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Developing A Teaching Plan

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Purpose: This teaching plan is developed to educate the patient about the risks of having Obesity in Adults.
Goal: By the end of the session, the listeners will have enough knowledge regarding the said topic.

After applying this teaching
plan, the patient will be able
Cognitive 30 minutes - Video - Gadgets (laptop, Question and let the patient answer
 Define obesity and WHAT IS OBESITY? presentations speaker, projector) form to measure their
know the cause of - Lecture for video understanding about the topic.
Obesity in Adults. Obesity is a serious chronic disease which - Discussion presentation.
involves an excessive growth of fat in the - Bond papers, After an hour or so of health lecture,
human body. The prevalence of obesity markers, and the patient and other listeners can
continues to increase in the United coloring materials now:
States. Obesity is common, serious, and (if needed) for role  Define obesity and know the
costly. This epidemic is putting a strain on play and other cause of Obesity in Adults.
American families, affecting overall interactive/visual  Predict the risks of
health, healthcare costs, productivity, activities. developing obesity.
and military readiness. - Visual aids (charts,  Determine the early signs of
diagram, posters) obesity.
 Predict the risks of THE RISKS IN DEVELOPING OBESITY IN - Printed syllabus,  Regulate the necessary tests
developing obesity. ADULTS evaluation form. for obesity.
 Know the ways to prevent
Obesity can lead to type 2 diabetes, the said illness.
heart disease, and other cancers.  Develop a healthier mindset
People who have obesity, compared during the course of
to those with a healthy weight, are at treatment, which would
increased risk for many serious diseases benefit the patient’s ongoing
and health conditions, including the treatment and post
following: treatment attitude.
 Hypertension  Appreciate the help and
 Stroke attention by relatives and
 Sleep apnea healthcare providers, in
Mercado, Antonette Africa E.
BSN 1-Y2-20
 Metabolic syndrome order to establish and
 Fatty liver diseases healthy healing environment
 Osteoarthritis for patient.
 Gallbladder diseases  Recognize the early signs and
 Kidney disease symptoms of Obesity in
 Pregnancy problems Adults.

 Determine the early SIGNS OF OBESITY

signs of obesity. The signs of obesity go beyond excess
body fat.

Physical examination: Use of Screening

tool, BMI calculation.
> If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls
within the obesity range.
Obesity is frequently subdivided into
 Class 1: BMI of 30 to < 35
 Class 2: BMI of 35 to < 40
 Class 3: BMI of 40 or higher.
Class 3 obesity is sometimes categorized
as “severe” obesity.

Other symptoms of obesity:

 Shortness of breath
 Having trouble sleeping, snoring
 Sweating more than usual
 Fatigue
 Inability to perform simple
physical tasks
 Skin problems accumulating in
folds of the skin

Mercado, Antonette Africa E.

BSN 1-Y2-20
 Psychological issues such as low
 Regulate the self-esteem, depression, shame,
necessary tests for and social isolation.


A healthy diet and regular physical

activity helps the people achieve and
maintain a healthy weight starting at an
early age throughout their life.

To prevent obesity in adults, they have to

change their lifestyle which includes
healthy eating and regular physical
ability. Additionally, physical examination
 Know the ways to and laboratory tests are done to monitor
prevent the said health status.
illness.  Assessing Your Weight. BMI and
waist circumference are two
screening tools to estimate
weight status and potential
disease risk.
 Healthy Weight. A high BMI can
be an indicator of high body
fatness. Visit the Healthy Weight
Website; learn about balancing
calories, losing weight, and
maintaining a healthy weight.

Mercado, Antonette Africa E.

BSN 1-Y2-20
Affective ESTABLISHING THERAPEUTIC 10 - 20 minutes - Video
 Develop a healthier RELATIONSHIP WITH THE PATIENT presentations
mindset during the - Lecture
course of treatment,  While interacting with your - Discussion
which would benefit patient, introduce yourself and
the patient’s ongoing use her name. At your first
treatment and post meeting, a handshake is a great
treatment attitude. approach to instantly establish
trust and respect.
 When providing care, ensure that
 Appreciate the help your patient has privacy. Make
and attention by sure her fundamental
relatives and requirements are satisfied, such
healthcare providers, as pain relief or other sources of
in order to establish discomfort.
and healthy healing  Pay close attention to your
environment for patient. Make sure you
patient. understand what she's saying by
repeating what she's said. "Mrs.
Smith, you indicated that you
were concerned you may get
serious illness for having excess
body fat?" For example, don't
restate too much in a
conversation because your
patient may think you aren't
paying attention. When speaking
with her, be genuine and exhibit
your true self.
 Maintain eye contact with the
other person. Keep in mind that
excessive eye contact might be
intimidating. As you and your
patient converse, smile at regular
intervals and nod your head.
Mercado, Antonette Africa E.
BSN 1-Y2-20
Speak slowly and quietly in a
language she understands. "I
care for you," your voice
expression should say.
 Maintain professional
boundaries. Some patients need
more therapeutic touch, such as
hand-holding and hugging, than
others and some patients prefer
no touching. Always respect
differences in cultures.

Psychomotor ASK THE PATIENT OR AUDIENCE TO 20 minutes - Role play and

 Recognize the early ROLE PLAY A SCENARIO THAT WOULD other group
signs and symptoms PORTRAY AN OBESE PERSON AND interactions

This activity will enhance the patient and

audience’s skill in noticing the signs and
symptoms related to the recognition of
the early signs and symptoms obesity as
well as determine needed prevention
techniques to avoid obesity.

Reference/s: https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/weight-management/adult-overweight-obesity/health-risks
Mercado, Antonette Africa E.
BSN 1-Y2-20
Mercado, Antonette Africa E.
BSN 1-Y2-20

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