Fariz Arif Khan - Periodic Table
Fariz Arif Khan - Periodic Table
Fariz Arif Khan - Periodic Table
(a) The diagram below shows part of the periodic table of elements.
What is the chemical name of the product formed when copper reacts with a gas in
air? ......................................................
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1 mark
(d) Which statement below describes what happens in a chemical change but not in a
physical change?
By 1869, about 60 elements had been discovered.
Mendeleev arranged these elements in a table, in order of their atomic weight.
He put elements with similar chemical properties in the same column.
Mendeleev and part of his table are shown below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Li Be B C N O F
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl
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By unknown / неизвестен (here / здесь) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Use the periodic table on the Data Sheet to help you to answer these questions.
(a) Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete the sentence.
In the periodic table the columns are known as periods.
(b) Suggest one reason why hydrogen should not have been put in column 1.
(c) In 1895, the first of a new family of elements was discovered.
One of the new elements was called helium.
Where has this new family of elements been placed in the modern periodic table?
In the periodic table on your Data Sheet, the elements are arranged in order of their
atomic ........................................ .
(Total 4 marks)
In 1869, a scientist put the 60 known elements into his periodic table.
Photograph © RIA NOVOSTI/
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The scientist who put these elements into a periodic table was Mendeleev.
atomic weight.
electrical conductivity.
Then he put elements with similar chemical properties in columns, periods.
known as
His periodic table had gaps for elements that were undiscovered.
From 1900 onwards, the modern periodic table was produced. The
modern periodic table is an arrangement of elements in terms of neutron numbers.
their atomic weights.
(Total 5 marks)
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