Radiology Answers

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1) The typical radiation dose to an adult from a chest radiograph is around: (page 5)
a) 0.06 mSv
b) 30 kVp
c) 14 mSv
d) 10 kVp
2) Mammography typical radiation dose is around: (page 85 old, 97 new)
a) 0.06 mSv
b) 30 kVp
c) 14 mSv
d) 10 kVp
3) The shape of the dome of diagram appears flat in:
a) Emphysema
b) Lung collapse
c) Fibrosis
d) Pulmonary edema
4) Cotton like appearance in plain X-ray indicates presences of: (page 50)
a) Bronchiectasis
b) Cystic lung fibrosis
c) Pneumonia
d) Emphysema
5) Homogenous opacity present in: (page 50)
a) Bronchiectasis
b) Lung fibrosis
c) Lung abscess
d) Pleural effusion
6) A normal cardiac silhouette occupies: (page 63)
a) Less than half the chest
b) More than half the chest
c) Equals to half the chest
d) No proportion
7) The normal costophernic angle usually: (page 56)
a) 40 degrees
b) 30 degrees
c) 60 degrees
d) 50 degrees
8) Terminology used to describe image in CT scan: (page 14)
a) High & low intense
b) Transopaque & translucent
c) Hyperdense & Hypodense
d) None of the above
9) CT-scan can be used to detect thoracic deformity by: (page 66)
a) Bean sign
b) Haller index
c) Gohn’s focus
d) Silhouette sign
10)Boot heart sign "Coeur en sabot" is seen in: (page 58)
a) Fallot tetralogy
b) Pericardial Effusion
c) Aortic cortication
d) Congestive heart failure
11)Mammography views are: (page 97)
a) Lateral oblique View
b) Oblique view.
c) Medio-lateral oblique view
d) Cranio-caudal & Angled side views
12)In Mammography imaging it is a must to image:
a) The side complaint
b) Right and Left breast
c) Commonly right side
d) Commonly left side
13)Terminology used to describe image in MRI scan: (page 14)
a) Hyperdense & hypodense
b) Transopaque & Translucent
c) High & low intense
d) None of the above
14)The assessment of coronary vascularity is: (page 8)
a) Catheterization
b) Ultrasonography
c) Angiography
d) Fluoroscopy
15)The fusion technology has gone further to combine: (page 12)
a) PET/CT fusion
b) PET/MRI fusion
c) Angiography/ CT fusion
d) A & b
16)Bifurcation of bronchus in children at...level while in adults at level (page 72)
a) T3 & T6
b) TI &T4
c) T4 & T5
d) T1 & T5
17)The vascular pedicle is an indicator of the intravascular volume of width:
a) 65mm
b) 85 mm
c) 70 mm
d) 55 mm
18)Thoracic index (TI) in infants is: (page 76)
a) Closer to Zero
b) Closer to one
c) Zero
d) One
19)In TNM classification in breast cancer, the abbreviation stands for: (page 90)
a) T: tumor. N: necrosis, M: metasis
b) T: tumor. N: necrosis. M: malignant
c) T: tumor. N: lymph nodes, M: metasis
d) T: tumor. N: lymph nodes, M: malignant
20)The response of cancer to radiotherapy is: (page 124)
a) Highly radio-sensitive
b) Moderately radio-sensitive
c) Radio-resistant
d) All the previous
21)The strength of the magnet used in MRI is: (page 11)
a) 1.5 Tesla
b) 3 Tesla
c) 2 Tesla
d) 2.5 Tesla
22)MRI is a noninvasive imaging technique that uses: (page 10)
a) Electromagnetic waves
b) Radio-waves
c) Radio-waves and Electromagnetic Wave
d) Ionized radiations
23)In cases of cortication of aorta X-ray shows (page 60)
a) Figure of 3 sign
b) Wester mark sign
c) Fat pad sign
d) Fleischer sign
24)Haller index of 3.5 indicates presence of: (page 67)
a) Pectus carinatum
b) Barrel chest
c) Pectus excavates
d) Flat chest
25)Detection of Scoliosis is seen from: (page 68)
a) P-Ax ray film
b) Lateral x-ray film
c) Oblique x-ray film
d) A-P X-ray film
26)Cardiac calcium scoring system is used in: (page 91)
a) Patients with cardiac diseases
b) Patients at risk of cardiac diseases
c) Patient complaining from heart attack
d) Cases fear from catheterization
27)Positron Emission Tomography uses: (page 12)
a) Barium sulfate (BaSO4)
b) Technetium-99 m
c) Fludcoxyglucose (18F).
d) Thallium 201
28)Brachytherapy radioactive source is/are: (page 127)
a) Thin wires & Capsules
b) Ribbons
c) Seeds
d) All the previous
29)Late side effects of radiotherapy are: (page 125)
a) Nausea
b) Lymphedema
c) Vomiting
d) Mouth and throat sores
30)Mediastinum level in chest plain X-ray adult is at: (page 33)
a) T1-T2
b) T2-T3
c) T4-T5
d) T3-T4
31)Double Density Sign is seen in (page 61)
a) Pericardial Effusion
b) Aortic cortication
c) Rheumatic heart disease
d) Fallot tetralogy
32)Reticular pattern in CT-scan is characteristic of: (page 80)
a) Cystic lung fibrosis
b) Bronchiectasis
c) Emphysema
d) pleural effusion
33)Lung metastasis may be small seize as (page 49)
a) Nodules
b) Canon ball deposits
c) Patches
d) Milliary nodules
34)The sternum in infants is… parts: (page 76)
a) 1 part
b) 2 parts
c) 4 parts
d) 3 parts
35)Patients with COVID-19 ultra-sonography imaging of the lungs: (page 93)
a) A-lines.
b) B-lines.
c) C-lines.
d) No-lines.
36)Image interpretation for malignant tumor in Mammography is:
a) Calcifications
b) Fibroglandular appearance.
c) Inverted / retracted nipple
d) Masses
37)In CT-scan axial view lung window split sign indicates: (page 80)
a) Pleural effusion
b) Consolidation
c) Hypodense area.
d) Lung collapse
38)Haller index in chest CT-scan is denoted from:
a) Postero-anterior view.
b) Axial view.
c) Coronal view.
d) Sagittal view.
39)T2 in TNM classification indicates: (page 105)
a) Tumor seize more than 3 cm
b) Tumor seize more than 5 cm
c) Tumor seize 5-7 cm
d) Tumor seize less than 3 cm
40)The shape of the dome of diaphragm appears elevated in (page 27)
a) Emphysema
b) Fibrosis
c) Lung collapse
d) Pulmonary edema
41)Hyperlucent lung appears in plain X-ray indicates presence of (page 66)
a) Bronchiectasis
b) Cystic lung fibrosis
c) Pneumonia
d) Emphysema
42)Image interpretation of mammography search for
a) Masses
b) Calcifications
c) Architectural distortion
d) All of the previous
43)Haller index of 1.6 indicates presence of (page 67)
a) Pectus carinatum
b) Barrel chest
c) Pectus excavatum
d) Flat chest
44)Detection of kyphosis seen from (page 68)
a) P-A X-ray film
b) Lateral X-ray film
c) Oblique X-ray film
d) A-P X-ray film
45)Sign/s of hyperinflation is/are (page 51)
a) Ribbon shaped heart
b) Flattened hemidiaphragm
c) Ribs appears obliquely
d) A & B
46)In moderate scoliosis severity Cobb’s angle measures (page 69)
a) 10 – 30
b) 30 – 45
c) > 45
d) > 10
47)Mammography can be used as
a) Screening tool
b) Diagnostic tool
c) Treatment tool
d) A & B
48)Plain X-ray are invisible …… waves
a) Electromagnetic
b) Radio waves
c) Microwaves
d) Gamma waves
49)View/s of plain X-ray is/are
a) Axial view
b) Lordotic view
c) Antero-posterior view
d) B & C
50)Spinal fractures include the following except (page 39)
a) Wedge fracture
b) Burst fracture
c) Tear drop fracture
d) Colle’s fracture
51)Fractures of 2 ribs are called (page 44)
a) Floating ribs fracture
b) Flial chest fracture
c) Tear drop fracture
d) True ribs fracture
52)Dorsal spine standard view is/are (page 65)
a) Antero-posterior and lateral
b) Postero-anterior and lateral
c) Lateral view
d) Decubitus view
53)Apex position in infants is located in (page 76)
a) 4th intercostals space inside the midclavicular line
b) 4th intercostals space lateral to midclavicular line
c) 5th intercostals space inside the midclavicular line
d) 5th intercostals space lateral to midclavicular line
54)M0 in TNM classification indicates (page 90)
a) Distant metastasis
b) No distant metastasis
c) Malignant tumor
d) Tumor with pleural nodule
55)Positron emission tomography principle is (page 89)
a) Detect tumor
b) Determine heart blood floe
c) Metabolism of the cell
d) Brain mapping
56)The following are advantages of MRI-imaging except
a) Long duration of scan
b) Muliplanner imaging
c) Absence of bone artifact
d) Superior soft tissue contrast
57)Chest imaging by MRI uses
a) Extremely MRI
b) Opened MRI
c) Dynamic MRI
d) Stress MRI
58)Patients with metallic implants is imaged by the following except
a) MRI –imaging
b) CT –scan
c) Plain X –ray
d) PET –scan
59)Patients in ICU –unit is imaged by chest plain X –ray in …... view
a) Postero-anterior
b) Antero-posterior
c) Lordotic
d) Expiratory
60)Positron emission tomography imaging is/are
a) 2D image
b) 3D image
c) A & B
d) None of the previous
61)Plain X-ray are waves of
a) Short wavelength
b) Long wavelength
c) Low frequency
d) None of previous
62)From the example of plain x-ray interpretation not matching with the course of the disease
a) Pneumonia
b) Chronic Bronchitis
c) Emphysema
d) Pleural effusion
63)To denote Barrel shaped chest from plain chest X-ray we need
a) Inspiratory view only
b) Expiratory view only
c) Inspiratory and Expiratory views
d) None of previous
64)The shape of the dome of diaphragm appears blurring in
a) Emphysema
b) Fibrosis
c) Lung collapse
d) Pulmonary edema
65)Hamartoma is a smooth opacity present in (page 48)
a) Upper lung zone
b) Lower lung zone
c) Middle lung zone
d) Lower & middle lung zones
66)Ultrasonography is ……. radiation (page 2)
a) Reflection
b) Emission
c) Absorption
d) Induction
67)Hyperlucent lung appearance in Plain X-ray indicates the presence of:
a) Bronchiectasis
b) Cystic lung fibrosis.
c) Pneumonia
d) Emphysema
68)Figure of E-Sign is seen in:
a) Fallot tetralogy
b) Pericardial Emulsion
c) Aortic cortication
d) Congestive heart failure
69)Plain X – ray is invisible … waves
a) Electromagnetic
b) Radio waves
c) Microwaves
d) Gamma waves
70)In Postero-anterior view of chest plain X - ray you cannot comment on: (page 35)
a) Lung zones
b) Lung lobes
c) Costophernic angel
d) Diaphragm copula
71)Fractures of 3 or more ribs are called:
a) Floating ribs fracture
b) Flial chest fracture
c) Tear drop fracture
d) True ribs fracture
72)Haller index in CT-Scan is denoted from:
a) Coronal view
b) Sagittal view
c) Axial view
d) Postero-anterior view
73)T1 in TNM classification indicates:
a) Tumor size less than 3 cm
b) Tumor seize more than 3 cm
c) Tumor seize more than 5 cm
d) Tumor seize 5-7 cm
74)Tubercoloma is a smooth opacity present in: (page 40 old, 49 new)
a) Upper lung zone
b) Middle lung zone
c) lower lung zone
d) Lower middle & lung zones
75)Patch terminology in Plain Chest X-ray indicates presence of:
a) Bronchiectasis
b) Cystic lung fibrosis
c) Pneumonia
d) Emphysema


1) a) Mammography Cranio-caudal view in
b) Mammography Cranio-caudal view in
c) Mammography Medio-lateral view in
d) Mammography Medio-lateral view in

2) a) Positive silhouette sign

b) Gohn's sign
c) Double density sign
d) Negative silhouette sign

3) a) Mammography Medio-lateral view in

b) Mammography Cranio-caudal view in
c) Mammography Medio-lateral view in
d) Mammography Cranio-caudal view in

4) a) AP- view chest plain X-ray for adult.

b) AP- view chest Plain X-ray for infant.
c) PA-view chest Plain X-ray for infant.
d) PA-view chest Plain X-ray for adult.

5) a) Cystic pattern in CT-scan.
b) Alveolar pattern in CT-scan.
c) Nodular pattern in CT-scan.
d) Reticular pattern in CT-scan.

6) a) Fat pad sign

b) Coronaradiata sign
c) Positive silhouette sign
d) Meniscus sign

7) a) PA-view chest Plain X-ray for adult.

b) AP- view chest plain X-ray for adult
c) AP- view chest Plain X-ray for infant.
d) PA-view Chest Plain X-ray for infant.

8) a) Figure of E-sign
b) Fat pad sign
c) Double density sign
d) Boot heart shaped


a) (A): Inspiratory-view of CXR& (B): Expiratory-view of CXR

b) (A): PA-view of CXR & (B): Lordotic-view of CXR
c) (A): AP-view of CXR& (B): PA-view of CXR
d) (A): PA-view of CXR& (B): AP-view of CXR.

10)a) Hypoechoic lesion that is taller than

b) Hypoechoic lesion with speculated
c) Hypoechoic elliptical lesion in breast
sonogram indicates benign lesion
d) Hypoechoic lesion with posterior
acoustic shadow.

11)a) clavicle fracture

b) AP-view of CXR with Flial chest (rib
c) Tracheal shifting
d) PA-view of CXR with Flial chest
e) (rib fracture)

12)a) Plain CXR PA-view shows patch in the
upper lung zone
b) Plain CXR PA-view shows mass in the
upper lung zone
c) Plain CXR PA-view shows cavity in the
upper lung zone
d) Plain CXR PA-view shows nodule in
the upper lung zone


1. CT scanning may eliminate the need for exploratory surgery and surgical biopsy. (TRUE)
2. Interventional radiology is a noninvasive technique to visualize vascular system. (FALSE)
(minimally invasive)
3. Claustrophobia is an advantage in MRI-imaging. (FALSE) (disadvantage)
4. Chest CT gives lung window only. (FALSE) (and mediastinal window)
5. Cranio-caudal view in Mammography shows Pectoralis major muscle. (FALSE) (Medio-
6. In the Postero-anterior view of normal chest the heart appears magnified (FALSE)
7. Benign breast feature in breast sonogram shows speculated edges with posterior acoustic
shadow. (FALSE) (malignant)
8. Ground glass opacity at the periphery of lung window in CT-scan is a sign of COVID-19
case. (TRUE)
9. Soap bubble appearance in chest CT-scan indicates a case of Bronchiectasis. (FALSE)
(honey comb appearance)
10. MRI- imaging is indicated for the breast if TNM-classification shows T4N1M1a. (TRUE)
11. Simple rib fractures are complicated with Hemothorax (FALSE) (sever)
12. Mammography can be done for girls of age 16 yrs. (FALSE) (at least 35 yrs.)
13. Magnetic resonance imaging of the chest is 3D image with T1 & T2 weighted image.
14. Good chest coil in MRI-imaging permits free motion during imaging. (TRUE)
15. At birth the antero-posterior diameter of chest is equal to the transverse diameter (TRUE)
16. Bone absorbs most radiation, so There is less film exposure and appears white
(Transopaque), while air absorbs less radiation, so there is more film exposure and appears
black (translucent) (TRUE)
17. Fluoroscopy is special application of X-ray imaging to evaluate gastrointestinal tract
18. Blacking out of the Lung field in X-ray film indicates presence of emphysema (TRUE)
19. The most common clavicular fractures are group II fractures: distal third injuries
(FALSE) (group I: middle third injuries)
20. Rib fractures 4th to 9th rib are the most likely common traumatic injury (TRUE)
21. Decrease of arch height connecting sternophrenic angel and posterior costophernic angle on
chest X-ray lateral view less than 1.5 cm is a sign of lung hyperinflation (TRUE)
22. Computed axial tomography has 2 views: axial and coronal only (FALSE) (three views –
and sagittal)
23. Positron emission tomography is an invasive imaging used to detect tumors (TRUE)
24. Closed fractures are those in which the skin is intact (TRUE)
25. The false ribs are the ribs from 8th to 10th; they are indirectly attachment to the sternum
26. Fat pad sign is a characteristic for pericardial effusion (TRUE)
27. Wedge fracture is commonly seen in ribs (FALSE) (vertebra)
28. Brachytherapy is an internal radiation or seed implants that act as radioactive source placed
in or just close to a tumor (TRUE)
29. Homogeneous opacity indicates the presence of white spots and lines of irregular shape
(black and white) as in case of severe chronic bronchitis (FALSE) (heterogeneous)
30. A normal haler index should be 2.5 (TRUE)
31. Honey comb appearance indicates presence of cystic lung fibrosis, while soap bubble
appearance indicates presence of bronchiectasis (FALSE) (bronchiectasis - cystic lung
fibrosis) ‫العكس يعني‬
32. In adult’s ribs are oriented obliquely while in children ribs are horizontal (TRUE)
33. One of the important determinants of barrel chest deformity is that there is no difference
between inspiratory and expiratory P-A film (TRUE)
34. In TNM Classification in lung cancer Letter (N) stands for lymph nodes involvement
35. Meniscus sign in X-ray film indicates presence of bronchial carcinoma. (FALSE) (pleural
36. Positron Emission Tomography scanning can be conjunct with CT and MRI imaging
37. The thoracic shape is oval in infants and rounded in adults. (FALSE) (adults – infants)
‫العكس يعني‬
38. Ct scan is the use of X-ray rays carried by a gantry to produce slices of images (TRUE)
39. The terms used to describe images in CT -scan are high intense and low intense image.
(FALSE) (Hyperdense & hypodense)
40. Children under the age of 2-3 years are imaged by AP view film for chest. (TRUE)
41. Bhalla scoring system uses chest X-ray to detect the prognosis of Bronchiectasis cases
(FALSE) (CT- scan)
42. Tomotherapy is the use of CT scan in treatment of cancers (TRUE)
43. Mastography can be done for females only. (FALSE) (and males)
44. The main protocol in imaging MRI is TI & T2 weighted image. (TRUE)
45. One of the disadvantages of plain x-ray is not matching with the course of disease. (TRUE)
46. Chest X-ray must be done while the patient takes normal inspiration in standing position.
(FALSE) (deep)
47. Elevated diaphragm in plain x-ray indicates lung hyperinflation. (FALSE) (fibrosis)
48. Bronchoscopy is special application of x-ray imaging to evaluate bronchial tree. (TRUE)
49. Symmetry is seen in plain chest x-ray by differentiation between whiteness of the heart and
whiteness of thoracic vertebrae. (FALSE) (transparency)
50. Chest CT gives Mediastinal window and lung window. (TRUE)
51. Teleradiology needs internet network for dealing with digital images. (TRUE)
52. Positron emission tomography uses a radioactive tracer to detect tumors. (TRUE)
53. Heterogeneous opacity in CXR- is an example of Hemothorax. (FALSE) (lung fibrosis,
lung abscess, T.B, bronchiectasis)
54. Clavicular fractures are often caused by falling on outstretched hand. (TRUE)
55. Normally the costophernic angel appears white and blunted. (FALSE) (black &clear)
56. Fractures of 2-3 ribs are seen in PA-view of chest plain X-ray only. (FALSE) (P-A, oblique
and may be Lordotic also)
57. Opened fractures are those in which the overlying skin is intact. (FALSE) (closed)
58. Breast PET scan shows Transopaque area in the site of tumor. (FALSE) (hot spot)
59. Pectus carinatum deformity is characterized by protrusion of the sternum and ribs.
(FALSE) (upper 1/3 of the sternum)
60. Classification of bone fractures due to mechanism into traumatic &pathological &
periprosthetic. (TRUE)
61. The most common types of clavicular fractures are group I # (Middle third injury). (TRUE)
62. Superior rib fractures of the 1st to 3rd are more commonly associated with subclavian
vasculature. (TRUE)
63. If 3-4 ribs are fractures they named buckle rib fracture. (TRUE)
64. In PA- chest X-ray we can count the ribs till the 6th rib only. (FALSE) (A-P view)
65. Dextrocardia sinus in versus totals is a congenital anomaly indicates that only the heart is
present in the right side of the chest. (FALSE) (all organs)
66. Congestive heart failure appears in PA chest X-ray enlarged with heterogeneous opacity.
(FALSE) (homogenous)
67. There are 2 regions of costophernic angels in plain chest X-ray. (TRUE)
68. Solitary nodule with speculated edges in lung zone indicates presence of benign lung tumor.
(FALSE) (malignant)
69. Silhouette sign is a sign indicates pathology in lung zones. (FALSE) (lobes)
70. Cardiothoracic ratio is more than 50% on PA chest X-ray indicates cardiomegaly. (TRUE)
71. The compressible diameter of chest is related to bones of the thoracic cage. (TRUE)
72. Scoliosis deformity is seen in AP- view of chest plain X-ray. (TRUE)
73. In cases of emphysema the x-ray request includes inspiratory and expiratory PA- films.
(FALSE) (lateral)
74. In infants there is narrowing of the intervertebral disc spaces. (FALSE) (adults)
75. In old age ribs are long and oriented horizontally. (TRUE)
76. Effusion in CT –scan (lung window) appears hypodense. (FALSE) (hyperdense)
77. Corona radiate sign appears in CT-scan indicates presence of malignant bronchial
carcinoma. (TRUE)
78. One of the advantages of plain X-ray is giving brief diagnosis about the case. (TRUE)
79. Transparency is seen in plain X-ray by differentiation between whiteness of the heart and
whiteness of the thoracic vertebrae. (TRUE)
80. Chest CT gives mediastinal window and bone window. (FALSE) (lung)
81. Teleradiology needs interment network for dealing with digital images. (TRUE)
82. Normal protocol in MRI -imaging is T1 & T2 weighted image. (TRUE)
83. Pectus excavatum deformity is characterized by protrusion of the stemum and ribs.
(FALSE) (upper 1/3 of the sternum)
84. Types of Bone fractures due to trauma may be direct or indirect. (TRUE)
85. The most common types of clavicular fractures are Group 1 (Distal Third injury). (FALSE)
86. Clay Shoveler's fracture is fracture of cervical spinouts processes of 7th cervical vertebrae.
87. CT -scan be used as scanning and treatment only. (FALSE) (and evaluation)
88. Open MRI is better than Closed MRI. (TRUE)

1) Water appears in MRI (b) a) Hyperintense & hypointense signal
2) Nodules appears in x-ray as (e) b) T1: Low signal & T2: High signal
3) Fat appears in MRI (d) c) Well defined lesion more than 3 cm
4) Mass appears in x-ray as (c) d) T1: High signal & T2: Low signal
5) Terminology used in MRI (a) e) Well defined lesion less than 3 cm
1) Positive silhouette sign (b) a) Hyperdense & Hypodense
2) Terminology used in CT-scan (a) b) Loss of the heart border in PA x-ray film
3) Bone appears in X-ray (e) c) Translucent
4) Air appears in X-ray (c) d) Indicates pathology in the lung lower lobe
5) Negative silhouette sign (d) e) Transopaque

1) Soap Bubble appearance (d) a) Emphysema
2) Cotton like appearance (c) b) Chronic Bronchitis
3) Feathery like appearance (b) c) Pneumonia
4) Honey comb appearance (e) d) Cystic lung fibrosis
5) Blacking out of the lung (a) e) Bronchiectasis
1) Ipsilateral Tracheal shift seen in (d) a) Congestive heart failure
2) Contralateral Tracheal shift seen in (c) b) Benign breast tumor
3) Posterior acoustic shadow seen in (e) c) Pleural effusion
4) Elliptical Hypoechoic area seen in (b) d) Fibrosis
5) Homogenous opacity in CXR seen in (a) e) Malignant breast tumor

❤️‫تمت بحمد الل ه‬

)‫ (امتحان دفعتي‬2022 \2021 ‫إمتحان عام‬

‫بما أن االمتحان كان أغلبه متبصمج ماعدا‬

THEORETICAL EXAM ‫كام سؤال فهحله واللي مش متأكدة منه‬
‫هعلم عليه بهاياليتر اصفر ولو حاجة فيهم‬
‫غلط أبقوا اتواصلوا معايا‬

1. In the Postero-anterior view of normal chest the heart appears magnified (FALSE)
2. Fat pad sign is a characteristic sign for pericardial effusion (TRUE)
3. Bronchoscopy is special application of x-ray imaging to evaluate bronchial tree. (TRUE)
4. Chest CT gives lung window only (FALSE) (and mediastinal window)
5. Positron emission tomography uses a radioactive tracer to detect tumors. (TRUE)
6. Brachytherapy is an internal radiation of seed implants that act as radioactive source placed
in or just close to a tumor. (TRUE)
7. Whitening out of the lung in CXR indicates a case of pneumonectomy only (FALSE) (and
8. Normally the costophernic angel appears white and blunted (FALSE) (black &clear)
9. Children under the age of 2-3 years are imaged by AP view film for chest. (TRUE)
10. Mammography can be done for girls of age 16 yrs. (FALSE) (at least 35 yrs.)
11. Benign breast feature in breast sonogram shows speculated edges (FALSE) (malignant)
12. Rib fractures of more than 3 ribs is called Buckle fracture. (TRUE)
13. Cardiothoracic ratio is more than 50% on PA chest x-ray indicates cardiomegaly (TRUE)

14. Corona radiate sign appears in CT-scar indicates presence of malignant bronchial carcinoma.
15. Cranio-caudal view in Mammography shows Pectoralis major muscle (FALSE) (Medio-
16. Good chest coil in MRI-imaging permits free motion during imaging. (TRUE)
17. MRI- imaging is indicated for the breast if TNM-classification shows T4N1M1a (TRUE)
18. Ground glass opacity in Chest CT-scan axial view at the periphery of both lung portions
indicates a case of COVID-19 (TRUE)
19. One of the complications of severe rib fractures is formation of hemothorax. (TRUE)
20. Rocket sign is a normal feature in chest sonogram. (TRUE)


21. Hyperlucent lung appearance in Plain X-ray indicates presence of:

a) Cystic lung fibrosis
b) Bronchiectasis
c) Emphysema
d) Pneumonia
22. Heterogeneous opacity present in:
a) Pleural Effusion
b) Congestive heart failure
c) Bronchiectasis
d) Emphysema
23. Boot heart sign "Coeur en sabot" is seen in:
a) Fallot tetralogy
b) Pericardial Effusion
c) Aortic cortication
d) Congestive heart failure
24. Double Density Sign is seen in:
a) Fallot tetralogy
b) Rheumatic heart disease
c) Aortic cortication
d) Pericardial Effusion
25. Mammography views are:
a) Lateral oblique View
b) Oblique view.
c) Mediolateral oblique view
d) Craniocaudal &Angled side views.
26. Image interpretation of Mammography search for:
a) Masses
b) Calcifications
c) Architectural Distortion
d) All of the previous
27. Thoracic index (T1) in infants is
a) closer to zero
b) closer to one
c) Zero
d) one
28. Haller index of 3.5 indicates presence of:
a) Pectus carinatum
b) Barrel chest
c) Pectus excavatum
d) Flat chest
29. Sign/s of hyperinflation is/are:
a) Ribbon shaped heart
b) Flattened hemidiaphragm
c) Ribs appears obliquely
d) A&B
30. In CT-scan axial view lung window split sign indicates
a) Pleural effusion
b) Lung collapse
c) Hypodense area.
d) Consolidation
31. The sternum in infants is ---- parts.
a) 2 parts
b) 3 parts
c) 4 parts
d) 1 part
32. Lung metastasis may be small seize as:
a) Milliary nodules
b) Canon ball deposits
c) Nodules
d) All of the previous
33. Alveolar pattern in CT-scan is characteristic of:
a) Bronchiectasis
b) Cystic lung fibrosis
c) Covid-19
d) Pleural effusion
34. Haller index in chest CT-scan is denoted from:
a) Sagittal view
b) Coronal view
c) Posteroanterior view
d) Axial view
35. T2 in TNM classification indicates:
a) Tumor seize more than 3 cm
b) Tumor seize less than 3 cm
c) Tumor seize 5-7 cm
d) Tumor seize more than 5 cm
36. Hamartoma is a smooth opacity present in:
a) Middle lung zone
b) Upper lung zone
c) Lower & middle lung zones
d) lower lung zone
37. Orientation of lesion in breast sonogram is related to:
a) Parallel or not parallel
b) Margins
c) Shape
d) Enhancements
38. Right border of the heart in plain x-ray is formed of:
a) Right ventricle
b) Right atrium
c) Left ventricle
d) Left atrium
39. Patients with COVID-19 shows ---- in ultra-sonography imaging of the lungs:
a) B-lines
b) A-lines
c) C-lines
d) No-lines
40. Water appears in MRI as:
a) T1: Low signal & T2: low signal
b) TI: Low signal & T2: High signal
c) Tl: high signal & T2: low signal
d) TI: high signal & T2: High signal


41. Ipsilateral Tracheal shift seen in (d) a) Congestive heart failure

42. Contralateral Tracheal shift seen in (c) b) Benign breast tumor
43. Posterior acoustic shadow seen in (e) c) Pleural effusion
44. Elliptical Hypoechoic area seen in (b) d) Fibrosis
45. Homogenous opacity in CXR seen in (a) e) Malignant breast tumor


1) This axial view shows

a) CT-scan (ground glass opacity) alveolar
pattern indicates COVID-19
b) CT-scan alveolar pattern indicates pneumonia
c) CT-scan soap bubble indicates cystic lung
d) CT-scan nodular pattern indicates metastasis
2) This CXR shows
a) Boot heart shaped
b) Fat pad sign
c) Double density sign
d) Dextrocardia situs inverses
3) This X-ray Film shows
a) Patch
b) Mass
c) Nodule
d) Cavity
4) This MRI film shows
a) T1: mass with high signal T2: mass with high
b) T1: mass with high signal T2 mass with
intermediate signal
c) T1: mass with low signal T2: mass with low
d) T1: mass with intermediate signal T2: mass
with high signal
5) This slide represents
a) Ipsilateral tracheal shift to the pathology
b) Whitening out of the left lung field due to
massive pleural effusion
c) Whitening out of the left lung field due to
d) Decreased Right lung field only

6) Identify the correct item
a) Pink arrows points to the right and left heart
b) Pink arrows points to right ventricle
c) The yellow arrow points to cardiac waist
d) The green arrow points to pulmonary trunk
7) This slide represents
a) Mammography Mediolateral view in male
b) Mammography Craniocaudal view in male
c) Mammography Mediolateral view in female
d) Mammography Craniocaudal view in female
8) The slide shows
a) CT- scan alveolar pattern indicates
b) CT-scan reticular pattern indicates
c) CT-scan soup bubble indicates cystic lung
d) CT-scan nodular pattern indicates metastasis
9) This breast sonogram shows
a) Hypo-hyperechoic lesion with posterior
acoustic shadow& speculated edges
b) Hypo-hyperechoic lesion in breast sonogram
indicates benign lesion
c) Hypoechoic lesion that is wider than taller
d) Hypoechoic lesion with smooth edges
10) This is a chest sonogram that represents
a) Seashore sign
b) B-Lines (Rocket sign)
c) A-lines
d) Barcode sign

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