BVRMIT-301Principles of CT and Mammography

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1. A pixel may be defined as

A. The portion of the CRT displaying the image
B. A volume element
C. A picture element
D. A miniature image

2. The mathematical technique that involves the estimation of an unknown value from
values on either side of it s known as
A. Filtering
B. Interpolation
C. Convolution
D. Summation

3. Pixels representing tissues with average attenuation coefficients greater than that of
water have which of the types of values?
A. Extremely small
B. Positive
C. Negative
D. None of the above

4. IN 1917, the Austrian mathematician proved that it was possible to reconstruct a

three dimensional object from the infinite set of all progections.
A. Radon
B. Tsien
C. Bracewell
D. Cormack

5. Which of the following is not commonly used as a CT scintillation detector

A. Ceramic rare earth
B. Silver halide
C. Bisumth germinate
D. Cadmium tungstate
6. If a ROI is placed on an object of interest and the HU measures +1.9 HU, the material
is most likely to be
A. Fat
B. Blood
C. Tumor
D. Water

7. The average window width range for a abdomen is

A. 200-250 HU
B. 350-600 HU
C. 650-850 HU

D. 900-1200 HU

8. What is the average linear attenuation coefficient coefficient for water?

A. .0007
B. 155
C. .206
D. .530

9. Area of the CT image that contain minimal changes in tissue density are electronically
represented by

1. Positive CT numbers
2. High spatial frequencies
3. Negative CT numbers
4. Low spatial frequencies

10. Ring artifacts on the CT image are associated with which of the following tube
detector relationship?

a. Rotate-nutate
b. Rotate-stationary
c. Rotate-rotate
d. Translate-rotate

Unit-2 mcq

1. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the radiographic film used to
archive CT images1 It is double emulsion film2 It is sensitive to ultraviolet light
only3 It may be used in conjunction with multiformat or laser camera
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. 3 only
d. 1 and 3

2. 17. Which of the following reconstruction methods is used by most modern CT

a. Back projection
b. Iterative method
c. Fourier transform
d. Filtered back projection

3. 4th generation CT scanners use a which type tube-detector configuration

a. Rotate-translate
b. Electron beam-stationary
c. Rotate-stationary
d. Rotate-rotate

4. The process by which electrons are produced at the cathode of a CT x-ray tube is
know as
a. Rectification
b. Anode heel effect
c. Thermionic emission
d. Isotrophic emission
5. Which of the following increases the signal-to-noise ratio of a CT image
a. Decreased aperture size
b. Decreased milliampere seconds MAS
c. Increased aperture size
d. Increased filtration

6. A straight line appearing vertically on the scanogram of a fourth generation CT

scanner is a artifact most likely caused by
a. Edge gradient
b. Detector malfunction
c. Tube arching
d. Increased aperture size

7. The acronym CTDI is used to describe which of the following

a. A specialized CT imaging technique used to measure bone mineral density
b. A quality control test that measures the accuracy of the laser lighting system
c. The radiation dose to the PT during the CT scan
d. A high speed CT scanner used for cardiac imaging

8. What is the DFOV used for a 320x320 matrix image with a pixel dimension of .75 x .
75 mm?
a. 12cm
b. 24cm
c. 36cm
d. 48cm

9. The full width at half maximum of a CT scanner is used to describe

a. Spatial resolution
b. Contrast resolution
c. Noise
d. Calibration accuracy
10. Which of the following is not the typical matrix used with a modern CT Scanner
a. 80x80
b. 320x320
c. 512x512
d. 1024x1024

Unit-3 mcq

1.The 2 best projections for patients with pacemakers are:

a. CC and MLO
b. LMO and reverse CC
c. LMO and 90 degrees lateromedial
d. XCCL and CC

2.which primary sign of breast cancer indicates the earliest possible detection
a) cluster of microcalcifications
b) smooth mass
c) Peau d'orange
d) vascular enlargmen

3.Malignant type calcification often are:

a) bilateral, scattered
b) large, countable
c) numerous, clustered
d) round, linear

4.which type of tissue would result in a low attenuation mammographic image?

a) fatty
b) fibro fatty
c) fatty connective
d) Glandular fatty

5 A mammogram shows a smooth lesion with numerous associated large irregular

dense calcifications; it likely is:
a) A benign process
b) Of grave concern
c) Of moderate concern
d) Negative

6.. Clinical Breast Examination is:

a) A controlled act
b) An essential part of a patient's history
c) No longer recommended
d) Performed by the patient

7. An abnormality palpated in the right breast at 2oclock would be located in the:

a) LOQ
b) LIQ
c) UIQ
d) UOQ

8 The purpose for a mammographer conducted clinical breast examination is:

a) Vital clinical history
b) Medical diagnosis
c) Patient education
d) Screening

9.Which of the following is a characteristic of fibroadenomas?

a) Calcifications
b) Ill-defined
c) Irregular
d) Lobulated

10.The location of a breast abnormality is described by:

a) Distance from the IMF
b) Hours on a clock face
c) Linear planes
d) Quadrants of the thora


1) in 1972, who demonstrated CT?


2) in 1975, the first __ was done.

whole body CT scan

3) in 1979, ___ and ___ shared the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the development of CT.
Godfrey Hounsfield (an engineer) and Alan Cormack (a medical physicist)
4) What is the area called where the radiographer sits while performing a CT scan?
the "hot seat"

5) What does "CT" stand for?

Computed Tomography

6) What does the term "tomo" mean?

to cut, section, or layer. From the Greek word tomos

7) The thickness of the cross-sectional slice is referred to as its:


8) Width is termed its


9) Height is termed its


10)Structures in a CT image are represented by varying

shades of gray based on basic radiation principles


1) The degree to which an x-ray beam is reduced by an object is referred to as


2) Photons that pass through objects unimpeded are represented by a ____ area on the

3) When photons are completely absorbed by an object, the corresponding area on the
image is

4) Areas of intermediate attenuation are represented by various shades of


5) The number of photons that interact depends on the object's:

thickness, density, and atomic number

6) Air in the lungs is considered __ attenuation.

7) What quantifies the degree of beam attenuation?
Hounsfield Units (AKA: CT numbers, density values)

8) What value is assigned to the density of water on the Hounsfield scale?


9) -1,000 HU represents what?


10)1,000 HU represents dense materials such as



1. The second leading cause of cancer deaths in women

Breast cancer

2. Number of women who will develop breast cancer at some point in their life

1 in 8

3. The chances of a women dying from breast cancer

1 in 33

4. Can develop breast cancer as well as women but the risk is 1 - 2% of a woman's risk


5. Size at which mammography can detect lesions in the breast


6. The size of lesions that have metastasized

larger than 2cm

7. The frequency of mammography screenings for women over the age of 50

Every year

8. Should be reported to a physician to detect breast cancer as soon as possible

Any symptoms

9. The muscle that is just posterior to the breast tissue

Pectoralis major

10. The area inferiorly to superiorly where the pectoralis muscle and the fibrous tissue
that surrounds the breast tissue mee

Retromammary space


1. Describe in detail the various parts of a mammography equipment.

2. What is Larmor frequency?
3. Describe the technique of CT angiography.
4. Discuss the principle of Computed Radiography system.
5. Describe the techniques of MR mammography
6. Describe about the various flat panel detectors in x-ray imaging
7. Discuss the basic principle and reconstruction algorithms in CT imaging.
8. Contrast agents used in CT.
9. Factors affecting image quality in computed radiography.
10. Discuss the minor and major reactions of contrast media.

1. CR artifacts.
2. Multi detector CT.
3. Mammography machine.
4. Ring artifacts.
5. Write briefly about the preparation of patients, undergoing FNAC/BIOPSY.
6. Write short notes on surface shaded display.
7. Define Basic Principle of Mammography,
8. Write short note about Generations Of Mammography,
9. indications of mammography,
10. Pathologic Indications for Mammography
11. Applications for Mammography
12. Write Advantages and Disadvantage of Mammography
13. CT principal
14. Define Window Width (WW)
15. Define Window Level (WL)
16. Format of the CT image.

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