Developing A Teaching Plan
Developing A Teaching Plan
Developing A Teaching Plan
Purpose: This teaching plan is developed to educate the patient about the risks of having Obesity in Adults.
Goal: By the end of the session, the listeners will have enough knowledge regarding the said topic.
After applying this teaching
plan, the patient will be able
Cognitive 30 minutes - Video - Gadgets (laptop, Question and let the patient answer
Define obesity and WHAT IS OBESITY? presentations speaker, projector) form to measure their
know the cause of - Lecture for video understanding about the topic.
Obesity in Adults. Obesity is a serious chronic disease which - Discussion presentation.
involves an excessive growth of fat in the - Bond papers, After an hour or so of health lecture,
human body. The prevalence of obesity markers, and the patient and other listeners can
continues to increase in the United coloring materials now:
States. Obesity is common, serious, and (if needed) for role Define obesity and know the
costly. This epidemic is putting a strain on play and other cause of Obesity in Adults.
American families, affecting overall interactive/visual Predict the risks of
health, healthcare costs, productivity, activities. developing obesity.
and military readiness. - Visual aids (charts, Determine the early signs of
diagram, posters) obesity.
Predict the risks of THE RISKS IN DEVELOPING OBESITY IN - Printed syllabus, Regulate the necessary tests
developing obesity. ADULTS evaluation form. for obesity.
Know the ways to prevent
Obesity can lead to type 2 diabetes, the said illness.
heart disease, and other cancers. Develop a healthier mindset
People who have obesity, compared during the course of
to those with a healthy weight, are at treatment, which would
increased risk for many serious diseases benefit the patient’s ongoing
and health conditions, including the treatment and post
following: treatment attitude.
Hypertension Appreciate the help and
Stroke attention by relatives and
Sleep apnea healthcare providers, in
Mercado, Antonette Africa E.
BSN 1-Y2-20
Metabolic syndrome order to establish and
Fatty liver diseases healthy healing environment
Osteoarthritis for patient.
Gallbladder diseases Recognize the early signs and
Kidney disease symptoms of Obesity in
Pregnancy problems Adults.
Mercado, Antonette Africa E.
BSN 1-Y2-20
Mercado, Antonette Africa E.
BSN 1-Y2-20