Lab Report Ecw341 - Measurement of Fluid Properties
Lab Report Ecw341 - Measurement of Fluid Properties
Lab Report Ecw341 - Measurement of Fluid Properties
Level LEVEL 0 Team Student’s ID Student’s Name Group
Laboratory Title MEASUREMENT OF FLUID 1. Group Leader 2020601214 Tengku Amirul Iskandar Bin Tengku Abu PEC1105A2
Date 17th October 2022 2. Member 2020616904 Nuha Binti Roszi PEC1105A2
Muhamad Hasbullah Bin Hassan 3. Member 2020606654 Nur Shuhaszira Binti Ahmad Fazin PEC1105A2
4. Member 2020607652 Sharifah Shamira Binti Mohd Jaffar PEC1105A2
Verification 5. Member 20 Umi Nur Hafiza Binti Che Ali PEC1105A2
Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
A2 (Responding) following: following: following: following: following:
< 100% compliance on 100% compliance on lab 100% compliance on lab 100% compliance on lab 100% compliance on lab
The student actively
lab safety rules and not safety rules and practice safety rules and practice safety rules and practice safety rules and practice
participates and reacts in
practice them them them them them
some way. Emphasis is on
Not participate in group < 50% participate in 50% participate in group 75% participate in group 100% participate in group
active participation on the discussion, group discussion, discussion, discussion, discussion
part of the learners such as Participation & No interest in subject, < 50% interest in 50% interest in subject, 75% interest in subject, 100% interest in subject,
2 compliance in responding, Knowledge on the open-
Not enjoy helping subject, 50% enjoy helping 75% enjoy helping others. 100% fully enjoy helping
willingness to respond, or ended laboratory
others. < 50% enjoy helping others. Able to design, prepare, others.
satisfaction in responding Not able to explain, design others. Able to design, prepare testing and explain the Able to design, prepare,
and prepare the Not able to explain the and explain the experiments and the work testing, interpret and explain
experimental work in the experiment and the work experiments and the work assigned in the report based the experiments and the work
report assigned in the report assigned in the report but on OEL components assigned in the report based on
not based on OEL components
OEL components
Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving
approach: approach: approach: approach: approach:
No acceptance of 25% acceptance of any 50% acceptance of any 75% acceptance of any 100% acceptance of any
A3 (Valuing) commitment commitment commitment commitment commitment
The worth a student Uncommitted to carry 25% committed to carry 50% committed to carry 75% committed to carry 100% committed to carry
attaches to a particular responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility
object, phenomenon, or Uncommitted to provide 25% committed to 50% committed to 75% committed to provide 100% committed to provide
behavior. Ranges from Leadership skill, suggestion and/or idea provide suggestion provide suggestion suggestion and/or idea suggestion and/or idea
3 acceptance to Commitment & Uncommitted to follow and/or idea and/or idea 75% committed to follow 100% committed to follow
commitment, carry Responsibility group decision 25% committed to follow 50% committed to follow group decision. group decision.
responsibility for the Unable to control, lead, group decision. group decision Able to control, lead and Able to control, lead and
functioning of a group, fail to deliver the task to Able to control, lead the Able to control, lead and delivering the task to the delivering the task to the group
attitudes and the group and does not group but fail to deliver delivering the task to the group efficiently and efficiently and serves as a
appreciation. compromise to achieve the task and does not group members and usually does what is the leader in managing individual
the objectives of compromise towards the occasionally helps the best interest of the group ideas towards the achievement
experiments (Reports) achievement objectives group to achieve the towards the achievement of of the objectives (Reports)
of the experiments objectives of the the objectives
(Reports) experiments (Reports) (Reports)
ECW 341 Water Engineering Laboratory
Universiti Teknologi MARA Program: Diploma In Civil Engineering (EC110)
Academic Session: OCT 2022 – FEB 2023
Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving
approach approach approach approach approach
<100% maintain good 100% maintain good 100% maintain good health 100% maintain good health 100% maintain good health
health habits, compliance health habits, compliance habits, compliance on lab habits, compliance on lab habits, compliance on lab
on lab safety rules and on lab safety rules and safety rules and practice safety rules and practice safety rules and practice them
practice them practice them them them 100% display self-reliance in
Not display self-reliance 85% display self- 90% display self- 95% display self-reliance in working independently, and
in working independently, reliance in working reliance in working working independently, and cooperate in group activities,
and cooperate in group independently, and independently, and cooperate in group 100% display a professional
A4 (Organization) activities, cooperate in group cooperate in group activities, commitment to ethical practice
At this level, the student Not display a activities, activities, 95% display a professional daily.
has held a value system professional 85% display a 90% display a commitment to ethical 100% able to objectively
for a sufficiently long commitment to ethical professional professional practice daily. interpret case study/problem
time to control his/her practice daily. commitment to ethical commitment to ethical 95% able to objectively 100% able to revise
behavior, has developed Not able to objectively practice daily. practice daily. interpret case judgments and changes
Character &
4 a characteristic interpret case 85% able to objectively 90% able to objectively study/problem approach considering new
"lifestyle." Behavior is study/problem interpret case interpret case 95% able to revise idea or issue arise.
pervasive, consistent, Not able to revise study/problem study/problem judgments and changes Team showed great
predictable, and most judgments and changes 85% able to revise 90% able to revise approach considering new cohesion, interaction
importantly, approach considering new judgments and changes judgments and changes idea or issue arise. respect. Team shared the
characteristic of the idea or issue arise. approach considering new approach considering new Team showed great tasks equally and utilizes
Team showed poor idea or issue arise. idea or issue arise. cohesion, interaction abilities of each team
cohesion, poor Team demonstrated some Team showed good respect. Team member did members. Reports were
interaction and poor cohesion, interaction cohesion, interaction not share the tasks equally completed on time with
respect. Only one respect. Most work was respect. Team member did and did not utilize abilities satisfactory compilations.
person does all the done by only 1 member not share the tasks equally of each team members.
reports. Reports were team. Reports were and did not utilize abilities Reports were completed on
not completed completed on time but of each team members. time but with satisfactory
with unsatisfactory Reports were completed compilations.
compilations. on time but with
Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving
A4 (Organizing) approach as shown in lab report approach as shown in lab report approach as shown in lab report approach as shown in lab report approach as shown in lab report
Brings together different Not organize, unformatted 25% organize, formatted 50% organize, formatted 75% organize, formatted 100% fully organize,
values, resolving conflicts and unsystematic and systematic laboratory and systematic laboratory and systematic laboratory formatted and systematic
among them, and starting to laboratory report report report report laboratory report
build an internally consistent Not providing solution to 25% providing solution to 50% providing solution to 75% providing solution to 100% providing solution to
5 value system. Organizes Discussion the water engineering the water engineering the water engineering the water engineering the water engineering
values into priorities by problems. problems. problems. problems. problems.
contrasting different The team is unable to The team is able to The team is able to The team is able to relate The team is able to relate all
systems. The emphasis is on discuss the findings discuss some of the relate some of the all findings with the findings with the problem with
comparing, relating, and findings findings with the problem with good excellent discussion
synthesizing values. problem with fair discussion
The team is able to provide The team is able to derive fair The team is able to derive good The team is able to derive accurate
6 A5 (Characterization) Conclusion The team is unable to conclude conclusion without answering conclusion based on findings to conclusion based on findings to conclusion based on findings to
the objective answer the objective answer the objective answer the objective
The traditional methods of conducting laboratory activities (assigned as Level 0) will not be able
to provide the avenue for students to enhance independent learning activities and inculcate
creativity and innovation. The traditional method is fully prescriptive where the three elements
namely problem, ways & means and answers are provided/fully given to the students.
Mass density is defined as the mass of material per unit volume (kg/m3). Therefore, to determine
density of a liquid it is necessary to determine the mass of a known volume of liquid. Density of
water can be obtained by using formula:
Specific Gravity
Specific gravity, also called Relative density, of a substance may be defined as the ratio of its
mass density to the mass density of water taken at atmospheric pressure at 4°C. Specific gravity
of liquid can be obtained using formula:
Viscosity is defined as the property of a liquid to resist shear deformation increasingly with
increasing rate of deformation. The density of ball can be referred to the equipment manual and
the density of liquid from the obtained density. Kinematic viscosity can be calculated by using
the following equation:
Density is sometimes expressed by the dimensionless quantity specific gravity or relative
density. Thus, a specific gravity less than one means that the substance floats in water. In
general, density can be changed by changing either the pressure or the temperature. Increasing
the pressure always increases the density of a material. Increasing the temperature generally
decreases the density, but there are notable exceptions to this generalization. The group is
required to determine the density of THREE (3) types of liquid using beaker method and density
bottle method.
Specific Gravity
Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance compared to the density of a reference
substance. Specific gravity varies with temperature and pressure; reference and sample must be
compared at the same temperature and pressure, or corrected to a standard reference temperature
and pressure. The group is required to determinethe specific gravity of THREE (3) types of
liquid using hydrometer.
Viscosity is a basic property of the fluid, although it can depend on temperature (in some cases,
quite strongly). Gases have much smaller viscosities than liquids. Glycerin, honey, and corn
syrup have much higher viscosities than water or alcohol. The group is required to determine the
viscosity of THREE (3) types of liquid using viscosity apparatus.
The objective of this laboratory test is to determine the density, specific gravity and viscosity of
the given liquids.
Measuring beaker
Density bottle
Weighing Scale
Specific Gravity
Measuring cylinder
Glycerin, dishwashing soap, water
Metal ball with 3 different diameters
Measuring cylinder
Glycerin, dishwashing soap, water
The apparatus for measurement of fluid density were measuring beaker, density bottle, and
weighing scale. Figure 1 and 2 show weighing scale apparatus, density bottle and measuring
beaker respectively.
ii. The beaker is filled with water to a certain volume and the volume data as accurate as
possible (considering the meniscus) is recorded.
iii. The beaker with water was weighed and its mass was recorded, (m2).
iv. The outside of the bottle was carefully dry with a cloth or tissue paper and any excess water
from the stopper was removed such that the liquid in the hole is level with the top of the
v. Volume of water is 25mL when the water is level with the top of the stopper.
vi. The bottle with stopper and water is weighted and its mass was recorded. The mass of water
may be calculated by subtracting mass of empty bottle with stopper.
vii. The mass density was calculated.
viii. The above method was repeated using the given liquid in place of water.
ix. The specific gravity of the liquid was calculated.
Specific Gravity
The apparatus for measurement of fluid density were hydrometer and glass cylinders. Figure 3
below s hows hydrometer.
Figure 3 Hydrometer
iv. The scale was read after the Hydrometer has settled at the bottom of the free water surface
I.e at the bottom of the meniscus.
v. The reading was recorded and the hydrometer has been taken out.
vi. The procedure (step 3 to 5) was repeated three times.
vii. The above procedure must follow for other given liquids also.
viii. Specific gravities were compared of the given liquids.
The apparatus for measurement of fluid density are liquid substances, ball guide, measuring
cylinder, different diameter of balls and stopwatch. Figure 4 shows viscosity apparatus.
Figure 4 Viscosity Apparatus
i. The cylinder is filled with liquid of approximately 100mL.
ii. The temperature of the liquids was measured using a thermometer and the reading was
iii. The starting and ending point on the cylinder were marked to indicate the distance that is
used to determine the traveling time.
iv. The ball was dropped into the cylinder and pay attention to the starting and ending marks.
v. The traveling time of the ball was recorded and repeated several times for the same size of
the ball. The average reading was taken.
vi. Step (3) and (4) was repeated for different diameters of the ball and the traveling time was
vii. The whole procedure was repeated for different liquids.
Using Measuring Beaker Method
Liquid 1: Water
No. Weight of Weight of Mass of Volume Mass of density
empty beaker, beaker + water, of water of water (kg/m3)
m1 (g) water, m2 m2 -m1 (g) (ml)
1. 47.18 105.13 57.95 50 1160
2. 47.18 105.02 57.84 50 1156
3. 47.18 105.35 58.17 50 1164
Liquid 2: Glycerin
No. Weight of Weight of Mass of liquid, Volume of Mass of density of
empty beaker, beaker + liquid, m2 -m1 (g) liquid (ml) liquid (kg/m3)
m1 (g) m2 (g)
1. 47.18 93.72 46.54 50 930
2. 47.18 93.83 46.65 50 932
3. 47.18 93.43 46.25 50 924
1) p = 0.0465 / (5 x 10-5) = 930 kg /m3
2) p = 0.0466 / (5 x 10-5) = 932 kg/m3
3) p = 0.0462 / (5 x10-5) = 924 kg/m3
Liquid 1: Water
Volume of water = 50 ml
No. Weight of Weight of Mass of Mass of density
empty bottle, bottle + water, of water (kg/m3)
m1 (g) water, m2 m2 -m1 (g)
1. 31.32 82.28 50.96 1020
2. 31.32 83.03 51.71 1034
3. 31.32 82.63 51.31 1026
Liquid 2: Glycerin
Volume of liquid = 50 ml
No. Weight of Weight of Mass of Mass of density
empty bottle, bottle + liquid, of liquid (kg/m3)
m1 (g) liquid, m2 m2 -m1 (g)
1. 31.41 94.65 63.24 1264
2. 31.41 95.32 63.91 1278
3. 31.41 95.05 63.64 1272
1) p = 0.0632 / (5 x 10-5) = 1264 kg/m3
2) p = 0.0639 / (5 x 10-5) = 1278 kg/m3
3) p = 0.0636 / (5 x 10-5) = 1272 kg/m3
Liquid 2: Glycerin
Density, p = Specific gravity, SG X Density of water, pw
= 1.27 x 1000
= 1270 kg /m3
Specific weight, γ = Density, p x gravity
= 1270 x 9.81
= 12458.7 N/m3
Actual ball diameter (mm)
D1 = 4.0 D2 = 3.5 D3 = 3.0
Temperature (°c) 24 24 24
Time to fall (sec) 0.37 0.35 0.41
Distance to travel (mm) 345 345 345
Velocity (m/s) 0.932 0.986 0.841
Viscosity of water (m2/s) 2.70 x 10-4 2.95 x 10-4 4.07 x 10-4
Average viscosity (m2/s) 3.24 x 10-4
( )
4 3
V= π ( 0.002 )
9.81 ( 0.004 ) 3
( −1)
18 ( 0.932 ) 1000
= 2.70 x 10-4 m2/s
( )
4 3
V= 2
π ( 0.00175 )
9.81 ( 0.0035 ) 3
( −1)
18 ( 0.986 ) 1000
= 2.95 x 10-4 m2/s
( )
4 3
V= π ( 0.0015 )
9.81 ( 0.003 ) 2
( −1)
18 ( 0.841 ) 1000
= 4.07 x 10-4 m2/s
Actual ball diameter (mm)
D1 = 4.0 D2 = 3.5 D3 = 3.0
Temperature (°c) 24 24 24
Time to fall (sec) 6 8 11
Distance to travel (mm) 315 315 315
Velocity (m/s) 0.0525 0.0394 0.0286
Viscosity of water (m2/s) 4.79 x 10-3 7.38 x 10-3 1.20 x 10-2
Average viscosity (m2/s) 8.06 x 10-3
( )
4 3
V= 2
π ( 0.002 )
9.81 ( 0.004 ) 3
( −1)
18 ( 0.0525 ) 1000
= 4.79 x 10-3 m2/s
( )
4 3
V= π ( 0.00175 )
9.81 ( 0.0035 ) 2
( −1)
18 ( 0.0394 ) 1000
= 7.38 x 10-3 m2/s
( )
4 3
V= 2
π ( 0.0015 )
9.81 ( 0.003 ) 3
( −1)
18 ( 0.0286 ) 1000
= 1.20 x 10-2 m2/s
Actual ball diameter (mm)
D1 = 4.0 D2 = 3.5 D3 = 3.0
Temperature (°c) 24 24 24
Time to fall (sec) 25 31 44
Distance to travel (mm) 340 340 340
Velocity (m/s) 0.0136 0.011 0.0077
Viscosity of water (m2/s) 1.85 x 10-2 2.64 x 10-2 4.44 x 10-2
Average viscosity (m2/s) 2.98 x 10-2
( )
4 3
V= 2
π ( 0.002 )
9.81 ( 0.004 ) 3
( −1)
18 ( 0.0136 ) 1000
= 1.85 x 10-2 m2/s
( )
4 3
V= 2
π ( 0.00175 )
9.81 ( 0.0035 ) 3
( −1)
18 ( 0.011 ) 1000
= 2.64 x 10-2 m2/s
( )
4 3
V= 2
π ( 0.0015 )
9.81 ( 0.003 ) 3
( −1)
18 ( 0.0077 ) 1000
= 4.44 x 10-2 m2/s
Based on the result, we obtained different value of data because the methods that we used
in this experiment. The water’s average density is 1160 kg/m3 and 1026.6 kg/m3 for 2 different
method, which is measuring beaker method and density bottle method, respectively. We can say
the different between these two values is because the absence of air bubble in the density bottle.
The average density for glycerin, by using measuring beaker method, is 928.6 kg/m3 while by
using density bottle method is 1271.3 kg/m3. We also can see the different in the values of
average density for dish soap which by using the measuring beaker, the average density is 746
kg/m3 and by using the density bottle, the value is 1066kg/m3. There are a few reasons that can
cause the difference such as temperature and absence of air bubble.
Others of fluid properties that we test for is specific gravity of three different liquids
which is water, glycerin and dish soap. We conducted this experiment of specific gravity by
using 3 different types of hydrometer to get the 3 reading and the average of the result for a
liquid and we can see the hydrometer sink a lot in denser liquid. Specific weight values that we
get from this experiment is 9810 N/m3 ,12458.7 N/m3 and 10398.6 N/m3 for water, glycerin and
dish soap respectively. The error that can affected the the result is human error in formula
In this experiment, we already tested three different liquid for their fluid properties such
as density and specific gravity. Last fluid properties that we tested is viscosity. Formula that we
used to calculate the viscosity of the fluid is V (
gd 2 σ
18 v ρ )
−1 . We do the test three times using 3
different diameter, which is 4.0mm, 3.5mm and 3.0mm, of ball to get the average value of
viscosity for one type of liquid. The average viscosity for water is 3.24 x 10-4 m2/s while for
glycerin, the average viscosity is 8.06 x 10-3 m2/s and for dish soap is 2.98 x 10-2 m2/s.