ADF Syllabus

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Azure Data Factory Syllabus

This course covers basic to advanced ETL concepts, Data

Warehouse (DWH), Data Mashups, Data Flow concepts using
SQL server and Azure SaaS components, Azure SQL Database
Migrations, Azure Storage, Azure Data Warehouse (ADW),
Incremental Loads, Power Query, Azure Data Lakes and 4 Real-
time projects in Manufacturing, Healthcare, Banking and BA

Main topics highlighted in the course

 Azure Data Factory
 Azure Databricks
 Azure Synapse
 Azure Cosmos DB
 ADF Resources, Monitor
 Power Query in ADF
 Azure Storage Explorer
 Azure Data Explorer
 Data Migrations
 Big Data Storage
 Performance Tuning
 Security Management
 Prepping, Ingestions
 Spark Clusters
 Python, Scala, ETL tools, Staging

Chapter 1: Cloud Basics, Azure SQL

 Cloud Introduction and Azure Basics
 Azure Implementation: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
 Azure Data Engineer: Job Roles
 Azure Storage Components
 Azure ETL & Streaming Components
 Need for Azure Data Factory (ADF)
 Need for Azure Synapse Analytics
 Azure Resources and Resource Types
 Azure Account, Subscription (Free)
 Azure SQL Server [Logical Server]
 Firewall Rules and Azure Services
 Azure SQL Database Deployment
 Azure SQL Pool Deployment
 Compute: DTU Versus DWU
 Test Connections from SSMS
Chapter 2: Synapse SQL Pools (DWH)
 Dedicated SQL Pools in Azure
 Enterprise Data Warehouse with Synapse
 Massively Parallel Processing (MPP)
 Control Nodes and Compute Nodes
 DMS: Data Movement Service
 Start/Resume/Pause & Scaling
 SQL Pool Config @ TSQL Scripts
 Start/Resume/Pause, Scaling Options
 Table Creations @ TSQL Scripts
 Table Partitions: Left & Right
 Distributions: Round Robin, Hash
 Distributions: Replicate and Usage
 Auto Indexing & Column Store
 Planning for Big Data Loads
 Need for ADF: Azure Data Factory
Chapter 3: Azure Data Factory Concepts
 Azure Data Factory (ADF) Concepts
 Hybrid Data Integration at Scale
 ADF Pipelines: Architecture
 Integration Runtime (IR) & Use
 Linked Services and Datasets
 Pipeline Design: Activities
 Copy Data Tool, Data Flow
 Pipeline Triggers and Schedules
 ADF Pipeline with Copy Data Tool
 Azure SQL DB to Synapse Data Loads
 Working with Multi Tables Data Loads
 Creating Linked Services, Datasets
 Basic Data Loads: Publish, Trigger
 Copy Method: Bulk Insert
 DIU: Data Integration Units
Chapter 4: On-Premise Data Loads
 Copy Data Tool for ETL Operations
 On-Premise Data Sources with Azure
 Self-Hosted Integration Runtime (IR)
 Access Keys, Remote Linked Services
 Synapse SQL Pool (DW) with On-Premise
 Staged Data Copy and Performance
 Pipeline Executions and Monitoring
 Pipeline RunIDs and Audits / Tracing
 Creating Azure Storage Account
 Storage Container, BLOB File Uploads
 DIU Allocations and Concurrency
 Pipeline Trigger, Author, and Monitor
 Staging with Storage Account, Container
 Polybase For Azure Synapse, Advantages
 Pipeline Execution: DIU & DOCP
Chapter 5: Incremental Loads with ADF
 Incremental Loads with Files (BLOB)
 Pipeline Executions and Schedules
 Regular Schedules and Tumbling Window
 Execution Retry and Delay Options
 Binary Copy, Last Modified Date in Blob
 Automated Loops and Trigger Schedules
 Incremental Loads Verification Tests
 Incompatible Rows Skips, Fault Tolerance
 Database Tables: Incremental Loads
 Copy Method: UPSERT, Business Keys
 ETL Staging Advantages & Performance
 ADF Pipelines: Execution Settings
 ADF Logging Options, Consistency Check
 Compression Option, DOP and DOCP
 ADF Pipeline Triggers and Monitoring

Chapter 6: ADF Data Flow – 1

 Data Flow Task, Data Flow Activity
 Transformations with Data Flow
 Spark Cluster for Debugging
 Cluster Node Configurations
 Spark Cluster Types & Sizing
 Transaction Optimized – Capacity
 Memory Optimized – Capacity
 Data Cleansing with ADF
 Data Orchestration with Data Flow
 SELECT Transformation & Options
 Conditional Split Transformation
 UNION, SELECT Transformation
 Spark Cluster for Pipeline Executions
 Pipeline Monitoring & Run IDs
 Adding Data Flow into Pipelines
Chapter 7: ADF Data Flow – 2
 ADF Pipelines for ETL Operations
 Data Flow Tasks and Activities in Synapse
 JOIN & EXISTS Transformations
 Aggregate & Group by Transformations
 Window Functions & Rank in Data Flow
 Rank / Dense Rank / Row Number
 Derived Column Transformation
 Lookup, Surrogate Key, Parse
 Type Convert, Cast Transformations
 Reusing Data Flow Tasks in Synapse
 Pipeline Validations & Executions
 Inline Datasets, Schema Drift
 Data Deduplication with ADF
 DFT Optimization Techniques
 Data Flow Task – Staging, Logging
Chapter 8: Azure Synapse Analytics
 Azure Synapse Analytics Resource
 Azure Synapse Analytics Workspace
 Managed Resource Group, SQL Account
 Synapse Workspace & Synapse Studio
 Operations with Synapse Workspace
 ADLS Gen 2 Storage Account, Container
 Synapse Studio: Scripts & Pipelines
 Dedicated SQL Pools: Creation, Use
 Synapse Tables, Data Loads with TSQL
 COPY INTO Statements with T-SQL
 Row Terminator and Compressions
 T-SQL Queries and Aggregations
 Aggregation Data Loads in Synapse
 Creating Synapse Pipelines with TSQL
 Stored Procedure Activity & Triggers
Chapter 9: Synapse Analytics with Spark
 Synapse Pipelines: Performance Advantages
 Pivot Transformation for Normalization
 Generating Pivot Column, Aggregations
 Pivot Transformation and Pivot Settings
 Pivot Key Selection, Value and Nulls
 Pivoted Columns and Column Pattern
 Column Prefix, Help Graphic & Metadata
 Denormalized Data and Aggregations
 Apache Spark Pool in Azure Synapse
 Spark Cluster Nodes: Vcores, Memory
 Notebooks: Purpose, Usage Options
 Python Notebooks for Remote Access
 Creating Databases in Apache Spark Pool
 Data Loads from Dedicated SQL Pools
 PySpark Code for Data Operations, Writes
Chapter 10: Synapse Security & Parameters
 Azure Active Directory (AAD) Users, Groups
 IAM: Identity & Access Management
 Synapse Workspace Security with RBAC
 ADF Security with RBAC: Owner, Contributor
 Azure Synapse SQL Pool Security: Logins
 Creating SQL Logins & Users: master
 SQL Users in Azure SQL DB and SQL Pool
 Grant, Control, Revoke: Security Roles
 Parameters – Creation and Use in Pipelines
 Dynamic Connections with Credentials
 User Name and Password Connectivity
 Dynamic Dataset Configurations
 Pipeline Expressions with Parameters
 Resource Classes and Usage with SQL Pool

Chapter 11: Change Data Capture (CDC)

 Change Data Capture (CDC) Data Loads
 Incremental Loads with CDC Types
 SQL Server CDC: ETL Load Dates
 Run Mode Options and CDC Types
 Output Pipeline Expression, Data Window
 Azure SQL DB Destinations, Watermarks
 JSON Parameters, Pipeline Scheduling
 Pipeline Validation, Trigger, Monitoring
 Synapse SQL Pool: Data Loads (DWH)
 ETL Optimization Techniques
 SQL Pool (Synapse) Optimizations
 Pipeline Optimization Techniques
Chapter 12: Pipeline Monitoring, Security
 Azure Monitor Resource and Usage
 Pipeline Monitoring Techniques
 ADF: Pipeline Monitoring and Alerts
 Synapse: Pipeline Monitoring and Alerts
 Synapse: Storage Monitoring and Alerts
 Conditions, Signal Rules, and Metrics
 Email Notifications with Azure
 Serverless Pool in Azure Synapse
 Connections, Usage with Serverless Pool
 Using Azure Open Datasets in Synapse
 OPENROWSET and BULK Data Loads
 Working with Parquet Files in Synapse
 Python Notebooks (Pyspark) in Synapse

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