfiles then run emerge -e systemand your system should be fixed after having emerged a
couple of hundred ebuilds. Try now the following three lines to check if everything is now OK:

emerge --update --deep --newuse world

emerge --depclean

emerge @preserved-rebuild

Repairing a broken system

If you have a badly broken system where you can not log in, start commands and access the drives
then the following can resolve the problem quickly. Used a live CD or DVD as http://www.knop- to have something nice to work as KDE. In
rors/ go to releases/x86/2008.0/stages

directory and download stage3-i686-2008.0.tar.bz2 that contains all necessary files to have a system.
Unzip it in some directory somewhere on the hard disk. Avoided to copy over the directories /var
and /etc since there are the settings and the database containing all you have installed. Copy the
directories inside (/bin /lib /usr) over to the broken system without deleting something there.
Then do the periodic maintenance task as emerge --sync, emerge --update --deep world, ... .

Repairing a broken portage

If you have a system where you can not launch emerge commands then the following can resolve the
problem quickly. Used a live CD or DVD as to have something nice
to work as KDE. In go to the snapshots

directory and download portage-<nnn>.tar.bz2 that contains all necessary files to have a running
portage. Unzip it in some directory somewhere on the hard disk. Copy the directory bin to /usr/
lib/portage/bin. Then emerge sys-apps/portage.

Last hope solution to fix a broken installation

1. Check if gcc is ok gcc-config -l. See and that they cor-
respond with /etc/portage/make.conf. If not emerge gcc and maybe rebuild your kernel
with the new gcc. The root of many big problems comes from there, Cflags are confusing so take
the time to set them once the way you want, and don't touch them afterwards.

2. Check if the file /var/lib/portage/world is not full of garbage. If so delete the files not

1. emerge -a --oneshot libtool (one shot makes that it will not be registered in the world profile for
later updating.

2. emerge -e system

3. emerge -e world

4. emerge -a --depclean

5. emerge @preserved-rebuild

Gentoo Linux

In steps like emerge -e system or emerge -e world a lot of packages will be compiled and there is a
rather high possibility that one out of hundreds packages will fail probably due to a use flag setting.
To avoid that it has to be started again from the beginning:

1. Use emerge with the --pretend option and direct the output in a file.

emerge -e -p system > systemscript

2. Modify the file in a way that it becomes a bash script. Using an editor replace

[ebuild R ]


emerge =

and other lines. Delete eventually USE flag information. The result of the bash script would typical
look like:

emerge =dir/ebuild-version

3. Give executable rights to the bash script and run until it fails or passes. If the bash script failed, wipe
off the part that passed troubleshoot and restart it. If it failed due to a use flag adjust it using ufed and

emerge --update --deep --newuse world

4. Repeat until all packages have been completed

emerging sets
Lists of ebuilds can be created and are called a set. The @ character is used to know if it is an ebuild
or a set. Historically worls and system get also understand as set when the @ character is missing, The
user can also create sets. Those sets are put in files and stored under /etc/portage/sets.

A optimist does emerge -e @world. There is a change that one of the package fails after hours of com-
pilation and if this happen uncertainties is what has successfully compiled and what not. elogviewer
is a good help. It is therefore a better approach to create a set of ebuilds to be be emerged. and then
deleting the ebuilds successfully emerged and then repeat those steps until every work is done.

emerge -pve @world > /etc/portage/sets/eworld would create file containing all ebuilds to be
emerged. Unfortunately there is more information than emerge requires and would make syntax errors.
This information can be removed by sed or with some manual work by libreoffice calc and sed: Open
eworld as csv with blank as separator.

Check that all ebuilds are on the same column.

Delete all columns except the one with the ebuilds.

Insert a first column and enter there > in all rows.

Save it as eworld2.csv

then run sed 's/< /=/' <eworld2.csv >eworld3

and finally emerge -1 @eworld3

The ebuilds emerged with the set are not added to /var/lib/portage/world, they are
added as set to /var/lib/portage/world_sets

Gentoo Linux

Fixing with binary packages

Binary packages for gentoo can be put under /usr/portage/packages and the subdirec-
tory of the category (e.g. /usr/portage/packages/sys-devel/usr/portage/pack-
ages/sys-devel) after adding


in /etc/portage/make.confand running env-update && source /etc/profile then emerge -K

<packetname> or emerge --usepkgonly <packetname>

When a gcc gets installed this way then CHOST must match. Then it needs to be activated with gcc-
config -l

Chapter 15. Programming
gcc does not stand for gnu c compiler, it stands for gnu compiler collection. The name of the c compiler
is cc. Often people you use gcc as a synonym for the c compiler, consider this a the default compiler.
If you have Gentoo Linux all c source code will be passed through gcc therefore this is probably the
program most used on your computer.

Get the CHOST, CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS settings for gcc stored in /etc/make.conf from https://

If the CPU identifies itself the native can be used so gcc pick the CFLAGS depending on this :

CFLAGS="-march=native -O2 -pipe"


gcc is rather complex and can create different outputs depending on its profiles. The program


lets you explore its configurations. Binaries compiled with different compiler versions can (but do
not have to) create incompatibility problems (mainly libraries). On major compiler version updates
(gcc3.x.x to gcc4.x.x) it is wise to spend a couple of (ten) hours to do a re-compilation of all the
packages to have a clean Gentoo installation afterwards. See the last hope solution

Binary distributions need some not easy methods to deal with incompatibilities of programs and li-
braries to support binaries of different versions. It is a clear strength of Gentoo to not require such
things (except for binary packages that Gentoo supports as well).

gcc-config -l

lists all gcc profiles, and should show the selected profile, after and update it can be happen that the
selected profile gets lost, then just select manually a profile as:

gcc-config 2

switches to profile 2

gcc produces by default a.out

-o to have an other name

-c tells gcc to not link.

-g to add the debug data.

-Wall to generate all warnings

-i<dir> to include header files

Since gcc is a compile collection, it has many front ends for the different programming languages and
many back ends to support different assembly languages of the hardware desired. Gcc is executed
on host and produces code for a target. Is the host also the target then a native compiler is used if
host is different from the target then a cross-compiler is used. Gcc uses the preprocessor (cpp), the
C compiler (cc), the Gnu assembler (as) and the Gnu linker (ld). Additionally there is also Libc the
Standard C Library.


The preprocessor could also be run standalone.

#define BUFFER 32

assigns the number 32 to the word (or in terms of cpp the macro) BUFFER. Macros are written in

There are also predefined macros as __DATE__ and __TIME__ that hold date and time when the
compilation run. There are the following directives:

#warning and #error can be used to print out information.

It is also possible to run gcc under windows, see: Alternatively there are other
free C compiler environments around as:

1. Open watcom

2. Codeblocks

gcc has a profile and this can be messed up and when running gcc a response appears as:

* gcc-config: Active gcc profile is invalid!

gcc-config: error: could not run/locate 'gcc'

This looks quite as a disaster for Gentoo, since without gcc nothing can be emerged. The profile can
be recovered by calling:gcc-config i686-pc-linux-gnu-4.5.3 and therefore source /etc/profile and
hopefully gcc-config -l is happy.

C programming
C is the programming language used for the kernel and C++ the object oriented alternative to C. Both
are supported by gcc.

The hello wold program

Example 15.1. hello.c
#include <stdio.h>
printf("Hello World!\n");

To compile it (-o hello produces hello as output file instead of the default a.out)

gcc -o hello hello.c

Check that the file hello as the executable permission and run it


Hello world split in two files

If programs are getting bigger, they get split in multiple file. This has different advantages. A file can
be reused somewhere else. Not every thing has to be recompiled just the file edited. Here the hello
world program split in two files:


Example 15.2. hello.c splitted


Example 15.3. hello c function

#include <stdio.h>
void printhello(void)
printf("Hello World!\n");

Now gcc has to be called differently:

gcc -c hello.c

gcc -c printhello.c

The result is not a running program. The two object files hello.o and printhello.o are produced. The-
c option tells gcc to do so and not producing absolute addresses. To get a running program the object
files have to be put together using a linker. Instead of calling the linker ld directlygcc can be called.

Gccstands for Gnu Compiler Collection and not Gnu C Compiler. Gcc can be used for dif-
ferent things: C compiler, assembler, linker, ...

The following command links the two object files into the program hello:

gcc hello.o printhello.o -o hello

Now it can be run with


Interacting with the parent process

To access the command line parameters and the environmental variables of the parent process declare
main as follows:

int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])


1. argc contains how many parameters are passed. There is always one, the command line that has
called the C program.

2. argv[] is an pointer to an array containing all command line parameters available

3. envp[] is a pointer to an array containing all environmental parameters as strings formatted

NAME=value, luckily you do not have to search trough them, there is a function that gets the values
assigned to the names. Example how to get the hostname:

#include <stdlib.h>
char* host;
host = getenv("HOSTNAME");


1. The return function exits and gives back a number to the parent process.

Integrated development Environments (IDE)

IDE's seem the way to go and the first results might be quickly be achieved, however when in trouble,
the command line options and concepts have to be understood even when working with a IDE. Ad-
ditionally IDE's offer so much functionality, as automatic documentation, publishing and archiving
code, version control, gui support for various libraries, debugging, code analyze, multiple language
support, and many or too many more. So often if you open an IDE you do not get the overview and
struggle with the project files.

1. emerge codeblocks for C++ using it works without autotools and make file. It is a ready to go
environment that works as desired. Libraries have to be added under Project > Build Options >
Linker Settings where the library name without lib or l has to be added. Command line arguments
can be set under Project > Set programs arguments. Codeblocks is also available for Windows.

2. anjuta is and IDE for gnome

3. Kdevelop is a very big Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to create your own programs
in various programming languages and endless options and features. For small programs the size of
the program is smaller than the size of the makefile that Kdevelop has created for you and you spend
more time troubleshooting Kdevelop than writing your own program. Maybe the situation looks
different when you are a professional programmer or you work in a team. For a hobby programmer,
Kdevelop is probably an overshoot.

4. eclipse has is a huge IDE originally developed for java, but has all kind of plugins available for
any kind of programming languages.

Or why not keep it simple and use just an editor with syntax highlighting, gcc and make your makefile
(or Makefile) using an editor. Do not forget to add -g to your makefile to have the info required to debug
in your program. Then compile it in a console by calling make. This way has the obvious advantage
that you know what is going on and you can concentrate yourself to the creation of your own program.

working with eclipse the CDT has to be installed, this is best done via marketplace. Marketplace should
be available under help (if not install marketplace). Then the CDT has to be found, the Marketplace
Yoxos has it. There appear many packages that are related to CDT with big icons, so it takes a while
to find the small icon of the CDT.

Everything to be seen in eclipse is a Perspective, so open the C/C++ perspective. When done with it
open the Debug Perspective to test your code.

Makefiles and make

If there is just one c file as the hello.c then make and makefile are not useful, since a single
gcc call will do everything. However when there are many different files it is obviously desired to
not compile every file when just one got changed. However when one got changed, then the onces
depending on the changed one need to compiled as well. The main goal of the makefile is to write
down the dependency and have the program make to do all necessary but not more. By the way, make
is not restricted to C programming, it can call other command lines not containing gcc commands.

To know what has changed make looks at the modification dates of the files, therefore make
sure your clock is running well!

Syntax of the makefiles

Example makefile created by a text editor and put in the directory where c and h files reside.


Very important is that the indents are done with the tab character. Make also sure that you
editor really inserts tab and not spaces.

<target filename>: <source filename>.c <source filename>.h

gcc -g <filename>.c -o <filename>
rm -f *.o
# is the character to define the line as comment

1. The first line starts with a file name, that is used as target. It defines a dependency rule, when one
of its source file is newer then the target file, then

2. the second line is executed (and more when present). Lines containing commands must begin with
the tab character.

3. The third line containing the word clean is a phony target, since no file named clean exists. Calling
make clean executes all commands put below the third line.

The makefile for the split hello world file would look like:

hello: hello.o printhello.o

gcc hello.o printhello.o -o hello
hello.o: hello.c
gcc -c hello.c
gcc -c printhello.c
rm -f *.o

To not edit everywhere when the make file is getting used for a new project or if the files get a new
name or if you want to set standard compiler options, you can work with variables:

$(name): $(name).o $(include).o
gcc $(name).o $(include).o -o $(name)
$(name).o: $(name).c
gcc -c $(name).c
gcc -c $(include).c
rm -f *.o

If some files are in other directories then the -I option can be used to pass the path:

-I/<path to file>

To compile, open a shell and go to directory, then type make.

Per default the destination files of gcc are called a.out. The option -o selects an other name.

make clean
Having added the clean section in the makefile as shown above, the command make clean cleans the
directory from object files no longer used.


Code optimization
Finally be aware that gcc is normally used to emerge <Gentoo ebuilds> and is therefore set to
produce code optimized for speed. The variables defined in /etc/make.conf are passed to gcc,
so check those options

CFLAGS="-O2 -march=athlon-xp -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"

Those options are OK, but the -fomit-frame-pointer produces long reaction time when you debug your
c program. Therefore you might consider to change /etc/make.conf while you are in a longer
debug session.

Built runnable binaries can be copied to /usr/local/bin to be used outside of the development
environment. Better would be putting just links there to your executable and add a version number
to your executable file name. So you are prepared for new versions. However you should not copy
executables manually, you should install them following the rules of your Linux distribution to not
make a mess. For Gentoo this means you should write an ebuild.

I don't think you want to debug in a console, so use a front end for dgb the console debugger. By
the way, also the big development environments as Kdevelop are no more than a front end for gdb
when it comes to debug.

Make sure you complied it with the option -g that adds information for the debugger into the exe-
cutable. Executables under Linux are not just raw program code, as used in embedded systems and
other operating systems, they are formatted elf files. Elf files have different section and using the -g
option the debugging section is added. To observe the hello executable:

readelf --all hello

objdump -h hello

Maybe make refuses to recompile after just editing the makefile, so edit the source file or delete the

to debug in the console start gdb by gdb<my program>

Then type some commands as:

Table 15.1. gdb

run run the program until it exits, finds a break point
or error
print <variable name> show contents of a variable
quit quit gdb
break <function name> set a breakpoint to a function
next single step
nexti single step
help show help


Is what it should to be a modern easy to go and intuitive gui debugger

Insight is an other front-end for gdb. It uses tk.tcl and wants it in a certain location, otherwise it fails.

An other front-end for gdb is ddd. It is rather ugly and not intuitive. To debug an executable it has to
be called in command line ddd<name of executable>. Even it is ugly it works well.

Execution from the text console

To execute a program type ./<filename> ./ is your current directory so bash finds the executable.

Using Libraries
To use Libraries include

#include <math.h>

to the source code, but this might not be enough.

/usr/lib contains the mathematic library libm. To use it with gcc you must tell gcc by adding -lm
that you want it. -l stands for including libraries and m is the short name of libm, where lib gets wiped
off. So the gcc command line in the makefile becomes:

gcc -g <source>.c -lm -o <source>

This has to be done for all libraries. The only exception is glibc the global C library.

For the libncurses add: -lcurses

For libraries not in /usr/lib the option -L can be used to tell gcc where they are.

-L /usr/X11R6/lib

Instead of finding out where the libraries are and use this hard coded pkg-config can be used. It will
be available after emerge pkgconfig. To see what it does call it as:

pkg-config --libs --cflags modbus and when you have libmodbus installed you get: -lmodbus

After this test you will understand what the following does:

gcc random-test-slave.c -o random-test-slave `pkg-config --libs --cflags modbus`

Creating Libraries
If code is used again and again, then it is time to put it into a library and make it easily available. The
code is compiled as usual with the -c option so the linker will not be involved. The following shows
how the split hello world program makes use of a library:

gcc -c printhello.c


The output is a object file printhello.o. A number of such files can be added into a library archive

ar r<library>.a <code1>.o <code2>.o

For the printhello.o the command looks as:

ar r libhello.a printhello.o

After running ar, ranlib can be used to add an index of the contents to the file to speed up its use.

ranlib libhello.a

Using the following commands the content of a library can be observed

ar t libhello.a

nm -s libhello.a

After having the library it can be used as:

gcc -o hello hello.c libhello.a


gcc -o<program> <program>.c /<path to>/<library>. a

or as standard libraries in /usr/lib but telling with -L where the library is

gcc -o<program> <program>.c -L/<path to library> -l<library-lib>

or for the hello world

gcc -o hello hello.c -L/<path> -lhello

Note, that using this commands the library code is inserted to the program, therefore it is called stati-
cally linked libraries. With each program using the library code, a copy of the library code is loaded
into the memory.

Dynamic linked libraries

Statically linked libraries can reside multiple times in the memory. More ideal would be loading the
library into memory with the first program demanding it and then share it with all demanding programs.
This is the concept of the dynamically linked libraries. Those files end with .so (shared object) suffixes
in their names.

Since the library and program are separate files there is a potential for a version conflict. Additionally
dynamically linked libraries must be known by the operating system, this is an additional potential
to run in troubles.

Version numbers are added to the files. To have a certain flexibility when the version numbers do not
match exactly, there is a major and a minor version number. The shared object files appear therefore
in multiple forms:

realname /usr/lib/ Holds the code and is

therefore the shared ob-
ject file
soname /usr/lib/ Is a link to realname and
allows an evolution


linkername /usr/lib/ Name that the linker us-


When the program gets loaded by the run-time linker, /lib/ or /lib/, Linux needs to
know where the library is, this information comes out of the linker cache /etc/ that
is a binary file and ldconfig updates it. The directories where shared objects are to be expected are
listed in: /etc/ If it will not be found in the linker cache (where just the most recent are) then
it will scan certain directories.

The addresses where the code in dynamically linked libraries are placed can not be fixed. Therefore
Position Independent Code (PIC) is required that is created with the gcc option -fPIC. To build a
shared object compile the code as:

gcc -fPIC -c printhello.c

Then link it to a shared object

ld -shared -soname -o -lc printhello.o

then as root, copy to /usr/lib, /lib or /usr/local/lib>

create necessary links and cache

ldconfig -v -n

Now an application to test the shared object is necessary. Assuming the shared object has been put in
/usr/lib the following command applies:

gcc -o hello hello.c -L/usr/lib -lhello

And now it can be tested:


To observe what the system knows about it and to get information when trouble shooting, the following
commands can be used:

To see dependency of the test program hello:

ldd hello => (0xffffe000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb7f73000) => /lib/ (0xb7e4b000)

/lib/ (0xb7f99000)

To see other stuff about the program (as 32 bit or 64 bit):

file hello

hello: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, dynamically
linked (uses shared libs), not stripped

To see whats inside the shared object:


00001f4c a _DYNAMIC



00002004 A __bss_start

00000276 t __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx

00002004 A _edata

00002004 A _end

00000250 T printhello

U puts@@GLIBC_2.0

Or even more

objdump -x

Inside the shared object there two functions can be added that will be called each time the library is
accessed. The following is a sample code that prints those events to the screen:

Example 15.4. Dynamic library

void _init()
printf("Inside _init()\n");

void _fini()
printf("Inside _fini()\n");

There is not just gcc. there is clang a C language front-end for the llvm compiler

Python is a high level interpreter language, supporting object oriented pro-
gramming, and having a lot high level libraries for all kind of applications. It is highly portable to
all kinds of hardware devices and operating systems. Python scripts are converted to byte code that
runs on a virtual machine. Additionally there is IronPython that runs on top of .NET (or Mono) or
Microsofts python for .NET and Jython that runs on Java virtual machine. There are ten-thousands of
python packages available at

Extending python is connecting C routines to python. The other way around is also possible, embed-
ding python is integrating the python interpreter in a c program. And have this run the python script.

Python scripts have usually the extension py but can also have no extension at all, since under Linux
the magic first line


tells exactly what to do when this file has to be executed, start the interpreter found under /usr/

The first thing to know when dealing with python scripts is that to group commands no {} brackets
are used, everything is done with indention.


Be consequent and do not use tab characters but use space characters for the indent, so when
using different editors no mess gets created.
Avoid long sequences of nested code segments, use functions and objects to encapsulate.

As general advice, if the code is getting large and nested, then its is time to learn a bit more about python
since using the right methods (including, dictionaries, sets, classes, libraries) surprisingly compact
code can be written.

Python2 and Python3

The file /usr/bin/python is probably a link to a command as /usr/bin/python2 or /usr/
bin/python3 because different version of python might be installed on the computer. It selects
therefore the default python to be used. To be more specific the magic line could be


To select python3

Today still many python scripts are written for python2 that has incompatibilities with
python3. So a python3 script will not run with a python2 interpreter and vice a versa.
Since python2 is no more actively developed, this book concentrates on python3.

If the computer is setup for python3 it fails when starting a python2 script. Therefore /usr/bin/python2
<script name> will force to use python2

A script 2to3 is installed that can automatically convert python2 scripts to python3 see: https://doc- Running 2to3<myscript>.py it will analyze the script and prints
the changes to the screen. To rename the python2 script to <myscript>.py.bak and create a convert-
ed python3 script run it as 2to3 -w<myscript>.py. If python 2 is set as the active python interpreter
run it as python3<myscript>.py. Note that python3 is a link to something as python3.1

Or set the magic line first line to choose the right version:


2to3 makes use of fixers that can be listed with 2to3 -l. Not all are active per default and need to be
enabled with 2to3 -f<name of fixer> if desired.

The 2to3 works well on simple scripts, where the keyword print gets converted to the function call
print(), but the troubles come with the libraries and file access.

To test python open a console and type python. Now you can type in commands and see what is
going on.

On Getnoo Linux eselect python list will show what python version is the default and what are in-

How python finds its packages

Different python versions are probably installed on the same computer so the question arises what
packages are available and taken. A way to see it is starting



Python 3.4.3 (default, Oct 30 2016, 21:08:25) [GCC 4.9.3] on linux

Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more informa-

>>> from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib

>>> print(get_python_lib())


User installed packages end up as ~/.local/lib64/python3.5/site-packages

Python documentation
Python documentation is available under or /usr/share/doc/python-

There is a python doc server (pydoc server) for OpenRC add it to the start

/etc/init.d/pydoc-<version> start

The port is PYDOC_PORT=7464 and can be viewed:


The stuff comes from


On trouble run it from a console /usr/bin/pydoc3.6 -b

Python IDEs
The following IDE's are available:

1. The standard IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that comes with Python is idle:

It requires tcl and tk support to run.

For Gentoo set the tcl and tk useflags and then re-emerge it emerge -pv python

idle is pretty basic but it might be the only IDE available (or working). To pass command line
parameters idle -r<name of python script><command line parameter>

For a specific python version start idle3.3

Debugging is possible using its debug window, where the source can be viewed and all the variables.
In the source, breakpoints can be set to lines.

With the debug window open it debugs when run, with the debug window closed run runs.

Click the Source checkbox to see single step and where the program is. For the default
setting single step is a dark gray line and brake point is yellow. Not both colors can be
seen at the same time so the dark gray line disappears when jumping to a yellow line. So
if there is no expected dark gray line press step or out.


It has individual windows, but when arranging them it looks like a real (but un-bloated) IDE

Figure 15.1. idle

2. eric6 is a nice complete IDE for python.

Python can make you crazy about the formatting, here eric draws vertical lines to help you hori-
zontally positioning the text.

To complete the python help insert in Settings > Preferences > Help Documentation > Python Doc-
umentation the link to the directory as /usr/share/doc/python-docs-<x>/html that
holds the index.html file.

It produces ~/.config/Eric6 and ~/.eric6

3. pycharm with its community edition gets installed under gentoo in /opt/pycharm-community/bin/

4. pudb is a console based debugger

5. winpdb is a stand alone debugger with a GUI for python2 only (except some hacks are done). It
is a highly featured python debugger especially when it comes to multi threading support. So use
an context sensitive editor in one window and winpdb in a other window. The application uses
os.fork() to create a child process. The function os.fork() returns two values, the value 0 to the child
process and the PID of the child process to the parent process. Since the program forking is just
one file (one program, one source), the two threads running the same source code, have to check
the return value of os.fork() to know whether they run as child or as parent thread. The python
debugger winpdb allows to debug either the parent process or whats probably more desirable to
continue with the child process. To select what you desire the gui of winpdb has a console window
where you can type in either fork child or fork parent.

6. Eclipse has a plugin, add the link get the pydev plugin. Then go
to window -> preferences and set the python interpreter as /usr/bin/python3


Embedded python debugging

Often python script are called by a external process, this might be a gui, and other python script or
every thing else. The python script will then be started in a environment with additional environmental
variable set, other command line parameters passed and maybe other processes or threads started in
parallel. This environment is different from the one that would exist when the python script would
have been started simply in a console.

Therefore you need a debugger with embedded debugging support as winpdb. Add the following line
into the file that you would like to debug

import rpdb2; rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger_interactive_password()

Then start the program using the python script as usual, however this time the python script will prompt
for a password and wait for an external debugger. Start winpdb and go to file => password and then
file => attach where the python script pop's up and can be selected. If you have problems with the
interactive password you can use fix password as:

import rpdb2;

Hint for winpdb: It shows at the current line capital letters that have the following meaning

C CALL A function is called (or some

other code block entered)
L LINE The interpreter is about to exe-
cute a new line of code (some-
times multiple line events on one
line exist)
R RETURN A function (or other code block)
is about to return
E EXCEPTION An exception has occurred
* RUNNING The thread is still running (prob-
ably blocked in C code)

Python Programming
Variables are objects
Inside a python module there are global and local variables. However a child module has its own global
name space and can not access global variables of the parent module. The parent module however can
access the global variables of the child module by simply adding the child's module name as prefix
(if imported this way)

Variables and almost everything in python are objects. Objects are instances of classes. Objects have
an identifier, a name (that is optional) and a value.

Some objects as integers have immutable values and result in a not obvious behavior. This is best
explained by the following:

>>> a=1
>>> b=1
>>> id(a)
>>> id(b)
>>> id(1)



To the object with the value 1 the name a gets assigned. After that the object with the name a and the
value gets an additional name b. This can be verified by checking the id of the object using the names.
The identifier can also be observed by passing the value to the id() command. Assigning the name b
to an other value (=object) deletes the name b of the previous object.

To see that a is an object you can call the class add method of a:

>>> a.__add__(2)

This the same as a +2 that results in 3. In fact python converts the + sign to the class method __add__ ,
but luckily hides this to human.

Luckily there are objects with mutable values as lists, they behave as expected:

>>> a=[1]
>>> id(a)
>>> b=[1]
>>> id(b)

For mutable objects, each value assigned to a name creates a new object. To get the value of the first
(and here only) value of the list you can either use the nice looking command using brackets or the
class __getitem__ method:

>>> a[0]
>>> a.__getitem__(0)

However the following shows a common pitfall. The simple command b=a behaves differently, the
list just gets a second name. To make a copy, a slice out of the list a needs to be done. The syntax for
it is [<start index>:<end index>]. If the indexes are omitted as in [:] then a slice from the
very beginning to the very end is done.

>>> a=[1]
>>> b=a
>>> id(a)
>>> id(b)
>>> c=a[:]
>>> id(c)

Python data types

Python data types or more precisely data classes can be grouped in mutable and immutable. Addi-
tionally there are sequences. Some sequences are mutable (as lists) and some immutable (as strings,

To use the wording of object oriented programming, if a data class gets used, it becomes an data object
as instance of the data class.

Explaining in simple words, it is sometimes not obvious that the data is immutable:

>>> a="hello"


>>> id(a)
>>> a=a[1:3]
>>> a
>>> id(a)

It seems that the immutable string a has been changed (even being immutable). However as the id()
shows a new variable with the name a has been created.

With mutable data types the behavior is different:

>>> list=['h','e','l','l','o']
>>> id(list)
>>> del list[2]
>>> id(list)
>>> print list
['h', 'e', 'l', 'o']

Using the python data types is a bit confusing since some commands are consistent among the different
data types others not. To understand the logic behind, the different and many data types need to be
understand in very detail.

There is a reason way different data types exist!

Strings have a lot of functions (or in term of object oriented programming) methods.

Table 15.2. String methods

s.strip() Removes blank (or character passed) characters
from the beginning and end
s.split("/") Using the character passed, splits the string in sub-
string and returns list of substrings
s.endwithsuffix("/") Returns true if the string ends with the character

List and tuples can have different type of variables inside. C has arrays and structures for that.To add
a new element to a list do a+=[i].

Python strings and bytes

One big change between python2 and Python3 are the way strings are handled.

There are strings using unicode utf-8 and bytes (byte arrays).

To convert strings to bytes character encoding and decoding is required. Bytes can be declared with
b'<here are bytes>' whereas a string is '<this is my unicode string>'.

Create bytes from strings is encoding strings and is done <stringofbytes>=<ut-


Creating strings from bytes is decoding bytes and is done <utf8string>=<stringof-


Bytes arrays can contain any byte value or uft8 sequence. they can appear as follows:


x = b'El ni\xc3\xb1o'
s = x.decode()

To convert a number into bytes


This has also impact how files are handled. Files can be read as text (strings) or binary data (bytes).

You can also get elements in a sequence counting from the back a[-1] gives the last element in a.
Mathematically speaking the length len(a) is added to negative numbers.

>>> a="hello"
>>> a[0]
>>> a[-1]

The .count(<listelement>) method returns how many times the list element is in the list, so don't
loop lists for that.

Mathematical expressions
2**8 is power 8 of 2 and so 256. In C, after including the math library, it would be pow(2,8)

>>> 2**8

Python can deal with complex numbers:

>>> a=2j
>>> a+(1+1j)

Range checking gets more readable instead of C like (a>min)&&(a<max) it gets

>>> max=5
>>> min=2
>>> a=3
>>> min<a<max

Every different from 0 is considered as True. this explains the following:

if a:
if len(a):

Instead of if: else: if: else: if: else: use if: elif: elif: else:, since no switch case as in C exists.

A count variable is not required in the for loop to access elements in a sequence (notice the indention):


>>> s=[0,2,4,6]
>>> for p in s:
... p

Inside the for loop do not modify s. If you want to do it use a while loop. As example:

>>> s=[0,2,4,6]
>>> while len(s)>0:
... print s
... s.pop(0)
[0, 2, 4, 6]
[2, 4, 6]
[4, 6]

Without argument pop defaults to -1 and takes the last list member.element.

If you still want to use a count variable, you could use a while loop, but python stile uses the range
command that creates a sequence that is passed to the for loop:

>>> for p in range(3):

... p

The range command can also do more as counting back and create more complex sequences.

Functions can return also more complex data as lists.

Functions can alternatively be called with <parametername>=<value> instead of just the values
in correct sequence separated by commas. This looks like more writing but is safer and nicer code
since it is independent of the sequence and also makes sure the parameter are passed in a consistent
manner. To have good documented code it is also recommend to put every parameter to a new line
and add a comment using the # character on every line.

*<parameter> means that the <parameter> can occur multiple times. It can be accessed using

<parameter>=5 assigns a default value, this allows to call the function without passing any para-

Importing modules and packages

Modules are usually single py files. Packages contain one or many modules. Packages are py files
inside a subdirectory and have an file.


To use a module that is in the same directory. Note don't use - character in py file names.

import <module name>

To import all modules from a package (This can create tons of unnecessary global variables and naming

from os import *

So better

import os

And putting os in front of the module name to make it clear to where it belongs.

Python modules are usually put under /usr/lib/python&lt;pythonversion&gt;/site-

packages but when developing a more flexible way is desired than creating and installing packages.
The modules can be anywhere as long python finds it.

With the command export PYTHONPATH=/<here is my direcory>/ ; $PYTHONPATH

the search paths for python can be expanded.

To not have the hassle with the PYTHONPATH

import sys


shows where python is looking for modules, so links as

ln -s /home/<path>/<module name>.py /usr/lib/python3.2/<module name>.py

Modules in the sys.path will be found modules elsewhere not and cause an import error. The
first path in sys.path is usually ' ' this means the current working dir (os.getcwd()). Depending
how the python script is started the cwd might be different and the python script fails (as
when debugging in IDLE) to not have such effects add the missing path to sys.path using
sys.path.append(<missing path >)

__file__ that holds the started script.
When writing a module, it is desired to run the module on its own, reasons are to debug the mod-
ule or to have even a standalone utility program. Adding the following, makes starting the code just
when calling the module directly with python on the command line. In this case the hidden variable
__name__ contains __main__.

if __name__ == '__main__':
<here comes my test code calling the stuff above>

Instead of writing everything yourself look at There is also a tutorial

about submitting and installing packages:

A good python program should not crash. However sometimes it is not known in advance if a crash
might happen. Examples are input from the user for a number, or parsing an xml file.


An other approach is to catch the exception and act afterwards. To initiate this add the python key
word try: then the critical code. After that there is the choice for one of the two key words:

1. except: This key word initiates the commands that are executed when the commands after try fail.
Optionally the error can be added to except as except TypeError: to act just on type errors. This
way multiple except's can follow a try:

2. finally: This key word works as except:, except that this code is executed also when try: worked
trouble free.

print and formatting strings

In python 2 print was a keyword but in python 3 it is a build in function, therefore it has print() brackets.

There are different ways how to format what print is doing. If nothing print prints out the variables and
adds a space in between. The variables can also be converted to a string using str() or repr(). Finally
there are two format string methods (see An old style (C like) using the %
character and a new style using the .format method.

print(a, b)
print(str(a)+" "+str(b))
print(repr(a).rjust(6), repr(b).rjust(6))
print('{0:6d} {1:6.2f}'.format(a, b))

The modern way is using {}

{} place holder for a string

{:d} decimal number

{:x} hex number

{:03x} hex number with 3 nibbles and printed preceding zeros

To not end with new line characters tell print to no insert them

print("No new line after here", end='')

Threads are as processes and allow to run in parallel, with the exception that threads use the same
memory space. As example it thread1 writes to a global variable thread2 can read it. A python script
not creating threads is a single thread script.

In the simples case threads are started as follows

import threading

t =threading.Thread(target=<function name>)

More advanced threads are started by defining a new subclass of the Thread class, then override the
__init__(self [,args]) method to add additional arguments. Then, override the run(self [,args]) method
to implement what the thread should do when started.

The word pass is a python keyword and does not do anything. It is used to not cause a syntax error in
the above code. Since a breakpoint can be set to pass it is quite helpful during program development.
pass can be put as place holder for code that needs to be written.


Executing textural expressions

Since it is an interpreter language you can execute what is written in a string variable using the exec

>>> exec "pi=3.1415"

>>> pi

To read from the console raw_input() can be used that returns always a string. However input() could
also be used that returns an object based on the input a string, and integer, ... . This looks like more
coding work, but using the command type() can be used to check if the input was correct or try: can
be used to just be optimistic and do and if it fails except TypeError: can be used to react.

Interrupting a running program can be done with a keyboard interrupt

while True:
time.sleep(0.05) # be nice
# some code here
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# crtl+C brings you here

Handling command line parameters in python

Almost every program must deal with command line parameters. Therefore python offers modules for
that. The module argparse should be used now. It replaced optparse that replaced the getopt module.
Some python statements are required to let the program known with what command line parameter it
has to deal. Those parameters will then be easily available in the options structure. Left overs that will
not be parsed are called positional arguments and are arguments that usually are absolute necessary
to run (as a filename).

Python logging
Instead of printing out information to track what the program is doing python offers a logger, see After

import logging

a logging call looks similar as a print:"This variable will be logged: "+i)

The logger can be configured. Levels can be set to control how much is printed. The levels are: DE-
BUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL and the outputs can be written in a file instead
of the console:

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, filename='log.log')

Gui programming
Python programs with Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) make use of the following graphical libraries
that give the applications different look:

1. pyQT based on QT


2. toolkit based on There is Boaconstructor a RAD (rapid

development) GUI tool for it.

3. that is the gtk=gimp tool kit. Glade is a tool to draw the GUI as xml file that can
then be used by GtkBuilder to interface to different programming languages as python.

anjuta is the standard ide for gnome and gnome is based on gtk. In anjuta a new project can be
created for python pyGtk. It has dependencies to rope and glade to have support for it working.
This creates a working hello world gui application using python. The gui itself is an xml file with
the extension ui that is in the data subdirectory. The glade support in anjuta is responsible to edit
this xml file using a gui and not a text editor and integrate it to the anjuta file. Glade itself would
run as standalone program to edit this ui xml file, however a consistency mess with anjuta would
then be probable.

4. Tkinter is an interface to tk (tool kit).

Tkinter comes with python and needs no installation, but looks a bit basic. Using ttk (Tk themed
widgets) to look can be improved. An advantage is that it is stable, has not many dependencies
and is portable.

Links to documentation: https://documenta-

Nowadays tinker gets used together with ttk (Tk themed widgets).

ttk comes with a set of widgets allowing to set themes with the style= attribute.

Matplotlib for plotting and numpy for numerical calculation bring functionality as known from Mat-
lab into python. Matplotlib uses a frontend/backend approach to output the plots. This allows to use
different backends to put the results into files having different formats or embed in various GUI can-
vasses as tkinter, gtk, qt, qt4.

Matplotlib commonly uses numpy arrays but for simple things without a lot of computing as reading
results from an instrument, python lists instead of numpy arrays can be used.

For python3 matplotlib >=1.2 must be installed

Installing python packages

The standard way of installing python package is pip and using and However installing packages without the Linux package manager being
involved is not advised. pip needs to be first installed. For Gentoo emerge dev-python/pip

pip is also aware on what it did and what it can do. Commands as:

pip list and pip list --outdated

pip search <name>

pip uninstall <name>


pip install --upgrade <name>

pip install --trusted-host <name> when getting error

Avoid using pip as root since it could impact python scripts that are used by the system (espe-
cially gentoo since all system program as emerge are written in python). Use it as user and in-
stall the python package under the users home directory. pip install --user bincopy==14.0.0
The package goes in something as ~/.local/lib64/python3.5/site-packages
and the python interpreter will find it.

Installing a python package

In Linux such packages should be installed as usual using the package manager (for Gentoo the emerge
command) to no create a mess with the installed package database. The python files will be installed
to /usr/lib64/python<m>.<n>/site-packages/<package name>

Additionally specially for Gentoo Linux there might be different python versions installed (see
<m>.<n>) so it is good the package manager takes care about this. Otherwise python might be unable
to find the package for the simple reason: Mismatch between python and package version numbers.

Python looks in the sys.path that can be seen by

python Python 3.5.4 (default, Jan 7 2018, 19:27:36) [GCC 6.4.0] on lin-
ux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more infor-
mation. >>> import sys >>> sys.path ['', '/usr/lib64/', '/usr/
lib64/python3.5', '/usr/lib64/python3.5/plat-linux', '/usr/lib64/
python3.5/lib-dynload', '/usr/lib64/python3.5/site-packages'] >>>

Distutils creates further a <name>-<version>-<python version>.egg-info file (or di-

rectory) that contains information about the package. There is also a __pycache__ directory that
holds the compiled and optimized bytecode files for the py file.

Using a python package

To use an installed python package it must be imported. To know how and what to import it must be
known how it got installed.

Files as /usr/lib64/python<m>.<n>/site-packages/<name>.py can be imported as

import <name>

It is common, that a package is installed into a directory under /usr/lib64/python<m>.<n>/

site-packages/ and this directory holds different python files. Such a file /usr/lib64/
python<m>.<n>/site-packages/<package name>/<name>.py can be imported as

from <package-name> import <name>

Documenting Python
Doxygen supports python as well. The docstrings are considered directly by doxygen without the need
to specially mark them.

Python has also a feature to attach a docstring to functions. After the function header a line starting
by """ will open the docstring that can contain multiple lines and needs no special characters at the
beginning of each line. The docstring is terminated by a second line starting with """. Such docstrings
can be visible in the python interacting mode by the help() function.


The python module (file, main program) can hold a doxygen command as follows:

"""@package docstring

Alternatively for doxygen the # character used for comments can be takes as well.

Testing Python code

With unittest a program ( can be made that calls the python program in various ways and
compares the results against what is expected.

import unittest

class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):

def test_default(self):

def test_other(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':

Different test_<name> functions can be added that contain an assert<what> method.

The program can then be called as

python -m unittest -v

python -v -v since it contains #!/usr/bin/python3 MyTest -v to call the MyTest test cases MyTest.test_default_bin -v to just call a specific test case (for example the one causing trou-

Code coverage
A good sign of code quality is if test run all the code. The program coverage can be used instead of
the program python.

coverage run <program>.py

coverage report to get a text report

coverage html then open htmlcov/index.html to see a html report

coverage -h to get help

coverage does not check what get started and run in other processes


Python on Gentoo Linux

More than one python version is probably installed on your computer. In Gentoo Linux the command
eselect python list shows what is installed and what is taken as default, first you must emerge ese-

To switch to a particular version do eselect python set<n>

Which python version is active is set by links in /usr/bin

Since Gentoo allows to have more than one python version installed and usable at the same time (like
version 2.7 and its new incompatible version 3.4), there needs to be some setup that this works. When
installing the Gentoo-way a python scripts they end up under /usr/bin however a closer look shows
there is just a link to a wrapper script ../lib/python-exec/python-exec2 inside ../
lib/python-exec/ there are other directories as python3.3 that contains all scripts.

The wrapper python-exec hat its configuration file /etc/python-exec/python-exec.conf

where global preferences are set. Obviously the preferred python version must be installed, otherwise
gentoo tools as emerge will pop up errors.

The libraries are under /usr/lib/python<pythonversion> where additional installed pack-

ages are in /usr/lib/python<pythonversion>/site-packages. When updating and re-
moving an old python version, it can happen that the old directory /usr/lib/python<python-
version>/site-packages remains, due to unknown garbage inside, so take a look and delete it.


Python on Windows
Python is portable to many different CPU architectures and operating systems, however it runs only
if a python interpreter is installed. On a Linux machines as Gentoo, python can be assumed to be
installed but on a Windows machine not.

On Windows the python scripts the extension can be renamed from py to pyw to hide the black
console window when graphical python scripts are executed. The interpreter pythonw.exe is then
used instead of python.exe

As alternative there is Jython (the successor of JPython), this is python 2.x
running on top of a Java virtual machine as java byte code. To use jython type jython. Jython with all
its libraries can be installed as java -jar jython_installer-<version>.jar --console or if you like
to risk a gui headache java -jar jython_installer-<version>.jar

Install Python on Windows

After installation, python can be started with

1. IDLE console => python

2. console =>

3. double click in file manager (but console applications disappear when done)

The best way to start is using Windows menu start and start IDLE. Then open a python script
<name>.py and run it as module F5

It might be installed in a user directory and therefore just available for a single user as c:\Users

Python is not added to the windows path environmental variable so it will not be found in console
window it need to be started with the complete path.


This can be fixed by adding this path to the windows environmental variables: Control Panel\System
and Security\System\Advanced System Settings\Advanced\Environmental Variables

Figure 15.2. Windows Environmental Variables

The shell might probably report that some modules (libraries) are not installed

The next problem is how to install those libraries, the standard way is using pip. Newer python version
come with pip, on older versions pip needs to be installed first.

update pip (-m makes python know that pip is a module and python therefore knows where to look
for it) is done with python -m pip install -U pip

python -m pip install --user bincopy==14.0.0 installs the missing module (bincopy) with a desired
version (14.0.0)

A warning might comes that c:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Phy-

ton\Phython35\Scripts should be set to the path this is recommended otherwise programs as
pyinstaller are not found

If the installation fails due to certification errors install the certificates python -m pip install certifi

When debugging with IDLE then it can happen that imports of local modules fail. The reason is that
sys.path does not contain the path of the script and the current working path is not the path where
the script is. This can be fixed in the shell window of IDLE by sys.path.append('Z:\\<path of
current script>'). In this example it is shown that Windows need to get two \\ characters since
the first is a string escape character.


Multi Platform programming

To know where the code is running use :

>>> import platform

>>> platform.system()

To get portable code avoid using commands as os.system("cd /home") that execute Linux commands.
Use os.chdir(<path>) instead.

os.linesep instead of '\n' for Linux or '\r\n' for windows used in text files. However within python code
it is recommended to use all the time '\n' on all platforms and have pythin deal with it.

Path incompatibilities
However the next problem arises the path syntax is not consistent between Windows and Linux.

Pyhon internally the '/' is used also for windows. Printing this out would cause confusion and or passing
it to a windows program would cause an error.

The pathlib can be used to convert paths from String to an object. Then different methods are possible.

import pathlib
# is an object maybe required to convert to string
t=str(s) # converts object to string
u=s.as_posix() # returns a string

Alternatively it can be dealt on string level using functions/constants/variables as

os.sep instead of the '\' for Windows and '/' for Linux characters. Don't be afraid seeing '\\' for Windows.
'\' is used in Strings as escape character allowing to insert none printable characters. So a second '\'
character needs to be inserted to indicate that it is a '\' character.


os.path.split() and os.path.join()

The os module (there are different implementations for the different os) puts an abstraction layer to
it that can normalize path names, so it converts Windows forward slashes to backward slashes and
have the drive name as directory name. Be aware that not all file systems understand utf-8 encoded
file names.

Under Linux ~ is expanded to the users home directory /home/<username> on Windows this
works as well but will be expanded to C:\Users\<username>

Directories under C:\Users\<username> that start with a '.' character are an indication
that they got ported from a non Windows system to Windows (as from Linux to Windows)

Lxml incompatibilities
lxml might be problematic so it is wise to include it as

# call lxml as ET so it is compatible with the python

# built-in library xml but the library lxml has more
# features as pretty-print and xml declaration support


from lxml import etree as ET
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

<some code>

if lxml==True:
encoding="utf-8", pretty_print=True,

<some code>

Converting Python scripts to a Windows exe

pyinstaller from offers a nice way to create a Windows
exe. To run pyinstaller Python needs to be installed under Windows.

Take the time to check what python version (as 3.5.2) runs well with pyinstaller and avoid
using not supported versions

pyinstaller allows converting python scripts into windows exe files not requiring to fiddle around
with installing and setting up python on a windows computer. Those windows exe do not require to
administrator privilege to install them, since they contain usually all required code. Two ways are

1. Everything packed in a single exe file, that when started extracts itself to a os temp directory as
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\<some name>\, then it runs from that
and finally the directory gets removed. Since there is just one file it is easy to distribute it. Drawback
is that it is slower to start and no files as readme.txt can be observed.

2. Directory structure that contains a small windows exe to be started and all other files (as dll or text
files as readme.txt.

Having a directory structure is also better during testing and developing, since it can be easy ob-
served what files are around and where. Regarding paths pyinstaller is a bit tricky since a boot
loader starts the windows exe.

Certain paths are different depending how python code is started.

pyinstaller <name>.spec creates the <name>.exe.

The <name>.spec can be created automatically the first time by calling pyinstaller <name>.py

Do not call pyinstaller <name>.py since it overwrites <name>.spec with a default one
unless a new default <name>.spec is required. Create a backup copy of <name>.spec


with a useful name as <name>-onefile.spec and call it pyinstaller <name>-one-

Files can be added in <name>.spec

a = Analysis(
datas=[('*.gif','.')], ...

The python tuple means copy it from source to destination.

There are also command line options when creating or overwriting a <name>.spec file.

--add-data '*.gif:.' copies *.gif to the bundle

--onefile creates single <name>.exe file <name>.exe

--windowed hides the console window and shows just the gui window. Drawback no error messages

--onefile puts everything in a <name>.exe file that when run gets first unzipped in temp folder of OS

--icon file.ico attaches a windows icon to replace the standard python icon seen in the windows file
manager. it is not the icon in the window decoration of the application.

The pyinstaller can also be run under Linux as well, since it is pure python. The same commands as
above can be used. However the result will be different, it will a Linux binary.

pyinstaller can also be installed on Linux (and Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Solaris and AIX) and
can create single file executables as on Windows using pyinstaller <name>.spec or if pyin-
staller is installed locally ~/.local/bin/pyinstaller <name>.spec. This is a nice option to
freeze all its dependencies to the python script and have it therefore archived and executable.

Running Python scripts without installing Python

Under Windows, Python can also run from a memory stick without requiring an installation, as usual
under Linux there are different ways to do this:

1. comes with an exe that is an installer. There are 2.6 but also 3.2 versions
available. The versions have different IDE and libraries included. The pyscripter is a full featured
IDE with everything desired and more. SPE is an other ide that makes use of winpdb as debugger.
py2exe and the necessary DLL's are also present. Once installed the portable python directory can
be copied and moved anywhere.

2., unzip and go to the movpy directory and double click

on movpyw to get the gui launcher. In the gui launcher the python script can be selected. There are
also options to be clicked, on useful option is b that stops the console window after the script has
run, this way it will be seen what the script has written to the console. IDLE is also available where
the script can be debugged. Python version 2.5.1 comes with it.

3. Convert the python script into a windows exe file using pyinstaller

Distribute python code

Python comes with distutils to have a standard way to distribute python code and therefore create a
standard way to install it.



Creating a python package

To create distutils package a file has to be created that holds the information distutils

For single py files this file can placed beside the py files and can look as follows:

from distutils.core import setup

setup(name='<name of the module>',
scripts=['<name of the module, without py extension>'],

For more complex program it is wise to create a package, a collection of files. So put them in a
subdirectory and place a file above that directory that could look as:

from distutils.core import setup

packages = ["girttools"],
description='Tools for Gnu Infra Red Transceiver',
author='Urs Lindegger',
download_url = "",
keywords = ["Infrared transceiver"],
classifiers = [
"Programming Language :: Python",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
"Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop",
"License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2 or later (GPLv
"Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux",
"Topic :: Multimedia",
long_description = """\
Gnu Infra Red Transceiver Tools

Tools to setup and work with the Gnu Infra Red Transceiver that can replace all

The setup function can be called with either packages this is a list of subdirectories containing
the py files or py_modules a list of python files without adding the .py extension.
The long_description (or since it is python everything) can also be read out of a file:


Valid classifiers can be found at or https://pyp-

Instead of py_modules that can list various py files packages is used containing the subdirectory that
must contain a file.

Finally when done packages can be register so other will find them
tion=register_form. Python Package Index (“PyPI”) allows to classify your package so it can be


found, therefore don't invent your own classifiers select them out of

To include attentional files create a file as defined in

tutils/sourcedist.html. The file can also contain wild-carts and distutils specific com-
mands as recursive directory functions.

Adding files is not the same as having them installed. To install them to the same location as
the package goes, use package_data in the file and not

Finally is read among other things defined in to create the MANIFEST file
that contains all files can also contain data_files that can be used to install files in any directory. Due to spec-
ifying the path the *.tar.gz package will no more be portable to different systems. An example
would be installing a Linux init script to /etc/init.d, however on a Linux system using systemd
instead of init or even on a Windows machine this makes not much sense to install it. It is better to
do this on the system specific package as for Gentoo Linux in the ebuild. However you simply add
them to the *.tar.gz using the file.

python check will check your

To get the *.tar.gz package in the subdirectory dist run python sdist (source distri-

For windows an graphical windows installer can be created: python bdist_wininst

setuptools is an enhanced alternative to distutils. Nice is that also setup tools uses a
file. So Building the package is also done with python sdist

After having the tar.gz you could but should not install it as : python install Instead of that
you should create a package that fits you Linux distribution and then use the package manager to have
it installed. Under Linux python modules (py files) are copied to the directory /usr/local/lib/
python<X>.<Y>/site-packages and packages (directories containing are copied
into a subdirectory under /usr/local/lib/python<X>.<Y>/site-packages.

Note indicates that all files in the same directory belong to a package and the directory
is the name of the package.

/usr/local/lib/python<X>.<Y>/site-packages is a location that allows to
import those modules and packages into other python modules but it is not a location where
the command line finds them. Python files to be started on the command line must be de-
clared in the script as scripts. Under Linux those scripts will end up in the /bin
directory where the command line finds them.

Alternatively distutils allows to install the package to an other directory as your home directory with
python install --home=~ any other directory with python install --home=<dir>
where no system conflicts should occur. helps you to move your package to distributions as

creating a RPM red hat package.


Gentoo python ebuild

For Gentoo Linux an ebuild needs to be developed that first installs the package in a sandbox and then
copied (merged) to your system getting track what files will be added and check collisions.

Ebuilds can make usage of eclasses and there is a distutils eclass (
ki/Project:Python/distutils-r1), so the ebuild for a python module can be very simple as:


PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{3_4,3_5,3_6} pypy )

inherit distutils-r1

DESCRIPTION="Library for all sort of python code"

KEYWORDS="~arm64 ~x86 ~amd64"

${P} is the filename of the ebuild including version number.

The inherit function loads distutils and this overwrites the standard install routines. So the ebuild
contains no code just meta data about the python package and where to find it on the Internet remains.

The README.txt file gets zipped under /usr/share/doc/${P}/

Accessing C code
There is SWIG that creates wrapper code around the C or C++ code. This wrap-
per code can then be accessed by Python.

Or using cython:

Python byte code

When a python code is started, then the source is converted into bytecode
lease/2.5.2/lib/bytecodes.html and a virtual machine then executes this bytecode. When the same pro-
gram is started again then the bytecode is started (except when the source has changed, then a new
byte code is created). The files containing byte code have the extension pyc (or when optimized pyo).
Be aware that the bytecode might be incompatible between different releases of python. Python has
support for disassembling byte code:

>>> import dis

>>> def myfunc(alist):
>>> return len(alist)
>>> dis.dis(myfunc)
2 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (len)
3 LOAD_FAST 0 (alist)

One of the ideas behind Java is that Java programs run on different microprocessor architectures with-
out the need of a recompilation. Write the program once and run it everywhere, this is the slogan of


Java! This is accomplished by compiling the Java program into Java byte code that is neutral of any
microprocessor architecture.

Additionally java programs make use of java libraries and therefore the programs run on different
operation systems as well. Many time no installation is required.

To run the Java byte code a virtual machine (VM) must be installed on your computer. There are java
runtime environments JRE and java development kits JDK (that include JRE). If you like to develop
java then JDK is required otherwise JRE is enough.

Different java implementations exist. The original from sun is the most complete and some packages
depend just on that (clean gentoo packages should depend on the virtual package java and give there-
fore the freedom to choose the java implementation). However it is a pain to install and keep it updated
since sun wants the users to manually download it. An other pain is that this can just be done easily
for the newest versions. To get an older version where your package probably depends to, you need
to register as developer with user name and password and login manually. Since those versions get
updated frequently and Gentoo Linux is a living distribution it becomes really a pain. To get java from
sun and struggle with their licenses emerge -v sun-jdk

A license painless version of java is icedtea, There is a binary and a source version to be chosen from.
So emerge icedtea or emerge icedtea-bin

There is also a java useflag to be set. See if you have such a VM and the path to it:

java-config -c


if not

java-config -L

The following VMs are available for generation-2:

*)IcedTea JDK [icedtea-bin-6]

java-config --set-system-vm=icedtea-bin-6

env-update && source /etc/profile

The gentoo way is to use eselect for it

eselect java-vm list

and to set:

eselect java-vm set system 2

Finally a good way to see what is used

java -version

There are different implementations and editions of java. javaSe is the standard edition and might be
the one to go. Due to licenses, the original VM (Virtual Machine) from sun is a bit a hassle to install.
The emerge commando can not install it automatically, since sun wants that you do it manually and
click on the yes I accept the license button. Therefore the icedtea version is often used as an alternative
with less hassle. However I takes the documentation from sun where you run in the same situation.
Luckily the ebuilds fail with an instruction where to get the files from sun and where to store them
(usually /etc/portage/distfiles). After having done this procedure of clicking yes I want,
yes I accept, yes I'm sure, yes I'm still sure, the ebuilds run automatically with success. There is a doc
useflag that can be cleared to avoid this sun hassle, but it removes all other documentation, therefore


the doc useflag has to be just removed for java. See the useflag section to find out how to define
useflags for single per packages.

Java hello world program

The tutorials from a good starting point. Note java is case
sensitive and java is not an interpreter language, so copy the following in a console and you have the
first source code:

cat > << "EOF"


class HelloWorld {

public static void main (String args[]){

System.out.println("Hello World!");


and then compile it into java byte code unsing javac the java compiler

javac<name of your java program>.java

As a result you get the the byte code file <name of your java program>.class that you can
run with java the java virtual machine:

java<name of your java program>

Java hello world applet

Java applets are java programs running inside a web browser.

Note the difference between java applets and java scripts. Java applets are compiled and
contain byte code versus java scripts are an own language that differs from java. Java scripts
is typically source code embedded in html pages and is interpreted and run by the browser.

Java and html are therefore separated in two different files. The html file contains a link to the compiled
java file. Nothing has to be configured for a web design using java since the class files are handled
as images, obviously just the link has to match. Copy the following in a console and you have the
hello.html page:

cat > hello.html << "EOF"



<title>Hello Applet</title>




<p> my applet says:<br>

<applet code="HelloWorldApplet.class" width=150 height=25>





And here the java source,

cat > << "EOF"

import java.awt.Graphics;

public class HelloWorldApplet extends java.applet.Applet {

public void paint(Graphics g) {

g.drawString("Hello world!", 5, 15);


that has to be compiled using javac to HelloWorldApplet.class:


Html browsers as konqueror and firefox contain a cache that can fool you when debugging and mak-
ing modifications to your applet, since they pop up the previous versions. An alternative is using ap-
pletviewer<my html containing the applet>.html

Java programs might also have the extension jar. This is a java archive and contains multiple files
inside. To run a jar file tape java -jar <name of the jar file> . The jar files can also be
observed and extracted with a archive manager.

There is javadoc a tool that creates documentation out of java source code (similar to doxygen)

Netbeans is an IDE to program java (and some other language) since it is entirely written in java it
can run everywhere java is installed. As can be seen from
there are different bundles that support different features.

A deeper look inside java

Variables belonging to a class are called fields.

Interfaces in the java language define a set of methods declarations without their implementation. If a
class wants to use this interface this is done with the keyword implements, the class gets those empty
method declarations, but must also then implement code to those method names. Interfaces can be
seen as intention to have and the complier checks it this is the case.

The standard API can be found at


Variables declared as static in classes are class variables that exist just once among all inherited objects,
this means all objects read and write the same value.

Overloading is adding a method with the same name but a different parameter list, troughs both can
be used, while overriding replaces an method by a method with the same parameter list. Overriding
is often used when a inherited class wants a different implementation than its super class. Often the
method of the super class needs just to be extended with some more to do. The method that overrides
the super class method can make a call to super to have the method in the superclass running and then
execute the additional stuff.

The < is used for generics, using generics allows to detect more errors during compilation time and
therefore reduced the number of run time errors.

Packages allow you to bundle different java code together and put them in a namespace. The reversed
Internet domain name is commonly used to get unique package names.

Java Foundation Classes (JFC) has Swing to allow gui programming.

Javascript is a different language than java and is defined in the http://www.ecma-internation- ECMA standard 262 or ISO/IEC 16262. It is usually di-
rectly embedded into a html page and requires a browser to interpret and run it. Copy it into the console
and you have the html file:

cat > HelloWorldScript.html << "EOF"



<script type="text/javascript">

document.write("<b>Hello World!</b>");





Java script can also be outside of an html page as a separated file. Then inside the html a reference
is then required:

<script type="text/javascript" src="<script name>.js"></script>

It is important to set the </script> end tag and do not use /> in the beginning tag.

It is advised to put the script outside the page, since many xml tools simply do not get a clue
that the xml file parsed is suddenly javascript so a javascript line as


gets interpreted as a half tag <81 and producing an error.

Javascripts have a similar syntax as C or Java.


A difference is that variables are declared without a type. The reasons for that is that variables are
actually objects in Javascript and objects have methods: s.toUpperCase() converts the string variable's
(object) data to uppercase.

var s="Urs"

s.length // no brackets it is not a function it is data

an other difference to C are that the functions are defined with the keyword function and no return
data type:

function clean_out_lines()
var i;
var n=0;

Javascripts in the body are executed when the client load the page.

<body onload="Runme()">

is an alternative to load them but not have the code in the body.

They can also be executed by events as button clicks. The following example replaces text (identified
by the id attribute) when the button is pressed:

<title>Hello Applet</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowDate(){
<p>Press the button and</p>
<p id="time">Here comes the time</p>
<button type="button" onclick="ShowDate()">Button</button>

An other nice event is

t=setTimeout('<function name>()',1000);

This starts a function after a delay. If this is the same function than the one calling it, the function
will be called periodically. This can be used to show stuff being alive at the web page or update the
web page periodically using:


Reloading web pages periodically produce flickering of reload icons and loading text on the browser
border. An other approach is using Ajax for that, that allows to reload just certain elements of the page.

For interactions pop up boxes can be used:

var value=prompt("Prompt text","default text");

var r=confirm("Are you sure?");
alert("alert text!");

Browsers come with Javascript development support containing a javascript console where the Show-
Date function can be called without pressing the button: ShowDate()


Usually javascript variables live just as the page is in the browser, however javascripts can use cookies
to store them as non-volatile variables.

To debug javascripts on new firefox versions click on Tools > Web Developer => Debug.

Javascript makes use of DOM to access data inside a file. There is HTML DOM and XML DOM.
That allows to access tags, text, attributes using the DOM way.

The library jQuery can be used to with javascript to make life easier. It is an external file containing
javascript that can be made available by putting a link in the web pages javascript code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>

The file can be downloaded or left on Internet

<script type="text/javascript"


<script type="text/javascript"

Ajax is used to communicate to the server without need to reload whole pages.

Javascript can be developed within firefox. It contains a debugger. The javascript needs to be edited
outside of firefox containing a syntax capable editor. If there is a syntax error then firefox refuses to
load the file. This makes it difficult to find the error. Therefore a environment as eclipse JavaScript
Development Tools (JSDT) can be used that parse the Javascript code and show an error before the
browser refuses it to load. JavaScript Development Tools (JSDT) might be already installed on eclipse
so just a JavaScript project needs to be created. JavaScript Development Tools (JSDT) can do more as
debugging javascript using rihno


node js
Javascript usually runs inside the browser and has therefore the same restrictions as the browser, it
can not access files. Node.js allows to run javascripts also outside of the browser (in the server or on
the PC). To have this node.js needs to be installed and the <filename>.js must find the javascript
interpreter so call it as node <filename>.js

The following javascript

var http = require('http');

http.createServer(function (req, res) {

res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
res.end('Hello World!');

is called as node <filename>.js and creates a web server under the port 8080. This web server
waits to be opened as http://localhost:8080/. The web server runs forever so Ctrl-Z needs to stop

Node.js allows to run javascript also without web server

console.log('Hello World!');

node --inspect <filename>.js enables debugging (if node.js is build with inspector support, for
Gentoo Linux there is the inspector useflag).

Node.js can be debugged in browsers as Chrome or

Pascal is a programming language its syntax is more oriented toward the software developer (especially
beginners). It looks less cryptic and the chances of program crashes are less than in C. Borland Pascal
was once very popular. Programs written in Pascal are less portable to different operating systems and
to different hardware than C.

Free Pascal
There is the free pascal compiler emerge fpc and an ide emerge fpc-ide
and the full blown featured IDE for gui applications and delphi lazarus
emerge lazarus. Since fpc is a compiler, executable binaries are created that run directly.

Simple applications can be compiled directly on the command line as:



fpc -Tlinux<myprogram>.pas

to let it know that Linux is the target. To include units (in the example, units that are in the directory
units next to the directory holding the pas file) that are in an other location run

fpc -Tlinux -Fu <../unit><myprogram>.pas

To run fpc-ide type fp and a text based window as good old turbo pascal appears. To debug there is
option mode debug and compile options for the debugger. However there are many issues that fp has
with gdb and so debugging fails. So the hard way comes, compile the file with -g option to have debug
info fpc -Tlinux -Fu<../unit> -g <myprogram>.pas and start it with gdb in the console.


lazarus should just be used for gui applications (similar to borland delphi). Console applications how-
ever can be created via Project -> New project from file, where Program can be selected to get a con-
sole application. lazarus creates a project with many files, this might be an overkill for small pascal
programs.To Debug gdb has to be selected in the menu. However lazarus does not show a console
window when debugged.

For the non Pascal expert, the following includes the standard library crt that deals with cursor move-
ments in the console (similar to ncurses):

uses crt;

If you want to use graphics by uses graph; You might get a -lvga error, this is since the vga library
from is missing since it does not come with lazarus. Check the svgalib section
in this document on how to install and setup this library.

An graph initialization for pascal VGA mode with 16 colors would look as follows:

var gd,gm:SmallInt;
gd := D8bit;
gm := m640x480;

Gnu Pascal
There is also gnu pascal [] it uses for
the graph unit (that uses svgalib) and there are also various IDE as
cal.html (this should work for both the gnu pascal and the free pascal complier and has gdb and insight
debugging support) and and however those packages
are quite old.

Eclipse Pascal
Finally there is pascaline a pascal plugin for eclipse:

Debugging Pascal
Pascal programs can be debugged with gdb using ddd or not. There is also the debugger dbx that
looks promising for pascal and can be used via emacs.

tcl means tool command language and tk is the graphical user interface for it and other languages.

There is shell that can be started in a console tclsh (or under Windows tclsh86.exe). The command
exit brings you back. Alternatively you can write everything in a file

puts "Hello World"

and tclsh hello.tcl or add the magic line pointing to the interpreter

#! /usr/bin/tclsh
puts "Hello World"

Set run permission on this file and run it as ./hello.tcl

Tk is not limited to just tcl it can also be used by other programming languages as python, where


import tkinter

C# (Csharp)looks like Microsoft and Windows, but it is an openly documented language that runs
also on other operating systems as on Linux and Mac using mono:

The specifications are available for free via ECMA or not for free via IEC http://www.mono-

The following example is a hello wold program. It is a source file with cs extension and looks as:

using System;
class Hello
static void Main() {
Console.WriteLine("hello, world");

To run it emerge mono or to get a IDE emerge monodevelop from

Using the command line compiler type mcs hello.cs (mcs is an open source version of csc, the cs
compiler) to get the hello.exe that can be run under Linux typing mono hello.exe. It can be compiled
into a runnable binary: csc hello.cs. As mono under Linux, the .NET framework needs to be installed
under Windows.

There is to run you basic code or convert it to libraries to be used by other
programming languages.

Using mono also visual basic programs can run under linux see
alBasic.NET_support/ emerge mono-basic. A hello world VisualBasic Program can look as:

Option Strict On
' This is a comment too
Module Hello
Rem program starts here
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello World from VisualBasic")
End Sub
End Module

It can be compiled as vbnc hello.vb and run as mono hello.exe.

Perl is a scripting language and is older than python.

perl-cleaner --all is a tool to clean up your perl installation.

Ruby is an other scripting language see:

Programming or the online book:

Ruby is newer then python and has been developed for OOP and was not expanded to support also
OOP. Ruby scripts end with rb as file extensions. In the directory /usr/lib/ruby you will find a lot of
sample code.

To get it emerge svgalib this is a library to run graphics without requiring x. However it can also run
in an x console, but it will to turn to full screen.

To use svgalib a kernel module must be loaded with modprobe svgalib_helper. This should create /
dev/svga if not, check for things as /dev/svga0 as with ls -l /dev/ | grep svga and edit /etc/vga/
libvga.config to access the right dev file. Also add a mouse:

Helper /dev/svga0
mouse none
chipset VESA

Test programs come with svga so run /usr/lib/svgalib/demos/vgatest. If running x configuring chip
set VESA for VESA BIOS or FBDEV are good options. Test the modes that work and try to match
them with your application.

On old modes the number of colors was restricted to something as 16. Now you have millions
and when inserting 0 or 16 both will be interpreted as nearly black. So use numbers at least
as 255 for foreground and 0 for background.

The library svga can be used without X to create graphics, however it runs well in X console windows.
Since it creates a mess with the terminal settings, it is worth to make tests in X console windows, so
if a console is messed up, just close the console window. Maybe Alt+F7 needs to be pressed to see
X. Alternatively there are two programs savetextmode to save the console settings, then run svgalib
application and if the console is messed up try to run textmode (you might type this in without seeing
any thing).

An other problem is svga due to /dev/svga might be restricted to regular users. However there is access
to the video group.

Different alternatives to the closed source matlab exist

Scilab from an alternative to the commercial matlab. Scilab it is a free open
source software with a GPL compatible license it is quite accepted by educational institutions. It is
quite complex therefore tutorials as found under or http://www.ope- are a good point to start, or the wiki or read matlab
documents since it is quite the same. There is also Xcos that allows to simulate electrical circuitries.

Gentoo portage has a old version but the science overlay has newer versions as eix scilab shows (dev-
java/flexdock-1.2.0 instead of 1.1.1 needs to get emerged). Alternatively there is scilab-bin the 64bit
binary version in the gentoo-el overlay.

matlab means matrix laboratory and makes therefore clear that it deals with matrices. The following
deals with scilab and might be different to matlab. In the scilab shell commands can be typed in as to


create variables: a = [1 2 3 4] or a = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 10] are matrices (or arrays). scilab has also other
data types as strings: s = 'Hello world' or simply numbers i=5. Typing commands into the console
will echo back the results, this can be suppressed using the ; character at the end. The variables can
be saved in to a file by save <filename> and in restores in the session with load <filename>.
disp('hello world'); is the hello world clc clears the screen. pi = 3.1415926 (scilab does not understand
pi without this) and then creates a matrix with a generator call x = 0:pi/100:2*pi; type x to see the
result. y = sin(x); creates a new matrix and plot(x,y) pops up a window with the function. [X,Y] =
meshgrid(-2:.2:2); Z = X .* exp(-X.^2 - Y.^2);surf(X,Y,Z) will create a 3D output:

Figure 15.3. scilab

The commands can be written into a file, for matlab those files have a .m extension scilab uses .sci
extension. Matlab .m files can be imported into scilab and converted in .sci files. Usually the conver-
sion just adds a couple of extra commands at the beginning.


Beautifiers make code more consistently readable. Command line tools for C are indent cb. For C++ there is bcpp http://invisible-is-

When working in a team, the Software got distributed and is in use or when the Software became big,
then releasing SW is no more a simple process. Working with a version control system, tagging the


SW, creating a release candidate, writing test cases, testing and qualifying takes place to finally have
a version to be released.

But know if in a released SW a small bug gets found or a small improvement is made or a new feature
be added, what to do? A single developer might do a fork of the development tree to have a well running
version, but if others further develop the SW soon the overview is lost. Version control systems help
to merge everything together but this is not a trivial task.

An other way is simply writing down what should be changed in the original released code and have
this computer readable so it can also be applied automatically by a computer. This is basically what a
patch is. The patch can be created automatically using programs as diff:

diff <file1><file2> will show the difference in plain text in the console, but information is
missing to locate the lines. Therefore there is the unified format:

diff --unified <file1><file2> that prints per default the 3 lines of text common to both files
before and after the difference occurs. Writing the line numbers where the difference occur could
become very complicated when lines would be added and others removed.

Alternatively of --unified --context could be used to get an other format. Finally the patch need to go
into a file diff --unified <file1><file2> > <name>.patch

Instead of single files also directories can be passed to diff however diff --recursive must be added
that also subdirectories are compared.

To change the original file the patch can be applied patch <original file><name>.patch
Now diff <file1><file2> , diff -s <file1><file2> or diff --report-identical-files
<file1><file2> will confirm the success.

The above works just if <file1> has a different name than <file2> but normally they have the
same name and are therefore in two different directories. In this case diff needs to have also the path
to those two files. Now applying the patch gets a bit more complicated.

patch < <name>.patch will do the job when having path and original file in the same directory.

However this is also not always the case. Going into the directory where the file to patch is and adding
the path to the patch works. patch < <path>/<name>.patch

Finally when not being in the directory of the file to be patched there is the -p<n> command line
option that shortens the path of the file to be patched inside the patch file so the original file is found.
This option is very often used in scripts that build the source.

Do not create the patch in the directory where the file to be patched is, since then no path
appears in the patch file and an automated script running in the top directory will not find
the file since it has no indication of the subdirectories names and structure. The the -p<n>
command line option can just remove path names but not add.

The necessary number to the -p<n> command line option tells how much of the path needs to be
shortened. patch -p0 < <name>.patch

Doxygen allows you to build automatically documentation about your code. Among C also other
programing languages as Python are supported. See

/usr/share/doc/doxygen-1.5.8-r1/doxygen_manual.pdf /usr/share/doc/


or its man doxygen

Create the documentation

To create doxygen documentation a file typically called Doxyfile needs to be created.

doxygen -u updates an old existing one.

doxywizard is a gui for that.

doxygen -g creates a default one

This creates the Doxyfile configuration file that can be edited:


and then run

doxygen or doxygen Doxyfile

to get the documentation in html and latex format. Everything is put in subdirectories.

Not all comments are considered to be used in the doxygen documentation. To get something the
comments need to be in a special format.

Doxygen Syntax
To tell Doxygen what to do you have to tunes the comments

* <text to be taken by doxygen>

The /usr/share/doc/doxygen-1.5.8-r1/html/commands.html holds all key words

that are detected by a beginning @ or \ character.

The following produces description about the file

* @file
* <description of the file>

A to do list for the file

* @todo
* <what to do>

To get a bullet list use the - character.

Functions and their parameters and return values are documented as follows

* <function description>


* @param <parametername>
* <parameter description>
* @return <return value description>

As a side effect when doxygen runs it creates warnings about important items that do not hold docu-
mentation. This can be used as a check to see how well the documentation is.

Graphic support
To get nice diagrams showing how the software is structured, verify that you have dot from http://, then edit your doxygen file:


Build tools
It is desirable to keep the released software independent to the computer systems where it will be
finally used. The simple make command using a makefile comes to its limits when dealing with such
requirements. Additionally writing a makefile for a complex project from scratch becomes tricky and
its maintenance even more tricky.

Autotools is the most common tool for that, but alternatives to autotools are available:

1. cmake

2. scons

3. distutils

4. ant

5. jam

If the project gets split in many different modules and if the program should run under various oper-
ating systems, maintaining the makefile manually gets complex. Here a set of gnu tools and scripts
to build are called autotools will help.

However if the program is just for Linux and quite simple the autotools might be too much and requires
much more compilation time than having just a makefile.

The concept is easy, the project contains per directory a and pre project a file.

With the command ./configure, scripts are started that create makefiles and config.h files and more.
Then make can be used as if the makefile would have been created manually.

Unfortunately dealing with autotools increases the complexity of developing software immense since
autotools can do much more than compiling a simple programs, the documentation is broadly available
but often has just the effect of heating up your brain rather than helping you to solve a simple problem.
The following is an attempt to bring in some light in the topic, since autotools are broadly used in the
world of Linux and Gentoo.


For small little programs autotools might be a overshoot, just compare your code size to the size of
that what autotools creates to compile it. Writing the makefile manually will probably be faster and
you even know what you do!

The first complexity increase is, autotools is not a program, it is a collection of different individual
programs that somehow fit together. The most commonly known are:

autoconf, automake, autoheader, and libtool

To know what is really going on, you need a flowchart to see what is going on.

Try to read the documentation from

The following explains how to use autotools using the single file program hello.c. First create a direc-
tory for the program and change to it ./ create a sub-directory ./src and put hello.c inside.
Every directory has to have a file called It serves to create the Makefile for each directory.
Its contents look very different to a normal Makefile. Instead of listing dependencies one by one, just
the files are listed and defined what they are.

The on the top directory contains usually just a line pointing where the source files are:


The in the src directory could look as follows:


1. The first line tells where to install

2. The second line what to build

3. The third line the source files required

To have the standard math library

<Program name>_LDADD= -lm

To add a man page and have it even distributed with the tar.gz file add the following:

dist_man_MANS = <mymanpage>.1
The file contains gnu m4 macros to define what has to be done to configure the project.
M4 is a scripting language with its own syntax (Perl like), see:



Start the program autoscan in the top directory of the project. Among other stuff, the file configure.scan
is created that can serve as example. This way it can be avoided to deal too much with
the m4 syntax. The configure.scan has to be customized and saved as


1. To be user friendly consider to lower the version number so users not very up to date can deal with
it AC_PREREQ(2.61)


thing useful as AC_INIT(hello, 1.0,

3. Add AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE directive to tell Autoconf that our configure script should produce

4. Change AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) to AM_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) because the

AM macro does some additional setting up for Automake that the AC macro doesn't do.

Note: Older versions of autotools called the file

Steps to get an autotool package

1. Run aclocal to get all the stuff needs to run (autom4te.cache directory and aclocal.m4

2. Run autoheader to get

3. Run automake -ac to convert all the to that look closer then a regular
Makefile additional additional files are copied and added with the -ac option others can not be
created automatically so automake just complains about. So create those dummy files, they can be
empty (NEWS, README, AUTHORS, ChangeLog).

4. Run autoconf to get the configure script

Now the autotools package is finished and is ready to be compiled and installed using the following

./configure creates the makefile and config.h


make install

make install as root writes it to the system and getting track of what has been done is easily
lost and so it will be hard to make the changes undone. Linux Distributions as gentoo install
first into a sandbox and have then copied it over to the real system writing down every change
in a database. To avoid any harm run make install just as regular user and even better install
it into a temporary directory instead of the root directory make DESTDIR=<tempdir>

And to start:


Make can do more as:

make uninstall to remove everything put outside

make clean to clean up all stuff necessary for the compilation

make dist to clean up the directories and makes a tar.gz archive ready for shipping.

After modifying the above it would be painful to repeat the steps. Therefore the command:

autoreconf --install --force


will do the update. To not typing so much some packages have a bash script for that, e.g.:


Autotools and libraries

Using autotools the source is in ./src and the library source in ./lib. Therefore create the ./lib directory
and copy printhello.c there. Create a with the following contents:

lib_LIBRARIES = libhello.a

start autoscan and create considering configure.scan make sure the following shows the
lib directory:




Additionally to get a statically library add to


If you use libtool in your package you must run libtoolize

1. If required the libraries have to be considered by adding

AC_PROG_LIBTOOL this uses libtool to create them. If there is AC_PROG_RANLIB in an ex-

isting file remove it, since libtool does this work.

For libraries add

lib_LIBRARIES = lib<name>.a
lib<name>_a_SOURCES = <objec1>.c <object2>.c

or if you use libtool

lib_LTLIBRARIES = lib<name>.la
lib<name>_la_SOURCES = <object1>.c <object2>.c

la stands for library archive. Different systems have different format of shared libraries or not even
support them.

Gnu offers libtool that automates the creation of libraries, it is called as

libtool gcc <options>

As autotools, libtool creates intermediate files .al for .a and .ol for o files. Libtool can also be used by
autotools. Libtool can offer both static and dynamic libraries.

Static libraries Add AC_PROG_RANLIB to

Is a python based build tool and uses a SConstruct python file instead of a Makefile. A project
can consists of different targets. Each target has its sub directory containing a SConscript file
defining how those targets are built.


Build and install using scons

To build scons

To install to /usr/local scons install

To install somewhere else scons prefix=</path>

To install in a temporary directory, from where it than can be copied to the right directory when instal-
lation was successful. Gentoo does exactly this it installs first somewhere in /var/tmp/portage
and then merges it (copies it):

scons install prefix=/usr destdir=/var/tmp/

Debug scons
Since it is python, the build process can easily be debugged. However since this file is not called
directly you need a debugger with embedded debugging support as winpdb. Add the following line
to the SConstruct file.

import rpdb2; rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger_interactive_password()

Then start your build command as usual, however this time SConstruct will prompt for a password
and wait for an external debugger. More info can be found in the python embedded debugging section.

Waf is an other build tool using python and having a nice wiki and documentation see https://

Code analysis tools

Code is fast and close to the hardware, this gives the responsibility to the programmer to program
clean and safe code. To get a static code analysis tools emerge splint (see:
). It can do code analyses to increase safety of the program.

The Linux kernel team uses sparse to check the kernel (see:
dex.php/Main_Page ). You can also emerge sparse.

You can also emerge pylint for python.

Dynamic code analysis tools go a step further and analyze the code while it is running.

Version control
Git is used as version control system of the Linux kernel source. One really nice feature is that it needs
no tricky server setup. The software can be developed in a directory not be worried about version
control. Once when the need having a version control system pops up, the program git needs to be
installed the usual way as any other program on your Linux distribution. Using git the hidden directory
.git (the repository) will be added there where the source code is developed. A bare repository is
kept inside this hidden directory .git that holds everything a version control system needs. The code
being developed in the above directory becomes the working tree. In case of putting it on a server to
have a master for different persons, just the content of the bare repository is required and no working


tree makes sense to have on the server. A Git repository can be easily put on a server, however if the
server is on the Internet then some security settings of the server make the setup difficult.

Instead of setting up a server and it many ready and easy to go features can be
used. Github allows easily to start a new repository, however it might be better to start with a local
repository first and when convinced that the project will have some live time then move it to github.

For git see: To get help type:

git <git command> --help

man git-<git command>

git help<git command>

Before you start the first time with a fresh git installation let git know who you are, so it will know in
the future who has done what when you work in a team:

git config --global "<your name>"

git config --global "<your@email>"

git config --list

To put a project under git clean up the directory first, it is recommended that object files, backup files
and executables are not in the same directory (however a file .gitignore can be added that controls
what will be checked). To put all files in the directory under git do:

cd <working directory>

git init to create and initialize the .git directory

git add . or git add -A to add all untracked files to the staging area.

git status

git commit -m 'Initial commit'

To add individual files (git add . adds all files) under git (or use wildcards as git add *.c), do:

git add<new file1><new file2>

Git uses two steps to put the files in its archive. First you add them to the staging area, so the
files change from untracked files to tracked files. Then the tracked files can be committed.

git reset <file name> to remove from the staging area. Alternatively the file can just be deleted
and then commit will take care about the removal.

git reset removes all files from the staging area.

After that you can work normally. When you think it is time to have a good status of you work type:

git status

to see what you have done. You will see what files you modified and what files you created new, plus
what new steps you can do with git.

After that do a:


git commit

If you have a clean directory (no backup files, no objects and runnable executables), you could do
this faster by:

git commit -a

To see what you have done (key Q brings you back):

git log or the more compact version git log --oneline important is the commit id or just the first 10
characters of the commit id as git log --oneline shows

Ignoring files and directories

Inside the directory that git observes, there might be files and directories that should not be version
controlled. Such directories and files might contain files automatically produced be integrated project

To ignore files and directories, put the file .gitignore inside the directory. It is a text file that
could contain something as:

# ignore backup files

# ignore compilation results

Going back
If not yet committed, getting rid of recently done modifications is easy. git status shows what has been
modified since the last commit. git checkout -- <filename> will then get last version. -- seems to
be there to mark the name as filename. If -- is missing then a commit name with the same name as the
file might be taken. git checkout -- . will do it with all files not committed.

If it comes to release, you should give your release a tag. Commits are identified by a commit number
as af8dad733ecf500a859a09357576cbb5605cf543 that can be obtained by git show, git log or git log
--oneline. Instead of dealing with those numbers or descriptions.

Commits can be tagged either annotated git tag -a <version> or lightweight (not recommended)
git tag <version>.

<version> is just a string that can be everything. It needs therefore some discipline to not
end up messy. Examples are:


1.0-rc0 (release candidate 0)

Links how to do it: and https://

An other issue is if V, v, Ver, ver , version, Version, ... should be put in front of the number. To
keep it simple this can also be omitted, since people dealing with it know what 1.0-rc0 mean.

If something other than the head is tagged, the commit number can be passed git tag -a 1.0


The commit number does not have to be inserted completely, It just needs enough characters
to be unique.
To see what tags there are type git tag

To delete tags git tag -d <tag name>

To create a zipped tarball of the latest version (HEAD)in the working directory (make sure you have
committed everything):

git archive -o<name of the archive>.tar HEAD && gzip <name of the archive>.tar

If a well working version gets larger risky modifications or if a second programmer starts doing some-
thing, it is worth to make a branch, this means a new version that exists in parallel to the stable version
the master. If everything goes well the branch can be merged with the stable version at some future
moment, if not the branch can be deleted. To see what branch you have the type:

git branch

More important * shows you what branch you work on

To create new branches type:

git branch<name of new branch> <tag from where it branches>

To checkout the branch (creating does not checkout):

git checkout<name of new branch>

To create and checkout

git checkout -b <name of new branch>

To merge the branch to the master:

git merge<name of new branch>

To delete a branch

git branch -d<name of new branch>

git clone <uri><path to local directory>.git creates a clone of the git repository from
the Internet on the local computer. It is a good habit to put .git to such directpry names.

On local filesystem the directory containing git (the git repository) could be simply copied but the clean
way is git clone file://<path to local source directory><path to destination

git clone <path to local source directory><path to destination
directory> will try to create hard links between source and destination. so use file:// do
have a real copy.


When created a clone a complete copy is created changes will affect just one of them. To see where
the local repository fetches and pushes its changes git remote -v

Remote repository are bare repository that have no working directories (working tree) where the files
are checked out. The purpose of a remote repository is that the files checked out are on a remote
machine and not on the server. A remote bare repository is a .git directory with a visible (not hidden)
directory with a name as <name>.git.

Such a remote bare repository can be created from a regular repository.

git supports different ways of communication. The following uses http and does not require to have
git installed on the server. On the server machine run

cd /var/www/htdocs or where your server data is

git clone --bare <path to the source repository><name of remote reposito-


Some magic work needs to be done

cd <name of remote repository>.git

mv hooks/post-update.sample hooks/post-update

chmod a+x hooks/post-update

git update-server-info

Now when the magic is done a user can clone it with git clone http://<server name>/<name of
remote repository>.git

git diff will show the differences between the two repositories

The remote repository might have been changed (as by other developers) since the cloning.
To get this update git pull origin master

git push origin master will then move back the work

Instead of working always on the newest version (the head of the master branch), other branches are
made. The work/changes are then made on those branches.

git branch <my branch> creates a branch and its head

git branch -a will show all the branches (lists local and remote branches)

git branch will show just all local branches

Creating a branch does not mean working on it. To work on it it must be switched to it: git
checkout <my branch>

git push -u origin <my branch> copies the branch to the remote repository

Merging is the step to get the master branch all of the work done in <my branch>


Merging starts with switching back from <my branch> to the master branch git checkout
master. To make sure the local master branch matches the remote master branch git pull
origin master

git merge <my branch> will finally merge it into the master branch

git push origin master will then put the change to the remote.

git push origin HEAD:master --force is the command to overwrite the head master on the remote
in case something went wrong on the remote repository

git branch --merged will show what branches are merged with the master branch and might therefore
be deleted on the local repository as git branch -d <my branch> and on the remote repository as
git push origin --delete <my branch> to see that all branches are deleted git branch -a

Git has also its Gui:

git gui



Since this GUI is quite complex to support everything it is recommended to not loose focus and start
first with the simple console commands.

When a project has some success it is ready to share it with others so is a way to
go. Everything can be done very intuitive in a web browser as create repositories.

The way to work in GitHub is create a branch from the master, so the master stays intact and ready
to be used by others. Then do the work (commits) on the branch, make a pull request and merge it
with the branch. is an alternative for github.

upload a git repository

Sign up and sign in in

Create a new repository

Go to your local git repository and make git status is happy. Then git commit and git remote add
origin followed (if knowing username and password )
by git push -u origin master

Create a local branch

mkdir ~/GitHub create a directory

cd ~/GitHub/ and go into this directory

git clone get the repository from the Internet to the local


cd linursoverlay go into the repository

git branch <my-branch> even being local create a branch to keep also the master branch intact.
This is later important to merge your work with the master branch on the Internet (GitHub)

git checkout <my-branch> now let git know that you are going to work with your branch
and that you like to keep the master branch intact.

Now to all the work in the directory.

When coming to an end do git status, git add and git commit until the git repository is happy.

Finally (remembering the login username and password) do git push --set-upstream origin <my-
branch> to have it on GitHub

Now on create a pull request and if having the privileges merge it. The branch does
not need to be deleted when planing new activities.

CVS ( Concurrent Version System)

It is a tool that allows multiple software developers work simultaneously on the same project and
handles different versions and releases. An other version control systems is: subversion, snv

Two branches (working activities) are commonly used:

1. stable branch (Base branch) => just bug fix work being done

2. unstable branch (Head branch)=> work to add new features

The unstable branch gets frozen from time to time to make releases


1. Major releases have new features, therefore when an unstable branch get frozen the major release
number will be increased.

2. Minor releases are bugfixes of the stable branch and the minor release number gets increased.


myprogram-3.2 => 3rd major release with 2nd minor release.

kde-3.5.2 => 3.5th major release, 2nd minor release

The CVS repository (main repository) is usually on a server but can also be local (local repository)
when you make local development. The actual work is done in a working folder (synonyms: working
copy, sandbox). CVS is a client sever architecture, where the CVS server is on the net somewhere
as and a CVS client is on your computer. If you have a local CVS repository
then client and sever is on your machine.

To get the files in the working folder you need to checkout the module (module is the word for a CVS
project, e.g. the program being developed).

Having once the files on the computer they can be updated to receive the changes from the colleagues
working on the same files.

Committing is the command to store your work done in the repository.


CVS Internals
Inside the CVS repository there is a subfolder CVSROOT and subfolders for each project (or module)
that has been created.

The files in the repositories are not stored in the same form as in the working directory. To the file-
names ,v is added and the text-files get a CVS header whereas the original text is moved in between
two @ characters. Therefore no additional files are required in the module directory of the repository.
This is also one reason why to take care how to use binary files with CVS.

The local working directory gets all the source files and has a CVS subdirectory containing internal
CVS data.

The CVSROOT subfolder inside the repository holds CVS internal data.

CVS is a command line tool but Cervisia is a GUI (graphical user interface) frontend for CVS. Useful
Cervisia configuration:

In the Settings menu, check the Create Folders on Update box, the Prune Empty Folders on Update
box and the Update Recursively box, directly on the menu.

Now, still on the Settings menu, click the Configure Cervisia... menu item.

Click the advanced icon in the icon list and set the Default Compression Level drop down to three.
Press OK.

Cervisia has two windows one containing the files of the repository and the other one showing the
CVS text commands issued and the responses.

Exporting files is used for making a release and does not copy the CVS subfolder. Tags are used
to mark releases snapshots that later can be recreated. An alternative is using the date for that. It is
obviously that you can not change and commit to the same date and tag (unless the tag is a branch
tag). Tags are usually given a name consisting of the project name and the version number.

Tags are usually linear except branch tags that can create a branch and therefor leave the trunk. The
trunk points to the head branch that grows up.

Leaving branch empty means head branch.

Revision A and B in the browse log are just used to mark a range of versions from version A to B to
e.g. to see differences or create patches between versions.

How to create a repository

It is worth to create an empty subfolder in the CVSROOT, then checkout it to the working directory.
Copy all files to the working directory, add them to the repository.

Watch out for binary files! For binary files don't use the add icon or the file->add to repository since
this adds the mentioned header to the files and might corrupt them. Use instead the file->add binary

Then you have to commit all files so they appear in the repository. An alternative would be the Cervisia
import module command.

Creating a Local Repository

mkdir /home/user/cvsroot


cvs -d /home/user/cvsroot init

mkdir /home/user/cvsroot/myproject

Finding The Repository Location And The Retrieval Method



Example for local


Setting The Repository Location And The Retrieval Method

Using Cervisia to set the location: Cervisia has the ability to store different repository locations.

To add a repository location, click the Repository menu then the Repositories... menu item.

The Configure Access to Repositories dialog box will pop up.

Press the Add... button. The Add Repository dialog should appear.

Type the repository location in the Repository text box. Press OK.

If your repository's retrieval method is pserver, you still have to log in. The Status column is probably
showing Not logged in.

Press the Login button. If you are using an Anonymous CVS mirror just hit enter. Else, type your
password. If everything went well, now the Status column should show: Logged in.

If you want, add another location. Cervisia will store as many locations as you like!

Other version control systems

subversion is supposed to be the successor of cvs see:

Simple programs print out information to the standard output or tot the standard error output. If the
program gets bigger and contains many modules a lot unwanted messages might occur and something
more flexible is desired to select what is required.Additionally printing on the standard output might
not create a visual effect when the linux device has no display (embedded PC) or if X is running.
Instead of creating something there own available loggers can be used such as:

1. log4cxx logger

Eclipse is originally an IDE for java, but due to its flexible plug in interface it became a universal
programming platform. Eclipse uses names for their versions as, galileo, helios, indigo, juno, mars.
Eclipse has lots of plugins. Instead of installing eclipse and the the correct plugins,

Special versions of eclipse exist that come with the already installed plugins as eclipse-cpp-mars that
is the eclipse mars version with plugins installed for cpp. Using such a version as a quick start is
therefore recommended.


Installing eclipse
Eclipse binaries come with everything required and run from their directory where unpacked. There is
no must to have them installed by a packet manager (however if hassle free available a packet manager
is recommended).

Building eclipse seems to be a pain. The versions in gentoo Linux but also in its overlays are usually
old and do not work anymore.

Installing eclipse plug-ins

Once installed, the next hurdle comes. How to install the plug-ins. There are different ways.

1. If you are lucky you find under help eclipse marketplace (if not, you find it under General Purpose
Tools to be installed using the next installation method).

There are many marketplace servers. so you might need to configure that too.

Figure 15.4. Eclipse Marketplace

2. Finally under Help> Install New Software opens a window, where a software site needs to be en-
tered. If nothing is there then adding a name as Juno for the version and a link to it as http://down-

Programming will do the necessary


Figure 15.5. Eclipse Install Software

Many names of software are is not consistent, so it might easy be confusion on what has to be installed
and what is already installed. The install software window has a link already installed that gives an
overview on what is already installed.

To get support for C, the CDT (C Development Kit) needs to be installed. This is good to know, but
the link to the Available Software site would be more helpful to know. So Google for CDT or use
the eclipse market place will eventually find it. The problem is there are many tools that are made for
CDT so you might end up installing such a tool instead of the CDT.

Working with eclipse

Eclipse puts all its stuff in a directory that you have to select at first start this directory is called
the workspace. Inside this directory all projects that you have done. But there is also a .metadata

Import allows to include a directory into the eclipse workspace.

Perspectives are desktop setups for the work to be done. Examples for perspectives are Debug, PYDev,
Visual XML, ...

Eclipse internals
Luckily Linux is a relative clean operating system, so all plug-ins downloaded and installed go into
~/.eclipse and within this directory subdirectories for different eclipse version exist. So it is pos-
sible to have multiple eclipse versions installed, but be aware to create multiple workspaces otherwise
the .metadata will become corrupt. Additionally the plug-ins might create directories as ~/.android
that could become messed up when having multiple eclipse versions with the same plug-in. So it is
probably better to create different user accounts.


If nothing shows up in the Install New Software window or if marketplace has some dependency issue
then the .metadata subdirectory in your workspace might be corrupt, so delete it, this will force eclipse
to recreate it.

Plugin development
There is the Eclipse Pluging development environment to develop plugins. See http://www.e-

Chapter 16. Emulation
Old DOS programs seems to be critical and do not run anymore under Windows. So the users ended
up with some beloved programs and games that became useless.

Luckily Linux offers DOS emulators.

The user must be in the games group . If necessary do gpasswd -a <USER> games and log out and
in. Then emerge dosbox and you can launch it by dosbox to get a dos windows where you run on the
Z: drive. The command exit closes the window.

To get access to a directory the following command created the C: drive:

mount c <directory in the home directory>

In the path the / character as in Linux need to be taken. The path starts from the working
directory. So ~/<directory> is a good way the define where C: is.

C: changes now the working directory to the C: drive

brings now the dosou can mount any directory as the DOS C: drive.

Alt + Return switches in full screen mode and back

Ctrl + F10 locks and unlocks mouse in X window

The default configuration file is in ~/.dosbox

Additional configuration files can be created as follows:

Within the dosbox type

config -writeconf dosbox.conf

to create a configuration file in your home directory

Then type dosbox -conf dosbox.conf to get it used and running.

Inside the configuration file there is the


section that serves as the autoexec.bat file. so commands as the previously mount command can be
added. A usefull command to put there is to set the keyboard as this example sets the swiss-german

keyboard CONFIG -set dos keyboardlayout sg

The classic Sokoban game from 1984 with amazing 4 color CGA graphics (black, white, magenta,
cyan) runs well under Linux!


Figure 16.1. Sokoban

Figure 16.2. Sokoban

DosEMU emulates a PC under Linux, where MSDOS or an other DOS as FreeDOS can be installed.

An other solution is FreeDOS or CD ISO image or
floppy images can be download.

Such floppy or CD images run well in virtual machines under Linux. See the floppy chapter how to
run an floppy image without having a physical floppy.

Note there is also openDOS that might be an alternative to FreeDos. Freedos can run well in virtualbox,
so you can create a pc to run your historic programs.

Luckily freedos under virtual box support CD's, so you can create a cd iso image and have it read by
free dos, this way you can move data to this historic environment. Ctrl+Alt+ Delete frees the cursor
in Virtual box.

An other option is to install TCP/IP on freedos and use FTP. Softeare can be found on http://www.ibib-

Commander keen:


Figure 16.3. Keen

Old software https:// https://

VirtualBox is free for private use and simulates a complete PC including its peripherals under Linux.
Different operating systems can be installed.


Figure 16.4. Virtualbox and compiz is running Ubuntu and XP

Under Gentoo run emerge virtualbox or its binary version emerge virtualbox-bin . It uses /dev/
vboxdrv from the virtualbox-modules package.

The group of the users vboxusers have access. So you might put yourself to this group usermod -a -
G vboxusers<thats me> and login log out and log in to make the system aware of it.

Since VirtualBox uses kernel modules that do not come with the kernel source they must be loaded.
lsmod | grep 'vbox' will show if they are running

VirtualBox is the command to start it. The configuration is done via a GUI and a wizard.

Some vocabulary to learn:

1. Guest is the virtual PC

2. Host is your physical PC

The right Ctrl key is per default the host key. Its function is to toggle the capture of the mouse and
keyboard between host and guest.

The manual:

~/.VirtualBox holds the configuration. Before working with Virtual box go in the Set-
tings of the VirtualBox Manager and select the default directory where you want to install,
this might be important if you want to backup or synchronizing your virtual machines. Be
aware that a lot of memory will be occupied since a regular virtual hard disk will have about


Guest additions
The guest will see rather simple generic PC hardware, with a low performance graphic card and low
resolution, so it is time to add some more functionalities. VBoxGuestAdditions is a iso image found at
/usr/share/virtualbox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso that can be inserted into the virtual
boxes CD drive.

For gentoo emerge virtualbox-additions

Since it runs on the guest machine it just has some impact on the guest machine. If virtualbox
gets reinstalled on a new machine and the guest disk is copied to the new machine than the
guest additons are already installed and do not need to be reinstalled

Start the virtual machine and run the guest additions:

1. On Linux mount the ISO image /opt/VirtualBox/additions/VBoxGuestAddition-

s.iso. Maybe your guest operating system uses autorun when the iso image is found, there is also
a menu item to install it or open the iso image in the guest Linux and run

2. When you run Windows as a guest, you have now a CD with the guest additions probably in drive
D:. Go there and start it.

For Gentoo there is also virtualbox-guest-additions that is for gentoo guests and comes with
an OpenRC service. This is not the iso image. So do not emerge it whan not having a gentoo

Run a ISO CD image

Run a ISO CD image is easy, create a virtual machine with no operating system and no hard disk. The
select the ISO image under CD drives and up to go.

Back to the past

This is a hack but maybe necessary to not find yourself in big troubles.

An example: Assuming you developed a product with electronic chips and this product is in production
for some years and everything looks OK. After some years you need to do a modification to your old
design. The old tools were free, but with a expiry date. The old tool does not run on the new operating
system. The company that created the tool does not exist anymore and there is no new tool. The new
tool is no more compatible to the old design and chip.

To not find you in a bad situation you could do a snapshot with virtual box and set the clock back
to the time of the snapshot.

Shared folders
Data between host and guest system can be exchanged using shared folders (guest-additions need to
be installed). In Virtual Box set the folder to be shared on the host. Then go to the guest systems:

1. On a Ubuntu guest system (where no root exist sudo needs to be used) open a terminal and type
the following to mount a folder: sudo mount -t vboxsf<name of the shared fold-
er><mounting point on guest> or to make sure you get access: sudo mount -t vboxsf


-o uid=1000 -o gid=1000<name of the shared folder> <mounting point on

guest> and to unmount: sudo umount<mounting point on guest>

2. On Widows XP just attach yourself on a network drive using the Windows-Explorers pull down
menu Extra > Network drive. Alternatively you could use samba to communicate to the host system.

USB devices
USB support for USB1 goes directly without additional installation. For USB2 and USB3 the extension
pack needs to be installed. For gentoo emerge app-emulation/virtualbox-extpack-oracle

Select in VirtualBox the USB devices (not just usb sticks) that you want to make available to the
virtual machine.

Using Serial port

On the Linux host make sure the hardware is detected and that you have the necessary permission to
access it. ls -l /dev/ttyS0 will show the group as uucp, usermod -a -G uucp <thats me> add it to
the group and cat /etc/group | grep 'uucp' will verify it.

Then test it with a terminal program. If it fails and sees no port check with lsmod | grep 8250 if the
serial port drivers are loaded. If not, check the kernel if the drivers are included in the kernel or select
kernel option to create the 8250 driver. Check the serial port chapter for the details. In Virtualbox map
COM1 to the host device as /dev/ttyS0.

If you have Windows XP and you don't see any COM port, you need to scan for new installed hardware.
Then it is worth to test it with hyperterminal.

When using this method the virtual PC does not care about USB when you have a USB to
RS232 adapter. Alternatively you could map the USB device to the virtual PC, and install
there the Windows driver for the USB RS232 cable.

Running FreeDos
Check create the virtual machine and insert the iso
Freedos image.

C:\FDOS\DN2\DN is something as mc filemanager

FDIMPLES with the freeDOS image in the CD drive installs programs

Data can be exchanged if FreeDos is not running by mounting its virtual harddisk (if format is sup-

A snap shot of the virtual machines can be made. When after a snap shot the virtual machines instal-
lation got damaged (virus, installation of applications) then it can be reverted to the status when the
snap shot has taken place.

When a disk is created a VDI (Virtual Disk Image) file is created. When a snapshot is created also a
vdi file is created, but this file contains just the difference to the base vdi file.

Once a VDI file is created, the size is fixed and can not simply be enlarged. Note then when creating
dynamic VDI file, the actual size of VDI file on the physical hard disk is smaller than the virtual size


of the disk. So be a bit optimistic and add larger VDI file size. Be aware that your host computer does
not run out of disk size, since this can cause bad data losses. It is wise to put the vdi files to a separate
partition to prevent such crashes.

To expand a a VDI file special dedicated tools as VDIclone are available. An other alternative is
clonezilla, where you first add an empty VDI file as second hard disk to your computer. Then start the
iso live CD image of clonezilla and copy the small VDI disk image to the second larger disk.

Be aware that you have enough physical disk space when you try to do such actions.

When no audio is required then select: Host Audio Driver > Null Audio Driver

Import and export VM

To backup and synchronizing Virtual machines among different computers the internals of Vbox need
to be understood.

There are two key files:

1. An xml file that holds all the settings of the virtual PC. This file has either xml or vbox extension
and its file name corresponds to the name of the Vitrual machine.

2. A file the holds the contents of the hard disk used. It usually has the extension vdi (Virtual Disk
Image) but depending on the format chosen it can differ. After an ova import and export the file
will be converted to vmdk (VMWare ).

As with any other program, vbox also gets evolved ant therefor the data and it directory
structure might become old an even on day no more supported. Importing and exporting the
virtual machines and its hard disks as described below will update them to the newest version.

In the past a different directory structure Additionally there are other subdirectories as Logs and Snap-
shots, that contain files matching the purpose of their subdirectory names.

To backup the virtual machines those files can be directly accessed but the VirtualBox Manager offers
also some more safe gui tools for manipulating as:

Virtual media manager that offers commands dealing with the virtual hard disks (copy, modify, release,
remove,... ).

Virtual machines can be easily modified by selection the settings tab. They can also be copied selecting

Adding a vbox file will add the virtual machines including its disk to VirtualBox

Finally they can be imported and exported using a single TAR archive. This TAR archive is called
Open Virtualization Format Archive or ova format. This archive holds three files:

1. The disk image is moved to a vmdk file.

2. The xml file ovf containing the description of the virtual PC

3. An optional manifest file with the mf extension that holds the checksums.


Be aware that snapshots disappear when importing and exporting

Mounting Virtual Harddisks

It might be desirable to mount the virtual harddisks under the real PC. When done, then also the
restricted directories (as android has) can be read and backup gets easy. Be aware that this topic might
be quite experimental and in general it should be avoided when the virtual PC accesses this hard disk.
Depending on the file format of the virtual hard disk there are some options.

vmdk harddisks
For vmdk there is the command vmware-mount that mounts them easily under Linux. http:// shows the details. After emerge vmware-worksta-
tion the command can be found under /opt/vmware/bin/vmware-mount

/opt/vmware/bin/vmware-mount -p <path to vmdk file> shows its partitions

/opt/vmware/bin/vmware-mount <path to vmdk file> /mnt/vmware/ mounts

/opt/vmware/bin/vmware-mount <path to vmdk file> 2 /mnt/vmware/ mounts 2nd partition

/opt/vmware/bin/vmware-mount -x unmounts everything

vdi harddisks
For vdi it is quite experimental and not mentioned in the VirtualBox documentation. The forum https:// says:

1. use a fixed size vdi file

2. make sure it does not contain a snapshot

3. have just one primary partition

4. don't have VirtualBox running and accessing this file

The vdi file contains the disk, but also additional information, therefore the offset has to be know that
separates the additional information from the file system. The offset can be found by:

vditool DUMP<my>.vdi

or by using a HEX editor and finding the string MSDOS in the file, then subtract 3 from its address
or use the od (object dump) command:

Knowing the offset the vdi file can be mounted as

mount -o loop,offset=34304,umask=000<path and name of the vdi file> /mnt/vdifs

The the vdi file can be mounted with a script like this:

Example 16.1. Mount vdi

OFFSET=$(./vditool DUMP $VDI|perl -ne 'print 32256+$1 if m/offData=(\d+)/')


sudo mount -o ro,noatime,noexec,loop,offset=$OFFSET $VDI loopmnt/

To mount the first partition type:

./ /home/lindegur/.VirtualBox/HardDisks/FreeDos.vdi /home/lindegur/VM/Free-

Dos/ 1

Mount vhd
libguestfs can do it. See to
mount guestmount -a FreeDOS_1.2.vhd -m /dev/sda1 /home/username/vhd to unmount guestun-
mount /home/username/vhd

Virtual Box Networking

Networking can be come tricky. There are different options:

Network Address Translation (NAT) is the default setting. It connects the virtual machine to the In-
ternet and needs no special setup. Drawbacks are that the VM can not act as an device connected to
to local intra-net.

In this mode the VM acts as a computer on the hosts Ethernet, resulting in a setting to be made, a (or
the) host network adapter.

It can do what ever other computers can do as accessing the Internet.

Host only networking

A network is created that connects all VM to the host. The host would have to act as an router to have
the VM's acting the Intranet or Internet. Per default the host gets address and the devices
when obtaining their address via virtualbox's dhcp server get addresses starting from

There are some settings to be done on the host to recognize this new network.

Bochs is a PC emulator, that also supports older operating systems as Win95/98 and Dos. There are
different hard-disk image files as a 10MByte FreeDOS that looks promising to run older SW. Bochs
image files can be mounted on the Linux Host system and be accessed.

Bochs needs a configuration file, take a look at the sample /usr/share/doc/bochs/bochsrc-


You need to rename it to bochsrc and place it somewhere bochs finds it: Current directory,
~/.bochsrc, in the /etc directory.

Bochs can also run bootable iso CD images. Settings to be done in a bochsrc for a Linux host running
a Knoppix CD image:

display_library: x

ata0-master: type=cdrom, path=KNOPPIX_V6.2CD-2009-11-18-EN.iso, status=inserted


boot: cdrom

If you run bochs from a directory containing bochsrc type bochs, otherwise bochs -f<here is my
bochsrc> .

Wine the Microsoft Windows API for Linux

Wine is a free implementation of the Microsoft Windows API. It does not require Windows to be
installed, it is basically a layer between Linux (X and OpenGL) and the Windows application. See and to see what has been tested and should therefore run under wine check
the database:

(you need to register to have access). Wine is not a Windows emulator, there is also not a window
where wine runs inside. Having installed wine, the simplest way to start is just clicking on the desktop
icon. Do not run wine as root this is not necessary and you do not want to catch a windows virus!

As regular user run winecfg to configure wine. This gives you a drive C under ~/.wine/drive_c

Wine puts its stuff in ~/.wine. Everything the user installs using wine is put there, therefore you
can run it as regular user. Sometime it is wise to delete this directory and start from scratch.

Try out if wine works:

wine winemine

wine wordpad

wine notepad

wine winefile

You do not need to be root to install a program, since everything resides in the home directory:
wine<linux path to setup.exe>

Sometimes the line above just unzips files so run the real setup.exe there:

wine ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/temp/setup.exe

To start a program go to the directory where the installed program is

cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/<here is the directory>

and then type

wine<program name>

If you are lucky it works, if not observe the error messages maybe a dll is missing. If so, look on
a windows computer where the dll is and copy it over to the corresponding location in ~/.wine/
drive_c/windows. On the missing dll's can be found to be downloaded,
but be aware of the copyrights.

Finally consider to do links from ~/home/.wine/drive_c to where you would like to have your

HP41 Calculator
When running the windows hp41 calculator emulator from a missing dll had to
be added in ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32 and the true type fonts had to be disabled.


Figure 16.5. HP41

Remove applications
And finally wine has a GUI uninstaller: wine uninstaller

However it does not install always the desktop stuff so manually delete the garbage in






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