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Theme 3 Merged

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South Batinah Governorate

School : AlSult Bin Malik ( 10 - 12 )

English Language - Lesson Preparation - 2022/2023

● Teacher’s Name: Ismail AL-Saadi

Class: Theme:3Tourism Unit :1A
12 and Hospitality Warm

Lesson A Warm Welcome
Section 1
Number Of
Aims/Learning 2
Warm-up /Introduction/ Vocabulary

Aims/Learning Teaching Strategies/Methods Implementation Materials/
Outcomes Approach/ Activities Resources

1-Ss will be able to ( * ) Dialogue and discussion. Warm up:

Who can you see in the picture? Realia
practise scanning ( ) Survey Is tourism important for Oman?
for information to CD
( * ) Brainstorming. How can we improve tourism industry in Oman?
improve reading The picture
(* ) Predict, interpret, observe, interpret I explain the tasks to class. given
( * ) Collaborative learning.
2- Ss will be able to CBp33, Act 1 Ss look at the picture and answer the questions.
( ) Figure (7) the cognitive
build up and use
( ) Measurement. CB., Act 2 Ss read the text and check the meaning of the words
vocabulary in bold.
( ) Story CBp33/35
associated with CBp34,Act1Ss read the information and discuss the title given.
( * ) Mind maps. CB,Act2 Ss read the text again and shade in the correct bubble WBp30-31
tourism and
( * ) Inductive exploration CB,Act3 Ss match the words with their meanings given.
hospitality CB,Act4 Ss fill in the gaps using the words in Act 3.
( * ) Learning by doing
industry. WB,Act1Ss read the questions then listen to the CD and circle
( ) Role play. the correct answer.
( ) Peer learning, WB,Act 2 Ss work in pairs and complete the task on p66/67.
WB,Act 3 Ss read the text and check the meaning of any word
( ) Problem Solving they don’t know in their dictionary.
 Others:…………………….................... WB,Act 4 Ss read bthe text again and write short answers.
…………………………………………………. I help and correct orally.
Formative Enrichment/remedial Tasks
Summative Assessment Homework
Assessment Differentiated Education

Pair observation. SS to write down some sentences Ss write about what they can do Ss write some sentences
Ss ’Participation. about tourism.
to improve tourism industry in about what tourists see in
Ss- reading.
Oman. Oman.
Teacher’s Comments:
The lesson was finished on time.

Senior Teacher’s Signature: Supervisor’s Signature:

South batinah Governorate
School : Assult Bin Malik ( 10 - 12 )

English Language - Lesson Preparation - 2020/2021

● Teacher’s Name: Ismail AL Saadi

Class: 12 Theme:3Tourism Unit :2 Work and
and Hospitality Travel

Lesson Work and Travel
Section 1
Number Of
Aims/Learning 2
Warm-up /Introduction/ Vocabulary
Aims/Learning Implementation Materials/
Outcomes Approach/ Activities Resources

1-Ss will be able to ( 1 ) Dialogue and Warm up:

review and discussion. Who can you see in the pictures?
practise the Would you like to be a hotel manager? CD
( ) Survey
formation and How can we improve tourism industry in Oman? The picture
( 3 ) Brainstorming.
usage of the first given
conditional tense. (5 ) Predict, interpret, I explain the tasks to class.
2-Ss will be able to observe, interpret
CBp, Act 1 Ss look at the picture ,read the information and
improve prediction ( 4 ) Collaborative learning. list 3 skills or qualities needed for each job.
( ) Figure (7) the cognitive CB., Act 2 Ss read the text and match the job with its
skill when dealing responsibility. CBp36-37
( ) Measurement. CB, Act 3 Ss study the (GRAMMAR Recall Box) and the
with a listing text. WBp32-33-
( ) Story examples given and choose the correct answer.
( 9 ) Mind maps.
WB,Act 1Ss read the questions then listen to the CD and 72
( 10 ) Inductive exploration shade in the bubble next to the correct answer.
( 12 ) Learning by doing WB,Act 2 Ss read the example and write sentences.
( ) Role play. WB,Act 3 Ss complete the text using the verbs given .
( ) Peer learning, WB,Act 4 Ss work in pairs and try to solve the puzzle given.
WB,Act 5 Ss turn to p72 of their WB and complete the
( ) Problem Solving Grammar practice Activities.
 Others:……………….
…………………………………… I help and correct orally.
Formative Enrichment/remedial Tasks
Summative Assessment Homework
Assessment Differentiated Education

Pair observation. SS to write down some sentences Ss write about what they can do Ss write some sentences
Ss ’Participation. using the first conditional.
to improve tourism industry in using the first conditional.

Teacher’s Comments:
The lesson was finished on time.

Senior Teacher’s Signature: Supervisor’s Signature:

South Batinah Governorate
School : Assult Bin Malik ( 1 0- 12 )

English Language - Lesson Preparation - 2022/2023

● Teacher’s Name: Ismail AL Saadi

Class: 12 Theme:3Tourism Unit :3 Popular
and Hospitality Destinations

Lesson Popular Destinations
Section 1
Number Of
Aims/Learning 2
Warm-up /Introduction/ Vocabulary
Aims/Learning Implementation Materials/
Outcomes Approach/ Activities Resources

1-Ss will be able to ( 1 ) Dialogue and Warm up:

scan and answer discussion. Have you travelled abroad? The picture
the questions ( ) Survey Which country did you visit?
given. Where did you stay? given
( 3 ) Brainstorming.
2-Ss will be able to
(5 ) Predict, interpret, I explain the tasks to class.
use the vocabulary
observe, interpret
given. CBp, Act 1 Ss look at the pictures,read the questions given
( 4 ) Collaborative learning. and discuss them in groups. CBp38-39
( ) Figure (7) the cognitive CB., Act 2 Ss read the text given,check the meanings of any
unknown words in the dictionary and answer the questions WBp34-35
( ) Measurement. on p34WB.
( ) Story CB, Act 3 Ss read the text again,decide what part of speech
( 9 ) Mind maps.
each word is,guessits meaning and check the meaning in the
( 10 ) Inductive exploration
( 12 ) Learning by doing WB,Act 1 Ss read the questions then read the text on
p38/39CB and answer the questions given.
( ) Role play. WB,Act 2 Ss read the text, answer the questions and check
( ) Peer learning, any unknown words in the dictionary.
WB,Act 3 Ss match the words to its meaning in the box .
( ) Problem Solving WB,Act 4 Ss use the words in Act 3 and complete the puzzle.
 Others:……………….
…………………………………… I help and correct orally.
Formative Enrichment/remedial Tasks
Summative Assessment Homework
Assessment Differentiated Education

Pair observation. SS to write down some sentences Ss write some sentences in the Ss write the words given
Ss ’Participation. using the words given Act 3 WBp35.
words given in unit 3. in their exercise books.
Ss -vocabulary.

Teacher’s Comments:
The lesson was finished on time.

Senior Teacher’s Signature: Supervisor’s Signature:

South Batinah Governorate
School : Assult Bin Mailk ( 10 - 12 )

English Language - Lesson Preparation - 2022/2023

● Teacher’s Name: Ismail AL Saadi

Class: 12 Theme:3Tourism Unit :4Jobs in
and Hospitality Airports and Aviation

Lesson Jobs in Airports and
Section 1
Number Of
Aims/Learning 2
Warm-up /Introduction/ Vocabulary

Aims/Learning Implementation Materials/
Outcomes Approach/ Activities Resources

1-Ss will be able to ( 1 ) Dialogue and Warm up:

acquire and use discussion.
language required
Have you ever been in an airport? The picture
( ) Survey Why did you go there?
for asking for and Would you like to work in an airport? given.
( 3 ) Brainstorming. CD
explanations. (5 ) Predict, interpret, I explain the tasks to class.
2-Ss will be able to observe, interpret
CB, Act 1 Ss look at the pictures,read the questions given and discuss them
develop the ability ( 4 ) Collaborative learning. in groups.
( ) Figure (7) the cognitive CB., Act 2 Ss read the information given about airport jopsand match the CBp40-41
to use a variety of jops in the list on the left with the responsibilities on the right.
conjunctions ( ) Measurement. CB, Act 3 Ss read the questions then listen to the CD and choose the correct WBp36-37
( ) Story answer to each question.
( 9 ) Mind maps.
WB,Act 1 Ss consider which of the things in the list given that would be
( 10 ) Inductive exploration most important to them when choosing a jop then choose 3 of them and
( 12 ) Learning by doing discuss their choices with group.
WB,Act 2 Ss look at the picture,read the information,listen to the CD and
( ) Role play. choose put a tick in the box beside each item in the list that is mentioned in
( ) Peer learning, the talk..
WB,Act 3 Ss work in pairs,read the information given about trains and
( ) Problem Solving planes and prepare a short talk about them.
 Others:……………….
……………………………… I help and correct orally.
Formative Enrichment/remedial Tasks
Summative Assessment Homework
Assessment Differentiated Education

Pair observation. SS talk about jobs at the airports. Ss ask and answer about planes. Ss write a fact file about
Ss ’Participation. trains.
Ss –listening and

Teacher’s Comments:
The lesson was finished on time.

Senior Teacher’s Signature: Supervisor’s Signature:

South Batinah Governorate
School : Assult Bin Malik ( 10 - 12 )

English Language - Lesson Preparation - 2022/2023

● Teacher’s Name: Ismail Al Saadi

Class: 12 Theme:3Tourism Unit :5 Eating Out
and Hospitality

Lesson Eating Out
Section 1
Number Of
Aims/Learning 2
Warm-up /Introduction/ Vocabulary
Aims/Learning Implementation Materials/
Outcomes Approach/ Activities Resources

1-Ss will be able to ( 1 ) Dialogue and Warm up:

Have you ever eaten out ? Realia
develop the ability to discussion. Who did you go with? The picture
sequence ideas in a What happened?
( ) Survey given.
narrative essay. I explain the tasks to class. CD
( 3 ) Brainstorming. CB, Act 1 Ss look at the pictures, read the questions given and
2-Ss will be able to
practise writing a ( 5 ) Predict, interpret, discuss them in groups.
observe, interpret CB, Act 2 Ss read the short essay and rearrange the paragraphs in
narrative essay. the correct order.
( 4 ) Collaborative learning. CB,Act 3 Ss decide on a good ending for the story and write the
( ) Figure (7) the cognitive ending out in their exercise book. It should be 2 or 3 sentences CBp42-43
CB. Act 4 Ss draw 2 columns into their exercise book and write the
( ) Measurement. phrases from the list given into appropriate column. WBp38-39
( ) Story CB, Act5 and 6 Ss think about one of the best or worst meals out they
have had and write a short narrative essay based on the ideas in
( 9 ) Mind maps. Act5.
( 10 ) Inductive exploration
( 12 ) Learning by doing WB,Act 1 Ss listen to the CD and fill in the table given in brief notes.
WB,Act 2 Ss check the meanings of the words given and write their
( ) Role play. definitions
( ) Peer learning, WB,Act 3 Ss match the two halves of the sentences given.
WB,Act 4 Ss read the short narrative essay given and answer the
( ) Problem Solving questions given.
 Others:……………….
……………………………… I help and correct orally.
Formative Enrichment/remedial Tasks
Summative Assessment Homework
Assessment Differentiated Education

Pair observation. SS talk about eating out. Ss ask and answer about eating Ss write a short narrative
Ss ’Participation. out. essay about eating out.
Ss -writing.

Teacher’s Comments:
The lesson was finished on time.

Senior Teacher’s Signature: Supervisor’s Signature:

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