02-Lea 1
02-Lea 1
02-Lea 1
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III. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT students learned while its teacher used the proposed learning
Overall research project followed the method described in analytics tool.
[9]. Starting with the need analysis, the following are The statistical testing proceeded as follow: first, each group
functional purposes of the system, which can be: was given the same questions (pre-test) to find out the average
1. Saving time and reducing operational complexity for value between groups. Pre-test results for each group can be
teachers. seen in Fig. 6. All scores range from 0 to 100.
Manage Schedule of
Learning Ac vi es
Authorized licensed use limited to: b-on: Instituto Politecnico de Viana do Castelo. Downloaded on May 10,2020 at 11:41:41 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
groups of data to be tested are homogenous (have the same
variances) and have normal distribution. To determine the
variance similarity (homogeneity) in an unpaired groups of
data, the Levene test will be performed. A criterium for groups
of data to be classified as having same variance is if sig. > 0.05,
and otherwise. If the variance is the same, then the t-test can be
performed (by using the Equal Variance Assumed).
To test the normality, Shapiro-Wilk test will be conducted,
since the number of respondents from each group is less than
When the homogeneity and normality tests have been
determined, decision-making criteria for the t-test results are as
Ho: There is no significant improvement difference of learning
progress between the control group and the experimental
Fig.6 Pre-test results of control and experimental groups. Ha: There is a significant improvement difference of learning
progress between control group and the experimental
Average scores of 74.2 and 75.3, respectively for the
control and experimental group, it can be seen that both groups The deciding factor is the result of the t-test, as follow:
have very similar competence at the beginning of semester. If t-test's sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05
After both groups have gone through the learning process, a
post-test was given to determine the effectivity of the students' then Ho is accepted and Ha rejected
learning progress, with and without using the proposed tool.
else Ho is rejected and Ha accepted.
The results of the average value of the post-test of the two
groups can were 77.6 and 83.8, respectively, as depicted in Fig To make this hypothesis testing simpler, a pseudocode can be
7. presented as follow:
If (t-test's sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05)
then (there is NO significant improvement)
else (there is SIGNIFICANT improvement).
Authorized licensed use limited to: b-on: Instituto Politecnico de Viana do Castelo. Downloaded on May 10,2020 at 11:41:41 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: b-on: Instituto Politecnico de Viana do Castelo. Downloaded on May 10,2020 at 11:41:41 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: b-on: Instituto Politecnico de Viana do Castelo. Downloaded on May 10,2020 at 11:41:41 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.