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GROUP 2: DESIGN LAYOUT OF  Pumped-Storage Plants

HYDROPOWER PROJECT BASED o In this type only pumped

ON HYDRAULIC storage operation is
CHARACTERISTICS envisaged without any
scope for conventional
- Pumped Storage Plant
generation of power.
- Storage Plant (Impoundment
These are provided in
places where the run-off
- Run-off River Plant (Diversion
is poor.
- Tidal Plant  Mixed pumped-storage plants
o In this type, in addition to
TURBINES: the pumped storage
Turbine is important part in operation, some amount
power system; it is used to of extra energy can be
generate electricity when water generated by utilizing the
at its full velocity strikes the additional natural run-off
turbine. during a year.


It is a configuration of two water
reservoirs at different elevations that Irrespective geographical
can generate power as water moves location, all pumped storage plants
down from one to the other require an upper reservoir and lower
(discharge), passing through a turbine. reservoir. The difference in elevation
The system also requires power as it between the upper and lower
pumps water back into the upper reservoirs is referred to as the ‘head’
reservoir (recharge). (head of pressure) and it must be
significant in order for the plant to
- Water is utilized for generation operate efficiently.
of power during peak demand,
while same water is pumped STORAGE PLANT
back in the reservoir during off Storage Plants include a dam
peak demand period, when and a reservoir to impound water,
excess power is available for which is stored and released later
this purpose. when needed. Water stored in
- If turbine is reversible, it can be reservoirs provides flexibility to
used as a pump to supply water generate electricity on demand and
back to reservoir, otherwise reduces dependence on the variability
separate pump can be used. of inflow.
- There are two main types of
pumped storage plants:
o Pumped-storage plants
o Mixed pumped-storage
- The storage of water takes care - In some areas of the world, the
of fluctuations of water supply flow rate and elevation drops of
during flood and draught period the water are consistent enough
as well as during load that hydroelectric plants can be
fluctuations, hence it can supply built directly in the river.
electricity more constantly than - The water is utilized as it comes
any other plants. in the river.
- This plant has storage reservoir - Practically, water is not stored
provided by constructing a dam during flood periods as well as
across the river. during low electricity demand
- Reservoir created by the dam periods, hence water is wasted.
may store and regulate stream
Two Types of Run-off River Pant
flows to make them more timely
for power production, and to  Run-off River Plant without
serve other purposes for water Pondage
resource development. o A run of river plant
- Other benefits of this plant are: without pondage as the
o Flood control name indicates does not
o Irrigation , store water and uses the
o Drinking water , water as it comes.
o Improved navigation,  Run-off River Plant with
o Improved fish breeding Pondage
o The plants with pondage
are provided with a
DESIGN LAYOUT OF STORAGE barrage to store the
PLANT water, to take care of
daily variation. During
A hydropower Storage good flow conditions –
Reservoir can retain enough water that can supply base load
the river below the dam dries up. and during low flow
Releasing a predetermined amount of conditions - can supply
water down the river channel is often peak load.
required to sustain the other instream
uses of water, including maintenance TIDAL PLANT
of fish and wildlife communities, Energy is obtained from the tides
streamside vegetation, recreation, in the same way as in the case of
aesthetics, water quality, and hydropower plant by making dams.
- Tide is a periodic rise and fall of
RUN-OFF RIVER PLANT water level of the sea due to
gravitational attraction between
Run-of-the-river moon and earth and sun and earth.
hydroelectricity or Diversion
Scheme is a type of hydroelectric Regions which comes nearer to
moon are subjected to high tide and
generation whereby the natural flow
regions which are away from moon are
and elevation drop of a river are used subjected to low tide.
to generate electricity.
The level difference between high flowing over a waterfall—to generate
tide and low tide is called Range of Tide, electricity.
which is responsible for power generation.
In the early 21st century,
Components of Tidal Plant hydroelectric power was the most widely
utilized form of renewable energy; in 2019
- Barrage
it accounted for more than 18 percent of
o Dams and barrage are
the world’s total power generation
synonymous in terms. The capacity.
function of the dam is to
form barrier between the Types of hydroelectric power plant
ocean and the basin. or hydroelectric power station may be
Barrages make use of the classified into different categories
potential energy in the according to the water flow, water head
difference in height (or and the demand of load supply in different
head) between high and season.
low tides.
Low Head Hydroelectric Power Plant
- Gate & Locks
o Sluice gates are the gates - The head of the water is less than
used for fill the basin during 30 m. Francis, Kaplan or propeller
the high tides and empity turbines are used for this type of
the basin during the low hydroelectric power plant. To
tides. Tidal power which create a low head, dam
uses the sluice gates utilize construction is essential.
the flap gate, radial gate, - Water resource level i.e. river or
vertical rising gate and pond is placed just behind the dam
rising sector. to create a necessary water head
- Power House level. Water is led to the turbine
o Turbine and generator are through the penstock.
the main components of - This type of hydro plant is located
power house. Large size just below the dam and it creates a
turbines as in the case of useful water level as well. No
wind power plant are used surge tank is required for this plant,
due to low head of water. dam itself discharge the surplus
water from the river.
DESIGN LAYOUT OF TIDAL PLANT - Since the head is low, huge
The tidal power plants are amount of water is required for
constructed near the narrow bays, where desire output. That's why large
the water level rises up and then falls diameter and low length pipe is
down appreciably during the tides. used for this plant. Such types of
power plant use low speed and
large diameter type generators.
GROUP 3: DESIGN LAYOUT OF LOW, Medium Head Hydroelectric Power
- When the operating head of water
Hydroelectric energy, also called lies between 30 to 300 meters, the
hydroelectric power or hydroelectricity, power plant is known as medium
is a form of energy that harnesses the head power plant. This type of
power of water in motion—such as water plant commonly uses Francis
- The forebay provided at the generating 14,000
beginning of the penstock serves megawatts of electricity.
as water reservoir. In such plants, Built as a joint venture by
the water is generally carried in Paraguay and Brazil, the
open canals from main reservoir to complex of dams and
the forebay and then to the spillways curves across
powerhouse through the penstock. almost 8 km (5 miles) of the
The forebay itself works as a surge Alto Paraná River.
tank in this plant. - Three Gorges Dam
- Medium Head Hydroelectric o In 2012, the Three Gorges
Power Station Dam in China took over the
o The Balimela Reservoir is #1 spot of the largest
located in Malkangiri hydroelectric dam
district, Odisha, India on (in electricity production),
the river Sileru which is a replacing the
tributary of the Godavari Itaipú hydroelectric power
river. The gross storage plant in Brazil and
capacity of Balimela Paraguay. The Three
reservoir is 3610 million Gorges Dam has a
cubic meters. The Balimela generating capacity of
project has an installed 22,500 megawatts (MW)
capacity of 510 MW. The compared to 14,000 MW
first unit of Balimela plant for the Itaipu Dam.
was commissioned in 1973.
High Head Hydroelectric Power Plant GROUP 4: DAM CLASSIFICATION,
- The head of this power plant is
more than 300 meters. A dam is
constructed such level that
maximum reserve water level is
formed. - A dam is a hydraulic structure of
- Water is usually stored up in lakes fairly impervious material built
on high mountains during the rainy across a river to create a reservoir
season or during the season when on its upstream side for
the snow melts. impounding water for various
- The rate of flow should be such purposes.
that water can last through the - These purposes may be Irrigation,
year. Hydropower, Water-supply, Flood
- The Pelton wheel is the common Control, Navigation, Fishing and
primemover used in high head Recreation.
hydroelectric power plant. - Dams may be built to meet the one
- Itaipu Dam of the above purposes or they may
o In terms of power output, be constructed fulfilling more than
Itaipú Dam is one of the one. As such, Dam can be
worllard’s classified as: Single-purpose and
gest hydroelectric projects. Multipurpose Dam
Its 20 massive turbine
generators, located in the Classification of Dams
powerhouse at the base of Based on the functions of dam, it
the dam, are capable of can be classified as follows:
 Storage Dams substances on the
o They are constructed to upstream and downstream
store water during the rainy sides.
season when there is a  Rockfill Dams
large flow in the river. o A rockfill dam is built of
 Diversion Dams rock fragments and
o A diversion dam is boulders of large size. An
constructed for the purpose impervious membrane is
of diverting water of the placed on the rockfill on the
river into an off-taking canal upstream side to reduce
(or a conduit). the seepage through the
 Detention Dams dam. The membrane is
o Detention dams are usually made of cement
constructed for flood concrete or asphaltic
control. A detention dam concrete. In early rockfill
retards the flow in the river dams, steel and timber
on its downstream during membrane were also used,
the floods by storing some but now they are obsolete.
flood water.
 Debris Dams  Arch Dams
o A debris dam is constructed o An arch dam is curved in
to retain debris such as plan, with its convexity
sand, gravel, and drift wood towards the upstream side.
flowing in the river with An arch dam transfers the
water. water pressure and other
 Coffer Dams forces mainly to the
o It is an enclosure abutments by arch action.
An arch dam is quite
constructed around the
suitable for narrow canyons
construction site to exclude
with strong flanks which are
water so that the
capable of resisting the
construction can be done in
dry. thrust produced by the arch
Based on Structure and Design, Dams  Buttress Dams
can be classified as follows: o Buttress dams are
sometimes called hollow
 Gravity Dams
dams because the
o A gravity dam is a massive
buttresses do not form a
sized dam fabricated from
solid wall stretching across
concrete or stone masonry.
a river valley. Buttresses
They are designed to hold
are triangular concrete
back large volumes of
walls which transmit the
water pressure from the
 Earth Dams deck slab to the foundation.
o An earth dam is made of
 Steel Dam
earth (or soil) built up by o A steel dam is a type of
compacting successive
dam that is made of steel,
layers of earth, using the
rather than the more
most impervious materials
common masonry,
to form a core and placing
earthworks, concrete or
more permeable
timber construction sources such as river, lake, and
materials. Since steel is reservoir and conveying it further
more flexible than concrete, to the water treatment plant. These
they are more resistant to structures are masonry or concrete
catastrophic failure due to structures and provides relatively
ground settling clean water, free from pollution,
 Timber Dams sand and objectionable floating
o Main load-carrying material.
structural elements of - Site Selection for Intake Structures
timber dam are made of o The site should be so
wood. Timber dams are selected that it may admit
slightly permeable gully water even under worst
blocks that are used both to condition of flow in the
slow the flow of water river. Generally, it is
downstream, and to create preferred that intake should
pool. be sufficiently below the
shore line.
Weir o Site should be very close to
- is a notch on a large scale, usually treatment plant as possible.
found in rivers used as a flow o It should be so located that
measuring device and a device to it is free from the pollution.
raise water levels. It is better to provide intake
at upper stream of city so
TERMINOLOGIES that water is not
- Nappe or Vein. The sheet of water contaminated.
flowing through a notch or over a o It should not interfere with
weir. river traffic, if any.
o It should be located where
- Crest or Sill. The bottom edge of a good foundation conditions
notch or a top of a weir over which are available.
the water flows. o It should be so located that
Classification of Weirs it admits relatively pure
water free from mud, sand
- Broad-crested weirs and pollutants. Means it
- Sharp-crested weirs should be protected from
o These are generally used rapid currents.
for water measurement on
the farm or small streams. Types of Intake Structures
These can be of three Intakes are classified under three
types based on the shape categories:
of notch. These are
 Rectangular Weir Category 1:
 Cipoletti Weir or
Submerged Intake
Trapezoidal Weir
 V Notch or - It is the one which is constructed
Triangular Weir entirely under water.
- It is commonly used to obtain
Intake Structures
supply from a lake.
- Intake structures are used for
Exposed Intake
collecting water from the surface
- It is in the form of a well or tower store water in the reservoir so
constructed near the bank of a formed.
river, or in some cases even away - These are similar to river intake,
from the river banks. except that these are located near
- Exposed intakes are more the upstream face of the dam
common due to ease in operation. where maximum depth of water is
Category 2:
- Design of intake may vary based
Wet Intake on the type of dam.

- It is a type of intake tower in which Lake Intake

the water level is practically the
- Generally submerged intakes are
same as the level of the sources of
preferred for lake intakes.
- These are constructed as cribs or
- It is sometimes known as Jack well
bell mouths. The cribs are made of
and is most commonly used.
heavy timber frame work which is
partly or wholly filled with rip-rap to
protect the intake conduit against
damage by waves etc.
Dry Intake - The top of the crib is covered with
cast iron or mesh grating.
- In case of dry intake there is no
water in the water tower. Canal Intake
- Water enters through entry port - In some cases, source of water
directly into the conveying pipes. supply to a small town may be an
- It is simply used for the operation irrigation canal passing nearer or
of valves etc. through the town. Then it will be
Category 3: constructed.
- Generally, it consists of masonry or
River Intake concrete intake chamber of
rectangular shape, admitting water
- It is a type of intake which may
through a coarse screen.
either located sufficiently inside the
- A fine screen is provided over the
river so that demands of water are
bell mouth entry of the outlet pipe.
met with in all the seasons of the
- The intake chamber may be
year, or they may be located near
constructed inside the canal bank if
the river bank where a sufficient
it does not offer any appreciable
depth of water is available.
resistance to normal flow in the
- Sometimes, an approach channel
is constructed and water is led to
- It’s preferred to provide lining to
the intake tower.
the canal near the intake chamber.
- If the water level in the river is low,
a weir may be constructed across
it to raise the water level and divert
it to the intake tower. GROUP 5: SPILLWAYS, SETTLING
Reservoir Intake CHANNEL/CANAL
- When the flow in the river is not
guaranteed throughout the year, a
dam is constructed across it to What is a Dam?
- A dam is a structure built across a tower sits in the reservoir
river or stream to hold back water. near the dam.
People have used different o Shaft Spillway in Wales
materials to build dams over the - Side Channel Spillway
centuries. Ancient dam builders o Side channel spillways are
used natural materials such as used mainly with
rocks or clay. Modern-day dam embankment dams. They
builders often use concrete. are located just upstream
- Manmade dams create artificial and to the side of the dam.
lakes called reservoirs. Reservoirs o St. Hope Dam in Scotland
can be used to store water for
farming, industry, and household What is a Settling Basin?
use. They also can be used for - A settling basin is a type of
fishing, boating, and other leisure structure, usually a manmade tank
activities. People have used dams or pond that is designed for the
for many centuries to help prevent purpose of removing sediment and
flooding. other particulates from water,
What is a Spillway? through the action of gravity.

- Spillways are structures

constructed to provide safe release
of flood waters from a dam to a
downstream area. The spillway
may be classified as: Main and
Emergency Spillway.
- Main Spillway How Settling Basin Works?
o Main spillway is the
spillway which is called - Settling basins rely on gravity to
upon to work under normal separate suspended particles from
conditions of flood. water as they naturally sink over
- Emergency Spillway time. For instance, when small
o Emergency spillway is particles of sand are mixed in a
container of water, it initially makes
provided to deal with
the water look cloudy, or turbid.
abnormal conditions of
Gradually, the particles sink to the
bottom of the container, and the
Types of Spillway water becomes clear.
- Overflow Spillway Types of Settling
o This type of spillway is
- Discrete Settling
generally provided in rigid
- Flocculent Settling
dams and forms a part of
- Hindered or Zone Settling
the main dam itself if
- Compression Settling
sufficient length is
available. What is a Forebay?
o Yorkshire, England
- Shaft Spillway - The forebay is a wide water body
o It is a hollow tower or shaft, whose major function is storage of
water. Depending on low, medium,
usually circular, which has
or high heads its construction and
a funnel at its top. The
working can be different.
In Low Head Plants
Usually, a dam is constructed on
the river and a canal is constructed for
diverting water to a forebay. The water
is then sent from forebay to the
In Medium Head Plants
Here the water from the river is
tapped off to the forebay from which it
proceeds to penstock and then moves
to turbines. In medium dams, the
forebay serves as another surge tank.
In High Head Plants
In high head plants, the
powerhouses are located far away
from the storage reservoir. In such
cases, forebay is another smaller
reservoir constructed downstream of
the main reservoir. The powerhouse
takes water from it

What is a Channel/Canal?
- A canal plays a vital role when it
comes to transportation and global
commerce. We use the canal for
irrigation, land drainage, urban
water supply, hydroelectric power
generation, transportation of cargo
and people, power generation, the
canal is also used to connect
industrial centers with ports to
speed movement of raw materials.
Water filled canals at high levels
can deliver water to any place
where there is a water crisis.
However, Canals weaken the
foundation of the dam.
- Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal
o Popularly known as Grand
Canal, the Beijing–
Hangzhou Grand Canal is
the longest and the oldest
canal in the world.

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