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Space Interrelationship

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Space Interrelationship

Angelika Ortega1,
Eastern Visayas State University, Tacloban City, Philippines

Abstract important part in this research, which will address

spatial interrelationships.
The purpose of this study is to identify and discuss the
basic standard dimensions of spaces considering the Body
anthropometrics, ergonomics, behavioral setting, In architecture, dimension refers to the measurement of
activity setting, and spatial analysis. The fundamentals spaces and things; their size and shape as perceived by
of how a building's spaces can be related to one another people. Its ultimate goal is to facilitate the recognition
and organized into integrated forms are provided in this of spatial relationships and structural connections
paper. The main points were empirically gathered from without the need for visual perception, making building
past studies, online publications, and architectural books design a purely intellectual process. Knowing and
related to this work, all of which contributed understanding the dimensions of space will enable us to
significantly to the study being conducted. A conceptual construct more comfortable, functional, cohesive, and
type of research was used, in which the study was practical environments. Thus, the basic standard
carried out by observing and analyzing previously dimensions of different spaces considering
available material on a given topic. The results suggest anthropometrics, ergonomics, bahavioral setting,
that anthropometrics, ergonomics, behavioral setting, activity setting, and spatial analysis are discussed in the
activity analysis, and spatial analysis are essential following paragraphs.
factors to consider in meeting basic standard dimension
of spaces and satisfying the needs of individuals.
One of the architectural spaces in a building or in a
Introduction house is the garage. A garage is a space for parking a car
A building's spaces can be organized into patterns that or other vehicle and may also be used for storing
relate to each other in a specific way. Spatial items. When planning a garage, there are various
relationships amongst forms contribute to the definition elements to consider. First, evaluate the size of the car,
of their interrelationships. Space can be a shared as this determines the overall size of the garage. It is
expression of social life, where people share a common also best to see whether there is enough space for the car
space. It can also be used as an easy architectural in the garage without blocking the other cars and objects
metaphor for a means of communication. stored therein. Garage door and garage floor are also
Spaces such as garages, porches, entries, living areas, important matters to consider.
dining areas, kitchens, laundry rooms, bedrooms, and Below are some illustrations from the Architect’s Pocket
many others are subjected to basic standard dimensions Book by J. Hetreed, A. Ross, and C.B. Powell, showing
that must be maintained to allow for access, durability, the standard dimensions of domestic garages.
functionality, and overall beauty. When designing these
spaces, it is vital that all areas of the space be factored
in and taken into consideration, including
anthropometrics and ergonomics, as well as the
behavioral setting, activity setting, and spatial analysis.
For example, the goal of the design should be to
maximize accessibility and ease of movement while
trying to minimize the overall structure.
Ergonomics and anthropometry are important in
architectural spaces because they improve an
environment's safety, comfort, and performance.
Moreover, a significant amount of behavioral setting,
activity, and spatial information must be processed and
analyzed during the architectural planning and design
Anthropometry, ergonomics, behavioral setting, activity
analysis, and spatial analysis were discussed in the
previous research works. These concepts have been
applied in valuable, real-life settings and were all
selected for their relevance and potential to be integrated
into this study. These concepts will now play an
Porch/ Entry suitability of space dimensions such as ceiling heights
When visitors enter a building or a house, there is a and entryway and hallway widths. Ergonomics attempts
covered area adjacent to the door where they can be to create furniture in these places that will be used, such
entertained and take a comfortable break before entering as a comfortable sofa in the living room, a chair seat and
the house. This area is known as a porch. It is an exterior table in the dining room, and a dishwasher in the
appendage to a building, forming a covered approach or kitchen. Ergonomics caters to people's needs based on
vestibule to a doorway (A Visual Dictionary of the activities they perform. A sofa, for example, may not
Architecture by Francis D. K. Ching, 2nd Edition). be designed for standing because it is designed to be
Moreover, a porch can be either on the ground floor or reclining. Children's furniture may have low heights that
upper floor. are inconvenient for sitting when they are still in
highchairs. Therefore, a living room's standard
dimensions are 3.66 to 6.71 meters wide by 5.49 to 8.53
meters long. The dining area standard dimension is 68
square meters. It is, however, dependent on the number
of occupants. A 24.7 square meter eating area, for
example, is only suitable for four people. The dining
area is 32.9 square meters in size and can seat 6 persons.
While the size for 8, 10, and 12 people may be 41.45
square meters, 43.9 square meters, and 49.38 square
meters, respectively. On the other hand, the average
kitchen size ranges from 6.5 square meters (small size)
to 22.11 square meters (big size).
Lanai/ terrace
Lanai is defined as a veranda, especially one used as a
living room, by Francis D.K. Ching in his 2nd edition of
A Visual Dictionary of Architecture, whereas a terrace
is an open, frequently paved area connected to a house
The size and shape of a porch can vary as per the or building and functioning as an outdoor living area.
requirement of the house or building. However, the size Furthermore, in Hawaiian architecture, a lanai is a small
of a porch must always be specified as small or large, deck or balcony that spans the width of the upper floor
depending on its purpose and function. The function or and is typically located around the back. Lanais and
type of activity to be performed on the porch is dictated terraces primarily serve as an extension of a home's
by a person's activity and behavioral setting. Because exterior.
this is where visitors will stay, furniture such as chairs The standard size of lanai/ terrace is 2x4 meters or 8
and tables will be used. As a result, the ideal dimensions square meters.
of furnishings should be considered through the use of
anthropometrics and ergonomics, which can make the Utility room/ area and Laundry
porch more comfortable to stay on. The standard The utility room and laundry are another architectural
dimension of a porch is 8 feet by 10 feet. This space. The utility room has a washer and dryer, as well
measurement is capable of accommodating chairs, as clothing and other storage. Other than washing
tables, and other furniture. clothing, it performs a variety of activities. A laundry
Living room, dining room, and kitchen room, on the other hand, is where garments are washed.
Laundry rooms are also a popular location for dryers and
When entering a house, the habitable areas where a other washing machines. Because these areas are
family gathers the most are the living room, dining susceptible to human activities, anthropometrics,
room, and kitchen. Families have "family time" and they ergonomics, and activity analysis play important roles.
spend a majority of their day in these areas. The living These parameters are taken into account while planning
room serves as the center for most activities. It is a room utility and laundry rooms in order to discover the
for relaxing and doing activities like watching movies relationship between body postures and anthropometric
or entertaining guests, but it is also a room for hanging data while loading or unloading a washing machine. A
out with friends and family. While the dining area is certain dimension of the rooms has been standardized to
used a lot for eating and cooking, it is also a room for meet with the demands of individuals and the activity
entertaining guests. The dining room is not only a major involved, taking into account anthropometry,
area serving the family, but it also serves as a highlight ergonomics, behavioral setting, activity, and spatial
for public spaces. The kitchen is used to prepare and analysis. This approach will help the designers optimize
store food, but it is also a hot spot for entertaining giving comfort and safety to users performing postures
guests. Since this area is occupied by people most of from crouch, stoop or bending over.
the time, comfortability, safety, and functionality are
the leading considerations in designing such Hence, the standard dimension of a utility room is 1.8 x
areas. Anthropometrics is used to determine the 2.4 meters (4.32 square meters). These dimensions are
based on the fact that these utility rooms will be able to
accommodate every kind of appliance and activities to enclosed by a railing. Although the primary role of a
be done. On the other hand, the standard size of a 3.15 balcony is to enhance one's stature, it can also be used
square meters (1.5 x 2.1 meters). as an outdoor patio to enhance one's enjoyment of life.
Types of bedrooms Its primary goal is to expand the living area by providing
residents with access to fresh air and views.
People will always need a private space for sleeping,
relaxing, resting, and other activities you want to do Railings of the balcony must have an appropriate height
privately like writing, studying, reading, working, etc. that will provide safety and comfort when leaning the
And bedroom is the best space for this description. In hands on it. That’s why it is important to consider the
order to provide a very comfortable and efficient area, anthropometric data of the users and conduct an activity
the design of a bedroom necessitates profound planning and spatial analysis based on the behavioral setting in an
considerations. As a result, when designing and area.
planning how big a bedroom should be, some planning Thus, by considering such factors in designing, a
considerations must be understood, such as certain dimension of a balcony is standardized, which is
anthropometry and ergonomics for determining the size 3.35 square meter. This size allows for a small table and
and type of furniture, behavioral setting, activity human movement throughout the space.
analysis, and spatial analysis for clearance and Walk-in Closet
movement space around the furniture.
A walk-in closet is a space that is mostly used for storing
Bedrooms are classified into various types based on clothes, shoes, accessories, and other items, but it is also
their size and function. There are three primary used for dressing and undressing. Having a walk-in
categories of bedrooms which depends on the closet with a new look and function can include a lot of
occupants: master bedrooms, children's bedrooms, and work, but there are plenty of amazing closet shelving
guest bedrooms. The sizes vary depending on the units that are ideal for not just storing clothes, but a
arrangement and type of furniture used in the bedrooms. variety of different items as well.
A children's bedroom would contain smaller, less
The standard size of a walk-in closet is 6.50 square
opulent furniture than a larger bedroom. An organized
meters, with the anthropometric dimensions of the user
master bedroom will include all of the furniture required
taken into account to determine the suitable dimensions
for a comfortable living environment and is ideal for
of shelves and cabinets. In order to find the required
individuals who want to give the impression of living
space that corresponds to this area, activity analysis and
standards in their living space.
spatial analysis must be performed.
Hence, the average size of a children's bedroom is 9.24
Family Hall
square meters, a master bedroom is 14.80 square meters,
and a guest room is 11.10 square meters. These room The family hall is another architectural place where
sizes have the ability to accommodate furnishings based family and visitors congregate. It is a casual,
on the demands of the occupants. multifunctional area where residents can engage in
recreational activities such as reading books, watching
Toilet and bath
movies, conversing, and participating in other family
A toilet and bathroom are used for sanitation purposes, activities. The family hall is frequently confused with
and might have a toilet or urinal in it, a shower, and a the living room; however, they differ for a variety of
wash basin. reasons. Taking into account the use of activity and
The toilet and bath, like any other space, considers spatial analysis in its behavioral setting, as well as
anthropometrics and ergonomics in order to meet the anthropometrics and ergonomics, the standard size of a
needs of the users while also providing comfort when family hall is 20.06 square meters.
using the area. The height of the wash basin must be Hallway
properly calculated in order to acquire a convenient
As defined by Francis D.K. Ching in his 2nd edition of A
maneuver, such as easy reach or height. The toilet is
Visual Dictionary of Architecture, a hallway is a
typically built near the entryway of the room where it is
corridor or passageway in a house, hotel, or other
intended to be used for comfort and accessibility. When
building. The primary purpose of a hallway is to provide
constructing a toilet and bath, activity analysis must also
circulation and human mobility around the space. A
be performed to determine whether the user is truly
hallway can be used in a range of applications such as a
completing their activity, such as their skin care routine.
passageway for moving from one room to another, a
As a result, the size of the toilet and bath that can contain
means for passing through the space or for decoration.
equipment such as a shower, toilet, and sink is 3.6
square meters. Thus, the standard dimension of a hallway should not be
less than 1.50 meters wide, taking into account the
utilization of activity and spatial analysis in its
According to Francis D.K. Ching on his 2nd edition of A behavioral setup, as well as anthropometrics and
Visual Dictionary of Architecture, a balcony is a gallery ergonomics. A width of 1.80 meters is recommended.
that projects over the main floor of a theater to This dimension allows maneuverability, passing,
accommodate additional people. A balcony is an circulation and security in the hallway.
outdoor extension of a building's top floor that is
in order to meet the needs of comfort, efficiency, safety,
and health; (3) problems in spaces should be addressed
to reduce ergonomic risk factors; (4) design should be
flexible and adjustable from personal to professional
requirements; (5) there should be a relationship between
anthropometric dimensions and the space so that
accurate information about the environment can be
attained; and (6) basic standard dimension of spaces
should be met by considering anthropometrics,
Stairways ergonomics, behavioral setting, activity setting, and
According to the 2nd edition of Francis D.K. Ching's A spatial analysis.
Visual Dictionary of Architecture, a stairway is a References
pathway from one level of a building to another by a
Baden-Powell, C., Hetreed, J., & Ross, A. (2017).
flight of stairs. To maintain the user's safety, health, and
Architect's pocket book (fifth edition).
comfort when walking up and down the stairs, the riser,
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
tread, nosing, handrail, and other stair parts must be
suitably proportioned according to human
anthropometric dimensions. For example, the risers Ching, F. D. K. (2012). A Visual Dictionary of
must be at an appropriate height to prevent a person Architecture (2nd Edition). Wiley.
from falling and injuring themselves. With essential
design factors such as anthropometrics, ergonomics, Mahajan, B., & About The Author Bhushan Mahajan
behavioral setting, activity analysis, and spatial analysis, Welcome to civiconcepts.com. (2022, January
a stairway size of at least 0.75 meters wide, a rise of 0.20 22). The standard room size & location in a
meters, and a minimum run of 0.20 meters has been house: Standard size of bedroom: Standard
standardized. room dimensions: Standard room sizes in a
house. Civiconcepts. Retrieved March 23, 2022,
from https://civiconcepts.com/blog/standard-

Vicente B. Foz Publisher-Editor. (2005). The National

Building Code of the Philippines; and, its
revised implementing rules and regulations
approved by the Department of Public Works
and Highways on October 29, 2004 and took
effect on April 30, 2005 after official

The goal of this research is to define and discuss the
basic standard dimensions of spaces while taking
anthropometrics, ergonomics, behavioral setting,
activity setting, and spatial analysis into account. This
paper explains how the areas in a building can be related
to one another and ordered into integrated structures.
The findings imply that anthropometrics, ergonomics,
behavioral setting, activity analysis, and spatial analysis
are important aspects to consider when achieving basic
standard dimensions of spaces and satisfying individual
Based on the discussion about the space
interrelationship, the following recommendations were
made: (1) furniture should be designed according to
ergonomic and anthropometric data of the user; (2) a
product should be designed based on human dimensions

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