Mission D2 Popcorn at Dawn
Mission D2 Popcorn at Dawn
Mission D2 Popcorn at Dawn
Medium / 90 minutes
Material needed: Zombicide: Night of the Living Dead.
Tiles needed: 1V, 2R, 3V, 4R, 5V, & 6V.
Plot Twist: As desperately as we’ve been Popping the corn! The game is won as soon as both
fleeing down the road, it looks like we conditions are met simultaneously:
really are surrounded! Who would have - A ll Red Ghoul Spawn tokens are in the White Ghoul Spawn
thought that there were Ghouls lurking in token’s zone (see Special Rules).
the pits and wells of the farmland! In the - A Molotov is thrown into that zone, destroying all
past few hours, these silent Ghouls have Spawn tokens.
been spreading through the cornfields like
the plague! We must put an end to this!
Hey, wait... Tom has an “explosive” idea!
Starting Area
2x Open 5x
Doors Barricade
6x Spawn
Car token Zones
Searching Searching
Zone: Melee Zone: Ranged
- SPECIAL RULES • Uninvited Guests. All Relatives have 2 Actions per
Activation. After all Ghouls (including Relatives) have gone
• Setup. through the Activation Step and resolved their first Action,
- Survivors start in Zombicide Mode. Relatives go through the Activation step again, using their
- Set the 5 Open Barricade tokens in the designated Zones. second Action to attack a Survivor in their Zone or Move
- Set aside all Barricade and Door Opening cards from the if there is nobody to Attack. A Survivor who eliminates a
Ghoul’s deck. They won’t be used for this mission. Relative may switch to Zombicide Mode.
• The car of sweet corn cake has arrived! Spawn tokens are
not moved by Molotovs. A Survivor standing on a Red Spawn
Zone, with the car on the same tile, may spend a Barricade
token from their inventory for free. The Red Spawn Zone
token is then moved to the White Spawn Zone. The Survivor
then earns 5 XP and may switch to Zombicide Mode.