Topic 4

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ENG 023

Metrology and Calibration

Topic 4
Introduction to

Sayfa 1



Sayfa 2


Sayfa 3
OneDim Arrays (Vectors)
x = [0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1]
x = 0 0.2500 0.5000 0.7500 1.0000

x = 0:0.25:1
x = 0 0.2500 0.5000 0.7500 1.0000

dizi = 1:7
dizi = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

dizi = -5:2:5
dizi = -5 -3 -1 1 3 5

Sayfa 4
v = [1 2 3] % row vector
v = 1 2 3

v = [1 2 3]’ % transpose of a row vector

v =

x = [1 2 3];
y = [5 6 7];
x .* y
ans = 5 12 21

Sayfa 5
TwoDim Arrays (Matrices)
A = [1 1 1; 2 2 2]
A = 1 1 1
2 2 2

A = [1 1 1
2 2 2]
A = 1 1 1
2 2 2

B = A'
B = 1 2
1 2
1 2

Sayfa 6
Visualizing and Analysing Data
To visualize data
 plot(x,y) X-Y graph
 hist(x) Histogram
 pie(x) Pie chart
 ...

To analyze data
 mean(x) Average value
 std(x) Standard deviation
 max(x) Maximum value
 min(x) Minimum value
 ...
Sayfa 7
Example 1
Exam Scores of 20 students:

55 42 65 68 64 72 75 58 87 89
77 66 91 39 44 57 69 75 68 81

x=[55 42 65 68 64 72 75 58 87 89 ...
77 66 91 39 44 57 69 75 68 81];

Sayfa 8
Example 1: Basic Analysis
x=[55 42 65 68 64 72 75 58 87 89 ...
77 66 91 39 44 57 69 75 68 81];
ans = 67.100
ans = 14.853
ans = 20
std(x) / sqrt(length(x))
ans = 3.3213
ans = 91
ans = 39

Sayfa 9
Example 1: plot command

x=[55 42 65 68 64 72 75 58 87 89 ...
77 66 91 39 44 57 69 75 68 81];

Sayfa 10
Example 1: hist command

x=[55 42 65 68 64 72 75 58 87 89 ...
77 66 91 39 44 57 69 75 68 81];

Sayfa 11
Example 1: hist command

x=[55 42 65 68 64 72 75 58 87 89 ...
77 66 91 39 44 57 69 75 68 81];

Number of bins

Sayfa 12
Example 1: hist command
x=[55 42 65 68 64 72 75 58 87 89 ...
77 66 91 39 44 57 69 75 68 81];
hist(x, [5:10:95])

Bin centers

Sayfa 13


Sayfa 14

Statistics is a way of extracting information from a data.

Wikipedia says:

Statistics is the study of the collection, organization,

analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data.

Sayfa 15
Data Analysis
Data analysis is a very broad subject covering many techniques and types
of data. In this lecture we will study some basic calculations that are
commonly performed on sampled data.

Sayfa 16
For bi-variate data (two variables) the correlation coefficient (ρ) is a measure
of the linear dependence between one variable and the other.

Given a sample (size n) of bi-variate data,

Z = { (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3), ... , (xn,yn) }

xy  x. y
 x y

1 n 1 n 1 n
xy   xi yi x   xi y   yi
n i 1 n i 1 n i 1

1 n
 i
1 n
x   y   i 
2 2
( x x ) ( y y )
n  1 i 1 n  1 i 1

Sayfa 17
xy  x. y
 x y


p= 0.15 p = 0.75 p = 0.98

p =0 if there is no correlation
p = =+-1 if X and Y are fully correlated
Sayfa 18
Sayfa 19
Example Using the following data, calculate the correlation
coefficient of X and Y.
X = { 17, 23, 27, 31, 51, 61}
Y = { 9, 14, 16, 23, 45, 49}
Answer (rho = 0.9)

Sayfa 20
To solve the problem we can use also Octave.

X = [ 17 23 27 31 51 61 ];
Y = [ 9 14 16 23 45 49 ];
rho=(mean(X.*Y)-mean(X)*mean(Y)) / (std(X)*std(Y))
rho = 0.82658

Sayfa 21
Median and Mod
The median is the number in the middle and
the mode is the most frequent number in a data set.

For the data set:

A = {3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 8, 8, 10} => median = 6, mod = 8.

For the data set:

B = {5, 6, 7, 9, 11,12,18,18} => median=(9+11)/2=10, mod=18.

C = {2, 2, 5, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11,12,18} => mod is 9 (unimodal)

D = {2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 7, 7, 7, 9} => mod 4 and 7 (bimodal)
E = {1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18} => mod is unknown

Sayfa 22


Sayfa 23
Population & Sample
In statistics it is very important to distinguish
between population and sample.

A population is defined as all members of a specified group.

A sample is a part of a population.

 The sample is used to describe the characteristics

(e.g. mean or standard deviation) of the whole population.

 The size of a sample can be less than 1%, or 10%, or 50%

of the population, but it is never the whole population.

Sayfa 24
If the mean is measured using the whole population then this
would be the population mean and is represented by μ.

sum of the population data  xi

Population mean (  )  
population size N N
N is the number of items in the population.

The mean of a sample is called as sample mean and is

represented by x .

sum of the sample data  xi

Sample mean ( x )  
sample size n n

n is the number of items in the sample.

Sayfa 25
A machine fills cups with a liquid, and is supposed to be
adjusted so that the content of the cups is 250 g of liquid.
As the machine cannot fill every cup with exactly 250 g, the
content added to individual cups shows some variation, and is
considered a random variable X.

Sayfa 26
This variation is assumed to be normally distributed
around the desired values: μ = 250 g and σ = 2.5 g.

To determine if the machine is adequately calibrated, a sample

of n = 20 cups of liquid are chosen at random and the cups are
weighed. The values are:

X={247.1, 250.0, 250.1, 249.8, 246.7,

254.4, 249.2, 249.4, 247.0, 247.0,
245.0, 253.3, 251.2, 250.7, 250.6,
247.3, 248.5, 248.0, 243.6, 250.2}

Sayfa 27
The sample mean and sample standard deviation:
x = [247.1, 250.0, 250.1, 249.8, 246.7, ...
254.4, 249.2, 249.4, 247.0, 247.0, ...
245.0, 253.3, 251.2, 250.7, 250.6, ...
247.3, 248.5, 248.0, 243.6, 250.2];

ans = 248.9550
ans = 2.6015

Is the result
consistent with
μ = 250 g and σ = 2.5 g?

Is the machine
calibrated adequately?
Sayfa 28
Confidence Interval (=Güvenlik Aralığı)
In statistics, confidence interval (CI)
is a type of interval estimate of a population parameter
and is used to indicate the reliability of an estimate.

How frequently the observed interval contains the

parameter is determined by the confidence level (CL) or
confidence coefficient.

Sayfa 29
Confidence Levels are defined as follows:

CL +- sigma
----- --------
0.800 1.28σ
0.900 1.65σ
0.950 1.96σ
0.990 2.58σ
0.999 3.29σ

We usually use 95% CL which corresponds

approximately +- 2σ region under the
standard normal curve.
Sayfa 30
Simplified Expression for a 95% Confidence Interval

Sayfa 31
CL Area under the curve
1  x2 / 2

1 2
e dx  0.6827

1  x2 / 2
 dx  0.9545
%95 e
2 2

1  x2 / 2
%99.7 
3 2
e dx  0.9973

Sayfa 32
Let us return back to our example.
To get an impression of the expectation μ, it is sufficient
to give an estimate.

The sample mean, standard deviation and standard error:

 xi
x  248.955g

( xi  x ) 2
  2.6015 g
20  1

 2.6015
E    0.5817 g
n 20

Sayfa 33
with 95% confidence level
The population mean lies between the interval:
x  2 E    x  2 E

248.955  2(0.5817)    248.955  2(0.5817)

247.7916   250.1184
That is: the true mean is somewhere between
[247.7916, 250.1184] with 95% probability.

Remember, the true mean is μ = 250 g.

 Therefore our sample mean is consistent with the true mean.
 There is no reason to believe the machine is wrongly
Sayfa 34
A coin is thrown 30 times.

(a) Calculate the mean (expected) number heads.

(b) Imagine you observed 20 heads.

Compute how many standard deviations your observation
differ from the mean value. Is the coin fair?

(c) Imagine you observed 30 heads.

Compute how many standard deviations your observation
differ from the mean value. Is the coin fair?

Sayfa 35
Binomial Distribution:

n k nk
P   
(a) binom  k  p (1  p )
 
  np  30  0.5  15
  np(1  p)  30  0.5  (1  0.5)  2.74

(b) (20  15) / 2.74  1.83

1.83 sigma difference
20 heads is consistent with 15 => the coin is fair

(c) (30  15) / 2.74  5.47

5.47 sigma difference
30 heads is not consistent with 15 => discovery, the coin is not fair.
Sayfa 36
For any distribution, if your result is

+-1σ away from true mean -> in good agreement

+-2σ away from true mean -> consistent

+-3σ away from true mean -> there is a signal for something

+-5σ away from true mean -> you discover something

Sayfa 37
Important Functions for
Measurement & Calibration
1. Gaussian Function

p( x)  exp[( x   ) 2 / 2 2 ]
 2

Mean: µ
Std.Dev: σ

Sayfa 38
Important Functions for
Measurement & Calibration
2. Rectangular Distribution

Mean: M

Std.Dev:  

Sayfa 39
Important Functions for
Measurement & Calibration
3. Triangular Distribution

Mean: M

Std.Dev:  

Sayfa 40
1. Time of execution of a computer program in seconds are
given by:
T = {358,353,357,358,362,364,358,361,360,355}
Calculate mean, median and mod of the data.

Sayfa 41
Weight (kg)
2. In a hospital, the mean values of
Month Boy Girl
weights of 250 babies as a function ----- ---- ----
of month are obtained*. Determine 0 3.4 3.2
1 4.4 4.1
the correlation coefficient between: 2 5.5 5.0
(a) month and boy 3 6.4 5.7
4 7.1 6.4
(b) month and girl 5 7.7 6.9
(c) boy and girl 6 8.3 7.5
9 9.4 8.6
12 10.2 9.4

* Data is taken from:

Sayfa 42
3. An industrial refrigerator is used W (m/s) T(oC)
to cool food in a processing factory. 3.8 1.69
An experiment is performed to test 8.4 1.34
the effect of wind speed of the 7.3 1.45
refrigerator on the temperature 3.9 1.75
in the refrigerator. The results are given 1.7 1.87
in the table. 9.6 1.05
(a) Plot the data 4.5 1.60
(a) Calculate the correlation coefficient 6.4 1.45
(b) Comment on the result 0.4 2.02
8.7 1.15
8.8 1.15
0.7 1.99

Sayfa 43
4. Repat the example, by using the rectangular distribution
function for a = 2.5 g.

5. Repat the example, by using the triangular distribution

function for a = 2.5 g.

Mean Sigma Interval with 95% CL
-------- ------ --------------------
Gaussian 248.9550 2.6015 [247.7916, 250.1184]
Rectangular 248.9550 1.4434 [246.0682, 251.8418]
Triangular 248.9550 1.0206 [247.9344, 249.9756]

Sayfa 44

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