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Mushroom is one of the best diet, which contains protein, minerals and vitamins like
Nutritive material in a sufficient quantity. Mushroom is having less quantity of fats due to this
reason it is very good diet for heart patients and due to the very less carbohydrates mushroom is
most suitable diet for diabetic patients. Mushroom is not required direct sunlight as it is
required in case of vegetables which are having green leaves plants but the beds of the
mushroom should be protected from the direct sunlight and rains so the mushroom is grown
either in house or in hut or any cover and below the any cover of the root which is having
sufficient aeriation. About one dozen mushroom spaces are commercially grown in the world
but in Haryna mainly two spaces are cultivated which are grown at commercial level. The
description detail is given in the table:Table:- On the basis of the season to popular spaces are cultivated on the basis of time and



Optimum time for



White Button or European For spawning 20- In Winter-Nov.Mushroom

25 degree Celsius February.
for production
During production




or 20-30
degree Whole
except May-June.

For above all mushroom is required maximum humidity above 80% the higher temperature
above than optimum temperature is harmful to all mushroom but due to low temperature the
growth of the spawn germination and the growth of the mushroom slow down.
Method of growing button mushroom:- To grow this mushroom three basic things are required
for its cultivation which are compost, spawn (seed of mushroom)and casing mixture. It is
necessary infact that these three components should have high quality but to have good yield of
mushroom a good quality of compost is must required. The material on which the mushroom is
grown is called compost, which are made with the many articles which are mixed in a particular
proportion. The main base of the compost is weed or peddy straw but as per the
recommendation of the Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar, which has round the straw of
mustard, is also suitable for making compost. There are two method of preparation of compost
which are long or short method of composting. In both the methods, the compost mixture is

made in open on the floor by furmentation but in short method compost are prepared in a specific
room where the mixture is filled for two weeks which are called chamber or tunnel. The floor
of the chamber is of sieve type and below this the air is passed through the blower (fan) that
maintain the uniform temperature of the compost. With the result of that compost is prepared
early and the compost prepared by this method about doubled productivity in comparison to the
compost made by long method. Most of the farmers in Haryana is not having the facility of the
chamber because mostly the farmers are small and they prepared the compost by long method.
This method is explained below in detail.
Methods of preparing of Compost:Formulation No. 1
Wheat Straw

300 Kg.

Wheat bran

30 kg.


30 kg.


3.6 Kg.

Muriate of Potash

3 Kg.

Single Super Phasphate

3 Kg.


5 Kg.


9 Kg.

Wheat Straw

300 Kg.

Chicken Manure


Wheat Bran

7.5 Kg.


30 Kg.

Formula No. 2

Calcium Ammonium Nitroate-

6 kg.


2 Kg.

Muriate of Potash

2.0 Kg.


5 Kg.

Formulation No.3

Mustard Straw

300 Kg.

Chicken Manure

60 Kg.

Wheat Bran

8 Kg.


20 Kg.


4 Kg.

Single Super Phasphate

2 Kg.

Time Schedule of Compost Preparation: 0+6+10+13+16+19+22+25+28 days

Method of preparation of Compost: - A wheat straw which should be shiny and not
without soaked should be spread on the concrete floor for 48 hours and wet the straw
fully. If the pucca floor is not available then kuccha clean space may be used.
0 Day: - Spread the wet straw in 1ft. layer and put 6 kg. CAN, 2.4 kg. Urea, 3 Kg. SSP, 3
Kg. MOP and 15 kg. wheat bran on it and mixed thoroughly. After that make a heat of 5
ft. height, 5ft. width and suitable length. After 48 hours of heat formation temperature
will start rise and reaches to 70-75 degree Celsius. If chicken manure is used, then wet it
and mixed together. Complete quantity of chemical fertilizer may also be put on zero
+ 6th day ( Ist Turning):- Outer layer of heap get dried because of exposure to air, due
to which compost do not decompose. Turning of compost is done to ensure the
temperature to every part of material. It should be kept in mind during turning that no
outer part of heap may go inside and inner part of heap towards outside. Spray the water
on outer dry part. First turning is done on sixth day. Add 3kg. CAN, 1.2kg. Urea, and 15
kg. bran at the time of this turning. Make the heat as such as heap of zero day
+ 10th Day ( 2nd Turning):- Cut 1ft. layer from all five part( four sides + top of heap)
and spray some water, then expose the rest of the part remained after cutting as
mentioned above and leave for cooling. It should be kept in mind during turning that
outer part should be turned inside and inner part should be turned towards outside. Add
5 kg. mollassis in 10 liter of water and mix it in the compost before making the heap on
this turning.
+ 13th Day (3rd Turning):- Turn the compost like 2nd turning Spray water on outer dry
part. The moisture content in the compost should be optimum. Add 30 kg. gypsum in the
compost. Compost will not be sticky and greasy with adding the gypsum. Break the
heap as like as turning on the 10th day.
+ 16th Day ( 4th Turning):- As third turning was done likewise repeate 4th turning if the
proper moisture in the compost.

+ 19th Day (5th Turning):- If the full turning of the heap and then make the heap again.
Keep the proper moisture condition in the compost.
+ 22nd Day (6th Turning):-Make the turning of the full heat and again make the heap.
+ 25th Day (7th Turning):- These days ammonia gas and moisture is examined in + 28th
Day (8th Turning):-compost if there is no smell of ammonia from the compost and the
compost is having proper moisture condition then the compost is ready for sowing.
Before sowing the spawn the heap should be opened so that the temperature of the
compost cool down. In specific circumstances, if there is a smell of ammonia then every
third day turning should be done. In case of poultry manure there are a great chances of
remaining of ammonia. In all circumstances no ammonia gas should be left in the
compost otherwise it is very harmful for the spawn germination. The optimum moisture
condition can be judged by the simple method in which the small quantity of compost is
taken in hand and hand full quantity of manure and apply the pressure on the finger on
the compost. If the water comes out as a drop between the fingers then it shows the
optimum condition in the compost in case water is coming as a stream then it shows that
there is excess moisture present in the compost. In such cases compost is open and dry
till it contained optimum moisture condition before spawning.
Spawning:- For cultivation of mushroom the seed which is used is called spawn. To
have good production of the mushroom it is the basic requirement that the seed should be
true to the type and of a good variety of high quality. In a spawn there should not be any
stickyness or any smell and any foul smell.
Seed Rate:- The seed of the mushroom is prepared in the empty glucose bottles or in the
poly prolene bags. 500 gms. spawn is required for 100 kg. prepared compost. The seed
booking should be done atleast one month before of the spawning.
Method of Spawning:- 1. Mixed the spawn in whole compost.
2. Surface spawning.
Spawn is mixed in the compost and this mixture is filled either in polythene bags
or spread on the racks. If the spawning is done by surface method then Ist spread 2
thickness compost and spawning should be done. After that again put 2 thickness
compost and then spawning should be done. Likewise make the thickness about 2 of
compost and spread the spawn on the upper side and after that this compost bed should be
covered with 2% soakedd pharmalin newspaper or cover with polythene sheet. The room
temperature should be maintained 24-25 degree celsium and RH should be maintained
from 80-90%. As per the requirement above the newspaper and in the room morning and
evening water spray should be given by the spray pump.
Cassing Mixture:- When the mycilium of a spawn can be spread on the compost
completely then a cover of soil and ash of rice husk or any other mixture 1-1.5
thickness should be spread this covering is called cassing.

Why Cassing is required:- Cassing is helped to convert vegetative growth into

mushroom. If casing is not done then there is no formatin of mushroom. If there is some
growth of mushroom then it is very less. Cassing also helped to maintain proper moisture
condition in the compost.
Cassing Mixture:- Research conducted by Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar and
it is concluded that the ash of the rice husk + soil 1:1 ratio ( on the basis of the weight) is
found better casing then other mixture. To sterlize the compost with 5% formalin
solution and fully wet the compost and covered the compost with the polythene sheet for
3-4 days. After that the polythene sheet should be removed and compost turning should
be done so that the smell of the formalin should be removed.
How to spread Cassing Mixture: - Before casing remove the newspaper sheet or
polythene sheet in general the thickness of casing 1-1.5. Cassing should be done after
sowing of 15-20 days when the mushroom mycilium is spread completely. After cassing
the water should be sprinkled immediately.
Cassing and environment:- After casing the temperature should be maintained for one
week for 23-25 degree Celsius. After that the temperature should be come down 17-18
degree centigrade. This temperature should be maintained till the growth of the
mushroom. By the last week of December and in the month of January the temperature
bit come down with the result of that there is reduction in the development of mushroom.
The temperature should not be increase through the burning of smoky material. If the
mushroom room temperature comes down below 12 degree Celsius then the steam should
increase the temperature. The optimum moisture condition is necessary in the mushroom
house. After casing the RH should be maintained about 80%when there is a production
of mushroom then the RH should be maintained 80-90%. It is general observation that
the mushroom growers generally sprinkle the water on the compost to maintain the
optimum moisture condition. It is necessary to maintain proper condition to put the wet
gunny bags on doors and windows. The outside dry air is very harmful for the growth of
the mushroom.
Air Circulation:- After the spread of the mycillum of the mushroom it is necessary once
or twice to give fresh air to the room. The Co2 percentage should not exceed more than
2%. But for the formation of pin hold the Co2 % age should not be exceed 0.3%. At the
time of production of mushroom the CO2 should not exceed 0.08- 0.1. It clearly shows
that at the time of pin head formation there should be a good aeriation in the compost.

Insect Pest of Mushroom :Insect Pest & their Control

Disease & their Control

The major insects of the Mushrooms ***After the spawning into the compost
which caused damage to this crop is there are many fungal disease appeared

Mushroom Flies, mite, and spring tails.

**1.Mushroom Flies:- Three types of
flies have been found to cause damage
to mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus and
Pleurotus sajor-caju) from time to time.
These are small, delicate, black,
yellowish or brown in colour with
different types of wing venations and
size. Larval stage is the most
damaging. Adults do not cuase much
damage except help in breeding to
dissemination of disease spores and
other smaller insects including
nematodes and mites on their hairy
body parts. The larvae feed on the
spawn or mycelium, pierce the hyphae
and such the contents. They also enter
the fruiting bodies and make tunnels
and honecomb the pileus in the stem
and top of the mushroom. Spent
compost, soil and dirt are the breeding
centers for these flies where from these
migrate to the mushroom beds either
directly or indirectly with the compost,
casing and other material. The female
flies are attracted by the smell of the
nitrogenous material added to the
compost and lay eggsand, thus,
contaminate the beds.
unfavourable conditions, the larvae
remain hidden in the cracks and
crevices of the wooden trays.
Control:- The control of this insect is
given as under:a) 20 ml. endosulpham 35 ECC or
1.2 to 1.0 gm. Diaflowbenzoran 25
WC or nimbidiseen (0.03%) 100
ml.ltr. to be added in 13-14 liter of
water to mix in 100 kg. compost.
This insecticide should be added in
the last turning of the compost.
Out of this anyone insecticide
should be taken and used at the

in different type of compost with the

result of that there is reduction in the
yield of mushroom. There are many
pathogens which caused damage to the
mushroom crop which is given as
under:a. Cobweb (Dactylium dendroides):The mycelium of the pathogen is
grayish to white when young but
reddish as it ages. The fungus grows
rapidly over the surface of the casing
soil and envelops the fruiting bodies in
a cropping bed. The mushrooms are
reduced to a soft rotting mass. Soil and
air are common sources of infection,
and wet surface and high humidity are
the predisposing factors. The fungus
spreads due to negligence during
picking because left over pieces of
mushroom can initiate infection.
Control:-Reduce humidity to 80% and
fun fans soon after watering as a
preventive measure. It c an be cbest
controlled by application of Dithane Z78 (0.25%) sprayed three time at an
interval of 10 days. Treatment with
20% PCNB dust or dusting localized
areas with 70 % calcium hypochlorite
has also been recommended.
b. Drybubble (Verticillium fungicola)
The most characterstic symptom is the
light brown superficial spottings on the
cap. These spots extend in diameter by
coalescing into brown patches and are
distinctly different to those produced by
bacterial blotch. Spots in caps start
sinking and centre is covered with a
heavy spore mass of dark brown colour
with age. In case of severe attack,
downward splitting of the stem giving a
shattered sppearance is also witnessed.
Interference with proper growth of stem

time of casing.
b) At the time of the attack of the
mushroom flies a spray should
be done in inside of the wall of
the mushroom house of
dischlorovas 76 EC 0.5ml.
should be added in one liter of
water at the interval of 3-4
c) The mushroom should not be
harvested for 2-3 days after the
spray and if it is consumed
early it may cause mushroom
should not be used/consumed
earlier as it cause allergy and
stomach ailments.
1) Mites:- Several species of mites
have been found associated
with the mushroom crop.
Tyrophagus putresentiae has
been recorded as the most
damaging pest under our
conditions. Mites are small,
about the size of a pinhead,
with white, yellowish, brown or
red colouration and are often
seen running speedily over the
surface of the mushroom beds,
fruit bodies, sides of the trays,
walls and floors of the
mushroom houses. In some
cases these have glistening
bodies and also long hairs. The
harmful mits damage the crop
directly by feedingon the spawn
and mycelium, or puncture
holes in mushroom caps and
stalks and also cause stunting of
fruit bodies as wellas brown
spots on the caps and stems.
Other mites do not damage the
mycelium directly as almost all
types feed on weed moulds and

causes the cap to remain small, titled

and misshapened.
Primary source of infection appears to
be spent compost lying within the
premises of the cropping rooms and the
disease spreads through mites and fly
infestations. Temperature above 18
degree Celsius and relative humidity
above 90% are predisposing factors.
Control:- Three sprays at 10 days
interval with 0.25% dithane Z78/Dithane M-45 reduce infection.
Spraying with 0.05% Benlate also helps
in control of the disease. Sanitation
practices which include disposal of
diseased sporophores after dipping in
5% formalin solution, disinfection of
tools and other implements, sterilization
of used trays at 71 degree +2 degree C
for 10-12 h and control of mites and
flies in the cropping room help the
prevention of the disease significantly.
In case of the disease prevalence, the
crop should be harvested first from
healthy cropping rooms and end up
with the diseased ones.
C. Bacterial blotch (Pseudomanas
tolaasii) Circular, yellowish spots
develop on the cap or near the margin
and coalesce to form chocolate brown
spots which penetrate into the fleshy
tissues. In severe cases brown lesions
Inadequately sterilized soil and
contaminated implements are the main
sources of infections. The pathogen
spreads through splashing of water
drops from infected to healthy
sporophores,Pickers implements, flies
and mites also help in spread of the

sometimes create difficulty for disease to healthy trays.

the workers as they crawl over
their body and may also carry
spores of several diseases from
Control:- High humidity (above 85%)
bed to bed.
and inadequate ventilation during
Control:-a) Diacophal 50 EC 1.00- cropping permit the pileus to remain wt
2.00 ml. Kelthane 10 liter to be added for longer periods, which helps in the
in 10 liter of water and should be disease initiation and spread. Lowering
sprayed from time to time in the of humidity to 80%and running fans
compost and on the wall of mushroom immediately after watering to dry the
caps prevent bacteria to spread on the
growing sporophores. Spray the beds
b) Cook out the exhausted compost in with 100 ppm bleaching powder.
the tryas with steam at 71 degree
d) Virus diseases:- Mushrooms are
Celsius for 10.12 hours.
also subjected to attack by a
2) Springtails:-Several species of
number of viruses which cause
springtails have been recorded to
disease commonly known as La
be damaging the mushroom
France, watery stipe, die back, Xcrops. These are small insects (1
disease or brown disease and
mm long) with stout antennae and
which may result into slight or
are silvery, reddish brown or dark
total failur of the crop. On the
grayish in appearance. They are
basis of the size and shape of the
active in the dark and remain
particles five different viruses have
hidden either under the casing
soil, compost or fruit bodies and
mushrooms and are known as virus
move by springing several
1,2,3,4 and 5. These viruses may
centimeters when disturbed and
occur alone or in any combination.
thus present a silvery appearance
In India there was no report about
in light. These tiny insects feeds
the occurrence of this disease, but
on the mycelium and the caps and
recently it hassn reported from
stems of fruit bodies and cause
Bangalore. The most common
serious damage.
Use of
symptoms are the elongation of the
inadequately sterilized casing soil
stalk with a small, tilted cap
(drumstick). Deterioration of the
composting are the two main
mycelium (die back) is common
sources of springtail infestation.
which increases with the time
resulting into bare patches of the
Control:- This insect can be controlled
Sometimes small brown
by the use of spray of 0.5 ml.
mushrooms develop which often
melathion 50 EC or diacholorovas 76
open prematurely. Affected fruits
EC ( Nuwan) 0.5 ml. @ per liter of
bodies have a water soaked
water to be sprayed on the wall of
appearance (watery stipe) which
mushrooms rooms.
are found to be totally water
logged when squeezed.
**( Mushroom cultivation in India by
viruses cannot live in soil or

JandaikIndian Mushroom grower
association, Solan)

outside the host tissues as these are

obligate parasites. Hence affected
readily on wooden boxes and in the
spent compost which can be easily
carried by air to distant places.
Transmission of viruses through
mushroom spores has been
demonstrated. Some strains of
mushroom spawn are also know to
contrain virus particles.
Control:i) Strict hygiene inside the farm.

Use of filtered air inside the

peak heating, spawn running
and cropping rooms.

iii) Mushrooms should be picked

before they open.
iv) All wooden parts of growing
units should be thoroughly
cleaned and sterilized
Photo to kill any
mushroom mycelium from the
earlier crop.
v)Use of tolerant or resistant
**( Mushroom cultivation in India
by S/Shri R.K.Agarwal and C.L
Grower Association, Solan)
practices of HAU, Hissar, the
fungal disease can be controlled
by the spray of bavistin or topsinM (0.5 gm. per liter of water) or
endophyl M 45 ( 1 gm. per liter of

Soil:- Well drainage soil which is having good availability of organic contents and the pH should
be from 6-8 and soil should be sandy loam soil is suitable for rose cultivation.
Land Preparation: - Before planting of one month the pit should be dug at the distance of 6090 cm. distances and pit size should be of 60-70 cm. deep. Such type of a pit can be made by the
tractor drawn pit digger and which make the pit 60-70 cm. dia. Well rotten 5 kg. FYM and
20gram chloroperiphorus dust pit should be added. After filling the pit irrigation should be done
or trench should be made 60-75 cm. deep and mix the above mixture and filled this trench in the
same proportion. After filling the trench water should be given. If the soil is hard add sand at the
upper depth of 10cm.
Manure & Fertilizer in rose garden: - The plants, which are growing in the field, the following
quantity of manure and fertilizer should apply.
FYM: - 20 Ton per hectare
Urea:- 3.6 quintal per acre
Single Superphasphate:-5qtl. per acre
Muriate of potash:- 1.28 quintal per acre
If phosphorus is to be applied through DAP then the quantity of DAP should be applied on the
basis of 1/3rd part of Single Superphasphate and also the part of the urea should be reduced 1/5th
of the already given quantity.
Time of Manuring:-a) Full compost, phosphorus, potash and half nitrogen should be applied
after pruning which is done mid-September. The balance dose of half Nitrogen should be
applied after five weeks.
b) In the spring season to have a good flowering crops 10gms. Nitrogen and 10 gms. potash
should apply additional dose per plant in the month of January.
a) To meet the requirement of Micro-Nutrients a spray of 0.3% which is having a equal
proportion of zinc sulphate , magnesium sulphate and magnese should be sprayed during
last week of November. To have good crop in this season this spray should be done
during February.
Irrigation:- a) In summer at 5 days interval. In winter at 10 days interval.
b) During spring season care should be taken that the water should not be stagnate
in the field.

Propagation:- I) During mid September to mid November stock plant should be prepared and
for this purpose rosa barnonia. Rosa Indica variety Odorota and Rosa Multiphlora. the
cuttings of these varieties are planted as a distance of 10-15cm.
Collect buds from desired varieties and budding should be done on the stock and budding
should be done in the month of January and February. In the area where the temperature is bit
low the budding should be done successfully in the month of March.
Desi Roses plants are propagated through the cuttings.
Training & Pruning: - Pruning should be done at the height of 30cm. from the ground in the
month of mid-September to mid-October. The plants, which are planted in summer the
pruning, should be done at this time by keeping 4-5 branches per plant and each branch
should have 5-6 buds. In each branches a slanting cut should be given above the last bud.
Cut end should be pasted with bordo paste or blight ox or apply 25% bavistin paste.
Miniature, polymath and creeper roses are not required pruning. In these plants only dry
wood, branches are cut.
Recommended Varieties:Name of the group Colour
of the Rose

Flouribunda Group



Name of the Variety

1. White

Jawahar, Rajhans, Virgo, Paskali, Ganga,

Pusa-Sania, Purnima, Priyatama, Appollo,
Golden Giant, Golden masterpiece.

2. Pink

Ifan Tower, President, Ramakrishananan,

Mrinalini, Mridula, Dr.G.P.Paul

3. Red Rose

Crimpson, Raktganda,

4. Shiny blue Red

Tata Centour,


Super Star, Motejuma

6. Double Colour

Double Delight,
Sporten, Salman


Ice varg Samarsani, Chandrama, Chitchor.


Sonora, C-pearl, Goden times, Golden Locks


Arunima, Queen, Elizebeth, Bridal, Pink,

King Author







Polyantha Group

Miniature Group

Creeper Group

Shiny Red

Neel Neelambra

1. Red

Anjana, Reshmi

2. Pink

Nartak, Prati, Swati

1. Red



Dajlat, Cry Cry

3. Yellow

Delhi Scarlet

4. Orange

Baby Muskowred, Ramba, Samba.


Delhi Height, Pearl, Sendors, Height Rambler


Snowgirl, Dortho Parkin

Plucking of the flower:- When the bud developed in full colour the bud should be cut with long
pedicel with sharp knife or sketcher and simultanteously these cut flowers should be put in the
water basket or water tub.
Packing of flowers:- 20-20 bunches should be wrapped with the newspaper sheet are packed in
the boxes of size 100 cm long, 50 cm. breadth and 6 and half cm. deep and after packing it
should be sent for marketing in the flower market.
Insect Pest & their control

Disease and their control

Rose-Scale:- The main stem is covered by Dieback:- The plant shows symptoms of
the brown layer and the stem starts blacknening from the top and the disease
gradually drying.
increase from top to bottom size and
branches become drying.
Control:-To prevent from this insect the
spray of 0.05% oxy-dematon methyl 25
EC (Metacytox). (2gm. in one liter of
Control:- The affected branches hould be
cut and the cut ends should be pasted with
bavistin paste of 0.2%.

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