Bamboo Technoguide 2021

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From “poor man’s timber,”
to “green gold,” bamboo has been
a symbol of strength and flexibility
due to its wide range of products and

In the Memorandum issued

by Agriculture Secretary William
Dar on February 7, 2020, the High
Value Crops Development Program
(HVCDP) was directed to include bamboo as one of the priority crops
under HVCDP.

DA Bicol HVCDP will focus on the development of the bamboo

industry as a source of income for farmers and entrepreneurs through
the showcase of bamboo technologies and creation of a venue for agri-
learning and development.

A20-hectare bamboo technology demonstration sites in the

Bicol region is underway in Del Gallego, Camarines Sur.

Another component of the bamboo project is the production of

IEC materials for dissemination to farmers to help in the promotion of
the bamboo industry in the region. This IEC material will help prospective
bamboo growers learn some production techniques and economics of
bamboo production.


Regional Executive Director


Introduction 4
Bamboo Species 5
Characteristics of Selected Bamboo Species 8
in the Philippines
Propagation of Bamboo 9
Reproductive Method 9
Vegetative Method 9
Branch-Marcott Culm Cutting 10
Tissue Culture 11
Plantation Establishment
Site Requirement 12
Site Selection 12
Site Preparation 12
Transport of Planting Materials 13
Field Planting 13
Care and Maintenance 14
Fertilization 14
Protection from Fire 14
Protection from Animals 15
Protection from Rodents 15
Protection from Humans 15
Protection from Pest and Diseases 15
Harvesting and Management for Plantation 16
Harvesting and Management for Natural Stands 17
Beema Bamboo 19
Economic Benefits of Beema Bamboo 19
Bamboo for Bio-ethanol 20
Advantages of Bio-ethanol 20
Bamboo for Coal 21
Ecological Benefits of Beema Bamboo 21
Beema Cultivation 22
Conventional Farming 22
High Density Planting 23
World Bamboo Day 24

Bamboo is the tallest perennial grass belonging to the
Graminae family. Due to the long cylindrical woody stem strength
and ease of workability, bamboo is a versatile material for a variety
of economic uses: handicraft and furniture; farm implements;
fishpen, fishcages and other fishing gears; banana props; musical
instruments; pulp and paper; and, house construction. Aside from
these, young shoots of some species are edible. There are 60 known
bamboo species in the Philippines and their number is increasing
because of the newly-introduced species by plant collectors and
bamboo enthusiasts.

Demand for bamboo in the Philippines is steadily increasing.

However, the demand is not currently met. Bamboo production is,
therefore, a potential source of income for agroforestry farmers.
Bamboo also has ecological benefits as it minimizes soil erosion
and stabilizes river banks. Bamboo thrives in a wide range of
site conditions making it a suitable reforestation species for
environmental protection. Bamboo has notable economic and
cultural significance in Southeast Asia, being used for building
materials, as a food source, and a versatile raw product. Certain
species of bamboo can grow 36 inches within a 24-hour period, at
a rate of 1.6 inches an hour.
009, Dr. Meri(Source: PCARRD’s The Philippines Recommends for Bamboo).

Parts of the Bamboo


(Source: Bamboo Botanicals)


These are the economically important species of bamboo.

1. Bambusa blumeana Schultes f (Kauayan-tinik).

It is erect, clump-forming species, reaching a height of 10-25 m,

a diameter of 10-20 cm, and hollow internode of 40-60 cm long. It can
be easily distinguished by its large clumps and dense thicket of spiny
branches surrounding its basal portion.
Kauayan-tinik is the most extensively distributed species. It can
be found almost everywhere in the country, except in areas of high ele-
vation. Its superior strength, durability and culm size make this species
the most useful and valuable among all species.

2. Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. Ex. Wendl. (Kauayan-kiling)

It has an an open or loose clump-forming habit. Culms which

reach a height of 10-15 m and a diameter of 6-10 cm are spineless. It
has yellow-green internode. Culm sheaths are deciduous, brittle, straw-
colored and the outer surface is pubescent.

It is claimed to have been introduced into the country during

prehistoric times. It is now thinly distributed in areas at low and medium
altitudes. It has been observed often that a clump of this species grows
singly. Although it does not occur in abundance in any particular province,
it is found in backyard along the periphery of cultivated lands, creeks and
at the foot of hills.

3. Dendrocalamous asper (Schultes f.) Backer ex Heyne

(Giant bamboo)

It grows up to 20m in height. The culms are erect and spineless.

The internodes are 12-40 cm long and 12-19 cm diameter. The internode
of young culm is covered with brown hair. The culm sheaths become
deciduous when it matures. The nodes are slightly raised and the lower
ones start to develop roots. There are several branches at each node and
one is larger than the rest with basal bracts.

Giant bamboos are found in Bukidnon and South Cotabato.
Cultivated clumps can be found in Laguna, Baguio City, Samar and Leyte.

4. Dendrocolomus merrf llfanus (Elm.) Elm. (Bayog)

It is clump-forming, erect, and attains 10-15 m in height. It has

green, smooth intermodes, 15-30 cm long, 8-12 cm diameter with thick
walls. Bayog is widely distributed in the provinces of Ilocos Sur, Nueva
Ecija (Fig. 3), Rizal, Zambales, Pangasinan and Bulacan in Luzon; Cebu
and Bohol in the Visayas; and in Lanao in Mindanao.

5. Glgantochloa otter (Hassk.) Kurz (Kayall)

Clumps are densely tufted, irregularly raised above the ground

with aerial roots on their lower portions. Young shoots are slender
green to dark green with appressed black hairs. In old clumps, culms
grow up to 22 m in height 6-10 cm in diameter. The longest internode
measures 40-50 cm. Dark brown hairs are appressed on the upper part
of the internode. The color is light green with distinct pale rings on the
nodes. Culm sheaths have black hairs, sometimes deciduous on the
lower portion, long, persistent, narrowly triangular with truncate apex;
rounded auricle to slightly curved with 4-6 mm long bristle, ligules 3-6
mm high, irregularly rooted; deciduous blades and reflexed.

This species is found in natural stands and in cultivation in the

provinces of Davao, Surigao, Bukidnon, Samat and Layte.

6. Gigantochloa levis (Blanco) Merr. (Bolo)

The species grows erect, spineless, reaching a height of 20 m. its

internode reaches 14-40 cm long, 8-10 cm diameter with hollow walls.
The nodes are not prominent and the lowest node is root-baring. Spike-
lets are in groups at the node of leafless branches.

This species is abundant in Laguna, Quezon, Albay, Iloilo, Leyte,

Aklan, and Capiz. It is also found in Davao, Mindanao.

7. Schizostachyum lumampao (Blanco) Merr. (Buho)

The culms are strictly erected and attain 10-12 m in height. The
internodes are green, 20-50 cm long, 4-6 cm in diameter with thin walls.
The culm sheaths are persistent. The outer surface is shiny and glabrous.
The auricles are not distinct and the blades are reflexed.

Buho can be found in Laguna, Batangas, Mindoro, Palawan,

Panay, Leyte, and Basilan. It is endemic to the Philippines.

8. Schizostachyum lima (Blanco) Merr. (Anos)

The culms are erect. The slender tips droop at 6-8 m in height.
The internodes are 12-60 cm long and 2-4 cm in diameter. Leafy branches
are numerous at the upper nodes. The culm sheaths are 18 cm long and
the base is 8 cm wide. The blades are reflexed.

Anos is endemic to the Philippines. It occurs where S.

lumampao exists. Clumps of anos can be found in Agusan, Minndoro,
Rizal, Central and Northern Luzon. Those in Laguna and Quezon are
widely scattered.

9. Sphaerobambos philippinensis (Gamble) Dransfield (Laak)

The culms reach 4-6 m in height, 5 cm in diameter. The internodes

are 60-70 cm long, thin-walled and smooth. Young shoots are glabrous.
Culm sheaths are 9 cm long, glabrous and smooth. The blades are erect,
ovate-lanceolate and tapered measuring 6-16 cm long, 26 mm wide
at the base, glabrous or abaxially; ligule is short but with long bristles
auricles measure 2 mm long with long bristles.

Laak plantations are found in commercial scale in Davao del


Characteristics of Selected Bamboo Species
Common Name Culm Diameter Length of Distribution
(scientific name) Charac- Intermode
(m) (cm) (cm)
1. Kauyan 10-25 10-20 40-60 Widely distributed.
tinik (Bambusa
2. Kauayan 10-15 6-10 30-50 Low and medium alti-
kiling (Bambusa tudes. found in backyard
vulgaria) along the periphery of
cultivated lands, creeks
and foothills..
3. Giant bam- 20 10-20 12-40 Natural groves locally
boo (Dendrocal- distributed in Bukidnon
amus asper) and South Cotabato. Cul-
tivated lumps in Laguna,
Samar and Leyte
4. Bayog (Den- 10-15 8-12 15-30 Widely distributed in
drocalamus) Ilocos Sur, Nueva Ecija,
Rizal, Zambales, Pan-
gasinan, Bulacan, Cebu,
Bohol and Lanao.
5. Kaychi 22 6-10 40-50 Natural groves locally
(Gigantochloa distributed in Bukidnon
atter and South Cotabato.
lumps in Laguna, Samar
and Leyte.
6. Bolo (Gigan- 10-12 4-6 20-50 Growing in Laguna,
tochloa levis) Batangas, Mindoro,

7. Buho 10-12 4-6 20-50 Growing in Laguna,

(Schizos- Batangas, Mindoro,
tachyum Palawan, Panay, Leyte,
Iumampao) Basilan.
8. Anos 6-8 2-4 12-60 Occurring in Agusan,
(Schizos- Mindoro, Rizal, Central
tachyum lima and Northern Luzon.
9. Laak Sphaer- 4-6 5 60-70 Cultivated in Davao del
obambos Philip- Norte on commercial
pinensis scale.


Knowledge on the different methods of bamboo propagation

is vital in determining the appropriate method to be used for each
particular condition.

Presently, propagation methods, either reproductive (sexual) or

vegetative (asexual), are focused on economically important bamboo
species. To attain successful establishment and growth, propagules must
have well developed root systems and shoots arising from rhizomes.

Reproductive Method

This type of propagation involves the production of new bamboo

plants through seeds. One disadvantage of this method is the infrequent
to rare flowering of most bamboo species and the production of infertile
seeds by most species (Fig. 6). Moreover, most bamboo species generally
die soon or a year after flowering. On the other hand the vegetative
growth of some species that survive slackens during flowering.

In the Philippines, the study on the flowering of bamboo has

been initiated. Only few species have developed viable seeds. However,
if wildlings or naturally growing bamboo seedlings in the forest are
available, these can be collected and use as planting materials.

Vegetative Method

The methods for vegetative propagation are: (1) offset, (2) culm
cutting, (3) branch cutting, and (4) tissue culture.

1. Offset
The method makes use of the rhizome and the portion of
the culms. It is commonly used in monopodial or non-clump forming
bamboos. It can be applied to some sympodial bamboo species with loose
clumps such as anos: (Schizostachyum lima) and buho (Schizostachyum
lumampao) because these are difficult to propagate by either culm
or branch cuttings.

This method is not recommended to many tropical sympodial

bamboos because of the short neck of the rhizome and too dense culms
of these bamboos. Collection is difficult and may damage the culm and
the propagules. Few materials can be collected. These bamboos are
inconvenient to transport, hence too expensive to use for any large scale
reforestation and plantation development.

2. Culm cutting

This method uses segments of culm (cuttings) bearing buds or

fascicles of branches. Cuttings are extensively used to propagate most
of the sympodial bamboos of the genera Bambusa, Dendrocalamus,
and Gigantochloa. Traditionally, these species are directly planted in
the field particularly if the source is near the planting area. However this
is practical in propagating limited number of clumps. For large scale
plantation, raising these species in the nursery is necessary.

Nursery grown culm cuttings have better survival, growth

and development in the field than directly planted cuttings because
the former receive better care and maintenance and proper grading
or selection during outplanting. Culm cuttings are most preferred
over larger propagules because of ease of preparation and transport,
availability of materials at the right age, besides being cheaper.

Culm cutting (1 -node)

From June to October, the selected one-year old culm is cut 8

ft. above the ground. Then the branches are pruned. The culm is then
sawn into one-node pieces. Each one-node culm-cutting is planted in a
pot. Note the inclined position of propagule so that the emerging shoot
will grow vertically. If the shoot grows sideways, it gets entangled with
neighboring shoots which separation difficult.

Tests have shown that the optimum length of the branch to

be left attached to the culm is a stub with a remaining branch node.
Kauayan-tinik cutting needs full sunlight. Shading slows the growth and
enhances the mortality rate.

Branch-marcott culm cutting

This method is similar to cutting method, however, it induces
first the rooting of branches by marcottage, before the culm is cut into
one node pieces for planting. This pre-rooting procedure is necessary
when propagating from small-diameter culms which cannot be directly
propagated by culm cutting.
By propagating from full-sized culms by culm cutting, and then
later from the small culms of the young plantings through the branch-
marcott culm cutting system, the rate of propagation is accelerated.

The additional labor and materials needed for marcotting are

compensated by the higher rate of success, (Fig. 8). The time needed
for the roots to form, which is about 15 days, is regained later by faster
growth of the marcott.

The steps involved in branch-marcott culm cutting are:

1. The marcott bag is first prepared from an ordinary plastic bag,

3” x 10”, and cut with scissors.
2. The second bag is filled with wet sphagnum moss or any similar
water-absorbing material.
3. The loaded bag is then tied securely around the culm, with the wet
filling pressed against the base of the branch which is not yet pruned.
4. After 15 days of attachment, roots will emanate from the base of the
branch. At this stage, marcotting is successful and the culm can be
cut, the branches can be trimmed and planting in pots can be
followed in exactly the same manner as in the first method.


Branch cutting is an alternative method of propagating

rhizomatous branch-producing bamboos like kauayan-tinik (Bambusa
blumeana), Bayog (Dendrocalamus merrillianus), Kiling (B. vulgaris),
striated bamboo (B. vulgaris var. striata) and others. Individual branches
that resemble the mother culm in having small basal portion which
recapitulats the rhizome are referred as rhizomatous. Such characteristic
of the branch coupled with its size (being small), makes the branch a
potential material for the production of economical and uniform planting
stocks that are easy to handle for outplanting. The method does not
require cutting of potentially marketable culms.

Tissue Culture

It is a biotechnology method which involves the development

of new plants in an artificial medium under aseptic conditions from
plant tissue. Unlike other propagation methods, the relative space and
manpower requirement to mass produce bamboos is small. Moreover,
the production of plants can be carried out in the laboratory the whole
year round.
Plantation Establishment

Site Requirement

Bamboo thrives best in well-drained, sandy-loam to clay­loam

soil, but avoids swampy or wet-stream beds. A pH of 5.0 to 6.5 is most
suitable for bamboo. Saline soils along salty bodies of water are not well
suited for bamboo.

Site Selection

Selecting suitable site for many plant species is a primary

requisite to any plantation establishment. It is important that the site for
planting should match with the requirements of the species. Bamboo can
grow in almost any type of soil which is not extremely acidic or alkaline.
These thrive best in well-drained sandy loam to clay loam soil in river
banks, hillsides, cogonal lands or underlying rocks. Although growth is
vigorous in moist soils, some species can thrive in drier sites.

Site Preparation

Depending on vegetative cover and purpose, site can be

prepared either by completely clearing the vegetation, by clearing strips
of 50 cm to 1-meter wide or spots of 50 cm in diameter. For riverbank
and hillside rehabilitation, spot clearing is necessary since it will have the
least disturbance to the site.

Holes for planting should be wide and deep enough to accom-

modate the potted, balled, bareroot or freshly cut planting materials.
The holes may vary from 30-50 cm wide and deep, depending on the
size of the planting materials.

The soil should be cultivated and the roots and rhizomes of

existing vegetation should be removed to ensure survival of the newly
planted bamboos. When digging, the soil should be placed at one side
of the hole and the subsoil at the other side. Planting holes should be
properly staked to make them visible. Spacing varies according to species.
For riverbank and hillside rehabilitation, dense and irregular planting is
necessary. For reforestation and plantation development, spacing and
arrangement may be critical. For Laak (Sphaerobambos Philippinensis),
Buho (Schizostachyum lumampao) and Anos (Schizostachyum lima) the
spacing may be closer (4 x 5 m or 5 x 5 m).

For species with big diameter culms and with thickets, wider
spacing is recommended and may vary from 7 x 7 m to 10 x 1O m.

Transport of planting materials

Bamboo planting materials for field planting should be handled

with care. Transplanting of the planting stocks from the nursery to the
field can be done manually or through an animal-driven cart, by vehicle
depending on the distance and accessibility.

Freshly cut planting materials (culm cuttings, rhizomes and

offsets) which are to be planted directly in the field should be properly
covered or wrapped in moist sacks when transporting these to the site
and should be placed under shade to avoid drying.

Tops of bareroot planting stocks (cuttings and seedlings

raised in nursery beds and newly collected wildlings) should be pruned
immediately after lifting. The roots should be wrapped with moist gunny
sacks or any suitable material before transporting to the field.

Potted planting stocks should be put in suitable containers like

wooden boxes, bags made of sacks or pandan, basket or kaing for easy
and convenient hauling and transporting to the planting site. These
may likewise be tied and hauled with the use of bamboo pole carried by
the laborers. Newly hauled planting stocks should be kept from direct
exposure to sunlight.

Field Planting

Freshly cut planting materials like culm cuttings, rhizomes and

offsets can be directly planted in areas with longer, well distributed
rainfall. Planting must be done early in the rainy season. Newly collected
culm cuttings from one-to two-year old culms should be immediately
planted in horizontal position.

Bareroot planting materials should be planted in the hole,

positioned similar when they are still in the beds, however, their roots
should not be curled upward.

Keep the ball of earth from breaking when these are removed
from the containers. Before planting, the hole may be initially filled with
compost, then top soil taken from one side of the hole. The stock should

be set in the hole with the root collar or upper part of the ball level to
or slightly deeper than the ground level. Then the soil is pressed firmly
around the newly planted bamboo.

During the planting of potted planting materials, fertilizer (e.g.

14-14-14 at rate of 50g per plant) may be applied around the plant 15
cm or more from the base. This will boost the growth and development
of the plants. Grass mulch and other litters (preferably dried leaves of
bamboo) can be placed around the plants to reduce water loss and avoid
hardening or compaction of top layer.

Care and Maintenance

A bamboo plantation requires lesser care and maintenance

compared to a tree plantation. During initial phase of the plantation,
care and maintenance like regular weeding or brushing of the
competing vegetation around the plants particularly during the first two
years should be done. Thereafter, cleaning or weeding can be done only
when needed. The plantation should be kept free from climbers.


Bamboo may be able to grow and develop even without

fertilization. However, since the areas most likely available for bamboo
plantation development are less fertile and unproductive, it is necessary
to apply fertilizer. Inorganic fertilizers will likely favor rapid vegetative
growth. The recommended rate per hectare is 20-30 kg nitrogen, 10-
15 kg phosphate, 10-15 kg potassium and 20-30 kg silica. These can be
applied one month after planting or soon after when plants have shown
signs of recovery. Application can be repeated after four months or even
earlier or later depending on the growth of the plants. Due to high cost of
organic fertilizer, organic farming using cow dung, carabao and chicken
manure compost and other organic fertilizers may suffice to allow good
‘growth and development of the plants. To provide the bamboo with its
silica requirement decomposed bamboo litter can be applied around
the plants.

Protection from fire

Although bamboo can recover and continue shoot growth and

development after fire, it is necessary to protect them from burning.

Bamboo litter (dead leaves and small branches on the ground)
and dried cogon and other grasses are flammable, hence the bamboo
plantation becomes susceptible to fire. Fire can be prevented by
establishing firebreaks 10-meter strip along the boundaries and
compartments of the plantation. Firebreaks are areas cleared of grasses
and other flammable organic materials or thickly planted with fast
growing fire resistant species. The latter has more advantage because it
can at the same time serve as windbreak which protects the plantation
from strong wind. If fire is prevented, this will allow soil build up by the
decomposing litter, hence death of developing shoots and destruction of
the dumps can be avoided.

Protection from animals

The plantation should be fenced to prevent entry of browsing

stray animals like cattle, carabao and goat which may feed on young
shoots and leaves of the growing bamboos. These also trample and
damage the plants.

Protection from rodents

Rodents feed on emerging shoots and bore holes on the young

culms. If these rodents are not controlled, the damage to the plantation
becomes serious, thus reducing the production of poles. Rats can be
controlled by poison baits with rodenticide, a mixture of which is placed
inside a bamboo tube about a meter long and distributed at 30-m interval
in the plantation.

Protection from humans

Young and succulent shoots of most bamboo species are delicious

and people prefer these as vegetable. To allow faster development of
clumps, indiscriminate gathering of shoots should be avoided.

Protection from pest and diseases

The bamboo pests in the Philippines include the cottony cushion

mealy bug (Planococcus lilacinus), the bamboo scale (Asterolecantum
bambusae), oriental migratory locust (Locusta migratoria manillensis),
leaf roller (Pelopidas mathias), tussock moth (Lymatria lurata), aphids

(Astegopteryx bambusae) and mites (Aponychus corpuzae, A vannus
and Schizotetranychus floresi). Bamboo diseases, on the other hand,
include the physiological diseases and fungal disease (Loculistroma

Harvesting and Management for Plantation

Thinning - Rapid and profuse growth of shoots result to tight and close
development of culms, making the clump becomes dense. Thus, the
shoots which developed inside are crooked and small. Cutting of mature
culms inside the clump becomes difficult and wastes so much butt
portions of the culms after cutting.

Thinning should, therefore be done to make the clump more

open allowing a growing space for better development of quality culms
inside the clump. Overcutting, however, is not recommended.

Harvesting of Culms - Generally, bamboo culms mature in three to five

years after shoot development. Mature culms are dull green, different
from the fresh immature green culms. The same dull green color can be
observed in the leaves of mature culms. Moreover, the leaf sheaths are
no longer present in mature culms.

Depending on species and site, mature bamboo culms can be

harvested from a five-to seven-year old established plantation. Fully
mature culms are stronger, denser, more durable and less prone to insect
attack when harvested than immature ones.

To sustain the yield/productivity of bamboo, culm selection

system of harvesting should be adopted. Over mature, defective and
few mature culms should be cut. Results of studies suggest that the
most suitable cutting/harvesting regimen is to leave in the clump at least
two to three fully grown one-to two-year old culms for every young and
developing shoot.

Mature culms should be cut in the dry season when starch

content is at its minimum level and no shoot is emerging. This prevents
the harvested culms from attack of the powder post beetle. Culms should
be cut close to the ground to maximize utilization of quality portions. For
spiny species (kuayan-tinik, Bambusa blumeana), cutting can be done
2-3 m above the ground. However, the basal portion which is specifically
used for furniture making, should be cut closer to the ground within six
months after harvest.
Harvesting and Management for Natural Stands

Old clumps of bamboos of unknown age should be converted

into managed stands. Conversion of these old/natural clumps of bamboo
requires appropriate harvesting. The technique necessitates the removal
of the oldest culms situated in the inner portion of the clumps to
decongest and allow the emergence of new shoots.

There are known treatments of decongesting the very dense

interior portion. The treatments involve the following thinning principles:

1. Open the clump on the side opposite to where the maximum

production of new culms is.
2. Remove all over mature and defective culms in the interior of the
3. From the periphery, cut the old culms but leave some enough to
support the younger culms.

The above mentioned treatments can be applied to old stands/

clumps of kauayan -tinik and bayog.

For existing natural stands of buho, Virtucio et al. (1990)

prescribed the following steps:

1. Mark all new shoots emerging in three years to establish the exact
ages of the culms;
2. On the third year after initial marking of emerging shoots and new
culms, cut all old culms with unknown ages;
3. On the fourth year the initial; marking, harvest only three-year old
and older culms; and
4. The next harvest of the same age groups as in No. 3 is repeated
every after two years.

1) Beema Bamboo: Health Enchancer and Clean
Energy Producer, AGRIMAG May 15, 2019
2) The Philippines Recommends for Bamboo
Production by PCARRD, 1991

Raising Branch Cuttings

To raise branch cuttings in the nursery, consider also some of the

factors cited for culm cuttings like age of material, the portion where
cuttings are taken, size of cuttings, time of collection, rooting techniques
and media.

Similarly, the one-to two-year old culms are ideal source of

branch cuttings. Those with prominently swollen basal branches located
at the butt and middle portions of the culm and preferably with in situ
rooting or developed aerial root primordia should be selected and used
as propagules. The branch cuttings can be collected using a cross cut
saw, bow saw and pruning saw. The swollen part of the branch and the
buds should not be damaged during collection. The size may vary from
two- to three-node branch cuttings.

The best time to collect branch cuttings is during early part of

the rainy season. Branch cuttings can be raised in pots or in nursery
beds immediately after collection. For better rooting, sprouting, shoot
production or rhizome development, the branch cuttings must be
planted in propagating sand bed. If hormone (100 ppm indole acetic
acid) is available, the branch cuttings can be treated for better rooting
and sprouting. After 20-30 days,the rooted branch cuttings should be
transferred into pots of suitable size (6" x 8" polyethylene bags) with
ordinary garden soil mixed

Bamboo propagation via branch cuttings


The High Value Crops Development Program of DA RFO 5 will
establish a 20-hectare bamboo technology demonstration sites in Del
Gallego, Camarines Sur to showcase Beema bamboo as potential source
of livelihood for farmers as Beema is a good raw material for furniture,
handicraft and cottage industries, power generation projects, paper
industries, and construction.

tissue cultured variety of the In-

dian Bambusa balcooa, a higher
Biomass yielding Bamboo spe-
cies. This plant is fast-growing
and high yielding. It can grow
in the field for more than 100
years without the need for re- (Source:
planting. Unlike common bam-
boos, Beema bamboo’s culm
grows nearly solid, without ge-
netic engineering. It maintains
a fast growth rate and after
every harvest cycle, it regrows
and does not require replanting
for the next 50 years.

Beema Bamboo Native Bamboo
(Source: /

Beema maintains a
fast growth rate, giving the It's rhizome and root
opportunity to constantly development provides a strong
yield high and predictable foundation, making the plant robust
harvest. Nevertheless, it does against natural forces. Increased
not grow uncontrolled. It is a resistance against pests due to high
non-invasive clumping variety, internal hardness supports predictable
new culms only grow around and constant harvest yields. (http://
the mother shoot. Bambusa
balccooa does not affect the bamboo.html)
natural environment of the
plantation as it does not spread

For high density plantation Beema Bamboo (1000 plants / acre
or 2500 plants / Ha) the yield will be 40 tons / acre (100 tons / Ha). It is the
best Biomass plant specie with the higher calorific value, with low ash
and moisture content than many other Biomass crops.

Beema is a tropical variety, preferring a humid environment. Yet

it is able to adapt to various soil and climate conditions. Only moderate
biological fertilization is required. After every harvest cycle, it regrows
and does not require replanting for decades.

Its certified high energy value (4500 kcal/kg) and low ash content
make it an outstanding biomass feedstock for energy generation. (http://

Bamboo for Bio-Ethanol

The Bamboo under precision farming along with appropriate

Agri inputs, provides cellulosic Ethanol yield of 10,000 to 12,000 lit per
acre per year.

The present source of Ethanol is from Sugarcane, which is

yielding only 500 litre from an acre of sugarcane while cultivated bamboo
similar to that of sugarcane would result in 10,000 litres of Ethanol.

The Green house gas emission is 12% lesser when compared to

the production and combustion of Regular diesel.

Advantages of Bio-Ethanol:

Bio-Ethanol can be used as a transport fuel to replace gasoline,

power generation by thermal conversion, fuel cells for thermo chemical
reaction, cogeneration systems, feedstocks in chemical industries.
Exhaust gases of ethanol are much cleaner, it burns more clearly. The
use of Ethanol blended fuels such as E85(85% ethanol and 15% gasoline)
can reduce the net emission of the green house gases.

Ethanol is considered as renewable energy resource because it

is primarily the result of conversion of sun’s energy into usable energy.
Creation of ethanol starts with photosynthesis, which causes feedstock,
such as Bamboo to grow. These particular feedstocks are processed into

Bamboo for Coal

Bamboo has 50% carbon which lent likely to get biomass

converted into charcoal. Bamboo makes excellent charcoal that meets
the rural energy needs for heating and cooking has industrial fuel and to
make product such as activated carbon.

Bamboo charcoal is developed fast in the recent years, unknown

to many. The reason for bamboo is that the forest wood used for
production of high-grade charcoal has reduced rapidly.

The harvest cycle of bamboo is short because it grows very fast.

Hence, bamboo charcoal doesn’t destroy forest.

The Property of bamboo charcoal is like high quality wood

charcoal and better than coal. Its calorific value is higher than coal and
vey low in ash content. For these reasons bamboo is good opportunity
to convert into charcoal and get recovery as much as 35%. Bamboo is
heated in brick kilns or mechanical kilns with little air that results in no
burning but pyrosis of bamboo resulting to bamboo charcoal.

One acre of cultivated bamboo can produce as much as 14tons

of charcoal. But quality of charcoal for making activated carbon can be
obtained through the process of gasification and pyrosis which could
result in 5-6 tons of high-quality charcoal suitable for making activated


One fully-grown Beema bamboo could sequester more than 400

kilograms of carbon dioxide from our surroundings every year for the
next 100 years, at least for the next few generations. It absorbs carbon
dioxide and releases oxygen into the atmosphere at a rate three to four
times higher than any other tree. One bamboo tree generates plenty
of natural oxygen sufficient for more than one human being’s daily

A family of four, including a dog or cat, would essentially require

1,100 to 1,250 kilograms of oxygen every year for breathing, which is
made available by three bamboo plants organically. In tests conducted
in India, patients were made to jog through a lush bamboo farm.After
the test, all of the patients recuperated and rehabilitated fully from their
When fully grown, bamboo farms could be converted into oxy-
gen parks where people can avail themselves of fresh oxygen produced
by the bamboo, and carbon neutral gardens to enhance the health of
residents living in the area. (Source: Agriculture magazine June 2018 issue).

Bamboo has several desirable fuel characteristics such as low

ash-content and alkali index. The high heat value (HHV) of bamboo is
higher than most agriculture residue. Biomass energy includes fuel
wood, charcoal and agriculture residues which are renewable in nature
and does not contribute to the problem of Global warming.


Conventional Farming

Beema bamboo requires much sunlight as they are clump

forming and are more suitable for cultivation and grows very well in
tropical and sub-tropical climatic condition.

Conventionally bamboo plantation in wider spacing of 4-5 m

between plants results in 160-200 plants in one acre. This spacing is
suitable for most of larger diameter bamboo such as Dendrocalamus
giganteus, Dendrocalamus asper, Dendrocalamus hamiltonii,
Dendrocalamus brandisii and also medium sized bamboo such as
Bambusa balcooa, Bambusa nutans, Bambusa vulgaries, Bambusa
tulda, Bambusa cacharensis, Bambusa bambus, Dendrocalamus strictus,
Bambusa polymorpha.

Bamboo reaches maturity after 4-5 years under well managed

plantation condition. Culms are marked for ages by different colour
codes and selective culms are harvested after 4 years of culm growth.
The cultivation practises, nutrition requirement, spacing between
bamboo plants varies for each site.

High Density Planting

High Density Planting technique is a modern method of

cultivation involving planting of plants closely, allowing younger plants
with modified canopy for better light interception and distribution and
ease of mechanized field operation.

High density plantation provides opportunity for early harvest,

higher yields as well as returns per unit area due to effective use of space
in the early growth stage of the bamboo.

Higher density of planting is also suitable for smaller sized

bamboos, the plantation will not suffer from canopy exposure, loss of
soil moisture through evaporation and competition from weeds and
other vegetation. High density results in quicker harvest when compared
to conventional methods. This generally results in 500-1000 plants in an
acre. In rare cases it reaches 1,850 plants per acre, specifically, in species
such as Thyrsostachys oliveri.

The planting density will vary based on the bamboo species and
the end utilization of the Bamboo. Bamboo from high density plantation
is used in the form of Energy as Biomass for Power generation, Bio-
Ethanol, Bio-CNG, Hydrogen Handicrafts, Special furniture, Agricultural
Implements, Timber market Stacking, Construction, Furniture, Paper
pulp, Bamboo lumber and many more.

In celebration of the 11th World
Bamboo Day on September 18, DA Bicol
joined the nationwide tree planting activity.
In the Philippines, the celebration was led by
the Philippine Bamboo Industry Development
Council. The theme for the 2020 World Bamboo
Day was “Kawayan Tugon sa Hamon ng Panahon”.
In the Bicol Region, the celebration
and ceremonial bamboo planting was led by
Regional Executive Director Rodel P. Tornilla,
together with RTD Luz R. Marcelino and Dr.
Mary Grace DP. Rodriguez, Chief of Field
Operations Division.

Produced by


Regional Field Office No. 5
San Agustin, Pili, Camarines Sur

Writer/Lay-out artist: Lovella P. Guarin

Editor: Emily B. Bordado
Photography: Hermito Antonio Privaldos/
Vincent Emil Pasumbal

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