BTK2233 - Lab Module 1

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2020/2021 Semester II

Title of Experiment : Series-Parallel Circuits

Date of Experiment : Week 14

Lecturer’s Name : Ts. Dr. Norazlianie Binti Sazali

Section :2

Group Number :2

Group of Member :5

Name ID
1. Shirey Wong Ling Ling KH20033
2. Muhammad Nabil Farhaan Bin Zulkipeli KH20024
3. Muhammad Nur Zuhaiqal Bin Mohd Safri KH20030
4. Nur Farzana Binti Yusuf KH20031
5. Rathashine A/P Sugumaran KH20026

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Submitted by; Received by;

(Shirey Wong Ling Ling)

(Ts. Dr. Norazlianie Binti Sazali )

Subject Code : BTK2233 Electrical Technology in Chemical Industry Date Submitted: 8 June 2021

Title of Experiment: Series-Parallel Circuits

Title of Experiment: Coefficient of Performance Determination

of Heat Pump Date Submitted:13 Jan 2021

1.0 ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ 1

2.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................ 2

3.0 RESULT .............................................................................................................. 3

4.0 DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................... 4

5.0 CONCLUSION................................................................................................... 6

6.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 7

As the name suggests, a series or parallel or mix circuit has segments that are associated in
series and parallel. Therefore, the series-parallel circuit was performed in this experiment. The
objectives for this experiment are perform the appropriate calculations for currents and voltages in
series or parallel circuit and measure all currents and voltages in a series or parallel circuit by using
Ohm’s Law and digital multi-meter (DMM). To work on this circuit, the series sub-circuits and
parallel sub-circuits should be supplanted by their comparable opposition until the circuit is just
series or parallel. When the circuit is streamlined and all out current has been determined, the
branch current flows and voltage drops should be determined by utilizing Ohm's Law and Series
and Parallel standards or Current Division. According to the theory, we also know that the current
in all series components are the same in series circuit while voltage across parallel components are
equal in a parallel circuit. Thus, the starting point in investigating a series parallel circuit is to
figure out what parts are in series and which are in parallel. In order to carry out this experiment,
the combination series-parallel circuit was build. Then, the power supply which is voltage was
adjusted to 5V. The voltage and current for each resistor was measured using DMM and the result
was tabulated. Thus, in order to calculate the total resistance of a series or parallel circuit was
involved four steps and the way of circuit simplification to find the total resistance also shown in
this experiment. Thus, the series current which is total current from the simplified was calculated
by using Ohm’s law is 2.644mA and the resistor that has the same or almost value to the total
current is R2. In conclusion, the objectives of this experiment were achieved.


Figure 2.1: Series-Parallel Circuit

1. A series-parallel circuit was built as shown in Figure 2.1.
2. The power supply was adjusted voltage to 5V.
3. Voltage and current flow for each resistor were measured by using Digital Multimeter.
4. The results were tabulated.


Component Measured Voltage (V) Measured Current (mA)

R1 2.22 0.03
R2 2.64 2.64
R3 0.13 0.23
R4 0.13 0.23
R5 0.29 0.29
R6 0.48 0.04
R7 0.24 0.24
R8 0.24 0.24
R9 1.36 0.29
R10 0.09 0.09
R11 0.09 0.20
R12 2.36 2.36

Table 1: The Measured Voltage and Measured Current for Each Resistor.


In order to calculate the total resistance of a series or parallel circuit involved 4 steps. First
step is determining which resistor in the circuit can be combine in according to their positioning
and type of circuit for example resistor in parallel with another resistor in parallel. Second step is
make sure that the combining resistor in parallel and series circuit can be combined to 1 resistor.
Third step is redrawing the circuit after combining the resistors little by little until there is only 1
resistor left. Last step is determining that only resistor left is equivalent to the total resistance of
the circuit.

The way of circuit simplification to find the total resistance as show in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1: Circuit Simplification to Find the Total Resistance

Thus, the series current which is total current from the simplified was calculated by using
Ohm’s law is 2.644mA and the resistor that has the same or almost value to the total current is R2.
The way to calculate the total current as shown below.

R134 = 1/1000 + 1/4700 + 1/1000

= 451.92
R678 = 1/ (1000 + 1000) + 1/10000
= 1666.67
R1011 = 1/470 + 1/1000
= 319.73
R134567891011 = 451.92 + 1000 + 1666.67 + 4700 + 319.73
= 8138.32
R1234567891011 = 1/1000 + 1/8138.32
= 890.57
Rtotal = R123456789101112 = 1000 + 890.57 = 1.891k ohm

V= I/R
5 = I/1891
I = 2.644 mA

In conclusion, we have achieved the aim of this experiment which is to perform appropriate
calculations to calculate and to measure values of current and voltage in the combination of both
series and parallel circuit. We have learned the properties of current, voltage and resistance in both
series and parallel circuit which is the basic knowledge that should be known to calculate current
and voltage in any type of circuit.

We have learnt that, in order to calculate voltage and current in a combination of series and
parallel circuit, we need to first simplify the whole circuit by determining the arrangement of
components are either series or parallel. With that, we can calculate the resistance and voltage in
the simplified circuit, and proceed to the detailed calculation of resistance and voltage in each

In a series circuit, the total voltage is the sum of voltage of resistors in the circuit and the
total current is equals to current in each resistor in the circuit. In a parallel circuit, the total voltage
is equals to voltage in each resistor in the circuit and the total current is equals to the sum of current
in all the resistors.


What is a series-parallel circuit? | series-parallel combination circuits | Electronics textbook.

(2015, February 9). All About Circuits - Electrical Engineering & Electronics
Community. Retrieved from

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