Metformina y Estrés Oxidativo en Pacientes Diabéticos
Metformina y Estrés Oxidativo en Pacientes Diabéticos
Metformina y Estrés Oxidativo en Pacientes Diabéticos
Original Article
Metformin Administration on Red Blood
Cell Indices and Oxidative Stress in Type 2
Diabetic Patients
Adel Abdel-Moneim1, Eman Salah Abdel-Reheim1,
Margit Semmler2, Wessam Addaleel1
To cite this article: Abdel-Moneim A, Abdel-Reheim ES, Semmler M, Addaleel W. The impact of glycemic
status and metformin administration on red blood cell indices and oxidative stress in type 2 diabetic patients.
Malays J Med Sci. 2019;26(4):47–60.
Background: Most guidelines all over the world recommended metformin as the first-line
treatment for in type 2 diabetic patients. Therefore, the present study was suggested to assess the
outcome of metformin administration and glycemic status on alterations in red blood cell (RBCs)
indices as well as the oxidative stress in type 2 diabetic patients.
Methods: Between December 2016 and October of 2017, a total of 158 eligible individuals
were classified as 50 healthy subjects and 108 diabetic patients who were subdivided into six
groups according to the type of anti-diabetic treatments.
Results: Overall, the results elucidated that hemoglobin concentration was markedly
diminished, while red cell distribution width (RDW) value was significantly (P < 0.001) elevated
in all diabetic groups as compared to control. Moreover, in all diabetic groups, malondialdehyde
(MDA) concentration was elevated noticeably (P < 0.001), while reduced glutathione (GSH)
revealed a lower concentration (P < 0.001) than that of control.
Conclusion: The present study exhibited the amelioration effect of metformin
administration on oxidative stress and glycemic status which reflected on some RBCs indices.
However, hemoglobin concentration showed a noticeable diminution in all metformin-treated
groups in spite of the improvement in glycemic and oxidative stress status which indicated that the
metformin-induced anemia is independently from diabetic complications.
Keywords: red blood cell indices, glycemic status, metformin, oxidative stress
that stimulates pancreatic β-cells to release its hypoglycemic effect can reduce the oxidation
insulin and it has been shown to act through status and diabetic complications. Consequently,
additional extrapancreatic mechanisms. In the goal of our study was to evaluate the impact
addition, metformin is preferentially selected for of metformin administration (mono- and
combination therapy with sulfonylurea or insulin dual therapy) and glycemic control on RBC
to achieve the glycemic target in patients who indices alterations and oxidative stress status in
are not satisfactorily controlled by monotherapy Egyptian patients with T2DM.
alone (5).
Oxidative stress and inflammation Subjects and Methods
contribute to the development of diabetic
complications. Intracellular hyperglycemia
Patients Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
promotes the production of mitochondrial
reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS is directly The study was conducted on 158 individuals
increase the expression of inflammatory and of both sexes (83 males and 75 females), aged
adhesion factors, the formation of oxidised-low between 30 and 75 years. These individuals
density lipoprotein, and insulin resistance (6). enrolled in this study were classified into 50
Depletion of blood glutathione (GSH) has been normal healthy subjects and 108 T2DM patients
recorded in many clinical issues including T2DM who were fol lowed up at the Diabetic Section
(7). Kumawat et al. revealed that hyperglycemia of General Institution of Healthy Insurance,
induces oxidative stress through increasing Egypt, between December 2016 to October
the malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in diabetic 2017. Written agreements were obtained from
patients (8). Moreover, oxidative stress produced all patients before participation in the study.
from an imbalance between free radicals and the The present study was performed in accordance
body’s antioxidant defense systems leads to red with the declaration of Helsinki and good clinical
blood cell dysfunction and tissue injury (9). practice guidelines and also approved by the
Recently, a great attention re-given to the committee of General Institutions of Health
hematological indices as predictors of endothelial Insurance.
dysfunction and inflammation status (10). Enrolled patients were allocated to normal
Anemia is twice in diabetic patients, and mild healthy subjects (control) who had no previous
anemia also has been recorded in diabetics history of chronic diseases and free of type I or
with normal kidney function (11). In addition, 2 diabetes, and 108 patients diagnosed as T2DM
anemia is associated with duration of disease according to WHO 1999 criteria. Pregnant and
and microvascular complications; diabetic lactating women, patients receiving immuno-
neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy and CVD modulatory drugs and patients with medical
(12). Red blood cells (RBCs) count is a pivotal conditions such as infections, cerebrovascular
marker for the ability to recognise diabetic diseases, ischemic heart disease, malignancies,
patients at risk of microvascular complications. autoimmune disorders, eczema, respiratory
Lower RBCs counts are, therefore, considered disorder, thyroid dysfunction, kidney failure,
as an independent predictor biomarker of the liver dysfunction and alcohol abuse were
risk of microvascular complications in T2DM excluded from the study. In addition, diabetic
patients (13). Additionally, erythrocytes of patients who underwent medication changes
diabetic patients aggregate more readily that is during the 2 months preceding participation
obviously enhance whole-blood viscosity (WBV), were also excluded.
and adversely influence the microcirculation and
Study Design
finely leading to microangiopathy (14).
Among RBCs indices, the red blood cell The diabetic patients were subdivided
distribution width (RDW) is a simple and into six groups according to the treatment
non-expensive parameter, which can reflect administration.
the level of erythrocyte volume heterogeneity 1. Group 1: normal healthy subjects (control)
(anisocytosis) and is commonly used in the (50 subjects)
laboratory for differential analysis of anemia
(15). Furthermore, RDW values showed a 2. Group 2: diabetics (recent diagnoses) non-
significant increase in T2DM patients than in treated (20 patients)
control subjects (16). Thus, the ideal therapy 3. Group 3: diabetics treated with metformin
for diabetes would be a medication that besides only (15 patients)
Original Article | Effect of metformin on erythrocytes in diabetes
4. Group 4: diabetics treated with glimepiride hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (PCV), mean
only (19 patients) corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular
5. Group 5: diabetics treated with metformin + hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular
glimepiride (15 patients) hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), RDW
values and RBCs count were determined using
6. Group 6: diabetics treated with insulin only a MICROS ABX auto-analyser according to the
(20 patients) manufacturer's protocol.
7. Group 7: diabetics treated with metformin +
insulin (19 patients) Statistical Analysis
The data were analysed by one-way
The demographic data regarding analysis of variance (ANOVA). To compare
anthropometric variables such as height, weight, the difference between the groups, post hoc
body mass index (BMI), gender, duration of testing was performed by the Duncan test with
disease and blood pressure (BP) were collected. least significant difference (LSD). Pearson’s
Blood samples were taken from participants after correlation coefficient analysis was used to
overnight fasting in EDTA and plain tubes (4 mL determine the correlations between different
each). Following an incubation period of 30 min studied parameters. Statistical analysis was
at room temperature, blood in plain tubes was performed using the Statistical Package for the
centrifuged at 4,000x g for serum isolation. Sera Social Science (SPSS) for Windows (version 22.0,
were rapidly separated, aliquoted and stored at Chicago, IL, USA). Data are expressed as mean
−40 °C until the biochemical measurements. (SD). Values with P < 0.05 were considered
The second tube blood sample was taken on statistically significant.
potassium fluoride for immediate glucose
estimation. The third part of the blood sample Results
was taken on EDTA for determination of HbA1c
levels and complete blood picture at the same The current results revealed that family
time, then, the blood was centrifuged, the plasma history, BMI, total cholesterol, LDL-c, and
and leucocytes layer were then removed and HbA1c levels were significant elevated in recently
the packed erythrocyte sediments were washed diagnosed diabetic patients as well as in all
three times with normal saline and hemolyzed treated diabetic groups compared to the healthy
by adding approximately 1.5 volumes of ice-cold control (Table 1). In addition, MCV, MCH and
distilled water. The stock hemolysate stored at MCHC values showed non-significant changes in
−40 °C for estimation of MDA and GSH levels. all studied groups compared to healthy control.
Fresh morning urine samples were obtained A non-significant lowering in RBCs count was
for the measurement of microalbuminuria found in all diabetic groups except patients
concentration. treated with metformin plus insulin [4.89(0.7)
vis 4.30(0.5)]. In addition, HCT% revealed
Laboratory Assays
a significant decrease in diabetic patients
The concentrations of glucose, creatinine, treated with glimepiride therapies compared
total cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL-c were to the healthy control group. Moreover, Hb
estimated using commercially available assay concentration was reduced markedly in different
kits obtained from Reactivos Spinrect, Spain. diabetic groups, while RDW values had elevated
low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol level significantly (P < 0.001) in all diabetic groups
was calculated according to Friendewald formula as compared to the healthy control [Figure
(17). The anti-atherogenic factor indices were 1(A)]. While, urinary microalbuminuria was
calculated using Ross formula (18). HbA1c % significantly elevated (P < 0.001) in the treated
was determined using reagent kits purchased diabetic groups when compared to the healthy
from Spectrum. Microalbuminuria in the urine and recent-diabetic groups [Figure 1(B)].
was estimated by reagent kits purchased from However, lipid peroxidation biomarker (MDA)
Bio-Diagnostic. Moreover, reduced glutathione was elevated markedly (P < 0.001) in all diabetic
(GSH) and lipid peroxidation (determined groups, while the antioxidant GSH level was
indirectly by measuring MDA) were assayed in lowered noticeably (P < 0.001) in different
the blood hemolysate using colorimetric kits diabetic groups when compared to the healthy
(BioVision, Milpitas, CA, USA) according to the control ones [Figures 1(C) and 1(D)].
kit instructions provided. Hematology profile; 49
Malays J Med Sci. Jul–Aug 2019; 26(4): 47–60
Table 1. Demographic, biochemical and RBC indices in control, recent diabetic and treated diabetic
Control R Diabetic Metformin Glimepiride Metf +Sulf Insulin Metf+Ins
N= 50 20 15 19 15 20 19
M 25 (50)a 10 (50)c 8 (53) c 9 (47)c 8 (53)c 10(52)c 13(65)b
F 25 (50)a 10 (50)b 7(47)c 10(53)b 7(47)c 9(47)b 7(35)c
F. hist. (0)a
4(20) b
6 (40) bc
5(26) b
4(27) b
11(58) d
Duration (y) 0.0(0) a
0.0(0) a
4.4(3) b
5.8(4) b
6.2(5) b
16(8) c
14(7) c
Age (y) 42(16) a 49(14) a 57(8) bc 63(11) c 55(9) bc 57(8) bc 62(7) c
BMI 27(7) a
36(5) b
33(7) ab
34(4) ab
32(8) ab
33(10) ab
29(4) a
HbA1c% 5.11(0.51)a 9.78(1.46)d 7.31(1.32)b 7.55(1.19)bc 9.80(2.59)d 7.58(1.94)bc 8.51(2.18)c
Creatinine (mg/dL) 1.03(0.23) abc
0.96(0.25) abc
0.83(0.18) a
1.15(0.45) bc
1.04(0.25) abc
1.22(0.89) c
0.90(0.24) ab
TC (mg/dL) 168(28) a
218(48) bcd
191(51) ab
197(55) bc
227(41) d
194(24) abc
LDL (mg/dL) 99(38) a 151(45) bc 124(49) ab 136(45) bc 165(39) d 128(23) bc 154(39) cd
Hb (g/dL) 14.30(1.0) c
12.27(1.9) a
13.22(0.76) b
12.65(1.3) a
12.71(0.5) a
12.97(1.3) a
12.14(1.1) a
RBCs (x10 /mm )
6 3
4.89(0.7) bc
4.56(0.7) ab
4.73(0.3) bc
4.50(0.4) ab
4.55(0.4) ab
4.74(0.5) bc
4.30(0.5) a
HCT (%) 40.53(3) b 37.36(6) ab 39.18(2) ab 36.65(2) a 38.49(2) ab 39.20(5) ab 37.13(2) ab
MCV (fl) 83.27(2) ab
81.98(7) a
82.88(5) ab
82.14(8) ab
85.05(4) b
82.65(6) ab
87.15(7) b
MCH (Pg) 28.15(2) 27.08(2) 27.25(2) 27.28(3) 28.18(2) 27.48(2) 28.25(3)
MCHC (g/dL) 33.85(2) b 32.90(2) ab 31.81(3) a 33.16(1) b 33.07(1) b 32.86(1) ab 32.72(1) ab
Data are expressed as mean = SD. Values which share the same superscript symbol are not significantly different. R = recent, Metf = metformin,
Sulf = sulfonylurea (glimepiride), Ins = insulin, F hist = family history, BMI = body mass index, HbA1c = glycosylated hemoglobin,
TC = total cholesterol, LDL = low density lipoprotein, MCV = mean corpuscular volume, MCH = mean corpuscular hemoglobin, MCHC = mean
corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
Original Article | Effect of metformin on erythrocytes in diabetes
Figure 1. Values of RDW% (A), microalbuminuria (B), MDA (C) and GSH (D) of control, recent
diabetic and different metformin treated groups
Significance compared to normal control, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, #significance compared to the recent
diabetic. #P < 0.05, ##P < 0.01, ###P < 0.001. Metf = metformin, R diabetic = recent diabetic, Sulf = sulfonylurea
(glimepiride), Ins = insulin,
Table 2. Pearson correlation of HbA1c, MDA, GSH and microalbuminuria with RBCs indices in
different treated groups
HbA1c Microalbuminuria MDA GSH
Hb −0.778** (−0.937, −0.612) −0.709** (−0.925, −0.475) −0.906** (−0.971, −0.818) 0.884*** (0.802, 0.957)
RBCs −0.621* (−0.905, −0.291) −0.798** (−0.937, −0.537) −0.867** (−0.951, −0.640) 0.846** (0.579, 0.932)
HCT −0.713** (−0.953, −0.496) −0.803** (−0.968, −0.580) −0.957** (−0.987, −0.914) 0.925** (0.831, 0.975)
RDW 0.536* (0.082, 0.885) 0.885** (0.596, 0.973) 0.880** (0.563, 0.971) −0.882** (−0.962, −0.532)
Metf + Sulf
Hb −0.838** (−0.934, −0.562) −0.899** (−0.959, −0.754) −0.961** (−0.985, −0.917) 0.961** (0.906, 0.990)
RBCs −0.774** (−0.909, −0.563) −0.882** (−0.954, −0.799) −0.885** (−0.973, −0.795) 0.960** (0.935, 0.982)
HCT −0.790** (−0.926, −0.547) −0.904** (−0.970, −0.812) −0.917** (−0.971, −0.862) 0.988** (0.974, 0.997)
RDW 0.888** (0.630, 0.965) 0.955** (0.867, 0.986) 0.972** (0.937, 0.991) −0.978** (−0.991, −0.961)
Metf + Ins
Hb −0.704** (−0.192, −0.894) −0.681** (−0.431, −0.953) −0.831** (−0.394, −0.989) 0.862** (0.973, 0.568)
RBCs −0.687** (−0.855, −0.460) −0.578** (−0.795, −0.398) −0.721** (−0.885, −0.382) 0.824** (0.661, 0.936)
HCT −0.688** (−0.875, −0.170) −0.665** (−0.898, −0.364) −0.791** (−0.972, −0.325) 0.918** (0.735, 0.991)
RDW 0.853** (0.092, 0.950) 0.895** (0.313, 0.968) 0.865** (0.469, 0.957) −0.862** (−0.949, −0.549)
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level. **Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level. ***Correlation is significant at the 0.001 level.
Metf = metformin, Sulf = sulfonylurea (glimepiride), Ins = insulin, HbA1c = glycosylated hemoglobin 51
Malays J Med Sci. Jul–Aug 2019; 26(4): 47–60
Figure 2. Correlation coefficient of Hb, RBCs, HCT and RDW values with HbA1c% (A),
microalbuminuria (B), MDA (C) and GSH (D)
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level. **Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level. ***Correlation is significant
at the 0.001 level. R = recent, Metf = metformin, R. diabetic = recent diabetic, Sulf = sulfonylurea (glimepiride),
Ins = insulin, HbA1c = glycosylated hemoglobin, r = correlation coefficient
Original Article | Effect of metformin on erythrocytes in diabetes
(A) (B)
15 r = −0.778, 15 r = −0.709,
P < 0.001 P < 0.010
14.5 14.5
14 14
13.5 13.5
13 13
12.5 12.5
12 12
11.5 11.5
5 7 9 11 0 200 400 600
HbA1c% Microalbuminuria
(C) (D)
15 r = 0.880, 15 r = −0.882,
P < 0.001 P < 0.001
14.5 14.5
14 14
13.5 13.5
13 13
12.5 12.5
10 30 50 70 30 35 40 45 50
Figure 3. Correlations of Hg% with HbA1c% (A) and microalbuminuria (B), and RDW with MDA (C)
and GSH (D) among metformin monotherapy group
HbA1c = glycosylated hemoglobin, r = correlation coefficient 53
Malays J Med Sci. Jul–Aug 2019; 26(4): 47–60
(A) (B)
r = −0.885, r = 0.960,
5.5 P < 0.010 5.5 P < 0.010
5 5
4.5 4.5
4 4
15 25 35 45 55 25 35 45 55 65
(C) (D)
44 44 r = −0.904,
r = −0.790,
P < 0.010
P < 0.010
41 41
38 38
35 35
5 10 15 0 50 100 150 200
HbA1c Microalbuminuria
Figure 4. Correlations between RBCs with MDA (A) and GSH (B), and HCT with HbA1c (C) and
microalbuminuria (D) among metformin plus glimepiride group
HbA1c = glycosylated hemoglobin, r = correlation coefficient
Original Article | Effect of metformin on erythrocytes in diabetes
(A) (B)
16 r = 0.853, r = −0.681,
P < 0.001 P < 0.001
15.5 14
14 12
12.5 10
4 7 10 55 0 100 200 300
HbA1c% Microalbuminuria
(C) (D)
16 r = 0.865, r = 0.862,
P < 0.010 P < 0.001
15.5 14
14 12
12.5 10
10 20 30 40 50 60 30 40 50 60
MDA Microalbuminuria
Figure 5. Correlations of RDW with HbA1c% (A) and MDA (C), and Hb% with microalbuminuria (B),
and GSH (D) among metformin plus insulin patients
HbA1c = glycosylated hemoglobin, r = correlation coefficient 55
Malays J Med Sci. Jul–Aug 2019; 26(4): 47–60
Original Article | Effect of metformin on erythrocytes in diabetes 57
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